Water reuse from a circular economy perspective and potential risks from an unregulated approach Nikolaos Voulvoulis Abstract Considerations including water scarcity in arid and semi-arid re- gions, water security concerns in areas where water demand exceeds water availability, and rigorous and costly requirements to remove nutrients and emerging contaminants from effluent discharge to surface waters have driven water reuse as an alternate water supply in some parts of the world. However, the potential of reusing treated wastewater has not yet been exploited in many areas. A transition to a circular economy could create significant synergies for the wide adoption of water reuse as an alternate water supply. This paper therefore examines opportu- nities and risks with the transition to such an economy. Findings show that although many of the barriers water reuse is facing, ranging from public perception to pricing and regulatory chal- lenges, could be addressed more effectively through a wider cir- cular economy perspective, care must be taken with regulating and monitoring levels of contaminants in the recycled water ac- cording to its use. A review of existing reuse schemes and regu- lations across the world, found variation, demonstrating the need for assessing benefits and risks on a case by case basis. Recy- cling and reuse are central to a circular economy approach and offer a strategy to improve water supply by managing wastewater better. Such strategy should also ensure the safety of water reuse, and therefore apply water quality standards appropriate to the specific use, but also ensure adequate and reliable operation of water reuse systems and appropriate regulatory enforcement. Addresses Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, UK Corresponding author: Voulvoulis, N ([email protected]) Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 2018, 2:32 45 This review comes from a themed issue on Wastewater and reuse Edited by Paola Verlicchi and Paolo Roccaro For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coesh.2018.01.005 2468-5844/© 2018 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4.0/). Keywords Circular economy, Wastewater treatment and reuse, Water scarcity, Emerging contaminants. Introduction Water is essential for human survival and well-being and plays an important role to many sectors of the economy. However, water resources are irregularly distributed in space and time, and they are under pressure due to human activity and economic development [34]. Accel- erated urbanization and the expansion of municipal water supply and sanitation systems also contribute to the rising demand [72]. Furthermore, climate change scenarios project spatial and temporal variations of water cycle dy- namics, which exacerbate the discrepancies between water supply and demand [31,72]. Water for irrigation and food production constitutes one of the greatest pressures on freshwater resources, with agriculture accounting for over 70 per cent of global freshwater withdrawals and up to 90 per cent in some fast-growing economies [72]. Projections for biofuel production indicate that if by 2030, 5 per cent of road transport is powered by biofuels (the EU target is 10 per cent by 2020 [23]), this would amount to at least 20 per cent of the water used for agriculture globally [7]. Industry is also a major water user, account- ing for between 10 per cent (Asia) and 57 per cent (Europe) of total water consumption [32]. Water (avail- ability/scarcity/management) is one of the top global risks according to a World Economic Forum Global Risk Report [81]; estimating a 40 per cent shortfall in water supply globally at 2030, if no changes are made in how water is managed. Apart from being an essential requirement for human survival and a fuel for economic development, water is also fundamental for sustainable ecosystem services [71]. The Earth’s ecosystems could not function without adequate supplies of water of suitable quality. However, every time humans access, develop, transport or utilise water resources, they leave an impact that may degrade the service provided by the river, lake, wetland or groundwater aquifer supplying the water [46]. By increasing the concentration and the ecological effects of pollutants, water scarcity is a key stressor in many river ecosystems as it tends to exacerbate the detrimental ef- fects of other stressors [58]. Water scarcity is particularly important in semi-arid re- gions such as the Mediterranean area [29,48], but also in other regions where water demand approaches or even exceeds, water availability. This includes large areas of Europe, as presented in the Water Exploitation Index (WEI), defined as the ratio of all annual abstractions over inter-annual resources [4,29]. Two thirds of the world’s population currently live in areas that experience water scarcity for at least one month a year, meaning that about 500 million people live in areas where water consumption Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 2018, 2:32 45 www.sciencedirect.com

Water reuse from a circular economy perspective and ... · will depend on the water quality needed for the pro-posed use (Fig. 2). Water reuse as an emerging solution Many cities

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Page 1: Water reuse from a circular economy perspective and ... · will depend on the water quality needed for the pro-posed use (Fig. 2). Water reuse as an emerging solution Many cities

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Environmental Science & Health

Water reuse from a circular economy perspective and potentialrisks from an unregulated approachNikolaos Voulvoulis


Considerations including water scarcity in arid and semi-arid re-gions, water security concerns in areas where water demandexceeds water availability, and rigorous and costly requirementsto remove nutrients and emerging contaminants from effluentdischarge to surface waters have driven water reuse as analternate water supply in some parts of the world. However, thepotential of reusing treatedwastewater has not yet been exploitedin many areas. A transition to a circular economy could createsignificant synergies for the wide adoption of water reuse as analternate water supply. This paper therefore examines opportu-nities and risks with the transition to such an economy. Findingsshow that although many of the barriers water reuse is facing,ranging from public perception to pricing and regulatory chal-lenges, could be addressed more effectively through a wider cir-cular economy perspective, care must be taken with regulatingand monitoring levels of contaminants in the recycled water ac-cording to its use. A review of existing reuse schemes and regu-lations across the world, found variation, demonstrating the needfor assessing benefits and risks on a case by case basis. Recy-cling and reuse are central to a circular economy approach andoffer a strategy to improve water supply by managing wastewaterbetter. Such strategy should alsoensure the safety ofwater reuse,and therefore apply water quality standards appropriate to thespecific use, but also ensure adequate and reliable operation ofwater reuse systems and appropriate regulatory enforcement.

