PIRITA HÄRKISAARI WEAR AND FRICTION EFFECTS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN THE MINING INDUSTRY Master of Science Thesis Examiners: Professor Veli-Tapani Kuokkala and Project Manager Kati Valtonen. Examiners and topic ap- proved by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences on January 14 th 2015.

:Wear and Friction Effects on Energy Consumption in the

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Master of Science Thesis

Examiners: Professor Veli-Tapani Kuokkala and Project Manager Kati Valtonen. Examiners and topic ap-proved by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences on January 14th 2015.



PIRITA HÄRKISAARI: Wear and Friction Effects on Energy Consumption in the Mining Industry Tampere University of Technology Master of Science Thesis, 77 pages, 14 Appendix pages April 2015 Master’s Degree Program in Material Science Major: Personal Studies in Materials Science Examiners: Professor Veli-Tapani Kuokkala, Project Manager Kati Valtonen Keywords: Mining, energy consumption, wear, friction

Mining is very important globally. The total amount of mines worldwide is estimated to

be 100,000–150,000 [1]–[3]. Mining’s share of global energy consumption is ~5% [4]–

[6]. Previous studies made on vehicles [7], [8] and paper machines [9] indicate that even

20–30% of total energy is lost due to friction. Similar studies on the energy losses due

to wear have not been made.

This thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part, the global mining industry, energy

consumption in mining, and wear and friction in mining are examined. In the second

part, case studies of highly energy consuming devices, a haul truck, a jaw crusher, and a

grinding mill, are made.

From all mines, 70–80% are surface mines and 20–30% are underground or mixed

mines. The largest mining countries are China, USA, Australia, India, and Russia [1].

The mining process can roughly be divided into three operational stages: extraction,

haulage, and processing. In addition to these three, there is the group of supporting ac-

tivities. When the energy consumption distribution in surface and underground opera-

tions was studied it was discovered that most of the energy goes to processing and sup-

porting activities.

In the case studies the energy losses due to friction are examined by making energy dis-

tribution models. Previous studies and literature on this field was used as a frame of

reference in this work. The effect of wear is evaluated by calculating the costs caused by

replacement parts and wear-related maintenance.

The obtained results indicate that friction losses in the rigid frame haul truck are 24%,

in the jaw crusher 30%, and in the grinding mill 50% of the total energy consumption.

The annual costs of wear are in the haul truck 40,000€, in the jaw crusher 100,000€, and

in the grinding mill 825,000€. The total annual costs of wear and friction compared with

the purchase price of a new device are 28% in a haul truck, 13% in a jaw crusher, and

34% in a grinding mill. Energy savings can be obtained with improving energy efficien-

cy, planning the mining operations and maintenance, and with material selections.



PIRITA HÄRKISAARI: Kulumisen ja kitkan vaikutus energiankulutukseen kaivosteollisuudessa Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto Diplomityö, 77 sivua, 14 liitesivua Huhtikuu 2015 Materiaalitekniikan diplomi-insinöörin tutkinto-ohjelma Pääaine: Materiaalitekniikan henkilökohtaiset aineopinnot Tarkastajat: professori Veli-Tapani Kuokkala, projektipäällikkö Kati Valtonen Avainsanat: kaivosteollisuus, kuluminen, kitka, energiankulutus

Kaivosteollisuus on maailmanlaajuisesti merkittävä teollisuudenala. Maailman kaivos-

ten kokonaismäärä on arviolta noin 100 000–150 000 [1]–[3]. Kaivosteollisuus vastaa

noin viittä prosenttia globaalista energiankulutuksesta [4]–[6]. Kitkan osuutta kokonais-

energiankulutuksesta on tutkittu aikaisemmin ajoneuvoille [7], [8] ja paperikoneille [9]

ja todettu, että jopa 20–30 prosenttia kokonaisenergiasta kuluu moottorin ja vaihteiston

kitkahäviöihin. Vastaavaa tutkimusta kulumisen aiheuttamista häviöistä ei ole tehty.

Tämä diplomityö on jaettu kahteen osaan. Ensimmäinen osa käsittelee kaivosteollisuut-

ta yleisellä tasolla sekä energiankulutusta, kitkaa ja kulumista kaivosteollisuudessa.

Toinen osa koostuu paljon energiaa kuluttavien laitteiden case-tutkimuksista. Tutkitta-

viksi laitteiksi on valittu dumpperi, leukamurskain sekä jauhinmylly.

Maailman kaivoksista 70–80 prosenttia on avolouhoksia ja 20–30 prosenttia maanalai-

sia kaivoksia tai sekakaivoksia. Suurimpia kaivosmaita ovat Kiina, USA, Australia, In-

tia. Kaivosprosessi voidaan karkeasti jakaa kolmeen osaan, louhintaan, kuljetukseen ja

prosessointiin sekä niiden tukitoimintoihin. Avolouhoksissa sekä maanalaisissa kaivok-

sissa suurimpia energiankuluttajia ovat prosessointi ja tukitoiminnot.

Kitkan aiheuttamia energiahäviöitä tutkitaan tässä työssä energianjakautumismallien

avulla. Lähteenä malleihin käytetään kirjallisuutta ja aikaisempia tutkimuksia aiheesta.

Kulumisen vaikutuksia arvioidaan laskemalla uusien kulutusosien hankinnan sekä ku-

lumisen aiheuttaman kunnossapidon kustannuksia.

Kitkahäviöt suhteessa kokonaisenergiankulutukseen ovat dumpperilla 24, leukamurs-

kaimella 30 ja jauhinmyllyllä 50 prosenttia. Kulumisen aiheuttamat kokonaiskustannuk-

set ovat arviolta dumpperilla 40 000 €, leukamurskaimella 100 000 € ja jauhinmyllyllä

825 000 € vuodessa. Jos vuosittaisia kitkan ja kulumisen yhteiskustannuksia verrataan

uuden laitteen hankintahintaan, ovat vastaavat luvut dumpperille 28, murskaimelle 13 ja

jauhinmyllylle 34 prosenttia. Energiasäästöjä voidaan saavuttaa parantamalla energia-

tehokkuutta, prosessien ja kunnossapidon suunnittelulla sekä materiaalivalinnoilla.



This Master’s thesis has been done within the FIMECC BSA (Breakthrough Steels and

Applications) programme. I gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Finn-

ish Funding Agency for Innovation (Tekes) and the participating companies. The thesis

is written at Tampere University of Technology.

This thesis has been a true learning process in many dimensions. It has been very inter-

esting to learn about the mining industry, to see the actual mining processes, and to find

many new possibilities for my future career.

I want to thank my supervisors Kati and Kenneth for your help and support. Thank you,

Veli-Tapani for taking the time to examine my work from the other side of the Atlantic

Ocean. A special thank you goes to our associates in VTT, Metso, Outotec, SSAB, Py-

häsalmi mine and Kiruna mine as well as maintenance specialist Seppo Tolonen. With-

out the expertise from in field in question this thesis would be in a totally different form.

My journey to become a Master of Science has been a memorable one. I am happy that

I have had the opportunity to see so many sides of teekkari life and the credit from that

goes to all You people I met in my guild, in the student union as well as teekkari choir

and NääsPeksi, in my Erasmus studies in Spain, or maybe just somewhere else on the

way! A special thank you goes to the GGGG girls Laura, Tanja and Elli. It just never

would have been the same without you.

Thank you, Ville for your continuous support and for bearing with me in this somewhat

stressful thesis-time. But most importantly, thank you to my family Anita, Jorma, and

Kaisa for always believing in me and encouraging and supporting me. I did it, finally.

Tampere 7. 4. 2015

Pirita Härkisaari



1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1

2. GENERAL VIEW TO THE MINING INDUSTRY ................................................ 3

2.1 Global division of mines and mine sites ........................................................ 3

2.1.1 Total number of mines in the world ................................................. 5

2.2 Mining sectors ................................................................................................ 6

2.3 Average mine ................................................................................................. 7

2.3.1 Global production of coal ................................................................ 7

2.3.2 Global production of metals ........................................................... 10

2.3.3 Global production of industrial minerals ....................................... 12

2.3.4 Summary of the average mines ...................................................... 13

2.3.5 Operational lifetime of a mine ....................................................... 13

2.4 The main operational categories in mining .................................................. 16

2.4.1 Extraction ....................................................................................... 16

2.4.2 Haulage .......................................................................................... 18

2.4.3 Processing ...................................................................................... 19

2.5 Energy consumption in the mining industry ................................................ 22

2.5.1 Energy consumption of some large mining companies ................. 22

2.5.2 Energy distribution in surface mining operations .......................... 24

2.5.3 Energy distribution of underground mining operations ................. 24

2.5.4 Energy distribution of a global mine.............................................. 26

2.6 Wear and friction in the mining industry ..................................................... 27

2.7 Maintenance and utilization rate .................................................................. 30

3. METHODOLOGY OF THE CASE STUDIES ...................................................... 32

4. OFF-HIGHWAY HAUL TRUCK CASE ............................................................... 34

4.1 Energy consumption of a haul truck ............................................................ 35

4.2 Wear of haul truck components ................................................................... 37

4.2.1 Truck frame .................................................................................... 37

4.2.2 Engine ............................................................................................ 39

4.2.3 Tires ............................................................................................... 40

4.2.4 Maintenance and wear parts costs of a haul truck ......................... 42

4.3 Summary of the haul truck case ................................................................... 44

5. JAW CRUSHER CASE .......................................................................................... 45

5.1 Energy consumption of a jaw crusher .......................................................... 46

5.2 Wear in a jaw crusher ................................................................................... 47

5.2.1 Feeder ............................................................................................. 48

5.2.2 Engine ............................................................................................ 49

5.2.3 Conveyor ........................................................................................ 49

5.2.4 Tracks ............................................................................................. 51

5.2.5 Jaws ................................................................................................ 51


5.2.6 Maintenance and wear part costs of a jaw crusher ......................... 53

5.2.7 Summary of the jaw crusher case .................................................. 54

6. GRINDING MILL CASE ....................................................................................... 55

6.1 Energy used for grinding .............................................................................. 56

6.2 Wear in a grinding mill ................................................................................ 57

6.2.1 Feeder ............................................................................................. 57

6.2.2 Shell ............................................................................................... 58

6.2.3 Motor .............................................................................................. 59

6.2.4 Maintenance and wear part costs of a grinding mill ...................... 60

6.3 Summary of the grinding mill case .............................................................. 61

7. SUMMARY OF THE CASE STUDIES ................................................................ 62

8. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................... 64





Figure 1. Mines and mine sites in the world [22]. Blue and green points

demonstrate exploration sites and red points producing mines.

Orange points indicate drilling sites (excluded from this

investigation). ................................................................................................. 4

Figure 2. World production of minerals in 2012 [1, pp. 38–39] (natural gas and

petroleum excluded). ...................................................................................... 6

Figure 3. Estimated market value of the mining sectors: World production

numbers are from 2012 [1] and the price estimations from June 2014

[28] (natural gas and petroleum excluded). .................................................. 7

Figure 4. Annual production of selected coal mines in 2013 [17, p. 48][35, p.

18][36, p. 212][37, p. 251]. ........................................................................... 9

Figure 5. Annual production of selected iron mines in 2013 [17, p. 48], [26, p.

25], [36, p. 213], [37, p. 251], [42, p. 96] ................................................... 11

Figure 6. The estimated lifetime of selected mines [17, pp. 26–45], [26, pp. 60–

68]. The mines marked with yellow are iron mines black ones produce

coal, brown phosphate and blue other metals such as copper or

nickel. ........................................................................................................... 15

Figure 7. Underground and surface mining processes of iron and typical

equipment used in different operational categories, modified from [24,

p. 9],[39, p. 7]. ............................................................................................. 17

Figure 8. Distribution of energy consumption in surface mining, modified from

[58]. .............................................................................................................. 25

Figure 9. Distribution of energy consumption in underground mining, modified

from [59]. ..................................................................................................... 26

Figure 10. Factors influencing the wear lifetime, modified from [55, p. 4]. .................. 29

Figure 11. Maintenance operations and the costs they cause. ....................................... 31

Figure 12. Energy breakdown of a device. ..................................................................... 33

Figure 13. Costs caused by wear. ................................................................................... 33

Figure 14. A Rigid-frame haul truck CAT-777 [90]. ...................................................... 34

Figure 15. Estimation of the energy distribution of a heavy-duty vehicle. ..................... 37

Figure 16. Rubber liner after 5200 operational hours [102]. ........................................ 39

Figure 17. Wear in a truck tire [116]. ............................................................................ 42

Figure 18. Crushing process of Lokotrack LT140 jaw crusher[128]. ............................ 45

Figure 19. Estimation of the energy distribution of a jaw crusher. ................................ 47

Figure 20. Main components of a conveying system[136, p. 9]. .................................... 49

Figure 21. Main components of a track system [144]. ................................................... 51

Figure 22. An AG grinding mill [152] ............................................................................ 55

Figure 23.Estimation of the energy distribution in a grinding mill. ............................... 57

Figure 24. Worn grinding mill liners [116]. ................................................................... 59


Table 1. The 20 largest mining countries in the world [1, pp. 191–261] (plus

Finland and Sweden). ..................................................................................... 4

Table 2. Summary of average sizes of different mine types. ........................................... 13

Table 3. Unit operations for the stages of comminution, modified from [60, p.

1462] f presents the percentage of the feed of the material in a given

size. ............................................................................................................... 20

Table 4. Energy consumption and GHG emissions of large mining companies

[17], [26], [36], [37, pp. 251–253], [46, p. 13], [64, p. 79], [65, p.

25], [70, p. 70], [71, p. 17], [72, pp. 14–20], [73]. ..................................... 23

Table 5. Summary of the energy distribution in surface and underground

mines[58], [59]. ........................................................................................... 27

Table 6. Technical data of the haul truck CAT-777 [90]. ............................................... 34

Table 7. An example of a haulage cycle. ......................................................................... 35

Table 8. The fuel consumption of a haul truck [94] ........................................................ 36

Table 9. Wear and estimated operational life of the haul truck body components

[99], [100], [102], [104], [105]. ................................................................. 38

Table 10. Wear and estimated operational life of the haul truck diesel engine

components [99], [110]–[112]. ................................................................... 40

Table 11. Technical data of haul truck EROCK tires [113]. .......................................... 40

Table 12. Wear in a haul truck tire [94]. ........................................................................ 41

Table 13. Wear and estimated operational life of the haul truck tire components

[99]. .............................................................................................................. 42

Table 14. Maintenance operations of a haul truck [110]. .............................................. 43

Table 15. Annual costs for the common spare and wear parts of a haul truck

[120]–[124]. ................................................................................................. 44

Table 16. Technical data of the Lokotrack LT140 mobile jaw crusher [128]. ............... 45

Table 17. Crushing energy and affecting parameters. .................................................... 46

Table 18. Wear and estimated operational life of the jaw crusher feeder

components. .................................................................................................. 48

Table 19. Wear and estimated operational life of the jaw crusher conveyor belt

components [137]–[140].............................................................................. 50

Table 20. Wear and estimated operational life of the jaw crusher jaw components

[99], [104], [105], [148], [149]. ................................................................. 53

Table 21. Maintenance operations of a jaw crusher [99], [150] ................................... 53

Table 22. Estimated annual cost of jaw crusher wear parts [99]. .................................. 54

Table 23. Technical data of the AG grinding mill [63], [151]. ...................................... 55

Table 24. Energy consumption of the grinding process. ................................................. 56

Table 25. Wear and estimated operational life of the grinding mill feeder

components [63], [97], [108]. ..................................................................... 58


Table 26. Wear and estimated operational life of the grinding mill shell

components [63], [139]................................................................................ 59

Table 27. Planned maintenance of a grinding mill [63], [99], [159]. ........................... 60

Table 28. Annual costs of grinding mill wear parts [63], [99], [123], [124]. ............... 61

Table 29. Summary of annual friction losses. ................................................................. 63

Table 30. Summary of annual wear losses. ..................................................................... 63

Table 31. Annual costs of wear and friction vs. the estimated purchase price. .............. 63



Al Aluminum

Au Gold

CO2-eq Carbon dioxide equivalent

Cu Copper

ct Carat

Di Diamond

E Energy

f Top size of feed material

Fcl Climbing resistance

Fm Main resistance

Fs Secondary resistance

Fsp Special resistance

Ftot Total resistance

Fe Iron

Mtoe Million tons of oil equivalent

N Required power

Ni Nickel

oz Ounce

p Top size of product material

Ph Phosphate

t Tonne (metric ton)

v Speed of the conveyor

Vkm Vehicle kilometer

Wi Work index

Zn Zinc

η Mechanical efficiency

AG/SAG Autogenous/ Semi-Autogenous (grinding mills)

AU Australia

BR Brazil

CA Canada

CN China

CO Colombia

CV Calorific Value

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GHH Greenhouse Gas

HV Vickers hardness

HPGR High pressure grinding roll

IBRAM Brazilian Minerals Institute

ID Indonesia

MZ Mozambique

ROM Run-of-mine

SE Sweden

US Unites States of America

ZA South Africa



The global energy demand increases continuously. In the last 40 years, the world’s en-

ergy demand has doubled [10, p. 28]. A review made by the oil company BP [11] indi-

cates that in the year 2013 the global energy consumption increased by 2.3% from the

previous year, especially in the developing countries. Even though the development of

renewable energy sources is rapid, more than 80% of the total energy is produced with

oil, coal and natural gas [10]. In 2012, the energy related CO2 emissions increased by

1.4% from the year 2011 [12].

The industry, on average, is responsible for 30% of the total energy consumption [10].

In 2011 in the USA from all the industry sections mining was in charge of 2–3% of the

energy consumption [6], which corresponds to approximately 1% of the total energy

use. In South Africa mining used 8% of the total energy [4] of the country in 2010. The

corresponding number in Canada in 2009 [5] was 12%. The world’s largest individual

energy consumer is China, which also produces 40% of the world’s minerals [1].

Not all energy is used for mechanical work, but a large portion of it is lost due to cool-

ing, exhaust, friction and wear. For the first time the relation between wear and friction

and the costs they cause on the gross domestic product was researched by the Great

Britain Ministry of Technology in 1964. The so-called Jost Report [13] proposed the

total part of wear in the GDP to be 2%. Many studies on this topic have been made, and

later figures presented in the ASM Tribology Congress in 2013 [14] suggest that the

wear costs are annually even 9% of the GDP. The potential savings with the correct use

of tribology are estimated to be up to 1.6 % of the GDP [15]. In the European Union

this would correspond to 250 billion euros, which is almost the double of the European

Union budget for 2014 [16].

