A weaka mmem we e«aa«l arudiag aB nk«m' to |iiny IVwwfc. We k|>- ?acd to iH-"*«tk Stmrg Paper a few 4am aga> aad ind it tUM with the wwl \u25a0Mooat of bad gmmmmr directed at ». We ?lnr nhniM ad ike l'oatmaatfr at SteUarooot to laak Ml tm Pan o«re thUre*. iyTfce Victoria Prm, with it* kw»w» to ridirale pwe raattrrv, teraM ?ur Ute worthy Aarirtant Adjatart-Gcaaal, a, jottnauuio. We will attend lo tW Pmt kteafter. MARRIED: oa the IZth alt., at the hoa*r of Samuel H. Wil- liamson t'hehalu Poiat. W. T . I.y P. F. luark. P. J. Samuel Benn. Sheriff af t'hehah* eouaty. ia !»? Martha Redman. all uf that eoaaty. SEEDS! SEEDS!! Tm Cardrarr*. effrr the m»*t extea*iie a*«>rttnent of Fre-b. Field. Oardea, Frail, and Flvwer Seed* « n t!:j PaeiAc I'aait. from the be*t jtrower» in ttie tailed Mini aad Barape : roatprtfiny ia part ? li.Wtlhi. Alfalfa Cloter Seed. pare, growth 1 »?". 1 !.M0 lb*. Bad Cktrer Seed, l.oaa lb*. White Dalch Cloter. j.ooo lb*. Tiawthy tirm** Bml. l.wM lb*. Haagariaa lira** Seed. | ww lb*. Millet Seed. 4 .imjo lb*. Lacerne Clover Seed. M Bu*h. Ked Top tin** Seed. 75 Kentucky lllue lir«* Seed. Iu Buih. Rye Orai* Seed. IU Hash. Mixed Lawn Grati Seed. 15 Bush. Sanprain Clover Seed. 10 Bu-h. Sweet VernuHima- S<ed. lo Utiali. Cretted Dogstnil lira** .Seed. 10Uui<h. Califomia Prairie Clover, r.oo lbs. Sujrar llect Seed. 500 lbs. Large Ited Mangle Wurtzel Heel. .100 lbs. Long Ulood Heel. 100 lbs. Turnip Hlood Heel. 500 lbs. Kuta Haga Turnip Seed. '2OO lbs. Early White Dutch Turnip Seed. 200 Red Top Turnip Seed. 200 lbs. Long Orange Carrot. 100 lbs. Whitu Belgian Carrot. 400 Ibtt. Assorted Onion Seed. 1,000 lbs. TOP ONIONS. Together with all the varieties required "Horticultural inclement*. Hedge Shears, Pruning Shear*, Spring Hedge Shears, I'ruuing und Bud- ding Knifes, Saws, etc. etc. Boxes of 100 papers assorted seeds put up ex- i;>rc**l- for dealers. A liberal discount will be wiido "to the trade. We have* very fine assortment of Dutch Bulbous Flowering Roots, which we cau pack to go secure for any distance. Catalogues sent on application. All orders addressed to J. P. SWEENY * CO., 400 Cal., Sun Francisco, Will meet with prompt attention. February 1, INC2. 12:m3 SAFES! SAFES! F. TII'MAN, 00 Battery Street, Ran Francisco, riOl.K Agent for TILTON A McFARLAND S celebrated Fire-Proof and Burglar Kafirs. This Safe is well known igrthc market for its un- surpassed fire-proof quality, having withstood in California, as well in the East, the hottest fires ikuown. We can refer to endless certificates from ipaities in our mining towns, where these Safes Slave been subject to the most severe tests of its ' Hire-qualities. These Safes are secured by our Combination Lock. This Lock is in every respect the most secure ?one in use: it requires the key and eoniliinntion to open the Safe. If the key should lie abstracted from the owner, it would l>e perfectly useless to the possessor without Jiis knowing the combina- tion, or mental key, which the owner carrier in his head. To tnose in want of n reliable safe, we offer the above cheaper than any other in the market. Iff* A large assortment on hand and to arrive. F. TII.MAN, ft :om. !>0 flattery St., San Francisco. BEITEB THIS PIIEBM BILL'S AXD At liesa Prices! BOARDNAK'S IIALLENGE YEAST POWDER, FULL r GCA RAXTEED. IF NOT SATISFACTORY, The Ntacr will be Rrtaried! For sale by all Jobbers, and by J. C. WIXAXS, 50 California Street, Who will also act as commission agent for pur- <h«»i»([ all kinds of goods. Saa Francisco, February, 1861 14:ia3 CLOTHNC EMPORIUM, 178 Clay St., and 107 Montgomery St., San Frnni'isx'o, lad aw BrMdwar, lew Vtrk. ruammv on bond Ibe beet selected and \J most eitanfiie assortment of lients' and Boys' ''lstbay on tbe Psdle coaat. wbirb we can and ?4} aeU lower (ban any atber Hoaae. ta^frdcr.* 1 luckw we" L kT!f* J anna re. 19 MM, laly THE FARMER'S GUIDE TO \u25a0 » lies at >T (rases F. R and tbe Into J. p. XOWTOI. Prifcimr of Sues- «<Bc Ageienßwre ia Tale College, KM Harea - »ole acta>a UN pages, and ae- Tbm » rsslu nil? tbe as* ransplrti wart an tpilMat fee pnbliito d. and «n aedse to gite " a widrrcipcnlnlsee. Ike pabluhcrt kaie sesalted U rednee Re price to Wban sent by mail (post paadi to Cilil inm. "»"taa and Washington tbe price nil! be f:. To "»ey aOhae part af tbe Mm. and to Conada. f?? pa*d» fs. t7>Tbisisnat *e aid Book of tbe Farm l?lllaaito iar any sf tbe nbnee pahHratasto ?toald be aMnad, pnat paid to ibe pnb- LRORARR ROOTT * CO . 80. M, Unid Bleat;, Xew Vorfc WAMMOTOiI HOT*t, or recoro ajtd ma 15 BTurm, Olympia, W. T. fcaart par w«ak? $5 N fia. Wtr U. 1M t l* parritor of tW blood u Hall « Str- »H*nfta. BROOKLYN HOTEL CORSVR BROAU WA Y AS'D SASSOME STS., I SAX FBASCISCO. THE proprietor of thi* well known u4 M old established lloik if (till at kit old M trirk*?Mii| the public fur the low *«\u25a0 of rot i mUill per week. and Ike cry it "Still thejr cumc !*' Thi* Hotel wa» established ia lilt, ttt the proprietor pruadh appeal* lo iU well-known KfnuiiM. aad at the >an* Use fleJpi hiiantf to >h every ta4niur to add te the cuafmt aad coaveaience of hi* jraert*. The Unuiki Hale] W'AlioM will l< it«4j oa the »hut N tbe amtal of ihr Meaner*. to roavey peeeeegefi and Ihrir bayirap to th« llniw. free of chary*. Tu per»eat ia*p»»itiun. be p«*iti«e u4 Be that BROOKLYN HOTEL i* painted mlirge letter* aa the ii4ei of the wayon. li.«rd per d«y $1 :?Board per week t*:? Meal* M rent# reat» ; ?I per aeek U> St ?.-ia«le nMM»< la ee«U par ai|f(\u25a0 t. JollN kKLI.EY. Jr., Proprietor. >.«n Fr-isi* i*fo. (M. litis. If**»l. at RUFUB WILLARD, PliVHU'ian and Suivwn. Di: ISt'Ft'S WILLARD. tJra laate of tbr ter.itv of New York. deairaa* of lncatiaf permanently in W \u25a0?hinftna Territory. offer* hi* 1»,..fr.-ionai *enice* to the eitiien* of Ohmpiaaad ..tirr-.nfiiinjr coantnr in all the department* of Mr.linnr atnl Surgenr. W ithaark personal ob<er- \alion- a« a fiillegiaie t'oarae amoiipthe College* and hoapitali of New Vork afford*, the Itoctor tr«*t* that lie will merit a liberal ahare of public patronage, and w ill bold himself in readlne** at all time* to attend to itny rail* in the line of hi* pro- fe**ion. to * hicli hi* entire attention will be <le«o- --ted. Particular attention will be paid to di*- ease? of women and > liililren, and all organic affec- tion*. Olympia. Angti«t 10th, llfll. 39:tf DTiWTI CdlllAi SAIGIMEi MICK ni:.