m%>:* E;^-- Hoyt & Son, Publishers. _ Independent Phone — No. 582 Terms, $1,25 per Tear; $1 in AtlaDtic Cotmty! of the ttew Teleplicmeir are now working- New Orders Coming- in Daily! THese facts sto-vvs that Hammonton people keenly appreciate the low-priced, more-than-satisfactory service the Connects •with the Keystone .Long Distance, thus enabling you to reach Philadelphia and other cities and towns. '• .. T- RATES for unlimited local-service": " Residences,r—$^$1.25, and $i.5Q a month. ~ Send me your order TO-DAY, and. your telephone will be in by Monday or Tuesday. ErW7HOOPER, - P. O. box 205 Advertising Department Phone 2STo. 1048 "Our LaMy'8 Day." The Italians have made more than usually elaborate preparations to cele- brate the Feast of Our L&dy of Mount Carmel, OD Monday-next, July 10th. "There will 'be three bands, — the Marine Band from Philadelphia, the HamtnontOD Band , and the local Itftlia'o Band." These will separate durinc the foreoooa, and march/about towo. - tbree- r roa8Se8-8aid in Si. Joseph's Church,—at eight o'clock, 9 30, aftA IU 30 a.m., the last heiog high mass, with three priests. Tbe grand procession is scheduled, to start from the Church at 3.30 p.m., -_. •nJffFchifig~to"Believner toTMain Road, to Fakvfew, to Railroad Avenue, to ..About. ,nine».o'clook—iD-tbe-evenmg they will give a fine display of on the north corner of Third Street and Fail-view. They have in vested'three buodred dollars in thia line. >.' free moving picture show, oat-doors, early ia the evening. Tbe Italians always make this da; 16th; of July .............. "......~.V ..... . ......... ; " . The kinds of Shoes to wear on. that E^ast Day White Men's Boys' 1 85e t M $1.25, $1.50 and upwards 85c,Sl, S1.25 anfl ipwards Women's^ v <(.o Women's] iChildren's l^^f ^ $1 ':: Women's ji^rpS 1 upwards ( Oxforda j^miwan ; '-'''" ' " ••-••--——_y: - *f« . » I . A• If. J Cor. Bellevue Avenue and County Road. 7-5 c, $1, i &•& Canvas) and up Button ) $1, $1.25 ami > $1.50 Lace J and up JShiny .»>-.. »»tn4 - upwards We curry a line of and Castings Cultivators Diamond Harrows Wheelbarrows and email Garden Tools- Rakes Hoee Drags. If jou need Fertilizer for any crop, call on no. Our atoclc compriHes— Mapoi>' Complete Mnnurcs, 1'ho Taylor Provinion Com- pany's - Special Potato and Corn and Truck Manures, JTifield'o Pure Ground JPi«h Guano, Uerg'e Raw Bono. GEORGE ELVINS, Printed Signs. The following; fs n lint of roady-piinted elRns, nn Rood cloth or cord board, in Price, -5 ate. ouch, or nix tor a quarter. Bpuoial piicott on large lots. No Tre»p»H«lns or Oiiiinlng.1 Keep (lir.l KorHnlo! Kor llnnt:! .KorHuloor Kent! KorHulc—(nqulrn Within I No Dnmntin: mi thoae PicmlucBl Ice (Jrorttn if<vDiiy 1 Poimlon Vouoh^rH lix No Admlttiincu !| No smoKliiKJ ' BIRDS with otlior wording will bo printed on abort notice, und at roaiiou&blo prloon. [jfeatjsities will be Uifr best yet, Tbts eveningHhe two local Bands are expect to parade about town. The Local Telephone Company. The first annual meeting of the Ham- moDtoo Telephone and Telegraph Co. was held in .Odd Fellows' Hall, last Tuesday evening. The noDoal report was read, and proved very satisfactory to the etock- bolderg present' It was -shown that all construction expenses bad been paid, HP to date. The running expenses are now paid t»y rental receipts, w-kh n nice littlapet centope of proflt. A robust infant, isn't dt ? Tbe followiug Directors were re-elect- ed for three 'years : George Elvius, Edw. H. TV bite, B. W. KicJiards, and Wm. Oolwell. _^_^^^^^^ Jverai other iteius of boalness were transacted, not public property as yet, bet will be developed later. BANK BROTHERS 3 111 Bellevue Avenue , CLOTHING Be a little particular about your wearing apparel. We prefer that you should. Style, Quality, and. Low Prices is our motto, and. tb.osejwho-are looking for-it-will realize our methods - ~ Men's fine Serge Suits at $9.50, $10 and $12,—in single or -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ satirror mohatrtined; ^ "Three "gpectal'ldts'''^ MenVSu'itsj" egb'racing 'ItSTgo ~" at $6 ; $7 suits at #4.50.; $7.5o~suits at $5. " Two-piece suits at $4.50, $5, $6.50, up to $10 for the finest. Clothing bought of us will be pressed and cleaned ----free-of charge. :-~-_-:r.^:ir_iir±m-:^r=:—A-c.:~r^r: JSnoes for Men; Women and^ different styles"and"at.a^ great saving. New Domestic Miscellaneous. I/adies' long Elbow Gloves, special at 39 cents . #1,25 White Duck and Lawn Skirts at 95 cents- IPine Shirt Waists, in light and dark colors, 45 cts. $1.50 White Lawn Waists, special^ 95 cents and $2.30' Eawn Waists, special, $1.25 $2.75 and |3 Lawn Waists, special, $1.56 Dressing Sacques, 19 cents Men's ^o.cent Dress Shirts.at39 cents - - Men's 75'cent Dress Shirt at 45 cents Men'§ |i Dress Shirt at.75 cents. Fine Eclipse Shirt at $i ' BANK BEOTHEBS, Notion to Croditam Estate of Mary TroaK OooonHod. IVirsimnt to Uio or.ior of Knmnnol O. fihuiwr, HiiiTOffatu of tho County of At- lantio, till" duy mndo on tho u/pi/llcutlon of tho umloritignorl, ICxcoutOrH of tho suld doonlont, uoi.loo IM horvby ^'Ivoii to tho orcil'torn f>f tin "iiid di-cixlitit to ex- hibit to tho Piflim-i il;nr, iinilor oath or ixfllroiatlon, tht'T olirmn uml deniuiida ugatnfil tho cntulo "(' ihu nnlil dnoodout, wltliln niho inonti-H from llns (Into, or th«iy will ho forovur h irrod frmn |>rono- cuiliiK or p'oovor 1 ' 1 !.'. tlm fmnio u^ulimt thu Niilmoclhorx. WII.I.IAM II. Itirvicic, Holtfl & AUK-' I.HOM, I'HIMl' J^lllTTKH, Muy'o Ill Bellevue Avenue, Hammonton, N. «T. Indej^endeut Phone 538 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADK MARKS DlBIUN« CofVnialiTB Ac. .... ,„..» ....... in mkotrh «nj dixorlpllon quloklf iuii)«rtithi imr opinion frao nhetlter *i> luvfliiUon ]• pronabljr tiAUfntitnla. runiiuunlrA. tl(Mnitrlo»lr«)nOiteiilf«l. HANOUOQK <»ir«i«nli •0nt fr«o. IMdflat nii«unjr forji«uurmrf Mienu. I'oUmU Ukan tlirouih Miinn A < o. roo«l»« HmM «»«(««, without churn. In tho Scicniific Hmcr c<iii. A huiaiomttf Illanlr«lei1 «««lilr. l.nninit Kit- ouUtlou uf «nr folititina luurim). 'I'oi i.n. «:i •««r l four nuinllii, |L Haiti br»ll nowoilMlor^ MUNN&Co»»"'-^.NewYnrk llc.noh Otaoe, dM W BU W.ililuul.ir,. )>. 0. < If you nre going any whm-o, or If you Imvo oompnny, drop a lino to tho It 1C 1' U D L I C A N . A Look Stitch or A Chain Stitch at your pleasure. Tho How Domestic wan cho flrnt to ndopt and In tlio only moohino thut nmknn both atltulioa porfootly. Domostio Sowing MuoUino Co., Muln Oflloe und Fnotorloi, Nnwnrlc, N. J. A. H. Phillips Co. Fire Insurance. - MONEY- roit Mortgage Loans. It doesn't pay a painter to mix his o paint. Lucas Paints are mixed more , [•evenly and thoroughly by improved modern ma- l chinery. They save his time and are better after i lhey are mixed. They spread so easily and .cover so thoroughly that he can finish a job with much less labor and in shorter time. ' Best of all, they hold their color better, wear longer, and always make a satisfactory job. 1 Ask your dealer. •;•• John Lucas & Co Philadelphia llnrtlott OorrflnpondoucoHolloltocl. Atlantic City, N. J. Everybody roads the'Republican, lioouiiuo It'll all tlimo. John Prascli, Jr., Furnishing CTndertaker and Embalmer TwoUtn St., hotwocn rullroudn. riiouo 8-5 tlammunton, N. J. AllarraiiRoiuontifor burials made and oarofullvexecuted. . j, A.. -w_A..<a.a, Dentist (joplpy lliillilliifi, ; Jlniiimonton, N. J words (01 II-BO In llio U«<|>ilb|loi\n "j X"V \\J Just the Weather to stop baking jour own bread and cukes. Wo will do it for you. Ice Cream Every Ft y. SMALL'S BAKEUY

We Put New Interest - Atlantic County Library · HamtnontOD Ban d , an the local Itftlia'o Band." These will separate durinc the foreoooa, and march/about towo. - tbree-rroa8Se8-8aid

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'&i*M$f$m%>:*^ailBiE; --Upho^tering

in general

and Painting.Wm.

Oounty Road, Ha mm on ton*

To Milk Consumers.Having purchased the route of Ed. G.

Bernshouse, I will serveMILK IN BOTTltES

early mornings, and evenings where- - desired,Jn.timQ.fQr_p3eals.Jlail the wagon,

CclLby. Phone, „ „.., or drop-a Postal,

.And same will fao attended to promptly.

Harry Woodley.

The Peoples Bank

Capital. . . ..... 830,000Surplus and Undivided

Profits, . $44,419

"Thretrper cent-interest paid- " - on time Deposits. :

Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent

R. J. BYKJNKS,M. Ii. JACKSON^Vice-Pres't.^W. B. TILTON, Cashier.

DIRECTORS-_ R. .T,:Eyrnes .___

C. P. OsgoodElara BtockwellWm. J. SmithL. H. Parktmrst

M. LrJackspnGeorge ElvinsWm. L. BlackJ. C. Anderson\f. B. Tilton

The Hammonton


Young People's Societies.

'7P. S.O/E.7—Presbyterian Church:Meets Sunday evening, at C:45.Topic, '''Forgiving and ieiog _for>

Thriven?''~ -Mat £RJ ^loV-JtieadeF,. William 'Doerfel.

Jr. 0. E., Buoduy at 3 o'clock;

Y. F. S. 0. E.,—Baptist Church:Meets Sunday evening, nt 6:45.Topic, "Forgiving and being for-

given." Matt. 6 : 14, 16.Jr. C. E., Sunday afternoon1, at 3.00.

Epworth-League,^-M.-:E.-Church-:Meetg_Sunday_eveningr at- 7:08r

The Normal School |s_a professjqnaljschopl devotedjo._the preparation,^ '~~-~T: ~~ _; of "teachers for-tKejpuBIIc achools of New Jeraey. .

Church Announcements.Baptist Church.—Rev. Wiltshire W.

Williams, Paator. ' 10.30 a. m., "A. lightIn darkness;";7.35~p.~m., "The difficultyof doubt." One hour service.

M. E. Chureh.vR0v- J- H. Pay.rari,Pastor. 10.30 a. m., ''The walk offaith." 7.00 to 8.00 p. m., twilightservice,—Bpwortb League meeting, fol-.lowed by address by Pastor.' '

Presbyterian Church.— Preachingby Rev. I). C. Stewart, the newly-elected^

Tpasior.TTniversalist .Church. — 12.00 no.,

Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.; ".Miracles,"by Rev. J. L. Dowson, of Pbildeiphia.

Italian Evangelical.— Rev. J. A.Scarinclj-PasiUn-. ttunday-servicos-i-Sab-frat.h flp.hunl, in SO t.n U.1B ; prenohJIl|following.— Ohildrente Day-exercises to-morrow, at 10:80 a.m.

St. Mark's Church,—Rev. Pan! F.,rotor.:maD, Kector. Sunday, 7.30 a. m.

(except first Sunday in the month), 10.30,and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 12 'Weekday services, 7.80 a. m. daily,_jandFriday'ana^Saturday Evensong at 4.30.


Telegraph Co.

_ SALE OIL LAND; FOB - -----

Unpaid Taxes of 1905Public notice is hereby given by A. B.

Davis, Oolleciorof ;the Town or' Hara-tuotiton County of Atlanfio, th:it he willsoil at public tale all the lands, tene-ments, hereditaments, and 'real eatatohereinafter mentioned, for the shortesttime for which any person or person**will agree to take tee same aud pay thetax lion thevepn, including interest, audcost* of so la . ' - - ' - -

The said ealo will tako place at theTown Council Room, Hdmmoulon, on

Saturday,'August 4th, 1 DOG,at one o'clock iu the aften.ouu. Thesaid lands, tenements, hereditament!*,and ru.il estate so to be sold, and (benames of tho persons against whom tliosaid taxes have beeu laid on account ofthe Bame, and the amount ot taxos laidon account of each parcel, are as followu,viz :

Block Lot Acr TaxCnrloo, Genarlo; U 21 9 $28 52Dobbs A Frazler. 6IJ 9-11 349-100 Ifi

Leave /your order for Phones

at the office,

No.. 1 Egg Havbor Road;



Doblns.JF.l''ulton. KII. Jr

.611 17 70-100 2 7!l6B 30 75-100 s.fiS61! 38-M IKW-lOO 11.7260 S!-:ll 120-100 9 'JO6B 27 112-100. 5.0UfiU 8 630-100 6.M6A 7-H rt 80-100 27.M6A 10 40.J-10(I . J

3i-0 1(871U01;|.:UIS -1-5

A. H. Phillips Co.

Fife Insurance.- MONEY -


Mortgage Loans.Corroanondoucu Bolioltod .


Atlantic City, N. J.

For Artistic Signsof ovory douorlpUon

TryJ. O. YOHO,H t u r i i l H h t M t . lUininonton, N. J,


THE AMCHIOAN INVENTORA w«uitrwi ni.ior.K * f'i.>|.»i,if ihir }*Wu»t.

kbMtt^Uu, 91 w, A i t b *»a*«M«, IIM. «ik>vr'

illl'.IUOAH I M V U K T O U rCII. (HI.«., 1901 W MtrMt H. W.( . WMUw|l«ut \). 47,

»• j1

' "• '28

" -IHuinmonlon Imp,Co M,Hunilumon, II U, Iml 1Hooper. K lf 61,Lewis. Frank HMotiuiuu, .Too, Km 141'ulmer. Henry J 5A.Kuncni, Mury I



Itoxliy, 1C, KulHKCCII. I*uotoHHilnl.ucli, Otto, (ml..Hlullbrd, HuimiolHlokcH, Kzni

•10, 1542

•I -I. 61!76. 711




1.1, 417'J









1A-KN) 11.01UN) WM

17-100 l;iKfi 2.K

IU 4,118-1 (XI 41!

1H IB\r, :«,22M% II.UC'JO II. IB-1 II.W










Wclirwi-ln.'Jolin, Iml IllWhl l imy .KJA 111, 17Wooll>m I. John. lml n

813 coiltH c.o/ili) in uiioh eiiHu, uml Interovlat tho rato of 12 p«r cotit un t i l jwill bo uddod. llnoU liixi-n, If nny ,lio mndo known nt tlniii of Milti.

lux niuy be |ml<t »uy tlmo liuforo unloDutcil July 7tli, 1UUO.

A. H. OAVJH, Collector.


Trlhuno Farmer

0110 your enuli, for



, (Dost per^yearThe Model School offers a thorough academic course, and prepares for theleading colleges and technical schools, and for buaineas. Total cost in theModel School, including board and tuition, $200 per year. j*

Dormitories with modern home-like equipment.For further information, address

J. JVE. GREEM, Principal,Trenton, New Jersey.

is for sale every Saturday morning at

Hensoii's News RoomBnck numbers caa be had at the.:REPUBud'AN Office.

Camden:5afe Deposit &7rustCo.224 Federal Street,

Statement January 1st, 1906.Assets . . . . . .$7,066,612.68Not including Trust Funds, whichare kept entirely separate,

Payswithout notice.?nj\-fel?SS»b?i?I

of $500 and over.Safe Deposit

burglar-proof vaultsfor valuables andimportant papers, $2 and upward.ALIJXAMJUH ti. WOU1J,


• Vice Prcii. <t Tru«t Ofllccr.JOSEPH LIPPINCOTT,

Sec'y and Tren«urer.PETER V. VOOKHI3BS,

•Solicitor.GEORGE J. DEnOBY.- " ~—_ _ A«»lHtnntSolicitor.

. Camden, N. J.Capital . . . . . .$100,000.00Surplus . . . . . . 500,000.00Undivided Profits . . 172,761.71Deposits . . . . . .6,293,850.97

InterestJJ per^eiit on^eposits,

;Banici6?6yTWaircan be done safely

Trust Depart-— ment. Acis as Ex-

ecutor, Administrator, Trustee,Guiudian, etc,—Wills kept '•'


\Vm. S. SoillWm. C. DaytonBenj. C. ReeveP. V. VoorhecsAlex.. C. -WoodWm. S.,Price .Ceo. Reynoldt —-

DinccTonaJos. H. GaskillWm. J. ScwcllE. E. R«d, Jr.Wm. J. B.-adlcy_.Gco^J. Bergen ^

Established 1873.

We Put New InterestIn the Special-Sale by Adding a Big

..;..;, Lot of Trousers for Hen and a VeryAttractive Lot of Suits for Boys. ;

......';" Men's all-wool trousers In worsteds, cheviots and' outing flannels reduced as follows: $6.00 trousers ara

> $4.00; $5.00 trouiers are $3.'50; $4.00 trousers are $3.00;, ' $3.50 trousers are $2.75; $2.50 trousers are $2.00. In

, the lot you wil l f ind a good many .outing flannels, with. ' cuffs at the bottom. •- {

':• J

•"10'to 16'yearsr"liTgi hard toi foresee what will taka bigIn clothing for boys, and we find ourselves caught withtoo many thrue-plece suits. We have lumped all tho97.50 and $6,60 suits and reduced them to $2.50. Bettercome quickly—you notice the price Is less than half.

About One Hundred three-piece suits for boys, Inworsteds, casalmeres and blue serges; sizes 10 to 16years. The original prices were $10.00 and $8.50—th»price today Is $4,00.

Boys' suits In knee trousers; sizes 7 to 17 yoars,In sack and Norfolk models—$7.60 and. $6.50 suits, re-duced to $4.60.

Young Mcn'e two-piece suits, 31 to 34 Inches chestmeasure, In strlpod flannels, reduced from $14.00 to$10.00.

Young Mon'i throe-piece suits, 31 to 34 Inches chestmessure, In cheviots and worsteds, reduced from $16.60•nd $19.00 to $10.00. All omnll lots, but all size* guar-anteed.

Men's otrlpuil f lannel and cheviot suits reducedfrom $20.00 to fIS.OO; from $18.00 to $13,60; from'$10.00 to $11.50', and from $12.00 to $8.50.

Unusual Bargains in Women'sand Girls' Tailor-Hade Suits

' ' ' Suits that were $20.00 and $IB.OO have been TO-('neon to $10.00,

iSulla that wore $20.00 and $20.00 have been re- .

' ; . duced to $16.00, '

":-i . „ , !' Good Btylon, aomo of the lots are small—that's be*' oauao they havo boon very attractive values. I ! •'I u

'1Upon the purchase of « certain amount we pay

excuralon curfaro to Phlladolnhl* and return. < .' i .1 *i i .,

'Wanamaker & BrownOAK HALL,

S.i 13. Cor. Sixth and Market Sts., Philadelphia.

Cumberland Mute'•^t^gwiou^.N^^

"p&^fM^fffi^^ir7:>. T ""T

'Meni'biBrs'Wcnre • • ~'.• ;. "'• • "~ , • • , . ~~~'"• Insurance at Ctifsto.

Losses Promptly iPald. "

Way land ^ePuy, Agt;llanimonton, N^ j. ;-

Hoyt & Son, Publishers. _ IndependentPhone — No. 582 Terms, $1,25 per Tear; $1 in AtlaDtic Cotmty!

Leaky: tin roofsIlepak

No. a*> Third Street,Hammonton. - r

of the ttew Teleplicmeirare now working-

New Orders Coming- in Daily!THese facts sto-vvs that Hammonton

people keenly appreciate the low-priced,more-than-satisfactory service o£ the

LakeviewConnects •with the Keystone .Long Distance,thus enabling you to reach Philadelphia andother cities and towns. ' • ..

oosT- RATES for unlimited local-service": "

Residences,r—$^$1.25, and $i.5Q a month.

~Central A7e..Hammnnrnn> _ j.

Large assortment of•Pa'ms, Ferns. House Plants,

iutJJlowers. ^Eui»eral-DeBfKuin Fwsh Flowers, Wax', or Metal.

WATKis & NICHOLSON;~ Florists andjtanclsij&pe GardeneraT-"Phone 1-VV^ — --

Send me your order TO-DAY, and. your telephonewill be in by Monday or Tuesday.

ErW7HOOPER, -P. O. box 205

Advertising DepartmentPhone 2STo. 1048

"Our LaMy'8 Day."

The Italians have made more thanusually elaborate preparations to cele-brate the Feast of Our L&dy of MountCarmel, OD Monday-next, July 10th.

"There will 'be three bands, — theMarine Band from Philadelphia, theHamtnontOD Band , and the local Itftlia'oBand." These will separate durinc theforeoooa, and march/about towo.

- tbree-rroa8Se8-8aid inSi. Joseph's Church,— at eight o'clock,9 30, aftA IU 30 a.m., the last heiog highmass, with three priests.

Tbe grand procession is scheduled, tostart from the Church at 3.30 p.m., — -_.•nJffFchifig~to"Believner toTMain Road,to Fakvfew, to Railroad Avenue, to

..About. ,nine».o'clook—iD-tbe-evenmgthey will give a fine display ofon the north corner of Third Street andFail-view. They have in vested'threebuodred dollars in thia line.

>.' freemoving picture show, oat-doors, earlyia the evening.

Tbe Italians always make this da;

SHOEBGood variety to select from. .

Twenty styles of »

DOUGLASSShoos for Men and BOJR .

The Walton8boo is the best that can bebought for boys.

Take a look at them.


