Weapons and Equipment addendum. Armour In the deserted Earth can be many and varied, from the highly advanced exo-armour of the host to the battered Sewer Plate armour worn by The Mouse. Regardless of its origin, all armour will have the following profile:- Armour Type- protection level, deflection level For example- Crude armour- protection and deflection of 1 The armour type tells you what sort of armour is being worn, the second two values are protection and deflection, the protection level of an armour is the number it adds to the high card in a soak draw versus a Melee attack, the deflection level is the number it adds to the high card in a soak draw versus a Ranged attack These figures are usually (but not always) the same. Shields are another form of armour, and these all have the same rule in that they grant their owner the Shielded(x) state whilst held in the hand, this state gives the following advantages- The model counts as having a defensive weapon in combat. The model may nominate a 90 degree arc of its base at the end of its activation, the model counts as behind deflecting cover against any ranged attack that originates in this arc until its next activation. The model may add (x) to its soak draws against any melee damage draw or ranged attack that originates in the arc described above. Shields give no bonus when being ambushed. Armour and Shields may also have additional special rules, and will be included in that specific models profile. Unless otherwise stated, a model may only wear one type of armour, although it may also carry a shield. Armour Descriptions Ancient Heavy Armour. Museums have long gathered collections of ancient armour from times gone by, and some anomalies consider the often elaborate combinations of chainmail, Crusade plate, samurai armour and other historical relics as something of a status symbol, although suits still in

Weapons and equipment

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weaponry and equipment list for Bad Blood skirmish game *duplicated in core rule*

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Page 1: Weapons and equipment

Weapons and Equipment addendum.

ArmourIn the deserted Earth can be many and varied, from the highly advanced exo-armour of the host to the battered Sewer Plate armour worn by The Mouse. Regardless of its origin, all armour will have the following profile:-

Armour Type- protection level, deflection level

For example-

Crude armour- protection and deflection of 1

The armour type tells you what sort of armour is being worn, the second two values are protection and deflection, the protection level of an armour is the number it adds to the high card in a soak draw versus a Melee attack, the deflection level is the number it adds to the high card in a soak draw versus a Ranged attack These figures are usually (but not always) the same.

Shields are another form of armour, and these all have the same rule in that they grant their owner the Shielded(x) state whilst held in the hand, this state gives the following advantages-

The model counts as having a defensive weapon in combat. The model may nominate a 90 degree arc of its base at the end of its activation, the

model counts as behind deflecting cover against any ranged attack that originates in this arc until its next activation.

The model may add (x) to its soak draws against any melee damage draw or ranged attack that originates in the arc described above.

Shields give no bonus when being ambushed.

Armour and Shields may also have additional special rules, and will be included in that specific models profile. Unless otherwise stated, a model may only wear one type of armour, although it may also carry a shield.

Armour DescriptionsAncient Heavy Armour. Museums have long gathered collections of ancient armour from times gone by, and some anomalies consider the often elaborate combinations of chainmail, Crusade plate, samurai armour and other historical relics as something of a status symbol, although suits still in usable condition are becoming increasingly rare. Whilst these ancient defences can still hold their own against melee weaponry however, they are a lot less effective against modern ballistic weapons.protection of 2 and deflection of 1 cost 30. unusual.

Chemsuit.Biological warfare was considered to be one of the greatest threats to civilisation in the years before the fall, and as it turns out they weren’t wrong. In an effort to prepare their troops for what they saw as an inevitable conflict Russian scientists developed a self sealing body glove with Kevlar spacers and inbuilt breathing apparatus, called a chemsuit. These chemsuits, whilst rare, are highly sought after by anomalies who wish to explore the most toxic areas of the Abandoned earth.Protection and deflection of 1, immunity to fire and poison states.Cost 30. Rare

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Crude Armour.Favoured by the Mutants more than most other factions, Crude armour usually consists of heavy metal slabs such as sections of blast door or sewer covers chained (or sometimes even nailed) to the wearers body, whist these slabs offer excellent protection by themselves, they are usually huge gaps and open spaces that a canny opponent can take advantage of.protection and deflection of 1cost 20. common.

Drop Troop Armour.The European Combined Armed Forces was a dedicated peacekeeping force towards the end of the old earth, the most elite regiments this force possessed used Drop troop armour, heavy plating over the vital areas combined with a small experimental anti-gravity generator that allowed the troops to perform high speed insertions into conflict areas without parachutes. Whilst these suits are rare they can be found in Barter markets occasionally.protection and deflection 2, ‘hovering’ state for one turn 3x per game cost 100. legendary.

