SilverTouch Technologies Limited © copyright 1992-2014 all rights reserved. Property of SilverTouch Technologies Ltd. Case Study Client Overview About Client: Client was established in 2011 to provide individual and organizational leadership development consulting services. Client’s main products are consultation and Coaching services and a forthcoming book. Client addresses leadership and management lessons for several maturity levels (First-Line Managers, Managers of Managers, Executive Leaders, and CXO Leaders). Requirement Overview: Client wanted to build a web application with best LMS and CMS features. Client wanted to offer various services such as Courses, Events, and Discussions to the target audience -First-Line Managers, Managers of Managers, Executive Leaders, and CXO Leaders either on paid basis or as free service. Client wanted us to deliver the application as SaaS model exclusively for its LMS features. Client required ad-hoc Content Management feature and an Administrator interface to manage the site users. Client also wanted to sell the related reference books through web site. All books are coded with QR and only registered users should be allowed to purchase. Site visitors who want to purchase these books will be redirected to the registration/login page to purchase the same. Proposed Solution: After analyzing client requirements, we proposed solution with Joomla as a part of CMS and Moodle as LMS. Also implementation of JOOMDLE as a bridge between these two stands alone web application. We have represented all LMS contents and evaluations on Joomla CMS through JOOMDLE Bridge with user synchronizations as well. Forums, Newsletters, Testimonials, User Profiles and Mobile Layout are the key modules in Joomla CMS. Following are the proposed solutions as per client’s requirements: • Provision to sell course reference books online • Free or Paid registration process for Users • User profile on both LMS as well as CMS sides • Used LiteSpeed Server as hosting server • Responsive layout for mobiles and tablets • Custom development for assessment module ® Web Conversation Portal For US Based Client [WEB PORTAL – EDUCATION – JOOMLA, MOODLE, PHP 5.X, MYSQL]

Web Conversation Portal For US Based Client · Web Conversation Portal ... Connect to social networking sites like Facebook, ... Preparation of SRS document as per client s requirements

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Si lverTouch Techno log ies L imi ted

© copyr ight 1992-2014 a l l r igh ts reser ved. Proper ty o f S i l verTouch Techno log ies L td .

Case Study

Cl ient Over v iew

About C l ien t : C l i en t was es tab l i shed i n 2011 to

p rov ide i nd i v i dua l and o rgan i za t i ona l l eade rsh ip

deve lopmen t consu l t i ng se r v i ces. C l i en t ’s ma in

p roduc t s a re consu l t a t i on and Coach ing se r v i ces

and a fo r t hcoming book . C l i en t add resses

l eade rsh ip and managemen t l e ssons fo r seve ra l

ma tu r i t y l e ve l s ( F i r s t -L i ne Manage rs, Manage rs o f

Manage rs, Execu t i ve Leade rs, and CXO Leade rs ) .

Requi rement Over v iew: C l i en t wan ted to bu i l d a

web app l i ca t i on w i t h bes t LMS and CMS fea tu res.

C l i en t wan ted to o f f e r va r i ous se r v i ces such as

Cou rses, Even t s, and D i scuss ions to t he t a rge t

aud ience -F i r s t -L i ne Manage rs, Manage rs o f

Manage rs, Execu t i ve Leade rs, and CXO Leade rs

e i t he r on pa id bas i s o r as f r ee se r v i ce. C l i en t

wan ted us to de l i ve r t he app l i ca t i on as SaaS mode l

exc l us i ve l y f o r i t s LMS fea tu res.

C l i en t r equ i r ed ad-hoc Con ten t Managemen t f ea tu re

and an Admin i s t r a to r i n t e r f ace to manage the

s i t e use r s. C l i en t a l so wan ted to se l l t he re l a ted

re fe rence books t h rough web s i t e. A l l books a re

coded w i t h QR and on l y r eg i s t e red use r s shou ld

be a l l owed to pu rchase. S i t e v i s i t o r s who wan t t o

pu rchase t hese books w i l l be red i r ec ted to t he

reg i s t r a t i on / l og in page to pu rchase t he same.