16th; of July.............. " ...... ~.V ...... ......... ; " . •

The kinds of Shoes to wear on. that E^ast DayWhiteMen's

Boys' 185e

t M

$1.25, $1.50and

upwards85c,Sl, S1.25


Women's^ v<(.o


iChildren's l^^f ^$1':: Women's ji^rpS1 upwards ( Oxforda j^miwan

; ' - ' ' ' " ' " ••-••--——_y: - *f« . » I• . A• If. J

Cor. Bellevue Avenue and County Road.

7-5 c, $1,i &•&Canvas) and up

Button ) $1, $1.25ami > $1.50Lace J and up

JShiny. » > - . . »»tn4 -


Lyford BeverageIVTotapy: Public

for Now Jersey,tenders bin services.

Pension vouchers executed.

We curry a line of



The BrownGas and GasolineEngine .

gives universal mitlnfuotlon.

1. W. POLLER, Hammonton. N. J.

B< rry Tiolcets. For tliequality und w(irl\niniiHhi|>, trytho Printer your neighbor allreconiinond,—HOYT &



WHEELWRIGHTKan romovod to tba uliop Intoly

by Al. Uolrieoko, on tlio County, Mid )».i-9«(ly to do .

Any Work in His Lino.

Have you anyCards?

If not, ecc our tmmpk'H.

CultivatorsDiamond HarrowsWheelbarrows

and email Garden Tools-RakesHoeeDrags.

If jou need

Fertilizerfor any crop, call on no.

Our atoclc compriHes—Mapoi>' Complete Mnnurcs,1'ho Taylor Provinion Com-

pany's - Special Potato andCorn and Truck Manures,

JTifield'o Pure Ground JPi«hGuano,

Uerg'e Raw Bono.


Printed Signs.

The following; fs n lint of roady-piintedelRns, nn Rood cloth or cord board, in

Price, -5 ate. ouch, or nix tor aquarter. Bpuoial piicott on large lots.

No Tre»p»H«lns or Oiiiinlng.1Keep (lir.lKorHnlo!Kor llnnt:!.KorHuloor Kent!KorHulc—(nqulrn W i t h i n INo Dnmntin: mi thoae PicmlucBlIce (Jrorttn if<vDiiy 1Poimlon Vouoh^rH lixNo Admltt i incu !|No s m o K l i i K J '

BIRDS with otlior wording will bo printedon abort notice, und at roaiiou&blo prloon.

[jfeatjsities will be Uifr best yet,Tbts eveningHhe two local Bands

are expect to parade about town.

The Local Telephone Company.

The first annual meeting of the Ham-moDtoo Telephone and Telegraph Co.was held in .Odd Fellows' Hall, lastTuesday evening. •

The noDoal report was read, andproved very satisfactory to the etock-bolderg present' It was -shown that allconstruction expenses bad been paid,HP to date.

The running expenses are now paidt»y rental receipts, w-kh n nice littlapetcentope of proflt.

A robust infant, isn't dt ?Tbe followiug Directors were re-elect-

ed for three 'years : George Elvius, Edw.H. TV bite, B. W. KicJiards, and Wm.Oolwell. _^_^^^^^^

Jverai other iteius of boalness weretransacted, not public property as yet,bet will be developed later.


111 Bellevue Avenue


Be a little particular about your wearing apparel.We prefer that you should.

Style, Quality, and. Low Prices is our motto, and.tb.osejwho-are looking for-it-will realize our methods - ~

Men's fine Serge Suits at $9.50, $10 and $12,—in single or-^ ^ ^ ^ ^ satirror mohatrtined; ^

"Three "gpectal'ldts''' MenVSu'itsj" egb'racing 'ItSTgo~" at $6 ; $7 suits at #4.50.; $7.5o~suits at $5. "Two-piece suits at $4.50, $5, $6.50, up to $10 for the finest.

Clothing bought of us will be pressed and cleaned----free-of charge. :-~-_-:r.^:ir_iir±m-:^r=:—A-c.:~r^r:

JSnoes for Men; Women and^different styles"and"at.a^ great saving.

New Domestic

Miscellaneous.I/adies' long Elbow Gloves, special at 39 cents

. #1,25 White Duck and Lawn Skirts at 95 cents-IPine Shirt Waists, in light and dark colors, 45 cts.

$1.50 White Lawn Waists, special^ 95 centsand $2.30' Eawn Waists, special, $1.25

$2.75 and |3 Lawn Waists, special, $1.56Dressing Sacques, 19 cents

Men's o.cent Dress Shirts.at39 cents - -Men's 75'cent Dress Shirt at 45 cents

Men'§ |i Dress Shirt at.75 cents.Fine Eclipse Shirt at $i '


Notion to CroditamEstate of Mary TroaK OooonHod.

IVirsimnt to Uio or.ior of Knmnnol O.fihuiwr, HiiiTOffatu of tho County of At-lantio, till" duy mndo on tho u/pi/llcutlonof tho umloritignorl, ICxcoutOrH of thosuld doonlont, uoi.loo I M horvby ^'Ivoii totho orcil'torn f>f tin "iiid di-cixlitit to ex-hibit to tho Piflim-i il;nr, i ini lor oath orixfllroiatlon, tht'T olirmn uml deniuiidaugatnfil tho cntulo "(' i h u nnlil dnoodout,wltl i ln n iho inon t i -H from llns (Into, orth«iy will ho forovur h irrod frmn |>rono-cuiliiK or p'oovor1'1!.'. tlm fmnio u^ulimtthu Niilmoclhorx. W I I . I . I A M II. Itirvicic,Holtfl & AUK- ' I.HOM, I ' H I M l ' J^lllTTKH,


Ill Bellevue Avenue, Hammonton, N. «T.Indej^endeut Phone 538



CofVnialiTB Ac.....,„..» .......in mkotrh «nj dixorlpllon m»

quloklf iuii)«rtithi imr opinion frao nhetlter *i>luvfliiUon ]• pronabljr tiAUfntitnla. runiiuunlrA.tl(Mnitrlo»lr«)nOiteiilf«l. HANOUOQK <»ir«i«nli•0nt fr«o. IMdflat nii«unjr forji«uurmrf Mienu.

I'oUmU Ukan tlirouih Miinn A < o. roo«l»«HmM «»«(««, without churn. In tho

Scicniific Hmcr c<iii.A huiaiomttf Illanlr«lei1 «««lilr. l.nninit Kit-ouUtlou uf «nr folititina luurim). 'I'oi i.n. «:i ••««r l four nuinllii, |L Haiti br»ll nowoilMlor^

MUNN&Co»»"'-^.NewYnrkllc.noh Otaoe, dM W BU W.ililuul.ir,. )>. 0. <

If you nre going any whm-o, or If youImvo oompnny, drop a lino to tho

It 1C 1' U D L I C A N .

A Look Stitch orA Chain Stitch

at your pleasure.

Tho How Domestic wan cho flrnt tondopt and In tlio only moohino thutnmknn both atltulioa porfootly.

Domostio Sowing MuoUino Co.,Muln Oflloe und Fnotorloi, Nnwnrlc, N. J.

A. H. Phillips Co.

Fire Insurance.- MONEY -


Mortgage Loans.

It doesn't pay a painter to mix his opaint. Lucas Paints are mixed more ,

[•evenly and thoroughly by improved modern ma-l chinery. They save his time and are better after i

lhey are mixed. They spread so easily and.cover so thoroughly that he can finish a job withmuch less labor and in shorter time.

' Best of all, they hold their color better,wear longer, and always make a satisfactory job.

1 Ask your dealer. • ; • • •

John Lucas & Co Philadelphia


Atlantic City, N. J.

Everybodyroads the'Republican,

lioouiiuo It'll all tlimo.

John Prascli, Jr.,Furnishing

CTndertakerand Embalmer

TwoUtn St., hotwocn rullroudn.riiouo 8-5

tlammunton, N. J.AllarraiiRoiuontifor burials madeand oarofullvexecuted.

. j, A.. -w_A..<a.a,


(joplpy l l i i l l i l l i i f i , ; Jlniiimonton, N. J

words (01 II-BOIn l l io U«<|>ilb|loi\n

"j X"V\\J

Just theWeather

to stop baking jour ownbread and cukes.

Wo will do it for you.

Ice CreamEvery Ft y.



. j ';';: -,-;•; ;,'..V'


:-.-i..-'. .. . .. Canst thon forget (be dnys ofI ± L . = .. awaking,^LJ. _; - - .-; v ' The fnir, cweet dnyB, wfien life watf~Bo;_.J: _ complete;: :]. When we forgot that hearts nre ever'..;';,., ., bronzing, . . .

:: And'sorrow something which we all• :- - •- - - must meet?

'• •'.»'- V Canst Ihou forget the touch of clinging

Y fingers/' Tne purple eky, the vunlight on the

'_^_ _ ; Jake? '__ ,...,|———~, -'—-'•- 1* there—no- word -which In the mem'ry

',:'•'! * lingers—- i A mefwnge treasured for the past's dear; : sake?

- . V ; Const thou forget tha life we planned to-;-??—-•'-•••• • • • • • • ' . - • • - getber, • • - • - • - - • • - • - - - -"T~ "*' " The scent of flow'rs, the story of the"•',':. ,'" . - • trees,\ Tb« far off bills, with mints na blue aa

^ ---per to-night. John, - said hla wife. "T.,. rugh f n) . chorua of^boys «nd I nre goinp over to McBrlde volcea BWCet M thc chlme 0, s,Ivory

P J' "re nVe " 8<)cnl, - b e i iS lnd John- Thompson sat npr n,b-

<-r<>nin and rake at the end. nnd Mrs. __, ____ /...,. ___ .. _,..,.,_.._ ~ .

heather,The weird, Rtrange voices "mid the

cummer breeze?

Oonat lion forget the coat J« walls w*^ builded, - ----- . .

The pictured scenes ofnfar,

Tho dreams which seemed- »gilded,

Snundors Insisted we come.""All rlRht, Miiry,. I'll mend the gate,

while-you nro {tone." IMnry looked mirprised nnd picnaed,

but snld nothing.Jol». hiiiDincr :iml mills. I"' '

JT "Papa, here I am I" she cried, for she1 knew Jn a flash they were hunting for

her. Some one parted the vines, andshe came crawling out. .Mother rushed.



by an (i

them on the kitchen table, nndInto the sitting room, where a cheerfulblaze-invltcd-him to sit "down Justlongenouglf to* think where he"liad betterlay the foundation for the mill.

So absorbed did he become that atdrat he noticed nothing of what waa go-Ing ou around him. (Gradually, how-ever, the conviction grew that be -wa*not alone. The fire bad burned low,the room waa In semi-darkness, butover there In the corner was somethinggray and misty. As hi« eyes becameaccustomed to the biilf-llght, the grayinlat assume'' tbe form <»' P *voman,

tall and strong and supple, with long,black hair, and great hollow eyes thatsearched him through nnd through. The

grew chill lu his veins, a._cold_lI sweat broke out all over his body and \

Tbe love we trusted as a (aiding star? • frozen' horror paralyzed his tonguej when the figure seemed to reach out

voices of wife and children. SomehowIt seemed only nntural that he be backIn his own home, ntl)l the recollectionwag Htrong within him. Vaguely Maryand the boys wondered as he picked upthe hammer and nails. When Mary _ . ,would have persuaded him to wait un- Wuns faennry. beaxnu* sed he red sun1 Mine bread andtil the morrow, he replied, "There havebeen--too-many -to-morrows,"-and- the-gate was mended trrnt night- i-'-*-1-'? ., r-~- "the- one -under -the-nlnzzH?"

N«t morning, after breakfWt, Rob- ^ b™**A™ ™"> *" ~ ' «« %^^tB£SS her for

The Benighted Cltr !••*.

"We thought youImd'gono to grand- ;ma's," she Hiilil, "nntl fntner.w.as jiwf :goliijt after you," and then there was-general questioning and surprise fromgvi'i-y ime. • • - , - .- • • , - •.-• ' .- .-

Mnt'ior took Bessie In rilirl gave hi»»

pnly^tUB~flfsf~5Srt "of^^^^ our text, this la the. second part:

:.._:1_:_.'_:.:.:_ ___! -",-I ...__1. ^l_I^I_..:'"And..so. did,.His .disciples." As din-:* BRILLIANT SUNDAY SERMON SV clples It was their business to follow

----TWl-REV.-1/Vllit.lAM R; RICKATIDS." "Jesua; and~now" Jesus" was following, _.: Jalrus. Is not'this a most excellent THE GOOD SAMARITAN.—Luke

- • - • • • • ' • -—':•;• " ' • — . ' • " » ' " ' " . - l-exaajple-for—any—loyal -church?—The• • ; • • „ , . . • - I : n LI--I _ t t-l . - • «J-

For July" 1R. -1


I question that ought to come to us &-=the ijoestlon-of--leadership, human

eating It she suddenly Btoje**!. "(both- '

' - - • - *

j that kind of leadership In the d»"—_?_ Itself. Men -and- women experienced

n. , _ . Brlc"1 "' tn« tuingtt of God who can serve_Church,_.Sunday morn- as leaders for their younger brethren.- :tha;.Rev;-W.llllam-R-H[t^ag-no-Iirthe-aayr6Tlheapo"sties."


ert and. Jake were nu.prised to !» hur- )n tt blg jwtkftdn awi the town' some time. Then papa went out, 'and, . u , an

rled here and there on errands for Fath- wood Bea um if thay swum In it ann j after a while returned with a little-

for his text Matthew~'Jesus- arosso did his disciples," an'd

- ( _ _ - -"And foi]ow ,lim aa he was fo,,ow,^g

iCarn^Uo FMos-aSv-St;—ReaMutt. 25:31-46; Luke 10:1-24.—-^i- THE GHACE OF BROTHERLY

GOLDEN TEXT.-Blessed arc the •'-.LOVE.—John 13:34; Rom. 12:19;,,for they Mhal l a t t a i n mprrv — Heb. 13:1; John 17:21-23; 1 Thess.

4:9, 10; 1 John 3:14.In all these paasages brotherly love

SUK waged a continual war against mcana, primarily at least, the love thatfonnalism In religion. The mo.n out- <-'hristlans. as brothers ot Christ owe.wardly religious people of the day wci:e lo each other for Christ's sake. This-tar..more7rellgloU3-1n- " t'han ' was tnc "commah'dinenf" that "J«susPractice, And they roallv believed that Kave His disciples shortly before Hiswhat was nece.-wiry-to" please Gorl was (loath—.'that they should manifest their

JO- oehave-iQi-rcctly They hud goliwu lpy.e_am?.Jpyalty to_HJm bj^thellrjovef° far from Ciod Himself that they for each other. The command to "love' "

er, and the wonder grew *s easy-golns,dreaming John threw off bis coat and ann offisur hoc wood arrest um awloenr erery energy to the perfection ot "ann helinryT'BSd'th'ay neaYui tilme et V

firefly held In his hand; and withoutcrushing It at all, he showed Bessie' ' " ~ ' ' ; ' " ' : '

The question comes to us. What II Ho'n which*' w* (SirMta te'wSS

^M"'0"^^!811 8Lthe..VSV\' ther" n,ay ever be any Wnd of

and It was safe counsel. There are |.Imagined j[ini asi a |awe)vei. chiefly, thy neighbor as thyself" was nat a

« task after anotlier. The weed* b*-came a thing of thc past, there wer«n»w shingles on the house and newpanea of glass In the windows, the barndoor once more hung on roller*? John

skin thare lego ann verry seldom •««, tojd hef a], flbout ^ haWtg of y .

«! >'»• ™ w ° p l " a °™e "* • lightning-bug. She listened until sh«




j felt she could tell her teacher all aboutj It "I didn't know there were any bugs-

hennry eedjf u wennt iiairfoot than- that carry lamps round-wltb tbeBJ ?"-'

"r^-butsWo-tbe churchr-If any:man from

and did not see that the laws He gave "new" commandment. It was aa oldwere meant ruther aa Illustrations a" Moses, but this new command tosnowing how lift* might be made right- Iov<> each other for Christ's sake callseous out they/could not. If kept In a tor a more affectionate loye, a closermerely formal-way,- regenerate charac- "ond of- fellowship, than It would be



and tho boys:were getting the gardea tbajr bave no feelds uv cl««ver fresti ant she exclaimed.ready for early vegetables, and tha fareneighbors were talking of the wonder- too kool ure feet wenn thay are hott «nt' , "Every bug and every flower 1« madfrCul transformation of John Thompson. kep* In a wonderful way," said her father.

Canst thou forget, when and of b«art andweary,

Oppressed and spent with toll and trialseore, - --. . . _ — -

And troubled, long amid the yearn sodreary.

toward him. For fu l l five minutes this

toward Mary, until one day tbe water*lid Indeed turn tbe wheels of a millthat became the most flourishing in the


'* 'had otto find sum bettur thing too doo,

lasted, then Joliu gaxped.

one blest-hour-of days that-are no aa exclaimed: —more?

- -- Canst thou- loryiil, O, love~of~mlne for-•r, ever,Tio' tta« and .distance lie our hearts


country., On the site of the old home a fine

"Who «e_you_Md_wha!_Jo_jfou_E^d^^wantv ., not allow tbe bouse to be destroyed. It

In' MeeftJ*pjUchraLtoB*Lth*^^

Its exterior neatly Improved andThe Interior was

.. —. .,«...BC^ .T,»..a-loved~to«draw,,.glvea~mer shape~Trnd~"BubstaTrce.—roii~7j

"You. I am the spirit of the uncom- : L.oveml ^1^ v|nea.

r<^my uriucha|r before the grate as"have reared me well, my beloved, and Uo did vea,.s berore> OI1 tne ulght be

now I claim you for my own. You , |ourueyed with the ITnfulrHlwl to tlie

tent binds us nothing can di«-8*ver,

And naught can rob It of Its old-timesheen?

Cknst. thoiLfbrget,. when all our tasks-.-.-•re-ended--' - —- --=

And silence frees u> from the heart'sregret,

^Jf. facing

i are rnlna anu-l-am-jourar~uome,~ier| iaa11~or^Hig7itHaTe^een^^n^r^here^l^1 us away," and she stretched out her, found the path which leads to Destinyarms as though to draw him to her em-1 Accomplished,brace. | Oil a Christmas eve, when the boy*

John shrank back and murmured, "I were 12 years ojd,__t_he_faml.ly_gathered__conn6t~lMye;my.;-wlfe,.iuy:.«M old bousehome, 1 cannot leave them." J and joha Thompson {old them of hour

"You must," was the Inexorable re- • Procrastination fell from him and Suc-re but parts of that

7endSF^~ T~has~Tua3e me stronger year by year. Qylng to ashee when the HttirgroupCanst tbou forget, 0, love, canst tjiou , Yol«' wlfe uus few or tue comforts aud dispersed, but a strong and abidlag

forget? ' i-«i«>o-i"-»- • ' -•• '— '— * — •"—CJhlogo Tribune.

pleasures you planned for her, I will (ajth In the specter that had been°h"1" you them by and by. Your home | God's Instrument to awaken and de-

sleepllyV as ihe went up to Dea,"""btttIt was nice to find something to notice -for the nature class."—Inez L. Strong,In Youths' Companion.

A Froien Babble.

Did. youL*vwihear_«Jf|_sJfeozen_Boap»_babble? A boy out In Colorado wan]b"Iowing_DuDbjeli_last—winter,-- when it-occurred to hlui to trj the effect of thecold outside air on one. HU father^

They must b« kept In sp(rit7 either-possible or doairable to-cherish! who would practice them must for a11 sorts of persona indlscrlmlnate-I £o back of thc bare law and pee tha '>'•' Principle of life that It was meant to 'We should love -everybody In the

illustrate. nenne of desiring everbody'a well-beingIB * solne ot "'ose «'ho. wer^-Htlck- "nd happiness and of being- willing to

_ „ _... _. o .«-4 inoiT w wauunr uwuv nuui • , , r exact keeping of the law under- help everybody as'we have opportun-and bad become what we would now the Master There comes some new i *,,£„ ;swmpthlnf°f (hla is"*hown ly th«-tity,- But there are many~personsr_,i . r,u.,^.._. . ._. . . . . . _ -lne-MaB

w3,^. K-ea? D«t?nsVnq of ' lawvPi Kf"P °f ,the '"w eiven by tha Whose com^ny we should av°id. be-

•wh^i » »?T"P f- m ? * ' «B^ . f. °Ur teasor>- But overf he "use their characters are evil or be-Who says. Come. I will lead you J-eernsi u,,|,ave grasped the true mean- cause they have no sympathy withhigher regions than your master J,"f^of the law In an Intellectual way riur religious aspirations and their In-

. , • - . *."—H»W «»o i.wiy ready LU wum «i--ft'-'f,^" 8teP wo"ld -a-mwi-provttter everybody who beckons themhe Bad made tbe great cholc* they are likely to wander away from

- ... Id now - " - - - • — ' •call a Christian? If we want to Itnon

B to look Into rthe gospel-o! Land, looking there, we find!

•Work In,; l,aoO Cltlcn mm*Town*—Pre«*n* Sr«««"» Do* ««8nn«ct Cox'« BVortc—CiurrrtKatb* Mall la Sltjr»CTap«ni._^

The jnpst rapidly. Iccrenslng army t*« - -On i ted States government has Is anarmy .'n »ray. It starteJ with hardly

a handful of men"over iSorty years

ago. Its rank*have grown stead-Ihr, never'thinningin time* of pro*found "price. TNow ~'~^_these men In grajr•re quite a thIHlu many as tbt

-govemmenf* regu-lar military estab-

—SAHOW-B.-OOX,— lUhment on lajjd,Thegr an -the lettar carriers In almost

i^OO dtleo and large towns of the Uni-ted States. Their number Is now ap>

»^f *if« fl-SMLlMW an^e^lja^^a3_Jjeeij__ab]e_tD_3how_y.ou^_._Any l^r?1"^'. 'hari by spiritual perception, fluence would tend to hinder the growth ; faroxUnarrtT 22OW1 Tn h. ««^ .-.word, the word- "follow." For thTTchurch that follows such mav make j ^0!:^nouEh-iie ftdmTttea"that love t~o"or-our spintuarTiaturer 1P^^^-^^-T^-^L^"^ «*

-- _ - , uphad made the great choice foi. the Master. Or, again.