Recent studies made on vehicles [12], [13] propose that one third of the energy fed to

passenger cars or trucks goes to overcome friction in the engine, transmission, brakes

and tires. In paper machines the equivalent number is 15–25% [9]. The circumstances in

mining are more demanding than for example in the paper industry; instead of a con-

trolled industrial environment the conditions in a mine can differ from the dry and hot

deserts of Atacama Copper mine [17, p. 279] in Gobi desert to the cold icy Norilsk

Nickel mine sites [18, p. 28] in Siberia, Northern Russia, and everything in between.

Understanding and controlling wear and friction therefore plays an extremely important

role in the total energy consumption in the mining industry.


In the first part of this study, the global mining industry is mapped; how many mines are

there globally, what an average mine would be like, and how is the energy consumption

divided in the mining industry. Mining for construction as well as oil and natural gas

drilling are excluded from this investigation. In the second part of the thesis, three ener-

gy consuming devices are more closely examined: a haul truck, a jaw crusher, and a

grinding mill. The energy losses due to friction and the costs caused by wear are exam-

ined in each case.



In earlier times, a mine was built wherever ore was found. Nowadays, however, the

mining business has developed to an entity where the actual mining process is just one

of the many factors to be considered. When building up a mine it is rational to debate

whether the mineral is really worth excavating, are the resources adequate to make the

mine profitable, and what are the best methods for mining [19, pp. 4–6]. The current

trends are towards carefully optimized operational units, where extraction is done even

deeper and from lower grades of ore [20, pp. 8–9]. In addition to the actual extraction

and minerals processing the environmental and political factors such as conservation or

permits [19, pp. 4–6] and social license for mining [21, pp. 23–24] must be considered.

In the following chapter, an overview of the global mining industry, the mining process,

and the energy consumption in mining is made. In the end of the chapter, the phenome-

na of wear and friction as well as maintenance in mining are discussed.

2.1 Global division of mines and mine sites

Geographically most mines are found in Asia (58.4%) and North America (14.4%) [1,

p. 24,27]. When investigating the development status of the mining countries, over half

(60.1%) of mining is done in developed countries, a quarter (26.1 %) in undeveloped

countries, and the rest (13.8 %) in transition countries. The trend is towards developing

countries. Figure 1 presents the geographical division of mines by InfoMine website

[22]. Blue and green points demonstrate exploration sites and red points producing

mines. Orange points indicate drilling sites (excluded from this investigation).

In Table 1 are listed the largest mining countries in the world, when oil and mineral

fuels are excluded from the examination. The majority of world’s mines are situated in

China, United States of America, and Australia, of which the first two cover over half of

the world’s production [1, pp. 191–261].

If oil and mineral fuels were included in the research, the top two countries would stay

the same, but Russia becomes the third before Australia. Saudi-Arabia, which is not

found in Table 1, would be number seven in the world chart because of its abundant oil

and natural gas resources [1, p. 30].


Figure 1. Mines and mine sites in the world [22]. Blue and green points demonstrate

exploration sites and red points producing mines. Orange points indicate drilling sites

(excluded from this investigation).

Table 1. The 20 largest mining countries in the world [1, pp. 191–261] (plus Finland

and Sweden).

Country Percentage of the world production (2012)

1. China 40.96

2. USA 10.27

3. Australia 8.20

4. India 7.22

5. Russia 4.71

6. Indonesia 4.43

7. The Republic of South Africa 3.08

8. Brazil 2.85

9. Georgia 2.21

10. Kazakhstan 1.53

11. Poland 1.47

12. Canada 1.21

13. Ukraine 1.15

14. Turkey 1.03

15. Colombia 0.66

16. Greece 0.66

17. The Czech Republic 0.57

18. Mexico 0.50

19. Vietnam 0.45

20. Iran 0.43

31. Sweden 0.17

73. Finland 0.02


2.1.1 Total number of mines in the world

Finding the exact number of mines in the world is complicated. Canadian American

Handbook 2007–2008 [23] reports the total number of mines to be about 500–750,

while Mining Journal 2014 [2] proposes the total number to be 125,000. This large dif-

ference must be due to differences in the classification; in one case all small quarries are

seen as individual operations while in the other cases only large industrial mines are

accounted for. Precise numbers where obtained from two mining countries: Brazil and

USA. According to the Brazilian Minerals Institute IBRAM [3] in Brazil, where there

are 2.85 percent of mines of the world, the total number of mines is 7,054. In the United

States the corresponding numbers were 10.27 percent and 13,904 mines [24] (numbers

from 2000). Using these numbers as a basis, the total number of mines in the world

would be 135,384~247,509 mines. An educated guess is somewhere around 100,000–

150,000 mines.

Not all mines have their own mineral processing units at the site. Especially in situa-

tions where there are many small mines quite close to each other, it is smart to concen-

trate the mineral processing to only one location. The amount of mineral processing

plants is half or less of the total amount of mines. Underground vs. surface mine

With similar conditions, a surface mine is usually preferred to an underground mine due

to lower development costs, quicker start-up time, and lower accident rates [25, pp.

341–42]. Factors that influence the decision between these two mine types are dimen-

sions of the deposit and ore recoveries and revenues. Nowadays environmental and so-

cial issues also have a strong influence on the site permissions of a mine. Due to envi-

ronmental effects, obtaining a permit for an open pit mine may be complicated. Quite a

common procedure is also that a mine is built up as an open pit and later developed to

an underground operation.

The larger portion of mines worldwide are surface mines. When examining the under-

ground metal and coal production in the USA during the years 2003–2007 [25, pp. 341–

342], it can be noted that in 2007 less than 10% of the mines were underground mines.

With coal mines the tendency for underground extraction is higher (30.68%) than with

metals (1.27%) and non-metals (3.61%). Global numbers are very similar. For example,

one of the world’s largest mining companies, Vale [26, pp. 27,34,47–50], has 43 mine

sites of iron, copper, coal and phosphate, of which 83% are surface operations. From the

mines located in Brazil [3], 99% are surface mines. Coal India [27, p. 36], a company

producing only coal, has more underground mines; from 429 mines 55% are under-

ground or mixed operations and the remaining 45% are surface mines. A rough estimate

is that 70–80% of all mines are surface operations, and 20–30% mixed or underground

mines. In the future mines the ore must be recovered deeper [18, p. 6], and therefore it

can be assumed that the number of underground mines will only increase in the future.


2.2 Mining sectors

One way to classify the mining sectors is the division into iron and ferroalloy metals,

non-ferrous materials, precious metals, industrial minerals, and mineral fuels. Figure 2

presents the world production of minerals in different mining sectors in 2012 (natural

gas and petroleum excluded). The largest portion of world’s minerals production is in

mineral fuels (77%), and the highest production of metals is in iron and ferroalloy met-

als (15%). The third most produced mineral is industrial minerals (7%). Non-ferrous

and precious metals together cover only one percent of the world production [1, pp. 38–


Figure 2. World production of minerals in 2012 [1, pp. 38–39] (natural gas and petro-

leum excluded).

Figure 3 shows the same mining sectors when inspecting their market value from statis-

tics provided by Index Mundi [28] in June 2014. To simplify the framework, from each

sector a highly produced material according to Reichl et al. [1] is chosen; for ferrous

metals the price of iron is examined, for non-ferrous metals the prices of aluminum and

copper (an average of the two), for precious metals gold, for industrial minerals phos-

phate, and for mineral fuels coal. Industrial minerals and iron have quite similar figures

in both graphs. The largest difference is with mineral fuels and non-ferrous and precious

metals. The market value of mineral fuels is clearly smaller than their production value.

On the other side there are non-ferrous metals and precious metals, which have a high

market price compared to the production rate.






Iron, Ferroalloy Met. Non-Ferrous Metals Precious Metals

Industrial Minerals Mineral Fuels


Figure 3. Estimated market value of the mining sectors: World production numbers are

from 2012 [1] and the price estimations from June 2014 [28] (natural gas and petrole-

um excluded).

2.3 Average mine

There are hundreds of different minerals in the world with different properties; easily

mined soft minerals as sand and gravel or harder minerals like metal ores. In addition,

the environment and grade of the same mineral can vary, from underground extraction

to the surface, and from abundant to a very low grade [29, p. 933].

As a framework for defining the average size of a mine, the production numbers of

some of the largest mining companies in the world [30], and additionally some other

mine sites, are used. A separate inspection is done to all five mining sectors presented in

Chapter 2.2. A detailed Table of mine sites is found in Appendix B. The production

numbers are presented in the scale which is common for the mineral in question; indus-

trial minerals, iron and mineral fuels are in mega tonnes, precious metals are given in

ounces, diamonds are given in carats and the production of other metals than iron are

presented in kilo tonnes. A higher emphasis is given to coal and iron. Iron mining is

also more carefully examined in the case studies of this thesis.

2.3.1 Global production of coal

Mineral fuels are the largest group in mining, even when oil and natural gas are exclud-

ed from the investigation. The mineral fuels group includes coal in different forms

(steam coal, hard coal, coking coal, and lignite) and uranium. The percentage of urani-

um in mineral fuels is only 0.0009%, so in reality this sector mainly includes coal. The






Iron, Ferroalloy Met. Non-Ferrous Metals Precious Metals

Industrial Minerals Mineral Fuels

Calculations have been made using the world price in June 2012. The following prices where used: Non-ferrous metals: Aluminum and copper Precious Metals: Gold Industrial Minerals: Phosphate Mineral Fuels: Coal


world’s largest coal producing countries are China, USA, India, Australia and South

Africa [1, pp. 45, 175–177].

Coal is mined by both surface and underground methods. The choice of method de-

pends mainly on the geology of the coal deposit. For example in Australia, the amount

of surface mines is large (80%) while in USA it is a little bit smaller (67%) [31]. The

grade of the coal is measured with its ability to create energy, also known as the Calorif-

ic value (CV) [32]. Different coals are mainly used in power generation, steel manufac-

turing, and industrial uses [33].

The world’s largest coal mine is found in Wyoming, USA [34]. North Antelope Ro-

chelle mine had the annual production of 108 million tonnes in 2012. Other large coal

mines are found in China, Mozambique, Australia, Russia and Colombia [34]. Figure 4

lists the annual production in the year 2013 for 50 coal mines. The mines are owned by

large mining companies, Vale [26, p. 34], Shenshua Energy [35, p. 18], Rio Tinto [36,

p. 212], BHP Billinton [17, p. 48] and Anglo American [37, p. 251]. After the mine’s

name the country of location is presented by using the country codes provided by stand-

ard ISO 3166 [38]. CN stands for China, AU for Australia, US for USA, MZ for

Mozambique, ZA South America, ID Indonesia and CO for Columbia. More detailed

information about the selected mines can be found in Appendix B. The annual produc-

tion of an average coal mine in this list is 10.3 Mt, and the median is 8.2 Mt. Under the

line of average are listed 32 mines and above 28 mines. Since the deviation from the

average is quite large, (standard deviation 8.4 Mt), it can be assumed that the median

provides a better view.

When the total production of these 50 mines is compared to the global total, [1, p. 177],

it can be noticed that they cover only seven percent of the world’s production. Especial-

ly in the developing countries there are still many small mine sites. The emphasis is,

however, towards efficient mass production. All the large mines in this inspection are

Chinese mines. It can be assumed that there are many more very large mine sites in

China as well as in other large coal mining countries. There is no data available of the

third largest coal producer, India, but the annual report of India’s largest coal producer

Coal India (80% of India’s coal production) states that their annual coal production is

462.4 Mt, and the total amount of mines is 429 [27, p. 36]. These numbers indicate that

an average Indian coal mine has an annual production of only 1.1 Mt.


Figure 4. Annual production of selected coal mines in 2013 [17, p. 48][35, p. 18][36, p.

212][37, p. 251].



















































Daunia, AU

Chaijiangou Mining, CN


EMM Indonesia, ID

Isaac Plains, AU

Integra Coal, AU

Kestrel Coal, AU

Carborough Downs, AU

Poitrel, AU

Drayton, AU

Moatize, MZ

Liuta Mine, CN

Dawson, AU

Mount Thorley, AU

Cuncaota No 2 mine, CN

Cuncaota No 1 mine, CN

Gregory, Joint…

South Walker Creek, AU

Navajo, US

San Juan, US

Saraji, AU

Hail Creek Coal, Met, AU

Wulanmulun, CN

Illawarra Coal, AU


Bengalla, AU

Wakworth, AU

Baotou Energy…

Baode, CN

Peak Downs, AU

Cerrejón, CO

Khutala, ZA


Wanli No.1 mine, CN

Shigetai, CN

Clermont, AU

Goonyella Riverside, AU

Hunter Valley, AU

Shangwan, CN

Halagou, CN

Middleburg, ZA

Bu'ertai, CN

Yujialiang, CN

Mt Arthur, AU

Beidian Shengli…

Bulianta, CN

Ha'erwusu Branch, CN

Heidaigou, CN

Shenbao Energy , CN

Daliuta-Huojitu, CN

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0

Annual production, Mt

Average: 10.3 Mt/year Standard Deviation: 8.41 Mt Median: 8.23 Mt/year


2.3.2 Global production of metals

As Figure 2 illustrated, metals cover less than one fifth of the total minerals production.

The global importance of metals is, however, larger industrially and in everyday life. In

this Chapter, the global production of each metal group is studied: iron and ferroalloy

metals, non-ferrous metals, and precious metals. Iron and ferroalloy metals

Iron and ferroalloy metals are clearly the most highly produced metals in the world. The

majority in this group are iron mines, but other significant ferroalloy minerals are for

example chromium, manganese, nickel and titanium [1, p. 43]. Iron is usually found in

iron oxide ores [39, p. 1]. The most significant iron containing minerals are magnetite,

hematite, goethite and limonite. Iron can be found almost in every country in the world,

but places where mining is economically profitable are not so many. For iron to be cost-

effectively mined, the grade should be 60% iron. However, in China and Russia ore

with a grade as low as 30% is mined [40, p. 2]. Most iron deposits are surface mines,

but there are also underground iron mines [39, pp. 1–2]. The largest iron producing

countries are China, Australia and Brazil, which together produce 70% of the world’s

iron ore [1, pp. 95–96]. The world’s four largest iron mines are all situated in Brazil


Figure 5 displays the annual production of the year 2013 for 36 iron mines, whose pro-

duction together exceed 50% of the world’s iron production [1, p. 53]. As in the inspec-

tion for coal mines (Chapter 2.3.1), the location of the mine is presented after the name

with the international country code [38]. In addition to the previously presented codes,

BR stands for Brazil, SE for Sweden and CA for Canada. The listed iron mines are

owned by BHP [17, p. 48], Vale [26, p. 27], Rio Tinto [36, p. 213], Anglo American

[37, p. 251], and LKAB [42, p. 96]. From the figure it can be noted that as with coal

mines, the sizes of iron mines vary quite a lot from small production (less than one mil-

lion tonnes annually) to very large (over 60 million tonnes a year). When from these

mines the average sized mine is calculated, the annual production would be 18.1 Mt and

the median 13.9 Mt. The standard deviation of the iron mine sizes is 14.8 Mt. There are

ten quite small mines with an annual production less than 10 Mt and four extremely

large mines with an annual production of over 50 Mt a year. Due to the lack of infor-

mation, mine sites in the largest iron producer country, China, are excluded from this

examination. Considering the decreasing trend in iron prices [43] and the fact that ore in

China has a lower grade than in other iron producing countries [44], it can be assumed

that the size of iron mines in China is large rather than small.


Figure 5. Annual production of selected iron mines in 2013 [17, p. 48], [26, p. 25], [36,

p. 213], [37, p. 251], [42, p. 96]

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0

Thabazimbi, ZA

Mt Goldsworthy Yarry, AU

Urucum, BR

Mar Azul, BR

Agua Limpa, BR

Corumbá, BR

Gonco Soco, BR

Abóboras, BR

Córreco do Feiao, BR

Tamanduá, BR

Jangada, BR

Capao Xavier, BR

Fazendao, BR

Capitao do mato, BR

Hamersley, Eastern Range, AU

Kolomela, ZA

Hamersley Channar, AU

Segredo, BR

Fábrica Nova, BR


Iron Ore Company, CA

Alegria, BR

Caue, BR

Hope Down, AU

Conceicäo, BR


Sapacado, BR


Robe River, AU

Samarco, BR

Hamersley Iron, Nammuldi, BR

Kiruna, SE

Brucutu, BR

Sishen, ZA


Mt. Goldswothy Area C, AU

N5, BR

Newman, AU







































Annual Production Kt

Average Production 18.4 Kt/year Standard Deviation 14.81 Median: 13.9

12 Non-ferrous and precious metals

The most abundantly mined non-ferrous metals are aluminum, copper, zinc, and lead.

The most common precious metals are silver and gold [1, pp. 43–44]. The mine sites of

non-ferrous and precious metals are globally spread to all continents, and both surface

and underground operations occur. Underground operations require more investments,

but especially with precious metals if the size of the recovery is reasonable, there is a

high probability for a profitable operation. Many metal mines do not produce only one

metal but on the side a few or many ores are mined. It is quite common that as by-

products of copper mines, gold and silver are mined, and likewise. Pyhäsalmi mine,

producing copper, zinc, and sulfur [45], is an example of a diversified mine operation.

For defining the average non-ferrous metal mine, the production in the year 2013 for 50

mine sites around the world is studied. For precious metals the production in 2013 for

25 gold mines is examined. Information about the mines is provided by mining compa-

nies BHP [17, p. 47,49], Norilsk Nickel [18, pp. 34–35], Vale [26, pp. 47–49], Rio Tin-

to [36, pp. 212–213], Anglo American [37, pp. 252–253], Glencore Xtrata [46, pp. 56–

57], First Quantum Minerals [47, p. 11,12,16], Barrick [48, pp. 39–46], Newmont [49,

p. 27], Teck [50, p. 43], and Goldcorp [51]. From the 50 non-ferrous metal mines exam-

ined, the type of 43 is known: 26 were surface mines, 10 underground operations, and 7

seven mixed mines. With precious metals the corresponding numbers are 20, 3 and 2.