Proposed So lu t ion : Af te r ana l y z i ng c l i en t

r equ i r emen ts, we p roposed so lu t i on w i t h

Joomla as a pa r t o f CMS and Mood le as

LMS. A l so imp lemen ta t i on o f JOOMDLE as

a b r i dge be tween these two s t ands a lone

web app l i ca t i on . We have rep resen ted a l l

LMS con ten t s and eva lua t i ons on Joomla

CMS th rough JOOMDLE B r i dge w i t h use r

s ynch ron i za t i ons as we l l . Fo rums, News le t t e r s,

Tes t imon ia l s, Use r P ro f i l e s and Mob i l e Layou t

a re t he key modu les i n Joomla CMS.

Fo l l ow ing a re t he p roposed so lu t i ons as pe r

c l i en t ’s r equ i r emen ts :

• Prov is ion to se l l course reference books on l i ne

• Free o r Pa id reg i s t r a t i on p rocess fo r Use r s

• User prof i le on both LMS as wel l as CMS s ides

• Used L i t eSpeed Se r ve r as hos t i ng se r ve r

• Respons i ve l a you t f o r mob i l e s and t ab le t s

• Cus tom deve lopmen t fo r assessmen t modu le


Web Conversation Portal


US Based Client


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Web Conversation Portal

Benef i ts

1. On l i ne t u to r i a l s f o r l eade rs and managemen t p ro fess iona l s.

2 . Expe r t know ledge sha r i ng and pe rsona l assessmen ts.

3 . S ing le l og in fo r CMS and LMS.

4 . On l i ne pu rchase o f know ledge base books.

5 . Pa r t i c i pa te i n on l i ne qu i z zes /ques t i on answer sec t i ons.

6 . Connec t t o soc i a l ne two rk i ng s i t e s l i ke Facebook , Tw i t t e r, and L inked In .

7 . Send ema i l s, ma rk f avo r i t e s and access s i t e s l i ke Gma i l and Goog le, B logge r f rom th i s po r t a l .

Pro jec t Descr ip t ion & F low

Pro jec t F low

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Web Conversation Portal

Pro jec t Descr ip t ion

• Based on the requ i r emen t spec i f i ca t i ons & i n fo rma t i on p rov ided by t he c l i en t so f a r, i t seems tha t t he app l i ca t i on i nvo l ves

deve lop ing a sys tem tha t has comp lex CMS & LMS fea tu res & func t i ona l i t y.

• F ron t -end use r s can reg i s t e r, c rea te t he i r p ro f i l e v i ew & access t he cou rses and t ake qu i z , v i ew and subsc r i be even t s,

sea rch & pu rchase p roduc t s. Reg i s te red use r s can a l so up load documen ts ; pa r t i c i pa te i n d i scuss ion fo rum to ask ques t i ons

and sha re t hough t s, and even access con ten t s.

L is t o f Modules :-

1 . User Reg is t ra t ion :-

Use rs can reg i s t e r t hemse l ves us i ng QR code on the book . A f t e r hav i ng QR code scanned , use r w i l l be red i r ec ted to Joomla

CMS Reg i s t r a t i on Page. Us ing JOOMDLE [Joomla Mood le B r i dge Modu le ] S i t e Admin i s t r a to r can t r ans fe r r eg i s t e r use r t o

Mood le LMS env i ronmen t whe re t hey can l og in w i t h same c reden t i a l s t o access en ro l l ed cou rses and i t s r esou rces.

2. User Management : -

Admin i s t r a to r can c rea te and manage the use r s f rom backend w i t h ro l es and r i gh t s. Au then t i ca ted use r s can l og in and

access bo th CMS and LMS.

3. Dynamic Content Management : -

Al l publ ished content wi l l be l is ted on f rontend under respect ive menus. S i te admin is t ra tor can manage these content pages.

4. Banner Management : -

Admin i s t r a to r can manage adve r t i semen t banne rs as images o r f l a sh on i n tended pages f rom backend .

5. Quest ion-Answer Management : -

Admin i s t r a to r w i l l be ab le to manage ques t i on answers fo r use r s f rom backend modu le enab les t he use r s to check and

compare t he i r v i ews and i deas fo r Managemen t Leade rsh ip.

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Web Conversation Portal

6. Events / Calendar Management:-

Admin is t ra tor can manage var ious events f rom backend and these events wi l l be d isp layed on f rontend. Regis tered users wi l l be

able to v iew a l l upcoming events in Calendar layout Or Event Category layout wise wi th a l l deta i ls on f rontend.

7. Course Management:-

The course page cons is ts of centra l sect ion which conta in the tasks and ( i f des i red) b locks to the s ide. The course teacher has

contro l over the layout of the course homepage and can change i t a t any t ime. Students can be enro l led manual ly by the teacher,

automat ica l ly by the admin is t ra tor, or they enro l l by themselves.

