THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY FEBRUARY 22 1907 10 I ii TJI i t- iI Traders Quiet on Eve of Three Days Holiday BRISK BUYING NOT EVIDENCED TwuisincCIons Iiullcale That I i inldn- tion In Small Way Ls Kcin Con tfjnioa Strcrt Believes Aldrleli Fi- nancial Hill Will Be PtwwoiVlir Sen nte anti House Before Adjournment New York Feb 3L The course ct the stock market today was perhaps what might leave expected wader prevail in circumstances On the eye of a three day holiday such as te now about to be htd speculators do not care to ewlarge their ventures on account and on the other band generally prefer to close ot a portion at least of their commitments dostos quotations showed irregular net advances and declines with pre- dominating At the opening of business market was a little stronger than It was yesterday then declined ral- lied and left o weak under a renewal of the seOtaur movement led by an onslaught upon the Reading common shares which closed for toe lay at a net decline of nearly two point There wore critics who professed to regard the course of the days market as feeing more or lou unsat- isfactory In that according to certain technical points of view greater resiliency in values should have bent shown than was dually witnessed llnylng Should Bo BrIsk According to their contentions as prices have declined rather steadily throughout the week and as a large short interest in the market has been created today pre- ceding a long suspension of stock ex- change business should have been u time for a rather brisk buying in of vspecula tive contracts for th fall It was ad mitted that covering purchases of this sort today were indeed not at all infre- quent but no financial powers seemed dis- posed to make an attack upon the short interest and those who decided to buy in stocks against sales previously made did not seem ta have any great difficulty ht doing so It appeared to be the case hi other words that dribbling liquidation in the market was still going It is probable that the weakness m the market in the closing half hour of busi- ness was to be particularly attributed to cabled reports from London of stories current there that the Czar of Russia had been assassinated but these tale were entirely unconfirmed up to the close of business and were generally believed to have been started for speculative pur- poses Two counteracting forces regarding the market were manifestly at Work today One of the wa th sarong hope that before next Monday the Aldrich financial bill would pass the United States Senate- if act also the House of Representatives and the other the fear of the results of the investigation into the Harriman railroad management that will be begun in the city on Monday morning It was apparent this morning that the Aldrich tIll would meet with some opposition to its passage through the Upper House of Congress but the belief was entertained nevertheless that this opposition would nH prove to be of a broad and determined character The chief danger affecting the bill is of course that even if no strong lIght agates tt is made any general debate Mited over It may so delay its pasnge in the remaining few days of the Con- gressional session as to cause the bill to fill cf enactment It is understood how ver that it is the sentiment of the Re- publican party leaden In both Houses of ongre3 that the bill should become a law before March 4 and all reasonable banj therefore seem to favor the probability that the bill will soon be placed upon the statute books t lUll Believed ItaHjimlKtle Sentiment was again adversely affected by consideration particularly of the pessimistic remarks made by James- J Hill In an interview published here yes- terday afternoon although it was remem- bered that Mr lilt is often in the habit of saying tumga that have t be in a peculiar fashion There Is very little doubt however that those in charge ot the railway interests of the country are impressed the present time day of the antirailroad agitation in the decade of 1839 to tt with the harm that the railways are suffering and must still suffer from rut and unjust legislation directed against them The weakness of the lUll stocks and specially of the Great Northern ore cer- tificates was today considered as being consequent upon Mr Hills utterances Very little attention was jaid to the Indi- cations for Saturdays statement possi- bly from the fact that there will be no fvioAon of the stock exchange on the last iiay of the week The prognosis of the i ank return was however more or less unfavorable as it indicated a loss by the banks of from fl200OM to l2ON60e while the chances were held to be that the bunk loan account would be enlarged owing to transactions relating to the rail way abortterm note issues The Bank of Englands proportion of reserve was reported today as having IS per cent as against per- cent last week but the reserve compares with a percentage of 44 per cent on the same late last year In banking circles here more or less unfavorable comment was made concerning the fact that the return movement of currency from the interior of the country was not as great as had been looked for it was saW is sjsinBiiCedry due to the extreme activ- ity tfcttt still continues throughout the WeffcM section I1OSTOX STOCKS Qootsiiass aw tarnished by 8 X CtamaaB A Co memhtn Xew York Stock Bwhaagn Q Chi manager UR F StMSt aartBJWSl- tAaierican Pneumatic Take t AID Telephone aad TOearanh m AwericMi Woolen a Americas Woafc pM M m- iMnhuan Steel Jtfe MasMdMMtts electric Maaucfaasctu Bectrie pfl Maaaarliaaiiu MS SB Uuifatl V Mfr fjt North Batte- roppvr Hspa- srtah TS iack 1 Trinity YORK 3IOAEY aiARKET York Fi per ent highest Hi lowest 2 ebvnw 3 per cart T e money crartJaaed in good demand sad imu- tiUinable with moderate freedom Rates Sfc rr rent fur sixty and ninety days a per cost and y- jr rent for few art ard sit months Mirnntile paper ra offered in fairly large amounts but the absonrtoa was not hates 5V xr cent to H irfr crat sixty to i8ety dyi- a4on d bills r cei ble 5 i per cent to i per c rat choice four to au mn tl mtegl MIBM St 1 T cent thom leai wen hiKra- Hterlins stra lv with rites I hlcher Rates arttal business dosed M d i8SUN fc- MIU 4S45tei8 5 cable UOIk4a co w etcul m urn 479S1W38 The iupilj of oottoa bIlls was Moderate MARKET SHOWS LOSS beea I leG the Oft t4hy at us have not beet before since the iane to This N m rnittt IrS 111 ft I aM JfecIa EV New mU at t fIr of at per rapid fo for for I I I agaIn P S under- stood they iS Bee NS AM hem sad me AtIanI iflngbaa Shunss y- raema iLMossy on psssi the loan er P4 esst sats 4 5 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > = nW YORK STOCK MARKET QoBUttaH fl BUt d br Chides G JeWs MOifcrTi J9rtr fc Steek KMiiang MWMear UMdta- rSalen to Xoon 247 100 Total Sales 720000 Call 3Ioueyi High 5 Low 2 Close 3 AHL C F- AM CottMOB- An torn Am atwl My Am a P pM ABL sIt Am SMelt pM Aw K- Am Tck n4d Woatm- Vtctnwn pM- At Onait Use Hako Ohio Beth SlMi DM- cwfc n T CM Iaote- Cbea A Ohio Cat Ot W a jf at P X X V C V I Col So M Cola 8s at COB C9M Con lias jl D 11 D K G 1 0 41 0 43 41H i- wo am a nSW IHfc t 1 W MJ 4 Mt- His w ut- 9S 91 a m s wf- tk MS H H- MM m HZ lim 111 ra- IN 58 M K- vm n m 7 i 3 n- MW MW 18H MW M- l3W BV4 H Wfc H a- UM 0 15 ff ffi V- MJW BMt IWk MRi HSH IK- Kimwi m ia MB ist- M 48 4 17- J8S SJ OTi Sfti 8 S 9i SW4 98- 3W MW4 WH 13TO ISrH 19- 1t s ni aw snt ar Gt Nerta yM- Ot Xorta Ota Int Met A m sm sri4 31 3 urn I H T5 H- M S 3IH 3 i- SOOMI Ml lSH41fl H H- 3JNMT MT MR MTf- ciium K n 73 n is K C Set pM- L NM- M K T Mo IttMiOt IN 7t TV JW4- Ml i- mm nsKm 131 ISM MM i 41 41 4W- iU SS 8W 83 89 K X Y Cent N Y o w N A w North IKrMc- 1acttc MaS- Pa 1C K- Im SteeL Heading Rep I S Hep I S l- Korii lawttri So IMtte Southern Rf Tern Coal Texaa Iadfc T St Vf T S 14 W Union Padftr U S Pus U a natter u s K Mh u s S MI u s st iMt mn n n 71 n IS BB4 BM IX- m tn- am W4 aw 3 51 MM M3K ttl 1 IB- 9N 36 X X XH6- MJW UK 131 MT ia OW- lMI It S1H 51 IH4 HH INS i SH Wi Wfc BMW 12 4 MHiaWi US- 1KU 3t 31 34 W 35 m 93H 9S H MK 1JR tttt J6 U 8 0 li 9Bfc K- Mi Ml M 19 163 1HK- JW S5 SK4 3J 33 35- 3M HH liSt 51H B UK- 1MWM4 MS 1714 in IRK m 4 f- cMl R SH SI MH HH- m s sr E7 sr sr- ra es a 4- Ml JK SMI 8R4 S S3 OURB MARKET Opt Hkh Low Ctoe Ow- AmericM pM- Xrtttti Ohirahix OovaMr M IK W4 CtMoMaiMi Ompear 91 91 91 STfe 31 CK 9H- M UK OK- Grame Oo er MiteteH MiM- Xerada caL Nteimfa Miateff- Stiwdird O GOVBRAMBXT BOSDS New rat 9 States k eooaoa- 4s rajdstered 99 Is feaMesed UK njpt C9- Paaaaaa Oaaal 9 mh nal District of Cohaaaaa IMkt- hOUBOW 4i f MISCKMAXHOUS BoNDS eKCbaaaa basal tnasacUow- Uatted Slates 3s coopoa- Aaxrioaa TeAacco Ct- Aawricaa Tobacco tf- A T and S F general A T aad a K adjnstaaeat A T and S K A T ned S F Anantic Coast Line fc- BaRbaere aad ObJo prior Jim Vfr- RalrbsMR aad OWo RoU It- dMaapcafca aad OMo tost Is acriat A aad Ohio fl- C R sad Q debnsrara- O It aad Q jeimt to C R I aad P gMMal 4 R I and P coBatenl Js- C R I sad is- Detawai sad Hadsoa 4s IMstiHm SecarWes caBaatral as- Erfc coaaoUdated la- Krte convertible 4s D Illteofo OeMra- lIlhaab Central 4 ME- IntrroattBBal ant Gnat Nartbftm Erie sod Western Brat as Lake Shore fc- Mbaoari Kansas and teaaart a Missouri Partir 5 WT Mobile nod Ohio new Is Cesitral 4s New Yosk Canted 34s i New York CeatnU U S 9Ms Norfolk aad W Mfrn eaawBlMatail NorfoH and Western p C sad a- Oreano Short Time Is- IVnoaylfanbi JHa NO MM Ptnasrtamia 9as HH- Readias 4s St U I M and S ta B- Ht U and Sai Seaboard Air aoatbrrn 1acttc reftndtas s am flootbera Raflway 5a lK T a I sod R It Is lOrm dk M IT S Sled sbUdaK tam ft HU- WenUacbowe Maoafoctactar As aau West atare Is KU Total wles 14 a abjat UKJM jeatenUr sad SJ3MH a week ago a year ago Mae a baUday COTTON MARKET QaataUoni furab4i d by Dick nw Co II street aortbweat Ibiaw naf- cwtmn New York Felt M Booourantd by favorable cables aad apot sales of T3LJOM Isles at rmpooi the mUm market showed a decided iannmsw s in toss and uriees RIMed up 91 to 3t ixnoU oa tbe more active options above tbe low level of yesterday ReotMs whIte neenl mused little or no These was soase profittaking oa a scale up but aaTfriags were well abtorbed MIMI Kill appear to be atcra toalirtraL The Xtw York and New Orleans laarbit win be adaM natfl oaday and Liverpool aaos w sea Poet rwetpta estbaatud 43M test year 3MB exports aoatbern spots New York Ojxw llfc Low March M tJt tn Mar Ml Lit fJt tff JS t16 H5- 1Ortsbar Ml 9M SM- Xtnv OrlcaiiO- fxw