Administrative Office of the Courts Washington State Case Management System Baseline Detail Requirements APPENDIX C 1206 Quince Street SE P.O. Box 41170

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Administrative Office of the Courts

Washington StateCase Management System

Baseline Detail RequirementsAPPENDIX C

1206 Quince Street SEP.O. Box 41170

Olympia, WA 98504-1170

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements

1. General Non-functional Requirements 1

2. Case Processing I 32.1 Case (Core CMS Functionality) 32.2 Docketing (Core CMS Functionality) 112.3 Adjudication and Disposition (Core CMS Functionality) 132.4 Pre- and Post-Disposition Compliance (Core CMS Functionality) 16

3. Case Processing II 173.1 Basic Calendaring (Core CMS Functionality) 173.2 Hearings (Core CMS Functionality) 213.3 Resource Management 21

4. Person/Participant/Non-Person Cases 234.1 Person/Participant (Core CMS Functionality) 234.2 Non-Person Based Case Management 28

5. Accounting 285.1 Accounting and Receipting (Core CMS Functionality) 28

6. Miscellaneous 366.1 Reporting 366.2 Document Generation 366.3 System Configuration, Maintenance, Integrity (Core CMS Functionality) 38

7. Glossary 42

8. Sample Detailed Response Template 45

* - See Glossary Page 1

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements

RFP Response Sheet - Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail RequirementsOnly the Bidders selected to participate in the Proof of Concept must complete this form. Choose the appropriate selection from the drop-down list in the Response column and provide a detailed explanation in a separate Detailed Response document. Explanations for the Response choices are listed in the table below. A sample detailed response template is included at the end of this document.

Supported (SUP) Supported as delivered “out of the box.” Provide screen examples, list of steps, or customer documentation. Indicate if a separate module.

Configurable (CFG) Supported via customer controlled configuration files or configuration functions provided with the base application. Provide screen examples, list of steps, or customer documentation.

3rd Party (3rd) Supported via a third party solution. If supported by a third party, describe how and by whom. Custom (CST) Supported via customization (a vendor change to the basic application which will be supported in future releases). Provide an estimate of

the complexity of the change (major, medium, minor). Future (FUT) Will be supported in a future release. If supported in a future release, describe when. Not Supported (NS) Not supported.

1. General Non-functional RequirementsBatch Processing# Requirement Response1. Allow batch processing [update multiple cases through a single common action] (e.g., generation of documents, warrants,

scheduling, financial transactions, case initiation, etc.).<Select>

2. Configure batch processes. <Select>

Reports# Requirement Response3. Provide pre-defined canned (common) reports. <Select>4. Create ad-hoc reports. <Select>5. Perform real-time reporting. <Select>6. Automatic scheduling of report jobs. <Select>

Automatic Docket* Entries# Requirement Response7. Entries in the docket are automatically updated to and from other modules of the system (e.g., payments/financials, custody

status, changes to charges*, name changes, warrants recalled, bail and bond records, etc.).<Select>

Alerts*, Flags*, Ticklers*, and Notifications*# Requirement Response8. Configure alerts, flags, ticklers, and notifications. <Select>

Tracking/Audit Trail/Logs# Requirement Response9. Ability to log and retrieve court-defined transactions (e.g., log-on, log-off, screen access, data entry/modifications, etc.). <Select>10. System automatically tracks modifications to all data including image of data before and after modifications (including

additions and deletions).<Select>

11. Automatic logging and audit trail of system-generated documents and notices. <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 1

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements

Usability/User Interface# Requirement Response12. Ability to establish court-defined defaults and codes for rapid-data entry processes. <Select>13. System should allow user to multi-task (i.e., work on multiple cases, use other applications, etc.). <Select>14. Ability to access any system screen via multiple methods including: menu, command button, function keys, “hot keys,”

command line, etc.<Select>

15. Ability to define fields for which data is required to be entered. Required fields visually indicated. <Select>16. System provides immediate transfer of values (e.g., pre-populate, quick fill, auto-fill, etc.). <Select>17. Ability to override pre-defined default values (e.g., dates, sentences, etc.) contingent on business rules for each data field. <Select>18. The user interface should follow common accessibility, design, and interaction standards. <Select>19. Ability to maintain a “favorites list” of cases. <Select>20. Ability to define and or configure data entry field validation based on business rules <Select>

Security# Requirement Response21. System includes security and control features that will prevent and detect unauthorized access to the system. <Select>22. Ability to define end-user access based on court-defined security parameters (i.e., security profiles). <Select>23. Ability to establish security profiles at any grouping level (e.g., case type, court/jurisdiction). <Select>24. Ability to define end-user (e.g., court clerk, judicial officers, bailiff, attorneys, law enforcement, and public) access authority:

read, write, update, and delete based on specified security parameters.<Select>

User Assistance/Help# Requirement Response25. System is consistent with standards for online documentation and help (e.g., Contents and Index, “What’s This?” searching,


26. System includes field and screen-sensitive online help. <Select>27. Ability to print online documentation by topic or sub-topic. <Select>

Law Table# Requirement Response28. Support law tables. (See Law Table Maintenance below) <Select>

Data Exchange# Requirement Response29. Support data exchanges with external agencies and with other court applications. Support for a standards-based platform

service that provides for automated real-time communication between an information source and an information consumer. <Select>

30. Optional user review of incoming and outgoing data. <Select>

Word Processing# Requirement Response31. Provide spell checks. <Select>32. Allow word wrap. <Select>33. Allow text formatting (e.g., bold, underline, bullets, etc.). <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 2

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements

Notes# Requirement Response34. Provide ability to enter notes in the following areas, including but not limited to:

Docket Case Proceeding Calendar Accounting


35. Create levels of access to the notes. <Select>

2. Case Processing I2.1 Case (Core CMS Functionality)The case functionality includes, but is not limited to the following elements:

Initiation of the case record includes: Case number assignment. Case type assignment. Cause of action (sub-case type code). Capturing the original charge information (criminal and infraction case types) and claim information. Relating charge and claim information to persons and participants. Relating person records to the case (and creating new person records). Relating participants to the case (and creating new participants). Capturing pro se litigant contact information. Establishing person and participant roles and relationships within the case. Creating docket entries for initial case filings. Issuing warrants, summons, and other orders to appear.

Initiation of the case record may include: Assignment of the case to a judicial officer (may be based on type of case, rotation, load balancing). Calendaring one or more hearings or other case events. Issuance and docketing of a formal case scheduling order based on case type (differentiated case management). Establishing a link between the case and one or more other cases in the same court or a different court which may be at a different court level. Identifying cases for time-sensitive processing.

Maintenance of the case record may include, but is not limited to: Changing the status of the case (active, stayed, warrant, resolved, completed, etc.). Adding and/or end-dating persons and participants. Adding and/or modifying charges and claims (counter, cross, third party). Sealing, expunging, and archiving. Disqualification of one or more judicial officers (affidavits of prejudice and recusals*). Processing warrants, summons’, and other orders to appear. Recording failures to appear.