\ AXD WOMEN !! What Constitute* Health f RICH, Pure Hlood, Natural Perspiration, Good appetite for Food, Sleep, Exercise and the Kiijoviuents of Nature, with Strength of Body, Mind and Limbs?Activity of the Liver, and all other Natural Functions?such u stutc is felt by all, after using Dr. Webber'* Invigorating Cor- dial Sangulllertt To many, the nliove nmy seem extravagant praise of this concoction, but it' they could see, as I have, the many whom this has restored to health, they would not lie surprised nt any lan- guage used in its praise, To offer more certifica- tes, Is useless ; at least eighty have already been published, and only the thick-headed, sclf-wi.se skeptic and uutieliever cau doubt that it is the most blessed health-restorer and strength-giver ever invented by man. It restores ami perma- nently invigorates the broken down system. Nay, more, it replaces natural weakness and strength. The desponding it revives, the feeble it endows with rigor, and the cheerfulness and strength which it restores, or creates, it also preserves. To the sickly wife it imparts that degree of vital force necessary to the crowning joy and great oh. jeet of matrimony. To the debilitated husband, it gives the nervous and muscular energy which chnrnctcrizct manhood. 11l all cases of uervoui disease, low spirits, indigestion, liver complaint, indisposition to mental exertion, lassitude, emaci- ation, impotence, Ac., in fact, in all complaints, acute and chronic, which depress and weigh down the mind and body, it is an absolute, infallible gpccilic, NATURE'S OWN REMEDY FOR MAN SICK- NESS 11 That creates, reproduces N< w and Pure Blood?- that acts on the liver, heart, brain, intestines, limbs and chest?that revolutionise* the whole system?gives strength to the most debilitated and weak?that contains no mineral, or other poison. Such is, in truth. I)r. Jacob Webber's .Tlistly Famous In- vigorating Cordial Sunguiticr! The extraordinary and strange cures effected by this beautiful herbal concoction hasnstonished all: it seems to suit every consiitution. THK OLI>, THK FKKBI.K, THK LAXOI'HI, feel that new life and blood is given thcin. The roue, the dissipated debauch- ee, the weak froiu long disease, from taking too much medicine, calomel and other mineral poisons; the young man whose manhood is wasted, where uature's functions are inert and lifeless, experien- ces the bliss of ROBI'ST AND VIUORONS MAN- HOOD ! llis appetite is good, his sleep quiet and refroshing, his mind and memory clear and cer- tain. Sold in quart bottles br REDINCiTOIV * CO. i'KAiE Sl BRICUAM, Man Francisco. And all Druggists in California, Oregon and Washington Terrtory. BERGER'S BIJOU BILLIARD TABLES, WITH ?? mm rim own (oh FFWK anbsrribet denaes* to iston dm pnblic | tbnt be baa now en eshibttion. at VMM'S MOW mmu4 MM. M «"tgomery street apposite (be Metropolitan Tbe- atre tat «f tbe ako<e mentioned BILLIARDTA- BLE.". an! cordially iaiito. tbe patrons af tbe XO- BLE C AME, to eaßand eianane it Tbe Grant Matter. Boats. Hrrgrr. speaisaf Ibe lallti in tbe bagbeM lernw at « ummendation. To pet late bn Uses three TJM-I I?l ibimesltes. eaperiatly |on *-~'«eat of iheir contenieni siae. nnd ns an ar- tirle of fhrnitare to a peitate dwdbag there ia notbia; mart dexnUe ; in short, no bowaahatdar BIB<K > with any ;iitinaiana to teing well segts- Uted »b»eld be witbaatt esse. Centlaasrn abaal to bo ltd II sad ai »a dtaaM h, alt aoeans aanke pews is ion f*a BILLIABD RUtiß. wbeee lhaar bnfft raa eapn tbe noble, gsnmfal. and banhb gieina game of b.Tltards M R Rt ÜBIS Baßnsd Tnble Mssah itarn. And Agent (sr PMRLASB FATOT COMBI- *ATB»?i CTIMnOBB. ato . ear \u25a0%. EtbibMian nnd Bslini im, Is Wind pbe?I««!nm l * rl? 7 ' a*o. l. asm _J. a. tinimt iLnto of M H Raanaß ROn > OiiA VOLS. LAV BOOCS. R } ??? \'*U. Mimlli?iM IMb. IM,«M Tata. Mml Rnkl I.a** " MolNkt. tM lUaaM Cap Paper 5M Imm Cap. *b4 XM Rna< *?*» Paprr. %m.tm hi il'fw. iwim I. far Mh at the InrtM talcs W tim ft >1 fTiwnn, Hu fwniai ftail, iST"TS| \u25a0MCI, HILLEB A©#. 4 (,tff»Min I* Awe, MJlrr t Cm.) DALLES AND COLVILLE, WMUiiii u> arVAtL txatraa n «n ti hr mm CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS. *e. Staple ui Faarjr lirwrif, Provinionn, V/ines, Ij«11IOT», Klo. A t«!! aMortaeat of MIXERs GOODS coo- -taat'r oa band. Mr »r BLOCH bei*( a rraideat of Saa Frabr.jco. where all oar p«r< >»n are ma«te we ?kail be able tu offer Utur laJmrackl; Ifcaa aai utbrr llowar. li.tfllerl4h.lMl. Cat Ooal Oil A\tl C#A I* #ll* VAM f TNSETHEU with all liu>U of Itnraiae aod Maehiaery Oil*, for *ale at p»il!j rr l »<-ed rate*. Al*u FOR HWmtl ROOMS. Fur (Utiay. aad/« 11-tttmj Fill /«*.'. »ca attr vrnv low ar STANFORD BROTIIEKS, California street, near Front. Sjn Franci«co. .\otirr. Territory of Washington, t In the District Conrt 2d Judicial Itiatrict, , of the County of Thur*ton. J 2d Judicial Dirtricl. To JOHN F. DEVORE, Owner, and E. DEVOItK, Dotveres*: You nre hereby notified that a eemplaint for a foreclosure of luortgage hits been tiled ngaiusl you in said court by R. 11. Lanxdale, which will come on to be heard at the first term of the court, which shall commence more than three uumths af- ter the :rnth day of November, ISO I, nnd unless you appear at said term and answer, the same will be taken us confessed, and the prayer thereof granted. The object nnd prayer of said complaint is, to foreclose a mortgage against you on certain reul estate in Thurston county, Washington Territory, nnd to recover of you the sum of six hundred and twenty dollars, with interest at the rate of two per cent, per month from November 12th, 18UI. ItI'TLKRP. ANDERSON, Attorney for Plaintiff 1 . Nov. 30, 18111. a:w4 MhrrifT'tt Sale. BY virtne of au Execution issued by the Clerk of the District Court of the 2d Judicial Dis- trict, W. T., to me directed and delivered, I have levied upon and taken into execution all the land claim of Wm. 11. Cooper and known and described on the maps of the public surveys now on file in the office of the Register of Public Lands of Wash- ington Territory, the south-west qr. of scctiou thirteen (1.1) in township fifteen north of Range :i. west; which 1 shall proceed to sell to satisfy said Execution at the Court-house door in Olvmpia, on Monday the litli day of February, A. D. IHO2, nt the hourofonc o'clock p. M. Said Judgement was rendered in the aforesaid district Court on the 14th dayof March 1801, ugainst Wm. 11. Cooper, and in favor of 11. A..liai- son. for four hundred and thirty-six dollars and thirty-four cents, with costs of suit and Interest. WILLIAMKILLINGS, Sheriff of Thurston Co., W. T. November 2. 1801. 10:w4. TKIIHITOHV OK WASIIIXUTO.V, ) County of Thurston. ji" In the Dint rift /'flirt of the Second Judicial lUnteiet. To WII.U AM SMITH, sueil us subsequent in- cumbrancer, in suit of Andrew Williams »?*. George Drew, rl «/. Foreclosure of mortgage. You are hereby notified that Andrew Williams has filed a complaint against (Seorge Drew, Caro- line I'. It. Drew, 11. F. Stryker, aid yourself, in said court, which will coino on to be heard at the first term of the court which shall commence more than three mouths after the l!