WHSPPiHPBLBMBBHBLBLBL WBmW TWtWmiMIMmWBnMKSWw: - lWjSMBB3mmKtti wMf7'Wmmms$- - tmmmrMlfmfL 'Wfiyr v r J o. .T?' ,jjjFT,J' T'-ifjTWf- f wpw?t ?vy !ir f'f-'- .:jWrJW T1 . -- .'K!xp?; r 4 X f - irj wrv- - " ir , JK cV ' veiling: Bulletin VOL. 1. NO. 177. HONOLULU, H. L, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1895. PRICE 5 CENTO. THE EVENING BULLETIN. Publlslicd every day except Sunday nt C09 Kins Street, Honolulu, II. I. striiscmi'Tiox iiatks. Por Month, nnywhero In tho Ha- waiian Inlands $ 76 Per Year. 8 00 Por Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 10 00 Per Year, postpaid, othor Foreign Countries 13 00 l'nynblo Invnrlnblr " Ailvnnco. Telcphono 250. P. O. Uox 89. B. L FINNEY, Manager. COLDS, COUGHS, INFLUENZA, SORE THROAT Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Will relievo tho most dis- tressing cough, sootho tho inlinmcd membrane, loosen tho phlegm, and 31ffifTO induco refreshing sleep. a for tho euro of Croup, :u r "Whooping Cough, Soro i Throat, and nil tho pul- monary I troubles to which tho young nro so liable, thero is no other remedy so effect- ive as AYER'S MMMHnMMMMMMMMHWIH Cherry Pectoral A Rseord of nearly 60 years Gc!d K.ciz at tic World's Chief Expositions. , WTIm nainp, Aur' Clmrry Pectoral, U prominent cm lira wrapper mill Is lilowu In the ul.isi u( i.'icll 1'oltlu. T.lko liu cliuap linltiilliiii. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Sole Agents for the Republic of Hawaii. I! u V Imports of Champagne In- to the United States, FKOM JAN. 1ST TO JUNE 1ST, 1895. Cases. G H Mumm & Co.'b extra dry 80,831 Poramory & Greuo 11,798 Moet & Ohnudon 9.G08 Hoidsiock & Co., (dry Monopolo) 7.501 Louis Roedoror 3.438 Ruinurt 3,136 Perrier Jouot 3.286 Irroy&Co 1.785 Vve. Clicquot 2,378 BouohbSeo 992 Delbeck&Co 728 St. Mnrcoiux 334 Krug& Co 270 Chas. Hoidsiook 355 Various 5,419 Total 81,859 COMPILED FROM CUSTOM HOUSE RECORDS. Macfarlane & Co., Solo Agonta for G. 11. Mumm & Co, for tbo Hawaiian Islands. 124-t- f New Millinery Per. S. S. Australia HATS and NOVELTIES Tim "FRISCO" Tbo now Bailor Hat, very chlo. Go ami toe them ut Arlington Illoek, Miss Cahill's. t t Hotel Street. 175-t- t MORE ABOUT THE OPIUM. Tin: ixf.u tiMH'.it nti)t:ns OI' stn:iiii-i'- ' wilcox. A Nn ll 1'ranclKCo I'apcrCulirsrun Locnl fliintoma OIIHIhI 'Willi Complt- - clljr In tho Ilcul. Tho tug Elou bus not been re- ported at prosont writing and thero nro good reasons why sbo may not be for sovoral days to como. Tbo Bulletin is in rocoipt of Bomo privato information from Kauai concerning tho strange schooner and hor mission, from which it would appear that tbo vossel has boen and gono. Whether tho opium sbo loft on that island is over discovered or not dopends on thoi vgilnnco of ShoriiFWilcox.and tbo Bulletin's information is to tbo effect that tbo tug Elcu did not go out on a trip this time, but wont direct to Libuo, whero sbo wus placed at tbo dis- posal and is now under the orders of Shorifl Wilcox. Her future movotnonts will depend en- tirely on tbo ordorsof that oflicinl. Thoro is no longer any doubt tbut tho information published exclu-pivo- ly in tbo Bulletin about tbo vessel and hor cargo is strictly correct, nnd if any further data bo needed to provo it tho addi- tional information is given that the namo of tho Henrietta's cap- tain is Andorson, or rather it was when bo left Vancouver. He will likoly bear nnothor nnmo on thoso islands, and tbo Bulletin's Kauai correspondent has inoludod it in his other information. Tho following dispatch from Victoria, B. C, under dato of Novombor 30, appears in tho Sun Francisco Chronicle: Tbo Fedora1 authorities of Southern California need not waste thoir onorgy watching tbo Suuta Barbara channel for the ad- vent of tho schooner Honriotta, as they will only bavo thoir labor for their pains. That famous but very sluggish soboonor is at pro- sont muking tho best of timo pos- sible toward the Hawaiian islands, and the mystery which Burrouud-o- d bor departure from British Columbia has boon cloared up by her mission leaking out. About oightoon months ago 2300 pounds of opium, tho greater portion of which was of San Frun-oisc- o manufacture, was shipped to Honolulu by Joselyn, tbo no- torious smuggler of this city. The opium was cached outside Hono- lulu harbor by tho schooner which took it down. Ono stormy night "Jim' Harvey and bis pirtnor "Bill," who formed tho crew of tho Halyoon in tbo days wbon sbo was carrying tons of opium to tbo United States, wont out to get tho stuff. They novor roturnod, but a short timo after- ward their boat was picked up on tho boaoh, telling of their fate. Tho opium finally got into tbo bunds of tbo Hawaiian authorities who sbippod it to Victoria to bo sold for tbo benefit of the Gov- ernment. B. F. Bithet & Co. act-o- d us agents for tbo Hawaiian Government in tbo matter, and parties who originally dispatched tho opium bought it for loss than $1 a pound, the Victoria market being overstocked at tbo time on account of the falling off in tho smuggling business. Of tho amount soverul hundred pounds was tbo best Hongkong opium. This Joselyn shipped to San Frunoisco, paying the regular United Status duty ou it, aud oven tbon realised more than onough to repay him for wbut he bad paid tbo Hawaiian Gnvornraont for the 2300 pounds. Tbodotnostio or Sun Frunoisco opium, which composed tbo bulanoe of tbo lot, has no salo hero, nnd, aftor the combination had had it on thoir bands sovoral months, U103 char-tcic- d the Henrietta and nuco moro dispatchod it to Hawaiian shores. Inasmuch as tho agont nt that end of tho lino this time is said to bo a prominent customs official, thoir chances ol disposing of what bus boen a "white oloplinnt" on thoir hands is very good. Tbo Honriotta took no Chiuoio from Victoria, but may havo taken somo from Vancouver. If s), they were prob.ibly landod on tho Southern California coast, but it is no becrot bore uow that tho soboonor is proceeding to Hawaii with opium. IILUNDKR OI' .V SOLDIKIt. Luckily Ho Wan Shot Inatend of Ilctllic ('licwrd Ui. Among tbo appurtonances ol tbo ostato of Collis P. Hunting- ton at Tbroggs Neck are a Siberi- an bloodhound, a shotgun uud a coachman who is not afraid to shoot, says a New York dispatch of November 30. Tho dog is big and fierce-lookin- and is credited with tho laudable ambition of cbowing up a burglar. Tbo dog boing chained up is all that stved Privato Connolly's lifo, tho ser- vants nil say now in telling of the early morning fight they had. Private Connolly's first namo is Anthony, and he is stationed at Fort Schuyler. In common with bis comrades bo was paid ofl Wodnesdny. Thursday morning found him at Throggs Neck hunt- ing for the fort. In his search lie blundored upon Mr. Huntington's houso. Ho triod to ontor the houso nnd was fired upon by Coaohman Bltck, tho shot taking offoct in the soldiei's log. Connolly's superiors say, how-ovo- r, that the unfortunato privato is liable to havo no ond of trouble, and tbo court-martia- l is liablo to givo him two years in tbo mili- tary prison when ho recovers from his wound. Throughout tho aud shooting no one thought to unchain tho blood- hound, and uow tho servants in tho Huntington household are saying how lucky this was for the poor Boldior, for they nro quite suro the dog wculd have oaten the unfortunato man up. Adopted by Neivspnpcr. Willio and Oscar Manneratrom aro tbo legal wards of tho Grand Rapids Evening Press. Tho paper is a great friend of tho poor boys of Grand Bapids, and has done n groat doal to help them in different ways, but it has colipsed oven itself by tho adoption of theso boys, who last winter woro lioinoloss and friendless in Chicago. And what a success tho venture has boen ! The first thing to do wus to find somo way fur tbo boys to 0.1 rn a livelihood. Such littlo follows tboy wero. only 12 and 10 years old, that it was impracticable to think of their doing anything vory hard. S mo one suggested establishing n messenger service in connection with tho Press, to bo run by tho boys. No.tt uni- forms woro bought for them, they woro furnished with bicycles, given tbo use of tho office tele-phon- o and lots of advertising in tho paper, and tho thing was done. Tbo kind-hearte- d pooplo of Grand Rapids patronized tbem ut first becauso they felt sorry for thorn, but now tboy do so bocause they know them, liko them and trust them. Beforo loug "Willie, tho oldest, found he could raako onough money by himself to sup- port both, so Oscar began going to sobool, and bis teacher says bo is a romarkably bright boy. Both boys aro brim full of onorgv and ambition, and will, no doubt, when grown bo suocosblul mon of whom tbo Press uoed novor bo ashamed. TIIK ItXINNI'ORCT. Seven Indie nnd n Ilnlf of Jtnln to IlAtO. Tho heavy rain which com- menced nt 11 p. m. on "Wednesday showed no signs of lett'ng up until about 7 o'clock this morn ing.-sinc- e which tune vory little rain has fallon. Up to 9 o'clock Inst night 6.90 inohos of rain hnd boon registered by Curtis J. Lynns' gauge ut P.inubnii. At 7 o'clock this morning tljo tohil was 7:50 inches. Tho gango at Frunk Brown's on King street shows about three inches less. Mr. Lyons states that tho pros- ont indications aro porloxing, al- though it looks ns though tho storm bad broken. Heavy show- ers may bo expocted during tho aftornoon and night. Tho baro- meter is high and is not afibcted .by tho storm, or.us Mr. Lyons ex- presses it, "it is not a baromotor storm." IIAl'l'Lii:!) A I.INMUIST. I'rnremor Youni:' Curloiia Experi- ence With a Niiiioi'il Foreigner. Tho luto Professor Stephen J. Young of Bowdoin wna an ac- complished linguist. One day he wus on a train bound fioin Bungor to Brunswick, when u conductor who know him outeied his car to ask bim to como out to the second-clas- s coach to try and find out whoro a crtaiu stupid foroignor was going. Tho con- ductor hud altaokod him in all tho foreign lingo ho could muster, uud could get no other responso than a stupid stare. Profossor Young went book to the rear of tho train. Tbo pas-song- or sat thero looking very much disturbed nnd bowildored. Tho 'profossor went nt bim in Canadian French, thou in Ger- man, thon in tho languages of Saandinavin, Egypt, Italy, Spain and every other country ou tho fuco of this greon ourth. Still tho puBsouger sat "mum as an owl" while tbo look of bowildor-mo- nt deoponod ou bis face. Tho professor was nonplussod, and was ubout turning in defeat to his own cur whoa tho man lookod woarily out of the window and remarked sadly .to bimsolf: "By gosh, I wish 1 was ter .hum." Ho was an Aroostook Yunkoo, und ho could speak nothing but English. Eastern Argus. 9 m N. S. Sachs calls attontion to u fino lino of holiday goods, both useful und ornamontul. Ah "Won was fiuod $50 this morning by Judge Perry, having ploadod guilty of having opium in his possession contrary to low. Jus. Nott, Jr., Bolls bath tubs for 10 of a stylo that used to cost $14, aud guarunteos satisfaction in every line of tho plumbing business. An old native woman and oight children ranging from twolvo years'old down wero arrested this morning for fishing insido tho forbidden line near the pouiton-tiur- y. Tboy wero all ranged in a row on ono soat in tho prisou yard and bowuiling their lot when tho roportor buw them at noon. If thoro was a little moro of the Poorless Preserving Puint used on tho roofs around town tbore would bo no occasion to shift desks and fumituro uround during tho rainy wouthor ns was tho ouso yester- day at tho Custom Houso. Abies & "Walton guarantee to mako nil tbo roofs thoy puint froe from loukage. Thoir price is small in comparison to tho guarantoo given by thorn. - Tho orooodilo will flomotimos go without food for a yoar. Upon waking up from a imp of this dur- ation bo in something to bo avoid-o- d. THE MONOWAI'S OFFICERS Ai.r, rito.iiori:i iivtiii: m:sn:. NATION UV Itlr.lIECICAK. The Kciv I'ourtli onlecr Hiul n Nar- row l:icnpc from llrntli III South Anirtlcn. Sevoral changes havo beon niudo among tho officers of the Mouowui, says a late Stu Fran- cisco Chroniclo, and with them go two storios, one romantic and tho othor dealing with ndvouture. J. MoMecknn loft tho ship at Sydnoy, having fallen into a for-t'in- o of $75,000. It camo from nn unexpected source, a distant o dying und leaving it to him. Tho sea has no moro cbnrnis for bim, with money onough to livo in good stylo on shoro. He bade good-b- y to bis sbipmntos at Sydney nnd they wero all happy at bis good forluuo. John Gra- ham, F. MoMillnu and "W. Poster, second, third and fourth officers respectively, wero all promutod a point, and "W. Buxton, Into of tho buik J. II. .Masters, was made fourth officer. Ho is tbo man of ndvonturo. Ho wout to Brazil during tho rovolutiou, nnd one day at Stntos somo of tho ciow wont ashore. Ho took a boat with two uogroos to look them up. Tolling tho uo- groos to keep tho boat off tho wharf, ho wont nshorn. Ho hnd not got fur when a sontry chal- lenged bim, and, not boing nblo to explain mattors to tho sontry, who did not know English, tbo latter fired, tbo bullot going through Mr. Buxton's hat. Mr. Buxton's expostulations only led to a socond shot boing firod, which missed him, but ho thought it best to rotreat. On getting to tho oud of tho pior ho found that tho negroes had hurriedly pulled away from the wharf whon tho firing commenced, so ho had to jump into tho sea nnd swim out to tbo boat, which was beyond liflo shot Whilo in the wator ho was fired at. On boing got into tho boat bo was complotoly oxbanstod, and was takon hack to tho ship, whore rostorativos woro used ard ho was brought round. A Warehouse Flooded. Tho heavy rains of yostorday aud dofective sowots are rosponsi-bi- o for damaging goods in H. Hnokfeld & Co'8 warehouse to the oxtont of about $1000 last night. Brouks in tho sewor lot tho wator into tbo cellar of tbo building whoro quantities of limo and comeut woro storod. No. 1 En- gine company of tho Firo Dopart-mo- nt was called on to pump out tho cellar, whiob tco - about four hours' steady work. LATH I.ONION TELKUKMtlN. Nev of tho World by Way or the Colonies. An inquiry is to bo held into tho grounding of French ironclads at Hyoroa. It is oxpected thut tho British Budgot will show u surplus of six millions. Genornl Saussior, military Gov- ernor of Paris, is resigning his position, owing to disputes with M. Gavaignno. Groat Britain undertakes tho construction of a railway of 2G0 miles from Mundaluy to Kuulon, in ordor to prevont a Frenoh monopoly of Yunnan. The Asbanti King, Prempeb, still maintains a defiant attitude. Tbo princes uro friendly disposed towards tho British and Iihvo pro vided 10,000 carriers to assist tho British forces iu proceeding ugilnst tho king, Mavit t il i liiltliJli NiiVifrwvt,. i, 6,mA- - !"'MMMIiaK,iHHnnVHKJaMPlX7' n. f - y i Till: WII.II MV, Oic ill llii- - Mnillrt Wor Vccnelo In the Knulinli Niu y, II. B. M. S. Wild Swan, which was coming int port whon tbo Bulletin went to press yesterday, is ani-hore- d in uavul rov . Sbo left EfquimuH on Novombor 2lst at 9 a.m. and experienced bad weath- er nearly nil tho way. She is ono of tho smullost vessels in the British currying only eight guns. Her engines are of 800 horso power. She will remnin hero until after tho holidays und will coal in tho meantimo. Un less oiders arrive to tho contrary sbo will thon proceed to Cullno and Valpirniso und tako the place foriiiorly occupied by tho Hyacinth on that coast. Following is a list ot her officers: Cominundor Macvoy Napier. Senior Lieutenant "Win. D. Church. Lieutonunts Humn.qnn. Kliulnn. Digby, St. A. P. Woston, Jt. H. UOUIGIICOK. Puymustor Chus. II. A. Ward. Surgeon A. B. Marriott. Euginoor H. Gursford. Gunuor F. a. Blowott. fONCKKT TONHJI.'T. At IIuwiilliui Hotel II the Wcnther CloAm Up. If tbo ruin ceases boforo this evening tho govornraont band will givo a concert at tho Hawaiian ho- tel, for which Profossor Bergor bus arrangod tho following program: PART I. 1. Orerture "Light Cavalry" Suppe S. Fantla "NlKlitlnKalo and Krnir" ElU'nbunr 3. Finale "Buondcl Monte" Pacini 4. KcmlnUceiK'ei of Vcrdl" Godfrey PART Hi 5. Selcctlon-"A()alcty(- Joaea 0. Waltz 'Commence tbo Hall" Coote 7. BaMad "I'lillll Is my oulyjoy" ..HoObs 8. Mutli "Hawaii Ponoi." Teaching In the future. How shall mankind bo taught in tho futuro? Tho lato Dr. Jow-e- tt onco said to Mrs. Humphry Ward: "Wo shall como in the futuro to teach almost ontiroly by biography. Wo shall begin with tho life that is most familiar to us, 'The lifo of Christ,' and we shall moro and moro put before our childron tbo great examples of porsons' Hvob, so that tboy shall have from tho beginning homes and frionds in their thoughts." Mrs. Ward, in talking to young poople about books .Mid reading, is stronuous in dwolling upon tho great udvautugo which peoplo get out of a bit of stiff reading. Sbo advises thom to ox-erc- iso their minds as hard us they possibly can on a bit of scionco or of history, and continuo nt it until thoy find that thoir minds grow and uro strongthoued in tho pro- cess New York Comiuoroial Gazotto. A Monument to the Itlarlyrn. Amid tho ruins of the amphi-tboat- er of Carthage, tho econo of tho martyrdom of many oarly Christians, n chapel has boou eroctod in ucoordanoH with tho wishos of tbo Into Cardinal Luvi-geri- e. A porson of genius should mar- ry a porson of character. Gonius doos not hord with genius. Tbo musk deor and tho oivet oat aro never found in company. Holmes. Man is boyond dispute tbo most excellent of human beings, dut the tMigru ugreo that a gratoful bog is hotter than un ungrateful man. Sudi. 'I 1 'A i tw A 1 ;. !- - ; j, im .Vtt:.X2. i