* - See Glossary Page 3

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail RequirementsSearch for Case Data and Persons# Requirement JIS Reference


36. Provide case search capabilities using one or more case and person (agencies, organizations, schools, officials, and other case participants) identifiers to find all cases which meet the criteria.Examples of search criteria:

Court or statewide search Case, referral*, episode number Originating agency number Vehicle license number, VIN #, state, and jurisdiction Responsible official and/or unit Attorney name or bar number Domestic, paternity, or dependency cases with DV or children Civil cases with DV, anti-harassment, or sexual assault protection petitions Convictions of DV or sex related crimes Pending criminal DV or sex related crimes

ACORDS – Main Menu, JCS - Advanced Search, SCCR, DVI, PTP, PBP, SCOMIS – Search Index


37. When adding parties and participants to a case, use one or more person identifiers to find all persons who satisfy the selection criteria.

CNCI, SNCI, DCH, ICH, NMD, NAD, OOD, SAD, SND, DAD, DNDManage Participant – ACORDS, JCS - Name Search, OFOA, OFO


38. Search for a person or parties in the Department of Licensing (DOL) database when adding them to a case.


39. Search for all or part of a name with an option to request a phonetic and/or alpha search using wildcard and soundex capabilities.


40. Perform wildcard searches of any free-form case text, such as case title and docket text. <Select>41. Provide for local configuration of the result columns; allow a user to choose the column(s) to

sort, and to sort the list alphabetically, numerically, or chronologically.<Select>

42. Search for a reason by: Law source (e.g., RCW, WAC, or local law) Law number Key word search Law referral type Offender anticipatory modifiers (e.g., any, accomplice, attempted, conspiracy,

solicitation) Offender special allegations (e.g., any, firearm, sexual motivation) based on the

referral type

Reason/Law Search, FPSU <Select>

43. Search for pre-defined groups of docket entries.Examples:

Docket entries which triggered any notices to the Office of the Secretary of State (OSOS)

Docket entries about case archiving Specified docket codes

Display Notices, Display Archive, Find Docket – SCOMIS


* - See Glossary Page 4

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements44. Search for a vehicle record (make, model, current and past owners) using one or more of

the following criteria: Vehicle license number and state Filing date

PVM, PKV, VPI <Select>

45. View search results at the summary and/or detail level. <Select>46. Append the search criteria and search within a set of search results. To be <Select>47. Perform universal searches (e.g., by case type, court level, flexibility of views). To be <Select>48. Provide ability for defendants to look up account receivables electronically. To be <Select>49. Perform a text search on docket entries. To be <Select>50. Perform a search on an address <Select>

Case Initiation# Requirement JIS Reference


51. Configure data pages or screens by court level and case type to display and collect information.

NCCA, SCCA, CIVA, SCOMIS - Add Case, ACORDS - Initiate Case, JCS - RFRUPD, etc., ARB


52. Determine case types automatically based on the charges/violation. NCCA <Select>53. Initiate a case with skeletal/minimal information and track these cases for completion (e.g.,

cases added when documents are received but which need to go through an initial screening).

Receive Case, Initiate Case, Transfer Case – ACORDS


54. Record that the case initiation process is complete. Perfection Schedule - ACORDS


55. Provide for judicial officers and other authorized court officials to create secure or public notes in which access can be restricted by role and type of notes.

Change Basic, NCCA, NCC, CDK, Manage Case Screen - ACORDS


56. Automatically generate a unique case number or allow for manually entering case number. Receive Case, Initiate Case, Transfer Case – ACORDS


57. Handle entry of multiple formats for case numbers. <Select>58. Automatically associate a party, official, or organization to the case as the petitioner or

respondent depending on rules based on the review type and cause of action. Initiate Case - ACORDS <Select>

59. Enter the cause of action or case type. ACORDS, JIS, SCOMIS <Select>60. Track arbitration cases separately. ARB <Select>61. File one or more tickets in a batch mode. PKB <Select>62. Mandatory titles should be automatically created for cases/dockets based on case type for

consistency with the ability to edit.To be <Select>

63. Create Vehicle owner/Defendant as a case role. To be <Select>64. Enter an unlimited number of charges for all case types. To be <Select>65. Enter traffic and non-traffic charges from the same citation in the same case. To be <Select>66. Ability to transfer the whole case in a batch. When a case changes venue, the original case

will remain in the original court and the new venue will have a copy (electronically) of the case.

To be <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 5

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements67. Ability to enter and find non-person based case information (e.g., search warrants, special

inquiries, wills deposited in repository, and juvenile diversion dismissals) that occur before case is filed, if at all, for inclusion in index and workload statistics.

To be <Select>

68. Assignment or re-assignment (automatic or manual) of one or more court officials to a case based on flexible rules (e.g., judges, commissioners, case managers, etc.).

To be <Select>

Case Maintenance# Requirement JIS Reference


69. Access existing cases using multiple legacy case number formats. ACORDS, SCOMIS, JIS <Select>70. Allow updates to case filing and violation information with proper authority (e.g., change

jurisdiction after payment received). NCC <Select>

71. Allow for deleting a case, applying rules when and which cases can be deleted manually or automatically. Must record reason for deletion to be stored in an audit log.

SCCD, CIVD, NCCD, Delete Case - SCOMIS, Manage Case - ACORDS


72. Expunge* the case when ordered by the court. Expunge Case <Select>73. Allow change of review/case type after initiation. Edits must be applied according to rules for

the new review type, and the event which records the filing of the initiating document must be changed to reflect edits (e.g., transfer a case with a civil case type to a small claims case type and vice versa).

Manage Case – ACORDS, CIVT


74. Record vehicle ownership information (name, address, whether new owner) on a parking case.

PVM <Select>

75. Record defendant name and address on a parking case (for calendaring). PSR <Select>76. Add, change, delete or link a vehicle to a parking case participant. VPI, VPID <Select>

Identify Confidential/Sealed Case Data# Requirement JIS Reference


77. Seal or unseal a case. SLCS, Receive Case, Initiate Case, Transfer Case – ACORDS


78. Identify a participant as "sealed," protecting their name, contact information, and information associated with their case participation, from access by unauthorized users.

Manage Participant - ACORDS


79. Identify a docket/event entry as "sealed." This ensures that information associated with the docket/event is accessed only by authorized users (e.g., sealed documents).

Manage Event – ACORDS, Change Docket - SCOMIS


80. Allow for more than one level of sealing (e.g., limited or totally sealed). SLCS, Receive Case, Initiate Case, Transfer Case – ACORDS


81. Notify juvenile courts of the possible eligibility of unsealing a previously sealed case based on new adult felony filing or offender adjudication on the same person.

