1 Wellness BluePrint Your Power Is ON! 3 If you’ve ever impertinently referred to someone as ‘spineless,’ you probably meant that he or she is weak and lacking purpose. This is because without a spine, we would all be pretty useless collections of bones. The spine is what holds everything together. The spine gives purpose to the body. It consists of a series of vertebrae that extend from the skull to the small of the back. As well as allowing us to stand upright, the spine houses and protects the spinal cord – the major motorway of information for your entire body, a delicate and vulnerable part of your central nerve system. Of course, we would be in trouble without the spine, but even though we all have one what happens if it doesn’t work properly? Before we can truly understand those ramifications, we must have a good understanding of a healthy and properly functioning spine. The spine is made up of three main components: the spinal column (made up of bones and discs), neural components (such as the spinal cord and nerve roots), and the support system (your muscles and ligaments). Spinal Column Overview The bones that make up the spinal column are called vertebrae. Between each set of vertebrae are discs (called intervertebral discs), which help support the spine and allow it to be somewhat flexible. These discs are made of strong tissues that are filled with a highly viscous gel. When pressure is applied, the discs bend somewhat to support the weight. For additional support to this important system, muscles and ligaments are attached to the spine. Vertebrae The spine consists of a little over 30 bones, called vertebrae, which are broken up into five sections. Cervical – Seven vertebrae that work together to form the cervical section of your spine. You can think of it as the neck portion. Thoracic – The thoracic (rhymes with Jurassic) part of the spine is made up of 12 vertebrae, making it the largest area of the spine. The ribs articulate with the thoracic vertebrae and so this part of the spine makes up the back of the rib cage, with the sternum making up the front. The human spine seen from the side (left) and front. £30.00 Atlas Wellness Centre - 129 Midland Road - Bedford - MK40 1DN - 01234 340317

WBP 3 Your power is on3+Your+power+is+on.pdfof your central nerve system. Of course, we would be in trouble without the spine, but even though we all have one what ... The human spine

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Wellness BluePrintYour Power Is ON!


If you’ve ever impertinently referred to someone as ‘spineless,’ you probably meant that he or she is weak and lacking purpose. This is because without a spine, we would all be pretty useless collections of bones. The spine is what holds everything together. The spine gives purpose to the body. It consists of a series of vertebrae that extend from the skull to the small of the back. As well as allowing us to stand upright, the spine houses and protects the spinal cord – the major motorway of information for your entire body, a delicate and vulnerable part of your central nerve system.

Of course, we would be in trouble without the spine, but even though we all have one what happens if it doesn’t work properly? Before we can truly understand those ramifications, we must have a good understanding of a healthy and properly functioning spine.

The spine is made up of three main components: the spinal column (made up of bones and discs), neural components (such as the spinal cord and nerve roots), and the support system (your muscles and ligaments).

Spinal Column Overview

The bones that make up the spinal column are called vertebrae. Between each set of vertebrae are discs (called intervertebral discs), which help support the spine and allow it to be somewhat flexible. These discs are made of strong tissues that are filled with a highly viscous gel. When

pressure is applied, the discs bend somewhat to support the weight. For additional support to this important system, muscles and ligaments are attached to the spine.


The spine consists of a little over 30 bones, called vertebrae, which are broken up into five sections.

Cervical – Seven vertebrae that work together to form the cervical section of your spine. You can think of it as the neck portion.

Thoracic – The thoracic (rhymes with Jurassic) part of the spine is made up of 12 vertebrae, making it the largest area of the spine. The ribs articulate with the thoracic vertebrae and so this part of the spine makes up the back of the rib cage, with the sternum making up the front.

The human spine seen from the side (left) and front.


Atlas Wellness Centre - 129 Midland Road - Bedford - MK40 1DN - 01234 340317

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Lumbar – These five vertebrae can be found in the lumbar area, located in your lower back.

Sacrum and Coccyx – The sacrum and coccyx are both made up of separate bones that start to fuse in your late teens and are usually completely fused at around 25 years of age. However the sacrum and coccyx are not fused to each other. The coccyx is commonly referred to as the tailbone, and the sacrum is the piece of bone located just above it, forming the back of the pelvis.

