THE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY AUGUST 29 1908 I V i e- a FOUR FAVORITES WIN Summer Meeting Ends at Empire City Track DICK THERE AGAIN Capture the Frivolity Stakes at Odd of X te S Makes a Run away Race of It ant Cornea Home Six Lengths In Tod dlnRton Heats Out Okenlte York Attn tLr ar ssMWtnrie- adtrk wins tile i an end in the cXK Tuk Roller S ta i a runaway ac f the Frivolity Stakes caning hone th bit six len thn before Erbet who i S rr n4 aB the may Etherial made aH the nn h In the first rare ami Dnjnty Dame captured tv s nd Master Robert even money west to the frrnt at the heal of the stretch galliped home a easy iiilanui of the land whfie Oeaoeskta raBud home five lengths to- t rifth Toddinatoa bent Okeofee by a neck It last race The Summaries 2 iEST KACBah il tMninL US Xotr- rkMe m Le 3 to rnca reneaaa aaj lanrisr If h I third Ili 3i Tea HM ant The Pippin M RACK SU- f 3 wr cd Al 1B 4 failiiaui Dvsstr Calajin is Natter- Bnoar 8 to 5 tract and learn mi RACEOS I even Asia aTtJr 44 The WnsHer ale IBTH RAdVFto and K Viler ar Lse J ta i woa M- lf 5 to Z ssnnd fettdmc Bella 7 He to U third That 1 Iw and AJSM RACEflne nak Onlniadi L US 3 to Buder 2 ta 1 third f farlonas ii xi Moeacie sad PTXTH RACE fcc j S t fc- I Bulli 1 to HAWJLWJJfG BY A NECK Ffmliee Connie Itimore Ant JR For the flrat dIM s meeting the Hunt tai grant lasant weather this afternoon with reu of a sort arattfyma haerenae- ttendance first race was a five and a half tar for t fro field of i Hat was pitched upon as the fa and heavily played aB aver the Hawkwmc nnd Oxford Belle also- a good play The race turned a racker Lyatra went to the Iran the game followed by Hawkwmfc Belle eighths when High Hat duped r outside and looked the wtamr stretch isawkwinsj hooked lip High Hat sad m a iay Jeh m ut by a neck second wan WM by Faaquler- Farcy Bird won the third Sum iUAT HACSffc nd- K Powenu a I i time Un l M RACSTm 6 I tvid M Mssbr S ts- rd TSne- I Jake i- D RACEOae- nd Sr Model MT B Tatter L FMtr K- K V s to 5 ma Bator Willie in QsrCitd 2 nd Con ill is in Mania a 1 tasrd- J335 Sacs Fmstt XsngaaK Car H RACEOae and oat qnutai Rio 9 WriBt 3 to S vaa ITgliiisis NT 15 ta 1 ecosri Al H Woaaa nt Cafe i I taint Tine IJJli Kaxi ncte- tf r aiaii Kias of j Spanker also na IXTE RACE aieptacnsee about ta seen input at i BobMe aims ME mend Canons 2 Meaack i t i Time 4Ji FORT ERIE RESULTS Zeafc M S avj- aeiMe R jnay M fDrtertch 8 to I Omd- Ratfceia Tnvpe ksels Lady JT and taatlka tau ERr BAiEfc nates Dearer M i tr RIng Fan km Kie 3 la I trmMne t m Pnwn to S tiled Mnek Rake Riasjm R M T t TtTIt RACESx finliisii Rays Oujz sK s t u wo Ateacoa Jg 4 to SnrniitioB Rkm S to I thud Mcatnae M Vendor arms aloe am i ta 1 unra- er to S wva Utteraaes Senator Bwirtt nt KoaDedr J to j Geaneaiae raiar and na- ETH Pn n ts S i 3 to Meoad Qgajn m Kesawiy I SEATTLE RESULTS uT RACESn hum Clay M i Ti insl HZ KaanMT ta 1 Coleansx W Hiibiiil ta L tiled 3 and Ply laeuaaada halu- T ard Sait Ranaasa V TnsqxCMaR aaal- J alto raa- wAI RACXOae- i MB Wino W ts L wen tjrn to 2 J to S The- n 2 L wen XaddOpc nasjn i tr 1 eesBd Same SS Sear t wuia aim aa- V Koeraar C to S wan liar 9S Har- aeoond Mir MisaaL MURaiiin f to 1 7i- H RACE On and ose aarter saOea Copt 1 BanM V ta L won Spay Lee to a ii land Rataooa i Mdatn- i Tire 1J8J5 Kiag af Jack r Ulan K ts 1 w RMaKie M- Sii 3 to t bard Bribenr MT swsU J third Tsna 1 S34L Lasd Rorest iHBie- iriey Rnaanara and More he Bf toa Gila it kid My papas got so much y ficntiknow how to spend it- t nothing My papas Trnrh money that cant send ROLL FrontSir t it s were at CIty today soeflsg r er r tM wilmer j to I JIIIIIIr c I 0 E ElM l d aLo Cor b 1 1 wound t I3t EMra4 SIr Ted 5 Tin 111 K Ton Captures RaCe In Stlrring FInish at C e c c g 1 IIIreegJat era g i ec i Lycra held for f t t A S Ward Sdy- c Tartmed GoMes cIe 0 Ute 1t- Ito5 p SIL Pbiat JaL v GwaM W If s Tre I III nIt Bat c r rpTH 1UCEne In I c Rrc mead Iti4 TIe sr T SIts I t i TiDe t r J t cd 9i a Time Iu DMde X lor- e Y Ori- C j 11 x F liD C Jlte- I 5 f I alre CPI c I C GIIIa So All Fj YaO Lady JInQ t L f Tt I ftooe f P Ir 013 Utile L Giles 1IonnI J L fc 2S Gts L- Srn JIm Oaaic Opoa XTH s T I c T IcsK spy ill RACE a tndmp L ci Time P rT ArtwwlQ f lIT Wad c Idle- r mmd l 0IrtddII > Jib 000I6- arred Sa Lain IIt 1 00 9i eMM Larry I 0 lTH led yards r I 0 llt 4o- iIi r I I Hit Tru 11 Dr wca Mae RCIrftoe r OM R r z L fie kidThats go mamma a It T Sw atreoaedYd larpbe tto r preaaa more eat null and cap wit spur rf race- r m ts wan List a name wsa Tae Bali she Ilsste wn 7iefq OseCthes oed i tn r S ma- TH 1 Ho- t Haled It dir S- I m 13 U Sereeve 7ilta abr ad ere 1rhr rat eU wean Ob e 6 ra was t ash and ford a e seen reiyt 1alw gasiF aw 7l5h SiK K- sa Ten sari lie Llm ad Ibwdla ear rketirira Fa wear Atdwell reuse H Hdama 9 Olapai 4 Wrmats Wnhr aria Faaa Rind Q U- n e Ydt ILsietl fhSL P Set aed Rien I T amr ant ay t use Tea i nrpi tmimg to seaHim CLlur d 1CRrst 3 FIer stead tOhmetl- i Pit na San 1ippi lla Bead C Dn by We hum a nr r aAsP1ie takys le Ghear 14 1 Sen n Olydiq r fbaim Pear Aetanta- A him I I ci Pfoba Wrdrq I x Pms F and ah n n Reed ariea and Lawuee all me rsrsIr fhsi HYie m- f rn wen 1M b m- C de Isaear Awn gel h Sthr- i r v sde Daar FACE Oa era a aeedp vie Sv- c T M Ras- d a ed a and Lad d stirs Srd 111 1134 Ram Cum nt- A sd 1ynsla ai n led A- sa 3 s 3 sad aedp Fide Wst I sit r Led Tina 3S a r rdiiiun lfeasd A and Iosietm tea RACEPLar and nee hC Guhew Hance a b ca o Time Cain HWbn- a I 1 RAC and Y TB lee and tnT- TkI ad l c flier akin e < < < < > = > = > < < > > = > > > > < < < < > > > > == > + = > CLIMBING OF STEEP MOUNTAINS IN THE TYROL TJSEFST AZ2XKT Z2T THE WQRZJ in the world Is the Viral Mountain Railway recently constructed in the proximity of Bozen Tyrol In Its upper section it reaches a gradient of W per cent while the remainder has 3 gradient of CP per cent It is electrically operated and the wire rope system has been the scheme adopted Just outside the track is a stairway running the whole distance of the railway The cats which bold thirtytwo passengers cover the route some sixteen hundred feet in about live minutes On aa many as one thousand passengers use the railway I The t railway cz err as isr svaers Sun- days RACING CARDS FOR TODAY Sheepahend Day FIltST RACSTh Pieeaar Kaatt m THIRD KACaVFaM Hap aad llsilll 0- t Ksajr Cesak FOURTH rslni f sH- Fwctst t FIFTH RACEThe Yesnsr sdiha eon SIXTH KACBTsa lliiau eB fodssa Patsxny Datar m I Anvenaa- IHI Montreal FIRST SACSSti V- I Oil i it Jack H H a I M- SBCOXD KACBOaeT- M1KD RACSFIre tarloai Abe EZICaiBBsl- SKI air Alwseot T r Ante Geeeae nH Qoaattr- aFonrrH RACEOae and uonlahth- PirTH RACSVS eep ehae abut two S Dr J l Ariaa SIXTH and nachaif farkafia Fort Erie FIRST RACBn ad eae h- a Xszha G SBCONB RACE Sic failnoai THIRD RACESB farhves Ml Michael R T 3t w FOURTH RACEOae ad oae afcrtteath mule MIEUfcrtt IK- K5 FeBr Priea IB SIXTH RACK One aad oaeHaghth miles esiCbattaBte V- 6WRed GanatJet Martha it I Panty 1W- St MB Soloa 1 loot KB Reinsure 113 RACEOne and hth ultra Oaaae SS Hirrr Rktewa Mi Twofinl K Bitter Hand wi- GOTedrar 93 Imbodrn Nat B W Sicaax M Hani ar re Alta McDonald In dflioious CASE 2 AbnerDru Brewing C To your wellbeing as well as to pleasure when you drink OW Glory All the en erKy ele- ments malt and hops are pre- served this pure dark beer dos 1 5 Ia I Ees III ID WIN m J aIc1w- IMtIo i 111 Boa lJI II Z I- D Tef Atie S- Soi dw JH I Field J1 m- Db fiIo D sacI se 11ftH YilBat 95- n m E Beo4ocIIIoc JIt 1 J Ilk n I US Mi- m BiI gqyt n m atia I Case 11- 5cr LJ x F E i i RACK lJIl Bb D1 m I m- IIkn JIll L ri toJ I T- ec I n 116 DHtItJ n 51 Tat RM- mBk 1- 1I I m 1IIaJaDT 11- 1XioC fTT 1- 1woL J80 lJI Jt n 1- J5x RS LaoIY n 0 9i I oteT m 16 It- UEIe n XIooaFIFIII YfaIL 8 utft SEt TH YOU CONTRIBUTE FW aseeiwt- ssm tiiursu rr aeb- Jde DAm a 11- 6Cleata isin strut sicun It1tslatasd the ton thin Ceatop t- Ps SWsnptpdasd It- 1m 11 z ale am emme- Rma en Wed 1Ma lt MAC Tbt able