Tutorial 5 1. What are service registries and service discovery? Answer: Service registries: Service registries are all about visibility and control. A service registry keeps track of what services an organization has and characteristics of those services. The creation of a service registry architecture that enables enterprises to introduce a global, platform-independent, open framework for businesses to: Discover each other Define how they interact over the Internet Share information in a global registry that will more rapidly accelerate the global adoption of e-business Publication of a service requires proper description of a Web services such as business, service, and technical information. Registration deals with persistently storing the Web service descriptions in the Web services registry. Service discovery: Is a process of locating Web service providers, and retrieving Web service description that have been previously published. (locating and interrogating Web service definitions) Through this process, the client learns that a particular Web service exists, what its capabilities are, how to interact with it. Interrogating services involve querying the service registry for Web service matching the needs of a service requestor. A query consists of search criteria such as type of the desired service, preferred price, etc. (clients knows then the URL for the selected service.) 2. Registration and discovery are the major parts of Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) when a business publishes a Web service. Briefly describe the registration and discovery processes of the UDDI. Answer: The two main parts of UDDI are registration and discovery (i) Registration: Businesses can post information to UDDI, (ii) Discovery: Other businesses can search and discover 3. Briefly describe the concept underlying on the UDDI. Answer: Concept: UDDI stores business and service info. (an XML document describes a business entity and its Web services). UDDI is a cross-industry initiative to create a registry standard for Web service description and discovery together with a registry facilities that supports the publishing and discovery processes. UDDI enables service providers to describe their services and Tunku Abdul Rahman College Advanced Diploma in Science AACS5274 Web Services

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Tutorial 51. What are service registries and service discovery?

Answer:Service registries:

• Service registries are all about visibility and control.• A service registry keeps track of what services an organization has and characteristics of those services.• The creation of a service registry architecture that enables enterprises to introduce a global, platform-

independent, open framework for businesses to:• Discover each other• Define how they interact over the Internet• Share information in a global registry that will more rapidly accelerate the global adoption of e-

business• Publication of a service requires proper description of a Web services such as business, service, and

technical information.• Registration deals with persistently storing the Web service descriptions in the Web services registry.

Service discovery:• Is a process of locating Web service providers, and retrieving Web service description that have been

previously published. (locating and interrogating Web service definitions)• Through this process, the client learns that a particular Web service exists, what its capabilities are, how

to interact with it.• Interrogating services involve querying the service registry for Web service matching the needs of a

service requestor.• A query consists of search criteria such as type of the desired service, preferred price, etc. (clients knows

then the URL for the selected service.)

2. Registration and discovery are the major parts of Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) when a business publishes a Web service. Briefly describe the registration and discovery processes of the UDDI.

Answer:The two main parts of UDDI are registration and discovery

(i) Registration: Businesses can post information to UDDI, (ii) Discovery: Other businesses can search and discover

3. Briefly describe the concept underlying on the UDDI.Answer:Concept: UDDI stores business and service info. (an XML document describes a business entity and its Web services).

UDDI is a cross-industry initiative to create a registry standard for Web service description and discovery together with a registry facilities that supports the publishing and discovery processes.

UDDI enables service providers to describe their services and business processes in a global, open environment on the Internet, thus extending their reach.

It also enables service clients to discover information about enterprises offering Web services, find service descriptions of the Web services and finally, find technical information about Web service interfaces and definitions of how the enterprises may interact over the Internet.

Businesses can register with any of the hosts—IBM, HP, SAP, or Microsoft—and the information they provide will be placed into the database at that host site.

All information placed into one of the host site databases is replicated to the other host site databases, ensuring that they are all kept in synch.

Users requesting data about a business can then receive the same information about a registered business from any of the host databases.

When a business updates the data, it must return to the original site to which the data was placed and execute the update function.

Tunku Abdul Rahman CollegeAdvanced Diploma in Science

AACS5274 Web Services

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AACS5274 Web Services Tutorial 5

Security is a prime concern. Businesses are authorized to update information by one of the operators and therefore must return to the

original operator to change or to delete any information they posted. Businesses must first obtain authorization when they wish to register with UDDI and must be approved

by at least one of the operators.

Approval means sending to the business an authorization token that allows the business to log onto the UDDI site and to store or to update data.

Authorization to update the registry is handled by the operators individually; login information from one operator will not work for another.

For all practical purposes, someone registering information with UDDI has to choose one of the operators and stick with that operator.

