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    Web OffsetLithography



    Unlike sheetfed offset lithography, web offset lithography prints at high speeds

    on large rollsor websof paper, often on both sides of the paper simultanously,

    using in-line printing units and in-line finishing systems. Web presses are bulky

    and expensive, but are widely used for many large-volume applications, most

    notably newspapers. The basic principle of web offset lithography is the same as

    that for the sheetfed variety. This article will concern itself primarily with the

    specific differences of web offset printing versus sheetfed printing. For a general

    discussion of offset lithography, see Lithography and Offset Lithography.


    In the late 1700s, Alois Senefelder had invented the concept of lithography, and

    lithographic stone printing began in earnest, not long afterward. Advancements

    such as steam-powered presses and later the rotary press enhanced the

    process. In the 1850s, the newspaper industry was booming. A need arose for

    high-speed printing, and in 1856 the first perfecting press was invented, which

    allowed for the simultaneous printing on both sides of the paper. A second

    distinguishing feature of this press was that it printed on a continuous roll of

    paper. And so was born web printing. Subsequent finishing devicessuch as

    foldersincreased the capability of the process while remaining a limitation to

    the speeds achieved. Still lithography languished as primarily an artistic medium

    rather than a commercially viable means of printing. (Most presses were still

    letterpress presses.) In the early twentieth century, the accidental discoverythat a rubber blanket transferred images to paper more efficiently and with

    greater quality than lithographic stones (the "offset" in offset lithography) gave

    the printing process the impetus it needed for wide commercial acceptance.

    Technical problems hampered the development of offset lithography until the

    1940s, when lithographic platemaking (replacing litho stones with metal plates)

    was finally perfected. Taking advantage ofheatset inks and drying systems

    originally developed for letterpress presses, web offset lithography by the 1960s

    was expanding rapidly. The improvement of inks, blankets, plates, and other

    aspects of the process boosted growth tremendously. In the 1960s, many

    newspapers began switching from letterpress to lithographic presses, and more

    and more books began being printed on webfed lithographic presses. The qualityand popularity of web offset lithography has continued unabated, and today web

    offset presses are used for everything from newspapers to periodicals to books

    to business forms. And offset lithography in general is the most widely used

    printing process in the world today.


    The inking system primarily functions to transfer ink from the ink fountain to the

    printing plate, to add enough force to break the thick, viscous ink down into a

    thinner, more workable ink film (see Thixotropy), and to prevent the existence of

    faint reproductions of the printing image on the ink rollers (see Mechanical

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    Ghosting). Offset inking systems can comprise as many as ten (or perhaps more)

    different rollers, which include ductor rollers, oscillators, distributors or vibrators

    (collectively called intermediate rollers), and form rollers. The entire series of

    rollers is called the roller train. The amount of ink that is sent to the rest of the

    press can be controlled either by adjusting the ink fountain's fountain keys,

    which vary the amount of ink transferred to the fountain rollerthe roller that

    contacts the first roller in the trainor by adjusting the dwellthe amount of

    time that the first ductor roller contacts the fountain roller. Alternately, some

    newspaper presses utilize an eccentric roller or cam located beneath the

    fountain blade. This device adjusts the gap between the fountain blade and thefountain roller, and can be opened or closed by a lever.

    Another form of ink-film control device is borrowed from flexography: the anilox

    roller, a metal roller covered with very small pits or depressions which transfer

    controlled, metered amounts of ink to the remainder of the roller train. An

    attached doctor blade is used to scrape excess ink from the surface of the

    anilox roller. The anilox system is espec ially useful for newspaper printing, which

    requires highly fluid inks. The amount of ink being sent toward the plate can be

    more easily metered using the anilox set-up. It also eliminates the need for

    fountain keys, or other such ink-flow control mechanisms.

    The ductor roller alternately contacts the fountain roller and the first roller in thetrain. Controlling the speed at which the ductor moves back and forth, coupled

    with the ratios of the sizes and rotations of the other rollers, helps unify the ink

    flow to the plate.

    The ductor roller is an intermittent inking roller. Some press configurations utilize

    continuous-feed systems, employing metal rollers, or rollers with relief patterns

    on them, allowing only a predetermined surface area of a roller to transfer ink.