Case Initiation <Select>

82. Ability to seal specific case information and specify reason for sealing. To be <Select>83. Establish rights to see sealed information by user role. To be <Select>

Warrants and Failure to Appear/Respond

* - See Glossary Page 6

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements# Requirement JIS Reference


84. Based on defined parameters, automatically and/or manually prepare a warrant of arrest on a participant on a case.

WRO <Select>

85. Track warrants and display the warrant status in the system. WRO <Select>86. Cancel, recall, locate, serve, or delete an issued warrant. WRU <Select>87. Cancel or manually delay an ordered FTA, with a specific reason (e.g., "paid," "court

appearance scheduled," "dismissed," or "ordered in error").FTA <Select>

88. Adjudicate an issued FTA on criminal traffic or infraction traffic cases. FTA <Select>89. Based on defined parameters, when an FTA is ordered either manually or automatically, the

system should add a finding/judgment of committed to each charge on a traffic infraction case (IT).

FTA <Select>

90. View the warrant reasons and charges associated with the warrant Warrant (MCIS) <Select>91. Allow for 3rd party printing of the Official Warrant. Warrant (MCIS) <Select>

Relate Cases# Requirement JIS Reference


92. Flag whether the case is an appeal and from which originating court. SCCA, Verify Case <Select>93. Generate or associate a juvenile referral number when filing any juvenile cases. SCCR, SCCA <Select>94. Create a referral automatically during filing of a juvenile court case unless one has been

established and linked.JCS <Select>

95. Apply rules which govern/restrict linking or deleting of referral types with juvenile court case types and causes of action.

JIS/JCS – Case Relationship <Select>

96. Associate the trial court case with the appellate case (e.g., populate pre-defined trial court case and participant information into the appellate case).

Receive Case, Initiate Case – ACORDS, Manage Participant - ACORDS


97. Allow recording of one or more trial court judges (or pro tem judges) who were involved in the trial court judgment.

Receive Case, Initiate Case – ACORDS


98. Record the case as accelerated, and record an acceleration reason. Receive Case, Initiate Case – ACORDS


99. Restrict acceleration reasons depending on relevance to the trial court case type. Receive Case, Initiate Case – ACORDS


100. Alert the user of the number of cases which have been filed in their court with the same associated trial court case number (to avoid duplicate filings, or to determine if there are possible links, consolidations).

Receive Case, Initiate Case – ACORDS


101. Automatically derive appellate case type from the trial court case type. Receive Case, Initiate Case – ACORDS


102. Identify the COA case being reviewed by the Supreme Court. Initiate Case - ACORDS <Select>103. Automatically populate the Supreme Court case with case data from the COA case (e.g.,

trial court case data, relevant parties, and relevant case events).Initiate Case - ACORDS <Select>

104. Consolidate two or more cases, designating one case as an "anchor" or master case, and the others as "secondary" or subservient cases. Once cases are consolidated, activities are

Consolidate Cases – ACORDS, Change Basic -


* - See Glossary Page 7

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirementsentered on the anchor case only. SCOMIS

105. Automatically populate additions or changes for selected events (e.g., decisions, case completion, and case status) from the anchor case to the secondary cases.

Manage Event - ACORDS <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 8

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements

106. Record a reason and generate a docket/event entry when consolidating, linking, and severing of cases.

Linked Cases - Consolidate Cases - ACORDS


107. "Sever" or split apart one or multiple cases from a consolidation. Consolidate Cases - ACORDS


108. Populate selected participants from the "secondary" case to the "anchor" case so that the master case contains all active parties from the consolidated cases. Populated participants should be identified as such.

Consolidate Cases - ACORDS


109. Link two or more cases. This is different from a consolidation, in that activities are entered on each case separately.

Linked Cases - ACORDS <Select>

110. Allow the user to "sever" or split apart one or multiple cases from a link. Linked Cases - ACORDS <Select>111. Ability to group cases for adjudication, scheduling, and monitoring (e.g., Unified Family

Court* cases).To be <Select>

Case Alerts/Flags# Requirement JIS Reference


112. During case maintenance and case viewing, alert the user to the following conditions, including but not limited to:

Consolidated cases (and whether the case is the primary or anchor case, or not) Linked cases Accelerated/expedited cases Cases with a pending motion Cases requiring trial court action after an appellate decision has been issued Sealed cases Speedy trials No Contact Orders Prohibited filers

Alerts are displayed on the ACORDS case header on maintenance screens. Consolidated and linked cases are also identified on reports.


113. Flag an opinion* as confidential, which restricts it from public viewing until it is released (when the opinion is filed).

Manage Opinion <Select>

114. When the user records that a case was remanded to the trial court, allow the user to optionally flag the case for including text on the mandate when trial court action is required.

ACORDS - Manage Event - Mandate/Certificate of Finality (COF)


Ticklers# Requirement JIS Reference


115. Provide manual and automatic tickler capability based on business rules and statutory requirements. Ticklers for future events could include:

Type of event Date due Person who created the tickler Date created Party who will fulfill the tickler

Manage Event - ACORDS <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 9

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements Optional comments/notes

116. Provide tracking capabilities after oral rulings for orders and checking status or cases under advisement.

To be <Select>

Notification# Requirement JIS Reference


117. Notify specified staff when pre-defined events occur, including but not limited to: Alias created A legal case is created and a referral number is not provided A legal case is created for a juvenile currently in detention A detention episode is added and an existing referral or legal case was not

selected as a detention reason A legal case/referral association has been deleted Name conflict between the legal case and the referral Juvenile in detention also admitted in another facility A juvenile number is assigned The associated legal case is deleted No date of birth Termination of a parental relationship The transfer of a referral (created for the receiving court) The transfer of a referral is cancelled (created for the receiving court)

JIS/SCOMIS person and case initiation screens, Detention Maintenance, Case Relationship


118. Display a list of notifications using the following criteria, including but not limited to: Choose whether to list events which may require some resolution, or to list events

which have been resolved or deleted Begin date – a date that establishes the date range of the report Referral number Juvenile number Notification type

Notification List <Select>

119. Delete a notification after it is resolved, maintaining a history of the deleted notifications. Notification List <Select>120. Ability to receive/send notifications from other courts within same county or between

counties.To be <Select>

Case Status# Requirement JIS Reference


121. Generate automatic updates to the case status when certain events are recorded on the case, including but not limited to:

Hearings are set or heard Resolution/disposition of the case Closure of the case Finalizing calendar Screening information

ACORDS <Select>

122. Allow for automatic and manual maintenance of the case status based on pre-defined rules.

ACORDS, Change Status – SCOMIS


* - See Glossary Page 10

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements123. Display and maintain the case status.

For example, the date the status began and ended, the number of days the case has been pending resolution, whether the case was audited, case number, case title, filed date, the time standards and any post completion case status activity.Examples of superior court statuses are: Active, Arbitration, Diversion, Mediation, On Appeal, On Continued Prosecution, On Discretionary Review/Stay, On Warrant, Completed, and Return from any of the statuses.Examples of Appellate Court* statuses are: Incomplete, Pending, Record Ready, Ready, Screened, Set, Heard, Stay, Stay Lifted, Decision Filed, Disposed, and Stored.