AddressesCentre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College, LondonSW7 2AZ, UK

Corresponding author: Voulvoulis, N ([email protected])

Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 2018,2:32–45

This review comes from a themed issue on Wastewater and reuse

Edited by Paola Verlicchi and Paolo Roccaro

For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial


2468-5844/© 2018 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is anopen access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

KeywordsCircular economy, Wastewater treatment and reuse, Water scarcity,Emerging contaminants.

IntroductionWater is essential for human survival and well-being andplays an important role to many sectors of the economy.

Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 2018, 2:32–45

However, water resources are irregularly distributed inspace and time, and they are under pressure due tohuman activity and economic development [34]. Accel-

erated urbanization and the expansion ofmunicipal watersupply and sanitation systems also contribute to the risingdemand [72]. Furthermore, climate change scenariosproject spatial and temporal variations of water cycle dy-namics, which exacerbate the discrepancies betweenwater supply and demand [31,72].Water for irrigation andfood production constitutes one of the greatest pressureson freshwater resources, with agriculture accounting forover 70 per cent of global freshwater withdrawals and upto 90 per cent in some fast-growing economies [72].Projections for biofuel production indicate that if by 2030,

5 per cent of road transport is powered by biofuels (theEU target is 10 per cent by 2020 [23]), this would amountto at least 20 per cent of the water used for agricultureglobally [7]. Industry is also a major water user, account-ing for between 10 per cent (Asia) and 57 per cent(Europe) of total water consumption [32]. Water (avail-ability/scarcity/management) is one of the top global risksaccording to aWorld Economic ForumGlobal Risk Report[81]; estimating a 40 per cent shortfall in water supplyglobally at 2030, if no changes are made in how water ismanaged.

Apart from being an essential requirement for humansurvival and a fuel for economic development, water isalso fundamental for sustainable ecosystem services [71].The Earth’s ecosystems could not function withoutadequate supplies of water of suitable quality. However,every time humans access, develop, transport or utilise

water resources, they leave an impact that may degradethe service provided by the river, lake, wetland orgroundwater aquifer supplying the water [46]. Byincreasing the concentration and the ecological effects ofpollutants, water scarcity is a key stressor in many riverecosystems as it tends to exacerbate the detrimental ef-fects of other stressors [58].

Water scarcity is particularly important in semi-arid re-gions such as the Mediterranean area [29,48], but also inother regions where water demand approaches or even

exceeds, water availability. This includes large areas ofEurope, as presented in the Water Exploitation Index(WEI), defined as the ratio of all annual abstractions overinter-annual resources [4,29]. Two thirds of the world’spopulation currently live in areas that experience waterscarcity for at least one month a year, meaning that about500million people live in areas where water consumption


Page 2: Water reuse from a circular economy perspective and ... · will depend on the water quality needed for the pro-posed use (Fig. 2). Water reuse as an emerging solution Many cities

Water reuse from a circular economy perspective Voulvoulis 33

exceeds the locally renewable water resources by a factorof two [73].

The availability of water resources is also intrinsicallylinked to water quality, as the pollution of water sourcesmay prohibit different type of uses. Increased dischargesof untreated sewage, combined with agricultural runoffand inadequately treated wastewater from industry, have

resulted in the degradation of water quality around theworld [19]. If current trends persist, water quality willcontinue to degrade over the coming decades, particularlyin resource-poor countries in dry areas, further endan-gering human health and ecosystems, contributing towater scarcity and constraining sustainable economicdevelopment [73]. In all but the most highly developedcountries, the vast majority of wastewater is releaseddirectly to the environment without adequate treatmentwith detrimental impacts on human health, economicproductivity, the quality of ambient freshwater resources,

and ecosystems [73].

As freshwater supplies become more limited and eco-nomic development comes with increasing waterdemand, technologies such as desalination and water re-use are often recognised as solutions with a great poten-tial in reducing the gap between availability and demand[41]. However, on a larger scale, brine released fromdesalination plants includes chemical residues thatnegatively affect coastal ecosystems [14]. Furthermore,although desalination may solve the problem of water

scarcity in water stressed areas, there still lies the prob-lem of associated wastewater management and the costsinvolved [41]. Continued failure to address wastewater asa major social and environmental problem would alsocompromise other efforts towards achieving the 2030Agenda for Sustainable Development [73].

The ability to reuse water, regardless of whether theintent is to augment water supplies or manage nutrientsin treated effluent (also a factor leading to water reuse),has positive benefits that are also the key motivators forimplementing reuse programs [21]. These benefits

include improved agricultural production; reducedenergy consumption associated with production, treat-ment, and distribution of water; and significant environ-mental benefits, such as reduced nutrient loads toreceiving waters due to reuse of the treated wastewater[33]. In Europe, the implementation of the Urban WasteWater Treatment Directive (91-271-EEC) has alreadycontributed to obtain treated wastewaters of quite highquality that could be reused for certain applications orimproved by polishing steps for uses with higher qualityrequirements [24].