From the top to the bottom of the spine, each vertebra is numbered along with a letter to denote its home within the spinal column. So, the first bone in the entire spinal column is named C1 (cervical spine, bone 1, also known as the Atlas so I’m very fond of this one). Numbering starts fresh with each section, so the next section begins with T1 (thoracic spine, bone 1).

Typically, regardless of its number, each vertebra consists of three parts: the vertebral body; the pedicles (two strong bony areas); and the posterior arch (an arch of bony structures). The exterior of the vertebral body is a lot like a shield that

protects a spongy interior.

A Normal Spine

When you take a posterior view (from the back) of the spinal column, it should appear perfectly straight and upright without any sideways (or lateral) curves.

From the side, or sagittal view, on the other hand, you should see very specific curves. The spine curves in at the cervical and lumbar levels, and it curves outward at the thoracic and sacral level.


Although the spine is curved, it is designed this way to keep us standing upright in what we think of as ‘good’ posture. Normal human posture allows for truly vertically centred centres of gravity. The centre of the skull, thorax and pelvis should all be vertically centred over the feet. Whenever we slump over or slouch, our muscles have to work harder to keep us upright. We’re working against the body’s natural equilibrium. This can put unnecessary stress on the muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons and cause the body to accumulate biological damage much faster than it would with a health posture.

One scientific study has shown how our cervical muscles must work 10 times harder for every inch the head moves forward. Others have shown an increased risk of osteoporotic

The most accurate model for the healthy spine

developed so far, as seen from the left side.

Healthy configuration of the spine will determine

specific anatomical configuration on the

outside too.

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fracture, dramatic decreases in quality of life and even an increased risk of disease and death. So poor posture is not only at the root of most neck pain, low back pain and migraines. Think about that the next time you’re slouching!

Abnormal Alignment

Actually, it is a fact that abnormal spinal loads (which also causes abnormal movements as well) can cause serious pathologic conditions. I first learned of this principle through Wolff’s and Davis’ laws. Wolff’s law, a theory developed by the German Anatomist/Surgeon Julius Wolff, now proven by numerous studies, dictates that bone will adapt to the physical loads it is made to withstand. Davis’ law is similar, but it relates to how soft tissue has to adapt based on stress. If your spine is improperly aligned, there’s a good chance your body is trying to tell you about it. You might merely experience a minor stiffens, lack of flexibility, dull ache in your back, or discomfort when you turn your head at a certain angle; things we may typically ignore.

Bone Deformation

If the misalignment is left unchecked, you’ll have more than stiffness or aches and pains to worry about. As we’ve learned with Wolff’s and Davis’ law, the result will be bone, disc, ligament and myofascial degeneration/deformation. It has long been established that distorted alignment, as found in scoliois, plays a large role in the bony abnormalities found in these cases1. Too often bone abnormalities of the spine are considered idiopathic in nature, but the true cause is more likely to be poor postural alignment of the spine; which is something that has been demonstrated a few times in animal studies where researchers were able to alter bone development with deliberate alterations in

spinal loads. Think about bonsai trees, they are a prime example of how we are able to miss-shape nature. Then think about what we do to ourselves and our children when we force ourselves and them into totally unnatural behaviours, like sitting at a desk.

Discs, Ligaments, Tendons and Muscles

Misalignments affect more than just the bones. Several research studies point to the fact that it is the spinal disc (intervertebral disc) that actually starts to deform first and as it remodels becomes the cause of the spinal misalignments and other degenerative changes that occur to all the other tissues. This is why it is absolutely vital that a spinal adjustment targets the specific subluxation of the disc, so that the spine may be remodelled properly before damage is allowed to build up.

Anyway, the disc (without getting too technical) is like a thick tire with a viscous liquid inside. The liquid is very hard under pressure and acts rather like a ball bearing around which the bones


Liquid Centre

Spinal NerveSpinal Cord

Outer Tire

The spinal disc at the top, spinal cord just behind it, and behind that the spinous process of the vertebral arch.

All seen from the top down.