eoasa- Htbiie air ltatm Yai w Putm alt use me tolese aaae Welt li Aait lla e ad seW Wrlirbt ltl Fern M Z hers l In Aid Fip t1 lists t sM- amapae Ills laseatrl tl sic 1f9 Maud 3w Funa 131 Corm I Filith m Mme ltser i Pcc x oi4ws HMwy liar b n- Maabart m Thm t hs to Bus tod 1Q Take e 31 Sea Deh1 lII- pfitlilierp Carey lea It1 IL Del IslaIII Adma Hay Rt nears d 10 here Pine P 1141 tune enai Il- Wmtbemse D lw Hirt116 finer Jabs t- Dn Ii- Bda Lints- Senaar 7n 16 Phe Hum nt ins San Csitss ee ill 11 Madan la- vas 10- Diinthy Lath 98 Altam tie 90 inner 941 tee Rhea 1 Alin 10- WWim An eta Sicda A Sfrtby ti b RACEOm and aesiteaL ads 8w MITe In- ilssimr Gres Lady onset 16 Odd Glory pot flue Beer m < > = = = > ° > ° Pi ml ice PWST RACE 9te fall lisa SBCONIKaUCEnie Don mum RACF BUesuhiihaiL ta Bent HZ- HE 1C- rOCsTTH RACBOae and A1 H Woods FIFTH KACEOac aad naa Mlf or- HTiSar JtaseL SIXTH RACE 9 nal haii tsaee Seattle FIRST a Or raw THIRD KACEScc fcrloBfs- FOCKTH RACETm Many Sostt aHt nilhatan FIFTH RACEOae MHa J- ncftkwnj DuUsM mj Hisui 0 taaofe AUGUST 20 IX AMERICAN II1STOUV eeL I Yet utth a a Kareraer of the BaH iiihn1 aa- tawa kflkd ahaat fay sad earned one pTlfl3f3- I CeEawari Belle dM anther ef a celebrated tre- aim The mr ac Ute Aaertoa arar iffidrr Gen risHijs hr the BriOfe who wen re Batfle rf Partseaoath n Rhed Filed I HT9B t e with the at Ttogv X T- MMCnsminiliin PnMea tfth aaadc- K Daid B Hill pontfcteB ef New Yerk State I beta I aWLopei vh had tended Caha with Amerleaa hr the aid f o MnxMBii- ao the Terrttmr an tile TerriwrUl sorern of Gnmto mar Bud Ran Va rode Gee Pare TIle battle laMed aM day when the Ciafiaerales Rtreated retreated UH The DcBoeatte aaneaal raBTVtten which B a- aaated Oeerje B McCSeBan ta Pmideat and G H Peadeun lea Vice Piesidect opened te Cbteag- eBnThe Paktrk rained the f rthe pefat north tachj easTiOed sad seatennd to death for coHtnHrtti ta the iKiBdaation af Ger Geebe- LEKHlf af the HM8880 acrwi the St car JiBE eisMj Asaerieaa aeeaaaiea to death Often Prominent Fran the StatcvaiTi Patience grocer of ours Is asking 3t cents apiece for cabbages Isnt that ridiculous that family always did hold their heads high While you think of It Telephone your Want Ad to the Washington Herald and win b sent you at 1 cent a word 1 Fi YdoaI Qf lIB I IS- m 3S t ran m t Dr- h ut I Q III X OII1 tt1- D G m Cadarmm Iir- m t K m III- m 11I1 Qmea m s er I JaIl IS JIiJII 131 1M Pl KILalaa iH t h C n 51 w 111 Wtek s s ltirit lIB s- m zs A ail lit SDPO4D elk iK Ii E f I T Ii taelbeTt to Msm 8i eIW till 1111 PPrta lail 1IieL1 n T So st UI ffi LodIC8I m JIiII born m la h OMteY L lit G lit 1Mim1He- ary WI II 1131 Heal Chit III MNS Aa Ie YtL sntred at tie PMt or the Xmooe PMdt pert of the away whit pm- eL3A ra ItiuI4 The hdMs Joy u at hlmirt TrirA Bred of 3EIJ large luIio loa ed or the J Stec of aM- INt Ir all jo feDoorfts eaJQnd tile assea wIlD LewIs Cty teg a uee a b a ef lie Tim was nett day rub great Iou Pope MCakb Peos Seamen et Mate of at Qabee csaepbd the rift frS PatriceWell 10t irthas Gap 9trak I71 t t Many Cull Ueeaeae a sta rhea ffi lair vi ffi alt lea Ana rmr aver Isnaa ae 101 an eae der Pads F tat kmer 93 pastas ill M SL v IM in- Ltk soot ffi Kip d Mai a Wabi d g tin 1tWTv Oar Janus t Mar cs In 3i4 ry M Lad AACE53z lolms K Jngai Ida 3i sent I ldimt ID- AbarMm 1161 C fr1aR a beat 3atda- Fled Cadesnr lea Nney K SIXTH RACEOne ih Yid ant Hrraet Maeds- I L nteaetd the Hglitb d team Lea IMaft h iciclec New a iMes mrd by he ad who biased mod six ee ad aabc tialM Lang attached Iii dented w Ito l o t1i nwmd mmd- dbear crape and easiMr mule a mire mad two tatterk- sad tbtltae vkNemJ titem dpi merxs aTg w e t- ot asesrtlsu tmtya a deelpte and ppoited k pep rhi Casmt- to psme dhilee rgaMudm a agent amt feint re- nenedbe and eaetar7 Ecu kid a Law rsR fate bill a = = == = = = < + > > OWNER OF AUTO IS INDICTED 3InnlnHRhtrr Charged for Fatal Accident Ty antomebOe driven by Lewte- Stcans won the Savannah and BrhuelhTe tack ear races baa been indicted for mnajsunaajhter hi the venue daajree for kflMmr with his our CMaf Goanefson at nua nt 2 ochx on the Tynan with a of Mead left Gun wine wan the steward of the Co Eaxhtysfacth street dying m the street nocd that it wan Ida ear that had killed flunisjiaii detectives after a search of got evidence oa which Tyson the ticket agent h now in Massachuceus His mwy r today Informed Judge Cram of General Sttftont that ha would Wednesday Keenes JIaskette Picked to Win Qassk Tarf Event Bookmakers Agree to Make fo Attempt to Do Business Dur Ings the Races Turk Aug K TIle TSJSM FuturKjr one of tile most famous classics run m this country wm be run at the Sbeeps bed Bay tract tomorrow afteratwri m novel conditions Following the re- cent resolutian of the Coney Island Jockey that all professional totting wHI be prolubtted It was said today that aH of business of any kind during the nveetlns There was a session of the governors of the Metropolitan Turf Association the bookmakers organisation today at which a represeatatrve of the Coney Isl- and Jockey Club was present The gov- ernors were informed that if any of the attempted to accept wagers of any kind an immediate expulsion from the grounds would follow The governors then agreed to support the track man- agers and word was passed to the otem hers of the to either remain away from the track or to refrain absolutely from speculation The Piukertons re- ceived orders today to keep a sharp teokout for all professional bettors and t eject them The Futurity Is esfentialli a rich mans race this time Nine starters were tonight Mr Keene wit be repre- sented by Helmet and Maskett won the Hopeful Stakes at and will carry US pounds IDa rider will be Gilbert Maskette won both of her races at the Spa and gets in with US pounds cotter being the rider Good Judges believe that Maskette will win the big race because they say that she fe the best twoyearoM ally shown since Artful won the Futurity several years ago John B Madden will depend upon his splendid Ogden tells Sir Martin and Fay ette who are youngsters of quality H P Whitney will have three starters Perseus said to be the best la the barn Bobbin who te still maWen aad H B Duryeas eeIors will be carried by Medians a fast Ally while the entry is Practical a oak by Hast- Ings St PrfseHte who is a full brother- to Prtsdllten The will be run about 4 oclock Ocean Stenmshlpn Sew York Jive SArrf d S S M t nU- LitTfcoJ S Balms Lhnrool AtTired oat S Xew Twk Sized for forefen ports a S Cedric f Qoeetotown for Nnr Tort S 8 Cdbda Zoom Uitrpool for New Tale mJohn lily10 II e l- n7 3L party Yacht CIR at the foot of WeM the of the umeaber- sd the yseht dab and human er a to wII the Indicted NINE STARTERS FOR FUTURITY New tier Club the his operators had agreed to tie lets lets t- out toga a tare S S Ante at from few Test Aug Hannon Jam wbme alret sad Amae r m ave marlrg lnabla Tbrsgk activide par- ruios ytmg wran Tyson osa abf was Tine wink a u of Genres L Tyson sur- render oon nest S no Helmet prob- ably Hill- Side Bel- mont Qneebtea ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PASS UPON PLAYERS Amateur Commission Acts on Teams Lists THE OFFICIAL ORGAN Pennant Winners In Eight Leagues Will Ploy for Trophy Offered by This Paper and All Official Scores Will De Published In These Column At a meeting T the barcbaM commission teat night m Ute Naaanal Guard Armery the untrue oC eBgtMe players and the ach estates for the two championship were I from every league bang pres- ent F Botgiano presided sad John H Anderson acted as secretary and W- i Thatcher a treasurer The following members were prevent James CTSbea Capital CIty C Edwards Marquette I day School Nathaniel T Woriey lad pendence G A Wtertaw and G A Ward Railroad T M G J K Lantieh Co- lumbia J H Anderson Departmental W McCarthy Otnnwrctel Tine main question arson over the e gl stances protests were registered against certain names that bad been handed in wlii h wiD these men had not played m UM required number of