WBmW WHSPPiHPBLBMBBHBLBLBL 'Wfiyr … · 2015. 6. 1. · tboy wero. only 12 and 10 years old, that it was impracticable to think of their doing anything vory hard. S mo one suggested

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Page 1: WBmW WHSPPiHPBLBMBBHBLBLBL 'Wfiyr … · 2015. 6. 1. · tboy wero. only 12 and 10 years old, that it was impracticable to think of their doing anything vory hard. S mo one suggested

WHSPPiHPBLBMBBHBLBLBLWBmW TWtWmiMIMmWBnMKSWw: - lWjSMBB3mmKtti wMf7'Wmmms$- - tmmmrMlfmfL'Wfiyr v r J o. .T?' ,jjjFT,J' T'-ifjTWf- f wpw?t ?vy !ir f'f-'- .:jWrJW T1 . --.'K!xp?;




f - irj wrv- - "ir , JK

cV ' veiling: BulletinVOL. 1. NO. 177. HONOLULU, H. L, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1895. PRICE 5 CENTO.


Publlslicd every day except Sunday ntC09 Kins Street, Honolulu, II. I.

striiscmi'Tiox iiatks.Por Month, nnywhero In tho Ha-

waiian Inlands $ 76Per Year. 8 00Por Year, postpaid to America,

Canada, or Mexico 10 00Per Year, postpaid, othor Foreign

Countries 13 00l'nynblo Invnrlnblr " Ailvnnco.

Telcphono 250. P. O. Uox 89.

B. L FINNEY, Manager.



Ayer's Cherry PectoralWill relievo tho most dis-tressing cough, soothotho inlinmcd membrane,loosen tho phlegm, and

31ffifTO induco refreshing sleep.a for tho euro of Croup,:u r

"Whooping Cough, Soroi Throat, and nil tho pul-

monaryI troubles to whichtho young nro so liable,

thero is no other remedy so effect-ive as


Cherry Pectoral

A Rseord of nearly 60 years

Gc!d K.ciz at tic World's Chief Expositions.,

WTIm nainp, Aur' Clmrry Pectoral,U prominent cm lira wrapper mill Is lilowuIn the ul.isi u( i.'icll 1'oltlu. T.lko liu cliuaplinltiilliiii.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Sole Agents for the Republic of Hawaii.

I!u V

Imports of Champagne In-

to the United States,


Cases.G H Mumm & Co.'b extra

dry 80,831Poramory & Greuo 11,798Moet & Ohnudon 9.G08Hoidsiock & Co., (dry

Monopolo) 7.501Louis Roedoror 3.438Ruinurt 3,136Perrier Jouot 3.286Irroy&Co 1.785Vve. Clicquot 2,378BouohbSeo 992Delbeck&Co 728St. Mnrcoiux 334Krug& Co 270Chas. Hoidsiook 355Various 5,419

Total 81,859



Macfarlane & Co.,

Solo Agonta for G. 11. Mumm & Co,for tbo Hawaiian Islands.

124-t- f

New MillineryPer. S. S. Australia


"FRISCO"Tbo now Bailor Hat, very chlo.

Go ami toe them ut

Arlington Illoek,Miss Cahill's.

t t Hotel Street.175-t-t


Tin: ixf.u tiMH'.it nti)t:ns OI'stn:iiii-i'- ' wilcox.

A Nn ll 1'ranclKCo I'apcrCulirsrun Locnlfliintoma OIIHIhI 'Willi Complt- -

clljr In tho Ilcul.

Tho tug Elou bus not been re-

ported at prosont writing andthero nro good reasons why sbomay not be for sovoral days tocomo. Tbo Bulletin is in rocoiptof Bomo privato information fromKauai concerning tho strangeschooner and hor mission, fromwhich it would appear that tbovossel has boen and gono.Whether tho opium sbo loft onthat island is over discovered ornot dopends on thoi vgilnnco ofShoriiFWilcox.and tbo Bulletin'sinformation is to tbo effect thattbo tug Elcu did not go out on a

trip this time,but wont direct to Libuo, wherosbo wus placed at tbo dis-

posal and is now underthe orders of Shorifl Wilcox. Herfuture movotnonts will depend en-

tirely on tbo ordorsof that oflicinl.Thoro is no longer any doubt tbuttho information published exclu-pivo- ly

in tbo Bulletin about tbovessel and hor cargo is strictlycorrect, nnd if any further databo needed to provo it tho addi-tional information is given thatthe namo of tho Henrietta's cap-tain is Andorson, or rather it waswhen bo left Vancouver. He willlikoly bear nnothor nnmo on thosoislands, and tbo Bulletin's Kauaicorrespondent has inoludod it inhis other information.

Tho following dispatch fromVictoria, B. C, under dato ofNovombor 30, appears in tho SunFrancisco Chronicle:

Tbo Fedora1 authorities ofSouthern California need notwaste thoir onorgy watching tboSuuta Barbara channel for the ad-

vent of tho schooner Honriotta,as they will only bavo thoir laborfor their pains. That famous butvery sluggish soboonor is at pro-sont muking tho best of timo pos-sible toward the Hawaiian islands,and the mystery which Burrouud-o- d

bor departure from BritishColumbia has boon cloared up byher mission leaking out.

About oightoon months ago2300 pounds of opium, tho greaterportion of which was of San Frun-oisc- o

manufacture, was shippedto Honolulu by Joselyn, tbo no-torious smuggler of this city. Theopium was cached outside Hono-lulu harbor by tho schoonerwhich took it down. Ono stormynight "Jim' Harvey and bispirtnor "Bill," who formed thocrew of tho Halyoon in tbo dayswbon sbo was carrying tons ofopium to tbo United States, wontout to get tho stuff. They novorroturnod, but a short timo after-ward their boat was picked up ontho boaoh, telling of their fate.

Tho opium finally got into tbobunds of tbo Hawaiian authoritieswho sbippod it to Victoria to bosold for tbo benefit of the Gov-ernment. B. F. Bithet & Co. act-o- d

us agents for tbo HawaiianGovernment in tbo matter, andparties who originally dispatchedtho opium bought it for loss than$1 a pound, the Victoria marketbeing overstocked at tbo time onaccount of the falling off in thosmuggling business.

Of tho amount soverul hundredpounds was tbo best Hongkongopium. This Joselyn shipped toSan Frunoisco, paying the regularUnited Status duty ou it, aud oventbon realised more than onoughto repay him for wbut he bad paidtbo Hawaiian Gnvornraont for the2300 pounds. Tbodotnostio orSun Frunoisco opium, whichcomposed tbo bulanoe of tbo lot,

has no salo hero, nnd, aftor thecombination had had it on thoirbands sovoral months, U103 char-tcic- d

the Henrietta and nuco morodispatchod it to Hawaiian shores.

Inasmuch as tho agont nt thatend of tho lino this time is said tobo a prominent customs official,thoir chances ol disposing of whatbus boen a "white oloplinnt" onthoir hands is very good. TboHonriotta took no Chiuoio fromVictoria, but may havo takensomo from Vancouver. If s),they were prob.ibly landod on thoSouthern California coast, but itis no becrot bore uow that thosoboonor is proceeding to Hawaiiwith opium.


Luckily Ho Wan Shot Inatend of Ilctllic('licwrd Ui.

Among tbo appurtonances oltbo ostato of Collis P. Hunting-ton at Tbroggs Neck are a Siberi-an bloodhound, a shotgun uud acoachman who is not afraid toshoot, says a New York dispatchof November 30. Tho dog is bigand fierce-lookin- and is creditedwith tho laudable ambition ofcbowing up a burglar. Tbo dogboing chained up is all that stvedPrivato Connolly's lifo, tho ser-vants nil say now in telling of theearly morning fight they had.

Private Connolly's first namo isAnthony, and he is stationed atFort Schuyler. In common withbis comrades bo was paid oflWodnesdny. Thursday morningfound him at Throggs Neck hunt-ing for the fort. In his search lieblundored upon Mr. Huntington'shouso. Ho triod to ontor thehouso nnd was fired upon byCoaohman Bltck, tho shot takingoffoct in the soldiei's log.

Connolly's superiors say, how-ovo- r,

that the unfortunato privatois liable to havo no ond of trouble,and tbo court-martia- l is liablo togivo him two years in tbo mili-tary prison when ho recovers fromhis wound. Throughout tho

aud shooting no onethought to unchain tho blood-hound, and uow tho servants intho Huntington household aresaying how lucky this was for thepoor Boldior, for they nro quitesuro the dog wculd have oaten theunfortunato man up.

Adopted by Neivspnpcr.

Willio and Oscar Manneratromaro tbo legal wards of tho GrandRapids Evening Press. Thopaper is a great friend of tho poorboys of Grand Bapids, and hasdone n groat doal to help them indifferent ways, but it has colipsedoven itself by tho adoption oftheso boys, who last winter worolioinoloss and friendless inChicago. And what a success thoventure has boen !

The first thing to do wus to findsomo way fur tbo boys to 0.1 rn alivelihood. Such littlo followstboy wero. only 12 and 10 yearsold, that it was impracticable tothink of their doing anythingvory hard. S mo one suggestedestablishing n messenger servicein connection with tho Press, tobo run by tho boys. No.tt uni-

forms woro bought for them, theyworo furnished with bicycles,given tbo use of tho office tele-phon- o

and lots of advertising intho paper, and tho thing wasdone.

Tbo kind-hearte- d pooplo ofGrand Rapids patronized tbem utfirst becauso they felt sorry forthorn, but now tboy do so bocausethey know them, liko them andtrust them. Beforo loug "Willie,tho oldest, found he could raakoonough money by himself to sup-port both, so Oscar began goingto sobool, and bis teacher says bois a romarkably bright boy. Bothboys aro brim full of onorgv andambition, and will, no doubt,when grown bo suocosblul monof whom tbo Press uoed novor boashamed.


Seven Indie nnd n Ilnlf of Jtnln toIlAtO.

Tho heavy rain which com-

menced nt 11 p. m. on "Wednesdayshowed no signs of lett'ng upuntil about 7 o'clock this morning.-sinc- e which tune vory littlerain has fallon. Up to 9 o'clockInst night 6.90 inohos of rainhnd boon registered by Curtis J.Lynns' gauge ut P.inubnii. At 7o'clock this morning tljo tohil was7:50 inches. Tho gango at FrunkBrown's on King street showsabout three inches less.

Mr. Lyons states that tho pros-ont indications aro porloxing, al-

though it looks ns though thostorm bad broken. Heavy show-ers may bo expocted during thoaftornoon and night. Tho baro-meter is high and is not afibcted.by tho storm, or.us Mr. Lyons ex-

presses it, "it is not a baromotorstorm."

IIAl'l'Lii:!) A I.INMUIST.

I'rnremor Youni:' Curloiia Experi-ence With a Niiiioi'il Foreigner.

Tho luto Professor Stephen J.Young of Bowdoin wna an ac-

complished linguist. One dayhe wus on a train bound fioinBungor to Brunswick, when u

conductor who know him outeiedhis car to ask bim to como out tothe second-clas- s coach to try andfind out whoro a crtaiu stupidforoignor was going. Tho con-

ductor hud altaokod him in alltho foreign lingo ho could muster,uud could get no other responsothan a stupid stare.

Profossor Young went book tothe rear of tho train. Tbo pas-song- or

sat thero looking verymuch disturbed nnd bowildored.Tho 'profossor went nt bim inCanadian French, thou in Ger-man, thon in tho languages ofSaandinavin, Egypt, Italy, Spainand every other country ou thofuco of this greon ourth. Stilltho puBsouger sat "mum as anowl" while tbo look of bowildor-mo- nt

deoponod ou bis face.Tho professor was nonplussod,

and was ubout turning in defeatto his own cur whoa tho manlookod woarily out of the windowand remarked sadly .to bimsolf:

"By gosh, I wish 1 was ter.hum." Ho was an AroostookYunkoo, und ho could speaknothing but English. EasternArgus.

9 m

N. S. Sachs calls attontion to ufino lino of holiday goods, bothuseful und ornamontul.

Ah "Won was fiuod $50 thismorning by Judge Perry, havingploadod guilty of having opiumin his possession contrary to low.

Jus. Nott, Jr., Bolls bath tubsfor 10 of a stylo that used to cost$14, aud guarunteos satisfactionin every line of tho plumbingbusiness.

An old native woman and oightchildren ranging from twolvoyears'old down wero arrested thismorning for fishing insido thoforbidden line near the pouiton-tiur- y.

Tboy wero all ranged in arow on ono soat in tho prisou yardand bowuiling their lot when thoroportor buw them at noon.

If thoro was a little moro of thePoorless Preserving Puint used ontho roofs around town tbore wouldbo no occasion to shift desks andfumituro uround during tho rainywouthor ns was tho ouso yester-day at tho Custom Houso. Abies& "Walton guarantee to mako niltbo roofs thoy puint froe fromloukage. Thoir price is small incomparison to tho guarantoo givenby thorn.


Tho orooodilo will flomotimos gowithout food for a yoar. Uponwaking up from a imp of this dur-ation bo in something to bo avoid-o- d.


Ai.r, rito.iiori:i iivtiii: m:sn:.NATION UV Itlr.lIECICAK.

The Kciv I'ourtli onlecr Hiul n Nar-

row l:icnpc from llrntli III SouthAnirtlcn.

Sevoral changes havo beonniudo among tho officers of theMouowui, says a late Stu Fran-cisco Chroniclo, and with themgo two storios, one romantic andtho othor dealing with ndvouture.J. MoMecknn loft tho ship atSydnoy, having fallen into a for-t'in- o

of $75,000. It camo from nnunexpected source, a distant o

dying und leaving it to him.Tho sea has no moro cbnrnis forbim, with money onough to livoin good stylo on shoro. He badegood-b- y to bis sbipmntos atSydney nnd they wero all happyat bis good forluuo. John Gra-ham, F. MoMillnu and "W. Poster,second, third and fourth officersrespectively, wero all promutod apoint, and "W. Buxton, Intoof tho buik J. II. .Masters,was made fourth officer.

Ho is tbo man of ndvonturo.Ho wout to Brazil during thorovolutiou, nnd one day at Stntossomo of tho ciow wont ashore. Hotook a boat with two uogroos tolook them up. Tolling tho uo-groos to keep tho boat off thowharf, ho wont nshorn. Ho hndnot got fur when a sontry chal-lenged bim, and, not boing nbloto explain mattors to tho sontry,who did not know English, tbolatter fired, tbo bullot goingthrough Mr. Buxton's hat. Mr.Buxton's expostulations only ledto a socond shot boing firod, whichmissed him, but ho thought itbest to rotreat. On getting to thooud of tho pior ho found that thonegroes had hurriedly pulled awayfrom the wharf whon tho firingcommenced, so ho had to jumpinto tho sea nnd swim out to tboboat, which was beyond liflo shotWhilo in the wator ho was

fired at. On boing gotinto tho boat bo was complotolyoxbanstod, and was takon hack totho ship, whore rostorativos woroused ard ho was brought round.

