Water Bioquimica

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1. Introduction

Water has probably received more scientific and techno-logical interest than any other substanceÐmainly for tworeasons. Firstly, water is a major chemical constituent of ourplanet�s surface and as such it has been indispensable for thegenesis of life. Secondly, it exhibits a fascinating array ofunusual properties in pure form and as a solvent. Theimportance of water is clearly described in monographs suchas ªProperties of Ordinary Water Substanceº by Dorsey(1940),[1] the compendium ªWater. A Comprehensive Treatise,Volumes 1 ± 7º, edited by Franks (1972 ± 1982),[2] the bookªMetastable Liquidsº by Debenedetti (1996),[3] and Ball�spopular survey of the ªhistoryº of water ªH2OÐA Biographyof Waterº (1999).[4] Those standard works go along withthousands of reviews, proceedings, and articles which all showthat water is one of the most appealing of the open puzzles inscience. Among those highlights, Bernal and Fowler�s ªAtheory of water and ionic solution, with particular reference tohydrogen and hydoxyl ionsº,[5] Narten and Levy�s ªObserved

diffraction pattern and proposed models of liquid waterº,[6]

Stillinger�s ªWater Revisitedº,[7] and Mishima and Stanley�sreview about ªThe relationship between liquid, supercooledand glassy waterº[8] should be emphasized.

Recent progress in some fields of water science makes itworthwhile to summarize important results obtained duringthe last five years. Topics concern the discovery of new icephases,[9, 10] new insight into supercooled and glassy wa-ter,[8, 11, 12] and a better understanding of high-mobility trans-port of water ions.[13, 14]

In this review I would like to focus on recent progress incalculating and measuring water clusters and their properties.This interest is mainly a consequence of the fact thatinvestigations on small water clusters are a perfect meanswith which to characterize structural changes and bondingmechanisms in passing from isolated molecules to bulk states.Thus we can ask whether their is a continuous path from thegas to the liquid phase. Is there some evidence from experi-ments or theoretical models that gas-phase structures mayalso be important constituents of the liquid phase?

An outline of this review is as follows: First we describesome of the anomalies of water. The fascinating array ofunusual properties can be qualitatively understood fromwater-bonding characteristics. Thus we discuss hydrogenbonds (H-bonds) and their possible arrangements in water.The crystal structures of hexagonal ice Ih and clathrate

Water: From Clusters to the Bulk

Ralf Ludwig*

Dedicated to Professor Manfred Zeidleron the occasion of his 65th birthday

Water is of fundamental importancefor human life and plays an importantrole in many biological and chemicalsystems. Although water is the mostabundant compound on earth, it isdefinitely not a simple liquid. It pos-sesses strongly polar hydrogen bondswhich are responsible for a striking setof anomalous physical and chemicalproperties. For more than a century thecombined importance and peculiarityof water inspired scientists to construct

conceptual models, which in them-selves reproduce the observed behav-ior of the liquid. The exploration ofstructural and binding properties ofsmall water complexes provides a keyfor understanding bulk water in itsliquid and solid phase and for under-standing solvation phenomena. Mod-ern ab initio quantum chemistry meth-ods and high-resolution spectroscopymethods have been extremely success-ful in describing such structures. Clus-

ter models for liquid water try to mimicthe transition from these clusters tobulk water. The important question is:What cluster properties are required todescribe liquid-phase behavior?

Keywords: ab initio calculations ´ hy-drogen bonds ´ molecular clusters ´vibrational spectroscopy ´ waterchemistry

[*] Priv.-Doz. Dr. R. LudwigPhysikalische ChemieFachbereich Chemie der Universität DortmundOtto-Hahn-Strasse 6, 44221 Dortmund (Germany)Fax: (�49) 231-755-3937E-mail : [email protected]


Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2001, 40, 1808 ± 1827 � WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69451 Weinheim, 2001 1433-7851/01/4010-1809 $ 17.50+.50/0 1809

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hydrates are presented as typical three-dimensional networks.Many-body effects are crucial for the size and arrangement ofwater complexes. Consequently we discuss recent theoreticaland experimental evidence for cooperativity in H-bondedsystems. This chapter is followed by a brief introduction intotwo common water models: the mixture and the continuummodel approaches.

A survey of calculated water clusters ranges from small ringstructures up to icosahedral networks. The main features andproperties of the water structures are discussed in respect toexperimental findings and their possible relevance for watermodels.

In the following chapter we describe exciting spectroscopicmethods which recently allowed the detection of small waterclusters: small quasi-planar ring structures (n� 3 ± 5), isomer-ic hexamers (n� 6) representing the transition from cyclic tothree-dimensional structures, and larger clusters in the ªcageºregime (n� 7 ± 12). Finally we present recent cluster modelsfor liquid water. All models are based on calculated waterstructures and it is assumed that these may be constituents ofthe liquid phase. We discuss whether these models are able toexplain the properties of liquid water including some of it�sanomalies.

2. Water Anomalies

The behavior of liquid water deviates strongly from thatexpected of a simple liquid in almost every respect. Theliquid-phase density maximum is the most prominent andpublicized of the water anomalies.

The density of liquid water at atmospheric pressureincreases as it is cooled to 277 K, at which temperature thedensity has a maximum value of 0.999972 g cmÿ3.[15, 16] Asshown in Figure 1 a, the density decreases rapidly below277 K, a trend which continues if the liquid density is followedinto the supercooled region below the freezing point at273 K.[17±19] Although water is not the only liquid to exhibit adensity maximum, the phenomenon only appears in a fewother liquids, such as SiO2

[20] and Ga[21] melts. Water alsopossesses a negative volume of melting (Figure 1 b). Thedensity of most liquids increases as they freeze, however,

Figure 1. Temperature dependence of the isobar density 1 (a)[16, 18] and thethermal expansivity ap (b).[19]

water expands by about 11 %. It is that process that allows asheet of ice to float on liquid water. Both effects, the densitymaximum and the negative volume of melting, cause lakesand rivers to freeze from the top down.

The isothermal compressibility kT[22] passes through a

minimum in the normal liquid-water range at 319 K. It thenincreases further as the temperature decreases and becomesmore pronounced in the supercooled region (Figure 2 a). Thesame behavior is found for the heat capacity CP at constantpressure.[23, 24] As shown in Figure 2 b, the minimum value ofCP occurs at 308 K, which is right in the middle of the liquid-water range. Supercooling leads to a strong increase in theheat capacity. It takes more heat to raise the temperature ofwater than to warm up most other substances by the sameamount. This occurrence results in ocean circulation effectsthat strongly influence local and global climates.

The dynamic properties of water also show strong devia-tions from simple liquid behavior. The diffusion constant Dnormally decreases as pressure increases at constant temper-

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Ralf Ludwig, born in 1961 in Gladbeck, Germany, studied physics and graduated from theRheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule in Aachen with a diploma in 1988. Three yearslater he received his PhD in physical chemistry under the guidance of Prof. Manfred Zeidler.He received a research stipend from the Heinrich-Hertz-Stiftung of the state of North-Rhine-Westfalia and worked with Prof. Tom C. Farrar as a postdoctoral fellow in the chemistrydepartment of the University of Wisconsin in Madison, where he improved his skills in liquidNMR spectroscopy. During his two-year stay in Madison he also conducted theoretical studieswith Prof. Frank Weinhold. In 1995 he returned to Germany and joined the research group ofProf. Alfons Geiger at the University of Dortmund. There, he extended his methodologicalspectrum by molecular dynamics simulations and obtained his habilitation in physicalchemistry in 1999 for studying hydrogen bonding in clusters, liquids, and oligopeptides. Hiscurrent research focuses on the structure and dynamics of molecular clusters, pure liquids, andaqueous solutions of biophysical interest.

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Figure 2. Temperature dependence of the isothermal compressibility kT

(a)[21] and the constant-pressure specific heat Cp (b).[22, 23]

ature. Again, liquid water displays a reversal of this behavior.As shown in Figure 3 a, the diffusion coefficient actuallyincreases with increasing pressure up to about 200 MPa,above which the usual decrease in D is observed.[25] Coldwater gets more fluid when it is squeezed, whereas most

Figure 3. Pressure dependence of the isothermal diffusion coefficient D at273 K (a)[24] and the temperature dependence of the isobaric viscosity h atatmospheric pressure (b).[25, 26]

liquids become more viscous under pressure. The pressureand temperature dependence of another transport property,the viscosity h, is also anomalous.[17, 26] Figure 3 b shows anArrhenius plot at atmospheric pressure. The deviation of thedata from a straight line indicates that the activation energy

EA for the molecular motion increases with decreasingtemperature, which indicates there is a change in themechanism of molecular mobility.[27] Many other dynamicproperties of the liquid, such as the dielectric relaxationtime[28] and the nuclear spin relaxation times,[29, 30] show thesame kind of accelerating deviation from simple liquidbehavior as the liquid is cooled far from the glass transitiontemperature.