Makeshift Armour.The most common armour found on the battlefield, makeshift armour covers everything from reinforced sports pads to sliced up rubber tyres and chains. This armour is serviceable and easily repaired but offers very little in the way of long term defence.protection and deflection of 1, may only be used once before a manipulate action is required to restore it to it’s original state. cost 5. common

Modern Armour. Modern ballistic armour that was actually capable of stopping fire was still in it’s infancy on outbreak day, and even though many countries produced sets when the technology emerged, it was prohibitively expensive to produce, so few sets have survived till now, a combination of stab vest, flak vest and mesh armour means it is one of the ultimate defensive set-ups, but finding a set can be difficult. protection and deflection of 2 cost 40. rare.

Riot Shield.Whilst the few old fashioned wooden shields that survived are practically useless against ballistic attacks and the enhanced strength of an anomaly, modern riot shields such as those used by police forces are able to provide a high level of defence for their user. These have become a common sight in barter towns, and different sizes can be purchased, represented by the `three shielded levels and different prices.Shielded(1)/(2)/(3) cost 10/15/20. common.

Stealth Armour.Developed and then disregarded by the American military, the stealth armour initiative was then bought by a private company and sold as ‘The ultimate hunting camouflage’ the suits whilst expensive proved popular, especially with mercenaries so thousands were produced, although it’s relatively lightweight construction means they are now few and far between.protection and deflection of 1, +4 to ‘hide’, even in open cost 50. legendary.

Temporary energy field.Developed as a result of the continued conflict in the middle east, the temporary energy field uses a combination of forces to repel any objects moving towards it’s wearer at above a certain speed, although it’s battery life is limited it was issued on a large scale to troops during the guerrilla war stage of the conflict. A few have filtered into the barter market, though they are closely guarded.Shielded (5), hands free, -1to shielded value each soak draw made. cost 50. legendary.

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This is the extra stuff a character carries around with them that doesn’t involve smashing another characters face in or blasting them into paste, like Med-kits, scopes, Jet Packs and other such utilitarian items. This kit does not usually have a formal profile; instead it will say in its description what abilities it gives its user, and how many times it may be used during the game.

Equipment Descriptions.Climbing Kit. Climbing kits come in many forms, from the Shuko claws of ancient Japan to the modern armed forces grapnel and even chemical high adhesion discs, regardless of their type, climbing kits all have the same rules which allow the user to scale a sheer surface, although most of them are single use items, even just to avoid wear and tear.Treat vertical terrain as rope ladder once per gamecost 5. common.

Focused Sonic grenade.A sci-fi descendant of the old fashioned flash-bang, this disc shaped grenade uses a combination of high and low frequency sound-waves to disrupt the senses of anyone standing nearby, they can be reset and re-used making them highly sought after, though they are incredibly rare.Range PY/PY2/PY3, PY0, stunning(10), blast(6), 1 shot per game.cost 20. Legendary

Gillie Suit.A bit of old fashioned ingenuity kept alive by modern warriors, a Gillie suit is a one off hooded cloak or body suit designed to blend into a specific environment, once the basic suit has been purchased it can be modified by it’s wearer to blend in almost anywhere.Model can begin the game with the hidden state anywhere outside 8” of an enemy model.cost 40. common.

Grenade.During the early days of the abandoned earth grenades were a common sight, and a large amount of the destruction around most military installations can be ascribed to the enthusiastic application of these explosive devices to whatever problem the users faced. In recent years however reliable grenades have become increasingly rare, and fetch a high price at Barter Town, Range PY/PY2/PY3, PY3(+3), Blast(6), 1 shot weaponcost 30. rare.

Jet pack.Usually stripped from old Drop troop armour, a jet pack contains a small anti-gravity generator with a man portable battery, though useless for long flights often it can allow it’s user to surprise opponents with a lightning fast strike.Gain ‘hovering’ state for two turns, +3SP to all move actionsCost 60. legendary

Medkit.A Medkit is a generic term used to refer to any manner of medical supplies, potions, herbs, bandages, drugs and other paraphernalia that all allow a battlefield medic to get their allies back on their feet in as short a time-span as possible,heal 3 points of light damage OR 1 point of heavy damage in B2B. 4x per gamecost 30. unusual.

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Me4 injection system. A retro fitted version of the medical injection system Mcorp gives it’s workers to neutralise the Virus in their system, this injector instead contains a mutated form of the virus designed to ramp up an anomalies system for a brief period of time.Additional Surge action once per game cost 10. rare.