A Warehouse Flooded.Tho heavy rains of yostorday

aud dofective sowots are rosponsi-bi-o

for damaging goods in H.Hnokfeld & Co'8 warehouse to theoxtont of about $1000 last night.Brouks in tho sewor lot tho watorinto tbo cellar of tbo buildingwhoro quantities of limo andcomeut woro storod. No. 1 En-gine company of tho Firo Dopart-mo- nt

was called on to pump outtho cellar, whiob tco - about fourhours' steady work.


Nev of tho World by Way or theColonies.

An inquiry is to bo held intotho grounding of French ironcladsat Hyoroa.

It is oxpected thut tho BritishBudgot will show u surplus of sixmillions.

Genornl Saussior, military Gov-

ernor of Paris, is resigning hisposition, owing to disputes withM. Gavaignno.

Groat Britain undertakes thoconstruction of a railway of 2G0

miles from Mundaluy to Kuulon,in ordor to prevont a Frenohmonopoly of Yunnan.

The Asbanti King, Prempeb,still maintains a defiant attitude.Tbo princes uro friendly disposedtowards tho British and Iihvo provided 10,000 carriers to assist thoBritish forces iu proceedingugilnst tho king,

Mavit t il i liiltliJli NiiVifrwvt,. i, 6,mA- -

!"'MMMIiaK,iHHnnVHKJaMPlX7' n. f- y


Till: WII.II MV,

Oic ill llii- - Mnillrt Wor Vccnelo Inthe Knulinli Niu y,

II. B. M. S. Wild Swan, whichwas coming int port whon tboBulletin went to press yesterday,is ani-hore- d in uavul rov . Sbo leftEfquimuH on Novombor 2lst at9 a.m. and experienced bad weath-er nearly nil tho way. She is onoof tho smullost vessels in theBritish currying only eightguns. Her engines are of 800horso power. She will remninhero until after tho holidays undwill coal in tho meantimo. Unless oiders arrive to tho contrarysbo will thon proceed to Cullnoand Valpirniso und tako the placeforiiiorly occupied by tho Hyacinthon that coast.

Following is a list ot her officers:Cominundor Macvoy Napier.Senior Lieutenant "Win. D.

Church.Lieutonunts Humn.qnn. Kliulnn.

Digby, St. A. P. Woston, Jt. H.UOUIGIICOK.

Puymustor Chus. II. A. Ward.Surgeon A. B. Marriott.Euginoor H. Gursford.Gunuor F. a. Blowott.


At IIuwiilliui Hotel II the WcntherCloAm Up.

If tbo ruin ceases boforo thisevening tho govornraont band willgivo a concert at tho Hawaiian ho-

tel, for which Profossor Bergor busarrangod tho following program:


1. Orerture "Light Cavalry" SuppeS. Fantla "NlKlitlnKalo and Krnir"

ElU'nbunr3. Finale "Buondcl Monte" Pacini4. KcmlnUceiK'ei of Vcrdl" Godfrey

PART Hi5. Selcctlon-"A()alcty(- Joaea0. Waltz 'Commence tbo Hall" Coote7. BaMad "I'lillll Is my oulyjoy" ..HoObs8. Mutli

"Hawaii Ponoi."

Teaching In the future.How shall mankind bo taught

in tho futuro? Tho lato Dr. Jow-e- tt

onco said to Mrs. HumphryWard: "Wo shall como in thefuturo to teach almost ontiroly bybiography. Wo shall begin withtho life that is most familiar tous, 'The lifo of Christ,' and we

shall moro and moro put beforeour childron tbo great examplesof porsons' Hvob, so that tboyshall have from tho beginninghomes and frionds in theirthoughts." Mrs. Ward, in talking toyoung poople about books .Midreading, is stronuous in dwollingupon tho great udvautugo whichpeoplo get out of a bit of stiffreading. Sbo advises thom to ox-erc- iso

their minds as hard us theypossibly can on a bit of scionco orof history, and continuo nt it untilthoy find that thoir minds growand uro strongthoued in tho pro-cess New York ComiuoroialGazotto.

A Monument to the Itlarlyrn.

Amid tho ruins of the amphi-tboat- er

of Carthage, tho econo oftho martyrdom of many oarlyChristians, n chapel has booueroctod in ucoordanoH with thowishos of tbo Into Cardinal Luvi-geri- e.

A porson of genius should mar-ry a porson of character. Goniusdoos not hord with genius. Tbomusk deor and tho oivet oat aronever found in company.Holmes.

Man is boyond dispute tbo mostexcellent of human beings, dutthe tMigru ugreo that a gratoful bogis hotter than un ungrateful man.




twA 1

;. !- -

; j, im.Vtt:.X2.


Page 2: WBmW WHSPPiHPBLBMBBHBLBLBL 'Wfiyr … · 2015. 6. 1. · tboy wero. only 12 and 10 years old, that it was impracticable to think of their doing anything vory hard. S mo one suggested

K-- 2







I'l.nilEM'r. Itl.YTIIE WINS.

Three Appeal, to l)poic tier uroIll.ntl.aed.

The final dcoision in tho famousBly tbo cqso was rondorod by thoSupremo Court yoaforday, ,inysthe Chroniolo of December 1." Itwas in favor of Florenco Blytho-Hinckle- y,

and sweepa awny thoInst obstacle to tho nccossion bytho young girl to tho millions ofher bnchulor fathor.

In thus disposing of tho ensotho Supremo Court sustainedJudgo'CJofToy on throo differentappeals. Of theso appeals thomost important was takon bySurah Davis, ono of tho Savngohoirs. Mrs. Davis appealed fromtho docroo of distribution. Sheclaimed that not having boon aparty to tho original contest, shewns entitlod to litig.ite her claimof heirship just as though tho casohud imt boon dotoruiined ng.i'nsther brotliors, William and xXividiS.ivagi", both of whom woro part-ners to tho origiual contest whichwas decided on all points in favorof tho girl Florence.

llio c urt also ufpnseu u iwoappeals of the Gypsy lilytuos infavor of Florence. One appoalwns from tho docreo of distribution, aud the othor from an orderdenying a motion to dismiss theproceedings on tho ground thatFlorence had neglectd to havothe j'ldmiMit in her f ivor untoredwicliin ix months. Tbo judg-ment was ontered in tho probateminute book. According to thotheory of tho appellant tho casowas a ciil notion and under thelaw shoud have been enteiod in aregulir j idgmeut book. It washold by tho Supremo Court thattho action was not a civil action.It was declared, moroover, thatthe contention raised upon thoappeal hud twice bofore been pre-sented and determined adverselyto the contention. Judgo Cotlby I

was l.oM to huve properly hold indenying the motion to dismissthiit the liiutl deciec, when spreadat length upon the miuuto bookof the court of probate, was pro-perly ontered.

Advcrll.ci. CSct the Trade.The wny the public at large

look at advertising is forcibly3hown by tho utterances of aTroll-know- n Philndelphian, tom-pom- nly

in Washington, who wnswalking Komowhat out of his wayto reach a lloriat'n. When hisattontion was called to the factthat there woio othor lloristsnoaror, ho said: "I am seekingthis man bec.iuso he advortiscs intho newspapers. Tho man whoadvertises is always up to thetimes, and ho is oasior to dealwith. You laugh, but I toll youit is a fact. 1 have studied thisovor, and I know from porsonalexjerioi co. For tho last fewyoarH of my life I've made it arule ntver to deal with any busi-ness man who doesn't advertise.I w.intd sinio 11 iwors to send offin a box by mail, and I looked intho paper this morning tor theadvertisement of a 11 irist. Now,you seo, he wants to doal with me

else ho wouldn't put thut inthe papers. 1 don't know auy oftho places lieio; but the rule is ugood one, aud I'll bet you anything you say that I can got what1 want at this place, and get itcheaper than any whoio olso, or atany flower place that koops itsnamo out of the uowspapor. Thobubiuess man that doesn't ndvei-ti- so

I have !ays found narrow-minde- d,

selfish,penny-wis- e and pound-foolis-

even if ho didn't oheut mo out-right. No, sir; 1 never buy any-thing of him.''

rill hUHED(From W, S.Jo mial yf'.Tritiefnr,)

frof.W.H.Peclce,whomiiJ;''apcciaHyorEpUepfytban n I thou t duubt treated mul cured mote case tliannyltYinglMiHcian;MiiurrpaislNHiitonlhlng. We

iivc Uturd of o 1 20 your Vt Jit ulliij; cured by b'.m.Jopul)lilien. "rj i' n irl'o'tt md fjevhlrliliotend w hh n lairv butti'f of In rhnhite cure, f rt e tonyfiiffrwlio!iiaVhTJ'eu P.O.ontlKsprftfAtl-dn- .

Vebi!l'0 4fiynD4wihin,;HCtiretouJ(lit:MtVrof. W. H. 2i:ah r !.. 1 IVdar hi.. Now York.


3E3ColcLsbyjs.Sntsnnm mid Kutaul w.noBilk Kiiiiuiiun

,ind Pajamas.Kmliroidered Handkerchiefs, Dollleh,

Cushions uud Cohj-h- .

All Hand ; Painted.Arlington Ulock - - Hotol St.


"frwfv 5r: ,&'- - V""rw7HHgPf'J 73




Xmas GoodsToys of every descrip-tion, fancy baskets andboxes, beautiful de-

signs in ink stands,booklets and calendarsfor 181)0, first assort-ment in Honolulu.

Periodical DeptNew stories by stand-ard authors in sets orsinglo volumes, ju-eni- le

works for boysand girls.

Music DeptExclusive agents forself - playing Tfi-gina- ,

music box, plays over1000 tunes, Symphonyorgans, an improve-ment on the yEolian,and musical instru-ments of every des-


137" Notice : Till immense Mock winiicreunally teli-dr- liy .Mr. Nlcliol In theKaM, unci Is entirely new, no elicit worngoods, and prices arc reasonable.

Republic Building.Ififl--tf


YJL777mer fomji laiwts


Bwel "Troublesa.vfc cared W

s5. "T


Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

1.10-t- f Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.



Telephone XJ1C.

C'ouuueut in unnecfHBay.


When it Comesmvaamwm

To Disinfectants we still have

plenty, our stock lias not

been exhausted, and now

arrivals aro on hand.

Hf a P ftfc 0 Ti " M Sw Y f?H u 8 Jf H S W. 8 D H I

Geo. H. HuddyD.DS.

13fTIS'3Tout Stiu.it, cut. Catholic Mission.

Hours from (I a.m. to I r m.l.M-t- f

:- - Dr. Russel, -- :

Oflieo, Mnsonie Building.

Hours: 1 1 am, 5 pm. : Tcli jiliono 181.

Residence II tel.lC3-l-



Awnings n dpectalt' Owr C.ili- -formaFood Coinuany's tore.

30-t- f

Aloha Bath House.

NEXT TO MAHINE KAIIAVAY.lnouglit Ilea fimn tlm tng-ljo- t

wlnrf on telephoning Ko. SS5. l'uinil.udloonm to let ou tho liieinise'K.

1.10-t- f MliS.J. H.ltEIST.


Sells Hnwniian trees and rs

English saddles.Onr Motto U :

"Tako Pains and Seep Customers."IIS lictht'l St., hctweon King and Hotel.

lfi'J-t- f


lon'l Forget That

IVIedeiros $ Co.Havo lisplendfd lino of


I3:olid.a37-- s IArlington lllnck, : : : : Hotel street.

S, ElEckBr, Mgr,

Bargains inClocks, Watches andJewelry !

, ,IM.,

Owing to falling health, 1 winh to closeout my ImHiuohS early next year, lo thineud I will sell my entire stock of

Clocks, Watches andJewelry 1,



Thomas Lindsay,Campbell Block, .... Merchant St

144 tf


: AND : DEAL-ER : IN ... .

Furniture, Bedding, Etc., Etc.

Contriiolor unci nullder.No, 89, Ntiunuu Htreet.

Han on hand Cofllnn, C'tmplior TrnnkH,Matting, Wardrohei), Dcl., Matreiacn,oto,

T Call in and liihricct goodrt,lliOtl

POI! POI!Uan'.Doorn &. Co., Fort StreetKg Noxt LncnV l'hiuiug Mill, will linvo

fresh every day



Which will bo sold to fnmillen iu largo orBinn'l quantities. No Contain- -

nts Fckmsiifii.

W. L. WILCOX,l.'lltf. I'toprictor Knlilil loi Fuctory.

Store open vtnliiK.

N. IT. BURGESSRepairs GardeH Hos , Sprinklers Water Taps.

Etc, Etc.

Saw Filing anil all kinds of Tools Sharp-ened, including Carving Knives nrnl Scis-sor- s.

Lawn Blowers ropaired and for rent.Also, Setting Glass in fnct nil kinds ofJobbing. Work called for and returned.Shop and residence en Millar street.Ring up Telepbouo 852. tf

S. KIMTJRA,Wholesale Dealer in Japsnese

Wines.Liquors and l'rolslon, SaM a specialty,

Allen Struct. Telephone 701).131-I- y


103 Hotel street, Honolulu.47-t- f

QUONG SAM KEE & CO.Importers and Dealers in General


Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants,

145 Comer KIpg and Maunakea Stn

C T. AKANA,No. 324, Nunanu strret.

"MERCHANT TAILOR, vFine Suitings made to order at lowest prices.145 Clothes cleaned and repaired.

TOM CHUNG KEE,No. 47 Nuuanu street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Hoots and Shoes to order. I uso the bestmaterial, (ioods wurrunhd touear well. 143--

L. AHLO,No. 408, Nuuann street.

Has just received n now lino ofMlY GOODS, LADIES AND GENTS'


Agent for tho following rico plantations:Woipio, Wnlawa, Wuitnoln, Waialua,Kaueohe and ICapalauia .

gjV My rico from Kancoho is markedL A and is guaiantced Al.P. O. Box 114, .... Telephone 109.

143- -

Sia3L-tl- X

Tho Bus man will sendbusses to private residen-ces for passengers to Wai-ki- ki

without extra charge;private parties can bo ac-

commodated at reducedrates, hut remember (his,that a bus or wagonettewill call at your privateresidence and tako you toWaikiki and bring youback at the regular streotcar furo.



TEL- - 604




C. WMacfarlane,


CHOICE FRESH GROCERIESJut--t opened a full urd complete iiriPortmont of tholuxuries nnd dolicncics from ovory civilized nation,which will bo sold lower thun tlm lowest. . . .

Fresh. Creamery and Island Butter.I':1II.Y TKADi: A Sil'lHil ILTV.

All Goods delivered promptly. Civility and every attention given to customers at




A Nuturiilly lsnilcd

Water, pronounced by

peoplo who know; to bo

the best on the Market.

This Wator received

tho vory highest award

at tho . . .

California .'. luteruti onal


As a Tablo Bo vera go,


WATERis ii fuvorito andjensily

loads ull other Mineral


Benson Smith & Co.

Wholesale and retail agents (or the Ha-

waiian Islands,

FOR . . .



At lowest prices, go toWING TAI LUNG.

141- - Ml Nuuanu street.


All kinds oi tinware, crookery,cto, at lowest prices, , , ,

111- - Nunanu and ilotol streets



With or with-out CanopyTop. . . .

Will tales- - or-ders for all

. . .

Harness of every Description

l'.0. Box 202, . - - Tol, 20,


TEL- - 604



isll9rcFI IS

BRAUNSCHWEIGER - & - CO,Importers andLIquor Merchants.

No. 0, Drumm Street, - - - San Frnncisco.

FOIt SALE IN BULK.AsiF.wcAN Bodiuiok Whiskies in Hand per

'oarrol containing about 10 gallons eachat various prices according to ago andquality.

California Grape Brandy in Iiontl perbarrol of about 40 to SO gallons.

case aoons.Alio the celebraltd Caie Mltitkin:

"Extra Pony" Bourbon VVuisky, 12 bottles,3 gallons per caso.

"BcurRrus8" Uourbon Whisky, 12 bottles, 22-- 5 gallons per caso.

"Old Pioneer" llourbon Whisky, 12 bottles,2 2-- 0 gallons per cr.se.

"TennesKee White Ityo" Whisky, 12 bottles,2 2 5 gullons per cabo.


Send orders by .mall. Satisfaction gua-ranteed,

Bratinschweiger & Co.,141-l- No. 5, Drumm streot.

Here'sthe Stuff


Criterion ' .. t Saloon.


