THE WASHINGTON TIMES FRIDAY DECEMBER 16 1910 7 rT AS POSSE PURSUES Once Respected Citizen Holds Up Bank Force Securing 2500 KMM ML wp a room fun of hank employes tying and sgghK them rMHtg vaults final stand t the corner oC a hay add- a short fcgbt with the pqronera and then suicide These were a low of the incidents m the test twentyfour hours of the of Ira Ward of Paradise Tina who up to yesterday was a re- spected rferen of that place The enact cause of Wards action is not known but it was probabiy due te some nmiiicini loaves which stasis WIll desperate and b hesitated at nothing to the needed atooey the end wad sot what he had expected and todaY he lies at his former homer a seirinffieted bullet wound through his head and the money which he tried so hard to obtain is agate reposing in the bank vaults Ward entered the Paradise Bank Kerning held up the employes at the paint of a pfcttsl hound and sed them and then took all the money In sight and rode oft with it The hound mea were soon discovered however and released and a posse im mediately formed ride after Ward Farmers to the vicinity were also in- formed telephone of the noboery and instructed to keep a shar the robber He was finally twelve miles away and surrounded a where his only answer to the demand rot surrender was a bullet through his brain He was dead when the posse reached him Double Execution Takes Place In Virginia State Penitentiary JUCHMOXD V dvuble at the Virginia State Dcnttencinry this xnomtoe the men J hn J Sntythe wifechild mur- derer of Norfolk and Harry SegMngton colored wise murdered an old Tooman- Smyth who was a hart drinker had on several occasions threatened the life of his wife and one jcornins returned to his drew a revohrer and unheed inc presence of his little dauehtor who was to nrotect her mother shot them both fatally His eightyear old boy was an eyewitness SegMagton last summer ata ked an oM womaa in her tissue and bent her to death wirir a club was the motive Will Execute Negro In Georgia Today MACOX Ga Dew IS The ayes legal execution in Jones county in many years takes place today at Clinton where Ike Rushing a negro is to die on lows for the murder of Haddocks a year ago last April The killing occurred when the law officer attempted to arrest the negro Santa Claus Gifts Were Stolen PropertyS- T IX U1S Ko H A number of children in North Louis today the braes because the presents in the shape of rings and srld watches which Wallen known as the Bremen Avenue Santa paw save them yes terday have been taken away When captured Warren confessed fee being a postofQce Jewehry and railroad station robber Thetis of goons valued at 12 were laid at his dor through the unwiUuHr of the chfldren In his room was found a list of chil which he tore to bits on being taken Rings bracelets and watches were also found in his poosea Ion Troops Asked To Quell Race Riots In Georgia SARKESVILLE Ga Dec a Appeal has beeR made to the xoTeraor fur troops to keeo Ute in Pike county where are said to have been shipping and terrnyt c egr s for tto last three weeks The affair has reached a crisis through a battle vesterday between and nightriders were killed and several othec men were wounded Giving extra time and extra opportunity ta everybody to inspect our splendid stock of Pianos Piano Players Talking Machines Records and Hundreds of Xmas Steinway Pianos 1300 G St ROBBER ENDS LIFE Dee Ute of sharp OIl twe back 4IUIdc imp hF the a gala But sag watch for some In- field TWO MURDERERS PAY THE PENALTY Dee examtfuo I in Roc county home the try DeC haze Frank peace nightriders A md one of the Open Evenings Until Novelties f f D oop Sons Co SALVIA 4 tag ZS s iaab awalr b a peeve ate t yes- terday Md took ulee being am Robbery the Baits Sic tee lmov drrnshames ne roes narked then nep e Xmas l F ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DODGE JOB THAT PAYS FOR WORKHOUSE WORK Three of Score of Unemployed Who Ran Away From Proffer of Work At Central Union Mission Sentenced In Police Court J Three of a of oubmergod tenth cobs fled strksken when work was effdred them were la Police Court today Of the tattered trie John Miller and Richard Hall will find six months work at workhoue and Karl Bradley the third go there days He Is Just eighteen years old and thinks that he might accept a Job were it thrust upon him The occurrence irMek landed the three in Police Court was an tmpre- ateditatod experiment with thope members of the vast army of the unemployed who dodge calloused hands before they will ballets and eschew th backache of a bucksaw Th e experirent the pessimists point of view was a success It all happened because an Easters Spore farmer