The two main parts of UDDI are registration and discovery Registration: Businesses can post information to UDDI, Discovery: Other businesses can search and discover.

UDDI operators post WSDL descriptions of their Web services for registration and discovery.

UDDI provides separate WSDL files for registration and discovery services, using its own XML document format.

Data validity is another primary concern To ensure that the business being registered is a real business; information such as business name, ID

number, category information, phone number, Web page, and street address are correct and the business category and geographical information are correct.

UDDI v2 is set up to allow third parties to do this and does validate category data.

4. How does a UDDI work?Answer:

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5. Imagine that the YOUGo Enterprise wants to register its contact information, service description, and online service access information with UDDI. You are required to show the necessary steps to help register its information with UDDI and appraise the quality of UDDI data.Answer:

Necessary steps:1. Choose an operator with which to work. Each operator has different terms and conditions for

authorizing access to its replica of the registry and may provide some value-added services on top of the basics UDDI services. Also, whenever you need to update or to modify the data you’ve registered, you have to go back to the operator with which you entered the data.

2. Build or obtain a UDDI client.3. Obtain an authentication token from the operator.4. Register information about the business. Include as much information as might be helpful to

those searching for matches.5. Release the authentication token.6. Use enquiry APIs to test the retrieval of the information, including binding template

information.7. Fill in the tModel information for searching purposes.8. Update information as necessary to reflect changing business contact information, obtaining

and releasing a new authentication token from the operator each time.

Quality of UDDI data:

Data validity is primary concern To ensure that the business being registered is a real business; information such as business

name, ID number, category information, phone number, Web page, and street address are correct and the business category and geographical information are correct.

UDDI v2 is set up to allow third parties to do this and does validate category data.

6. What is the purpose of a WSDL to UDDI mapping model?Answer:

• The WSDL to UDDI mapping model is designed to help users find services that implement standard definitions.

• The mapping describe how WSDL <portType> and <binding> element specification can become <tModel>; how the <port> of WSDL become UDDI <bindingTemplate>; and how each WSDL service is registered as a <businessService>.

• A complete WSDL service description is a combination of:• a service interface (<types>, <message>, <portType>), • a service binding (<binding>), and • a service implementation (<service> and <port>) document.

Note: service interface and binding represent a reusable definition of a service, while, service implementation describes instances of a service.

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7. List and explain the FIVE (5) basic data structures of UDDI. Support your answer with an appropriate diagram.Answer:

businessEntity, the top-level structure, describing the business or other entity for which information is being registered. The other structures are related via references from this structures.

BusinessService, the name and description of the service being published. bindingTemplate, information about the service, including an entry-point address for

accessing the address. tModel, a fingerprint, or collection of information uniquely identifying the service

specification. This data structure also supports top-level searches. publishAssertion, a relationship structure putting into association two or more

businessEntity structures according to a specific type of relationship, such as subsidiary or department of.

8. UDDI API’s are separated into publisher API and inquiry API. Explain each of the API mention above in detail.Answer:

• Enquiry APIs: to search and read data in a UDDI registry• Publishing APIs: to add, update, and delete data in a UDDI registry.• Enquiry APIs:

– Requestor can obtain information from a UDDI registry using its enquiry interface.– To find businesses, services, or binding meeting certain criteria. In turn, the corresponding

<businessEntity>, <businessService>, and <bindingTemplate> is then returned.– Two usage patterns: browse and drill down.– Browse: to get a list of all entries satisfying broad criteria. (e.g. find_business)– Drill down: to get more specific features. (e.g. get_BusinessDetail)

• Publishing APIs:– They can be used by enterprises to store and update information contained in a UDDI registry.

(to manage the information provided to requestors)– The publishing API supports four kinds of operations: authorization (get authorization token),

save (add and update), delete, and get (view the <publisherAssertion>) operations .– Two authorization operations: get_authtoken and discard_authtoken

9. (a) Suppose that a company named Acme, BhD. has received an authentication token from one of the UDDI operators and desires to publish information to the UDDI registry including information from the table below, Table 4.1.

Soap Action save_businessHost www.acme.comNamespace http://schemas/xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/UDDI version 2

(Use urn:uddi-org:api_v2 as the namespace for the <save_business> element)

BusinessKey 1111 (although much larger in practice)Value for <name> element Acme, Bhd.Value for <description> IT Services for MalaysiaIdentifierBag Not required

Table 4.1

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PublisherInsertion: Information about a relationship between two parties, asserted by one or both.

tModel: Descriptions of specifications for services or taxonomies. Basis for technical fingerprints.

businessEntity: Information about the party which publishes information about a family of services

businessServices: Descriptive Information about a particular service.

bindingTemplate: Technical information about a service entry point and construction specification.

bindTemplate data contains references to tModels. These references designate the intnerface specifications for a service.