Page 3: WBmW WHSPPiHPBLBMBBHBLBLBL 'Wfiyr … · 2015. 6. 1. · tboy wero. only 12 and 10 years old, that it was impracticable to think of their doing anything vory hard. S mo one suggested

rWmwry&rf-- 'fW.fP "JfcV mr- p'!"B KWVP DW fi --ffmwf'vrfmvwi

EVENING BULLETIN, DECEMBER 13, 1895. 3 ''vimnmmrJwMAimMiamiLjfjlv m t iw.vmwwjmwaiiji-wiiMimiiMJW- imi jKWMwr

I'artltiicWlth aLcf.An old soldior told a roportor

of tho most nifccting parting hoovor had iu his life. It wan aparting with himsolf, or rathor apart of himself. Ho was in anongngoraont boforo Petorsburg,and hud tho mi6forluno to corao.

with a piecw of brokenBholl which exploded nor him,and which sucoooded in fiWtar--mg his log. Amputation was neo- -ossary, una suortry nftr i,0 W(l8lying in his tent, As ho lookedup ho saw n oort piled up withlegs and ar.ms of othors who hadboon unfortunate in tho ongngo-rne- nt,

and right on ton ho recog-nized his own log. "It was n sadparting," he said, "to soe a pnrtof you going away never to bo re-

turned again. I cin nover tollyou what strango feelings camoover mo, and to this day I cansco that black horao hauling myleg away to its hist resting nlacc. '

Pittsburg Dispatch.

An I'cyptlHU Wonder.

One of tho groutcst wondors ofancient Egypt wus tho famousartificial body of wator calledL-tk- Moeris. According to Her-odotus, "the measure of its

was 3,300 furlongs,which is equal to tho outirolongth of Egypt along tho soi-cniist- ."

Tlio oxcavntion, whichwas mado in tho tirao of KingMneris (tho Moinnon of theU reeks and lionans), was ofvnry-doptli- s,

and its center was occu-pied by two pyramids, tho apoxosof which were 300 feet higherthan tho suifnco of tho wator.Tho wutor for this g'guitio arti-ficial loseivoir was obtained fromthe Nilo through a cunul, whichsix months of tho year had aninflow and the other six an outflow, corresponding to high andlow wator in tho river. Tho oan-- nl

gradually filled with sind andtho lko haslongsince ovaporated.but tho bottom is still ono of thomost fertiio tr.icts in Egypt.

Sir Henry Irvine Dos.Honry Irving's dog, Fussy, is

his inseparable companion."Fussy is an old friend of

mino,'' said Sir Henry. "Ho hasbeen with me many yoars now."

Fussy is slook and fat andsodato now, but some yoars agoho distinguished himself by a re-

markable feat. Mr. Irving wuson his way to America. In loav-in- g

the train at SouthamptonFussy bec.uno aoparated from hismaster and was lost.

A thoiough soarch was madofor tho dog,but nothing was heardof him for throe weeks. At theond of that timo ho turnod up attho Lyceum Theater, moro doadthan alivo. He was a sorry look-

ing dog, but bo made tho tripfrom Southampton to London nndhud found his wuy back to thopluco whoro his master wus usual-ly to bo found. A'eto York Sun.

II In Lant Ullsuful Tlloucht.

The old organ blower of Pin-klob- ury

lay dying; tho curate wusvisiting him.

"Would you mind, sir, askingour orginist to play tho deadmarch over mo?" asked the sickman.

"Cortiinly I will, Jones," saidtho curato.

"Thankee, sir; none o that 'erotweedledum Boothoven, you know,sir; only Handel's."

"I am sure ho will do it," re-

sponded tho curute.The old man lay placidly for a

whilo, then oxclnimed. with fer-

vor: "How thankful I ho that Ishan't havo to blow for him whenho plays tho loud part at thoend." Church Times.

HooiVa IaTlio llextMedicine all tho Tear urouud, becauso It puri-fies, vitalizes and enriches the blood, audtliercforo kI lb strength to resist bad effectsiron Ml blood disease, Malaria, Pneumonia,Golds, Catarrh, lluenraatltra, etc. SeriousIllness lias often been prevented when Uood'BSarsaparilU has been taken In time.

Hood's Pillh aro the best after-dinn- pillsassist digestion, present constipation. U5e,




J. ip. WATEIfllOUgE.I7Mw

mm IreG-rocex-- sr






' Tinned Buttor, Top o' Can Nutter, WhitnoyRoll ButterTPottod Moats, Boned Tuikoy,


(Jlnckon, Dovilod Ham, Luuch Tongues,Boneless Herring, Boston Baked Beans andu comploto lines of

, - rsiesufefsust OezeaJLs - -

St. : Store, : No.

Hclld.a,3r 3-ood-.s.

Marseilles GUillts,


Silks And Surahs,Fancy Colored Silks ,

-- AN'D-

Grepo Grenadinos, Boal Maltoso Luco,Valonciennos Laco. Ladios and GentsKimberly Gloves, Ladies Cloths Brown,Drab and Grey, Ladies Black Hose, Sani-tary Dyo, D. I'. Corsets, R. and G. Corsots,Eqoipoiso Waists and Corsots

John T.

DECEMBEn' 7, 1895.In ovory account of woddings,

recoptions, nunivorsaries and dearknows what thero is always a description of tho lloral decorationsbut never a word about tho potsthat hold tho plants and flowers.There nro two reasons for this :

One, because tho pots nro usuallysuch common-plac- e affairs thatthey are not worth mentioning; thoother is bocauso they escapo thoroportor's oyo.

Horotoforo thoro has been onlyono place in Honolulu whero gen-uine majolica vases for plantscould bo bought. Now, thero nrotwo. Ouns is tho othor ono, and wothink it is tho best because thostock is larger and tho assortmentmoro varied. Today is a goodtimo to corao down nnd make yourselection.

Thoro used to bo only two orthree places whoro you could buyn decorated chamber sot and thoones they sold woro indifforont as ,

to quality or stylo; they containeda certain number of pieces andthey managed to pretty well covora wash stand. Ours weio soloctedfirst for their usefulness and noxtfor their beauty. You never snwtheir eciunl in this country and youmny never again tho odd shapewill Btriko your fancy nnd thoprico, S5 to 12, will settle it bo farns you nro concornod. There'snothing cheap about thom excopttho prico. If you were iuthoStntesyou would pay twonty dollars forthem nnd novo? murmur. Wodon't want tho earth but wo wantyour trade.

In tho snmo room with thochamber sets you will notice alot of whatnot ornaments forholding llowors. Most anyonowould appreciate ono of them nsa gift at this season, bocauso theyaro pretty nnd useful, and you willenjoy giving one of thom awaybocauso thoy nro inexpensive. Theassortment is larger than youimagine. If you prefer givingaway cut glass and do not feelthat you can spend much moneybuy a piece of English cut glass.It costs about half what tho JDor-flin- gor

Amoricnn does, but it isgonuino.

Wo hnvo the Doriliugor too.

W. W. D1MQND.IGO-t- f





Toilet Quilts.


Drapery Silks.




upon a !eco of coral rock, wlillo bath-ing utWitlkikl, nnd not ease up or mako anyprolano remarks, roust also bo able to Knocka mosquito off bis noso without bitting thutorgan, be will bo required to examine n blcj-cl- e

track nnd lell which wnythu wheel wustraveling; call on Drown & Kubcj and lookon tbdr now slock Just rccclu-- per last'Australia." 153 tf

Empire SaloonA general stock of Liquors, Ales and




Aro of the finest nnd come to nsdirect from Europe, . .

OUR MCBRAYER WHISKEYImportod Btraieht from Louis- -

vil fo, Ky.

JAMES OLDS, Prop.48-t- f

Dr. W. L. MooreHPIb.'ST'sicIar.etna.

Illlo, llanall.

Special attention given to dlsensts of thocju aim car.

Office hours J ,to "

Wainnuenuo Avo. near Court IIouso. 103-t- f


Hawaiian Blue StoneIsrom tlie

amouspDG3ton Qnar-rle- s!

f r.t3i3,ft tUA.9 At Hi JThe finest Stone,7 on city Mmci. (T

in Hawaii forI f ml mw ,wm4 II building and

fencing pur-pos-

Cut toorder In any

lie or shapeTOMLWSOIlV to suit the

trade or pub-lic

MTThli stoneIs the same asused in the 1 u- -

naliou Collegenil Von HoltMfi n bulldlnn.

Auent for Lane Uros,, 8. F,

Arthur Harrison, Prop.1S1-- U

Irfl.JL r stock of1 U


jKfz3r vz&im )fw!11

u m . iiM . ' ) )


Tf shoes jetsSrnf.Mmni.BMH ilv i

un e c --hZH W-nT-

4z?WA m- -


-:- - -:- -


P. O. Box 18U.





King & Nuuanu Sts.

AM NOW prepared to accept jonr orders

I fordjelnjr, nil kind of cotton good,woolens, sllkn, crepet, lawns, itc, uttkutnett nrlcca:

N KIIYAMOTO,1P2-- U KnullKc street mnkal of King -- trcct.


and dealers In

CROCKEKV, GLA8SWAUE, ETC., ETC.Water Pipes, laid nnd repaired,nnd plumbing ncitly executed.

14-3- No 41, Nuuanu street.


Oummiiid' Block.


Doc. Mth,


BY- -


in Parian

Marble, Gon-

uino; Silk Lamp Bhados,

tlio B and N Lamps, Pic-


"Wator Colors.

17C-t- f.





ZLva-ma,ctia.xex- s' DBig SloeSpTORK--street, honolulu.




The Pacific Hardware


Grand Sale of


Commoncing Saturday,

Choice Pictures,





Artotypos, Photo-gravuro- a,


SBjiTR O-fl-US





a. i.



M parlor, two bed rooms, diningroom, kitchen, nantrv and bathroom.

Enquire L. AULEll, til Nuuanu street.IC7-2-


llrm of tho late J T. Walerhousc, for ac-

counts owing prelons to March 1, lb'J, nronotlhed to settle same before January 1, H0,nt tho olllce of J. T. Wntcrhousc, Queen St.

170-l- m

To Let.

ONLIl.im STREET, new corrAoncontaining four largo rooms, kitchen nndbath room, largo garden with stnblo nndcoach bouse, ittssession nt ouco. Apply to

W. II. l'AIN, oit105-t- f O. D. CIIA8E.


T. Krovioo, -- - - tE'xop.Per Day 8 2.00Tor Weok 12.00

BpacloJL aurontlily XSatoalTlioBcstbf Attondnnco, tho Best Situa-tion nnd tho Finest Monls in this City

Wanted at the Louvre Saloon.01 Nuuanu Mrrct.

5000 nion daily to drink the 5000


EDWARD & HARRY,l'ostofflco Ilox 47.r Honolulu.

1.12 Gm


Telephone 230, No. fioy, King Stllitf


Doalors in Lumbar nnd Couland Building Mntoriuls of allkinds.

Quoon Utroot, Honolulu.

YEE ON CO.,317 Nuuanu St. Y. O, llox 143.

Watchmakers and Manufactur-

ing Jewelers.HepalrlnR ol Watches and Jewelry. ALLWOltK OUAKANTEEI).

Importers of Watches and Clocks ol FinestHI) Grades.

Orient Planing Mill,VING PAT & CO.,


Furniture of all kinds mado and rtpalred.IlulldliiL' houses and makluK rice mills a spcclslly. r. O. llox 1W, corner Kln aud Itellic!streets. 143


A $110 BICYCLEBV&m.-ltft- J



PIERCEEithor it roadster or a racer, ladyV

or gentli'innn'H, suit yourself.

"With every ONE DOL-LO- lt

puri'liaso, wo give acoupon which entitles youto a chance on tho


fifty dollars purchaso vougot fifty coupons. Withono coupon you may gettho wheel, but of coursetho moro coupons youhavo tho more chnncesyou have

v?7" The decllon and uliiclwlll be ulvertnt our More 1UKSDAY cmiiIii, Dccemlwr:ilt, nt b r. m.

i. J. EGAN.KO-t- f

TO . iIMinninaWB85- -




Trains will Icavo on Satunlnys at 9:1Cn.m., and 1:15 p.m, arriving in Ilonolnleat 3:11 p.m. and 00 p.m.

Train will lon;e on Snudnyg at 9:15 a.m.,arriving in Ilonolnln at 5u p. in.


1st Class, $1 762nd Class, 1 2G

P. C. Smith,132-3- Gcn'l I'ahi, and Ticket Agent.


BREAD, PJES and CAKESOf nil kiud.

O?" Tho finef.1 imjiortcd confectionery.IGo-- tt Hold street, near Tort.





made nnd repaired.

"Purticulur nttontion pnid toSHIPS, BLA0KSMITII1NG. J

nvrniHiAM .a t vmmi' ! i i&i in


124-- tf Queun St. AJ

Castle & Cooke 4(Limited) sJ

IMPOKTEKS, AHardware Jand lCommission M

Merchants, S

General 1

Merchandise 1AgriculturalImplementsandPlantationSupplies.


Page 4: WBmW WHSPPiHPBLBMBBHBLBLBL 'Wfiyr … · 2015. 6. 1. · tboy wero. only 12 and 10 years old, that it was impracticable to think of their doing anything vory hard. S mo one suggested


f".j' vyi .ypyjpr 3C'T5P "" '"'"".'fj T--T fCWf4' ,v--' " f,-



Regulations of the Board of Health.

llKLATIKQ TO FlSIllNO AND THE SALK orFish ix the City ok Honomjmj.

Sdctiov 1 Tho taking of Rcalo fish orany product of tho sea or water (torn anypart, inlet or branch ot the Honolnlnharbor, or from any stream emptying Intosaid harbor to anil within ono hundred feetbeyond nny point affected by tho tidestowardii tho laud from Bald harbor andwithin n lino running from tho point atIwllel near the Fork Packing Company'sslaughter houtt to tho ofllco of the quaran-tine station, thonco to tho can buoy, andfrom the can buoy to and along the westernwall of tho coral onclosuro for dredgiugs atKakaako, is strictly prohibited.

Sutios- - 2 'I ho snlo of (Nh and of allproducts of tho sen is prohibited in thocity of Honolulu, excepting at tho nowluiukcl building and such other places asme specially permitted whure lish ntul thoproducts of tho ben may bo exposed for s ilu

under snpenision of Inspectors appointedy the Hoard of Health.

Sktion ,-T- Such Inspectors shall hatopower to m.170, condemn and destroy anyfish or product of tho sea exposed for sale,or brought to the market, uhich they shallhu leusou to believe was taken from the

locality prohibited by tbcee regulations, or

which shiill appear to bo unlit for food.

Sifrios 1 'lho llegnlations of tho Hoard

of Health relating to the side nnd taking of

lish dated N'ou'inbcr 1.1, 1S!).", aro hirchyrescinded.

By older of the Donid of Health.


l'ruhldent.December 12, 18!).'. 17(1 :i

Notice to Tax Payers.

Tn I'ajers of this DUtiict aro herebynotitlcd that all Tuxes ore now duo anil

pnjabluattho office of tho Tax Assessor

and Collector, at the Go eminent Ituilding,Honolulu .

Tho office will be open from !) a. m.until 4 p. m. daily (Sundays excepted), to

reecho payment of such Taxes."All Taxes which shall leinain unpaid

after the 1,'th day of December, (10) ten per

cent shall be added to such Taxes by theAsse-vxi- and shall be collected ns part of

such Taxes."WILLIAM II. WltlGUT,

Deputy Assessor, District Koua, Islandof Oahn .

Approved:Jonathan Shaw,

Assessor 1st Division.17r-- 3t

DErutTMEST of Finance, I

Homilum', Dec. 0, lb'J5. f

, Under Article 35. Section 1 of the Consti-

tution, It Is required that caili member of thoCabinet ehull inuke an annual report of thetraiisaetioiu wltliluhls Department, duringthe jear ending December 31st.

The Minister of finance takes this occasionto roiueit all thoo having claims against the(lori-rninen-t of a monetary nature, to presentthem to this olllce, through the proper De-

partments, not later than Id o'clock noon onTUESDAY, January 14th. ISUO, after whichdate the books of this Department wilt beclosed.

All persons huving moneys on account of

tho Government aro requested to maketheir ltturns promptly, in order that theromay bo no delay in closing tho accountsfor the year ending December 3Ut, lSO.l.

8. M. DAMON,173-12- 1 Miuister of Finance.

51? EueF)ir?$ Bulletin,


FK1DAY DEO. 13, 1895.


By tho latest mail was receivedHonolulu coireppondonco of thoSan Frunuisco Chronicle, whichstated that the two ulleged con-

spirators now under arrest worobeing shadowod and would likelysoon be arrested. It was onlywliilo tho steamer bringing backthis information was approachingthe harbor that the authoritiesproceeded to make tho arrestsThis is another instance of theGovernment's giving away conf-idential information to correspon-dents of foieign papers which theyrefuse to tho local press.