Hlnhr T r 3pm- Mueh i IMS JM8 MJ- M r Kiir MA Mr Ma J6 HM jajr- Oetaker MB MD MU Mu Spot ainrkcts SM U Stoat Jrids Sales Oahestaa VJK 318126 M 38 New Offcana MsM xjjat MTK J W 3 S88 UK 1JM- 3ananah MB IttMi Vi ijC- fcurltsmn 7 Mf M- NorWk M 4M3 H 111 HoaatOH MJK ISJnS WJB3 MUMl tt- St Lone 4IK ita 3MCT le WAShINGTON CATTLE MARKET Marhet stiaac how m Mod aeMaad and mw receipts of eahw beary sat trice steady fetaibs and sheep firm and wanted per cwt UGaUt batcher LISa 5 common lUtUft wwgh l aatsi- nOnSGwss 75S TII ordMary ISIaraj- LUVilltSCbofee per tt ia7 mdtaa a- 7OOVBS1rto per ft 8 nadinm tfts fratt 4aCOWSPrim fresh rt 41iea9aOO eoffimo- oa00 31l9 old and do S tal6 a C- ot It W W W mi- 8aL 11W UII6 iW 11 P4 lii tA 111II 4n tilt M JJ 1 net U4 L 111 181 MI JIb S ft 1m JJttAt 1ft 1 I 111 If II UII k ft W ft 8 3D k 31 71 ink r s S Gem 1IIIIIMe ft SS4 SS lilt M lid ft 11 II W SN Ii Lead tIM u M I SC Ga I- f Ii- 2ft ISI L P4 ft 35 JIlL w 4f 41 M- S- 1WaL 11 6tIIaIIL an furakiedliy X JL aaea k- Ce New SIted Rmdsase G Basis err isa 1ut mcthasst K Mt Call II Ii 1 ft n U U JN SI 51J II D II1K at Trinity s ft S- uw c12 72 JR n- Uftae casei I Wi el DM 211 IIJa n ius i 11 JS- JII New Yc Feb el 15 H 1ft UDM btql fII JcuwI- tatnaI cl Jsrry DP e I tAt Tease IP 11 1M J Jill lOt Q is at the Yost sad New cix 11 M JI L Lr 3 Ia J iII 4 J sss nee lIeiIII CATTLE i haOpnilflhiLTAIrFa2tYe- AatThm3M 4I ier l2 l1t il2 4 3i3 7P 1t I3k it 95 111 115 3 11 11- st merd 4TJ3 S 1- Akism 11313 11 i SIlt W PI 11111S ilaSi Zn z 1111 ti 3 35 35 II 41t Nst lhL 135 SI 11 Nat 111 41 41 5 Peoies 55 111 Si 35 35 2355 Mi 15 35 1 Wi IN It Wi 41 1M 0 Wi 35 t 355 355 35- 1Waisg 35 35 gz ads isbus Ysk f35m Aeim P 5 35 35 haute 15 35- ChIea 17 11- CusbevIm Sly i35i 5 15 35 135i 35 15 liii qamadas Uslied gpaeisst b s Atsl isgidesed- es d s1 isus Wit 4 mens a a 1l ILcssslur t 355 9s b adstst napud is 15 35 rst ismeK mpud I Nas s ill tem 55 1351 35 IS bl- Ake 1135t New YetI II 15 le 354 ius Wi Fine a- iisa New Orississ fji- spn ment t pa i 35 II SHililPtiiluse 4t435 taN > > + > > < < = < Rumors from Bears Had Czar Twice Assassinated HILL PREDICTS SLOWDOWN Knilrnml UlnRrnntci AH Sec Prolm- Jiility of Dlmiiintloii of IrosperUy cut All Ijlnc but Their Own Atcli bon Highly Lauded Ia Ntie l by Brokers Dcnllujc In Stock New York Feb 21 Tne Car was as- masinated twice today in Wall street rumors The first time was at about 1030 oclock and the a cond was the middle of the Jut hour oC uiwineM The reason for both waa the same tlie attempt to find an explanation of tho weakness in Russian bonds that could be made the means of depressing securities generally The real reason for the decline in Russian government obligations was probably to be found in the threat of a resort to reactionary measures on the part of the bureaucracy but as this could have no bearing on price of Americans a more useful one had to be found or made and UM reported assassinations were the re suit Curiously enough the afternoon rumor received more attention than the earNer one although the very fact that hours had intervened without confirma- tion should have served H a sufllcient refutation The change in speculative sentiment increased the receptivity of the street for wnfavorableness and In the last hour anything of that kind would have been accepted without much ques- tion A broker who took the trouble to ascer- tain the trend of sentiment among the floor traders said after the close that ho found the most considerable of these operators bearish as a although short of but ttttte stock At about the end of the first hour the traders seemed to realize that James J Hill had on his return to New York saM something about tbe probability of a stowing down of the tremendous activity that has prevailed in general business during the past year and with strange perversUy proceeded to attack Mr Hills own stocks from the prices of which they cut off a couple f points Perhaps they failed to observe that in predicting a contraction in business the president the Great Northern had made a reserva- tion In favor of the roads whose he directs He bad in effect said Others may suffer but we will continue to grow and as we shall be able to get labor and sup- plies cheaper than at present why you can see what It will mean for us There was nothing very bearish on Northern for Instance in alt this and these who regarded it as a signal for further attack on the stocks and a renewed out break of tui4atkm soon found that they were reckoning without their host One of the peculiar thing about the talk of contraction in business is that railroad men see evidence of It every- where except along their own lines oMctel sees this that or Ute other line or tralttc that is sure to keep up so that his particular road wilt not suffer and in this respect interviews oa the subject bear a striking resemblance to those that were given out four years ago before the spasm occurred in some lines of business that was caused by a decline ht the price of securities Yet at that time railroad earnings did not ran oft but kept on Increasing so that in every ease tbe reservation It will not effect our road came true and all that was wrong was the anticipation of a fall lug off ia the earnings of tile roads of the country at large The same may be the ease again After the trader had done some think- ing they name to the conclusion that if business was to contract the steel trade would be the first to feel it and so they sold some United States Steel Finding however that the demand for tha stock was very good they bega to think again and arrived at a conclusion a follows The steel trade will never again en counter any such reactions as it has ex In the past The United States Steel Corporation has strengthened position to such an extent in the peat four years building up an enormous sur plus new plants and new business with- out adding anything to Its capitalization that there is little possibility of the per- manency of the common stock dividends over being seriously called in question In other words the corporation has given up to its capitalization But Great is a new creation capitalized on the condition of years ago but on the buts of those at the time of greatest op timism lust year and here therefore is the stock that should be the ftrst to feel the effect of a decline In prosperity especially as in the event that the steel corporation needed to keep down its ex- penses to the lowest possible figure it would use as much as possible of its own cheap ores and draw as little as possible under the terms of its contract from the relatively dearer supply that came to It through the deal consummated last year Here was something fairly logical and when the attack was made on the ore certificates they yielded a much greater extent relatively than had the other Hill issues of steel The heavy selling of Reading which broke the price to near the low lovel touched early in the current month was accompanied by a revival of tho rumors about new financing but there was suspicion that the bear interest that at the end of Jut week predicted a severe break in the general market and that was supposed to be operating on the short side of this issue bad begun to force matters apprehensive that before Mon day the Aldrich bill might pass the Sen- ate leaving only the rather attenuated argument about the Harriman investiga- tion as a bearish facto to be opposed to a possible improvement in foreign senti- ment during the days when the local ex- change was closed With the decline in Reading the other anthracite coolers and Baltimore and Ohio sympathised the latter more per- haps on account of the poor showing of earnings for the month of January when tnUDc was impeded by snow and Union Pacific maintained such strength the traders became rather suspicious IL They expressed the opinion that its was held up so as to convey the im pression that there was no ground for regarding the Investigation which will be resumed in this city on Mon but few of them ventured to sell it view of the fact that taking into the dividend which will come off on S the yield on the present prices about C per cent a year Besides they no real proof that the buyhig vas not good as it seemed to be Rumors said that By H Harriman was sun confident of a disturbing character but this confidence was not shared by of the other interests in the one large holder of Union Pacific has 60060 shares of the stock in the past the position of this security be WALL STREET NOTES ln Circular al out the bringing rule of opera- tions North- ern I dtt ac- count t would not elicit I i Pac c very rerlenced tie not floods ha Investigation prop- erty IC ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ comes all the more interesting for tho stock must have been taken by some strong Interest as It doom not show In the floating supply A contribution to tlw literature on Atchison is supplied by a stock exchange house which in a special letter on the stock says With Its unique location tapping the traffic of the Giwat Lakes of the Pacify the Gulf and the republic of Mexico this road has made phenomenal progress in the matter of earnings since tho raorsaarzatkmiR Ms In the fiscal year ended June 39 MWJ the gross earnings of the entire system including lines controlled through owner- ship of securities amounted to B 4S5- Bagulnst 5 K12 In the lineal year ended June 1W7 The net earnings of in the same period Increased from 5T7H- H1 to 16777882 this item being larger in 1906 han the gross earnings of 1 7 The present year wilt show still more flatter- ing results Atchison has often been of excessive use of capital but the accusation will not stand in face of the facts From Ms7 to 1106 the outstanding capital obligations were Increased from 5W 2 to MMaft or only 3634 per cent while gross and net earnings In the same period Were Increased per cent and 2M per cent respectively Surely no intelligent critic can Ibid fault with a K per cent increase of capItalizatIon that Increases net results threefold The dreamt quoted above sums up Its conclusion as to the present position of Atchison aa follows U That the road Is in the unique position of having its own rails from Chicago and the Lakes to the Pacific the Gulf and the of Mexico along the lines which offer the greatest possibilities for the development of traflte In thte country 2 That th property is in excellent condition and that all expenditures of new capital have brought In far more than a