gases and an offered by the Sunday School League that plajed If this imaaiinmit to the eon stitution is carried It will sushi several of the tons to get the beset of for- feited games This will be wo d- en at the next meeting Herald la Popular The following schedule was adopted should be conrtdared as the j cial organ of tile aomaahwion sad that Its I scores should be ontend I sets SMaaaaette M Curled ta Pirinsiiaiat Sept TMISSBLUU n PIJ ulsinl L l niinlsiaalil w Qaannl Cn Sept H- e rt JtCncatal da ts X T N C A Oissii iiT K K Y X a A List of Players HERALD of Players tear different that are to play fW tM pealed The meeting was well W A and of the players and is 18 be upon at the the aID LI t WIle forfeited tie nefdoted as ffimse I and It that TIM Herald CLM A SeYei beet MM- IaL Ta Sept CLASS Sept nI- L Sept ten K Y x Co A vest L T X C A Sept Il Y X Co A Ja Sept R T X C chases upon attended repre- sentatives Dengue bility several pawed next meeting n nwwLMon September 1- at the National Guard Armory Same of games quo ion was decided was ingtoa dl Sert 4MaegseYa iiadq She des 8101v garta w Seaj a flap 1Duymaaene sa the 7 Stied 8iat 2 3tqdk DcOmtdet Sept asmdf Shod a ltr 1DPmunme1 a tiptal Ogg S SI depeaeme a Cahtridl TLdepdrx R O- aMadI le Celeaidc fR rs OsdsridS- hpt 9iaMpedeoee a Os1efYL t hmmML w Id ealaa- SapsU4 his htni0 5a R- Ca uLi w l1 l44 udnl in 5- Sap111 n A a Y = = A C OudUl CnrWC- opeiaad X Oar Tusaaar I iinsisall- BHIiin Lord McCWth- jOab SaaHh C O el tar Ckaaeata TTheatkj Wnckmaw Ken afc a Sep RMnr u HudRn Miaiiliii las Marian MaroaetteMaaghar Berth BeB Sasuar De Ksaa Deal fctas Roar Athha H T e 5 r- ae r Terasawl T M a ASaInsB J Taraer- X Taraer Deochenr Rider risKh Miuilllh- MeKaMit Thoanww Rvsert Saanh J Robcr- fimmm Dawhaad CneirelL- Oahsadsa Lrsa EekfcBctaa J CalUhts Qsa- aaghasL Madem W Handflwe Lent La AVhw- LffMte Han Maddm MeM oa Marshr CnftasA Wahtna WBksaa T nK X CI Owen Pevetl Bork le A De aij Diver Momd aaa Turf Wfaawp KiOeher Me- CKthT Suffirtn Ramta- Xaaoaal Eketrieal Supply Coaqiaay Hawser Xojes Dye Moore Chads Riishlpi Gfeahua Huafltiai rrnibac- Baall Mar McCarthj awaajtr PROCTOR SHOWS EM HOW Sends The leading lady Across Wire in Trotters Futurity Clever Trainer Also Lands a Win- ner In AVhalen at RendvlIIe Aug JS About 4f6 persons went t the Readvttle Grand Circuit meeting today to see the Futurity for threeyearold trotters the Blue for SJ trotters and the Norfolk for 3M paces The majw portion of the futur- ity was captured by Trainer Bob Proctor with The Leading Lady owned by A B Cue PaoH Ps and the Blue HOt with IWbereB owned by Charles Senders of The Brooklyn nomination Sadie Worthy was the best of tnreeyearakls but second money went to of the Allen farm Pittsaeid Mass Bat for the second when Ritehey tailed to keep his position la the home stretch the Nor folk would have beea three beats for Major Brine Because he swerved over toward the pole the Judges seat him from drat to last place In the anal long snot Cox looked dangerous at the short distance He brought Jerry B through Irene the rear with a rush and was only beaten by a short head Summaries Aasericaa Hene Bmden FhtaUlj of- troUte pane 5TJOO of which ge t UM te three The Lady Prodee l I Bfetetee Youaj j I Sadie Phanf 4 t i lather Lambert Sth oo 3 4 ZtJern tC S S- Uttta Mtiwa J Sirs Duce Ba etmaa fe- ae The Dine Hill Stakes 3 dun tmtOmg pete 00- 0Vhalm Procter 1 1 1 Zesaibi 4Oete j TTT 2 2 Beeffiie Way lAseW 4 JJ Vindett OfcGutaf m 3 i nartMf 2394 ZaL The Xerfaik Z cU parfag JWOO Bob RHehert 1 s l de Or Darfet 3 1 3 liauBza rrbfraaj I 4 Hal OleDeaaW 4 4 S- And Perhaps More From Retch Mr TelHt My wife says her shopping at the bargain sale today reminded her of the last ballet she had seen Mr Hrsrlt How was that Mr Telllt Well because almost every thing was 5 per cent off When you have lost or found anything telephone an advertisement to The Wash- ington Herald and bin will be sent you at 1 cent a word The tIIIlaoriB lint sIdI W T- Ier L GaDaeW Cleo Ly 1AIMoM Oote Hesse Wsl Mieo L wI- t JeD si- ll O JbIIIttIt GaaIIIL Meeting HID Slen Masc the heat straight his J615 Kt0o0 Loa I 66 Porte Mal Cope Jens B O l d phlm u lednad- I tit tram HoW 10i pmt Heeaq Atm hIar nmerr OreS 1h 1 flees aaagr- Gam Swil twaiAmiInz MCow6eb M Ptah B star Wpi O- We Omen e ttl Wets eat Taps Des Bestow Bia Blue boar two Wormy Swer heart trine 3 < 2 2 S Time D zf6i 2i > < ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ CAUGHT IK PHILADELPHIA Thl ef Sot Slow Enough to Escape the Sleuths There Central OSte Detective Hewlett tout t west to Philadelphia to take charge Uorrts Mandel under arrest in that probably wM be Drought to tills toay Mandel Is charged with grand larceny It te alleged be stole clothing teem WBt iam S Gilck of MK Thirteenth street northwest on November 3 K The stolen goods were valued at M GUN PROTECTS EARLE Artist Threatens to Shoot Reporters FLEES TO THE MOUNTAINS Followed After III Failure to See Affinity He Ia Charged with He Dodges Through Trees and Reappears with Dog and Gun to Defy the Men on Ills Trail Highland Falls X T Aug FaOmg- ta hit eCorts to effect a racoacUiation with his anouty Far nand Pteney the eeeentrlc wile was yesterday to the unminu home of F J XeOey a New York settlement worker whose j a locality known ae Catnsflov ht the When toeatesl this afternoon by the men trail stew be left Goshen Earle threat 1 He was areas od hi a pair of straw and was atroOmg through when be discovered the newspaper men approaching Accompanied by Woman He immediately retreated and his es cort a middleaged German woman the rods they would be shot TJn daunted by the womans warning the reporters advanced EarN with a house sad threatened the visitors The reporters shamed to him that they w nU Intro tb nr cameras behind If be u o nd grant an but the artist replied An effort was then nmate ta take a shot but Earte hastily retresMec through the bushes to the houat On the side of the mountain a tent bas been pitched where the artist win prob ably steep as it is well known be tat a lover of nature and lUalnn to live to the open Earle te not a stranger te this vicinity for it was on the farm he te stow that be spent honeymoon with Its Lffiff A TIDAL WAVE AVestern Cloudburst Drowns Twentythree MANY BODIES ARE MISSING lining Camp in New Olexico Wiped Off the Map and the Valley Xear Mount Capnlln IB Flooded People highlands with Scant Attire and Little Food Possum X Mex Aug 2S Twenty Ecares are missing as the result of cloudburst which sent a raging wall of water eight feet deep over this wing camp of 3 s people situated at the foot of Mount CapaUa forty miles south oi the ColoradoNew Mexico line It te impossible to estimate the total lose of We which will proboMy roach r forty before morning Alree4y nineteen bodies have ben buried the sOt A m which five traveling men were Mopping was washed away and they were drowned The register has been lost and their caatnee were carried away It wilt prob- ably be impossible te identify these vic- tims The proprietor George Wenger is alto drowned Ms body not having as yet been recovered The town is completely blotted out of existence Sinuses Carried Away Hundreds of houses were carried away and where stood a thriving coal camp now only remain denotation and waste Hundreds of citizens are honMtesa and without and ctetMag and relief is being rushed from all Xew Mexico and Southern Colorado The railroad tracks are washed out for three miles and trains are only going within eight miles of the stricken camp Hundreds of ranchmen have volunteered their teams and a i constant stream of relief wagons are tak tog provisions sad clotting and teats from Des Motatee N Jtei the nearest rail road point to the destitute survivors Rates N Mex also suffered severe toss Many were washed away and several hundred Mexicans spent the greater part of the night in the Catholic church JUDGE TO NAME RECEIVER Wrangle Over Question of A O Drown t Con Insolvency New York Aug 28 William C Rosen