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AACS5274 Web Services Tutorial 5

9 (a) Create the SOAP message that the business needs to send to the operator in order to register it into the UDDI registry. (10 marks)

9(a) Answer:The SOAP message that business needs to send to the operator in order to register it into the UDDI registry:

POST /save_business HTTP/1.1Host: www.acme.comContent-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"Content-Length: nnnnSOAPAction: "save_business"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><Envelope xmlns="http://schemas/xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <Body> <save_business generic="2.0" xmlns="urn:uddi-org:api_v2"> <businessKey>1111</businessKey> <name>Acme, BhD.</name> <description>IT Services for Malaysia</description> </save_business> </Body></Envelope>

(b) List and describe the FIVE (5) data structure types of UDDI. You may support your answer with an appropriate diagram. (10 marks)

Answer:(iii) businessEntity, the top-level structure, describing the business or other entity for which

information is being registered. The other structure are related via references from this structures.(iv) BusinessService, the name and description of the service being published.(v) bindingTemplate, information about the service, including an entry-point address for accessing the

address.(vi) tModel, a fingerprint, or collection of information uniquely identifying the service specification. This

data structure also supports top-level searches.(vii) publishAssertion, a relationship structure putting into association two or more businessEntity

structures according to a specific type of relationship, such as subsidiary or department of.

(c) Describe the TWO (2) categories of the UDDI APIs and give an example for each. (5 marks)

Answer:• Enquiry APIs: to search and read data in a UDDI registry• Two usage patterns: browse and drill down.• Browse: to get a list of all entries satisfying broad criteria. (e.g. find_business)

APIs Description

find_business Locate one or more <businessEntity> entries that match search criteria. (search criteria can be partial business name, identifier, category, or technical fingerprint.)

find_relatedBusiness Locate information about <businessEntity> registrations that are related to a business entity. List all of the businesses that have visible <publisherAssertion>.

find_service Return a lightweight list of business service entries.

find_binding Locate specific binding within registered business service and returns the <bindingTemplate> whose <tModel> match the search criteria.

find_tModel Return a list of <tModel> that match the names, identifiers, categories.

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• Drill down: to get more specific features. (e.g. get_BusinessDetail)

APIs Description

get_BusinessDetail Request one or more <businessEntity> data structures by their unique business keys and return a complete <businessEntity> object.

get_BusinessDetailExt Is similar with get_BusinessDetail, but return extra attributes in case the source registry is not an operator node.

get_serviceDetail Request one or more <businessService> data structures by their unique service keys, and return a complete <businessService> object for a given business service

get_bindingDetail Requests one or more <bindingTemplate> data structures by their unique binding keys and return the run-time binding information used for invoking method.

get_tModelDetail Requests one or more <tModel> data structures by their unique <tModel> keys and return <tModel> details.

• Publishing APIs: to add, update, and delete data in a UDDI registry.

APIs Description

add_publisherAssertions adds relationship assertions, or puts one or more businesses into relationship, such as departments or subsidiaries.

delete_binding removes a bindingTemplate.

delete_business deletes a registered businessEntity.

delete_publisherAssertions deletes relationship information.

delete_service deletes a registered businessService.

delete_tModel hides a tModel (This is not deleted as existing references may use it. Once hidden, reactivation is needed by invoking the saved tmmodel with the original data.).

APIs Description

discard_authToken informs the operator with which the business or the agent is registered that the authentication token is not valid anymore; that is, the business or the agent is discarding the token or is not going to use it anymore.

get_assertionStatusReport a report, primarily for operator use, to check and to help validate registered relationships.

get_authToken requests an authentication token from an operator site; a prerequisite for using other publisher APIs.

get_publisherAssertions lists active assertions for a given publisher to define relationship information.

get_registeredInfo provides a summary of all information registered on behalf of a specific user, is operator specific, and based on authentication token.

APIs Description

save_binding either stores a new or updates an existing bindingTemplate.

save_business either stores a new or updates an existing businessEntity.

save_service either stores a new or updates an existing businessService.

save_tModel either stores a new or updates an existing tModel.

set_publisherAssertions save new assertions or replace existing ones; all elements are required.

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