WE GATHER AS GOD’S PEOPLE Please listen meditatively to the prelude to prepare yourself for worship. PRELUDE 8 a.m. Bill Cooley, piano 11 a.m. “Onward, Chrisan Soldiers” Arr. Rebecca Bonam Janice Cook, Connie Golden, Bill Seale, Dee Dee Uhle, pianists WELCOME and ANNOUNCEMENTS INTROIT “Come to the Water” Foley WE WORSHIP OUR GREAT GOD *CALL to WORSHIP (responsive) One: We gather together this morning around the table and the font. Many: We remember God’s acts of salvaon and grace. One: We remember salvaon through the waters of the flood and the Red Sea. Many: We remember how You saved Your people through the water Welcome to Sanctuary Worship! We are so glad that you have joined us for worship today. Please take a moment to let us know who you are in the Friendship Pad. If you need a hearing-enhancement device, a large-print hymnal, or a Children’s Worship Kit, please see an usher. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of WYOMING - CONNECTING with GOD, EACH OTHER & the WORLD September 10, 2017

WE GATHER AS GOD’S PEOPLEpcwyoming.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Sept-10... · 2017. 9. 1. · WE GATHER AS GOD’S PEOPLE Please listen meditatively to the prelude to prepare

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  • WE GATHER AS GOD’S PEOPLE Please listen meditatively to the prelude to prepare yourself for worship.

    PRELUDE 8 a.m. Bill Cooley, piano

    11 a.m. “Onward, Chris�an Soldiers” Arr. Rebecca Bonam

    Janice Cook, Connie Golden, Bill Seale, Dee Dee Uhle, pianists


    INTROIT “Come to the Water” Foley


    *CALL to WORSHIP (responsive)

    One: We gather together this morning around the table and the font.

    Many: We remember God’s acts of salva%on and grace.

    One: We remember salva�on through the waters of the flood and the Red Sea.

    Many: We remember how You saved Your people through the water

    Welcome to Sanctuary Worship!

    We are so glad that you have joined us for worship today. Please take a moment to let us know who you are in the Friendship Pad.

    If you need a hearing-enhancement device, a large-print hymnal, or a Children’s Worship Kit, please see an usher.


    September 10, 2017

  • One: We remember Jesus sharing a final meal with his disciples.

    Many: We remember bread being broken and a cup being shared.

    One: We remember our own bap�sms and our own �mes of sharing this meal.

    Many: We remember the grace given and hope enacted.

    One: Let us worship God, Who acts through these elements of water,

    of bread, of wine.

    *HYMN 514 “Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ” (8 a.m., first/last verses; 11 a.m., all)

    *PRAYER of CONFESSION (unison)

    Lord, we know that we have created more divisions around the font and the table

    than we have fostered unity. We know this in our history as Your church, and we

    know that it has been in the present as well. We confess how we have forgo4en the

    ways that You pour out Your grace and love and forgiveness through these ele-

    ments. We confess that we have not fostered the unity these elements call for. As

    we gather around the font and table this morning, remind us anew of the free gi6 of

    grace and the call to unity that we receive and hear through the waters of bap%sm

    and in the sharing of the meal. Amen.


    Response: “Thanks be to God”





    ANTHEM “Praise, My Soul, the God of Heaven” Arr. Jon Spong

    Commissioned for the 125th Anniversary of PCW in 1995



    SCRIPTURE READING 1 Corinthians 11:17-26

    Now in the following instruc�ons I do not commend you, because when you come together

    it is not for the be&er but for the worse. For, to begin with, when you come together as a

    church, I hear that there are divisions among you; and to some extent I believe it. Indeed,

    there have to be fac�ons among you, for only so will it become clear who among you are

  • genuine. When you come together, it is not really to eat the Lord’s supper. For when the

    �me comes to eat, each of you goes ahead with your own supper, and one goes hungry

    and another becomes drunk. What! Do you not have homes to eat and drink in? Or do you

    show contempt for the church of God and humiliate those who have nothing? What should

    I say to you? Should I commend you? In this ma&er I do not commend you!

    For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night

    when he was betrayed took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and

    said, “This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way he

    took the cup also, a2er supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this,

    as o2en as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For as o2en as you eat this bread and

    drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death un�l he comes.

