Winn’s Messenger Published for Members and Friends of Winn’s Baptist Church 12320 Winn’s Church Road, Glen Allen, VA 23059 Phone: (804) 798.5512 ● Fax: (804) 752.2401 ● Web: www.winnsbc.org August 2012 Music Ministry will be hosting an Open House/Ice Cream Social Sunday, August 26 th 7:15 pm The Fellowship Hall . You will have an opportunity to meet our leaders for both the “Little Lambs” Preschool Choir and the “Masterpiece” Kids Choir. Registration, t-shirt orders and the 2011-2012 Practice and Presentation Schedule will also be available. If your student (grades 6 th – 12 th ) is not already involved in our Set Apart Student Worship Team, you will have an opportunity to sign them up, order a t-shirt and pick up their Information packet at this time as well. We will also be introducing the 2012 Christmas Musical. The musical books, CD’s w/parts/ full accompaniment, and Rehearsal Schedule will be available for those interested in being part of this year’s musical. Other Music Ministry Opportunities: Sanctuary Choir Praise Team Musicians for 11:00 & 6:00 Worship Services We are looking forward to an exciting night and hope that many of you will come and take part in the different opportunities available in the Music Ministry!

WBC August 2012 Newsletter

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Winn’s Messenger

Published for Members and Friends of Winn’s Baptist Church 12320 Winn’s Church Road, Glen Allen, VA 23059 Phone: (804) 798.5512 ● Fax: (804) 752.2401 ● Web: www.winnsbc.org

August 2012

Music Ministry will be hosting an Open House/Ice Cream Social

Sunday, August 26th

7:15 pm The Fellowship Hall

. You will have an opportunity to meet our leaders for both the “Little Lambs”

Preschool Choir and the “Masterpiece” Kids Choir. Registration, t-shirt orders and the 2011-2012 Practice and Presentation Schedule will also be available.

If your student (grades 6th – 12th) is not already involved in our Set Apart Student

Worship Team, you will have an opportunity to sign them up, order a t-shirt and pick up their Information packet at this time as well.

We will also be introducing the 2012 Christmas Musical. The musical books, CD’s w/parts/ full accompaniment, and Rehearsal Schedule will be available for those

interested in being part of this year’s musical.

Other Music Ministry Opportunities:

Sanctuary Choir Praise Team

Musicians for 11:00 & 6:00 Worship Services

We are looking forward to an exciting night and hope that many of you will come and take part in the different opportunities available in the Music Ministry!

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God’s Guidance

Dear Church Family and Friends, One very important responsibility that your staff and I share, and take very seriously, is that of deciding what projects and endeavors we should lead the church to undertake. This, of course, is referring to possibilities outside of the week in and week out opportunities we offer. We are always trying to strike the balance between striving to continually advance the Kingdom and bless others, and not asking so much of you that you can’t reasonably fulfill your obligations to your family. Let me say that nothing on the calendar is “a given”. We don’t do things just because we always have done them. Thousands of churches have closed their doors for the last time saying “we’ve always done it like this”. We look over each event to make sure that it is effectively accomplishing some vital aspect of our mission as a church, and seek the Lord’s direction. Two great endeavors that we have undertaken in the past are Judgment House (a walk through dramatic presentation of the Gospel) and Caritas (providing housing for a week for those who have been accepted into a program to help them move from dependence on others to independence). Even though we knew we would still be recovering numerically and financially from launching a new church, we put Judgment House on the calendar and looked into booking a week for Caritas. Interestingly enough, Caritas was full. As we drew near the time where we had to decide if Judgment House was a “go” or “no go”, it became obvious that we would not have enough people available to pull it off. About a week after we decided to postpone a JH presentation, Caritas put out the word that several churches had dropped out of the program and that they were in great need of additional churches stepping forward to meet the need! God is so good! Just as He was leading us to “wave off” from one endeavor, He opened the door for another that would require fewer people to make happen. So please mark September 1-8 on your calendar and start planning within your ministry circles to see how you might get involved. It won’t require the man-hours that JH would, but it will still be an “all hands on deck” week. Can’t wait to see what He does next! Pastor Jeff _______________________________________________________________________________

Dear Church Family,

I am stepping down as Awana Commander at Winn’s serving side by side with other Awana volunteers helping

to teach boys and girls the truth of who Jesus is and that he loves them, has been a real blessing to me. I will

miss all of you and I ask for your prayers as I seek God’s guidance for the future.

