WBDSB6DAY, FEBRUARY It, 1914. mnty Letters OON8TABL*: *»th of Peter Tetrault.—Local Kn tertalnment.— Frank Kubaileau I Stricken With Apoplexy.—SiUMiii- «IT Lynch Injured.—Many Ow- <> li>nt^> in limn j High School Supper Saturday Even- j ing.—How Some of Our Towuspeo- j pie Kntertain.—Hiram Clark Im- moving.—Martin Smith to be Op- j orated on at Ogdenisburg> < >n \\ c dntvfl ,\ ivtnnii. U b 18th ill be du i til will u b as.d us! i ul s \h, brut 1 Mor fun< i M tl 1 'i t 1 i \ h - l i iks •U huu t d \1 i i dn ' In* OCt to i art I n & r< itpoi Mai •ud 1 «U)O 1 1 \ i i r -ion 5 - tnd ISO I nk Hi Blaki V, M i W n< oi ( OHM t) ] u 1 Lib i I 1 tc I' S Vt > 1 ill 1 tt t] die trm * n < s r d 1 V\ v\ 1 \\ , \ KV ll ( 1 t u< i i n \ ( 1 PV Mil «H\ 1 Ut i e JM 11 \ i l t l \ 1 *f u r* -ide c ' <~»i > f pu ch i MiKhPn v I) SIP* ^S H w >' iti.rnlp OKp|t«ll tble it* i •w ' till i- d mil to i i e sheds VI 1K I« Faust, iiie \isitmg tin M' 6 JL Cnutii Jxobett li* 11 and Mi«.s bell att« I d td the tiuuidl ot i rtlun at KJI^'J bui" i. eiitt i ldst v\ttk Doling: th* long wiiiiu evminps tin villapt stoie^ ol oui littlt hauikt art supplied with tiu» usual hn*. - 4p ot U cal men and near-by tanners who torn* to Uo tiadinj, u)d ij.it ml t i t i Tlu \ sti.a ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Absolutely bas no substitute Many mixtures are offered as substitutes for Royal. No other baking powder is the same in composition or effectiveness, or so wholesome and economical, nor will make such fine food. Royal Is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar W. H. C. to Serve Supper.—Whtet Party at Woods Brothers' Home. Feb. 14—Hernion Haskell, of Maa- sena, spent Sunda- and Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hag- kell. Charles Gibus, of Cooks Corners, was calling on friends here Sunday, Gtde Cotter, of Bombay, i Jih lli , ay, ushton calling as the guest Of Mrs. She returned homo n Miss G spent a few da on friends und P. K. McMann Wednesday. Henry (juinn returned home Wed- nesday, after spending a few days at Avers.' Mr. and Mrs. John Siartin, of North Bangor, spent Wednesday visiting Mr. Martins sister, Mrs. Cornelius .Larkin. Mrs. William Kimpigon, of Beaver Rivtr, was called to Brushton on ac- couwt—of tlie serious illness of her fa- ther, Nichola rallied T ut The dan f er Waggoner, but he has mewhat and if noth- it is thought he will Grange Hall Friday evening- tor the Athletic Association was largely al tended. Mrs. c. C-. Orton was the guest of hur daughter. Hazel, who is in school at Potsdam, over Sunday. Mrs. Fanny Clark, of .Lawrenceville, who has spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. Hoswell Conger, went to irouuois, Can., on Wednesday to visit triends. My. and Mrs. A. K. Botsford, from Saranae l^ake, spent Sunday with their niuthtr, Mrs. G. C. Greenleaf. M*§: M. M. Dewey and Mr^Aluy | Dcwey, of Malone, i with their daughter Elton Han-' spent' and sist Tuesday r, Mrs. XICHOIAI1XK. WF.ST H.VNGOK. «iiid pjpt d on bai if 1 o m puil<! b thi Some Pleasant Social Functions. —\V. \. Ti«>mas Fui-chase* Farm in Lisbon. .igc it i«- iiuitt mteu sting tc \anet\ ot ^ub'ecib discussed \ good- stoi> teller nevci UiN to p* t me UUn- tion ot th< githering md olten the i beautiful control of liigjip* md < \- pressions are q nte i ( ni u 1- jblt Oitrn somtoiH will <nde«noi i L vw the <,p- how iii.ui\ loaiK ol ) \ nt riHlud in K n ' L eb. la—The , 'ot pleasant g-atfc '"''• Tuesday men o f t h e past ering evenin ek was one on tliree oc- the gentle- d Death ol Mi>. K-itssel) lioardway.— Frank lVck Oako? <.>iM*i-atetl L'pon at Ogdens- burg. noved to the ill work for hursday at- The death vay, wido Al- cur red at tlu ter, Mrs neum , __. has accept- Impmving.—Adolph ed a portion in Malone as turnkey in the county jail and reports for duty March 1st. Dr. and Mrs. J. Conger and son de- parted for New York on Wednesday evening to spend a couple of weeks with Mrs. Conger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Langdon, of of Mrs. Adeline Board- f Russell Boardway, oc- me of her granddaugh Frank Shepard, Feb. 7th, of Mi 8 2 years. Slv had many years. SI bor and friend a St. Edward's 1" West Bangor for e was a kind neigh id a d< " " R. C. sons and a daughter survive. Peter, ; ^ F Winnipeg, are spending a few days with Mr Langdon.'s sister, Mrs. Geo. Kinu ntjiBii-t Conger ' in Brusnton - w.ted member!, Mr - and Mrs - Morris Green, of Ma- church. Two tone, were guests at the home of Mr. »' <j Jj f< tJ tl ciio, I hci r*i Tht !«s hOU^ :>i .ill < > i rh* • IJ 1 - ^ei io \1 s U S( r n , i*. , 1 h SI V 0\ in i£t Id t' > t k <. c •. I*- IX 1 1 •«< i I M u a inc.: < > n d i If \ i< 1r K h md H I "HI MOW ti >-\ ! 1 i 111 ont r <J i\ "tCO t w ho un 7)ii Oeri i. \ d 1 thi Jht of West. Bangor, Charles, of Malone, : -----» and Mrs. Olive Bombard, of. Brash- I J ° n ? ton. Interment at West Bangor. I -MI *• i parents, Mr. over Sunday nd Mrs. Ashel g k returned from the t Tuesday and is improving Frankli hospital I; finely. Mr. and Mrs Edwin Bentley visited Mr and Mrs. Fred Dickinson in Ban- gor last week. Miss Genevieve Fisk. of Nieholville, the guest of her aunt, Mrs, Hat- last purchased the Best farm nort of Moira and will take possession on March-ist— Fred J. Rozon has dairy of fifteen cows Phelps, also his young Miss Katherine Bero, of Hogansburg, purchased the of Merchant 1. mi r su, u'\ing th^ lower 1.1 al Mis Ji#l n M i --t M Mis T Oi Paddock Pi iso'i spoke at tne M T- lort »«lt" is adMSffi 1<lth m u «• atteirxou oi i>r Mi.nl) that i ol tl»* suffrasr** Mo\-i in IM iui(tis\frv loik vtate It was wn> v ^ M ' |eun wtnt Miss Mii\ Pit ice w i 1 - c ^ 5 ot O < <-tat<. s i i r i iRf ii o\ i , i '\ #1 Thou c- Pl«i b* i striouMv ill »itn ThiirMi«i\ .lmnunn trm lung l^- r o w ^penoei mtot ired, tit H- i ireuts Mi »m bung pla\ i d \ pltd-ui Miss < \ lit New ndi a 14' -in i j, ii * church se: ster supper in Grange Hail, though it was extremely cold the nice sum of $25 was realized. This is the flifct experience these gentlemen have had in arranging everything for a suj.- p* r and they spared no pains to dec- oiate the hall with the national col- ois and to have an abundance of good things to eat and to see that every- thing should go like clock-work. We congratulate them on their success and a vote of thanks from the ladies of the church is extended to each one who helped. A nice litenuy program followed the supper. The following evening a short but \*rv pleasing entertainment was giv- <n by tbe pupils of our village school __ under the careful training of the " tie Boardw; tt, toners. Miss Bouvia and Miss Fish. \ Mrs. Olive Tiak. At the close of the'program a box so- from Brushton where cial was held which added some $17 several weeks. atter expenses were paid, to the libra- I Mrs. Rex Spaulding and i\ fund. Games and dances were in- are ill at present. <-=,---„- duiged in and a, pleasant evening pass- Mrs. S. Crooks visited friends in Ma- ; Grange to the State Grange ed by all. 'lone a few days last week. On Friday evening, Feb. 20th. the Friday evening a Valentine auirner j Mrs. Elizabeth Lawrence spent last! ladies of the W. R. C, will serve was given by the ladies of the M E. ^week with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. church in the church basemenf. The ; F. G. Lawrence, in Bangor. dining room was very attractive, both j Adolph Oakes was successfully in beauty and the good tilings to eat. ' erated upon for appendicitis last v It showed that a great deal of time a t the Ogdensburer City Hospital, hid • ' •'•-- " ' ~ "' - has been Bradv the Mrs. D , gg, guest of Mrs. Warren past week. win Day, of Blue Moun- di h y, tain, is spending the week in Brush- t h t f f i d irned Saturday (ton, the guest of friends. she had spent! Mr, and Mrs. Washington Tryon re- t! , a I turned h t F g y Saturday, Feb. 7th, Th t dl I tr h m e on Stday, , children t from Foughkeepsie. They went as del- legates of Franklin County Pomona G t th Stt G op- k supper in G. A. R. hall from five o'- lk l ll d t*e fiom an tnftttion »o a tl on rht h tnd \t i \ slow 1\ \\ e aic pit us* ', u s. C 1 Mich jhl» t an nines'- du< ti i i a laddf r . 