>th day of October, 18(il, and unless you appear at said term and an- swer, the same will be taken as confessed, ami the prayer thereof granted. The object and prayer of said complaint is to foreclose the equity of redemption, ifany you have, or may claim to bare in certain premises, to wit, the interest of said George Drew in the land claim in Lewis county, in said District, known as " George Drew's Claim," mortgaged to this I*lain- tiffby indenture of mortgage, dated October 1 :»tli, 1855, to secure the payment of $3,000, with le- gal interest alter date. Complaint filed Angust 2fith, 18*11; amended in open court,on leave, September Term, 1801. KLWOOD KVANS, Attorney of Andrew Williams. October 10th, 1851. 49:ni3. I'XITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) Territory of Washington, V 2d Judicial District. J WHEREAS a libel hat been filed in the Dis- trict Court in and for the 2d Judicial Diatrict of WssbiugUin Territory, on the 2»th day of December. IM6I, by B. F. Kendall, part owner and libellant against the steamer Kliaa Anderson, brr tackle, apparel, furniture, engine* nnd ma- rbincry, and against Daniel F. BfAal. claiming to Ite pan owner, alleging in anhstancethal libel- lant is tbe owner of twenty-one eigbtietfce of said Manaehip and that be is kept Ml sf and de- prived af Ike | ssi usim by said Bradford, nnd and praying pcoc«aa apian said stennaahip, nnd tkal Mid Itoniel F. Bradfcrd be cited In nppenr. tbal pa \u25a0aseaiua of said interest in said steamer be dursid to libillant. and IkstssidlMM be de- creed to contey said inlctrtt to tbe kheilaal nr- \u25a0 ordiag to now. tbereh.ee. in paar- M>srr mt Ibe mitiaa. nndrr aanl af ansd conn, to nse dwrUd nnd Mtimd. I 4a ban In giee fit l«r not or to nil firnai < laimiag ia«d auamibip ber tackle sppari I and torwrtore. he.. m to not nsnttee insaraelid tbima. tbal ibey it and ap- rMrUbss*ssaidrseit.hlehH4 at tke town af Mynfia. in and tor Ibe Id Jodariol dxtnrt on Mooda i tbe tbird day af frWwKT neat, at ton 4n< of jor.»dkln*. skew and there so toSsal \u25a0 i ttoir rlain*. and to tonhethnir allagal'sm in tbnt I lbs If- WUXIAM RrXTIBttTOB. r. B Masshal. W. T. (toted De-ember JOtb. MCI Rawaan Laann. Praetor. IWympii. W. T. Illuminating Oil! RRTI are rsnstoatle nisaiiM Bttoaaifßb U celebenled brand aC DOWNER'S, ?TUT atkar Oil mrarfi. Wa tonal* MMlktW.Mi a*ar iMftrf ?kkft 8M fwriwi . IMI Hal Chas. E. Williams, imvmnnitfliniai STEEL, GKOCKKIE*, 4c. n«ri? ***" .' ike k--.U>«iag MnUc anariaa : Itanimf FM4 ami Cm& INI. (!*\u25a0»?), I oal INIaail Flarf Lamp*. *bm4n Trt«. (iUkn. Item. Tick* Cnnmml r^Mk. for u»kiac IS gaMaaa I">"| fckt «U tu. UnMlMawMmi. ittidrMMMtw. A itrMnkli patera with rxtra ri tiaail t.u4n Taak. '?«* a H>l<l I 111 MTT PAR pa AWL, rarW aad IW Mat*. Bear Cnm. I'lfh.r Rm aa4 )but Trapa. UfJ» I'artaia I'arwrn a*d halt. *irr a»4 KOMIUM. UaHaaiWw. !*?» ruiTarMit <- .B.|.ri-ia( Lat(«. HW Haaam. Kaitn. Sails. Piacber*. I'tp. kr. Astra (A vtfj tuprriur irtltk), \u25a0trhaalc'i TMli ud Malwlili, (a fall variety.) Window Paint*, Oil, Pally and Glass ; Var- iolic". Japan. Turpentine and Alcohol, I'ucket and Table Cutlery, (large auort- hunt), Curry Comix and llurse Brushes, (leather back*) Pow- der. Shot, Hulls, l.ead aud Cap*, liullet Mould*, Uun Lock* Wipers, Nipples, Ac.; Cable, Trace, Halter and Dog Chain* ; .Sheep Shear* and Wool Cards, Uru», Planter and Uurden lloes, Flown, Cultivator*. Mnttocki, Bru«h Uooki, Horse Kakei, Cradle*, Scythe*, Rake*, Churn*, Fork*, llutter Howl* and Tray*, Ac. JAPAN BLACK TEA. ?ay Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper and Brass Ware manufactured and repaired. N. B.?We have made such arrangements for the purchase of articles, either in San Francisco or New York, us wo think cannot but give satis- faction. >jf Commission solicited. Olympia, April 0, 1801. 21 :tf Doctors Percy & Co., 10. 514 Da- pmt street, between California and I'ine, San F rnnrisco, Physicians and Operating Surgeons, Mem- lieri< of the lloynl Colleges of London and Edin- l.urgh, Oraduiitcs ofthe Universities ofLoudon and Kdinhnrpli,?First Prir.es for Anntomy and Chem- istry, and Second for Medical Jurisprudence for the above uained Universities, ?Honorary Physician* lo the Edinburgh Lving-in-llospital, and Surgeon 10 Glasgow Lock Hospital, beg to call theatteution of the public to their Kational Mode of Treating and ('tiring /titrate*, nud may lie consulted daily from 9 A. M. till S) P. M., on VISKASKB OP TIIK FOLLOWING ORGANS ! llruin. Eye, Ear, Heart, Lung*, hirer, Stomach and Intestinal Canal; I'ancrcat, Spleen, Kid- neys and remaining Urinary Or- gans ; Midwifery and Distant af Women and Children. Surpicat Cat'*?Operation* of every elans nnd clinriu'ler |H-rlbrine<l. Vmet of Strrout or Acquired Itrhilitff, Jhiratrt of the Skin, etc., dr., we beg to draw jtitrliruhtr attention to. Also, Fibrous nnd Muscular Rheumatism, eommonly culled Chronic nn>l Acute, nnd generally produced liv the use of Mercury. DOCTORS PERCY*.CO., 514 Dupont street, bet. California aril Pine. N. ll.?All letter* for Advice or Medicines promptly answered, nud out door patients attend- ed to day nnd night. Sen Francisco, Aug., 18C1. 41:ra.1 Dr. J. Browne. No. 610 Kearney Street, corner Commercial, Physi- cian anil Operating Surgeon, Member of the Royal College of London and Edinburgh, Gradnnte of the ('diversities of London and Edinburgh?First prizes for anatomy nnd chemistry, and second for medical jurisprudence for the above named Uni- versities?Hon. physician to the Edinburgh Lying-in-Hospital, and Surgeon to Glasgow Lock Hospital, begs to call the attention of the public to his rational mode of treating and curing dis- eases, and may be consulted daily from 8 a. ro. till 0 p. m., on diseases of the following organs i llmin, Eye. Ear, Heart, Lungs, Liver, Stomach and Intestinal Canal; Caucers, Spleen, Kidneys nnd remaining frinary Organs; Midwifery aud diseases of Women and Children. Surgical cases?operations of every class aud < Imracterperfnrtned. Cases of nervous or acquired debility, diseases of the Skin, etc., he begs to ca'l particular attention to Fibrous and Muscular Rheumatism, commonly called chronic and acute, aad generally produced by the use of Mercury. IXL J. BROWNE. CIS Kearney street, Bun Franc ieco CaL V B.?AU letters for advice aud medict ace promptly aaswrred, aud out door patients allwfcl to day or Bight. Territory of Wuehlugf. | M t'vauty of Thurstou. | /a Br BM Ossrf tfUm MMMAM*. To G POLLIBM BOBBIXB: Ton mm hereby a«i>» 4 that Aaaaa U. Msaey baa Msnuflstsl against you. iu aasd roust, obisb «W eame aa tu 4»» rflknak*. I Ml, Mi «w>>fl .<?4 »i*k au4 U ' ""itwo!* ft*B^ mmaimwm, Olympta. W. T. Oiodiiaf, """ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 atfAvm 4nfe BBS Ma .wW. *m+. !^iwjw!j tZj. ** r '"*" l ' ? mSSTB* T * m " QKO. L. KKMVT, SiTni: ekklM Im *> ImWH II la» rta* * IV, kaa «M* 4mr unntM ki»»W Vr J.Bc !\u25a0\u25a0! !