thought that he could obtain forty husky idlers to cut tim ber in return for good wages good food and a warm buak The farmer approached Superintend- ent Linking of the Central Union Mis- sion yesterday asking if he could hire the men at mission The word went abroad Twenty idlers forgot their drone about Cant you Rive a feller a job and beat it while panic the will for- t rty score Washington from ¬ ¬ ¬ there were yet semblances of soles on their ragged footwear they reckoned without taking tats consideration that Policemen an Beckott were outside and as they snaked It from the mission the hand f the law fell heavily on three of them The Central Union Mission idlers have for many months been a trouble to the police at the Municipal Lodging House at night and loaf in the mission during the day Competition is the of missions said Superintendent Lukins to Newkirk If I tell a man that I give him a bed or food un work he replies Ill go to one of the got it there What can you do about that Wholesale Shoe Men Meeting In St Louis STV LOUIS Duo 16 To confer on various matters of interest and impor- tance to cite trade a large number of shoe manufacturers and Jobbers of the Middle West assembled here today un- der the auspices of the Asso elation of Shoe Wholesalers The con ference will continue over tomorrow Tbe less he shows some dls ltlon to But Nen kirk oat Well ¬ ¬ Many things are claimed as a cure for constipation The chronic victim of this trouble tries many of them and ends in despair I urge him or her not to give up yet I ask that you try my remedy Thousands of families are using- it many of them since it was first offered for sate a quar- ter of a century ago Possibly you have not yet used it an if so I ask you to allow me to send you a free sample bottle for trial All I ask is that if it proves effective you continue to use it Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsini- s for sale by all druggists at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle the latter being for family use and is bought and always kept in the house by those who know its value There is no comparison between Dr CaidwelPs Syrup Pepsin and salts purgative waters cathartic pills etc A brief use of my remedy will produce permanent good results while the others are but temporary reliefs This remedy is mild has a pleas- ant taste and is guaranteed to be effective You cannot find- a better treatment for constipation no matter how stubborn for indigestion sour stomach heartburn sick headache and the various ailments of the stomach liver and bowels Read 5 wnat is said by those who have used They speak from experience Here is a remedy that every of the family down to the youngest can use US CALDWELL PEKSOarAiaZ WILL SS TO OIVI5 YOU ANY MiD ICAIi ADVICE YOU MAY DESIRE FOR gQTTOSSSg OE rnvmYg SSBTAIS1K TO LIVES OS ABSOLUTELY PEES OP CHARGE EXP YOUR CASE I2 A LETTUB JTE TO YOU ZZT POE THE FREE SAMPLE STOIPZ7- SJ N TOTTS TTHUTT A2STJJ ADDRESS O2T A POSTAL CART OB OTZC3SWISE IS UK W B 708 Bxz a TTT it PLEASED THE STOMA AiD THE DOCTOWS AD- DRESS CALDWELL CALDWELL CELLO G BOW- S etw WILT 3 PLY DE- TAIL D POE EITHEE BEQUEST YOZ > > KILLS HUSBAND Negro Woman j Shoots In SelfDefense and Goes Two Miles to Surrender- After kitting her husband Cecil Lo max a negro by shoetlng him in the head with a revolver In room at 3828 Sfghteecth street about 7 oclock this morning Mettle Loraar walked to the Police Court Sixth sad streets northwest a distance of two and surprised Policeman Acton who was on duty at the trout doer by asking him to arrest her on a charge ef murder The woman voluntarily surrendered herself at about the time the police of the Eighth precinct learned of the af- fair An alarn was sent out for the woman who it bslfeved had escaped when Policeman Acton brought her into the According to the woman she had been separated from her husband for some time This morning he called to see her at J5W Fourth street north- west and she walked with him to the Eighteenth street house He asked her to come late hfe room and when she got inside she asserts he attacked her with a chair In self defense she claims she picked up a revolver from the bureau and shot him WALKS TO COURT I D miles being was lam tic ¬ Free for the Cure of Constipationl to my own I have thought I would a boUJ every week but do net st time but I most at- tend to it 3CARIOX H SHOOK Perrys burg Ohio I received your vnl- uaMo little book lost week remtn ns me of the sample you sent me of your Syrup Pep- sin I was no well pleased witH sam and jot a bottle and am ofcns it when- I it I dont want to be without it OcHMte before I found out what to take Und welfare seed asaht I