Another surprising characteristic of water is its preferentialorientation in the hydration shell of nonpolar solutes andnonpolar side groups attached to biopolymers. The structureadopted by liquid water which is in close proximity tononpolar solutes is a fundamental characteristic of moderntheories of hydrophobic hydration and hydrophobic effects,which are of great relevance to our understanding of manyimportant chemical and biological processes.[31]

Placing a solute molecule in liquid water leads to arearrangement of the random H-bond network. Besidesmaking some space for the guest molecule, water tries tostrengthen its network around the nonpolar solute. This canbest be done by placing its tetrahedral bonding directions in astraddling mode[32] as shown in Figure 4 (left). The water

Figure 4. Water molecules next to a nonpolar solute. Each water moleculeprefers to place its tetrahedral bonding directions in a straddling mode(left). A possible full arrangement of such a H-bonded network is shownfor a crystal structure of a clathrate hydrate (right).

molecule is aligned with three tetrahedral directions tangen-tial to the surface of the occupied space in order to preservethe maximum number of H-bonds. This orientational restraintleads to a negative entropy contribution for the solution. Thecrystal structures of the clathrate hydrates of many nonpolarsubstances show that such arrangements are possible inprinciple (Figure 4 (right)).

3. Hydrogen Bonds and their Arrangements

3.1. Structure and Properties of the Water Molecule

Qualitatively, insight into the origin of these peculiar liquidproperties is available from a consideration of the shape andbonding characteristics of the water molecule (Figure 5). Asimple molecular orbital description provides a useful qual-itative picture of the electron distribution in the watermolecule. Four localized regions of excess charge appear ina tetrahedral arrangement around the central oxygen atom.Two positive regions are associated with the hydrogen atom

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Figure 5. The water molecule (left). The two positive regions at thehydrogen atoms and the negative ªlone pairº orbitals of the oxygen atom(right) obtained by an NBO analysis.

nuclei, which are significantly stripped of their attendantelectrons by the highly electronegative oxygen atom.

The excess negative charge that thus appears around theoxygen atom is organized primarily in two lobes, or ªlone-pairº orbitals, which complete the tetrahedral arrangement ofthe local electron deficit or excess. Overall, the electrondistribution in an isolated water molecule can be related tothe value of the equilibrium bond angle (104.58), the value ofthe dipole moment (1.85 D), and the tetrahedral coordinationof water molecules in condensed phases.[2]

3.2. Hydrogen Bonding in the Water Dimer

The intermolecular attraction between the hydrogen atomof one water molecule and the lone-pair electrons on anotherrepresents an H-bond. Hydrogen bonds are the dominantinteractions between water molecules. Thus much experi-mental and theoretical effort has been directed towardunderstanding the nature of the water dimer, which representsthe archetype for hydrogen bonding.

The water dimer (Figure 6) exists in the vapor phase andwas measured for the first time by Dyke and co-workers.[33, 34]

Their molecular beam resonance experiments clearly showedthat the lowest energy arrangementhas a plane of symmetry containingthe hydrogen donor molecule tothe right and the symmetry axis ofthe molecule to the left. As shownin following sections, experimentsusing advanced techniques as wellas high-level quantum-mechanicalcalculations fully support the no-tion of linear H-bonds. The meas-ured bond length in the waterdimer of about 2.98 � is signifi-cantly longer than the observeddistances in both liquid water andregular ice (about 2.85 and 2.74 �,

respectively). The shortening of the R(O ´´´ O) distance instronger H-bonded networks can be attributed to thecooperative nature of hydrogen bonding which will bediscussed in detail in following chapters.

3.3. Tetrahedral Structures

The tetrahedral arrangement of the bonding groups in asingle molecule results in the possibility of the molecule only

forming four H-bonds withnearby molecules (Fig-ure 7). In a so-called ªWal-rafenº pentamer,[35±40] thetwo hydrogen atoms of thecentered molecule act asacceptors and the two lonepairs as donors. It is possibleto fill three-dimensionalspace with tetrahedrally co-ordinate units, and somerealization of this is the solidice Ih crystal, which waterforms on freezing at atmos-pheric pressure, as well as clathrate hydrates, which aredescribed in detail in the next section. This possibilityindicates that all microscopic and macroscopic propertiesarise from the fact that liquid water is a three-dimensionaltetrahedral H-bonded (HB) network.

3.4. Ice Ih and Ice Polymorphs

Thirteen crystalline phases are presently known: Ih (h�hexagonal), Ic (c� cubic), ice II ± XI[41, 42] and XII.[43, 44] Twodistinct amorphous water structures, low- and high-densityamorphous ice, have also been reported.[8] This uncommonlylarge number of different solid phases attests to the structuralversatility of the water molecule. Relative to ice Ih, all theother phases exist at lower temperatures and/or higherpressures. Those phases differ in the connectivity of the ringsand in the position of the hydrogen atom between the oxygenatoms, and show bent H-bonds.[45] We will now take a closerlook at ordinary hexagonalice Ih, which is shown inFigure 8 along with cubicice Ic. The oxygen atoms inice Ih possess almost tetrahe-dral coordination. Each wa-ter molecule is involved infour H-bonds, with the twolone pairs as donors andboth hydrogen atoms as ac-ceptors. Compared to thegas-phase geometry, the dis-tance R(O ´´´ O) is shortenedto 2.74 � and the bondlength R(OÿH) is length-ened to 1.01 � as a result ofhydrogen bonding. Simulta-neously, the intramolecularbond angle a(H-O-H) iswidened to the typical tetra-hedral angle of 109.58. Allthese structural changes canbe attributed to cooperativeeffects in hydrogen bonding.Ih and Ic are presented here

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Figure 6. Experimentalstructure of the water dim-er as measured from mo-lecular beam resonancestudies by Dyke et al.[33, 34]

Covalent chemical bondsare shown as solid linesand H-bonds as dashedlines.

Figure 7. Tetrahedral configura-tion of water molecules spannedby two covalent bonds and twoªlone pairsº of the central mono-mer.

Figure 8. The structure of hexago-nal ice Ih (top) and cubic ice Ic


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because of their structural motifs of chair- and boatlikehexamers, which play a significant role in the experimentaland theoretical studies discussed later.

3.5. Clathrate Hydrates

Clathrate hydrates present the greatest variety and mostintensively studied of H-bond inclusion compounds. Theability of water molecules to form a wide variety of four-coordinate networks, which results in the polymorphism ofice, is also apparent in the hydrate inclusion compounds. Thevoids in clathrate hydrates are much larger than in ice, and theH-bonded networks are unstable unless they are occupied byguest molecules. After the discovery of crystalline hydrates ofchlorine by Davy[46] and Faraday[47] in 1823 it took more than acentury before von Stackelberg and Müller[48] and Pauling andMarsh[49] could determine the structure of this chlorinehydrate and its gas hydrates. In the meantime the crystallinestructures of the gas hydrates had been well characterized.Generally the structures are of the cagelike type-I or type-IIclathrate structures. The structure-type formed depends uponthe size of the guest gas molecule,[50] which stabilizes thelattice through nonbonding repulsive interactions.[51, 52] Thesestructures have a pentagonal dodecahedron (512) of radius3.9 � as a principle building block. As this is not a space-fillingpolyhedron, the crystalline form of those hydrates contain asecond larger polyhedra to form the lattice; that is atetrakaidecahedral (51262) unit for type-I and a heccaidecahe-dral (51264) unit for type-II clathrates. All the principlebuilding blocks are shown in Figure 9. Ripmeester and

Figure 9. Clathrate structures of cage type I and II: dodechedron (512),tetracaidecahedron(51262), and heccaidecahedron (51264).

Ratcliffe[53] used 129Xe NMR spectroscopy to identify a newclathrate hydrate. An X-ray powder pattern diffraction studyhas shown this clathrate to have a host lattice isostructuralwith a known clathrasil structure, which contains the poly-hedra 512, 435663, and a larger one, 51268. More recently,Udachin and Ripmeester reported a complex clathrate hydratestructure showing bimodal guest hydration.[54] Formally thisstructure consists of alternating stacks of structure H and IIhydrates, and might conceivably be found in those settings inwhich clathrate hydrates form naturally. The ubiquity of suchmotifs in crystalline hydrates led Pauling to formulate aªclathrate theoryº of liquid water[55] that was built upondodecahedral and tetrakaidecahedral clusters as structureunits, but this picture has not received widespread support.