5»jr l\nth %n Bt 11 i 1- li IUI \ ! b> t i n f a b I.t -ni' p n ^ Lid*, r tall\ Uilli dist n o oi t< n i( -.mall or T t entei tailed b\ pi< \ ui f d i . Islands ben stutn been spent in preparing it. j Brad Mill< t Miss Lillian Hollenbeck, of Ft. Jack-; ton. were s Lutlt vjn, was a guest at the Baptist par- {week. 1 H it bouage a few days recently. j e giKsts Miss Genevieve Fish returned Sat-t and in- mday from several days* visit with her Philip aunt, in West Bangor. j Baldwin Tuesday of last week, while draw- ji,eroy Kee-ler Suffers from Shock.' ing pulp-wood out of a swamp on the j ViIlaKe Water Works Frozen Up. clock until all are served. Charles Clark, of L-awrenceville, is spending a few davs with his sister, , U1» *..,„, «»»»,««». i Mrs - Roswell Conger. and family, of Brush- Misses Elizabeth Pickering and of Peter French last ! Amanda Coldon, attended the basket t ! ma , j ball game in Malone j vening. M Wednesday BANGOR ill PMV |l t \ ildit n jrt ] h* ukui t n\ <-( n as ii Ohnstead fan] cened an injury by niK -him in the left eye escaped the loss of his 1 oped that in time he cover from his injury. , \ot a large number at the Grange meeting S. E. Bandy re-j rush strik- ! p e h. 1 6—The ver $25.00 E. the Society realiz- iupper held at $ pp lhe honie of Mr - and Mrs - C " R - P l u m b ! Lero >' Keeler suffered a slight shock °» FHda - v »»o«iing. His condition at ! Present' is favorable. His many AT. and Mrs. George Harris, Mrs. Edith Scott and E. W., and F. L>. Woods entertained eight tables at Whist Friday evening, Feb. 6th, at the home of the Woods brothers. Mrs. Charles Smith and Earl Gillespie won the honors of the evening. Friday afternoon the Grange Hall was well filled to listen to the history of the suffrage movement in New York. Miss Alice Pierson, of New York, spoke well. The talk of Mrs. F. G. Paddock, of Malone, was also in- j teresting-. Mrs. Lucinda Rowell, who has been Hu i I In; I pit Ah j!d t . p to th* A no phjsician is n i u ir 'n<_ t,»tc boine families do nut. wish to r<ue then little ones ill with it lufet now and evervone should xisiti care not to expose others. ; The Ideal WHist Club held their | laat meeting at the home of Mr. and ] Mrs. William Johnston in Burke Sat- f larday evening last. There was u full i attendance, refreshments were served and a good time was enjoyed by all, j The Club will reorganize at some fu- j tuve date. Frank Childs of Malone. is a visit- or in town today Edward Fitzgerald, a student in the «5rand Seminary, Montreal, -recently i visited his aunt h>;v. Mrs. Henry Hiifciies, and other relatives. Sheridan Beebee i.s in town on a business visit here. Mist; Kate Shea, »f Massachusetts, ! ts spending a lew tf-eeks here with her brother. .lohn Shea, and other rel- atives. We are sorry tu note that .John j Katltrty recently had the misfortune \ to break an arm near the wrist while ; coming liome from u visit with his daughter, Mrs. James Latour, of Sar- . anac Lake. I>r. C. E. Stickney lias the agency , for sale of the Geo. S. Parker Lucky , Curve fountain pens and will be pleas- ' ed to show them to anyone. These ' pens are the highest grade made and j thoroughly warranted. A selection can ! be made of just the kind of pen you ! like, either fine, medium, coarse, man- j Wold. etc. I little . still conhntd to M.uT!ii <-imth OgfUnsbuig Cit hop* s to obtdu slllli nozt tomir the houhf kit this m i Hospital I'll. 1 flOl. Huts } iv 1 ing IHC'KIXSOX CENTER. CJ 1 I 'J gdVC Mil C-T V-LJivril I i V £ -"-J J V iJ L VH'/ rdtmers' Week held in Canton last : month, to .which he was delegate. , ! i W. A. Thomas has purchased a farm j I near Lisbon. We understand he does ; not intend to take possession for an- i other year, for which w eare all very j giateful, as they are among our \ best townspeople and them. Mr. Thomas fc i hah owned and run Mr. and Mrs. W. B. the Malone Club danc yce attended t Malone on venmg, George Fairchilds is quite ill. lane Geddes is spending sev- s with her father, Sylvester why is quite ill at his home so very sick, is much better, Mrs. Phil- ips does not gain as fast as her many friends would wish. Mrs. E. H. Barse, who has been an inmate of the Corn- wail hospital for the past three weeks returned home on Friday night, much improved in health. BURRJE I>ealh of Kylvanu* Niles. I'V-'b ]G— The prayer meeting wiJi be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Xiles on Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. L. Cotey and' little daugh- ter, Mary, were visitors in Malone on Wednesday. The ladies of the M. E. church held aVlentine social at th George Bradley Feb. 1 4ti: eb. 21, at hold a sale j ! Tue bene l>eath or Miss Edna McCarthy. Feb. 16—James Lacomb, of St. Isa- dore Jet., spent the week-end hei-e. The sick are all recovering. Victor liu-ssell, of Rochester, and Charlie 1-lnsscll, of Niagara Falls, N. Y.. were he-re last week to attend the funeral of tlx'ir aunt. Miss Kdna Mc- Carthy. Mis> r. Hay.-s spem th.' greater part, of last v,-eek at "ner home in I't seemed to have a pl cepits from the suppe $11.75. The ladies had dollar apiece by co friendly teas,, etc., fo received $16. ST. On Saturday evening, Grange hall, they are t of aprons, kitchen towels, holders and many other useful articles. Home- made candy will also have its place. An oyster supper will be served from five o'clock on for 25 cents. Those wishing a super of salads, rolls, cake, I doughnuts and coffee will be served i Geo. for ten cents. All are most cordially invited. J. L. Corey transacted business in Malone on Thursday. Mrs. H. E. ^mith and daughter, Helen, were guests of Mrs. G. C. Me- Ewcn in Potsdam on Friday and Sat- urday. Sylvanus Niles, an aged and highly : respected resident of thi; led away Thursday night at the" lot' S6 years at the home of his son, ' Noble F. Niles, with whom he had i lived during tne past thirteen years, i Mr. Niles was born in Vermont, Oct. |19, 1827, a son of Samuel and Alma 'Niles. At-tlre age of nine he came with his parents to thi? town to live iand has since resided here. He was a fihl Walter Matthews .id Austin in his pri William Hicks ha o fall on Tuesday of jjuring his shoulder Everyone (ligaments away. sfortu; hust week, in- i i\- fearing the I'r; Vl . j Bangor today. I Miss f?lara Keeler who recently un- derwent an operation at Saranac Lake, •' • ' an return remains i ha« recovered so that she ' to her .school at Lake Placid Mrs. Marion Spaulding k I about tne same. ,,,„.„,.,,,' I Frank Brown had his house \vi Posd in ' £or <- lectric "ghts last week. •uU time. Re- j Lemuel Baliuiu uim ^on. naiis,,---..- i -a amounted to i have rented of Mrs. KHty Meacham i-rank rfrown is ^^ ar ;;avfnt!in; c sr£ z:^J^^ n \S o&a and i «- e ?M h 5 **^ r % ** which they! There will be a social at W home ! « uest of her niece, Mrs B lorence Ford, iof Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Holcomb i a ' few d ^ vs last week. tl: ning, Feb. -4th. for th. e Baptist churc\ liiie. F'riee of M for the' Lloyd Collins, who has had the Fverv ' whooping cough, is improving. oner" l^i Wil1 f>nili P s has moved to West ' '"' ' Bangor, and began work for Milo M. g i Rood. j The illage water works are frozen | ^ l ^ r r ^ Fletcher Very Low.— Mr*. Carroll Seriously 111. I p ja number are ' village. lg of James Skerry's and quite hi tbl i th me y q having trouble in the NORTH BANGOR. George W. Fletcher, who has b very ill for some time, is very low this writing. Vincent Hutching returned h( from Santa Clara Tuesday. Mrs. Bridget Carroll is very At the last regular meeting of Ban- jor Grange there was a good atten- j dance. Three new members were ini- j tiated in the 1st and 2nd degrees af- worthy lecturer, Mrs. William Selkirk, consisted of:— Song—Choir. Heading, Eugene Moe, (followed-by discussion). Heading—Mrs. Mastin. Piano Solo—Mrs. Ray Peirigro. Reading—Walter Brand. Reading—Rhetta Bonin. Song—Choir. The Maccabee dance and supper was attended by fifty couples and all report a fine tir W. N. Witherell spent Sunday and Monday in Burlington Vt. Will Burr, of South Bangor, spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. is home from couple weeks' Miss Eula Cooper Burlington, Vt., for { visit. DEBATE AND BASKET BALL. Friday—w*as a red letter day in the activities of the Methodist Society of Bu/ke. The ladies associated with the Busy Bee class served an elegant Ms g y n pass- the home, of her son, John, suffering from shock and heart trouble. Mrs. Helen Adams spent the week at the home of Mr. and Fred Hutchins. Mrs. Alvira Trim, of Bango l jter which our mail carriers gave some (supper in Grange hall to a large com- ill Tt i helpful suggestions whereby the pa- I pany which netted. $45.00. In connec- past p gg y p j p y c , $ trons may assist them in their work, jtion with the supper the pastor. Rev. such as standing letters up in back i H. C. Campbell, arranged for a de- of box instead of laying them flat; j bate and basket ball game to be giv- i d il b tj i Odd F l l ' Hall. In the latter d it of her son, days. Fred Merrtft «'as Cove over Sunda> Mrs keeping roads open to mail box, get-[en in Odd Fellows' __..