In the non-ferrous metals group, mines that mainly produce copper, nickel, aluminum,

and zinc are included. An average non-ferrous mine produces 2123 kt annually. The

median is 105 kt and the standard deviation 4996 kt. Mines and sites in this group have

the most variation; large mines have the annual production of over 25,000 kilo tonnes,

when small mines have an annual production of only a few kilo tonnes. The largest

mines mainly produce bauxite and the small mines nickel or copper.

For defining the size of an average precious metal mine, gold mines located in Austral-

ia, North- and South America and Africa are studied. The annual production of precious

metals is commonly announced in ounces. Similarly with non-ferrous metals, the devia-

tion in size is large. The standard deviation is 318 kilo ounces (9.0t) and the average

production is 283 thousand ounces (8.0 t). The median of the examined gold mines is

155 thousand ounces (4.4 t).

2.3.3 Global production of industrial minerals

Industrial minerals are minerals that are mostly used as feedstock for other industries

[52, p. 1]. The most common or valuable industrial minerals are industrial salt, gypsum,

sulphur, and diamonds [1, p. 44].


For defining an average industrial mineral mine, the annual productions from 2013 or

2012 (OCP) from some potash, phosphate, salt, and diamond mines owned by Vale [26,

pp. 49–50], Rio Tinto[36, p. 213], PotashCorp[53, p. 62] and OCP[54, p. 16] are exam-

ined. Industrial mineral producers do not give out as much information about separate

mines in English as the other mineral producers do, so the amount of mines studied is

smaller than in the other sections. From the batch of 22 mines, similarities to earlier

inspections can be noted. The size of the mines varies a lot from very small to very

large. Since the price of industrial minerals is not that high, the annual production rates

of even the smallest mines are higher than for example for precious metals. Due to this

reason it can also be assumed that the trend in mine size is increasing. An average in-

dustrial mineral mine has an annual production of approximately 2.9 Mt. The median is

1.9 Mt and the standard deviation 4.0 Mt. With diamond mines the production numbers

are a lot smaller than with other industrial minerals. Since annual productions are meas-

ured in carats (ct), it is rational to inspect diamonds separately. Seven diamond mines

were examined. The average annual production is 6200 ct, the median being 3345 ct,

and the standard deviation 7702 ct.

2.3.4 Summary of the average mines

Table 2 summarizes the average productions, medians and standard deviations of all six

mine types examined in this Chapter. The results indicate that defining one global aver-

age mine is not advisable. However, the inspection of the magnitude of an average mine

for each mine type can be made, even with such a restricted sampling. Common to all

inspections is a large deviation in mine sizes. Coal mines, iron mines and industrial

mineral mines (excluding diamonds) are generally large mines, whereas other metal

mines or diamond mines are significantly smaller. In all mine types there are also very

small operations. In addition, as concerns the really large numbers, there is a possibility,

that in the annual reports the production of many mine sites together are announced.

Table 2. Summary of average sizes of different mine types.

Mine type Average production ( year) Standard deviation Median

Coal mines 10.3 Mt 8.4 Mt 8.23 Mt

Iron mines 18.4 Mt 14.8 Mt 13.9 Mt

Non-ferrous metals 2123 kt 4996 kt 105 kt

Precious metals 8.0 t 9.0 t 4.4 t

Industrial minerals 3.0 Mt 4.0 Mt 1.9 Mt

Diamonds 6200 ct 7702 ct 3345 ct

2.3.5 Operational lifetime of a mine

The lifetime of a mine can roughly be divided into four stages: exploration, mine devel-

opment, mine operation, and mine closure [55]. All stages last for several years and


must be thought of when planning a mine operation. In this thesis the concentration is

merely on the mine’s operation stage.

The operational, also known as the production, stage can vary from a few years to hun-

dreds of years. Generally it is not profitable to build up a mine in a location where the

resources are poor, but exceptions occur [19, p. 14]. If a really small mine operates in

the surroundings of a large mine it can profit from the infrastructure of this mine and be

profitable even if not very productive. The lifetime of the mine does not only depend on

the production rate and grade of ore, but also the politics and environmental issues have

an important role [19, p. 14]. A mine might run out of operational permits before pro-

duction would end, or the world price of the product may change in a way that it is not

profitable to produce anymore In some sites, for example in Australia, it is common that

smaller mines are only operating in an uptrend period and in the downtrend they are

closed [56].

Figure 6 presents the estimated operational lifetime of some mines, whose production

was earlier under inspection. The annual reports of BHP [17, pp. 26–45] and Vale [26,

pp. 60–68] provided information of when the operation was started and when is it esti-

mated to end. From these figures the estimated operational lifetime of a mine was calcu-

lated. After the mine’s name, also the main product is listed. The mines marked with

yellow are iron mines (Fe), black ones produce coal (Coal), brown phosphate (Ph) and

blue other metals such as copper (Cu) or nickel (Ni).

As with the production rate, the deviation between mine lifetimes is quite large, varying

from seven years to 154 years of production. The average lifetime of a mine is 45 years,

having a standard deviation of 47 years. The median is 39 years. There are not many

mines with a really low life expectancy. Normally production for less than 10 years is

not very profitable to set up. On the other hand, mines with the life expectancy of over

100 years are not so numerous, either. The mine sites found in the 21st century have

lower life expectancy than the ones found in the 20th

century. It is reasonable to believe

that such deposits, which would produce for over 100 years are not very easily found

anymore. The operational lifetime of future mines is most likely between 20 and 40



Figure 6. The estimated lifetime of selected mines [17, pp. 26–45], [26, pp. 60–68]. The

mines marked with yellow are iron mines black ones produce coal, brown phosphate

and blue other metals such as copper or nickel.







































0 50 100 150 200

Jangada, Fe

Isaac Plains, coal

Capao Xavier, Fe

Agua Limpa, Fe

Voisey Bay, Cu

Sossego, Cu

Red Dog, Zn

Mt. Keith, Ni

Urucum, Fe

Brucutu, Fe

Moatize, Coal


Alegria, Fe

Fábrica Nova, Fe

Bayóvar, Ph

N5, Fe

N4W, Fe

Araxá, Ph


Integra Coal, coal

Leinster, Ni

Segredo, Fe

N4E, Fe


Tamanduá, Fe

Abóboras, Fe

Caue, Fe

Salobo, Cu

Cerro Matoso, Ni

Capitao do Mato, Fe

Cataláo, Ph

Cajati, Ph

Conceicäo, Fe

Sapacado, Fe

Thompson, Cu

Fazendao, Fe

Samarco, Fe

Sudbury, Cu

Estimated lifetime of the mine, years

Iron Mines Coal Mines Phosphate Mines Other Metals Average & Median Average 45 years Median 39 years Standard deviation 47 years


2.4 The main operational categories in mining

The mining process from extraction of ore to a processed mineral is different depending

on the geography of the mine site, the material mined, the level of the grade, etc. The

basic route, however, is similar in all mining operations. The mining process can rough-

ly be divided into three different stages: extraction, haulage and processing [24], [39].

The functions in extraction are drilling and blasting and depending on the mine type,

topsoil and overburden removal (surface mines) or underground crushing and loading

(underground mines). Haulage means the forms of transportation with equipment like

trucks, skips and conveyors. Processing differs a lot depending on the material mined.

Coal or industrial minerals are hardly processed, while for example copper goes through

many processing stages [57]. All operations require supporting activities, which are for

example dewatering and road maintenance [58, p. 9]. Underground mining operations

also require for example ventilation and backfilling [59, p. 13]. In this study extraction

in surface and underground mines is examined separately, and haulage and processing

together for both mine types. Figure 7 presents the route of iron from ore to the product

in both surface and underground operations [39, p. 7]. Next to each operation, the com-

mon equipment used is listed [24, p. 9].

2.4.1 Extraction

The basic functions of extraction are drilling, blasting and digging, and as supporting

operations pumping and dewatering [24, p. 9]. Significant factors in choosing the most

suitable mining method are the hardness and rate of production of the ore [25, p. 357].

Ores that cannot be mined by mechanical mining machines are called hard rock ores.

Most metals are in this group. Soft rocks are, for example, coal, oil shale, salt, and pot-

ash [23, p.377]. In this Chapter, some of the most common surface and underground

mining methods are briefly introduced. Surface mining methods

The two most common surface mining methods are open cut mining and strip mining

[25, pp. 362–365]. In open cut mining the ore body is removed in slices with large rope

shovels, hydraulic shovels or excavators. For soft rocks, continuous excavation without

drilling and blasting can also be used. In strip mining, the overburden is removed in

long strips so that the ore body can be revealed. The strips are moved straight into a

previously mined void. This method requires the ore to be close to the surface, as often

is for example with coal.


Figure 7. Underground and surface mining processes of iron and typical equipment

used in different operational categories, modified from [24, p. 9],[39, p. 7]. Underground mining methods

Underground mining methods can be divided into three main groups: caving, stoping,

and other methods [25, pp. 366–367, 381]. The caving methods are based on controlled

collapse of the rock mass due to gravity, while in stoping the extraction requires stable

tunneling. Caving methods are block caving, sub-level caving, and longwall mining. In

block caving large low-grade ore bodies can be removed practically as complete blocks.

In sublevel caving ore is partly drilled and blasted and just the overburden is caved by

gravity. Longwall mining is a technique where the material is excavated in slices with

shearers and then conveyed to the surface. In stoping methods a stable void is excavat-

ed, which is then filled with material such as tailings or overburden. The most common

stoping method is the room and pillar method. As the name implies, only pillars in a

regular pattern are left in the cave, while the rest of the ‘room’ is mined. The ore is then

excavated laterally so that no drilling and blasting is required. Other underground min-

ing methods are new methods or innovative combinations of the previous ones devel-

oped to match the unique requirements of some mine sites. An example of such meth-

ods is coal seam methane drainage, which utilizes the physical properties of coal.


2.4.2 Haulage

Haulage is required in each step of mining; the ore or overburden is transported from

one stage to another, ore is lifted to the surface, etc. [60, p. 1457].The most adequate

hauling technique depends on the mining method, distances and geographies in the mine

site as well as the abundance of ore resources. Commonly used haulage equipment, are

haul trucks, conveyor belts, and hoists, such as draglines or skips. Haulage also includes

rail road and marine transport of the processed mineral. In this thesis only the haulage

inside the mine site is considered. Haul trucks

The amount of material hauled with loaders and truck haulers is more than with all other

extraction systems combined. The size of haulage equipment has increased drastically in

the last decades. In 2008 an average truck in an open pit mine had the capacity of 160

tonnes [19, p. 15].The type and size of the hauler depend on the haulage distance and

the quantity of the material. With short distances from a few to 120 meters, it is advisa-

ble to use a truck dozer, which only pushes the material to the following site, or load

and carry equipment such as wheel loaders or hydraulic shovels and mining shovels [29,

pp. 912–913,919]. With distances over 120 meters, scrapers or articulated and rear-

dump trucks are used. Articulated and rear dump trucks have both on-highway and off-

highway applications, of which the on-highway is not commonly used in mines due to

lower productivity. The off-highway rigid-frame trucks are the primary hauling ma-

chines used in mining, with the capacity of 80–325 tonnes. For haulage distances of

over ten kilometers haulage wagons are usually used [29, pp. 919–921].

Similar haul trucks are used in both underground and surface mining. In underground

mining, however, the circumstances create some limitations. For underground haulage,

adapted applications of rear-dump and articulated rear-dump trucks are most commonly

used. In underground applications, more than in surface mines the proper ventilation,

road maintenance and the optimum cycle must be considered so that the productivity is

high and there is no unnecessary traffic in the often narrow roads [29, p. 1149].

The haulers move either with chains or with tires. Tires have a better mobility than

chains, but on the other hand, the tires are very liable to wear. A haul truck experiences

resistance to motion due to friction, which is called rolling resistance. The main con-

tributors to this resistance are the road conditions, the wheel load, and less significantly

tire flexing and internal friction [29, p. 914]. Conveyor belts

The use of conveyor belts in mining haulage has increased in the last decades. The capi-

tal costs between haul trucks and conveyor belts depend a lot on the application, but in


use the conveyor belts are more cost efficient and require less labor and energy. When

the production exceeds 1,000,000 t/year, the haulage distances are more than 5 km, the

vertical lift is more than 250 meters, and the operation can be expected to continue for

at least 7-8 years, it is advisable to build a conveyor belt system. The standard style

conveyor belts are sheet belts supported with idler rolls. In applications where there are

tighter curves, pipe conveyors or a sandwich belt consisting of two separate belts or a

pocket lift application can be used [29, pp. 982–984]. The length of a conveying system

can vary from some meters to over 20 kilometers [61]. Draglines and skips

Draglines are used in sites of flat geology for transporting load, usually overburden, to a

dump point. They are productive, have a life expectancy of over 30 years, and have low

operating costs and requirements for labor. The possible scale of work of the dragline is

50 meters over and 65 meters under the working level, and the buckets have a capacity

of 125 m3. The efficiency of the dragline depends on the ore’s material composition and

production variability. As an average efficiency factor, 70% of the loaders full capacity

is used [29, pp. 903–904,910].

A similar hoisting system can be used also in underground applications. For example

the LKAB Kiruna Iron mine [62, pp. 4–5] and First Quantum Minerals Pyhäsalmi cop-

per mine [45, p. 60] use skips to carry the primary crushed rock to the surface. In Py-

häsalmi, one hoist can carry 20 tonnes and in Kiruna 40 tonnes. The skip is powered by

an electric motor.

2.4.3 Processing

Minerals processing means upgrading and recovering metals or minerals from ores and

transforming them to their purest form. Processing includes many different kinds of

fields of science and engineering, which makes it a complicated stage in mining also

from the point of view of wear. The stage of processing depends a lot on the mineral;

coal or industrial minerals are not processed much, while for example precious metals

require several stages of processing. The efficiency of a metallurgical process is de-

scribed with two concepts, recovery and grade. Recovery means the amount of valuable

material achieved in the concentrate, and grade is the purity of the material. It is im-

portant to obtain an optimum balance between these two. High recovery with low grade

is not desired [60, p. 1455]. The operational efficiency of the processing units is com-

monly very high, reaching 85-90% [56],[63]. Processing can roughly be divided into

two phases; comminution and concentration. The Mining Engineering Handbook [60,

p. 1457] further classifies processing operations to size reduction, size separation, con-

centration, dewatering and aqueous dissolution.

20 Comminution

Size reduction and separation, crushing and grinding the ore are also known as commi-

nution. This process has three reasons: to liberate valuable minerals from the ore matrix,

to increase the surface area for higher reactivity, and to facilitate the transport of the ore

particles between operations. Depending on the material, the comminution circuit has

from a few to several stages which, depending on the source, are named as crushing or

milling. Most commonly the comminution circuit has at least two stages. Table 3 pre-

sents the most common unit operations for different milling stages and the average size

of feed material in each operation [15, p. 1461-62]. The percentage of the indicated size

is presented in the suffix. For example, f80 means that 80% of the feed material must be

of the given size.

Table 3. Unit operations for the stages of comminution, modified from [60, p. 1462] f

presents the percentage of the feed of the material in a given size.

Milling stage Typical top size


Common unit operations

ROM f100=10000 Primary crusher(gyratory/jaw)

Secondary pre-crush

Primary f100=250


AG/SAG/pebble crusher circuit

2nd/3rd/4th crushing circuits

Crusher/ HPCG- circuits

Secondary f100=13 Ball mills

Pebble mills

Tertiary Nominally 0.2 Ball Mill


Vertical shaft mills

Horizontal shaft mills

Primary crushing

The aim of primary crushing is to reduce the size of the run-of-mine (ROM) material for

further haulage and processing. In underground operations primary crushing is usually

done below the surface in order to minimize the energy consumption in haulage [20, p.

11]. The diameter of the material fed to the crusher is usually between 100 and 1,000

millimeters. For primary crushing, jaw crushers and gyratory crushers are the most

commonly used, of which the gyratory crusher is used when feed material input is 1,000

t/h or higher. The jaw crushers are used with lover material input. The crushers can be

permanently located, semi-mobile or mobile. Factors affecting the choice of a crusher

are: the cost of truck haulage against the cost of the mobility of the station, feeding the

crusher, and conveying the crushing product. When crushers are fed with direct truck

dumping, the method is simple but might contain long waiting times, which decrease

the crusher’s utilization rate. With an apron feeder the crusher can be partially discon-

nected from truck dumping, which decreases truck queues and increases the utilization


rate. However, more equipment creates capital and maintenance costs in the mine [60,

pp. 1461–1463].

Secondary crushing/ primary milling

When the top size reduces, a different kind of comminution method is used. The autog-

enous/semi-autogenous mills (AG/SAG mill) are widely used for grinding due to their

ability to comminute the widest range of size (from a diameter of over 100 to 0.1 mm).

The comminution is done through impact, attrition, and abrasion breakage of the ore

serving as media. In autogenous mills the grinding is done by the ore, while in semi-

autogenous mills particles are added to aid the comminution [60, pp. 1471–72]. The

commonly used grinding media are forged steel balls. Together with the AG/SAG mill a

pebble crusher is often used instead of directly recycling the oversized material. Pebble

crusher increases the costs and complexity of the circuit, but on the other hand, it can be

used for bypassing the crusher(s) during maintenance. The aim in all comminution pro-

cesses is to maintain the stockpile size reasonable, which means that the possible

maintenance as well as the load and haul of the material must be thought of in the cir-

cuit planning [60, pp. 1466–68].

Tertiary and quaternary crushing/ secondary and tertiary milling

After secondary crushing and grinding, high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR), cone

crushers, ball mills or pebble mills are commonly used. The HPGR are used especially

with hard minerals. They require more energy than for example cone crusher units (5

MW compared to 750 kW), but the final product is finer than in other milling applica-

tions, and the increased efficiency of the whole plant decreases the number of required

material handling units [60, p. 1469]. Concentration

In concentration the physiochemical properties of the minerals are exploited to separate

the ore. Different methods of concentration are flotation, gravity concentration, and

magnetic and electrostatic concentration [60, p. 1457].


In flotation, air bubbles which collect hydrophobic particles are generated on the surface

of the aqueous slurry formed of oil water and minerals. Flotation is a very common pro-

cessing method, especially for metals. The hydrophobic effect is created with polariza-

tion, and the effect can be increased with addition of chemicals. The particles that re-

main completely wetted stay in the solution [60, p. 1517].