Even though reclaimed water reuse is currently imple-mented in many countries, its potential has not yet beenexploited inmany areas, and the proportion ofwater reusein total wastewater generation is still small. However, this


is changing. Global water reuse capacity was estimated tohave risen from 33.7 GL/day in 2010 to 54.5 GL/day in2015, with the largest growth inChina, theUnited States,Middle East, North Africa, Western Europe, and SouthAsia [8]. With a transition to a Circular Economy this risewould further accelerate. This emerging worldview thatconsiders that a third industrial revolution is underway,supported by the age of the internet that facilitates the

exchange of ideas at a pace never seen before, sees manystates beginning to use their financial and regulatory ca-pacity to kick-start a circular economy that could createsignificant synergies for the wide adoption of water reuse.The concept has emerged in response to drawbacks of theconventional ‘take-make-consume and dispose’ model ofgrowth and the shift towards sustainable development.This paper therefore examines water reuse from a circulareconomy perspective and investigates opportunitiesand risks for water reuse with the transition to such aneconomy.

Wastewater treatment and water reuseConventional sewage treatment (Fig. 1) starts withpreliminary screening and grit removal, intended toremove the larger floating and suspended materials thatcould interfere with the treatment process [38]. Primarysedimentation follows and removes approximately 55per cent of the suspended solids and because some ofthese solids are biodegradable the biochemical oxygen

demand (BOD) is typically reduced by 35 per cent.Then, secondary treatment usually involves a biologicalprocess. Microorganisms in suspension (in the “acti-vated sludge” process), attached to media (in a “trick-ling filter” or one of its variations), or in ponds or otherprocesses are used to remove biodegradable organicmaterial. In the activated sludge process the majority ofbiological solids removed in the secondary sedimenta-tion tank are recycled (returned sludge). The feedbackof most of the cell yields from the sedimentation tankencourages rapid adsorption of the pollutants in the

incoming settled sewage and also serves to stabilize theoperation over a wide range of dilution rates and sub-strate concentrations imposed by fluctuations in theflow and strength of the wastewater. Secondary treat-ment processes can remove up to 95 per cent of theBOD and suspended solids entering the process, as wellas significant amounts of heavy metals and certainorganic compounds which could otherwise cause thedeterioration of chemical and ecological quality ofreceiving waters [10,53]. Conventional wastewatertreatment usually ends with secondary treatment which

cannot efficiently remove all the different compoundsfound in sewage and therefore treated effluents are oneof the main sources of persistent micropollutants in theenvironment [1,62].

For water reuse, tertiary treatment is needed to provideadditional removal of contaminants such as microbial

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Fig. 1

Conventional two stage biological wastewater treatment and potential options for wastewater reuse.

34 Wastewater and reuse

pathogens, particulates, or nutrients, and advancedtreatment processes are employed when wastewater isto be reclaimed for reuse, depending on the type of use

and quality requirements [49]. Pharmaceutical sub-stances are also often detected in sewage effluents aswell as receiving waters in many parts of the world [44].Various treatment options, including engineered andmanaged natural treatment processes, exist thatcould mitigate microbial and chemical contaminants inreclaimed water, facilitating the process to meet specificwater quality objectives [55]. Advanced treatment pro-cesses are capable of also addressing contemporary waterquality issues related even to potable reuse involvingemerging pathogens or trace organic chemicals [55].

Overall, reusing water requires physical and chemicaltreatment processes, pipelines, waste disposal mecha-nisms, and other systems [77]. The level of treatmentwill depend on the water quality needed for the pro-posed use (Fig. 2).

Water reuse as an emerging solutionMany cities are running out of options, and they are

realising that high grade urban water reuse is muchcheaper than the alternatives [56]. Although it is waterscarcity and water supply demands in arid and semi-aridregions that have driven reuse as an alternate watersupply; there are still many water reuse programmes, forexample in the US, that have been initiated in responseto rigorous and costly requirements to remove nutrients(mainly nitrogen and phosphorus) from effluent

Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 2018, 2:32–45

discharge to surface waters that could potentially alsoinclude emerging contaminants and micropollutants,when the receiving waters are intended for potable use

[68]. Environmental concerns over negative impactsfrom increasing nutrient discharges to coastal waters areresulting in mandatory reductions in the number ofocean discharges in Florida and California in the US butalso numerous sites in the UK and Europe as well [13].By eliminating effluent discharges for all or even aportion of the year through water reuse, a municipalityor a water company may be able to avoid or reduce theneed for costly nutrient removal treatment processes ormaintain wasteload allocations (consents on effluentdischarges) while expanding capacity [22].

Treated wastewater provides an alternative source ofwater, particularly in areas where water is scarce. Fromirrigation to industrial uses to potable supply, waste-water treated to the right quality can replenish watersupplies and reduce the demand/availability gap [41]. InEurope (Fig. 3), the practice of using wastewater forirrigating crops is growing and is particularly wellestablished in Mediterranean countries such as Spain,Italy, Cyprus and Greece [5,51]. For islands and coastalregions, water recycling allows extended and thus more

efficient use of freshwater by avoiding discharge to thesea. The contribution of water recycling to meetingagricultural water demand can be substantial [29]. InGran Canaria, for example, 20 per cent of water usedacross all sectors is supplied from treated wastewater,including the irrigation of 5000 ha of tomatoes and


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Fig. 2

Flows of water (closing the loop) with potential applications of direct and indirect water reuse.

