WATER Legal Requirements

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angola´s legal requirements about water

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WATERLegal RequirementsIntroductionFound mention to 15 angolans legal diplomas related with water management.

Diploma text available in internet for 13 diplomas.

Identified 5 diplomas applies to plants activity.

Remain diplomas are related to planning and government authorities organizational structure.Legal requirements time scaleLaw n. 6/02, 21 JuneDecree n. 66/09, 03 DecemberPresidential Decree n. 261/11, de 6 de Outubro5 diplomas2 diplomas5 diplomas200220092012201320142011Legal diplomsLei n. 6/2002, 21 de Junho Frame law

Decreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroRegulation on water quality

Decreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de Abril Regulation of General Use of Hydric Resources

Decreto Presidencial n. 83/14, 22 de Abril Regulation of Public Supply and Sanitary Wastewaters

Legal diplomsDecreto Presidencial n. 141/2012, 21 de Junho Regulation for the prevention and control of National water pollution

Decreto Presidencial n. 35/2012, 21 de JunhoRegulation for prevention and control of national waters pollution

Lei n. 6/2002, 21 de JunhoFRAME LAWLei n. 6/2002, 21 de Junho - Frame Law Defines general principles applicable to water use.

Defines the legal regime applicable to water uses and related rights.

Regulates licensing and concession procedures, as well as applicable taxes.

Provides water protection measures, with special regards to potable water and applicable sanctions.Lei n. 6/2002, 21 de Junho - Frame Law Chapter I General provisionsChapter II General principles for water management

Article 12. (Records)

Must be the beneficiary of concession or license to apply for registration within three months from the date of conceding the right to use.

The right to use water only take effect in relation to third parties, after having been registered in Lands Registry Office.Lei n. 6/2002, 21 de Junho - Frame Law Chapter III General use of water

Article 22. (Waters access right)

Water use, can be classified as comon or private use. Private use requires a permit or concession.

2. The common use has priority over private use.

Lei n. 6/2002, 21 de Junho - Frame Law Article 23. (Common use)

Aimed to meet domestic needs, personal and familiar, including livestock watering and irrigation of food crops, for non-commercial purposes.

Article 24. (Private use)

Are all others uses non mentioned in article. 23. may only use water under license or concession.

Lei n. 6/2002, 21 de Junho - Frame Law Article 27. (Conditions and purposes allowed in private use)

The holders of the right of use can not embarrass without prior authorization the free flow of water.

Constitutes its obligation to remove the obstacles that oppose flow water originated from their lands, except due to natural phenomena.

Dont execute construction or works that change the widht and arrangement of water bed.

Proceed to cut or boot of trees, bushes, stumps, roots in water bed.

Lei n. 6/2002, 21 de Junho - Frame Law Article 39. (Userss General Obligations)

Respect the conditions established in the license.Use water in a rational way, giving only the established destination.Proceed to payment of the stipulated fees and charges. Prevent water and soil quantity and quality deterioration.Provide the information requested by the competent authorities, to allow and facilitate the necessary inspections.Minimize negative environmental impacts, in accordance with the license.Respect the rights of other legitimate waters users.

Lei n. 6/2002, 21 de Junho - Frame Law Article 41. (Object)

Need a permit:

The prospecting, capture and use of groundwater.

The installation of deposits, crops plantations and logging near continuous or discontinuous natural current, lakes, ponds and marshes.

The extraction of materials such as sand and gravel from beds and banks of continuous and discontinuous natural currents of lakes, ponds and swamps.

Lei n. 6/2002, 21 de Junho - Frame Law Article 42. (Permits allocation)

Institution responsible for water basin resources management or local authorities has responsibility to attribute the permits.

Article 43. (Permit time frame)

The licensing that gives right to water for private use is assigned for a period not exceeding 15 years and can be extended.

Lei n. 6/2002, 21 de Junho - Frame Law Article 44. (Licensee's rights)

The licensee has the right to freely exercise the licensed activity, within the limits settled in the title, without prejudice public interest.

Article 45. (Licensees duties)

The licensee has as duties:

Exercise the licensed activity within the limits set in the title of the license.

