Wave breaking in the surf zone and deep water in a non-hydrostatic model Morteza Derakhti 1 , James T. Kirby 1 , Fengyan Shi 1 and Gangfeng Ma 2 1 Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA 2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA Corresponding author: Email address: [email protected] Abstract We examine wave-breaking predictions ranging from shallow to deep water conditions using a non-hydrostatic model NHWAVE (Ma et al., 2012; Der- akhti et al., 2015), comparing results both with corresponding experiments and with the results of a volume-of-fluid (VOF)/Navier-Stokes solver (Ma et al., 2011; Derakhti & Kirby, 2014a ,b ). Our study includes regular and ir- regular depth-limited breaking waves on planar and barred beaches as well as steepness-limited unsteady breaking waves in intermediate and deep water. Results show that the model accurately resolves breaking wave properties in terms of (1) time-dependent free-surface and velocity field evolution, (2) inte- gral breaking-induced dissipation, (3) second- and third-order wave statistics, (4) time-averaged breaking-induced velocity field, and (5) turbulence statis- tics in depth-limited breaking waves both on planar and barred beaches. The breaking-induced dissipation is mainly captured by the k - turbulence model and involves no ad-hoc treatment, such as imposing hydrostatic con- Preprint submitted to Ocean Modelling June 26, 2015

Wave breaking in the surf zone and deep water in a non ... · Wave breaking in the surf zone and deep water in a non-hydrostatic model Morteza Derakhti 1, James T. Kirby , Fengyan

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Wave breaking in the surf zone and deep water in a

non-hydrostatic model

Morteza Derakhti1, James T. Kirby1, Fengyan Shi1 and Gangfeng Ma2

1Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Old Dominion University,

Norfolk, VA, USACorresponding author: Email address: [email protected]


We examine wave-breaking predictions ranging from shallow to deep water

conditions using a non-hydrostatic model NHWAVE (Ma et al., 2012; Der-

akhti et al., 2015), comparing results both with corresponding experiments

and with the results of a volume-of-fluid (VOF)/Navier-Stokes solver (Ma

et al., 2011; Derakhti & Kirby, 2014a,b). Our study includes regular and ir-

regular depth-limited breaking waves on planar and barred beaches as well as

steepness-limited unsteady breaking waves in intermediate and deep water.

Results show that the model accurately resolves breaking wave properties in

terms of (1) time-dependent free-surface and velocity field evolution, (2) inte-

gral breaking-induced dissipation, (3) second- and third-order wave statistics,

(4) time-averaged breaking-induced velocity field, and (5) turbulence statis-

tics in depth-limited breaking waves both on planar and barred beaches.

The breaking-induced dissipation is mainly captured by the k− ε turbulence

model and involves no ad-hoc treatment, such as imposing hydrostatic con-

Preprint submitted to Ocean Modelling June 26, 2015

ditions. In steepness-limited unsteady breaking waves, the turbulence model

has not been triggered, and all the dissipation is imposed indirectly by the

TVD shock-capturing scheme. Although the absence of turbulence in the

steepness-limited unsteady breaking events which leads to the underestima-

tion of the total breaking-induced dissipation, and, thus, the overprediction

of the velocity and vorticity field in the breaking region, the model is capable

of predicting (1) the dispersive and nonlinear properties of different wave

packet components before and after the break point, (2) the overall wave

height decay and spectral evolution, and (3) the structure of the mean ve-

locity and vorticity fields including large breaking-induced coherent vortices.

The same equations and numerical methods are used for the various depth

regimes, and vertical grid resolution in all simulated cases is at least an order

of magnitude coarser than that of typical VOF-based simulations.


non-hydrostatic wave model, breaking waves, shock-capturing

1. Introduction1

One of the least understood and yet most important events in the ocean2

upper layer is the breaking of surface waves. Surface wave breaking, a3

complex, two-phase flow phenomenon, plays an important role in numer-4

ous environmental and technical processes such as air-sea interaction, acous-5

tic underwater communications, optical properties of the water columns,6

nearshore mixing and coastal morphodynamics. Surface wave breaking is one7


of the most challenging process in coastal hydrodynamic modeling. Model8

results become even more dubious and problematic as model resolution de-9

creases. During active breaking, perhaps the major simplification by any10

non-hydrostatic model is achieved by replacing a complex free surface by a11

single-valued function of horizontal location. Instead of having a jet/splash12

cycle in plunging breakers or formation of surface rollers and a turbulent13

bore in spilling breakers, this simplification leads to the formation of a rela-14

tively sharp wave-front, analogous to a jump discontinuity in a shock-front15

propagation, as a wave approaches breaking. The sharp wave-front prop-16

agates without any unphysical numerical oscillation when an appropriate17

shock-capturing scheme is used.18

Although turbulence-resolving frameworks such as large-eddy simulations19

(LES) combined with the volume-of-fluid (VOF) method for free-surface20

tracking (Watanabe et al., 2005; Lakehal & Liovic, 2011; Derakhti & Kirby,21

2014a; Zhou et al., 2014; Lubin & Glockner, 2015) can resolve small scale22

processes such as breaking-induced turbulent coherent structures, they are23

still computationally expensive even for laboratory-scale events. A lower-24

resolution three-dimensional (3D) framework is needed to study long-term,25

O(hrs), and large-scale, O(100m ≈ 10km), breaking-driven circulation as26

well as transport of sediment, bubbles, and other suspended materials. Dur-27

ing the past decade, several 3D wave-resolving non-hydrostatic models based28

on Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations have been developed29

for coastal applications (Ma et al., 2012; Young & Wu, 2010; Zijlema et al.,30


2011; Bradford, 2011; Shirkavand & Badiei, 2014).31

For surf zone breaking waves, when non-hydrostatic effects are retained,32

Smit et al. (2013) have emphasized that high resolution in the vertical di-33

rection (more than 15 levels) is needed for reasonable integral dissipation34

and corresponding wave-height decay resulting from discontinuity propaga-35

tion. In place of common shock-capturing schemes (Toro, 2009), they used a36

special treatment to maintain momentum conservation across flow disconti-37

nuity, observing that insufficient vertical resolution led to an underestimation38

of velocities, thereby delaying the initiation of breaking. They proposed a hy-39

drostatic front approximation in which the non-hydrostatic part of pressure is40

switched off by analogy to the nonlinear shallow water equations. Using this41

technique, SWASH was shown to predict the evolution of wave-height statis-42

tics in a surf zone reasonably well compared with laboratory measurements43

of irregular waves on a plane slope, by using a few σ levels. In the present44

study, however, we will show that NHWAVE, as described in Derakhti et al.45

(2015), accurately captures the wave-height decay in regular waves as well as46

wave-height statistics in irregular surf zone breaking waves using as few as 447

vertical σ levels, without recourse to disabling of non-hydrostatic effects.48

Organized flow structures and their evolution have a critical role in long-49

term mixing and transport of fine sediment, bubbles, and other suspended50

materials in the ocean upper layer and surf zone. For example, large co-51

herent vortices induced by individual whitecaps in deep and intermediate52

water (Rapp & Melville, 1990; Pizzo & Melville, 2013; Derakhti & Kirby,53


2014b) as well as undertow, longshore and rip currents (Longuet-Higgins,54

1970; Svendsen, 1984) in the surf zone are fairly well-understood breaking-55

induced organized motions. Such organized motions need to be reasonably56

resolved in any RANS-based framework to truly estimate long-term trans-57

port and mixing processes at field scales. The effect of Langmuir circulation58

cells should also be taken into account in deep water mixing. The available59

relevant literature on non-hydrostatic models mainly are related to surf zone60

breaking waves (or depth-limited breaking waves) and mostly focus on the61

capability of these models to predict free surface evolution and wave statis-62

tics, while less attention has been dedicated to velocity and turbulence fields.63

Although there are recent studies (Young & Wu, 2010; Ai et al., 2014) exam-64

ining the capability of non-hydrostatic models to resolve wave-wave nonlinear65

interaction and dispersion properties of non-breaking deep water waves, no66

study has examined non-hydrostatic model predictions of breaking-related67

processes in steepness-limited unsteady breaking waves.68

Our goals here are (1) to carefully examine what level of detail of a veloc-69

ity field and of turbulence statistics can be reproduced by the non-hydrostatic70

model NHWAVE as described by Derakhti et al. (2015), across the inner shelf71

and nearshore regions, and (2) to establish whether this models is capable72

of providing accurate representations of breaking-wave properties in inter-73

mediate/deep water. Model results for regular and irregular depth-limited74

breaking waves over planar and barred beaches as well as steepness-limited75

unsteady breaking waves generated by the dispersive focusing technique will76


be presented in detail, focusing on wave-breaking-related large-scale processes77

categorized as (1) time dependent free-surface and mean velocity field evo-78

lution, (2) integral breaking-induced dissipation, (3) second- and third-order79

wave statistics, (4) wave-averaged breaking-induced organized velocity field,80

and (5) ensemble-averaged breaking-induced turbulence statistics.81

The paper is organized as follows. A brief description of the model is pre-82

sented in §2. Details of the numerical set-up, and comparisons of model re-83

sults with measurements for depth-limited breaking waves on a planar beach84

and on a barred beach are given in §3 and §4 respectively. The numerical set-85

ups and comparisons of model results with measurements and with results of86

LES/VOF simulations of Derakhti & Kirby (2014a,b) for steepness-limited87

unsteady breaking waves are given in §5. Discussions and conclusions are88

presented in §6.89

2. Mathematical formulation and numerical methods90

The non-hydrostatic model NHWAVE is originally described in Ma et al.91

(2012). NHWAVE solves the RANS equations in well-balanced conserva-92

tive form, formulated in time-dependent, surface and terrain-following σ93

coordinates. The governing equations are discretized by a combined finite-94

volume/finite-difference approach with a Godunov-type shock-capturing scheme.95

The model is wave-resolving and can provide instantaneous descriptions of96

surface displacement and wave orbital velocities. The model has been ap-97

plied to study tsunami wave generation by submarine landslides (Ma et al.,98


2013a; Tappin et al., 2014), wave damping in vegetated environments (Ma99

et al., 2013b), nearshore suspended sediment transport (Ma et al., 2014a),100

and wave interaction with porous structures (Ma et al., 2014b). In these101

studies, the effects of surface and bottom slopes in the dynamic boundary102

conditions (Ma et al., 2012, §3), as well as in the horizontal diffusion terms103

of the transport equation for suspended sediment concentration (Ma et al.,104

2013a, equation 10) and k − ε equations (Ma et al., 2013a, equations 13,14)105

were ignored. Derakhti et al. (2015) have recently derived a new form of the106

governing equations together with the exact surface and bottom boundary107

conditions. They have shown that surface slope effects should be taken into108

account in order to accurately resolve turbulence statistics, such as turbulent109

kinetic energy (k) distribution, in surf zone breaking waves. Here, we use the110