However, in a computer simulation study of the hydrogen-bond network, Geiger et al.[56] found some evidence for theexistence of numerous clathrate-like holes in liquid water. Thesame shape of orientational distribution functions have beenobserved when studying the orientation of water molecules inthe hydration shell of hydrophobic solutes.[32] Thus thestructure was characterized as ªclathrate-likeº, since thehydration shell molecules are oriented in such a way that oneof the four tetrahedral bond directions points radially outwardand the remaining three bonding directions straddle thedissolved particle (Figure 4 (left)).

The academic interest concerns the water ± water interac-tion in these topologically rather complex systems and theguest ± host interaction with guest species that range fromnoble gas atoms to large and polar organic molecules.Clathrates are also believed to occur in some outer planetsat fairly high temperatures. The interest is, however, not onlyacademic: The petrol industry suffers from the nuisance ofhydrocarbon clathrates blocking gas pipelines in arcticregions, and has just started to show interest in the giantnatural methane deposits in the deep ocean floor and inpermafrost regions.[57, 58]

3.6. Statistical Networks

So far we have characterized some of the structures whichoccur in the gas phase of water or polymorphs of ice. Theprecise nature of the H-bonded disorder of water in the liquidphase is still unknown. Scattering experiments of liquid watergive a precise description of atomic position disorder, butsimply do not lead to a uniquely clear picture of the H-bondednetwork. Thus computer simulation methods, such as molec-ular dynamics (MD) or Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, arehelpful for generating a representative set of configurationsfor a small region within the solid or liquid of interest. Thesecalculations predict a totally connected random network ofH-bonds as shown in Figure 10. The melting of ice results in alatent heat of 1.4 kcal molÿ1 being absorbed. This value isequivalent to breaking about 10 % of the H-bonds and thesystem becoming ªfrustratedº. The water structure at anyinstant and on any length scale is amorphous, with manydangling bonds. Its structure becomes ªrandomº and containsmany five- and seven-membered rings, as well as the ice six-membered ring.[59, 60]

Figure 10. Statistical network of liquid water. Snapshot from moleculardynamics simulations.

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4. Many-Body Effects/Cooperativity

The nature of the physical interaction that contributes tohydrogen bonding has been the subject of numerous dis-cussions in the chemical literature.[61] On one side, H-bondsare attributed to purely electrostatic interactions, or toelectrostatic plus polarization interactions; on the other sidecovalent interactions are considered to be extremely impor-tant. As discussed, there is increasing experimental evidencefor the partial covalence of the H-bond. The more recent andprominent ones are the Compton scattering experiments onice Ih by Isaac et al.[62, 63, 64] and NMR measurements of 1H-15Nand 15N-15N scalar couplings of several H-bonded biologicalsystems by Grzesiek et al.[65, 66] It should be noted that thecovalent contributions to H-bonding concluded from Comp-ton profiles is highly controversial. Parrinello et al.[67] calcu-lated the same features of the electron distribution in ice Ih,but come to a different chemical interpretation.

Cooperativity of H-bonding in water was originally an ideaof Frank and Wen.[68] The formation of a first H-bond(Figure 11) results in a change in the charge distribution

Figure 11. Hydrogen-bonded water dimer in the framework of an NBOanalysis.[74] The overlap of an oxygen lone pair orbital and an antibondingOH orbital is shown.

within the participating monomer in such a way that thehydrogen acceptor molecules becomes potentially an evenbetter H-bond donor than before. It is capable of forming astronger second bond because of the existence of the firstbond. The same is true for the proton donor, which has anenhanced ability to accept a proton as a result of the bond thatit has already formed. This idea has been supported for manyyears by quantum mechanical studies. Kollman and co-workers used a Morokuma analysis[69, 70] of the results froman ab initio calculation to break down the interaction energyof the water dimer into four components: electrostatic,polarization, charge transfer, and dispersion. The authorsfound out that the contributions of various components variedwith intermolecular distance. Roughly half the interaction atthe equilibrium distance of about 2.98 � could be attributedto electronic interactions.

Weinhold and co-workers performed a natural bond orbital(NBO) analysis to eliminate the charge-transfer componentfrom the Hamiltonian operator of H-bonded dimers.[71] Theyreported that this component constituted the major energeticcontribution to many H-bonds, whereas electrostatic attrac-tion was largely canceled out by exchange repulsion. Thus, theinteraction energy can be considered to be a consequence of a

charge-transfer interaction. In this Lewis-type picture thedonor ± acceptor interaction between a lone pair on an oxygenatom and an OÿH antibond leads to an energetic stabilizationas a result of progressive charge transfer (CT).[72, 73] This CTinteraction is responsible for both enthalpic and entropicfactors that stabilize certain H-bond clusters over others. Forexample, the cooperative effects in a water pentamer (Fig-ure 12) lead to H-bonding energies that are almost twice as

Figure 12. Overlapping of the oxygen lone pair orbital and the antibondingOH orbital in an equilibrium structure of the (H2O)5 pentamer. Theaverage H-bond strength is almost twice that in the dimer as a result ofcooperative effects.

strong as the linear dimer H-bond.[74, 75] Some of the con-sequences are: Strong CT interactions tend to lengthen thecovalent OÿH bond and to shorten the noncovalent H ´´´ Ohydrogen bond, thus reducing the overall R(O ´´´ O) separa-tion as given in Table 1. On enthalpic grounds, cooperative

bicoordinate ring structures are intrinsically favored overopen-chain and starlike topologies (Figure 13). On entropicgrounds, two-coordinate connectivities such as chains andcycles are favored over three- or four-coordinate networks.Compared with two-coordinate closed CT ring forms, higherthree- and four-coordinate clusters are disfavored at highertemperature because of strongly hindered intermolecularbending or stretching modes. These reduce the librationalentropy contributions and the unfavorable cooperativeH-bond directionality patterns which lead to significantenthalpy loss. The occurrence of the three-dimensionalstructures at lower temperatures is caused by the highconnectivity and the resulting larger total H-bond energy.

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Table 1. Calculated average distance R(O ´´´ O) and bond length R(OÿH)[�], NBO delocalization energies DEn!n�1 [kcal molÿ1] from oligomer Wn

to oligomer Wn�1 , and natural charge transfer qCT [e] in water clusters(RHF/6-31�G*).[75]

R(O ´´´ O) R(OÿH) DEn!n�1 qCT

W1 ± 0.9476 ± ±W2 2.964 0.9491 9.73 0.009560W3 2.872 0.9514 8.70 0.008917W4 2.847 0.9531 15.04 0.015397W5 2.837 0.9536 16.72 0.016404W6 2.833 0.9535 16.94 0.016673

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Figure 13. H-bond formations of water molecules: ring, star, lasso,tetrahedron, and chain.

5. Water Models

5.1. Mixtures Models

The combined importance and peculiarity of water hasinspired scientists for more than a century to constructconceptual models which reproduce the observed behavior ofthe liquid. The earliest attempt probably goes back toRöntgen in 1892. He explained the density maximum asresulting from a shifting equilibrium between small icecrystallites suspended in a liquid of dissociated individualmolecules.[76] Röntgen�s concept was based on the idea thatliquid water can be modeled by a mixture of two locally less-and more-dense structures. It thus represents the first of afamily of so-called ªmixture modelsº for the liquid struc-tures.[77] Such models focus on the H-bond structures of theliquid and distinguish between a population of ªintactº andªbrokenº H-bonds. This view was naively confirmed ininfrared studies of liquid water.[78] A strong overtone of theOH stretching mode was found with two distinct componentsin the 1.4 to 1.6 mm region. The absorbance of the lowerwavelength component decreases with decreasing temper-ature, while the higher wavelength component increases. Thisbehavior has been associated with the expected decrease inthe population of ªbrokenº H-bonds as the liquid cools.Although other explanations do not require two distinct statesof bonding, those experimental results encouraged severalscientists to follow the idea of bonded and nonbondedstructures for modeling the properties of liquid water.[79±81]

Stanley and Teixeira[82] presented a more modern model inthis spirit. Their statistical model does not require that watermolecules are strictly H-bonded or not H-bonded; it simplydescribes the degree of connectivity that is observed to occurin a lattice of four-coordinate sites when some randomfraction of the nearest neighbors are considered bonded, andthe rest are considered unbound. The two groups of interact-ing water molecules are distinguished for example by an

energetic criterion. It could be shown that clusters of four-bonded molecules will be observed as the probability ofbonding to a nearest neighbor increases. The thermodynamicanomalies of water could be explained by considering thosefour-bonded clusters to be associated with regions of largermolecular volume, lower energy, and higher order. Theauthors results held when random configurations of molecularsites in the continuum, taken from computer simulations ofwater, were used.[83, 84]