Display Status – SCOMISDisplay Summary – SCOMIS


124. If an event that generated an automatic case status update is withdrawn, automatically reset the case status to the previous case status.

Manage Event <Select>

125. Track the reason why the case is in a particular holding status.Examples of superior court reasons: Arbitration, Diversion, Mediation, On Appeal, On Continued Prosecution, On Discretionary Review/Stay, On Warrant.Examples of Appellate Court reasons are: Settlement negotiation, Bankruptcy, Pending case (with the ability to identify the case number of the pending case).

ACORDS, Change Status – SCOMIS


Case Transfers# Requirement JIS Reference


126. In a transferred case, populate selected participants from the source to the target case and identify these transferred participants during case maintenance.

Manage Participant - ACORDS


127. Distinguish events transferred from another court’s case. Cases can be transferred between courts for a variety of reasons. When a case is transferred, the docket data from the sending court's case is copied to the receiving court’s case. The events that are copied should be distinguished from the new events entered.

Manage Event - ACORDS <Select>

128. Allow appellate courts, on their own initiative or on motion of a party, to transfer a case to another appellate court ("certified").

Manage Event - ACORDS <Select>

Case Actions# Requirement JIS Reference


129. Require entry of at least one violation/charge when initiating a non-civil case, but provide the ability to add more violations per case.

NCCA, PKT <Select>

130. Capture more than one RCW per count to include modifiers and enhancers (e.g., deadly weapon enhancements).

Change Charge <Select>

131. Identify that a charge is domestic violence related. NCCA, Change Charge – SCOMIS, CIVA, SCCA, Case Add


132. Validate a charge against the Fine Penalty Schedule (the CLJ law code table). NCCA <Select>133. Require entry of a cause of action when initiating a civil case (e.g., dissolution of marriage,

medical malpractice).CIVA <Select>

134. Identify a case that has the following attributes, including but not limited to: Alcohol related Accident

E-ticket, NCCA <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 11

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements135. If the accident occurs with a "Rules of the Road" violation, provide the ability for the

accident fee to automatically add to the potential accounts receivable (AR) for the case.NCCA <Select>

136. Automatically calculate the bail amount on speeding violations, using only the speed and zone as noted on the citation.

NCCA <Select>

137. Associate one or more issues, which are grounds for appeal, to an appellate case: Primary and secondary issues Charges (RCWs) challenged Nature of action (free-form text) Facts/issues (free-form text)

Screening Information <Select>

Time Standards# Requirement JIS Reference


138. Enter time standards set by statute or court rule per case type in order to allow the system to pre-calculate, re-calculate, and track time standards based on business rules.

Change Track – SCOMIS, MCIS


139. Provide the ability for each court to set the least and greatest number of months a warrant can be active.

CPFM <Select>

140. Provide the ability for each court to set the number of days an ordered warrant can be delayed from printing.

CPFM <Select>

141. Provide the ability for each court to set a warrant grace period (e.g., the number of days between case filing date and warrant order/issue date).

CPFM <Select>

142. Provide for the court to select local failure to appear (FTA) automated processing timeframes on criminal traffic and infraction traffic cases triggered from NN number of days from filing date.

CPFM <Select>

143. Provide the ability for each court to set a failure to respond (FTR)/ (FTA) grace period for infractions, and one for criminal cases. The grace period is the number of days between case filing date and FTR/FTA issue date. Must be at least seven days.

CPFM <Select>

144. Provide the ability for each court to set the number of days that must pass before an ordered FTA is issued and electronically transmitted to Department of Licensing. This number of days can be from zero to 10. The default is zero (0).

CPFM <Select>

145. Ability to add time standards at the beginning of scheduling. To be <Select>146. Display pre-disposition and post-disposition jurisdiction time standards to set time

precedence and assist in court scheduling.To be <Select>

147. Ability to set case deadlines. To be <Select>148. Calculate 30, 60, 90 day milestones (internally and automatic). To be <Select>149. Ability to track against pre-defined milestones (i.e. allow performance monitoring). To be <Select>

2.2 Docketing (Core CMS Functionality)Docketing functionality includes, but is not limited to:

Creating and maintaining a chronological record of all documents filed in a case and maintained in the official court file. Creating and maintaining a chronological record of all hearings and events scheduled and all hearing and event outcomes in a case. Creating and maintaining a chronological record of all court actions, decisions, orders in a case. Some non-docketing events or system actions may trigger automatic creation of docket entries in the case or another case. Some docket entries may trigger automatic actions in other portions of the system.

* - See Glossary Page 12

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements

Configuration# Requirement JIS Reference


150. Define docket types, or filing classes and filing types. These allow categorizing of events which occur on a court case for research/statistical purposes while allowing courts flexibility to define specific events which occur for their court level.

DKC, eventcodelogin - ACORDS, SCOMIS Docket Codes - JXS2, JCS


151. Identify event entries which are generated by the system in order to implement rules about changes allowed on system generated events (e.g., an event entry is generated by the case maintenance function to reflect the filing of the initial document; the user should not be able to change the event type, action, and date on this event entry, but can change the filer).


152. Allow group event docketing to record an event on multiple cases in a single step (e.g., event is consolidation; docket entries are recorded on each case in the consolidation, a single pleading posted to several cases).


153. Configure non-docketing events or system actions to trigger automatic creation of docket entries in the case or another case.

To be <Select>

154. Configure docket entries to trigger automatic actions in other portions of the system. To be <Select>155. Provide view/filter of docketing entries (e.g., documents, events, financial entries). To be <Select>156. Ability to link to detail from docket entry. To be <Select>

Maintain a Register of Actions on Cases# Requirement JIS Reference


157. Record case events/filing information, including but not limited to: Event date Event type Event action (e.g., filed, received, sent, set, heard, withdrawn) Filing party, or the party performing the action (case party, pre-defined filer group,

court official) Free-form comment

CDK, Change Docket – SCOMIS, Manage Event –ACORDS


158. Allow manual sequencing of filed documents. To be <Select>

Document Filings# Requirement JIS Reference


159. Optionally record additional information on the receipt of a document filed on a case: Size of document (e.g., number of pages and volumes for briefs) Physical location Service date Document sequence number (superior court sub-number)

Manage Event – ACORDS, Change Docket - SCOMIS


* - See Glossary Page 13

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail RequirementsMotion Filings# Requirement JIS Reference


160. Identify emergency motions. Manage Event – ACORDS <Select>161. Maintain a motion status to track progress on the motion (e.g., received, set, continued,

heard, and withdrawn).Manage Event – ACORDS <Select>

Event Relationships# Requirement JIS Reference


162. Relate case events to each other to establish a “chain of events.” At least 3 cascading (parent and child) levels of association are required (e.g., relate a decision to a motion for extension of time, and associate the motion to a brief).