Gravity concentration

In gravity concentration the different densities of minerals are utilized, i.e., heavy min-

erals are separated from the lighter gangue. Separation can be done either with relative

or absolute gravity separation. In relative gravity separation a large difference in the

densities is required, while in absolute gravity separation a gravity intermediate is used

so that the difference in densities does not need to be so large. In magnetic and electro-

static concentration, the electrical conductivity and magnetic susceptibility of the min-

erals are utilized [60, p. 1457,1507].

Dewatering and aqueous dissolution

Many of the minerals processing operations are conducted in aqueous solutions. With

the help of thickeners and filters, water can be separated from minerals. Metals can also

be separated from the ore by dissolving them [60, p. 1457].

2.5 Energy consumption in the mining industry

In this Chapter, the energy consumption in the global mining industry is examined.

First, the energy consumption and emissions of large mining companies are studied and

estimated how much energy is used in producing one tonne of ore. Second, the energy

distribution between operations of surface and underground mining is reviewed. From

the energy distribution between surface and underground mines, a summary is made and

compared to the global framework. As in earlier studies, the operations are divided into

extraction, haulage and processing. In addition to these three operations, the group of

supporting activities is examined.

2.5.1 Energy consumption of some large mining companies

The total energy consumption in the world in 2013 was 8979 Mtoe [10]. The share of

mining in the total consumption is approximately 5% globally[4]–[6], which corre-

sponds to 450 Mtoe or 18,840 PJ. Of the total global energy consumption, 65% is from

burning fossil fuels [10], the use of which is very common also in the mining industry.

In mining company Vale’s [60 p.80 ] production, the portion of fossil fuels was 70%,

and in BHP Billinton’s production [65, p. 25] 55% of the total energy use. The use of

fossil fuels is relatively higher in the developing industrial countries [10] such as China

and India.

In addition to the energy consumption, the mining sector is a large emitter of green-

house gases (GHG). The main sources for GHG emissions are combustion of diesel

fuels during mining activities and electricity generation [66][65, p. 26]. Norgate et al.

[67] suggest that even 50% of the GHG emissions in mining are due to the loading and

hauling operations. The emissions can be divided into direct and indirect emissions,


from which direct emissions are straight consequences of activities. These emissions

can also be divided into three different areas known as scopes: scope one includes all

indirect emissions, scope two indirect emissions from consumption of purchased ener-

gy, and scope three all other indirect emissions [68]. The GHG emissions are measured

with a carbon equivalent (CO2e), which evaluates the emissions according to their glob-

al warming potential [69].

Table 4 lists the annual energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of some

mining companies in 2013: BHP Billiton [17][65, p. 25], Vale [26][64, p. 79], Rio Tinto

(RT) [36] [70, p. 45], Anglo American (AA) [37, pp. 251–253][71, p. 17], Glencore

Xtrata (GX) [46, p. 13] and Freeport McMoran (FM) [72][73, pp. 14–20]. As additional

information, the geographical location as well as the main operations and main products

mined are reported. The GHG emissions are emissions of scope 1 and 2. The energy

consumption and GHG emissions are divided by the annual production in order to ob-

tain the corresponding number per produced tonne (pt).

Table 4. Energy consumption and GHG emissions of large mining companies [17], [26],

[36], [37, pp. 251–253], [46, p. 13], [64, p. 79], [65, p. 25], [70, p. 70], [71, p. 17], [72,

pp. 14–20], [73].


Location of

main opera-








GHG emissions


Mt/year PJ/year MJ/pt Mt/year Mt/pt



Fe, Cu


296 325

1097 22 0.16

Vale BR, AU Fe, 370 0.15 0.0004 14 0.04



Al, Cu, Fe


301 483

1605 83 0.27



Fe, Cu,


131 63

477 9 0.07



Cu, Ni,


250 285

1139 26 0.16



Cu Au


296 98

1097 6 0.16

Table 4 indicates that both energy consumption and emissions of larger companies are

high. The total annual energy consumption of BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto corresponds

to 25–30% of the total annual energy consumption in Finland in 2013 [74]. When inves-

tigating the estimated energy consumptions/produced tonne it is noticed that the energy

consumption is very case dependent. For example, metals which require many stages of

processing (copper, precious metals, aluminum), also require more energy, while coal

operations cope with less. Also fewer large operations are more efficient than many

small. This is one of the reasons for the low numbers of Vale. Other reasons might be

that all of the company’s operations are surface mines and that the company produces a


lot of its own energy and the annual report reports only the bought energy. If Vale is

excluded from the study, the energy consumption/produced tonne varies from 477–1605

MJ/pt. Coal company Shenhua [35, p. 18][75, pp. 93–94] and gold company Barrick

[76] presented their energy consumption/produced tonne directly in their annual re-

ports. The number for Shenhua is only 1.38 MJ/pt while for Barrick it is 274 MJ/tonne

produced. In the American Bandwidth Study [24] the total energy consumption in min-

ing was reported to be approximately 2460 MJ/tonne of ore produced (2713 tons). The

greenhouse gas emissions of the mining companies vary from 6 to 83 Mt annually. As a

comparison, the GHG emissions of Finland where 64 Mt in 2012 [77]. The GHG emis-

sions per tonne produced vary from 0.04–0.27 Mt CO2e.

2.5.2 Energy distribution in surface mining operations

Figure 8 presents the energy consumption in different surface mining operations. The

numbers are obtained from a report comparing the energy use of several surface mines

made by Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation [58]. Figure 8 illustrates

all the individual operations and categorization to the main operations: extraction, min-

erals processing, haulage and supporting activities. To illustrate different categories the

following, colors are used in Figure 8: operations in red are a part of extraction, blue

indicates processing, green haulage, and purple supporting activities.

From the categories it can be noted that processing requires almost half of the total en-

ergy (49%), supporting activities and haulage both a fifth (19 and 21%), and extraction

only a tenth (11%). The largest individual energy consumer in surface mining opera-

tions is other processing (28.9%). This category includes the different kinds of concen-

tration processes described in Chapter 2.3.4. The second largest individual energy con-

sumer is grinding (16.1%). After processing operations, the largest energy consumer is

transport; waste rock transport (10.7%) and ore transport (8.5%).

2.5.3 Energy distribution of underground mining operations

Figure 9 displays a similar investigation for underground mines. The results are averag-

es based on the information provided by the report made by the Canadian Industry Pro-

gram for Energy Conservation [59]. As in Figure 8, the energy consumption percent-

ages of individual operations and the total energy consumption of the categorized

groups are presented. The colors used in the Figure 9 are the same as in Figure 8: opera-

tions in red are a part of extraction, in blue processing, green haulage, and purple sup-

porting activities.


Figure 8. Distribution of energy consumption in surface mining, modified from [58].

In underground activities, a large part of the energy consumption goes to supporting

activities; the most energy is consumed in ventilation (24%) and mill hydrating and

lighting (22.5%). In total, the supporting activities account for over a half (56%) of the

total energy consumption. When examining the actual mining operations, the results are

very similar to the surface mine numbers; the most highly energy-consuming operations

are the processing stages like separation, grinding, crushing, and filtration. The total

energies used in extraction (8%) and haulage (9%) are quite the same as in surface op-




















Process water

Other plant


Mine support


Waste rock transport



Other processing

Waste rock drilling

Waste rock blasting

Waste rock digging

Waste rock handling





49% 19%







Figure 9. Distribution of energy consumption in underground mining, modified from


2.5.4 Energy distribution of a global mine

Table 5 summarizes the results of the two previous Chapters. The numbers for both sur-

face and underground mines are presented as percentages of energy consumption of

each operation as well as in the corresponding energy values in petajoules. On the bot-

tom line, the energy consumptions of these two operations are summed together and the



















Mill hydrating and lightning

Mill support

Tailings disposal




Other underground support


Transport to mill

Underground transport




Thickening, filtaration and drying

Underground crushing





9% 8%







energy consumption of each operation in an average mine is estimated. As estimated in

Chapter 2.1, the number of underground mines or mixed mines represents one third of

the global mining industry. The total energy consumption of an underground mine is,

however, at least double of a corresponding surface mine. This means that the total en-

ergy is distributed more or less evenly between these two types of mines.

Table 5. Summary of the energy distribution in surface and underground mines[58],


Operations Total



Extraction Haulage




PJ % PJ % PJ % PJ % PJ

Surface mine


9400 11 1034 19 1786 49 4606 21 1974


mine (30%)

9400 9 846 8 752 27 2538 56 5264

Global aver-


18800 10 1880 13.5 2538 38 7144 38.5 7238

Table 5 indicates that in a global mine most of the energy is consumed in the supporting

activities and comminution processes. Transportation is a large energy consumer in sur-

face mines, but from a global point of view its fraction is relatively low, only 14%. Ex-

traction is the only operation, which is almost similar in both types of mines. The ener-

gy consumption of the comminution process has also been noted by Ziemski et al. [78],

who propose that the energy consumption of comminution (crushing and grinding) is as

high as 75% and that of flotation over 20% of the total energy consumption. The sup-

porting activities were not included in this study. The potential energy savings in min-

ing operations have been studied in the Swedish Smart Mine of the Future (MIFU) re-

port [20], as well as in a study of energy consumption of mining three metal ores, iron,

copper, and bauxite by Norgate et al. [67]. The MIFU report proposes that annual ener-

gy savings of 30% are possible, where the cutback in energy usage in ventilation is on

average 20%, in grinding 24%, and in haulage 18%. Norgate and Hague propose energy

savings of 50% in haulage, 23% in ventilation, and 71% in crushing and grinding. The

energy savings are obtained by improving the practices and energy efficiency of the


2.6 Wear and friction in the mining industry

Wear and friction are strongly present in the mining industry. These phenomena are not

always negative but can also be used to advantage. This thesis, however, will be con-

centrating on the energy consumption caused by these two. In this Chapter, the types of

wear and friction most commonly encountered in the mining industry are presented.

Wear is usually classified by the dominant wear mechanism to abrasive, adhesive, tri-


bochemical and fatigue wear [79, p. 8], [80, p. 3]. Another classification method is by

the types of relative motion between the surfaces. The types of motion are sliding, roll-

ing, oscillation, impact, and erosion. Friction is defined as the encountered resistance

when one body moves over another. The types of friction are sliding and rolling friction

[50, p 22]. Adhesive and tribochemical wear

Adhesive wear occurs due to the formation and breakage of adhesive bonds. If the

strength of the adhesive bond is less than the strength of the attaching surfaces, the bond

can disintegrates from one or both of the surfaces. If the bond breaks off from both at-

taching surfaces, an extra particle is formed. This particle can act as an abrasive and

cause more wear. When the adhesive wear is only mild, the surface might be able to

protect itself with an oxide layer. When the adhesive wear is more severe, there is not

enough time for the oxide layer to form. The best ways to prevent adhesive wear are

lubrication and materials selection. In tribochemical wear the fragile layer formed by

the atmosphere and reactants suffers from wear. This type is also known as mild adhe-

sive wear and it occurs as long as the circumstances do not change [33, pp. 8–9,11]. Abrasive wear

Abrasive wear is the most common mechanism in mining; more than half of occurring

wear is abrasive. The most common abrasive wear modes are ploughing, cutting and

cracking [79, p. 9]. Ploughing occurs commonly with low wear rates and attack angles.

It is a typical mode for ductile materials. Cutting wear occurs with higher wear angles,

and the wear rates are also higher. Cutting wear occurs often in bars and facings of

grinding mills. Cracking occurs due to impacts on a highly stressed surface. This wear

mode is common for brittle materials. Cracking is found for example in sieves, slurry

pumps, and tools used to mold soft soil.

Abrasive wear can also be classified according to the ability of the abrasive particles to

move. When the particles can freely move between two surfaces, the situation is called

three-body abrasion. When particles for example rub against a surface and do not freely

move, the situation is called two-body abrasion. Commonly wear is more severe in two-

body abrasion, because in three-body abrasion a lot of the energy of the abrasives goes

to the movement between the surfaces. When investigating the resistance of a material

to abrasive wear, the most important factor is the relation between the abrasive and the

material exposed to wear. The hardness of the material also has an effect on the wear

resistance [79, p. 10]. Fatigue wear

Fatigue wear occurs due to repetitive cyclic loading. The released wear particles leave a

pit on the surface, which later develops into cracks. Fatigue can appear quite suddenly

and it often exists simultaneously with other wear modes. Fatigue occurs typically in

lubricated parts, such as gear wheels, bearings, and slug rolls [79, p. 11].

29 Friction

The force that resists the relative motion between bodies in contact is called friction.

The ratio between the frictional force and the normal load is also known as the coeffi-

cient of friction. The coefficient of friction is measured separately for the static motion

(initializing) and for dynamic motion (keeping up the movement). The relation depends

on the two materials in contact and the environment. The coefficients of friction can

vary from very small (0.001) to as high as 10, but commonly values are between one

and zero. It is more difficult to start the movement than to maintain it, and therefore the

coefficients of static friction are higher than the dynamic values [81, pp. 22–24]. The

friction force plays a very important role for example in vehicles [79, p. 6]. Wear lifetime of a material

The wear rate of a material depends hardly ever on just one factor; there are many as-

pects in the total behavior of the material wear. Figure 10 displays a graph provided by

Metso [80, p. 4], which demonstrates the factors that influence the wear lifetime. The

most important factors are the properties of the material and the abrasive (hardness,

abrasiveness, toughness, etc.), but just as important are the operational conditions (feed,

crusher parameters, speed and loading of the truck etc.) and the environmental factors

such a moisture and temperature.

Figure 10. Factors influencing the wear lifetime, modified from [55, p. 4].

30 Measuring the wear rates

There are basically three ways to measure the wear rate of a material. The first method

is to measure wear in the service with field tests. It is, however, difficult to assure that

the operational conditions and the wear rate stay stable. The second option is testing

only a few components in a controlled environment. The third option is to calculate the

wear rates with the help of theoretical equations [81, pp. 198–205]. A commonly used

equation is the Archard’s wear model, which calculates the volume loss as a function of

normal load, sliding distance, and hardness of the material [82]. Wear and friction can

both be slowed down with the selection of materials, change of the operational

conditions, and with the help of lubrication.

2.7 Maintenance and utilization rate

Maintenance is an important factor for efficient and sustainable production. The diverse

and complex equipment used and the different environments of mine sites bring chal-

lenges also for maintenance [83]. From the net costs of a mine operation the part of

maintenance is approximately 25% [84, p. 329]. Over half (51%) of the maintenance

costs go to the processing unit, 41% to the mine, and the rest (8%) to other operations

[84, p. 330].

The maintenance of a device can be divided into preventing, improving and interference

maintenance [84, p. 330]. The preventing, improving and other planned maintenance

together account for two thirds of the maintenance operations, while the amount of in-

terference maintenance is only one third [85]. The trend in maintenance is towards in-

creasing prevention and less interference maintenance. Maintenance costs can be divid-

ed into own labor, purchased materials, and subcontracted services [84]. The corre-

sponding numbers for mines/processing units are: salaries 32%/20%, materials

52%/46% and subcontracted services and materials 16%/34%. In the last ten years the

role of subcontracting has also increased in all operations, so this division might also

look a little bit different. The total costs of maintenance, however, have not decreased

[85]. Figure 11 presents the different forms of maintenance and the costs they cause.

A disturbance in some device can cause stoppage of the entire production. The mainte-

nance of these critical devices must be carefully planned in order to keep the total pro-

duction efficient. Many suppliers provide also programs that allow surveillance for ex-

ample of the wear of the grinding mill liners. The total cost of spare parts is on average

5-8% of the device’s repurchase price [86, p. 156]. The main maintenance costs are

caused by inspections or changing of wear parts such as loader liners or crusher jaws.

The most commonly used wear materials are steel and rubber; generally rubber is rec-

ommended with very small incidence angles and steel for medium angles [84, p. 340].


Figure 11. Maintenance operations and the costs they cause.

The requirements for maintenance for one tonne of ore recovered are in Finland on av-

erage 0.1h/t. [59 p. 334]. This would mean that for a daily operation of 10,000 tonnes

1,000 hours of maintenance is required. Mining service supplier Ventyx [83] proposes

that currently even 60% of the work force of a mine site actually work in the mainte-

nance sector.

The salary costs of maintenance include the actual salary of the employee, holiday re-

muneration, sick leave compensations, and other social costs such as the pension contri-

butions. The salary is influenced by the nature of the work, work-years, and extra com-

pensation for shift work. According to the collective agreement of the Finnish metal

workers union [61 p.29], the average salary in 2014 in the field of maintenance is 12.02

euros/h. The compensation for evening/night shifts is 1.15/2.11 euros/hour. Assuming

that one third of the shifts is done in the day, one third in the evening, and the last third

at night, the average salary is 13.15 €/h. The Finnish entrepreneurs [88] provide a coun-

ter to evaluate the costs of one employee; on average 30% of the salary must be added

as social costs. The hourly costs of maintenance are then approximately

13.15€+3.95€=17.1€. In this thesis an hourly cost of 17€ will be used.

The utilization rate of a device means the percentage of capacity of the device that is in

use. A utilization rate of 100% is almost impossible to achieve, but for example rates of

95% are possible if maintenance is carefully planned and no surprises occur. The opera-

tion efficiency means the time that the machine actually operates as planned, and it

normally is 75– 90% in mining [29, p. 932]. In the USA the average utilization rate in

mining between 1972-2013 was 87.3% [89], as for all industries the average in USA

was only 80%. Globally the utilization rate in mining can be assumed to be a little bit


Improving Maintenance

Interference Maintenance

Preventing Maintenance



Idle costs



As Chapter 2.5 indicated, the largest energy consumers in the actual mining operations

are processing and haulage. In the following three chapters, a more thorough examina-

tion of three energy consuming mining devices is made: an off-highway haul truck, a

jaw crusher, and a grinding mill. In all three cases the relation between wear, friction

and energy consumption is studied from two perspectives.

First, the total energy consumption of the device is evaluated; how much of the total

energy is used for the main function and how much is lost due to friction. A total energy

breakdown is made by applying data from previous studies of Holmberg et al. [7]–[9].

The energy input is divided into the force to resist motion, mechanical work, and cool-

ing. The mechanical work is further divided into energy losses caused by friction and

wear, and the remaining energy used for the actual operation. Figure 12 demonstrates

the energy breakdown of a device.