Comply with laws and regulations.

Act with full transparency of procedures in the conduct of business.

Enable and facilitate the competent authorities to supervise the activities.Lei n. 6/2002, 21 de Junho - Frame Law Article 67. (Prohibited activities)

Making direct or indirect discharges exceeding water bodies auto-depuration capacity.

Accumulate solid waste, waste or any substance in locations and conditions leaving waters contamination or creates danger of contamination.

Conduct any activities that involve or may involve risk of pollution or degradation of public water domain.

Decreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroWATER QUALITY REGULATIONWater Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroEstablishes standards and criteria for water quality.

Applies to inland waters, whether surface and groundwaters for aquaculture, livestock, agricultural irrigation and recreation centers.

Regulates wastewater discharge into water bodies and soil.

Article 2. (Definitions)

Water quality: set waters physical, chemical, biological and microbiological values for assessing their suitability for certain direct or potential uses.

Wastewater rejection or discharge: introducing wastewater into groundwater.

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroArticle 2. (Definitions)

Wastewater discharge standard: set of principles which include the emission limit value to be observed in wastewater discharge in water and soil seeking its protection against pollution.

Emission Limit Value (ELV): mass expressed in specific units for each parameter, concentration or substance emissions level that can not be exceeded during one or more periods of time determined by an installation in the discharge into the aquatic environment and in the soil.

ELV values: consult Annex VI.Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroArtigo 5. (Classification)

1. Surface water for human consumption are classified in A1, A2 and A3 categories, according with standards quality set out in Annex I, the corresponding treatment regimens distinct type, defined in Annex II, to make them fit for consumption human.

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroAnnex I - Superficial water quality destinated for human consumption

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroAnnex II

Surface water must comply with treatment type schemes related to classes A1, A2 and A3, as follows:

Class A1 physical treatment and disinfectionClass A2 physical treatment, chemical and disinfectionClass A3 physical treatment, chemical and disinfection

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroArticle 5. (Classification)

2. The authorization of surface water catchment for human consumption requires:

a) previous classification of surface water, according with catchment local, normative values referred in annex I on the results of at least an annual campaign to determine its quality, using the methods and the criteria set out in Article 7..

b) adequacy of treatment system with surface water classification

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroArticle 6. (Water quality for human consumption)(...)

3. The Ministry of Environment in coordination with the Ministry of Health, Energy and Water and Institute of Water Resources shall establish the sampling sites, the values applicable to surface water for the parameters listed in Annex I.

4. The minimum annual frequency for surface water sampling and carrying out analytical determinations and the quality parameters of the groups as set out in Annexes IV and V.

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroAnnex IV

Surface water minimum frequency for sampling and analysis (*)

Minimal Frequency(number/year)Water ClassA1A2A3Group of ParametersG1G2G3G1G2G3G1G2G34218421263Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroAnnex V - Quality parameters for superficial water classification in groups (G1, G2, G3), according with sampling frequency and analysis

G1G2G3pHDissolved IronFluoride

CorManganeseBoronTotal suspended solids CopperArsenicTemperatureZincCadmiumElectrical conductivity SulphatesTotal Chromium SmellTensioactive substancesLeadNitratesPhenolsSeleniumCloretsNitrogen kjeldahlMercuryPhosphatesFaecal streptococciBarium

Chemical Oxygen Demand (CQO)CyanidesDissolved OxygenHydrocarbons dissolved and emulsifiedBiological Oxygen Demand (CBO)Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbonsAmoniacal Nitrogenium Total Pesticides Total Coliforms Extractable with chloroformFecael Coliforms SalmonellaWater Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroArticle 6. (Water quality for human consumption)

5. (...) samples should be systematically collected in one place, as close as possible to catchment site, and at regular time intervals, and the sample spread over the year taking into account the seasonal variability.

6. For all purposes or in case of doubt are applicable the recommendations of the World Health Organization - WHO relating to water quality.

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroArticle 7. (Water quality conformity)

2. Establishes the circumstances in which parameters values in Annex I meet the standards. (...)

4. The results of analytical campaigns should be reported to Environment and Health authority and be made public.

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroArticle 10. (Groundwater for human consumption)

Considered able for human consumption, the water with quality superior or equal to category A1.