Jesus was to say, "He rose and fol- some hlKh ch-jrch official" Him." There are slxty-nin« | will lead

mav be i ant to be

of the But toward the disciples of Christ,on his part, whatever their name or race, we need

rlous fact to to cherish a brotherly affection, thlnk-mem-


_ter registered about 14 degrees belowBero at the time, and when the bubbleWJIB I'eleiuted In the usual way If. fell.


iLS crumbJfogjfhelKjjuud tnmblfrdow-n,' yeiop latentlll-kent surrounilhi^? And n-hanT sS! ?~-_^ .•^^•"


T—•. —-—*«—««. ir-tf: ambition and courage |- —-ill-kept surroundings. And where are!5weU long*with those boys.--Not-even :*nn hennry sed thare» boys boo neavuryour children's dainty food and -soft § |n after years could they quite riilraiment and ediicarlnmil nr lrnnnifoQi ' »t 7 _ _ - _T:L. ir._.. TT . -raiment and educational advantages?' themselves' of the notion of her reality I1'"* ur "a

Ibey are all mine. Your wealth, your, nnd whenever Procrastination'* mantle '• " *%£*?

kottsaw wun until it is bott

marrkut ann its offle sadd

Tweedledum 1"j sang a merry little bird. Then** she stopped'and cocked her head

to one aide. O.n the crookeil rail-fence,lust where she wanted to build her nest,warn a man, long and lean and lanky,and he was meditatively chewing just

ji straw as she wanted.

ambition and your highest maohooil^lle011 j M y a l t a r aud it in meet tbat youyield mlf still more. I am greater andwiser and stronger than you.with me."

would have fallen, ou them they remem-'|bered the altar of the Unfulfilled and j

'.to think how littul nollidge sutch boyi

to the snow perfectly frozen aslow sphere of Ice.

It wan subsequently found tbat wheniithe temperature rose to zero the bub-bles would not freeze, but whether" this-was due to the change of temperatureor the presence of more moisture lathe air could not be determined. The-7alfier~bf the" boy Is aniloua _to-'know. -whether It be iwiuible to freeze a bab-ble In a more eanterly latitude, where-the air Is not so dry OH It Is in Colo-rado. .- . - - - - ./"^ : . ' ..... : _•- - .....

sheep, who proved they were his sheepliecituse they "knew His voice, follow-

"Ing "him: ThTriirTEe reguIar~or3eTof the' sacred .history: Jesus going•before and the otbers following. Butthere is one singular marked excep-tlon fn that order. It is all the more

ol. with s3edness comes

. - Christ has never consent- i Th/p«"%it, by ^ff j ' ; , to °"r brothers and sisters in, ll"*t Vve shoum follow any human i to enlighten tii^-la'w''' " " " " ' ad C U l e aense "f brotner-

bordlng to the last official count, tb«9 ~jw«re 21,778t They hare doubled nu-merically In the last fifteen years. la|th« very last year-^wbich In poatofflM

rlance means the Iwt fiscal year—alrooet-g-per-eent

once -In- the gospel of. history thir^term is used in the other order. Some

^ one else Is leading. It Is Jesus that is

of rjolltlcal nowerIn the world. In following Caesar-we-run the risk

o -|ble instead.of making as much as pos-sible of It, shows us how we may extendthe circle of our neighbors u n t l l u takes15 »lL_whom_jve_ptiss-by—In-llfer^anwhose troubles we see. It teaches -us

following., TVho can this other leader

lltleal power, no human prestige, no 'wisdom of the Unman understanding jIs a safe guide for any church of i the "order," "society.""ChTlsT

, „__ - . T,_. j r uj ^J (J Y)" tO

•which all Christians belong !r, theirbe-who spoke with such authority thai! Then can-you conceive oT-any bn- ...capacity. as_Christians..can have noth-•b. • _ _ . . . . __. . - - ^ t * , _^ »__ j^ . t.i— i« t IL * « *_ inp wnnrr f\f a timrl^l _ TIT! ,-in. t-.»A*,i .1 j


....Hot* Tier Bimmed--<Ii«. Il«b>. ..i. .Tlipy talked of Mnlora, Aurora and Flora,

Of Mabel nnd Marc-la nnd Mildred andMay;

Debated thc question of Helen, Honora,Olarlma,~Camilln, and Phyllln and Fay,

set themselves quickly and resolutely to;ann hennry sed if^he U Htcb heed bring They thonirht of Marcolln. Kntella and!

andThe man <

Vainly John begged for one more day.The unfulfilled would not grant onehour, vyith a swift movement sheclasped the agoulzed, helpless man to

i her breast and bore him swiftly overi land .and sea. On n mlguty,I plain she laid him

Come the business In'hand"-The Ho'usewlf* '§ntch owt frum tbe "ittj «ver' ispring j

ann let utn play with uas ann Dl tbnr«'- sole Pwith «w«te fresh alre. anu If the uwlua- '

men hoal |«lnt big enuff wwd taik the crick Instedd.


What • Piutor Achl>>vrd ivllb Flovr-«tr» In III* t'lly Home.

Bella,Conxldered (.'^villa, Jennactte sod Pan-

l ine : _ _ . J^Hoia7 A(I>'lu,"Arih"('ttii7 AVakolle,And 'Kthel nnil Kiniice, Hortcnse sad'

1 rene.

man 'leadership that It would be safe

Yes. Here is this man, Jalrus. whocpmes from outs.de .with th.sstor?._en.a

Jesus followed him? You might thinkIt was some great teacher and lead-er experienced in the things of God.But It was not so. because afteiJesus had once claimed tbe_posltlojias teacher He never consented to fol-low another teacher. Or perhapssome supreme ecclesiastic, who, be-cause of hls"sncred office could takeprecedence of .leans But- i t was notso. for If you look Into the historyyou find that o:ir Lord never for amoment rendpreil such supremacy toany church official. His word was al-ways "Followthink- -it- was - som&-King Herod orCaesar himself a. .._ ,. .. , . . . ..not so; He never consented to follow,' leader_f lo«s nol^ come into the q«ps-,

short of a world-wide brotherhoodfor the church or disciples to follow? j ff "a J deal; " recogrnlzes no restric-

" 6 te r a a t6 te r an"aton-

., fo!lnWA..a.inember-of a society a mlllldn'lilm, and so flo His dlaclnles. A n y , alre, or a "Juil bird." It is'all one to

man Who knowns the war to anv kind . j the Christian when he conies to lookingof human sorrow or need or wrons J *°r neighbors. The person who needsmav claim a hearlne from nny church ! ,.a, and ls thrown by God In hlaoLJesns Christ, 'and tf in tne h°arInK ^Jh is lhe--<me who is his nelgh-thejr find he knows the way better T-here grf no f

than we, he may claim not. only a world-wide brotherhood and the onlyhoarlnsr, hut. the- 'nltowlne from the Initiation necessary Is the aceentancechurch of .Te<»us Christ, tt Is direct . of Christ Jesus as brother

-priest, Thenr-agsln;—thf^^ch-jrChJJIke-him-would-make4X-Iltt!e4rVHBi^—-e'T, "L nc'Shborliness toward allmight consent to follow Caesar or i opportunity tor wlghborllnei, "7^ '"^l.lmimrearu-.e-an-de^rrdea-frorrrl

a common ancestry and because Christditd for all—although many of thosefor whom He had died refuse to ac-oept the benefits which He purchasedTOT=r"themT^t so—greaT

Brotherly love smooths away hun-dreds of causes of irritation between jmen in the ordinary routine nf life,

tnarshalled on Boaton Common from,200 towns.and cities they would

b« a* Imposing a force, perhaps, as ers*assembled oa that historic grcnndr-—...,—"Stinaat"-Gji—lawyafHdltor-and-lesv—lalator, a graduate of Brown Unlvwsiftjr, who served several terms In Coct-grcss, first frofir~Ob~Io and then~TSoS~•New York, was known as the fatter o4the carrier serrlce. It IB, IP consider-

~fm—trrese" inruTtlly orlgTnale InFoltishnoss in one form or other. Wheneach one is striving to~sain all he can

free delivery of mall was developed. Itiras daring the Fiftieth Congress, cover-Ing the latter half of th* firsttend administration, tbat tfce letter car-rierservice began Its modern growth,

for himself without regard to the | tumping 19.3 per cent In one year andneeds, rights, or feelings of others, ! BO.l per cent the following year, tillthere is necessarily a tendency to look j comprlsid 8,267 men In 40J towns and

St^lffi^^^good of those immediately about him Jamin Harrison hBa entered the White .and for the good of the world, then. House.peace and love will reign.

Without brotherly love there is strifswithVii"lhe"ra"mlT}V\lie7ommuVlty!Vthe. larS»'

But while those proportions seemeddays, they Were .email _

rf run a little flower mission for my- '»n« him aim me ann billy grimes ano One liked Theodora, anotherself," Dr. J. Suumer Stone of tbe! redd

and bade him Church of the Savior, admitted* to tbo ™* «bow un> how M a'e nnn Wlinn *"«»

broughttbe old fence, which wobbled uneasilyunder the unusual shock. Then theman slipped from the fence, stretched

.""rJ",™'"'.''..'.',.™.".-0": !"""";" '".. ™"? -V"'."""1". ww.-ua. tt«»

go, back. hmun,J.thadfi_.tclLtluur8Jjnuther»_a»J~

jio— • i

Sonic nrgiied for Edith and some forKlninf,

For Madfjoinv, Advllnx.Mlly nnd Lors.,, And_then.^atteJ:-all, thcj^dPclded^on,,..,,

Juilo. -

any great man on earth. He did say,•"Render unto Caesar tha things thatare Caesar's," but He was talkingabout tnxos. not His personal allegi-ance; that was not one of "the" things

tlon at all. We want ail those In.

A I-AWYER.—This' term may hav«sorrow to Itnow that the hest nlacfl , been almost synonyinoiiH wi th wribo

'<w<< The lawyer wns perhaps a scrlhi- whore- had taken n high doRrep In a law school



with the otferliiKH of men, women | church, after lie had llKtciuHi to Its re- | WOOd s«eiuand children, and greatest of n i l were port of nower mission work, HH.VH the n» If tfaade bin awl throo siim happie


6 TI'"mi>MOUi In UUJnze-merit he |m|f.nien(led klteaYork Tribune. "It'« In my back

yard," he bantenixl to add. "and 1 be-puUed hl?"li.?wrn£"f.i and TrZr' Iy'fllle<1 lK>IM °f "'°°l1' PnlU ot wtttor \ »««' l>m proiider'o" It'"tban"'".*"- "wife•ntly, went to *Wp. I "ltU!"""g.r<'nlV,d .f°". ."T1'1!" .Mother ' '« of Mr parlor."

—Philadelphia l#4ger.lie Concrete

I Marvel of Motlr-rn tWb«i ii*«»i« Found. I Out at Riitte, Mont., where the'great

"Oh, 1 wish I were u grown up I" ex- "tamnliig mills and ore-oonwutratlng-1 Cautioiisiv"th«"llttl hlrrt h^ !wflltc<1' tne niednVwhloU he did not i "i mortify mid tnmp my nuviige ua- j claimed Iftjsale, coming In from «cb(M>l w"rkil uuvo turned thu .mountain cityTh» nmn • rti'^an* m t «PProttcned. 'w|n at school' because he Dogan the' tVire/' he went on, w(irkliiK in m.v ba<:k ' ind uroj>pin« down^before her moUiur"> 'o i r t I t f t n lo Inferno of tall chlmnejBThe man did not. move and she con- „„,„„, K. „...,. .. (t,H )w ^ ^ ^ |u n ^ moo(J M,el,.blnK black and Hulphurons fmn«.

| nucb as evcrybdly lias uiid you could j "You uro doing a little toward that "tanda one trumendouii towor, the totA..,~u ,.*... n iru, unit. M iir\/uail*m UIJU (IUU

All the long, bright af- , <)tlier thliiKS he Imd mippomHl were ly-tenioon she and her mate were- busywith the preparation of their futurehome, and when darkness came It was«r«ll under way. j

Thu n i ii n 1'iy And watched them Ithrough half-shut eyes. Thoy belonged Ito u species common chough In HOIIIOlocalities, but almost unknown tn tb»section of country In,\vhlch ho resldiKl.Back In thu old honm, tiowevcr, theybad bec-n 1,11s bi)yli»od frlemln. 1'es, anilIn tli»H(i duj'H hi* VVIIH lookitl on IIH thovlllnui- Ki'iiliiH. The l i t t l e uliop lu tJio |attdi: WIIH f u l l of iiii'cliiiiili'al devlcc.1 Iaud toyn, ili 'Hlliii- 'd never to ri-uch com- Iplctlou. I l l " frU-iiilH Inui hecn proudof lilm for \v l in t thi-y oxiwi'tcd hnwould nci - i>in | i l lHl i , HO thoy hail gonoon lu l i l lml i l i 'vot lni i u n t i l John Thomp-son grew to hi- n yomiu limn w i t h brll-llont pronpcctH. Tlii'ii Mary I,i'p niiir-rlcd him, fur IHVI- 'H HnUo, anil, Inrlili'iit-ully. fur the |irim|ii'ct«, hut yi>ni'» PIIHK-««1 mill the iirnH|>i-rl.i dl i l not ninti ;r lnl-lr.» Into I In- Niici'i 'iw H!II- liiiprd mill II I I IKod for.

,li>!m wnn i iHi in l ly K'XHl mitiinil n i n llu i l i iu t r lo i in , hut lin fonni-il no nniny[ihiiiH Unit I I I I I I K of t l i i - iu n?iii'hitl inn-l i i r l ty . HI/1

I-OVIT It w i th HU (ild-faHliloiu-d t>ed quilt. , every day," mild her mother. "HutThe «un pet-Its n round the corners ofthc lu l l brick li i i l ldli iKi mid «<>rt of

why?""Well, schiKil la HO hard. Now wbat

the pluce w i t h Huimhlne. I've Jo you siippone w* bnve to do?"utlllrwl every grain nnd Im-li of dirtIn It.

"Two w»-i'l(s ugo," continued Dr.Stone, "I told my .voungKt«ra to bring'ill the old t i n raiiH, (lower |M>t«, trtc.,

"VVhn tV""Notlcf Homctlilujf. Homo bug or flow-

which IH DftO f<K>t aix>ve the ground,When lt« cr»H'tlon wns pluimt'il the

Idea WIIH to build It of brick. Thntwould have r«Njulrod u tlilcknenn of 12:or 1(1 fc«>t of masonry at Its Im/te. Huta construction nnglneer from Chicago-

rose up and followed,then?

YO-.I remember the story. The manwas named Jalnis. He . was, It Istrue, a ruler of the synagogue, butthat monnt llttlo rribro than theT leaderof a prayer meeting. It would havel>een Juu t tho aiunn had ho been a

Ho wns ft bORgar on this oc-"Whllo Jesus spake these-

tlilnsa, bohold, thero camo a certainruler, saying, My dauglitor Is ovennow dead, but come, and lay thy hands

fn come Is nlwnvq th«<TlirIst. That theclnvp thp nromnt-'sf atterHon.

| JPSorJTlt r u S^TI ?»wnfl

cot nn-ghcffolloweHln dlnclples. If Wf» nroIt Is our hiislne'HB • to bn followlncChrist. But how tn follow Him? Whowill ( ..._Bomo'tlhies'oiir T/6'rd shows us thoby those older n«d wiser In tlio r'nirohanrl flometlmes HP exerclsps Hla T/'i'l-erslilp tliro\iRh thono wi thout

nnd was looked upoii UH compotem tv." (Illl lcult questions. Or IIP limy

• th« reitglous

n flM'r Tempted Je'sus.—This means trU-d toIn'es, I draw Jesus Into snyl i ig ' . somelhlMK thin

would prove nffr imtvp to ni l whn rever-ence the law. II \yu« a Uodgp that waa

us? T Imro no doubt thnt. often tried, but d l w u y s Jesus found a

. .nation, and 'between nations. If there as compared with the present day.was a total absence ot love there would tno fiscal year that ended Junt 80, 1888,

makes heaven.thing; It touches.

th.It beautifies every- treasury $6,957,942. The cost huIt' gives peace every- grown by leapa_^nd_ bound* till_la*<_

-- "-~-yr8Tirwar"*2<l,918.07A ThHTcost PWcarrier th.n waa 3; last ,«r ,t

any department of life, brotherly love f961.must be imparted Into it. in the Bz-Rei>reaentatl ve Eugene fr. toad,

justSthfonf 'Bible sweetener-brotherly love. But

a» long chairm^Committee* on PoctofflCM

It will be u very Jong: tlyie yet bpfQre_and_Post J(oaUil,_tQld-Cecently-how_h«men roulize this with any strength pomnmh^r^H >ha »onn« iJw,t ir, n^utn—, , .of conviction.

Wo rfiUHt.rernemher one groat reason

way to answer the question that le f t noopenlnc for a t t i i r k . "How rnndestIhou?" Jesus; by l i n p l l i ' i i t l n n , aeecptthe Scripture." n« the suftlclent s'l'da.

TI-IK LAWYKR'S ANHWl'Jl t .—Thl. it > htivochurch. niosBenffern fi l ing iifl nf snnip | aiinunary of tho l«w .„

one who nr-orts help, and o:ir l iuslnps<) i been taken from twn Old TeatameiVtas Chrlqtlnn«. not rnilv an churches,but as Individuals Is to ho l l s tonlnc

texts. Dent. 8:5; hiiil Lev. 19:18.'THIS DO."--If we art up to ourowlrilKe of wlmt Is r lRl i t w« shall befed, not hiH'ause we are then doingII. but beeiiiixn we H l i u l l be c-o i l t lnn i l l -

e i l l l K l i t e n m e i i t . Kach

rr, mid come- to Hcliool and toll all was culled Into rmiHultntlon. • Ho pro-»t«nit it." that the IIIIKU chimney bo bull!

"That IH not har<l," mild mothor, ' of concretu and, wl t l i iionwinliiglvlngisthey (xiiild oilier! and I K'lvc them | luilllng.. "Why not liiku Home cookie tbci plan wnn n(1<>]itc(l.l i l an tH to put In I I i n i n l told thwn I i lown by IIu> bixiuk, ninl perhaps thorn ] He proimrod n foundation Mix fe«t

upon her and H!I» fihull live". And i n lwnvs for that n t ipenl , lonklncr onlyJesim rose up Mid followed him." Tha j 1o thn nath thn t I (>ndf i tn »lif bouseaocrct Is out. Thero was u man who | whoro thnv neod UK. Wo ennnot se» ^ ^ K...,-.,..„•„,.could spcnk for n moment In a tone i th" fnco of .Tnsus, wo c n n n n t h^nr TJI1" j onp Of Ull wlahe.i to know wlmt luof authority, thnn, to .IOHIIH. because j volr-p; U mnr evan sonm tn Bruno nf (|0 to I n h e r i t e tmml l i fe .bo spaho through moro Immedlato | it f l that wo have Innt tho ormifnr t lnc ; referred lo the Ser lp turcdiltact with tho wftrld 'a sorrow and sonflo of .Tesiia In our hoarts. Weand pain nnd ntwil; that waa what nnk why Ho did not lonvo KOPIO Riihloglivo him his ])riM!(!ilcncn. Load on , ' whom wo itoitM flr-o "ml follow n n i lman! JOHUM followH. How atraDRo! j who would load UH Imck to Him nnd

ICnHi one I M. .... mid t n l c l to

Hvo In I h f l , I l K b t ( i f wlmt he iliera dls-


tv i i i iUI (?!*'« thiMii 10 eoiitH for eivtirylilincli of llowoim tdey nilHed, Tlie-n l«HtBiinilny 1 gave out ){laiiliilim l iu lhn , i i f -

| l e r . warn ing them not In mlHtii l ie themfiir iml i i i iH mid M l l . ' i > t in- in up w i t h t lm•iicinnherH.

"Thero'M n l i t t l e i inrrow strip of lamlhenlilt- (Mir cluircli . Tint other day 1•ailed (hi! ( ' n t h o l l e , .IcwlHh nnd I'nit-

HIIOWH of ninnyIng hurled under t i nwlnlei-H,

Thnre were fairy eiinllen Hint timili|'/(l lit II touch ; Kiilil /mil u l lver wlilcliI u rued to driwN IIH 1m laid haiidn onI hem; ii Ki'ii'i'l choriiH nnd a rurti «urmini, never Iliilolied ; HcluxilH, rlnirrlH-n,hii.iliii'ii liouxeu (if U'lile reii.-liliig lurlii-i-iiro, a l l Hhnddw'y anil liicniuiiluto,

was u Hln i tu lHr iy |,,. ,,. „ „„, ,„.,,„ „, w|l(M ,„,„ni i iKni i i i i s i l t - p i i H l l t i r y o f w h a t IKI r , ' • ' ' 'KohiH to t lnUh In morrow. Tlm vvi

pou wi l l MOO amiiothlnjf l i iU-n-Htl i iK. ' ' ,Wat ell the i tmdH and fro^H." I

p<;r«."(Ulcered by the iMoklex, HC»H|C n tn i l l

Ml i iwny, nnd l if ter p lnylng iilxmt thu I Ineheo of Hpniv ' from t h l H , In mi Innor-[irooli a whllo, H!U< Ilionglit ulm would ' finoll five lili'li(»i thlcl i . At 11 height otreturn to the pliir.zn. Her mother \ v u » l KM) feet thene two un i t e Into u Htiigln-

12x111, of concrete, with aof HtPol nvniiforcliiK rods. IleKlnnlng

"Hilly .liickni.ii IH i;oliiK to rliiidHii ' at the ground level, hi) carried two thin-hut 1 mlKliI olidOHH KrnHHbii))- j concrete MhellH upwaixl for KM) feet

Tln> outer line IK only Mini ) IncliCH In.thlcUupfut. whi le , no|iurnled by four

It Hoomod to mo thnt wo might tiiko j before tho words nro o;it of our l i nnthis aa ono of tho pamwg(;« that rfl-' hero stands this .InlriiH. "f'onio" homind UH of tho I/ont'H humanity, show- j savs, nnd you llston nnd vou rl-io IMIIng how Ho WUH ahu t out by l l n i l t a - j and follow him, nnd nn anon HS yon dntlon of knowlodge, how Ho muat wait I HomftMng tollf, ymi t h a t yon nro notu n t i l Home ono ntmo and uliowed Him [ any longor wnllilng alone. Thnt lontthn lioiiiu wlioru thu Hhiidow of dnath i companionship 7011 woro mourn ing forWIIH. - I uuppOHo It lu truo In uomoMHIIHC, but nn you muno upon, you foci•It WIIH nlHo an l l lui i lrntlon of HlHOodhnoil. What, kind of moaiiaRO In

has boon restored to you. Thla W I I MHin guldo, and you Imvo (loiio wellto follow 111 III.

