Wayne became involved in woodworking at an early age; it seems he was always making something from wood. His introduction to woodturning was in High School woodshop where he turned his first bowl and a gearshift knob for his old car. Although his interest in woodworking continued, he did not have the equipment to engage in the craft of woodturning. In 1994 after watching a Shopsmith demonstra- tion Wayne purchased the tool, not for the lathe function, but for its versatility. Af- ter taking the orientation class where the different functions of the tool were intro- duced, he started to experiment with woodturning once again. The following year, after seeing a woodturning demonstration, he knew that wood turning would provide a relaxing and artistic outlet. Wayne promptly joined the Central Oklahoma Wood- turners Association (COWA) and the American Association of Woodturners (AAW) in an effort to learn more about his newfound hobby. After joining the COWA Wayne started to accompany the club on their demonstra- tion outings. At each demonstration experienced turners would watch and offer tips on how to improve. Seeing his growing interest in wood turning Wayne’s most wonderful wife, Phyllis, has given him the gifts of a mini lathe, a 24x36 Oneway lathe with all the bells and whistles, the latest-greatest tools then sent him away for a week long class at Arrowmont School of Arts and Craft in Gatlinburg, TN. The Arrowmont experience led Wayne to become the instructor’s assistant at the school on several occasions. Wayne has also served as an instructor’s assistant at the John C. Campbell School of Arts and Craft at Brasstown, NC. A native Oklahoman, Wayne was born near Mountain Park in Kiowa County. After high school, Wayne joined the Air Force, serving in Texas, Colorado, California, Okinawa, and Viet Nam. In Colorado, Wayne worked as a cartographer (map maker) for the U.S. Geological Survey. In 1979, his professional career brought him back to Oklahoma where he served as the manager of cartography for the Oklahoma Geological Survey. After returning to Oklahoma, he completed a bachelor’s degree in geography, earning highest honors from the University of Oklahoma. His educa- tion and career have been a natural link not only for his interest in wood turning but also in geographical names which serves him well as the Executive Secretary of the Oklahoma Board on Geographic Names and Executive Secretary of the Council of Geographic Names Authorities. Wayne Furr - Woodturning - October 22, 2012 October 2012 Art Guild meetings All Demonstrations held the 4th Monday 7:00 pm Sheerar Auditorium 7th & Duncan Street There is an access ramp on the west side SAG Board meetings First Mondays 7:00 pm Sheerar Center Guild meeting times 1 Board meeting dates 1 President’s Letter 2 Accolades 3 Guild Board Members 3 Hospitality Volunteers 3 Displays Around Town 4 Contact the President 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE:

Wayne Furr - Woodturning - October 22, 2012 · Wayne Furr - Woodturning - October 22, 2012 October 2012 Art Guild meetings All Demonstrations held the 4th Monday 7:00 pm Sheerar Auditorium

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  • Wayne became involved in woodworking at an early age; it seems he was always

    making something from wood. His introduction to woodturning was in High School

    woodshop where he turned his first bowl and a gearshift knob for his old car.

    Although his interest in woodworking continued, he did not have the equipment to

    engage in the craft of woodturning. In 1994 after watching a Shopsmith demonstra-

    tion Wayne purchased the tool, not for the lathe function, but for its versatility. Af-

    ter taking the orientation class where the different functions of the tool were intro-

    duced, he started to experiment with woodturning once again. The following year,

    after seeing a woodturning demonstration, he knew that wood turning would provide

    a relaxing and artistic outlet. Wayne promptly joined the Central Oklahoma Wood-

    turners Association (COWA) and the American Association of Woodturners (AAW)

    in an effort to learn more about his newfound hobby.

    After joining the COWA Wayne started to accompany the club on their demonstra-

    tion outings. At each demonstration experienced turners would watch and offer tips

    on how to improve. Seeing his growing interest in wood turning Wayne’s most

    wonderful wife, Phyllis, has given him the gifts of a mini lathe, a 24x36 Oneway

    lathe with all the bells and whistles, the latest-greatest tools then sent him away for a

    week long class at Arrowmont School of Arts and Craft in Gatlinburg, TN. The

    Arrowmont experience led Wayne to become the instructor’s assistant at the school

    on several occasions. Wayne has also served as an instructor’s assistant at the John

    C. Campbell School of Arts and Craft at Brasstown, NC.

    A native Oklahoman, Wayne was born near Mountain Park in Kiowa County. After

    high school, Wayne joined the Air Force, serving in Texas, Colorado, California,

    Okinawa, and Viet Nam. In Colorado, Wayne worked as a cartographer (map

    maker) for the U.S. Geological Survey. In 1979, his professional career brought him

    back to Oklahoma where he served as the manager of cartography for the Oklahoma

    Geological Survey. After returning to Oklahoma, he completed a bachelor’s degree

    in geography, earning highest honors from the University of Oklahoma. His educa-

    tion and career have been a natural link not only for his interest in wood turning but

    also in geographical names which serves him well as the Executive Secretary of the

    Oklahoma Board on Geographic Names and Executive Secretary of the Council of

    Geographic Names Authorities.