    However, these alternate systems are often inadequate for providing the lateral

    ink-flow control that may be desired and/or required. A solution has been

    devised in the concept of the Aller undulating ductor roller, a segmented ductor

    roller in which each segment is mounted slightly off-center in relation to the

    others. During inking, some segments are picking up ink from the fountain roller,

    while others are transferring ink to the adjacent oscillator.

    Controlling the thickness of the printed ink film , or the amount of ink that is

    ultimately deposited on the plate, is a function of the form rollers, which are the

    ones which actually contact the printing plate itself. Web presses can have

    anywhere from one to four form rollers. (See Form Roller.)

    Like sheetfed offset presses, web presses also use some number of intermediate

    rollers between the ductor roller and the form rollers. (See Inking System: Offset



    A web offset press's dampening solution, commonly referred to as a fountain

    solution, can, like that for sheetfed presses, consist entirely of water, but as

    this is generally ineffective for long print runs, synthetic desensitizers are added

    to the fountain solution to maximize the ink repellency of the non-image areas of

    the plate. The substances added to the fountain solution depend on the type of

    ink being used, but typically a fountain solution consists of water, an acid or

    base (depending on the desired pH of the solution), a gum (such as gum arabic

    to desensitize the non-image plate regions), a corrosion inhibitor to prevent the

    solution from reacting with the metallic parts of the press for eg., plate cylider,

    an alcohol-based wett ing agent to reduce the fountain solution's surface

    tension, a drying stimulator which increases the effectiveness of the ink drier, a

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    fungicide to prevent the growth of mildew, fungi, and bacteria in the delivery

    pipes and trays, and an antifoaming agent to prevent the production of foam in

    the dampening tray / pan. Fountain solution is usually premixed by the supplier,

    requiring only the addition of water and alcohol by the printer. (See Fountain


    A typical dampening system closely resembles an inking system, but since water

    doesn't need to be worked the way ink does, fewer rollers are used. The

    dampening system includes a water pan, which holds the fountain solution. A

    fountain pan roller rotates in the water pan and transfers the solution to the restof the dampening system. A ductor roller alternately contacts the fountain pan

    roller and an oscillator roller. The oscillator roller, like that used in the inking

    system, moves laterally across the press to even out the distribution of solution,

    then transfers the solution to the form roller, which then transfers the solution

    directly to the plate. The dampening form roller (most presses use only one, but

    some use two) contacts the plate before the ink form rollers, desensitizing the

    non-image areas of the plate before the application of the ink. As with ink, the

    amount of water flowing to the plate must be carefully metered, which can be

    accomplished either by adjusting the rate at which the fountain pan roller turns,

    the length of time the ductor roller contacts the fountain pan roller, or by using

    water stops, a set of squeegees, tabs, or rollers that press against the fountain

    pan roller and squeeze excess water off it. The pressure of the water stops canbe controlled, the highest pressure squeezing the greatest amount of water off

    the fountain pan roller and transferring the least amount of fountain solution

    through the press. As with inking rollers, the proper roller setting also needs to

    be made to transfer the proper amount of fountain solution to the plate.

    One particular alternate dampening system device is known as a flap roller, or

    flapper, which is a fountain roller convered with canvas flaps that transfer the

    solution to the oscillator directly (eliminating the need for a ductor roller).

    Adjusting the rotation of the flapper regulates the amount of water flowing

    toward the plate. An advantage of this system is that thanks to the elimination

    of the ductor roller, ductor shock is also eliminated. A drawback, however, is

    that the water flow cannot be controlled laterally across the press. Anothercommon configuration of intermittent-flow system uses a bristle-covered roller

    containing flicker blades in contact with the fountain roller. The pressure

    between the two rollers flexes the bristles as fountain solution is applied. As the

    bristles rotate they "flick" fountain solution at the adjacent oscillator (which is

    not in contact with the flicker roller).

    The dampening system described above is known as a conventional dampening

    system or an intermittent-flow dampening system, as the movement of the

    ductor roller doesn't allow the continuous flow of fountain solution through the

    press. Continuous-flow dampening systems, which can transfer the fountain

    solution either through the inking system (called an inker-feed system), directly

    to the plate (called a plate-feed system), or both through the inking system and

    directly to the plate, do away with the ductor roller and provide, as their name

    indicates, a continuous flow of fountain solution. One configuation of

    continuous-flow system uses spray nozzles to direct jets of fountain solution

    onto the oscillator.