Thin IH not itcy fancy. Lot. mo rend

eovcr». I f tho imdorHt i i n i l l i iK <>t Herlp-lure. IH r i g h t MO Tar IUM I t KI^ 'N, I M I I hu-perfect, one I I I I H mi ly in live. ,up I n ' h l nprn.ipnt l lg l i l . I f i i i iynne i o i i m - h - i i l l o i i ^ -|y linen Hint (hen- In mi fear w l i a lovc r

the penny post In Bostona young man before the Civil

'w^hy"<:hTlHTlSV^es^ecTnlly"8hould"e^hlblt-bTotherlj--love. It-la—t'that—the-ft-p«nny-eachrthe-reclpleuts-p«ylng- fo«

the service. There was a similar tar-world may helleve" that God sentJOHUS. If HlH dlHclpU'H Bliow theworld a i e x a m p l e o f b r o t h c r l y love elsewhere. U led eventually to th.and of tho happiiieHs that comes. of .it- Po»toffleo..I}eiiartment- taklng..ovBr .the' world will be "forced to neo that Work. At first poatuiiisters hired

brotherly love must show Itself aa their salary. The present soviet

Iml t h n l I IP w i l lI l K l i t e u m e i i l , and wi l l Iitor In to • • le rmi l l i f e ,

I M t l K S T A N D I .KVITH.

f u r t h e r en-lllbird lo eiu

'I'hr |irli'«tnwere of the fami ly of Aiiron, who \vii.ior the tr lhii of l.evl. The l . i u ' l t r M hin tno ( r l l i a l a l lo tmeni of h ind , hut wm-,iHi ' i i t tnroi l f t inot iK Ihe ( r lhe^ -mil pe r - t


IMIaluble When IVr.li, but Hani mmu Iliic-U In H l^etv l lnxM.

lOvt-ry tUstrli-t In tho Trnnsviial hasKH mi l l or in I ll.s, the iiroprlclor.s olwhich do a good biiHtmvsH. \Vhea a HourwlHl l (>H tO l l l lVO II loud of l l iel l l l l-H KTiMlllll

takft.H thorn over In Ills WIIKOII and(>ut.s|iaiiH unt i l they un- done. Tluiu Unoc of the HI-HI liiipii'rtaiico here, nnil I IHoinotline.i happeuM that n man who nrrives at tint m i l l lu tin- moriil i iK, expectIng to roluru hii'ini' at nl^ht , In kopiw a l t l i i K two or throo dayH before he i-iuiK«t II!H w n n t H atleudeil ' to.


emanating from Christ; It must be examinations for admUaloo, nnd th«given in His name, and nrst and gradi,^ of Mlsrlftfl and the prescribingchlctly to tho.,0 who lovo Him. | of th7btrict el,ht:Uour ,.„, wnleh

ReprcAcntatlve Cox was chiefly respon-sible, (ind other latter-day Iowa an4rcgulatlous for tho discipline and m«Ut-tenoneo of thc big force were unknown.

It U * frequent sifln« tbat poatof-flee r«c*Jptfl form n good gaugtt of localprosperity. The gran receipts of fretdeliver}' offices have been climbing verysteadily, With few ««eeptlon«, the to-tal ban b««n larger every year, which

that tha carriers have had man

Mliui t tioyrf of ( l ie i ielghliorliooil togetli I en ter ta in ing- » ca l le r ; Him kept cloxe lo , T Incli nhell of concrete, wlilcll

"'""' l"ll<1 tllnie<l lo Jo1'" 'I'liKivw In I he front yard, ||1(, |mm ,1(H,r .wan iiropped' by a heavy Mlclf . the lm lrto , t'",'7 "f"";"

"»«'li«>M. my l»-love,l, t|,(, .-rownlng

nhlni; leM on tho I I O I I M O NcaUorod w i t huver.v wind , (ho gate groaned (,y ,„,„lllni;e, un i t MM l.oyii \yore ollt of «cllimlhalf the l l n i o for lack of proper c l o t h -Ing n ih l liooliH. Vet all I ho I hue JohnW U M n l l l l / . l ng Hie ml^ra l -e helilml !I|HliollMe, I n i l l d l n g a f ine nnniHloi i , w i t hwide h loplng lawn, ami r u n n i n g (liehci-l l i i i K l n c n - i In the country all In l i lnI m a g i n a t i o n , l ie \von |< l K,, |,, |M.,| ^ n l lof e i i l l n i n h i N i n ; hut M M I I I , . | K I \ V mr i rn lnghrolii;lit I l i o old Iner lh i , t l i i n i i t h (hu |iiw-u l l i l l l l l c H he i l r ea inc i l uf were real amilit MM very door. Today the l l t t l olilnl Inul n l l r r o d wane lh l i ig w i t h i n h imnnil lie went In l ine ha|i|iy In the reuolvi- lo meinl the lirolien, ifnle n f t e r

I Merciful heaven I I l l K h IMI the a l ta rMood Miiry, Itohert anil .lalie, ahuvnI hem a lowering mi l l t l u i t tottered ton f u l l . With n groan, Jolui covered hlnfaco w l l h bin hand«. Kneel l i iK, the Uurullllle.d wept.

"My mont loynl niil i j i-cl , my Ulnjf , litliml you coii(|ui-r."

Tendnrly, p l l y l i i K l y . »he l l f l is l him toa plare hehlile h lH loveil iilien. Them i l l i iu lverc i l nnd (reuil>|ei|, thcji KI'CVVn t r o i i K UK adamant when .(idin'ii iitiuxlynhoillder rented H K i l l i i H t II .

Madly the I In f i i l l l l l cd laid her downapd died, ninl from her iinhi-H romi nfa i r mid Kracluun imilroii, who ruled Ihoworld w i t h n mlKl i ty ntreuutli mid

urracii. I'ln- l i lv i - r lant l i iU I'renent wli«her ininie. |i 'nliirl(v W H M Inir duimhl'ir,

'r ami linked t h e i r coojienil loii hi n l n r t -lug a garden there, I N i i l d I l l ioi ightive i i M i l i l ra lHe Home g e r a i l l i i u i H amiI h l n g H If they would help inc. Theyaero J u h l h i n l n l the |iros[M*cl I f onlyIho I t i i l l n i i H coiilil lie kept f rom comingivcr ami i i u r l o l l i l i i g ( t h e y railed I tiwl | ) lng) I l ie in .

- "10vo,rything U n i t h r l g l i l e i i H t h i n drear)ld world and h r lngn l i a | > p l n c H N to HOII |H>T Morrow In v v o r l l i w h i l e . Nut a l l Ihoi i l i K ' t l f y l l i g grace IH e\|iciideil a ro i iml•hiircli a U M I'M. The h

tiy IIH In our H||II|I|C III-Hl of It IH Hpelltt le nilnt.ilrlcM."

Tim llrtit i l t le i i i | i t al i t lcrcolypliiK InAmorleii wait made In 1775 liy H c i i l a i n l nMecom, a printer a t I ' l i l l iu le lp l i l a , I're-Vio l in lo I l i l n lime Ihc Dulch l iu i l Hlereo-(ypeil 11 jiriiyiir liooli In 1771.

The t l rn t , p r l n l l i i K PI'CHH In Amrr lc i ia( < l i i n ih r l i l go ,iviui c H t a l i l l n l i e i l 111


Tlix II.--I In HII^,,,-.,.•| don't Hilnli, dancliler, tha t Mr.

^IMir l ley In a proper nir | i for yon to anModulo wi th ."

"Ye", l int i l i a i i l i n a , t i n O I V I I H n innlo icar." lloHlmi Tnuiuerliit

thn Hide of Iho huiiKe. Him lionnl her nliywnrd u n t i l Ihc viint height ofanil her nny lng t h a i tdic wanted tier to j feet IH rcnclieil.ico llvnnlo, Hho had grown HO t a l l . ,\ol. 'I 'hln eliliiiiicy, many feet higher thnn

It thn t comoH with authori ty to tho | you tho plain words of thn hii i lorv:oara of thu Cruutor? Bomo utory o f ' "\yhllo ho Hpako, bohold! Hioro eiiino

ivlHliIng In' hu found, mill prove I l i l nituteuio.nt, HcMHlo erawloil fnr l lmr 1111-fler tl iu vine, and found t h n l Him couldrftit entirely muter tlm pliiz/.u, whomIlinro W I I H n coay placi- -a lmont Ilka aplnylioune. Hho Hilt liero HOIIIO lime,l l H l e i i l n g to tbo volcen overllenil.

II WIIH n nice plnco to play "iinchaiit

our modern city "liy«cra|>crH, IH tilersfore coiii{NiHcd of but l-l Inche.H of con-ei'etit at tho IIIIHO and half thnt amoiiiilfor tho upper UflO fo«'t, I t IH not ofpla in ixmcreto, but In re oiifon-<vl liotlihor izon ta l ly ami ver t l i ' a l ly w i t h a hum-her of n i u i i l l rileol rodn, which were liolilIn place u n t i l tho concrete hint been

rd palaeo" -her fi ivorlto maUe helleve. i dt-ponlloit nr imni l them, mul l ing u re-Tim nox t th l i iK HMO Knew nh« W I I M < ,,nrore«<l eimcrole Inidy Hii|iorlor III ov-

fe«l l i>K ' 'hilly, and It WIIH i lnrk. Hln1

t r ied to t h ink whether Mho were lulied, when a queer I l l t l o npark llanhcil•ioMde her. It nlionti lirlfthtly enoiiKhto loll her Jha l Him WIIH n t l l l underllm |iln/,/.n, but Him \VIIH not wide

nwnko to ronllxo Unit It WIIHHho wondered If inoltier'u call-

er were K'Mie. A K a l n thn l i t t l e MamnHiiined her fai-e, and nlui IK-KDII lo xruw

timid. Now It WIIH on her l iani l , aminow I| |HHI her diTHH. -III"! IIH nlie \ V I I Hiihoiil. to cull for Imr nnilliei'' a l l^htnnnhiid In Imr ey<-«, mid "he HIIW herfa ther comliiK w i t h H l iui teri i . Heveralmen were w i t h him, nni l her mm herciiine hehlml, hr l i iKl i iK her Jiickel. "Himimint have if"'1" '" ">" ''HI nnd '"it herwuv," nho hearil noine nay.

cry way to both Hleel nni l brick in/uionry, Thorp ar»< In the Illillo*! HlntuHncoroH of thivio wonder fu l , cliliiinoyii.—<MrohnnU-al World.

Tin' line of Inciilmlora In Hit- hatrhlngI of enKH IH not u new proriwii. on tbo

colltrnry, I t ihilen luieli In (lit- undent' Kuyi i t l iu iH who often hali'hiid «^)jii of

viirloiin fowln In clay ovinm liuittiitt tothe |iro|ier tein|ienilure.

W i t h Iho t l y l l i K out of l lm lOM.vptl iuiN,tlm m'lence of l i ie i l l iu t lo i i , l ike mi ninnyuf their olhei'H n r ln , went, w i t h them,and It WIIH t l io i iKht ( l int It WIIH one ofthe loot n r t H u n t i l lleaimir. reKiilut-d It-III Ihe lucl coiltury

Hlii cronturo'H noud. It In our weak-iiiiiiii t hn t moveii (lod, our l inml l l ly .einpllnoHS, It la our cry of ompllnoimour cry of nood, thnt movou (lod. IfIt. woro iiiiH.ilbln to concolvo of uuf ih uth ln i ; IIH tho l imita t ion of tho Knowl-edge of (Ji.nl—If you could ooucolvo ofyoui i i c i r an ((iilng In to th t i proaoncoof (lod and In forming JHlm that uomowhom In aoiiio forgottoii corner ofHlH unlvenio thorn WIIH HOIIIO u n k n o w nciiiiiliirc, unknown lo Him, thnt WAUpor lHl i lug for want of Him, ninl youwni'o Iho on ly guldo i|iinlllloit to uhowtho way to Hint orunt i i ru , wo ninyHiiy, wi th n i l rovoronoo Hint you couldexpect (lod l l lmuolf to rhio up andfollow you. And JOHII I I riioo up anilfollowed Jnlnni to tbo houiio of norrow. My frluiulu, lot IIH ciimfoft our-aolvoti with tho annu ia iH 'o thai anyouch mnnougn nu that' win move, thol/ord today J.int aa In I l io c luyn ofJalrun. Whalovoi1 i inln or imn'owtlioro lu In your own liouiio or thuI I O U N H of your frloiul, you muy i;n toHim nln i lgh twi iy and toll Him, nndwhnn you rn tu fn you nmy bo nurothnt you nro t a k i n g I l i a prmnn^nu w i t hyou, Do iniro n mini of Unit k ind Inu privileged charnc lc r ; ho t a k e n prc-eodoMco of ni l , U'lion .liulini hail lln-Inhod upoali lng, J O H I I I I r luon up uiidfollow* him.

n ccrtnln rultir, and \vhon bo H I I W

, ,, , . .Hcal t« iod ftinoiiK (h r (HI.--* ,nd per - I - J - l ' u Uui'" »'»'"' t"l-'lr "w« DKHA.formrd Inn more hnml i l e of (he »u>rvleni They bnkii H 111 Ilirgo, outatdo oveiiH,or t h n Tmupliv Thev .vcm I I | M O in I m v o which, nro n fonturo of ovory housoliold.iielod IIH p r l e r t l N In ihe eoi imry i l l n - j ,,,,.._, , .. ^, . .., . .t r l n l N , l(y thu law of MOM.-H lh"V werr

.TomiH ho foil at II!H foot nnil hntmi iKht . i dirrnrnncJilm. Hiirlng, 'Mv I l l t l o dmighlor Unt i lat tho point of dnntb. I pray tliooc.nnio nnil Iny thy band upon hor nni liiho nluill Hvo, n n d .lonim aroiin nnilfollowed hllu, nnd no did bin din-clploa."

prle.itn. . leMiia Mpolic of t l i r M C t w o d a n M ~en In oriter to d r a w n U i M i t l o n (u (he

DOITH of (ho Word,

To ho iilmply n hcnror of ('loil'nWord In not only to doeulvo oiiciielf,hut to Inci 'diiHO onn'n r e i i | i i i i i a l l i l l l l v ."InaHii i i ich an yc d id It nu t" la a a h a r pmmloiion whloh Ji 'Hiui ono day paancdupon Hlii u i i fn l t l i f ; i l fo l lowcr i i . II hin groat t h i n g to ron inmber t h a t ( l i n l ' aWord tuny bn triuiiitntcd i n t o ( T l i r l n -l inn living. If for each day wn nbo i ih lho giildiul by ono M i n g l e p ivccp l . InHid proonuil nf t i m e we \vnuM cometo kmnv mil' M i l l i o n na l h o i ( > M t ; h ] y anWD Uiiow our < > \ v n n a n i o M , I M I I wowould Miltm roiiio In Iho placo wlmretl)n l'"Vcl|ll|on pf .leaua ( l l i i ' l i i t wouldho vory a l l r ac t lvc ly p roaon lo i l lo oimwho might n<H rond (lod'n Word, l u l lwho would i i ludy our l iven , "Ho yoluiroforo doom of tho Word, ami no',loiiroru only."

Thc.-je oveim arc mndo of tin) olny titkonfrom tint nu t hll la. A tiro IH made InIlii! (viitor nnil tlm front of tint i^foub blorUtM up wi th u Hloiui wrapped up

•at relli t lon l l i - h i K a p r l i - M i ,M l . rvl l i ' In nackliiK. When tho l i iHl i le him reach,would not nave a n i i i i i . Mm e v o n a H i i - t-d „ Hutlleleiit leuiperiiUiro tho Ilro Is

t m i K h t .A N A M A I U T A N . '

la. lMfn I a i l K l e l l l I ' o n l e i n p l f i l l I l iot a n i i i i ' l l i i I M , n i n l . o f c n i i i a e , I t \ V I I M I I I ' -i r lenl i i a id I . e v l l i - i i t h a t \ v c u < ' ' l i l o l l yn n p o i n i l h e for t h a t r i i l l l ' M n p l . I t \vanh l e f l y In lied on l | u < fad Hul l Hln HII-n a r l l a n i i < M d not I - I I I I I M to ,lei i i . ' i . ih-in l < »

W O I M | I | | I . and \ v e i o no t r i n i r i h l i ' i - e i l or-t h o d o x , Iml nhio i H i r l l y on rac ia l a i i l l p -

| eiilrancii ii^iilni cloHi-d up. H}' the t ime.lewii of all the l i iNldo of tlm oven In cold HID bread

In biikod.Tlm Hour billion oiu-o n week. The

IOIIVCH am of H i i l i M l m i l l a l proporllon.Jieiillo meal IH imed, "Kalllr heer" ho-l i iK lined lu plnco of yi-nxt. The hread

M IIIi i t h y , on I lie , -m i i i a r l l an ' i werran-.- not pure l i t r a r l l l n

( ' ) i ln i l i ip in i o r he i i r l , K l n i l i i rO I I I - ' M f e l l o W M , I n I ' l imnl i i m m i i ; n i a l le lu t inen and In a l l m u n i r l en . .h-i i in ilMHOI I n l l i i i a l e dial t he re n,, m i >-l iI him; a i n n i i K M l ih, . | l |-|, l l,l,i, l lmpoint wan t h a i c l a h n l i i K lo he r o l l i t l i i i i i iand Komi i l l . I mil malie a ',11,111 MO.N e l i i l i l i o r l l i i e i u i wlui a I h l n i ! Him . -u i i l . llin p i o v r d , and t l m l nmnl h,> pmvi ' i ltMi-e v . :til l ( . V . )

"1)0 T I I D I I l , I IC | i : \VIHK." Whenfiome i.rople unit l l u - l l ia,| ( , , | | , ,M V , ,nIll.-y n.-.-.I moiv p i i t l l i ' t i l a r l y lo he i n l i l ," I l i l l l nve , on llm I...1.1 Jrnn: , l'|n|..,|and t hon a h a l t hn imved." Hi i l ||im-iiI l l l ! t l loni! W h o t l l h l U I f l c .y ,|,, 1 , 1 ' l l l ' V I '

la n |> |>ot l / , lng enoin;h fi'i'.ih, hnl I t

an v la i rn i l W l l n n n I m l l o f l:i not nt th"HI Thn I n n l i n c t l o n thoy need In, Hu

nnd lio nr l i i l i lmr ly , ,m lhln Mm nmj iu i iil h luioi - l r nciidiliuilv.

reaction the coi iHlMtency of n H.IOIIO be-fore tho week la out , l in t tho Itocr hlih'sucd w i t h gooil t e o t h ani l ho neverconiplali iH. Wlmii the "old iniiu" l.i go-ing a \vny on n Irannpori t r i p nevcral ol't l n ' M O loavort aro prepared, 'i'lieno arepnckeil nwny lu tho wagon "box." Ho-foro n quar ter of a Journey IH complet-ed they w i l l ho i i i iea tnhlo by ordinarymenim, HO thoy w i l l bo hrulicu up •ainiicl linc.'i w l l h n chopmir nlli i iroakcdIn hot coff<N),

When the traveler al riven lu town hoKeiiornlly laya In n Hiipply of hnkor'ubronil nnd Hirowii tho other nwny. huthu iloca not toll bin wlfo of tul.'i whenho gob) buck. I

mall mutter to collect and also to de-liver. Thc crow receipts of $100,801.-880 In Ihr 1,114 free dAllvrrr office* laa|year were by far thn largest eroiknown. The number of can>l*ra WMlucroaiwxl by 1,020 and th« number ottrvti dellv«ry offlcea that year tirereavedbrM.

The i^UmaUd popnlatlnn of the ulttosand towns having fro* delivery WM 80,.

XStW, nbuoat enlf ol (ho entire popu-In tlon of the United Ntni.'ii. Euc* ot

iMi U1.778 carriers scrrrd »n urorniraof 1,070 p««ple, who bad their mall putdown at th« door from two to nln«limns «Tcty wefrkday, «e<ordlne as ttuyreceived It In a sumll or larco city andtn the boalnesa or roaldenoe snetlou.

The i-onnolldation of oerrleo uml thetaklns of lovrim ndjix^nt to Inrgu con-tern of iHimilutlon bnv*. helped owellth« ariur uf currlrrn In crny to a do-tr«-(i. Thun Ihn nrru covered by the c»r-

now tluu It wan ten y««ra ago.Tbo Urgrnl nrriv In I h u t In Obleago,

prher* tbc currlern, uninberlng l,Ull\irnvenie 1(M) nqnnro nillcui. IVfforn tt«llimit and Wuvi-rly were ndded, thn fr*«

iollvnrjr ar«a In Boston was Uft mjui>r«iull««. covniYd by 1,022 carrtf-rn, nlmo»t a tvonllctb of (ho « < tire fre« i1n-llvurf ctrrlur for*1*. Thn nddltlon »fUelmont nn<) \ \everl j | l«t> the free «•-Urery dlatrlcc of Hoaton. cominietns Mitatloiw, an mon of approximately 100Hiuara mil**' Nrv. \'oik ( I t t j ' n 1,0101!elt«r carrier* <-ovnr ft fl'ntrlct of only12 8-8 nquare mll«i.

More often ttina uo< we uu*ue t(alia M win out


Thousands of JerseymenParticipate in Concessions!

—given- by-The-Prudential

to .policy holders, in cash dividends and otherconcessions, over and above what the policies

"called"for."."""" Of this'"''amount," over $i;bbo,obo went "to policy holders in New Jersey, thus showingthat Jerseymen share in the prosperity of The


Insurance Agent

jflotarv Public,

Office, 101 Kailrpad Ave.^HimmontonT

an.[ Entt red as second class matter. ]

HOYT J-_8oN, Publishers." OBVILLE E. HbY'T" ""-WIEI.I A-M-OT HOYT


- Ohas, GunninghamrMrD.-Physician and Surgeon.

W. Second St., Harnmonton.-Office Hours, 7:30to 10:00A.M.

1:00 to 8:00 and 7:00 to 9:00 P.M.

Harness, Blankets,Robes, Whips,

Trunks, etc.



.".Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds,

Hammonton, N. J.


-fluccesBorto-Dr. Dare.—•-•Office hours, 0 to 12 and 1.30 to 5.00

Evening by appointment.O'Donuell Corner, : Hammonton.


Railroad., J. & S. Railroad

Regular meeting was held last Satur-day evening, July 7th,— all members

-presents—• L-r--Clerk being absent, Orville E. Hoyt

was appointed pro tern.Minutes of last regular and special

meetings read, corrected, and approved.Highway Committee reported,-by Mik

Austin, that Third Road is closed ovBrMr. McCullougb's property, and Mr.Cappuccio asks that it be 'opened,Committee believea^Bard" road baa neverbeen accepted by the Town.

Light Committee reports lights in badshape the past month. Renews recom-mendation for a-correct testing- of. .the.candle-powtr furnished, believing it willpay. Mr. Garrison was present, andtold of an accident to dynamo,—also ofrepeated burglaries at the electric lightplant. Referred to Law and Order-Committee. ~-

License Committee reported favorablyon application of G. D. Giacorao. Later,JlcejismrajLgrapted, -Messrs. Spear andParkbursUmting In the oeputLys,

Property Committee reported makingneeded repairs at the Park. Alf>ohaving oiudu verbal arrauceuiontB withGeo. W. Bassett to tpray trees ; butnothing has been done.