Water reuse from a circular economy perspective Voulvoulis 35

2500 ha of banana plantations [51]. In Cyprus, the reusetargets for 2014 equate to about 28 per cent of theagricultural water demand in 2008 [29,78].

However, in the UK, only 0.16 per cent of the335,191,033 m3 of wastewater treated each year isreused (in industry and for golf course irrigation).Considering that 22 billion m3 of water is abstractedeach year, 52 per cent from rivers and lakes, 11 per centfrom groundwater and about 37 per cent from tidalwaters (mainly used for cooling) [18], the potential ofwater reuse has been largely unexplored.

The transition to a circular economyThe circular economy offers a new way of looking at therelationships between markets, customers and naturalresources, promoting sustainable and resource-efficientpolicies and practices. A business model that enablesthe economy to grow, while minimising the amount of

virgin resources that are extracted. As many states andcorporations are moving away from linear towards circularmodels of production and consumption, there is ample


evidence that shows the need for policy and regulations toenable this, to help economies break away from apolluting economic trajectory andmove to a ‘clean’ one. A

transition to a circular economy will encourage a more-efficient use of water, combined with robust incentivesfor innovation, can enhance an economy’s ability tohandle the demands of the growing imbalance betweenwater supply and demand [47]. Although water reusefaces numerous barriers, ranging from public perceptionto pricing and technological, safety and regulatory chal-lenges [83], geographical and sector-wide strategies thatunderpin the circular economy are emerging, and havethe potential to transform some of the main barriers towater reuse.

Technical considerationsMicrofiltration followed by reverse osmosis are the twoprincipal technologies normally employed for the potablereuse of wastewater [16]. The two principal issuesassociated with direct potable reuse are pathogens andresidual organic constituents that pass through conven-tional and advanced wastewater treatment systems and

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Fig. 3

Examples of water reuse programmes around the World.

36 Wastewater and reuse

are of potential health concern [54]. Themost importantconcerns stem from the presence of priority pollutants,endocrine disrupting compounds, pharmaceutically

active compounds, or other unregulated trace pollutants[60]. Residual organic compounds in reclaimed wateroriginate from anthropogenic organic compounds addedby consumers, natural organic matter already present indrinking water, and soluble microbial products generated

Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 2018, 2:32–45

during the wastewater treatment process due to thedecomposition of organic material [42]. Advancedmembrane treatments are able to achieve low total

organic carbon concentrations in their product waterprior to often dilution with native groundwater [55].The most rapid growth in global water use is inmanufacturing. While many industries are still misman-aging water and waste, others have become showcases of


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Water reuse from a circular economy perspective Voulvoulis 37

a circular economy with promising advances in goodwater stewardship in the manufacturing chain (e.g. ‘fromfield to fashion’ in the textile industry), not least amongsmall-to-medium size enterprises (SME’s). Some in-dustries have demonstrated the ability to recycle andreusewater to achieve zero netwater consumption, whileothers are striving to demonstrate a zero-pollution record[65].

Economic considerationsFrom a circular economy perspective, water reuse is awinewin option. The full cycle of wastewater manage-

ment is a critical component of the cycle from sourcethrough distribution, collection (sewered and onsitesanitation systems) and treatment to disposal and reuse(Fig. 2), including water, nutrients and energy recovery[65]. Circular economy initiatives aim at closing resourceloops and extending the lifespan of resources and mate-rials through longer use, reuse and remanufacturing [6].Resource recycling and reuse can help close the resourcesloop, providing a sustainable alternative to extractingvirgin resources. However, if resources are cheap, theincentive to run a throw-away society is higher, with no

reason for such synergies to take place.

Water is often free, although increasingly abstractioncharges signal the scarcity value of water, reflecting itspotential benefits to different users and for differentpurposes, and the opportunity cost entailed in using it forone purpose (e.g. agriculture) rather than for somethingelse (e.g. urban or hydropower generation). The chargerates can be different between surface and ground waterusers (e.g. if local rivers were very low, or aquifers fallingrapidly), but often apply to both since these two resources

are inter-dependent and should be managed in a unifiedway [80]. Charges also vary by season, depending on theavailability of water. The level of abstraction charges de-pends on hydrological estimates, demand projections,alternative uses, the cost of developing alternative watersources, etc. [30]. The important principle is to confrontabstractors with a cost associated with their water use,which is large enough to figure in their calculations, andwhich is a factor in their decisions [35].

Whether water reusemakes sense for a region depends, in

part, on its cost compared with the costs of other feasiblewater management alternatives (e.g. new supplies,expanded conservation efforts) and the cost of not pur-suing any water management changes [55]. With a widevariety of treatment processes potentially incorporatedinto a reuse system tomeet specificwater quality goals forintended uses and to address local site-specific con-straints, it is difficult to make general statements aboutthe cost of water reuse. Whether reclaimed water is usedfor non-potable or potable uses, there are several factorsthat affect the costs of a water reuse program [20]. Theseinclude the location of a reclaimed water source (i.e., the


wastewater treatment facility), treatment infrastructure,plant influent water quality, customer use requirements,transmission and pumping, timing and storage needs,energy requirements, concentrate disposal, permitting,and financing costs [55].