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pivot as they move. A healthy disc is incredibly strong and researchers have found that the vertebrae will fracture around the disc before a herniation (slipped disc) will occur. Very recent discoveries have also found that the bones are more compressible than the disc. In other words, only an unhealthy disc will herniate.If the spine is injured either through a sudden trauma or prolonged trauma such as poor posture sat at a desk then the disc may directly or indirectly go through a healing process and scar tissue develops causing a degree of immobilisation. This is a primary way that the disc becomes unhealthy, and as the disc starts to permanently re-shape itself, the bones, ligaments, tendons and muscles also go through remodelling, becoming weak, brittle and inflexible. The good news is that abnormal discs will heal back into a normal shape with spinal adjustments so it’s only a permanent problem without specific corrective care.

Neural (Nerve System) Components

One major function of the bones and muscles that make up the spinal column is to protect one of our main life systems: the spinal cord. The spinal cord runs from the base of the brain, making its way through the cervical and thoracic sections before ending just after passing the top of the lumbar spine. It is at this point where the cord is seen to separate out into a collection of nerve roots, sometimes referred to as a ‘horse’s tail.’ Around the cord, you’ll find cerebrospinal fluid (or CSF) and several layers of additional protection.

If the spine has an abnormal configuration it has a profound effect on the spinal cord, because the spinal cord will become displaced and distorted, thus affecting signal transmission, which is quite literally your life force, from the

brain to the body and vice versa. Look at the quote below:

“Lordosis of the cervical and lumbar spines are paramount for the proper growth, repair, and function of the pons-cord tract” - Harrison,

DE, DC, Et Al. A review of biomechanics of the central nervous system-part

III: Spinal cord stresses from postural loads and their neurologic effects.

Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 1999; 22(6):


What is the relevance of the pons-cord tract? It’s a critical part of the primitive brain and spinal cord that helps to regulate the normal function of the entire body.

The spinal cord is extremely delicate and sensitive to abnormal spinal configurations. Just tiny changes in the configuration of the spine will result in decreased nerve signalling and will impair blood supply to the spinal cord. This is why researchers are reporting profound and damaging effect to the health of people with poor posture, bulging discs, and spines that do not conform to the Harrison model:

Posture affects and moderates everything from “breathing to hormonal production”. - American Journal of Pain Management, 1994;4:36-39.

“Persons with a hyperkyphotic posture had a 1.44 greater rate of mortality”. - Journal of the

American Geriatrics Society, 2004;52:1662-1667.

“Progressive kyphosis of the cervical spine resulted in demyelination of nerve fibers in the funiculi and neuronal loss in the anterior horn due to chronic compression of the spinal cord”. - Spine, Volume 30(21), November 1, 2005 pp.


Japanese researchers have even demonstrated a reduction in the oxidative metabolic activity of the mitochondria in people with tethered cord

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syndrome. In other words their bodies are unable to produce energy as effectively as people with normal spinal configuration.

At each vertebral level of the spine, two nerve roots exit to support a portion of the body. Through these nerves, different parts of the body communicate with the brain. Your brain may send a message to move your fingers and your skin may send a message of alarm back to your brain, if you’ve touched something hot. Part of the spinal cord and/or spinal nerves may become injured when a vertebra is forced out of alignment and causing pressure to either. Spinal cord injuries are very serious and can even cause paralysis. For example, compression to the spinal nerves can cause a progressive and proportionate shut down of the suppliedorgan/s. For example injuries to the lower portion of the spine can affect bladder control and sexual function.

This entire nerve system is very delicate, yet very powerful. It controls nearly all of the life functions that we consider vital, which is why it is literally your life force; and this is why our bodies have built such a strong support system to help keep them safe. We must look after that system.

Effects of the spinal adjustment

Even with a minor misalignment of the spine, many people experience aches and pains in their back or neck, or they might even start getting headaches. If they can’t relate the problem to a specific strain or accident, people are likely to continue on with their lives until the pain becomes unbearable. It’s often at this point that they come to see us. After a thorough evaluation, we have two options. We may “treat” the symptoms in isolation, or we can aim to

correct the cause with a series of specific corrective spinal adjustments.