    Continuous-flow systems help eliminate some of the common dampening system

    problems, and allow instantaneous response to adjustments in the system. (See

    Dampening System.)


    The basic printing unit of an offset pressbe it sheetfed or webfedcontains

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    three (or sometimes more) cylinders: a plate cylinder, to which the plate is

    attached, a blanket cylinder, to which the offset blanket is attached, and an

    impression cylinder, which carries the paper through the printing unit and

    provides a hard backing against which the blanket can impress an image on the


    The arrangement of the cylinders can vary depending on the press, so long as

    the proper cylinders are adjacent to each other. The plate cylinder is typically

    the topmost cylinder, and is in contact with the inking and dampening form

    rollers. The plate contains a right-reading image that is inked by the inkingsystem. As the plate cylinder rotates, it is brought into contact with the blanket

    cylinder beneath it. (The blanket cylinder can be backed away from the plate

    cylinder, to facilitate removal and adjustment of the plate.) The inked image

    areas of the plate transfer the image to the rubber blanket, the image now being

    wrong-reading. The paper (or other substrate) is carried by the feeder system to

    the impression cylinder, and is sent through the nip between the blanket and

    impression cylinders.

    Unlike sheetfed presses, web presses more often than not are set up for

    perfecting of some kind or other. On a general perfecting press, two complete

    printing units (along with two complete sets of inking and damepening rollers) are

    placed in a line, one unit printing one side, followed by the second unit printingthe second side. Other types use a blanket-to-blanket printing unit, in which the

    blanket cylinders of two printing units run in contact, allowing for simultaneous

    perfecting. Another variation to the printing unit is the common impression

    cylinder, a large diameter imporession cylinder that transports the substrate from

    one printing unit to another, often used in multi-color printing to lay down

    successive colors in one press pass. (See Press Configurations below.)

    As with the various rollers of the inking and dampening systems, proper cylinder

    setting and maintenance are important to ensure the proper fidelity of the

    printed image. Various adjustments can also be made to the cylinders, depending

    on the print job. An important aspect of offset printing is proper packing, or

    height adjustment, of the plate and blanket cylinders, which has important

    consequences in terms of print quality. (See Packing.) (See also Plate Cylinder,

    Blanket Cylinder, Impression Cylinder, and Transfer Cylinder.)


    The process of lithographic platemaking ensures that the image areas of a plate

    are lipophilic (or oleophilic ) and hydrophobic (in other words, receptive to oil

    namely, inkand repellent to water) while the non-image areas are lipophobic (o

    oleophobic) and hydrophilic (in other words, repellent to oil and receptive to

    water). These chemical principles ensure that the ink will only adhere to the

    image areas of the plate. On the press, the water-receptive coat ing on the non-

    image areas must be increased, a process called desensitization. A gum, such as

    gum arabic, is typically used to accomplish this. Gum additives in the press

    fountain solution ensure that the plate remains desensitized over the course of

    the pressrun. (See Plate: Offset Lithography.) Before mounting, plates are

    inspected for scratches and other defects, and occasionally minor corrections

    can be made to the plate. Unwanted specks or other small, undesirable image

    areas can be erased, then treated with etch and gum; voids in solid image areas

    can be filled in by scratching the plate, then applying ink to the area. Such plate

    doctoring should only be performed on the most minor of defects. At this point,

    the degree ofpacking should be determined. (See Packing.) Mounting is

    performed according to the press manufacturer's recommendations, and the

    image lay, or position of the printed image on the paper, determined. At this

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    point, the plate may need to be repositioned, to keep the image centered, or in

    register with previously-printed images on the paper. Properly formulated and

    applied fountain solution will more often than not obviate the need for continual

    plate maintenance while on press. Extended press shutdowns, however, such as

    overnight, should not occur while the plate is still inked. Gum that dries on the

    image areas causes plate blinding.

    Plates can be subject to two primary defects: scumming and blinding, which are

    ink receptivity in non-image areas and ink-repellency in image areas,

    respectively. (See Scumming and Plate Blinding.) Most plate problems are causedby improper formulation or application of fountain solution.