Social considerationsNon-potable and potable (principally in-direct potable)water reuse initiatives in the United States havefaced increasing public opposition. Several high-profileinitiatives have been halted after several years of plan-

ning and significant expenditure. Five principles haveemerged from the learning process [37]: 1. Manage in-formation for all; 2. Maintain individual motivation anddemonstrate organizational commitment; 3. Promotecommunication and public dialog; 4. Ensure fair andsound decision making and decisions; 5. Build and main-tain trust.

The public are becoming more environmentally concer-ned, and as a result recycling water is increasinglyperceived as natural as any other recycling, and more

environmentally friendly than big dams, diverted rivers,and desalination. Public perception comes down to howmuch people trust governments to make sure theirdrinking water is safe [43]. People need to understandwhere water comes from, and all the things that alreadyultimately get filtered out. The Singaporean government(Fig. 3) had a publicity campaign for the NEWaterscheme. There was community concern that it wouldmean ‘drinking toilet water’. In the end, in Singapore,they didn’t wait to win over the publicd they just did it.However, when NEWater entered potable supply, it only

represented 1 per cent of total daily water consumption(11.4million litres per day) rising to less than 2.5 per centtoday, with the majority of it for non-potable applications[59]. Furthermore a few studies have also demonstratedthat the real barrier to water reuse is often not publicperception but the authorities’ perception of publicperception [15].

Water quality risksThe potential promotion of water reuse from a circulareconomy perspective could also pose some significantrisks, in particular with regards to water quality andhuman health. There are many concerns and unknownsabout the impact of the quality of the recycled waterdepending on its use. For example, water quality issuescan create real or perceived problems in agricultureincluding nutrient and sodium concentrations, heavymetals [9], and the presence of contaminants such ashuman and animal pathogens, pharmaceuticals [45] and

endocrine disruptors [50], when irrigating with waterreused [69]. Social attitudes to the use of crops thathave been irrigated with recycled waters and theresulting impact on market value of crops are also amajor consideration [69].

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38 Wastewater and reuse

A review of existing reuse schemes and regulations onthe level of treatment required (Table 1) and allowablelevels for contaminants in reclaimed water across theworld (Table 2) found considerable variation. Mostregulations are limited around the necessary waterquality for different end uses, with some regulationswritten years ago and now need to be updated in order toreflect the current water crisis, while also considering

the technologies of today.

Reuse systems, particularly in potable applications,should include a multi-barrier treatment frameworkcomposed of advanced unit processes, and they shouldincorporate resiliency (i.e., ability to adjust to upsets),redundancy (i.e., backup systems), and robustness (i.e.,features that simultaneously address multiple contami-nants) in order to succeed [55]. Recycling and reuseoffer a strategy to improve water supply by managingwastewater better and while in a circular economy

context they could be promoted through policy in-struments such as charges and tariffs, increasing theircost effectiveness and acceptability, care must be takenwith addressing real and perceived water quality issues[52]. The overall viability of water reuse is a vitalconsideration in the transition to a circular economy.

DiscussionThe ‘circular economy,’ a term perhaps unfamiliar just afew years ago, is taking shape as a viable, practicalalternative to the current linear economic model [81]. Itrefers to an economy’s ability to grow while resource useis declining; the decoupling of economic growth from

resource consumption and pollution. The business casefor a transition to a circular economy is compelling bothin terms of economic outputs and jobs, and although thiscreates the right conditions for the widespread appli-cation of water reuse, water quality issues real orperceived remain the main barriers to this.

In Europe, over abstraction of water from surface andgroundwater bodies is a significant pressure in someareas, while in most densely populated areas, the waterabstracted is purified, used by people or industry and

then collected and treated at a municipal wastewatertreatment plant before discharged (as effluent) backinto a river, only to be abstracted a second (or subse-quent) time further downstream [63]. The water sectorcontinues to face challenges relating to water qualityand the reduction of chemical pollutants, which canpoison aquatic organisms, accumulate in the ecosystem,damage habitats and threaten human health. As a result,installing advanced (and expensive) treatment tech-nologies at sewage treatment works may be necessary.For example, water companies are striving to reduce thelevels of nitrates and pesticides such as metaldehyde in

the water that are often the result of run-off fromfarmland, through catchment initiatives with farmers or

Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 2018, 2:32–45

advanced treatment of water for potable use. Forexample, over 12.5 million people live within thecatchment of the River Thames in southern England,each using approximately 200 L of water per day pro-ducing wastewater collected and treated by 352 waste-water treatment plants, all of which discharge theireffluents into the main body of the river, or its tribu-taries [79]. The flow of some of these tributaries (if they

have major treatment works on them) can consist pri-marily of effluentda value of over 90 per cent is reachedfor some stretches in times of low or no rainfall, and eventhe main river is effluent dominated [67]. It is in theseareas, that the presence of “contaminants of emergingconcern,” a broad category of water pollutants e such aspharmaceuticals and chemicals e that are not removedby traditional wastewater treatment, will soon requireadvance treatment to remove these from wastewater,making the case for direct potable reuse, in comparison,viable [36]. The introduction of environmental regula-

tions that require effluent quality delivered by advancedwastewater systems that remove emerging contami-nants such as EDCs and other organic micropollutantswould make direct water reuse more profitable in com-parison to discharging the effluent to a lower qualityreceiving water body only to abstract and clean againlater [73]. In addition, in terms of public perception, thecase could be made that it is better to reuse directly andtreat water with advance methods, rather than continuewith indirect reuse, but where the water is not treatedto the same quality [61]. Similar could be the case for

‘indirect reuse’, occurring when wastewater gets dilutedbut still remains a dominant component of surface waterflows used for irrigation [70].