Manage Event - ACORDS <Select>

Events for Consolidated Cases# Requirement JIS Reference


163. Display events for all cases in a consolidation when viewing any one case involved in the consolidation.

Manage Event – ACORDS <Select>

2.3 Adjudication and Disposition (Core CMS Functionality)The adjudication and disposition functionality includes, but is not limited to:

Recording and relating adjudications and dispositions to each individual charge, allegation, or claim within a case. Recording and relating adjudications and dispositions to individual defendants or parties in a case. Recording and relating adjudications and dispositions that occur and may result from a court decision after jury, non-jury trial, guilty plea, bail forfeiture,

dismissal, bind over, transfer out to another jurisdiction, consolidation, arbitration decision, default dismissal, withdrawal, settlement, or in appellate matters, issuance of an opinion, order or ruling, and mandate processing.

General# Requirement JIS Reference


164. Apply rules to prevent inadvertent disposition/resolution of a case (e.g., open AR). CSD, CVJ, CVP, Change Basic - SCOMIS


165. Apply rules to determine when the case type should be automatically changed (e.g., dismissed or deleted charges do not change the case type whereas addition or amendment of a charge does). See the table in the JIS Online Manual (“Overall Case Type Changes”).


166. Enter judgment information once, all other entries produced automatically (e.g., populate superior court judgment index from district court judgment).

To be <Select>

Record Disposition# Requirement JIS Reference


167. Record case disposition and resolution reason (e.g., closed, transferred) and date. CSD, CVJ, CVP, Change <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 14

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail RequirementsBasic - SCOMIS

168. Allow resolution of bail bond upon closure of a case (e.g., exonerate or forfeit bond, make bail payable).

CSD <Select>

169. Reopen a closed or transferred case. CSD, CVJ, CVP <Select>170. Record the appeal of a case to a higher court level. CVJ, CSD <Select>171. Record the appeal begin and end dates. CVJ, CSD <Select>172. Record post adjudication sentencing information, including but not limited to:

Probation violation Failure to pay Contempt violations Reversal on appeal information

Change Sentence - SCOMIS <Select>

173. Automatically display and record any notices of interest to other state agencies (e.g., DOL, WSP, the Office of the Secretary of State) with information including but not limited to:

Felony conviction Felony reversal Felony reversal recalled Felony conviction recalled Voter’s rights restored Voter’s rights recalled Date of action User ID Docket code Firearms violation notification Traffic Violations

Display Sentence, Display Notices -SCOMIS


174. Record and display the criminal disposition information for the charge. PLS, SCOMIS - Change Sentence, Change Charge


175. Record and maintain civil judgment*. CVJ, Add Case – SCOMIS, Change Execution – SCOMIS


Disposition Maintenance# Requirement JIS Reference


176. Create a history of modified or amended charges. PLS, Amend Charge - SCOMIS


177. Upon amendment of charges indicate whether or not the new charge is domestic violence related.

PLS <Select>

178. Display a warning when addition or amendment of charges causes a change in case type. PLS <Select>179. Record the date the arraignment hearing was held for each charge. PLS <Select>180. Display the case type associated with the law when amending charges. PLS <Select>181. Record a defendant’s waiver of attorney representation and the date representation was

waived on a charge.PLS <Select>

182. Record and maintain protection-type orders to a case. ORD, ORDA <Select>183. Display the original order decision and expiration date. ORD, ORDA <Select>184. Modify an existing order (previously terminated). ORD, ORDA <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 15

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements185. Associate existing case participants with protection-type orders (identifying who is

protected, and who is restrained).ORDA <Select>

186. Disallow the same person from being protected and restrained on the same order (includes alias names).

ORDA, ORD <Select>

187. Record selected participants in a case with a valid protection order or a denied order. ORDA <Select>188. Track the status of a protection-type order (e.g., active, denied, expired, and terminated). ORDA <Select>189. Display and print the statewide history of protection-type orders for a person or a case;

include alias names associated with the person.IOH, COH <Select>

190. Record final outcome and outcome date for an individual party - not the entire case. Change Name – SCOMIS <Select>191. Record or modify all disposition orders, diversion agreements, probation violation

outcomes, or detention violation outcomes associated with a referral.Referral Maintenance – Dispositions


192. Associate a disposition with specific case charge(s) or referral reason(s)*. Referral Maintenance - Dispositions Dispo Conditions (CNDLST)


193. Allow multiple subsequent dispositions in single cases which begin new statistical and time standards tracking.

To be <Select>

Configuration# Requirement JIS Reference


194. Upon closure of case automatically cancel any scheduled proceeding as “not held” with a reason code of “case disposed.”


195. Apply rules and edits to enforce correct protection order types. ORDA, ORD <Select>196. Automatically close a case when paid in full. PTP, PBP, PADJ <Select>197. Maintain rules to automatically calculate juvenile offender sentencing point value for

disposition.JCS <Select>

Decisions# Requirement JIS Reference


198. Configure rules when recording judicial officer, commissioner, and appellate court clerk decisions on orders/rulings.

Manage Event, ORDA <Select>

199. Record an order or ruling which resolves a motion and/or resolves the case. Manage Event <Select>200. Record supreme court decision for which there is not an order or ruling entered, for the

following review types: Non-Discipline (AND) Disciplinary Action (DAC) Judicial Appeal (JAP) Should also be available for Attorney Admissions (AAD) (not current functionality

for this review type)

Manage Case <Select>

201. When a “Motion for Extension of Time” is granted, record an order or ruling disposing of the motion, including the new due date. The due date for the associated document should be automatically updated.

Manage Event <Select>

202. Record the withdrawal of an opinion, order, or ruling. Manage Event <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 16

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements

Opinions# Requirement JIS Reference


203. Record an opinion and capture the following information: Opinion filing type (opinion or opinion that does not terminate review) Opinion type (e.g., majority, partial, concur, dissent) Opinion decision (e.g., affirmed, remanded) Publishing status (e.g., published, published in part, unpublished) Opinion number (automatic or manual) Number of pages Author of opinion Concurring panel members Dissenting panel members Per curiam*

Manage Event/Opinion <Select>

204. Display a list of opinions which have not yet been released for public viewing in order to release it.

Opinion List <Select>

205. If a decision on a motion for reconsideration changes the original decision, allow the user to update the original opinion.

Manage Opinion <Select>

206. Allow more than one majority opinion per case. Manage Opinion <Select>207. Record that an opinion is being circulated in judges' chambers and the date it was

circulated; allow entry of circulation notes.Manage Opinion <Select>

208. Allow an opinion to apply to one or more cases, and a case to have zero to many opinions.

Manage Event <Select>

Completion and Closure# Requirement JIS Reference


209. Close a case manually. Manage Event <Select>210. Close a case automatically when the mandate or certificate of finality is recorded. Manage Event      <Select>

2.4 Pre- and Post-Disposition Compliance (Core CMS Functionality)Pre- and post-disposition compliance functionality includes, but is not limited to:

Monitoring and enforcing compliance with pre-trial release conditions and post-disposition sentence and supervision conditions in criminal cases including payments of legal financial obligations (restitution, fines, fees, etc.). This may occur proactively (court initiated) or reactively (initiated by a probation department).