2. Permits for groundwater caption are set out in Law n. 6/02, of 21 June, Water Law.

Article 11. (Groundwater quality standard)

Groundwater quality standards for human consumption are set out in Annexes I, II, III and IV of this diploma.

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroAnnex III Analytical reference methods for surface water Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroParametersResults expressionDetection LimitsPrecision(+ -)Accuracy(+ -)Analytical reference methodspH, 25CSorensen Scale-0.10.2ElectrometryColour (after simple filtration)mg/l, scale Pt-Co510%20%Photometric method, after simple filtrationTotal Suspended Solid mg/l-5%10%Centrifugation (minimal time of 5 minutes, medium aceleration of 2800 a 3200 g), secagem a 105CTemperatureC-0,510TermometryCondutivity uS/cm, 20C-5%10%Electrometry(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)Article 13. (Licensing General Conditions)

1. Wastewater emission or discharge in water and soil requires a license to be issued by Environment Ministry, in which the discharge standards for mitigation or applicable damages prevention are fixed (...).

3. The emission limit values shall be referred to wastewater quality at their exit.

4. Compliance with emission limits values of discharge standard (...) through any previously deliberate wastewater dilution is illegal, and effluent rejection, in non-compliance with the standard.Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroArticle 13. (General conditions of Licensing)

If discharge standard or other license conditions are not respected and if no danger for public health and for environmental, facilities operator is notified of the infraction, fixing a timeframe for its correction.

If timeframe ends without been corrected (...) discharge is forbiden and the permit repealed by Environmental Minister.

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroArticle 14. (Superficial water protection against pollution caused by dangerous substances)

To eliminate surface waters pollution (...) are set out in the permit or state in laws the conditions to be met by such substances discharges.

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroAnnex VI Emission Limit Values (ELV) for wastewater discharges

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroParametersUnitELV (1)pHSorensen Scale6,0 9,0TemperaturaCAumento de 3CCBO 20C mg/l O240CQOmg/l O2150SSTmg/l 60Aluminiummg/l Al10Total FerrousMg/l Fe2.0Total ManganeseMg/l Mn2.0Smell-Not detectable in 1:20 dilutionColor-No visible in dilution 1:201ELV Emission Limit Value, defined as aritmetic average of daily average referred to labour days of a month, that should not be exceed. The daily value, determination based in a wastewater representative sample during 24 hours, could not exceed the double of monthly average valueArticle 20. (Materials and chemical products in contact with water)

2. Substances and chemicals used or intended for use in water treatment, any impurities it may have, may not be present in the distributed water higher than those specified in Annex I "VMA" or show directly or indirectly, risks to public health.

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroArticle 21. (Access to sites for inspection actions)

1. It is for the respective Provincial Executives to carry out checks on the compliance with water quality standards and wastewater discharges.

3. Facilities responsible is obligate to provide to staff of supervision authorities all the information and support as requested.

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroArticle 23. (Accreditated Labs)

1. The tests to verify the accomplisment of this diploma should be preferencially made by accreditated labs that participates in quality control programmes managed by a referenced national lab.

2. In case to work with other labs, should be present its technical sheet indicating procedures to assure analytical results quality.

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroArticle 24. (Sanctions)

Not complying with the prescribed dispositions in present diploma constitues an infraccion possible of monetary sanction, in terms of law.

Provisions prescribed in this law constitutes offense for which a penalty, under the law in force.Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de OutubroAnnex IX Minimal environmental quality objectives for superficial waters

(there is no mention to this annex in all document).

Water Quality RegulationDecreto Presidencial n. 261/11, 6 de Outubro40Decreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de Outubro REGULATION OF HYDRIC RESOURCES USEEstablish General Rules of Hydric Resources Uses: planning system, general management and uses.

Regulates the attribution of authorizations and certificates and distinguishes the uses associated to each use title.

Establishes waters rates and taxes, as terms of payment, collection, expropriations and easements.

Establishes monitoring and evaluation system including penalties.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 2. (Scope)

Applicable to surface and groundwater, including waterways, lakes, ponds, swamps, springs, lakes, estuarine areas and other water bodies.