Second, the extent of wear in the device is examined. The degree of wear is rather com-

plicated to transform to energy directly so the energy losses caused by wear are exam-

ined through the costs caused by wear. The examination is done by dividing the device

into components and by separately examining the wear and operational life of these

components. The maintenance required for each device is also studied, and an evalua-

tion of the total maintenance required is made. Figure 13 illustrates the costs caused by

wear. The operational lifetimes are estimated case-dependently, by literature search, and

based on private discussions with specialists in the field in question. The components

with a wear life of less than a year are considered as severe wear components, and the

ones with longer operational life as not-so-severe wear components. The annual re-

placement need and cost of spare parts are more closely examined from severe wear

components as well as from components that are known to create large costs due to

wear. In the end of each chapter, a comparison with other equipment used for similar

operations is made. All three case studies are summarized in Chapter 7.

It must be noted that the operational life of the device in question is linked to the utiliza-

tion rate. Grinding mills have a very high utilization rates whereas the rates of jaw

crushers or haul trucks are lower. Each case is considered in its own framework. The

idle times are considered as part of normal operation so that they are recognized in the

utilization rate. No separate inspection of idle costs is made. In many cases wear/spare

parts can be replaced or reused. Using a half worn component, for example a tire, is,

however, not energy efficient. To simplify the framework, in the following cases it is

assumed that after severe wear all parts are changed to new ones.


Figure 12. Energy breakdown of a device.

Figure 13. Costs caused by wear.

All calculations are made with an assumption that the mine could be in operation 24

hours a day for 365 days a year so that the total would be 8760 operational hours annu-

ally. As a material example, iron is used. All calculations are made in euros using the

Finnish price and salary levels as the framework.



Haulage is one of the largest single energy consumers in surface mining operations

(Chapter 2.4.1). In this chapter, an off-highway rigid-frame haul truck with the capacity

of 90 tons (91,400 kg) is examined in more detail. For defining the framework, Caterpil-

lar model 777G off-highway trucks are used. Figure 14 displays the off-highway haul

truck [90]. Table 6 summarizes the key technical data of the truck model CAT-777 [90].

The nominal payload is achieved with a full load of clinker coal or a half load of iron

ore. Carbon, with the density of 0.6 t/m3

[91], weight only 38 tonnes while iron ore has

the density of 1.2 t/m3

and the full load would have a weight of 77 tonnes. The average

utilization rate of a haul truck is ~70% [92][93], which corresponds to ~17 working


Figure 14. A Rigid-frame haul truck CAT-777 [90].

Table 6. Technical data of the haul truck CAT-777 [90].

Mass: Total Weight (t) Nominal payload (t) Weight loaded (t)

167.2 91.4 229

Body :

Width (mm) Length (mm) Depth (max) (mm) Capacity (m3)

1200 6850 1895 64.1


Gross Power (kW) Net Power (kW)

765 683


4.1 Energy consumption of a haul truck

Haulage in mines is commonly measured as haulage cycles. One haulage cycle includes

the load time, the travel time, the dump time, and the travel empty. The productivity of

a haulage cycle depends on the equipment used and the special features of that mine site

(road elevations, weather conditions etc.). The Mining Engineering Handbook [29, p.

938] defines the average haul time to be 100–180 seconds (2–3 minutes). The dump

time can be expected to be similar. Other factors such as road conditions, traffic or park-

ing can also add minutes to the cycle. Table 7 presents an example of the haulage cycle.

The speed of an empty truck is approximately 35km/h and the speed of the loaded truck

20 km/h [94]. In this example the distance between the load and dump points is 10 km.

With a full load the time for the transport is 30 minutes and with an empty load the time

is approximately 20 minutes. The time for haul and dump takes 3 minutes each (180s),

and the time for other occurrences is estimated to be 4 minutes. This totals in a cycle

time of one hour, which results in 17 cycles per day.

Table 7. An example of a haulage cycle.

Speed (km/h) Distance (km) Time (min)

Truck, empty 35 10 30

Truck, full 20 10 20

Haulage/dump 0 3/3

Other 0 4

Total time 60

The average fuel consumption of a haul truck is difficult to define. The fuel consump-

tion depends on the mass and speed of the vehicle, road conditions as well as the driver.

In previous studies made in the University of British Columbia by J Parreira et al. [94]

it was noted that variations in the fuel consumption of the same vehicle can vary even

16% depending on the driver. When examining the mass and speed, the fuel consump-

tion is linear; heavier vehicles use more energy, as does increased speed or variations of

speed. In a research made by VTT [95], different trucks of various weight classes were

compared. The fuel consumption of a 30 000 tonne truck was 30 liters/100km and the

consumption of a 60 000t truck was 55 liters/100km. Adapting these figures to a truck

of 167.2/229 tonnes (empty/loaded), the corresponding numbers would be 160 l/100km

and 220 l/100km. The idling time of the truck varies from 10–15% of the cycle [94]. In

this example, the idling time has been assumed to be 10 minutes, which is equivalent to

17% of the cycle. The energy content of one liter of gasoline is approximately 8.9kWh/l

[96]. Table 8 lists the assumed fuel and energy consumption in one haulage cycle and

correspondingly in a day and in a year. The hourly fuel consumption numbers are aver-

ages from different driving styles from the open pit haul truck study by Parreira et al.



Table 8. The fuel consumption of a haul truck [94]

Empty truck Loaded truck Idling truck Total

Time (h) 0.33 0.5 0.17 1

Speed (km/h) 35 20 0

Distance (km/day) 150 150 0 300

Fuel consumption


150 406 27

Fuel consump-


49.5 203 4.5 257

Fuel consumption


842 3451 77 4369

Fuel consumption


307148 27923 1259615 1594685

Energy consumption


440 1807 40 2287

Energy consumption


7489 30712 681 38884

Energy consumption


2733613 11210574 248510 14192697

The energy distribution of vehicles has been examined in the previous studies by

Holmberg et al. [7][8]. These studies indicate that the total energy losses in passenger

and heavy duty vehicles are as high as 60–80%. Using these studies as a framework, the

energy breakdown for heavy-duty vehicles is made. Larger vehicles are more energy

efficient so the energy for the mechanical power can be assumed to be a little over half

of the consumption. In the bus and truck study single-unit and semi-trailer trucks, city

busses and coaches were researched. The driving conditions of a haul truck are very

similar to a city bus; the speed is low and there is a lot of braking. From the mechanical

power it can be assumed that half of the energy is lost due to friction. In the mine sites

there is commonly a lot of variation in the altitudes, so a large part of energy is lost in

the brakes as well as for rolling friction. In total, approximately one third of the fuel

energy is used to move the vehicle. Figure 15 illustrates an estimation of the energy

consumption for an average heavy duty vehicle. Table 8 summarizes that in one year a

haul truck of 225 tons consumes 1,594,685 liters of gasoline. The annual friction losses

of 24% conclude as 382,724 liters of gasoline.


Figure 15. Estimation of the energy distribution of a heavy-duty vehicle.

4.2 Wear of haul truck components

The main parts of a haul truck are the truck frame, tires, diesel engine, and transmission

[90]. The operational life of the main components of these parts is studied in the follow-

ing chapter.

4.2.1 Truck frame

The main components in the truck frame are the truck chassis and the dumb body. The

frame parts are commonly made of steel [97], but nowadays lighter materials such as

aluminum, fiberglass or plastic composites, and carbon fiber are also used [98]. The

form of the truck’s dumb body depends on the main application used. In CAT-777, a

dual slope body is used for haulage with slopes, a X-body for feeding a crusher, and a

coal body for lightweight materials [90]. In this case example, a dual slope body is used.

The dumb body is exposed to heavy impacts during loading, pressure during transport,

and sliding abrasion during the unloading process. The operational lifetime of a haul

truck is assumed to be 10 years [99], [100]. Commonly the truck chassis or body is not

changed in this time-period. To increase the body lifetime, it can be lined with steel or

rubber [90], [101]. The most suitable liner material [102] is chosen according to the

angle of impact; when the angle is really low or high, it is recommended to use rubber,

with medium angles of 50–70, both materials are good. Rubber liners cost even 60%

more than steel liners. However, rubber liners require 10% less maintenance and have

lower energy consumption. The structure of the liner plates can be flat or have a lattice

structure [103]. In this example, steel plates are used. The optimum thickness of the

liner depends on the particle size as well as on the drop height. An average thickness


value for rubber is 125 mm and for steel 25 mm [102]. The linings are commonly made

of rectangular pieces. Assuming that the truck body would be covered with plates of the

size 1140 mm*580*25mm, the total amount of plates required would be approximately

42 liner pieces. The 42 steel plates weight approximately 5,500 kg. The operational life

of the plates is quite long as the periods of impact are really short. Figure 16 presents a

rubber liner after 5200 service hours [102], showing that there are not yet severe marks

of wear. It can be assumed that the life of the liner can be up to 10,000 operational

hours. If each plate requires eight bolts, the total amount of bolts required would be 336.

The bolts are commonly made of steel or wear resistant steel [104]. The main wear

mechanism of the bolts is fatigue [105], [106], which implies a relatively long wear life.

One bolt can be used for 20,000 operational hours, which would mean that the same

bolts can be used for two sets of liners. The possibility to reuse bolts is checked when

the linings are changed. Table 9 present the wear and estimated operational life of haul

truck components. The operational hours are converted to years based on the utilization

rate of the device.

Table 9. Wear and estimated operational life of the haul truck body components [99],

[100], [102], [104], [105].

Part Material Size Main wear mechanisms

Operational life (h)

Operational life (years)



Steel Impact wear,

sliding erosion

50 000 10

Body Steel 1200*1895*6850 Impact wear,

sliding erosion

50 000 10

Linings (42


Steel 1140*580*25 Impact wear,

sliding erosion

10 000 2

Liner bolts

(336 piec-





Fatigue 20 000 4


Figure 16. Rubber liner after 5200 operational hours [102].

4.2.2 Engine

Wear rates of diesel engine parts are generally not high. Engine manufacturer Caterpil-

lar [107] promises for its engines a life of 750,000 miles (1210,000 km), which in use at

20 km/h leads to 60,500 operational hours. Engine producer Wärtsilä [108] promises for

its engines a life of 100–200,000 operational hours, corresponding to a service life of 25

years. Due to the complexity of an engine system, only commonly recognized wear

components [108], [109] are included in this study. These are cylinder liners, seals and

gaskets, piston rings, turbo bearings and seals, valves guides and seats, and main and

rod bearings. The main wear mechanisms in the engine parts are fatigue and corrosion.

Table 10 lists the main wear mechanisms and operational lives in common diesel engine

components [99], [110]–[112].The engine system is divided into the motor, transmis-

sion and hydraulics.

Table 10 shows that in engines the effect of wear is not severe. Most of the wearing

parts have an operational life of more than 2000 hours. The only exceptions are the oil

filter and the breather. These components are, however, quite cheap and thus their influ-

ence on the total wear analysis is negligible.


Table 10. Wear and estimated operational life of the haul truck diesel engine compo-

nents [99], [110]–[112].

Part Material Main wear mechanism

Operational life (h)

Operational life (years)


Turbocharger High temperature

strength alloys

Fatigue, corro-


10000 2.0

Vee belt Polymers Fatigue 5000 1.0

Start engine High temperature

strength alloys

Fatigue, corro-


9000 1.9

Valves, seats,


Metallic compo-

sites, elastomers

and plastics

Fatigue, corro-


15000 3

Transmission 7000 1.5

Converter Forged steel Fatigue 10000 2.1

Front axle Forged steel Fatigue 8000 1.7


Cylinders Cast



Fatigue 9000 1.9

Hydraulic pump Polymers 7000 1.5

Oil filter, breather Polymers 2000 0.4

4.2.3 Tires

The tires used in the haul truck model of this study are standard tires manufactured by

EROCK with a diameter of 2700 mm. The material of the tires is fiber reinforced rub-

ber. The main components of the tire are the tire part and the rim. Table 11 summarizes

the key technical data of EROCK tires [113].

Table 11. Technical data of haul truck EROCK tires [113].

Weight (kg) 1630

Diameter (mm) 2700

Loaded radius (mm) 1250

Loaded Width (mm) 825

Thread depth (mm) 75

The main reason for tire wear is scrubbing in different forms. Scrubbing occurs when

the vehicle reduces speed and the tires slide. Tire wear rate is influenced by many fac-

tors, which are the driving style, tire position, material properties of the tire, vehicle

traction properties, road conditions, and weather [114]. The weight distribution of the

four tires is not even; normally the rear tires wear more because the weight is more fo-

cused to the back.


The average lifetime of a truck tire is typically estimated to be 100,000 km, which in the

daily drive of 340 km would mean a tire usage of 10 months. The lifetime, however,

depends a lot on the truck usage and loads, and for the demanding circumstances of

mines, it can be assumed to be less. The weight loss of a tire in its lifetime can vary

from a few grams to even a total of 10 kg in a truck [114].

The estimated tire wear rates vary from 189 to 768 mg/vehicle kilometer (vkm) [115, p.

5]. The average wear rate is then 574 mg/vkm. Considering that in mining applications

the wear rate is probably higher than on average, a reasonable value is 600 mg/vkm,

which means that for a daily drive of 300 km the wear loss in a year would be 65.7 kg.

Another option to measure the wear rate was presented in a research made in the Uni-

versity of British Columbia [94]. In the calculations of the wear rate, the variations of

speed and temperature in the tire were taken into account. Instead of the mass loss, the

wear rate in millimeters was measured directly. Table 12 presents the average rates of

three different driving styles. The wear rates in each stage of the haulage cycle were

studied separately and summed together to find out the total wear in a cycle. Wear in a

day and in a year were also examined. The results clearly indicate that wear increases

with mass and speed; the wear rate of a loaded truck is almost the double of an empty


Table 12. Wear in a haul truck tire [94].

Empty truck

Loaded truck

Idling truck Total

Wear rate (mm/h) 0.01267 0.0243 0.0032

Time (h) 0.33 0.5 0.17 1

Wear in a circle (mm) 0.0042 0.0121 0.0005 0.0169

Wear in a day, (mm) 0.27

Wear in a year (mm) 105

Wear in a tire is commonly measured as the loss of thickness of the tire. Tire wear can

be examined with electronic devices, but a more common procedure is the manual in-

spection. In use even 80% of tires fail before wearing out [60, p. 870].The estimated

operational lifetime of a tire is 2,000 hours [99]. Figure 17 presents wear in a tire [116].


Figure 17. Wear in a truck tire [116].

The most commonly used rim type for haul trucks is a one-piece rim. The rims are typi-

cally made of aluminum or steel [117]. In addition to tire wear, the wheel rim can suffer

from damages, such as bends or dents [118]. A common cause of damages is overload-

ing of the rim. Wear in a rim occurs mainly due to fatigue, and if no severe external

damages occur, the operational life of the rim is high, even 12,000 operational hours

[99]. Table 10 summarizes the wear characteristics and estimated operational life of tire


Table 13. Wear and estimated operational life of the haul truck tire components [99].

Part Material Main wear mechanisms Operational life


Operational life


Tire Rubber Scrubbing 2000 0.4

Rim Steel Fatigue 12000 2.5

4.2.4 Maintenance and wear parts costs of a haul truck

The truck requires daily planned and unplanned maintenance. A longer maintenance

stop is commonly done every half a year or so. Planned maintenance includes inspec-

tion of the truck parts, changing of worn or broken parts, and cleaning and lubrication

[119]. Also the maintenance of haul roads can be included in the haul truck mainte-

nance; dust, potholes, corrugations and loose material increase wear and damages in the

haul truck [114]. The largest wear related maintenance procedure is changing the tires,

which is done approximately twice a year. The changing operation includes changing

the sealing ring, the inner ring and if necessary, the inner rim and the rim liner [118].

Monitoring the condition of the tires can be done for example with the help of computer


programs. Table 14 presents the maintenance operations and their recommended fre-

quency for a haul truck [110].

Table 14. Maintenance operations of a haul truck [110].

Operation Frequency

Inspections of the motor, breaks, cooling and

the engine oil level. Filling the fuel tank.


Inspections of tire condition and air pressure

and liner condition, axle and bearing lubrica-

tion. Washing the vehicle.


Changing the oil filters and breathers. Every 3 months

Inspections of frame and body, changing the


Every 6 months

Changing the box liners. Every 12 months

Maintenance work done every 2-4 years

(electrical components, cooling system ad-

justments etc.)

Done in the annual


In the study made in the University of British Columbia [94], it was estimated that

2.64h/truck is used daily for planned maintenance and 1.16 h/truck for unplanned

maintenance. This would result in total in 3.9h/truck/day or 27.3h/week and

1420h/truck in a year. Most of the maintenance procedures are wear-related. Assuming

the division between wear-related and other maintenance to be 80/20%, the annual

wear-related maintenance hours are ~1150.

Table 15 shows the estimated prices of the most common wear parts of haul truck com-

ponents. Shipping costs, other service fees or value added tax are not taken into account

in this study. Orders of all wear parts can be assumed to be in large quantities, which

will decrease the price from the average. The prices of tires were examined from three

producers, Nokian Renkaat [120], Goodyear [121, p. 4] and Bridgestone [122, p. 9].

The price varies from less than 500 to almost 1,500 euros/tire. In this thesis the price for

one tire is taken as 1,000 euros and for one haul truck 4,000 euros. Oil filter prices vary

from 5 to 30 euros [123], so as an average we can use 10 euros. Breather prices vary

from 10 to 40 euros [124], from which an approximate value of 20 euros/filter is used.

In an engine there are on average 9 filters and 2 breathers, which are recommended to

be changed every three months [110]. Assuming the steel to have a price of 1.30€/kg

[125], new bed liners weighting 5500 kg would cost 7,150€. When liner bolts are added

to the total, the cost of a new liner can be assumed to be 7,300€, of which half is allo-

cated for each year. In one year the cost of liners would then be 3,650 euros.


Table 15. Annual costs for the common spare and wear parts of a haul truck [120]–


Wear part Pieces in a







Total cost


Tires 4*2 Rubber 1000 8000

Bed liners 0.5 Steel 7300 3650

Oil Filters 9*4 Polymers 10 360




2*4 Polymers 20 160

Total sum ~12200

4.3 Summary of the haul truck case

From the point of view of wear, the biggest challenge in haul trucks is the wear of the

tires. In this case example a truck with four tires was presented. Commonly there are

also trucks with six or eight tires. The trend in trucks is towards larger vehicles [60, p.

954], which means larger tires and brings even more importance to the tire wear man-

agement. New programs for monitoring and adjusting the tire conditions are developed

constantly [126]. Currently most haul trucks are powered by liquid fuel, but the direc-

tion is also towards electric drive vehicles. These vehicles have higher costs [60, p.