ted mea set the- me Eye y s ¬ I have taken your trial bottle and bot- tles It is all right if help me more than anything I have ever taken I have spoken t about it and can recommend it to one Yours truly I received or Syrup Pepsin and eau truly say I nerer bad anything do a much good as your STUp Pepsin I am a nurse and uo not ct time to attend three Mo pur- chased more other S 0 Bloicbara sam- ple to- me ¬ been 2 lot of misery but w to live and leers I thank ywt so for your kind- ness MRS S A O I have tried your medicine and fled all you say Is true I like it very much I have had stom- ach trouble for vwrs tried everything that I read about std nothing did me any good I am 74 years old I am much pleased with your Syrup Pepsi Our druggist has It I can get it I can It on hand I jrettiai try N I recommend H to all CH nt who hav atamaeh trouble y O d thus you in your work Jor as mwc foe 3CRS SA LA Itms Smiths Grove Ky x I kuorr or PepMu I ww have e t ere am deeds to leg ago rived bare muck keep mt seed ¬ ¬ > Are you searching for a useful and lasting Xmas gift one of moderate cost and which is universally ap preciated How about a telephone Call the Bell Business Office Main 9000 at Once A Telephone for Xmas j ¬ fcl SANTA IS COMING TO TOWN Hell be here Saturday morning In his little Goat Cart WATCH FOR HIM everybody He has something important to tell Hell drive through all the principal streets of the city Look for him Saturday I you II BigYalues Your Boy Will Appreciate A Tfeeden Steam Engine guaran- teed to run 11 Inches high 2 inch balance Brass boiler Rus- sia bOXeS Each engine whistle Snre to delight any boy Each Qr Extra Large Fire Engine over 13 inches long with two iicrses and cur jttle man and watch hint fJcy Mmsflf Each engine And what AmerioaR boy does not want a Drum Surely does Let him stake a noise It will do good This is the well finished with fancy an1 lacquered sticks OJTr Mechanical Train runs around track Complete with engine tender two coaches and 10 sections track I C IRISH FLIER useful and healthgiving toy Goes like the furnishes plenty of QO exercise JZ 2 Wheel bM Vax4 tire has- a in bx An driver vet ORe for 49c you- R II drum Wf buy for the- m s A 4 a togs y l rouId car r i and ¬ ¬ SATURDAY AT FINGER B 818 7th Street We are overstocked with toys for Christmas and must get them off our hands Thats why we have cut the prices way down on every toy in the store for Friday and Saturday of his week These are the greatest w toys jouve ever seen and they will go Ike hot cakes In order to set the pick youd 5 J Special Low Prices in TOYS FRIDAY l betterCOME EARLY AND bargains Express Wagons strong and Wheelbarrow A fine sift for the little tot nicely made Toy Automobile Well made of galvanized tin and oak Here is something to gladden J Q any childs heart w O Baltimore Flyer skates for the price ever sold Strong and fast An ideal gift were 3M Qf TQ Special price ill Boys Velocipede well made and substan tlaL All boy 1 want 119 useful This tsa tOY your 98c boy will serer tire of I 39 C I 2 SkatesBest A i o w V one < > IJ a t ra g s- Ey chin wi 29c lighted with O f J t Doll GoCarta handsome and servIceable toe Your 149 little Christmas Is Without a doll We Are Doll of all sizes at These arp Ii inches high COM plte1y drestd including hat and sho RaI 99 at a C- A mighty Toy Piano frame mitaiQn- rSE ot- g Has at 98c Everybody Wants a Teddy Beat for boys or girls This one great big feIlow I3 Inchts havE some 1 Inh ta1L Rrown- Or whlt This bear others low as lSc 79c f sr little girl shouid have p- J v No girls new Headqukrters dells every price R nd tl d l i 1 1zs t ttgt 75 3iPfB- t e ialvaIue 1 a r We z t Y as > FINGER SELLS IT C FINGER SELLS IT CHEAPER SIS VtJa Stree The Twentieth Cento- fx Necessity 7- r is what the Want Ad has grown to represent Not only in business but in the daily private life it fills a long felt want At an average cost of less than 25c a Want Ad in the Washington Times will rent a furnished room or sell a piece of real estate It will locate a good clerk and bring to the housewife promptly a desirable maid It will dispose of old or recover lost property It will find a position or a lost heir It tells of bargains in auto mobiles and sells horses and vehicles There is practically nothing it cannot do And it is easy and simple Just call up Main 5260 Ask for Want Ad Dept and explain to an experienced adtaker An appropriate said effective ad will be written without v extra charge and if satisfactory inserted and bill sent Talk to the Town Through The Times PER FINGER RHOS Formels The Fair s f i zi i l t- v L adVan- tageously t c so 7 i 4 t t 5 furniture M the- e 4 2 C ¬ > > < < + =

