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WASTED! Magazine issue #5

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WASTED! Magazine issue #5 www.facebook.com/wastedmagazine www.wastedmagazine.co.uk

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Page 1: WASTED! Magazine issue #5

front cover

Page 2: WASTED! Magazine issue #5

Hey guys!

ISSUE 5 is finally here, with Hildamay making a well anticipated comeback in the new year, and we’ve got all the backstage info for you over on page [6]. Make sure you catch a gig in the new year!

Over on page [11] you’ll see an interview with Mr Martin Hobby, and a special ‘Raw’ article from ‘MORE THAN VEGAN ON PAGE [9] and then mosey on through to find our usual

reviews, rants and events.

Hope all of you beauties had a lovely Christmas and New Year. We will see you over on the other side!

Zoe Blush xo

EditorZoe Blush

Creative DirectorVicky Webb

PhotographyRobbie Candy

STBeardMartin HobbyRachael Tucker

WritersIan Gregory

Jimmy HomesZoe Blush

Vicky WebbAmy Barrett

AdvertisingVicky Webb

Events Co-ordinatorZoe Blush

WebsiteSam Detnon

Contact us [email protected]


EMAIL US [email protected]

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PaPiWang’s SEx RANTS


Page 3: WASTED! Magazine issue #5

calves and bandanas, you know

it’s going to be violent. NSC did not

disappoint. Thunderous, violent,

angry are the only three words that

can only describe this monster of a

band. The atmosphere was absolutely

electric, the crowd were completely

alive. Pandora would really have

to pull it out the bag to beat this


Seven Year Kismet, a name that

every Medway metal fan knows. A

concoction of long hair, beards and

solid metal fill the room. It was

a very firm performance

from the Isle of

Sheppey boys and

they were incredibly tight. Sweaty

metalheads swarmed the room as

choruses of “drag the corpses” filled

each nook and cranny of the Beacon

Court. Throaty growls from the lion-

like vocalist surged through the

crowd like a tsunami in a Thai village

as riffs as deep and dark as Charles

Bronson’s beard caused hearts to

implode. The atmosphere within the

place was buzzing but unfortunately

the band themselves seemed to lack

passion. Perhaps it was the cold night

air getting them down but this was

not the Seven Year Kismet we all

know and love.

Finally up is Pandora. The main reason

the 200 strong audience

have turned out. Even

before they’ve started playing, the

atmosphere is growing and growing.

The Pandora Comeback Show has

been looked forward to by fans

for months and it was finally upon

us. It’s the first show for the new

Pandora vocalist Miles Leedham and

boy does he look nervous! Following

Dethrone Exodus, No Second Chance

and Seven Year Kismet you have to

be pretty good not to fall in their

shadow. The first show will make or

break a band and I have to say, this

band are totally made. By far the best

atmosphere of the night, even with

technical difficulties they managed

to pull off a perfect set. Being his first

show and the old vocalist being Liam

Barker, Miles had very big shoes to fill

and after that performance, he needs

bigger shoes. Each riff from the newly

appointed Big Jim Everson relentlessly

threw bodies side to side. Each skull-

splitting scream, each thundering

breakdown worked the crowd to

breaking point until they snapped

tearing the floor up and demolishing

it as thought it was a mere

Battered and bruised, everyone went

home feeling tired but happy and

looking forward to future shows from

Pandora. Watch this space.

bland; only a handful of fans seemed

to be involved. Maybe it’s the fact

they are first on the bill, I don’t know

but something didn’t seem right.

Bloodshed in the crowd, bruises

handed out like leaflets and bar

stools thrown across the floor. This

sounds like your average pub brawl

but no, this was the scene of a No

Second Chance (NSC) set. Now, you

know whenever a band turns up on

stage with mesh shorts, tattooed

With a venue packed full of sweaty

fans waiting anxiously with sky-

high expectations, Dethrone Exodus

were first to take to the stage. As

always the Maidstone quintet pull

off an incredibly tight set; it seems as

though no matter how many eyes are

watching they will always impress.