„. __ - "'ting- supplies on pleasant days and by j the Regrai Five of Malone contested ' * ' ' --•'-• as they are li- \ for «upreinacy with their old rivals, laytoi home fr g pp 'always being pat l itk - aDe m k an interesting Wk hld t for' a few able to mistakes, R. C. Harwood gave the Crussaders of Burke, and though >-- :-<• ^•-~ * -* f- — — - > they worked hard the Malone team was again defeated by a score of 35 g rt of Farmers' Spri r Week, held at Canton, and Mrs. W. fro the Ogdensburg rity vacation. oi' .Oelm for a short tne ter'3 sister, Miss An;; ('ri-sc\. Airs. STOWOU w;;a iu-companicd lioYne by W. I). Cus- ey. Miss Mary MeOondle, of Beith, P. ' Q., visited relatives here recently. ' Aril.iM- Barney was home from Mo* tra over Sunday. .. ivrcv -VlcM'ullon" sr.eut a day last' -week iii Montreal. " v Iu-:.th hxa ji#ain entered our midst and tairen for its own'Miss Edna Mr- Cart hy. -Pin- was a patient, loving" kind person, who will be missed by ;i ,. larg-e circle of friends. To mourn her j loss she leaves an aunt. Mrs. S. Cross, I who did everything- possible to rnlicvo \ her suffering .also nephews and nieces. : together with a host of friends. In an item last week we referred to a Rook party given by members of the W. C T. U. It seems that this wan an error and should have read that the Rook club instead of the temper- ance organization gave the party. One «f the members of the W, C. T. l T . ad- vises us that the item was wrong and that the W. C. T. IT. doesn't .shuffle cards. lilt de vc be: d;t .thful juisi ry at- i 11 x c ys pr member ohurch for vears tJve for • onfined v evioiis to of the J and lias . Mr. Nile a man or o his bed his death i<*ree strvt't s has 1 bis vt onlv . His i Louisa Nile.s.preceded him to the G Be vi\ N< W: St- hi :< i <.• I i S*-' i Cll O'l de IV 1 •t<r yond i.i ovi ii<ireii 'e to iniors rt "in iid re;: L'ViCi'S urch "lock. ing, a 11, of es Ci'i svn tjj and.. Mr hi: ch A; MI olvilb .SX. Reg last July. •T GO vea were' bo cherish h md Vim of this ;f Wilks))t iv, of Lii n Xichoi i and <>th \ver>'- on Si.tui't H<v. Da ssieited bj St. Regi: They had rs. To thi: rn, of wh is memory :cnt and been i s unioi om si-\ -. Thev Mrs. < ph.ee. Mm A In >ro. N.'y; ke C-zonia ville., h.-Kic or reltxiivv hrid at t :la> afterm vid Andci -• Rev. Nel s Palls. In Those fn i .aUend tbe tunera •s. Roliert: Day; of :. and Mrs. Jav Ni p. and Mr is Falls. . and Mrs. .Mis. ., und Ics gr; -s. Fun he iia uon at. •Nc»n, o so n lit termeri mi out 1 were Lake Its, ot Ray mi Will 1 as i-.ee.n "•ars four vitV-. re a l nar- I it sur- .;re n.-da. Juy tv, ;> it in of Mr. Xi- 0. Of y Mrs. Joseph Collctte is at the home of her son Ernest, fur a The topic for n«-xt S tian Endeavor is "Uu Business Men and Wo son is found in Prov. '1'J. l~-'j. Leader, Mrs. Arthur Dyke. K<-vhert Triiii, of Bwngor, was a callt-r in town Tuesday and Wednes- day. ' Miss T'nresn 'Mi:' \? rt hy was the guejsf of Mr. and Mi>,. Warren Stev- ens Sunday. Sh-.- rti-\r;>-d to her school at Paul Smiths Monda\. .:hr j3. : those who did v Young treat. Our next IM The les- Saturday afternooi "•• be a good .ticipating t» coyote ! • on* of the •l!«t tad harde«t of fU fur bearing animals to tmp. He delights in digging up traps, •printing tbem, eating the baft and otherwise disturbing the set without getting caught. Ills sense or smell Is* very acute. The best way to trap him is to build a bonfire over the set after tbe traps have been properly placed. Throw into the embers some bacon rinds, chicken bones or, better yet bones of sage hen or grouse. The coyote habitually searches about catnpflreB for stray bits of meat and is therefore less wary. The ore obliterates tbe traces of tbe set. eliminates the tracks and smell of a humftii belug, and the odor of the burned meat will attract him from a long distance. He is more likely to walk into the trap thus dis- guised with the remnants of a camp- fire than any othyr unless you hnve a carcass literally surrounded with traps with a severe winter on and no other carcasses within miles.—W. t\ Wilcox in Farm and Fireside. Meeting Mrs, Spider. In "Insect Biographies With Pen and Camera" the author pictures the plight of the unlucky fly who has* en- tered Mrs. Spider's parlor: It is struggling to escape from the nexpected net which in some uiya- tertous-'-* nniutter has suddenly envelop- ed it when a creature of terrible aa- pect hastily rushes out upon it. Eight bead-like eyes glare wildly upon tbe terrified fly. A large, hairy and bristly finger-like pal pas on each side of this appalling face wares and flourishes with angry menSc« la the air, ftppa** ently quivering with malignant glee. Then one of those combed and claw- ed feet ls stretched toward the hap. lees prisoner, and the threads that bold the fly are suddenly tightened up as the monster palls tbem together. Then the spinnerets eject a shower of silken strands over the fly, and it Is spun round and round on the threads that bold it until at last it is securely enveloped, stiH alive, in silken bonds. Artistic Temperament Cured, It will be news to many of her myri- ads of admirers to hear that that nobie artist Titiens "used to suffer from a bad temper, and in these outbursts she felt a strong desire to smash any- thing that came handy." How Titiens was ultimately cured of the habit Mr. Ganz relates in bis reminiscences: "She was sitting at supper after a con- cert in a provincial town when the manager made some remark which an- noyed her. As usual, she took the first thing that came to band, a soda water bottle, and flung it at him. The man- ager was sitting at the table with his back to tbe window. The bottle miss- ed him, smashed through the window aud nearly killed a casual passerby. This, said Titiens. gave her such a shock that she. was completely cured of her failing."-PaH Mall Gazette. Clear Seeing Massenet. Critics have not yet assigned the late M. Massenet his Trertnanent niche GLASSES You cao buy glasses for 10 cents or Ten Dollars —and get the same amount of matt rial in each pair. But right glasses are much more than mere material Unless yc u buy €LASSK plus SERVICE, you do not get your money's worth. I have the knowledge, experience and equip- nrent to furnish right glasses. B. A SOPER, OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 21 Elm Street, Matoce, N. Y. Across the R R. track from Howard House. In office evtry day bat Tuesdays. "Put Money In Thy Purse" —is what an endowment policy will da at maturity. J. H. DULLEA, Gen'IAgent, MALONE, N Y. OOOKS CORSHBRS Death of Mrs. CMoe Wilson. Feb. 16—Mrs. Chloe Wilson, wife/ of the late Asa Wilson, a Jormer res- ident of this place, died at her lat» home in Burke, Friday, Feb. IS. Th« remains were brought here Sunday fop burial. Next Sunday, Feb. 22nd, a vote will be taken in the W. M. church on whe- ther our present pastor will remain with us another year or not. A larg» attendance is desired. Mrs. Bert Ellsworth is seriously lit with lagrippe. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dustin, of Ft- Covington Center, were -guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Avery Sunday. A farewell party was given Mr. and* Mrs. Nathaniel Rowell and family on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. in tbe temple of fame, but most of RoweH i n 4 n ¥ t o move^onto Mr: ^ them agree that he was a charming, r,ong^s. farm south of_thls place ox^ although not a great, composer, had one quality of character, how- ever, which is not the invariable ac- companiment of genius, musical and other—he could appreciate genius In others. Au auecdote taken from the Paris Figaro attests it: A critic was indulging in extrava- gant praise of Massenet to his face and wound up his flattery. "Wagner! What was he? His tal- ent is most absurdly exaggerated. 1 have to pick and choose among a lot of rubbish in Wagner." He i the Baconville road. The peoole of" I this vicinity regret very much to los» them. Rev. George Jock is ill with la- grippe at this writing. Mrs, Edward Sabin is spending sev- eral days with A. Smith and family in Bombay. Miss Cora Buell. of Westvilie. who bas been spending- several days with- Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Avery and fam- ily, returned home on Friday. A. H. Ellsworth of Fort Covington, Center, called on friends in this ptac* Saturday. H. 13. Morey was a business caller at Brushton Friday. o y William T^apree intends to move hlar •Is that so?" commented Massenet family on the Kibbe farm at South Bombay, about March 1st, There was no preaching in the W. M. church Sunday on account of th» illness of our pastor. Mrs. George Howard; who has been numbered with the sick, is some bet- t t thi iti suavely. ."I should be quite bappy with what you leave." Birds. The first "birds" were not much like those of the present time. The pter- odactyl, supposed to be the pioiieer of bird life, was a great feather winged monster, with great spears on the hinges of the wings and a mouth full of sbarkllke teeth. The pterodactyl did not sing, and could we have seen ter at this writing. Edward Sabin and family intend to aove west of the Corners on the term know as the Frank Mel>onald place, which has been occupied tbe past year by Prank I*apree. WESTVlUVE. About 75 of the friends and neigh- him we would not have felt like slng-jb ors Of Mr. and Mre. Henry Fobar» ing ourselves. True birds, and especial-•; took possession of their home last ire very late in geo* j T u e s d a y ev ^ulng. Cards and a social was no bird- melody £ ^ ^rved^aSd 6 a pleasant evening- ly the warblers, a logic time. There in the carboniferous jungles. The spent by all. singers, m all probability, dtd not greatly antedate the human race.