of the law of House Gross HMMk b VorhauB counsel for the cred- itors of A O Brown Co who nave a petition in bankruptcy against the concern appeared before Federal Judge Holt at his in Woodstock Coo today and argued for the appointment of a receiver Sidney Rawenbanm of Headfey Lau terbach JehnsoA attorneys for A 0 Brown Co was on hand te oppose the application Hr Rosenberg argued that unless a receiver was appointed the cred itors of the firm representing claims of xmttO would be unable to ascertain the condition ef the concern He contended that the scat la insolvent Attorney Rosenbamn In behalf of A 0 Brown Ce that the firm te DOt Insolvent and has merely made a temporary assignment for the purpose of Soiling out where it stands Judge Hell stated that be wit appoint- a receiver for the concern tomorrow morning at 9 He said over the telephone that be would not nave any- thing to say on the subject until morning Charles G Gates who returned from Europe today said that the story that ether he r his father had had any deal- Ings with the ana was not true d fW the local The pelt antIC r hea weed lIMe light mIea back ot tids Ia Joe r per wile Mea JIIs tile reporter If they kNoll to VS the gravedda his present w1 duck a t sating si a bat the Ute warned the reporurs that It they when gun is band left the vo he Say his laity last Augast Refuge On are to dad and under food a berg arm led home tended to- morrow aatherlti Beat- ing Sari mordeg fmm JN k tsws ttteeaataa have on oed pam en of abide trotter sad meadows srrsuadlag farmhue entered sad a krest Sane had as1 g is Seeking three persons known be a thirty e hotel bores e deck ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > VICE BOWS TO FORT Governor Wins Fight on At- lantic City Saloons COURT ORDERS DOWN Judge Hlglieeft Edict Will End Pos- sibility of Martial Law or Im- peachment of Officials of Resort IVIio Had Stood Oeflant to the New Jersey Executive Atlantic City Jf J A XG T Port The break in the bold dater of sa late this afteraeeav fol statement tamed tar Judge Enoch Higfcee of the District rec J Gardner control of the county machine ta which he warned rebelling cafe and satoon oprtetoiB that they must comply with the tow The Judges af the po Btical and mm loaders thh afternoon just after a dectoion had been nsfbsd t brave the law It throw eoaeternatini into the of the heretofore brave and rtislnm ele ta the acodd saloon to the resort to pre- pare to dose down Sunday Sends Them a Letter Judge Higbee learned of the special messenger befor for We summer home at Sonen Point reached m the his- tory ff Atlantic city Judge Hig bee 1 war to my realise that the dry hi a part of sue af New Jersey sad that they must with Ute the State I am that Or Fort means what be says wIlD be declares that he will send troops to Atlantic City a special if sum of the leg- islature K necessary to the passage of drastic tegtstatkw to remedy the eonaiUons now existing In toe re- tort The governor will win eventually be has the right en Ids sH and the power of the whole State hack of lion The charge that be to ptayteg pol- itics is not worthy of Keeps Oath of Office Inliiiiatlits what course he weal pur sue Judge Higbee said 1 never broken ay oath of and da net intend to now If ts found and I am on the bench I there must be no exnnetnttpn that I will are thoroughly ftlgMened first time in years Atlantic City Is to be really closed tight The Judge was thought to have booeD lined np the mm Interest and has raMuu change of attitude has completely toown tic liquor men off their lest I PRIDE HUMBIED BY A FAIL Mounted Policeman Threw Oat His Chest and Horse Stumbled Pride goeth before a fall hi an old proverb but never was it more thorough- ly demonstrated than yesterday morning Mounted Policeman Karl Soberer of the ore oa Ms blooded hose Scherer to well aware of this fact and always pals out his chest and sits his mount like a British Hose Guard Yesterday he had an attack of vanity and patted out his chest tike a pouter pigeon He was then riding his horse land River toad The hen lake in the lot and the horse stumbled became frightened sad bucking threw its rider heed foremost taco the murky water After about af teen mtnates Scherer dug himself oat of the mud and went to Tensattytown substation There he re- ceived treatment for Wulm an hand and face and abrasions of the tight shoulder He ate received treatment front an ex pert wielder of the whisttbron and scrubbing brush EXCURSIONS Follow the crowd to Chesapeake Beach fee a I mini that aB torn k faasea aa and that you star coved ap bane an oar if the ssn dma aot asast hrigktb sad the do nM unto FM aide Mr a dire I pole a i s n tab an j nc sar of SBPM ban that H MrcK or Is tie Bsfttstt isle rf the iiimfmuali on ef the lcexpensive outings of the scope and ctauMUr of Norft sad Wiissuns Stssadnat- noas br aniMH TMtU sM- SB tie jluistl sad ban tna chit H n three Genius tJHa M end fan a at the bald tilt canning I At OK Fotet Cadet time i iaar1 to sttnct at ta MMOI ia putiraiu A coavte of fee pus of brink tomut witbi ii slut distance of ate Oiiailinlfci Sort Hun pnanwat a a thism IHosi I IttrtD feet rf Cusatb so st at d- SL m TWnu an Mid at tile vntowa nib dace As the season approaches Its awMn t he van ad n- j The weather sere iatorfen wnh at MM take It fe kandr n two tine is ana anr aarr- I s E tJr fe ew that aff e r ta gssw hf ra- ta ga for Naaauaa K tale for nrit arwOwe sad tie Haad f c will the vrfJeet Seer niisilBalii aa srmtitibie- MMBSjitiea tar heated afendf Of tie she asaeeiseatf 11 uJst IUBSsauari Kk Track it the best an Jar aIM and tus iar JaMSana a map lee 2 ride araaad th entire aipbta ire tRek When it is too coat to remain out the ands that a ra nkntlr a the JaBestevc tame eek the taf s the cBBfsriable Pikn Oustn Bed aw How taesds far shad crvwd apfcn- U cnhntn trmt ta tile pM nniweoubb mi edit Bafu Jnaisli f a tint are mred at popular prfcr n ttw Pant Darien Leerier at od the H nw t T r j e N fk end THELID Ills seaeathiesl M to the all en Atlantic City sIar the lann lowing crt as nest to k taU John edict a IMICIfJt Ute of wrath the to nails and as order sent of the rum men and u lope by tile city crisis has been said to lbs metJ that Ute COIDe when they must comply of hat asps CD III have there any Indict lIT of this Saloon and It it declared tolIIIIat tIIIIt tor slid With Seventh impOIiag G a vaeaat lot at ratoa Tues day and had formed little tbs lrsue k is a Utde Ilk o0oi tkik Is tee Is a teat rae r tL I sI- s Throe r IJ ardI a teat a we of the xf that Tube e weekand t3Wt Me IfII ties YaCa Mp at tIJt OM rest the to tile IIIR I vars caD W pmt with test UDc i- ua s 10 tile dip she 115 Chevy tile Meet el abets i seMt tog ether pkexs In at- dJ UII the car wnfx h roosts tk Marine are > what el wow Is Re ae CWe lake peeks a I o- ne i and seed II- 1ioaoa1lC tin tIip ern l > I iII Jam iI tack after htr IttYmile t I SJI t at mI IIf foot of tuc he won put i aeon mss a egalzld lathe ruched awe ss consequences the gsvmads and peselapty of sernrg tesa enforce moat was amedlala4 aeaekn sent a leaving A liquor time ba the awe and summed be- came n dice are show avlcteed meey men the precinct makes an across WlacotI avenue of Wednesday a drat the tare There shoe ran men apr yseif- wm we worn tea dank art yea day and fret the a 01 mho tie lour taeetk a end dux waY bra a pin Iasa its M webs l used ym1 a t a Spin u- and bard ass amen Bead lineup C tin Cespae mbx ad bee well W win tams acted ihetr sneak Mme Hotel C sebrH Print amen Mentor oss cs will Lar width yaemra dye wtyalt the febm Shiers mrw dhe thete are mm and- S edala ate es bleak Thr ti ads aanan 1 I Frptti sped oteiei dose been Lake an tie eves Lips a d king aemmd nab fmm aa Law a minion easnth en alweps is be dgtmt- dEvad W Bed teem ere jyalAe Lore as pine dandg tae Med any ilea Red Ems and ben trig calm sad art keep use teed 1Mrbet ae is- m trip e odock Tickets seared Wutington Stud ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < >

Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1908-08-29 [p 9].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1908-08-29/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · THE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY AUGUST 29 1908 I V i e-a

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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1908-08-29 [p 9].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1908-08-29/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · THE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY AUGUST 29 1908 I V i e-a



i e-



Summer Meeting Ends atEmpire City Track


Capture the Frivolity Stakes atOdd of X te S Makes a Runaway Race of It ant Cornea HomeSix Lengths In ToddlnRton Heats Out Okenlte

York Attn tLr ar ssMWtnrie-

adtrk wins tilei an end in the


Tuk Roller S ta i a runawayac f the Frivolity Stakes caning hone

th bit six len thn before Erbet whoi S rr n4 aB the may

Etherial made aH the nn h In thefirst rare ami Dnjnty Dame capturedtv s nd

Master Robert even money west to thefrrnt at the heal of the stretchgalliped home a easy iiilanui of theland whfie Oeaoeskta raBud home

five lengths to-

t rifthToddinatoa bent Okeofee by a neck

It last raceThe Summaries

2 iEST KACBah il tMninL US Xotr-rkMe m Le 3 to

rnca reneaaa aaj lanrisr If h I thirdIli 3i Tea HM ant The Pippin


f 3

wr cd Al1B 4

failiiaui DvsstrCalajin is Natter-

Bnoar 8 to 5tract and learn

mi RACEOSI even

Asia aTtJr44 The WnsHer ale

IBTH RAdVFto andK Viler ar Lse J ta i woa M-

lf 5 to Z ssnnd fettdmc Bella 7 Heto U third That 1 Iw and

AJSMRACEflne nak Onlniadi

L US3 to

Buder 2 ta 1 third

f farlonas

ii xi Moeacie sadPTXTH RACEfcc j S t fc-

I Bulli 1 to


Ffmliee ConnieItimore Ant JR For the flrat dIM

s meeting the Hunt tai grantlasant weather this afternoon withreu of a sort arattfyma haerenae-ttendance

first race was a five and a half tarfor t

fro field ofi Hat was pitched upon as the fa

and heavily played aB aver theHawkwmc nnd Oxford Belle also-

a good play The race turneda racker Lyatra went to the Iran

the game followed by HawkwmfcBelle

eighths when High Hat dupedr outside and looked the wtamr

stretch isawkwinsj hooked lipHigh Hat sad m a iay Jeh

m ut by a necksecond wan WM by Faaquler-

Farcy Bird won the third Sum

iUAT HACSffc nd-K Powenu a Ii time Un l

M RACSTm6 I tvid M

Mssbr S ts-

rd TSne-I Jake i-


nd Sr Model MT B Tatter LFMtr K-


s to 5 ma Bator Willie in QsrCitd 2nd Con ill is in Mania a 1 tasrd-

J335 Sacs Fmstt XsngaaK Car

H RACEOae and oat qnutai Rio9 WriBt 3 to S vaa ITgliiisis NT

15 ta 1 ecosri Al H Woaaa nt Cafei I taint Tine IJJli Kaxi ncte-

tf r aiaii Kias of jSpanker also na

IXTE RACE aieptacnsee about ta seeninput at i BobMe aims MEmend Canons 2 Meaack i ti Time 4Ji


Zeafc M S avj-

aeiMeR jnay M fDrtertch 8 to I Omd-

Ratfceia Tnvpe ksels LadyJT and taatlka tauERr BAiEfc nates Dearer M

i tr RIng Fan km Kie 3 la ItrmMne t m Pnwn to S tiled

Mnek Rake Riasjm R M T

t TtTIt RACESx finliisii Rays Oujz sKs t u wo Ateacoa Jg 4 toSnrniitioB Rkm S to I thud

Mcatnae M

Vendor arms aloe am

i ta 1 unra-

er to S wva UtteraaesSenator Bwirtt nt KoaDedr J to

j Geaneaiae raiar andna-

ETHPn n ts S i

3 to Meoad Qgajn m Kesawiy I


uT RACESn hum Clay Mi Ti insl HZ KaanMT ta 1

Coleansx W Hiibiiil ta L tiled3 and Ply laeuaaada halu-

T ard Sait Ranaasa V TnsqxCMaR aaal-J alto raa-wAI RACXOae-

i MB Wino W ts L wentjrn to 2

J to SThe-

n 2 L wen XaddOpc nasjni tr 1 eesBd Same SS Sear twuia aim aa-

V Koeraar C to S wan liar 9S Har-aeoond Mir MisaaL MURaiiin f to 1

7i-H RACE On and ose aarter saOea Copt

1 BanM V ta L won Spay Leeto a ii land Rataooai

Mdatn-i Tire 1J8J5 Kiag af Jack

r Ulan K ts 1 w RMaKie M-Sii 3 to t bard Bribenr MT swsU Jthird Tsna 1 S34L Lasd Rorest iHBie-

iriey Rnaanara and

Morehe Bf toa Gila

it kid My papas got so muchy ficntiknow how to spend it-

t nothing My papasTrnrh money that cant




it s were at CItytoday soeflsg

r er


tM wilmer



c I

0 E


d aLo

Cor b 1

1 woundt I3t EMra4

SIr Ted

5 Tin 111 K Ton

Captures RaCe In Stlrring FInish at



c g 1 IIIreegJatera


eci Lycra held for

f tt



Ward Sdy-c Tartmed GoMes cIe0

Ute 1t-Ito5

p SIL PbiatJaL

v GwaM W If sTre I III nIt Batc

r rpTH 1UCEne InI


Rrc mead Iti4 TIe srT


t i TiDet



cd 9i aTime Iu DMde X lor-e Y Ori-

C j 11 xFliD

C Jlte-I

5f I

alreCPIc I

C GIIIa SoAllFj YaO Lady JInQ

t Lf Tt I ftooef P Ir013 Utile

L Giles 1IonnI J Lfc

2 S Gts L-

Srn JIm Oaaic Opoa


cT IcsK spy

illRACE a tndmp

Lci Time P

rT ArtwwlQ




mmdl 0IrtddII> Jib 000I6-

arred Sa Lain IIt1 00 9i

eMM LarryI 0

lTH led yards rI0

llt 4o-iIi



HitTru 11 Dr wca MaeRCIrftoe r OM


rz L

fie kidThatsgo mammaa It


atreoaedYd larpbetto rpreaaa more




capwit spur rf


m ts wan Lista


Tae Bali

she Ilsstewn 7iefq OseCthes

oed i tnr


TH 1 Ho-

t Haled It dir S-

I m 13 U Sereeve7ilta abr

ad ere 1rhrrat eU wean Obe6 ra



ash and

ford ae


reiyt 1alw gasiFaw 7l5h SiK K-

sa Ten sarilie Llm

ad Ibwdlaear rketirira Fa

wear Atdwellreuse H Hdama 9 Olapai 4

Wrmats Wnhraria Faaa Rind Q U-

n e Ydt ILsietl

fhSL P

Setaed Rien

I T amr ant

ay t useTea

i nrpi tmimgto seaHim CLlur d 1CRrst3 FIer stead tOhmetl-

i Pitna San 1ippi lla BeadC Dn by We huma nr

r aAsP1ie takys le Ghear 141 Sen n Olydiq

r fbaim Pear Aetanta-A himI



Pfoba Wrdrq Ix PmsF and ah n

n Reed

ariea and Lawuee all mersrsIr fhsi HYie m-f rn wen 1M b m-

C de IsaearAwn gel h Sthr-

i r v sdeDaar

FACE Oa era a aeedp vie Sv-c T M Ras-



ed a and Ladd stirs Srd 111

1134 Ram Cum nt-A sd 1ynsla ai n

led A-sa 3s 3

sad aedp FideWst

I sit rLed Tina 3Sar rdiiiun lfeasd

A and Iosietm teaRACEPLar and nee hC Guhew Hance

a bca oTime Cain HWbn-

a I1 RAC and




and tnT-TkI ad lc

flier akin






















< >











in the world Is the Viral Mountain Railway recently constructed in the proximity of BozenTyrol In Its upper section it reaches a gradient of W per cent while the remainder has 3 gradient of CP per cent It iselectrically operated and the wire rope system has been the scheme adopted Just outside the track is a stairway runningthe whole distance of the railway

The cats which bold thirtytwo passengers cover the route some sixteen hundred feet in about live minutes Onaa many as one thousand passengers use the railway


