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Web Design - WeeblySearch Engine Optimization (SEO) • is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's. • The objective of search engine

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  • 1

    Dr Alexiei Dingli

    Web Design Bashair Alqahtani

    Eman Alsqour

    Salma Alwaliei

    Aljazi Alharbi

    Noura Al-Hammod

    SEC: 9C4

    T.Badria Alfurhood

  • 2

    usability: the effectiveness with which users can

    achieve tasks in one software environment

    studying and improving usability is part of Human-

    Computer Interaction (HCI)

    What is usability?

  • 3

    visibility: ability for user to find controls that are

    meant to be interacted with

    Where are they?

    What is their state? ("Is this setting on or off?")

    feedback: response from the control to the user

    before, during, or after an interaction

    Visibility and feedback

  • 4

    cluttered or otherwise poor layout

    requires horizontal scrolling, or makes assumptions

    about user's screen size

    poorly chosen colors

    uses frames

    uses splash screen(s)

    poor or missing navigation controls (Back, Forward,


    text is not scannable (can't be read quickly)

    Common web usability problems

  • 5

    most important content isn't on the first page /


    nondescript headings

    too many ads (or things that appear to be ads)

    important site content is contained in PDF


    isn't designed to be easily indexed by a search


    (HTML title, meta tags, page text, link text, etc.)

    tiny thumbnails of detailed large photos.


  • 6 this also often applies to CSE students

    Users do not read


  • 7

    links that don't say where they go

    badly chosen link text (such as "Click here for more


    links that forcibly open a new browser window

    links opened by complex Javascript needlessly

    visited links don't appear in a different color

    Link usability problems

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  • 9

    poorly performing site search

    having a web search feature (why??)

    not having a site map or other means to navigate

    the site

    relying on non-standard plugins or browser

    versions (e.g. Overly reliant on Flash, Java

    applets, etc.)

    Feature usability problems

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    Web design suggestions

  • 14

    place your name and logo on every page and make

    the logo a link to the home page

    provide search if the site has more than 100 pages

    write straightforward and simple headlines and page

    titles that clearly explain what the page is about

    structure the page to facilitate scanning and help

    users ignore large chunks of the page in a single

    glance: for example, use grouping and subheadings

    to break a long list into several smaller units.

    Web design suggestions

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    use hypertext to structure the content space .

    use link titles .


  • 19

    It is quite common to use thumbnail versions to represent

    images that are too large.


  • 20

    Ensure that all important pages are accessible for

    users with disabilities.

    Do the same as everybody else.


    Twitter Sign in

  • 21

    Jakob's Law of the Web User Experience: users spend

    most of their time on other sites, so that's where they

    form their expectations for how the Web works

    Test your design with real users as a reality check.


  • 22

    A List Apart

    CSS Play


    Design by Fire

    Jeffrey Zeldman Presents


    Sites about web design

  • 23

    1. Use clear and simple language

    2. Write relevant content

    3. Write only one idea per paragraph

    4. Use lists instead of paragraphs

    5. Write short sentences

    6. Include internal sub-headings

    7. Bolden important words

    8. Use descriptive link text

    9. Left-align text

    10.Proofread your work

    Writing for the web

  • 24

    • since Ajax requests happen in the background,

    users may not know the page is loading

    • well-designed web sites give visual cues to the user

    so they know to wait

    Ajax usability

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    The Six Components Of Web Forms:

    • Labels

    • Input Fields

    • Actions

    • Help

    • Messages

    • Validation

    Forms and usability

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    Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    • is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or

    a web page in a search engine's.

    • The objective of search engine optimization (SEO) is to

    increase a Web site's traffic counts by improving the

    internal and external factors influencing ranking in search


  • 29

    • get people to link to your site (particularly popular sites!)

    • use relevant keywords in link text

    • set descriptive meta tags

    • use a site URL and page title that contains the keywords

    you want to match


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  • 31

    What's wrong with each of these

    web sites?•








  • 32

    Examples of BAD website


    It’s cluttered, complicated, and feels like “work” just to try and figure out what

    to do.

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    This site makes it almost impossible to find what you are looking for.

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    This website is in clear violation of good website usability with poorly presented

    information, especially for an e-commerce website!

  • 35


    This website mislabels the search box and pretty much hides it from users! It’s

    almost as if they don’t want anyone to know what it is or use it.

  • 36

    Cont’ This screenshot shows an example of good and bad text choices for a black

    background. Obviously higher contrast (white on black) is better than low

    contrast for usability.

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    this web page without any images is very boring and hard to read

  • 38

    Example of GOOD website

    usabilitythis site one of the cleanest and best examples of great website usability