— New York American. Where Sentiment Stops. Mary Johiwon in aer book "Hagmr 1 * bas Mrs. Green, one of tbe characters, The People of the State of New York to William Blanchard, place of resi- dence unknown, constituting one of the heirs at law and next of kin of Mary Seattle, late of this town of reply to the heroine's wish that she f Constable, in the county of Franklin M ' 5 -- J *-'- -f New York deKjeaaed send they ment" C. Drury favored us with special mu- to 27. The hall being small and low sic. The play given by the Grange worked to the disadvantage of the Amateurs was a decided success and {visitors. It was interesting and arous- 1 '•** * - ' see it missed a'ed the audience to a high pitch of ex- eting will be held ; citement. The game was eharacteriz- j , Feb. 2.1. Thi^eJ-ejcLby brilliant plays and several cases j attendance, as we ,of rough house 'Where heads were! eellent "Wash- : cracked against the sides of tl. f New York, deceased, send Whereas, A. A. Edwards, the exec- utor named in the last will and testa- ment of the said Mary Beattie, de- ceased. ha» lately applied to our Sur- rogate of our county of Franklin, to have the said will proven as a will of real and personal property, in pursu- ance of the statute in such case made and provided: You, and each of you, ar» therefore cited and required, per- A Wmte riopm, sonally, to be and appear before our "1 nave a ruiud to give you a good said surrogate, at his office ia Malon* could make money by saying: "It ain't so easy for women to make money. There's more wayjs they can't than It's whnt they call •senti- ts tbem. Sentiment dotj't mind their being industrious, ^ut it draws the line at their getting money fortt" in charge of Miss '< building or the floor. Tire iine-up of j . ;th'e teams was as follows: j Crusaders—-.Drake and dtone, t'oi wards; Smith, On ter; Williamso and WHHainij, guards Regal Five-—Cant well and Mann is. ington" program Cindys TarbeM. ' Remember the anti-suffrage supper served by the men. Friday evening-, Feb. 27th. Everybody invited, The Rangor Dairyman's Association whippingr*- exclaimed the Impatient fa* •'Well.*' replied the athletic yoota, "maybe yot'eau, but if you succeed it will be some item for the sport page"—Washington Star. -ill hold TROVT KIVKR. "special! meeting Monday forward; Reynolds, center; Plumb and j Fob. 23rd, at Grange Hail Felton, guards.-^ Not Whisky. Ma —You've been drinking! I smell it in your breath Pa—Not a drop. ! I've been eating frotrs 1 legs. What you A»k your, dealer for the free book- let, "Useful Hints for Horse Owners," Issued by O. C. Hanford Mfg. Co., Sy- racuse, N. Y., manufacturers of Han- ford's Balsam of Myrrh. —Adv Matchless helps to women's comfort, physical well-bciivf?; and be?.uty—sure to pro- mate healthy, natural action of the organs of tigc^uon and elimination —the tcni", safe and ever reliable 'S PILLS 7%e Larotst Sale cfAny Medicine tn th* World Sold •T*ry*i>ere. } a boxm. I0c^ 15c. l'eb. 17th.—^MES. Smith March and Mrs. .1. A. Oamero7T' ! spe»t Frkh;y a:n1 Saturday at the home ol theij broth- ers William and Tom Armstrong, in Westvilie. Miss Florence Cameron spent a week in Burke recently v.itti rwlaUvex. H. li. Dalzell ia .spending a week with his family. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ross of Lan- caster, visited relatives in, town re- cently. : Mrs. A. H. Hurlburt is spending a ; few days with liov parents. ! Miss Hilda Dalzell nald a flying vis- it to'her home here recently. j A number of people from here at- ; tended the masquerade ball at Port , Covington Friday night. All report a ( good time. v I Mr. and Mis. George 'Elder were the j guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. .Elliott on who needs tbe chemicals or mixed phosphate is as kerf-to come prepared to givo hi? order as it i» iii>\v time to place the order for«i»uiy delivery. Any other questions of interest to the •association will be considered. CHASM FALLS AND OWLS HEAD. i-Yb. 1 <>— Xhe Valentine Supper served by the young ladies of the Chasm Falls Methodist church last Friday evening was well attended and a success in ewery way. The financial result was about $20, which will be used for various church expenses. The members of St .Helen's* R. C. church in this place arejveH^ea«ed enthu8iastlc in The subject for the debate was, Re- j solved: "That the pulpit exerts a] i greater inUuence for' good than the! 'press." The-affirmative was handled by Rev. K. H. Joy and Jason S. Joy; the negative by C'narles M. Hedtteld, editor vi the Evening Telegram and Attorney E. t\ Lawrence. Both aides were rt-plele with argutnents and many sharp and witty thrusts were in- dulged in. The judges, Rev. —-3ohn Baiuiord. School Superintendent Moe and F. L. Turner did nut flnd it aa easy task to reach a decision. After much deliberation the alii in ^he cou^of ^ o'clock in the forenoon, then on and there to attend the probate of said last will and testament. And if any of the aforesaid persons are under the age of twenty-one years, they will please take notice that they are required to appear br their general guardian, If they have one, and if they have none, that they appear and y , y pp apply for the appointment of il di i th vt spe- hi When Money Took Wings. Cumedinn— Did the ghost walk? Souurette- No: it was an aviation comedy, and the ghost flew after the 8rst week --Exchange. it is the «pHfted face that feela 1 shining of the sun much deliberation the aittrmotive were *jrmv*>m*M m * » » " » * °I* l fT' accorded the honors. Th* genti«men restore dlwestton, normal weight, grood iwho attended from Malone were, ac- t"^ 1 * 11 -* 11 * 1 -^?*!^ tftoblooa, use Bur- were ac- }• all were praise of the Bwke ! Lancast with hi! Mr stores. Prtc^ $1.00.—Adv. William Brady, of | home here. Toe you»^ ladles are ,. O1>riit a few days last week I dontii in FraniltBn Academy. sisters. Misses Margaret and L Flo >' d Kingr, attendance officer and Mrs. Jo w.-j>' callers in Chasm Falls today. m I Mrs. Mary Bean is spending a week or ot the newly- i"' K " " l - r and Mrs. Martin I Pots ' lam - WiUiaui W, Wilson, ' Caspie Brady »frey, ! The young pneople pave a dan | Monday night in honor of tl; I married couple, M I Donnelly. i •— I Mrs. M. J. Elliott, of Malone. is! DE-O1>OR-O3L prevents and re- spending a few days with relatives j moves offensive peraptretlon. 36 cents ifcere. j at O;t pron's d«Cg stojfe. Adv. I , TUB KING OP ALL For eoo»tipation use Dr. Kln»*« •«- "-r*"' ""•" —••*•— j'* v - «*'"~ v •""••v,. i Hew !LAf% Pill*. Paul Mathulka, of u and quantity of excellent vianda sery- 1 Bu«alo, N. T»t »ay» they are ' and c^ttJiry - & * - - ° ^J°-^^. ln -^ I°< ^ ^ ^ ^ They are , -..j. ---•.--.--•---- v*ountry dlatrtcts. Fr©«ft asocial point «ti my family &nd t always k Me(of-| J <>^F h Vasaau, ^o£^ B^ry Corners, ot^e^^th^whoi^e^imlnK was one of j 5 5 % » box and »et rare enjoyment and good fellowship. We all want to KO a«%int . I WEAR! | RUBBERS again. Prtce 15c At dra««fMr or :. m. Buckl«n A Co., PttilaOolphto or St. Lo«i» Itching, bieedine, protrudls* Mr blind pile* have yielded to Do«i"« OiHtment 50c at all store*. —Adv. appy pp p cial guardian, or in the event of their failure or neglect to do so, a special guardian will be-appointed by the sur- rogate to represent and act for them in the proceedings for the probate of said will In testimony whereof, we have hereunto affixed the sea! of our said stirrosrate. Witness, Frederick G. Pad- < L. S.) dock, surrogate of said county, a^. the surrogate's office, in Malone villnge. In mid county, the iSth day of February, IS 14. KATHARINEL A. PADDOCK. ClerH of the Surrogate's Court. WALTER J. M£ABS, Attorney for Petitioner, Matohe, N. Y. 10w7 KALOITB MARKET. Prices paid prodncarm. (Corrected ev- ery Tuesday.) 3fi»~