938], but there could be savings in the energy efficiency and friction losses. The friction

losses in the haul truck are currently approximately 24%. Another option for tires is

movement with chains (Chapter The assembly is more expensive, but the

chains use significantly less energy, and also the wear losses are smaller. Another wear

challenge in haul trucks are the bed liners. In the liners the energy saving potential is in

developing longer lasting liner materials. For example the use of nano-structured steel

alloys is suggested to increase the life of a liner by 400% compared to a common steel

wear plate [127].

With haul trucks it is also rational to debate whether a truck is the best option for the

situation in question. One option is using conveyor belts or in underground mines skips

instead of tucks, as it is done in many mine sites. The investment is higher but there is

no need for a driver and the requirements for maintenance are significantly lower.



In this chapter, a mobile jaw crusher is studied. For defining the framework, technical

data from Metso Lokotrack model LT140 [128] is used. As in the previous chapter, first

the energy distribution of the device and second the wear in each main component of

the device is examined. Table 16 presents the technical data of the Lokotrack LT140

mobile jaw crusher, and Figure 18 illustrates the components of the crusher and the

crushing process [128]. The optimum operational utilization rate of a jaw crusher is

70% [91]. In the global framework the rate is probably a little lower. In this thesis, a

utilization rate of 65% is therefore used, which means 5700 operation hours annually.

Table 16. Technical data of the Lokotrack LT140 mobile jaw crusher [128].

Crusher unit:

Intake opening (mm) 1400*1070 Weight (kg) 44700

Maximum feed size (mm) 900 Capacity t/h 700


Engine max power (kWh) 403


Size (mm) 1600*500 Weight (t)


Hopper capacity (m3) 12


Width (m) 1 Length (m) 13

Weight (kg): 4300

Figure 18. Crushing process of Lokotrack LT140 jaw crusher[128].


5.1 Energy consumption of a jaw crusher

The total energy, E, required for the grinding process of a short ton can be estimated

with the Bond formula [82, p. 637].

𝐸 = 10 ∗ 𝑊𝑖 ∗1



√𝑓 (1)

where p= mesh in microns, through which 80% of the product passes, f= mesh in mi-

crons, which passes 80% of the feed, and Wi is the work index of the material in ques-

tion in kWh.

The material dependent Bond work index can vary from 0 to 20 kWh or more. All mate-

rials are divided into five classes from very easy (work index 0–7 kWh) to very difficult

(work index 18– kWh). The average value for a hard material is approximately 16 kWh

[91]. The Bond formula indicates that as the feed size gets smaller, the energy require-

ments approach infinity; the finer the material is ground, the more energy is used in the

grinding process. The Bond formula is usually presented in short tons, but in this thesis

the results have been converted to metric tons.

The recommended feed size maximum is 85% of the intake opening of the jaw [129],

which in this case is approximately 800 mm. For this feed size with a jaw crusher as the

primary crusher, a typical end product maximum particle size is 200–300 mm [91, pp.

3–7]. By substituting these numbers in the Bond formula the theoretical crushing energy

of 0.19kWh/t is obtained. A simulation by Metso [130] gives with the same numbers a

crushing energy of 0.29 kWh/t. Table 17 summarizes the parameters affecting the crush-

ing energy. For the total energy consumption, an average of the theoretical and simula-

tion values is used, i.e., 0.25kWh/t.

Table 17. Crushing energy and affecting parameters.

Intake opening 950 85% of intake opening, f85 (mm) 800

Work index (kWh/st) 16 Desired product size, p80 (mm) 200–300

Crushing energy, E (kWh/t):

Bond kwh/t 0.19 Metso simulation 0.29

Average 0.25

Crushing capacity (t/h) 700 Energy consumed/h (kWh) 175

Energy consumed/day (kWh) 2730 Energy consumed/year (kWh) 997 500

The engine used in this model is Caterpillar C15 diesel engine with a maximum power

of 403 kW. In this example the maximum fuel energy of 400kWh is used. The fuel en-

ergy dissipates also as heat, noise and ineffective deformation. Using the previous stud-

ies by Holmberg et al. [7]–[9] as a reference, the energy distribution in a crushing pro-

cess can be estimated. Assuming that half of the energy is lost as thermal losses, it

leaves 50% for the mechanical power. The mechanical power is further divided between


the conveyor, the feeder, and the crusher unit. The feeder and conveyor use only a small

portion of the total energy, ca. 8%. To the crusher goes then 42% of the total energy. Of

the energy in the conveyor, approximately 70% is lost due to friction [61]. Assuming

the number in the feeder to be similar, of the 8% used by the conveyor and feeder, ap-

proximately 5% of the total energy is lost due to friction and only 3% goes to mechani-

cal work, i.e., rock processing of the conveyor and the feeder. In the crushing unit there

are a lot of thermal losses, as the processed rock heats up. There are also friction losses

due to the sliding movement in the jaws. Friction losses of the engine, transmission and

hydraulics are estimated to be 20%. This leaves 22% of the total energy for the crush-

ing. Earlier studies [131], [132] indicate that only approximately 3–10% of the total

energy is used for crushing. Assuming that the friction losses in the crushing are also

5% and the thermal losses 14%, 3% is left for mechanical work, i.e., rock processing.

When the numbers of mechanical work of the crusher unit and the conveyor and feeder

are summed together the total energy used for rock processing concludes as 6%. The

total friction losses are 30% of the total energy. In one year the crusher uses approxi-

mately 400kWh*5700= 2,280,000kWh. The friction losses in one year’s operation result

in 684,000kWh. Figure 19 displays an estimation of the energy distribution of a jaw


Figure 19. Estimation of the energy distribution of a jaw crusher.

5.2 Wear in a jaw crusher

The main components of a mobile jaw crusher are the feeder, the crusher unit, engines,

transmission, chain tracks, and a conveyor. The crusher is powered by a diesel engine

but the feeder and conveyor can also be powered with an electric motor. In the follow-

ing chapter each main component is examined separately.


5.2.1 Feeder

There are typically two types of feeders used in crushing applications; vibrating feeders

and apron feeders. In this case example the capacity is not very high and the moisture

level of ore is not significant, so it is recommended to use a vibrating feeder [91, pp. 2–

1]. Vibrating feeders can be either electromagnetic or electromechanical, or hydraulic.

In electromagnetic feeders the energy for vibration is created through magnetic forces.

Since there are no mechanical parts to wear, very little maintenance is required. Elec-

tromagnetic feeders, however, require stable circumstances. Since the case study crush-

er is mobile, it is advisable to use an electromechanical feeder. In an electromechanical

feeder the vibratory power is generated by twin motors [133]. The capacity of the feeder

is 1000t/h., its length is 500 mm, width 1600 mm, and the hopper capacity is 12m


The mains components of the feeder are the feed hopper and the vibrating feeder [91,

pp. 8–40]. The body of the feeder is made of structural steel, but to reduce wear it can

be lined with wear resistant materials such as manganese steel, wear resistant steel, or

rubber [133, p. 28]. The size of the material fed can vary from rocks with a diameter

from 10 centimeters to even a meter. The smaller gravel is guided directly to a by-pass

chute, which increases the capacity and decreases wear of the crusher [134]. In this case

study the crusher is used for primary crushing, where the rock size is quite large.

The feeder parts are mainly exposed to impact and sliding abrasive wear [97]. With ad-

equate maintenance the structural parts of the feeder (as well as the crusher) can have a

lifetime of even 10 years [130]. In a feeder, as in the dumb body of a haul truck, the

parts that suffer most wear are the liners. In a case study made in a Finnish mining re-

search project, [97] it was discovered that in a five month operational period the tested

500HB wear resistant steel wore out. Assuming that the liners have a thickness of 25

mm, the total weight of the liners is 7500kg. Table 12 lists the wear and estimated oper-

ational life of the feeder parts. The operational life is presented in years and operational


Table 18. Wear and estimated operational life of the jaw crusher feeder components.

Part Material Main wear



life (h)


life (years)

Steel struc-

tures (hop-

per, feeder)


Steel Impact and

sliding abra-


120 000 10

Liners Wear



Impact and

sliding abra-


2450 0.4


5.2.2 Engine

The diesel engine in a jaw crusher is very similar to the engine in a haul truck. In this

example crusher, a C15 engine for lightweight heavy duty performance is used [135].

With recommended maintenance this type of engine is expected to have a lifetime of

750,000 miles (1.2 million kilometers), which can be assumed to be at least 20 years of

operation. An examination of a diesel engine was made in Chapter 4.2.2. Here the wear

behavior is assumed to be similar. Approximately 500 euros are annually used for the

wear parts of the engine (Chapter 4.2.4).

5.2.3 Conveyor

Conveyor belts are used widely in mining to transport ore from one process to another.

In this case example, the belt is a smaller belt connected to the crushing unit. However,

it is quite common that the belts are even many kilometers long. The main parts of a

conveyor belt are the rubber belt, pulleys (or idlers), and the motor [91, pp. 5–11,5–12].

Figure 20 illustrates the main components of a conveying system [136, p. 9].

Figure 20. Main components of a conveying system[136, p. 9].

The basic idlers are made of standard steel, but for more demanding applications such

as abrasion or corrosion conditions also coating with rubber or polyurethane is used.

When selecting idlers, the influencing factors are the load and the speed, but so that the

idler load is always less than the bearing load [137]. Roller bearings are commonly

made of stainless or plated steel [138]. The cause of bearing failure is commonly fatigue

[139]. Bearing operational life can vary from 10,000 to 100,000 operational hours, so it

can be assumed that in a normal situation both the idler and bearing life to be at least

10,000 operational hours. Idler diameter sizes vary from 76 to 220 millimeters. In the


case example, it is advisable to use an idler of size ᴓ89 mm. The belt is commonly made

of natural rubber mixed with butadiene rubber. It consists of three different layers; wear

resistant top layer, strengthening carcass layer, and the friction creating bottom layer.

The belt is mostly worn from the center area due to 2 and 3-body abrasion, of which the

3-body abrasion is the dominant wear mechanism. Some fatigue also occurs. In a re-

search made by Molnar et al. [140] it was discovered that the middle part wore in 8

years of use to only 20% of the original thickness. Table 19 presents the estimated oper-

ational life of conveyor belt parts.

Table 19. Wear and estimated operational life of the jaw crusher conveyor belt compo-

nents [137]–[140].

Part: Material Size Main wear



life (h)


life (years)

Belt Rubber 1000mm*3000mm 2- and 3-body



60 000 10

Idlers Steel, cov-

ered with


or rubber

ᴓ 89 mm Sliding ab-


10 000 1.6

Pulleys Steel Sliding abra-


60 000 10

Bearings Steel Fatigue 10 000 1.6

The power consumption of the belt is influenced by the terrain and temperature, rubber

material, belt speed, idler shape and diameter and the mass of the belt and the ore [141],

[142]. The energy consumption of the conveyor belt is determined by the belt’s ability

to resist motion [143]. Laboratory and field tests have shown [61] that in total 70% of

the conveyor’s power is needed to overcome the drag due to the small indentations in

the belt’s rubber cover as it passes over each roller.

The total resistance can be calculated with the following formula [143, p. 84]:

𝐹𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙= 𝐹𝑚 + 𝐹𝑠 + 𝐹𝑐𝑙 + 𝐹𝑠𝑝 (2)

where 𝐹𝑚 is the main resistance (tractional resistance of idlers and flexing resistance of

the conveyor belts), 𝐹𝑠 is the secondary resistance (inertia and frictional resistance be-

tween the conveyor belt and the transported material), 𝐹𝑐𝑙 is the climbing resistance, and

𝐹𝑠𝑝 a special resistance (such as plunging resistance caused by the carrying idlers). The

total forces of the conveyor belt are determined by the friction coefficient of the belt

material, f. The lower the friction coefficient is, the less energy the conveyor system

requires. The case study conveyor belt uses energy approximately 15kWh [130].


The life of a conveyor belt can be extended with an increase in the tensile strength as

well as with design. In Palabora mine in South America, changing a straight line to a

curved one increased belt life substantially; before the change the belt wore out in three

years, while after the new design it has a life expectancy of even twenty years [61]. In

reality the life of a conveyor belt can be assumed to be something in between these two


5.2.4 Tracks

The analyzed crusher uses D4 tracks created originally for Caterpillar tractors. The main

components of the tracks are the track frame, track assembly, rollers, idlers, and the

drive sprocket. Figure 21 presents the track system [144].The assembly is a continuous

chain surrounding the track frame and drive sprocket. Track shoes, which distribute the

weight of tracks, are bolted to the outside links of the chain. Due to constant pivoting

the bolts, pins and bushings suffer from internal wear, which causes the track to length-

en [144]. In order for the tracks to work properly, they require lubrication and adjust-

ment every three months [110]. The planned frequency of moves of a mobile crusher is

between one and seven days [29, p. 953], which indicates that the amount of wear in the

tracks is very small in the total scale. In this thesis a more thorough wear analysis of the

tracks is not made. The tracks are assumed to increase the energy consumption by 2%

[91, pp. 1–1].

Figure 21. Main components of a track system [144].

5.2.5 Jaws

The jaws consist of two, four or more pieces divided evenly on both sides. The upper

plates are called jaw plates and the lower plates are cheeks. The jaws on one side are

stationary and on the other side they are moving [134]. The main force and so also wear

focuses on the lower third of the jaw. In some situations the jaws are designed to be

interchangeable, and so their lifetime can be increased [80]. In this case study it will be


assumed that the jaw and cheek plates are symmetrical. The weight of the jaws is ap-

proximately 6,000kg [128]. The jaws are secured with steel bolts. The main wear parts

in the jaw section are the jaws, the jaw bolts, the pusher, and the damper [130].

The jaw plates of the crusher are made of manganese steel and the cheek plates from

tempered manganese steel. Manganese steel is used quite widely in wear applications

due to its ability to work harden under impacts. The manganese contents can vary, the

average content used by Metso being 14% [91, pp. 10–2]. The studies made by Yan et

al. [145] indicate that with optimum manganese content the work hardening can in-

crease the hardness from 256 HV to 774 HV. The work hardening, however, cannot go

on perpetually but after ‘excess’ impacts micro cracks start to form in the surface layer.

The most common types of wear occurring in crushing are abrasive wear and fatigue

wear. In high-load conditions the wear mass loss is mainly due to the spalling of the

work hardened layer [146].

Factors affecting the wear rate of the jaws are environmental factors, crusher parame-

ters, and the feed and abrasiveness of the feed material. Wrong jaw adjustments can

increase wear substantially [84, p. 342]. In addition, irregularity in the wear profile both

increases wear and lowers the efficiency of the crusher [147]. Theoretical wear rates

have been obtained for crushing conditions by M. Lindqvist et al. [82]. The study indi-

cates that when the crushing force is 6kN and the time cycle 0.15s, the wear rate in is


for sliding and 274 kN/mm2

for compressive wear. In reality the wear and

operational life of jaws is very case dependent and the wear in jaws may vary a lot even

with similar conditions [130]. In this case example the operational life of the jaws is

estimated to be approximately 0.5 years [99]. Table 20 presents the operational life and

wear in the main jaw parts. The operational life in years is evaluated according to the

utilization rate.

As with haul truck liner bolts (Chapter 4.2.1), the main wear mechanism for jaw bolts

can be assumed to be fatigue [105], [106] and the wear life to be long, approximately

20,000 operational hours. Assuming that each plate has five bolts in the upper and five

in the lower section, the total amount of bolts required is 40. The main wear mechanism

in bearings is also fatigue. In a continuous operation with correct lubrication, the bear-

ing life is generally long, even 50,000 operational hours. The main cause of bearing

wear is incorrect lubrication [139]. In this case example, the bearing life of 20,000 oper-

ational hours is assumed.

The pusher is a metallic plate used for pushing the crushed material forward. The pusher

is commonly made of manganese steel [148]. The pusher is not exposed to so heavy

impacts as the jaws, and therefore its operational life is longer. An estimated operational

life of the pusher is 2.5 years [99].


The dampers are rubber plates mounted to the frame of the crusher and used for absorb-

ing the peak load, which decreases the pressure to the foundations of the crusher [149].

The impacts on a dumper are quite severe and therefore the operational life of the

dampers can be assumed to be the same as for the jaws, 0.5 years. Table 21 lists the

wear and estimated operational life of the jaw crusher jaw components.

Table 20. Wear and estimated operational life of the jaw crusher jaw components [99],

[104], [105], [148], [149].

Part Material Amount

of mate-


Main wear



life (h)


life (years)







Abrasive and

impact wear

3000 0.5







Abrasive and

impact wear

3000 0.5

Jaw bolts Wear re-

sistant steel

40 pieces Fatigue 20 000 3.5

Pusher Manganese


1 Abrasive and

impact wear

7500 2.5

Dampers Rubber Abrasive and

impact wear

3000 0.5

Bearings Steel Fatigue 20 000 3.5

5.2.6 Maintenance and wear part costs of a jaw crusher

The jaw crusher requires constant maintenance. The jaws’ condition and wear, feeder

condition and the condition of other components in the crusher unit are inspected daily.

Weekly inspection is conducted to not-so-critical bolts and lubrication of the bearings,

and monthly inspection is made to even more secure components such as the sides.

Changes of oils, jaws and other wear components are done every half year. The change

of other common wear parts is done every year. Table 21 summarizes the maintenance

procedures for a jaw crusher [99][150].

Table 21. Maintenance operations of a jaw crusher [99], [150]

Operation Frequency

Inspections of jaws, feeder, belt, securing bolts Daily

Lubrication of bearings and inspection of other bolts Weekly

Securing the side brackets Monthly

Changing the oil, jaws and bolts of the jaws Every 6 months

Changing the pusher, pusher bearings and dampers Every 12 months


Weekly maintenance of a jaw crusher in a mine requires approximately 10 hours, which

includes both planned and unplanned maintenance. In a year this corresponds to 520

hours. In addition to the normal maintenance procedures, every half a year the jaws

must be changed and other maintenance procedures performed. This takes approximate-

ly two working days, which corresponds to four days in a year. The total maintenance of

a jaw crusher is then 620 hours. As in the previous chapter, the 80/20 rule assuming that

80% of the maintenance procedures of the crusher are wear-related is used here. The

wear-related maintenance hours are then ~500 hours annually.