\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ud ain Minffimun ran* In All lu* Branoliow, itiW?itW?H?tyMwH, BHERMAXB BUILDIXG, Oppoaite Ibe aid »Uad. lain the aaaeaf KENNY * ALEXANDRE. Saa Fraactara, May Jo, lac I. 2»:b3 Sand's Sarsaparilla, Tk« Oiwt luiieu Kenedy FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, WILL B8 rorXD A CBBTAIX Cl'Bß 808 mu in mm naurn AS ASf ALTBkALITBAXO (WA TIXO AGENT, IT IS I'NF.QIALLED A PLENTIFUL supply of pure blood ia cssen- XjL , i"l to nniraal life. When the proper circular Hon of the vital fluid i* impeded, sickness it the inevitable consequence, the accretions become un- healthy, the liver becomes clogged with impure bile, which forced into the system, vitintea and in- flames the blood, engendering scrofula and cuta- neous and Miliarydisorders. BARDS' SARSAPARILLA willgently stimulate the functions of the stomach and bowels to a regular and healthy action, and withoat nausea or purging expel all deleterious ac- cumulations, purify the blood, equalise the circu- lation, promote perspiration, improve the appetite, impart tone and vigor to the system, and gradually but surely extirpate the disease, causing all un- sightly excresences to disappear, and leaving the skin perfectly smooth and flexible. Price $1 00 per bottle or 6 bottle for $3 00. Aikfor Sand*' Sanaparilla and take no othtr. Prepared by A; B. AD. SANDS, Drnprists, 100 Fulton street, corner of William, New York. For sale by Dr. 11. Wlllard, Olympia. HENRY M. M'CILL, [LATE SECRETARY OF THE TERRITORY.] Attoimey-at-liaw, Commissioner of the Court of Claims of V. S. ?AND? Commissiocr of Deeds for Oregon and Washington. WILL devote special attention to the prepara- tion of the necessary papers to accompany claims under the act of March 2d, lHiil, for tln- payment of the war debt, and to business before the U. y. Land Offices. OrricE?On Main St., Olympia, \V. T. [4l] Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of an execution issued by the Clerk of the District Court of the 2d Judicial Dis- trict of Washington Territory, and to me directed aud delivered, against the goods andchattels, land, tenements and effects of Lewis Ensign, I have lev- led upon, seised and taken into execution, and will sell according to law, at the court-house door in Olympia, (the Capitol building,) on Monday, De- cember tue 2d, A. D. 1861, at the hour of one in the afternoon, the following described real es- tate, rii : Lots one, two, three, four, five, six, sev- en and eight, ofblock forty-three, (43) In the Town of Olympia; thesametobe sold to satisfy a judg- ment rendered by the said District Court in favor of (ieorge Blanchet, and against Lewis Ensign, for the sum of thirteen hundred dollars and Interest thereon at tea percent, per annum, from and after the 15th day of April, A. D. 1899, together with costs of suit and increased coats. Naijeat Meadow firm Seed. THIS seed the acknowledged superiority of which, for either dry meadows or for sandy prairies, fo« pasturage or for muwiug, ha* ren- dered it so papular, ran be found la quantities to suit \u25a0\u25a0chasers, al the store af C. R. WILLIAMS. X. B.?Time foreuwiugiu February or Mareh. XenmhetM, IW. Ilal Olympia and Seattle ? ' 1 rf rj!i;' 4ft M ftmm ; M *4 MMB .* jT'uTS'vt SMMSI I. 'ib^Z IMB. « iTttilrfn'jl r. b. f^i =r-- i«.tnwi nctoi mm ?m r>?l?. I? »rj ttfc. IMI IM; IATIOKAL bepcblican. i. c.,Mf i, imi "WlSftTa* Mp Aim, Uv f«k«a H will fi*« Imti'rr+mrU cf hvttnMaiiil AtM*«rfiW 4ty. IMp *" **" Jf* *" M«mwwi. «»4 iatxTnapwrtT tkl ?Am VfMW Mrff to rtuMiik ikr < kmrltr vf Hm Shrnmmmt Kfttktm u ? Fwil/ Waafctagtaa \u25a0» iWg few* tV tortr. * |«>l < f tkc «liftmltUrt ifttttnw. |Mt ?ttntu It.KV p(M (? lni«*»ii g iW rn»n < f ft* JbpaMaaa aitb fell. n4 > i|w wtl< * itk «w <v, 1 mil af IW Pf in. «f >i» nrN ikr ( Mrs la pati:iri< tie i N W i laiaif tki Xwiaiiti nil >mf Ti Litrdt W-rt it- rlMmf. >wi rii u< prrlcm*iin lo W tk» arg. a of Ik* hwMnt. TWrr m otker R*|«aMi> aa p«(«-r ia tka : IrWt «f ('?hakia. aria Uk ririait vof it. ia )it i ? Mirv«4 IkainrM tiMtt katr u)*wi to .»<< a f«y>faa ifinil apkira uf i«M HRart. Tim- tiaw ku ran. afam ikractaal «4»ioi-trji.«»r if iWllam?inl»yn KwnHiwa priaiipht a ill ttyMi IW \u25a0iMtymraliliMM (kick katt at-da tkaaa «> 4»tutfUl to tkc Soatb. Bat it is lot only ktrf. siad in thi.« ticiilt .that the project on of the .V»,Hrpwil .ran hi>j>e l<» Make it n«rf«l. To tlif w hole coontry th< t offer a jouraal which vitl diwnta national politic* frvni a national standpoint, and which will nrerr («? swerved from patriotic duty hj any o\irpowcring pressure of local interest. Terns of Kubarrlpdon. One copy. one year $2 00 Three copies, one year 5 ow Five topics, one year ....... 7 no Ten copies, one year 12 mi Twenty copie«, one year 20 00 One copy, six months 1 09 Three copies, sis montns «... J 50 Five copies, six months H 50 Ten copies, six months « 00 Twenty copies, six months 19 0 Payment always in advance. When a Club of subscricers has been forwarded, additions may be made to it on the sumo terms It is not necessary that the subscribers to a club should receive their papers at thesume post office. Money may be forwarded by mail, at our risk. Large accounts can be remitted in drafts on Bos- ton, New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore; smaller amounts in geld, or in notes of aofrml banks. The Daily National Rtpullicun is published every morning (Sundays excepted) at $3 50 pet annum, in advance. Addresss W. J. MI'KTAGH 4 CO., [so:ly] Washington, D. C. FREEMAN & SIMPSON'S OLD Magnolia Whisky! 11IIE consumption aud constantly increasing de- mand for the OLD MLIA HUT, Renders us confident tlmt it must supercede all oth- er forms ofrestorative liquors, combining ns it docj every element of Purity, Strength, Palutability and llcalthfulness, which should cbaractisc a bevcr* ape suited to our age and country. We desire Dcalcis and Consumers to notice tlmt upon every barrel and package of our OKX- NIXK articles, our names are branded in full; and also, that to each barrel aud package is uQixcd OCR NEW ( ARDv With a view to prevent the success ot Imposition!' Imitation and Counterfeits, we have discontinued the use of our former colored cut of the Magnolia, Flower, and have substituted (or it a Card, contain- ing an engraving of '? The l'hcnix Distillery on the Schuylkill River," with our name printed ru ftiH. These various attempts to imitate and counter- feit our Whiskies, arc perhaps the best tributes to the high reputation which they have achieved. (0T Inferior articles are never counterfeited. [Sigued] FREEMAN * SIMPSON, l'ncnix Distillery, on Schuylkill river, Q Philadelphia. 8. C. BHAW, 606 Front street, San Francisco, Sole Agent for Freeman k Simpson's Old Mag- nolia Whisky, September, 1301. 41:m3 A. «. IAUIMK*?^ IM AM IN HUB ASD XAXVFACTI BIU Of " MnUIA * HinHIM VMS fmfmmm. Hasll, af mmj h«(<* m 4 ate* ' 'A. AIXIMC * 0». t «trk. rtPMt. Sn rHadM*. u, lea. - i«) nr»wSS>»A i J*L *-\u25a0\u25a0««»\u25a0' 11 .\u25a0 m * «gr MUMMVoai MCQMBBafaS^br I lllV,hyai \u25a0\u25a0*. fcitywwAT^ihifc 4 Ttowonr at ur