Me4 catalyser.Said to contain the Virus in it’s purest form from the infected blood of patient zero, this near mythical injection systems catalysing effect can give it’s user almost total control over the virus and it’s spores around them, though at great personal risk.player may discard up to this model’s CN in cards from their hand, then replace them with cards chosen from the deck. Model then takes the no of discarded cards worth of heavy damage and must pass a Burnout(7) test.Cost 40. legendary

Personal transport.Skateboards, pedal bikes, unicycles, scooters, horses, any many more ways to get around quickly can all be found lying (or running) around the abandoned earth, the cost is not usually for the item itself, but for the training on how to actually use it safely whilst being blasted with viral fire. adds +3” to ‘fast’ moves, all terrain is ‘dangerous(4)’cost 20. rare.

Scope. Most gun shops and hunting stores stocked scopes in the old days, and they are fairly resilient, so they can often be found lying around in barter towns, though the real trick is figuring out which weapons can be fitted with which scopes.A model who aims may add an extra +2 to their ACcost 15. unusual.

Weapon Reload.It can often be an issue in the Abandoned Earth finding enough ammo to last from day to day, but sometimes you get lucky in barter town and find an ammo surplus for just what you are packing, these reserves are usually hoarded until just the right moment.Erase up to 3 expired ammunition boxes once. This equipment costs half the chosen weapons original cost. cost (x). common.

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Melee Weaponry

A club is quite possibly the most reliable weapon ever invented, and a sword rarely runs out of ammo, so whilst not quite reverting to a medieval state the Abandoned Earth’s denizens have a healthy respect for melee weapons of all types. Whether they were stolen from museums, refitted re-enactment spears, or just crudely made replicas, it is rare for an Anomaly to travel without some sort of back up weapon. Melee weapons will have the following Profile-

Weapon Type- PY(bonus), special rules

For example-

Large Club- PY(+2), CQ-1,

The weapon type will give the weapons name, as well as indicating what sort of weapon it is. The PY bonus is the amount added to the characters PY for damage draws caused by that weapon. Some weapons have additional special rules, and a selection of these are found below-

+/- (x)CQ: The weapon is either very easy or very difficult to wield, and when making to hit draws with it you must add or deduct the stated modifier to your characters CQ value first.

2 Hands: the weapon is large and unwieldy, if held in a characters hand they cannot hold any other equipment at the same time. This weapon will also reduce the value of a counterattack draw by 2 points.

Defensive: a defensive weapon is one that is good for fending an enemy off, but not at directly attacking. Deducts -2 from the highest card of an enemies to hit draw, but if a model is armed solely with defensive weapons in melee they may not counterattack.

Hands Free: the weapon does not require hands to use, and may always count as equipped.

Ignores Armour: this weapon is incredibly sharp or just stupidly powerful, damage draws caused by this weapon ignore the protection value of the targets armour.

Poisonous: this weapon is toxic to the touch; any damage caused with it will also cause the target to gain the ‘poisoned’ state.

Stunning(x): This weapon is either electrified or carries a neural toxin, any damage caused with it will also force the target to pass an additional NV(6) stunning test.

Quick to Draw: lightweight and deadly, this weapon can be equipped at any point in the game turn without requiring a ‘manipulate’ action.

Improvised Melee Weapons.Sometimes a character may find itself bereft of a Melee weapon, yet in possession of a rifle, empty pistol, heavy bag full of medkit etc, which could (hopefully) be used in extremis to beat someone to unconsciousness. Any piece of equipment held in the hands may be used as an improvised melee weapon with one of the following profiles-

Improvised Weapon (one handed) PY(-1), CQ -1, quick to drawImprovised Weapon (two handed)- PY(+1), CQ -1, may choose to be ‘Defensive’

Unarmed. If a model has no accessible melee weapons at all it is classed as unarmed, it has a CQ value of 1, regardless of it’s initial CQ value (if it was already 1 they are clearly so terrible that being unarmed makes no difference whatsoever) and deducts -2 from the highest card in all melee damage draws and the difficulty of any resulting stunning tests caused by their attack.

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Melee Weapons descriptionsAnti-Viral injection gloveThese gloves were said to be the personal property of the leading members of the original Me4 research team, with pneumatic claws protruding from the ends of the fingers that can pump a shot of Me4 antibodies into the targets system, sending the virus into flux and robbing them of the its benefits for a short period of time.PY(+2), poisonous, hands free, any critical hit will cause a ‘Burnout’ test on victim, and they cannot use surge abilities for one whole turn.Cost 45, legendary

Bull Whip/chain.Leather rots a whole lot faster than steel, and the skills to manufacture a good whip are disappearing, let alone the skills needed to teach someone how to use one effectively in combat, however a whip or long bike chain can give a weaker opponent the ability to safely strike at an enemy in an arms length melee encounter so they are still relatively sought after.PY(+1), -1AC, opponent cannot counterattackCost 20. unusual

Combat Knife.You can’t beat a good combat knife, these are so common in some barter towns they deal in knives as a form of, currency, so getting hold of one is never really a problem. Most warriors own a knife, and all anomalies start with a single free one, reliable, light and incredibly versatile, in the Abandoned Earth a combat knife really is an anomalies best friend.PY, quick to drawcost 2. common.

