Watson's HiM •lAIXMinistryot W****^ Agriculture Fisheries and Food Agricultural Land Classification EASINGTON D.L.P Mazine Terrace, Haswell Plough Legend Quality Excellent Very Clood Good Moderate Poor Very Poor Agricultural land not surveyed Olher land Boundary of survev area Total agricultural land area Total survey area "^ Not prcuDt within surrey area .\rea Iha) Nil Nil Nil 1.2 3.8 Nil Nil 1.6 50 6.6 Scale 1:5,000 iOO _L_ !00 I J Further delails coDlaiDcd in MAFF [|9S8) .^gntrtillural Lantl Qasaificalioo uf HD){lalid aQil Wain - RL-VIKCU ^uidelinck aod crileiia fur gratling the quality of agiicultural Und Maff (publications). London SE99 7TP. The informatitin ii accurate at bale map scale bai aay enlargemcnl vould be misleailing. Reproduction in whole or in part by any means is prohibited without Ihc ptiot pciniissitiii III .MAFF. Surveyed and drawn by the Resource Plauuiog Team. i'KC.^. Leeds. Based on the I98S Ordnance Survey 1:10,000 map with the permiuion ol the Conlrullcr of Her Majetity's Stationery Office. Unaulhortaed reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or ciyil proceedings. M.M-F Licence No; GD272361 Source mapU): NZJ4SE Refe.-ence no: 64/98 ® Ci^wn Copyrighl Reserved 1997

Watson's HiM Fisheries Agricultural Land Classification

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Page 1: Watson's HiM Fisheries Agricultural Land Classification

Watson's HiM • l A I X M i n i s t r y o t W * * * * ^ Agriculture

Fisheries and Food

Agricultural Land Classification EASINGTON D.L.P

Mazine Terrace, Haswell Plough

Legend Qual i ty


Very Clood




Very Poor

Agricultural land not surveyed

Olher land

Boundary of survev area

Total agricultural land area

Total survey area

"̂ Not prcuDt within surrey area

. \ r e a Iha)











Scale • 1:5,000


_L_ !00 I J

Further delails coDlaiDcd in MAFF [|9S8) .^gntrtillural Lantl Qasaificalioo uf HD){lalid aQil Wain - RL-VIKCU ^uidelinck aod crileiia fur gratling the quality of agiicultural Und Maff (publications). London SE99 7TP. The informatitin ii accurate at bale map scale bai aay enlargemcnl vould be misleailing. Reproduction in whole or in part by any means is prohibited without Ihc ptiot pciniissitiii III .MAFF.

Surveyed and drawn by the Resource Plauuiog Team. i'KC.^. Leeds.

Based on the I98S Ordnance Survey 1:10,000 map with the permiuion ol the Conlrullcr of Her Majetity's Stationery Office. Unaulhortaed reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or ciyil proceedings. M.M-F Licence No; GD272361 Source mapU): NZJ4SE Refe.-ence no: 64/98 ® Ci^wn Copyrighl Reserved 1997

Page 2: Watson's HiM Fisheries Agricultural Land Classification