Derakhti et al. (2015) formulation together with the k−ε model based on the111

renormalization group theory (Yakhot et al., 1992). The reader is referred to112

Derakhti et al. (2015) for the details of the governing equations, surface and113

bottom boundary conditions and numerical methods.114

3. Depth-limited breaking waves on a planar beach115

In this section, we consider model performance for the case of regular116

and irregular depth-limited wave breaking on a planar beach using the data117

sets of Ting & Kirby (1994) for regular waves and of Bowen & Kirby (1994)118

and Mase & Kirby (1992) for irregular waves. All experiments have been119

conducted in wave flumes approximately 40m long, 0.6m wide and 1.0m deep.120


Results for regular and irregular wave breaking cases are given in §3.1 and121

§3.2, respectively. In each section, the experimental and numerical set-ups122

for the corresponding cases will be described.123

3.1. Regular breaking waves124

Both spilling breaking (hereafter referred as TK1) and plunging breaking125

(hereafter referred as TK2) cases of Ting & Kirby (1994) are selected to126

examine the model capability and accuracy to reproduce the free surface and127

mean velocity field evolution, breaking-induced wave-averaged velocity field128

and k estimates. This experiment has been widely used by other researchers129

to validate both non-hydrostatic (Ma et al., 2014a; Bradford, 2011, 2012;130

Smit et al., 2013; Shirkavand & Badiei, 2014) and VOF-based (Ma et al.,131

2011; Lin & Liu, 1998; Bradford, 2000; Christensen, 2006; Lakehal & Liovic,132

2011) numerical models. Figure 1 sketches the experimental layout and the133

cross-shore locations of the available velocity measurements. The velocity134

measurements were obtained using Laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) along135

the centerline of the wave tank. Table 1 summarizes the input parameters136

for TK1 and TK2.137

A uniform grid of ∆x = 0.025m is used in the horizontal direction. Grids138

with 4, 8, and 16 uniformly spaced σ levels are used to examine the effects of139

varying vertical resolution. At the inflow boundary, the free surface location140

and velocities are calculated using the theoretical relations for cnoidal waves141

as given in Wiegel (1960). The right end of the numerical domain is extended142


Table 1: Input parameters for the simulated surf zone regular breaking cases on a planarbeach. Here, d0 is the still water depth in the constant-depth region, H and T are thewave height and period of the cnoidal wave generated by the wavemaker, (kH)0 is thecorresponding deep water wave steepness of the generated wave, ξ0 = s/

√H0/L0 is the

self similarity parameter, and s is the plane slope.

Case no. d0 H T (kH)0 ξ0 breaking(m) (m) (s) type

TK1 0.4 0.125 2.0 0.126 0.20 spillingTK2 0.4 0.128 5.0 0.015 0.59 plunging

beyond the maximum run-up, and the wetting/drying cells are treated as de-143

scribed in Ma et al. (2012, §3.4) by setting Dmin = 0.001m. In this section, 〈 〉144

and ( ) refer to phase and time averaging over five subsequent waves after the145

results reach quasi-steady state, respectively. The corresponding measured146

averaged variables, were calculated by averaging over 102 successive waves147

starting at a minimum of 20 minutes after the initial wavemaker movement.148

The mean depth is defined as h = d+ η, where d is the still water depth149

and η is the wave set-down/set-up. Here, x = 0 is the cross-shore location150

at which d = 0.38m as in Ting & Kirby (1994), and x∗ = x − xb is the151

horizontal distance from the initial break point, xb. In Ting & Kirby (1994),152

the break point for spilling breakers was defined as the location where air153

bubbles begin to be entrained in the wave crest (xb = 6.40m), whereas for154

plunging breakers it was defined as the point where the front face of the wave155

becomes nearly vertical (xb = 7.795m). In the model the break point is taken156

to be the cross-shore location at which the wave height starts to decrease,157

approximately 0.7m seaward of the observed xb for both TK1 and TK2.158


3.1.1. Time-dependent free surface evolution159

Figure 2 shows the cross-shore distribution of crest, 〈η〉max, and trough,160

〈η〉min, elevations as well as mean water level, η in the shoaling, transition161

and inner surf zone regions for the spilling case TK1 and plunging case TK2.162

Figures 3 and 4 show the phase-averaged water surface elevations at different163

cross-shore locations before and after the initial break point for TK1 and164

TK2, respectively. In the shoaling and inner surf zone regions, the model165

captures the water surface evolution reasonably well in both cases. The166

predicted cross-shore location of the initial break point, however, is slightly167

seaward of the measured location for both cases, regardless of the choice of168

vertical resolution (Figure 2 a,b), as in the two-dimensional (2D) VOF-based169

simulations (Bradford, 2000, Figures 1 and 7). In both cases, after shifting170

the results with respect to the cross-shore location of the break point, the171

model captured the free surface evolution, wave height decay rate (Figure172

2A,B), crest and trough elevations, as well as wave set-up reasonably well173

using as few as 4 σ levels.174

3.1.2. Organized flow field175

Figures 5 and 6 show the oscillatory part of the phase-averaged horizontal176

velocities 〈u〉− u normalized by the local phase speed√gh, at different cross-177

shore locations in the shoaling, transition and inner surf zone regions at about178

5cm above the bed for TK1 and TK2, respectively. In general, the model179

captures the evolution of 〈u〉 − u fairly reasonably both in time and space180


in both cases using as few as 4 σ levels, and the predicted 〈u〉 − u of the181

simulations with different vertical resolutions are nearly the same. For the182

spilling case (Figure 5) there is an apparent landward increasing phase lead183

in the results of the simulation with 4 σ levels, indicating an overestimation184

of bore propagation speed at low vertical resolutions. This error is corrected185

at the higher resolutions of 8 and 16 σ levels.186

Figure 7 shows the spatial distribution of the time-averaged velocity field187

using different vertical resolutions for TK1. To obtain the Eulerian mean ve-188

locities, the model results in the σ-coordinate system first were interpolated189

onto a fixed vertical mesh at each cross-shore location using linear interpola-190

tion, and then time averaging was performed. The predicted return current191

using 4 σ levels shown in 7(a) has not detached from the bed at x∗ ∼ 0192

in contrast to the simulations with 8 and 16 σ levels. The results of the193

simulations with different vertical resolutions have approximately the same194

structure in the surf zone. A similar pattern of results was found for the195

plunging case TK2 and is not shown.196

The amount of curvature in the predicted undertow profiles is greater197

than in the measured undertow profiles for both cases, as shown in Figures198

8 and 9. This difference is more noticeable in the plunging case TK2, in199

which the measured profiles are approximately uniform with depth. Con-200

sidering available undertow models using an eddy viscosity closure scheme201

(see Garcez Faria et al., 2000, among others), it is known that the three fac-202

tors determine the vertical profile of undertow currents; including (i) bottom203


boundary layer (BBL) processes, leading to a landward streaming velocity204

(Longuet-Higgins, 1953; Phillips, 1977) or a seaward streaming velocity due205

to a time-varying eddy viscosity within the wave turbulent BBL (Trowbridge206

& Madsen, 1984), close to the bed; (ii) vertical variations of the eddy viscosity207

νt, affected mainly by breaking-generated turbulence; and (iii) wave forcing208

due to the cross-shore gradients of radiation stress, set-up, and convective209

acceleration of the depth-averaged undertow. As explained by Garcez Faria210

et al. (2000), the amount of curvature in the undertow profile is a function211

of both wave forcing and νt. Large values of wave forcing generates more212

vertical shear, resulting in a parabolic profile, whereas large values of νt re-213

duce vertical shear, leading to a more uniform velocity profile with depth.214

As shown in the next section, we believe that the underprediction of turbu-215

lence, and, thus, the underprediction of νt results in greater vertical shear in216

the predicted undertow profiles, where the larger discrepancy in TK2 is due217

to the more noticeable underprediction of νt in TK2 compared with that in218

TK1. In addition, the difference between the predicted and measured return219

velocities close to the bed have relatively larger deviations in TK2 than in220

TK1. This may be due to the lack of second-order BBL effects, and, thus,221

the absence of the associated streaming velocity, in the present simulations.222

Compared with measurements, the model predicts the time-averaged Eu-223

lerian horizontal velocity field fairly reasonably using as few as 4 σ levels for224

both cases.225


3.1.3. Turbulence Statistics226

Figure 10 shows snapshots of the predicted instantaneous k distribution227

using 4 and 8 σ levels for TK1. Increasing the vertical resolution decreases228

the predicted k levels in the transition region and increases k in the inner229

surf zone. Generally, the overall distribution of k is the same. The same230

trend is also observed for TK2 (not shown).231

Figure 11 shows a comparison of modeled and measured 〈k〉 time series232

at about 4cm and 9cm above the bed at different cross-shore locations using233

4, 8 and 16 σ levels for TK1. Comparing different resolutions, a reasonable234

〈k〉 level at different cross-shore locations is captured by the model using as235