In comparison to conventional source waters, potablereuse is often scrutinized more carefully by the waterindustry, held to higher water quality standards bywater regulators, and tested for a wider range ofchemical and microbial contaminants. Despite aninevitably higher level of initial contamination, thesesystems may provide a greater level of public healthprotection than many of the water sources treated with

conventional drinking water processes supplying ourtap water today [55].

Water reuse offers the potential to transform the linearhuman water cycle (abstract, treat, distribute, consume,collect, treat and dispose) into a circular flow by closingthe loop, but also potentially decoupling municipal waterconsumption from the depletion and pollution of waterreserves [73,75]. Its role in addressing water resourcesproblems needs careful investigation and the consider-ation of technical, economic, social, environmental and

also legal aspects through a coherent analytical frame-work [64]. For example, treating wastewater for reuse(diverted from wastewater treatment plant discharge)may have an impact on river flow levels, which couldaffect both the ecology and water availability for


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Types of treatments for reclaimed water as regulated by various international authorities.

Use of water Regulators/Guideline providers

USA (EPA)a Australian guidelinesfor water recyclingb

EU Guidelinesc Mediterranean(UNEP)d

Californiaa Nevadaa Washingtona WHO Guidelinese

Direct contact withfood or foodcontact surfacesor the public

Food crops eatenraw and notprocessed:Secondarytreatment (sludgetreatment, tricklingfilters, rotatingbiologicalcontractors)Filtration (passthrough soils)Disinfection (UV,ozonation,chemical etc.)Food cropscommerciallyprocessed:SecondaryDisinfectionUrban reuse withpublic exposure:Secondary filtrationdisinfection

Household use(non-potable)Secondary treatmentCoagulationFiltrationDisinfectionMembrane filtrationUV lightMunicipal use(watering publicspaces)Secondary treatmentCoagulationFiltrationDisinfectionMembrane filtrationUV lightFood crops eatenraw:Advanced treatmentto achieve totalpathogen removalrequired (egsecondary, filtrationand disinfection)Food crops that donot come intocontact with wateror have a skinSecondary treatmentwith >25 days lagoondetention anddisinfection

Class A: foodconsumed rawSecondarytreatment, filtration,and disinfection(advanced watertreatments)Class B: foodconsumed rawwithout skinSecondarytreatment, anddisinfectionClass C: foodconsumed rawwithout skin wateredstraight into thegroundSecondarytreatment, anddisinfection

Category I*Secondarytreatment+filtration+DisinfectionCategory II**Secondarytreatment orequivalent+filtration+disinfectionorSecondarytreatment orEquivalent+eitherstorage orwell-designedseries ofmaturation pondsorinfiltrationpercolation

Non restrictedrecreationalimpoundments:� Secondary� Coagulation� Clarification� Filtration� Disinfection

Food crops andurban use:� Secondary� Coagulation� Filtration� Disinfection

Restricted urbanreuse:SecondarytreatmentDisinfectionAgricultural reuse(food crops):SecondarytreatmentDisinfection

Restricted urbanreuse:OxidisedDisinfectedAgricultural reuse(food crops):OxidisedCoagulatedFilteredDisinfected

Concerns use inagriculture:- General:- Wastewatertreatment

- Health andhygiene promotion

- Excreta treatment- Chemotherapyand immunisation

Consumers offood: producerestriction- Waste application/timing

- Depuration- Food handling andpreparation

- Produce washing/disinfection

- Cooking foods

Workers and localcommunities:- Access control- Use of personalprotectiveequipment

- Disease vectorcontrol

- Intermediate hostcontrol

- Access to safedrinking water

- Reducing vectorcontact (nets etc.)

(continued on next page)



















Page 9: Water reuse from a circular economy perspective and ... · will depend on the water quality needed for the pro-posed use (Fig. 2). Water reuse as an emerging solution Many cities

Table1. (continued )

Use of water Regulators/Guideline providers

USA (EPA)a Australian guidelinesfor water recyclingb

EU Guidelinesc Mediterranean(UNEP)d

Californiaa Nevadaa Washingtona WHO Guidelinese

No direct contactwith food or foodcontact surfaces

Non-food crops:Secondarydisinfection

Municipal use(restricted publicaccess)Secondary treatmentDisinfection

Class D: non-foodcrops: Secondarytreatment, andstorage, stabilizationponds or constructedwetlands.