5.2. Continuum Models

ªContinuum modelsº contrast to the mixture models in thatin the former it is considered that the H-bonds are neverbroken in the liquid, but are only more or less distorted fromtheir optimal form. A more modern example is the ªcontin-uous random networkº (CRN) model of Sceats and Rice.[85]

This approach is supported by the observation that H-bondsneed not necessarily break for molecules to have the mobilitythat is characteristic of the liquid. The model is based oncontinuous modifications of the topology of the H-bondednetwork rather than disruption of local H-bonded associates.This view implies there are ªbifurcatedº H-bonds or sharedH-bonds between two atoms of one molecule.[86]

The picture of continuous modification of the H-bondednetwork has been proven useful in explaining the mobility ofwater molecules in the liquid.[87±89]

A distinction between mixtures and continuous modelscould be made as follows: in the former there are intact andbroken H-bonds, while in the latter there is a fully H-bondednetwork. There is a continuous transition between theseextremes. For example, the model of Stanley and Teixeira,[82]

which is given above as a modern mixture model, can also beregarded as a continuous model. The introduction of athreshold for H-bonds into a continuous model picture leadsto a mixture model.

6. Survey of Calculated Water Clusters

Semi-empirical and ab initio quantum mechanical studieson water clusters are numerous.[90±120] This development wentalong with improved methods and better computationalcapabilities. Our survey concentrates on recent ab initioHartree ± Fock (HF) and density functional (DFT) calcula-tions. For clusters larger than n� 30, only semi-empiricalcalculations are taken into consideration. The presentedwater clusters are discussed as a function of size andconnectivity so that most of them can play a significant rolein the experimental and theoretical investigations describedlater.

6.1. Small Cyclic Water Clusters (n� 3 ± 6)

The optimal structures and harmonic vibrational frequen-cies of small water clusters including ring structures Wn,n� 3 ± 6, have been determined by Xantheas et al.[121±124] with

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Hartree ± Fock (HF) and density functional (DFT) methods,as well as Mùller ± Plesset second order perturbation theory(MP2) with an augmented correlation-consistent double-zetabasis set (Figure 14). The density functional B-LYP used

Figure 14. Small water clusters (n� 1 ± 6) as calculated by ab initio andDFT methods.[121]

combines the Becke�s gradient-corrected exchange functionalwith the gradient-corrected correlation functional of Lee,Young, and Parr.[123] The authors were particularly interestedin the correlation of various properties with cluster size. Thusthey performed benchmark studies of the water monomer andH-bonded dimer to ascertain the minimum level of theory andbasis set that would yield meaningful results for the largerclusters. Accurate structure, harmonic frequencies, dipolemoments, and polarizability components for the watermolecule, along with several measured properties for thewater dimer, such as the structure and rotational constants,were chosen as benchmarks. The most important resultsconcern the structural and spectral trends in small cyclic waterclusters. The study of cyclic clusters (n� 3 ± 6) reveals asystematic contraction of the nearest R(O ´´´ O) separationwith increasing size, a fact which can be attributed tononpairwise additive (cooperative) many-body interactionsas discussed earlier. As given in Table 2, the R(O ´´´ O)distance decreases nearly exponentially with increasing clus-ter size. The HF results, although not as accurate as thecorrelated data, exhibit the same trends as the DFT and MP2results. While the R(O ´´´ O) separation decreases, thelength of the bridged OH bonds increase monotonicallywith increasing ring size. The R(OÿH) bond length inthe MP2 tetramer is about 2 pm longer than in the watermonomer.

The vibrational spectra of small water clusters (n� 4 ± 6)show a blue shift of about 70 cmÿ1 for the intramolecularbending mode with respect to the monomer. The correspond-ing red-shifts in the OH stretches were estimated to be about50 and 500 cmÿ1 for the free and bridging hydrogen atoms,respectively, with respect to the monomer. These values are inexcellent agreement with experimental observations both onsmall water clusters as well as the bulk, as we will see later.Xantheas et al. pointed out that geometries, harmonic fre-quencies, and IR intensities can provide guidance to researchgroups studying water clusters; they demonstrated that theshifts in the OH stretching frequencies correlate well with thechanges in the corresponding equilibrium bond distances andobey the well-known Badger�s rule.[125]

6.2. Isoenergetic Water Hexamer Clusters (n� 6)

An accurate theoretical description of the water hexamer isan interesting and fundamental subject. The cyclic hexamer,as discussed above, is the building block of many ice forms andit appears to be relevant for liquid water as well.

Prompted by the surprising experimental results for thewater hexamers in the gas phase, Kim and Kim[126] performedextensive ab initio and DFT calculations on the five lowestenergy structures of the water hexamers (Figure 15). Theauthors demonstrated that the ring, book, bag, cage, and

Figure 15. Calculated water hexamer isomers showing quasiplanar andcagelike clusters.[126]

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Table 2. Calculated average R(O ´´´ O) distances [�] in water clusters Wn

(n� 2 ± 6) at various levels of theory with the aug-cc-pVDZ basis set.[121±123]

Cluster HF B-LYP MP2

W2 3.032 2.939 2.911W3 2.927 2.808 2.799W4 2.880 2.743 2.743W5 2.867 2.727 ±W6 2.855 2.714 ±

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prism structures have energies that are within 0.7 kcal molÿ1 ofeach other, that is, they are nearly isoenergetic. Their MP2calculations showed that the lowest energy conformer is thecage followed by the book (within 0.1 kcal molÿ1) and theprism structure (within 0.2 kcal molÿ1). The ring and the bagstructures are only slightly higher in energy (0.5 and0.7 kcal molÿ1, respectively) than the cage hexamer. The freeenergy of the book hexamer above 40 K is slightly lower thanthe cage, which might imply that the book structure would bemore populated and thus be detectable. At higher temper-atures the populations of the five hexamers would be almostthe same. Deuteration did not change the nearly isoenergeticbehavior of the clusters. The cage structure is still the lowestenergy conformer, followed by the two competing structuresof the book and the prism, whose energies are only0.2 kcal molÿ1 higher at 0 K. Above 55 K the book formwould again be more populated than the cage structure. Thenearly isoenergetic nature of the water hexamers suggeststhat the kind of structure that will be detected experimen-tally strongly depends on the physical and chemical environ-ment.

6.3. Variety of Water Heptamers (n� 7)

In spite of a spate of studies of various water clusters, only afew theoretical investigations on the water heptamer areavailable. The experimental vibrational spectra of waterheptamers encouraged Kim et al.[127] to perform ab initioand DFT calculations on twelve possible water heptamerstructures to explore the conformations as well as thespectroscopic properties of these water clusters. Two three-dimensional cagelike structures comprised of a seven-mem-bered ring with three additional H-bonds were found to be thelowest energy heptamer conformers (Figure 16). The global

Figure 16. Energically low-lying isomers of calculated water heptamers.[127]

minimum energy of the most stable species was found to be0.5 kcal molÿ1 lower than the other. The Gibbs free energycalculations using HF and B3LYP frequencies have shownthat both structures are stable up to 100 K. An almost two-dimensional ring conformer lies only 1 kcal molÿ1 above theglobal minimum at 0 K. Above 150 K, this ring structure ismore stabilized than the three-dimensional heptamers forentropic reasons. The vibrational spectra of different hep-tamer conformers were discussed and compared with spectraof the hexamer and octamer water clusters.