Garrote.A vicious, nasty length of razor thin wire with solid handles, a garrotte is a murderous weapon. Difficult if not impossible to use in most situations, but if an anomaly gets the drop on an opponent with one of these then the end result can be deadly.PY(x2), quick to draw, ignores armour, may only be used when ambushingcost 10. common.

Heavy Shortsword/axe/machete.Only one down from the combat knife in terms of numbers seen, a short, heavy slashing weapon of any sort is often the key part of an anomalies arsenal. Machete’s and woodsmans axes are the most commonly used but medieval cavalry sabres and even improvised blades are also common sights on anomalies belts..PY(+1) cost 20. common.

Katana.It wasn’t long after outbreak day that the survivors realised that most samurai swords sold in junkshops, gun stores and antique dealers were about as much use as a plastic toy in combat, the blades were impossible to keep sharp, shattered easily and overly elaborate, however the discerning buyer usually can find one of these razor sharp blades if they spend enough time in the right part of barter town.PY, ignores armourcost 20. unusual.

Large Club/axe.This weapon is best described as a really big, really heavy stick, with optional spiky bit on top end. Whilst this weapon may be crude, there is no doubt as to its effectiveness, especially when wielded by a bulked out Mutant, although its weight can be a negative to an unskilled anomaly. Can be wielded in one or two hands, as represented by the different profiles belowPY(+3), CQ-1, or 2 hands, PY(+4), -2CQcost 20. common.

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Long spear.Spear, pikes, pole-arms and halberds have long been used as decorative features over the fireplaces of the nobility, and it is these relics, together with re-enactment weapons and a slew of haven made replicas that are being seen more and more in barter town, combining the best elements of a defensive stave with a stabbing blade they are fast becoming a favourite with some muscle-dealers.PY(+1), 2 hands, Defensivecost 30. common.

Massive sword.Whereas any idiot can build a club out of the scrap they have to hand, a massive broadsword such as this one has to incredibly well made to be useful even in the hands of a trained warrior, this weapon has the ability to smash its enemies just as well as the biggest stick, but with a great deal more finesse.PY(+3) 2 handscost 35. unusual.

Mutie Goad.A makeshift cattle-prod used by pit handlers in the mutant arenas of Africa, this long steel pole has two forked blades at it’s tip, with can give out a nasty electric shock in addition to the bite of the blades themselves.PY(+2), 2 hands, Defensive, Stunning(7)cost 60. rare.

Rapier.A finely balanced sword which lends itself more to the melee combats of the lighter Artistes than the bulkier Anomalies, a rapier or similar well made weapon whilst not common in general, are often the showpiece of a respectable crew leaders kit.PY, adds +1 to CQ drawscost 15. unusual.

Staff.Nothing is more evocative of a defensive weapon than the staff, be it a long steel pole, a monks Bo, or a quarter staff, this weapon can both pack a punch and keep attackers at bay.PY(+1). 2 hands, Defensivecost 25. common.

Spirit Staff.Used by senior members of the sepulchre, and created by a mixture of medical science and witchcraft, a spirit staff allows the wielder to channel his viral energy into every blow, causing an explosion of force which can drive their opponents to the ground, it can also be used to channel excess surge energy away from it’s user.PY(+1), 2 hands, Defensive, user may burn surge cards from hand to add +1 each to damage draw, user may re-draw failed ‘burn-out’ testscost 40, Legendary.

Stiletto Dagger.Whilst this weapon does not inflict the lacerating of a combat knife, it does have the advantage of being well hidden and quick to access, and its deadly point can punch through almost any mundane armour.PY(-1), quick to draw, ignores armourcost 5. unusual.

Weaponised Chainsaw.A chainsaw is by nature far too noisy, heavy, unpredictable and cumbersome to use as a weapon, and hundreds of Anomalies have met a sticky end (often at their own hands) when they have run into battle with what they believed to be the ultimate killing machine. However, there are rumours of a master armourer who survived outbreak day and manufactures lighter,

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battery fed pistol grip chainsaws specifically for combat, and every so often one of these deadly machines finds it’s way into a Barter town stock, changing hands for exorbitant fees.PY(+5) 2 Hands, ignores armour, critical hits on 7’s.cost 100. legendary.

Wrist Blades.A fighting glove with wrist blades that is well made enough not to endanger the life (or limbs) of the wielder is a rare sight, and the matching pairs of these that occasionally end up in the barter town traders are highly sought after. Far from the crude blades of the knives these wicked blades are often highly elaborate, and incredibly useful in the right hands. PY(+1) counts as 2 weapons, hands freecost 40. rare.