8. Grade Management:-

Modules wi l l be implemented us ing defau l t Moodle Grade Management module. The grader repor t co l lects i tems that have been

graded f rom the var ious par ts of Moodle that are assessed, and a l lows admin is t ra tor to v iew and change as wel l as sor t them out

in to categor ies and ca lcu la te tota ls in var ious ways.

9. Leadership Assessment Management:-

The Moodle Quest ionnai re module is a sur vey type of act iv i ty in Moodle course. I t a l lows teachers / course admin is t ra tor to create

a wide range of quest ions to get s tudent feedback e.g. on a course or act iv i t ies.

10. Test Management:-

Admin is t ra tor can manage quiz, lessons and ass ignments for users

A prov is ion is g iven to a l lo t QR code for each book and the admin is t ra tor can manage th is task. Books wi th QR codes can be

purchased by the end users f rom s i te. Frontend users can reg is ter themselves us ing th is QR code. Once th is QR code is scanned,

user wi l l be red i rected to the Joomla CMS regis t ra t ion page. Us ing JOOMDLE [Joomla Moodle Br idge Module] S i te Admin is t ra tor

can t ransfer reg is tered users to Moodle LMS env i ronment where they can log in us ing same credent ia ls to access enro l led courses

and i ts resources.

• Si te admin is t ra tor can manage the backend operat ions such as add, ed i t , update & delete. S i te users can post the i r quest ions,

at tend quizzes, submit ass ignments and learn on l ine as per the i r course curr icu lum.

• Appl icat ion test ing was per formed on Cl ient ’s ser ver and af ter f ina l approva l the appl icat ion was migrated to L ive Server.

1. To develop an in ter face of choice for the ind iv idua ls and organizat ions who seek to gu ide h igh-potent ia l managers in to

pos i t ions of increas ing leadersh ip respons ib i l i ty throughout a career.

2. To develop a web portal that sets an example role model for future managers / leaders. Site is aimed for individuals and organizat ions.

3. To enable the management to se l l books onl ine and send a reference l ink to on l ine book se l l ing s i te.

4. To enable users to create the i r own prof i le and reg is ter us ing Joomla CMS and learn tu tor ia ls us ing LMS.

5. To manage s ing le log in for CMS and LMS.

6. Exper t knowledge shar ing through web s i te by profess iona ls.

Object ives

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Web Conversation Portal

Phase I : Created POC for C l ient to test Joomla and Moodle LMS on L i te speed Web Server.

Phase I I : Preparat ion of SRS document as per c l ient ’s requi rements.

Phase I I I : Completed layout des ign and in tegrated layout wi th Joomla CMS wi th new Respons ive theme.

Phase IV: In tegrated CMS and LMS into JOOMDLE.

Phase V: Per formed Test ing on Cl ient ’s ser ver.

Phase VI: Once test ing is completed and approved by the c l ient the appl icat ion is hosted on l ive server.

Pro jec t Approach / Ac t iv i t ies

Techno logy

Techno logy Spec i f ica t ions

Techno logy & Framework Joomla (ver. 2 .5 ) & Mood le (ver. 2 .2 )

Da tabase MySQL

Web Ser ver /Host ing P la t fo rm Li te speed Web Ser ver

Languages PHP 5 .x

Opera t ing System Windows 7

Techno logy Spec i f ica t ions

Techno logy & Framework Joomla (ver. 2.5) & Moodle (ver. 2.2)

Da tabase MySQL

Web Ser ver /Host ing P la t fo rm Li te speed Web Ser ver

Languages PHP 5 .x

Opera t ing System Linux

Deve lopment P la t fo rm

Deployment P la t fo rm

1. Pro ject Man Hours: 962 hours

2. Pro ject L i fe cyc le: 4 months

1. Main cha l lenge was to setup the Pro ject on L i teSpeed Web Server Env i ronment.

2. To in tegrate CMS wi th LMS to develop JOOMDLE.

3. Custom LMS module for Leader Assessment wi th on l ine Custom Scores and Resul ts.

Dura t ion

Key Cha l lenges

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Web Conversation Portal

1. Developed s i te wi th Joomla as a par t of CMS and Moodle as LMS. And implementat ion of JOOMDLE as a br idge between CMS

and LMS to bu i ld s tand a lone web appl icat ion.