The specific corrective spinal adjustment, most often simply referred to as an adjustment or infuriatingly as a spinal manipulation, is a process by which we move a joint within its anatomical range of motion. This is done to stimulate spinal mechano-receptors and to mechanically reduce joint adhesions and fibrosis. During the spinal adjustment, you might even hear a popping or cracking noise as the joint is releasing. This is caused by gas being released from the spinal joints. It is completely normal. In fact, people often feel relief soon after the cracking sound has passed. This is not because of the “cracking” sound itself but because of the neurological response to the adjustment including the release of pain killing endorphins and because an adjustment inhibits nociception (pain signalling) at the thalamus, which is the sensory relay centre of the body. In other words pain signalling through the thalamus is reduced by an adjustment. Therefore, the brain receives less pain stimulus from the body.

In addition to relieving pain, this also improves a person’s mobility. Gradually, through the repetition of this process the vertebrae return to a proper alignment (more about this later), the back can move and function as it should, without any pain or stiffness.

This was tested and proven in a recent single-blind randomised trial whereby people with limited cervical mobility (essentially stiff necks) were split into two groups, one group getting a cervical spinal adjustment and the other receiving no adjustment, and tested for mobility changes. The group getting spinal adjustments showed significant improvement over those who received no adjustments9.

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Over time the spinal adjustments not only help restore the vertebra back into position, but it also helps break up adhesions that form in the zygapophysial joints (Z joints, located between vertebrae). When the spine is adjusted the force momentarily creates gaps between the surface of the Z joints, which is what actually breaks up the adhesions. This is partly why an adjustment creates increased mobility, as the liberation of the Z joints allows a person to move more freely3.

Another advantage of

spinal adjustments is the global improvement in the natural curves of the spine from the side and of the restoration of the straight and upright position when seen from the front; even if the spine has been altered by a sudden impact in a car accident. A study that measured the curvature of the spines of people who had been in car accidents indicated an improvement after comprehensive corrective care that included spinal adjustments in addition to exercise therapy6.

The reason spinal adjusting can change the shape of the spine is not because bones are “pushed” back into place, rather because the adjustment has a profound neurological effect. A spinal adjustment fires up the cerebellum which in turn modulates the normal function of the vestibular nucleus. So what? Well, the vestibular nucleus is the part of the brain that controls muscle tone and overall posture. This is an effect that neither medication, acupuncture or physiotherapy could possibly have. You can see the powerful restorative effects of spinal adjustments below:

But that’s not the only neurological effect of an adjustment. Following an adjustment the cerebellum coordinates stress reduction by acting on both the hypothalamus (neuroendocrine control centre) thus normalising the release of stress hormones, and by inhibiting the amygdala (the stress and anxiety centre of the brain). Thus people often report feeling calmer after an adjustment, you may have noticed this effect to. It’s the reason why we always recommend extra adjustments throughout times of increased stress.

In the sequence above we can see the remarkable ability of spinal adjustments to cause re-modelling and re-shaping of the body. At the beginning in 2006 (far left) we can see the spine in this woman bending too

far back by over an inch! After 1 year it is bending too far back by just 1 cm (second from left), after 2 years the bottom 3 vertebrae have almost assumed a perfect alignment (second from right). And finally after 3 years we can see a 100% correction (far right). All without any surgical procedures, needles, or

drugs. In this case no stretching, specialised exercise or specific traction was required either.

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Other reports from case studies in the scientific literature have shown some very remarkable responses to the spinal adjustments. We don’t have room to cover them all but one very important effect is what the adjustment can do

for cognition. In other words intelligence.

Because proprioception arriving from the body causes better function of the cerebellum which is responsible for coordination of thought, memory and learning. And because the spine is a very rich source of proprioception, restoring normal function and motion of the spine will improve thought, memory and learning too.