Category III***Secondary treatmentor equivalent+afew days storageorOxidation pondsystemsCategory IV****Pretreatment asrequired by theirrigation technology,but not less thanprimary sedimentation

Food crops (nocontact withedible portion)fish hatcheries,restrictedrecreational use:� Secondary� Disinfection

Pasture, cleaningroads, non-foodcrops: Coliformlimits:� Secondary� Disinfection

Irrigation of fodder,fibre and seedcrops or whereirrigation is straightinto the ground� Secondary

Agricultural reuse(non- food crops):SecondarytreatmentDisinfection

Agricultural reuse(food crops):OxidisedDisinfectedIndustrial reuse:OxidisedDisinfected

Correctly label allother waterdepending onwhether it is greywater, waste water,reclaimed water,green water ordrinking water.

*Direct contact with the public likely.**Direct contact with food crops.***Irrigation but not direct contact with food.****Direct to floor irrigation.a U.S. EPA [74].b NRMMC [57].c Alcalde Sanz etal. [2].d Bahri and Brissaud [3].e WHO [82].















Page 10: Water reuse from a circular economy perspective and ... · will depend on the water quality needed for the pro-posed use (Fig. 2). Water reuse as an emerging solution Many cities

Table 2

Allowable levels for contaminants in reclaimed water as regulated by various international authorities.

Use of water Guideline provider/regulator

Mediterraneana Australiab USA – EPAc EU Guidelinesd Nevadac Texasc Washingtonc Californiac WHO Guidelinese

Direct contact withthe public andfood

Category I*Intestinal nematode�0.1 eggs per litre –

fortnightlyFaecal Coliforms orEscherichia coli�200 colonyforming units/100 ml– twice weeklyPhysical/Chemicalsuspended solids�10 mg/L – weekly

E. coliNot detected in100 MlMonitored weeklyTurbidity<1 NTU (95%)<5 NTU (max)Monitoredcontinuously onlinepH6.5–8.5Monitoredcontinuously onlineDisinfectionChlorine:0.2–2.0 mg/LresidualMonitoredcontinuously online

Food crops eaten rawand not processed:- pH – 6–9 test weekly

- BOD – �10 mg/l test


- Turbidity – �2 NTU test


- Coliform – No

detectable test daily

- CL2 residual – 1 mg/L

residual minimum test


- Set back 15 m from

potable water wells

Food cropscommerciallyprocessed:- pH – 6–9 weekly

- BOD – �30 mg/l test


- TSS – �30 mg/l test


- Coliform – <200 faecal

coliform/100 ml test


- Cl2 residual – 1 mg/L

residual minimum test


- 90 m from potable

supply wells

- 30 m from public access

if spray irrigation

Class A: foodconsumed rawE. coli – �10 colonyforming units/100 mlTest once a weekBOD – �10 mg/lTest once a weekTSS – �10 mg/lTest once a weekTurbidity – �5NTUTest daily

Agricultural reuse(food crops):BOD: 30 mg/L400 faecal coliform/100 ml (max)

Agricultural reuse(food crops):BOD: 5 mg/L75 faecal coliform/100 ml (max)

Agricultural r se(food crops):BOD: 30 mg/23 total colifo /100 ml (max)

Non restrictedrecreationalimpoundments andfood crops andurban use: coliformlimits: �2.2/100 mL�23/100 mL in morethan one sample inany 30-day period240/100 mL

UnrestrictedirrigationE. coli per 100 mlRoot crops �1000Leaf crops �10,000Drip irrigation, high-growing crops�100,000�1 helminth eggsper litre

Indirect contact withfood andrestricted publicaccess

Category II**Intestinal nematode�0.1 eggs per litre –

fortnightlyFaecal Coliforms orE. coli�1000 colonyforming units/100 ml– weekly

– Urban reuse with publicexposure:pH – 6–9 test weeklyBOD – �10 mg/l testweeklyTurbidity – �2 NTU testcontinuousColiform – No detectabletest daily

Class B: foodconsumed rawwithout skinE. coli – �100colony formingunits/100 mlTest once a weekBOD – �25 mg/lTest once a month

– – – Food crops (nocontact with edibleportion) fishhatcheries,restrictedrecreational use:coliform limits:�2.2/100 mL�23/100 mL in more

Restricted irrigationLabour-intensive,high-contactagricultureE. coli per 100 ml�10,000Highly mechanizedagriculture�100,000

(continued on next page)





















Page 11: Water reuse from a circular economy perspective and ... · will depend on the water quality needed for the pro-posed use (Fig. 2). Water reuse as an emerging solution Many cities

Table 2. (continued )

Use of water Guideline provider/regulator

Mediterraneana Australiab USA – EPAc EU Guidelinesd Nevadac Texasc Washingtonc Californiac WHO Guidelinese

Physical/Chemicalsuspended solids�20 mg/L(�150 mg/L forstabilisation ponds)- weekly

CL2 residual – 1 mg/Lresidual minimum testcontinuousSet back 15 m frompotable water wells

TSS – �35 mg/lTest once a monthTurbidity – Do nottest

than one sample inany 30-day period

�1 helminth eggsper litre

Agricultural andurban use, lowercontact with foodand the public

Category III***Intestinal nematode�1 eggs per litre –

monthlyFaecal Coliforms orE. coliNo test required –

twice monthlyPhysical/Chemicalsuspended solids�35 mg/L(�150 mg/L forstabilisation ponds)- monthly