With breakdowns that’ll curdle

your gastric acid and riffs that’ll

knot your intestines, Liam Barker

relentlessly unleashes screams that

could very well be from the deepest,

darkest pits of hell. However with

every positive note must come a

negative. Unfortunately the

atmosphere seemed

Pandora Comeback Show – After Dark PromotionsSupported by Seven Year Kismet, No Second Chance and Dethrone Exodus.

Thursday 9th December 2010 Beacon Court

COME BACK show!COME BACK show! Wor

ds b

y Jim



es P



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y Ra




Page 4: WASTED! Magazine issue #5


Page 5: WASTED! Magazine issue #5

Having never come across raw chocolate before let alone tried it, i was intrigued to taste raw Health’s organic bar with Hemp and Sunflower seeds. it was deliciously rich and dark which is what i love in a chocolate, and the fact that it was raw was an added bonus. i really felt that it was doing me good as i ate it, and just couldn’t get over how sweet and satisfying it was even though it was made from all natural ingredients. Would completely recommend this as a real raw treat, and found it hard not to finish the bar in one sitting.

i eat a strict vegan diet and have in the past considered a raw vegan diet, although i have always wondered about having something substantial within it. This variation was probably my favourite of the three that i tried, they look and smell delicious and have a really powerful and interesting flavour. Firstly you get an intense hit of oregano, thyme and basil and then it’s tasted deliciously ‘tomatoey’. incredibly flavourful, and the flaxseeds, brazil nuts and buckwheat give the crispbreads a really wholesome texture. These would be perfect as a really fulfilling snack or even as part of a meal with a raw nut pate and vegetables.

These had a real crunchy contrasting texture to the italian Crispbreads; they were thinner and packed a punch. Packed with onion they have a really powerful flavour, personally i don’t think i could eat more than one at a time as the onion flavour was very overwhelming. Despite this, i really enjoyed the crunchy combination of brown and golden Flaxseeds which made them a triumph for me. if you like an oniony, or chive flavour then i would recommend these crackers for you, you’ll enjoy the crunch combined with the yummy flavour.

Similarly to the previous crackers these have a really ‘snappy’ texture which i really enjoyed and found satisfying when you’re in need of something to bite into. The flavour was deep, packed with garlic, caraway seeds and marjoram, i could have eaten these one after another. With a really nutritious taste, everyone that i gave these to, to try couldn’t fault them. i think the caraway seed flavour comes through the most giving an extremely pungent spicy hit, which i thought was delightful.


Having never come across raw chocolate before let alone tried it, i was intrigued to taste raw Health’s organic bar with Hemp and Sunflower seeds. it was deliciously rich and dark which is what i love in a chocolate, and the fact that it was raw was an added bonus. i really felt that it was doing me good as i ate it, and just couldn’t get over how sweet and satisfying it was even though it was made from all natural ingredients. Would completely recommend this as a real raw treat, and found it hard not to finish the bar in one sitting.

i eat a strict vegan diet and have in the past considered a raw vegan diet, although i have always wondered about having something substantial within it. This variation was probably my favourite of the three that i tried, they look and smell delicious and have a really powerful and interesting flavour. Firstly you get an intense hit of oregano, thyme and basil and then it’s tasted deliciously ‘tomatoey’. incredibly flavourful, and the flaxseeds, brazil nuts and buckwheat give the crispbreads a really wholesome texture. These would be perfect as a really fulfilling snack or even as part of a meal with a raw nut pate and vegetables.

These had a real crunchy contrasting texture to the italian Crispbreads; they were thinner and packed a punch. Packed with onion they have a really powerful flavour, personally i don’t think i could eat more than one at a time as the onion flavour was very overwhelming. Despite this, i really enjoyed the crunchy combination of brown and golden Flaxseeds which made them a triumph for me. if you like an oniony, or chive flavour then i would recommend these crackers for you, you’ll enjoy the crunch combined with the yummy flavour.

Similarly to the previous crackers these have a really ‘snappy’ texture which i really enjoyed and found satisfying when you’re in need of something to bite into. The flavour was deep, packed with garlic, caraway seeds and marjoram, i could have eaten these one after another. With a really nutritious taste, everyone that i gave these to, to try couldn’t fault them. i think the caraway seed flavour comes through the most giving an extremely pungent spicy hit, which i thought was delightful.