6.4. Water Octamers: Cubic or Cyclic?

Some of the forementioned water heptamers can begenerated from the two most important water octamerconformers. These cube water structures with D2d and S4

symmetry present isoenergetic global minima.[128] They con-tain two kinds of water monomer: donor-donor-acceptor andacceptor-acceptor-donor molecules. Both cubic octamers areshown in Figure 17 along with a nearly cyclic and a bicyclic

Figure 17. Cyclic, bicyclic, and cubic octamers of water obtained fromab initio calculations.[128, 129]

octamer calculated by Weinhold.[129] The cyclic topology hasless H-bonds than the polycyclic octamers (8 versus 12) and isthus energetically disfavored. Its strong thermodynamicstability is caused by entropic factors. A virtually free torsionabout the H-bond axis in the cyclic octamer leads to lowestfrequency vibrations whereas angular strain factors in thecubic structures cause higher vibrational temperatures of thelowest H-bond modes.[129]

6.5. Ice-Like and Clathrate-Like Structures (n� 12 ± 26)

Larger water clusters with up to 26 water molecules werecalculated by Ludwig and Weinhold.[130] The species W12, W18,and W26 (Figure 18) were chosen as representative clusterswith hexagonal units. Those hexagonal facets are well knownstructural elements of known crystallographic ice forms.[42]

The W12 cluster has two W6 rings directly coupled face to facein a charge-balanced fashion, with each vertex (oxygen atom)having trigonal coordination. A more ice-like fragment is theW18 cluster, which contains an adamantane-like core but-tressed with three W2 side chains. Although this polycycliccluster exhibits hexagonal elements of a tetrahedral lattice, ithas no four-coordinate vertices that could truly resemble atypical interior site of bulk ice Ih. The W26 cluster was initiallyformulated as a tetrahedral diamond-like microcrystal withcentral water molecules concentrically surrounded by succes-

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Figure 18. Ice- and clathrate-like water clusters.[130]

sive shells of tetrahedral coordination to give increasednumbers of ªinteriorº four-coordinate monomers at eachshell. However, even the W26 cluster contains only six four-coordinate (plus eight three-coordinate and twelve two-coordinate) monomers, which leads to an average coordina-tion number of 2.77. This value is less than in the trigonalcoordination of the fullerene-like topologies W20, W24, andW28 (bucky water). While pentagonal and hexagonal facetsare well-known structural elements of crystallographic iceforms,[42] the intact bucky-water polyhedra are principallyrecognized as crystallographic elements in certain clathrate-type hydrates, such as the pentagonal dodecahedral (512),tetrakaidecahedral (51262), and the hekkaidecahedral (51264)units. The large number of calculated clusters are topologi-cally similar; they differ only in the proton ordering aroundeach vertex. The most stable species of the cage types areshown in Figure 18. The comparable tetrakaidecahedralcluster structures W24, W25, and W26 were also calculated byKhan.[131] He used semi-empirical methods for his calculationsand described the structural features and stability of theseclusters.

Most recently, Khan calculated multiple-cage clusters toexamine whether these fused structure formations becamemore favorable as the cluster-size increases.[132] Indeed, the 35-mers having two fused dodecahedral cages consistently show agreater stability than their single-cage isomers.

6.6. Larger Clusters: Icosahedral Networks (n� 280)

Chaplin[133] formed an icosahedral three-dimensional net-work of 280 hydrogen-bonded water molecules. In thisstructure each water molecule is involved in four H-bonds,two as donors and two as acceptors. The network is based onthe regular arrangement of 20 slightly flattened tetrahedral14-molecule units as shown in Figure 19. Within these units

Figure 19. An expanded icosahedral water cluster consisting of 280 watermolecules with a central dodecahedron (top) and the same structurecollapsed into a puckered central dodecahedron (bottom). The figure isreproduced with the kind permission of Elsevier Science and M. F.Chaplin. [133]

four water molecules form the corners of the tetrahedron andare involved in both boat-form hexamers and pentamers. Theremaining ten molecules form an adamantane-type ringstructure, identical to a 10-molecule unit recently found in acrystalline supramolecular complex,[134] and also as foundwithin the 18-molecule cubic ice cell. Four of these moleculesare involved in hexamers in both the boat and chairconformation, with the remaining six molecules form pen-tamers and hexamers in the chair conformation.

Pentamers of water have bond angles of 1088, which are1.478 closer to the supposedly most stablea(H-O-H) angle inwater vapor (104.528) than are the tetrahedral angles(109.478) in ice. The clusters can grow in three dimensions;each cluster has twelve potential sites at its icosahedralvertices for use as centers for neighboring, overlappingclusters. The structure becomes more distorted as the networkgrows.

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7. Survey of Measured Water Clusters

7.1. Small Cyclic Water Clusters (n� 3 ± 6)

Enormous progress in laser spectroscopy has facilitatednew, highly detailed studies of water clusters. Studies of thestructure and dynamics of isolated small clusters of watermolecules provide a means of quantifying the intermolecularforces and hydrogen-bonded rearrangements that occur incondensed phases. Far-infrared (FIR) vibration-rotation-tun-neling (VRT) spectroscopy of clusters has recently beendeveloped by Saykally and co-workers[135±145] to address suchquestions. Low-frequency van der Waals vibrations in clusterscan be measured with tunable FIR lasers to resolve rotationaland tunneling motions. The resulting VRT spectra can beanalyzed in terms of permutation-inversion (PI) group theoryand scattering theory to yield pair potentials of unprecedent-ed accuracy and detail for weakly bonded systems. FIR-VRTspectroscopy is also a powerful probe of the tunnelingdynamics that occur in hydrogen-bonded clusters. Thismethod should allow for the investigation of the cooperative(nonpairwise) effects of hydrogen bonding in water clusters.In a series of beautiful experiments Saykally and co-workerscharacterized the water dimer,[135] the cyclic water trimer,[136]

the tetramer,[137] and the pentamer.[138] The results unambig-uously established that the structures of the water clustersresponsible for the observed spectra were indeed the quasi-planar rings predicted by theory.[139] These spectra permittedestimates of the R(O ´´´ O) distances to be determined foreach of the clusters and yielded a quantitative experimentalmeasure of the hydrogen-bond cooperativity. The R(O ´´´ O)distance obtained from VRT spectroscopy and theoreticalstudies of water clusters are plotted in Figure 20. Consistent

Figure 20. The R(O ´´´ O) distance versus cluster size obtained from VRTspectroscopy[136±139] and three different levels of theory: Hartree ± Fock(HF), Mùller ± Plesset second-order perturbation theory (MP2), anddensity functional theory (B-LYP).[121±123] The experimental R(O ´´´ O)distances in liquid water at 298 K[155] and hexagonal ice Ih at 183 K[41, 42] aregiven for comparison and are indicated by dotted lines.

with the occurrence of cooperative effects, all the methodsproduced an exponential contraction of the R(O ´´´ O)distance with increasing cluster size which converged to thebulk (ordered ice) value of about 2.74 �. Experiment andtheory strongly suggest that the water trimer, tetramer, andpentamer have cyclic, quasi-planar minimum energy struc-tures. Larger water clusters were expected to have three-dimensional geometries, with the hexamer representing thetransition from a cyclic to a three-dimensional structure.

7.2. Water Hexamers: Cage, Quasiplanar Ring, or Chair?

7.2.1. The Cagelike Hexamer in the Gas Phase

As discussed in Section 6, ab initio studies on the hexamerreveal the existence of several low-lying structures, but predictthat the minimum-energy form is the three-dimensional cageshown in Figure 21. This cagelike hexamer agrees best with

Figure 21. Experimentally found water hexamers: the cage structuredetected in the gas phase,[146] the quasi-planar cyclic structure trapped inliquid helium,[147] and the chairlike cyclic structure measured in organichosts.[148]

the measured rotational constants from VRT measurementsperformed by the Saykally group.[146] The fact that both high-level ab initio calculations and diffusion quantum MonteCarlo (DQMC) results[147±149] predict the cage as the lowestenergy form, and that no structures other than the most stablehave ever been detected by VRT spectroscopy in super-sonicargon jets, is fairly compelling evidence that the cage form isindeed the most stable water hexamer. Clearly the watermolecules have enough time to find the absolute minimumstructure in these gas-phase experiments at 5 K. Ab initiostudies also predict that zero-point vibrational effects arecrucial for the stability and that they can alter the energyordering of the low-lying hexamer structures. Thus, there weresome hints that other hexamer isomers could be detected bychanging the chemical environment and temperature.