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-12-16 [p 7].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-12-16/ed-1/seq-7.… · rT THE WASHINGTON TIMES FRIDAY DECEMBER 16 1910

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-12-16 [p 7].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-12-16/ed-1/seq-7.… · rT THE WASHINGTON TIMES FRIDAY DECEMBER 16 1910



Once Respected CitizenHolds Up Bank Force

Securing 2500

KMM ML wpa room fun of hank employes tyingand sgghK them rMHtg vaults

final stand t the corner oC a hay add-a short fcgbt with the pqronera andthen suicide These were a low of theincidents m the test twentyfour hoursof the of Ira Ward of ParadiseTina who up to yesterday was a re-spected rferen of that place

The enact cause of Wards action isnot known but it was probabiy due tesome nmiiicini loaves which stasis WIlldesperate and b hesitated at nothingto the needed atooey theend wad sot what he had expected andtodaY he lies at his former homer aseirinffieted bullet wound through hishead and the money which he tried sohard to obtain is agate reposing in thebank vaults

Ward entered the Paradise BankKerning held up the employes

at the paint of a pfcttsl hound andsed them and then took all the moneyIn sight and rode oft with it

The hound mea were soon discoveredhowever and released and a posse immediately formed ride after WardFarmers to the vicinity were also in-formed telephone of the noboery andinstructed to keep a sharthe robber He was finallytwelve miles away and surroundeda where his only answer to thedemand rot surrender was a bulletthrough his brain He was dead whenthe posse reached him

Double Execution TakesPlace In Virginia State


JUCHMOXD V dvubleat the Virginia

State Dcnttencinry this xnomtoe the menJ hn J Sntythe wifechild mur-

derer of Norfolk and Harry SegMngtoncolored wise murdered an old Tooman-

Smyth who was a hart drinker hadon several occasions threatened the lifeof his wife and one jcornins returned tohis drew a revohrer and unheedinc presence of his little dauehtorwho was to nrotect her mothershot them both fatally His eightyearold boy was an eyewitness

SegMagton last summer ata ked an oMwomaa in her tissue and bent her todeath wirir a club was themotive

Will Execute NegroIn Georgia Today

MACOX Ga Dew IS The ayes legalexecution in Jones county in many yearstakes place today at Clinton where IkeRushing a negro is to die onlows for the murder ofHaddocks a year ago last April Thekilling occurred when the law officerattempted to arrest the negro

Santa Claus GiftsWere Stolen PropertyS-

T IX U1S Ko H A number ofchildren in North Louis todaythe braes because the presents in theshape of rings and srld watches which

Wallen known as the BremenAvenue Santa paw save them yesterday have been taken away

When captured Warren confessed feebeing a postofQce Jewehry and railroadstation robber Thetis of goons valuedat 12 were laid at his dor throughthe unwiUuHr of the chfldren

In his room was found a list of chilwhich he tore to bits on

being taken Rings bracelets andwatches were also found in his pooseaIon

Troops Asked To QuellRace Riots In Georgia

SARKESVILLE Ga Dec a Appealhas beeR made to the xoTeraor furtroops to keeo Ute in Pike countywhere are said to have beenshipping and terrnyt c egr s for tto

last three weeksThe affair has reached a crisis through

a battle vesterday between andnightriders were killed and several othecmen were wounded

Giving extra time and extra

opportunity ta everybody toinspect our splendid stock of

Pianos Piano Players

Talking Machines Records

and Hundreds of Xmas

Steinway Pianos

1300 G St



Uteof sharp OIl tweback 4IUIdc imp hF the a

gala But


watch forsome






in Roc county






A md one of the

Open Evenings



f f D oop Sons Co

SALVIA 4 tag

ZS s iaab awalr ba peeve




Mdtook ulee






tee lmovdrrnshames

ne roesnarked then nep e












Three of Score of Unemployed Who Ran Away FromProffer of Work At Central Union Mission