corresponding- turn in the way of earning 3j That the results for the present year promise to show more than 14 per cent earned on common stock and that the convertible bonds while an absolutely invest- ment have an important speculative value In being a call on a stock that must soon go on a i per cent and ultimately on a higher dividend basis 4 That the stock and convertible bonds are always well looked after hi the market by the friends of the property That the road is on the most friendly terms relationship to the Harriman lines with which It jointly controls certain lines to the north of San Francisco That the opening within the present month of the Abo Pass cutoff new road of about XM miles will shorten the main line eliminate some of the worst grades on tIM system and contribute greatly to the economy and efficiency of operation The many capitalists now at Palm Beach and other winter resorts are not out of reach of the telegraph wires nor are they much behind in getting New York Stock Exchange quotations Baltimore and Ohio net earnings for January decreased J41747S Traffic manager and other officials of the soft coalers gathered in session here yesterday and the proposition to advance the bituminous coal rate from S cents per ton mile to 3 cents on ac- count of the Mch cost of labor material and general road operation All the roads of the Eastern Ohio and Western coal traflic associations were represented s well M the Ohio Coal TraOc Associa- tion LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Prices oaatad are wbolisali- RTTTBR ui Uj abort price ttgber Gnaatry tansy MKaS Western lieU SsM nraaili SK- pmeas faacr SsS fair to soot safer choice MaS good 2U8 storepacked fnaa islE CHKESKMarkct nndisasal York State factor Uraw I4al5 do snail ISaK sanuasr law m aU Wcstcra factorr flail Aa fair to gtad Ball Ytoffana M- LUtiftXeoeiiMB aMderate sad net easy Near by huh Virejal S West Vtr inia aad SoaUtweat- Vfagmia Tetsaesaee North Carolina 9L- LIVK PuULTItYRecxiiits Ifeht sad assist ftm- ta choir stock CUcaeaa law per tf ate dtaa U saull to 17 stag Hall ham Ira roosters 7 docks lars Mai lIdS gene turkeys toaas B to 14 15 barker thIn bests afcUT- DRKSSJCD rOCLTRYKeeeipts oT tansy bea- tetters ant choice yoaa ehfcfcea light sad market idler Tarkeys undrawn per lb IT scar SSP aadrawa M thin M old teas M ens spring terse S anaD M capons 7lb arsr- se 17aM saull U beas choice hell roosters la dodo larae lieS sasS UaM SS M Sat DRK8SED MEATHKeceipo of port moderate sad all ake stock promptly placed at fill oaota doss Cah a fall drewad l8laMlt bead off IN- sU hoc draawd raises 9a baa oonntrr- saaar rured Ktt bow sassll and asat per owl t aNdivss 8M TOOaTJ- lUAMBK c ptt ssasH and prices QaaH per dose 2Jasls saauiuls each safi opaasams each Sail YEGBTABLBSfotato assist better MIll de- mand and yaaw doll bOBM grows LHaUS iwUtoes per bushel sH sad MaryUad per bbL LStaLTS asset potatoat per lSa la yaaw 7M1W rsbtwee hens grows per 4StsMI eelerj New York per beach 3ki- M racnsshers Florida per bartet 2JtalS onions Secants per crate LSaLW Maryland sad Vir Pda per bbL lTSaZW Ohio per bbl LTSatfO- ciKKEX FKUITHAppJe mann Mroag aid sloe table varieties amt with ready sate coasmoa stock rejected York Isiprriat t l JW lies Dark SMK- S Wins Sap IftiaXM faacy table fish IWaVW- Qny par bbL ZJIaUl Ortearac 8 a35 loses DRIED FKUITSAnptei sttecd faacy S sliced briffat 4al eheniss Ball frhortleberriq- MaH raspberries 2a O HAY AND rVTHAWTfanoUiy choice 91M- No 1 No 2 MJaaJM said IXWa- 17JI dom nMsK rye handle ILWa- UM rye nucHinp thrash IMA wbeat 7 0a7 obeSe T4a7S fair to mood 72 ordinary SasSL CoraShelled white yettew- Ma ear 29fia3SX UatsWestera white No X- Os4t auxed WOOL AND HIDBBPreea bides Arm sad wasted Receipts W fur iixht sad deBMnd aood for all jmdes Wool washed free of bars per 3as3T wool nawaabed free of burl per lb 3Ja- V wool lorry per lb StSt gross per Ib 11 dry per lb liatf sbeepskiBS moan each Na- 1M dry each XeJS caUskina green sub Lisa skunk each MaLW mtiA each TfaLW rabbit each lal opoasmi each lieu racoooa each SaM fox red each LMai59 gray eaeh NEW YORK PRODUCE New York Feb 2LSUGAHIx ndm iwgar beets were steady bat QUIet at andMBged rate of- fcllttd fur Febraary and Maid Worlds rfcilile supply of saaar is cabled at 3 3MM toes The mar- ket for raw sugar is steady with basftwas pend- ing sad dutypaid prices quoted as follows Centrifu- gal 9t t 3a37M Miwcorado 8 t t 2at IMS ant 2allH fur SWest molasses Hisar ItecettKa for the week at AmericaH ports wore A8M lass Against IJJ week Wore sad STW a year ago HUTTEKKeceipU packeccs mailed ftrm at 33 cents tor extra creamer BUaSICerripts S7M mars Western 57 said firm at the half cent sdwnoe NAVAL SnroitKSStock flask tt T7 bands spirits turpentine tar 18B For strirUs tar pnttine a aad Mead Market was semi at 7 t for maebWmade barrels Mask rated n tet and steady tc fcrmer yucca of 4M for eanimoti to aood strained sad tar was im and higher at 5ta 175 for oil barrels MILL fKEDEasier trade fair Spriftc bran fa- IMpownd sacks Z185 middno 9M cIty brA 22M Western red dna M- PLOUltSt ady Sfxiag patents iSte at dears XSaaXM winter stiafajbts X Oa3W winter dears NHX2S Kansas ra sacks pateats X7ia4W- straigbta 13njJ7 dear X9alJB- KYB FLOUKMnn but trade Moderate at 3S- a42i CORN MKVLSte dy fair feMMiar Kibv rkd lea Sport IWsiTS coarse Neat ia toes LltoLK1- 1UCKW1IBAT PLOUltLlsht demand at HAYCbotee m fair reatteM Ite etptB Ot tots Ids timothy L1S No 1 No S SSaJUC- ONo 3 8MB- STltAWateady light trade1 TACt rye lOsES ItEBFSteady ak iaqakr Famflr HJWalSJO packet ILMsHN- IOHKlnacUre Mess 18JtenV2S family 19W- aTALLOWQteady fair trade City qiwtad at n- m hocshead- sLAKDSteody DIe WesterN WM city X69 Mined eonUBent 1U Soatk Aanriesi HW re seed UrasfliBB kegs USl city stearhi 11 Oke qtnet dty 11 Chieasa M- Clean Advertising The ingrton Herald does not exploit fakirs Merchants who patronize this newspaper will find themselves- in good company Its advertising columns arc kept clean 3D the road I tile mate i o I a 3315 duke a a tIn tall Sail hens chick Ilea Ira Pee VirgInS lei packed bay straw f1LI heat ii f1aC IlL hides bIadI earle 35 kIts each 5 557L Ute iS IrMa Ii t 5 22 nD rIDe 1 ac- cused 1551 republic discussed New ace 35 mall hen gad IlL j5 i5In1J- uS sasbat each 1535 lees mass 11 5 Wash ing ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > LOCAL FINANCIAL GOSSIP The Washington Stock Exchange de- cided yesterday at tlie close of the regu- lar call to adjourn until Monday follow- ing the example set by the exchangee In other clUes As a result there will be three days cessation of stock operations Washington as well as other financial centers of the country Trading on the exchange appeared to be affected by the approaching holiday and outside of Mergeatltaler and Ameri- can Graphophoae common there were not two trades In any one stock Mergenthaler sold up to 26 the highest price of the stock in Washington In recent months- S II Agnew of Henry Clews Co will take a short trip to New York over the holiday Herbert L Jones of fJtatrles G Gates Co started yesterday after noon for Chicago on a brief visit to friends Oplnlonx on the Vv York Market- S H Agnew of Henry Clews Co The market was heavy and dull traders being apparently loath to make any new commitments over the holiday Traders- on the general situation are stilt bear lahly inclined There to sufficient demand for stocks in the loan crowd to indicate a fairly large short Interest and most of these stocks were sold at a higher level Some traders showed a disposition to take profits to even up over the holiday and this covering of shorts helped to support the market The feeling has become almost universal that this year will show a reaction m trade and that the shrinkage In stock values is sim- ply a forerunner of what is to happen in other lines of business By far the weak- est stock on the list is Reading There is no apparent reason for the attack on Reading other than pevuhucnt selling by some traders and no concentrated buy- Ing The weakness In Great Northern and Northern Pacific is attributed to the ac- knowledgment made by Mr Hill that the railroads are already taking a reef in their sails in expectation of a serious slacken- ing of business The immediate future of the market depends to a great extent upon the fate of the Aldrich currency bill in the Senate Benjamin Woodruff of Post A Flagg There is little to say of such a market with a threeday holiday before us as trading during most of the Million ceased almost entirely The bill does not seem to make much progress in the Sen- ate which causes some uneasiness also people are much afraid of the Harriman investigation on Monday These are the two alltalkedof incidents in Wan street and the immediate future of the market depends almost entirely upon how they turn out A rather determined bear drive against Reading somewhat enlivened the last few minutes and the price of the stock was knocked dewn below Ma but showed a slight rally it the end J B Weed of Dick Bros A CoThe market showed a continuation of the sell lag movement of yesterday At times trading became very dull and rallies were feeble Reading was by far the most con- spicuous stock and declined over two polaR from the opening closing at about the lowest Stock seemed to be for sale on every snow of strength in spite of de- nlata of the rumor that the company was about to issue from S OaMOO to new securities Union PaciAc was a exception to general weakness in active Issues and closed with a slight net gain for the day The close was weak and fairly active G Bowie Chipmaa of B It Chapman A- Co About the only developments in the market worth noting took place during the best half hour Previous to that time the list was dull and fluctuations were carried oq within a narrow range above and below last nights finals In the last half hour the market became what might be called spotty the Anal prices showing great irregularity St Paul Atchison Union Pacific Southern Pacific New York Central and Pennsylvania closed steady with fractional changes the Hill stocks about a point off while Canadian Pacific gained slightly more than that figure The coalers were generally tower Reading be- ing under especial pressure and appar ently subject to aggressive short selling Among the industrials Copper and Steels were steady the Smelters however sold off about a point and a half Dealings were much restricted nod the day pre sen ted the usual anteholiday aspect