7.2.2. Quasiplanar Hexamers in Liquid Helium

Nauta and Miller recently reported the experimentalobservation of the cyclic water hexamer, which was a higherenergy isomer than Saykally�s cage structure previouslycharacterized in the gas phase.[150] The ring hexamer shownin Figure 21 was formed in liquid helium droplets and studiedby infrared spectroscopy. Three main results of this beautifulstudy are remarkable. Firstly, this isomer is formed selectivelyas a result of unique cluster-growth processes in liquid helium.The experimental results indicate that the cyclic hexamer isformed by insertion of water molecules into smaller, pre-formed cyclic complexes such as trimers,[151] tetramers, andpentamers. Buck and co-workers[152] obtained different resultsfor growing methanol clusters in helium. Once the cyclictrimer was formed and cooled, insertion of the fourthmethanol molecule into the ring was inhibited by the lack ofenergy needed to open the ring. The result was a tetramerstructure corresponding to a cyclic trimer with the fourthmolecule hydrogen bonded to the outside. As a possible

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explanation for the difference between the water andmethanol systems Nauta and Miller suggested that insertioninto the water ring is facilitated by tunneling of the hydrogenatoms through associated barriers. In contrast, ring insertionmay be inhibited in methanol because it involves more motionof heavy atoms. Secondly, the infrared spectrum for the OHstretches of water clusters formed in liquid helium werecompared with those of the corresponding complexes formedin a free jet expansion experiment. The vibrational frequencyshifts resulting from the interaction with the helium werenegligible and the bonds for the dimer, trimer, tetramer, andpentamer essentially coincidence with the gas-phase bands.[153]

An additional peak red-shifted relative to the pentamer wasassigned to the cyclic isomer of the water hexamer. The mostcompelling support for this assignment comes from compar-ing the frequency shifts for all of these cyclic complexes withthe corresponding ab initio and DFT calculations on theclusters (Figure 22). As already shown for intra- and inter-molecular geometries, the frequency shifts vary smoothly with

Figure 22. Experimental[150, 153] and calculated[121±123] red-shifts of the OHvibrational frequency for cyclic water clusters from the trimer to thehexamer. The shifts are taken in both cases relative to the average of thesymmetric and asymmetric OH stretches of the monomer. The frequencyshifts are essentially the same for the gas-phase and liquid helium data up tothe pentamer. The band for the cage hexamer detected in the gas phase ismore red-shifted than that of the hexamer in liquid helium relative to aquasi-planar ring structure. The solid curves present guidelines for the eye.They are obtained by scaling the fitted experimental curve to thetheoretical data.

cluster size. The cyclic hexamer peak is precisely where it isexpected theoretically, whereas the cage band is shiftedfurther to the red region. Better agreement with experimentaland theoretical values can not be expected given that thetheoretical values are based on harmonic frequency calcu-lations. From a theoretical viewpoint it is important that thecalculated shifts can be scaled to the experimental data by onescaling factor for all cyclic clusters. Increasing cluster sizesclearly do not require different scaling factors. Thirdly, Nautaand Miller used superfluid liquid helium as a growth mediumto access a different portion of the energy surface as in thegas-phase experiment, and could observe the cyclic waterhexamer. This species is one of the prominent morphologiesfound in computer simulations of liquid water[60] and is thestructural motif of ice Ih.[41, 42] The cage isomer characterizedpreviously by Saykally and co-workers[146] has a most intenseOH vibrational band which has a much greater red-shift.Several calculated local minima[126] lie lower in energy thanthe cyclic hexamer. Clearly the path between this hexamer

and the three-dimensional cage structure will involve a greatdeal of H-bond rearrangement, which is expected to bedifficult in liquid helium.

7.2.3. The Chairlike Hexamer in Organic Matrices

Recently, the supramolecular association of cyclic waterhexamers with an ice-like chair conformer into one-dimen-sional chains inside an inclusion organic host was reported.[154]

The geometric parameters of the hexamers are summarized inTable 3. The average R(O ´´´ O) distance of 2.776 � is aboutthe same as the analogous value of 2.759 � in ice Ih at 183 K.

However, there is a wide variation of the angles a(O-O-O);the average value is 116.58, which is considerably deviatedfrom the corresponding value of 109.38 which occurs inhexagonal ice. The hexamers are self-assembled by OÿH ´´´ OH-bonds into extended chains along the channels, whichconsist of fused four- and six-membered water rings. Theobserved interhexamer oxygen ± oxygen distance of 2.854 � isvery similar to the separation of 2.85 � found in liquidwater.[155] This supramolecular association of water moleculesin chains is presumably enforced by the shape of the host�schannels, whose relatively narrow openings preclude theformation of the more stable three-dimensional clusters foundin the gas phase. There are no OÿH ´´´ N H-bonds between thewater chains and the organic host. Thus the water clusters canbe removed by heating without changing the structure of thehost. In contrast to previously described inclusion complexesof water clusters that have strong interactions with the host,the water clusters more closely resemble structures found inliquid water or ice. The IR spectra suggest that the waterchains have more similarities with liquid water than withhexagonal ice.

Ice-like clusters with chair and boat conformations werealso observed by Barbour et al.[134, 156] in the solid state. Theintervening voids of a cobalt cage complex are filled withclusters of ten water molecules that adopt an ice-likeconformation. The water cluster is sufficiently flexible torespond to small changes in its environment, but the overallconformation is robust.

However, free chair- or boatlike hexamers can not bedetected. It clearly requires neighbors in a periodic systemsuch as are present in hexagonal and cubic ice or organicmatrices.

7.3. From Heptamers to Decamers

The understanding of the evolution of clusters larger thanhexamers in the ªcageº regime was the challenge of Buck and

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Table 3. Experimentally determined distances [�] and angles [8] for waterhexamers detected in an organic host.[154]

R(OÿH) R(O ´´´ O) R(H ´´´ O) aO-H ´´´ O aO ´´´ O ´´´ O

0.960 2.711 1.758 171.3 113.20.956 2.785 1.844 167.6 96.01.264 2.833 1.703 145.0 140.2

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co-workers.[157±159] Prior to their measurements, experimentalresults focused on the OH stretch of large clusters without sizeselection[160, 161] and n� 7,8 clusters attached to benzene.[162±164]

Recently, Buck et al. presented the first infrared measure-ments of the OH stretch mode of pure water clusters with sizen� 7 ± 10. Their experimental method is a combination of sizeselection (by momentum transfer in collisions with rare gasatoms) with an infrared depletion technique.[165] In the firststep the different clusters are dispersed into different anglesaccording to their masses and detected by a mass spectrom-eter. Then the OH stretch vibrational mode of the watermolecules is excited by IR laser radiation. The detectorrecords the depletion in the cluster signal caused by dissoci-ation of the clusters by the absorbed radiation. Additionalcalculations on the heptamers resulted in numerous energyminima, which can be divided into two structural families. Theexperimental spectra are reproduced quite well using thelowest energy structures similar to those found by Kimet al.[127] and shown in Figure 16. Inclusion of the zero-pointmotion effects was crucial for reproducing the spectra. Thespectra of the two lowest isomers can be derived from thecubic S4 octamer by removal of either one double donor orone double acceptor water molecule. The two cubic octamerisomers with D2d and S4 symmetry were characterized, alongwith nonamers and decamers, earlier by Buck et al.[157] usingthe same experimental method. The proposed lowest energynonamer and decamer structures (Figure 23) are derived from

Figure 23. Structures of water clusters (n� 8 ± 10): one cubic octamer (topleft), one nonamer (top right), and two decamers (bottom) as measured byIR depletion techniques.[157±159]

the octamers by insertion of one and two two-coordinatemolecules, respectively, into the cube edges. The two lowestenergy decamers can be viewed as two fused pentamers withthe same and the opposite orientation of H-bonds in the twocycles, respectively. However, the spectrum calculated forthese two minima did not match the experiment very well. Abetter agreement was obtained for another ªbutterflyº mini-mum structure, which can be viewed as a D2d octamer withtwo extra two-coordinate donor ± acceptor molecules insertedat opposite edges.

The authors reported that the presented experimentaltechnique will allow the measurements to be extended downto cluster sizes of n� 6 and up to n� 20 by changing thecarrier gas and the collision partner.

8. Cluster Models for Liquid Water

8.1. Quantum Cluster Equilibrium Theory of LiquidWater

Weinhold[129] developed a method for calculating equilib-rium properties of liquids by extending the standard statisticalthermodynamic treatment of chemical equilibria to theanalogous equilibria between molecular clusters, as charac-terized by modern ab initio techniques. The quantum clusterequilibrium (QCE) theory of liquids is based on the role ofH-bonded molecular clusters as fundamental constituentunits. Standard quantum statistical thermodynamic methodsare used to treat the equilibria between clusters in thecanonical ensemble, which leads to predictions of macro-scopic thermodynamic and spectroscopic properties. Mean-while QCE has been shown to provide practical, quantitative,or semiquantitative descriptions of H-bonded fluids such asamides[166±169] and alcohols.[170±173] The quantum cluster equi-librium formalism was first applied to the most importantH-bonded fluid, namely, liquid water. In these first papers,emphasis was not placed on achieving high quantitativeaccuracy, but rather to illustrate qualitatively how the QCEmodel ªworksº, and included the interplay between micro-scopic water clusters and macroscopic phase behavior, thestability of QCE predictions with respect to changes in thetheoretical model or inclusion of other clusters, and theimportance of nonpairwise additive cooperative effects inaqueous condensation phenomena. The simple seven-clusterQCE(7)/3-21G model for liquid water comprised clustersfrom the water monomers W1 up to the cyclic n-mers W5, W6,and W8.

