We came to Singapore for a week, again. This is the third time in Singapore. The flight left at 8:10 a.m. and took five hours. We arrived to our hotel,

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We came to Singapore for a week, again. This is the third time in Singapore. The flight left at 8:10 a.m. and took five hours. We arrived to our hotel, Rasa Sentosa Resort, Shangri-La, at 5 o’clock and settled in to our room. After we settled in to our room we went to the swimming pool. We ate at a restaurant in the hotel and went to sleep.

The second day was a miracle. I got a golf set, a MP3-player and a DS game and my dad got new golf-irons, a camera for my grandfather and wireless headphones. We went to three shopping malls, over 30 electronic shops and about 5 golf shops. We ate at California Pizza Kitchen. I hope tomorrow will be an awesome day.

While I was with my dad, my mom and sister stayed at the hotel and went swimming. They ate at the hotel while we ate at the McDonald’s.

After we woke up we went to the breakfast which is perfect. When we were done we went to the swimming pool. Next, we went to our room. We went to a shopping mall named “Harbour front”. We went to eat at an Italian pizza/pasta restaurant. Afterwards, we went to a shop where we got a tea mug each. We also went to other shops.

When we were done with shopping we went back to the hotel. I played a match of billiards with my dad which I lost. Then we went to Hard Rock Cafe, which was closed, for dinner. We decided to eat at C.P.K. (again!). We went back to the hotel after we ate.

Me and my dad went to breakfast at 7:00 because we had to go to Bintan to play golf. We went to the dock but my dad “had” to make it a little exiting. He forgot our passports. We got them when my mom sent them from the hotel by taxi. We boarded the ship which was shaking like mad. I threw up five times.

When we got to the golf club, we started our round. It was my first shot with my driver. There was so much wind that my shot only went 125 yards. On one hole there were five bunkers. My dad’s ball visited 60% of them. On one hole I made a par, but my dad made triple bogey. On hole 18 I saw a huge lizard. My dad lost 10 balls on the course.

After we were done with our round I took a shower and ate a foot long hot dog. The ferry ride back wasn’t that bumpy and my food stayed in its reserved place (my stomach). We ate at the hotel buffet and went to sleep.

Day five was the laziest day, even though we went everywhere. We ate and went on a tram which took us to a metro station. We went to see the Merlion. We went on its head and in its mouth. We also ate at Ikea where my family ate 60 meatballs. We spent time at the hotel and then we went to Hard Rock Café. There was a concert so we ate somewhere else. On the way back we had a terrible taxi driver. When we arrived at the hotel, we went to sleep straight away.

We went to Wild Wild Wet. First my parents took the wrong way. We got there and first went to lazy river. Me and my dad went to a slide but my sister didn’t want to go on it. My sister went on one particular slide about 10 million times! There was a tiny water playground that had a huge bucket of water that gave a “massage” on your back. I ate at Pizza Hut but my sister and parents ate at K.F.C. We came back to the hotel with a taxi that is usually cheap. We ate at a BBQ place. Then we went to sleep.

After we ate usual breakfast, we went swimming. After swimming we went to Hard Rock Café, my favorite restaurant. It was my 6th different HRC, 10th for my mother. The ones I’ve been in are: Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Sydney, Gold coast, Hong Kong and Dubai. There was a sound check. We got 2 Sundays for our family.

Then we went to Toys ‘R’ Us. I’ve been in so many Toys ‘R’ Us that I can’t even remember how many. We ate at

the hotel and slept after being in the hotel


This is the last day in Singapore. We ate breakfast and went to the swimming pool. After we swam we went to Vivo City to eat and shop. We ate at Modesto’s. We packed at the hotel room. We left from the hotel at 6 o’clock. My dad got his GST refund (75 S$) and I got headphones for my MP3. Our plane left from Changi airport at 11:10 pm Singapore time. We arrived to I.G.I. airport at about 3 am and got to our home at 4:30. I slept for 5 hours.