WBDSB6DAY, FEBRUARY It, 1914. ROYAL - NYS Historic …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031968/1914-02-18/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · sena, spent Sunda- and Monday with his parents, Mr. and

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Page 1: WBDSB6DAY, FEBRUARY It, 1914. ROYAL - NYS Historic …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031968/1914-02-18/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · sena, spent Sunda- and Monday with his parents, Mr. and


mnty LettersO O N 8 T A B L * :

* » t h of P e t e r T e t r a u l t . — L o c a l Knt e r t a l n m e n t . — F r a n k K u b a i l e a u IS t r i c k e n W i t h A p o p l e x y . — S i U M i i i -«IT L y n c h I n j u r e d . — M a n y O w - <>li>nt^> in l i m n

j High School Supper Saturday Even-j ing.—How Some of Our Towuspeo-j pie Kntertain.—Hiram Clark Im-

moving.—Martin Smith to be Op-j orated on at Ogdenisburg>

< >n \ \ c dntvfl , \ ivtnnii . U b 18th

ill be d ui til will u

b as.d us!i u l s \h,



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Dol ing: th* long w i i i i u e v m i n p s t inv i l l a p t s t o i e ^ o l ou i l i t t l t h a u i k t a r ts u p p l i e d w i t h tiu» u s u a l hn*. - 4p ot Ucal m e n a n d n e a r - b y t a n n e r s w h otorn* to Uo t i a d i n j , u)d ij.it ml t i t i

Tlu \ s t i . a


AbsolutelyAbsolutely bas no substitute

Many mixtures are offered assubstitutes for Royal. No otherbaking powder is the same incomposition or effectiveness, orso wholesome and economical,nor will make such fine food.

Royal Is the only Baking Powder madefrom Royal Grape Cream of Tartar

W. H. C. to Serve Supper.—WhtetParty at Woods Brothers' Home.

Feb. 14—Hernion Haskell, of Maa-sena, spent Sunda- and Monday withhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hag-kell.

Charles Gibus, of Cooks Corners,was calling on friends here Sunday,

G t d e Cotter, of Bombay,i J i h lli

, ay,ushton calling

as the guest Of Mrs.She returned homo

nMiss G

spent a few daon friends undP. K. McMannWednesday.

Henry (juinn returned home Wed-nesday, after spending a few days atAvers.'

Mr. and Mrs. John Siartin, of NorthBangor, spent Wednesday visiting Mr.Martins sister, Mrs. Cornelius .Larkin.

Mrs. William Kimpigon, of BeaverRivtr, was called to Brushton on ac-couwt—of tlie serious illness of her fa-ther, Nichola



The dan

f erWaggoner, but he hasmewhat and if noth-

it is thought he will

Grange Hall Fridayevening- tor the Athletic Associationwas largely al tended.

Mrs. c. C-. Orton was the guest ofhur daughter. Hazel, who is in schoolat Potsdam, over Sunday.

Mrs. Fanny Clark, of .Lawrenceville,who has spent several days with herdaughter, Mrs. Hoswell Conger, wentto irouuois, Can., on Wednesday tovisit triends.

My. and Mrs. A. K. Botsford, fromSaranae l^ake, spent Sunday with theirniuthtr, Mrs. G. C. Greenleaf.— M*§: M. M. Dewey and Mr^Aluy

| Dcwey, of Malone,i with their daughterElton Han-'

spent'and sist

Tuesdayr, Mrs.




o n bai if 1 om puil<!

b t h i

Some Pleasant Social Functions. —\V.\ . Ti«>mas Fui-chase* Farm in


.igcit i«- iiuitt m t e u s t ing tc

\ a n e t \ ot ^ub 'ecib discussed \ good-stoi> teller nevci U iN to p* t m e U U n -tion ot th< g i t h e r i n g m d ol ten t h e

i beaut i fu l control of l i i g j i p * md < \ -press ions a re q nte i ( ni u 1- jblt O i t rnsomtoiH will <nde«noi iL vw the <,p-

how iii.ui\ loaiK ol ) \ nt r i H l u d in

K n ' L eb. la—The, 'ot pleasant g-atfc

' " ' ' • Tuesdaym e n o f t h e


ek was oneon tliree oc-

the gentle-d

Death ol Mi>. K-itssel) lioardway.—Frank lVckOako? <.>iM*i-atetl L'pon at Ogdens-burg.

noved to theill work for

hursday at-

The deathvay, wido

Al-cur red at tluter, Mrs


, __. has accept-Impmving.—Adolph ed a portion in Malone as turnkey in

the county jail and reports for dutyMarch 1st.

Dr. and Mrs. J. Conger and son de-parted for New York on Wednesdayevening to spend a couple of weekswith Mrs. Conger's parents, Mr. andMrs. Henry Schaefer.

Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Langdon, of

of Mrs. Adeline Board-f Russell Boardway, oc-

me of her granddaughFrank Shepard, Feb. 7th, of

Mi 8 2 y e a r s . Slv h a d

many years. SIbor and friend a

St. Edward's

1" West Bangor fore was a kind neighid a d< " "R. C.

sons and a daughter survive. Peter, ; ^ F

Winnipeg, are spending a few dayswith Mr Langdon.'s sister, Mrs. Geo.

Kinu ntjiBii-tC o n g e r' i n B r u s n t o n -w.ted member!, M r - a n d M r s - Morris Green, of Ma-church. Two • tone, were guests at the home of Mr.

»'<jJjf<t Jt l

c i i o , I h c i

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1 t h iJ h t

of West. Bangor, Charles, of Malone, : — -----»and Mrs. Olive Bombard, of. Brash- I J ° n ?ton. Interment at West Bangor. I -MI *• i

parents, Mr.over Sunday

nd Mrs. Ashel

gk returned from the

t Tuesday and is improvingFrankli

hospital I;finely.

Mr. and Mrs Edwin Bentley visitedMr and Mrs. Fred Dickinson in Ban-gor last week.

Miss Genevieve Fisk. of Nieholville,the guest of her aunt, Mrs, Hat-


purchased theBest farm nort of Moira and

will take possession on March-ist—Fred J. Rozon has

dairy of fifteen cowsPhelps, also his youngMiss Katherine Bero, of Hogansburg,

purchased theof Merchant

1. m i

r su, u ' \ i n g th^ lower1.1 al

M i s Ji#l n M i--t


M i s T Oi P a d d o c kP i i s o ' i s p o k e a t t n e M T-

l o r t »«lt" is adMSff i 1 < l t h m u «• a t t e i r x o u oii>r M i . n l ) t h a t i o l tl»* suffrasr** M o \ - i

in I M i u i ( t i s \ f r v l o i k v t a t e It w a s wn> v^ M ' | e u n w t n t Mis s M i i \ P i t i c e w i1- c^ 5 o t O < <-tat<. s i i r i iRf ii o \

i , i ' \ #1 T h o u c - P l « ib* i s t r i o u M v ill » i t n Thi i rMi«i \ . l m n u n n

t rm l u n g l - r o w ^ p e n o e i m t o t i r e d , t i tH - i i r e u t s Mi » m b u n g p l a \ i d \ p l t d - u i

M i s s< \ l i t

Newndi a

14' -ini j, ii *

church se:• ster supper in Grange Hail,

though it was extremely cold the nicesum of $25 was realized. This is theflifct experience these gentlemen havehad in arranging everything for a suj.-p* r and they spared no pains to dec-oiate the hall with the national col-ois and to have an abundance of goodthings to eat and to see that every-thing should go like clock-work. Wecongratulate them on their successand a vote of thanks from the ladiesof the church is extended to each onewho helped. A nice litenuy programfollowed the supper.

The following evening a short but\*rv pleasing entertainment was giv-<n by tbe pupils of our village school _ _under the careful training of the " tie Boardw;tt, toners. Miss Bouvia and Miss Fish. \ Mrs. Olive Tiak.At the close of the'program a box so- from Brushton wherecial was held which added some $17 several weeks.atter expenses were paid, to the libra- I Mrs. Rex Spaulding andi\ fund. Games and dances were in- are ill at present. <-=,---„-duiged in and a, pleasant evening pass- Mrs. S. Crooks visited friends in Ma- ; Grange to the State Grangeed by all. 'lone a few days last week. On Friday evening, Feb. 20th. the

Friday evening a Valentine auirner j Mrs. Elizabeth Lawrence spent last! ladies of the W. R. C, will servewas given by the ladies of the M E. ^week with her daughter-in-law, Mrs.church in the church basemenf. The ; F. G. Lawrence, in Bangor.dining room was very attractive, both j Adolph Oakes was successfullyin beauty and the good tilings to eat. ' erated upon for appendicitis last vIt showed that a great deal of t i m e a t the Ogdensburer City Hospital,h i d • • ' • ' • - - " ' ~ • "' • -

has beenBradv the

Mrs. D

, g g ,guest of Mrs. Warren

past week.win Day, of Blue Moun-di h

y,tain, is spending the week in Brush-t h t f f i dirned Saturday (ton, the guest of friends.

she had spent! Mr, and Mrs. Washington Tryon re-t! , aI turned ht F

g ySaturday, Feb. 7th,

Th t d lI t r h m e on S t d a y , ,

children t from Foughkeepsie. They went as del-legates of Franklin County PomonaG t th S t t G


supper in G. A. R. hall from five o'-l k l ll d

t*e f iom an t n f t t t i o n» o a tl on rht h tnd\ t i \ slow 1\

\ \ e a i c pit us* ', u s.C 1 Mich jhl» tan nines'- du<ti i i a laddf r .5»jr l \ n t h %nB t 1 1 i 1 - l i I U I \ !

b> t i n f a b

I.t - n i ' pn ^ Lid*, r t a l l \ Uilli

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or T


entei tai led b\ pi< \ ui fd i

. Islandsb e n stutn

been spent in preparing it. j Brad Mill<t Miss Lillian Hollenbeck, of Ft. Jack-; ton. were

s Lutlt vjn, was a guest at the Baptist par- {week.1 H it bouage a few days recently. j

e giKsts Miss Genevieve Fish returned Sat-tand in- mday from several days* visit with herPhilip aunt, in West Bangor. j

Baldwin Tuesday of last week, while draw- ji,eroy Kee-ler Suffers from Shock.'• ing pulp-wood out of a swamp on the j V i I l a K e W a t e r W orks Frozen Up.

clock until all are served.Charles Clark, of L-awrenceville, is

spending a few davs with his sister,,U1» *..,„, «»»»,««». i M r s - Roswell Conger.and family, of Brush- Misses Elizabeth Pickering and

of Peter French last ! Amanda Coldon, attended the baskett ! m a ,j ball game in Malonej vening.




ill PMV |lt \ i l d i t n j r t

] h* u k u it n\ <-( n as

ii Ohnstead fan]cened an injury byniK -him in the left eyeescaped the loss of his1 oped that in time hecover from his injury.