It could be shown that structures found in the gas-phaseexperiments, such as the cubic octamer with D2h symmetry arecompletely negligible in the QCE population, even thoughthey are lower in energy. The reason for these dramaticdifferences in thermodynamic stability can be traced toenergetic and entropic factors. The H-bonds in the cubicclusters are much more highly strained by the severe non-linear O-H-O angles required along the cube edges, since theideal 908 angle at each corner is much smaller than theequilibrium H-O-H bond angle. Severe angular strain inpolycyclic octamers lead to higher vibrational temperatures ofthe lowest H-bond modes and result in much larger unfavor-able entropic contributions. Such a process renders thisspecies essentially irrelevant for describing equilibrium prop-erties of water.

The QCE liquid-phase population as shown in Figure 24consists mainly of cyclic octamers W8. The next highestconcentration of clusters are W5 and W6. Thus the equilibriumliquid phase is pictured as a mobile distribution of ringisomers that are packed roughly with van der Waals contactseparation. This packing leads to characteristic near neighbor

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Figure 24. Cluster population P [mass %] from QCE(18)/3-21G modelwater at one atmosphere of pressure. The contributions of leading clustersare shown in each phase: W24, W8, and W6 in the solid phase, W8, W6, andW5 in the liquid phase, and W1 and W5 in the gas phase.[130]

R(O ´´´ O) distances of about 2.8 � within the rings and anext-nearest O ´´´ O separation of about 4.5 �. These valuesare crudely consistent with known features of the radialdistribution function of liquid water. What is certainly not inagreement is the low number of nearest neighbors comparedto the experimentally found number of 4.4. Also most of thethermodynamic properties, such as the liquid ± vapor co-existence curve and heats of vaporization, could be repro-duced in reasonable agreement. It was more difficult toreproduce a liquid ± solid(ice) phase transition; for that it wasnecessary to calculate three-dimensional four-coordinatewater structures similar to crystalline ice. Thus Ludwig andWeinhold[130] extended the QCE model of liquid water toinclude larger ice-like clusters, such as the tetrahedral andfullerene-like clusters with up to 26 water molecules. A low-energy tetrakaidecahedral W24 cluster (Figure 18) leads to anew low-temperature phase that borders on both liquid andvapor regions in first-order transition lines and gives rise to atrue QCE triple point (Figure 25). The authors characterized

Figure 25. Phase diagram of the light and heavy QCE(18)/3-21G modelwater. The available experimental triple points for light (~) and heavy (~)water are given for comparison.[130]

the microstructural composition and macroscopic propertiesof this ªbucky iceº phase. Although it differs significantlyfrom physical ice Ih (for example, the melting point is 20 K toohigh and the molar volume is 5 % too low), it manifestsqualitatively correct thermodynamic features of true icepolymorphs, which suggests an important role of voluminousclusters in the liquid/solid transition region. In further studiesLudwig and Weinhold extended the QCE theory to deuter-

ated[174] and recently to tritiated[175] water clusters. Theycharacterized the microstructural composition and macro-scopic properties relative to those obtained for protonatedspecies. The main goal was to compare the phase diagramsand thermodynamic properties of isotopically substitutedwater. It was found that the QCE triple point is shifted tohigher temperatures by about 2.0 K upon deuteration and byabout 3.0 K upon tritiation compared to the measured 3.8 K inheavy and 4.5 K in super-heavy water. The shifts of themelting point to higher temperature is also modeled correctly.The QCE theory allows for a change in the properties of light,heavy, and super-heavy water clusters (masses, momentum ofinertia, zero-point energies, and vibrational frequencies)individually and/or in any combination. In this way theinfluence of different properties on cluster populations can beinvestigated. An interesting result is that the shift of the triplepoint to higher temperatures is a net effect: Lower zero-pointenergies for deuterated and tritiated water alone stronglyraise the melting points, whereas a reduction in the vibrationalfrequencies for the isotopically substituted species alonelowers the melting point. The combination of the oppositeeffects result in a small net shift of the melting point to highertemperatures as shown in Figure 26. The larger masses androtational temperatures in heavy and super-heavy waterclusters have practically no effect on the melting point.

Figure 26. Calculated QCE triple points (*) for light, heavy, and super-heavy model water. The partial triple points are obtained by individuallyreplacing zero-point energies (zpe), vibrational frequencies (freq), trans-lational masses (mass), and rotational temperatures (rot).[175]

It is also interesting to note that isotopic substitution leadsto different cluster populations in the liquid range. Thedominant cyclic octamers W8 are slightly replaced by W5 andW6 ring structures. It is usually assumed that shifts inthermodynamic and dynamic properties in going from H2Oto T2O can be ascribed to zero-point-energy-induced thermaloffset and keep the structural properties nearly identical.

8.2. Icosahedral NetworksÐA Structure Proposal forWater

Chaplin[133] proposed a fluctuating network of watermolecules with localized icosahedral symmetry to explainmany of the anomalous properties of water. This structure isbuilt up from a mixture of hexamer and pentamer rings andcontains cavities capable of enclosing small solutes. Themodel was developed by arranging alternating sheets of boat

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and chair conformations of water hexamers from the latticesof hexagonal and cubic ice. This structure was folded to forman icosahedral three-dimensional network with capaciouspores that is capable of partial collapse as a result ofcompetition between the formation and destruction ofH-bonded interactions. The stability of the network is bal-anced; it is able to fluctuate between an expanded low-densityone of about 0.94 g cmÿ3 (Figure 19 (top)) and a densercollapsed one of about 1.00 g cmÿ3 (Figure 19 (bottom)) with-out breaking any H-bonds during the small changes that occurin the H-bond strength relative to the nonbonded interactions.The expanded structure is formed when structuring solutes orsurface interactions are present which result in strongerH-bonds. Weak H-bonds yield the partially collapsedstructure as a consequence of the formation of puckereddodecahedra. The resulting densities of both structures asgiven above can be related to well-known measured densities.The lower density structure may be compared with that oflow-density water found around macromolecules[176] (0.96gcmÿ3), of supercooled water (ÿ458 ; 0.94 g cmÿ3), and of low-density amorphous ice (0.94 g cmÿ3).[177, 178] The high-densitystructure compares with the density of water at 273 K(1.00 g cmÿ3). The collapse of all dodecahedral structuresgives a density of 1.18 g cmÿ3, which is similar to that of high-density amorphous ice at 1.17 g cmÿ3.[178]

The structures allow the explanation of many of theanomalous properties of water, such as its density maximumas a function of temperature, and the viscosity minimum as afunction of pressure. Additionally, the radial distributionpattern, the presence of both pentamers and hexamers, thechange in properties and the ªtwo-stateº model of super-cooling, as well as the solvation properties of ions, hydro-phobic molecules, carbohydrates, and macromolecules can bereproduced.

The strongest direct evidence for this model is the agree-ment with the radial distribution functions. The high-densitystructure showed comparable radial distribution functionswith that from X-ray[179] and neutron scattering[156, 180] data. Asshown in Figure 27 there is a peak maximum at 2.8 �. The

Figure 27. Comparison of the calculated radial distribution function goo(R)of the high-density structure (ÐÐ) with the X-ray diffraction data ofwater[179] at 277 K (ÐÐ). The X-ray data yield a weighted sum of all atompair distribution functions, which is mainly determined by the O ´´´ Ocontribution. The model peaks have been broadened by using a normaldistribution with a standard deviation of 0.1 �. The radial distributionfunction of oxygen atoms, as determined by neutron scattering,[156] is alsoshown (- - - -). The figure is reproduced with the kind permission of ElsevierScience and M. F. Chaplin.[133]

number of nearest neighbors of about 4.34 is also in goodagreement with the reported 4.4 nearest neighbors calculatedfrom diffraction data.[42] The radial distribution functions forthe low-density structure can be compared with experimentaldata obtained for solutions, supercooled water, and the low-density amorphous ice. The distance between the cavities of5.4 � is close to the value of about 5.5 and 6 � for supercooledwater[56] and the Ne ´´ ´ Ne distance in water,[56] respectively.The radial distribution function of the low-density structurealso shows similarities to those of the low-density amorphousstructure. Both include features similar to cubic and hexag-onal ices.[181] Neutron-diffraction data has been used tosuggest the presence of pentamers, boat and chair conformersof hexamers, and partial dodecahedra.[182] By using Gaussianbroadening for the high-density structure, the resulting fourpeaks at 2.8, 4.6, 6.7, and 9.0 � show close agreement with thevalues of 2.79, 4.56, 6.95 and 8.60 � measured by X-rayexperiments.[183] The agreement with neutron scatteringdata[184] was even better.