few as 4 σ levels. 〈k〉 is overestimated higher in the water column during the236

entire wave period especially close to the break point. This overestimation237

has been also reported in previous VOF-based k−ε studies (Lin & Liu, 1998;238

Ma et al., 2011). Lin & Liu (1998) argued that this is because the RANS239

simulation can not accurately predict the initiation of turbulence in a rapidly240

distorted shear flow such as breaking waves. Alternately, Ma et al. (2011)241

incorporated bubble effects into the conventional single phase k − ε model,242

and concluded that the exclusion of bubble-induced turbulence suppression243

is the main reason for the overestimation of turbulence intensity by single244

phase k − ε. Comparing Figure 11 with the corresponding results from the245

VOF-based model Ma et al. (2011, Figure 7), we can conclude that predicted246

〈k〉 values under spilling breaking waves by NHWAVE are at least as accurate247

as the VOF-based simulation without bubbles.248


In the plunging case TK2, a different behavior is observed in the predicted249

〈k〉 values shown in Figure 12 compared with the corresponding results for250

TK1, regardless of the various vertical resolutions. After the initial break251

point, 〈k〉 is underpredicted especially for lower elevations. Figure 12 shows252

〈k〉 time series at 4cm and 9cm above the bed as well as the corresponding253

measurements of Ting & Kirby (1994) for TK2. The model could not resolve254

the sudden injection of k into the deeper depths at the initial stage of active255

breaking, and, thus, there is a considerable underprediction of 〈k〉 at the256

beginning of active breaking below trough level.257

Figure 13 shows k field using 4, 8 and 16 σ levels for TK1. The increase258

of the vertical resolution leads to a more concentrated patch of k. A similar259

trend is also observed for TK2 (not shown). Figures 14 and 15 show the260

comparison of modeled and measured k profiles at different cross-shore loca-261

tions before and after the initial break point for TK1 and TK2 respectively.262

For TK2, the noticeable underprediction of 〈k〉 at the initial stage of active263

breaking shown in Figure 12 compensates relatively smaller overprediction264

of 〈k〉 at the other phases, resulting to apparent smaller k values than those265

in the measurement in the shoreward end of the transition region and inner266

surf zone, as shown in Figure 15(d-g).267

It can be concluded that the vertical resolution of 4 σ levels is sufficient268

to capture the temporal and spatial evolutions of k for the spilling case269

TK1. For the plunging case TK2, the vertical advection of k into the deeper270

depths can not be captured by increasing the σ levels, and, thus, k is always271


underpredicted at those depths.272

3.2. Irregular breaking waves273

In this section, we use one of three cases of Bowen & Kirby (1994) (here-274

after referred as BK) and both cases of Mase & Kirby (1992) (hereafter re-275

ferred as MK1 and MK2) in order to compare the model predictions of power276

spectra evolution, integral breaking-induced dissipation and wave statistics277

of the surf zone breaking irregular waves on a planar beach. The three cases278

have different dispersive and nonlinear characteristics as summarized in Table279

2. The data set of Mase & Kirby (1992) has been used in a number of pre-280

vious studies of spectral wave modeling in the surf zone. In particular, MK2281

has a high relative depth of kpd0 ∼ 2 at the constant-depth region and a high282

relative steepness of (kpHrms)0 ∼ 0.16, and thus, is a highly dispersive and283

nonlinear case. In these two experiments, irregular waves with single-peaked284

spectra were generated and allowed to propagate over a sloping planar bot-285

tom. Figures 16 and 17 sketch the corresponding experimental layouts and286

the cross-shore locations of the available free surface measurements. Bowen287

& Kirby (1994) used a TMA spectrum with a width parameter γ = 3.3 to288

generate the initial condition at the wavemaker. In Mase & Kirby (1992),289

random waves were simulated using the Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum.290

Uniform grid of ∆x = 0.025m, 0.015m and 0.01m is used in the horizon-291

tal direction for BK, MK1 and MK2 cases, respectively. Resolutions of 4292

and 8 σ levels are used to examine the effects of different vertical resolution.293


Table 2: Input parameters for the simulated surf zone irregular breaking cases on a planarbeach. Here, d0 is the still water depth in the constant-depth region, kpd0 and (kpHrms)0are the dispersion and nonlinearity measure of the incident irregular waves respectively,fp is the peak frequency of the input signal, ξ0 = s/

√(Hrms)0/L0 is the self similarity

parameter, L0 = g(2π)−1f−2p , and s is the plane slope.

Case no. d0 kpd0 (kpHrms)0 fp ξ0 dominated(m) (Hz) breaking type

BK 0.44 0.30 0.016 0.225 0.56 plungingMK1 0.47 0.93 0.058 0.6 0.52 plungingMK2 0.47 1.97 0.161 1.0 0.31 spilling

The cross-shore location of the numerical wavemaker is set to be the first294

gage location. The measured free surface and velocities determined from295

linear theory are constructed at the wavemaker using the first 5000 Fourier296

components of the measured free surface time series. The right end of the297

numerical domain is extended beyond the maximum run-up, and the wet-298

ting/drying cells are treated as described in Ma et al. (2012, §3.4) by setting299

Dmin = 0.001m. In this section, ( ) refers to long-time averaging over several300

minutes, more than 300 waves. The first 1000 data points were ignored both301

in the model result and the corresponding experiment for all cases. The mean302

see level is defined as h = d+ η, where d is the still water depth and η is the303

wave set-down/set-up. Here, x∗ = x− xb is the horizontal distance from the304

xb, we define as the cross-shore location in which Hrms is maximum.305

3.2.1. Power spectra evolution and integral breaking-induced dissipation306

The shape and energy content of wave spectra in nearshore regions are307

observed to have a considerable spatial variation over distances on the order308


of a few wavelengths due to continued wave breaking-induced dissipation as309

well as triad nonlinear interactions between different spectral components310

(Elgar & Guza, 1985; Mase & Kirby, 1992). Here, we will examine the311

model prediction of the integral breaking-induced dissipation compared with312

the corresponding measurements by looking at the evolution of the power313

spectral density, S(f), from outside the surf zone up to the swash region.314

Figure 18 shows the variation of the computed S(f) using 4 and 8 σ315

levels for the random breaking cases, BK, MK1 and MK2, as well as the316

corresponding measured S(f). The measured signals were split into 2048317

data points segments. Each segment multiplied by a cosine-taper window318

with the taper ratio of 0.05 to reduce the end effects. The measured spectrum319

is obtained by ensemble averaging over the computed spectra of 11, 8, 7320

segments for BK, MK1 and MK2 respectively and then band averaging over321

5 neighboring bands. The resultant averaged spectra of BK, MK1 and MK2322

have 110, 80 and 70 degrees of freedom, respectively. The sampling rate was323

25 Hz (fNyq = 12.5Hz) for BK and MK1 and 20 Hz (fNyq = 10Hz) for MK2.324

The spectral resolution for BK, MK1 and MK2 are ∆f = 0.06Hz, 0.06Hz and325

0.05Hz, respectively. The spectrum for the computed wave field is obtained326

in a similar way, with the same spectral resolution and degrees of freedom.327

The first two rows of Figure 18 show S(f) outside the surf zone, while the328

other panels cover the entire surf zone up to a shallowest depth of d ∼ 3cm.329

Comparing with the measurements, the model captures the evolution of S(f)330

in the shoaling region as well as in the surf zone fairly well. We used the331


measured surface elevation time series at d = d0 as an input, and, thus,332

the infra-gravity waves are introduced in the domain as in the experiment.333

The more pronounced predicted energy at this frequency range (f/fp ≈ 0.5)334

compared with measurements at shoreward cross-shore locations is due to335

the absence of lateral side walls effects and the reflection from the upstream336

numerical boundary, which is located closer than the physical wavemaker337

used in the experiment to the plane slope, especially in MK1 and MK2. In338

addition the input low frequency climate is not exactly the same as in the339

measurement. The reason is that, we impose the input low frequency signal340

as a progressive wave at the numerical boundary while it was a standing wave341

in the measurement.342

We can conclude that the integral breaking-induced dissipation is cap-343

tured by the model, using as few as 4 σ levels. In addition, an asymptotic344

f−2 spectral shape of the wave spectrum in the inner surf zone (Kaihatu345

et al., 2007), due to the sawtooth-like shape of surf zone waves, is fairly346

reasonably captured by the model in all cases.347

3.2.2. Wave statistics348

Second-order wave statistics such as a significant wave height and a sig-349

nificant wave period, characterize the relative strength/forcing of irregular350

waves which need to be estimated for different coastal/inner-shelf related351

calculations and designs. These may be defined based on the wave spectrum,352

S(f), as a significant wave height Hm0 = 4m1/20 and the mean zero-crossing353


period Tm02 = (m0/m2)1/2, where mn =

∫fnS(f)df , is the nth order mo-354

ment of S(f), or based on the statistics of a fairly large number of waves355

(Figure 19, first row) extracted from the associated surface elevation time356

series by using the zero-up crossing method. The second and third rows of357

Figure 19 show the cross-shore variations of the model predictions of η, Hm0 ,358