Sentenced In Police Court


Three of a ofoubmergod tenth cobs fledstrksken when work was effdred themwere la Police Court today

Of the tattered trie John Miller andRichard Hall will find six monthswork at workhoue and KarlBradley the third go there

days He Is Just eighteenyears old and thinks that he mightaccept a Job were it thrust upon him

The occurrence irMek landed thethree in Police Court was an tmpre-ateditatod experiment with thopemembers of the vast army of theunemployed who dodge callousedhands before they will ballets andeschew th backache of a bucksawTh e experirent the pessimistspoint of view was a success

It all happened because an EastersSpore farmer thought that he couldobtain forty husky idlers to cut timber in return for good wages goodfood and a warm buak

The farmer approached Superintend-ent Linking of the Central Union Mis-sion yesterday asking if he could hirethe men at mission The wordwent abroad Twenty idlers forgottheir drone about Cant you Rivea feller a job and beat it while


thewill for-

t rty

score Washington





there were yet semblances of soleson their ragged footwear

they reckoned without takingtats consideration that Policemen

an Beckott were outsideand as they snaked It from the missionthe hand f the law fell heavily onthree of them

The Central Union Mission idlershave for many months been a troubleto the police at theMunicipal Lodging House at night andloaf in the mission during the dayCompetition is the ofmissions said Superintendent Lukinsto Newkirk If I tell a man thatI give him a bed or food unwork he replies Ill go to oneof the got it thereWhat can you do about that

Wholesale Shoe MenMeeting In St Louis

STV LOUIS Duo 16 To confer onvarious matters of interest and impor-tance to cite trade a large number ofshoe manufacturers and Jobbers of theMiddle West assembled here today un-der the auspices of the Assoelation of Shoe Wholesalers The conference will continue over tomorrow


less he shows some dls ltlon to


Nen kirk




Many things are claimed as a cure for constipation Thechronic victim of this trouble tries many of them and endsin despair I urge him or her not to give up yet I askthat you try my remedy Thousands of families are using-it many of them since it was first offered for sate a quar-ter of a century ago Possibly you have not yet used it anif so I ask you to allow me to send you a free sample bottlefor trial All I ask is that if it proves effective you continueto use it

Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsini-s for sale by all druggists at fifty cents and one dollar abottle the latter being for family use and is bought andalways kept in the house by those who know its value Thereis no comparison between Dr CaidwelPs Syrup Pepsin andsalts purgative waters cathartic pills etc A brief use of myremedy will produce permanent good results while the othersare but temporary reliefs This remedy is mild has a pleas-ant taste and is guaranteed to be effective You cannot find-a better treatment for constipation no matter how stubbornfor indigestion sour stomach heartburn sick headache andthe various ailments of the stomach liver and bowels Read


wnat is said by those who have usedThey speak from experience Here is aremedy that every of the familydown to the youngest can use





IS UK W B 708Bxz a TTT














Negro Woman j Shoots InSelfDefense and Goes Two

Miles to Surrender-

After kitting her husband Cecil Lomax a negro by shoetlng him in thehead with a revolver In room at3828 Sfghteecth street about 7 oclockthis morning Mettle Loraar walked tothe Police Court Sixth sad streetsnorthwest a distance of two andsurprised Policeman Acton who was onduty at the trout doer by asking him toarrest her on a charge ef murder

The woman voluntarily surrenderedherself at about the time the police ofthe Eighth precinct learned of the af-fair An alarn was sent out forthe woman who it bslfeved hadescaped when Policeman Acton broughther into the

According to the woman she hadbeen separated from her husband forsome time This morning he calledto see her at J5W Fourth street north-west and she walked with him to theEighteenth street house He asked herto come late hfe room and when shegot inside she asserts he attackedher with a chair In self defense sheclaims she picked up a revolver fromthe bureau and shot him








Free for the Cure of Constipationl

to my own Ihave thought I would

a boUJ everyweek but do net sttime but I most at-tend to it 3CARIOXH SHOOK Perrysburg Ohio

I received your vnl-uaMo little book lostweek remtn ns me ofthe sample you sentme of your Syrup Pep-sin I was no wellpleased witH sam

and jot a bottleand am ofcns it when-I it I dont wantto be without itOcHMte before I foundout what to take Und


seedasaht I ted mea





I have taken yourtrial bottle and

bot-tles It is all right ifhelp me more thananything I have evertaken I have spokent about it andcan recommend it to

oneYours truly

I receivedor Syrup Pepsin

and eau truly say Inerer bad anythingdo a much goodas your STUp PepsinI am a nurse and uonot ct time to attend



pur-chased more

other S





been 2 lot of misery but w to liveand leers I thank ywt so for your kind-ness MRS S A O