Monitoring compliance with terms of court orders in non-criminal cases (e.g., child support, spousal support payments, completion of court ordered treatment or evaluations).

# Requirement JIS Reference (Commands/Screens)


211. Record and track compliance on multiple conditions of sentence, pre- and post-conviction. PLS           <Select>212. Add or modify conditions associated with a referral disposition. JCS - Dispo Conditions

(CNDLST)          <Select>

213. Track defendant progress, case notes, probation/parole, and treatment (“bench probation” To be           <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 17

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirementsincluding deferrals, drug court, family treatment court).

214. Provide status indicators on compliance of a defendant’s outcome of his/her sentence (e.g., in compliance, not in compliance, completed all).

To be           <Select>

3. Case Processing II3.1 Basic Calendaring (Core CMS Functionality)Basic calendaring functionality includes, but is not limited to:

Generally supporting “individual calendar” and “master calendar” systems or a combination thereof within a single court. Defining and configuring specific court calendars using one or more of the following criteria: judicial officer, attorneys, permissible case and hearing

type(s), location, start and end time, and limits on the number of cases, hearings or events. Scheduling hearings and non-hearing events associated with a case to a specific calendar (including “cases” initiated without assignment of a case

number). Properly identifying events not associated with a case. Activities associated with creating, formatting, maintaining, and distributing court calendars for each type of hearing and conference.

Configuration# Requirement JIS Reference


215. Ability to configure a calendar. HRT, HRTA, JXS2, ACORDS, CAPS, TABM


216. Suppress inclusion of user-designated confidential information in calendars. Display Calendar <Select>217. Apply rules governing which parties appear on the calendar and are sent notices. ACORDS <Select>218. Provide a way to generate setting letters/calendar notices in a batch mode. Batch Letters <Select>219. Display the language needed (if other than English) so that court knows an interpreter is

needed.CAPS, PER, Display Name, Printed Calendars


220. Maintain statewide proceeding types (e.g., motion and oral argument). TABM <Select>221. Maintain court specific proceeding types. Associate court specific proceeding types with

the statewide proceeding types (e.g., commissioner’s motion calendar, judge’s oral argument calendar).

TABM <Select>

222. Define calendar format (title, participants to list/notify, by review type, hearing type, and locally for each court).

ACORDS <Select>

223. Provide for stopping the use of a hearing type for future settings. TABM <Select>224. Maintain descriptions for courtrooms by court and alternatives to courtroom for a hearing,

such as teleconference.TABM, JXS2, ACORDS <Select>

225. Maintain potential geographical locations for a proceeding by court (not courtrooms). Courts hold hearings in different geographic locations depending on the address of the participants and/or the type of hearing.

Court Location Maintenance <Select>

226. Set maximum number of cases for specified calendar, taking into account the length of each event.

To be <Select>

227. Allow for several court addresses in the system for a jurisdiction with flexibility to select an address where particular court events will be held.

To be <Select>

228. Ability to combine calendars for multiple courts or counties. To be <Select>

Scheduling# Requirement JIS Reference Response* - See Glossary Page 18

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements(Commands/Screens)

229. Allow overrides of pre-defined local calendar configuration rules when scheduling a case. Change Docket, CAPS, CDT, BCA, BCAA


230. Schedule a proceeding for a single case for a particular date and pre-defined calendar session.



231. Associate the scheduling or outcome of a hearing with a document or note. Change Docket, ACORDS <Select>232. Perform multiple scheduling actions on a case at one time (e.g., scheduling, canceling,

rescheduling, recurring events).CDT, BCA, BCAA, Change Docket, CAPS


233. Provide warnings/edits when attempting to set a proceeding on a calendar/session which is not pre-defined or a non-court date.



234. Allow entry of a free-form comment associated to a proceeding that will appear on a calendar.

Change Docket, ACORDS, HPO, CAPS


235. Maintain tickler for tracking of proceedings ready to be scheduled but future date is not yet known.

CAPS <Select>

236. Search for an eligible session based on availability of selected resources (e.g., judicial officers, police officers, court rooms, etc.) to set a proceeding. Allow selection of a session in order to set the proceeding.

CAPS and To be <Select>

237. Generate automatic hearing notice when scheduled or rescheduled. PNS <Select>238. Maintain a history of hearings set, held, heard, scheduled, rescheduled, cancelled,

stricken for a case.ACORDS, Change Docket, Display Proceedings, CDK


239. Maintain duration times before and after scheduled proceedings/events. ACORDS, CAPS, Change Docket, Oral Argument Calendar


240. Cancel future court dates. CAPS, CDT <Select>241. Allow scheduling or rescheduling of multiple (unlimited) cases and resources in a batch. ACORDS, CAPS, BCAA <Select>242. Allow editing of outcomes recorded previously (e.g., clerical errors, additions, etc.). CAPS, Change Docket, HRH <Select>243. When re-scheduling a proceeding to another date, provide the ability to retain resources

and confirmation information with that moved proceeding.CAPS <Select>

244. Schedule and record outcome of a proceeding at the same time. CAPS, Change Docket, HRH <Select>245. Provide the ability to enter the outcome of a scheduled hearing. CAPS, Change Docket, HRH <Select>246. Schedule and record outcomes of proceedings without requiring a case filed using a

unique number (e.g., law enforcement agency number).CAPS <Select>

247. Convert unfiled case proceedings to a case number when a case is filed. CAPS <Select>248. Provide for setting and resetting an individual or group of cases from one judge, other

judicial officer, or department to another (e.g., when judge retires or moves to another court).

Oral Argument Calendar <Select>

249. Generate a cancellation docket entry when a case is removed from the schedule. Manage Event, Oral Argument Calendar


250. Schedule a motion hearing, allowing selection of hearing date and time, type of motion calendar, judicial officer or panel.

Manage Event <Select>

251. Provide for automatic update of motion status when a motion hearing is scheduled and when it is heard.

Manage Event <Select>

252. Schedule an oral argument hearing, allowing selection of hearing date, time, and Oral Argument Calendar <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 19

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirementsgeographical location.

253. Record whether the hearing is "oral" or "non-oral," (i.e., an attorney on the case is going to argue the case or waive argument, or a party is waiving appearance).