Bills ordered paid wore :

OCComlie $209 40U Tormirttillo 54 08,1 C JOUHKOU HI (10AiiKUlo Twomo '£1 60Tony Caruso t 60A Campanula " 258 Dodilnk , ....; '...'. 1" 60M CJalabrla 6 25JITuylor 10 OH

J r

Schedule in efiect June30th, 1906.

'Trains leave Hammonton an

follow^ :

.For riilladelpUlu—

ErprtioH, 7.28 p.m., fl.&O p.m., «ook-duya ; Buiulttya, 0.15 p.m.

Acoommudutlon, 0.00, 7.00 ». in.,lU.ilO, -1.'1H p.m., wcokdayn ; Bun-dnyu, H.UO a.m., 4.!l;i p.m.

Jfor Atlnutlo Ulty—

fi.ItU, U.,-11) 11.40 a.ui., l.:iU (Hatunlayaonly), 11.40, (I.'JH p. in., wu«k-

, , i layn; riiiiuluyn, ft.41) H.I!l», 1).CU,tt.in., f).'15 p.m.

'W. W. Avvuuiiiiuy,(lenerul

J. It. Woon,

UBO. W. Horn,<jlouor»l 1'aoiJouBor Ageut.

I'lre IH-ptClmn M rhl l l l im, liuulliiK engine t'i 00

Toor(inn IlttrimliotiHU, inovlnic Uitllun H'J 25(Jco Klv l ' ix , K.JOI|« 1» (10Jaokuon A Ho n 7 60ISHUldkwilll 750Mm McClolhui.l 'M 00John I'rimcli.Jr 17 00

IM-i 2T>Hoard of lloultli

Jloyt A Hon, ndv _ BftT II llolULT. prl i iUnu 'J 60

ill 1«Hlr««t l.lu'lilii....

(la* ttl inKloutrlu 101 IM

IU'1110, Town J'lirpoiiM

J ITuylor.pivlnlliiu Ill M15 W Htrloliland, r«patr» W) 57(loo llorimhouue, olllour, ela 7fi 00II V llmiuhawjunllor a •:;>J O Jolumon, uravol 4 tt<>Jolin My«r«, vrutahinun al 76A 11 l)uvl«,.'l lii(i«. Hillary 1'JA («)T II UolUur, uclV 1 60


Communication rend Irom ForestPark Roourvntlon Coinmlimlon of NewJertuy, culllnt; forappolnluiontof a FlroWarden lor llamraoutan "TowiiBlup "Action poBlponod for one inonlh.

Mciors. W. L. Black, W. J. Hinltti,and W. (1. Huuly, appointed lual DvCuai-bo r to oudlt uccounta of tho WaturDepartment, tendered thulr rcBl(iiiullom"Imvlng bran unublo to guln poatuBalonof llio bookn," No action token. Thofallowing rotolullou wu» ndoptud :

Commission-be-ordered—to present -allWater Department books and papers toChairman of Council by July 14th, readyfor Auditing, or'Counclj_wil^take stepsriecMaflfy~to°cbnipe'i'an accounting."

Thomas Toll applied for license "tokeep an inn and tavern at Fruit Grow-ecaLTIflion Hotel. Chairman declaredthe application not properly made out,and-referred-il back-to~tbe applicant^

Overseer of the Poor Bernsbouse reported that Angelo Giatto, the crippledItalian. had been removed to CountyAlmsbouse, at a charge of sis dollarsper week. Also, -that he bad soldGiatto's personal effects for $16 66, andhis partially paid for real estate for8575. Fromt this latter amount, someclaims are to be'paid.

The Overseer also presented writtenrequest from Mrs. McClelland that theTown reimburse her,-io part, for bed-ding, etc., destroyed after being used byMrs. Botbell, amounting to five dollarsA motion to pay was lost, but membersfavor paying if a bill is presented.

'V"oted7~lhalr'all~ni6n6y~ received lorstreet dirt, past or future, bo creditecto highways account. ; . . . .

Voted, that committee place signs onPark Avenue, warning peoplo to dumprefuse in the swamp, and not leave any

"OiTtmTroadTW. L. Black asked permission to

erect an awning over tho aidewalk infroutol-bis store. Eoqueat grantedprovided be~ complies—with CouncH'rspeciQcatlons.

Bijn Foglietto asked permission forthe Italian^ to parade on July 10thUf&nted, with eame provisions as laelyear.

Ovorseor".of Highways spoke of thedrainage fro'm the Nlcolal glass factorywhich runs on Vino Street and bocouioBoffensive. Highway Committee wasinstructed to notlly tho owners of thobuilding to care for said drainage.

Voted, that the Light Committee binatructed to ascertain the coet of anexpert and proper Instruments to testenable power of electric lights suppliiuto tho Town,—to report at the nuxmooting.


t&- It would bo a good Idea lor eompublic spirited citizen or group of citlicons to atari subscriptions for two otliren bath houses to bo put up at tinLake. It la a pity that, with such nnoxcullud bathing grounds, thero la not ielnglo buth house on tho Lake for ptiblluse. Although wo, personally, huvyot to BOO any ol tho scores of batherthat friiquent tho nhorva at tho Damwithout lull bathing oulln, yot It In cortainly nbtectlonnblo to tho bather, awell UN to tho public, that every alumof tiers und husheu In ilie nolghhorhooishotild bo converted Into Insiilllclendreanlng-rooniB.

KaT Kim la not a largo town, buthere aru Tow Btatloun that iiro hiialurfor l ln nl/o. During the llrnl ol«veidiiyo ol tliln iniMiil i tho Iniluhl reculplamouiiloil to over 8IIIMIO. Homo of tinUrgent hurry groworn of llaiunioiitonliving near tlioro, ship nt 151m ntntlonjso that the nvernga dally shipment,far tt>ln month, Imp boon oyiir UKMorntoB. Tho agont HUB decided that hiduties ar> too arduous for tho Biilury hreceives, and has reslguod, to tako oll'oonext woak.

ran-—'— —Jtef^ihe-metry-go-rdaniilif§•.-.-"... rm TwMfth Rtrpat hnt.wc

' OF


I®" Take in" the ball. eanae8_jag»l

That leaves nothing to be de-sired in ..,..„..'.... .

.'Monday.''t3r W. E. Gibers'oD is running a fine

mew bus.3JIOB a ALB—two Iron pumps In good order.*S D. B, BERKY, 214 Vine Street.

|®-Crescent A. A. vs. Cronsdalo A.A. this

Jgy- A two-story addition is to bebuilt to the county jail.

Unbleached miulln, 5 cents

Price or Variety.Our new stock of silverwaremust be seen to be appreciated .

We solicit your inspection.

Your Jeweler and Optician.

POST CARDS, 2 for 3 oenta^

I®* The tax gale advertisement wasreduced some this week.

t&T Y.Qlno.ieet_ 1'irelCgmpany .,meet next Monday evening. •

UND— n lady's shoulder shawl, on Juno80th. Inquire of Mis. D. H. MoAnoey.



_ _ _ ^ _ _topics io our Sunday Schools

f®- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Smallspent eLCpnp}e_of days_b5Lt]je_Bea. _______

ZAMBONE'S. Silk mouBlIno in blue andpink, 18 cts. a yard / •

Geo. O. Drake was a Ilammon-

3eo, G. Harley is making exten-sive improvements to bis front piazza.

IF You are Looking for any cake to-day,drop In the Caody Kitchen and uo doubt

.you can gelTiulted. ~

Cannot Qrackers

Blank Pistol¥s

^picnic at Green Bank on Wednesday,July 25lh. •

t— and— wife,—with

vtives at Elm. '"" ~~

HAVE You Seen It? Seen what 7 Why,that pile of cake al the Candy Kitchen,

_j ha product of the Home Bakery. _

Flags, etc*,Largest Assortment ever Displayed Here.

The committees on July 4th will-jutsBl DtJxt~Weduiiflday evtsmug, iD^tr^FrHome's office. /

t&" A second new bouse for Jos. S.Mains" beTbg~encJbsed, over" on" .WasbTiDgtpri Street. ________ ....."T?ORHALE. Hot air pumping engine withJ? 1000 eallon galvanized tank. A. bargain.Address Lock Box 1UU, ilnmmonton, N. J.

Soda Water . ..

Jackson & SOD^ have purchased a-new wagon, the handwork of Mr. Sann-

-<lers. It is a good job.|®"Mi69 May Miller, of Lancaster

^Pa.T'is visitina her sister, Mrs. EnosJ'raelicb, on Grape Street.

WANTED— For Casn— a few acres -withhoUHf and frui t . On Hollovuo Ave.. or

- cnnally or«r In. Write what you linve, loca-tloo, mid-price— not over 8^500. P. O. Bo* B12,


• Our Crescent A. A. will meettbu._Cron?d«!e_..A. ..A.. .this . afternoon.

out tor a good game.Next Monday there will be two

. garuf B of ball oo Hammonton gronnda— -Grescent-A.- A%-ve.-C!edar-Brook. ------

W ANTED— « Inily'n whool In good coiulltlon. bend prlou and dooilptluu to

I'. O. Box (l-l.



ELWOOD P, JONESOffice and Kewidence, 216 Bellevue Ave.

Local Phone No. 082 : Bell; 3-f

Wax Flowers, Figures, etc., for funerals andmemorial services, furnished on short notice.

iog car of about eiiteon horse power.~tiSf A.' TI; '"Simon's has foBtalled a

largo gua lamp In front of bla candykitchen, to hotter ahow off his awcotthing*.r/AMHONlC'S. Muslin (l^ctn. yd,, 40 IntlioaJ.J wide.

S&T No quorum at the Board of'Trade meeting on Tuesday evening.'There will bo no further mcotloge until• October.

t&~ Fred. L. Suundors, Jr., and ala-tor, MitiB Ethel, of Pleasantvlllo, arespondlng a few weeks with their grandparents.r K lndHof till) mnnt imnnlnr lc« crcnm at


The same building,But in a new location.

: Around the Corner.

Meats, and Vegetables in their season.

At Eckhardt's Market

Mra. W. H. Kills and her little- daughter Margarut wont to Horkliuor,N. Y., last woek Friday, for a two\vooks visit.

SOT There IB to bo nn Interestinggnruo of bano-ball on tho Dltio Anchorgrounds, this ullornoon, with tho Bricky.»rd nlno,

1)A)1Y OAIIUIAOIC for Halo, In oicollonti noudlttoii, Inrorinutlon nttlilHoflloi!.,

St£r Manly Austin started on Thurs-• «lsy lor a fow days In Wutarbury, Uou-

iiuotlaut, where his family aro upending

The Expenseof a Gas Kange

In confined to the momenta of actual UBO.When the cooking in done tho cxponne

.CUUROH, if you turn ofl1 tho Homo; if youdon't, it ian't tho range that'w cxti avogant*

Gaa Ranges sold by Hammonton Gas Co.

James Hmllh will accompanyFred. Mooro and lunilly, of Atlantic

• C'lty, OD a pleasuro trip to Maluo, start-Ing this morning.

GOLD ICyo OlamiiH I,o»t,— enrly In Juno,—on Kulrvl«w AVO. Itowunl If mliiriiuil

to till* ofllou, ur to MHO. MIUADU.

MUT Caution ; If you hear an alarm«lnok going nil' In one of tho Jewelrymores, dc not mlniabo It for tho tele-phono lira alarm gong. .

JMSrTuo liullus of tho UiilYornullstChurch will give a broad and cixkn Miln,• t tho church, on Hulurday afternoon,

• July 21st. Further particulars nextwuok.

insure with the A. II. I'hllllna Co.,,»«rtlott Building, Atlantic Clty.j

d- is— in-town rbo Twellth Street, between railroads'There may be another, ere this IB road*

IRL' WnnU Place for— ~

>oar round. Half-3 OrcHnrd SrreeET"

-US-Wmslow from July*28th to Aug. 6tb, incharge j>f Rev. G. C. Reynolds. Seeposters for particulars., :- i®- William P. Waltber, one of ourboys, is manager of the "NorthernGaragerJ-'-OD-T-birteeotb-Streetrabove\yestmorelaod, Philadelphia.

ZAMBONE'S. Remnants of silk, 15 and 80ots. a piece. . ,

|gr* Matteo Rubba put one of those

pleasureof sending a man— Biaz Vaccaro— toMay's Landing, Monday. On Sunday,acebrdlng-to-ibe^videncorbe-waspum-


meline bis wife, also anotherwith two babies, knocked

big gas lamps in front of bis store, yes-terday. It is rumored that there willbe several more of them in this square.

",tS3f" Some" "people are careless withmoney. , One of our business men founda few days ago, tweuty-four dollars on

p jieye.ral customers^_f¥"YOUB BpfyNKRS Advertised in theL inoHt complete Directory of Hammonton —

thiil of the Local Telephone r Bring ID youradvertlBument to-day, to HOYT * 8ONi tubs.

8©°HHoter-Royal bus^ fine lars;D eigalUDg over the County Road,illuminatedby electric lights from. within, alsostrings of lights over each driveway.The8e"add~mucT to tbe~"atTracrivenessofthe place.

HOUSE for Hale at advantageous terms.Apply to , A. L. JACKSON.

Wanted,- — fifty new houses in

to eighteen dollars per mouth.. Partiesare waiting for them. This is a goodjpportuoity-for-a-eafe-inid-prontttble-:nvestment. •

OAK-BEDSTEADgood as new.

and Mattress for sale,Also a gasoline stove.


employe of the GasConipany_while patting up a gas lamp in fron^t of-.he Gandy^KiUihenr^Wednesdayi -stood=on a box, which tipped and dropped theman to the sidewalk, apparently frac-turing his ribs. - - - ----------

NEW Feannt Boaster In Town, at Burgess'Restaurant. Freeh roasted Jumbo pea~

nuls every day. sets, quarl.* S&f" Isn't there some way to preventdelays at prominent railroad crossing^?Last Monday afternoon, not leas thanthirty-three teams were held up at thePennsy Bellevue Ave. croising by shift-ing freight trains. .......

HEAD, nnd Cake roadie by machinery Is._• -pure and clean. Dnn't use Eoods madeby hand, tills hot weather.. Tho most carefnlbaker cannot keep dunt and perspiration outof them. All mmdH made In coveredmacblnesat LKONABD'8 BAKERY.

t&- The Allan tlc_County-Board - ofFreeholders, on Wednesday, Instructedits Rond Committee to advertise forbids for building the road to Atelon.Bids aro to be opened at their nestmeeting.

Ltnz. the barber, corner Third nnd Belle-TUO. Apply to J. KCKHAKDT,

f P. If. Jacobs has been experi-menting for a purifier of odors in cess

secret chemical compound which will J

entirely remove all. disagreeable ttroells.It will alao remove groaee and all impu-rities from Iron sinks.

LATE CABBAGE PLANTS for sale byH. M. PHILLIl'8, Main Hoad.

t&~ A twenty foot extension is to boadded to the Cottrell hosiery factory,—the brick havina beoo purchased. Astill further enlargement is contem-plated ID tho near future. This Is anindication of good management and agrowing demand lor Hammonton madogoods.

FAUM FOrt HALM - Illiio Anchor, N. J.I have iv form of inn noren, barn, onlokun

houne>, and all noeeaaary oiit-liulldlni{>, nowH-r<iotn houno In KOod ooiulltlon. 1'oroh allaround, and a Iiodgo, \ very pretty pluon,In u bealtby lonatlnn. For iiartlcular«adilre«n MllH. O. V. 11F.I.I.,

Noanents. Hiiro Anchor, N..r.

t&T Doubtloas thorn aro many whoneglected to purchase 1'ucsliullo copies oftho Declaration of Independence, July4th, at the Park. They uro on Halo atlIoiiBon'n news room. All tho childrenwho Bang ou that day who will takeIholr fans to tho abovo-immod pluca canhave a copy Iroo ; to others they wi l lcost live cento pur copy.

LJIANOH.— Ifyoii wunt u hiiruidn In un«ilpluniKi <>t uny niitld), wri lu fur Il i iruulu

UooUlot I), IllauliiH it Buna, I'hlhuliilplilu,

unoullod-for lottorn In theHammouton "Post Oflloo on Wodiiondity,July 11, 1000 :

Minn Mary Krloml, n Mr John 1'rrryMrs Heby Kninutn 1'uuiimln NnpnllinnoICdwln O Oi'lnnull Olunnpiio ( J ru fu lMil" JannlaTomiiaullo Uli inopi iaHulvnHnlvnlcro lilintono

KOIIEKINM Uatla Vnliirlo Hlnexul Urnunrln

1'oi-soiiM oullliiK for any of thu nbovaletters will plonso atnto tliRt It tin*boon BdvortUod.

M. L. jAdunoN, I'. M.

Republican Phonos .632, 673, 1073.

Local Company.

stove, and broke an axe handlemale rescuer. When the brute. gets outof jail, we hope the youngsters will beold enougl/lo protect their mothers.

O In Elementary and College-L PrcpunUory Brunches, during summer.

rensorAible. Write, or cull at the 8. J.<jiN=Pfflce,-4-.,J, ..4, HO.Y.rrM,A_

The>.Q. S. of A. will installthe following officers on Monday night :

President, Jas. H. Fitting

Master of Forms, C. B. tioulinConductor, John MyersInspector, Isaac Hannutn ...... _..: ..............Guard, Elmer PriesfrlvAssti. See. Sec'y, M. K. Boyer.

HIGHEST PBIOE pnld for all kinds of oldjunk In lame or small quantities. Send

postal and I will call. W. E. LIBBER,Haoimontpnf.N. J.

S®~ All the members of SbanmuoklnTribe ore requested to be present onnexr Tuesday's sleep; — The~fbllowingchiefs will be raised to their stumps :

Prophet. John MeasleySachem, Rudolph HanmV _Sr. Sagamore, E. J. TraffordJr. Sagamore, James L. WhiteTrustee, Wm. H. Miller.

S1"1 EAVf NQ-irt-TpnKonttWe-rate«; — ShlTtrwalBt-

Hults and children's clothes a Rpeolalty.MILLIE S. BLAKE, Corner Egg Harbor Ed.and Cherry-Slreei; - ----- --

It affords us pleasure to record arecoguition of Hummonton talent or

tyT Claude W. My rose has beenappointed official stetiofttapher ofFirst Judicial Circuit of New Jersey,by Justice Thos. W. Trencbard. Mr.Myrose is a member of the Hammonton

•Alumni Association, graduated from

ployed for a time by a prominent manu-facturing firm in Philadelphia, laterassociated -with Mr. Kelley-(whom hesucceeds), and did public stenographicwork io Atlantic City. The new posi-tion pays a salary of $5000 a year, andgives bim time for extra work.

PAINTING. Sealed bids will be receivedfor the pain Hug of Elwond School House,

Innlde and out, up to July Utb. IDUii. Sendproposals to C. W. MAITREK, U.C..

Elwood, N. J.

jJSf Shipments of berries are contin-uing very heavy. By freight alone,' theBeading "reports, for the week endingJuly 7th, 8415 orates. Aside from a fewscattering, these were Dearly evenly di-viacd-belween New York, Philadelphia,and Boston. Express shipments wouldlikely add a few thousand more. - Sincetho first of the month, up to the 11th,the Pennsy bad shipped about 7284crates. From Elm were shipped, in theearne time, 14,647.—As-a-rough-esti-mate, then, we mlcht say that therewere iu the neighborhood of 35,000 to40,000 crates shipped from these threestations dnnnEpthe~flr6t~eleven days of"uly7~'"irweTount even one dollar percrate clear, whic,h is a very conservativeestimate, it will bo seen what an incomeis derived from such produce in thisneighborhood. Prices, especially torblackberries, are keeping up unusuallywell. New York—rede 8-12, most 10 ;blacks 8-10; bucks 10-12. Philadel-phia— reds 8-10; blacks 7-8; bucks0-10. Yesterday's'reports.

MR, V. r. DICKINSON, Boo'y nnd Trean.Crwntou Mlnlne Company, hayluir buuiclil

ufarm In town ana located hero, In dlspouedto extend a courtesy ruroiy.|ihuwn Investors,In the pnrnhnao of the mock. He can burouohud by addrus«lun P. O. Uox 155.

SALMON — 8TRA.W. At tho M. 10.Puraoiiago, Ilanmionton. July 7, 100(1,by Hov. J. II. Payrnn, Mr. LowU O.Bnlmon, Jr.,and Mlwi Vorna M. Btraw,both of Wntorford, N. J.

,1(>U HAL1C.—A few llnniinonlon andlloi-bor'CMty GKB und Kleotrlo

Ootnpuny liondo. They nro Unit mort-«;i»go bomlB end pay ft neruont., olmir nftux. JOB11UA 1C. IlOltTON, Att 'y,

111) Market Struct, - Cumdon, N. J.

TOUR NEEDSAre more easily foundin n •woll-o<itil|>|>od and

ntookod store.

Wo claim to iiavo tlio Ixinl. In ourline In Houth .loieoy.

Cull In nnd BOO n«, und oomparo.

Wo furnlnh JC«pulrlii)jr,


<JUt OlllHH, «ltO.

W. 6. JONESTt o Watchmaker,

SPECIAL NOTICE!The-Home Pattern Company has odvisad us that their

_. dempnafcriitor,^^.Mra-.J'Ju.W,.SnydeirJviil_lie-iR^Bttendanceat our "Ladies' Home JournaF Pattecn Department nextWednesday, July T<8th. Mrs! Snyder will spend this oneday with.us in order to answer any questions our custom-ers may de^rejo j«^j-egarding^the_paUerns,_me.thods of

"Measufemenr, advantages of ihe guide-chart, etc. .'If you want to know more about these patterns, aeo

Mrs. Snyder on Wednesday. ..0

A Fine Display of Infants'Wear/One large show-case has been given entirely tothe display of pretty a,iid dainty .things .forinfants. Caps, bibs, dresses, s l ips ,—in fact,anything needed for the li t t le ones can be pur-chased-here,.—aud-at a money-saving advantage."

GROCERY DEPARTMENT.We mention a few things, just by the way of suggestion..Hemember, if there's anything you want that we haventin stock, we wi l l take pleasure in getting it for you. We-

SaladDressing, 10 cent*Keep it on hand. There are numberless dainty andpalatable dishes which you can get up in almost '-no


jBarataria 8hrinip, -15. cents—'Extra fine. Sufficiently cooked for salad. A goodsubstitute for lobster. -Two for 25 cents.

Campbell's Soups, per can^—15 cents-

Celery, Chicken, and oth,er kiuds. Good thingsto keep on hand.

If you haye_ a Telephone, just-phone us yousorder NOW, and have it off;your mind.

Independent, 591 Bell, 8-x


Hardware, Stoves,

Artesian Wells.

have a nice line of Knives and Scissors.

H.McD. LITTLECor. Bellevue and Central Aves., Ilnmmonton.