Article 3. (Definitions)

Water resources: water resources available or potentially available, in quantity and quality, in a place and right time, except coastal waters to meet an identified demand.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 3. (definitions)

Storm water: precipitation waters that flows and are stored on the surface and underground.

Groundwater: water which is underground.

Superficial water: all waters, with exception of groundwater and coastal waters.

Hydroghraphic basin: rainwaters receiving geographical area, which form the runoff that feeds a stream or river.

Albufeira: artificial reservoir, created by bringing an impermeable barrier into a water course, which accumulates large distinct and significant bodies of rainwater.Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 3. (definitions)

Water Catchment: use of a certain volume of surface water or groundwater, subtracted from aquatic environment, regardless the form of extraction and purpose.

Flow rate: water volume passing through a given water body section per time unit .

Contamination of water: introduction of elements in harmful concentrations, including pathogens, toxic and radioactive substances, water courses, lakes, ponds, swamps, springs, lakes, estuarine areas and other water bodies.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilDrainage: natural or artificial flow of water land for a receiving surface located at a lower level.

Wastewater: quantities of water, with its materials and energy, after use which are emitted from the territorial boundaries of an activity and launched into a superficial water course of surface or groundwater.

Bed: land depression where flows a water stream or river.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilWaterways: courses or intermittent water bodies with well-defined path.

Margins: land that borders a stream, lake, pond, reservoir or other water bodies.

Water springs: artesian groundwater that in origin, are kept fit for human consumption.

Rate: monetary value due to hydraulic infrastructures holders benefit by any person or collective, beneficiaries of the improvements produced by those.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilRates: cash benefit due to State or other public use of water body resources.

Title of water resources use: license or concession, which grants the right of use of water resources.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 17. (uses subject to title)

Private use of hydric resources needs permit.

For this laws purposes, constitute private uses:

Water extraction

Effluents discharge

Commercial aquaculture

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilCHAPTER IV Permits of Hydric Resources Uses

Article 20. (Request of use titles)The applications shall be submitted by interested parties.

Article 21. (Correction of permits requests)If request doesnt have enough information, the authority inform and give to interested partie a time of 10 days maximum for its correction or improvement.

Article 23. (Request of several uses)Always an application involves more than one use, procedures for the attribution of water resources permits should be instructed individually.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 28. (Licenses Object)

License for hydric resources use has object the following private uses:

Installed a pump station with a flow less than 15 l/s.

Water ditches and drainage trench with a flow less than 50 l/s.

The rejection of effluents that are in 1/5 of depuration parameters of a river course, lagoon, or other water body.Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 29. (License attribution)

License attribution is competence of Hydrographic BasinsAdministration Organs.

Article 30. (License Time frame)

The licenses are atributed for one period of 15 years.Can be reneweal, for justified circunstances.Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 31. (Permits content)

1. The license must mandatorily contain, besides the rights and duties of holders, the following elements:

Owners identificationMention about the use Precise use location Identification of construction site and their technical characteristics, if the case;License time frame;Liability insurance amount, if the case;Obligation to comply with quality standardsObligation to pay uses fee

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 32. (License holders rights)

Use hydric resources as defined in the license.

Do the works may be deemed necessary.

Occupy temporarily neighboring land or constitute easements, under the law, without loss compensation of rights holders or lawfully protected interests.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 33. (Obligations of license holders)

Use hydric resources as defined in license limits and conditions.

Adopted in the exercise of water resources use, the measures necessary to persons and goods safety.

To constitute a civil liability insurance.

Act with full transparency of procedures, adopting the standards of good use internationally acceptable.

Allow and facilitate to authorities water resources use monitoring.

Ensure environmental impacts minimization.

Pay, on time, the fees and charges associated with the license.

Comply with the law and license. Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 34. (Licenses review)

Significant change of facts existing at License attribution date and that determinate it.

Force of circumstances: drought, floods, ...