, \ o t a large numberat the Grange meeting

S. E. Bandy re-jrush strik- ! p e h . 1 6—The

ver $25.00E.

theSociety realiz-iupper held at$ pp

l h e h o n i e o f M r - a n d M r s - C " R - P l u m b

! L e r o>' K e e l e r suffered a slight shock°» F H d a - v »»o«iing. His condition at

! Present' is favorable. His many

AT. and Mrs. George Harris, Mrs.Edith Scott and E. W., and F. L>.Woods entertained eight tables atWhist Friday evening, Feb. 6th, atthe home of the Woods brothers. Mrs.Charles Smith and Earl Gillespie wonthe honors of the evening.

Friday afternoon the Grange Hallwas well filled to listen to the historyof the suffrage movement in NewYork. Miss Alice Pierson, of NewYork, spoke well. The talk of Mrs. F.G. Paddock, of Malone, was also in-

j teresting-.Mrs. Lucinda Rowell, who has been

H u i I

In; I

p i tA h j!d t .

pto th*A no phjsician is

n i u ir 'n<_ t,»tc boine families donut. wish to r<ue then little ones illwith it lufet now and evervone shouldxisiti care not to expose others. ;

The Ideal WHist Club held their |laat meeting at the home of Mr. and ]Mrs. William Johnston in Burke Sat- flarday evening last. There was u full iattendance, refreshments were servedand a good time was enjoyed by all, jThe Club will reorganize at some fu- jtuve date.

Frank Childs of Malone. is a visit-or in town today

Edward Fitzgerald, a student in the«5rand Seminary, Montreal, -recently ivisited his aunt h>;v. Mrs. HenryHiifciies, and other relatives.

Sheridan Beebee i.s in town on abusiness visit here.

Mist; Kate Shea, »f Massachusetts, !ts spending a lew tf-eeks here withher brother. .lohn Shea, and other rel-atives.

We are sorry tu note that .John jKatltrty recently had the misfortune \to break an arm near the wrist while ;coming liome from u visit with hisdaughter, Mrs. James Latour, of Sar- .anac Lake.

I>r. C. E. Stickney lias the agency ,for sale of the Geo. S. Parker Lucky ,Curve fountain pens and will be pleas- 'ed to show them to anyone. These 'pens are the highest grade made and jthoroughly warranted. A selection can !be made of just the kind of pen you !like, either fine, medium, coarse, man- jWold. e t c . I

little .still conhntd to

M.uT!ii <-imthOgfUnsbuig Cithop* s to obtdu


nozt tomirthe houhfk i t this m

i HospitalI ' l l . 1 flOl.

Huts } iv 1i n g


CJ 1 I ' J g d V C Mil C-T V-LJivril I i V £ -"-J J V iJ L VH'/

rdtmers' Week held in Canton last :

month, to .which he was delegate. , !

i W. A. Thomas has purchased a farm jI near Lisbon. We understand he does ;

not intend to take possession for an- iother year, for which w eare all very jgiateful, as they are among our \best townspeople andthem. Mr. Thomas fc

i hah owned and run

Mr. and Mrs. W. B.the Malone Club danc

yce attendedt Malone on

venmg,George Fairchilds is quite ill.lane Geddes is spending sev-s with her father, Sylvesterwhy is quite ill at his home

so very sick, is much better, Mrs. Phil-ips does not gain as fast as her manyfriends would wish. Mrs. E. H. Barse,who has been an inmate of the Corn-wail hospital for the past three weeksreturned home on Friday night, muchimproved in health.


I>ealh of Kylvanu* Niles.

I'V-'b ]G— The prayer meeting wiJibe held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Vincent Xiles on Tuesday evening.

Mrs. J. L. Cotey and' little daugh-ter, Mary, were visitors in Maloneon Wednesday.

The ladies of the M. E. church heldaVlentine social at th

George Bradley • Feb. 1 4ti:

eb. 21, athold a sale

j! Tuebene

l>eath or Miss Edna McCarthy.

Feb. 16—James Lacomb, of St. Isa-dore Jet., spent the week-end hei-e.

The sick are all recovering.Victor liu-ssell, of Rochester, and

Charlie 1-lnsscll, of Niagara Falls, N.Y.. were he-re last week to attend thefuneral of tlx'ir aunt. Miss Kdna Mc-Carthy.

Mis> r. Hay.-s spem th.' greaterpart, of last v,-eek at "ner home inI ' t

seemed to have a plcepits from the suppe$11.75. The ladies haddollar apiece by cofriendly teas,, etc., foreceived $16. ST.

On Saturday evening,Grange hall, they are tof aprons, kitchen towels, holders andmany other useful articles. Home-made candy will also have its place.An oyster supper will be served fromfive o'clock on for 25 cents. Thosewishing a super of salads, rolls, cake, Idoughnuts and coffee will be served i Geo.for ten cents. All are most cordiallyinvited.

J. L. Corey transacted business inMalone on Thursday.

Mrs. H. E. ^mith and daughter,Helen, were guests of Mrs. G. C. Me-Ewcn in Potsdam on Friday and Sat-urday.

Sylvanus Niles, an aged and highly: respected resident of thi;led away Thursday night at the"lot' S6 years at the home of his son,' Noble F. Niles, with whom he hadi lived during tne past thirteen years,i Mr. Niles was born in Vermont, Oct.|19, 1827, a son of Samuel and Alma'Niles. At-tlre age of nine he camewith his parents to thi? town to live

iand has since resided here. He was af i h l

Walter Matthews.id Austin in his pri

William Hicks hao fall on Tuesday

of jjuring his shoulderEveryone (ligaments away.

sfortu;hust week, in- i

i\- fearing the


V l . j Bangor today.I Miss f?lara Keeler who recently un-derwent an operation at Saranac Lake,

•' • ' an return


i ha« recovered so that she' to her .school at Lake Placid

Mrs. Marion Spauldingk I about tne same.

,,,„.„,.,,, ' I Frank Brown had his house \viPosd in ' £ o r <- l e c t r i c "ghts last week.

•uU time. Re - j Lemuel Bal iu iu uim ^on. n a i i s , , - - - . . - i -aa m o u n t e d to i have rented of Mrs. KHty M e a c h a m i - rank rfrown is

^^ar;;avfnt!in; csr£ z:^J^^n\So&a and i « - e ? M h 5 **^r,»% **which they! There will be a social at W home ! « u e s t o f h e r niece, Mrs B lorence Ford,

iof Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Holcomb i a ' f e w d ^ v s l a s t week.

tl:ning, Feb. -4th. for th.e Baptist churc\liiie. F'riee of M

for the ' Lloyd Collins, who has had theFverv ' whooping cough, is improving.

oner" l^i W i l 1 f > n i l i P s h a s moved to West' '"' ' Bangor, and began work for Milo M.g

i Rood.j The illage water works are frozen | ^ l ^ r r ^

Fletcher Very Low.— Mr*.Carroll Seriously 111.

I pja number are' village.

l gof James Skerry's and quite

h i t b l i thme y q

having trouble in the


George W. Fletcher, who has bvery ill for some time, is very lowthis writing.

Vincent Hutching returned h(from Santa Clara Tuesday.

Mrs. Bridget Carroll is very

At the last regular meeting of Ban-jor Grange there was a good atten-

j dance. Three new members were ini-j tiated in the 1st and 2nd degrees af-

worthy lecturer, Mrs. William Selkirk,consisted of:—

Song—Choir.Heading, Eugene Moe, (followed-by

discussion).Heading—Mrs. Mastin.Piano Solo—Mrs. Ray Peirigro.Reading—Walter Brand.Reading—Rhetta Bonin.Song—Choir.The Maccabee dance and supper

was attended by fifty couples and allreport a fine tir

W. N. Witherell spent Sunday andMonday in Burlington Vt.

Will Burr, of South Bangor,spending the week with Mr. and Mrs.

is home fromcouple weeks'

Miss Eula CooperBurlington, Vt., for {visit.


Friday—w*as a red letter day in theactivities of the Methodist Society ofBu/ke. The ladies associated withthe Busy Bee class served an elegant

M s g yn pass- the home, of her son, John, suffering

from shock and heart trouble.Mrs. Helen Adams spent the

week at the home of Mr. andFred Hutchins.