Proprioception is considered to be an essential nutrient for proper brain and nerve system function. But there is evidence that the effect on the brain goes beyond merely normalising proprioceptive input. Researchers have

proposed that restoring the normal spinal configuration also improves cerebral blood flow (i.e. more blood to the brain) and that this will further improve brain function. In their book “Chiropractic Medicine for the Rejuvenation of the Mind” Milne and Gorman proposed that much of humanity is suffering from decreased brain function due to decreased blood flow to the brain. They state that it is so common that it

Proprioception generated by a spinal adjustment



Inhibits Pain Here

Inhibits S

tress &

Anxiety H


Inhibits Release of

Stress Hormones Here

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is considered “normal”. and that people are unaware that they are disabled by a “mental illness which has a simple physical cause”.

Alternatives to Spinal Adjustment

If you are suffering from the symptoms associated with vertebral misalignment (or subluxation), spinal adjustment isn’t your only option for treatment of the symptoms. Some people will opt for acupuncture, medication or physiotherapy (physical therapy). They may choose these options based on the recommendation of a doctor, friend or relative, but studies have shown that these recommendations may be misguided. In a randomised controlled clinical trial, three methods of managing chronic spinal pain were compared: acupuncture, medication and spinal adjustment were pitted against each other to see which would claim the title as most effective. Of the three, spinal adjustment was by far the most effective, with 27.3% of people experiencing early recovery2. In case you were wondering, acupuncture, not medicine, was the runner up with 9.4% of people experiencing early relief from the pain.

Physiotherapy was not included in this study, but it warrants a mention. Most physical therapy treatments for the symptoms of subluxation

involve stretching and exercise without a spinal adjustment. How do these methods stack up to the adjustment? Well when researchers have compared traditional medical symptom intervention with physiotherapy and spinal adjustments, physiotherapy was found to be superior to medicine, but inferior to spinal adjustments. Adjustments produced better short term and long term outcomes, undoubtedly because neither medicine nor physiotherapy actually cause re-modelling of the spine therefore truly removing the problem.

In our centre we use many methods of adjustment, which have repeatedly been shown in the scientific literature to improve spinal abnormalities and the symptoms/disease caused by them. The main method we utilise is the Clinical Biomechanics of Posture, which provides strict guidelines for the analysis of a person’s condition as well as methods of correcting any problems found with adjustments. In a case of a patient with chronic whiplash-associated disorders, this was the only method that had a substantial effect on his wellbeing. It was proven to be more effective than physiotherapy in addition to other adjustment methods5. In fact, the method is the most well researched system in the world for restoring spinal abnormalities and the diseases associated with spinal abnormalities, which is why it is the core of the care that we provide.

A recent and important study pitted the effects of spinal adjustments against a placebo (sham therapy) and gathered results at 1-month, 4-month, 7-month and 10-month intervals8. People who were receiving spinal care were broken up into two groups. Both groups got the base therapy of 12 treatments over a one-month period, but one group was allowed maintenance visits for the next nine months. Both groups that

Spinal adjustments are superior to acupuncture and medicine for reducing chronic spinal pain.

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received real spinal care fared much better than those who did not, but more interestingly, those who went back for maintenance actually kept their positive results, while those who stopped after one month tested at their initial disability level at the end of the program. This study suggests that when spinal care is stopped prematurely, you can expect only short-term results. Which is why we will never recommend short-term care although we will provide just short term care if people request it.

Long Term Care

We generally have more success when we are able to address the cause of a person’s pain early on in the process. This is why it is crucial for you to seek care at the first sign of trouble. It is also important to focus on the normal structure of your spine instead of just treating the pain or symptom you may be suffering with. Otherwise, your condition will progress and potentially lead to something much worse. Science has proven that disease processes like heart disease, cancer, aneurysms and kidney failure can remain asymptomatic until the late stages of disease or death. A person who has met an untimely death through cardiac arrest did not become sick just moments before their attack. The plaques were forming in their arteries for many years before the blood was blocked from feeding oxygen and essential nutrients to the heart. The same is true for injuries to the spinal column. In fact, many people do not even experience pain from a herniated disk for up to 15 years after the event occurs. Then, after a herniated disc has been confirmed, 64% of people later develop a more serious condition called radiculopathy. Radiculopathy occurs when the nerves have been disturbed to the point where the person

begins to experience neurological complications.