Tm02 together with H1/10 and T1/10 which represent the averaged wave height359

and period of the one-tenth highest waves, using 4 and 8 σ levels as well as360

the corresponding measured values for the random breaking cases, BK, MK1361

and MK2. At the very shallow depths d < 0.05cm the model predictions of362

H1/10 and T1/10 deviates considerably from the measurements. This devia-363

tion is mainly due to the relatively higher energy of infra-gravity waves in364

the model results compared with that in the measurements, as discussed in365

the previous section. To eliminate the infra-gravity and very high frequency366

wave effects, both the measured and computed ensemble-averaged S(f) have367

been band-pass filtered with limits 0.25fp < f < 8.0fp, and then Hm0 and368

Tm02 are obtained based on the resultant band-pass filtered spectra. Such369

deviations at the shallow depths does not exist between the model results of370

Hm0 and Tm02 and the measurements. Comparing with the measurements,371

the model fairly reasonably predicts these second-order bulk statistics both372

in plunging and spilling dominated random breaking cases.373

As waves propagate from deep into shallower depths, crests and troughs374

become sharper and wider, respectively. Furthermore, waves pitch forward,375

and in the surf zone, the waveform becomes similar to a sawtoothed form.376


Normalized wave skewness= η3/(η2)3/2, and asymmetry= H(η)3/(η2)3/2 (where377

H denotes the Hilbert transform of the signal), are the statistical third-order378

moments characterizing these nonlinear features of a wave shape (Elgar &379

Guza, 1985; Mase & Kirby, 1992). Skewness and Asymmetry are the statisti-380

cal measures of asymmetry about horizontal and vertical planes, respectively.381

These third-order moments are potentially useful for sediment transport and382

morphology calculations. The bottom row of Figure 19 shows the cross-383

shore variation of the predicted third-order bulk statistics from outside the384

surf zone to the swash region. Comparing with the measurements, the model385

accurately captures the nonlinear effects, including the energy transfer due386

to triad nonlinear interaction, in the entire water depths, using as few as 4387

σ levels.388

3.2.3. Time-averaged velocity and k389

Although the only available data from Bowen & Kirby (1994) and Mase &390

Kirby (1992) are the free surface time series at different cross-shore locations,391

the predicted time-averaged velocity and k fields are presented and compared392

with those of regular breaking waves.393

Figure 20 shows the spatial distribution of the time-averaged velocity394

field using 4 and 8 σ levels for MK2. The normalized undertow current395

for the irregular wave cases have smaller magnitude than that for regular396

wave cases TK1 and TK2 with the same vertical structures within the surf397

zone. This is consistent with the measurements of Ting (2001) which has the398


similar incident wave conditions and experimental set-up compared with the399

simulated irregular breaking waves on a planner beach in the present study.400

In addition, the results with 4 σ levels have a nearly constant curvature at401

lower depths as oppose to the results with 8 levels where the curvature of the402

return current decreases at lower depths.403

Ting (2001) observed that the mean of the highest one-third wave-averaged404

k values in his irregular waves in the middle surf zone was about the same405

as k in a regular wave case TK1, where deep-water wave height to wave-406

length ratio of those two cases was on the same order. Here, the normalized407

k values are at the same order or even larger than those in regular breaking408

cases in the middle and inner surf zone. In the outer surf zone, however,409

the normalized k values are smaller than those under regular breaking cases.410

Although the k values decrease near the bottom in the outer surf zone similar411

to regular breaking cases, they have small vertical and cross-shore variations412

in the inner surf zone.413

4. Depth-limited breaking waves on a barred beach414

In this section, we use the data set of Scott et al. (2004), including a415

regular breaking case (hereafter referred as S1) and irregular breaking case416

(hereafter referred as S2), in order to examine the model predictions of free417

surface evolution as well as breaking-induced velocity and turbulence fields418

in depth-limited breaking waves on a barred beach. The experiment was con-419

ducted in the large wave flume at Oregon State University, approximately420


104m long, 3.7m wide, and 4.6m deep. The bathymetry was designed to421

approximate the bar geometry for the averaged profile observed on October422

11, 1994, of the DUCK94 field experiment at a 1:3 scale. The velocity mea-423

surements were carried out at 7 cross-shore locations using Acoustic Doppler424

Velocimeters (ADVs) sampling at 50 Hz. Figure 22 sketches the experimental425

layout and the cross-shore locations of the available free-surface and veloc-426

ity measurements. The regular case S1 is used by Jacobsen et al. (2014) to427

validate their 2D VOF-based model using RANS equations with k − ω tur-428

bulence closure. Here, both regular and irregular cases are considered; the429

corresponding results are given in §4.1 and §4.2 respectively. For both cases,430

a uniform grid of ∆x = 0.15m is used in the horizontal direction. Vertical431

resolutions of 4 and 8 σ levels are used. The right end of the numerical do-432

main is extended beyond the maximum run-up, and the wetting/drying cells433

are treated by setting Dmin = 0.001m for both S1 and S2.434

4.1. Regular breaking waves435

Table 3 summarizes the incident wave conditions for S1. The cross-shore436

location of the numerical wavemaker is set to be as the initial position of437

the physical wavemaker. The measured free surface and velocities deter-438

mined from linear theory are constructed at the wavemaker using the first439

10 Fourier components of the measured free surface time series in front of440

the wavemaker. In this section, 〈 〉 and ( ) refer to phase and time averaging441

over five subsequent waves after the results reach the quasi-steady state, re-442


Table 3: Input parameters for the simulated depth-limited regular breaking waves on abarred beach. Here, H0 and L0 are the deep water wave height and wave length calculatedusing linear theory, (kH)0 is the corresponding deep water wave steepness of the generatedwave, ξ0 = s/

√H0/L0 is the self similarity parameter, and s is the averaged slope before

the bar, assumed as s ∼ 1/12. For the irregular wave case S2, H = Hs0 is the deep-watercharacteristic wave height, T = Tp and k = kp, where p refers to the peak frequency ofthe incident waves.

Case no. H0 T (kH)0 ξ0 breaking(m) (s) type

S1 0.64 4.0 0.148 0.52 plungingS2 0.59 4.0 0.136 0.54 plunging

spectively. The corresponding measured averaged variables were calculated443

by phase averaging over 150 successive waves and ensemble averaging over444

at least 8 realizations.445

The mean sea level is defined as h = d+η, where d is the still water depth446

and η is the wave set-down/set-up. Here, x = 0 is the cross-shore location447

of the wavemaker location. The regular waves were observed to plunge at448

x = 53m.449

4.1.1. Time-dependent free surface evolution450

Figure 23 shows the cross-shore distribution of the wave height H =451

〈η〉max−〈η〉min as well as mean water level, η in the primary shoaling region452

up to the top of the bar (x < 52.8m), the top of the bar (52.8m< x < 56.5m),453

the shoreward face of the bar (56.5m< x < 60m), and the secondary shoaling454

region after the bar (x > 60m) for the regular case S1. The underprediction455

of the wave height near the breaking point is similar to that in TK1 as456

shown in Figure 2(a). Compared with measurements, wave height decay457


in the breaking region and shoreward face of the bar (53m< x < 60m) is458

captured reasonably well. In the secondary shoaling region after the bar459

(x > 60m), the overshoot of the wave height is not captured, as also seen in460

the VOF-based simulation of Jacobsen et al. (2014, Figure 4A). The mean461

water level is accurately resolved from deep water up to the swash zone, as462

opposed to the VOF-based simulation of Jacobsen et al. (2014, Figure 4B)463

which overpredicts wave set-up after the bar.464

Figure 24 shows the phase-averaged water surface elevations at different465

cross-shore locations before and after the bar for S1. Although the time466

evolution of the free surface elevations are comparable with the measurements467

at all cross-shore locations, the crest is underpredicted near the break-point468

as shown in panel (c) and after the bar as shown in panels (f) and (g). The469

secondary peak in the measured phase-averaged free surface elevations at470

x = 69.3m is also visible in the predicted results, while its crest elevation is471

underpredicted by the model. This secondary peak is due to the generation472

of the higher harmonics on top of the bar propagating with different phase473

speed than the primary wave. The predicted cross-shore location of the474

initial break point is slightly seaward compared with the measurements as in475

TK1, regardless of the different vertical resolutions. In both cases, the model476

captured the free surface evolution, wave height decay rate, crest and trough477

elevations, as well as wave set-up reasonably well using as few as 4 σ levels.478


4.1.2. Time-averaged velocity and k479

Figure 25 shows the spatial distribution of the time-averaged velocity field480

using different vertical resolutions for S1. To obtain the Eulerian mean ve-481

locities, the model results in the σ-coordinate system first were interpolated482

onto a fixed vertical mesh at each cross-shore location using linear interpo-483

lation, and then time averaging was performed. As in TK1, the predicted484

return current using 4 σ levels shown in 25(a) has not detached from the485

bed shoreward of the breaking point, as opposed to the simulation with 8 σ486

levels. The results of the simulations with different vertical resolutions have487

approximately the same structure after the breaking point, where the pre-488

dicted undertow current using 8 σ levels has larger magnitude in the entire489

surf zone. The curvature of the undertow profile has strong spatial varia-490

tions near the break points as shown in Figure 26(c), where the amount of491

curvature of the undertow profile at x = 48.0m (red lines) considerably de-492

creases compared with that at x = 51.0m (black lines). This is due to the493

detachment of the undertow current from the bed, forming negative slopes at494

seaward of the break point. Figure 26(c) also shows that the model predicts495

breaking seaward of the measured break point. Finally, the measured under-496

tow profiles at two different longshore locations (shown by open and solid497

circles) reveal that the time-averaged velocity field has strong variation in498

the spanwise direction close to the break point; the 3D effects are absent in499

our 2D simulation. Compared with the measured undertow profiles (Figure500

26), the undertow current is resolved on top of and after the bar using as few501


as 4 σ levels.502

Figure 27 shows the spatial distribution of k using different vertical res-503

olutions for S1. The values of the normalized time-averaged k,√k/gh, are504

similar to those in TK1 and TK2 in the outer surf zone. Figure 28 shows the505

predicted k profiles at the different cross-shore locations before, on the top of,506

and after the bar together with the corresponding measurements. Compared507

with the measurements, it is seen that the model predicts fairly reasonably508

the cross-shore variation of the breaking-induced turbulence using 4 σ levels,509