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Ranged Weaponry

Guns used to be the most common form of weaponry in the deserted Earth, however whilst new weapons are easily looted from abandoned stores and military compounds, there are very few ammunition caches left outside the Mcorp Havens, in fact the trade value for some rare types of ammunition is so high they are replacing gold as the highest currency denomination. A ranged weapon will have the following profile-

Weapon type- range- short/medium/long, PY(+bonus), special rules, Ammo(x)

For example-

Oversized revolver- range 4/8/12, PY2(+4), +1AC, Ammo(3)

The weapon type will give the weapons name, as well as indicating what sort of weapon it is. Any weapon with the word ‘pistol’ in it’s type can also be used as a melee weapon, though it still uses it’s own PY and may expire ammo as usual. The range of a weapon is used to determine if any additional modifiers are inflicted to shots with that weapon. The PY level is the number of cards drawn by that weapon for damage draws, and the bonus is the amount added to the highest card, note that unlike melee weapons the characters PY is not used for ranged damage draws. Ammo level is used when a character has to ‘expire ammo’ as a result of drawing two or more cards of the same value as part of a ‘to hit’ draw, once all of a Weapons ammo boxes have been marked, it cannot be used for the rest of the game. Some weapons have additional special rules, and a selection of these are found below-

+/-(x)AC: The weapon is either very easy or very difficult to wield, and when making to hit draws with it you must add or deduct the stated modifier to your characters AC value first.

1 shot weapon: the weapon may only ever be used once, after this it is removed from roster

2 Hands: the weapon is large and unwieldy, if held in a characters hand they cannot hold any other equipment at the same time.

Blast(x): The weapon can damage a large area. If the shot hits it damages the target normally, and any model with part of it’s base inside (x) distance of the initial target must pass a SP(6) test or take a damage equal to half the weapons original damage draw value. If the shot misses the target may make the same test to avoid the damage, and will only take half if they fail.

Burning: this weapon is on fire, or contains a pyrotechnic element, any damage caused with it will also cause the target to gain the ‘burning’ state.

Burst(x): the weapon can either- a) fire up to (x) times as part of a single action, however every shot after the first will be at an additional +2 difficulty to hit for each shot fired previously, or b) fire a single shot and add (x) no of cards to its damage draw.

Hands Free: the weapon does not require hands to use, and may always count as equipped.

Jams on(x): The weapon Jams on the draw of (x) value cards (usually a high card), a jammed weapon cannot be fired until the character holding it takes a ‘manipulate’ action to clear its mechanism.

Pistol: If this weapon currently has ammo it may also be used during a melee attack. Poisonous: this weapon is toxic to the touch; any damage caused with it will also cause

the target to gain the ‘poisoned’ state. Silent: The weapon can be fired whilst the character is hidden without revealing their

position. Slow: The weapon can only be fired once each turn, regardless of the number of actions

taken. Spread: usually denoted by an (s) after the number in a weapons range brackets, if the

weapon hits, place the damage card over the target with its longest edge facing the attacking character. Any model between any point of this card and the firing character is hit with half the damage draw originally made. The model under the card takes the full damage draw.

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Stunning(x): This weapon is either electrified or carries a neural toxin; any damage caused with it will also force the target to pass an additional NV(x) stunning test.

Quick to Draw: lightweight and deadly, this weapon can be equipped at any point in the game turn without requiring a ‘manipulate’ action.

Unlimited Ammo: The weapon is so well stocked with ammo it can never run out, and never has to ‘expire ammo’

(x) shots per game: the weapon does not expire ammo, instead it may only be used (x) number of times per game

Ranged Weapon descriptionsAssault rifle.The small production numbers, difficult maintenance and specialist ammunition required by most heavy machine guns has led to a decline in their usage over the years, now very few can be found in any sort of working condition. The ever reliable assault rifles such as the AK47 however, have become renowned as the support weapon of choice, mass produced enough that a canny trader will eventually be able to find one, they are still a rare commodity as they are highly sought after by any anomaly crew worth it’s reputation. range 12/24/48, PY2(+2), 2 hands, Burst(3), ammo(4)cost 75. rare.

Bolt action Rifle.Old fashioned single shot rifles of any calibre are a common sight during skirmishes in the abandoned Earth, with the benefit of a good accuracy at range and solid hitting power, almost every crew will have at least one sharpshooter armed with one of these weapons.range 12/36/72. PY2(+2), 2 hands, ammo (3),slowcost 50. common.