Oral Argument Calendar <Select>

254. Allow the user to schedule more than one case in a time block. Oral Argument Calendar <Select>255. Allow the user to specify estimated default duration of time for the case event or trial. Oral Argument Calendar <Select>256. Record a user-defined number of judges (a panel) associated with a case (panels or

departments may be three to nine judges/justices).Oral Argument Calendar <Select>

257. Record writing assignments and presiding assignments by case. Oral Argument Calendar <Select>258. Allow the user to assign or change the order of the cases that are scheduled within a time

block.Oral Argument Calendar <Select>

259. Allow the user to indicate whether a specified schedule of cases is final. Finalize Calendar <Select>260. Provide ability to follow business rules for automatically setting an event, with override. To be <Select>261. Ability to reserve resources statewide on calendar, with override (e.g., interpreters, cross-

county judicial resources).To be <Select>

262. Optionally allow attorneys to schedule hearings on the calendar. To be <Select>263. Create confidential notes associated to a case on the calendar. To be <Select>264. Record moving party* when scheduling a proceeding. To be <Select>265. Record confirmation of hearing by moving party according to local business rule (e.g., two

days before scheduled hearing).To be <Select>

Viewing# Requirement JIS Reference


266. View a day/week/month’s worth of proceedings set showing the calendar and session, the type of proceeding, the time and duration, the case number and title, the participants, the resources assigned or unavailable, whether the proceeding has been held or confirmed.

CAPS, Display Calendar, HRH


267. Set display options such as display all or only the following with proceedings set: calendars, sessions, and/or proceeding subtypes. Display or not the count of proceedings set. Display or not the unavailable resources.

CAPS <Select>

268. View the case title and case number, date, calendar, session, subtype, confirmation information, multi-day proceeding information, proceeding and outcome notes, all resources assigned and the outcome of any proceedings listed in the proceeding history for a case.

CAPS, Display Calendar, CDK


269. View unavailable resources for each day and calendar. CAPS <Select>270. View total settings on any calendar selected. ACORDS, CLS, Display

Calendar, Calendar View in CAPS


271. View all the proceedings set on a given case and the outcomes of those proceedings. CAPS Court Only-Display Proceedings


272. Search calendars by participant names, including attorney names. To be <Select>273. Import/export calendar data in common format to/from other applications or formats (e.g.,

comma delimited text file or .PDF).To be <Select>


* - See Glossary Page 20

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements# Requirement JIS Reference


274. Select multiple calendars to prepare simultaneously. PCS, Print and Display Calendar


275. Calendar must have option of showing aliases for defendant and related cases. To be <Select>

Reporting# Requirement JIS Reference


276. Select a sort order for the scheduled proceeding to print on a calendar. ACORDS, CAPS, CLS, CSL


277. Optional display criteria can be selected to print on public or private version of the calendar (e.g., resources, DOB, language code, attorneys’ names, proceeding comments, confidential information).

CAPS           <Select>

278. Sort calendar hearing information by date, time, hearing level, and case number using multiple sort criteria.

BCA <Select>

279. Select parameters for printing report, including but not limited to: Parties Date Alphabetically

CSL <Select>

280. Order additional reports for every defendant listed on the calendar: Defendant Case History Driving Record Case Financial Record Printed Docket Report

PCS <Select>

281. Print predefined notices for scheduled and selected cases. PNS <Select>282. Add or edit proceedings details of a calendar prior to printing. Prepare Calendar <Select>283. Secure a calendar prior to publication (e.g., draft or preliminary calendar). Prepare Calendar,

ACORDS     <Select>

Recusal/Disqualification/Affidavits of Prejudice# Requirement JIS Reference


284. Record judicial recusals or affidavits of prejudice for a case and reason (e.g., judge can excuse themselves from a case in order to eliminate potential prejudice/bias).

ACORDS, SCOMIS (Change Docket, Change Basic), CDK


285. Prevent scheduling of a hearing with a judicial officer that is recused on the case. Oral Argument Calendar, Manage Event (motions)


286. Associate judges with individual case hearings in order to facilitate recusals. Oral Argument Calendar <Select>287. Maintain list of attorneys and parties, by judge, for disqualification purposes to prevent

assignment of cases and scheduling of hearings.To be <Select>

Screening for Oral Argument# Requirement JIS Reference Response

* - See Glossary Page 21

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements(Commands/Screens)

288. Display size of the case record and briefs (number of pages/volumes/number of items). Screening Information <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 22

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements

289. Record screening information: Who screened the case (from a list of staff attorneys and law clerks) Case priority Complexity Primary and secondary issues Charges (RCWs) challenged Geographic region Calendar type Nature of action (free-form text) Facts/issues (free-form text)

Screening Information <Select>

3.2 Hearings (Core CMS Functionality)Hearing functionality includes, but is not limited to:

Recording the outcome of hearings and non-hearing events. Generating notices and/or court orders required as a result of the hearing outcome (e.g., pre-sentence investigations, directions related to court ordered

pre-trial services such as alcohol or other evaluations). Recording the case participants present at the hearing. Rescheduling the hearing or scheduling another hearing as a direct result of the current hearing. Creating and producing minute entries.

# Requirement JIS Reference (Commands/Screens)


290. Record and maintain the outcome of a scheduled hearing, including notes. HRH, Change Docket <Select>291. Sort and display proceeding information by:

View all View proceedings held View proceedings not held View proceedings scheduled

HRH <Select>

292. Record audio/video, record begin and end counter/CD/tape information. HRH, Change Docket <Select>293. Record participants present at a proceeding. ACORDS, HRH, Change


294. Note waiver of presence at hearings based on case type and hearing type, default set for defendant to be present, override allowed.

To be <Select>

295. Provide a minute entry process and output (printing) at the time of the hearing to record and store the outcome of hearings and non-hearing events.

To be <Select>

296. Ability to track continuances (e.g., number requested and granted, who is the moving party, reason granted).

To be <Select>

3.3 Resource ManagementResource management functionality includes, but is not limited to:

Creation and maintenance of inventory, schedules, and activities of internal and external resources. Automated scheduling or assignment of resources to cases, persons, hearings, and calendars.


* - See Glossary Page 23

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements# Requirement JIS Reference


297. Create a pool of resources so that they can be assigned to each court, including but not limited to:

Judges Interpreters Courtrooms Equipment Service providers Court reporter Hearing clerk

CAPS – Resource Setup <Select>

Scheduling# Requirement JIS Reference


298. Assign one or more various resources to court proceedings, sessions, or calendars. CAPS – Resource Assignment


299. Have the system check and report unavailability and conflicts for the resources when scheduling a case and participants.

CAPS – Unavailable Resources, Resource Assignment


300. Apply rules to enable efficient use of resource time, (e.g., schedule one attorney’s [interpreter, law enforcement officer] cases, at the same time and location).

To be <Select>

301. Allow modification or reassignment of various assigned resources to different court sessions.

CAPS <Select>

302. Provide a history of assignments (e.g., judges, bar association number of attorneys, and system number for law enforcement).

To be <Select>

303. When changing judicial officer assignment, provide ability to change status of previous judge (e.g., disqualified, recused, conflict).

To be <Select>

304. Ability to assign cases to judicial officers with automatic, non-predictable system assignment based on business rules, with default and override functions.

To be <Select>

305. Ability to re-assign cases to judicial officers or case managers. To be      306. When reassigning a judge, consult the newly assigned judge’s schedule to see if the judge

has an opening that matches the original trial date, so the reassigned case is still on schedule.