Mrs. Alvira Trim, of Bangol

jter which our mail carriers gave some (supper in Grange hall to a large com-ill Tt i helpful suggestions whereby the pa- I pany which netted. $45.00. In connec-


p gg y p j p y c , $trons may assist them in their work, jtion with the supper the pastor. Rev.such as standing letters up in back i H. C. Campbell, arranged for a de-of box instead of laying them flat; j bate and basket ball game to be giv-

i d il b t j i Odd F l l ' Hall. In the latterd

it of her son,days.

Fred Merrtft «'asCove over Sunda>

Mrs keeping roads open to mail box, get-[en in Odd Fellows' __..„. __ -"'ting- supplies on pleasant days and by j the Regrai Five of Malone contested

' * ' ' - - • ' - • as they are li- \ for «upreinacy with their old rivals,


home fr

g pp'always being pat

l i t k- a D e m kan interestingW k h l d t

for' a few able to mistakes, R. C. Harwood gave the Crussaders of Burke, and though>-- :-<• ^ • - ~ * -* f- — — - • > they worked hard the Malone team

was again defeated by a score of 35

grt of Farmers'

Spri 1£r Week, held at Canton, and Mrs. W.

f r o t h eOgdensburg rityvacation.

oi' .Oelm

for a short


sister, Miss An;; ('ri-sc\. Airs. STOWOUw;;a iu-companicd lioYne by W. I). Cus-ey.

Miss Mary MeOondle, of Beith, P. 'Q., visited relatives here recently. '

Aril.iM- Barney was home from Mo*tra over Sunday. ..

ivrcv -VlcM'ullon" sr.eut a day last'-week iii Montreal. " v

Iu-:.th hxa ji#ain entered our midstand tairen for its own'Miss Edna Mr-Cart hy. -Pin- was a patient, loving"kind person, who will be missed by ;i ,.larg-e circle of friends. To mourn her jloss she leaves an aunt. Mrs. S. Cross, Iwho did everything- possible to rnlicvo \her suffering .also nephews and nieces. :together with a host of friends.

In an item last week we referredto a Rook party given by members ofthe W. C T. U. It seems that this wanan error and should have read thatthe Rook club instead of the temper-ance organization gave the party. One«f the members of the W, C. T. lT. ad-vises us that the item was wrong andthat the W. C. T. IT. doesn't .shufflecards.

liltdevcb e :d;t


ry at-i 11 x cys pr


for vearstJve for •onfined vevioiis to

of the Jand lias

. Mr. Nilea man oro his bedhis death


s has 1bis vtonlv

. His iLouisa Nile.s.preceded him to the GB e

vi\N<W:S t -

hi:< i<.• I i

S*-' iCllO ' l

d eIV1


yondi.i ovi

i i < i r e i i'e to


rt "in

iid re;:L ' V i C i ' S

urch"lock.ing, a11, ofes Ci'isvn tjj

and.. Mrh i :ch

A; MIolvilb

.SX. Reg

last July.•T GO vea

were' bocherish hmd Vim

of this;f Wilks))tiv, of Liin Xichoii and <>th

\ver>'-on Si.tui't

H<v. Dassieited bjSt. Regi:

They hadrs. To thi:• rn, of whis memory:cnt and

been is unioiom si-\-. ThevMrs. <

ph.ee. Mm A In>ro. N . ' y ;ke C-zoniaville., h.-Kicor reltxiivvhrid at t:la> aftermvid Andci

-• Rev. Nels Palls. InThose fn

i .aUend tbe tunera•s. Roliert: Day; of:. and Mrs. Jav Nip. and Mris Falls .

. and Mrs.

.Mis.., undIcs gr;-s. Funhe i iauon at.•Nc»n, oso n l i ttermerimi out1 wereLake •Its, otRay mi

Will1 asi-.ee.n"•arsfourvitV-.re a lnar-I itsur-.;re


J u y

tv, ;>

it ino f

M r .

Xi-0. Of

yMrs. Joseph Collctte is at the home

of her son Ernest, fur aThe topic for n«-xt S

tian Endeavor is "UuBusiness Men and Woson is found in Prov. '1'J. l~-'j. Leader,Mrs. Arthur Dyke.

K<-vhert Triiii, of Bwngor, was acallt-r in town Tuesday and Wednes-day.

' Miss T'nresn 'Mi:' \? rt hy was theguejsf of Mr. and Mi>,. Warren Stev-ens Sunday. Sh-.- rti-\r;>-d to herschool at Paul Smiths Monda\.

.:hrj3. : those who didv Young treat. Our next IMThe les- Saturday afternooi

"•• be a good.ticipating

t » coyote ! • on* of the •l!«t tadharde«t of fU fur bearing animals totmp. He delights in digging up traps,•printing tbem, eating the baft andotherwise disturbing the set withoutgetting caught. Ills sense or smell Is*very acute. The best way to trap himis to build a bonfire over the set aftertbe traps have been properly placed.Throw into the embers some baconrinds, chicken bones or, better yetbones of sage hen or grouse. The coyotehabitually searches about catnpflreBfor stray bits of meat and is thereforeless wary. The ore obliterates tbetraces of tbe set. eliminates the tracksand smell of a humftii belug, and theodor of the burned meat will attracthim from a long distance. He is morelikely to walk into the trap thus dis-guised with the remnants of a camp-fire than any othyr unless you hnve acarcass literally surrounded with trapswith a severe winter on and no othercarcasses within miles.—W. t\ Wilcoxin Farm and Fireside.

Meeting Mrs, Spider.In "Insect Biographies With Pen

and Camera" the author pictures theplight of the unlucky fly who has* en-tered Mrs. Spider's parlor:

It is struggling to escape from thenexpected net which in some uiya-

tertous-'-* nniutter has suddenly envelop-ed it when a creature of terrible aa-pect hastily rushes out upon it. Eightbead-like eyes glare wildly upon tbeterrified fly. A large, hairy and bristlyfinger-like pal pas on each side of thisappalling face wares and flourisheswith angry menSc« la the air, ftppa**ently quivering with malignant glee.Then one of those combed and claw-ed feet ls stretched toward the hap.lees prisoner, and the threads thatbold the fly are suddenly tightened upas the monster palls tbem together.Then the spinnerets eject a shower ofsilken strands over the fly, and it Isspun round and round on the threadsthat bold it until at last it is securelyenveloped, stiH alive, in silken bonds.

Artistic Temperament Cured,It will be news to many of her myri-

ads of admirers to hear that that nobieartist Titiens "used to suffer from abad temper, and in these outburstsshe felt a strong desire to smash any-thing that came handy." How Titienswas ultimately cured of the habit Mr.Ganz relates in bis reminiscences:"She was sitting at supper after a con-cert in a provincial town when themanager made some remark which an-noyed her. As usual, she took the firstthing that came to band, a soda waterbottle, and flung it at him. The man-ager was sitting at the table with hisback to tbe window. The bottle miss-ed him, smashed through the windowaud nearly killed a casual passerby.This, said Titiens. gave her such ashock that she. was completely curedof her failing."-PaH Mall Gazette.

Clear Seeing Massenet.Critics have not yet assigned the

late M. Massenet his Trertnanent niche

GLASSESYou cao buy glasses for10 cents or Ten Dollars—and get the sameamount of matt rial ineach pair.But right glasses aremuch more than merematerialUnless yc u buy €LASSKplus SERVICE, you donot get your money'sworth.I have the knowledge,experience and equip-nrent to furnish rightglasses.


21 Elm Street, Matoce, N. Y.

Across the R R. track from Howard

House. In office evtry daybat Tuesdays.

"Put MoneyIn Thy Purse"

—is what an endowment policy will daat maturity.



Death of Mrs. CMoe Wilson.

Feb. 16—Mrs. Chloe Wilson, wife/of the late Asa Wilson, a Jormer res-ident of this place, died at her lat»home in Burke, Friday, Feb. IS. Th«remains were brought here Sunday fopburial.

Next Sunday, Feb. 22nd, a vote willbe taken in the W. M. church on whe-ther our present pastor will remainwith us another year or not. A larg»attendance is desired.

Mrs. Bert Ellsworth is seriously litwith lagrippe.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dustin, of Ft-Covington Center, were -guests of Mr.and Mrs. Elwin Avery Sunday.

A farewell party was given Mr. and*Mrs. Nathaniel Rowell and family onWednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs.

in tbe temple of fame, but most of RoweH i n 4 n ¥ t o move^onto Mr: ^them agree that he was a charming, • r,ong^s. farm south of_thls place oxalthough not a great, composer,had one quality of character, how-ever, which is not the invariable ac-companiment of genius, musical andother—he could appreciate genius Inothers. Au auecdote taken from theParis Figaro attests it:

A critic was indulging in extrava-gant praise of Massenet to his faceand wound up his flattery.

"Wagner! What was he? His tal-ent is most absurdly exaggerated. 1have to pick and choose among a lotof rubbish in Wagner."

He i the Baconville road. The peoole of"I this vicinity regret very much to los»them.

Rev. George Jock is ill with la-grippe at this writing.

Mrs, Edward Sabin is spending sev-eral days with A. Smith and family inBombay.

Miss Cora Buell. of Westvilie. whobas been spending- several days with-Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Avery and fam-ily, returned home on Friday.

A. H. Ellsworth of Fort Covington,Center, called on friends in this ptac*Saturday.

H. 13. Morey was a business callerat Brushton Friday.o y

William T^apree intends to move hlar•Is that so?" commented Massenet family on the Kibbe farm at South

Bombay, about March 1st,There was no preaching in the W.