    Response: “Thanks be to God”

    *HYMN 498 “Child of Blessing, Child of Promise” (8 a.m., first/last verses; 11 a.m., all)

    SERMON “Back to Basics: Sacraments” Rev. Dr. Edward Goode



    OFFERTORY “Be Thou My Vision” Arr. Rebecca Bonam


    Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;

    Praise Him, all creatures here below;

    Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;

    Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.



    Invita%on to the Table Prayers of the People Words of Ins%tu%on The Lord’s Prayer

    Sharing of the Meal “Simple GiBs” Jon Spong

    Prayer of Blessing

  • Today’s flowers are donated by Bill Seale in loving memory of Bill Sprague.


    *CLOSING HYMN 422 “God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending” (8 am, first/last vs; 11 am, all)



    POSTLUDE “Toccata” Einar T. Sark

    Sermon Notes

    *Please stand if able.


    High School Youth Group begins tonight. If you

    are in high school, then you are definitely invited

    to join the fun tonight from 7-8:30 p.m. Hope to

    see you there!


    TODAY, September 10th! We are excited to ex-

    plore Biblical stories together. We will get to know

    elements of the Godly Play room and create some

    expecta�ons together to ensure we have a posi�ve

    year. Next week on the 17th we will learn about

    the Church Year and how following a liturgical

    calendar helps us remember that God is always

    with us.


    September 17th. All middle school students

    (grades 6-8) are invited to join the PCW middle

    school youth group (next Sunday) as we explore

    what it means to serve. We will also explore how

    to get to know 10+ people in less than 10 minutes.

    Contact Adam Hayden,

    CONCERT Come hear our organist, Connie Golden, in concert

    with trumpet player Dave Zeng on Wednesday,

    September 20th. at 12:15 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal

    (Covington, KY). The concert is free. A light lunch

    will be available prior to the concert. A dona�on

    is suggested for the meal.

    FALL SERMON SERIES This fall we will be taking some �me to explore

    “This Vulnerable Life” as a sermon series, begin-

    ning on September 17th

    . We will ask: what does it

    mean to be vulnerable with God, and how are we

    to be vulnerable with God as well as with one an-


    PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY Tuesday Morning Prayer and Bible Study begins

    again on Tuesday, Sept. 12th. The group meets

    weekly at 9:15 a.m. in the Library. Please join us!


    ICE CREAM SOCIAL - TODAY! Invite a friend to the Ice Cream Social! Join us for

    Graeter’s ice cream today, from 1-3 p.m. on the

    lawn. It is going to be one delicious �me together.


    Wednesdays, Sept. 13-Nov. 15, 7-9 p.m.

    Our life’s work is learning how to love well. Join

    us for a 10-week series with Rev. Mary Laymon as

    we explore 10 guideposts for living a “Whole-

    Hearted” life. This workshop will help you em-

    brace who you were created to be, your authen-

    �c self, and live it fully. “The Gi2s of Imperfec-

    �on” books are available in the Gathering Area.

    Please pick one up today. Pre-registra�on is ap-

    preciated but not required. Contact Pastor Lisa at

    [email protected] or 513-821-8735, ext. 105.

    ADULT DISCIPLESHIP - WHO IS JESUS? Seven �mes in the Gospel of John, Jesus makes an

    “I Am” statement. Please join us TODAY through

    Oct. 15, as Pastors Lisa and Ed lead a Bible study

    during the 10 a.m. hour. We will seek to under-

    stand more of who Jesus said He was and con�n-

    ues to be for us. We will meet in the Founders’



    The next PCW build date is September 23rd ,

    star�ng at 8:30 a.m. Please email Jerry Williams,

    [email protected], to sign up. We also need

    about three volunteers who would be willing to

    provide lunch for the volunteers.

    FAMILY FUN FESTIVAL! - TODAY Ascension & Holy Trinity is having a Family Fun

    Fes�val today a2er their 10 a.m. worship service.

    One and all are invited to join the fun for pizza,

    board games, and field games for folks of all ages.

    Then, a2er you fellowship with our friends at A&HT

    come on back to PCW at 1 p.m. and get another

    round of fun and FREE GRAETER’S ICE CREAM at

    our annual Ice Cream Social (1-3 p.m. today).