In this cuso, too, it is learned thatpartiality was shown to tho cor-

respondent in question, as againstothers who represent Const papershoro. Why this should bo so

ought to require an explanation.Thero is room for doubt as to thowisdom of giving such informationat all in advanoo, In this caso it

might havo defeated tho ends ofjustico, for tho mnil might havopivon timoly warning to tho sha-dowed men, so ns to onnblothorn to givo tho authoritiesmuch unnecessary troublo, if notbafllo thorn altogether, inefToctingthoir capturo. Tho correspond-ent in question nearly mado nmess of tho business through bispossession of tho information.Knowing that his story would bepublic property here whonovortho mails enmo nshoro ho hurried,in that day's issuo of tho looalpapor ho edits, to nnticipato otherjournnlists in giving news of thoueuouotnont. Thoreroro it wasthat his papor published an no

count of tho arrest of themon biforo they woro arrostod,which guvo ono "f thorn ntlenst a clmnco to olutle'tho polico.Most experienced ollicials witli- -

liokl aclvnnce luiormaiion 1 tin-kin- d

in quostinn from Lowxnapermen who liuvo not proved thatthey will never abuse tho coiif- i-

dctico thus roposed in thorn.


Thero is n more sorious questionconfronting Urn Government, withregard to tho Henrietta's expedi-tion, than that of oertaking theillicit tr.idor or cipturing horcargo of opium. A story comosfrom Victoria about tho Henriet-ta's voy.igo, which includos astatement of belief thero that thoagont for tho contraband stuff ntthis end is "a prominent customsofficial." As this story w.is sentto a San Francisco paper, fromwhich wo tako it, it is reasonablyfree from tho suspicion of havingbeen dosiguod paiticulurly to in-

jure anybody hore. Upon thoface of it, the reflection on a cus-toms official appears to bo onlyincidontal to the narrative, but attho samo time ono of its most interesting portions. In justico notonly to its own good name, but totho officials of tho custom hnuso,tho Government should im-

mediately instituto a strictinvestigation of tho state-ment in question. As nearlyall of the custom houso businessof the islands is douo at this port,thore aro a goodly number of

officials who may fuirly, at leastin reportorial license, be deno-

minated as "prominent." It is

duo to ovory honost man in thiscatogory that no effort should bosparod to dotoct tho guilty offi

cial, or to clear all tho officials oftho bureau if tho accusation isfalso. In the extensive justifica-tion propaganda of the revolutionof 1893 thore was a grout doalSaid about an opium ring, amongsovoral othsr disroputable things,huving boen abolished bythat evont. No ovidenco wasover produced to vorify theassortions, but, whether thoywero truo or false, tho fact

that thoy were soatterod broad-cast over tho world makes it niltho more imperative that no Gov-

ernment uudor tho now regimeshould rest quietly undor tho im-

putation of harboring even un-

wittingly an opium smugglingcombination. It behoovos theGovernment, moreover, to ascer-

tain whether nny of its sovoralexpeditions, as yet futilo, to catchopium smuggling craft woro dofoated through misdirection in any wayby any of its officials. Talk of


A.unt iLbbey.

such treacherous doaling has,indeed, boen hoard in tho commu-

nity. Tho wholo subject should boprobed to tho bottom.


Details roluting to tho subsidiesfor now stoamor lines to bo oponedto America, Australia, Europo,Yladivostock and tho China coastworo undor discussion, at lato

tho Japunose Gov-

ernment and tho Nippon YusonKaisha, the largo corporationwhoso steamers havo ofton broughtloads of Jnpnneso immigrants toHonolulu.

Following on tho heels of intelligence that all was sorono inMadng'ipcar, after tho cipttuo ofthe capital by France, comes newsof a sorious anti-Europe- riot ntArivonimaino. A mob of 2000natives attacked the Friends Mis-

sion at that placo and murderedthe Itov. Mr. Johnston and hiswifo nnd child. Tho bodies ofthe murdorod persons woro horri-bly mutilated. Furthorattacks onfoioiguors and ndditional mas-

sacres aro feared. Tho Frenchtroops will probably bo nblo torostoro order.

H. II. Ilolmes, the inhumantnonstor charged with ti host of

murders committed systematic-ally in tho United Stutos andCanada, was rofimod n now trialat Philadelphia on November 30for tho murder of IJ. F. Piotzel inthat city on Soptombor 21, 1891.Judge Arnold, upon rendering hisdecision refusing a now trial.forth-wit- h

sontoncod tho prisonor to bohanged. Ho was sontonced undortho name of Horman V. MudgottsAn appeal to tho Supremo Courtwas to bo taken at onco, but thonaso nppoars to havo boen madeout too clonrly for an appeal toavail anything excepting for delayof execution.

Tho Independent hus donied inlanguage more forciblo than ele-

gant that a boll has evor boonrung in its sanctum for tho pur-pos- o

of calling down tho editor.It intimates also that tho columnsof tho papor may contain any-

thing necessary for or against theHawaiian. Wo have no particu-lar reason for doubting tho state-

ment. Now the burden of proofrests on tho editor of lho Tnno, orporhaps the Star. We huve over-

looked the latter piper bocause ithas not for sumo timo boen con-

sidered a prominent paper. Ifits oditor cou'd only bo inducedto muffle tho boll long enough to

answor the imputation tho publicmight learn just who Hayno


Advanced IMiicullim In Japan.Tho Jnpanese Minister of Edu-

cation, Marquis Saonji, hasfor-mulato- d

his educational systom

for Japan, and it sooms to meet

tho approval of all tho highorclasses. Ho proposes to bring upyoung mon on broad and liberallinos. Ho insists that tho studyof tho English language is of thegreatest importance. Ho will doaway with the study of old Jap-anea- o

litoraturo in tho sohoolaund mako the study of Englishcompulsory whoro it is now onlyoptional.

Subscribo for tho Evening Bui-leti- n.


AUNT ABBEY'SOooked Xlolled Oats

Tho original brand.Economical,

DELICIOUS,any braml,

iMf Tor Kale liy all LoiiMug Grocers.


Jimely Jopie5

-- : ON :--






In our last advertisement inthis column we called atten-tion of the public to theStearns wheels which are nowbeing sold in this city. Westated without fear of contra-diction that they were backnumbers, manufactured in 1894and shipped to the PacificCoast as up to date wheelswhen, they are not. We rei-th- at

terate assertion more for--cibly in this ad. It has notbeen denied and cannot be,and we again caution buyers J

not to ue deceived witn amiquated niacnmes wnicn arerepresented as containing allthe latest improvements.

An ad of the Stearns agencyin an afternoon paper, praisingthe Tribune wheel and givingit a good send-of- f, refers to aletter written by H. F. Terrill,the well-kno- wn scorcher, con-

cerning the Tribune wheel.In spite of their assertion tothe contrary, we deny that theagents of the Stearns wheelhave seen or read the privateletter of Harry F. Terrill to theTribune rider here (meaningTommy King) but as there isnothing secret about it weprint the whole of it relatingto bicycles below. If theStearns agents can get anysatisfaction out of it they aremore than welcome. Mr. Ter-rill says: "I am riding aSteam, 16 lbs. Say, Tom, theTribune wheel has an awfulgood reputation through theEast. I did not think muchof it before I came EastIt is considered one of the bestmechanically constructedwheels in the world."

The balance of the letterrefers to private matters butthe Stearns agents may perusethe whole ot it at any time.The explanation of TerriiPsriding a Stearns wheel lies inthe fact that he is under con-

tract with the manufacturersto do so, consequently he can-

not ride a Tribune although itis evident ne would lr ne nadthe choice.

In our last advertisement weasked any intending pur-chaser to take one of theStearns wheels to any first-cla-ss

mechanic and have him take itapart and compare it with thecorresponding features ot theTribune wheel. We knew thatan honest opinion would bethat the Tribune is by far thebetter wheel and hence madethe challenge. We renew thatchallenge and intend to keep itbefore the public. It has notbeen accepted and it will notbe.

We expect those TribuneTandems on the Australia andif they arrive they will probab-ly be seen in the New Year'sraces.

Don't purchase a bicycle ofany kind without first examin-

ing the Tribune.


Tie KaiailiB IMmt C. Lit



Triumph.TWO MOKE


Yesterday wo dclichted two separate audiences which throngedour pavilion nt mutiueo and even-ing sessions.



If our first pIcoHpddo not fail to see thisone

Next Matinee- -


l'rk'C!" iix usual.

Election of Officers.A MEETING OK THE. SJTAUKHOLD.AT era of (be California Feed Co., Ltd., the

follow lug ollltirs w crc ilectud to serve for theunsulnj; j car:

President Cecil Drown.8. Itoth.

Secretary C. M. V. Forster.Treasurer ami Manner T. .1. Kin".Auditor Geo. J. Kiwi.

The b(i e named olllucri ulo constitute thelluard of Directors.

C. M. V. FOUSTJSB.Secretary California Feed Ce., Ltd.

Honolulu, Dec. 2ud, IWi.ul"7-3- t,


Estimutcs civon on nilkinds of Stona, J3rick nnd "Woodwork. Kii ( slroot. t7-1 f

Consol iateH Soda Water Co., L'fl

I2spla.na.cLe,Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.

HOLLISTER & CO.,A cents.

Aloha Bath House.

NEXT TO MARINE RAILWAY;hiouglit freo from the tug-boa- t

wharf on telephoning No. 635. Furniuhodrooms to let on the premises.

136-t- f MItS.J.H.ItEIST.

Silk cropos

Pretty drawnneckties,

workcloth, justdress patterns,white and

Presents dress in babycarved ivorytortoise shollcombs andvases hanging,

a fewPopular fow prettyand shavingsroll, '10 yardshair pin boxes,

Prices and bagsirST Much

and all prices

177-l- m

(vtnKHma1 's m.'i?ritrm-vij-

nmmmmmwmmmm fT.Vwi2ixw2imwim wmi'Jtutf.lWS?W''i.'Wa . S;

Exclusive and Attractive.Free Eods and


Tolophono 88S).


BtiltaUa for a doctor's office, orlight house keeping.. Inquire- - ot

D. iMoKENZIK,108-t- f ' 27AIakcaSt.

For Sale.AN "ED. WE8TMAYEU" DEIUrN UP-rlg- ht

I'lano In excellent condition will beold cheap. Address) X,

138-- tf nuLLiTlN Olllce.


Apply to.

ED. A. WILLIAMS.144-t- f


lto3 8tallH.

ED. A. WILLIAMS.114-t- f

For Sale.PINE LACK IIOHBK, 1'EUFECTLYI sound. Apply to

ED. A. WILLIAMS.l4-t- f

To Let.ALMA COTTAGE, AT WAIK1KI, 18 TOLet, furnished, together with a beach lot.

Apply to


For Sale.

400 HEAD OF BDEF CATTLE. FOB'salo in lota to suit.

S. NOIlItIS,i4.ru Kalmkti, Kan, Hawaii.

b L & nil owsssszCHOWDER. . .



Royal Hawaiian Hotel


Every Saturday ovoning, forits patrons. ......

Clam. OliowcLei'.Fisli Clio,-vler- .

1C5-2- 1

J. J. SurxivAir, J. ni'CKur,Prealdoufe Seo'r.

FasMon Staples Co., L'fl.Honolulu, II. 1.

Suiiid.7i.N & Buckley, MortVrs.

FINEST EQUIPPED CARRIAGESin tho CHy, with Competent and Care-

ful Drivers.

Siand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner ot Fort and Hotel Streets.

Tolephone:Haw'n Hotel Stables, 82.Pantheon Smbles, 84,

If Fashion Stables. 148.

solid colors, silk bed spreads, pnja-m- as,

cushion covers, tidies, doyliesand hand painted silk bolting

tho tiling for painting on. Sovoral silkladies embroidered dresses in

brown linen and ono pretty baby'sbluo, bovoled mirrors with elegantbacks, carved ivory boxes. Inthoro aro lorgnettes, ladies side

lia'r pins in vunous stylos. Flowerwall and stand, in colored poreo-lai- n,

dozon o broad and buttor plates, apearl rings and piiiB, mats in grass

3x0, shaving slippers, mattings ineach, ladies silver powder and

and an endless variety of boxessuitable for candy for children.

of the above, lato importations,greatly reduced. Open evenings.

A. BARNES.FortBtroet.


Bathing ResortAT WAIKIKI.

Fin FisllillS,Bait Furnished.



Page 5: WBmW WHSPPiHPBLBMBBHBLBLBL 'Wfiyr … · 2015. 6. 1. · tboy wero. only 12 and 10 years old, that it was impracticable to think of their doing anything vory hard. S mo one suggested


Lots of now things at KingBros, Hotol slroot.

Lonky roofs bavo all boon dis-covered by this time.

Mark Twain is mooting withgroat success in tho colonies.

Tho Alamoda took 32G2 lettorsand 1050 papors to tho Coast.

Two nativo chefa gamblers weronrrostod yesterday afternoon.

J. A. Kennedy bus boon madoan honorary mombor of Com-

pany D.Honrj Ronjes has rosumod bis

official dutios as consnl for Mo- -

xico and vico-cons- for Spain.

Tho "oldost inhabitant" withhis story of how it usod to raininearly dayB has bobbed up again.

Petor High expocts to spendChristmas with his mother at hisold homo in Niagara Falls, Ca-

nada.Pursor McComb of tho Aus-

tralia ontertained a number of liisfrionds on that good ship lastnight.

Attornoy-Goneru- l Smith tookchargo of thovarioiiH departmentsunder his offioiul supervision thismorning.

Tho Hawaiian bund will playat tho hotol tonight if it doos notrain. Tho program will bo foundolsuwhoro.

San Francisco is to bavo a new$150,000 opera house, to bo oroct-o- d

on Howard stroot, betweonFifth and Sixth.

Wray Taylor's concert in aid otthe Lepers' Christmas commences8 o'clock tomorrow evoning. Tick-o- ts

aro 50 cents.A. J. Dorby. D.D.S., Dontal

oflico Cottago No. 100, Alukoastreet, telephono Io. C15. Oflicohours 9 a.m. to 4 P.M.

Inspoctor - Gonoral Atkinsonwill ofFor a valuublo prize to thetonchor standing tho best oxami-nati- on

in January next.

J. T. Waterhouso is having ahandsomo plato glass front putinto his crockery and hardwarodepartment on Quoen street.

Hoads of government depart-ments aro busy preparing thoirannual reports which must beprinted in readiness for tho Leg-islature.

Four now performers aroby tho Wnrrimoo from the

Colonies on Jan. 1st to join in thoattractions prosontod at Wirth'scircus.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Nunanu streets, lodging byday, week or month. Torms: 25and 50 conts per night' $1, and$1.25 por week.

Preston Harrison, correspond-ent for an Eastern newspapersyndicate, who was hero somemontliB ago, was a through pas-song- er

on tho Alamoda.

Thoro is only eno pluce in Ho-nolulu whoro you can tot freshcandy overy day.Tho Palaco candystore cators to tho host people,and you can nlways got what youwant.

Aftor all, the best odveriiso-mont- s

aro those that evinco thomost knowlodgo of human naturo,says an oxohange, and tho Bul-letin is the host medium in Ha-waii to put them in.

City Curriago Co.. J. S. And.rado, manager. If you want ahook with good borso and care-ful drivor ring up Tolophono 113,cornor of Fort and Merchantstreets- - Hack at all hours.

Betweon tho hours of sevon a.m. and six p. m. yestorday, thorowore one hundred uad thirty tolo-phono calls for backs at the290 stand. Haoks being in suchdomand, about twenty orders badto bo turned away.

All olaims against tho IutoriorDepartment to and including Do-com- ber

81st must bo presentedboforo January 9th, on which datotho books for tho yoar 1895 willbo closed. Claims against thoFinanco Department must boprosontod beforo January llth.

An item in yostorday's paporstated that tho Wall, Nioholsstore would remain olosod noxtMonday. Tho notico was writtonand should havo road "until nextMonday." Tho store will openon Monday morning, when thonow goods reooivod on tho Aus-tralia will bo plaood on salo.


Tho Alameda had sovontythrough passengors.

Tho conspiracy cases havo gonoover until Monday.

A short session of tho DistrictCourt was bold this morning.

Company A will practice shoot-

ing at Kakaako butts on Sunday.

Pure candy for holiday uso attho Palaco Candy Storo on Hotelstroot.

Hawaiian wator color X mascards from 25 cont, up. King Bros,Hotel St.

Mrs. Charles Turner, who arrivedon tho Alamoda, will teaoh sing-

ing after tho first of January.Goorgo Weight, formorly of

Onomeu, will tako cburgo of thoKahuku plantation as manager.

The Alamoda took away twelvohundred bunchos of bananas forChristmas dinners forpeople

Thoro will bo no froo programsfor tho concert tonight, but onowill bo found in tho Bulletin abusual.

Prof. Hosmor will purohaso fur-nitur- o,

desks, etc., for tho Bishophall at Punahou wbilo in SanFrancisco.

Ohineso contract laborers at theqnarantino station lrnvo for thoplantations today by tho steumorKoauhou.

