Wastewater Alternative Technology Acceptance in Colorado David Kurz, P.E. Lead Wastewater Engineer Engineering Section CDPHE Water Quality Control Division July 15, 2015

Wastewater Alternative Technology Acceptance in Colorado€¦ · Alternative Technology Process •Manufacturer submittal of information in §1.8.0 of the wastewater design criteria

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  • Wastewater Alternative

    Technology Acceptance

    in Colorado

    David Kurz, P.E.

    Lead Wastewater Engineer

    Engineering Section

    CDPHE Water Quality Control Division

    July 15, 2015

  • Objectives

    Provide information to facilitate:

    • Use of proven technologies in Colorado

    • More efficient interactions between manufacturers, owners,

    engineers, and the WQCD for design reviews.

    • Better understanding of the process for alternative

    technology acceptance

    • Clarification of the role of pilot tests at domestic

    wastewater treatment works

  • Clarifications

    Domestic wastewater treatment = state design review

    Industrial wastewater treatment = no state design review

    Both require discharge permit

  • Regulatory Framework

    Legislature – Colorado Water Quality Control Act

    (Title 25, Article 8, C.R.S.) (25-8-702 – Site location and design review required for domestic wastewater treatment works)

    WQCC – Regulation No. 22 (5 CCR 1002-22, revised 2009) (Site application, design review, in-kind replacement, pilot tests)

    WQCD - Policies • Reg 22 Guidance document (August 2010)

    • Policy 6 (WQSA-6 Multiple OWTS)

    • Wastewater design criteria (Policy WPC-DR-1)

  • Steps in Review Process (WWTP Steps 1-4, Lift Station/Interceptor Steps 2-3)

    1. Preliminary Effluent Limits (PELs) (WWTPs changing discharge, Permits Section, informs site location review)

    2. Site Location Application (*local agency review first*, Engineering Section, informs CDPS permit)

    3. Design Review (Engineering Section)

    • Lift Station or Interceptor = Basis of Design Report (BDR) together with

    Final Design

    • WWTP = Process Design Report (PDR) then Final Design (possibly

    streamlined final design review certified by design engineer §22.11)

    4. Discharge Permit (Permits Section)

  • Site Application Review

    • Review ability of proposed treatment process(es) to meet

    the PELs or effluent limitations [§22.9(1)(g)]

    • What criteria to be used for the design review phase?

    • Already included in the adopted wastewater

    design criteria (WPC-DR-1)


    • Developed through an alternative technology


  • Alternative Technology Acceptance

    • New or non-conforming technologies not represented in the

    wastewater design criteria (reconfiguration, combinations,


    • Established or innovative technology with existing

    compliance record

    • Not for emerging treatment techniques without compliance


    • Described in section 1.8.0 of the wastewater design criteria

  • Alternative Technology Process

    • Manufacturer submittal of information in §1.8.0 of the

    wastewater design criteria (e.g., engineering basis,

    operating history)

    • Timing = submit for alternative technology review as soon as

    practical before a site application

    • Alternative technology submittal checklist (see website)

    • Alternative technology recognition statement for a specific

    project (if for a specific project)

  • Alternative Technology Review

    • Review history of successful operations

    • Evaluate efficacy of technology in providing reliable

    wastewater treatment under a range of operating

    conditions throughout Colorado (elevations,


    • Not just pass/fail or averages

    • Develop appropriate criteria for technology design


  • Data!

    • Document assumptions, calculations, process modeling

    • Actual full-scale operating experience

    • Pilot test work results (long periods, seasons)

    • Limiting conditions (temperature, elevation)

    • Reliability, sensitivity (influent variations, conditions)

  • Acceptance ≠ Design Approval

    • Site location and design approval still required for

    each location where use of accepted technology is

    proposed (just as for other technologies in design


  • Pilot Testing Authority

    • Site location approval requirements in Amendment section

    [§22.8(2)(vii)] provide for conducting pilot projects.

    • Regulation 22 Guidance Document provides additional

    descriptive information. [Page 62, line 2954]

    • Pilot Test Plan is required.

    • Limited period of up to 12 months, with possibility for one

    extension of additional 12 months.

    Note: “Pilot testing” in the wastewater regulatory realm is not the same as in the drinking water regulatory realm.

  • Pilot Testing Goals

    • Goals and scale of pilot tests vary:

    • Sidestream test of established technology to evaluate appropriateness

    for a particular WWTF

    • Testing of emerging technology without compliance track record

    • For alternative technology evaluations where a compliance

    history is not available:

    • Much higher requirement for information to be provided by the pilot test

    • Pilot test must provide adequate level of data to establish alternative

    technology compliance record and design requirements

    • Pilot test plan must be more robust

    • Note: “pilot test completed = alternative technology

    acceptance” is NOT an automatic conclusion

  • Tips to Avoid Pitfalls

    • Use Reg. 22 Guidance and Wastewater Design Criteria

    • Provide complete submittals with documentation

    • Consider pre-meeting with Engineering Section

    • Alternative technology identified early to David Kurz:

    [email protected] or 303-692-3552

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Website Tips

    • http://www.colorado.gov/CDPHE/WQCD

    • Facility Design and Approval

    • Forms

    • Domestic wastewater alternative technologies

    = list with accepted technology letters

    • Guidance (Regulation 22 guidance)

    • Policies (design criteria)

    • Regulations (WQCC – Regulation 22)

  • Innovation Ideas

    • Retrofit: Anoxic Basin on RAS line with carbon source

    diverted from influent wastewater stream; benefit is higher

    MLSS, smaller basin and available carbon source

    • Zero liquid discharge at East Cherry Creek reverse osmosis

    drinking water plant. Distillation of waste stream.

  • Highest Potential Needs

    • Larger facilities:

    sulfate, selenium, dewatering for biological phosphorus

    • Medium facilities:

    assistance for lagoons with ammonia and beyond

    • Small facilities (discharge to groundwater):

    low cost/high treatment/easy operations options to meet

    effluent limit of 10 mg/L TIN


  • Barriers and Hurdles

    • Poor testing prior to bringing to the state.

    • Come with defensible evidence of operations

    for all conditions

  • Suggestions to Help Innovation Needs

    • Collaboration on innovation and pilot tests

    • Various entities request pilot tests and sometimes we see

    the same for different facilities. May or may not need

    separate pilot tests.

    • An operating WWTF willing to pilot different ideas that

    could possibly coordinate with other facilities to test viable

    technologies for all to see and possibly use (publish results).

    • Example - Test a technology at one representative facility

    where entities can contribute $ and ideas about how the

    work will be completed.

  • Questions?