with the large k levels across the breaker bar, where the waves are breaking,510

and the subsequent decay of k level on the seaward face as well as after the511


4.2. Irregular breaking waves513

The random waves of S2 were generated based on a TMA spectrum with a514

width parameter γ = 20 to generate the initial condition at the wavemaker.515

Table 3 summarizes the incident wave conditions for S2. The cross-shore516

location of the numerical wavemaker is set to be as the initial position of the517

physical wavemaker. The measured free surface and velocities determined518

from linear theory are constructed at the wavemaker using the first 2000519

Fourier components of the measured free surface time series in front of the520

wavemaker. In this section, ( ) refers to long-time averaging over several521

minutes, more than 250 waves. The first 2500 data points were ignored both522

in the model and results and the corresponding experiment.523


The mean sea level is defined as h = d + η, where d is the still water524

depth and η is the wave set-down/set-up. Here, x = 0 is the cross-shore525

location of the wavemaker location. The random waves were observed to be526

both plunging and spilling as far offshore as x = 42m.527

4.2.1. Power spectra evolution and integral breaking-induced dissipation528

Here, we examine the model prediction of the integral breaking-induced529

dissipation compared with the corresponding measurements by looking at530

the evolution of the power spectral density, S(f), across a fixed bar.531

Figure 29 shows the variation of computed S(f) using 4 and 8 σ lev-532

els for the random breaking case S2 as well as the corresponding measured533

S(f). The measured signals were split into 8196 data points segments. Each534

segment multiplied by a cosine-taper window with the taper ratio of 0.05535

to reduce the end effects. The measured spectrum is obtained by ensemble536

averaging over the computed spectra of 7 segments and then band averag-537

ing over the 5 neighboring bands. Thus the resultant averaged spectra have538

70 degrees of freedom. The sampling rate was 50 Hz (fNyq = 25Hz). The539

spectrum resolution is ∆f = 0.03Hz. The computed spectrum is obtained540

in a similar way, with the same spectral resolution and degrees of freedom.541

Panels (a),(b), and (c) show the S(f) in the shoaling zone before the break542

point x = 53m. The decrease of energy at the dominant peak frequency543

and increase of energy at higher and lower harmonics before the breaking544

region due to the nonlinear interaction, shown at panel (c), as well as the545


decrease of energy at the dominant peak frequency and higher frequency546

range across the bar, shown in panel (d), are captured by the model using 4547

σ levels. However, the energy at low-frequency range is overpredicted while548

the energy at the second harmonic is underpredicted across and after the549

bar. No wave absorption at the wavemaker exists both in the simulation550

and the experiment, and thus the reflected long waves from the bar and the551

beach face are reflected back in the domain as in the experiment. The more552

pronounced predicted energy at this frequency range (f/fp ≈ 0.5) comparing553

with the measurements may be due to the inherent difference between the554

numerical wavemaker and that in the experiment and the absence of lateral555

side walls effects in the present 2D simulation. The underprediction of the556

second harmonics across the bar is unresolved.557

4.2.2. Wave statistics558

Figure 30(a) shows the cross-shore variations of the model predictions of559

η, Hm0 , Tm02 , normalized wave skewness, and normalized wave asymmetry560

using 4 and 8 σ levels as well as the corresponding measured values for the561

random breaking case S2. These bulk statistics are calculated as explained562

in §3.2.1. Comparing with the measurements, the model fairly reasonably563

predicts the wave set-down/set-up as well as the second- and third-order bulk564

statistics for S2 using 4 σ levels. As in the regular case S1 (Figure 23a), the565

wave height after the bar, x > 60m, is underpredicted.566


4.2.3. Time-averaged velocity and k field567

Figure 31 shows the spatial distribution of the time-averaged velocity568

field using different vertical resolutions of 4 and 8 levels for S2. The Eulerian569

mean velocities were obtained as described before. The predicted undertow570

current using 4 and 8 σ levels have approximately the same structure and571

magnitude in the surf zone, and have the smaller magnitude compared with572

those under the regular case S1. Comparing the results with the measured573

undertow profiles shown in Figure 32, the undertow current is reasonably574

well captured across the bar and trough using as few as 4 σ levels, with575

smaller amount of curvature at lower depths which is partially because of the576

underprediction of the k and as a result the unerprediction of the turbulent577

eddy viscosity at those depths, as explained in §

Figure 33 shows the spatial distribution of the time-averaged k field us-579

ing different vertical resolutions for S2. The values of the normalized time-580

averaged k,√k/gh, are smaller than those in the regular case S1 in the entire581

surf zone, having the same structure near the bar and the steep beach. Figure582

34 shows the predicted time-averaged k profiles at the different cross-shore583

locations before, on the top of, and after the bar together with the corre-584

sponding measurements. Compared with the measurements, it is seen that585

using 4 σ levels the model predicts fairly reasonably the cross-shore variation586

of the breaking-induced turbulence as in the regular case S1.587


5. Steepness-limited unsteady breaking waves588

The data sets of Rapp & Melville (1990) and Tian et al. (2012) are con-589

sidered to study the model capability and accuracy for breaking-induced590

processes in steepness-limited unsteady breaking waves. Here, the model591

results for the two unsteady plunging breakers of Rapp & Melville (1990),592

hereafter referred as RM1 and RM2, in an intermediate depth regime with593

kcd ≈ 1.9 and one of the plunging cases of Tian et al. (2012), hereafter re-594

ferred as T1, in a deep water regime with kcd ≈ 6.9 are presented, where kc595

is the wave number of the center frequency wave of the input packet defined596

below. The evolution of the free surface, mean velocity field and large mean597

vortex under isolated breaking case RM1 are compared to the corresponding598

measurements and the results of the VOF-based simulation of Derakhti &599

Kirby (2014b). Integral breaking-induced energy dissipation under an iso-600

lated steepness-limited unsteady breaking wave is examined for RM2. In601

addition, the power spectral density evolution as well as integral breaking-602

induced energy dissipation under multiple steepness-limited unsteady break-603

ing waves are examined for T1.604

In both experiments, breaking waves were generated using the dispersive605

focusing technique, in which an input packet propagates over an constant606

depth and breaks at a predefined time, tb, and location, xb. The input wave607

packet was composed of N sinusoidal components of steepness aiki where the608

ai and ki are the amplitude and wave number of the ith component. Based609

on linear superposition and by imposing that the maximum 〈η〉 occurs at xb610


and tb, the total surface displacement at the incident wave boundary can be611

obtained as (Rapp & Melville, 1990, §2.3)612

〈η〉(0, t) =N∑i=1

ai cos[2πfi(t− tb) + kixb], (1)

where fi is the frequency of the ith component. The discrete frequencies fi613

were uniformly spaced over the band ∆f = fN − f1 with a central frequency614

defined by fc = 12(fN − f1). Different global steepnesses S =

∑Ni=1 aiki and615

normalized band-widths ∆f/fc lead to spilling or plunging breaking, where616

increasing S and/or decreasing ∆f/fc increases the breaking intensity (See617

Drazen et al. (2008) for more details). In the numerical wavemaker, free sur-618

face and velocities of each component are calculated using linear theory and619

then superimposed at x = 0. Sponge levels are used at the right boundary620

to minimize reflected waves. The input wave parameters for different cases621

are summarized in table 4.622

The normalized time and locations are defined as623

x∗ =x− xobLc

, z∗ =z


, t∗ =t− tobTc

, (2)

where Tc and Lc are the period and wavelength of the center frequency wave624

of the input packet, respectively. Here, tob and xob are the time and location625

at which the forward jet hits the free surface, obtained from corresponding626

VOF simulations of Derakhti & Kirby (2015).627


Table 4: Input parameters for the simulated focused wave packets. d is the still waterdepth, S =

∑Ni=1 aiki is the global steepness, N is the number of components in the

packet, aiki is the component steepness which is the same for the all components, and thediscrete frequencies fi were uniformly spaced over the band ∆f = fN − f1 with a centralfrequency defined by fc = 1

2 (fN − f1).

Case no. d S fc ∆f/fc N breaking(m) (1/s) type

RM1 0.60 0.352 0.88 0.73 32 plungingRM2 0.60 0.388 0.88 0.73 32 plungingT1 0.62 0.576 1.70 0.824 128 plunging

5.1. Time-dependent free surface evolution628

Figure 35 shows the free surface evolution in the breaking region for RM1629

using 8 σ levels. Figure 36 shows the free surface time series at locations630

before and after the break point, showing that the model captures the free631

surface evolution up to the break point fairly accurately. The overall wave632

height decay is also predicted reasonably well. However, the sudden drop of633

the crest during active breaking is not resolved.634

Figure 37 shows the water surface elevations at different x locations for635

T1 using 8 σ levels. Nearly all the input wave components are in the deep636

water regime (d/Li > 0.5), and thus the packet is highly dispersive. Multiple637

breaking was observed in the experiment between x∗ ≈ −1 and x∗ ≈ 1, where638

x∗ = 0 is the x location of the main breaking event in the packet. The model639

captures the packet propagation and evolution accurately. The focusing of640

dispersive waves before the break point can be seen at panels (a) through641

(c) with decrease in the number of waves and increase of the maximum crest642


elevation. Downstream of the breaking region (Figure 37e and f), the results643

indicate that the wave height decay due to multiple unsteady breaking events,644

as well as dispersive properties of the packet, are captured by the model645

reasonably well.646

5.2. Integral Breaking-Induced Dissipation647

In this section, the predicted integral breaking-induced dissipation is com-648

pared to the corresponding measurements by looking at the evolution of the649

time-integrated energy density, ρgη2, as well as the power spectral density.650

In this section, ( ) refers to long-time integration over the entire wave packet.651