Tho funoral of Justico Bicker-to- ntakos place this afternoon,

and unfortunately heavy rain hasresumed falling.

Tho steamship China, now onher way to this port, is expectedto bring about 700 Oriental labor-ers for tho plantations.

The Alameda's captain refuseda potition from his cabin pas-songc- rs

to romain in port untilG o'clook last night.

Tho St. Androw's salo of workand fair is postponod from to-

morrow on account of tho wonthor,until some day noxt wook.

Akirna was arrestod last nightand Kekapa this morning. Theyaro both charged with running agamo known us "Russian war."

Tho pooplo on tho tug Eleu willhavo about all they can do to takeoaro of themeolves in this kind ofweather, and thoy aro not to beonvied.

There will bo no show by thocircus this evoning, but thoro willbo a matineo at 3 o'clock tomor-row, and an ovoning performanceat 8 o'clock.

Tho Chineso samshu siloonopons tomorrow, and it will bointeresting to note if tho usualSaturday night crop of drunks isincreased.

Tho road jury whioh Is to con-sid- or

tho matter of wideningRichards street, botween Kingand tho markot, will meet at noontomorrow.

Tho Tax Offico will bo open to-

morrow until five o'olock to givean opportunity to taxpayers tomake thomsolvas squaro with thoGovornmont.

The Salvation Army aro mak-ing great preparations for lovefeasts, farewell and othor inoot- -ings Jon Tuesday, Wednesday andThursday of noxt woek.

A ropurt comes from San Fran-cisco that Captain Morso will bogiven tho command of ono of thonow Canadian-Paoifi- o linors run-ning from Vancouvor to Japan.

Mrs. Riohard Brash died yes-terday. The funoral takes plaooat 3:30 this aftornoon from herlato rosidonco on Emma street.Tho deceasod was 40 years of age.

It is rumorod that Luco willhold tho biggest auotion salo oftho season, in a day or so, at A.Barnes' on Fort stroot that loca-

tion boing chosen for the Bale of alot of lovoly holiday goods.

Sixteen of tho oighteon membersof the Y. M. 0. A. orchostraturnod out for practice last nightin spite of the rain, and wero giventwo hours of it. Tho othor twomombers aro absont from tho city.

Mrs. Geo. E. Boardman willhold bor annual Christmas salo athor rosidonoc, Kapiolani and Ki-n- au

stroots, beginning Thursday, Deo. 5. Fancy artiolos ofall descriptions now roady for inspeotion.

G. R. Harrison, practical pianoand organ ma kor and tunor, caifurnish best factory reforonoes.Ordres loft at Hawaiian Nows Co.will recoive prompt attention. Allwork guaruntoed to bo tho sameas dono in fuotory.

"'t y"swiyr ' sTW 0:f?v


Highost of all in Leavoning Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Roport.

r&&gjgAaseixtnx van

Bour drunks contributed thousual $3 to tho public troasurythis morning.

Nino nativos and ono Ohinesoare under arrest charged withmanufacturing spirituous liquors.Thoir trials will come up in theDistriot Court noxt weok.

Bon, who was arrestod Novora-bn- r

19th for using bad lnnguncoin a public placo. was found guiltythis morning and fined ?5 andcosts. His cn'so will bo nppoitlcd.

Tho case of Kawamoto, chargedwitu malicious injury in sprink-ling sorao chumical Bubetunco ona lot of clothos hanging out todry and ruining about $20 worth,was partly hoard uotoro dudgoPorry this morning.

Officers of tho California FeedCompany for tho onsuing yeur aroas follows: Cecil Brown, presi-dent; S. Roth, t; C.M. V. Forstor, secrotary; T. JKing, treasurer and manager;Goo. J. Hobs, auditor.


My $10.00 iBath Tulw, lined with bestquality, No. 10 zinc, 0 in. Pipe, Ohniu undVI up, with wood riin nil complete. Otlieidealers nro duintonndcd, and resort to allmanner of Tricks and Kxcubcs.

Be not deceived, tbeso Bath Tabs barebeen sold for $14 until I reduced tbo prico.

I am prepared to do nil work in my linoand guarantee, satisfaction-- . Estimates fur-nished.

If yon want ft Rood Job cheap for Cash,ring up Telephone 844, and I am yourman.

.IAS. NOTT Jn,177-- tf Tinsmith l'lmubor.

I vs

Glvj V j3


LandZFOIES : S-A-Hl-


At tbo bead of Llllba and Wyllle BtrccU.Tlio only available larue tract of land nearHonolulu. A beautiful lew of tliu city andharbor and as cool as a freali mountain breezecau male It,

000 AC11E3 Or COFFEE LANDIn tbo center of the dWrlct of Kona, Hawaii,partly under cultivation.


at Kabukulou, Maul.

A UUILING LOTfor storu or residence at Labalua, .Maul, nearthe lauding.

KONA, HAWAII. LANDIn pieces of from 1 to I Keren.

Halites for rent In arlou parts of tho cityand furuUlicd huusit at Walklkl und at tlioI'cnlniula.

Heavy Watorhouse.IttalLitatc, CommUilou A Insurance Agiut.

The place to got pictures or tohave pictures framed is unques-tionably nt King Bros. Thoydevoto thoir ontiro attention totho art businoss and aro proparodat all timos to givo absoluto satis --

faction. Thoir art rooms aro al-w- ays

opon for inspection.

J &-- . &

Tfm& nnt.imyt s1


About tlio best placo to buy


-- WE FL'ltNISI- I-



California FeedCo. iri.Ei'imsH hi.

157-- tf




AOEOBiLTS IFrom Ozaka.


1'ltOOUA.MME.1 Takizawa Cldgoklchl In his famous rop

balaucltur. performance.2 TaMzawa Koklcbl In tho world renown-

ed pole and basin Juggling.3 Taklzawa Brothers In thulr wonderful

long distance, tub Juggling.4 Taklzawa Chlkoklchl In wouderful feats

of ball rolling.5 Taklzawa Koklcbl In his remarkable

umbrella balancing uct.0 Takazawa Chlkoklchl In his cloth Jug-gll- ng

performance.7 Taklzawa In his wonderful bamboo

balancing.8 Koklcbl In a marvelous frame balancing

act.Chlgoklcbl In hi original ball

rolling performance.Do not fall to see these, artists from thu


This Rening, December 111, 1805,lVrforinauco commeucoH at 8 o'clock hharp.


AUllllH --- --- u 0011T.H

Children 25- - - - contsReserved Seats 75- - - conts

J?" Seat on salu at building Friday after-noon. TiH'mla) , Wedueidu)suiul Thursdu)SrcKTMclfor wbltu people, Saturday Mallucoforclilldrcn. 10lm

Now Advertisements.


N. S.520, Fort Stroot,


Our stock is most complete, our






A fine assortment of TANS, HAND RAGS and LEATHER PURSESnt very low prices.

BATTENREUG LACE SQUARES, LACE AND SILK DRAPES.Specini bargains in Embroidered Hnndkerchiofs, tho mostcomploto line, nnd prices eclipse nil former values. Lace bedSots, Curtains und Portieres. Latest novelties in Children'sfancy Cloth Caps. A now assortment ol Children's Capes.Coats nnd Jackets. A special assortment of Children's TrimmedHntsfor CHRISTMAS.



If you aro looking for HOLIDAY GOODS visit our storo beforemaking your purchase,



ONLY!E a largo Block on hand 1 will bold a

:. CLEARANCE SALE ;.For J,10 Days at my storo, No. 304, Nuunnu streot, one doorjmaukn of King stroot, where

I will offer my entire stock at greatly reduced prices. Uelow I mention severalarticles at marvclously low figures, l'lcaso call, and bco for yournelvcs i

Brown Cotton, good valuo, 22 yards for $1.00Brown' Cotton, 1 yard wide, 15 yards for - - 1.00Farvvell Whito Cotton, 1 yard wide, - - 9 cents per yardWhite Cotton, heavy, 32 inches wide, 20 yards for - 1.00



10 yard

1C5-3- 304

And in thelino.

on forcash.

& CO.

1103m Ucct:

storo is n grand of gifts

sr.t.rcTioN or

70 cents a40 cents each

$1.75 per

Nuuanu door niauka of King St.

AND- -

roc ,


C. W.103-- tf

W. 0. T. D. ROfllFor and

At 111 Kln itrect.rSTLu-NC- '"OM 11:30 a.m to 1:30 v. H.

Our attraithm aro homu-mud- ti fond, acool neat room and attendance.Table u la tarte. IDcMl

Bleached Sheeting, 10-- 4, cents a yardBlankets, whito with fancy borders, - 90 cents a pairFrench Merino, width, all wool, J - 37 cents a yardvictoria Liawn, white, --

Lad Chemises, erabroidored,Mosquito Netting, pieces,

fine 3 for 50 cts eaShirts, linen bosom, make, 45 cts ea.

Silk 15 cents each, 2 for - - 25 centsSilk men's white, largo 30

cents each.



all tho articles

ILTe-- w

KfiyCut all








Sucking Pigs




Ladle Gentlemen,



Men's Undershirts, balbriggan, $1.00, worthWhito Unlaundercd good

Handkcrchiofs,Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, sizes,

Just the ChristmasPresents.



pricos articles




--u,jSfc,. ..









Page 6: WBmW WHSPPiHPBLBMBBHBLBLBL 'Wfiyr … · 2015. 6. 1. · tboy wero. only 12 and 10 years old, that it was impracticable to think of their doing anything vory hard. S mo one suggested

RSapUdW 'WMW 'WWi&W" ' l'vl?PWMW RW '

' . .f



tt (i,At:


P- -





An Iminltilo l'mnwnrd."What is the inattor?" nuked

ono of Mr. Vivvios' boon compan-ions. "You haven't tnkon thepledgo, huve you?"

"No; but I'm not looking ontho wino when it's rod in tho cup,just tho satno."

"Reformed, have you ?""Yep. You've hoard of a woman's

marrying a man with the idea ofgetting him to stop drinking. Itdoesn't nlwuy work; but it did inmy caso. My wife is a stupendously clovor woman.

"Made you promise, did she?""Slio didn't havo to. Whou 1

started downtown tonight shesaid, '1'vo lost the latch key, doar,but it won't make any difl'uronco.You ring the bpl! and I'll let youin. 1 said, 'All right.' 'Only,'slio said, 'we'd hotter agreo onsome pass .void, so that when yourini 1 etui Imik out of tho windowand make snro it isn't a burglar.''Of course,' said I. 'What'll thopassword b'? 'I havo it,' sheunswered. 'It musn't bo too sim-

ple. You just siy "frronres.xiblnreprebensiOiluv, ana men 1'U

como down and lot you in.' 'Gon-tlomo-

if 1 can't say irrepressiblereprohensibility whou I got home1 don't gnt in, and, moreovor, Iassume tho chances of being takenfor n housebreaker. I've simplygot to bo careful.' " And ho wentover nnd rosolutoly seated himsolfnext to the r t.uik. Wash-

ington Stnr.

A Uv r'liuiiipiisiic.

Eporu.'y, Franco, is a vastsnbterrant!.'H"cityof chumjiiigno "

For miles and miles there are

stroots hewn out of the solidchalk, b Hiked with piles of cham-

pagne of nil brands and qualities.Thero is no light in this labyrinthof stroets, cros-sing- s and turningsexcopt what tho sputtering onndl n

afford. All is dark, dank anddamp, with, the temporaturo waydon ii about zur. Tho nirg. m

chanui.igi e nianufHctories in Epernay hve underground cell uswhich cover forty-fiv- e acres andcontiin 5,000 000 bottlos of tvmeThere is a whole street inEjiori aylined with fiuo chateaux, tho pro-

prietors of which possess similarestablishments. Tho whole townis honoycombed with these under-ground gollerios for the mnnufaoture and btorago of chuinpagne.

G. H. Harrison, practical pianoand organ ninUer and tuner, catfurnish bi'st fuotory references.Ordres left at Hawaiian News Co.will recoivo prompt attention. Allwork gntintntoed to be tho s;imas dono in factory.


J. : T. : Waterhouse's


"NVill bo open this evening, nndovory ovoning until

23!OXJZXD."SrS -172-t- d


The 0. It. .t S. X. Co.'e


Will be due at Honolulu from Yokohama onor about

December 18th,and will hao Immediate dispatch for above

port direct.

ISS" For l'i cljiht or pasae upi'ly to

fHEO. H. DAVIES & Co., Limited.ITl-ti- l Ocncral Acntn.



; Tho 0. 1U A: S. N. Co.'h

S S Mount Lebanon3500 torn, Hendry, maoler, will he due at

Honolulu from Portland, O.,on or ubout

December 21st,Aud will buv Immediate dispateh (or nbova


CET For freight and passage apply to

THEO. 0. DAVIES & (0, Limited.lGO-t- General Audit.

It. X CheuvrotxtLeonard, Mo.

In Agony15 Yoars With Salt RhoumHood's 8arsapnrllln Cavo a Porfoct

Curo." C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. I

" Hooil'i Sr japarlll.i Is an excellent medicine.I had eczema In my left leg for fltteen jeari.Tnrt of the time my leg was one muss of teabt,and about every wrek corruption would Ratherunder tho skill and the scabs would slough oil.

Tho Itching and Burningit niatton made me suffer Indescribable atonies.I speut a great deal o( money for different rem-edl-

but dhl not Ret relief. About a yenr.aro,leading physicians advised me to take iioou sEarsaparllnu I did so and have taken five uoU

Hood's38 Curesties. Now all the sores, scabs and pain havevanished and I am enjoying perfect health. Ithink Hood's Sars.inarlUa Is second to none andgladly recommend It to all smrorliiR humanity."?.!. 1Ciu:uvko,t, Ioiinrd, Missouri.

Hood's Pills net easily, yet promptly ande3clently.cn lite liver and bowels. 23e.

Hobron Drug Co., L'd,Solo Agents for the Itepiiblio of Hnwnii.

Dr. J. K". Smith.



Ollicc Hour: 0 to 13 n. m.lH8-:i- m

Fine Fresh Frozen

Columbia SalmonCity Meat Market.

ic.---tf J. Tinker, Proprietor.

"N. Fernandez,Notary Public and Typewriter,

tl KAAUUMANU STItEET,l O. Box SSO. Telephone 345.

150-- tf


Street.O. J. Waller MANAClEIt.



Naw Contractors.


la mm.T.T.? IT.l."t rvi;WWHSfl Inrfttrwmm ittnl'M

.1i ...":

PWtmm fm

TCI (t.rV ?1tfr'AAiW

.fci,-..- ' -


500 PAIR





Hawaiian Hardware Co.MJI1TKI).


" iu Milwaukee, without hisurnuce,because a clerk tOBUOT to rouow certainpolicies promptly as instructed.

"Ho was discharged.

"A few days'later, tho owner died withoutInsnranoo on his life, leaving a widow amithroo young children in potorty, becauseho had NEGLECTED to insure. As procrast-

ination is mora culpable than forgctfulnossperhaps tho owner is having his punish- -

nient NOW."ATONAL I Consultation nnd offlco treat

ment free: Special attention given to


The Equitable Life Assurance-- Society

of tho United States.

Bruce Cartwright,General Manager for tlio Ilawnllan Mauds:

CO-t- f


Carriage Manufactory128 & 130 FOUT STItEET.

Carriage Builderand REFAinnn.

Ehcksmitting in All Its Branclies.

W. y. WItltillTi Proprietor.(Successor to O. West.)

C. B. DWIGHT,Docs nil kinds of Work in

Cement & Stone Sidewalks & Curbing

no hns on hnuil a largo supply ofGhineso Ornnito Curb nml nlwnys keepsHawaiian Curbing Stone. EstimatesRiven nml lowes4 prices assured. Telo-ohon- o


Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 ou car lino nnd on PA

LAMA HOAD near FertilizingPlant.

These lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Aero Tracts near tho city nndother Properties for salo.

BRUCE, WARING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

tt 503 Fort Street, near King.

Telephone 007. P. O. Box 321.

Jose Do Espirito Santo,

Guitar g Maker.Taro-Patc- h and Ukulele Guitars

Madoof UawAilan Woods.KKASOXABLK PMCKS.

130 Fort Strest Opposite Club Stables.51-t- f.

4. f.

Ss&lWwV.WP.4K r


ej!S? ..The nhovc lilcyclu was mado as irood at

ucw by

H. G-- . Wooten,lllcu'lo Manufacturer.

107 Klnc street. 142-- tf

WING WO & CO.,Mnnufnctnrcni nnd dealers in I.ndios',

OentB'and Ohildrou's

Boots, - Shoes, - 0 - Gaiters.No. 3.r Nuunnu 8t. . . P. O. Box 108.

HonoluluBXF" Hoots nnd Bhoes mide to order in

best style nt Wholesale and Itctnil prices.148-t- f

European Restaurant.609, Hotel street.

CHOCK SING, Manager.FirBt-claB- S meals ut regular rates. Fowl

served ou Thursdays and Sundays.Board by week $1.50.