Washington Standard (Olympia, Wash. Terr.) 1862-02-01 [p ]€¦ · A weaka mmem we e«aa«l arudiag aB nk«m' to |iiny IVwwfc. We k|>-?acd to iH-"*«tk Stmrg Paper a few 4am aga>

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Page 1: Washington Standard (Olympia, Wash. Terr.) 1862-02-01 [p ]€¦ · A weaka mmem we e«aa«l arudiag aB nk«m' to |iiny IVwwfc. We k|>-?acd to iH-"*«tk Stmrg Paper a few 4am aga>

A weaka mmem we e«aa«l arudiag

aB nk«m' to |iiny IVwwfc. We k|>-?acd to iH-"*«tk Stmrg Paper a few4am aga> aad ind it tUM with the wwl

\u25a0Mooat ofbad gmmmmr directed at ». We

?lnr nhniM ad ike l'oatmaatfr at

SteUarooot to laak Ml tm Pan o«re thUre*.

iyTfce Victoria Prm, with it* kw»w»to ridirale pwe raattrrv, teraM

?ur Ute worthy Aarirtant Adjatart-Gcaaal,a, jottnauuio. We will attend lo

tW Pmt kteafter.

MARRIED:oa the IZth alt., at the hoa*r of Samuel H. Wil-

liamson t'hehalu Poiat. W. T . I.y P. F. luark.P. J. Samuel Benn. Sheriff af t'hehah* eouaty.ia !»? Martha Redman. all uf that eoaaty.

SEEDS! SEEDS!!Tm Cardrarr*.

W« effrr the m»*textea*iie a*«>rttnent of Fre-b.Field. Oardea, Frail, and Flvwer Seed* « n t!:j

PaeiAc I'aait. from the be*t jtrower» in ttie tailedMiniaad Barape : roatprtfiny ia part ?

li.Wtlhi. AlfalfaCloter Seed. pare, growth 1 »?". 1

!.M0 lb*. Bad Cktrer Seed,

l.oaa lb*. White Dalch Cloter.j.ooo lb*. Tiawthy tirm**Bml.l.wMlb*. Haagariaa lira**Seed.| ww lb*. Millet Seed.4 .imjo lb*. Lacerne Clover Seed.

M Bu*h. Ked Top tin** Seed.75 Kentucky lllue lir«* Seed.Iu Buih. Rye Orai* Seed.IU Hash. Mixed Lawn Grati Seed.15 Bush. Sanprain Clover Seed.10 Bu-h. Sweet VernuHima- S<ed.lo Utiali. Cretted Dogstnil lira**.Seed.10Uui<h. Califomia Prairie Clover,

r.oo lbs. Sujrar llect Seed.500 lbs. Large Ited Mangle Wurtzel Heel..100 lbs. Long Ulood Heel.100 lbs. Turnip Hlood Heel.500 lbs. Kuta Haga Turnip Seed.

'2OO lbs. Early White Dutch Turnip Seed.200 Red Top Turnip Seed.200 lbs. Long Orange Carrot.100 lbs. Whitu Belgian Carrot.

400 Ibtt. Assorted Onion Seed.1,000 lbs. TOP ONIONS.

Together with all the varieties required

"Horticultural inclement*. Hedge Shears, PruningShear*, Spring Hedge Shears, I'ruuing und Bud-ding Knifes, Saws, etc. etc.Boxes of 100 papers assorted seeds put up ex-

i;>rc**l- for dealers. A liberal discount will bewiido "to the trade.

We have* very fine assortment of Dutch BulbousFlowering Roots, which we cau pack to go securefor any distance.

Catalogues sent on application.All orders addressed to

J. P. SWEENY * CO.,400 Cal., Sun Francisco,

Will meet with prompt attention.February 1, INC2. 12:m3


00 Battery Street, Ran Francisco,riOl.K Agent for TILTON A McFARLAND S

celebrated Fire-Proof and Burglar Kafirs.This Safe is well known igrthc market for its un-

surpassed fire-proof quality, having withstood inCalifornia, as well in the East, the hottest firesikuown. We can refer to endless certificates fromipaities in our mining towns, where these SafesSlave been subject to the most severe tests of its

' Hire-qualities. These Safes are secured by ourCombination Lock.

This Lock is in every respect the most secure?one in use: it requires the key and eoniliinntion toopen the Safe. If the key should lie abstractedfrom the owner, it would l>e perfectly useless tothe possessor without Jiis knowing the combina-tion, or mental key, which the owner carrier inhis head.

To tnose in want of n reliable safe, we offer theabove cheaper than any other in the market.

Iff*A large assortment on hand and to arrive.F. TII.MAN,

ft:om. !>0 flattery St., San Francisco.


At liesa Prices!



IF NOT SATISFACTORY,The Ntacr willbe Rrtaried!

For sale by all Jobbers, and byJ. C. WIXAXS,

50 California Street,Who will also act as commission agent for pur-

<h«»i»([ all kinds of goods.Saa Francisco, February, 1861 14:ia3

CLOTHNC EMPORIUM,178 Clay St., and

107 Montgomery St.,San Frnni'isx'o,

lad aw BrMdwar, lew Vtrk.ruammv on bond Ibe beet selected and\J most eitanfiie assortment oflients' and Boys'''lstbay on tbe Psdle coaat. wbirb we can and?4} aeU lower (ban any atber Hoaae.

ta^frdcr.* 1luckw we"L kT!f*

J anna re. 19 MM, laly


\u25a0 » lies at >T(rases F. Rand tbe Into J. p. XOWTOI. Prifcimr of Sues-«<Bc Ageienßwre ia Tale College, KM Harea- »ole acta>a UN pages, and ae-

Tbm » rsslu nil? tbe as* ransplrti wart antpilMat fee pnbliito d. and «n aedse to gite" a widrrcipcnlnlsee. Ike pabluhcrt kaie sesaltedU rednee Re price to

Wban sent by mail (post paadi to Cililinm."»"taa and Washington tbe price nil! be f:. To"»ey aOhae part af tbe Mm. and to Conada.f?? pa*d» fs.t7>Tbisisnat *e aid Book of tbe Farml?lllaaito iar any sf tbe nbnee pahHratasto

?toald be aMnad, pnat paid to ibe pnb-


80. M, Unid Bleat;, Xew Vorfc


or recoro ajtd ma 15 BTurm,Olympia, W. T.

fcaart par w«ak? $5 Nfia. Wtr U. 1M t l*

parritor of tW blood u Hall « Str-»H*nfta.



THE proprietor of thi* well known u4 Mold established lloik if (till at kit old M

trirk*?Mii| the public fur the low *«\u25a0 ofrot i

mUill per week. and Ike cry it "Still thejrcumc !*' Thi* Hotel wa» established ia lilt, tttthe proprietor pruadh appeal* lo iU well-known

KfnuiiM. aad at the >an* Use fleJpi hiiantfto >h every ta4niur to add te the cuafmt aadcoaveaience of hi* jraert*. The Unuiki Hale]

W'AlioM will l< it«4j oa the »hut Ntbe amtal of ihr Meaner*. to roavey peeeeegefi

and Ihrir bayirap to th« llniw. free of chary*.Tu per»eat ia*p»»itiun. be p«*iti«e u4 Be thatBROOKLYN HOTEL i* painted mlirge letter* aathe ii4ei of the wayon.

li.«rd per d«y $1 :?Board per week t*:?Meal* M rent# >» reat» ;?Iper aeek U> St ?.-ia«le nMM»< la ee«U parai|f(\u25a0 t. JollN kKLI.EY. Jr., Proprietor.

>.«n Fr-isi* i*fo. (M. litis. If**»l. at

RUFUB WILLARD,PliVHU'ian and Suivwn.

Di: ISt'Ft'S WILLARD. tJra laate of tbrter.itv of New York. deairaa* of lncatiaf

permanently in W \u25a0?hinftna Territory. offer* hi*1»,..fr.-ionai *enice* to the eitiien* ofOhmpiaaad..tirr-.nfiiinjr coantnr in all the department* ofMr.linnr atnl Surgenr. W ithaark personal ob<er-

\alion- a« a fiillegiaie t'oarae amoiipthe College*and hoapitali of New Vork afford*, the Itoctortr«*t* that lie will merit a liberal ahare of publicpatronage, and w ill bold himself in readlne** at alltime* to attend to itny rail* in the line of hi* pro-fe**ion. to *hicli hi* entire attention will be <le«o---ted.