Thank you and God bless,

Commander Jerry

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“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19, MKJV)

On July 15 the Church on the Avenue held its first baptism service at Robious Landing Park on the James River. The Lord blessed us with beautiful weather and His abiding peace and presence. We sang “Happy Day” and “Down to the River to Pray” and three people getting baptized gave personal testimonies. At the invitation following a message on salvation and baptism all the candidates plus 7 others came forward professing faith in Christ and requesting baptism. It was awesome! As the service closed with prayer everyone walked down to the river and 28 people were baptized – 13 children/youth and 15 adults. The majority of those baptized live in the community where the church meets. Two boys were baptized by their fathers and one man was baptized by his blood brother. Several families were baptized together. God was glorified as Jesus was exalted on this special day! Thank you so much for all your prayers and support in launching the Church on the Avenue back in January. A special thanks goes to all who helped prayer walk the community last summer. It has made a huge difference! Enjoy the photos. God bless! Gratefully serving beside you, Pastor Jeff Chadwick

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Women’s Ministry

Movie Night was so much fun and the fellowship so sweet! A heart-felt thanks to Lori Hawks for all your hard work and hospitality. Second Saturday Workshop Changes: One thing about being women is the right to change our minds, so our August 18th workshop "Canning 101" is being changed to "Cupcake Decorating" by Karen Winston. Our September workshop will be a bread making class led by Annette Reeder and our November workshop will be "Fabric Gift Bags." Watch for more details on these classes in the bulletin and announcements.

All class changes have been updated in the Women's Ministry Notebook in the Welcome Center. In His Service,

The Women’s Ministry Team

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My Fellow Servants,

It’s great to be serving you now as part of the full time staff here at Winns! Many things have changed in my life during my time here, and a lot of you have been with my family through these very significant changes.

By God’s providence I met my sweetheart Jenna here when I was just a teenager, and we were married here in 2004. Over the years that followed we were blessed with three beautiful children, and they are quickly growing up! We’ve seen God do miraculous things in families and individuals all over the church, and I am confident that God is going to continue working in our lives and families.

Since I’ve been leading our contemporary music for almost ten years now, I have not had the opportunity to interact with many of our members from the other services nearly as much as I would like to. I am looking forward to getting to know many of you a lot better as I serve beside you in this capacity. As the weeks progress I am going to be visiting as many Sunday School classes as I can. I know we have a lot of gifted teachers, so I am excited to be able to see the classes for myself! In doing so, I hope to be in the best possible position to come alongside you and help in any way I can to further the goals of the class, and the overall ministry of the church. I want you to know that my door is always open to you, I am willing to listen, and I am here to serve!

God has blessed us so richly as a body of believers. Let’s resolve to keep pushing forward for the Kingdom of God, and never stop until the good Lord comes back!

Looking forward to serving Him together, Caleb _____________________________________________________________________

Winns has accepted the opportunity to help the homeless as we did last year. CARITAS called and was in bind since other churches have backed out of their commitment to serve as host. So Winn’s stepped up!! There is a short time frame so we need lots of hands pulling together and everyone

working with everyone else to make this happen. We need to provide meals starting with supper Saturday night September the 1st through breakfast September the 8th. We need people willing to spend the night to act as a liaison between CARITS Ministry and the Church, while this is predominately a male role, women are certainly welcome. Personnel Items needed (40 of each/trial size) Tooth Brushes Tooth Paste Shampoo Soap Feminine products Lotion Deodorant Chap Stick Bottle water (need cases) For more information please contact: Danny Worrell 804-241-2092 [email protected]

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Coming this Fall! Starting September 19, we will be hosting a Dave Ramsey course called Financial Peace University. John Madison will be leading the nine week course, and class time will include video and discussion about how to handle money God’s way. Look for the sign- up sheet at the “Welcome Center” soon.


Our Preschool Department welcomes our two newest members:

Mallory LeeAnn Palmore was born on May 6, 2012. She weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. and was 19” long. Mallory is the daughter of Kelley and William Palmore. She was welcomed home by her big sisters, Madison and Morgan. Congratulations William and Kelley on the birth of your beautiful baby girl.

William (Liam) John Everett Case was born on May 29, 2012. He weighed 8 lbs. and was 22” long. Liam is the son of John and Keshia Case. He was welcomed home by his big brothers, Alex, Ben and Sam. Congratulations John and Keshia on the birth of your beautiful baby boy.

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Greetings Church Family!

We just returned from an amazing week of spiritual enrichment at “SBCV Studentz Camp” We had 16

attend in total, 3 of which were chaperones. We had one of our youth embrace Jesus Christ as Lord

and Savior! Also we had two rededicate their lives to follow Christ with all their heart. It was a very

fruitful week. It was truly a wonderful, Spirit-filled time. Being away at camp allowed for greater focus

on our personal walk with God.