    An offset blanket is commonly made of a synthetic rubber, and the most

    important feature of the blanket is its release capability, or the ease with which

    it will let go of the web passing through the impression nip. Release is primarily a

    function of the smoothness of the surface of the blanket, though things like ink

    tack, impression nip squeeze, and the surface characteristics of the paper also

    play a part. Printers often have found hard blankets to provide the best release,

    although empirical research has not borne this out. (Problems relating to the

    accurate measurement of blanket hardness no doubt contribute to this lack ofevidence.) A blanket's smash resistance (its ability to return to its normal

    thickness after being subjected to printing pressure) and its durability (its ability

    to withstand the force of printing pressures over time) are also of importance.

    Whether a blanket is a conventional or compressible blanket is also important.

    Prior to mounting, the packing requirements of the blanket should be determined.

    (See Packing.) One problem that blankets can be subject to is a blanket smash,

    or a small, depression in the blanket surface, typically caused by a foreign object

    passing through the impression nip. Blanket smashes can cause various printing

    defects, so it is typical to replace the blanket with a spare, or repair the blanket

    before continuing with it. Any blanket that has more grievous problems, such as

    rips or tears, should be replaced immediately. Blankets may also experience

    piling, the accumulation of paper fibers or coating particles, which can produceprinting defects such as hickeys. (See Blanket.)


    Just prior to the first printing unit is all the infeed equipment. Unlike sheetfed

    presses, web presses need to be concerned with the proper tension of the paper

    web throughout the press, not only to ensure image quality, but also to avoid

    web breaks, which can bottleneck any printing operation.

    'Infeed Unit'. The paper roll itself is mounted on the roll stand, commonly located

    in a straight line with the rest of the press. In some configuations, however,

    especially where space is an issue, the roll stand can be located to one side ofthe press and the web is turned at a right angle into the press. Some roll stands

    are located below the press on a separate level of the building housing the

    pressroom. The most basic roll stand configuration is a single-roll stand which, as

    its name indicates, holds only a single roll. (There are also multiple-roll stands

    the double-roll stand being the mopst commonwhich hold more than one roll at

    a time, and allow for the feeding of multiple webs through the press at any one

    time.) A roll is held securely onto the roll stand by means of a shaft passing

    through the hollow core of the roll.

    The speed at which the roll unwinds into the press is reguilated by a series of

    rollers located between the roll itself and tghe first printing unit. The most

    important of these rollers is the dancer roller (also called a floating roller). A

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    dancer roller is free to move up or down, or backward or forward, during the

    press run. Essentially, the dancer creates a downward path for the paper as it

    comes off the roll and then sends it upward again. If the amount of paper

    unwinding from the roll just before the dancer roller is the same as the amount of

    paper feeding into the press just after the dancer roller, then the dancer is kept

    in a "normal" position. If these two amounts of paper differ, the loop formed by

    the paper path will increase or decrease in size, and the the dancer moves up or

    down, simultaneously releasing or applying a brake (which can be

    electromechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or magnetic) on the roll stand. This

    effectively keeps the web tension constant during infeed. A second dancer rollermay also be added just before the first printing unit as a means of further

    controlling web tension.

    If web tension during infeed were the only consideration, a roll stand and dancer

    roller would be the only infeed devices needed. However, the web must be flat

    and taut as it enters the printing unit. Consequently, additional "metering" rollers

    are located between the dancer and the printing unit. These rollers (two of

    which are driven by gears connected to the press motor) work to keep the web

    speed close to that of the press speed (tolerances often need to be within

    0.3% of press speed).

    Web tension and drawing speed metering are important considerations, asvariations in web tension throughout the press can cause registration problems,

    slurring, doubling, and other printing defects and problems as well as web breaks.

    Although the configuration of the infeed system accurately controls web speed

    and tension, it cannot compensate for variations in paper structure.

    Consequently, paper itself needs to be manufactured within very close


    'Splicing'. It is very rare that a print run will be completed just prior to the

    exhaustion of a paper roll. Changing rolls manually results in downtime and

    wastage that is always undesirable. Consequently, press infeed sections are

    equipped with continuous-roll feeding devicessplicers, also known as pasters

    which automatically splice a fresh roll to an expiring one. There are two types of


    A flying splicer splices an expiring roll to a fresh roll "on the fly," or while the

    press is running at full speed. A photoelectric cell detects when the diameter of

    a paper roll is as small as eight inches, and the splicing process is initiated. The

    pasting device is moved from a loading position to a splicing position, and the

    new roll is accelerated to press speed. When the roll reaches G inch, the actual

    splicing process begins. (Any paper left on the roll when the diameter is under G

    inch is considered core waste and is not used.) The leading edge of the new roll

    (or roll nose), containing an adhesive is pressed against the expiring roll under

    pressure, where the adhesive sets, joining the two rolls together. (Photoelectric

    eyes and other detectors monitor the position of the roll nose accurately).