Particular attention will be paid to di*-ease? of women and > liililren, and all organic affec-tion*.

Olympia. Angti«t 10th, llfll. 39:tf


What Constitute* Health f

RICH, Pure Hlood, Natural Perspiration, Goodappetite for Food, Sleep, Exercise and the

Kiijoviuents of Nature, with Strength of Body,Mind and Limbs?Activity of the Liver, and allother Natural Functions?such u stutc is felt byall, after using

Dr. Webber'* Invigorating Cor-dial Sangulllertt

To many, the nliove nmy seem extravagantpraise of this concoction, but it' they could see, asI have, the many whom this has restored tohealth, they would not lie surprised nt any lan-guage used in its praise, To offer more certifica-tes, Is useless ; at least eighty have already beenpublished, and only the thick-headed, sclf-wi.seskeptic and uutieliever cau doubt that it is themost blessed health-restorer and strength-giverever invented by man. It restores ami perma-nently invigorates the broken down system. Nay,more, it replaces natural weakness and strength.The desponding it revives, the feeble it endowswith rigor, and the cheerfulness and strengthwhich it restores, or creates, it also preserves. Tothe sickly wife it imparts that degree of vitalforce necessary to the crowning joy and great oh.jeet ofmatrimony. To the debilitated husband, itgives the nervous and muscular energy whichchnrnctcrizct manhood. 11l all cases of uervouidisease, low spirits, indigestion, liver complaint,indisposition to mental exertion, lassitude, emaci-ation, impotence, Ac., in fact, in all complaints,acute and chronic, which depress and weigh downthe mind and body, it is an absolute, infalliblegpccilic,


That creates, reproduces N< w and Pure Blood?-that acts on the liver, heart, brain, intestines,limbs and chest?that revolutionise* the wholesystem?gives strength to the most debilitated andweak?that contains no mineral, or other poison.Such is, in truth.

I)r. Jacob Webber's .Tlistly Famous In-vigorating Cordial Sunguiticr!

The extraordinary and strange cures effected bythis beautiful herbal concoction hasnstonished all:it seems to suit every consiitution. THK OLI>, THKFKKBI.K, THK LAXOI'HI, feel that new life and bloodis given thcin. The roue, the dissipated debauch-ee, the weak froiu long disease, from taking toomuch medicine, calomel and other mineral poisons;the young man whose manhood is wasted, whereuature's functions are inert and lifeless, experien-ces the bliss of ROBI'ST AND VIUORONS MAN-HOOD ! llis appetite is good, his sleep quiet andrefroshing, his mind and memory clear and cer-tain.

Sold in quart bottles brREDINCiTOIV * CO.i'KAiE Sl BRICUAM,

Man Francisco.And all Druggists in California, Oregon and

Washington Terrtory.



mm rim own (ohFFWK anbsrribet denaes* to iston dm pnblic| tbnt be baa now en eshibttion. at

VMM'S MOW mmu4 MM.M «"tgomery street apposite (be Metropolitan Tbe-atre tat «f tbe ako<e mentioned BILLIARDTA-BLE.". an! cordially iaiito. tbe patrons af tbe XO-BLE C AME, to eaßand eianane it Tbe GrantMatter. Boats. Hrrgrr. speaisaf Ibe lallti in tbebagbeM lernw at « ummendation. To pet late bnUses three TJM-I I?l ibimesltes. eaperiatly

|on *-~'«eat of iheir contenieni siae. nnd ns an ar-tirle offhrnitare to a peitate dwdbag there ianotbia; mart dexnUe ; in short, no bowaahatdarBIB<K > with any ;iitinaiana to teing well segts-Uted »b»eld be witbaatt esse. Centlaasrn abaal tobo ltd II sad ai »a dtaaM h, alt aoeans aanke pews ision f*a BILLIABD RUtiß. wbeee lhaar bnfftraa eapn tbe noble, gsnmfal. and banhb gieinagame of b.Tltards M R Rt ÜBIS

Baßnsd Tnble Mssah itarn.And Agent (sr PMRLASB FATOT COMBI-

*ATB»?i CTIMnOBB. ato . ear\u25a0%. EtbibMian nnd Bslini im, Is Wind

pbe?I««!nm l*rl? 7 '

a*o. l. asm _J. a. tinimtiLnto of M H Raanaß ROn >

OiiA VOLS. LAV BOOCS.R } 1« ??? \'*U. Mimlli?iMIMb.IM,«M Tata. Mml Rnkl

I.a** " MolNkt.

tM lUaaM Cap Paper5M Imm Cap. *b4XM Rna< *?*» Paprr.

%m.tm hi il'fw. iwim I.

far Mh at the InrtM talcs W

tim ft >1 fTiwnn,

Hu fwniai ftail, iST"TS|

\u25a0MCI, HILLEB A©#.4

(,tff»Min I* Awe, MJlrr t Cm.)

DALLES AND COLVILLE,WMUiiii u> arVAtL txatraa n

«n tihr mmCLOTHING,


HATS. *e.

Staple ui Faarjr lirwrif,Provinionn,

V/ines,Ij«11IOT», Klo.

A t«!! aMortaeat of MIXERs GOODS coo--taat'r oa band.

Mr »r BLOCH bei*( a rraideat of SaaFrabr.jco. where all oar p«r< >»n are ma«te we?kail be able tu offer Utur laJmrackl; Ifcaa aai

utbrr llowar.li.tfllerl4h.lMl. Cat

Ooal OilA\tl

C#A I* #ll* VAMr» f

TNSETHEU with all liu>U of Itnraiae aodMaehiaery Oil*, for *ale at p»il!j rr l »<-ed

rate*. Al*u

FOR HWmtl ROOMS.Fur (Utiay. aad/« 11-tttmj Fill /«*.'.

»ca attr vrnv low ar

STANFORD BROTIIEKS,California street, near Front. Sjn Franci«co.

.\otirr.Territory of Washington, t In the District Conrt

2d Judicial Itiatrict, , of theCounty of Thur*ton. J 2d Judicial Dirtricl.

To JOHN F. DEVORE, Owner, and E. DEVOItK,Dotveres*:You nre hereby notified that a eemplaint for

a foreclosure of luortgage hits been tiled ngaiuslyou in said court by R. 11. Lanxdale, which willcome on to be heard at the first term of the court,which shall commence more than three uumths af-ter the :rnth day of November, ISO I, nnd unlessyou appear at said term and answer, the same willbe taken us confessed, and the prayer thereofgranted.

The object nnd prayer ofsaid complaint is, toforeclose a mortgage against you on certain reulestate in Thurston county, Washington Territory,nnd to recover of you the sum of six hundred andtwenty dollars, with interest at the rate of twoper cent, per month from November 12th, 18UI.

ItI'TLKRP. ANDERSON,Attorney for Plaintiff 1.

Nov. 30, 18111. a:w4

MhrrifT'tt Sale.

BY virtne of au Execution issued by the Clerkof the District Court of the 2d Judicial Dis-

trict, W. T., to me directed and delivered, I havelevied upon and taken into execution all the landclaim of Wm. 11. Cooper and known and describedon the maps of the public surveys now on file inthe office of the Register of Public Lands of Wash-ington Territory, the south-west qr. of scctiouthirteen (1.1) in township fifteen north of Range :i.west; which 1 shall proceed to sell to satisfy saidExecution at the Court-house door in Olvmpia, onMonday the litli day of February, A. D. IHO2, ntthe hourofonc o'clock p. M.

Said Judgement was rendered in the aforesaiddistrict Court on the 14th dayof March 1801,ugainst Wm. 11. Cooper, and infavor of 11. A..liai-son. for four hundred and thirty-six dollars andthirty-four cents, with costs of suit and Interest.

WILLIAMKILLINGS,Sheriff ofThurston Co., W. T.

November 2. 1801. 10:w4.

TKIIHITOHV OK WASIIIXUTO.V, )County of Thurston. ji"

In the Dint rift /'flirtof the Second Judicial lUnteiet.To WII.U AM SMITH, sueil us subsequent in-

cumbrancer, in suit of Andrew Williams »?*.