By licensees request.Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 81. (Water catchment purposes)

Water catchment, with ou without retention, can be for:

a) human consumptionb) agricultural and livestock activityc) industrial activityd) hydropower production activitye) any other purposes permitted by lawRegulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 83. (Request water catchment titles)

The request should contain the following information:Catchment source. Location.Exploration regime. Catchment means. Method of measuring the volume of water.Drawings and sketches.

Human Consumption:Population number to benefit and their demographic trends.Declaration of the local state administration competent authority proving the impossibility of integration in a water supply public system, for case of particular supply.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 83. (Request of water catchment titles)

Industrial Activity:

Activitys nature. Facilities and equipment description.Exactly location for construction implantation.Raw materials to use.Identification of the effluent to be produced.Treatment means to use. Wastes final disposal.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilEffluents Discharge

Article 84. (General principle)

(...) Wastewater discharge in water bodies, (...) needs a permit.

The attribution of discharge permit, in agricultural, forestry soil or soil out of water resources protection scope depends of competent authorities for land, forests or environment.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 86. (Request of wastewater discharge permits)

Applications must inform:

Rejected flow.

Fixed discharges parameters value.

Identification where it is held or to which it forwards, in case of being poured into the ground.

Drawing indicating effluents drainage systems and wastewater treatment plant, as well as surface or groundwater catchment close by.

Brief description of buildings, type of treatment to be adopted, and final disposal.Frequency of proposed discharges.Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 86. (Request of wastewater discharge permits)

Scale of water treatment organs.

Wastewater quantities and quality before and after treatment.

Auto control system intended to be adopt, specifying type of equipment, parameters to analyze, analytical methods and results accuracy.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 87. (Auto control, inspection and supervision of reject effuents)

The licensee must establish an adequate system for auto control adequate to the discharge (...).

The costs are licensee responsibility.

The license shall keep an update register of auto control values, for supervision actions. Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 91. (General Principle)

The water resource license holders are required to pay water resources use fees.

Article 92. (Types os rates for water resources use)

Water catchment rateWater rejection rate

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 98. (Calculation of volume)

The permit can obligated to measure directly, either due to use dimension, either its impact in water body.

When there are no direct measures about catched and released water, the determination is done accordling with criteria established by authorities (National Institute of Hydric Resources together with the Administration of Hydrographic Basin). Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 99. (Declarations and assessment)

When are done direct measurements and assessment, should be present monthly, one statement containing the following elements, reporting for last month:

Captured water volume.Restored water volume.Volume of material removed during water line cleaning and clearing.Volume of extracted inert.Areas of expansion in activity.Pollutant load rejectedLand area or water body occupiedNumber of shipping operations, referring tones and/or carried passengers.

The statement is done using an official template.

The declaration is delivery, until day 10 of next month to which it is related.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 100. (Register)

The licensees subject to direct measures are obligated to register, in a book specially for this purpose, the values of catched and released water volume and polluant load rejected, as also the elements in statement and evaluations.

Records are made every fifth days with indication of the daily values.

The register book has an official template, previously numbered and authenticated by Hydrographic Basin Manager.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 102. (Payment of fees)

The fees for hydric resources use shall be payed until day 31 of March of the following year to which it is related, or in time frame of 15 days when the Hydrographic Basin Administration change the values.

Article 103. (Fee collection)

The collection of fees for water resources use is Hydrographic Basin Administration responsibility.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 108. (Surveillance)

It is responsibility of National Institute of Hydric Resources and Hydrographic Basin Administration.

Article 110. (Hydric resources protection areas)

Consist of beds, banks and adjacent areas of water courses to a distance of 200 meters.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 109. (Environment protection and preservation)

The following activities are prohibited:

Making direct or indirect discharges that exceed water bodies capacity of auto-purification.

Accumulate solid wastes, liquid or any substance in locations and conditions that contaminate or create danger of contamination of water resources.

Conduct any activities that involve or may involve water resources degradation or pollution.

Make any changes to water resources system, flow, quality and use, which may jeopardize public health, natural resources, the environment in general, security and national sovereignty.

Do any activities in water resources protection zones.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 111. (Prohibitions and constraints in hydric resources protection zones)

Building houses, infrastructure, buildings which could lead to margins degradation, flow regime or water quality).

Installing industrial or commercial establishments, slaughterhouses or cattle fences.