Crossbow.Mostly forgotten as antiques before outbreak day, the common crossbow has had a resurgence of popularity since a French non-colony has begun reproducing them in significant numbers. Although not as silent as a longbow they have more punch, and are relatively cheap, so many a crew has replaced a broken rifle with one of these cumbersome weapons.range 12/30/40, PY2(+2), Ammo(3), slowcost 30. common

Custom handcannon.The most famous example of a custom handcannon in the Abandoned Earth is the amusingly oversized revolver carried by the Saturday Morning Clubs’ Mouse’, but there are many other examples of these extreme pieces of the gunsmiths art out there, these elaborately style guns often pack too much more of a punch than their mundane counterparts as well as having enhanced accuracy , albeit over a much smaller range.range 4/8/12, PY2(+4),+1AC, ammo(3)cost 40. rare.

Flechette canister.Crowd control weapons developed in the far east, this weapon is essentially a man portable claymore, a controlled explosion at the rear of it’s flared barrel sends out a spray of vicious debris, reminiscent of an enormous blunderbuss, although it looks impressive and can inflict a vast amount of hits on an enemy, it’s small projectiles are easily ignored by tougher anomalies.range 6s/12s/20s, PY5(-1), 2 hands, Blast(4) slow, ammo(3)cost 75. rare.

Fifty calibre machine gun.A working machine, with ammunition, is potentially one of the single most valued weapons in the entire of the Abandoned Earth. Deadly in the open, and capable of spewing out hundreds

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of rounds in the blink of an eye the machine gun controlled modern warfare for almost two hundred years. To own an example of this most destructive of weapons shows just how dangerous a crew is, although the high rate of fire means it cycles through ammunition incredibly quickly.Range- 12/36/48. PY(3(+3), 2 hands, Burst(6), ammo(4)Cost 150. legendary.

Grenade Launcher. Only capable of firing small, specially made grenades, the man portable grenade launcher is nonetheless a feared weapon, able to cover large areas with it’s shrapnel blasts and with a long and dangerous range. These weapons are infrequently available in barter towns, and when they do turn up a bidding war will often ensue.Range-6/20/60- PY2(+2), Blast(4), slow, ammo(2)Cost 120. Rare

Host-tech.The Host are the guardians of a mysterious non-colony somewhere in the deep deserts, and it is rare to see them in the wider world, nonetheless sometimes fragments of their impressive technology does appear on the shelves at bartertown, and none are more sought after than the jury-rigged versions of their deadly shoulder lances, capable of laying down a punishing field of fire without ever requiring ammunition.range 6/12/20, PY2(+2), unlimited ammocost 50. legendary.

Large Caliber pistol.Everybody loves a hand cannon, from Dirty Harry’s Magnum to the Desert Eagle, large calibre pistols are favoured by those who want to make sure their opponents remember they’ve been shot. Their heavy hitting power is countered however by the difficulty of sourcing replacement ammunitionrange 6/12/18, PY2(+3), Ammo(2)cost 30. common.

Long bow.Centuries of warfare gave the longbow it’s provenance, but it took the return to a less civilised time to give the longbow the respect it was really due, difficult to use but with a good range, easy to manufacture ammunition and almost completely silent, the longbow is a hunting weapon without equal.range 12/24/30, PY2(+1), silent, Ammo(4)cost 30. common.

Pistol crossbow.A unique weapon, used almost exclusively by agents of the sepulchre and the Artistes, these are being manufactured at the same French non-colony as their larger equivalents, they are extremely accurate, completely silent and although not as deadly as a modern fire arm are considered invaluable weapons for any assassin.range 6/12/18 PY1(+1), silent, +2AC , Ammo (3)cost 30. unusual.

Flamethrower.A terrifying weapon ever since it was first used hundreds of years ago, a flamethrower is capable of destruction on such a devastating scale we can only be thankful that it has such a short range. Functioning versions of these weapons are hard to come by, but not impossible, and they are favoured by Mcorp search and destroy teams when sanitising a non-colony.Special rulesA Flamethrower starts with 8 fuel tokens, every time it fires you may place as many cards, face down on the table as you wish as long as they are touching each other and entirely within 8” of the flamethrower model. Any model touched by at least one card treats that card as a damage draw against them, and gains the ‘burning’ state. After all hits are resolve the flamethrower loses one fuel token for each card placed in this manner, and two fuel tokens for every picture card placed. Once it reaches 0 fuel tokens it can no longer be fired. These cards

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will remain on the table until the end of the following turn, and any model moving through them will take the same damage draw.Range- special, PY(+3), ammo(special), double ammo on picture cards, targets gain ‘burning’cost 90. rare

Semi-Automatic pistol. Whilst not as common as normal small calibre pistol, mainly due to their slightly more complex nature, the semi-automatic pistol is considered by many to be an excellent weapon for any Anomaly, it’s good rate of fire combines with a decent punch make it a well loved back-up weapon even if it does chew through ammunition.range 8/16/20, PY2(+1), Burst(2), Ammo (2)cost 35. unusual.