Beech-NutSliced Bacon

Tastes OH good flu it lookp—und it looks very good.A dolicioiiH broukl'uHt diuh of grout food value, whoto-

flomo all the year 'round. Try.thw "Beech-Nut"kind,-—it'w different.

m, L. jjaoKsoN A sorar.

Seven Time* Three.I leaned out ot window, I smelled tin

white plover;Park, dark was the garden, I saw not

thiPgafe:"Now, if there be footsteps, he comes, my

one lover— 'Hush, nightingale, hushl Ob, sweet

nightingales-waitTill I listen and hearIf R step Jraweth near,For my lore he- is late I

•The skies in the dnrkncaa stoo'p 'nearerand nearer,

DAUGHTER Jr A PRtSIDCNT. I_ _ _ j : .•. |

A« One rime She Wna Mi.iro.. .1 for every function given<he Wlil<e Huuxe.

A happy Virginia bride at 1!), mls'-!-tress of the-~Wblte- House at 2h~and

totally blind and an Inmate j>f the

Intimate friends Since that time, al->mo- to-herthere, and

still are coming, she paid no attentionto them. _ " . _ _

"—zrhlE^<:)IHERr?EI-l-9Wr^Little Slorr of a Ulrl Who Remem-

bered Father'* Djrlnjc Injunction.Whan Andrew Baker died, he left to

his daughter Sarah u few hundred dol-lars and a parting charge.

"Life's a battle, Sarah. It has beenso for me, and It's going to be for you;buryou'vo-gor to "stand" fast—

Hoine - 1 n — Washington— at— 86—such Is tho life story' la skeleton ofMrs. Letltla Tyler Sejiiple, daughter offormer President Tyler.

Mrs. Seinple was a beaut i ful girl anda belle In Virginia In her youth. Ather great age she still bears the tracesof tills early beauty very distinctly.She- Is tall- and erect; and -carries- herbead with the uiuul.stoknble poise of got to for your own sake aud for thearistocratic birth and antecedents. Her sake of the other fellow." AdJ afterhair Is-snowy. soft, and silky, nnd worn a moment he added, ^'Kemeinber thewith— loose-curls-over -her- enrs.T — HGr7~oHTer~ feIlowTrr~ 'They r~vvere his lastmanner Is that of the cu'.tured gentle- ( words.

~r -*-rrn n i


liiatut Incident OccurringWorld OTer-Baylng* that Aro Cheer- ' who was the

_ .- Me at Waahlogton.Snnor Ch^»al(j de y.QneandaJs ina_*

fflcIaT representative of ^ the Ouban_re>__' rpublle at Washfiigton. r •",

thi I S e n o r Queaada/,first


'.of thejBoivlng.of the gralnr-L:...„.JLJhrougHj_ll!ray_mls,t_of rain,

And a little wind nnd sweet

ful to Old or Yountf—Funny 8alecUonjthat Toa Will Enjoy.

Do Their Bent.

"P?. ?on J?511HJ£~t°J>-e«P-.<tn.-t.lift.rtgW.side of your chaperon?"

"When we can we do. She's- blindon that side."—Cleveland Leader.

m I nl s ter appointedby the new govern-ment, Ie well knownAt the national cap!

I tnl- During the days I ,',«l~ " - • - - -fiefore"" 1898 he was

the secretary of theunrecognized I e g a -

"truggllng Island,

- • Swayed; the grasses at her feet - " • • -Ao 1 turned to look and tnrniMl to smile and turned to look again)

And I Raid, "How good a thing• Is'the promise of the Spring!"

At the time of tilt-sowing of the grain. .

tl)at time was BBNOB QUEBADA.woman, and there Is HU atmosphere' ofgreat dignity always /.ftout her. Shehas many friends from the years of herpast social triumphs, nnd they are all

olnsfcrTf'star* ""hangsMike"fruit In i "attentive to heir "Her room In theLouise Home Is usually fragrant withthe tree,

The fall of the water comes sweeter, fresh. flowers. But with all these at-comes clearer: > .

To what art thou listening, -and whatdost thou see?

, Let the star-cluster* glow,Let the sweet waters Sow,And cross quickly to me.

,**You night-moths that hover where honejbrims-over-

tentlons It Is a lonely life."The Louise "Home'Is a large, rooiiiy

1 Institution, filled with Sonthern women: of gentle birth and cii!ture._Tliere.are

beautiful grounds well cared for, andIt Is situated in the bwtrt of the fash-ionable part of the city. It Is not acharitable-Institution, for each woman

From sycamore .blossoms, or settle 01 must pay for her board and room. TheBleep; . -

Ton glow-worms shine out and the path-way discover


charge In modest, as the Institution wanhandsomely endowed by the founder,

. . . . , . tbe late W. W. Corcoran, who gave Itcomes darkling along tha ,„ • » ' , , ' * • ™" eu»e"-"TSugTr'steep. "=^======^^1^ac'^ry^of=Mil8^dnughferr--t3OTrl9erAh! my sailor, make bnste,- who dle<1 ln her .T°utl>. The groundsFor the time runs to wasta, snd bouse are,well cared for, and-It IsAnd my love lietu deep—

DomeaiSft EconomyMrs. Flush—I have given my husband

Surah, alone In the world, found her t necktie on each of his birthday annU j /made much of by society at the capital.en. years, and j -: -Senpr: .Quesnda Is descended.from anfather's statement, which was also a veras'rles ,for the past ten

prophecy, true. Life was a battle.She had none of the great gifts — hu-

the total cost has been but 50 cents.Mrs. Dash—Why, how's that?

old Spanish family. One of hla ances.-'tors, Gonzales Quesada, was governor

mor, Imagination, the genius for hu- i Mrs. Flash— I always give him thd ' °' Porto Rlco- The Qutsadas heldinanity — which make It a Joy. The |ame tie. " . - - . . . . . . .other girls In the shop where she was jemployed, after a few overtures, lefther alone. She was "no fun," theysaid., . So for. years Sarah-plodded on, .doing her- work -honestly— and— f«lth--^Sourrtw6-egga;-a-cup~of- sugar and a i Young Quesada, who Is about thirty-

, large estates In Cuba and before the up-——-— rising were among the rich families of

Better still. the Island. . Ills parents, wera suspectedLittle Girl—Please, Mrs. Neighbors] of disloyalty to Spain and were expelled

ma sent me. over to borrow a llttlai; from the Island.

'O^''tk\iK^^r.nij^a^^ot^f..eTf^^9t..tb6.gnta^' :'tier iaggh was like the meiody that threads the lark's refrain;

Bud and blossom everywhere •Sent their perfume through the air ,: _. ._

Ind-tbe branches-bent a.bove-her-wbere-theTlpenlBgfnilt'wtAnd I said, "Lo, love hath grownLike the seed thy hand bath sown!" '

At the tjme of the growing of the grain.

Oh, I won her at the time of the mowing of the grain—We guided o'er the empty fields the heavy-laden wain,

And iny life was like to singWith the Joy of harvesting 1 - ; ,...'.-..

Oh, lojffi's-sowlng, nor his growing, nor bis mowing was In vain tAnd I said, ".Give thanks, iny-fieart, . - . . . - - . -For the store that Ig thy part!"

At the time of the mowing of the^grain. ':....' ...i_.'—Set. ' " ~ ~ " ~ """ '•'"""•

fully, living her dull, monotonous, serl- ; pint of milk;ou» life. Mrs. Neighbors—Well, you go back

i five years of age, was educated In NewCity and Is a graduate of the Col-

"Too deep for swift telling, and yet, mjone lover,

I've conned-thee an answer; it -wai«th*e to-night."

By the sycamore passed he, anil throughth« white clover;

ioned took ..flight;love

Than e'er wife loved before,Be the days dark or bright.

—Jean Ingelow.


New Field of TJaefnlneaii Opened Ba*• fore an Invalid Girl. :

It was not a new discovery—Indeed,It was a-very old one.—Only-like somany other valuable truths. It reallymeant nothing to Miriam Harris untilIt touched her own life.

The beginning was the sprained an-kle, that put an end to the busy winter•he had planned, and kept her house-bound for eight weeks. Miriam's firstthought :was of her girls' club flown at a most attractive place.


"Doing what's right," Sarah replied, «Tsturdily. "You can let other things go,

Ijlbut^yoU-ve got-to-8tlck~to that- i. "Ob, If you're going to preach—"

Clssle retorted.Sarah went borne heavy-hearted.

She wondered, after all. If It wnaworth while. The other girls whowere not particular seemed-to have allthe good times. Then the memory ofher father's words came back to her,and she set her lips resolutely. Sbahad "got to stand fast." It was notfor the soldier to question the com-mand—he had only to be faithful Inhis place. She had done what bet

Ail the per-_S«ttlenient_ and. her Sunday ,class tons In. this big house are between tb«

•t the mission. When, sooner than ages of 00 and !X>.•be had expected, substitutes were se- Mrs. Seinple In her youth wa* iercured,-and things went on apparently father's constant companion. She wasas well a» If she were In charge, It a good musician and was the life andwaa naturally a blow to her vanity; spirit of his household. She was gaybut Miriam was honest, and acknowl- and loving and beautiful. She pluyed

_«dflng-thatatjr.as_her--»anlty-tuat-wat—for-hlm in-his-leisnre-moment»;-andhurt, she realized that she needed th« gang him to sleep when he was tired,work more than the work needed her. His favorite song was an old-fashioned

It was then, that very morning, that 0»e called Rome, the words of whichNorah came In Jo put the room^in or-. Blie..now .jepeuts-to heraelf^evory^ day;-

"What is the matter, Nornb?" Mlrl-In fancy recalling the nuiny times herfather listened to them with delight,

gun naked. "Has.anything .happened'<" At the ase of 19 she became the wifeNorah shook her head and smiled of Mr. Heinple. Wlmfl the death of

fccuvely."Sure 'tis only the

William Henry Hiirrlsou made Tylerfoolishness at President he brought a large uud In-

me," she said, apologetically, "but terestlng family to Uie White House.MMnetimea I do be missing tho ould Mrs. Tyler was an Imnlld and couldfolks that bad." never discharge the duties of mi.itreas

"Tell me about them," Miriam said, of the White House. During the tlrstSo, bit by bit, the story came out— few months of Tyler's administration

bow Norah and one brother, mile* Mrs. Robert Tyler, w i f e of « son of tlniapart In tho big new country, wera President, acted us hostess, while th«planning and saving to'brlag across the President's daughter, Ix-tltln, remainedmotlior and the children, and how It at their Virginia hoiim with herWurnJd take three years to earn tho mother. Home mouths lutur MM. Tylerinaaey for them all, and "It was a bit made tlie trlj) to WuBlilngtoii, iii'coni-loualy-llke, times." punlcd by her daughter, but sucrunibed

After Norab had gone, Miriam sat to her malady -very stiortly afterwardthlnklnK things she never had thought and was burled from tliu White llotisi:.before -how U would seem to be alone After the. death of her mother Mrs.In a utrungo country, with only three or Semple assumed the duties of mlntremifour of your country folk to speak to of the White lloime, which ulie din-at all, and days when yoo never saw charged with grave nnd tur t un t i l herone. father's second marriage, only u few

"I'll glvo Norah an uveulng for hur months before his term uf onVo er-frlcnda every week," Miriam planned plrcd. Ills second |)r|,|,, w,,neu.ody. "Mlio vball liivltu whom mmpluuiie* aud luivo ludga or MouiuUtlUK,"- illrium, II vrl l l IMS keen, wa» lUll a

Onntner, of New York.Mr- fumpl

n marriedwu» u wealthy mnn W|KMI

Tyler. He bud ngirl, "uud I'll «mU her out lor u walk beautiful eatutn' In Virg in ia iiiul•omuiliiiua ufieruuoiiii.uud down to look "('lent means to conduct ItUi tnu utoren, and Hliu shall liuvo liooltu)f nuo i:uru» for thorn.Decu!"

iltully, t lmt vrun nil. Junt u fovf

When the Civil War brokii out lie wi>«How uiupia i 'vu '" "10 n«vy. Hu at onro resigned and

| went Into tlio l.'onfrderiito niivy. Atthe clone of tliu vvnr he found himself

for the l l t l l o i r ln l i mnld uiul' wltl' '"'"I, nionoy and heal th ni lHer friend", with, im ulwiiyii miupeiin,UHI now revelutloiui and iiuw unuurtu-ultluii t hu t tlioj- brought.

Miriam ilfielurcH now Hull ulut In jj,>.tim to utility iiorloimly the ilmne»lkproblem. l)oiil)tlc«iH «lm will llml lliuuroblrm dlHcouriigliiKly iiimpllciiii-il millainirult. l lu t evrtulnly nlm tv l l l lin illways u liner wonmn, nior.- Hynipal l in l le ,cli'iucr Tlnloneil, liin'iiune line w l l l t r t»ho tried to put hnrsnlf In t in , jiliu-,, „(one l l t t l n I r luh Vuuth ' f

hclrcmiCount I Ilko not that y— aim will bo *o lutnl to woo, for Himla »o atirf In tirr innimern.

ITrlencI Oh, aho ilmvin't nielin linything by that. You net-, tier fitthor i i i / i i lntU« mlllloita In u ntiirch trunt. — llultl


Mrs. Hemple, HuvliiK no I'lilldrnn,to Hilltl more, whf-ro sho opcneil uyoung Indies' m'linol, Iciir l i iK Mr. Hem-l>le at the Vlrclulu liomc, whleli vrutail that WHS l«ft tboiu.

Mrs. Hcni|)lo was nmvmiHful In heriK-hool venture, uud i-nliiliicted It furmany yniirH. Mr. rlomplu itlixl In binseventieth year. Hoinii yenni ufKmvnrilMm. Heni|>l» rnull/.ed "lio iviiti too froldcto pr|ierly romlnrt her liq-gn l i i n t l t n t l o n .Him dlnponeil of It nnd wi-nt |» Wuith-liiglori, iieeordlDK to n promlne inude toher old friend, Mr, dnrrornn, longHliici) dimd aiul Kune, Hint, should sheever lie f u r t h e r redueed In I'lreiiiu-HtlUH-l 'H. H i l l ' V V D I l l l l l ie iMUIII u |-|>sl(lelll

of It in he i iu t l fu l home In Wi iHl i l i iK lonileillenled to the llii-nliiry (if hlu l ln i l t f l ller.

Her I n nt v ln l t til tl:o \Vliltn HDIIMI'WIIH dur ing Hie i idmlii l i i lrat lon </f *I'rmHileiit 1'leriT, wbomi fiunlly were

Sometimes some of the other glrla ' liome and ; tell ypnt^ma tp_cpm«_over lflil?S« LPLthe CJtyj»f.jNe_vr_.york.-.troubled' her. There was pretty, gay j ibout an hour and take the cake.little Clssle Husted. for instance. No i --- -.-.-working girl can live very long in her Where the Wheel* stop.

Famoa* Moated Honaea.The moat which so often surrounded

world without knowing the tragedies I "Most of trar patients," said the ra>; tatlla ao<1 castles In the ottrdayV fiOne day Sarah, peiintendent of .the Insane asylum, "are; n°w generally dry and filled up, bul

some'!=TiBm«rkat>le=BpecirnBiiisr\stin=r^that lurk about It

=ttr"I wish you wouldn't," she said."Wouldn't what?" asked Clssle."Wouldn't let men—like that—give

you- presents;. Clssle laughed and tossed her head. Si* superintendent

B^rflh dlH nf>t laugh

(main. Perhaps the finest example, of a"And what Is that?" queried the vis- moated house is Helmloghaon Hall,

or : the seat of Lord Tollemache, In Suf-

The Professor and the Tiger. S

nnlmnl does not belong to me. I havelone what I believe to be my duty. I

'inn"BHy"Ho~'tho"inE ~r~-He turned nwiiy wliliouV even a

llunee'nt thlTjjTfir ~.. "That mnn,". .said Hosklns, looking,offer him, "Is frightened of his ownshadow. Let me give yon n bit offatherly advice, Miss Sandford. Whenyou are looking for .n man to mnrry,never select n coward. A girl like youwants.some one who will protect her^In times' of dflri^r^^dm'e"on¥'sbe""caifrely on and look up to."

"I'm not thinking of getting mar-fled," Bhe^aldrsbyly.—"But wben-I-doI'll bear your advice in mind, Cap-tain."

"That's It," said Hoaklns. "Thinkj over It carefully. - And-as for gettingmarried, I'd be glad If you'd think overthat too." -

Sba started like a frightened horse."Oh, CaptaiA/*-«ne said.—I don't- un--

flerstand. What do you mean?","Sou do -.understand," be said., ten?

derly, drawing his chair a bit nearerto,,.,her...£ '.'Miss Sandfprd! „HJUluJ...Haven't you n word for a poor old seaman who worships the very groundyou tread on? Think ovqr It 'Nontbut the brave deserve the fair,' youknow,"

•'YoiTinusBi'f speak like thte," sheexclaimed, rising, as though she were'distressed. "You are older than I amAnd I don't Bnow that you are a brave

, KAVERY, Doctor (said mj on shipboard. It Is a feeling that I


I ?** drawbridge still renwln*, and ithas been raised erpry ^z*t fffr It.

"Sarah Baker," Clssle exclaimed, "I,don't see how yon live without any !

fun !"•—"Tbere'sHThlBgir-better—than—fon;'*-Sarah said. _^. . ,^;^^.l_i

Ver.atile Yo«th. | than tfcree hundred years, the ancient•That new clerk of yours 1» rather j precaution being observed even though

rersatHe, Isn't he?" said the drummer.! the need of It has—"Fhafs

_ _such a aimple thing u you think • 'ebe old man looked at him with a

One tfl^n ja brave In-one vayT and-- »ort. of_gooddiatured contemptVou've DO call to be alarmed,'

__er In a different one. Often

•turagh, that which la called bravery Unothing more than custom. You wouldn't

hesaid; "we'll take you to England «afeenough." ,

merchant 1_ He_jna bes_tLhree_j)f_fojir_Hke^to- know—what"~

Two of Kind.what's the matter, with

coffee?" queried Slopay.

i-moat~wblch surrounds~Leeds Castle,near Maldstone, la

Episcopal paUce at Wells Is surround- ':ed by waUs which enclose nearly seren ~-

which -

C*l« to reef •all, would you? Not ypul off

_bsiafr^aid^W^l^ottlnUg^UJank^PJk^ge^a brave man bcauce I would. But

tov_ha-fi>him, for he

Is supplied with water from St. An-drew's Well. A venerable bridge spans

"Same thing that's the matter with f [he moat, giving access through arou, I Bttppose," answered the l u n d - j lower gate-way to the outer court,lady; "It's a little slow about settling."

COM Jbr Ineomnla, --Two distinguished Berlin physicians,

Professors Brail Fischer and Von Menjug, hove discovered what they regardis an Infallible cure for insomnia.

,rbey call It veronal. It has been used(vlth remarkable results. It Is said, ha

Tbe Feminine View."Did you see that story about a rich

Foung fellow In PJttsburg who ran offwith bis -mother'* maid?"' -

"Yes. What a shame!" '"I think so, too. Why, It's next to

Impossible to get a good maid."—Phlla-

father enjoined her to do—-she had re-membered "the .other, f el low,'!.

flelphla Public Ledger.

A Ovalle «!•«.Aa time passed there were change* "Ethel." the nweet girl's father called

In the store. Some of the glrb), Clssle gently from above stairs. iHasted among them, left and new one! 'Te», father. What te It?" she an-took their places, but Sarah went hei iwered through the midnight stlllnoss.solitary way among them, not of them. "Just tell your young man to be care-Then one nlnlit, three years, after hbi fui and not trip over the mining's milktalk— with- CUsle.-ebe had— a— caller when ha^gwea""out"Clssle herself. She wau prettier thanever, but different; Sarah felt It, al-though she could not tell where tutdifference wa«, _.., .—^ ......

.u^rt ,t^.,t »»,. .»„„ „„,, ,K. ca»ea we oiner nignifalmost hate*

tnd Time*.

•trletlr Speaklnv.

askRd about the store and th«girls, and then, blushing a little, toldher news:

"I'm married, Surah. It's Ben Da-ley. He's all right,—you'd say so IIyou knew him,—and I wanted to tell

called the other night?Edna—Terribly! He

r«u:-Dick—Doea, eh? Well, I shall send

ou a box of candy to-morrow for r»

you that I owed lit to you" Whu7 you Edna—Ah, "revenge U «we«t"said uinde me mad, hut when 1 4k* Ol»w.thought of "all you gave up to do what gmatr~Bender'7wire"w'w away foi

'you thought right, somehow I couldn'thold out. I mft tho store to get awayfrom—tho other. There, I must runnow, but I had to TOnie and tell you."

The door closed and she -was gonebut Huruli silt In tlm btlllneas of agreat joy. At last she understood beiIcguey.—Vouth's Companion.

nuttier <-«a*<l«. !"Did you tell your father I waa n

humorist?" nuked tha tnl l young manwith lone bulr.

"Nice aort of chap to have on a ship,"n« «ald. "A man like that ought to•tick to dry land."

i large Berlin hospital by Prof. Lilian-(eld, who expresses the firm eonvlctiojajjhat no other medicine to produce sleep .

-ipproachwi'vero'nanh "certainty and in-tensity. He administers! 460 dosesjo sixty patients of both sexea and v«--flotiH nffi's.' lOach morning after thedoae the patient was fresh, and felt aaIf the fleep had been wholly natural.In _all ^f tbe_j'jtperltnentaJL..ctise«^.thQ ^liearT and lungs performed their func-tlonj with the utmost cxsctitud*.

o sort of attraction forthen, I'd be afraid to cut • cbap'« leg "tood before It for at least a quarter

lj*O"*: ujirflffl«n3CZI^^That <HM what old Captain Ho«kln«, and toen tum«<l to Miss Sandfcrd, who

wiwm I used to will with, could nevei WM ""tin* near,understand. If a man was a bit oer-Tons about the •««, he used to lookdown on him as all aorta of a coward.

_JBat_thewLcan!e_a,_day_jirb.ea_heJe»rned_.., "^f^b _??5J??«^_.LlWiW_:.a bellow-t*tter. reeling for him, Captain," gb« answer-

It happened when I was with him In ^j "l>™ afwld of the «ea myaelf."• three-masted sailing ship called the An>" be *>'*» "but you're a woman.Arrow. We lay at Singapore, alongsld« ^ •"*• _A bit of fear Is.all right In athe Tanjonf Pagan wharf, loading with "O111"*-. U'4 natural to them. But withA general cargo for Liverpool. Tbe prlu- * maii It's different A man ought to«lpal object In that cargo—or, at least be a(ral<l of nothing."

fTnan. I have only yoni—word-for-lt1

Please don't speak to me about tbliagain."