Stages of Healing

We have the best chance of healing a person if we are involved early on in the body’s healing process. There are multiple stages of healing, and thus various stages of treatment, for injuries to the spinal column.

Injuries that occur to your body can be frank, obvious traumas such as falls, slips, car accidents etc, but they can also happen insidiously through poor posture, lack of exercise and stress (to name just a few causes) and just because they creep up on you doesn’t make them any less harmful. In many ways insidious causes of subluxation are more harmful than accidental ones because the early stages of healing are often bypassed and the body goes into a mode of pathologic remodelling or in simple terms a state of progressive deformation.

Acute Inflammatory – This is the body’s initial response to sudden injury. It can last up to 72

After many years a herniated disc may cause direct compression of a spinal nerve. This is a serious and

often painful condition known as radiculopathy.

Red Arrows Show Spinal Nerve Compression Caused By A Bulging Disc

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hours. All injuries result in inflammation, but the classic signs may not be apparent in injuries of chronic overuse or misuse. Poor diet may also cause a state of chronic inflammation where no obvious injury has occurred. Most people in the UK eat an inflammatory diet and are silently suffering from this without realising it.

Active congestion – This stage lasts for the first 24 to 48 hours. In cases where inflammation is visible, this is where it occurs. Common treatments involve reducing inflammation by the use of ice packs, rest, compression and elevation. However, recent research has shown that interfering in the inflammatory process actually worsens outcome, which is why we recommend NO anti-inflammatory drugs or other natural anti-inflammatory measures. Since the amount of inflammation is directly related to the amount of scarring, reducing inflammation is not the goal, but normalising inflammation is. Fish oil is a supreme essential nutrient that does just that. In times of injury or pain increase your daily fish oil intake by 2 or 3 times.

Passive congestion – This phase lasts 24-72 hours. Pain and swelling persist.

Repair – The repair stage lasts anywhere from 72 hours to up to 6 weeks. This is when the body begins clean out cellular debris and forms scar tissue. Capillaries rush to the site of the injury with required oxygen and nutrients. The oxygen and nutrients activate fibroblasts, which create and secrete collagen. This collagen scar replaces any damaged soft tissue. During this stage, the body focuses on quantity of collagen as opposed to quality, sending a lot of low-quality collagen to the area that will later need to

be remodelled. It’s an emergency patch-up job which the body later intends to replace when circumstances are right. It’s rather like blocking a leak in your roof on a rainy night. All you want to do is stop the ingress of water, you can mend the roof properly once the rain has stopped.

Remodelling – This stage lasts between 3 weeks to 12 months or even several years. During remodelling, the body improves the quality of the collagen to increase the capability of the tissue. Tensile strength can be improved by using controlled mobilisation of the tissues.

This is the stage of re-roofing the house to prevent future leaks.

Our Recommendations for Your Care

We always take the severity of the injury and the phase of recovery into consideration when coming up with a rehabilitation plan for each person. Recovery can be quick and relatively painless if the injury is minor and treated

early, but people with extensive injury, or those who delay treatment, can require years of specific corrective care to return their spine and other

tissues to normal (if it is possible to return it to normal). Untreated subluxations become worse and more difficult to treat after years of deformation of the joint. Improper posture only compounds the problem, putting more stress on the joint and the muscles and ligaments that are meant to support it.

The time it takes for tissues to heal is partly the reason of why we recommend long term care, but there are other reasons that are just as important and the implications are very exciting.

Fresh, un-polluted fish oil is essential for normal healing.

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Read the following points carefully, they may change your life!

Spine Health and DNA

Thiol levels, are a measure the body’s ability to deal with oxidative stress, oxidation causes damage to the DNA. High thiol levels in the blood have been correlated with decreased mortality rate and increased life span, therefore lower levels dictating a shorter potential life span. When one study compared levels of people undergoing spinal adjustments for the correction of subluxations with a healthy control group, researchers found that the patients who underwent short-term spinal care had lower levels. This suggests that subluxations induce oxidative stress in patients afflicted with them. After long-term spinal care, thiol levels increased beyond the levels found normally in healthy individuals. In other words people receiving long-term spinal care have less damage to DNA through oxidation.