The cost of the jaw assembly is estimated to be 40,000. Using the average wear resistant

steel price 1.3€/kg [125], the price of the liners is estimated to be 9750€, and when liner

the assembly is included, approximately 10,000€. In a year the cost concludes as 5,000

euros. To the engine parts, about 500 euros is used annually (Chapter 4.2.4). Table 22

summarizes the total annual costs of the wear parts in a jaw crusher [99].

Table 22. Estimated annual cost of jaw crusher wear parts [99].

Wear part Amount in

a year





Total cost/

year (€)

The Jaw


2*4 Manganese


40 000 80 000

Jaw bolts Steel

Pusher 1 Steel




Damper 2 Rubber



0.5 Wear re-

sistant steel

10 000 5 000




Total: 90 500

5.2.7 Summary of the jaw crusher case

From the point of view of wear, the biggest challenge in a jaw crusher is the wear of the

jaws and the feeder liners. The losses due to friction are high, 30% of the total energy

use, which indicates a large energy savings potential in process optimization. It is un-

likely that in an application such as the crusher wear could be totally eliminated, but

with materials development, feed size control, planned maintenance, and making sure

that the adjustments are correct, wear and energy consumption can be decreased.



In this chapter, an autogenous grinding mill (AG-mill) is examined. This mill is used in

primary milling of iron ore. Iron ore is a hard material and works itself as a grinding

media. The studied AG mill has dimensions of 6.5*6 meters. It is a part of a milling

circuit, where a ball mill is used for secondary and a HPGR for fine grinding. The tech-

nical data of the mill is provided by Outotec [63] Tenovagroup [151] and Mining Engi-

neering handbook [60, p. 1463]. Table 23 summarizes the technical data of the mill.

Figure 22 presents the AG grinding mill used in the Kiruna iron mine in North Sweden

[152]. Grinding mills are critical devices from the point of view of production; a mill

stop causes the entire processing circuit to stop. The operational efficiency of grinding

mills is high, on a global average 80–90% [56]. This corresponds to 7500 operational

hours annually.

Figure 22. An AG grinding mill [152]

Table 23. Technical data of the AG grinding mill [63], [151].

Mill Diameter (m) 6.5 Mill length (m) 6

Motor power (kW) 5.6 Feed (t/h) 500


6.1 Energy used for grinding

Even though the operational efficiency of a grinding mill is high, the amount of energy

used for mechanical work is low, as it is for a jaw crusher. When the size of the particles

is reduced, the total surface area increases. This means that for finer grinding more en-

ergy must be used [153]. Factors affecting the energy consumption in grinding are:

characteristics of the grinding media (hardness and size distribution), the liner, and op-

erational conditions [60, pp. 1474–1475].

In Chapter 5.1, the Bond formula for calculating the theoretical energy consumption of

a grinding process was presented. Here the formula is applied to a situation where the

feed of the mill is 500t/h, the feed size is 100 mm, and the wanted product size is 10

mm. The grade of the ore is 30–50% iron [40]. With an average operational efficiency

of 90%, the daily production is 10800~11 000 tons, which corresponds to 21.5 opera-

tional hours/day. The total energy consumption in grinding and the affecting parameters

are presented in Table 24.

Table 24. Energy consumption of the grinding process.

Feed size F80 (µm) 100000 Product size P80 (µm) 100

Work Index (kW) 16 Energy for grinding (kW/t) 0.75

Feed (t/h) 500 Energy consumed (kWh) 372

Energy con-

sumed/day (MWh)

8 Energy consumed/year (MWh) 2920

In a grinding mill the power is produced typically with electricity [60, p. 1466]. The

energy distribution of a grinding mill is examined with the same methodology as in the

two previous chapters. Previous studies by Holmberg et al. [7]–[9] are used as a frame-

work. The greatest difference between electrical and fuel powered devices is that there

are no thermal losses due to exhaust. There are some energy losses due to electricity,

but they are only ~10%. The energy losses caused by cooling of the system stay similar,

at approximately one third. Almost 60% of the total energy is converted to mechanical

power. The grinding mill works with a gearless drive so that there are no losses in the

transmission. However, there are some losses in the motor. There are also a lot of fric-

tion losses in the bearings of the shell, which resist the rolling movement. To the actual

crushing is used merely ~7% of the total input energy. The total friction losses are high,

approximately half of the total energy. Figure 23 illustrates an estimation of the energy

distribution in a rock grinding process.


Figure 23.Estimation of the energy distribution in a grinding mill.

The grinding mill of the feed of 500t/h requires the power of 5MW [60, p. 1463]. In one

year, the mill uses approximately 35 GWh of energy. Comparison of this number to the

energy distribution given in Figure 23 indicates that the energy lost due to friction

would be 2.5 MWh. In one year, the losses due to friction are 18,750 MWh.

6.2 Wear in a grinding mill

Wear in a grinding mill is examined in the same manner as in the previous examples of

the jaw crusher and the haul truck. The most significant mill components are the shell,

the feeder, and the electric motor.

6.2.1 Feeder

The grinding mill is fed through a chute. The application may also contain a vibrating

drum or a scoop type feeder. The main components of the feeder are the steel structures,

liners, twin motors, and sieve mesh. The feeder and the wear parts and other features are

very similar to the feeder of a jaw crusher (presented in Chapter 5.2.1). The steel struc-

tures as well as the motors have similar long operational life expectations of approxi-

mately 20 years. The liners are made of wear resistant steel [97]. The only difference

with the jaw crusher feeder liners is that since the ore is smaller and finer, it may not

create as much wear in the liners. In this case the wear and operational life are assumed

to be a little bit longer than for a jaw crusher, 0.5 years. The finer ore is fed through a

sieve mesh, which wears quite fast in use. The operational life of the sieve is approxi-

mately 6 months [63]. Table 25 presents the estimated operational life and wear of the

main components of a grinding mill feeder [63], [97], [108].


Table 25. Wear and estimated operational life of the grinding mill feeder components

[63], [97], [108].

Part Material Main wear



life (h)


life (years)

Steel struc-

tures (hop-

per, feeder)

Steel Impact and

sliding abra-


120 000 20

Liners Abrasion



Impact and

sliding abra-


3650 0.5

Twin mo-


Cast iron


120 000 20

Sieve mesh Steel Impact and

sliding abra-


3060 0.5

6.2.2 Shell

The shell in a mill is commonly made from steel, which may be reinforced with design

as well as protecting linings. Larger mills are often supported with trunnions. Another

option are shell-supported mills, which are supported with bearings mounted directly to

the shell [154]. In this example a shell-supported mill with multi-pad bearings is used.

The multi-pad bearings are made of machined high strength steel and coated with white

metal [154].

The wear rate of the shell components is influenced by the pressure in the mill, mois-

ture, feed rate, and the abrasiveness of the feed material. If the mill settings are fixed,

the only factor affecting wear is the abrasion index. The wear on a shell’s surface is a

function of the ore’s abrasiveness. Increasing pressure or the shell speed will increase

wear. The rolls often suffer from the ‘’bathtub’’ effect where the center of the rolls

wears more rapidly than the outer areas. This has been decreased with edge blocks and

cheek plates [60, p. 1469]. The mill linings are the parts mostly suffering from wear [60,

p. 1478] [155]. Figure 24 illustrates worn grinding mill liners. The operational life for

linings is approximately 10 months with iron ore. The end linings last longer [63]. For

lining materials, cast steel, cast iron, solid rubber, rubber-steel composites or ceramics

are often used [154]. The main wear mechanism in the supporting bearings is fatigue.

Table 26 lists the wear and operational life of the grinding mill shell components.


Table 26. Wear and estimated operational life of the grinding mill shell components

[63], [139].

Part Material Amount of


Main wear



life (h)




Shell Steel 122m2+20.4

m2= 142.4


Impact and



140 000 20



Steel rein-

forced rub-




Impact and



5600 0.8

End lining Steel rein-

forced rub-




Impact and



7000 1



Steel/bronze Fatigue 10 000 1.5

Figure 24. Worn grinding mill liners [116].

6.2.3 Motor

SAG/AG mills are normally powered by adjustable gearless drives cast either of nodu-

lar iron, cast or forged steel [156]. Motor rotor elements are bolted to the mill shell and

covered with a stationary assembly. Mill speed is controlled with the motor current.

Gearless drives decrease the energy losses due to friction and allow the power use of

the mill to be increased to even 20 MW [60, p. 1466]. The motor should be dimensioned

to withstand certain amounts of overload conditions caused by worn liners, harder ore,

or higher charge [157]. In Chapter 4.2.1 it was already mentioned that the wear of en-

gine components in a diesel engine are very low; the circumstances for an electric motor

are very similar, and with adequate maintenance and use the motor has a life expectancy


of 15 years [158]. Therefore a more thorough inspection of the motor parts is not made.

The cost of the wear parts of motors are annually approximately 500 euros.

6.2.4 Maintenance and wear part costs of a grinding mill

Table 27 summarizes the common maintenance procedures for a grinding mill [63],

[99], [159]. Linings and securing bolts, feeder condition and the condition of the other

components in the grinding unit are inspected daily. Inspection of the not-so-critical

bolts and lubrication of bearings is done weekly. Monthly inspections include the more

secure components such as the sides. It is recommended to do a longer maintenance

stop 2–3 times a year when the linings are changed and other necessary maintenance

procedures done.

Table 27. Planned maintenance of a grinding mill [63], [99], [159].

Operation Frequency

Inspections of linings, securing bolts Daily

Lubrication of bearings and inspection of other bolts Weekly

Securing the side brackets Monthly

Changing the oil, liners,

Inspection of, Bearings, gears, shaft alignment lubrica-


Every 6 months

Changing the liners, ring chamber cleaning, brake


Every 12 months

The weekly maintenance of a grinding mill is estimated to take 10 hours, which in-

cludes both planned and unplanned maintenance procedures. In a year this gives 520

hours. It is recommended to do a maintenance stop in the mine 2–3 times a year. In this

study it is expected that there are two maintenance stops; during one of the stops the

liners are changed, and the other stop is used for other inspections and adjustments.

Changing of the liners takes approximately three days for five workers, which requires

360 hours of work. The other maintenance stop requires only three days for one worker,

i.e., 72 hours. The total maintenance hours annually are then approximately 950. As in

the two previous chapters, an assumption is made that 80% of the maintenance is wear-

related and the rest is other maintenance. This corresponds to 760 wear-related mainte-

nance hours annually.

The most severe wear parts in a grinding mill are the shell liners, liner bolts, and the

sieve mesh. The shell liners cost approximately 700,000 euros and the other wear com-

ponents 100,000 euros [63], [99]. The feeder liners are made of wear resistant steel. The

cost can be assumed to be similar with the jaw crusher feeder (Chapter 5.2.6), i.e.,

10,000€ for new liners. For motor spare parts, 500 euros are used. Table 30 summarizes

the most severe wear parts of a grinding mill and their estimated costs.


Table 28. Annual costs of grinding mill wear parts [63], [99], [123], [124].

Wear part Amount

in a year





Total cost/

year (€)

Shell liners 1 Manganese


2€/kg 700 000

Liner bolts Steel

100 000 Sieve mesh 2 Steel

Feeder liners 0.5 Wear re-

sistant steel

10 000 5 000

Motor parts 500

Total 810 500

6.3 Summary of the grinding mill case

From the point of view of wear, the biggest challenge in a grinding mill is the wear of

the mill and feeder liners. The liner endurance is important from the point of view of the

entire process, since extremely worn liners burden the motors and increase the total en-

ergy consumption [157]. If additional grinding media is used, (as in SAG mills) the

wear of the liners can be assumed to be even higher. In addition to linings, there is the

cost of the grinding media [60, p. 1470]. In grinding mills the energy use is significantly

higher compared to a haul truck or a crusher. The friction losses in the grinding mill are

also very high, even 47%.

Energy consumption and wear in grinding can be reduced by material selection; one

option is to use lighter materials, which are optimized to the process. In Berezitovy

mine, the change of material almost doubled the wear life of the mill linings [160]. An-

other key factor in controlling wear and energy consumption is controlling the opera-

tional conditions; wear increases substantially with pressure in the mill or with incorrect

feed rate. The energy efficiency is also improved by choosing the correct milling circuit;

with some ores it is advisable to use two-stage milling, while others require three stages.

Savings can also be obtained with planned maintenance; the grinding mill is a critical

device, which means that a stop in the mill is a stop in the entire production of the pro-

cessing unit.



In this chapter, the main conclusions of the three previous chapters are summarized.

Table 29 summarizes the friction losses related to the haul truck, the jaw crusher, and

the grinding mill. Table 30 lists the wear costs of these three devices. The oil consump-

tion of the haul truck is converted to euros by using the average diesel fuel price in Fin-

land at the end of year 2014, 1.30€/l[161]. The energy is converted to euros using the

average electricity price in 2014, 0.05€ kWh [162]. The maintenance hours are convert-

ed to costs by using the average salary presented in Chapter 2.7, i.e.,17€/h.

Table 31 lists estimations of the purchase prices of the studied equipment and a compar-

ison with the wear and friction costs of a one-year period. The prices are estimations

adjusted to the case examples from the numbers found in the Boliden Aitik Copper

Mine project [163] and in a truck report completed by Industry Tap News [164]. In the

haul truck the annual costs due to wear and friction are approximately 28% of the pur-

chase price, of which 3% is due to wear and 25% due to friction. The friction losses are

significantly higher than the losses due to wear. This is explained by the high fuel price.

There is a savings potential in increasing the wear resistance of tires and liners as well

as in making the maintenance more efficient. A large saving could be obtained by in-

creasing the fuel efficiency or by using different haulage equipment, i.e., electric vehi-

cles, conveyors, etc. In the jaw crusher the total losses are also approximately 13% of

the estimated purchase price, of which only 3% is lost due to friction and 10% due to

wear. The losses due to friction are significantly lower than the costs of wear. In the jaw

crusher the largest savings potential is in the control of wear in the jaws by optimizing

the crushing process and in improving the energy efficiency of the crushing process. In

the grinding mill the wear and friction losses are both higher than in the two previous

examples. The costs of friction are approximately 18% and the costs of wear 16% of the

purchase price, making a total of 34%. There is a savings potential in the energy effi-

ciency of the grinding process as well as in controlling and preventing wear of the lin-



Table 29. Summary of annual friction losses.

Operation Annual

use (h)

Annual energy


Friction loss

from total



Energy loss,


Energy loss,



Haul truck 4800 121 9465 l 34 292 672 l 380 473

Jaw crusher 5700 2 280 MWh 30 684 MWh 34 200

Grinding mill 7000 35 000 Mwh 50 17 500 Mwh 875 000

Table 30. Summary of annual wear losses.

Operation Wear parts (€) Maintenance (h) Maintenance (€) Total (€)

Haul truck 18 500 1150 19 550 38 050

Jaw crusher 90 500 500 8 500 99 000

Grinding mill 800 000 750 12 750 823 250

Table 31. Annual costs of wear and friction vs. the estimated purchase price.


price (€)


cost of

wear and




loss of


price (%)

Wear loss

of pur-


price (%)

Wear and


new device


Haul truck 1 500 000 421 973 25 3 28

Jaw crusher 1 000 000 124 759 3 10 13

Grinding mill 5 000 000 1 700 500 18 16 34



The most abundant minerals mined in 2012 were mineral fuels, accounting for 77% of

all mined minerals. In the second place were iron and ferroalloy metals with 15% of the

total world production. The portion of non-ferrous metals or precious metals is not high,

only about one percent altogether. However, the significance and value of these miner-

als is high. The last group examined, the industrial minerals, cover approximately 7% of

the total production [1]. From this examination oil and natural gas were excluded.

Most of the mines in the world are found in China, USA, Australia, India and Russia.

The top five countries together cover almost 70% of the total production [1]. The geo-

graphical trend is towards developing countries, which also brings challenges from the

point of view of energy consumption. The total amount of mines globally is difficult to

evaluate; depending on the source and the framework, the numbers vary a lot. Some

statistics only notice large industrial mines, while others include all small quarries as

well. A reasonable estimation (which includes small operations as well) is that globally

there are 100,000–125,000 mines.

Most of the mines are surface mines, approximately 7% of the total [25, pp. 341–342].

The rest are underground or mixed operations. Surface operations are preferred due to

lower infrastructure costs. The trend is, however, more towards underground mines.

There are many reasons for this development, of which the most important one is that

ore is no longer found so much from the surface but must be extracted deeper.

The mining sector is a very wide and versatile sector; mine sizes, materials mined, mine

types or means of extraction and processing vary a lot. It is therefore not rational to de-

fine one average mine. When mines were classified according to the mineral groups,

some approximations could be made. With information provided by the annual reports

of large mining companies, the medians of mine sizes were estimated as follows: coal

8.2 Mt, iron: 14 Mt, other metals 105 kt, precious metals 4.4 t (155,000 oz), industrial

minerals 1.9 Mt, and diamonds 3345 ct. The median lifetime for a mine is 40 years. The

standard deviations in each sampling group were very large, but the numbers give an

idea about the magnitudes in the different mineral groups.

Mining is a large energy consumer. From the global energy consumption even ~5% is

used for mining. Studies made by the Mining Association of Canada [58], [59] indicate

that the most energy consuming operations in surface mining are processing (49%),

supporting activities (21%), and haulage (14%). In an underground mine most energy is

consumed in supporting activities (56%), processing (27%), and extraction (8%). The


underground mines use significantly more energy than the surface mines. Assuming that

the energy consumption of underground mines is double, the total energy distribution

between these two mine types is 50/50. When the energy consumption is investigated in

a global framework, the most energy goes to supporting activities (38.5%) and pro-

cessing (38%). The rest is divided between haulage (13.5%) and extraction (10%).

Previous studies [7]–[9] suggest that the friction losses in passenger cars and trucks are

~30% and in paper machines 15–25% of the total energy consumption. In addition to

studying energy losses caused by friction, the viewpoint of wear was added in this

study. The effects of wear and friction in the mining industry were studied through case

studies of highly energy consuming devices. Friction was studied through the energy

loss and wear from the point of view of costs resulting from the wear parts and mainte-

nance. The chosen equipment for the study were a jaw crusher used for primary crush-

ing, a haul truck used in haulage, and an AG mill used in primary milling. This study

was based on iron ore mines.

According to this study, the energy losses due to friction are 24% in a haul truck, 30%

in a jaw crusher, and 50% in a grinding mill. The losses in the haul truck are quite simi-

lar to those found in the previous studies. The friction losses in comminution, especially

in grinding, are significantly higher than those of the previous studies.