    The Healing Space is grateful to welcome Rev. Mary

    Laymon to our Prac��oner Team. Mary is a Pastor,

    Spiritual Director, cer�fied facilitator for Brené

    Brown’s Daring Way curriculum, and cer�fied

    SoulCollage facilitator. She will be offering a work-

    shop �tled Gi4s of Imperfec5on: Living a Whole-

    Hearted Life at PCW beginning Wednesday, Sep-

    tember 13th, 7-9 p.m. It is not necessary to read

    the book or a&end all 10 weeks in order to par�ci-

    pate. Mary shared that “This research has changed

    the way I live in my marriage, nurture my child and

    pursue my work. I’m looking forward to diving into

    Brené’s research with everyone in a crea�ve and

    hands-on way that we can integrate into our lives.”




    Saturday, October 7th. We are looking for several

    volunteers (youth and adult) to help give out candy,

    balloons, and a bunch of smiles at the annual

    "PCW GAGA CORNER." If you would like to help,

    please sign up in the Gathering Area or visit bit.ly/



    All youth invited (ages 5+) are invited every Sunday

    to join us downstairs from 10:15 - 10:55 a.m. for a

    �me of fun, learning AND prac�cing. Just what are

    we going to be prac�cing? Great ques�on! We will

    prac�ce a song, skit, or another form of worship

    and will present what we have prac�ced during the

    next combined worship service on October 8th.

    We are going to empower our elementary school

    kids to lead a part of worship every �me we come

    together for an all-congrega�on worship service.

    So if you have a young person in your house who

    would like to par�cipate, please send him or her

    to the downstairs Gathering Area this Sunday and

    every Sunday at 10:15 a.m. Teens, we are looking

    for helpers, so please come down if you are inter-



    September 18th - Paren�ng Workshop in the

    evening (�me tbd). This workshop will be tai-

    lored to parents of younger children, 3-7.

    September 20th - Family Dinner & Values ac�vi-

    ty. This mid-week event is for any family who

    would like to come. 6-7 p.m.

    September 22nd - Family Lock-In. This event will

    be fun and meaningful for the en�re family! All

    families are welcome. We’ll meet at 6 p.m. on

    Friday and conclude Saturday at 9 a.m.

    You may par�cipate in all events or just one or

    two! No fee, but RSVP’s are needed! Contact

    Adam Hayden.


    Connec�ng with the church members can be a

    challenge for new members as well as long-�me

    members. The Upper Room class has members

    from all services and meets in the hour between

    the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services. This intergener-

    a�onal Sunday School Class bridges the mee�ng-

    your-neighbor gap by mee�ng year-round and

    also engages in social and mission events. We'll

    be glad to welcome you to the class!

    FRIDAY EARLY-BIRDS MEN'S BIBLE STUDY 6:15 a.m.-7 a.m. Men gather in the Founders’

    Room to fellowship and dig into scripture. No

    pre-reading required, and we invite all who wish

    to a&end. We read and discuss the text together

    and reflect on the impact it has on our lives. The

    coffee is always hot, and the company is awe-

    some. Join us any Friday, year-round, or send

    Kevin Lawson a note to be added to our email

    reminder list, [email protected].


    This Sunday and every Sunday morning all mid-

    dle school and high school youth are invited to

    a �me of discussing and learning about faith.

    Beth Emanuelson and Bill Morley will lead the

    �me together in the bell tower at 10:10 a.m.

    Hope to see you there!



    The Gift of Prayer

    A moving of the spirit in the

    Visions Worship service!

    Welcome back to the Chancel Choir!