Strictly speaking, ρgη2 is twice the time-integrated potential energy den-652

sity, Ep, and, to a good approximation, can be considered as the time-653

integrated total energy density far from the breaking region. By choosing654

an appropriate characteristic group velocity, Cgρgη2 is then used as an es-655

timation of the time-integrated total horizontal energy flux, F . Thus, the656

spatial variation of ρgη2 is related to total breaking-induced dissipation for657

unsteady breaking waves, as explained by Derakhti & Kirby (2015) in detail.658

Figure 38 shows the variation of η2/η21 for the intermediate depth unsteady659

breaking case, RM2, using different horizontal and vertical resolutions. The660

predicted integral dissipation is underestimated comparing with the mea-661

surements. In addition, the predicted decay of Ep occurs at a larger down662

wave distance compared with the measurements, and the sudden drop of the663

potential energy density is not resolved.664


Here, the entire dissipation is imposed by the shock-capturing TVD scheme665

in these cases. In other words, the turbulence model has not been triggered,666

and νt is approximately zero. It is well known that the numerical dissipa-667

tion applied by TVD schemes decreases as the grid resolution increases. In668

breaking waves, the large gradient in a velocity field occurs near the sharp669

wave front and in the horizontal direction. As expected, by decreasing the670

horizontal resolution from ∆x = 23mm to ∆x = 10mm the total decay of Ep671

becomes smaller, whereas the associated change in Ep due to further decrease672

of ∆x from 10 mm to 5 mm is negligibly small. Increasing the vertical reso-673

lution, on the other hand, improves the results. Similar behavior is observed674

in other cases (not shown).675

Figure 39 shows the evolution of different spectral components in the wave676

packet for T1, and the corresponding measurements of Tian et al. (2012). The677

measured spectrum is obtained by ensemble averaging over 5 runs and then678

band averaging over three neighboring bands (30 degrees of freedom) with679

a spectral resolution of ∆f = 0.075Hz, where the signal length is 40 s, and680

the sampling rate is 100 Hz. The computed spectrum is based on a single681

realization with the same length and sampling rate. In general, the energy682

of the high frequency (f/fc > 2) part of the spectrum is underestimated683

due to a relatively coarse vertical resolution of the model which can not684

resolved fast decay of short-waves orbital velocities with depth. The nonlinear685

energy transfer into low-frequency components (f/fc < 0.5), however, is686

fairly reasonably resolved. Energy is dissipated mostly in the frequency range687


0.75 < f/fc < 1.5, as shown in panels (e) and (f). Close to the break688

point, the model does not capture the sudden dissipation of energy, especially689

for larger frequencies (Figure 39c). The predicted spectrum becomes more690

similar to the measured spectrum as the packet propagates away from the691

breaking region.692

5.3. Velocity field693

Comprehensive experimental work by Rapp & Melville (1990) and Drazen694

& Melville (2009) has revealed the main characteristics of the ensemble-695

averaged flow field under unsteady breaking waves, especially after active696

breaking. Rapp & Melville (1990) measured the velocity field using LDV697

at seven elevations and seven x locations in the breaking region. Figure698

40 shows the normalized horizontal and vertical velocities at x∗ = 0.60,699

z∗ = −0.025 for RM1 using 10 σ levels versus the corresponding unfiltered700

measured ensemble-averaged signals. After breaking, the larger velocities701

compared with the measurements also demonstrates the underprediction of702

the breaking-induced dissipation shown in Figure 38.703

The ensemble-averaged velocity field can be decomposed into704

〈u〉 = uw + ufw + uc, (3)

where uw is the orbital velocity of the surface waves, ufw is the velocity of the705

forced long-waves induced by breaking, and uc is the current stemming from706

the momentum loss during the breaking and/or Stokes drift. The rest of the707


available measured velocity signals are low-pass filtered using the threshold708

frequency of 0.3 Hz, to remove the surface waves as in Rapp & Melville709

(1990), where the frequency range of the input surface waves is 0.56 < fi <710

1.20. Figure 41 shows the low-pass filtered results and the corresponding711

measurements for RM1 at x∗ = 0.15 and x∗ = 0.60, from very close to the712

free surface to z∗ = −0.15 (≈ z = −d/2). The smaller low-passed filtered713

velocity field is due to the smaller wave dissipation and smaller wave forcing,714

predicted by the model.715

The mean current can be calculated by time averaging of the ensemble-716

averaged velocity signal,717

uc = u =1

t∗2 − t∗1

∫ t∗2


〈u〉 dt∗, (4)

where t∗1 and t∗2 cover the entire wave packet. During time integration for each718

grid point, when the point is above the free surface the velocity signal is zero.719

Figure 42 shows the spatial distribution of the normalized mean current and720

its horizontal-averaged between x∗ = 0 and 1.5, as well as the normalized721

horizontal-averaged mass flux below the depth z∗, M∗(z∗) =∫ z∗


∗ where722

z∗1 = −0.31 is the bottom elevation, for RM1 using 8 σ levels (top panels)723

together with the LES/VOF results by Derakhti & Kirby (2014b) (bottom724

panels). The positive current near the surface, the return negative current725

at lower depths and the two distinct circulation cells are captured by the726

model as in the LES/VOF results. Comparing with the measurements of727


(Rapp & Melville, 1990, Figure 43) and the LES/VOF simulation, we can728

see that the model generated a large mean vortex with relatively stronger729

velocity field. We believe this is due to the absence of an enhanced eddy730

viscosity that would be present as a result of the turbulence, which was731

not captured by NHWAVE in unsteady breaking cases. In addition, the732

model predicts relatively larger cells than those predicted by the LES/VOF733

simulation, especially in the x direction. The predicted patch of persistent734

vorticity (not shown) is consistent with Drazen & Melville (2009, Figure 4)735

and the LES/VOF simulation of Derakhti & Kirby (2014b, Figure 4.16),736

having larger vorticity values due to underestimation of effective viscosity in737

the absence of turbulence.738

6. Conclusions739

In this paper, we examined wave-breaking predictions ranging from shallow-740

to deep-water conditions using a surface-following, shock-capturing 3D non-741

hydrostatic model, NHWAVE (Ma et al., 2012), comparing results both with742

corresponding experiments and with outcomes of a VOF/Navier-Stokes solver743

(Ma et al., 2011; Derakhti & Kirby, 2014a,b). The new version of NHWAVE744

has been described in Derakhti et al. (2015), including the new governing745

equations and exact surface and bottom boundary conditions. We consid-746

ered regular and irregular depth-limited breaking waves on planar and barred747

beaches as well as steepness-limited unsteady breaking waves in intermediate748

and deep depths. The same equations and numerical methods are used for749


the various depth regimes and involve no ad-hoc treatment. Vertical grid750

resolution in all simulated cases is at least an order of magnitude coarser751

than that of typical VOF-based simulations. The main conclusions can be752

categorized as follows.753

(a) Depth-limited breaking waves: using as few as 4 σ levels, the model754

was shown to accurately predict depth-limited breaking wave properties in755

terms of (1) time-dependent free-surface and mean velocity field evolution,756

(2) integral breaking-induced dissipation, (3) second- and third-order bulk757

statistics, and (4) breaking-induced organized motion both on a planar and758

barred beaches. In addition, the model is shown to predict k distributions759

under troughs as accurate as those predicted by typical VOF-based simula-760

tions without bubble effects. As it was explained by Derakhti et al. (2015),761

the new boundary conditions significantly improve the predicted velocity762

and turbulence fields under depth-limited breaking waves compared with the763

commonly used simplified stress boundary conditions, ignoring the effects764

of surface and bottom slopes in the transformation of stress terms. The k765

prediction above the troughs may be further improved by replacing the zero766

gradient boundary condition for k and/or the zero-stress tangential stress767

boundary with a physics-based model such as the model proposed by Broc-768

chini & Peregrine (2001); Brocchini (2002). Under strong plunging breakers,769

the rapid advection of high k to lower depths can not captured by the model770

due to the unresolved jet impact and subsequent splash processes. It was771

found that this turbulence underprediction, and thus the underprediction of772


the turbulent eddy viscosity, can not be improved by increasing the number773

of σ levels. As a result, the amount of the curvature of undertow profiles774

are overpredicted in the events where the breaking is characterized as strong775


(b) Steepness-limited breaking waves: it was shown that all the dissipa-777

tion was imposed indirectly by only the TVD shock-capturing scheme, and778

the turbulence model had not been triggered. Although the absence of tur-779

bulence in deep water breaking waves predictions led to the underestimation780

of the total breaking-induced dissipation, and, thus, the overprediction of the781

velocity and vorticity field in the breaking region, the model was shown to782

predict (1) the dispersive and nonlinear properties of different wave packet783

components before and after the break point, (2) the overall wave height784

decay and spectral evolutions, and (3) the structures of the mean velocity785

and vorticity fields including large breaking-induced coherent vortices. The786

near-surface turbulence model for whitecap events, e.g., the model proposed787

by Brocchini (2002) to set boundary condition for k, is needed to provide788

sufficient k levels during active breaking, with which the model will produce789

the turbulence field, leading to an enhance eddy viscosity and an appropriate790

amount of breaking-induced dissipation in the breaking region.791


The authors gratefully thank Zhigang Tian, Marc Perlin, and Wooyoung793

Choi for providing the deep water laboratory data. This work was sup-794


ported by ONR, Littoral Geosciences and Optics Program (grant N00014-13-795

1-0124); NSF, Physical Oceanography Program (grant OCE-1435147); and796

through the use of computational resources provided by Information Tech-797

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0.38md0 = 0.4m

1 : 35


Wave Maker



Figure 1: Experimental layout of Ting & Kirby (1994). Vertical solid lines: the cross-shorelocations of the velocity measurements for TK1. Vertical dashed lines: the cross-shorelocations of the velocity measurements for TK2.