Wear was studied by examining separately the main components of the case study

equipment. Both the cost of wear-related maintenance and costs of wear parts were ex-

amined. In the haul truck, the most important wear components are the tires and the bed

liners, which annually cause costs of almost 20,000€. The annual cost of maintenance is

approximately 20,000€. The losses due to friction in a haul truck are annually approxi-

mately 380,000€. The friction costs are in this case very high due to the high gasoline

price in Finland. The annual total costs of maintenance and spare parts correspond to

28% of the purchase price of a new truck. There is a lot of energy saving potential in

developing more wear resistant materials for tires and bed liners as well as in improving

the fuel efficiency. Monitoring tire wear is also in an important role.

In the jaw crusher the most important wear components are the jaw assembly parts; the

jaws, jaw bolts, the pusher and the damper, and the feeder liners. The annual costs of a

jaw crusher spare parts are approximately 100,000€, and to maintenance is used 8,500€.

Annual losses due to friction are approximately 34,000€. The annual costs of mainte-

nance and spare parts correspond to 13% of the purchase price. In the crusher, energy

savings could be obtained by optimizing the crushing process as well as by improving

the wear resistance of the materials used, especially in jaws.

In the grinding mill the most important wear parts are the mill liners and other liner as-

sembly components. The annual cost of the wear parts is approximately 800,000€, and

the required maintenance costs 13,000€. The annual losses due to friction are approxi-


mately 875,000€. The annual costs due to wear and friction correspond to approximate-

ly 34% of the purchase price of a new mill. In the grinding mill there is a savings poten-

tial in developing more wear resistant liner materials as well as in better planning of the

maintenance; an unnecessary stop of the grinding circuit causes the entire process to

stop. Since the energy consumption of mills is particularly high, there is a lot of poten-

tial in improving the energy efficiency of the device. From the viewpoint of the entire

mine operation, improving the energy efficiency in grinding circuits has the highest

energy savings potential. This has been noticed also in earlier studies [20], [67].

It must be noted that the current case-studies were made in the framework of one opera-

tional year and only severe wear components were taken into account. In a long-term

examination the wear life of parts such as conveyor idlers, bearings, engines etc. should

also be included. Adding these components would only increase the wear costs. Many

of the presented numbers are rough estimations. The estimations, however, clearly

demonstrate that the energy savings potential in mining is high from both friction and

wear viewpoints. Most of the estimations made in this thesis are done from the view-

point of Finland or Europe. Outside Europe both labor and material costs are probably

lower, but at the same time operations and maintenance are not so efficient and planned,

and therefore the costs due to wear and maintenance will probably be even higher.

As a conclusion, there are two key factors in reducing the wear and energy consumption

in the mining sector: anticipatory actions and the courage to make investments. Plan-

ning is important from various points of view. Since the mining sector is a very com-

plex area and there are very different kinds of mines and mine sites, it is particularly

important to make sure that the equipment used is the most suitable one to that frame-

work. Keikkala et al. [165] compared the energy consumption of two mines in similar

circumstances. In the Russian Apatit mine, the energy consumption was 2.5 times more

than in Kiruna mine in Sweden. A large change could be done just by improving the

energy efficiency. Careful planning also plays an important role in the maintenance.

With well-planned and controlled maintenance long stops in the production can be pre-

vented. The planning is particularly important to critical devices such as the grinding

mill, which determine the total utilization rate of the operation. In planning and control-

ling, in a vital role is the utilization of technology to control wear. Planning of the oper-

ations is very common in developed countries, for example the Pyhäsalmi mine in Fin-

land or Aitik copper mine in Sweden, are very energy efficient. But, as mentioned earli-

er, the majority of mines are not in developed countries.

The second important factor is the courage to invest in order to gain savings. Most en-

ergy saving procedures requires new investments. Conveyor belts are much more ex-

pensive than haul trucks but they do not require labor and suffer significantly less from

wear than the haul truck tires. As concerns material selection, for example rubber lin-

ings are 60% more expensive than a steel lining, but in certain applications they suffer

significantly less from wear.



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1 Short ton= 907,185 kg (metric tons)

1 mile=1.61 km

1 Ounce, oz =2.83495231 × 10-5


1 Inch= 0.0254 m

1 kNm=0.000277778 kWh

1 kW= 1000j/s

1 Mtoe= 11630 kWh

1 kWh= 3600 000 J

1 dollar=0.84 €



Coal Mines

Mine Location Production,




Established Until Lifetime,



Daunia Australia 0.95 SM 2013 BHP

Chaijiangou Mining China 1.10 Shenshua

Benga Mozambique 1.62 SM/UM 2012 Rio Tinto

EMM Indonesia Indonesia 2.00 Shenshua

Isaac Plains Australia 2.01 SM 2006 2017 11 Vale

Integra Coal Australia 2.45 SM/UM 1991 2031 40 Vale

Kestrel Coal Australia 2.55 UM 1999 Rio Tinto

Carborough Downs Australia 3.06 Vale

Poitrel Australia 3.39 2006 BHP

Drayton Australia 3.70 Shenshua

Moatize Mozambique 3.82 SM 2011 2042 31 Vale

Liuta Mine China 3.90 Shenshua

Dawson Australia 3.99 SM Anglo American

Mount Thorley Australia 4.20 SM/UM NA Rio Tinto

Cuncaota No 2

mine China 4.40



Coal Mines

Mine Location Production,


Mine type Lifetime, years Owner

Cuncaota No 1 mine China 4.50 Shenshua

Gregory, Joint Ven-

ture Australia 5.05 SM BHP

South Walker Creek Australia 5.44 SM/UM BHP

Navajo USA 6.54 SM BHP

San Juan USA 6.69 UM BHP

Saraji Australia 6.90 SM BHP

Hail Creek Coal, Met Australia 7.03 SM Rio Tinto/

Wulanmulun China 7.50 Shenshua

Illawarra Coal Australia 7.94 UG BHP

Klipspruit South Africa 8.23 SM BHP

Bengalla Australia 8.23 SM Rio Tinto/

Wakworth Australia 8.28 SM Rio Tinto

Baotou Energy Com-

pany China 8.30 Shenshua

Baode China 9.00 Shenshua

Peak Downs Australia 9.09 SM BHP

Cerrejón Colombia 10.02 SM



Khutala South Africa 10.62 SM/UM BHP

Blackwater Australia 10.86 SM BHP

Wanli No.1 mine China 10.90 Shenshua

Shigetai China 11.00 Shenshua


Coal Mines

Mine Location Production,


Mine Type Lifetime,years Owner

Clermont Australia 11.78 SM Rio Tinto

Goonyella Riverside Australia 12.44 SM/UM BHP

Hunter Valley Australia 13.64 SM Rio Tinto

Shangwan China 14.70 Shenshua

Halagou China 14.80 Shenshua

Middleburg South Africa 16.30 SM BHP

Bu'ertai China 16.40 Shenshua

Yujialiang China 17.10 Shenshua

Mt Arthur Australia 18.01 SM BHP

Beidian Shengli

Enenrgy China 18.80 Shenshua

Bulianta China 27.10 Shenshua

Ha'erwusu Branch China 30.50 Shenshua

Heidaigou China 30.80 Shenshua

Shenbao Energy China 31.40 Shenshua

Daliuta-Huojitu China 34.70 Shenshua


Iron Mines

Mine Location Production,


Mine Ty-


Grade Lifetime,


Comments Owner



Africa 0.6 SM 60.5

Part of Kumba

iron ore Anglo American

Mt Golds-

worthy Yarry Australia 1.3 BHP

Urucum Brazil 2 SM 62.3 25 Vale

Mar Azul Brazil 4.2 SM Vale

Agua Limpa Brazil 4.4 SM 42.2 16 Vale

Corumbá Brazil 4.5 SM Vale

Gonco Soco Brazil 4.7 SM NA Vale

Abóboras Brazil 5.4 SM 40.7 46 Vale

Córreco do

Feiao Brazil 5.8 SM NA Vale

Tamanduá Brazil 6.7 SM 49.2 45 Vale

Jangada Brazil 6.9 SM 66.6 7 Vale

Capao Xa-

vier Brazil 9.2 SM 65 14 Vale

Fazendao Brazil 9.3 SM 43.2 72 Vale

Capitao do

mato Brazil 9.9 SM 46.5 61 Vale



Range Australia 10.1 SM 62.7 Rio Tinto



Africa 10.8 SM 64.4

Part of Kumba

iron ore Anglo American


Iron Mines

Mine Location Production,


Mine Ty-


Grade Lifetime,


Comments Owner


Channar Australia 11.0 SM 62.9 Rio Tinto

Segredo Brazil 12 SM 48.7 44 Vale

Fábrica Nova Brazil 12.5 SM 41.8 35 Vale

Iron Ore

Company Canada 15.4 SM 65 Rio Tinto

Alegria Brazil 15.8 SM 45.4 33 Vale

Caue Brazil 15.9 SM 50.8 46

With the name

minas do Meio Vale

Hope Down Australia 16.9 SM NA

Production 1/2

of 2 sites, Vale

Conceicäo Brazil 18.1 SM 46.1 68

Average 18.4 Vale

Sapacado Brazil 19 SM 44 105 Vale

N4E Brazil 19.9 SM 66.5 44 Vale/BHP

Robe River Australia 20.8 SM 56.9

Production 1/3

of 3 sites Rio Tinto

Samarco Brazil 21.8 SM 39.7 53 LKAB

Hamersley Iron,

Nammuldi Australia 22.2 SM 62.6

Production 1/6

of 6 sites Vale

Kiruna Sweden 25.3 UM



Malmberget Anglo American

Brucutu Brazil 28.7 SM 49.3 29 Vale


Mine Location Production,


Mine Ty-


Grade Lifetime,


Comments Owner


South Afri-

ca 30.9 SM 59.1 Rio Tinto

N4W Brazil 31.3 SM 66.4 38 BHP/

Mt. Goldswothy

Area C Australia 52.6 Vale

N5 Brazil 53.6 SM 67.2 37 BHP

Newman Australia 62.4 SM Rio Tinto

Other Metal Mines

Mine Mineral(s) Mined Location Producti-

on, Kt/year

Mine type Grade Lifetime,





Codemine Ni 9 SM 1.30 Anglo American

Fakcondo Ni 9 SM 4.90 Glencore Xtrata

Tres Valles Cu Chile 11 SM/UM Vale

Lumwana Cu Zambia 12 Barrick

Grasberg Cu/Au/Ag Indonesia 16 SM/UM


4.26 Rio Tinto

Pinto Val-

ley Cu/Ag USA 17 BHP


New Cale-

donia 17 SM 0.11/1.42 32 Vale


Other Metal Mines

Mine Mineral(s)


Location Producti-

on, Kt/year

Mine type Grade Life-



Comments Owner

Palabora Cu South Africa 22 UM Rio Tinto

Lubambe Cu Zambia 23 UM Vale

Kevitsa Ni/Cu/Au Finland 24 SM FQM

External Cu Canada 24 Vale

Barro Alto Ni 25 SM 1.55 Anglo American

Raventhorpe Ni Australia 38 FQM

Northparkes Cu/Ag Australia 51 UM Rio Tinto

Cerro Matoso Ni Colombia 51 SM 0.77 60 BHP

Leinster 52 SM/UM 44.70 43 BHP

Mt.Keith 52 SM 0.87 21 BHP

Mantos Blan-

cos Cu 55 SM 0.78 Anglo American


Blanca Au/Pl/Pa/Oz Chile 56 SM 0.41 Teck

Mantoverde Cu 57 SM 0.53 Anglo American

Cayell Cu/Zn Turkey 58 UM 3.1/3.6 FQM

Salobo Cu/AU Brazil 65 SM 0.71/0.4 53 Vale

Oyu Tolgoi Cu/Au/Ag Mongolia 77 SM


2.08 Rio Tinto


Other Metal Mines

Mine Mineral(s) Mined Location Produc-





Grade Life-



Comments Owner

Carmen de

Andacollo Cu Chile 81 SM 0.44 Teck



u Canada 103 UM



.4 154 Vale

Voisey Bay Cu/Co/Ni Canada 107 SM


38 17 Vale

Highland Val-

ley Copper Cu USA 113 SM 0.29 Teck

Cerro Colorado Cu Chile 116 SM 0.29 BHP

Spence Cu Chile 116 SM 0.38 BHP

Sossego Cu/Au Brazil 119 SM NA/0.2 20 Vale

Olympic Dam Cu/Au/Ag Australia 166 UM


0.004 BHP

Bingham Ca-

nyon Cu/Au/Ag/Mo USA 211 SM


08/0.043 Rio Tinto

Lake Johnston Ni Australia 230 1.38

Was shut

down 2013 Norilsk

Cannigton Pb/Ag/Zn 270 SM/UM


2.81 BHP

Antamina Cu/Ag/Zn/Mo Peru 289 SM


1.88/NA BHP


Other Metal Mines

Mine Mineral(s) Mined Location Produc-



Mine type Grade Lifetime,





Thompson Cu/Ni/Co Canada 319 UM 1.75 72 Vale

Red Dog Zn USA 623 SM 15.80

Age, Ap-


mine Teck

Kaula Ni/Cu Russia 788 UM 1.30 Norilsk

Escondida Cu/Au/Ag/Zn Chile 957 SM 0.88



BHP/ Rio


Kazzinc, Ma-

leevsky Zn/Pb/Cu/Au 2300





Alumar Alumina Brazil 3347 48.90 BHP

Taimyrsky Ni/Cu/PGM Russia 3415 UM 1.30 Norilsk

Hotazel, Mamat-

wan Manganese

South Afri-

ca 3930 SM/UM 37.60



wan BHP

Worsley Alumina Australia 4273 31.00 BHP

Oktyabrskoye Ni/Cu/PGM Russia 4999 UM 1.30 Norilsk

Komsomolsky Ni/Cu/PGM Russia 5586 UM 1.30 Norilsk

Severny Ni/Cu Russia 6558 SM/UM 1.30 Norilsk

Gove Bauxite Australia 8029 SM 49.30 Rio Tinto

GEMCO Manganese Australia 8378 SM 46.50 BHP

Sangaredi Bauxite Guinea 15437 SM 49.60 Rio Tinto

Porto Trombetas Bauxite Brazil 15729 SM 49.50

Weipa Bauxite Australia 26341 SM 52.10


Precious Metal Mines

Mine Mineral


Location Production


Mine type Grade Comments Owner

Akyem Au Ghana 0.1 SM 1.72 Newmont

La Herradura Au Mexico 0.2 SM 0.68 Newmont

Batu Hijau Au/Cu Indonesia 0.2 SM 0.23 Newmont

Ahafo Au Ghana 0.6 SM/UM 1.96 Newmont


Open Pit

Au/Cu Australia 0.8 SM 0.7 Newmont

Yanacocha Au Peru 1.0 SM 0.83 Newmont

Wharf Au USA 56.2 SM 0.7 Goldcorp

El Sauzal Au Mexico 80.6 SM 1.13 Goldcorp

Ruby Hill Au USA 91 SM Barrick

Golden Sun-


Au USA 92 SM Barrick

Bald Moun-


Au USA 94 SM Barrick

Pierina Au Peru 97 SM Barrick

Williams Au Canada 102 SM Hemlo mine site Barrick

David Bells Au Canada 102 UM Hemlo mine site Barrick

BMarigold Au USA 108 SM Goldcorp

Marlin Au Guatemala 202 UM 3.1 Goldcorp

Musselwhite Au Canada 256 UM 5.59 Goldcorp

Porcupine Au Canada 292 UM 1.19 Goldcorp

Cowal Au Australia 297 SM Barrick


Precious Metal Mines

Mine Mineral


Location Production


Mine type Grade Comments Owner

Alumbreta Au Argentina 313 SM Goldcorp

Los Filos Au Mexico 332 SM/UM 1.07 Goldcorp

Peñasquito Au Mexico 404 SM 0.27 Goldcorp

Red lake Au Canada 493 UM 16.34 Goldcorp

Porgera Au Papua new


507 SM Barrick



Au Peru 606 SM Barrick

Veladero Au Argentina Barrick

Pueblo Viejo Au/Ag/Cu Dominican


813. SM 2.42/13.31/0.09 Barrick

Gold Strike Au USA 892 UM Barrick

Cortez Au USA 1340 SM Barrick

Nevada Au USA 1768 0.58 Newmont

Industrial Mineral Mines

Mine Location Mineral




Mine type Grade Lifetime,



Patos de Minas Phosphate 0.1 Vale

Patience lake Candada Potash 0.3 PotashCorp


Industrial Mineral Mines

Mine Location Mineral




Mine type Grade Lifetime,



Khewra Pakistan Salt 0.4

Pakistan Mineral Deve-

lopement Corporation

Rio Tinto

Minerals USA Boron 0.5


Rio Tinto


Brunswick Potash 0.6


Cajati Phosphate 0.6 5.2 65 Vale

Cataláo Phosphate 1.1 10.4 38 Vale

Araxá Phosphate 1.1 11,7 50 Vale

Allan Canada Potash 1.2 PotashCorp

Cory Canada Potash 1.5 PotashCorp

Tapira Phosphate 1.9 6.8 Vale

Rocanville Canada Potash 2.0 PotashCorp

Lanigan Canada Potash 2.2 PotashCorp

Boucraa Phosphate 2.4 OCP

Bayóvar Phosphate 3.5 15.5 Vale

Youssoufia USA Phosphate 3.6 OCP


Springs Phosphate 3.7


Bengueir Canada Phosphate 4.4 OCP

Aurora Australia Phosphate 6.0 PotashCorp


Salt Salt 9.8


Rio Tinto

Khourigba Phosphate 18 OCP


Diamond Mines

Mine Location Production

year( ct)



Grade Lifetime,


Comments Owner

EKATI Canada 972 0.7 BHP

Angyle Australia 11359 UM Rio Tinto

Davik Canada 7243 UM 2.9 Rio Tinto



we 414 SM Rio Tinto

Dewswana, Le-

thalkane 22707 25.4 27 Anglo American

Namdeb Hol-

dings, Elizabeth

Bay 352.4 SM 13.01 5

Production 1/5

of l 5 mines Anglo American

De Beers Conso-

lidated Mines 4724 79.8 31 Anglo American

De Beers Canada Canada 1966 UM/SM 56.4 10

Production ½ of

2 mines Anglo American