WASHINGTON STOCK MARKET SafcsKewtar call n ecaM WM- MWaattncMB GM cntMeatn 169 at Ill Waakhnctm Railway sad Kfcctrie at MV- ajhtor3on Gas at KM- Mcntenttahr M at M M JK C at 9f- Mctrapolttaa Nattoaa ita 1 at 9ta- Uatoa Tkwft M at 191f- tFVewens pewr nor M at tL- Aawrfcaa Graiiaayhflaa inaaioii M at HK S ai- OH After eattJIhcMl XMac B ai- PbfuwkM Last PafdMM Mf- Diitxfet of QaiaaiM 9Jb UtK GAS BONDS Va GM Ck ia m Gee Cart M 1HK MR RAILROAD BONDS Cavfeai Tractfcm la- Ameaatia and Patawae fe Mt City and artwrtma Sa M- CoimnMa N wrt i9 am M Ml- OtaMWa nj- MetrtuMMUn fe M Ill i- Me1 om a cert hideS Ct M wad Hwjr and Met I at- Wa Afcx A Mt V tMB to- J1ISCKLLAXBOOB DONDS- U S Ekctrie Liaat deb imav Ml- U S Kkctric Lidht est InS a W- IatonM Klertric Usfat ant Sa m- X W Stnuabmt Sa MT Chesapeake and Pctcauc THeyhaM M 4- VMbiugtoR Market Ut IB m- FU1ILIC UTILITY STOCKS Capital Tnwtioa Ml K3 Wash Railway and IBeetrfe roes 31 M- Waaa and Kkctric pM 9Hi SSH Norfolk and V i fit m Steamboat 9- WaAiastoa GM r- Georgetmnt Chesapeake sad IotoaMt Trtirilia t- TYPB MAGUINB STOOKS MergnitlMler MtiotnM m Lenten Motwtjpe JJ 05 MINING SPOOKS Gracne Copper 31 H i Mitchell Mteteg Owfaay S i NATIONAL DANK STOCKS Amerhan MS CapitaL S Central 9ft- Nattooal Oky V- CVAraMa Vf- CciMDndal SUM fanaos seed MedwNta 9 991 Metropolitan UHss j See X HI Trader m- Wa i gi i m- Vaflbtoetm Ridttne w M- STU06T COMPAN1 STOCKS AaMTfcaa Security and Trust M- Nattooal Savfosa sad TrtaR- Unfcm Tenet Cewiwuy HR I9T- WajfciacUm Lens and Tenet m 29- Wa lriiigUw Safe Deiwelt Tr M- UHhw Trast WamitU 91 SAVINGS CANE STOCKS lines 37- 1MereheaU sad Mecaaaiw 13ft FiltH 1NSUUANCB STOOKS ArilRgtaif 31 31- CahaaVfo M 11 Go merefel 5 6 Ooraena N- Firtmews 21 fif- raakHB 85 AnHiifdn 299 Metropolitan 93 NaUowrt Onten IJ- IcepJes eu- IMaawc 9- Utes 3 9 tv nn iVf Columbia Title ICeal Bstate Titl Title S STOCKS Unpkwpiioiw COB GiRiboi b me pfd tt ciMrtt7 Starapa m Realty Appraisal Agency Wiuliin Hi Market U 15 Fidelity Storace tit mate- rially Aldrich ZOo note- worthy pit 5 at 1 350ND5 nIL ML k Co JIiM In hallway 311 S1t 15 lilt iii Jtl II a m EJI JlJ ItS i lEi CIR 1I1SCKLLA BOUt II Slit txdidcIen Sc 15 s- OOVKKNMhYT a- Wash is In lee IS 35 15- 355 a TIThE STIOKS 3 j g s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > < FINANCIAL r Haad Office 60 Wall St Hew Yore Capital and Surplus 55500000 UPTOWN BRANCH 1124 Conn Ave Corporation transacts of banking business and has branches all over the world Interest paid on drawing accounts and a higher rate on time money Loans made on approved collateral and commercial paper discounted Ladies accounts are welcomed and all are invited to call v MR NORMAN BESTORf- or the past 36 years connected with the Riggs Bank has been appointed manager of the Connecticut Ave- nue Branch in association with Mr Hurray A Cobb assistant manager in charge Fiscal K TIIJI of t oIled States lu China Iliiliiiiiinc Islands nail IannniM 1415 G Street N W 1124 Connecticut Ave THIS foreignand ass- istant r lrJ9 International Banking CrprtioN ¬ = ALWAYS READY TO SERVE YOU Bank equipped to render ex banking service continu from 930 a m to 12 mW Active business and personal accounts are Exchange 710 Fourteenth St PRODUCE IN BALTIMORE Baltimore Feb ZtPLOUKMarket Winter extra r Sa3 winter dear XBa3S wInter itraHM iaa2fi winter Pat IHaS O aprtas dear 9838 tfttaf atoafebt XSWJI apHag pit eat IUaUI cIty best patent 5M MBh- H nte patent US CRT Mitt atiaiflkt IJI dM lastly 3Jf City Mills orbs 33IB3JI IUD extn IMatll if oar vedtam ia afataton MMT at the doss Ooatnet taadr May The Market tar Weatara dose steady spat yeanaryT- Ma Man 91- CCHtXSWe ia eterator S M taahtte Mar bet was iaaetitc kits of white cora afloat onotaMe auaaainy at S1H per boabel and prima piPes at act opeacd March mkmUK The aawkrt tat Weatara doatd MS apot Fcftnauy UK March WIsh April 5UMV May fKaB- UATSMartet tafet Deaaaad peed Stodt ia- etewtan MM basInS atiitaaiali Irma detata- ntm baabeia Qaatattaaa far now oats WhIte Xo- X Ma H do No 3 4MK mixed No 2 lisa M No X 1aa ot Xo 4 Ha Sate Tb above jnoUttoaa refer to oa Hlc deliior la elevator MTJK bntfjia a4 Irma devaton 3W boabeJa No 2 e- ihiinatlf per baabd No 9 q Waattra a- twra delivery per baabd Bdl No 3 rye by uptown ddirery Uatt No 4 rye WaMara uptown delicacy 8 X 4 rya aaarbf dattftry per baabel SatSI bac tots aa to qaalitr sad coodrUon 5aa0 Na 2 Wartara aaiaeaHc Tla- H No 1 Weatcra chalet uptown TSaT- tBCTTERMarket ataady Creaaaery faaiy 91 do ctatce 3U3S da good 3ta do iaritattauZai- M JSa35 da Madu 3te9 nearby IJaH Ohio rolls tfa VtadBla rolls lid i4crepadud OWa MaK do Weat Vlr- Kteia MalB Marylaad Vfcaiaia sad Peaaarlraaia- qaatatiaw a for wholesale Me mljr eataMioba- iJabbtac lots sen EGCSttartoK Meady Maryland Ptaaaj ali and aearby awta leas of per daaea V Western lists bw oaf ff West Virgiafc Arata teat C K Soutbern toan off JSa pm Mall dMk- yp jj LIVK rOULTRVyarkct atcady CIa aid heaVy per poaod UtlSK da aval 13 do obi eacb SkiS da yoaas taad ta choice tf do roses Ur and raacb 0 dadn puddle Incas a do mall da mm ansi sad aiaiarrt llal da drabaa each 9MH- do white iMkiaa r lb M ama sad Soatbera lisZt IL Maryland sad Vtaaiaia IX da Kaat latedd M turkeys Ins 17 do yoaa s- MMB 9 da roaac each 35 GRAIN MARKETS Qaaatnaaa fmatobed by Cbartea a Gala O- acbtnp Bond of Trod Uoaacr Baildla- Opta mpk Low Ctaat PORK Xa Ml HP ILH fJT- Mv Ui as is MTJ- ldGT fcSJ WT JL3T- tt 8 JH H2T UT- r 19f fc37 Now YoaX Fab tLVrUKATBtmas isle de No L Nartbera Duluth t notes Te t f a b Na 2 nd- t a K fc No 1 hard f a a jm Mlgr- Na 1 aiacaniali ninaiag aafifatfoa L a b No t amcaaoBt opeaiBt aariaatloau 7T Xwarlma- Mcaroai and M tec- CORNtitnwg efaedua No t- B No 2 sew S3H L a b NA 1 yd 19 Na 2 fo b SarA BH No 2 BM- ffli L a b Kxaartan took B toada OATSFlna bat act Ktoatar N 2 wbata it No 3 nMte arU N L S mInd Yea WHRVT Oam Ulak Low tae dst May fl 3 i 19m SWi LIVE Chimes Feb MCATTUCUecefr CSN bead eaUmated for to aaiaia t awrket steady 1rtae- bencs 19aSl poor ta Medina 44 11 ataekrn sad feeders l f 4M cow and him Sia25- eacnen LMtlW Teaaa 4 k l7S- HOGSUc fft8 SUM head for to- morrow AW aurket S to M ente htober Urtt twig IMaCJS mixed jaa71 hasty SlIKKrlteceifKs Hl head eetiaaatri fete to laorrow TJW atcady Ink o II mats Natite sheep 3L9bA Vestern- abem X73a4 notice leads 4 aTJ VtaUr- ataafe SM 7 K b aCATTLRH fpU 1S8 Mad aa la liw cattle matoMUr ateady far all nets sad Rt ds X ears expected for Fridays aurfert- CALVBSNo freak recefpta sad BOtWaK MfM- aatMftr steady Droned te fair deauad sad steady City dreiacd yeah Sal4 eamtry dIe UH Stump ANIXUVllIISReceipU M had bv- Hry for either ep cr leads bust aeRere Haa oa Donate stEalers 11008tteceipta I M head ao ia H haea- feeHac steady Two Nets Incorporation for the incorporation the Thomas W Power Elevator Company teen flied The capital ocR of the ftrm is stated at 100961 divided into shares of 100 each purpose of concern to manufacture install and sell ftlevatflr The following appear as in- corporators ThontMi V William V Cox and George The Buster Brown Social Club filed papers for incor- poration Ann Pledgman Ell Hedgmun and Thomas Johnson appearing as Orators THIS s lIent washington steady grade to 315315 QJr Uk UL dour per WHEAT lIar wIt with No red at 11 WIth prIne U KYR tock t I sulk JidI za shn I by tile Maitlass JInaIt I sues era aDIIIn UaH old 14 reuse per 35 aid Chloago- WJflLrr n Rft J0- 0ItJIlI 1104T1i JtttiJ Wi La Ijq U IJI over f 0 K 1 itaIta f 0- NGrdten 8 11 terO put No 2 red MIi whIteS eo it PIC fit eQk- KaJ DiIL ted taw pip rUt loser 8i few y cabs Papers of 1 The USe Is Power H ward j Inc r situ Sty J sics mal per 5 ponods 3eecWbast 155 posudi istlI ds hat uIes as ishas graded 2 sOest quolbie noesloally per med 15 and i nosileal WI dim masts 55 sear town a West daisy petals ieiatM tN sad lisdcs 3ausdsdoe hid Asa bass roes cit do lou pi35ose 35k ISsIS 40 54 iss pair ins 1- usu 3I 37 5- 7J dl i il Wi 35 LatltD 3 U masse May No Noethers 15 1- N 2 Ilasliobs 35a bails 5er now prima If- p1 lad 35 35135 iSilt So Wi II July 55 3- 5tod STOCKS MARKETS L35s733 515430 sheep steady trade a tend have ¬ < ¬ > 5 FiNANCIAL Washington Loan Trust Co orricE COR nu AND F Ill PAIDUP CAPiTAL fUMML SURPLUS JMMaf EAKKXO- aatata ar eaCatcnl at icanaMal- aiceeat PaM J- Tsmfa OMBpMay M 3Mqjnigr amn jstMtra tOT tfBSlsSa another Itoaaa tat reat ta barsatr and iMgiout fault T for tale pepoatt and atflraac at paw fled EatateDaparbMt la pupared to Carefal attention ta JOHN JOY XD80X Pieskfcr JOHN A SWOfK VB PwsklT ELLIS SPEAR fcaaa ANDREW V ARK KB- 1IARRY G MKKM llOYD TAYLOR THOMAS BRADLEY Real Estate OCi r- FREDK ElClitLEtaUJEW trust ua e UNION SAVINGS BANK BUILDING 710 14th St Invites your account branch at Woodward Lothrop3 BUYERS AND SELLERS When yon want to sell aaytitaajr fan natonlrjr go where pcrcbaam aaay be band We kept pretty tcadiag to this tenor of oar Swartzell Rheem Hensey Co WAJUGBR BCIUMK BRANCH OF 708 14th Street N W Phone M 1S5C S H AGNEW MANAGKR- OiXJCCT PRIVATE WIRES TO X W TtHllC deposit accounts aajbjact b cbetlf- MBMBCRS NJEW ionic STOCK KXCHAKGK BOSTON CHICAGO e Charles G Gates Co rrrlottr Bunatagl 111 ROADWAY MEW YOU Members of all Exchanges Braacb OOcea- Tba WaMorfAataria New Tart ttaabary Baifctos thing Raihray Ksebaag Hntlinas CSMavco Attend Ufty New Jjsr Washington Office Mmascy TELKPHOKBSt MAIN 9m H- Ufcect latest Wire Serrtet Capital tl000000 Surplus HJBi000 j OF Issued Drafts issued direct on principal cities of the world Money transmitted by cable Exchange bought and sold Investments Collections made Stocks and Bonds bought and sold National Bank Pa Ave Opposite US Treasury Members N Y Stock Excna g2 80 Broadway New Yock WASHINGTON OFFICE 1301 F Street NW G B CHIPMAN Member Washington Stock Exchange Highest Returns to Investors With safety to principal guaranteed by tnt sort Ease Weed of trust b ta oat VTtahingtrm IDes property Screral aotM SJMB each to lavyiaj S met Pet to tavcster IssUer a MM dine property ft McLSRAX MM IT at tr SAW YOUR AD IX THE HERALD L4 real hal lIMeS to cte v sad la gives INaro d THE WON SAVINGS WIns want to wise ins can tress tile nat If mat to oc let lay II SlXKft HEN HY CLEWS CO RANKERS I I I I I I I Li I BBl LETTERS i il 5 I i Chapman Co MaMcw ala per lIRIIJICXIL II In u su aeds is asmi upes hly 5 5 as- sam the aese utiLe 57 als Yha Prrstd Titasirr Tree BAM Lo 0 ycat y pi arbet kapat se are In bi jas Im sell as to- astady tea a iOIST15Wr lilorut a as I C 15aeA iw5s a15oi RXGGS net 4 < < = =

Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1907-02-22 [p 10].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1907-02-22/ed...5V xr cent to H irfr crat sixty to i8ety dyi-a4on d bills r cei ble

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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1907-02-22 [p 10].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1907-02-22/ed...5V xr cent to H irfr crat sixty to i8ety dyi-a4on d bills r cei ble


ii TJI i t-


Traders Quiet on Eve ofThree Days Holiday


TwuisincCIons Iiullcale That I i inldn-

tion In Small Way Ls Kcin Con

tfjnioa Strcrt Believes Aldrleli Fi-

nancial Hill Will Be PtwwoiVlir Sennte anti House Before Adjournment

New York Feb 3L The course ct thestock market today was perhaps whatmight leave expected wader prevailin circumstances On the eye of a threeday holiday such as te now about to behtd speculators do not care to ewlargetheir ventures on account and on theother band generally prefer to close ot aportion at least of their commitments

dostos quotations showed irregular netadvances and declines with pre-

dominating At the opening of businessmarket was a little stronger than It

was yesterday then declined ral-

lied and left o weak under a renewal ofthe seOtaur movement led by an onslaughtupon the Reading common shares whichclosed for toe lay at a net decline ofnearly two point There wore critics whoprofessed to regard the course of thedays market as feeing more or lou unsat-isfactory In that according to certaintechnical points of view greater resiliencyin values should have bent shown thanwas dually witnessed

llnylng Should Bo BrIskAccording to their contentions as prices

have declined rather steadily throughoutthe week and as a large short interest inthe market has been created today pre-

ceding a long suspension of stock ex-

change business should have been u timefor a rather brisk buying in of vspeculative contracts for th fall It was admitted that covering purchases of thissort today were indeed not at all infre-quent but no financial powers seemed dis-

posed to make an attack upon the shortinterest and those who decided to buy instocks against sales previously made didnot seem ta have any great difficulty htdoing so It appeared to be the case hiother words that dribbling liquidation inthe market was still going

It is probable that the weakness m themarket in the closing half hour of busi-ness was to be particularly attributed tocabled reports from London of storiescurrent there that the Czar of Russia hadbeen assassinated but these tale wereentirely unconfirmed up to the close ofbusiness and were generally believed tohave been started for speculative pur-poses

Two counteracting forces regarding themarket were manifestly at Work todayOne of the wa th sarong hope thatbefore next Monday the Aldrich financialbill would pass the United States Senate-if act also the House of Representativesand the other the fear of the resultsof the investigation into the Harrimanrailroad management that will be begunin the city on Monday morning It wasapparent this morning that the AldrichtIll would meet with some opposition toits passage through the Upper House ofCongress but the belief was entertainednevertheless that this opposition wouldnH prove to be of a broad and determinedcharacter

The chief danger affecting the bill is ofcourse that even if no strong lIghtagates tt is made any general debateMited over It may so delay its pasnge

in the remaining few days of the Con-

gressional session as to cause the bill tofill cf enactment It is understood howver that it is the sentiment of the Re-

publican party leaden In both Houses ofongre3 that the bill should become a

law before March 4 and all reasonablebanj therefore seem to favor the

probability that the bill will soon beplaced upon the statute books


lUll Believed ItaHjimlKtleSentiment was again adversely affected

by consideration particularly ofthe pessimistic remarks made by James-J Hill In an interview published here yes-

terday afternoon although it was remem-

bered that Mr lilt is often in the habitof saying tumga that have t be

in a peculiar fashion There Isvery little doubt however that those incharge ot the railway interests of thecountry are impressed the present time

day of the antirailroad agitation in thedecade of 1839 to tt with the harm thatthe railways are suffering and must stillsuffer from rut and unjust legislationdirected against them

The weakness of the lUll stocks andspecially of the Great Northern ore cer-tificates was today considered as beingconsequent upon Mr Hills utterancesVery little attention was jaid to the Indi-cations for Saturdays statement possi-bly from the fact that there will be nofvioAon of the stock exchange on the lastiiay of the week The prognosis of thei ank return was however more or lessunfavorable as it indicated a loss by thebanks of from fl200OM to l2ON60e whilethe chances were held to be that thebunk loan account would be enlargedowing to transactions relating to the railway abortterm note issues

The Bank of Englands proportion ofreserve was reported today as having

IS per cent as against per-cent last week but the reserve compareswith a percentage of 44 per cent on thesame late last year In banking circleshere more or less unfavorable commentwas made concerning the fact that thereturn movement of currency from theinterior of the country was not as greatas had been looked for it was saWis sjsinBiiCedry due to the extreme activ-ity tfcttt still continues throughout theWeffcM section


Qootsiiass aw tarnished by 8 X CtamaaB ACo memhtn Xew York Stock Bwhaagn Q

Chi manager UR F StMSt aartBJWSl-

tAaierican Pneumatic Take tAID Telephone aad TOearanh mAwericMi Woolen aAmericas Woafc pM M m-iMnhuan Steel JtfeMasMdMMtts electricMaaucfaasctu Bectrie pflMaaaarliaaiiu MS SBUuifatl V


North Batte-

roppvr Hspa-


TS iack 1Trinity


York Fiper ent highest Hi lowest 2 ebvnw 3 per cart

T e money crartJaaed in good demand sad imu-tiUinable with moderate freedom Rates Sfc rrrent fur sixty and ninety days a per cost and y-

jr rent for few art ard sit monthsMirnntile paper ra offered in fairly large

amounts but the absonrtoa was not hates5V xr cent to H irfr crat sixty to i8ety dyi-a4on d bills r cei ble 5 i per cent to i perc rat choice four to au mn tl mtegl MIBM St1 T cent thom leai wen hiKra-

Hterlins stra lv with rites I hlcher Ratesarttal business dosed M d i8SUN fc-

MIU 4S45tei8 5 cable UOIk4a co w etculm urn 479S1W38The iupilj of oottoa bIlls was Moderate



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1KU 3t 31 34 W 35m 93H 9S H MK

1JR tttt J6 U8 0 li 9Bfc K-

Mi Ml M 19 163 1HK-JW S5 SK4 3J 33 35-

3M HH liSt 51H B UK-

1MWM4 MS 1714 in IRKm 4 f-

cMl R SH SI MH HH-m s sr E7 sr sr-

ra es


Ml JK SMI 8R4 S S3


Opt Hkh Low CtoeOw-

AmericM pM-

Xrtttti Ohirahix OovaMr M IK W4CtMoMaiMi Ompear 91 91

91 STfe 31CK 9H-


Grame Oo erMiteteH MiM-

Xerada caLNteimfa Miateff-Stiwdird O


New rat 9States

k eooaoa-

4s rajdstered 99Is feaMesed UK


Paaaaaa Oaaal 9 mh nalDistrict of Cohaaaaa IMkt-hOUBOW 4i f


eKCbaaaa basal tnasacUow-Uatted Slates 3s coopoa-Aaxrioaa TeAacco Ct-

Aawricaa Tobacco tf-A T and S F generalA T aad a K adjnstaaeatA T and S KA T ned S FAnantic Coast Line fc-