    During the attaching of the roll nose to the expiring roll, it is important that

    pressure be applied along the entire length of the splice, otherwise a loose

    adhesive-coated edge may be left exposed, causing jams or other problems in

    the press. Beneath the pressure roller, a knife severs the expiring roll with

    enough of a tail to completely cover the adhesive. A two-arm splicer (which

    holds one roll in addition to the running roll) or a three-arm splicer (which holds

    two rolls in addition to the running roll) may be used. After splicing, the expired

    roll can be removed, and a fresh roll installed to await the next splicing


    A zero-speed splicer joins two rolls while they are both stationary, but while the

    press is still running. As a paper roll starts expiring, a festoonor a collapsible

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    set of rollersexpands to store a reserve of paper from the expiring roll. This

    allows the expiring roll to be stopped, paper being drawn only from that within

    the festoon. When the expiring roll is stopped, the new roll is spliced on and

    brought up to press speed. The paper stored in the festoon is replenished, and it

    is expanded to its full height. The expired roll is removed, and a fresh roll is

    added to await the next splicing sequence.

    In some cases, a splice needs to be cut to a certain shape. The shape is

    dictated by the configuation of the paster, and splice patterns are not

    interchangeable from paster to paster. Consequently, when using a particularpaster, it is important to prepare a splice template to ensure that the required

    shape is accurate for each splice. And, needless to say, the new roll must be

    spliced on perfectly straight, otherwise feeding problems and web breaks will


    'Web Tension'. As was mentioned earlier, maintaining a consistent and proper

    web tension is important not only for reasons of image quality, but also for

    proper mechanical operation of the press. Web jams and breaks cause

    undesirable downtime and paper wastage.

    Throughout the press, tension is controlled by rollers at certain points, the

    region between these points being known as tension spans. It is the goal of the

    tension points to produce even tension throughout the spans. This is a function

    of several different variables.

    The first is web, or surface, speed, or the speed at which the web is travelling

    through the press. This should remain constant, but the rollers used to effect

    this affec t it in different ways. The composition of the rollers affects the amount

    of slippage the web experiences (for example, rubber-covered rollers can

    unpredictably alter the speeds of webs passing through their nips), and the

    diameters of rollers and cylinders themselves (i.e., blanket packing, taping chill

    rolls, etc.) affect their speed of rotation and the speed they impart to the web.

    Surface speed is also affected by slippage in any of these rollers. The degree to

    which the web slips in the nips of rollers cannot always be predicted.

    Another problem affecting tension is the fact that paper is not a dimensionally

    stable material. The elasticity of a paper causes it to stretch in one or both of

    its dimensions when under tension. When tension is released, the paper may

    return to its original dimensions, although there is often some degree of

    permanent stretch. What this means is that registration may be difficult if paper

    stretches and contracts from one printing unit to another. The moisture content

    of a paper also causes it to expand and/or contract, a particular concern in

    lithographic printing due to the use of a water-based fountain solution. In web

    printing, the use of high-temperature dryers also affects the dimensions of a


    When paper rolls are wound at the paper mill before shipping, a great deal ofpressure is used to produce tightly-wound rolls. As a result, the paper tends to

    "relax" when unwound into a press. This causes it to expand somewhat. When

    this occurs in the infeed section it may be acceptable, but if it occurs between

    or within printing units, it can cause registration problems. Therefore, the paper

    is often given a long lead-in to the printing unit during infeed (called festooning,

    an additional use of the festoon also used for splicing). This allows the paper to

    relax and recover as much as it needs to before entering the printing units.

    Tnesion tends to decrease through a press, caused by, among other things, the

    printing units. Moisture picked up from the dampening system causes elongation

    and affects tension unpredictably, and blanket pull (a function of the impressioin

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    pressure generated during printing) also works to increase tension.