Thet railway

cz err as isr svaers



FIltST RACSTh Pieeaar Kaatt





Ksajr CesakFOURTH rslni f sH-

Fwctst t

FIFTH RACEThe Yesnsr sdiha eon

SIXTH KACBTsa lliiau eBfodssa Patsxny


m I Anvenaa-IHI

MontrealFIRST SACSSti V-

I Oil i it JackH

H a I M-


M1KD RACSFIre tarloaiAbe EZICaiBBsl-

SKI air AlwseotT r

Ante Geeeae nH Qoaattr-aFonrrH RACEOae and uonlahth-

PirTH RACSVS eep ehae abut two

SDr J l Ariaa

SIXTH and nachaif farkafia

Fort ErieFIRST RACBn ad eae h-

a Xszha GSBCONB RACE Sic failnoai


Ml MichaelR T 3t w

FOURTH RACEOae ad oae afcrtteath muleMIEUfcrtt IK-

K5 FeBr Priea IBSIXTH RACK One aad oaeHaghth miles

esiCbattaBte V-6WRed GanatJet

Martha it I Panty 1W-

St MB Soloa 1

loot KB Reinsure 113RACEOne and hth ultra

Oaaae SS Hirrr Rktewa MiTwofinl K Bitter Hand wi-GOTedrar 93 ImbodrnNat B W Sicaax MHani ar re Alta McDonald

IndflioiousCASE 2

AbnerDru Brewing C

To your wellbeing aswell as to pleasurewhen you drink OWGlory All the enerKy ele-ments maltand hops are pre-served this pure

dark beerdos 1 5




aIc1w-IMtIoi 111 Boa



TefAtie S-


dwJH I FieldJ1 m-


DsacI se

11ftHYilBat 95-

n mE

Beo4ocIIIoc JIt1 J

Ilk n I US

Mi-m BiI gqytn m


ICase 11-

5cr L J

xFE i i


Bb D1mI

m-IIkn JIllL ri

toJ I T-ec I n 116

DHtItJ n 51 Tat RM-mBk 1-1I I m



1XioC fTT 1-

1woL J80 lJI

Jt n 1-J5x RS

LaoIY n0 9iI oteT m



8utftSEt TH



aseeiwt-ssm tiiursu rr aeb-

Jde DAma 11-6Cleata isin strutsicun It1tslatasd the

ton thinCeatop t-

Ps SWsnptpdasd It-1m11 z

aleam emme-

Rma en Wed

1Ma ltMAC Tbt

able eoasa-Htbiieair ltatmYai wPutm

alt useme tolese aaae

Welt li Aait lla

ead seW

Wrlirbt ltlFern


Z hersl

InAid Fip t1 lists t sM-amapae Ills laseatrl tl


Maud 3wFuna131Corm I

Filith m Mme ltser i

Pcc x oi4ws HMwy

liarb n-Maabart m Thm t

hs toBus tod 1Q Take e


Deh1 lII-

pfitlilierp Carey leaIt1 IL DelIslaIII Adma

Hay Rtnearsd 10here

Pine P1141tune

enai Il-Wmtbemse D

lw Hirt116finer Jabs t-Dn Ii-Bda

Lints-Senaar 7n

16 Phe Humnt ins San Csitss ee ill11 Madan la-vas 10-

Diinthy Lath

98 Altam tie90 inner 941 tee


1 Alin 10-WWim An eta


A Sfrtby tibRACEOm and aesiteaL ads

8w MITe In-ilssimrGresLady




Glory pot flue











Pi ml icePWST RACE 9te fall lisa


Donmum RACF BUesuhiihaiL taBent HZ-HE 1C-


A1 H Woods

FIFTH KACEOac aad naa Mlfor-

HTiSar JtaseLSIXTH RACE 9 nal haii tsaee

SeattleFIRST a Or


THIRD KACEScc fcrloBfs-


Many Sostt aHt nilhatanFIFTH RACEOae MHa J-

ncftkwnj DuUsMmj Hisui 0taaofe


eeLI Yet utth a a Kareraer of the

BaH iiihn1 aa-

tawa kflkd ahaat fay sad earned onepTlfl3f3-

I CeEawari Belle dM anther ef a celebrated tre-

aim The mr ac Ute Aaertoa arar iffidrr GenrisHijs hr the BriOfe who wen re

Batfle rf Partseaoath n Rhed FiledI HT9B t e with the at Ttogv X T-

MMCnsminiliin PnMea tfth aaadc-

K Daid B Hill pontfcteB ef New Yerk StateI betaI aWLopei vh had tended Caha with Amerleaa

hr the aid f



the Terrttmr an tileTerriwrUl sorern

of Gnmto mar Bud Ran Va rodeGee Pare TIle battle laMed aM day whenthe Ciafiaerales Rtreated

retreatedUH The DcBoeatte aaneaal raBTVtten which B a-

aaated Oeerje B McCSeBan ta Pmideat andG H Peadeun lea Vice Piesidect opened teCbteag-

eBnThe Paktrk rained the f rthe pefat north

tachj easTiOed sad seatennd to death forcoHtnHrtti ta the iKiBdaation af Ger Geebe-

LEKHlf af the HM8880 acrwi the Stcar

JiBE eisMj Asaerieaa aeeaaaiea to death

Often ProminentFran the StatcvaiTi

Patience grocer of ours Is asking3t cents apiece for cabbages Isnt thatridiculous

that family always didhold their heads high

While you think of It Telephone yourWant Ad to the Washington Herald and

win b sent you at 1 cent a word

1Fi YdoaI


m 3S t ranm t Dr-h ut I Q III



D G mCadarmm Iir-m t K m III-m 11I1 Qmea m


er IJaIl IS

JIiJII 1311M PlKILalaa iHt h Cn 51

w 111

Wtek ss ltirit lIB s-m zs Aail lit

SDPO4Delk iK

IiE f

I T IitaelbeTt to Msm 8ieIW till

1111 PPrtalail 1IieL1n T Sost UI ffiLodIC8I m JIiII

born m lah OMteYL litG lit 1Mim1He-


II 1131Heal Chit III


sntred at tie PMt or

the XmooePMdt pert of theaway

whit pm-eL3A ra ItiuI4

The hdMs Joy u at hlmirtTrirA

Bred of 3EIJ

large luIioloa ed or the

J Stec of aM-INt Ir all jo feDoorfts eaJQnd


wIlD LewIs Cty teg auee a baef


Tim wasnett day rub great Iou Pope

MCakb Peos Seamen et Mate of

at Qabee csaepbd the rift




irthasGap 9trak I71 t

t Many CullUeeaeae a sta rhea ffilair vi ffi alt lea

Ana rmraver

Isnaaae 101 aneae der

Pads F tatkmer 93pastas ill

M SL v IMin-Ltk soot ffi

Kip d Mai aWabi



1tWTv OarJanus t Marcs In 3i4

ry MLad

AACE53z lolmsK Jngai Ida

3isent IldimtID-

AbarMm 1161

C fr1aR

a beat 3atda-FledCadesnr lea Nney K


Yid ant Hrraet Maeds-IL

nteaetd the Hglitbd team LeaIMaft h iciclec

New a iMes

mrd by head who biased

modsix ee ad aabc

tialM Lang



Ito l o t1i nwmd mmd-dbear crape and easiMr mule a

mire mad two tatterk-sad tbtltae

vkNemJ titem dpi merxsaTg

w et-

ot asesrtlsu tmtya a deelpteand ppoited

k pep rhi Casmt-to psme dhileergaMudm a agentamt

feint re-

nenedbe and

eaetar7 Ecu

kid a LawrsR fate





= =







3InnlnHRhtrr Charged for FatalAccident

TyantomebOe driven by Lewte-

Stcans won the Savannah and BrhuelhTetack ear races baa been indicted for

mnajsunaajhter hi the venue daajree forkflMmr with his our CMaf Goanefson at

nua nt 2 ochx on the

Tynan with a of Mead left Gunwine wan the steward of the Co

Eaxhtysfacth street dying m the street

nocd that it wan Ida ear that had killedflunisjiaii detectives after a search of

got evidence oa which Tyson

the ticket agent h now in MassachuceusHis mwy r today Informed Judge Cramof General Sttftont that ha would


Keenes JIaskette Picked to WinQassk Tarf Event

Bookmakers Agree to Make foAttempt to Do Business Dur

Ings the Races

Turk Aug K TIle TSJSM FuturKjrone of tile most famous classics run mthis country wm be run at the Sbeepsbed Bay tract tomorrow afteratwri m

novel conditions Following the re-

cent resolutian of the Coney Island Jockeythat all professional totting wHI be

prolubtted It was said today that aH of

business of any kind during the nveetlnsThere was a session of the governors of

the Metropolitan Turf Association thebookmakers organisation today atwhich a represeatatrve of the Coney Isl-and Jockey Club was present The gov-

ernors were informed that if any of theattempted to accept wagers of

any kind an immediate expulsion fromthe grounds would follow The governorsthen agreed to support the track man-agers and word was passed to the otemhers of the to either remain awayfrom the track or to refrain absolutelyfrom speculation The Piukertons re-

ceived orders today to keep a sharpteokout for all professional bettors andt eject them

The Futurity Is esfentialli a rich mansrace this time Nine starters were

tonight Mr Keene wit be repre-sented by Helmet and Maskettwon the Hopeful Stakes at andwill carry US pounds IDa rider will

be Gilbert Maskette won both ofher races at the Spa and gets in withUS pounds cotter being the rider

Good Judges believe that Maskette willwin the big race because they say thatshe fe the best twoyearoM ally shownsince Artful won the Futurity severalyears ago

John B Madden will depend upon hissplendid Ogden tells Sir Martin and Fayette who are youngsters of quality

H P Whitney will have three startersPerseus said to be the best la the barnBobbin who te still maWen aad

H B Duryeas eeIors will be carriedby Medians a fast Ally while the

entry is Practical a oak by Hast-Ings St PrfseHte who is a full brother-to Prtsdllten The will be runabout 4 oclock