Installing graves or make excavations.

Installing heaps resulting from mining activity.

Introduce animals, deposit or bury garbage, toxic substances or droppings of any kind, including hospital wastes, or establishing landfills.

Installing hydrocarbon or wastewater pipes and reservoirs.

Establish land cultivation and spread manure, fertilizers, pesticides or any other product for soil fertilization or crop protection, which could lead to margins degradation and harm water flow of water or its quality.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 112. (Crime)

Acts that cause damage to hydric resources.

Catchment, retention or water derivation without permit.

Execution of works, plantations and other work in the protection zones.

Extraction or materials deposit on hydric resources.

Extraction or store materials in protected areas.

Failure to comply with the prohibitions set forth in this document.

Changing permits characteristics without authorities permission.

Extraction of inert in different areas specified in the title, use of unauthorized equipment and omission of inert volumes extracted.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 112. (Crime)

Destruction of hydraulic infrastructures.

Failure to comply with quality standards, in accordance with law.

Failure to comply prohibiting throw, put or any other way to introduce in wastes into water containing substances that may change water characteristics or turn it unsuitable and contributes to environment degradation.

The rejection of effluents, without a license or concession, other local than the demarcated by responsible authorities.

The rejection of degraded water directly to water bodies without any mechanism to ensure their depuration.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 112. (Crime)

Failure to comply with the obligations under water resources use license and this present legal diploma.

The impediment of supervision exercise.

Failure to comply with hydric resources use conditions defined in this law.

Failure to submit the statement referred to in n. 2 of article 99 of this law.

The lack of registration under article 100. of this law.

Non-payment of fees under this law.

Requirement under article 122. of this law.Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 113. (Fines)

The facts set out in article 112. are punishable with:

from 13.640,00 to 1.364.000,00 Kz for subparagraphs a), f) and q)

from 40.920,00 to 2.728.000,00 Kz for subparagraphs c), e), j), m), n) and q)

from 66.440,00 to 4.092.000,00 Kz for other points.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 114. (Additional sanctions)

When infringement gravity justifies, the following additional penalties may be applied:

The prohibition of activity exercise causing the facts.

The deprivation of the right to tax, economic or financial benefits granted to licensees.

The establishment closure or demolition of facilities causing or related with offense practice.

The seizure of equipment or means of action used during practices infringement.

The annulment of activity exercise license.Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 116. (Pre-established legal situations)

The rights for hydric resources use existing at this diploma emission date, shall be regularize in maximum of 180 days.

Article 117. (Obligation for statement apresentation or evaluation)

Persons covered by the previous article, are obliged to present the statement or evaluation under article 99., up to 120 days after publication of this diploma, with reference to values and basic parameters determined in the first semester of this year.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilArticle 120. (Polluter Responsability)

The offender is responsible for hydric resources degradation or pollution can be called to carry out the restoration of the previous situation to the offense and shall be fixed jobs or actions to be taken and the deadline for its implementation.

Article 125. (Guarantee)

The titles for hydric resources use are subject to guarantee, under penalty of expiry, within 45 days from the date of its publication, in favor of the licensor or grantor, by deposit, bank guarantee or insurance safe deposit, amount to 5% of its investment correspondent to infrastructures implementation for hydric resources use.

The value of safe deposit shall be fixed (...) in each license template for hydric resources use.

Regulation of Hydric Resources UseDecreto Presidencial n. 82/14, 21 de AbrilDecreto Presidencial n. 83/14, 22 de AbrilREGULATION FOR PUBLIC SUPPLY OF WATER AND WATER DISPOSAL SANITATIONApproves the Regulation of Public Supply of Water and Water Disposal Sanitation.

Sets rules about means allocated to systems, water and sewerage networks, contracts, waters quality and wastewater treatment supply, tariffs, measurement, collection, payment, management companies, etc.

Establishes sanctions regime, applicable to private water supply and wastewater disposal.

Establish the fares charged by the companies or bodies entrusted with the public drinking water.REGULATION FOR PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY & WATER DISPOSAL SANITATIONDecreto Presidencial n. 83/14, 22 Abril