Page 6: WASTED! Magazine issue #5

Hi, so you’re Martin Hobby, you photograph; how’d you get into that?Yep, my Dad was a photographer in the 70’s I wanted to do pottery at school, but I was the only one, so they didn’t run the class. I took photography instead It’s much better than a proper job

(I know right, proper jobs suck?) oh so, Pottery eh? What drew you to pottery? (Patrick Swayze / ghost?)Yeah, I like making stuff, Lol, I’m just

good with my hands ;-)

You mean; you just like doing things you’re good at?It certainly makes life more fun, if you’re lucky enough to get paid doing what you love.

Ok, so you took a class at school, Where’d you go from there?Yep, did a GCSE then a BTEC, at West Kent College. I shot my 1st wedding at 16 in 1993. WOW i was 6 then. I imagine some of our readers weren’t even born then.whoa!

Y o u were 4 when nevermind came out! loll

So, how’d you get the gig?It was a friend of my dads, but his (my Dad) eye sight wasn’t so good so he set the shots up and I took the pictures....even then I had a different slant on things, the exhaust fell off the bridal car and I got a great shot of the Groom and driver trying to fix it while the bride sat in the back of the car looking pissed off.

What is your take on the recent explosion of Mexican dia de los muertos/candy skull hype?To be honest I didn’t know it was set to be the next big thing, I don’t really know much about it, apart from i t

looked cool in the

photos…The recent Rockabilly Voodoo shoot came about because of one of the girls, Jasz Conkie’s, Halloween costume. We had wanted to work with each other for a while and I saw her make up for Halloween, that Candy Skull type and just said “I have to shoot you looking like that”. The other girls where free on the same day so the more the merrier, and they talked me into putting on some make up

www.martinhobby.co.uk www.facebook.com/martinhobbyphoto [email protected]

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for a couple of shots too, for those I set up all the lights and camera on a tripod and my assistant, Chris, pressed the button

You must have a really good camera?it just makes me laugh when people presume it’s the camera, I could do what I do with my phone.....it’s the skills I have not my camera. I rarely use PhotoshopI shoot in RAW and edit in Light room, but even before I start a shoot I know exactly what the final shots will look like in my mind.

So you do story boarding? Or just have an idea of what you want the photos to look like in your mind?No, I don’t really story board, it’s just in my head, even trying to explain it to the people I’m working with is tough, but I can visualise everything from which lens to use

down to any post processing effects I’m going to use.... Too many people now rely on Photoshop, They just shoot and then try to fix stuff after Like polishing turds!What is your opinion on the recent rise of kids getting SLR’s and thinking they’re a photographer?That doesn’t really bother me, what concerns me most is that they are not taught how to use them properly. They know nothing about light, and what the settings on a camera actually do. I’m sure they think the P mode stand for Professional. I have quite a few students who follow me on face book and ask me questions, and where possible I answer then and help themThat’s very responsible of you; most people just get angry or mockI just enjoy passing my knowledge on a few years ago I probably would have

too, but I’ve got to the stage where I am confident enough in my ability as a photographer, that I don’t see anyone else as a threat.What are your views on the recent business venture of funeography?I have never heard that term before? I guess you mean funeral photography?It’s nothing new. The Victorians were really into it, “Memento Mori” they called it.“Remember you must die” or “remember mortality” is the translation, it’s my favourite Latin phrase.

Recent fatherhood – how’s that working out for you? Finding it inspiring? Thanks for asking. Early days, Ollie is not even a week old yet, so I’m still finding fatherhood very surreal, I’m looking forward to all the mischief we can get into

together when he’s a bit older!

What advice would you give to our readers?Have confidence in yourself and your work, don’t let people take the piss, and don’t work for freeOf course sometimes free shoots can be mutually beneficial, and it’s good to shoot just for fun, like the Voodoo shoot, everyone gave up a bit of time and we all got something for our portfolios out of it.Too many good photographers don’t make it cos they lack the self belief and business skills to make a living at it and far too many shit photographers make it, cos they have the ability to bullshit their way into jobs.