    Wayne Furr - Woodturning - October 22, 2012

    October 2012

    Art Guild meetings

    All Demonstrations


    the 4th Monday

    7:00 pm

    Sheerar Auditorium

    7th & Duncan Street

    There is an access

    ramp on the west side

    SAG Board meetings

    First Mondays 7:00 pm

    Sheerar Center

    Guild meeting times 1

    Board meeting dates 1

    President’s Letter 2

    Accolades 3

    Guild Board Members 3

    Hospitality Volunteers 3

    Displays Around Town 4

    Contact the President 4


  • Vanessa Pettit is our Hospitality Chairperson and has

    also volunteered to be our Newsletter Editor, but due to

    an unexpected death in her family, she wasn’t able to get

    the Newsletter out earlier in the month. We hope that eve-

    ryone will still be able to make plans to attend the meeting

    on the 22nd even on such short notice. Our condolences

    go out to Vanessa and her husband, Eric, for their loss.

    The first two displays of art in the lobby of the Seretean

    Center during the events sponsored by the OSU Allied

    Arts have been very successful. We have openings for the

    months of January, February, & March. They would pre-

    fer multiple artists at each event. If you are interested,

    please let me know which dates would work best for you.

    To see the dates of these events, please check out their

    website: http://union.okstate.edu/alliedarts/

    If you are interested in displaying art at the University &

    Community Federal Credit Union on McElroy, please

    contact Jeremy Daggs at 405-533-5171 to set up a time to


    I received a phone call asking if there is a limit on how

    many visitors a member can invite, and the answer is IN-

    VITE AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN! All first-time

    visitors may attend free of charge. After that, the cost is

    only $5 per meeting. We will have postcards at the meet-

    ing on the 22nd that you can use as invitations - please

    take as many as you can use. Keep one for yourself as a

    reminder of the dates of future meetings. A sample of each

    of our demonstrators’ art is on the postcard.

    See you on the 22nd!

    ~ Roxanne

    PAG E 2

    President’s Letter


    SAG Fall Show

    Art drop off date is Tuesday,

    November 13, 3:00-6:00pm.

    The show will run through

    December 17th.

    Stillwater Art Guild Members

    That Won Ribbons at the

    Payne County Fair:

    Huilin (Lin) Lai

    Lewis Moses

    Mona Wells



  • OC T OBE R 2012 PAG E 3

    President: Roxanne Parrow [email protected] 405-707-0447

    Vice President: Rose Ann Red

    Secretary: Sue Baker [email protected] 405-372-7254

    Treasurer: Steve & Veta Batten [email protected]

    Newsletter: Vanessa Pettit [email protected] 580-829-1990

    Hospitality: Vanessa Pettit

    Programs: Jason Wallace [email protected] 405-880-1488

    Webmaster: Jason Wallace [email protected] 405-880-1488

    Shows: Donna Branson [email protected] 405-624-0945

    Workshops: Mary Ann Wade 580-455-2526

    Publicity: Jeanette Johnson [email protected] 405-372-6241

    Membership: Barbara Boswell [email protected] 918-387-2449

    Displays Around Town:

    Steve Batten [email protected] 405-743-1231

    Next Board Meeting November 5th at 7:00pm at the Sheerar Center.

    Stillwater Art Guild Board Members 2012-2013


    Lou Hale taught young sculptors this past summer at Multi Arts Center. Six

    middle school girls and the mother of one of the girls created self portraits under Hale's tutelage

    during an 8 week session. Using water clay which was later fired to become terra cotta, the stu-

    dents were pleased with the process and with their life sized portrait heads.

    Donna Branson had a pastel painting, At the Pond's Edge, accepted into the juried 21st Annual

    National Pastel New Mexico exhibition. The show runs Nov 2-24 in Albuquerque. Jude Tolar

    had 3 paintings accepted into the show. Competition was especially keen this year with 426 en-

    tries from 24 states and Spain.

    Jack Allred, Lewis Moses, & Judy Laine displayed art at Town and Gown.

    Jason Wallace is teaching an Intermediate Photography class at the Multi Arts Center on

    Thursday evenings during October. Jason also did a photography presentation for the OKC

    Metro Camera Club this month. http://www.metrocameraclub.org/

    Hospitality Volunteers ~ October 22, 2012

    Brian, Shelley & Bethany Mitchell

    Lewis Moses ~ Dale Roark

    Mona Wells ~ Sarah Cochnauer ~ LaDeana Burrell


  • Stillwater Art Guild


    Roxanne Parrow, President

    3403 N. Diamond Valley

    Stillwater, OK 74075

    Displays Around Town If you would like to display your art at these local businesses contact Steve Batten:

    [email protected]

    Business Address November December

    BancFirst 808 S. Main Lou Moore Hale Available

    Bank NA 800 W. 6th Ave. Available Available

    Bank NA 1020 N. Boomer Rd Available Available

    Doctors’ Lounge Stillwater Medical Center Available Available

    Stillwater National Bank 6th & Main Available Available

    Stillwater Public Library 12th & Duck Available Available

    SNB Drive thru 308 S. Main Available Available

    Many of the SAG members are teaching classes at the Multi Arts Center. Please see

    their website for details or call Multi Arts at 405-747-8084.


    As you can see from the Displays Around Town information above,

    we have openings available at almost every place of business. Please

    consider displaying YOUR art at one of these businesses. All you have

    to do to put your name on the list is to contact Steve Batten, then on the first business day of the month that you signed up for, take your

    art to that business and tell them you are from the Stillwater Art

    Guild. (There are a few special rules for the Doctor’s Lounge and the

    Library - contact Steve about these.) On the last business day of the

    month remove your art - or sign up for another month there!