W For bet quality of Manilla Cigars,Cigarettes and Tobacco come to Hop Blue'snext door. 147.U

SING WO,Osratr King and Bstbel streets,

Doalor in Cigars nnd Tobaccoslleftt ItmmU nt inn), (Ma-ar-t

and tliant ClKurctte.. . ,

At lowest prices. 142- -

Sans SouciSeaside Resort.

The pleasantest, quietest,Bhadiest and most porfeotly ap-

pointed soasido rosort on thoIslands. It is only four milesfrom tho heart of tho city andwithin onsy rencu of tho tromcars,which run every twonty minutesor oftonor. Elegantly furnisheddotiiched cottages or rooms nroobtainable on oasy terms. Thotablo is suporior to that of any oftho city hotels and all tho modernconveniences oro provided.

Picnics nnd bathing parties canobtain extra accommodations bytelephoning in advance.

Tho bathing fncilities of SansISouci nro superior io those of anyplnconn tho beach. 89-t- f

Jewelry !

Our Stock of Holiday Goodsis acknowledged by every-body to bo the finest on theHonolulu market, and con-

sists of everything Usefuland Ornamental. Our pricesaro moderate. Jowolry inspec designs manufactur-ed to order on short notice.

JACOBSEN & PFEIFFER.P. O. Hoi 287 Fort Street.

H. G. BIART.FINE WATCH ltkl'AIltlKG.Island Jewelry made to order

Souvenir Spoons, Gold wireJowolry, etc.

JHF" Island orders solicited.P. O. Gortz'sstoro.

Fort Streofc. G2- -t




Hilo, Hawaii,

touiusts and others visitixoIllld enn II ml sul'I'le Imnril nnd IocIl'Iiil' InCAllingonJOIlN --YCUUOUS.

In connection , Jth tliu above he can suppl)you with

Foreign and Domestic Frylts,Clears and Tobacco,Cool Drinks, etc.

85-l- y.

The SINGER Received54 First Awards for Sewing Ma-

chines nnd EMnuoiDEKY Wokkat tho World's Fair, Chicnco, 111.,being tho Inrgest number of award,obtained by nny Exhibitor, andmoro than donblo tho numborgivon to nil other Sewing Ma-ohtn- es

B. BcitGEnsoN.Agont.

mySl tf Bothol st., Honolulu.


HeauQuartcrs. Eulcrurisc Brtw co?


Largest Consigiiinent of Boerthat over arrived here, now

- on. DraughtJ. DODD. Prop'i

Central Yteat daretLove's Bnildlnp, Nuunuu St.

A FIKST CLASS Market in ovcryitspect.

Orders dollvered promptly to nil parts ofho city.

WEST11ROOK& G ABESProprietors.

EOT Telephono 104. 120-t- f.

Live Stock

DELICACIESof nil kinds.



A. L. MOKRIS & CO.,61 Fort Street Telephoue 422

lBO-t- f

HOP HING& COMPANY,Wholesale- .Dealers In

Chinese 811k, Tea, and MattlnR,

I.tiunrs nnd Manila Clan), I'nj;!lli aud

Amcrlcun firoccrlca.

403 Hotel trcct. .... Telephone 147,


Importers of

While Brothers' Cement, ;


Corrugated Iron Roofing,

Galvanized Water Pipe

Faints and Oils.


C. A C. Fine Flour,

Hay, Grain, and Groceries,

Hardware and CutlerytEtc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Eto.

"MffllEKKT?AMBKS -- KaW " .' H V 11 r

2Toted. for

P ?Cqe34ULTit37"

Streri-grtih- .

and. ZErila,vorMatlo of the Finest and Most Delicately Flavorod Tohncco.

For sale by all Druggists ond Cigar Dealers.

143-t- f

Beaver Saloon,II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALIi UOUItSi.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON IIAND.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

lias a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec- -

trical GoodsConstantly on hand.

Estimntos givon for house wir-

ing and Electrical plants.Marino Wiring a spooialty.

THEO. HOFFMAISHN",32-t- d Slanagor.


The Hawaiian


Investment Co.HAVE FOB SALE

A Fow Shnros of

Pala Stinr Stock,lluvrnllun Sujfar Co. Stock.


flatrnllnn Govoruraent and 1stMortgARO Siitrnr Planta-

tion Bonds.tSBT For partlcnlftrs npfj to

Tbo Hawaiian Safe Doposit &Invostmont Company,

OH Vurt Htrcat Ilonolalu




Aconts for Ilawailau Islands.

PLSdE :- - CJHDY -- : gTOlE



T.Choice ConfectionsIn 2, 3 aud 5 pound Boxes,

Suitable for Holiday Presents.

Complete Line ofChristmas Toys and Novelties,

IlB-t- f


Ifonolulu, Uawniian Islnnda


Principal Parts of tho World,and

Transact a GonoraJ Banking,"



Merchants ExchangeS. I. SHAW, Proprietor.

Comer ICInc A Niiiianu 8treta, llnuolula

Choice Liquors and Fine Jiecr.

Toloplioao 4Q1.AH PING,

Dealer in Chinese Tea, Cigars,Teanut Oil, Sugsr, Soap, iCandles, otc, ut lowestmarket price

Corner Nuuanm and Fauahl Btreota. H3.

CHIN WO & CO.Younc Ah In, Mgr.

Corntr BereUnl. aud Nautnu tti., Honolnln.

K1CE rfANTEIW-Alw- aji haTe fonalc thohet quality of rlee. Oar rice marked WOOlieaarauUedtobeAl.AlreUtt for th fnllntnv m Ml. .!.Palama, Halawa. Moaualua. Walkikl, Walplo' J

Kalawao, hawalhapa and Waloll. Oahu, and 1

llunnlel, Kauai, I

US Tel.ai8. 1' 0110X813.

Page 7: WBmW WHSPPiHPBLBMBBHBLBLBL 'Wfiyr … · 2015. 6. 1. · tboy wero. only 12 and 10 years old, that it was impracticable to think of their doing anything vory hard. S mo one suggested


A NOri.l) AOIOll.

On III W117 ' Mnr AM Ovtr thsWorld.

Slado Murray , prob ibly tbo mostfamous comodian iti Australasia,passed through on tho Alamedaon his way to the United Statesvrhuro ho will Rtnr for about ajoar, going thonoe to Great Bri-4ai- n,

from thoro to South Africabaok to Australia.

Mr. Murray is a Londonor andporformod in tlio leading thoatrosof tho British Islos for manyyours. Ho went to Australia sixyoars Fgo and has bocomo a gon-or- al

favorito in all tho big colon-ial towns. Ho has attained pro-minence as a voaalist, pantotni-mis- t,

dance and burlosquo artistand character skotch delineator.Ho was ontertaiucd hnro byMessrs. Wirtli unci Oamoron, of

''the circus, both old friends of his,and u few ploiiBuiit hours werepaflBcd by tho trio in rolating

and recalling recollec-tions.

Mr. Murray opened fivo tho itrcsin Australia and during his careerlias boon proprietor of fourteendifferent companies. Ho has fol-

lowed tho stage for thirteen yenrs,eleven years as a Btnr.

Speaking of Mark Twain, Mr.Murray says ho is aohioving a

A sories of succosses in tho colo-


I !


Yales'La Frecklais Mme. Yolo's infallible euro of Frecklen,Tan ami Sunburn. It is tlio only remedyover compounded that will remove frecklecompletely and snrely.

Xliofuirer and more delicate the skin.tlio moro likely it Is- - to frecklo and theworao it will look after it is frocklod.

Thousands of women, otherwise beautiful,are disfigured by theso unsightly, brownblotches. Nothing will hido them. Theyare a source of misery, but they can be cured.La Freckla is tho death-warra- to freckles.

Tho preparation of La Freckla Is ono ofMme. lalo's greatest achievements.There aro many imitations, Rorao of themvery dangerous and hurtful to the skin;notio of thorn leally effective. For safetyami certainty, insist always on getting thogomiino and original La Freckla.K l'ricc SI at drugstores, or by mail.MME. SI. YALE. Health and lloautySpecialist, 140 Stito St., Chicago. lieautyGuide, mailed free.

IIOBRON DRUG CO.,Wholesale Acents.

rgillEMIlnliiOnojumitooiin' I ' L'lotuliind liv A. J. Zlm.

liicrinnii, bus never beenmade, nor bus il overbeen niiido by anybody on

any kind of u lilcyclc.Hut Nevertheless

Tlie Clkvki.and is the Strongest andSpee-dles-t lllccle ever built, far

it Is consirurtrd rlghtl).LAitar, ToniNa means

strength and rigidity offrame.

Buhwkll dust proof ballbearings menu ensy run-ning

Naiiuow Tiiead menus ncomfortable position fortho legs.

Cleveland Chain moansno stretch, no wear.

Cleveland Tires meanquickness of ropair.

Cleveland Bicycles meantho handsomest, mostpopular and finest bicy-cle over built.

If it has Large Tubing It's acieye-lan- d

or an imitation.Catalogues frecj call, write or send for


H.E. Walker,Solo Agont,


For Sale at the

i NEW FISH PICKETO r?r Iwiulre at

C. II. .tl.HLEN Hulllioil Mull.ICG-I-

m E

iiirwiHumuini .m.imiMiuijg

Chooolato Emulsion Is for sale by tho


130-t- f Agonts for tho Hawaiian Islands.


DENTIST.OrriCE IIouiw 0 a. m. to 3 r. m.

No. 90 Hotel St., Honolulu, H, I.lM-t- f

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMorohant Stroot, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian Nows Company'sBook Storo. my 13.

Ring Up Ring Up

290For a Hack,

For a Carriage.152-t- f


For the Holidays


Clocks.Repair of all kinds. Fort mid Merchant

circus. iiu-ii-

51 Ehe foamrott; I



u.iini i. www i.rv.-i..-" iv.riiw.I awn 3rafr:l ""'RSJ TOSViFi """1


Republic Building King Street.

Delivered by Carriors,$1.00 per mouth.








By tlio pair.


" ' ' " '"fwwrrawwi,fw" PfWPa


Business Cards,

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. O. Irwin, - President and ManagerClans Spreckols, - - -

W. M. Giflhrd, - Socretar TrensnrorThoo. O. Porter, ... Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.







225 Qnoen stroot, Honolulu, H. I.47-t- f

fit " 2 .Hyf " , c g A dH

mm a IS'153 A i(

ill A 2 w i . WV 2 ., S a A

m"M?S 'itW 8- - ,7

pi in is


your or up telejihouo

Business Cards.


Geneuai, Commission Aoemts.

Cor. Fort and Queen Streets, Ilonolalu.


Imfobtehs and 'Ieakers in LumbkbAND Kl 58 OF BuiLDINQ

Ali. .'(RIALS.

Fort Street,' Honolnla.

H. Y (. co.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

98 Fort Streot, HonoluluTelephonor 22 P.O. Box 470

jul tf


318 Fort St. - Telepbono 91.3


So. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement RealEstato and Furniture.

n2 ltnj

Cook's Music School.WAUINO'8 BLOCK.


Thirty years experience enables ProfessorCook to economize tlio time of tlio pupil.


If youWant 273 ,

HACKRing Up Telephone 705.


gJF" Stand! Corner Bcretanln andNuuanu streets. HC-t-



Also White and Black Sandat the very lowest marketrates. Tolphono No. 414.

77 tf


No, 119. 237-t-

H. HACKELD & CO.Have just rocoivotl a now Supply of tho

Celebrated "Danish. Beer"Of tho following Brands

"Gold Label,""Mimic" and

Also, Just to hand lurgo oonsigntcont of

Genuine Bavarian Hops!

C. - Hustace - Grocery - Store,Kino Stuelt,

HAS JUST EECEIVED BY THE "AUSTRALIA"CUoIco Mock Hitttor, Kits Salmon llellics, Clioico IIiitiiHamlUncoil, Smoked Hoof, Oregon llurbauk I'otatouu, Yellow Tur-:il- H,

OtiiuuH, Muiilo Buyur, Moilo Cream. Guuuino ludlutiCliutnoyH, llonod Chicken, Curried Fowl, Lunch Tongue,

Frodh Jams, Tablo Fruits, Golden Gate Flour, bweutVickies, Dried Fruits and a general assortment of Standardgoods, at lowest jirivos.

SMr order riu







-- I For Sale






LEWIS & GO.211 Fort St., TclcphonoSIO



No 74 King Stroot,

TliLKrilONK os- -


by the -

CO.Iort S'truoti


Bedroom. SotsSide BoardsDining Tables"Upholstered Goods!MIattressos Xionnpfes

Chairs Variety.

Honolulu, i.

-- I". o. IIOX 1B

BLOCK Honolulu, H. l.

uwsortmont of My .u


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.Now Goods Received by Every Packet from tbo Eastern and Enropo.


All Orders faithfully attendod to and Goods Deliverod to anyPart of tbo City FREE, ,

Island Orders Solicited, Satlsmctjox GuarantmdEAbT CORNER JFOHT AND STREETS.

- J. S. WALKER,QEffErW. AqET Fofj tHe HAwnri Islands







r-- AT THE:- -,

(Comer of Fort and lleretanlt etrccts.

Just rocoivtil Ex. Albort en



lfclSIill) IP sZU&.

125 tf












Gitv Furniture Store,Bk.

UIllSTJrVSH.H. WILLIAMS, arnnnc,,,

Umlortakor nail Einblum


'2i 9

' ?






Page 8: WBmW WHSPPiHPBLBMBBHBLBLBL 'Wfiyr … · 2015. 6. 1. · tboy wero. only 12 and 10 years old, that it was impracticable to think of their doing anything vory hard. S mo one suggested

!! nil nilflMH PWW"-- ?

,n" - , - ,f , ,



coia.ii:us m ii.i.ii: it. iiumj AND

ta?i o'shanttii in.

Steamer J. A. Cummin From Wl- -

mannlo Foreign Shipping KwiKeanhou Loading Rice.

Tlic steamer I.tlnm Is acting astugwlillethe Kluu Is cmUIng outMde.

Tlio steamer J A Cummins crime In fromWnlmniialo tills morning.

Tlie uteaincr Kcaulinu will tie In by tnnenr-ro-

morning with u cargo of rice from l'ltna--1

mi.Tomorrow High tide lnrg'- - 'J.3T n in., liliili

tide rmall J.IH I) in; low tide large 7 3!) p in;low tide small 10.01 in.

Tlic strainer llamlorllle wa w reil.ed on tlioUmpiiua iIut bar on NoM'tnbvr SM midCnptaln .1 .1 Wliiunt washed oerboard anddrowned.

Tlio customs oilier, lij orderof the Ministerof finance, closed lt doors at one o'clocktoday, mil or respect to the inimoryof tinla'u llu il ;e Kli'l.i rlini.

The American ship Tain O'Slinntrr Is atnew Port street w Inn I with "Him ions of eoalon board for 'V (i Irwin .V Co, after n.Vtdas'

cjiig fnnn Ncw(iille. She nrrhed ntnoon loiliij. The inptnln' fnnilly are

pai'iigvrs.The American four-mast- ed barKcntlne

Willie It lliunr, llrlilgnmn mastet, with 1314tons of Newcastle coal for tlieOceanlc Steam-ship Company, enine Into port this moriilui;,45 da) outl Captain llrklgman leportsbeautiful wiuthtr the entire vojnge. TheHume Is docked at new Foil street wharf.

The sum of $'i.1S,3D3.74 was expended dur-ing the fiscal ear for labor at the seeralNavy Yards of the United States In cqillp- -filii ships. There whs also expended abroad

equipment supplies the sum ol.S!ll,SJ1.73.Of this amount $:;(', 1VH.47 uiisfoMT.IWi tonsof coal at an nuriige cost of 87 a ton.

II M 3 Wild Swan, Commander Napier,came In port yesterday nlteruoon thiouhthe dense rain and anchored In imnl row.She l twenty-on- e d.iys Irom Kiulmalt andwill ritnaln here about two weeks eoallnir.Verj tllnsgircublo weather was reported dur-ing the ojagc from the northwest.

There was launched from the shipbuildingjnrd of Sir W (! Armstrong, Mitchell A: Co ,on October iMIi, a rcry large petroleum tankstcnimr. which has been built to the order ofSamuel & I o, the own ! of the Shell Hue ofsteamers. The new cscl Is the larget tanksteamer 111 the world. She has belli designedto curr out eargoesof oil to Aslatli portsand to bring general cargoes horarr(l 1 hishas been posslltl, h imam i te

arrant . viil made lor piirilj andMiitllitlng the oil tanks nfti r illi liargmgtlieir liipnd mju The ew' !:," Itit Inlength, and Is ol 7IKM tons register.