Tbe.old man saw that be bad gone

oegan making Accuses for himself, shecut him short ___________ _„. ____ '..._ ..... '. __________ : L

"Captain," she .said, ''do you remem-ber iulvlHJng me to junrry a J)rave

' ~ - - • ~~.'I. do." said .Hoaklns, a bit puzzled."Well," she said, softly, "be . nsked

me yesterday, and I'm going to takeyour ndvlce."

Which shows you,- doctor, that brav-ery Is very much matter of custom.A« for poor old Hosklna,_we_had_mlII_]pond "weather" "the whole way .home,and he hadn't evon a chance to showhimself. — The Sketch.


•1i Bora Sound* a Warningito the Unredeemed.

Molor-TracUa DrlTe Ont Ho~r«ea."America, slightly behind European

.countries In the^ art of automobilemanufacture, was a year or so late Inthe Introduction of the motor wagonInto city freight hauling," -writes Da-vldJBeecrpft In Technical World Maga-zine, "but what Columbia Jost In_tlmeshe Is novf striving to make up In con-tinuous energy; and If American pushand brains can win, then the time Is'iioTfar"distant when the streets~6f ourgreat cities will soon be In the hr.ndsof the commercial motor-wagon.

"Already the conquest Is assured. Inthe. streets of New York, the five-tonelectric and gasoline truck transportsthe tons of coal sold by many of thebig dealers; grain merchants use thelordly electric for hauling from the de-

fiave"Installed both gasoline and electrics forconveying goods from the warehouse

a-llttle"6irtoo"farr"Walt I" he said, "don't be frlghtenea.

J-prorolse- not to nay a wurd untilreach England. Before we get there,If we have a bit of rough weather, I'llhow-jou-thg-sqrt-ot^a man-I-am.—I-

should love a bit of danger for yoursate;'* : ~ ^_

buildingals; electric light companies use them,the—Urtlson Company— alnng

.the one we took moot notice of—wag ntiger that we were shipping for London.

"It" lay In a"atrongT'cSge "of"wood" arid

"And are you afraid of nothing. Cap-tain?" she asked.

"Not T," said"HoskiniT "Yon can

Ouy«r—Tc«, nnd I bet be has beenpainting the town red the whol« time.

Gunner—Why «o?Ouyer—llecuuse be haa been trylus

to paint hi* noio white before aho ro-ta rru.

| Th» Milliner—How's buslnem withfon?

Thii DraMinaker—-Only sew-gew. I'v»Imd a •tltch In my side for Severn)

"1 did," replied the pretty girl, "and days.tin laughed."

"Laughed? Why, I thought he used ito say writing Jokes wnn hard on tho 'bruin."

"Ho hn did: but he **y» ha oarerbeard of your writing any Jokes,"

II Y«« Mar B«."Mne here," nald tho lobbyist of th«

future, "I want you to secure the vat«of Mrs. ntate Hmintor Jlgglns. VimouK|it to gfit It for »I(K).", "Oh, my," axalalmcd the female as-

Hat Ha Vorx Kind.s lHtni i l , "I

I h«r that"wouldn't think of offering

"You don't moan to nay ahe'd wantinoro?" '

"Oh. no, I'll offer her $08.0a"Pri'tin.

Mm. W I I U H It lio kliul of you, doc-tor, romln' no f« r to MCH V V I I k n .

Doctor N"l nl ni l . I l invn n pi|-tlont on I l i n way, no I rmi ki l l Ivroblrdn wl lh oiin n l i i i i iv Tnllor.



W!KR I'n you iK'llrvn that «Tcry malI linn Ills |n- | i - i<y

WIIKK No, Lulu of men (five tli«n>•«lvo« awny.- I 'Ulliidclphla Itcconl

.l,i»l ll,« I'rl a< l.lfn,

"Wli'Mi do yini I'oimldnr a mnn at M*[ ir lmii < > f l l f i ' V "

"SVIn-n hn'n ohl onniigli to quit writ-I I I K (Kii ' t ry "»il not old I'lHHiKli to bnglnf v i ' l l U i g Invu l«lU>r« to UU «t«aoi-rui i l iu r . •• (UuT**^ f t I sailor.

Hank*.It In to Italy that tho first nnthblliih.

inrnt of Imi ikn In cr i tdl l iMl. Tlitrna Imuluworx foiinitcd hy l .uinl iMi 'd JIIWM.

..In the Century Magasine. James D.

Hague describes a visit paid, alongwith Professor Tyndull. to Carlylo In1871. Oarlyl»Mk«d Mr. Hague whatbe did. and u* replied that hu was apractical gaologlit. especially concern-ed In mining pursuits. "U'lmt do youmine forT" a*ked Oarlyle. "Gold andillrer." \ra* the reply. "Gold! Youmine for gold: That's a good-for-noth-ing pursuit." axcliilmed Oarlyle. "Thablggvcl gold nugget ever found \vuanorer hulf to tucmi to the world a»luu good :uealy potato."

Detuir than a I'ruynr Mien tin*..The child of strict pnrents, who««

gri>ntost Joy had h i ther to beta the wi-ok.ly prayer. mei'tliiK. was tbkon to tincircus by hlx nursu, Wln-n he cam*homo "Oh, mummy," he KxclalmiMl, "IIyou oiif"' went to tin- clrcim you'dlicvrr go to a prayer nii'i'tlnj; ugalu Irall your llfo!"

A Hnhtornigo."Don't you know that It la wrong t*

gambit)?""Yasalr," Mid riokunlimy Jim as h*

shook tbn dice. "I known It's wrongto gojuble, but dUlmni Isn't gamblln')dlahere In n gucssln' content." -Wash-ington Htar.

._-.have the biggest storm ever hatchedput by the China,, sea* and I'll thankyou for It It brings out all the goodIn n man."

"It must be nice to be brave," sheexclaimed, -------------------- ; -------------- .....

"Oh. It's all right' when you're usedto It" said 'Hosklns modestly. "Abrave man and a pretty woman are two

Iron, with a dour In the front throughWhich It could be fed. It was a tlu«big brute, and every time it stretchedItself you could fHH) the muscles «llp<ping- over Its sides and the big, wicked-looking cluws peeping out of the pudsof IU foot In u wsy that uuulu you verytluuikful for tlio burs.

We had u passenger or two, Olio o'tbeui wa« a young girl who went bythe name of Hilda Hundford. Sho hadbeen a governess In the family of unxof our agents out tlioro, but tho ell-nmto hadn't nulted ht'r, nud nlie hadto go liome. Sb« \VIIH coining with usliiatcnd <>f by uteiimer, bcciniHU she g"thur | IMHHIIKI> for nothing <ind shu witsn'ttoo well olT. Directly tho old liiiiu soteyes mi her t r i m llxure mill t int wealthof gulden brown hai r n lmi i t lier hwiul,hu >vii" t i trueU all <if a hi'iip. HO tonjienlc, mid I einild M<e tha t he wuulironilslng lilniHelf n mighty pleiiHimtvoyugij.

Tliu (itlujr |Miimeiiger W«N a »trniiK<*,little. Orksl up mnn, who woro K»ldplnoe-iH-/, uiul kopl peering nliout tliu•Dili In M most uni 'omfortjihla way. Hugave his inline IIH Mr, l i n y — I'rof. Hny,be culled Illume! f, though \v<> didn'tfind out what. li« professed unt i l lnt<T.

Jtigut always to be together."There wits something In his tone thiit

untile her blush.... i And though she sniilshe agreed with him. Hh« took th«.> firstDpjKirtunlty of clearing off ta another(inrt of the deck.

Shortly afterward • we put to sea.(•'or^ the^ nest.few days we IKK! the best;>f weather, and evorythlng wentiinooRily. I bud my time pretty welltaken np with my wt>rk, but for n i lthat I could see one or two things thutset me thinking. The llrst was thnt theold mini WIIH nuiklrig liunxolf uiii-om-moiily attentive t<> Miss Miindfonl.i'hu secuiul WIIH that this Mr. Hay. Inn ijulct nnd t lmlil sort of way, WIIHI l i l n k l i i K n gixid deal of her, too. HUH-kil ls saw aulelily enough thu t he Inul urlvul, hut ns he hud ntnrte<l <iff w i t h uhealthy i'i)uteiii|ii fur h im, he i l l i ln ' t dlxturli himself over inul iiUivn miieli.

One i i f to r iKMin the Nklpper w<is H i tt ln« heslile .M|HH Kni i i l for i l on tliu pno|)llork when H'l) ciilne up the roin|i;uiIon mid iiuulii his \vuy t u w n n l them.

"Th.uro'a somiithliiK 1 w u n t to tellI'ou, Oaptaln," Im mild. "It's K < ' ' t l u Koil my uilnd uiul niiiUiiK me i jul tc mi:t>tnfi)rtul)le. That mnn W|I(IN<I l iunl iu-t iHIt Is to liKik u f le r (he t lKer Inn ' t iluliiKIlls worli properly. The u n l m n l Isn'tge t t ing u iu iUKh f«"»l. It Is i l eve lnpl i iK> S I I V I I K U naliire. And .ventcnluy, whenI u'init to «eo tho mini nliout It , I foiunl

For the next few days hTwent aboutwhistling for a wind, as though bewanted to send_ us all_l»_I>avy_Jones'locker. As for hie seamanship, no oneever questioned It; and as for bis con-tempt for danger, be was to get bischance all right, though not quite inthe way he expected.

It was about a week after bls'con-veraatlon wlttr tbe^glri that It came.Hilda was,sitting on the poop deckreading a book. The old man wasmarching up and down with a quarterdeck trot, casting glances at her andthinking how pretty she was, when^suddenly he let off a howl that wouldjbave frightened an elephant and sprangjlnto the port mlzzen rigging. I wasn't

fifty In Its employ; for breweries theyare specially suitable because of theadvertising value connected with them;Und the myriad other Gotham concernsare-getting Interested^—Coming-westr-Philadelphia—ha*= them—by-the~w»T*TPIttsburg, wltb Its hills, Is rapidly In-troducing them ; Washington has a few,-and—Chicago,-with-its— poorly pavefl-Btreets. has a score o/r more of them Inoperation. In the West, Denver andKansas City are following the exampleset by the East; Omaha has its firstone; Salt Lake City has a couple;Minneapolis has three; and a dozen ormore ore in use In tlie various coastcities of California.

^no~8eeirthe .lost alwaysfind His love.

Little lusts gly«the devil his besthand-holds.

Tbe wo r I d'«work b«si no-greater foe thantha whlner.

T h e religion—that- ISMtot-glvlng-

Is usually groan-Inj.

Oppottunitles are only boles knocked-In- the walls -of-" difficulty; ' •'"*'"• " •'

Heaven can always become a close*<fiivironment than earth.

All culture must be measured by Its-contribution to the soul.

Regeneration- Is- spiritual -heredity;overcoming that of flesh."

True parenthood is-a-perfect- sermoaon the Father In Heaven.

We can always have His face near-er to us than our failures.

You cannot live right when yon aMfeedlilJt your mind on folly.

Almost all things we get for nothingcost more than they are worth.JLJSUth_many_the—w-l8est-th4ng-te-d<^Is to say nothlng-andrstick-to-it ; . ; ~

Keep your heart fallow and you canbe sure of fat crops from God's seed.

It Is traveling under false pretenses.- A man nceda to pra^ — for -lilumelfwhen the offering spoils the sermon. '

It's the man who Is always crowing:-w-bo-is-most-Ilkely-tp have-to eat-crow.

_There .Is_no^ promise that the Holy ^—^

't'hie Pnaetlotk of the Senate.

Pertinent at the present time, whenthe Senate Is somewhat freely criti-cised as "obstructionist" U an anec-dote which Is told In a biography of

Jfar..off-Mm..at.4he--tlme1-Md-i---looked-{^^^'at him, wondering whether be bad gonemad. Then I saw what he had seen.And I went up the starboard mtzzen'Bhrouds as qtnlckly as be had gone upthe port one*. The girl raised ber hend'and looked up at Hosklne, and hegaped- down at ber^nnd tried "Wahou 17"But for some time be could only makefaces.

"Look ! look !"

Of course, the liner liiut his ul tomlont , l lmt ' '<> WHM liitoxlriiled. 1 really i l i l i i kbut ho herllnrd forwiiril . KHU should Interfere."

All hour <ir two before wo Htnrtei) Of emu-He, the ,,1,1 n inu Hlmi i l i l I m v nlike

Htnrtei)thin Mr. l iny euimt up In tli« old (,,„,,

him u lot of ques-

Tlin ICrliinil'ni l r<ii-olvrd VTho Author

In your nrvr book

I »«.l lnliorn went Into Ilin lianil*

rer lust wink,

Tlm p«l>•^ a re-

Drlv i - r -It tvus mi ll iu linuii'licH ofUnit (n'c, yc-r hoiinr, I h u t u (•(tlobratcd

Tb« imniit "bank" In dnrlvnd from tin K,,nrnil I I I I I I K hlniMii l f Ihrougliword "iHinco," whl rh originally wan « , Ann<r l i ! i i i i Toiii'lNt--! gu«iit>i yon'ra 01Inrni iippllurt to hiiiirlinii net In tha man (h lx I 'm", anyway. Wlinn I wn« 1mknt pliu-a for tho exchaiign of inonen' ton y ru i 'H n«o you told ui i i tlui tivo wa»Tim Unit pnhlli* bunk vrno opened |J r l t f l i l ii|i on tlm tup < i f llu> hill.V«»ili-« In IW10. The Uank of Onglan^j Driver -Muylxi I did, liul thoi'n'n bdvuw»» aaUbllibad III 1000. t Innddlldo 'ern nliicu then, '

•ml begun i i Htions.

"Captain," he unl i l , nervously, "Ihop« \v<* shall have it quiet jmHHiigc,"

"1 don't Heo why we shouldn't," nil IdIIoukliiH, gi ' i i l i i l ly.

Mr, l iny luiikeil up nt the 'sliy."There mimiH (u lie n good denl of

wind about," lm mild."1'rotty fair," «ald llonklus. "That's

wtuit'A going to Inkii IIH homo. Notbeing n nteitiner, we enn't do wltlmntIt"

"Yoifiv «uru It's ynltt i nafoY" aiikedliny.

"Hnfel" mi 111 tlm old man, giiltlng onhlu high horse; "nnful I 'm mill ing I l i l u•hip."

The l l t t ln l imn nnilled n|M>l<ig»tlenlly."You wi l l excuse me, dnptnlii," lin

•il Id ; "I did not menu nny o(Ten*«. Thetact U I Din roiintltntloimlly uervotiii

InlcrfiTi-il. Hut lie didn't Illio Imlnglolil his duly I iv t i n ' I l l t l o profeHwir,rnpi>elnllj ' When Hie girl wan alioul. Nuho Just sjieereil.

"I Hllppiine you're a f n i l d of the Iwnnlescaping V" l>« Nl'1"1-

"I Hlionli l ee r tn ln ly K'Kiuil I t I IH t i nrorllinule," the I l l l l i i man re|dled."Vim m'e,, u drunken man m l K l i l he.-arnli-HM iilioiit Ihn f i i M t i - n l i i K " . 1 mu«lrenl ly l i i H l H t upon ymir Hpeaklng l«lilm."

"llo'n nut one of my rn-u," ni i l i lHonUl i iH, "I have eimiiKll |o du to l i>olii f l e r them, If any of Iliem get d i u i i u ,Ihey'll heur of It. llul. DilH eliap I* npaHHeiiKer, even If lie It* ' inly a nliM*rageone. Ho i -nil do IIH he l l l teH w i t h hlnipiin' Mmn. If you're HO danieit f r i g h tnned tilMiiit Hie lieiist, you'll heller |IMI|<to lh« f i iHtenl i ign .vniirnelf."

"lflx«'iis« mo," naltl the profound!Itltlly, "that |u <»i' •>•

"Th«'"tlg<r" Isloose .'"

.She sprang to her feet and lonk<*labout her. Not four yards • way" fromh«r Hie 'tiger was playing with a coilof rope. It wns paying no sort of at-tention to bar at that moment, hut shefelt that It might take It Into Its headto spring nt hrr at any minute. As flhustood, she was cornered between Hiestern of th« ship nnd the cabin door.There wn« nothing to be done but toclimb up the rigging. She .tried, lintthe llrst step wa« too high! and shecould not imittnge It. And when shereullzed tlmt I thought (me. WAN goingto faint.

l loskluf t wan Just going down to glv<'her a hand, lint lit Unit moment I l i otiger looked up nnd HIIW him and gavea kind of roar. The old man Hlm-Uwhere he vvns then, and Hurt of n l i l v -rri-d all over like a Jelly In n Kali1. Asfor tho g i r l , nlu> went whi te nil overand gnvo herself up for lost. Andthen out of the cabin runic I'rof. Hny.

Me J i i H t took one look round and HIIWHID llger. Then ho plcke.il up a liroomHiiiiio one iv ho hud tieen washing ilrcli.ihud le f t leaning ngii l l iHt the dcvkhimur,nnd iiimheil at the tiger w i t h It , lookingIt Hl ra lgh t between the eyi'H. I 'd lieanlof the power of the human eye In-fore,hut I had never believed II u n t i l t h a tafternoon. Hi- kept wa lk ing forward.pun l i lng the lieiixt gently l>oC«re himright lido the wnlst nnd luiek In to l t»I'lige.

U'lien be liixl It N n f e l y fnMlei ied In hemine ii»leni Jig' i lu, hoiking not ( l ie leantl i l t excited or worried, and put t i n -hrooiii run- f u l l y In to \ln place. Tin' g i r lwan looking h u n t nt him. aud her C.VCHwere s h i n i n g ; but he didn't HCCIII to henwai 'e of II. I I o u k l i i H had coine i lo\ \ n(he i - lKKlug nnd W I I H looking n t r l l l ea h h n i i i c d of l i l n i H e l f . l ie hadn ' t k n o w nII WI IH HO cany to piiHll llgei-H Inlo theireaH>'H w i t h n broom (ir hi: m l K l l t HaveImd a t ry at It. A f t e r n b i t he npnlie up,

"That wan n duo bit 'of work, idr," hemeld. "If I hmlii'l iieen II | conldn'lhave helleved It."

"Oh, I t ' H nothing," MII Id (he | i ror<f<Hnr." I t 'H my b i in l i i iMiH, i lame wi ld mil 'miiln."

A f t e r (bat. be Hconicd to d l m n l u n thewhole Hii l i | rc( f iMiu bin mlnil, uiul wentdown In to (l ie enhln. l int I HIIW himInter In Hie evening talking to thatg i r l , anil lie i i i i i n t have Imd mimelhlngl i n p o r l n n t In nay to her, for when theold i i i n i i met bet- next morning ami

minister of the Dominion of Canada.On his return from France, Jefferson

called Washington to account for "hav-ing agreed, as a member of the Consti-tutional Convention of 1787, to a sec-ond chamber. .__'...

~"Ot~what use is a Senate?" he asked,as be stood before the fire with a cupof tea In his baud, pouring the tea Into

""You'na've 'ansvr«r"eory6ur own qiies-'tlon," replied Washington.

"What do you mean?" "'...."Why do you pour yonr tea Into your

laucerT"Too cool It," sold Jefferson."Even so," Washington said, "the

Senate Is the saucer into which weDour legislation ft* cool."

Very ThonirUtf.nl.

G^hpstls.halLcQme-to-the-ghoatly-cburcn.-Tbey who have the Joy of Undlng ther

lost never desire the pleasures of thelost. " • " • • • •"—".::i —i i _^—-i::_: .::i-

Many are willing that God shouldlead them If they may show Him theway.

A man does not secure the weddinggarment by his fidelity to the modehere. •

A good deal of our faith In revival-ists Is to cover our failure to do theirwork.

The men who proclaim the reign oflaw In nature often forget It In theirsouls.

Many shepherds never go after toeone until they_hay«. .sheared, the ninety; _and nine.


Pat* ot a Diver , Who«e Helmetatimnarely Cnuie Untaatoned.

'An accident" which" Is descrlUed'afl"without precedent In the Watory ofdiving operations hois been the subjectof magisterial Inquiry at SltnonsjgwjL

"Hut Hiirely you are the man I guv*mime pie to H for tn ight ngoV"

"\>«, lldy; 1 thought p'r'apa you'dI l l i i - to know I'm able to get uboutagain."

llN|l|»lll«-«H ('MMMOll l l l f t H l l l l y .

.ludgi* von der Meden, <if l l i imhurg ,who recently itlsai>l>uiii'e<| wh i l e on hl«hot iey iu iMUi at Hnnover, and W I I N founi t\vander lng In the NtreeU of /.urtcli, linnnow lic'm dar-larcd l i iHiine. Among pn-IHM'N f i i i i i n l on h im NVIIS n teller from biswife. (»n tbn envelope he hud written,"I did not know » mini could he HO Imp.py, I am HO very happy tha t I t h i n k IH l i a l l r> mild,"

« ' l > lUnnl ln i i Hli<irt«aii ICqulnr. I, Ho.

Tlic l i fe of Hie lioi'iM* l« nnld to Imvobeen redin'eil by elvlll'/.itllon. At 'tli#age of -U tlm dunicHtlc u n l m n l IH ||N oldan If II hail lived t b l r l y yearn In u frf«

There liin't. much fun In limbing loveIn n girl |f nlie known you reallyIt

Two div«THr—Krainlng— aud—Macpbail,—were at work at some levels on the newdockyard work? at Slmonstown. They,were working at a depth of about fifty; "feet and, though they did not go downtogether, they met under water, andwere, It appeared from the evidence,discussing hy signs the position In re-gard to the levels on which they _wer».working.

According to the statement of thesurvivor, Macptial), he saw his o*«a-panton's helmet suddenly fly oft*. Inthis desperate position the drowning-man clung to Macphall, who gave the-nlKaal to tho Ixmt overhead to haul In,nnd tho two men were drawn up tow i t h i n ten foot of tho surface. At thispoint ttm huullng censed, the mon Intho txmt holiiK inuitile to raise the(wavy weight, further, and XIncplrallWUH com|M>ll(Kl to loose hi* holil of hlHilroiviilug cuinriidu, who sank to thobottom. The other .nan reached thoIioat, and Iminedliitely went downagain, but iCrniuli iK w/is lying facoilinvnwiinl on the iMittom, nnd was deadwhen they f inal ly got h im to the. wur-fare.

No.expli iui i t loi i wus r»rlhooml»g ofhow It WIIH possible for Ih« IIIHU'M hel-net to come i i i i f i iKteniHl . It was stated

to havi) l)iH>n ndjiislitd properly whenho (Mitered the wuler, nnd tho twolivers were null) to hare been on per-fectly tfooil toruiH, no luimtlou M« tothe, | K)K.I Utility of foul piny Imlngfrnlse<l. Tho venllet was simply thatth« man WIIH drowned, hut tho niiiKln-truto confessed unit Hui manner Jnwhich tin) helmet hecnmo unfuntei i iMl re-mained a mystery.- Cape Town Corro-H|X/ndpncn London ('linmlcle.