E. coli<10 cfu/100 mLMonitored monthlyTurbidity<5 NTU (95%)Monitoredcontinuously onlinepH6.5–8.5Monitoredcontinuously onlineDisinfectionChlorine:0.2–2.0 mg/LresidualMonitoredcontinuously online

Urban reuse (toilets,landscaping, vehiclewashing):pH 6–9 (test weekly)�10 mg/L biochemicaloxygen demand (BOD)(test weekly)�2 Turbidity units (NTU)(continuous testing)No detectable faecalcoliform/100 mL (testdaily)1 mg/L Chlorine residualminimum (continuoustesting)

Class C: foodconsumed rawwithout skin wateredstraight into thegroundE. coli - �1000colony formingunits/100 mlTest once a weekBOD – �25 mg/lTest once a monthTSS – �35 mg/lTest once a monthTurbidity – Do nottest

Restricted urbanreuse:BOD: 30 mg/L240 faecal coliform/100 ml (max)

Restricted urbanreuse:BOD: 20 mg/L800 faecal coliform/100 ml (max)

Restricted urbanreuse:BOD: 30 mg/L240 total coliform/100 ml (max)

Pasture, cleaningroads, non-foodcrops: Coliformlimits:

� �23/100 mL

� �240/100 mL in

more than one

sample in any 30-

day period

No contact with foodor the public(possible use inirrigation withdirect to floormethods)

Category IV****Does not requiretesting

– Non-food crops andpasture:pH 6–9 (test weekly)�30 mg/L BOD (testweekly)�30 mg/L total suspendedsolids (test daily)200 faecal coliform/100 mL (test daily)1 mg/L Chlorine residualminimum (continuoustesting)

Class D: non-foodcrops:E. coli - �10,000colony formingunits/100 mlTest once a weekBOD – �25 mg/lDo not testTSS – �35 mg/lDo not testTurbidity – Do nottest

Agricultural reuse(non- food crops):BOD: 30 mg/L400 faecal coliform/100 ml (max)

Industrial reuse:BOD: 20 mg/L800 faecal coliform/100 ml (max)

Industrial reuse:240 faecal coliform/100 ml (max)

No limits for fodder,fibre and seed cropsor where irrigation isstraight into theground

*Direct contact with the public likely**Direct contact with food crops***Irrigation but not direct contact with food.****Direct to floor irrigation.a Bahri and Brissaud [3].b NRMMC [57].c U.S. EPA [74].d Alcalde Sanz et al. [2].e WHO [82].















Page 12: Water reuse from a circular economy perspective and ... · will depend on the water quality needed for the pro-posed use (Fig. 2). Water reuse as an emerging solution Many cities

Water reuse from a circular economy perspective Voulvoulis 43

downstream abstraction. The impact, if any, of a waterreuse scheme would be specific to the individual project.Therefore, the impact of the reuse scheme on the localhydrological regime (and therefore on the environmentand dependent users) should be assessed on a case-by-case basis in advance of project development. Takingecosystem services into account and valuing themproperly [76], could further facilitate this.

One of the key aspects of planning and designing a waterreuse scheme is the quality (and the variation in thequality) of the influent wastewater (secondary efflu-ents), the quality requirements of the purpose of useand reliability of operation. Design and implementationof an under-performing treatment system could lead tounacceptable or unreliable water quality for water reusepurposes (defeating the object of improved resilienceand water security). For example, appropriate treatmentselection should be based on the best available tech-

nology, standards, legislation and sound knowledge,keeping in mind that even an advanced treatment couldpose a higher risk than the use of treated wastewaterwith a lower treatment (e.g. discharge of disinfection by-products such as trihalomethanes). In any case, planningand designing a water reuse scheme should be informedby risk assessment, to identify the potential benefits andany potential drawbacks and so help make better de-cisions on whether to introduce that scheme and, if so,help improve its design. It is also important to note thatmany benefits and risks will be specific to local cir-

cumstances and, therefore, need to be determined on acase by case basis.

ConclusionAddressing humanity’s ever-increasing demand for re-sources, water, energy and food, will require a combi-

nation of approaches including water conservation,recycling, and treatment of impaired water from non-traditional resources to “create” new water [39]. Recy-cling and reuse are central to a circular economyapproach and offer a strategy to improve water supply bymanaging wastewater better. Water reuse facesnumerous barriers, ranging from public perception topricing and regulatory challenges that could beaddressed more effectively though a wider circulareconomy perspective. An integrated, interdisciplinaryand holistic approach would facilitate the application of

water reuse as part of an integrated water managementstrategy that could be significantly accelerated in thecontext of a circular economy. Such strategy should alsoensure the safety of water reuse, and therefore applywater quality standards appropriate to the specific use,but also ensure adequate and reliable operation of waterreuse systems and appropriate regulatory enforcement.

AcknowledgementThis work has been supported by the European Communities 7thFramework Programme Funding under Grant agreement no. 603629-ENV-


2013-6.2.1-GLOBAQUA and the NERC funded project Multimodalcharacterisation of nanomaterials in theenvironment, NERC Reference:NE/N006402/1.

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