More research should be done on this matter, but it is reasonable to believe that someone who is suffering from a subluxation may have reduced thiol levels that can only be increased through long-term spinal care involving multiple adjustments over time. Not only that, but these once severely compromised individuals can expect to have enhanced ability to protect their

DNA following correction of subluxation and continued spinal care. this helps to explain the numerous studies that have shown that people receiving spinal care can expect significant improvements in quality of life and wellbeing over healthy “normal” people who do not receive spinal care.

Quality of Life Improvements

There have been many studies that relate quality of life improvements with successful long-term spinal care. The research of Professor Ian Coulter and colleagues found that people over 75 years old receiving spinal care reported better overall health, spent fewer days in hospital and nursing homes, used fewer prescription drugs and were more active than people in the same age group not receiving spinal care.

Another study conducted in the USA found that people receiving regular long-term care spent only 31% of the national average for health care services. There was a 50% reduction in medical provider visits, and 95.8% felt their spinal care to be either “considerably” or “extremely” valuable.

One case study in particular demonstrates the life-altering effects spinal care can have on an individual. Many who are in need of spinal care often suffer in silence, not knowing who to turn to. Their injuries are often invisible to others, so they avoid mentioning symptoms, such as stress, leg pains, depression, gastritis, ulcers, nervousness and lack of concentration (all of which this one man had), for fear of being labelled as a complainer. Fortunately, after 11 months of spinal care, this particular man had less to complain about7. Many of his symptoms subsided, and he went from describing his overall feelings as ‘unhappy’ to ‘mostly satisfied.’

Adjustment Protect DNA from Damage Resulting in Long-Term Health and Tissue


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Since mental status is a main component of overall wellness, this, along with symptoms that have subsided, indicates a vast increase in his overall health and wellbeing.


Since spinal heath is such an important part of your overall health, committing to a lifetime of spinal care can help to ensure that you don’t sustain irreparable damage to such an important system. Even if you have not sustained any major injury (that you aware of), you may have subluxations that have developed more insidiously through poor posture and a lack of healthy habit and these will affect your quality of life. Regular wellness maintenance of your spine will help ensure that your spine is optimised and you are standing tall – with optimal posture. Decide just how far you’d like to be from that ‘spineless’ collection of bones before considering a stop-gap solution to your spinal health.


1# Troyanovich S. et al. Structural Rehabilitation of the Spine and Posture: Rationale for Treatment Beyond the Resolution of Symptoms2# Chronic Spinal Pain: A Randomised Clinical Trial Comparing Medication, Acupuncture, and Spinal Manipulation Giles,

Lynton G. F. DC, PhD*†; Muller, Reinhold PhD†3# Cramer G, et al. Basic Science Research Related to Chiropractic Spinal Adjusting: The State of The Art and Recommendations Revisited4# Campbell C, et al. Surrogate Indication of DNA Repair in Serum After Long Term Chiropractic Intervention – A Retrospective Study. JVSR.Com, February 18, 2005

5# Ferrantelli J, et al. Conservative Treatment of a Patient with Previously Unresponsive Whiplash-Associated Disorders Using Clinical Biomechanics of Posture Rehabilitation Methods 6# Coleman R. Lateral Cervical Curve Changes in Patients Receiving Chiropractic Care After a Motor Vehicle Collision: A Retrospective Case Series. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Cervical Curve Changes. 2003.7# Quality of Life Improvements and Spontaneous Lifestyle Changes in a Patient Undergoing Subluxation-Centered Chiropractic Care: A Case Study. Yannick Pauli D.C.8# Senna M, et al. Does maintained Spinal manipulation therapy for chronic non-specific low back pain result in better long term outcome? Mansoura Faculty of Medicine. DOI: 10.1097/BRS.9# Passmore S, et al. Spinal Manipulation Impacts Cervical Spine Movement and Fitts’ Task Performance: A Single-Blind Randomised Before-After Trial. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. March/April 2010:189-192.

Additional Resources:Commentary JMPT. A Normal Spinal Position: It’s Time to Accept the Evidence. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 2000;23:9.


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