M. church Sunday on account of th»illness of our pastor.

Mrs. George Howard; who has beennumbered with the sick, is some bet-t t thi iti

suavely. ."I should be quite bappy

with what you leave."

Birds.The first "birds" were not much like

those of the present time. The pter-odactyl, supposed to be the pioiieer ofbird life, was a great feather wingedmonster, with great spears on thehinges of the wings and a mouth fullof sbarkllke teeth. The pterodactyldid not sing, and could we have seen

ter at this writing.Edward Sabin and family intend to

aove west of the Corners on the termknow as the Frank Mel>onald place,which has been occupied tbe pastyear by Prank I*apree.


About 75 of the friends and neigh-him we would not have felt like slng-jbors Of Mr. and Mre. Henry Fobar»ing ourselves. True birds, and especial-•; took possession of their home last

ire very late in geo* j T u e s d a y ev^ulng. Cards and a social

was no bird- melody £ ^ ^rved^aSd6 a pleasant evening-

ly the warblers, alogic time. Therein the carboniferous jungles. The spent by all.singers, m all probability, dtd notgreatly antedate the human race.—New York American.

Where Sentiment Stops.Mary Johiwon in aer book "Hagmr1*

bas Mrs. Green, one of tbe characters,

The People of the State of New Yorkto William Blanchard, place of resi-dence unknown, constituting one ofthe heirs at law and next of kin ofMary Seattle, late of this town of

reply to the heroine's wish that she f Constable, in the county of FranklinM ' 5 - - J *-'- -f New York deKjeaaed send


C. Drury favored us with special mu- to 27. The hall being small and lowsic. The play given by the Grange worked to the disadvantage of theAmateurs was a decided success and {visitors. It was interesting and arous-

1 '•** * - ' see it missed a 'ed the audience to a high pitch of ex-eting will be held ; citement. The game was eharacteriz- j, Feb. 2.1. Thi eJ-ejcLby brilliant plays and several cases jattendance, as we ,of rough house 'Where heads were!

eellent "Wash- : cracked against the sides of tl.

f New York, deceased, send

Whereas, A. A. Edwards, the exec-utor named in the last will and testa-ment of the said Mary Beattie, de-ceased. ha» lately applied to our Sur-rogate of our county of Franklin, tohave the said will proven as a will ofreal and personal property, in pursu-ance of the statute in such case madeand provided: You, and each of you,ar» therefore cited and required, per-

A Wmte riopm, sonally, to be and appear before our"1 nave a ruiud to give you a good said surrogate, at his office ia Malon*

could make money by saying: "It ain'tso easy for women to make money.There's more wayjs they can't than

It's whnt they call •senti-ts tbem. Sentiment dotj't

mind their being industrious, ^ut itdraws the line at their getting moneyfortt"

in charge of Miss '< building or the floor. Tire iine-up of j. • ;th'e teams was as follows: j

Crusaders—-.Drake and dtone, t'oiwards; Smith, O n ter; Williamsoand WHHainij, guards

Regal Five-—Cant well and Mann is.

ington" programCindys TarbeM. '

Remember the anti-suffrage supperserved by the men. Friday evening-,Feb. 27th. Everybody invited,

The Rangor Dairyman's Association

whippingr*- exclaimed the Impatient fa*

•'Well.*' replied the athletic yoota,"maybe yot'eau, but if you succeedit will be some item for the sportpage"—Washington Star.

-ill hold


"special! meeting Monday forward; Reynolds, center; Plumb and jFob. 23rd, at Grange Hail Felton, guards.-^

Not Whisky.

Ma —You've been drinking! I smellit in your breath Pa—Not a drop.

! I've been eating frotrs1 legs. What you

A»k your, dealer for the free book-let, "Useful Hints for Horse Owners,"Issued by O. C. Hanford Mfg. Co., Sy-racuse, N. Y., manufacturers of Han-ford's Balsam of Myrrh. —Adv

Matchlesshelps to women's comfort, physicalwell-bciivf?; and be?.uty— sure to pro-mate healthy, natural action of theorgans of tigc^uon and elimination—the tcni", safe and ever reliable


7%e Larotst Sale cfAny Medicine tn th* WorldSold •T*ry*i>ere. }a boxm. I0c^ 15c.

l'eb. 17th.—^MES. Smith March andMrs. .1. A. Oamero7T'!spe»t Frkh;y a:n1Saturday at the home ol theij broth-ers William and Tom Armstrong, inWestvilie.

Miss Florence Cameron spent aweek in Burke recently v.itti rwlaUvex.

H. li. Dalzell ia .spending a weekwith his family.

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ross of Lan-caster, visited relatives in, town re-cently.

: Mrs. A. H. Hurlburt is spending a; few days with liov parents.! Miss Hilda Dalzell nald a flying vis-it to'her home here recently.

j A number of people from here at-; tended the masquerade ball at Port, Covington Friday night. All report a( good time. vI Mr. and Mis. George 'Elder were thej guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. .Elliott on

who needs tbe chemicals or mixedphosphate is as kerf-to come preparedto givo hi? order as it i» iii>\v timeto place the order for«i»uiy delivery.Any other questions of interest to the•association will be considered.


i-Yb. 1 <>—Xhe Valentine Supperserved by the young ladies of theChasm Falls Methodist church lastFriday evening was well attended anda success in ewery way. The financialresult was about $20, which will beused for various church expenses.

The members of St .Helen's* R. C.church in this place arejveH^ea«ed e n t h u 8 i a s t l c i n

The subject for the debate was, Re- jsolved: "That the pulpit exerts a]

i greater inUuence for' good than the!'press." The-affirmative was handledby Rev. K. H. Joy and Jason S. Joy;the negative by C'narles M. Hedtteld,editor vi the Evening Telegram andAttorney E. t\ Lawrence. Both aideswere rt-plele with argutnents andmany sharp and witty thrusts were in-dulged in. The judges, Rev. —-3ohnBaiuiord. School Superintendent Moeand F. L. Turner did nut flnd it aaeasy task to reach a decision. Aftermuch deliberation the alii

in ^he c o u ^ o f ^

o'clock in the forenoon, then


andthere to attend the probate of saidlast will and testament.

And if any of the aforesaid personsare under the age of twenty-one years,they will please take notice that theyare required to appear br their generalguardian, If they have one, and ifthey have none, that they appear andy , y ppapply for the appointment ofi l di i th v t


When Money Took Wings.Cumedinn— Did the ghost walk?Souurette- No: it was an aviation

comedy, and the ghost flew after the8rst week --Exchange.

it is the «pHfted face that feela 1shining of the sun

much deliberation the aittrmotive were *jrmv*>m*M m * » » " » * °I*lfT' *°accorded the honors. Th* genti«men restore dlwestton, normal weight, grood

iwho attended from Malone were, ac- t"^1*11-*11*1-^?*!^ tftoblooa, use Bur-were ac- }•all were

praise of the Bwke

! Lancastwith hi!

M r

stores. Prtc^ $1.00.—Adv.

William Brady, o f | home here. Toe you»^ ladles are, . O1>riit a few days last week I d o n t i i i n FraniltBn Academy.sisters. Misses Margaret and L F l o>'d Kingr, attendance officer

and Mrs. Jow.-j>' callers in Chasm Falls today.

m I Mrs. Mary Bean is spending a week

or ot the newly- i" 'K" " l - r •and Mrs. Martin I P o t s ' l a m -

WiUiaui W, Wilson,

' Caspie Brady»frey,! The young pneople pave a dan| Monday night in honor of tl;I married couple, MI Donnelly. i • —I Mrs. M. J. Elliott, of Malone. is! DE-O1>OR-O3L prevents and re-spending a few days with relatives j moves offensive peraptretlon. 36 cents

ifcere. j at O;t pron's d«Cg stojfe. Adv. I ,


For eoo»tipation use Dr. Kln»*«•«- "-r*"' ""•" —••*•— j ' * v - «*'"~v •""••v,. i Hew !LAf% Pill*. Paul Mathulka, of• u and quantity of excellent vianda sery- 1 Bu«alo, N. T»t »ay» they are '

and c^ttJiry - & * - - ° ^J°-^^.ln-^ I°< *« ^ ^ ^ They are •, -..j. ---•.--.--•---- v*ountry dlatrtcts. Fr©«ft asocial point «ti my family &nd t always kMe(of-|J<>^Fh Vasaau, ^o£^ B^ry Corners, ot^e^^th^whoi^e^imlnK was one of j 5 5 % » box and »etrare enjoyment and good fellowship.

We all want to KO a«%int.


again. Prtce 15c At dra««fMr or

:. m. Buckl«n A Co.,

PttilaOolphto or St. Lo«i»

Itching, bieedine, protrudls* Mrblind pile* have yielded to Do«i"«OiHtment 50c at all store*. —Adv.

appy pp pcial guardian, or in the event of theirfailure or neglect to do so, a specialguardian will be-appointed by the sur-rogate to represent and act for themin the proceedings for the probate ofsaid will

In testimony whereof, wehave hereunto affixed thesea! of our said stirrosrate.Witness, Frederick G. Pad-

< L. S.) dock, surrogate of saidcounty, a . the surrogate'soffice, in Malone villnge. Inmid county, the iSth dayof February, IS 14.

KATHARINEL A. PADDOCK.ClerH of the Surrogate's Court.

WALTER J. M£ABS,Attorney for Petitioner,

Matohe, N. Y. 10w7


Prices paid prodncarm. (Corrected ev-ery Tuesday.)