I have tried your medicine and fled all you sayIs true I like it very much I have had stom-ach trouble for vwrs tried everything that Iread about std nothing did me any good I am 74years old I am much pleased with your SyrupPepsi Our druggist has It I can get it Ican It on hand I jrettiaitry N I recommend H to all CH nt who havatamaeh trouble y O d thus you in yourwork Jor as mwc foe 3CRSSA LA Itms Smiths Grove Ky x

I kuorr or PepMu I ww have


t eream deeds to

leg agorived bare


keep mt





Are you searching for a useful andlasting Xmas gift one of moderatecost and which is universally appreciated How about a telephone

Call the Bell Business Office Main 9000 at Once

A Telephone for Xmas



fcl SANTA IS COMING TO TOWNHell be here Saturday morning In his little Goat Cart WATCH FOR HIM everybody He

has something important to tell Hell drive through all the principal streets of the cityLook for him Saturday


IIBigYalues Your Boy Will Appreciate

A Tfeeden SteamEngine guaran-teed to run 11Inches high 2

inch balanceBrass boiler Rus-sia bOXeSEach engine

whistle Snreto delight anyboy Each Qr

Extra Large Fire Engineover 13 inches long with twoiicrses and

cur jttle man and watch hintfJcy Mmsflf Each engine

And whatAmerioaRboy doesnot want aDrumSurelydoes Lethim stake anoise Itwill do

goodThis is the

well finished with fancyan1 lacquered sticks OJTr

Mechanical Train runs aroundtrack Complete with enginetender two coaches and 10sections track I C

IRISH FLIERuseful and healthgivingtoy Goes like thefurnishes plenty of QO

exercise JZ


Wheel bM Vax4



in bx


driver vet ORe for


you-R II

drum Wf buy for the-m






l rouIdcar







818 7th StreetWe are overstocked with toys for Christmas and must get

them off our hands Thats why we have cut the prices waydown on every toy in the store for Friday and Saturday of hisweek These are the greatest w toys jouve ever seenand they will go Ike hot cakes In order to set the pick youd

5 J

Special Low Prices in TOYS






Express Wagons strong and

Wheelbarrow A fine sift forthe little tot nicelymade

Toy Automobile Well made ofgalvanized tin and oak Here issomething to gladden J Qany childs heart w O

Baltimore Flyerskates for the price ever soldStrong and fast Anideal gift were 3M Qf TQSpecial price

illBoysVelocipedewell madeand substantlaL All boy

1 want119

useful This tsa tOY your 98cboy will serer tire of












IJ a t ra g s-Ey chin wi 29clighted with O f J t

Doll GoCarta handsome andservIceable toe Your


little Christmas IsWithout a dollWe Are Doll

of all sizes atThese arp Ii inches high COMplte1y drestd including hatand sho RaI 99at a C-

A mightyToy


mitaiQn-rSE ot-



EverybodyWants aTeddy Beat

forboys orgirls Thisone greatbig feIlowI3 InchtshavE some1 Inhta1L Rrown-Or whltThis bearothers

low aslSc 79c

f sr

little girl shouid havep-



No girlsnew

Headqukrtersdells every price

R nd

tl d

l i1 1zst ttgt75 3iPfB-

t e ialvaIue



r Wez

tY as



SIS VtJa Stree

The Twentieth Cento-

fx Necessity7-

r is what the Want Ad has grown to representNot only in business but in the daily private life it fills

a long felt wantAt an average cost of less than 25c a Want Ad in the

Washington Times will rent a furnished room or sell a pieceof real estate It will locate a good clerk and bring to thehousewife promptly a desirable maid It will dispose

of old or recover lost property It willfind a position or a lost heir It tells of bargains in automobiles and sells horses and vehicles

There is practically nothing it cannot do And it iseasy and simple Just call up Main 5260 Ask forWant Ad Dept and explain to an experienced adtakerAn appropriate said effective ad will be written without

v extra charge and if satisfactory inserted and bill sent

Talk to the Town Through The Times


FINGER RHOS Formels The Fairsf i zi i





tc so















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