Ocean StenmshlpnSew York Jive SArrf d S S M t nU-

LitTfcoJ S Balms LhnroolAtTired oat S

Xew TwkSized for forefen ports a S Cedric fQoeetotown for Nnr Tort S 8 Cdbda Zoom

Uitrpool for New Tale


lily10II e l-n7 3L


Yacht CIR at the foot of WeM

the of the umeaber-sd the yseht dab and human er a

to wII






the his operators had agreed to tie








SS Ante at from

few Test Aug HannonJam wbme

alret sad Amae r m avemarlrg


Tbrsgk actividepar-

ruios ytmg wran Tyson osa

abfwasTine wink a u of Genres L Tyson

sur-render oon nest














Amateur Commission Actson Teams Lists


Pennant Winners In Eight LeaguesWill Ploy for Trophy Offered byThis Paper and All Official ScoresWill De Published In TheseColumn

At a meeting T the barcbaMcommission teat night m Ute NaaanalGuard Armery the untrue oC eBgtMeplayers and the ach estates for the two

championship were I

from every league bang pres-ent F Botgiano presided sad JohnH Anderson acted as secretary and W-

i Thatcher a treasurerThe following members were prevent

James CTSbea Capital CIty CEdwards Marquette Iday School Nathaniel T Woriey ladpendence G A Wtertaw and G A WardRailroad T M G J K Lantieh Co-

lumbia J H Anderson DepartmentalW McCarthy Otnnwrctel

Tine main question arson over the e gl

stances protests were registered againstcertain names that bad been handed inwlii h wiD

these men had not played m UM requirednumber of gases and anoffered by the Sunday School League that

plajed If this imaaiinmit to the eonstitution is carried It will sushi severalof the tons to get the beset of for-feited games This will be wo d-

en at the next meetingHerald la Popular

The following schedule was adopted

should be conrtdared as thej cial organ of tile aomaahwion sad that Its I

scores should be ontend I

sets SMaaaaette M Curledta Pirinsiiaiat

Sept TMISSBLUU n PIJ ulsinl Ll niinlsiaalil w Qaannl Cn

Sept H-

e rt JtCncatal da ts

X T N C AOissii iiT

K K Y X a A

List of Players


of Players


different that are to play fW tMpealed

The meeting was well




of the players and is 18

be upon at thethe

aID LI t WIle

forfeited tie nefdoted as ffimse

Iand It that TIMHerald






Sept nI-L

Sept ten K Y x Co Avest L T X C ASept

Il Y X Co A Ja

SeptR T X C


attended repre-sentatives


bility several

pawed nextmeeting n nwwLMon September 1-

at the National Guard Armory Same of


quo ion

was decided was ingtoadl

Sert 4MaegseYa iiadq Shedes 8101v

garta w Seaj aflap 1Duymaaene sa the 7 Stied

8iat2 3tqdk DcOmtdetSept asmdf Shod a ltr1DPmunme1 a tiptal Ogg

SSI depeaeme a Cahtridl

TLdepdrx R O-aMadI le Celeaidc

fR rs OsdsridS-hpt 9iaMpedeoee a Os1efYLt hmmML w Id ealaa-SapsU4 hishtni0


Ca uLiw l1

l44 udnl in 5-Sap111 n A a Y

= =

A C OudUl CnrWC-

opeiaad X OarTusaaar I iinsisall-BHIiin Lord McCWth-jOab SaaHh C O el

tar Ckaaeata TTheatkj Wnckmaw Ken afc aSep RMnr u HudRn Miaiiliii las

Marian MaroaetteMaagharBerth BeB Sasuar De Ksaa Deal

fctas Roar Athha H T e 5 r-

ae rTerasawl T M a ASaInsB J Taraer-

X Taraer Deochenr Rider risKh Miuilllh-MeKaMit Thoanww Rvsert Saanh J Robcr-fimmm Dawhaad CneirelL-

Oahsadsa Lrsa EekfcBctaa J CalUhts Qsa-aaghasL Madem W Handflwe Lent LaAVhw-LffMte Han Maddm MeM oa Marshr

CnftasA Wahtna WBksaaT nK X CI

Owen Pevetl Bork le A De aij DiverMomd aaa Turf Wfaawp KiOeher Me-CKthT Suffirtn Ramta-

Xaaoaal Eketrieal Supply CoaqiaayHawser Xojes Dye Moore Chads Riishlpi

Gfeahua Huafltiai rrnibac-Baall Mar McCarthj awaajtr


Sends The leading lady Across Wirein Trotters Futurity

Clever Trainer Also Lands a Win-

ner In AVhalen at RendvlIIe

Aug JS About 4f6 personswent t the Readvttle Grand Circuitmeeting today to see the Futurity forthreeyearold trotters the Blue forSJ trotters and the Norfolk for 3Mpaces The majw portion of the futur-ity was captured by Trainer Bob Proctorwith The Leading Lady owned by A BCue PaoH Ps and the Blue HOt with

IWbereB owned by Charles Senders of

The Brooklyn nomination Sadie Worthywas the best of tnreeyearakls butsecond money went to of theAllen farm Pittsaeid Mass Bat for thesecond when Ritehey tailed to keephis position la the home stretch the Norfolk would have beea three beatsfor Major Brine

Because he swerved over toward thepole the Judges seat him from drat tolast place

In the anal long snot Cox lookeddangerous at the short distance Hebrought Jerry B through Irene the rearwith a rush and was only beaten by ashort head Summaries

Aasericaa Hene Bmden FhtaUlj of-

troUte pane 5TJOO of which ge t UMte three

The Lady Prodee l IBfetetee Youaj j ISadie Phanf 4 t ilather Lambert Sth oo 3 4ZtJern tC S S-

Uttta Mtiwa JSirs Duce Ba etmaa fe-

aeThe Dine Hill Stakes 3 dun tmtOmg pete00-

0Vhalm Procter 1 1 1Zesaibi 4Oete j TTT 2 2Beeffiie Way lAseW 4 J JVindett OfcGutaf m 3 inartMf 2394 ZaLThe Xerfaik Z cU parfag JWOO

Bob RHehert 1 s lde Or Darfet 3 1 3

liauBza rrbfraaj I 4

Hal OleDeaaW 4 4 S-

And Perhaps MoreFrom Retch

Mr TelHt My wife says her shoppingat the bargain sale today reminded herof the last ballet she had seen

Mr Hrsrlt How was thatMr Telllt Well because almost every

thing was 5 per cent off

When you have lost or found anythingtelephone an advertisement to The Wash-ington Herald and bin will be sent youat 1 cent a word

The tIIIlaoriB lint

sIdI W T-

Ier L GaDaeW Cleo Ly1AIMoM

Oote Hesse


MieoL wI-t JeD

si-ll OJbIIIttIt GaaIIIL



Slen Masc




his J615Kt0o0



66 PorteMalCopeJens B O l

d phlm u lednad-I tit

tram HoW 10ipmt Heeaq Atm hIarnmerrOreS

1h 1 fleesaaagr-Gam Swil twaiAmiInz MCow6eb

M Ptah B star WpiO-

WeOmen e

ttl Wets

eatTaps Des


Bia Blue

boar two


Swer heart




2 2S

Time D zf6i 2i










Thl ef Sot Slow Enough toEscape the Sleuths There

Central OSte Detective Hewlett toutt west to Philadelphia to take charge

Uorrts Mandel under arrest in that

probably wM be Drought to tillstoay

Mandel Is charged with grand larcenyIt te alleged be stole clothing teem WBtiam S Gilck of MK Thirteenth streetnorthwest on November 3 K Thestolen goods were valued at M


Artist Threatens to ShootReporters


Followed After III Failure to SeeAffinity He Ia Charged with

He Dodges Through Trees andReappears with Dog and Gun toDefy the Men on Ills Trail

Highland Falls X T Aug FaOmg-ta hit eCorts to effect a racoacUiationwith his anouty Far nand Pteneythe eeeentrlc wile was yesterday

to the unminu home of F J XeOey aNew York settlement worker whose j

a locality known ae Catnsflov ht the

When toeatesl this afternoon by themen

trail stew be left Goshen Earle threat 1

He was areas od hi a pair of

straw and was atroOmg through

when be discovered the newspaper menapproaching

Accompanied by WomanHe immediately retreated and his es

cort a middleaged German woman

the rods they would be shot TJndaunted by the womans warning thereporters advanced EarN with a

house sad threatened the visitors Thereporters shamed to him that they w nUIntro tb nr cameras behind If be u o ndgrant an but the artist replied

An effort wasthen nmate ta take a shot but Eartehastily retresMec through the bushes tothe houat

On the side of the mountain a tent basbeen pitched where the artist win probably steep as it is well known be tat alover of nature and lUalnn to live to theopen Earle te not a stranger te thisvicinity for it was on the farm he te stowthat be spent honeymoon with Its


AVestern Cloudburst DrownsTwentythree


lining Camp in New Olexico WipedOff the Map and the Valley XearMount Capnlln IB Flooded People

highlands withScant Attire and Little Food

Possum X Mex Aug 2S Twenty

Ecares are missing as the result ofcloudburst which sent a raging wall ofwater eight feet deep over this wingcamp of 3 s people situated at the footof Mount CapaUa forty miles south oithe ColoradoNew Mexico line