-2.5 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5







− η


− η

(a) (A)

x (m)-2.5 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5




16 (b)



− η


− η

x∗ (m)-2.5 0 2.5


Figure 2: Cross-shore distribution of crest and trough elevations as well as mean waterlevel for the surf zone (a,A) spilling breaking case TK1 and (b,B) plunging breaking caseTK2. Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4 σ levels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels(dotted-dashed lines), 16 σ levels (solid lines) and the measurements of Ting & Kirby(1994) (circle markers). In panels (A) and (B), x∗ = x − xb represents the horizontaldistance from the break point.










x∗ = -0.46m


x∗ = 0.88m

t/T0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1









x∗ = 0.26m

t/T0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1


x∗ = 1.48m

Figure 3: Phase-averaged free surface elevations for the surf zone spilling breaking caseTK1 at different cross-shore locations before and after the initial break point x∗ = 0.Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4 σ levels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels (dotted-dashed lines) and the measurement (thin red solid lines).








15 (a)

x∗ = -0.50m


x∗ = 0.55m

t/T0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1








15 (b)

x∗ = 0.00m

t/T0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1


x∗ = 1.00m

Figure 4: Phase-averaged free surface elevations for the surf zone plunging breaking caseTK2 at different cross-shore locations before and after the initial break point x∗ = 0.Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4 σ levels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels (dotted-dashed lines) and the measurement (thin red solid lines).






0.4 (a)

x∗ = -7.67m

z∗ = 6.00cm





0.4 (b)

x∗ = -0.46m

z∗ = 4.80cm





0.4 (c)

x∗ = 0.26m

z∗ = 4.50cm

t/T0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





0.4 (d)

x∗ = 0.88m

z∗ = 4.90cm


x∗ = 1.48m

z∗ = 5.20cm


x∗ = 2.09m

z∗ = 4.70cm


x∗ = 2.71m

z∗ = 4.90cm

t/T0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1


x∗ = 3.32m

z∗ = 4.70cm

Figure 5: Phase-averaged normalized horizontal velocities for the surf zone spilling break-ing case TK1 at about 5 cm above the bed (z∗ is the distance from the bed), at differentcross-shore locations before and after the initial break point x∗ = 0. Comparison betweenNHWAVE results with 4 σ levels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels (dotted-dashed lines), 16 σlevels (thick solid lines) and measurements (thin red solid lines).






0.4 (a)

x∗ = -0.50m

z∗ = 4.90cm





0.4 (b)

x∗ = 0.00m

z∗ = 4.60cm





0.4 (c)

x∗ = 0.55m

z∗ = 5.20cm

t/T0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





0.4 (d)

x∗ = 1.00m

z∗ = 4.80cm


x∗ = 1.50m

z∗ = 5.30cm


x∗ = 2.00m

z∗ = 4.60cm

t/T0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1


x∗ = 2.60m

z∗ = 4.90cm

Figure 6: Phase-averaged normalized horizontal velocities for the surf zone plunging break-ing case TK2 at about 5 cm above the bed (z∗ is the distance from the bed), at differentcross-shore locations before and after the initial break point x∗ = 0. Comparison betweenNHWAVE results with 4 σ levels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels (dotted-dashed lines), 16 σlevels (thick solid lines) and measurements (thin red solid lines).


Figure 7: Time-averaged velocity field, u, for the surf zone spilling breaking case TK1.NHWAVE results with (a) 4 σ levels, (b) 8 σ levels, and (c) 16 σ levels. Dash lines showthe crest 〈η〉max and trough 〈η〉min elevations. Colors show u/








x∗ = -7.67m






x∗ = -0.46m






x∗ = 0.26m


gh-0.25 0 0.25






x∗ = 0.88m


x∗ = 1.48m


x∗ = 2.09m


x∗ = 2.71m


gh-0.25 0 0.25


x∗ = 3.32m

Figure 8: Time-averaged normalized horizontal velocity (undertow) profiles for the surfzone spilling breaking case TK1 at different cross-shore locations before and after the initialbreak point, x∗ = 0. Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4 σ levels (dashed lines),8 σ levels (dotted-dashed lines), 16 σ levels (solid lines) and the measurements (circlemarkers).







x∗ = -0.50m






x∗ = 0.00m






x∗ = 0.55m


gh-0.25 0 0.25





x∗ = 1.00m



x∗ = 1.50m


x∗ = 2.00m


gh-0.25 0 0.25

x∗ = 2.60m


Figure 9: Time-averaged normalized horizontal velocity (undertow) profiles for the surfzone plunging breaking case TK2 at different cross-shore locations before and after theinitial break point, x∗ = 0. Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4 σ levels (dashedlines), 8 σ levels (dotted-dashed lines), 16 σ levels (solid lines) and the measurements (circlemarkers).


Figure 10: Snapshots of the turbulent kinetic energy, k(m2/s2), distribution for the surfzone spilling breaking case TK1. NHWAVE results with (a− e) 4 σ levels and (A−E) 8σ levels.





x∗ = -0.46m




x∗ = 0.26m



0.1 (c)

x∗ = 0.88m



0.1 (d)

x∗ = 1.48m



0.1 (e)

x∗ = 2.09m

t/T0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1



0.1 (f)

x∗ = 2.71m


x∗ = -0.46m


x∗ = 0.26m


x∗ = 0.88m


x∗ = 1.48m


x∗ = 2.09m

t/T0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

(F )

x∗ = 2.71m

Figure 11: Phase-averaged k time series for the surf zone spilling breaking case TK1 at(a−f) ∼ 4 cm and (A−F ) ∼ 9 cm above the bed at different cross-shore locations beforeand after the initial break point, x∗ = 0. Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4σ levels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels (dotted-dashed lines), 16 σ levels (thick solid lines) andthe measurement (thin red solid lines)





x∗ = 0.00m




0.2 (b)

x∗ = 0.55m




0.2 (c)

x∗ = 1.00m




0.2 (d)

x∗ = 1.50m




0.2 (e)

x∗ = 2.00m

t/T0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1




0.2 (f)

x∗ = 2.60m


x∗ = 0.00m


x∗ = 0.55m


x∗ = 1.00m


x∗ = 1.50m


x∗ = 2.00m

t/T0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

(F )

x∗ = 2.60m

Figure 12: Phase-averaged k time series for the surf zone plunging breaking case TK2at (a − f) ∼ 4 cm and (A − F ) ∼ 9 cm above the bed at different cross-shore locationsafter the initial break point, x∗ = 0. Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4 σlevels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels (dotted-dashed lines), 16 σ levels (thick solid lines) andthe measurement (thin red solid lines)


Figure 13: Time-averaged normalized k field,√k/gh, for the surf zone spilling breaking

case TK1. NHWAVE results with (a) 4 σ levels, (b) 8 σ levels, and (c) 16 σ levels. Dashlines show the crest 〈η〉max, mean η and trough 〈η〉min elevations.







x∗ = -7.67m






x∗ = -0.46m






x∗ = 0.26m


0 0.075 0.15






x∗ = 0.88m


x∗ = 1.48m


x∗ = 2.09m


x∗ = 2.71m


0 0.075 0.15


x∗ = 3.32m

Figure 14: Time-averaged normalized k profiles for the surf zone spilling breaking caseTK1 at different cross-shore locations before and after the initial break point, x∗ = 0.Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4 σ levels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels (dotted-dashed lines), 16 σ levels (solid lines) and the measurements (circle markers).







x∗ = -0.50m






x∗ = 0.00m






x∗ = 0.55m


0 0.075 0.15






x∗ = 1.00m


x∗ = 1.50m


x∗ = 2.00m


0 0.075 0.15


x∗ = 2.60m

Figure 15: Time-averaged normalized k profiles for the surf zone plunging breaking caseTK2 at different cross-shore locations before and after the initial break point, x∗ = 0.Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4 σ levels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels (dotted-dashed lines), 16 σ levels (solid lines) and the measurements (circle markers).


d0 = 0.44m1 : 35


Wave Maker



Figure 16: Experimental layout of Bowen & Kirby (1994). Vertical solid lines: the cross-shore locations of the free surface measurements.

d0 = 0.47m1 : 20


Wave Maker



Figure 17: Experimental layout of Mase & Kirby (1992). Vertical solid lines: the cross-shore locations of the free surface measurements.


f/fp0.1 1 10







d/db =0.2






d/db =0.4






d/db =0.6






d/db =0.9







d/db =1.2







d/db =2.0

f/fp0.1 1 10

d/db =0.2

d/db =0.4

d/db =0.6

d/db =0.8

d/db =1.2

d/db =2.0

f/fp0.1 1 10

d/db =0.2

d/db =0.4

d/db =0.6

d/db =0.8

d/db =1.2

d/db =2.0

Figure 18: Power spectral density evolution, S(f) (cm2.s), for the random breaking cases,(a) BK with fp = 0.225Hz, (b) MK1 with fp = 0.6Hz, and (c) MK2 with fp = 1.0Hzat different cross-shore locations. Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4 σ levels(dashed lines), 8 σ levels (thick solid lines) and the corresponding measurements (circles).Here, d is the still water depth, and db is the still water depth at x = xb (db ∼ 20.5cmfor BK and db ∼ 12.5cm for MK1 and MK2). The solid lines show an f−2 frequencydependence.








20 (a2)



5 (a3)

d (cm)0 10 20 30 40



1.5 (a4)








10 (b2)H1/10





2.5 (b3)T1/10


d (cm)0 10 20 30 40



1.5 (b4)Skewness







10 (c2)



1.5 (c3)

d (cm)0 10 20 30 40



1.5 (c4)

Figure 19: Cross-shore variation of different Second- and third-order wave statistics for(a) BK, (b) MK1 and (c) MK2. Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4 σ levels(dashed lines), 8 σ levels (solid lines) and the corresponding measurements (circles). Here,Nw is the number of waves detected by the zero-up crossing method, H0.1 and T0.1 are theaveraged height and period of the one-tenth highest waves in the signal, Hm0

, Tm02are the

characteristic wave height and period based on the power spectra of the signal, Skewness=η3/(η2)3/2 > 0 is the normalized wave skewness, and Asymmetry= H(η)3/(η2)3/2 < 0 isthe normalized wave asymmetry. The results shown in (a) and (c) has the same label asin (b).