BaRbaere aad ObJo prior Jim Vfr-RalrbsMR aad OWo RoU It-

dMaapcafca aad OMo tost Is acriat Aaad Ohio fl-

C R sad Q debnsrara-O It aad Q jeimt toC R I aad P gMMal 4

R I and P coBatenl Js-

C R I sad is-Detawai sad Hadsoa 4sIMstiHm SecarWes caBaatral as-Erfc coaaoUdated la-

Krte convertible 4s DIllteofo OeMra-lIlhaab Central 4 ME-IntrroattBBal ant Gnat Nartbftm

Erie sod Western Brat asLake Shore fc-

Mbaoari Kansas and teaaart aMissouri Partir 5 WTMobile nod Ohio new Is

Cesitral 4sNew Yosk Canted 34s i

New York CeatnU U S 9MsNorfolk aad W Mfrn eaawBlMatailNorfoH and Western p C sad a-Oreano Short Time Is-IVnoaylfanbi JHa NO MMPtnasrtamia 9as HH-

Readias 4sSt U I M and S ta B-Ht U and SaiSeaboard Airaoatbrrn 1acttc reftndtas s amflootbera Raflway 5a l KT a I sod R It Is lOrm dk MIT S Sled sbUdaK tam ft HU-WenUacbowe Maoafoctactar As aauWest atare Is KU

Total wles 14 a abjat UKJM jeatenUrsad SJ3MH a week ago a year ago Mae a baUday


QaataUoni furab4i d by Dick nw Co

II street aortbweat Ibiaw naf-cwtmn

New York Felt M Booourantd by favorablecables aad apot sales of T3LJOM Isles at rmpooithe mUm market showed a decided iannmsw s intoss and uriees RIMed up 91 to 3t ixnoU oa tbemore active options above tbe low level of yesterdayReotMs whIte neenl mused little or noThese was soase profittaking oa a scale up butaaTfriags were well abtorbed MIMI Kill appear to beatcra toalirtraL The Xtw York and New Orleanslaarbit win be adaM natfl oaday and Liverpoolaaos w sea Poet rwetpta estbaatud 43Mtest year 3MB exports aoatbern spots

New YorkOjxw llfc Low

March M tJt tnMar Ml Lit fJt

tff JS t16 H5-1Ortsbar Ml 9M SM-

Xtnv OrlcaiiO-fxw Hlnhr T r 3pm-

Mueh i IMS JM8 MJ-M r Kiir MA Mr Ma

J6 HM jajr-Oetaker MB MD MU Mu

Spot ainrkctsSM U Stoat Jrids Sales

Oahestaa VJK 318126 M 38New Offcana MsM xjjat MTK J W

3 S88 UK 1JM-3ananah MB IttMi Vi ijC-

fcurltsmn 7 Mf M-

NorWk M 4M3 H 111

HoaatOH MJK ISJnS WJB3 MUMl tt-St Lone 4IK ita 3MCT le

WAShINGTON CATTLE MARKETMarhet stiaac how m Mod aeMaad and mw

receipts of eahw beary sat trice steady fetaibsand sheep firm and wanted

per cwt UGaUt batcher LISa5 common lUtUft wwgh l aatsi-nOnSGwss 75S TII ordMary ISIaraj-

LUVilltSCbofee per tt ia7 mdtaa a-7OOVBS1rto per ft 8 nadinm tfts fratt

4aCOWSPrim fresh rt 41iea9aOO eoffimo-oa00 31l9 old and do S tal6 a


It W W W mi-8aL 11W UII6

iW 11P4 lii tA

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L 111


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2ft ISI

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an furakiedliy X JL aaea k-

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II DII1K atTrinity s ft S-uw c12 72 JR n-

Uftae casei I Wi




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New Yc Feb el



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haOpnilflhiLTAIrFa2tYe-AatThm3M 4I

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t 355 355 35-

1Waisg 35 35


adsisbus Ysk


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515 35


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SHililPtiiluse 4t435 taN










Rumors from Bears Had Czar

Twice Assassinated


Knilrnml UlnRrnntci AH Sec Prolm-

Jiility of Dlmiiintloii of IrosperUycut All Ijlnc but Their Own Atclibon Highly Lauded Ia

Ntie l by Brokers Dcnllujc In Stock

New York Feb 21 Tne Car was as-

masinated twice today in Wall streetrumors The first time was at about 1030

oclock and the a cond was themiddle of the Jut hour oC uiwineM Thereason for both waa the same tlie attemptto find an explanation of tho weaknessin Russian bonds that could be made themeans of depressing securities generallyThe real reason for the decline in Russiangovernment obligations was probably tobe found in the threat of a resort toreactionary measures on the part of thebureaucracy but as this could have nobearing on price of Americans a moreuseful one had to be found or made andUM reported assassinations were the resuit

Curiously enough the afternoon rumorreceived more attention than the earNerone although the very fact that hourshad intervened without confirma-tion should have served H a sufllcientrefutation The change in speculativesentiment increased the receptivity of thestreet for wnfavorableness and In thelast hour anything of that kind wouldhave been accepted without much ques-tion

A broker who took the trouble to ascer-

tain the trend of sentiment among thefloor traders said after the close that hofound the most considerable of theseoperators bearish as a althoughshort of but ttttte stock

At about the end of the first hour thetraders seemed to realize that James JHill had on his return to New York saMsomething about tbe probability of astowing down of the tremendous activitythat has prevailed in general businessduring the past year and with strangeperversUy proceeded to attack Mr Hillsown stocks from the prices of whichthey cut off a couple f points Perhapsthey failed to observe that in predictinga contraction in business the presidentthe Great Northern had made a reserva-tion In favor of the roads whose

he directsHe bad in effect said Others may

suffer but we will continue to grow andas we shall be able to get labor and sup-plies cheaper than at present why youcan see what It will mean for us Therewas nothing very bearish on Northern

for Instance in alt this and thesewho regarded it as a signal for furtherattack on the stocks and a renewed outbreak of tui4atkm soon found thatthey were reckoning without their host

One of the peculiar thing about thetalk of contraction in business is thatrailroad men see evidence of It every-where except along their own lines

oMctel sees this that or Ute otherline or tralttc that is sure to keep up sothat his particular road wilt not sufferand in this respect interviews oa thesubject bear a striking resemblance tothose that were given out four yearsago before the spasm occurred in somelines of business that was caused by adecline ht the price of securities Yet atthat time railroad earnings did not ranoft but kept on Increasing so that inevery ease tbe reservation It will noteffect our road came true and all thatwas wrong was the anticipation of a falllug off ia the earnings of tile roads of thecountry at large The same may be theease again

After the trader had done some think-ing they name to the conclusion that ifbusiness was to contract the steel tradewould be the first to feel it and so theysold some United States Steel Findinghowever that the demand for tha stockwas very good they bega to think againand arrived at a conclusion a follows

The steel trade will never again encounter any such reactions as it has exIn the past The United StatesSteel Corporation has strengthened

position to such an extent in the peatfour years building up an enormous surplus new plants and new business with-out adding anything to Its capitalizationthat there is little possibility of the per-manency of the common stock dividendsover being seriously called in questionIn other words the corporation has givenup to its capitalization But Great

is a new creation capitalizedon the condition of years ago but on thebuts of those at the time of greatest optimism lust year and here thereforeis the stock that should be the ftrst tofeel the effect of a decline In prosperityespecially as in the event that the steelcorporation needed to keep down its ex-penses to the lowest possible figure itwould use as much as possible of its owncheap ores and draw as little as possibleunder the terms of its contract from therelatively dearer supply that came to Itthrough the deal consummated last year

Here was something fairly logical andwhen the attack was made on the orecertificates they yielded a much greaterextent relatively than had the other Hillissues of steel

The heavy selling of Reading whichbroke the price to near the low loveltouched early in the current month wasaccompanied by a revival of tho rumorsabout new financing but there wassuspicion that the bear interest that atthe end of Jut week predicted a severebreak in the general market and that wassupposed to be operating on the shortside of this issue bad begun to forcematters apprehensive that before Monday the Aldrich bill might pass the Sen-ate leaving only the rather attenuatedargument about the Harriman investiga-tion as a bearish facto to be opposed toa possible improvement in foreign senti-ment during the days when the local ex-change was closed

With the decline in Reading the otheranthracite coolers and Baltimore andOhio sympathised the latter more per-haps on account of the poor showing ofearnings for the month of January whentnUDc was impeded by snow and

Union Pacific maintained such strengththe traders became rather suspicious

IL They expressed the opinion that itswas held up so as to convey the im

pression that there was no ground forregarding the Investigation

which will be resumed in this city on Monbut few of them ventured to sell it

view of the fact that taking intothe dividend which will come off on

S the yield on the present pricesabout C per cent a year Besides they

no real proof that the buyhig vas notgood as it seemed to be Rumors said

that By H Harriman was sun confident

of a disturbing character butthis confidence was not shared byof the other interests in the

one large holder of Union Pacific has60060 shares of the stock in the past

the position of this security be


ln Circular

al out










t would not elicitI


Pac c





ha Investigation





























comes all the more interesting for thostock must have been taken by somestrong Interest as It doom not show In thefloating supply

A contribution to tlw literature onAtchison is supplied by a stock exchangehouse which in a special letter on thestock says With Its unique locationtapping the traffic of the Giwat Lakes ofthe Pacify the Gulf and the republic ofMexico this road has made phenomenalprogress in the matter of earnings sincetho raorsaarzatkmiR Ms

In the fiscal year ended June 39 MWJ

the gross earnings of the entire systemincluding lines controlled through owner-ship of securities amounted to B 4S5-Bagulnst 5 K12 In the lineal year endedJune 1W7 The net earnings ofin the same period Increased from 5T7H-

H1 to 16777882 this item being larger in1906 han the gross earnings of 1 7 Thepresent year wilt show still more flatter-ing results Atchison has often been

of excessive use of capital but theaccusation will not stand in face of thefacts From Ms7 to 1106 the outstandingcapital obligations were Increased from5W 2 to MMaft or only 3634 percent while gross and net earnings In thesame period Were Increased per centand 2M per cent respectively Surely nointelligent critic can Ibid fault with a Kper cent increase of capItalizatIon thatIncreases net results threefold

The dreamt quoted above sums up Itsconclusion as to the present position ofAtchison aa follows U That the road Is

in the unique position of having its ownrails from Chicago and the Lakes to thePacific the Gulf and the ofMexico along the lines which offer thegreatest possibilities for the developmentof traflte In thte country 2 That thproperty is in excellent condition and thatall expenditures of new capital havebrought In far more than a corresponding-turn in the way of earning 3j That theresults for the present year promise toshow more than 14 per cent earned oncommon stock and that the convertiblebonds while an absolutely invest-ment have an important speculative valueIn being a call on a stock that must soongo on a i per cent and ultimately on ahigher dividend basis 4 That the stockand convertible bonds are always welllooked after hi the market by the friendsof the property That the road is onthe most friendly terms relationshipto the Harriman lines with which Itjointly controls certain lines to the northof San Francisco That the openingwithin the present month of the Abo Passcutoff new road of about XM mileswill shorten the main line eliminate someof the worst grades on tIM system andcontribute greatly to the economy andefficiency of operation