The llrltlsh ship Indian I'mplrc bound fromNewcastle, N S W. to Mollcndo, put IntoCiilhioou NovnilnT "d when shewnslu7dnjs out mid Hie eaptalu sent home the fol-

lowing talilegntir "thlp ui on luam ends--M dajs; topmas's, Minis, sails, mid riggingearriul nwav; lost iimln and erosJack j aids,spanker boom anil Jllitmom, 3 boats, side ofdeck-hou- se stove In, forecastle damaged, ca-bin gutted. Ship's papers saved; lazarettegutted; Jettisoned cargo to extent of luO tons.Lost slcwrd oierhoard Waiting Instruc-tions." When the news nrrhed at Liverpoolnliiclt guineas per cent had bien paid to if-fe-et

reinsurance on the vessel, and as the riskof condemnation still existed, iorty guineasper cent was paid on her that day.

The following ressels have been charteredto load coal ut Newcastle, New South Wales.NIc bark llundal for Honolulu;bktu Chas F Crocker for Honolulu;ship C F Siiigeut for Honolulu;ship Carondolet for San Francisco; Br si lpCambrian king for Oregon; llr ship Ce tieMonarch for mii Francisco; bark Conpheuefor Honolulu; bark Kmpiielorsau Fiuuelsco;'Hal ship K l.'ui,,li for Sail Francisco; Hawshin Hawaiian Isles lor San Francisco; barkHighland Light for ban KrancUco; llr shipHollliiwood for San FrancNco; llr br Iuereskfor San Fiaucl-io- , llr bark Internets tor SanFruuelsco; fckin Iimgard lor Honolulu; barkNonantiun for tan Finiuclsen; bark Oregonfor Snn Fianelsio; schr Hubert Searlcs forHonolulu; bulk Seminole for Honolulu.

AntllVALS.It H M S Wild Swan, Napier, 21 days

from KiulmiiltAm bktn Willie 11 Hume, lirldgman, from

Newcastle.Br hk Turn O'sTinntcr, lrom Newcastle.Slinr J A Cummins, Ntllson, from Walma-nul- o.


Stmr Kllauut Hon, Weir, for Illo midHainakua war ports, Friday, Dec 13, at 4p m.


O 8 Austialla, Hnudlette, for San Fran-cisco, MuiiJ.n, Dec Hi.


Ex Willie K Hume 121 1 tons of coal forthe Oceanic SS Co.

F.x Turn O'Siiauter U.KK) tons of coal forW tl Irwin ,t Co.


BI'.ASII In this e'ly, December 12, 1VJ3, Mrsltlehaid llin-l- i, aged 411 J cars. Funeraltakes pine.' t li let afternoon from her lateluMdenie on I'minit s'reit at :::'.u.

VhfMFI.i IN 1'OltT.


II B M S'Wihl Swan, Napier, Esnulmalt.U d H llcnniuglioi.l'lgiiiau.Mnie Uluiid


(Constcis not Included In this list.)OSS Australia, Houdlette. S F.Am bktn Willie K lliimc.ltrlilgnnui, NewcastleBr bk Tain O'Shunter, NewcastloAm bk .Murllm Dils, San Francisco,Oer bk II llackleld. Barber. N Y.Am sell Hubert l.ewers,Uoodman, I'gt Sound,Am bk Annie Johnson, S F (lll'o)NIc bk Don Ailoll'o, l,m en, Newcustle.Am bk Mohican, Brown, Culhin.Am brgt V (! Irwin, Williams, S F.Am oclir Aloha, Dabel, 8 F.


Vessels Where trnm Due

A.n bk Elw.ird May.... Boston DueAm schr Anna S F (Kuhiilul) l)ue

bk J C I'lluger Bremen ViiihSerbk Aldergroiu Liverpool DueAm schr Klig Cru... Newcastle DueBr bk Coojilieuu Newcastle DuoAm soli Knbcit Scarles.. Newcastle DunAm bk Seminole Newcastle Du

m.itnirfiih,'gjilftj-- J

Nor bk Seringa.... Newcastle...Am sell Win Bow den.. New castle

mhktn Amelia F.ttrcka..Brbk Foxglove VtS.anley,(Icrbk Belli Ft Stanley..



.DueNlc bk Buudalecr Newcastle. ...DueAm bktn C F Croker.... Newcastle. ... DueAm ship C FSuigent.. .. Newcastle. ... DueBrshlp F.Iwcll Newcastle. ... DueAm bkt Irmgnri1 Newcas.le. ... DueAm sell King Cyrus Ne c stlo ,...DueAm sch Itobert Sen ies... Newcustle., ,.. DaeNor bk S.'orl.ongen N'ewiastls. ... DueAm bk Sonoma ....Nawcaitle. ... DueAm bk Santltgo Hllo ....DueAm bk Albert San Franciic.., .Dec 10U S 8 Baltimore Yokohama... .Dee 12am bkt S N Castl.,Sa Francisco... .Dec 25Am hk Hnlllswood.. Boston ,.Dec30Am bk Aldcn Bcsse..lugct Soiina... .Dec 10

Am bK Archer s r .Dec 20S S China Hongkong. .Dec InAm bktuSN Castle, .8 F ...JanlftAm bktn SO Wllder.S F ,.JanLriAm sc.'i Transit S F ..Ian 15

Haw stmr Kahulul Svtlney, .Jan 25Am ship Iroquois N V.... ...MclilAm ship ltoanoke N Y .Mch 1

Am ship Henry Vlllard..N Y.... ..MchlAm ship Ilcnper N Y .Mch 1

Am ship Oe(ldeutal....N Y ...Mch IAm ship W F Hancock. .N Y ...MclilAm ship Indiana N Y.... ..NchlAm ship Dlrlgo N Y...., .Mchl

Wilik'FS Sleniiisliip Co's


C. I.. WIGHT, Prcs. S. 11. HOSE, Sec.Cunt. J. A. KING, l'ort Supt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu nt 2 r. it., touching atI.ahainn, Manlaen Hay and MHkenn tlioname day; Malmkonn, Kawailino and

tho following day, nrriviug ntllilo tho same evening.


Friday Dec. 20 Tnn'dny ....Dec. 17IFrldnv Dec. 27

llcturuing, will Jenvo Hilo at 1 o'clockp. St., touching at Latipuhoclioo, Malm-kom- i

nuil Kawailino s.uuo day; Jlakcna,M'talacn liay ami Laliniim tlio followingday; arriving nt Honolulu tho afternoonsof i uedny mid Fridays,

Xo Freight will ho received after12 noon ou day of hailing.

Stmr. CLAUDIUE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday nt Br.M.,touching ut Kahulul, II una, llamoo millKlpuhulu, Maui. Iteturniiig arrives utHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, on second tripof each month.

fiS?"No Freight will he received nflerp. M. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right tonmko changes in the time of departure andnrrivnl of its stcamorswithout uotico unilit Mill not ho responsible for nuy conse-quences arising therefrom.

Consignees must bo ut the Landings toreceive their Freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight afterit has been lauded.

Live Stock only nt ownor's risk.This Company will not bo responsible

for Moiiby or Valuables of pabseugersunless placed in the enre of Pnisers.

l'usbougtrs aro requested to purchasetiokets before embarking. Those failing todo so will bo subject to nu udditionulcharge of twenty-liv- e per cent

Oceanic SteamsliiD Co



Urive Honolulu Lenvo Honolulufrom S. F. for S. F.

Dec. 10Jan. ,'f, 18WI Jan. 0, 18(10

Jan. 27, lS'.Kl Feb. 1, 1800Feb. '21, 1800 Feb. 20, 1800

THROUGH LINEfrom Sun FrnncUco From Syiluoy for

for tiyduey. Buu Frnncisco.

lrri'ie Ilunululu. Leave Honolulu.

Monowiil,. , .Dec, 10 Vuiiposi, Jan. 0, '00Alameda, Jan. 10, 'DO MoniiwoJ, rcb.0,'00Maripusa, I'cb. Ill, '00


next to Lucus' Mill

Ships' Blacksmithing,

Carriage Building

and Repairing

Drays, Carts and

Wagon Building



Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line

Stcnmora of tho nbovo Lino ruuning in comiection with tlio

CANADIAN PACIFIC 11AILWA.YBetween Vancouver, B. 0.. und Sydney, N. 8. Wu nnd calling nt Victoria, B. O.,

Honolulu and Sura (Fiji),

jftuISE 3DXJE u&JT H03STOIj"CrXjTTOn or about tlio dnten below dinted, viz.:

From Sydney nml Sinn, for Victoria, niulVniiciiuer. 11. C.t

" "WAHHIMOO".. ..January 1

" "JIIOWKHA"... .IVbruary 1

" "WAIUUMOO". ...March 3

Tlirouj,-- h Tickets Isstiott from Honolulu to Camilla,United States ami Ktiropu.

and rAHSENOEH KT For FreiKlit nnd l'nssnBO nud nilGeneral Information, nnply to

D. MoNicoll, Slnntrenl, Canndn.ItoiiEt-.- Kcutt, WinuiiieR, Canndn. JHEO. H. DAVIES & CO., L'd

M. JI. Snu Frnncisco, (Jul.Q. MoL. Iluowx, Vniicotiver, 11. O. AkpiiIr for UioIIiiwniiiinTslniuls.

Oceanic Steamsliip Co.

Australian Mail Service,

For San Francisco:The Now and Fino Al Steel Steamsliip

"Alameda"Of tho Ocennio Steamship Company willbo duo nt Honolulu from Sydney nudAuckland on or about

December 12th, '

And will lenvo for the nbovo port withMails nud Fasscut'ers on or about tluitdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:

Tlio Now nnd Fino Al Steel Steamship

"Mariposa"Of the Ocennio Steamship Company willbo duo nt Honolulu from San Franciscoon or nbont

January 9, 1896,And will hnvo prompt despatch withMails nnd FasbcnKers for tho above ports.

Tho undersigned aro now preparedtoisstto

TIirotiRli Tickets to All Pointsin tlio United States.

C5yFor further particulars regardingi or l'assago apply to

WM. G.IRWIN &C0., L'd,l-- tf General Agents.


Queen street, Honolulu, II. I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Coinpiny, Ouomra SuparCompany, llouumu Sllt-a- r C'onip.ui), WallukuSugar Company, Waihee Suprar Company, MakceSuear Company, Halcakala Ranch Company, Ka.papala Ranch, - Maulers' Line Sanl'ackcts, Clias. I!rtcr & Co.'s Line of llostonrackets. "Agents Rostnn hoard of Umlcrw ntves.Agents riilladclphia Hoard of Underwrites.

list of orricKs :

P O Jones, I'rei(lent; Georgo II Itobortson,Manager; E F Dishop, Treasurer nnd Sec-retary; Col.AV FAUen, Auditor; OM Cooke,II Waterhouse, A V Carter, Directors.


WewYe&i&ceg. . .

-- AT-


January 1, IBS 6,

iM Bict clc Race; KOIInll Tronby. Freefor all.

2d Uicvclk Oiio-lml- f mile Juvenile.Open to nil under 1(1yenrs.

3d Uiuvclk Halt.; Trlze not deciuert. Ar- -rnngeuieut to bo made luter.

4tUltuXMMi lUcr.; Prize ?100 Purse.Oue-lial- f wile aud roicat. Weiglitfur iige.

Hack; Prizo $100 Purse. 3iniiinto cIiish; mile bei,t 2 in 3.lor Hawaiian lired hoi bus.

Prizo 100 Purso.'.i-1- claa; 1 mile best 2 in 3,

for tilli Milk Xovm.tv Hunkim! IUck;

Prize? M). Free for all. First hornoreaching the (jimittir to ieueive25First lmibu leaching the hull to ie- -cetve $23. First horse reaching thetliree-qiiart- er to receive $25. Fasthorse reuching homo to receive $25.

This race will be of special iutorest lis Itwill nllow admittance of tsith long nnd shortilistuuce

Entrance feo to trotting and ruuuiiigraocs to be ten (10) per cent of the niuouutof the purses.

All trottiiig and pacing mees ale to begoTermfd by tho lUnaiian Joeltey Clubrules. Entries to clone on Dec. mber 10th.

EW For further information addrosj

CHARLES DAVID,P. O. llox 477, Mn.K.r,


.'ins ,, ,ijJJf

1'rom Vlctorln ! Vnnroiner, It, C to

ntEiaiiT aoentb:

8Tr.tts-- ,







Slltn nml Syiliuifl8.8. "MIOWTHA" December 24

"WAltMMOO" January 21

" "MIOWKIIA" February 24" "WAIUUMOO" March 24

hik Mill fain Co.

--and in-n-

Occlflenf al & Oriental Steamship Co.

t'y -


Steamers of tho nlwvo Companies willcall nt Honolulu on their wny to thenbovo ports ou or about tho followingdates:

Stmr City of Peking Dec. 28, 1805

For SAN FRANCISCO:8tenmers of the nbovo Companies will

call nt Honolulu on their way fromHongkong and Yokohnmn to tho aboveliort on or about tho following dntes:

Stmr Coptio .Tnu. 15, 1890Stmr China Fob. 2i, 1890

Rates cf Passage are as follows:lO TOKO- - TO 1IONO-1IASI-

KOMI.Cabin S150.00 8175.00Cabhi, round trip, i

motitns 220.00 202.50unlnn, round trip, 12

moiiths 202.50 310.25Europoau Steerage.... 85.00 100.00

t57"Pahseugers pajing full fnro will bonllmitn.l I! B.o..i. Hununuu iu uuiuuut on return inro li re-turning within twelvo months.

CSTFor Freight nnd Passage apply to

H. HACKFELD & C0al-- tf Agents.


NOTARY PUBLIC.Ofllco: With J. A. JIngoon. 145-t- f

A. S. Humphreys.ATTORNEY AT LAW.

In office of J. A. Mugoon, old Cnpltol Build-ing, neitPostotllce, Honolulu.

145-t- f


Assets, - - - $10,000,000.

H. W. Schm.dt & Sons,148-t- f Agents for tho Hawaiian Island.

p&toBiiftn Fertilizin(


Is prepaied to furnish

4000 Tons -:- -

-:- - Cane Fertilizerto order for 180G.


Bulublc and Available I'liospborlc Add,tiulpliato of Ammonia,

Nitrate of doda,Sulpbatu of l'otaub,

Coral Lime Stone,Pbospliate and FUb Otiano,

In Quantities to Suit.

Jr Orders solicited for a futuro do.livery.

A F. COOKE,Mautgur.

.tjliii, "1 Ml Tift i .- -. i


Any Length,Any Quality,

Any Quantity,Any Price.

Ladies' Handkerchiefs,to build n Circus tout

lor show. .


Plain and Embroidered, anyPrice.





am I'oirr stiiixt.


Ed. A. Williams, Manager.Telephone 170. 145-t- f


Mexican Cigar.y

for sale by

It is the only ono in town and wo Move Pianos withit. Wo move them safer, quicker and Cueapkk thanany ono else. Wo will also movo your furniture andbaggage of whatover description. Trunks to anypart of city 25 cents, smaller packages 10 cents.


611, King Street,



This is an especiul brnnd imported only by us. Jt is positivelytho best Oigar iu tho city for tho money.

Imported and


Hollister & Co.,


The undersigned. L. 0. Ahles nud II. V. Walton, purchased from Charles J. Waguor,the inventor of i'et'rlfiss I'reservliig l'nlnl, thoexclnsive right to lunnnfactuit, monnd sell tho I'kkkless I'jilhkuyino 1'AihT in the Hawaiian lblandH.

Patent for Peerlesa Preaorvino Point.On the 2Cth day of Beptemher, 1695, tho llepuhlio of Hnwail grantod to L. O. Abies

and II. 1'. Walton, a patent No. 110, grunting them the eiclusivo right to make, use nndvend l'thKLEBH 1'jiK.SEHViNa Taint throughout tho Hawaiian Islands.

Trfcde Mark for Peerless Preserving Pnlnt.The ItepuUio of Hawaii has also granted to L. 0. Abies nnd H. P. Walton the cxclm

sivo use of the words 1'kep.lkss PitCHiaiviKa Paint as ft trade mark thioughout the liepubllo of Hawaii for the term of 20 years.

Imitation.Certain parties in San Francisco hayo reoently been Bonding to Honolulu under the

name of I'lmtLKRa Piusxkvino Paint nspnrions article not only inferior to the genuinepaint, but one whioh is positively injurious to any metal to which it may lie applied.

Dewar of Fraud,Wo horeby warn all persons against being defranded into nslng any but tho gennlne

rirai.MCT l'ltzaEiiviMa Taint, which can bo obtained only of Abies and Walton.

Warning Against InfringaananUWe also hereby warn all persons against buying, selling or nslng any article under

the name of Peerless Preserving I'alnt, icopt that sold by n, as such buying, sellingor utiiup will be n direct iafringement of our patent and trade mark, nnd a violation ofour rights, subjecting the persons buying, selling or asiug such paint to n'cltiiin'fordantagos by ns Iu accordance with the llawaiian Luw.


Honolulu, Oct. 10, 1803.

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