Figure 20: Time-averaged velocity field, u, for the surf zone irregular breaking case MK2.NHWAVE results with (a) 4 σ levels and (b) 8 σ levels. Dash lines show Hrms + η. Colorsshow u/


Figure 21: Time-averaged normalized k field,√k/gh, for the surf zone irregular breaking

case MK2. NHWAVE results with (a) 4 σ levels and (b) 8 σ levels. Dash lines showHrms + η.


x(m)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90








1 : 12

1 : 12

1 : 12−1 : 12

1 : 36

1 : 361 : 24


Wave Maker

Figure 22: Experimental layout of Scott et al. (2004). Vertical thick solid lines: the cross-shore locations of the velocity measurements. Vertical thin solid lines: the cross-shorelocations of the free surface measurements.




80 (a)

x(m)20 30 40 50 60 70 80




5 (b)

Figure 23: (a) Cross-shore distribution of the wave height, H = 〈η〉max − 〈η〉min, and (b)mean water level, η, for the surf zone regular breaking waves on a barred beach case S1.Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4 σ levels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels (dotted-dashed lines) and the measurements of Scott et al. (2004) (circle markers). Vertical lines:the cross-shore locations of the velocity measurements shown in Figure 22.








50 (a)

x = 32.70m


x = 58.31m







50 (b)

x = 40.01m


x = 61.97m







50 (c)

x = 51.00m

t/T0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1


x = 69.27m

t/T0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1






50 (d)

x = 54.65m

Figure 24: Phase-averaged free surface elevations for the surf zone regular breaking waveson a barred beach case S1 at different cross-shore locations before and after the bar.Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4 σ levels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels (dotted-dashed lines) and the measurement (thin red solid lines).


Figure 25: Time-averaged velocity field, u, for the surf zone regular breaking waves on abarred beach case S1. NHWAVE results with (a) 4 σ levels, and (b) 8 σ levels. Dash linesshow the crest 〈η〉max and trough 〈η〉min elevations. Colors show u/

√gh. Vertical lines:

the cross-shore locations of the velocity measurements shown in Figure 22.







x = 32.7m






x = 40.0m






x = 51.0m


gh-0.25 0 0.25






x = 54.6m


x = 58.3m


x = 62.0m


gh-0.25 0 0.25


x = 69.3m

Figure 26: Time-averaged normalized horizontal velocity (undertow) profiles for the surfzone regular breaking waves on a barred beach case S1 at different cross-shore locationsbefore and after the bar. Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4 σ levels (dashedlines), 8 σ levels (dotted-dashed lines), and the measurements at two different longshorelocations (open and solid circle markers). Red lines at (c) show the results 3m seaward ofthe corresponding measurement location.


Figure 27: Time-averaged normalized k field,√k/gh, for the surf zone regular breaking

waves on a barred beach case S1. NHWAVE results with (a) 4 σ levels, and (b) 8 σ levels.Dash lines show the crest 〈η〉max, mean η and trough 〈η〉min elevations. Vertical lines: thecross-shore locations of the velocity measurements shown in Figure 22.







x = 32.7m






x = 40.0m






x = 51.0m


0 0.075 0.15






x = 54.6m


x = 58.3m


x = 62.0m


0 0.075 0.15


x = 69.3m

Figure 28: Time-averaged normalized k profiles for the surf zone regular breakingwaves on a barred beach case S1 at different cross-shore locations before and after thebar.Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4 σ levels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels(dotted-dashed lines), and the measurements (circle markers). Red lines at (c) show theresults 3m seaward of the corresponding measurement location.


f/fp0.1 1 10







x = 54.6







x = 51.0

f/fp0.1 1 10





x = 69.3







x = 40.0 10-5




x = 62.0







x = 32.7 10-5




x = 58.3

Figure 29: Power spectral density evolution, S(f) (m2.s), for the random breaking on abarred beach case S2 at different cross-shore locations. Comparison between NHWAVEresults with 4 σ levels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels (thick solid lines) and the correspondingmeasurements (circles). The solid lines show f−2.





5 (a)





60 (b)




4 (c)

x (cm)20 30 40 50 60 70 80




1.5 (d)

Figure 30: Cross-shore variation of different Second- and third-order wave statistics forthe random breaking on a barred beach case S2. Comparison between NHWAVE resultswith 4 σ levels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels (solid lines) and the corresponding measurements(circles). The definitions are the same as in Figure 19.


Figure 31: Time-averaged velocity field, u, for the random breaking on a barred beachcase S2. NHWAVE results with (a) 4 σ levels and (b) 8 σ levels. Dash lines show Hrms+η.Colors show u/








x = 32.7m






x = 40.0m






x = 51.0m


gh-0.25 0 0.25






x = 54.6m


x = 58.3m


x = 62.0m


gh-0.25 0 0.25


x = 69.3m

Figure 32: Time-averaged normalized horizontal velocity (undertow) profiles for the ran-dom breaking on a barred beach case S2 at different cross-shore locations before and afterthe bar. Comparison between NHWAVE results with 4 σ levels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels(dotted-dashed lines), and the measurements (circle markers). Red lines at (c) show theresults 3m seaward of the corresponding measurement location.


Figure 33: Time-averaged normalized k field,√k/gh, for the random breaking on a barred

beach case S2. NHWAVE results with (a) 4 σ levels and (b) 8 σ levels. Dash lines showHrms + η.







x = 32.7m






x = 40.0m






x = 51.0m


0 0.075 0.15






x = 54.6m


x = 58.3m


x = 62.0m


0 0.075 0.15


x = 69.3m

Figure 34: Time-averaged normalized k profiles for the random breaking on a barred beachcase S2 at different cross-shore locations before and after the bar.Comparison betweenNHWAVE results with 4 σ levels (dashed lines), 8 σ levels (dotted-dashed lines), andthe measurements (circle markers). Red lines at (c) show the results 3m seaward of thecorresponding measurement location.






t∗ =0.0






t∗ =0.15







t∗ =0.3






t∗ =0.75



-0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1





t∗ =1.0


Figure 35: Snapshots of the free surface evolution during active breaking for the interme-diate depth breaking case, RM1. Comparison between NHWAVE results with 8 σ levels(thick solid lines) and the VOF-based model (thin solid lines). The free surface time seriesat the locations indicated by vertical dashed lines are shown in Figure 36.


-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4









x∗ =-0.31



-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

x∗ =0.15


Figure 36: Time series of the free surface evolution for the intermediate depth breakingcase, RM1 at (a) before and (b) after the break point (x∗ = 0). Comparison betweenNHWAVE results with 8 σ levels (solid lines) and the corresponding measurements ofRapp & Melville (1990) (circles).


t (s)10 15 20 25 30 35






x =11.1 m (f)






x =9.4 m (e)






x =7.2 m (d)






x =6.0 m (c)






x =4.0 m (b)






x =1.8 m (a)

Figure 37: Time series of the free surface evolution at different x locations for the deepwater breaking case, T1. Comparison between NHWAVE results with 8 σ levels and thehorizontal resolution of ∆x = 10mm (dotted dashed lines) and the measurement of Tianet al. (2012) (solid lines).


x∗-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3


x∗-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

η2/η2 1








Figure 38: Normalized time-integrated potential energy density, Ep, for the intermediatedepth breaking case, RM2. Comparison between the corresponding measurements (circles)and NHWAVE results with (a) 8 σ levels and (b) 16 σ levels, using different horizontalresolutions of ∆x = 23mm (solid lines), ∆x = 10mm (dashed lines) and ∆x = 5mm(dashed-dotted lines).






x =1.84m (a)





x =6.61m (b)





x =7.23m (c)





x =7.90m (d)





x =9.41m (e)

f/fc0.1 1 10





x =11.05m (f)

Figure 39: Energy density spectrum evolution, S(f) (cm2.s) for the deep water breakingcase, T1. Comparison between NHWAVE results with 8 σ levels using ∆x = 10mm (thicksolid lines) and ∆x = 5mm (dashed lines) as well as the measurements of Tian et al.(2012) (solid lines). Vertical dotted lines indicate the frequency range of the input packet.





0.2 (a)

t∗-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




0.2 (b)

Figure 40: Normalized ensemble-averaged velocities for RM1 using 8 σ levels (dashed lines)and 16 σ levels (solid lines) at x∗ = 0.6, z∗ = −0.025. The circles are the measurementsof the corresponding case adopted from Rapp & Melville (1990), Figure 41.

u∗ lp




z∗ =-0.016

(a) (b)






(c) (d)

u∗ lp




z∗ =-0.031






u∗ lp




z∗ =-0.078






t∗0 5 10 15

u∗ lp




z∗ =-0.155

t∗0 5 10 15

t∗0 5 10 15






t∗0 5 10 15

Figure 41: Normalized low-pass filtered velocities for RM1 using 8 σ levels (dashed lines)and 16 σ levels (solid lines), at (a,c) x∗ = 0.15 and (b,d) x∗ = 0.60 at different elevations.The circles are the measurements of the corresponding case adopted from Rapp & Melville(1990), Figure 42.



0 0.5 1 1.5







0 0.01-0.3




M ∗

-0.001 0 -0.3




x∗0 0.5 1 1.5







0 0.01-0.3




M ∗

-0.001 0 -0.3




Figure 42: (a, d) Spatial distribution of the normalized mean current, u∗c; (b, e) normalized

horizontal-averaged mean current in the streamwise direction, u∗c and (c, f) normalized

accumulative horizontal-averaged mass flux, M∗, in the breaking region for RM1. (a-c)NHWAVE results with 8 σ levels and (d-f) LES/VOF results by Derakhti & Kirby (2014b).