    Consequently, blanket pull needs to be monitiored and kept constant throughout

    the pressrun.

    The longest tension span on a web press is between the last printing unit and

    the chill rolls, where the drying mechanism is. As a result of an unsupported span

    and the heat of the dryer, wrinkles can form on the web. Problems at the drying

    and cooling end of the press can be reduced by creating no-slip nips between

    the chill rolls.


    Although most newspaper printing uses quicket inks and inks that dry by

    absorption of the vehicle into the substrate, modern web offset printing is still

    dominated by heatset inks, inks that require the application of high temperatures

    to dry. As a result, web presses that utilize such inks need a dryer and chill rolls

    attached after the last printing section.

    'Dryers'. Depending upon the inks used and the capacity of the dryer, the

    temperature to which the printed web is subjected may be as high as 600F.

    And even though a single portion of the web may spend less than a second in

    the dryer, it will still exit with a temperature of up to 330F. Since blanket-to-

    blanket presses print on both sides of the web simultaneously, such presses

    must utilize floating dryers, or dryers through which the web can pass without

    being touched by a surface, so as not to smear the ink. An open-flame dryer

    (also known as a direct-impingement dryer) is the oldest type of dryer, and

    simply generates a high-temperature zone through which the web passes.

    Alternately, a high-velocity hot-air dryer uses nozzles to direct hot air at the

    web. Such devices also include exhaust vents to pipe out the solvent fumes

    generated during the drying of solvent-based heatset inks. The fumes are then

    carried to a combustion chamber where the solvent is safely burned away. Some

    dryers use a combination of the open-flame and hot-air configurations, often

    employing medium-velocity jets of heated air. The aerodynamics of the moving

    web cause a thin layer of air to move along with it. In open-flame dryers, thislayer of air becomes saturated with solvent from the ink, and more heat

    becomes necessary to remove it all, which reduces the efficiency of the drying

    process. Solvent-saturated air which is carried out of the dryer can condense

    back onto the web and/or the chill rolls. This will cause the ink to resoften,

    marking the chill rolls and resulting in marks being transferred to subsequent

    portions of the web. The high-velocity dryers, however, add turbulence to the

    air in the dryer, which prevents solvent from saturating the air surrounding the

    web. Another particular problem that can be encountered during drying,

    especially during the early uses of high-velocity hot-air dryers, is the production

    of ripples in the web which then get pressed into wrinkles by the chill rolls. A

    solution to this problem is the use of spaced air nozzles to produce a controlled

    rippling of the web. This controlled rippling has the effect of imparting to theweb a greater dimensional stability than if it had been left to its own devices.

    'Chill Rolls'. Heatset inks not only require heat to set, buit also cooling. (Such

    inks work by evaporating the volatile solvent from the ink in the dryer and then

    cooling down the residual vehicle where it can set by polymerization.) Thus,

    after drying, the web is passed between the chill rolls, a set of moving steel

    drums through which cold water is pumped. Early designs of chill rolls filled the

    entire interior of the rollers with cold water, but the cooler portions of the liquid

    remained near the middle of the roll, causing the ends of the rollers to gradually

    become heated. This resulted in inconsistent cooling across the web. Newer

    designs use baffle plates or, more often, a thin shell around the surface of the

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    roller and an empty center to keep the surface of the roller equally cool over its

    entire length. The speed at which the chill rolls, as was indicated earlier, can be

    adjusted over a wide range, so as to control web tension through this longest

    tension span. One particular problem which can be encountered in the chill rolls

    is slippage of the web as it passes through the nip. Such slippage can cause ink

    from the web to mark the rolls, which can then be transferred back to the web.

    Attention needs to be paid to the plumbing of the chill rolls; mineral deposits

    from hard water or other sources can decrease the cooling efficiency of the



    Although most complex and high-volume binding and finishing operations are best

    handled at a bindery, many web presses have in-line finishing devices, which

    eliminate the time and expense of rewinding a printed job and sending it out to a

    bindery. However, in-line equipment does have the disdvantage of shutting down

    the entire press when one particular stage is shut down.

    'Folders'. Even if no other finishing operations are involved, most web presses are

    designed to deliver folded sheets, or signatures. They accomplish this by having

    one (or more) configurations of folding devices attached to the delivery end of

    the press. There are three primary types of f

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