Page 8: WASTED! Magazine issue #5

Want your event in the next issue? email us: [email protected]

Click for links to the events

It’s nearly Christmas! Happy Capitalism everybody! It’s that time of the year where salesmen dress up as priests and sell us religion in the form of father Christmas and Mickey Mouse. The perfect time to get philosophical! As professor Noam Chomsky stated “the definition of a hypocrite is summed up quite well by George Bush’s favourite philosopher (Jesus Christ). A hypocrite is someone who concentrates on the other fella’s crimes and not their own.” For example, if they do it it’s “terrorism“. If we do it, it’s “counter terrorism“. When really it’s all terrorism. Of course the definition of “crime” varies depending on your own moral beliefs. Some people compare smoking marijuana to molesting children. They’d like to see the death penalty revived to hand out swift brutal justice to the malevolent smokers. These people are Daily Mail readers… twats. The hypocrisy described above can be seen with the heavy handed police tactics used against the student protests recently. Of course a certain amount of students were violent and out of line, (this reportedly only happened after the police started kettling students) but this does not justify the police response of hitting the majority of innocent people, including young girls, in the cranium with batons. Punishing the majority for the minorities crimes is a tactic more appropriately used in totalitarian countries.I’d like to make a point about the medias biased reporting of events (with the student protest in mind). Media deception cannot be described using conspiracy

theories, because it’s actually a lot more oblivious than that. The key thing keeping the propaganda system going is the human capacity for self deception. The unwritten rule is that you can say what you like about the powerless, but when talking about the powerful, you keep your mouth shut. In this way you can convince yourself that you are being “unbiased” and “impartial” when really you are being the complete opposite by withholding information or only highlighting certain facts. When you watch the news, you are only getting one side of the story, although they’ll present the programme with a feeling of impartiality which confuses people to believe that they are hearing the unbiased truth.An anti-intellectualism and vocabulary stunting ossification is taking hold of us, leaving us like statues from Pompeii; our crusted little erections are going nowhere. For those of you who have no idea what I just said: we live in a world where being smart is lame, being original is weird, and having any sort of progressive ideas will be a threat to your occupation or your social life. There are a number of unpopular truths which are unacceptable for papers (and most other forms of media) because of the uncomfortable feeling they give people. Therefore a level of dishonesty or restriction of fact is vital. You may be told to tone down your vocabulary slightly to appeal to a wider audience. You may be told to cut out the parts that are a threat to authority or conventions. In giving into these restrictions and unspoken rules you are possessed by a social pressure or by a work colleague or a boss dictatorship. You will lose your right of freedom and originality whether you are aware of it or not. This is because you concede to do what everybody else does regardless of the way this tarnishes your integrity.There are times where an excess of esoteric, elusive, superfluous words are trite and utilised by obscurantist’s in order to hide a lack of content. I’ll say that again.

There are times when people make things wordy specifically to confuse people into the belief that they are smart, and are saying something important. These people are called “politicians” but we must not associate that kind of “intellectualism” with what is or isn’t cool. Even though the way these people use language as a tool to hide their motives is wrong, we should not use this as an excuse to restrict our own vocabularies, (for fear of being associated with wankers) because that’s exactly what they want. We should beat them at their own game. If you don’t know what a word means… take the time to find out. In Victorian times it was highly popular and well respected to have a huge variety of words stored up and ready to use, why exactly have we taken a step back from that?As honest human beings we must try to excel and progress, and this is under threat by a creeping ossification and inherent self deception in such prominent media institutions such as the news. I feel like I need to take the time to acknowledge the student protests and say how proud I feel to be a part of a generation that wont take shit from rich people, and I wont pretend that‘s an impartial view, I’m not here to present the news. “The conservatives outspent all the other parties combined in this years general election” the Independent explains. This is no surprise of course, Obama’s campaign in the USA outspent its republican rivals. This is an obvious example of how money buys power, and a warning to everybody; rich people and liars rule the world. The student protestors are aware that education is not a business. Why the hell should they be paying anything at all for an education, for information, for the right that we all have as a consequence of being alive? That’s what our “privilege” is; It is the restricted right for all humans to learn and develop. Nobody should own that. Papi

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and some other stuff we haven't decided on yet