Olnio In Orral llr||«ln.

The ( i r lnr lpul rone l i iNl i i im iui to tlioIncreiiw) niul ileoreasn of erlmeti nud of -feunen to lie i lr i iwu froiu tho stallutleitfor 11KM nrrt aliorriy Htnti'd t h u n :

I . Oili iH-.i i ig i i l i iHl the pernoii Imve i l l -n i ln lNl ied .

L', ( ' r l i i i i 'n of (lie rliiMii-H ehlelly eoai-lul t led liy t in ' l i i i h l t u i i l e r lmlmi l s huvo "ci'ilHeil In Inereiino ill the Maine rapidin tu nil In pl'uviolin JIIIUH.

,'l. MliKir.mTenxex of illHhiiiii-nty huvoInereimrtl.

•I. Hvrloil.i f ruudH niul hreiK'tirs of( iu« t have liiri 'enHdil.

5. IM'imkniiix'MN In Htntlonnry.• tt. Offt'imen of the vuKruney elnn*

nr* K"''i«lint rnjildly, l .umlim l > u l l yJ <lr«P»ile.

TTpliolsferingin general

and Painting.JVrri. B. gXiEASANTON,

County Road. Hammonton.

To Milk Consumers.Having purchased the route of Ed. Q.

Bernshouse, I will serve

•early mornings, and evenings wheredesired, .in timo for meals,

the wagon,

end same will be attended to promptly.

,_ Harry W^oodley.

The Peoples Bankfor

Hammonton, N. J.

Capital, . ._.._._._._. •Surplus and Undivided

Profits, . $44,419

-Threerper cent-interest-paidon time Deposits. .

Safe DftpositJRftTfis for Rp.nt.

B. J. BYRNES, President.II. IT. JACKSON. Vice-Prest


DIRECTORSR;.T. B y r n e s :

O. F. OsgoodElatn Stock wellWm. J. SmithL. H. ParUhurst

-; II.r L. Jackson^;George ElvinsWm. L. BlackJ. O. Au'derHOUW. K. Tilton



Unpaid Tax3s of 1005Public noticB is hereby sciven by A. B.

Davis, Collector of tbe Town of Ham-tuonton, County of Atlantic, that h • vrillsell at public sale* all "tbe~ lands, tene-ments, hereditaments, aud real c-antahereinafter mcntionod, for the shortesttime for which any person or persons

^-will agreD-to'take^thfl'same agd^pay tli?ii-S liru I-::"00? iuciudfag interest' andcosts of sale.

Tbe said sale will take plaos at the

Young People's Societies.. P. 8. O. E..— PreBbyterian Chutch|Meets Sunday evening, at 7:00.Topic, "How can I be a true friend ?»

19 ; Keel. 4 : 9, 10, Leader; 'MissAnna Holland.

Jr. C. E., Sunday at 3 o'clock.S". P. S. C. E.,— Baptist Church:

Meets Sunday evening, at 6:45.

Prov. 17 : 17 ; 18 : 24 ; 27 : 9,17.19; Eccl. 4 : 9-10. Led by PrayerMeeting Committee.

!. Jr. C.-E.t-Snnday-afternoori,~air8rOOiEpworth League,—M. E. Church :-

Meets .feiunday evening, at 7:00.

- >~-^ Church Announcements.Baptist Chttrcti.—Bev. Wiltshire W.

Williams, Pastor. 10.30 a. m., "Effectof imitation." 7.45p.m., "A questionof tho day,—flow to remove sin?" • Onehour service.

M. E. Church.—Rov. \T. H. Payran,Pastor. 10.30 a.m.. "Behold tbe man."7.00 to 8 00 p. m., twilight .service,—Epworth League meeting, followed byaddrosH by Pastor. — —

Presbyterian Church.— Preachingby Rev. D. C. Stewart at 10.80 a.tn.7 to 8 p.m., twilight service,, by C. E.

THE NEW JERSEYState Normal and~Mo<M Schools.

The Normal-SchooHra-professlonal school devoted to the preparation.- • : of teachers for the- nubile schools of Nexy Jersey.

Cost per year .for Board, $154.The Model School offers a thorough academic course, and prepares for theleading colleges and technical schools, and for business. Total cost in theModel School, including board and tuition, $200 per year. /

Dormitories with modern home-like equipment. : .JPor further information, address .

J. M. GEEEN,~PrmcipairTrenton. New Jersey.

isfor.sale every Saturday morning at

Hensow's NewsroomBack numbers can be.had at the REPUBLICAN Office.


' . ' - . -. :± .'*'''^f^'i '•:•'•.•-•'>*'.•

Members^S6clirc^:. .:i:.-'i?£''': " . ' ".:"..: . :••' ''iniisfflijiSa^^i^v^stp^Losses Promptly i*i|[pV Hoyf A Son, Publishers. Independent

Phone — No. 632 f

Hammonton, N» J.

\ Terms, $1,25 per Tear; $1 in Atlantic County"]

ieakySVOL. 44 HAMMONTOK, N. J., JULY 21, 1906

Uniyersalist-Church,—12,00-m.,Sunday School. 7.00 p.m., "A cheerfuldisposition," by Rev. J. L. Dowson, ofPhiladelphia.

JJamnumton's Celebration^

You will find the

" by ;"~'rr^t:.;'

WILLIAM BAKEJ^No. 25 Third Street,, :

\ ...;:• Hammontcin.' ;:':t/z2


;Tbe following appeared In the PhiladelphiaPress of July 3rd, and seenis to us worthyof_reproductlonlhere.—ED.]

A. big I Fourth of July celebration is

to-morrow. For months an energeticlouamittee has \yorked diligently withme aim in-view,— -to^ show- to- theeople of South Jersey one of the

i;:4ii'.( • " .:>-"'.; '•( ', £ ' ;.' '•" '

"SatHFdaat one o'clock in Che afternoon. Them>id lands, tenementu, hereditaroontB,ami rail estate BO to iio sold, and tbeunmet of the puruona itf;:ilntit whom thesaid taxes have been laid uu account oftho Bumu, iiuJ tho amount of taxes laidon account of oaob p^icol, are as 1'ollown,viz :

- —•:-.-- . - . - ; . . . Block LotOarlro.Ocmnrlo .............. t) L'lDnbhiH.J R .................. I.. IS -1-5Pulton, K SI, Jr

Aor Tax• I) $28 52

Z\ IMl1 :W.!U'..']I (M C..M

-10, 15 IIO 2.70•T.! 1(1 a.(W

JOO 7..'MI

. Jl< iKlnnon. II (i, 1mlJloojiur, K !•'L I - W I N . Krnnlc ...,M I i l k I t in ii, .loo, Kut) ' , i l i i i< r, lloury J - .-...i.KdXl iy , 10, l:»LUlr l l l l JHI ' l l , OIK), hal

mnll'oril.ftnimiolhlokl-N, I'i/.l'U

Wli lnV. ' in i i l

i, . l i i lm, l u l l . . . . . .. I'' ,1.1 II I .........l..liilin, lihl .........

•II, ,12^f>, 711




MM15•1083H IHH




•18 l(X)aiIDin10(I





17 1.81

I•M '



a.iwK'J < T I I ( H <; I ' « IH in onoli niino, mid Intor-i.nl i i i l n i MUD ul \'i [mi' cunt until paid,tvill t in iidtliiil. liacU tinm, If any, vtlllI. n iu i l i k i inwi i ni (Iniii nf Halo,

' l i i x n uy lin |.iilil iiny Hum boforo nulo.Dalnl July 7i,l>, 1IHIII.

A. It. I > A V I H , <!<.llo<:t(>r.



THE AMERICAN INVENTORA toMtIM ln»«UM«4 •fwl.n»*«lhl |«*r*«1.

n«b*MifUi,*,|l W. A l

! HENSEY SOOUfin» imriKToii rni. ci>.

, p, o,

greatest and. most long-to-be remem-ered Fourth of- July celebrations everield in this part of the country.Visitors from Philadelphia, New

York, and hundreds of cities and.owns in New Jersey, Pennsylvania,nd Delaware will be in attendance,iul it is assured that there will not be

a dull moment during the entire day.The program of festivities is to coiu-

uence with a big parade, which will'orm in the morning- about 10 o'tlock,.nd-after-fo!Iowlng"H""Ceftain"roi5l"e.hroiigh the town, march to the pretty

Hammonton Part. Then will followflag-raisings, speech-rooking) chorussinging, bicycle races, an automobUerace, pajnow j&ee, potato race, canoerice,- swimming- match; ~flr<rdrHl,"antlvaudeville entertainment.

In the evening there will be a granddisplay of fireworks. No expense Ims

Finest Assortment

that has ever been4irtowif

At-PATTEN'S;Store cloess dally at 5.30. Saturday at 1 o'clock.

OAK HALL'S. ' . • / . . . • - . . . .

JuJyXlearance^Sale JSLIn Full Swing £

, ; "Standby HorfieEnterprises." • i

-You ask: ^Why«houldhl havean Independent Telephone in /joy home?"

This question Is occasionally put to UB by pros-pective subscribers, And, among others, we alwaysenumerate ."•"."• : ' - . ^ "' •

^ I These B^asona Whyi: _istj Becattsej after you have had it mS;bne

week you'll regard it as tHe greatest conveni-.ence you_have:tlaat costs^asjjttle^

" rrrj -ft - _ _ !i ^ ^ _ i i~_^ ~ LZTT-Z^r ' -^^—==:r—" ~j^yg •- i—; ^ ;

2nd, Because it not only puts you in touchwith over. 200 other H^mmontpnians, but with

; Philadelphia and hundreds ; of other /cities andtowns as well.

HOUSE3rd, Because in case of fire, burglars, tramps^, or

accidents, the fire department, police or physiciancan be reached with an appreciable saying of time^^.«j ^;^**f^sijcp.untJnIsiicIi^asesC!_J_-_---—_,

- Large assortment of r ::. ; •j*alms, Ferns. House Plants

X3ut Fftwcrs. Faneral WcMff«s,

^^^^^a^^^jj^^^VATKIS;& NICH^SQN^ ill

r^Fefephone and Telegraph Co.

A Few Census Figures.We are in1 receipt of the official com-

pendium of the censusrbf New Jerseyfor J905, from wlileh we abstract a fevrinteresting figures.

Hammonton was incorporated in1866. First census taken in 1870, hay-ing 1404 inhabitants. (Atlantic Cityhad but 1043 at that time.) In i860there were 1776; in. 1890,' 3,833 j~in1905, 4,334. . . . . - • ' ' •

This last census divided the popula-tion as followsj American_born,^2875;."English, 66; Zrisb, 36; German, 62;Italian, 1223: others, 72. Naturalized,223. -.. _ _- Occupations : Professions, 149; com-merclal. 1657-Bkllled~TnEorerB. 418


ill Bellevue Avenue

Lots of desirable Merchandiseat a decided Reduction.

Of some goods, too few to advertise.

Imxkilled, 440 ; fanners, 338 ; others,'633. Persons who can read, 2423 :write, 2370.

No. males, 2116; females, 2218 ; total

Send ojderejto

P. O. box 205-AdvertisfnirDepartmentr

PhoqeNo. 1048 •

firat-preclnct. 2017; secondNo. dwellings, 867;

No. colored people, 18.

of unusual beauty and grandeur. Theprogram will close with a dunce iuthe Park House.

Tho grounds will bo lighted withred, white and blue lumps. Homesund bimlncHH hotiHe.s throughout thetown will lie decorated with nationalcolors— two prizes huvlngiH-tn offeredby tho committee for the finest dlnplayof 'this HOI!.

Hammonton IM to-day it busy up-to-chito placi', po.MHCHtiinga^oiid muiiicpttlHervlco of utilities. JLurgo attructivuHtorc.4 lino tho main struct. UUH undelectric lights aru on all the Directs,and are furnlHlied to every home.Wutor of tliu purest quali ty IH ubund-nntly supplied to every IIOIIHU, TheHcliooliiuru large, well equipped, undiiiOHt olllelently munagvd. Churchesof all lli« leading denominations nroHcatturud throughout tliu town. TluiroH))lcii(llil itvvnuoH, Hlnulcd by luxuriant ,tret'w, Htrettih for inllcH In overy Ulreo-tion from the centur of tho town.

There are mtvurul bimy fiuilorK-Hi theinauiifueturo of cut ghtHM of Unit gradebeing tho leading In i l i iMt ry . A boun-tiful luUu ullbrdH <ld l K l i t ru l l )u t l i lugand boutlng, und IH a poMHemilou of thotown. Tho roads uro nuniirkabli i fortbulr excclluntcoiiHtriKitloii and iiialn-tmmnco.

All In all, Micro nro fnw pluv.m moreinviting within enwy roacili of I'hlln-dolphln. Many I)UH|IKIHH incii Und Itpleanant to U v o M u I lun in io i i ln i i uixltruvi'l on tho iix|ii-<'Hn truliiH to undfi'orn tlielr I>UM|I IOHH In Pblladolpli luorCuuidon.

[The writer of tho uhovu might wollluivo adilod that l lui i i iui intoi i turn twolarge uiul flourltiblng ulion fuctorloH,mill /i p.rou|)Ui'uud Imalory factory, U>which uu uddltlon IH now being built.Ainu, that u local IcUipliojui <i<>iii|iuiiyIIUH In opurullon two hundred or morephoiii'H, In hiinliH'HH dolmen and prlvutor<-nldcniH) nil over town, giving com-inunliiulloii with tint mttfldn world ;and I ho Doll hun ulauu llnt'ly ei|ulpi>ed

lit town. ICi>i]

i ".' and Trousers. Very attractive styles^^^^^icall^

; suits. You can buy at these prices.•>:. and save money.

Men's suits reduced as follows:$22.50 suits are ^18, ^20 suits are

• . #15, $18 suits are #13.50, $16.50suits are #12, $i 5 suits are $ i 1.50,$12 suits are $8.50, and in both

I • the single and double breasted1 models.i

I Men's trousers reduced as fol-i ,,_ lows: $6 trousers are -$4, $5 trou-I v sers are $3.50, $4 trousers are $3,i ; $3-5o trousers are $2.7.5, $2-5°

' t r o u s e r s are #2. , .

Young mcn'r. suits in cheviots1 • • ' , : and worsteds, #16.50 and ^15 re-, duced to ^ip. Young men's striped

flannels, both in the three-and two-piece styles, reduced from #15 and

';P. $14 to $10,i

We pay excursion carfare to "OPhiladelphia and return upon the -\*purchase of a certain amount

Wanamaker & BrownOAK HALL,

5. Li Cor. Sixth and Market Sta., Philadelphia.

8HOEBGood variety to select froiv

. Twenty styles of

DOUGLASSShoes for Men and Bojs.

The Walton

jatidii Time.


Still carrying & good aesprtrnent ofKfd^ Shiny Leather, ••.--•-.-

and White Canvas Oxfords.

. .and jCounty-JRoad


families, 982.No. childrenbetween-flve

and eighteen, 1142; between eighteenand twenty-one, 2]6; twenty-one jofofey;flve,-I35i; Single maTei; 12011

|/emales, 1185. Married, 1725; wid-owed, 217-; divorced, 0.

Total population of Atlantic County.

Lyford Beverage We carry a Jine of

for Now Jersey,• tenders his services.

Pension vonobera executed. Plows-X.



The BrownOas and GasolineEngine .

ffrvea universal untlhfuotlou,.

J. W. ROLLER, Hammonton, N. J;

Berry Tickets. For tlie beetquality and wrrkmannlup, trytho Printer your noighboiH all.recommend,—HOYT fy SON.


~ " ' "" ~" ' ~~~~. V*" ™t"1^1" ""^* >'

John Wall her


WHEELWRIGHTHM removed to tho Bhop Intoly

. by A). Holnuoko, on tho OouutyItOftd, mid la ready to do

Any Work in His Line.

For Artistic Signsi of ovary flosorlptionTry

J. O. YOHO,Ilimlil llflail," »

Jdilluiutr* fi irulnhcil . Iliiiniiiont

CultivatorsDiamond HarrowsWheelbatrowB

and small Garden Tools-RakesHoesDrags.

If you need

Fertilizerfor any crop, call on us".

Our etook coniprineB—Mapot)' Complete Manures,Tho Taylor Provision Com-

pany's Special Potato andCorn and Truck Manures,

Infield's Pure Ground FishGuano,

Berg's Raw Bono.

, Printed Signs.

_ -The fol owlnfT Is a list of ready-pilotednlRim. on good cloth or card board, inblnok ink. for «a!e at tbe R

jOJBce. Prlof, 5 otg, eaoh.-Or.[—quarter. 8peoi«l-price»T)irlarge lots.

NoTrefpasslnitor aunnlng !

' For sal o r ----------------- ......., Kor.Kcnt!

For Sale or Itotit !ForSnlo— Inqulru Within |No Dumpli iK on tlicno rnimlsoalIce Cream To-Pay !Fonnlou VouoherH Bxeeiited INo AdmHtnncoIl

S®~ A broken belly-band caused arunaway, Monday, wbicb might haveresulted eerhtualy, bad'oot^bneTor'ttieoccupaoia, a ypung lady, jumped ontand held onto tbe lines. A score j>rrnortTof people assembled, and tbe littleHoi tBalwuB caught. It bad slipped ou£of its harness, without breaking. W.S. Lever owned tbe rig.

t&* Messrs. Wm. F. and Geo. W.ii'ssbtt and wires- will-'-Bail next' Tues-

flay for' New_ Eoglund. _ Anaohg • Other»crt they "will take'-in Nottinehani

uod Claremont, N.JI., and Mr. B. Sr.'sbirthplace, AshQeld, Mass. Mr, Bas-Hett, Sr., .is eightv-one years old, andwill doubtless see many changes In tbeold places.

PIANOS,—Ifyoii iviint a bargain In usedplknoa or any mnl»\wn|n fnr liai-galn

'BoowororWiBtuBlt;Bon87ThiJiuiiBipEjii^ 1

Bmbroidery trimmed. Broken suits,at

Get the habit of visiting

BANK BROTHERS,111 Bellevue Avenue, Hammonton, ]Sf.

"Independent PHone 538

"Canjjfen Safe Deposit &Trust Col

Signs with other wording will be printedon abort notice, and at reasonable prices.


Notice to Creditors.Estate of Mary Trout. Dooeaned.

Pursuunt to tho or<litr of ICmnnuol 0.flhaner, Burro^ato of the County of At-lantic, lilts day rondo on tho applicationof the uiulornignod, Executors nof thooald deocdeut, notion In hureuy given totbooredliorn of the xnld di'coaent to ox.btblt to tho BiiliHi'i I|MT, undor oath ornfllrmntlon. tbcir olii'inii und demand!against thu cntum of tbu diild dooodoutwithin nine montm from this duto, olimy will bo foi.evoi- liitrrod from proseoutliif; or rrcavor'''ir tlm oumo aijufristho Hiiboorlborit, WH.I . IAM 11. Ifri'Ticu,UoltO & A l l t f l i l H U I I , I'llll . ir J. RlTTKII,

l'i dOfor*. Kiooutora.Huy'a LniidlnK, N .!., .Tunn A, 1UOO.


ere will be a novelty m tbeWescoatvlllo Church grove, Aug. 4th,conducted by the "Dairy Maids andFarmer Boys." Coffee and tea, refresh-ments, swings, cames. base-ball, etc.,are on the list. Miss Lillian Doughty,o» HaddonUeld, child impersonator, willbo preiont. Tickets includai a plate ofcruam.

16?" Rev. H. T. Taylor will Co to tbeold men's homo, at 30th and I'owoltonAvenue, Philadelphia, ou July 30th.It Is a pleasant borne, and wo bellevo itWill be a good thing for him.

224 Federal Street,Statement July 1st, 1906.

Assets . '.'.'. . . .$7,560,794.54Not-including Trust Funds, whichare kept entirely separate.

Pays2eper cent subject to check

-without yoticef-rpen average balances

-jifiW'tiOVftKd:rover. vc' Safe Deposit-Boxes in fire- and~-burglar-proof vaultsfor valuables and _^,important papers, $2 and upward.

C. WOOD,' Preildent.

| BENJAMIN C. KBEVE,Vice Pre>. & Tnut Offleer.

y i ,Beo'yHind Tixmsurcr.

i GEORGE: j. BBHOBNSolicitor.

Camden, N. J.Capital . . . . . . 100,000.00Surplus 600,000.00Undivided Profits . . 126,263.21Deposits , > -. . . 6,731,659.23

, Interest3 per cent on deposits,

• . . TfUodrttw.' Banking by Mail

can be done safelyand satisfactorily.

Trust Depart-1

rnent. Acts as Ex-.ecutor. Administrator, Trustee,Guardlan;-etcr Willsout charge.

omiCToitsWra. S. Scnll

-MrinrerDaVlb'i_.^.-erRccvc:Al«. C. WoodWm. S. PriceGeo. Reynolds

TS7KT. Kca'1Wm.J.BiGeo. J. BeJo.. W. C

Wm.' j7Bril<flVy"JetgenCooper

' Eatablfahed 1873

New Domestic

A bUimaniMy lllaitr«led wonVlr. I,«r««.t olr.QilUtloil uf MIT •e4«nllrtq louriiiU. 'r«l'ui». IB «^••/.^{nnr nontlii, |L Bam byi«H n«itid««l«r«.

Brwob Oil«* i i

If you are going nuywhno, or If youhave company, drop n llnr to tho

H mi' u n ra a A N .

•It doesn't pay a painter to mix his OVvn,paint Lucas Paints are mixed more j

I evenly and thoroughly by improved modern ma- J\ chinery. They save his time and are better after| they are mixed. They spread so easily and ,i cover so thoroughly that he can finish a job with' much less labor and in shorter time.

Best of all, they hold their color better,wear longer, and always make a satisfactory job.

1 Ask your dealer.

John LHCOS & Co. Philadelphia

A Look Stitch orA Chain Stitch

at your ploauuro.

The Now Domeatlo won tho Ural toadopt nml la tho only muolilim tluitmnken both atltohoa porfeotly.

Domofltlo Bowing Machine Co.,MnlnOOloo and Fnotorlo«, Newark, N. J.

Republican Phonos .632, 673, 1073.

Local Company.

John Prasch. Jr.,FurniRhing

Undertaker ..,--.-and Embalmer

Twolltn Ht., between rallroada.I'hono lt-6

Hammonton, N. J.Allm-rungonioiitii for biirmlo mudoand oarofullvexncutnd.

- J, .A..


: lUmwonton, N. J

words (or lea«» "| S>±JL\J CIn tlio Kepubllaitn

Just theWeather

to etop bftkinR your own

bread and cakes.

Wo will do it for yon.

Ice CreamEvery Dny.