George Drew, rl «/. Foreclosure of mortgage.You are hereby notified that Andrew Williams

has filed a complaint against (Seorge Drew, Caro-line I'. It. Drew, 11. F. Stryker, aid yourself, insaid court, which will coino on to be heard at thefirst term of the court which shall commence morethan three mouths after the l!>th day of October,18(il, and unless you appear at said term and an-swer, the same will be taken as confessed, ami theprayer thereof granted.

The object and prayer of said complaint is toforeclose the equity of redemption, ifany you have,or may claim to bare in certain premises, to wit,the interest ofsaid George Drew in the land claimin Lewis county, in said District, known as" George Drew's Claim," mortgaged to this I*lain-tiffby indenture of mortgage, dated October 1 :»tli,1855, to secure the payment of $3,000, with le-gal interest alter date.

Complaint filed Angust 2fith, 18*11; amended inopen court,on leave, September Term, 1801.

KLWOOD KVANS,Attorney of Andrew Williams.

October 10th, 1851. 49:ni3.

I'XITED STATES OF AMERICA, )Territory of Washington, V

2d Judicial District. J

WHEREAS a libel hat been filed in the Dis-trict Court in and for the 2d Judicial

Diatrict of WssbiugUin Territory, on the 2»th dayof December. IM6I, by B. F. Kendall, part ownerand libellant against the steamer Kliaa Anderson,brr tackle, apparel, furniture, engine* nnd ma-rbincry, and against Daniel F. BfAal. claimingto Ite pan owner, alleging in anhstancethal libel-lant is tbe owner of twenty-one eigbtietfce ofsaid Manaehip and that be is kept Mlsf and de-prived af Ike | ssi usim by said Bradford, nndand praying pcoc«aa apian said stennaahip, nndtkal Mid Itoniel F. Bradfcrd be cited In nppenr.tbal pa \u25a0aseaiua of said interest in said steamer bedursid to libillant. and IkstssidlMM be de-creed to contey said inlctrtt to tbe kheilaal nr-\u25a0 ordiag to b» now. tbereh.ee. in paar-M>srr mt Ibe mitiaa. nndrr aanl af ansd conn, tonse dwrUd nnd Mtimd. I 4a ban In giee fitl«r notor to nil firnai < laimiag ia«d auamibipber tackle sppari I and torwrtore. he.. m to not

nsnttee insaraelid tbima. tbal ibey it and ap-rMrUbss*ssaidrseit.hlehH4 at tke townaf Mynfia. in and tor Ibe Id Jodariol dxtnrt onMooda i tbe tbird day af frWwKT neat, at ton

4n< of jor.»dkln*. skew and there so toSsal \u25a0 i

ttoir rlain*. and to tonhethnir allagal'sm in tbntIlbs If-

WUXIAM RrXTIBttTOB.r. B Masshal. W. T.

(toted De-ember JOtb. MCIRawaan Laann. Praetor. IWympii. W. T.

Illuminating Oil!RRTI are rsnstoatle nisaiiM BttoaaifßbU celebenled brand aC

DOWNER'S,?TUT atkar Oil mrarfi.

Wa tonal* MMlktW.Mia*ariMftrf


8M fwriwi . IMI Hal

Chas. E. Williams,

imvmnnitfliniaiSTEEL, GKOCKKIE*, 4c.

n«ri? ***".'

ike k--.U>«iag MnUc anariaa :

Itanimf FM4 ami Cm& INI. (!*\u25a0»?),I oal INIaail Flarf Lamp*.

*bm4n Trt«. (iUkn. Item. Tick*Cnnmml r^Mk.

for u»kiac IS gaMaaaI">"| fckt «U tu.


A itrMnklipatera with rxtra ri tiaailt.u4n Taak.

'?«* a H>l<l I 111 MTT PAR pa AWL,rarW aad IW Mat*.

Bear Cnm. I'lfh.r Rm aa4 )but Trapa.UfJ» I'artaia I'arwrn a*d halt.

*irr a»4 KOMIUM.UaHaaiWw.!*?» ruiTarMit

<- .B.|.ri-ia( Lat(«. HW Haaam. Kaitn. Sails.Piacber*. I'tp. kr.


(A vtfj tuprriur irtltk),

\u25a0trhaalc'i TMli ud Malwlili,(a fall variety.)

Window Paint*, Oil, Pally and Glass ; Var-iolic". Japan. Turpentine and Alcohol,

I'ucket and Table Cutlery, (large auort-hunt), Curry Comix and llurse

Brushes, (leather back*) Pow-der. Shot, Hulls, l.ead aud

Cap*, liullet Mould*,Uun Lock*

Wipers, Nipples, Ac.; Cable, Trace, Halter andDog Chain* ; .Sheep Shear* and Wool Cards,

Uru», Planter and Uurden lloes,Flown, Cultivator*.Mnttocki, Bru«h Uooki,Horse Kakei, Cradle*,Scythe*, Rake*,Churn*, Fork*,llutter Howl* and Tray*, Ac.

JAPAN BLACK TEA.?ay Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper and Brass Ware

manufactured and repaired.N. B.?We have made such arrangements for

the purchase of articles, either in San Franciscoor New York, us wo think cannot but give satis-faction.

>jfCommission solicited.Olympia, April 0, 1801. 21 :tf

Doctors Percy & Co., 10. 514 Da-pmt street, between California and I'ine, SanF rnnrisco, Physicians and Operating Surgeons, Mem-lieri< of the lloynl Colleges of London and Edin-l.urgh, Oraduiitcs ofthe Universities ofLoudon andKdinhnrpli,?First Prir.es for Anntomy and Chem-istry, and Second for Medical Jurisprudence for theabove uained Universities, ?Honorary Physician*lo the Edinburgh Lving-in-llospital, and Surgeon10 Glasgow Lock Hospital, beg to call theatteutionof the public to their Kational Mode of Treating and('tiring /titrate*, nud may lie consulted daily from9 A. M. tillS) P. M., on


llruin. Eye, Ear, Heart, Lung*, hirer, Stomach andIntestinal Canal; I'ancrcat, Spleen, Kid-

neys and remaining Urinary Or-gans ; Midwifery and

Distant af Women and Children.

Surpicat Cat'*?Operation* of every elans nndclinriu'ler |H-rlbrine<l. Vmet ofStrrout or AcquiredItrhilitff, Jhiratrt of the Skin, etc., dr., we beg todraw jtitrliruhtr attention to. Also, Fibrous nndMuscular Rheumatism, eommonly culled Chronicnn>l Acute, nnd generally produced liv the use ofMercury. DOCTORS PERCY*.CO.,

514 Dupont street, bet. California aril Pine.N. ll.?All letter* for Advice or Medicines

promptly answered, nud out door patients attend-ed to day nnd night.

Sen Francisco, Aug., 18C1. 41:ra.1

Dr. J. Browne. No. 610 KearneyStreet, corner Commercial, Physi-cian anil Operating Surgeon, Member of the RoyalCollege of London and Edinburgh, Gradnnte ofthe ('diversities of London and Edinburgh?Firstprizes for anatomy nnd chemistry, and second formedical jurisprudence for the above named Uni-versities?Hon. physician to the EdinburghLying-in-Hospital, and Surgeon to Glasgow LockHospital, begs to call the attention of the publicto his rational mode of treating and curing dis-eases, and may be consulted daily from 8 a. ro. till0 p. m., on diseases of the following organs i

llmin, Eye. Ear, Heart, Lungs, Liver, Stomachand Intestinal Canal; Caucers, Spleen, Kidneysnnd remaining frinary Organs; Midwifery auddiseases of Women and Children.

Surgical cases?operations of every class aud< Imracterperfnrtned. Cases ofnervous or acquireddebility, diseases ofthe Skin, etc., he begs to ca'lparticular attention to Fibrous and MuscularRheumatism, commonly called chronic and acute,aad generally produced by the use of Mercury.

IXL J. BROWNE.CIS Kearney street, Bun Franc ieco CaL

V B.?AU letters for advice aud medictacepromptly aaswrred, aud out door patients allwfclto day or Bight.