It te impossible to estimate the totallose of We which will proboMy roach

r forty before morningAlree4y nineteen bodies have ben

buried the sOt A m whichfive traveling men were Mopping waswashed away and they were drowned

The register has been lost and theircaatnee were carried away It wilt prob-ably be impossible te identify these vic-tims The proprietor George Wenger isalto drowned Ms body not having as yetbeen recovered The town is completelyblotted out of existence

Sinuses Carried AwayHundreds of houses were carried away

and where stood a thriving coal campnow only remain denotation and waste

Hundreds of citizens are honMtesa andwithout and ctetMag and relief isbeing rushed from all Xew Mexico andSouthern Colorado The railroad tracksare washed out for three miles and trainsare only going within eight miles of thestricken camp Hundreds of ranchmenhave volunteered their teams and a

i constant stream of relief wagons are taktog provisions sad clotting and teats fromDes Motatee N Jtei the nearest railroad point to the destitute survivors

Rates N Mex also suffered severetoss Many were washed awayand several hundred Mexicans spent thegreater part of the night in the Catholicchurch


Wrangle Over Question of A O

Drown t Con InsolvencyNew York Aug 28 William C Rosen

of the law of House GrossHMMk b VorhauB counsel for the cred-itors of A O Brown Co who nave

a petition in bankruptcy against theconcern appeared before Federal JudgeHolt at his in Woodstock Cootoday and argued for the appointment ofa receiver

Sidney Rawenbanm of Headfey Lauterbach JehnsoA attorneys for A 0Brown Co was on hand te oppose theapplication Hr Rosenberg argued thatunless a receiver was appointed the creditors of the firm representing claims ofxmttO would be unable to ascertain thecondition ef the concern He contendedthat the scat la insolvent

Attorney Rosenbamn In behalf of A 0Brown Ce that the firm teDOt Insolvent and has merely made atemporary assignment for the purpose ofSoiling out where it stands

Judge Hell stated that be wit appoint-a receiver for the concern tomorrowmorning at 9 He said over thetelephone that be would not nave any-thing to say on the subject until

morningCharles G Gates who returned from

Europe today said that the story thatether he r his father had had any deal-Ings with the ana was not true


fW the local The pelt

antICr hea weed

lIMe light mIea back ot tids Ia

Joe r per wile Mea JIIs

tile reporter If they kNoll to VSthe gravedda his present

w1duck a t sating si abat

the Ute

warned the reporurs that It they

whengun is band left the


he Say

hislaity last Augast

Refuge On

are to dad and




berg arm







mordeg fmm JN

k tsws


have on

oedpam en of abide

trotter sad

meadows srrsuadlag farmhue


sad a krest Sane

had as1 g is


three persons known bea

thirty e



e deck









Governor Wins Fight on At-

lantic City Saloons


Judge Hlglieeft Edict Will End Pos-sibility of Martial Law or Im-

peachment of Officials of ResortIVIio Had Stood Oeflant to theNew Jersey Executive

Atlantic City Jf J A XG T Port

The break in the bold dater of salate this afteraeeav fol

statement tamed tar JudgeEnoch Higfcee of the District rec

J Gardner control of the countymachine ta which he warned rebellingcafe and satoon oprtetoiB that theymust comply with the tow The Judges

af the poBtical and mm loaders thh afternoon justafter a dectoion had been nsfbsd t brave

the lawIt throw eoaeternatini into the

of the heretofore brave and rtislnm ele

ta the acodd saloon to the resort to pre-pare to dose down Sunday

Sends Them a LetterJudge Higbee learned of the

special messenger beforfor We summer home at Sonen Point

reached m the his-tory ff Atlantic city Judge Higbee 1 war to my

realise that the dry hi a part ofsue af New Jersey sad that theymust with Ute theState I am that Or Fortmeans what be says wIlD be declaresthat he will send troops to Atlantic City

a special if sum of the leg-islature K necessary to thepassage of drastic tegtstatkw to remedythe eonaiUons now existing In toe re-

tortThe governor will win eventually

be has the right en Ids sH andthe power of the whole State hack oflion The charge that be to ptayteg pol-

itics is not worthy ofKeeps Oath of Office

Inliiiiatlits what course he weal pursue Judge Higbee said 1 neverbroken ay oath of and da netintend to now If

ts found and I am on the benchI there must be no exnnetnttpn that I will

are thoroughly ftlgMened

first time in years Atlantic City Is tobe really closed tight The Judge wasthought to have booeD lined npthe mm Interest and has raMuu changeof attitude has completely toown ticliquor men off their lest


Mounted Policeman Threw Oat HisChest and Horse Stumbled

Pride goeth before a fall hi an oldproverb but never was it more thorough-ly demonstrated than yesterday morning

Mounted Policeman Karl Soberer of the

ore oa Ms blooded hose Scherer to wellaware of this fact and always pals outhis chest and sits his mount like a BritishHose Guard

Yesterday he had an attack of vanityand patted out his chest tike a pouterpigeon He was then riding his horse

land River toad The hen

lake in the lot and the horse stumbledbecame frightened sad bucking threwits rider heed foremost taco the murkywater

After about af teen mtnates Scherer dughimself oat of the mud and went toTensattytown substation There he re-

ceived treatment for Wulm an hand andface and abrasions of the tight shoulderHe ate received treatment front an expert wielder of the whisttbron andscrubbing brush


Follow the crowd to Chesapeake Beachfee a

I mini that aB torn k faasea aa and that you

star coved ap bane an oar

if the ssn dma aot asast hrigktb sad thedo nM unto FM aide Mr a dire I

pole a i s n tab an j

nc sar of SBPMban that

H MrcK or Is tie Bsfttstt islerf the iiimfmuali on ef the

lcexpensive outings of the scope andctauMUr of Norft sad Wiissuns Stssadnat-

noas br aniMH TMtU sM-SB tie jluistl sad ban

tna chitH n three

GeniustJHa M end fan a

at the bald tilt canning

I At OK Fotet Cadet time i iaar1 to sttnctat ta MMOI ia putiraiu A coavte of

fee pus of brink tomut witbiii slut distance of ate Oiiailinlfci Sort

Hun pnanwat a a thism IHosiI

IttrtD feet rf Cusatb so st at d-

SL m TWnu an Mid at tile vntowa nib dace

As the season approaches ItsawMn t he van ad n-

j Theweather sere iatorfen wnh at MM takeIt fe kandr n two tine is ana anr aarr-

I s E tJr fe ew that aff e r ta gssw hf ra-ta ga for

Naaauaa K talefor nrit arwOwe sad tie Haad f cwill the vrfJeet Seer niisilBalii aa srmtitibie-MMBSjitiea tar heated afendf Of tieshe asaeeiseatf 11 uJst IUBSsauari KkTrack it the best anJar aIM and tus iar JaMSana a map lee

2 ride araaad th entire aipbta iretRek

When it is too coat to remain outthe ands that a ra nkntlr a the

JaBestevc tame eek the taf sthe cBBfsriable Pikn Oustn Bed awHow taesds far shad crvwd apfcn-

U cnhntn trmt ta tile pM

nniweoubb mi edit Bafu Jnaisli f a

tint are mred at popular prfcr n ttw PantDarien

Leerier at od the H nwt T r j

e N fk end


Ills seaeathiesl M to theall en Atlantic City sIar


crtas nest to k taU John

edict a IMICIfJt

Ute of wraththe to


and as order sent

ofthe rum men and u lope by

tile city

crisis has beensaid

to lbs metJthat Ute COIDe when they must

comply ofhat




there any Indict

lIT of thisSaloon

and It it declared tolIIIIat tIIIIt tor

slid With

Seventh impOIiag G

a vaeaat lot atratoa Tues

day and had formed little


lrsue k is a Utde Ilk o0oi tkik

Is teeIs a teat

raer tL I sI-s Throe rIJ ardI a

teat a we ofthe xf that

Tubeeweekand t3Wt MeIfII ties YaCa

Mp at tIJt OM

rest the totile IIIRIvars

caD W pmt with test UDc i-ua s10

tile dip she


Chevytile Meet el abets i


tog ether pkexs In at-dJ UII the car wnfx hroosts tk Marine are


what el wow IsRe ae CWe lake



I o-ne

i and


1ioaoa1lC tin tIip ernl


IiII Jam iI

tack after htr IttYmile tI SJI t atmI IIf foot of tuc

he won puti

aeon mssa


ruched awe ss

consequences the gsvmadsand peselapty of sernrg tesaenforce

moat was amedlala4

aeaeknsent a



liquortime ba



and summed





show avlcteed meeymen


precinct makes an

across WlacotI avenueof

Wednesday a


tareThere shoe ran men apr yseif-

wmwe worn teadank art yeaday and fret the a 01 mho

tie lourtaeetk a end duxwaY bra a pin Iasa its

M websl used ym1 a ta Spin u-

and bard assamen Bead lineup C

tinCespae mbx ad bee well

W win tams acted ihetrsneak

MmeHotel C sebrH Print

amen Mentor oss cswill Lar

width yaemra

dye wtyaltthe febm Shiers mrw dhe thetearemm

and-S edala ate es bleak Thr tiads aanan 1I

Frptti sped oteieidose

been Lakean tie eves


d king aemmd nab fmm aa Law aminion easnth en

alweps is be dgtmt-dEvad W Bed teem


jyalAe Lore as pinedandg

tae Med


Red Ems and


calmsad art

keep useteed 1Mrbet ae is-


trip eodock Tickets searedWutington Stud