Shotgun.This is my Boomstick! Shotguns are always a crowd pleaser, they pack a huge punch, their shots spread out at range and they are easily maintained, shotguns can even be used as a club if you get really desperate.range 6/12s/20s, P3(+2), 2 hands, Ammo(2)cost 40. common.

Small Caliber pistol.Easily the most common firearm in the Abandoned Earth, most anomalies will carry a small calibre pistol at some point in their career, usually 9mm these weapons have easily replaceable ammunition, are very reliable and even a small bullet in the right place can make all the difference.range 8/16/20, PY2(+2), Ammo (4)cost 25. common.

Submachine gun.Usually the biggest support weapon most Crews start out with, the submachine gun comes in a myriad of shapes and sizes, regardless of that they share a decent rate of fire with an increased damage an ammo capacity over their semi-automatic counterparts.range 8/16/24, PY2(+2), Burst(2), Ammo (3)cost 40. unusual.

Tazer.The fact it works on a rechargeable battery is usually enough to convince most anomalies that a tazer is a good idea, and many home made versions of these rarely fatal weapons are floating around barter town, although they are almost incapable of inflicting serious harm on a toughened anomaly, they can still shock someone out of the fight for quite some time. range 6/8/12. PY1, Stunning(10), unlimited ammocost 45. unusual.

Throwing weapons.Throwing weapons are easily the most primitive ranged weapons known to man, but they have their place, in the hands of an anomaly even a normally dismissive shuriken can impact with enough force to break bones and punch through soft tissue, so whether the weapons in question are stars, knives axes or just sharp rocks, they are not to be taken lightly.range PY/PY2/PY3, PY, 5 shots per gamecost 10. common.

Toxin rifle. Another of the Russian biological warfare developments, these rifles fire glass etched rounds containing a virulent nerve agent, crippling the targets nervous system .range 12/36/72, PY2(+3), stunning(6), Ammo (3, slow)cost 60. legendary.

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Item lists for Trading.When Players wish to purchase at barter town, they must first declare what sort of items they are looking for, if they wish to find only common goods then each draw on the common goods table will only cost them a single point of trade, unusual goods will cost two points of trade per draw, rare costs three points of trade, and legendary 5 points of trade. Each list also has at least one ‘wild’ card, drawing any card of this type will allow you to choose any item from that list to purchase. Remember that a player must still have the Resource points to actually buy the item in question. A player may make as many draws on as many tables as they have trade points, and may purchase as many of each common item chosen as they like, but you may only purchase 1 of each item drawn from any other list. A player may always choose to pay double the trade points to choose their item, rather than randomising.

Common items. 1 Trade point to trade. Players may choose the item required.

Crude Armour- protection and deflection of 1 Armour. cost 20.

Makeshift Armour- protection and deflection of 1, once per game.Armour. cost 5.

Riot Shield- Shielded(3) Armour. cost 15.

Climbing Kit. Treat vertical terrain as rope ladder once per gameEquipment. cost 5.

Gillie Suit- begin the game with the hidden state anywhere outside 8” of an enemy model.Equipment. cost 40.

Weapon Reload Erase up to 3 expired ammunition boxes once per game. This equipment costs half the chosen weapons original cost.

Equipment. cost (x). Combat Knife- PY, quick to draw

Melee Weapon. cost 2. Garrote- PY(x2), quick to draw, ignores armour, may only be used when ambushing

Melee Weapon. cost 10. Heavy shortsword/club/axe PY(+1)

Melee Weapon. cost 20.Large Club/axe- PY(+3), CQ-1, 2 hands, PY(+4), -2CQ

Melee Weapon. cost 40. Long spear- 2 hands, PY(+1), Defensive

Melee Weapon. cost 30. Staff, PY(+1). 2 hands, Defensive

Ranged Weapon. cost 30. Bolt action Rifle- range 12/36/72. PY2(+2), 2 hands, ammo (3),slow

Ranged Weapon. cost 50. Crossbow- range 12/30/40, PY2(+2), silent, Ammo(3), slow

Ranged Weapon. cost 30. Large Caliber pistol- range 6/12/18, PY2(+3), Ammo(2)

Melee Weapon. cost 25. Long bow-range 12/24/30, PY2(+1), Ammo(4 )

Ranged Weapon. cost 30. Shotgun- range 6/12s/20s, P3(+2), 2 hands, Ammo(2)

Ranged Weapon. cost 40. Small Caliber pistol- range 8/16/20, PY2(+2), Ammo (4 )

Ranged Weapon. cost 25. Throwing weapons-range PY/PY2/PY3, PY, 5 shots per game

Ranged Weapon. cost 10.