Territory ofWuehlugf. | Mt'vauty of Thurstou. |

/a Br BM Ossrf tfUm MMMAM*.To G POLLIBM BOBBIXB: Ton mm hereby

a«i>» 4 that Aaaaa U. Msaey baa Msnuflstslagainst you. iu aasd roust, obisb «W eame aa tu

4»» rflknak*. IMl, Mi «w>>fl

.<?4 »i*k au4 U ' ""itwo!*ft*B^

mmaimwm,Olympta. W. T.



\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 atfAvm 4nfeBBS

Ma .wW. *m+. !^iwjw!j

tZj. **r '"*"l' ? mSSTB* T*m"


SiTni: ekklMIm *> ImWH II la»rta* *IV,kaa «M* 4mr unntM ki»»WVr J.Bc !\u25a0\u25a0! !\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ud ain

Minffimunran*In All lu* Branoliow,


BHERMAXB BUILDIXG,Oppoaite Ibe aid »Uad. lain the aaaeaf

KENNY * ALEXANDRE.Saa Fraactara, May Jo, lac I. 2»:b3

Sand's Sarsaparilla,Tk« Oiwt luiieu Kenedy




A PLENTIFUL supply of pure blood ia cssen-XjL, i"l to nniraal life. When the proper circularHon of the vital fluid i* impeded, sickness it theinevitable consequence, the accretions become un-healthy, the liver becomes clogged with impurebile, which forced into the system, vitintea and in-flames the blood, engendering scrofula and cuta-neous and Miliarydisorders.


willgently stimulate the functions of the stomachand bowels to a regular and healthy action, andwithoat nausea orpurging expel all deleterious ac-cumulations, purify the blood, equalise the circu-lation, promote perspiration, improve the appetite,impart tone and vigor to the system, and graduallybut surely extirpate the disease, causing all un-sightly excresences to disappear, and leaving theskin perfectly smooth and flexible.

Price $1 00 per bottle or 6 bottle for $3 00.

Aikfor Sand*' Sanaparilla and take no othtr.

Prepared by A; B. AD. SANDS, Drnprists,100 Fulton street, corner of William, New York.

For sale by Dr. 11. Wlllard, Olympia.


Attoimey-at-liaw,Commissioner of the Court of Claims of V. S.


Commissiocr of Deeds for Oregon and Washington.

WILLdevote special attention to the prepara-tion of the necessary papers to accompany

claims under the act of March 2d, lHiil, for tln-payment of the war debt, and to business beforethe U. y. Land Offices.

OrricE?On Main St., Olympia, \V. T. [4l]

Sheriff's Sale.

BY virtue of an execution issued by the Clerkofthe District Court of the 2d Judicial Dis-

trict of Washington Territory, and to me directedaud delivered, against the goods andchattels, land,tenements and effects ofLewis Ensign, I have lev-led upon, seised and taken into execution, and willsell according to law, at the court-house door inOlympia, (the Capitol building,) on Monday, De-cember tue 2d, A. D. 1861, at the hour of onein the afternoon, the following described real es-tate, rii : Lots one, two, three, four, five, six, sev-en and eight, ofblock forty-three, (43) In the Townof Olympia; thesametobe sold to satisfy a judg-ment rendered by the said District Court in favorof (ieorge Blanchet, and against Lewis Ensign, forthe sum of thirteen hundred dollars and Interestthereon at tea percent, per annum, from and afterthe 15th day of April, A. D. 1899, together withcosts of suit and increased coats.

Naijeat Meadow firm Seed.

THIS seed the acknowledged superiority ofwhich, for either dry meadows or for sandy

prairies, fo« pasturage or for muwiug, ha* ren-dered it so papular, ran be found la quantities tosuit \u25a0\u25a0chasers, al the store af

C. R. WILLIAMS.X. B.?Time foreuwiugiu February or Mareh.XenmhetM, IW. Ilal

Olympia and Seattle


' 1 rfrj!i;'4ft M ftmm ;

M *4 MMB .*

jT'uTS'vt SMMSI I. 'ib^ZIMB. « iTttilrfn'jlr. b. f^i


i«.tnwi nctoi mm?m r>?l?. I? »rj ttfc. IMI IM;


i. c.,Mf i, imi

"WlSftTa* Mp Aim,Uv f«k«a

H will fi*« Imti'rr+mrU cf

hvttnMaiiil AtM*«rfiW 4ty. IMp*"**"Jf* *"

M«mwwi. «»4 iatxTnapwrtT tkl?Am VfMW Mrff to rtuMiik ikr < kmrltr vfHm Shrnmmmt Kfttktm u ? Fwil/

Waafctagtaa \u25a0» iWg few* tV tortr.*

|«>l < f tkc«liftmltUrt ifttttnw.|Mt ?ttntu It.KVp(M (? lni«*»ii g iW rn»n < f ft*JbpaMaaa aitb fell. n4 > i|w wtl< *itk «w <v,

?» 1 mil af IW Pfin. «f >i» nrN ikr ( Mrsla pati:iri< tie iN W i

laiaif tki Xwiaiiti nil >mf Ti Litrdt W-rt it-

rlMmf. >wi rii u< prrlcm*iin lo W tk» arg. aof Ik*hwMnt.

TWrr i« m otker R*|«aMi> aa p«(«-r ia tka l»:

IrWt «f ('?hakia. aria Uk ririait vofit. ia)it i ?

Mirv«4 IkainrM tiMtt katr u)*wi to .»<< af«y>faa ifinilapkira uf i«M HRart. Tim-tiaw ku ran. afam ikractaal «4»ioi-trji.«»r ifiWllam?inl»yn KwnHiwa priaiipht a illttyMiIW \u25a0iMtymraliliMM (kick katt at-datkaaa «> 4»tutfUl to tkc Soatb.

Bat it is lot only ktrf. siad in thi.« ticiilt .thatthe project on of the .V»,Hrpwil .ran hi>j>e l<»Make it n«rf«l. To tlif w hole coontry th< t offer ajouraal which vitldiwnta national politic* frvni anational standpoint, and which will nrerr («?

swerved from patriotic duty hj any o\irpowcringpressure of local interest.

Terns of Kubarrlpdon.One copy. one year $2 00Three copies, one year 5 owFive topics, one year ....... 7 noTen copies, one year 12 miTwenty copie«, one year 20 00One copy, six months 1 09Three copies, sis montns «... J 50Five copies, six months H 50Ten copies, six months « 00Twenty copies, six months 19 0

Payment always in advance.When a Club of subscricers has been forwarded,

additions may be made to it on the sumo termsIt is not necessary that the subscribers to a clubshould receive their papers at thesume post office.

Money may be forwarded by mail, at our risk.Large accounts can be remitted in drafts on Bos-ton, New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore;smaller amounts in geld, or in notes of aofrmlbanks.

The Daily National Rtpullicun is publishedevery morning (Sundays excepted) at $3 50 petannum, in advance. Addresss

W. J. MI'KTAGH 4 CO.,[so:ly] Washington, D. C.


Magnolia Whisky!11IIE consumption aud constantly increasing de-

mand for the

OLD MLIAHUT,Renders us confident tlmt it must supercede all oth-er forms ofrestorative liquors, combining ns it docj

every element of Purity, Strength, Palutability andllcalthfulness, which should cbaractisc a bevcr*ape suited to our age and country.

We desire Dcalcis and Consumers to noticetlmt upon every barrel and package ofour OKX-NIXK articles, our names are branded in full;and also, that to each barrel aud package is uQixcd


With a view to prevent the success ot Imposition!'Imitation and Counterfeits, we have discontinuedthe use of our former colored cut of the Magnolia,Flower, and have substituted (or it a Card, contain-ing an engraving of '? The l'hcnix Distillery on theSchuylkill River," with our name printed ru ftiH.

These various attempts to imitate and counter-feit our Whiskies, arc perhaps the best tributes tothe high reputation which they have achieved.

(0T Inferior articles are never counterfeited.[Sigued] FREEMAN * SIMPSON,

l'ncnix Distillery, on Schuylkill river,Q Philadelphia.

8. C. BHAW,606 Front street, San Francisco,

Sole Agent for Freeman k Simpson's Old Mag-nolia Whisky,

September, 1301. 41:m3

A. «. IAUIMK*?^


" MnUIA*


VMS fmfmmm.Hasll, af mmj h«(<* m 4 ate*

' 'A. AIXIMC* 0». t«trk. rtPMt. Sn rHadM*.

u, lea. - i«)

nr»wSS>»A i

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