8.3. A Simple Two-Structure Model for Liquid Water

A simple two-structure model for liquid water was pro-posed by Benson and Siebert.[185] The authors were able toconstruct a model involving isomerization between clusterswhich reproduces, within two per cent, the anomalous heatcapacity of liquid water from the melting up to the boilingpoint. The clusters are polycyclic, cubic-shaped octamerswhich can dissociate into two cyclic tetramers. These clusters(Figure 28) are held together by H-bonds and although very

Figure 28. Heat capacity Cp of water as a function of temperature ascalculated by Benson and Siebert[185] in comparison to measured data. Thetwo-structure model includes tetramers and cubic octamers only.

labile, they appear to be the principal species present in liquidwater according to this model. The fact that this two-structuremodel is capable of giving reasonable heat capacities is nottoo surprising. Structural theories of liquid water depend onthe assumption that H-bonds can be considered as ªintactº orªbrokenº. Benson and Siebert fitted their model directly tobulk data, such as the sublimation energy of ice, the enthalpyof melting, and estimates of broken H-bonds. A satisfactorydescription of one or more of the properties of water over aparticular range of temperature and density is usuallyobtained when an equilibrium of two species differingsignificantly in structural order and the number of H-bondsis used. As Benson and Siebert pointed out, the heat capacity

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of water could also be obtained by assuming equilibriabetween polycyclic decamers and monocyclic pentamers.However, results from scattering experiments are not inagreement with the proposed structures.[186] If an R(O ´´´ O)distance of about 2.89 � is assumed, then maxima in the paircorrelation function should result at about 4.09 and 5.01 �.[2]

A maximum at 4.5 � is found experimentally, which supportsa tetrahedral structure.

Recently, Rodriguez et al. considered the water hexamerand octamer in a theoretical study of isomerization, melting,and polarity of model water clusters.[106] The model includesfive hexamers of similar energy with different geometries anddipole moments, as well as two nonpolar octamers with D2d

and S4 symmetry. The melting transitions were studied byusing ab initio methods and empirical force field models. Themelting transitions for the hexamer and the octamer werefound at 50 and 160 K, respectively. The authors conclude thattheir results provide a comprehensive picture of the relation-ship that exists between the spatial and polarization fluctua-tions that occur in small water aggregates.

9. Summary and Outlook

Small water clusters and their properties can be calculatedby high quality ab initio and DFT methods using extendedbasis sets. Most of the theoretical predictions for geometriesand vibrational frequencies, as well as their behavior withincreasing cluster size, are supported by experimental infor-mation. To the best of our knowledge these state of the artcalculations are applied to clusters comprised of up to eightwater molecules. For larger clusters Hartree ± Fock calcula-tions are performed on smaller basis sets. DFT is the methodof choice for including electron correlation where post-Hartee ± Fock methods are too expensive or impossible.These calculations are known for clusters with up to 30 watermolecules. For most larger clusters, such as Chaplin�s icosa-hedral water structures with 280 water molecules, only semi-empirical methods can be applied. The problem with thesemethods is that H-bonds and their cooperative behavior arecertainly not calculated in an appropriate way. Althoughcalculations yield accurate structures and properties for smallclusters, there remain shortcomings. Growing cluster sizesmay lead to a dramatic increase in the number of isomers foreach species which is no longer manageable. It requires a lotof experience and knowledge to pick out the plausible low-energy structures. The harmonic approximation is a furtherlimit for calculating reasonable vibrational frequencies. Thecalculated frequencies are usually overestimated and correct-ed by a factor typical for the chosen method and basis set. It issome comfort that the measured trend of red-shifting of theOH stretch in water clusters can be smoothly reproduced byusing only one correction factor. However, this is no longertrue for low-lying frequency vibrations, which are particularlyimportant for the use of calculated frequencies in the vibra-tional partition function. Another deficiency is the calculationof true minimum structures. Molecular dynamics and MonteCarlo simulations have shown that bifurcated structures mayplay a significant role in liquid water, particularly for

describing its dynamics. These configurations are neverpresent in low-lying minimum structures in ab initio calcu-lations at 0 K.

The combination of calculated clusters and their propertieswith new laser spectroscopy experiments are likely togenerate a wealth of information regarding the intricatedetails of how water molecules interact. Recent experimentshave yielded detailed information about structural anddynamic aspects of small clusters. The clusters occur as nearlyplanar ring structures up to pentamers, whereas three-dimen-sional clusters are energetically favored with clusters largerthan the pentamers. Large intermolecular zero-point energiesof the H-bonds become crucial, and can alter the energyordering of the low-lying hexamer structures. This is thereason why the cage hexamer is found in the gas phase and thequasi planar ring hexamer in liquid helium. The physical andchemical environment strongly determine the occurrence ofdifferent isomers. The geometries and vibrational frequencieshave both been experimentally characterized up to thehexamer structures. The measured bond distances and vibra-tional frequencies provide strong support for the cooperativenature of hydrogen bonding. Growing cluster size, and thusincreasing H-bond strength, lead to a shortage of intermo-lecular distances and a red-shift of the OH stretching modesas predicted by ab initio calculations. These findings certainlysupport theoretical predictions and experimental results thatshow the covalent character of hydrogen bonding.

Three water models based on the assumption that calcu-lated molecular clusters and structures may be constituents ofthe liquid phase were recent presented. The quantum clusterequilibrium (QCE) model assumes that water species calcu-lated from current ab initio methods are adequate represen-tatives of the ªflickering clustersº of the liquid-phase struc-ture. This treatment of liquids is thus in the tradition ofmixture models. The QCE model exhibits many characteristicfeatures of a true gas/liquid phase transition (macroclustering,volume collapse, specific heat increase, Clausius ± Clapeyronpressure dependence). The inclusion of larger ice- andfullerene-like clusters leads to a new low-temperature phasethat bounds both liquid and vapor regions in first-ordertransition lines, and gives rise to a true triple point. Althoughthe bucky-ice phase differs in significant respects fromphysical ice Ih, it manifests qualitatively correct thermody-namic features of true ice polymorphs, which suggests animportant role of voluminous clusters in the liquid ± solidtransition. Nevertheless quantitative differences betweentheory and experiment currently remain. For example, theabsence of a density maximum cannot be reproduced. Thefailure to accurately describe higher order temperaturederivatives suggests the importance of incorporating vibra-tional anharmonic frequencies. Improved ab initio treatmentsof cluster ± cluster interactions and molecular excluded-vol-ume effects are also desirable. Although the current QCEmodel permits description of many interesting liquid proper-ties at a useful level of chemical accuracy, rather high levels oftheory as well as larger clusters may be necessary to achieveconvergence to a quantitatively realistic water phase diagram.

Chaplin calculated large icosahedral structures, including280 fully H-bonded molecules, to investigate long-range

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ordering. This network can be converted between lower andhigher density forms without breaking H-bonds. The struc-tures allow explanation of many of the anomalous propertiesof water, such as its temperature ± density and pressure ± vis-cosity behavior, the radial distribution pattern, the presenceof both pentamers and hexamers, the change in properties andthe ªtwo-stateº model on supercooling, and the solvationproperties of ions, hydrophobic molecules, carbohydrates, andmacromolecules. As in the foregoing models, dynamic in-formation is not obtainable. The calculation of dynamicproperties is still the domain of molecular dynamics simu-lations.

Benson and Siebert could reproduce the anomalous heatcapacity of liquid water from the melting to the boiling pointby using a simple two-structure model. On the other hand, theproposed structures of a planar tetramer and a cubic octamerare certainly not suitable for describing the data obtainedfrom X-ray and neutron scattering experiments of liquidwater.

Among the proposed cluster models for water, QCE is theonly unbiased approach. In the models of Chaplin and Bensondiscrete structures are proposed and their properties com-pared to those of liquid water. On the other hand, the QCEmodel yields equilibrium cluster populations as a result ofquantum statistical calculations. Although the model does notgive a continuously restructured random network, it doesyield a hierarchy of species and structural motifs that may beimportant constituents of liquid water. Improving the qualityof the calculated water clusters, as well as increasing theirnumber and size, should permit an even better description ofcondensed-phase properties. However, there still remaincertain limits to the capability of cluster-based approachesto understanding associated liquids in detail. Future theoret-ical and experimental investigations of larger water com-plexes showing new H-bond arrangements should ultimatelyenable a quantitative description of the complexity of thebehavior liquid water to be made.

The author thanks A. Geiger, T. Farrar, and F. Weinhold fornumerous discussions about the phenomena of water. Thanksare also due to A. Geiger and A. Benbow for carefully readingthe manuscript. Financial support provided by the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft and the Fonds der Chemischen In-dustrie is greatfully acknowledged.

Received: August 4, 2000 [A425]

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