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Unusual Goods, 2 trade points per draw.Kings are wild

A) Ancient Heavy Armour- protection of 2 and Deflection of 1 Armour. cost 30.

2) Medkit heal 3 points of light damage OR 1 point of heavy damage. 4x per gameEquipment. cost 30.

3) Scope. A model who Aims may add an extra +2 to their ACEquipment. cost 15.

4) Bull whip- PY(+1), allows melee strikes at 2” range. -1ACMelee Weapon. Cost 20.

5) Katana- PY, ignores armourMelee weapon. cost 20.

6) Massive sword- PY(+3) 2 handsMelee Weapon. cost 35.

7) Rapier- PY, adds +1 to CQ drawsMelee Weapon. cost 15.

8) Stiletto Dagger- PY(-1), quick to draw, ignores armourMelee Weapon. cost 5.

9) Semi-Automatic pistol- range 8/16/20, PY2(+1), Burst(2), Ammo (2)Ranged Weapon. cost 35.

10) Pistol crossbow- range 6/12/18 PY1(+1), silent, +2AC , Ammo (3)Ranged Weapon. cost 30.

J) Submachine gun- range 8/16/24, PY2(+2), Burst(2), Ammo (3)Ranged Weapon. cost 40.

Q) Tazer- range 6/8/12. PY1, Stunning(10), unlimited ammoRanged Weapon. cost 45.

Rare Goods , 3 trade points per draw.Kings are wild.

A) Chemsuit- Protection and deflection of 1, immunity to fire and poison.Armour. Cost 30.

2) Modern Armour- protection and deflection of 2 Armour. cost 40.

3) Personal transport- adds +3” to ‘fast’ moves, all terrain is ‘dangerous(4)’Equipment. cost 20.

4) Grenade- Range PY/PY2/PY3, PY3(+3), Blast(6), 1 shot weaponEquipment. cost 30.

5) Me4 injection system. Additional Surge action once per game Equipment. cost 10.

6) Mutie Goad- PY(+2), 2 hands, Defensive, Stunning(7)Melee Weapon. cost 60.

7) Wrist Blades- PY(+1) counts as 2 weapons, hands freeMelee Weapon. cost 40.

8) Assault rifle- range 12/24/48, PY2(+2), 2 hands, Burst(3), ammo(4)Ranged Weapon. cost 75.

9) Custom handcannon- range 4/8/12, PY2(+4),+1AC, ammo(3Ranged Weapon. cost 40.

10) Flamethrower- range- special, PY(+3), ammo(special), jams on picture cards, targets gain ‘burning’Ranged Weapon. cost 90.

J) Flechette canister- range 6s/12s/20s, PY5, 2 hands, Blast(4) ammo(3), slowRanged Weapon. cost 75.

Q) Grenade Launcher- Range-6/20/60- PY2(+2), Blast(4), ammo(2)Ranged Weapon, Cost 120.

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Legendary Goods, 5 trade points per draw. Kings are wild

A) Drop Troop Armour- protection and deflection 2, ‘hovering’ state 3x per game Armour. cost 100.

2) Stealth Armour- protection and deflection of 1, +4 to ‘hide’, even in open Armour. cost 50.

3) Temporary energy field- Shielded (5), hands free, -1to shielded value each soak draw made.Armour. cost 50.

4) Jet pack-Gain ‘hovering’ state for two turns, +3SP to all move actionsEquipment. Cost 60.

5) Focused Sonic Grenade- Range PY/PY2/PY3, PY0, stunning(10), blast(6), 1 shot weapon Equipment. cost 20.

6) Me4 catalyser-player may discard up to this model’s CN in cards from their hand, and replace them with cards chosen from the deck. Model then takes the no of discarded cards worth of heavy damage.

Equipment. cost 40. 7) Anti-Viral injection glove PY(+2), poisonous, hands free, critical hit causes a ‘Burnout’ test.

Melee Weapon. Cost 45, 8) Spirit Staff.- PY, 2 hands, Defensive, user may burn surge cards from hand to add +1 each to damage draw, user may re-draw failed ‘burnout’ tests

Melee Weapon. cost 40, 9) Weaponised Chainsaw- PY(+5) 2 Hands, ignores armour, critical hits on 7’s

Melee weapon. cost 100. 10) Fifty calibre machine gun. Range- 12/36/48. PY(3(+3), 2 hands, Burst(6), ammo(4)

Ranged Weapon. Cost 150. J) Host-tech- range 6/12/20, PY2(+2), unlimited ammo

Ranged weapon. cost 50. Q) Toxin rifle- range 12/36/72, PY2(+3), stunning(6), Ammo (3, slow)

Ranged weapon. cost 60.