    Those Affected by Hurricanes

    Jackie Foster - hospitalized with pneumonia,

    Tom Haines’ mother

    Officers - Shelly Helser, Elder

    Terri Naeve, Deacon

    Church Staff - Bill Seale


    Cindy Robinson - special prayers

    Brian Bonner – hospitalized

    Susan Osha - praying for successful treatment

    Ed McCausland - Mo Miller’s father, liver cancer

    Tom Horn

    Cynthia Towne - brain tumor treatment

    Janis Fisk - Kevin’s mother

    Tim Kask - colon cancer, Gorbys’ friend

    Marion Moody - Sadell Bradley’s mother

    Jewel Bradley - Rev. Bradley’s mother

    Adam Miller - Hodgkin’s lymphoma

    Anne Hernandes - brain cancer


    Arlene Carrier - fractured vertebrae from fall

    Lamie Engelman - healing

    Axel - 2-year-old being tested for leukemia -

    his father, Anthony, is a friend of Jeff Van Fossen

    Norm Thomas - continued recovery

    Sophie Wappaus - 4-year-old niece of Pastors

    Ed and Amy, blood disorder

    Caryl Osterhus - scia�ca

    Sara - Lisa Sasson’s daughter, diagnosed

    with a disease affecting her hip

    Doug Hutchens - eye problems

    Joyce Leifheit - waiting for a new kidney

    William Haines - health

    Toby Mittelstetter - Bill Seale’s cousin

    Helen Anderson - Bodmann

    Paul Bartel - improved health

    Our Missionaries - Benadums and Myhres

    Prayers for those with ongoing situations


    Marianna Lewis - Please remember her family

    and friends in prayer.

    Bill Sprague - Please pray for Roberta, daughters

    Laura and Lisa, and their family and friends.

    A service was held this past Friday.

    Alice Gorby McNeal - Graydon Gorby’s mother.

    Please lift family and friends in prayer.

    A memorial service will be held at PCW on

    Saturday, September 23rd, at 2 p.m.

    It is a privilege to hold you in prayer.

    Please let the office know if you would like

    continued prayer. Otherwise names on the

    list will be removed after three weeks.

  • Friday, September 15 6:15 a.m. Early Bird Bible Study, Library

    Saturday, September 16 8:00 a.m. THS Yoga, Founders’ Rm.

    Sunday, September 17 8 & 11 a.m. Sanctuary Worship

    9:00 a.m. Visions Worship

    9:30 a.m. NLC Adult Ed, Youth Cafe

    10:00 a.m. Adult Discipleship, Founders’ Rm.

    10:10 a.m. Jedi Tower Talk, Bell Tower

    10:15 a.m. Youth Empowered, Youth Cafe

    10:15 a.m. Upper Room Class, Rm. 305

    11:00 a.m. NLC Worship, Gr. Rm.

    7:00 p.m. HS Youth Group, Youth Café

    7:00 p.m. MS Youth Group, Youth Room


    PCW Office Hours:

    Monday -Thursday

    9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

    Church Phone:

    (513) 821-8735

    Web page:


    WiFi Info:

    Username: PCWyoming

    Password: 225Church

    Sunday, September 10 8 & 11 a.m. Sanctuary Worship

    9:00 a.m. Visions Worship

    9:30 a.m. NLC Adult Ed, Youth Cafe

    10:00 a.m. Adult Discipleship, Founders’ Rm.

    10:10 a.m. Jedi Tower Talk, Bell Tower

    10:15 a.m. Youth Empowered, Downstairs

    10:15 a.m. Upper Room Class, Rm. 305

    11:00 a.m. NLC Worship, Gr. Rm.

    12:00 p.m. Habitat for Humanity, Founders’ Rm.

    1:00 p.m. Ice Cream Social, Lawn

    4:00 p.m. Keyboard Club Recital, Sanctuary

    7:00 p.m. HS Youth Group, Youth Cafe

    Monday, September 11 7:00 p.m. Session, Founders’ Rm.

    7:45 p.m. Boy Scouts, Cabin Hall

    Tuesday, September 12 7:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study, Parlor

    9:15 a.m. Prayer Meeting

    10:30 a.m. Staff Meeting, Library

    7:00 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous, Library

    Wednesday, September 13 7:30 a.m. Owen Study Group, Parlor

    7:00 p.m. Gifts of Imperfection, Founders’ Rm.

    7:00 p.m. NLC Bible Study, Youth Café

    7:30 p.m. Visions Band Rehearsal, Gr. Rm.

    Thursday, September 14 8:30 a.m. Thursday Morning Bible Study, Parlor

    3:00 p.m. Organ Practice, Sanctuary

    6:00 p.m. NLC Band Rehearsal, Gr. Rm.

    6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal, Choir Rm.

    7:00 p.m. Alanon, Founders’ Rm.

    7:00 p.m. Rising Strong Series, Parlor

    The Presbyterian Church of Wyoming,

    225 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming, OH 45215