The many capitalists now at PalmBeach and other winter resorts are notout of reach of the telegraph wires norare they much behind in getting NewYork Stock Exchange quotations

Baltimore and Ohio net earnings forJanuary decreased J41747S

Traffic manager and other officials ofthe soft coalers gathered in session hereyesterday and the proposition toadvance the bituminous coal rate fromS cents per ton mile to 3 cents on ac-

count of the Mch cost of labor materialand general road operation All theroads of the Eastern Ohio and Westerncoal traflic associations were representeds well M the Ohio Coal TraOc Associa-



Prices oaatad are wbolisali-RTTTBR ui Uj abort price ttgber Gnaatry

tansy MKaS Western lieU SsM nraaili SK-pmeas faacr SsS fair to soot saferchoice MaS good 2U8 storepacked fnaa islE

CHKESKMarkct nndisasal York Statefactor Uraw I4al5 do snail ISaK sanuasrlaw m aU Wcstcra factorr flailAa fair to gtad Ball Ytoffana M-

LUtiftXeoeiiMB aMderate sad net easy Nearby huh Virejal S West Vtr inia aad SoaUtweat-Vfagmia Tetsaesaee North Carolina 9L-

LIVK PuULTItYRecxiiits Ifeht sad assist ftm-ta choir stock CUcaeaa law per tf atedtaa U saull to 17 stag Hall ham Iraroosters 7 docks lars Mai lIdS gene

turkeys toaas B to 14 15 barker thInbests afcUT-

DRKSSJCD rOCLTRYKeeeipts oT tansy bea-

tetters ant choice yoaa ehfcfcea light sad marketidler Tarkeys undrawn per lb IT scarSSP aadrawa M thin M old teas Mens spring terse S anaD M capons 7lb arsr-se 17aM saull U beas choice hell roosters

la dodo larae lieS sasS UaM SS M SatDRK8SED MEATHKeceipo of port moderate

sad all ake stock promptly placed at fill oaotadoss Cah a fall drewad l8laMlt bead off IN-sU hoc draawd raises 9a baa oonntrr-saaar rured Ktt bow sassll and asat per owlt aNdivss 8M TOOaTJ-

lUAMBK c ptt ssasH and prices QaaHper dose 2Jasls saauiuls each safi opaasamseach Sail

YEGBTABLBSfotato assist better MIll de-mand and yaaw doll bOBM growsLHaUS iwUtoes per bushel sH sadMaryUad per bbL LStaLTS asset potatoat per

lSa la yaaw 7M1W rsbtwee hens growsper 4StsMI eelerj New York per beach 3ki-M racnsshers Florida per bartet 2JtalS onionsSecants per crate LSaLW Maryland sad VirPda per bbL lTSaZW Ohio per bbl LTSatfO-

ciKKEX FKUITHAppJe mann Mroag aid sloetable varieties amt with ready sate coasmoa stockrejected York Isiprriat t l JW lies Dark SMK-S Wins Sap IftiaXM faacy table fish IWaVW-Qny par bbL ZJIaUl Ortearac 8 a35 loses

DRIED FKUITSAnptei sttecd faacy S

sliced briffat 4al eheniss Ball frhortleberriq-MaH raspberries 2a O

HAY AND rVTHAWTfanoUiy choice 91M-No 1 No 2 MJaaJM said IXWa-17JI dom nMsK rye handle ILWa-UM rye nucHinp thrash IMA wbeat 7 0a7

obeSe T4a7S fair to mood 72ordinary SasSL CoraShelled white yettew-Ma ear 29fia3SX UatsWestera white No X-

Os4t auxedWOOL AND HIDBBPreea bides Arm sad

wasted Receipts W fur iixht sad deBMnd aoodfor all jmdes Wool washed free of bars per

3as3T wool nawaabed free of burl per lb 3Ja-

V wool lorry per lb StSt gross per Ib11 dry per lb liatf sbeepskiBS moan each Na-1M dry each XeJS caUskina green sub Lisa

skunk each MaLW mtiA each TfaLW rabbiteach lal opoasmi each lieu racoooa

each SaM fox red each LMai59 gray eaeh


New York Feb 2LSUGAHIx ndm iwgar beetswere steady bat QUIet at andMBged rate of-

fcllttd fur Febraary and Maid Worlds rfcililesupply of saaar is cabled at 3 3MM toes The mar-ket for raw sugar is steady with basftwas pend-ing sad dutypaid prices quoted as follows Centrifu-gal 9t t 3a37M Miwcorado 8 t t 2at IMSant 2allH fur SWest molasses Hisar ItecettKafor the week at AmericaH ports wore A8M lassAgainst IJJ week Wore sad STW a year ago

HUTTEKKeceipU packeccs mailed ftrmat 33 cents tor extra creamer

BUaSICerripts S7M mars Western 57said firm at the half cent sdwnoe

NAVAL SnroitKSStock flask tt T7 bandsspirits turpentine tar 18B For strirUs tarpnttine a aad Mead Market was semi at7 t for maebWmade barrels Mask rated n tetand steady tc fcrmer yucca of 4M for eanimoti toaood strained sad tar was im and higher at 5ta175 for oil barrels

MILL fKEDEasier trade fair Spriftc bran fa-IMpownd sacks Z185 middno 9M cIty brA22M Western red dna M-

PLOUltSt ady Sfxiag patents iSte atdears XSaaXM winter stiafajbts X Oa3W winterdears NHX2S Kansas ra sacks pateats X7ia4W-straigbta 13njJ7 dear X9alJB-

KYB FLOUKMnn but trade Moderate at 3S-a42i

CORN MKVLSte dy fair feMMiar Kibv rkdlea Sport IWsiTS coarse Neat ia toes LltoLK1-

1UCKW1IBAT PLOUltLlsht demand atHAYCbotee m fair reatteM Ite etptB Ot tots

Ids timothy L1S No 1 No S SSaJUC-

ONo 3 8MB-

STltAWateady light trade1 TACt rye lOsES

ItEBFSteady ak iaqakr Famflr HJWalSJOpacket ILMsHN-

IOHKlnacUre Mess 18JtenV2S family 19W-

aTALLOWQteady fair trade City qiwtad at n-m hocshead-

sLAKDSteody DIe WesterN WM city X69Mined eonUBent 1U Soatk Aanriesi HW reseed UrasfliBB kegs USl city stearhi 11 Oke

qtnet dty 11 Chieasa M-

Clean Advertising Theingrton Herald does not exploitfakirs Merchants who patronizethis newspaper will find themselves-in good company Its advertisingcolumns arc kept clean

3D the road









a atIn









f1LI heatii




bIadI earle 35 kIts each5























uS sasbat each 1535





Wash ing













The Washington Stock Exchange de-

cided yesterday at tlie close of the regu-

lar call to adjourn until Monday follow-ing the example set by the exchangee Inother clUes As a result there will bethree days cessation of stock operationsWashington as well as other financialcenters of the country

Trading on the exchange appeared tobe affected by the approaching holidayand outside of Mergeatltaler and Ameri-can Graphophoae common there were nottwo trades In any one stock Mergenthalersold up to 2 6 the highest price of thestock in Washington In recent months-

S II Agnew of Henry Clews Cowill take a short trip to New York overthe holiday Herbert L Jones of fJtatrlesG Gates Co started yesterday afternoon for Chicago on a brief visit tofriends

Oplnlonx on the V v York Market-S H Agnew of Henry Clews Co

The market was heavy and dull tradersbeing apparently loath to make any newcommitments over the holiday Traders-on the general situation are stilt bearlahly inclined There to sufficient demandfor stocks in the loan crowd to indicate afairly large short Interest and most ofthese stocks were sold at a higher levelSome traders showed a disposition totake profits to even up over the holidayand this covering of shorts helped

to support the market The feelinghas become almost universal that thisyear will show a reaction m trade andthat the shrinkage In stock values is sim-ply a forerunner of what is to happen inother lines of business By far the weak-est stock on the list is Reading There isno apparent reason for the attack onReading other than pevuhucnt selling bysome traders and no concentrated buy-Ing The weakness In Great Northern andNorthern Pacific is attributed to the ac-knowledgment made by Mr Hill that therailroads are already taking a reef in theirsails in expectation of a serious slacken-ing of business The immediate future ofthe market depends to a great extentupon the fate of the Aldrich currency billin the Senate

Benjamin Woodruff of Post A FlaggThere is little to say of such a market

with a threeday holiday before us astrading during most of the Million ceasedalmost entirely The bill does notseem to make much progress in the Sen-ate which causes some uneasiness alsopeople are much afraid of the Harrimaninvestigation on Monday These are thetwo alltalkedof incidents in Wan streetand the immediate future of the marketdepends almost entirely upon how theyturn out A rather determined bear driveagainst Reading somewhat enlivened thelast few minutes and the price of thestock was knocked dewn below Ma butshowed a slight rally it the end

J B Weed of Dick Bros A CoThemarket showed a continuation of the selllag movement of yesterday At timestrading became very dull and rallies werefeeble Reading was by far the most con-spicuous stock and declined over twopolaR from the opening closing at aboutthe lowest Stock seemed to be for saleon every snow of strength in spite of de-nlata of the rumor that the company wasabout to issue from S OaMOO tonew securities Union PaciAc was a

exception to general weakness inactive Issues and closed with a slightnet gain for the day The close was weakand fairly active

G Bowie Chipmaa of B It Chapman A-

Co About the only developments in themarket worth noting took place duringthe best half hour Previous to that timethe list was dull and fluctuations werecarried oq within a narrow range aboveand below last nights finals In the lasthalf hour the market became what mightbe called spotty the Anal prices showinggreat irregularity St Paul AtchisonUnion Pacific Southern Pacific New YorkCentral and Pennsylvania closed steadywith fractional changes the Hill stocksabout a point off while Canadian Pacificgained slightly more than that figure Thecoalers were generally tower Reading be-ing under especial pressure and apparently subject to aggressive short sellingAmong the industrials Copper and Steelswere steady the Smelters however soldoff about a point and a half Dealingswere much restricted nod the day presen ted the usual anteholiday aspect


SafcsKewtar call n ecaM WM-MWaattncMB GM cntMeatn 169 at IllWaakhnctm Railway sad Kfcctrie at MV-ajhtor3on Gas at KM-

Mcntenttahr M at M M JK C at 9f-Mctrapolttaa Nattoaa ita 1 at 9ta-

Uatoa Tkwft M at 191f-tFVewens pewr nor M at tL-Aawrfcaa Graiiaayhflaa inaaioii M at HK S ai-