2. Us ing JOOMDLE users can quick ly nav igate between CMS and LMS wi th s ing le log in.

3. Profess iona ls are ab le to share the i r exper t ideas/knowledge through th is s i te.

4. S ince the por ta l is deve loped us ing HTML5 wi th respons ive layout, i t can be eas i ly accessed through mobi les and tab lets.

5. Cl ient is happy to se l l the books onl ine through QR code regis t ra t ions and red i rect ing the user to on l ine bookstores.

Resu l ts Ach ieved


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Web Conversation Portal

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Web Conversation Portal

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Th i s s t a temen t o f wo rk i s p rop r i e t a r y o f S i l ve rTouch Techno log ies L td . and con ta i ns t r ade sec re t s and con f i den t i a l i n fo rma t i on wh ich i s so l e l y t he

p rope r t y o f S i l ve rTouch Techno log ies L td . Th i s s t a temen t o f wo rk i s i n t ended fo r i n t e r na l use on l y. The re fo re, i t sha l l no t be used , rep roduced , cop ied ,

d i sc losed and t r ansm i t t ed , i n who le o r i n pa r t , w i t hou t t he exp ress consen t o f S i l ve rTouch Techno log ies L td .


Deliver best products, software solutions and services,

on time with quality, and as per customer expectations

About S i l verTouch

S i l ve rTouch , a company es tab l i shed i n 1992 i s w ide l y accep ted fo r i t s I T so l u t i ons w i t h a huge cus tomer base i n more t han

20 coun t r i e s ac ross t he wo r l d .

S i l ve rTouch i s ac t i ve l y engaged i n En te rp r i se so f twa re deve lopmen t , en te rp r i se con ten t managemen t , documen t managemen t

and IT consu l t i ng se r v i ces such as Bus iness p rocess op t im i za t i on , p rocess consu l t i ng, imp lemen ta t i on and cus tom i za t i on o f

ERP. S i l ve rTouch l eads b r i l l i an t l y i n new techn i ca l deve lopmen ts such as : Mob i l e App l i ca t i on deve lopmen t se r v i ces on iPhone,

iPad , B l ackbe r r y, And ro id , J2ME and W indows mob i l e p l a t f o rms. Even now, S i l ve rTouch he lps i t s g loba l c l i en t s fo r ma jo r

deve lopmen ts, dep loymen ts and managemen ts o f t he i r mob i l i t y so l u t i ons and en te rp r i se app l i ca t i on deve lopmen t p rog rams.

S i l ve rTouch has a l l i ance w i t h seve ra l i ndus t r y l eade rs such as M ic roso f t , App le, C i sco, IBM, O rac le, SAP, Java , De l l , VM wa re,

Syman tec, Son i c Wa l l wh i ch p rov ides a compe t i t i ve edge ove r o the r i ndus t r y pee rs and t a rge t s to unde rs t and and ca te r t o a l l

t ypes o f r equ i r emen ts t ha t conce r n ou r c l i en t s, t he reby, l ead ing to se r ve t hem p rec i se l y t o t he i r sa t i s f ac t i on .

Fo r more i n fo rma t i on , p l ease v i s i t www.s i l ve r touch .com o r ema i l i n fo@s i l ve r touch .com

© copyr ight 1992-2014 a l l r igh ts reser ved. Proper ty o f S i l verTouch Techno log ies L td .

Web Conversation Portal



Ind ia Headquar terSi lverTouch Techno log ies L imi ted

2nd F loor, Saf f ron ,

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Ahmedabad-380 006.

Phone : +91 - 79 - 2656 31 58

E-ma i l : i n fo@si l ve r touch .com

Web : www.s i l ve r touch .com

Uni ted K ingdomSi lverTouch Techno log ies UK L imi ted

Essex Techno logy & Innova t ion Cent re ,

Un i t 7 , The Gab les ,Ongar - CM5 0GA,

Un i ted K ingdom

Phone : +44 - (0 ) 127-736-4689

E-ma i l : i n fo@si l ve r touch tech .co .uk

Web : www.s i l ve r touch tech .co .uk

Nor th Amer icaSi lverTouch Techno log ies INC

497 Route 27,

Ise l in , NJ 08830

Uni ted Sta tes

Phone : +1 201 299 3529

E-ma i l : i n fo@semaphore-so f tware .com

Web : www.semaphore-so f tware .com