I have a heart for youth camp; it is a place where the distractions of the world are minimized for 5

days, which allows the Holy Spirit to have a more receptive audience to the things of God. I was saved

at the very first youth camp I attended. I was 9 years old and I remember it vividly. I am eternally

grateful I had the opportunity to attend that camp. In the past decade or so, camps have changed

somewhat, some for the worse; in my opinion, they have gravitated toward “Worldly Methods” to

draw people, instead of relying on the Spirit, but not the camp we just attended. This camp was

conducted by the SBCV. It was very well done. To the untrained eye and heart this camp may have

seemed very similar to other mainstream camps the SBC puts on, but I can assure you there was a

spirit of Christ-centeredness and humbleness I have never experienced at camp.

The Preaching was utterly amazing. We had a 36 year-old camp pastor named Ed Newton. He would

incorporate huge amounts of Scripture quoted from memory in each sermon. It was unreal how he

could accurately quote 20+ verses with any given message, all without sounding “canned” The verses

were from both the old and new testaments which was very helpful because he preached out of the

Minor Prophets exclusively all week long (which is highly unusual) and he preached

expositionally/exegetically, instead of topically (which is even more rare). He preached on such a level

that the 6th graders – 12th graders, as well as all the adults could understand and still be challenged. If

you get a chance research him for more info, God’s hand is definitely upon Ed Newton. I praise God

for him.

The Music was mainstream in its sound and presentation, yet far superior in doctrine and

humbleness. At one point a large number of youth gathered in front of the stage and were treating the

performance as a concert and much to my surprise Matt Papa, the worship leader, stopped in mid-

sentence and explained how the music is all about Jesus, not the band or the crowd and that everyone

should return to their seats. WOW! That is unheard of! At that moment, Matt Papa just redirected all

the focus back to God and the service kept rolling. That was a turning point. God honored that

devotion and the Spirit of God was lifted up and had free reign from that moment forward. It wasn’t

unusual for Matt to stop in between songs and preach for 5 to 10 minutes throughout the week

spontaneously. Our Youth saw what true worship was this week in Lynchburg. It wasn’t about style,

but about substance and adoration for God out of a humble heart. I wasn’t originally comfortable with

“the contemporary worship style”, but I am glad to see worship be all about Jesus!

Next year I hope to bring 25 to 30 to James Madison University, where they will be hosting SBCV

camp for 2013.

I am so grateful to the SBCV for coordinating such a Biblically-focused-God-honoring-camp and to

Winn’s for making it possible for me to work with your students and witness God working in their

hearts and in mine.

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It was great being at Liberty University, but it is good to be home. I missed my family tremendously

while away at camp. It is an amazing feeling to witness the expressions on your children’s faces when

they wake up and realize that you came back after being gone for a whole week. Those expressions

were followed by running and jumping into my arms while yelling “daddy”! I wouldn’t trade that for

anything in the world.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Doug

Children’s Ministry What a grand adventure it was! The kid’s ministry from third through sixth grade had a wonderful time traveling to Lynchburg, Va. July 9-13 for a week long camp. The CentriKid Camp was held at the Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center. The week was jammed packed with activities that kept the children busy growing spiritually while at the same time having a blast. Twenty-five children represented Winns Baptist Church and eight leaders came along for the ride. The leaders were Dana Osborne, Emily Hahn, Ashley Cauthorn, Pam Whittaker, Ashby Clark, David Halstead, Brian Walton, and Jerry Gosh. A normal day saw everyone waking up at 6:30 a.m. and heading to breakfast, followed by a church group quiet time and “I Can’t Wait”, which was the morning camp program that got everyone excited for the days’ activities. The kids were then broken up into teams by age groups for team time recreation and Bible study. Following lunch in the cafeteria, the kids attended track times with activities they had chosen ranging from “Wet and Wild” to “No Boys Allowed”. One hour of free time allowed everyone to enjoy the pool, ice cream parlor, or just relax. After dinner in the cafeteria, there was an evening celebration with wacky fun-filled games and a time for worship. The long days closed with church group time and lights were out by 10:30 p.m. By the end of the week, most kids were exhausted and ready to head home, but they were already talking about how they couldn’t wait for next year!

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Winn’s Baptist Church 12320 Winn’s Church Road Glen Allen, VA 23059 Address Service Request

Paul and the Underground Church VBS week of August 5th – 10th, 2012

Please pre-register, forms are available at “The Welcome Center” or on the @website winnsbc.org


August: School Supplies September: Small Stuffed Animals for Boys and Girls

Non-Profit Org.

U.S. Postage PAID Glen Allen, VA 23060