OHAfter eattJIhcMl XMac B ai-

PbfuwkM Last PafdMM Mf-

Diitxfet of QaiaaiM 9Jb UtKGAS BONDS

Va GM C k ia mGee Cart M 1HK MR

RAILROAD BONDSCavfeai Tractfcm la-

Ameaatia and Patawae fe MtCity and artwrtma Sa M-CoimnMa N wrt i9 am M Ml-OtaMWa nj-MetrtuMMUn fe M Ill i-

Me1 om a cert hideS Ct Mwad Hwjr and Met I at-Wa Afcx A Mt V tMB to-

J1ISCKLLAXBOOB DONDS-U S Ekctrie Liaat deb imav Ml-U S Kkctric Lidht est InS a W-IatonM Klertric Usfat ant Sa m-X W Stnuabmt Sa MT

Chesapeake and Pctcauc THeyhaM M 4-


Capital Tnwtioa Ml K3Wash Railway and IBeetrfe roes 31 M-

Waaa and Kkctric pM 9Hi SSHNorfolk and V i fit m Steamboat 9-WaAiastoa GM r-GeorgetmntChesapeake sad IotoaMt Trtirilia t-

TYPB MAGUINB STOOKSMergnitlMler MtiotnM mLenten Motwtjpe JJ 05

MINING SPOOKSGracne Copper 31 H iMitchell Mteteg Owfaay S i

NATIONAL DANK STOCKSAmerhan MSCapitaL SCentral 9ft-Nattooal Oky V-

CVAraMa Vf-CciMDndal SUMfanaos seed MedwNta 9 991

MetropolitanUHss jSee X HITrader m-Wa i gi i m-

Vaflbtoetm Ridttne w M-STU06T COMPAN1 STOCKS

AaMTfcaa Security and Trust M-Nattooal Savfosa sad TrtaR-Unfcm Tenet Cewiwuy HR I9T-WajfciacUm Lens and Tenet m 29-Wa lriiigUw Safe Deiwelt Tr M-

UHhw Trast WamitU 91

SAVINGS CANE STOCKSlines 37-1MereheaU sad Mecaaaiw 13ft

FiltH 1NSUUANCB STOOKSArilRgtaif 31 31-

CahaaVfo M 11Go merefel 5 6Ooraena N-

Firtmews 21 fif-

raakHB 85

AnHiifdn 299Metropolitan 93NaUowrt Onten IJ-IcepJes eu-

IMaawc 9-Utes 3 9

tv nn iVfColumbia TitleICeal Bstate Titl

Title S

STOCKSUnpkwpiioiw COB

GiRiboi b me pfd ttciMrtt7 Starapa m

Realty Appraisal AgencyWiuliin Hi Market U 15Fidelity Storace tit








350ND5nIL MLk






















lee IS35 15-



























Haad Office 60 Wall St

Hew Yore

Capital and Surplus 55500000


Corporation transactsof banking business

and hasbranches all over the world

Interest paid on drawing accountsand a higher rate on time money

Loans made on approved collateraland commercial paper discounted

Ladies accounts are welcomed and allare invited to call



or the past 36 years connected withthe Riggs Bank has been appointed

manager of the Connecticut Ave-

nue Branch in association with MrHurray A Cobb assistant manager incharge

Fiscal K TIIJI of t oIled States lu China Iliiliiiiiinc Islands nail IannniM

1415 G Street N W 1124 Connecticut Ave



istantr lrJ9

International Banking CrprtioN




Bank equipped to render exbanking service continu

from 930 a m to 12 mW

Active business andpersonal accountsare

Exchange710 Fourteenth St


Baltimore Feb ZtPLOUKMarketWinter extra r Sa3 winter dear XBa3S wInter

itraHM iaa2fi winter Pat IHaS O aprtasdear 9838 tfttaf atoafebt XSWJI apHag piteat IUaUI cIty best patent 5M MBh-

H nte patent US CRT Mittatiaiflkt IJI dM lastly 3Jf City Mills orbs33IB3JI IUD extn IMatll if oar vedtam

ia afataton MMT

at thedoss Ooatnet taadr May TheMarket tar Weatara dose steady spat yeanaryT-

Ma Man 91-

CCHtXSWe ia eterator S M taahtte Mar

bet was iaaetitckits of white cora afloat onotaMe auaaainy at S1H

per boabel and prima piPes at actopeacd March mkmUK The aawkrt tatWeatara doatd MS apot Fcftnauy UK MarchWIsh April 5UMV May fKaB-

UATSMartet tafet Deaaaad peed Stodt ia-

etewtan MM basInS atiitaaiali Irma detata-ntm baabeia Qaatattaaa far now oats WhIte Xo-

X Ma H do No 3 4MK mixed No 2 lisaM No X 1aa ot Xo 4 Ha Sate Tbabove jnoUttoaa refer to oa Hlc deliior

la elevator MTJK bntfjia a4Irma devaton 3W boabeJa No 2 e-

ihiinatlf per baabd No 9 q Waattra a-

twra delivery per baabd Bdl No 3 ryeby uptown ddirery Uatt No 4 rye WaMarauptown delicacy 8 X 4 rya aaarbfdattftry per baabel SatSI bac tots aa to qaalitrsad coodrUon 5aa0 Na 2 Wartara aaiaeaHc Tla-

H No 1 Weatcra chalet uptown TSaT-

tBCTTERMarket ataady Creaaaery faaiy 91

do ctatce 3U3S da good 3ta do iaritattauZai-M JSa35 da Madu 3te9 nearby

IJaH Ohio rolls tfa VtadBla rollslid i4crepadud OWa MaK do Weat Vlr-

Kteia MalB Marylaad Vfcaiaia sad Peaaarlraaia-

qaatatiaw a for wholesale Me mljr eataMioba-

iJabbtac lots senEGCSttartoK Meady Maryland Ptaaaj ali

and aearby awta leas of per daaea V Western

lists bw oaf ff West Virgiafc Arata teat C KSoutbern toan off JSa pm Mall dMk-

yp jjLIVK rOULTRVyarkct atcady CIa aid

heaVy per poaod UtlSK da aval 13

do obi eacb SkiS da yoaas taad tachoice tf do roses Ur and raacb 0 dadnpuddle Incas a do mall da mmansi sad aiaiarrt llal da drabaa each 9MH-

do white iMkiaa r lb M ama sadSoatbera lisZt IL Maryland sad Vtaaiaia IX

da Kaat latedd M turkeys Ins 17 do yoaa s-

MMB 9 da roaac each 35


Qaaatnaaa fmatobed by Cbartea a Gala O-acbtnp Bond of Trod Uoaacr Baildla-

Opta mpk Low Ctaat


Mv Ui as is MTJ-

ldGT fcSJ WT JL3T-tt 8


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Na 1 aiacaniali ninaiag aafifatfoa L a bNo t amcaaoBt opeaiBt aariaatloau 7T Xwarlma-

Mcaroai and Mtec-

CORNtitnwg efaedua No t-

B No 2 sew S3H L a b NA 1 yd19 Na 2 f o b SarA BH No 2 BM-ffli L a b Kxaartan took B toada

OATSFlna bat act Ktoatar N 2

wbata it No 3 nMte arU N L S mIndYea

WHRVT Oam Ulak Low tae dstMay fl 3 i 19m SWi


Chimes Feb MCATTUCUecefr CSN beadeaUmated for to aaiaia t awrket steady 1rtae-bencs 19aSl poor ta Medina 44 11 ataekrnsad feeders l f 4M cow and him Sia25-eacnen LMtlW Teaaa 4 k l7S-

HOGSUc fft8 SUM head for to-

morrow AW aurket S to M ente htober Urtttwig IMaCJS mixed jaa71 hasty

SlIKKrlteceifKs Hl head eetiaaatri fete tolaorrow TJW atcady Inko II mats Natite sheep 3L9bA Vestern-abem X73a4 notice leads 4 aTJ VtaUr-ataafe SM 7

K b aCATTLRH fpU 1S8 Madaa la liw cattle matoMUr ateady far all netssad Rt d s X ears expected for Fridays aurfert-

CALVBSNo freak recefpta sad BOtWaK MfM-aatMftr steady Droned te fair deauadsad steady City dreiacd yeah Sal4 eamtrydIe UH

Stump ANIXUVllIISReceipU M had bv-Hry for either ep cr leads bust aeRere Haa oa

Donate stEalers11008tteceipta I M head ao ia H haea-

feeHac steady

Two Nets Incorporationfor the incorporation the

Thomas W Power Elevator Companyteen flied The capital ocR of

the ftrm is stated at 100961 divided intoshares of 100 each purpose of

concern to manufacture install andsell ftlevatflr The following appear as in-

corporators ThontMi V WilliamV Cox and George The BusterBrown Social Club filed papers for incor-poration Ann Pledgman Ell Hedgmunand Thomas Johnson appearing asOrators







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WashingtonLoan Trust Co



aatata ar eaCatcnl at icanaMal-aiceeat PaM J-

Tsmfa OMBpMay M 3Mqjnigr amn jstMtratOT tfBSlsSaanother

Itoaaa tat reat ta barsatr and iMgiout faultT for tale pepoatt and atflraac at paw

fled EatateDaparbMt la pupared to


FREDK ElClitLEtaUJEW trust ua e


710 14th StInvites your account

branch atWoodward Lothrop3

BUYERS AND SELLERSWhen yon want to sell aaytitaajr fan

natonlrjr go where pcrcbaam aaay beband

We kept prettytcadiag to this tenor of oar

Swartzell RheemHensey CoWAJUGBR BCIUMK


708 14th Street N WPhone M 1S5C


deposit accounts aajbjact b cbetlf-MBMBCRS NJEW ionic STOCK KXCHAKGK


Charles G Gates Corrrlottr Bunatagl

111 ROADWAY MEW YOUMembers of all Exchanges

Braacb OOcea-Tba WaMorfAataria New Tart

ttaabary Baifctos thingRaihray Ksebaag Hntlinas CSMavco

Attend Ufty New Jjsr

Washington Office Mmascy


Ufcect latest Wire Serrtet

Capital tl000000 Surplus HJBi000 j


Drafts issued direct on principalcities of the world

Money transmitted by cableExchange bought and soldInvestments Collections madeStocks and Bonds bought and sold


Pa Ave Opposite U S Treasury

Members N Y Stock Excna g2

80 Broadway New Yock


1301 F Street N WG B CHIPMAN

Member Washington Stock Exchange

Highest Returns to InvestorsWith safety to principal guaranteed by tnt sortEase Weed of trust b ta oat VTtahingtrm IDesproperty Screral aotM SJMB each to lavyiajS met Pet to tavcster IssUer a MM

dine propertyft McLSRAX MM IT at tr


L4 real

hallIMeS to ctev sad la






WIns want towise ins can tress tilenat If

mat to oc let lay
















i Chapman Co





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