To be <Select>

307. Ability to reassign cases to participants (e.g., judges, attorneys and other staff), by variety of methods (individually, in batch, randomly, evenly, other business rule), with automated notice generation to parties.

To be <Select>

308. Alert users when attempting to add an item to a calendar designated “closed” and allow override.

To be <Select>

309. If case comes off the calendar, system provides option to notify participants and resources that they are no longer needed.

To be <Select>

310. Provide option to notify non-case participants of scheduled events (e.g., parents, foster parents).

To be <Select>

311. Indicate that interpreter for a given language is needed for a participant at a hearing. To be <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 24

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements312. Notify interpreter of scheduled event where case participant needs an interpreter in a given

language.To be <Select>

313. Record resource unavailable for scheduling (e.g., judicial conference, working on briefs, personal vacations, etc.).

CAPS <Select>

Viewing# Requirement JIS Reference


314. View unavailable resources when viewing a day, week, or month of proceedings set. CAPS <Select>315. View resources which are assigned to particular proceedings, sessions, or calendars. CAPS <Select>

4. Person/Participant/Non-Person Cases4.1 Person/Participant (Core CMS Functionality)The application needs to identify and track persons involved with cases and other matters that come before the court and that are within the scope of the CMS. These persons have the following attributes:

Their roles can include defendant, litigant or party, judicial officer, attorney, witness, law enforcement officer, guardian ad litem, interpreter, etc. The JIS uses the term “participant” to relate a person to a case and indicate the person’s role.

They can be people or legal entities. They can be well identified or only loosely identified as when the only information available is the name on a pleading. Well identified means the system

has enough identifying information, both in the database and in incoming documents, to be able to, based on business rules, relate persons to more than one case; “loosely identified” is everything else. The application needs to be able to handle both well identified and loosely identified persons and relate them to cases.

Person functionality includes, but is not limited to: Creating, modifying, merging, and deleting person records. Maintaining an audit trail of court users creating, modifying, merging, and deleting person records. Maintaining the person record history, including associated and date-ended address, telephone, and e-mail information. Robust person searches including weighted, phonetic, and alpha searches and fuzzy matches. Relating a person to a case as a “case participant.” Providing views of statewide data related to a person, including criminal history, driving record (infraction history), and domestic violence protection order


For background: The terms “person” and “person record” have specific meanings within the context of JIS and refer to a “uniquely identified human being.” The person record is used to relate driving record, juvenile offender, misdemeanant, felony, warrant, and domestic violence protection order information and history to a uniquely identified individual person. Both the court community and justice system partners, such as local law enforcement, the State Patrol, and the Department of Licensing, depend on the reliability and accuracy of these person records maintained within the DISCIS application database. Rigorous business rules apply to creating, modifying, and merging person records and a clear audit trail and person record history is maintained.

In Washington, most civil case filings do not include identifying information, except for names of parties and other participants. Therefore, court clerks do not collect or enter into JIS identifying information in such cases. In the current JIS, case participants in these situations may appear in the participant data stores multiple times.

* - See Glossary Page 25

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail RequirementsGeneral# Requirement JIS Reference


316. Have access to database of Washington State Bar Association attorney information.      <Select>317. Associate one or more pictures of a person to provide a pictorial history.   JCS Pictures      <Select>318. Provide information for a person and all other names associated with that person when requested.

Identify which information is associated with which name (e.g., when listing probation officer assignments for a person, also list assignments for the person’s aliases).

JCS List Screens      <Select>

Maintain Person Information# Requirement JIS Reference


319. Record and maintain person records, allowing two types: well identified and loosely-identified (see Person*).



320. Require well identified persons on specified case types and mandatory parties. NCCA, SCCA, CSPA, CIVA


321. Merge or convert a loosely-identified person record into a well identified person record. CIVC, PERC <Select>322. Protect against simultaneous update of a person record. PERA, PER, JCRA <Select>323. Allow confirmation of person data with Department of Licensing upon request. DOL <Select>324. Generate or assign a unique identifier to each person, including alias persons or organization record. OFOA, OFO, PERA,

JCRA, Manage Participant, Attorney Administration - ACORDS, AKA


325. Allow names to be maintained in its detailed parts: first and middle or given name, last name, name prefix (e.g., Dr., Hon., Mr., and Ms.), name suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., II, and III).

Manage Participant, Attorney Administration, PERA, PER, JCRA


326. Record notes about a person. PCMT <Select>327. Delete a person or an organization (e.g., bank) if not associated/linked with a case, referral, or

detention episode.PERD, OFOD <Select>

328. Maintain and display address history, and allow multiple types of addresses for a person (e.g., home, work, mailing, e-mail).



329. Mark addresses as “bad” (e.g., returned mail, undeliverable mail, etc.). To be <Select>330. Maintain and display aliases identifying the true name, the legal name, and identify the source of these

names (e.g., driver’s license, passport, etc.).PER, SND, PRA, AKA, Aliases


331. Record and maintain a master person/organization record for a case participant that shows history of all personal identifiers (e.g., demographics, multiple driver license numbers, and multiple social security numbers).

To be <Select>

332. Ability to search organizations as a case participant with location as filter. To be <Select>333. System should promote consistent entering of foreign and hyphenated names as well as provide

flexibility (i.e., multiple methods) in searching for those individuals.To be <Select>

334. Ability to change person and organization identifying information and maintain a history of entries and data entry audit information.

To be <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 26

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements335. Ability to merge person records when business rules allow. To be <Select>336. Record and maintain a person as a prohibited filer. To be <Select>337. Record and maintain a frequent filer and an attorney as a “Favorite.” To be <Select>338. Provide indicator for out-of-state parties/participants. To be <Select>

Maintain Aliases# Requirement JIS Reference


339. Record one or more alias identities for a person and the source of alias information. AKA <Select>340. Identify a “true name” person, where a “true name” record is defined as the one person record within

a group of alias identities that is chosen as the preferred identity for use in court.AKA <Select>

341. Move personal identification numbers (DOC/SID numbers) from an alias to the “true name” person. AKA <Select>342. Provide an alert if alias identities in the same alias group are being used for opposing parties in a

case or protection order.AKA <Select>

343. When adding an alias to a true name, record if the alias belongs to a real person. To be <Select>

Person Relationships# Requirement JIS Reference


344. Populate the home address and home telephone numbers between persons in a personal relationship when appropriate.

RAPC <Select>

345. View statewide family relationship histories by authorized users. FRH <Select>346. Record, maintain, and display a person’s family relationships, including but not limited to:

Type of relationship Name Sex Person ID Number of aliases Add date Court DOB Resides with Responsible party

FRH, Relationships, JCS <Select>

347. Maintain and display a juvenile’s affiliations (e.g., school), including but not limited to: Type of relationship Name Person ID Add date Court

FRH, Relationships <Select>

Participant# Requirement JIS Reference


348. Record and edit parties and attorneys associated with a case or referral. JIS/SCOMIS, JCS, ACORDS


* - See Glossary Page 27

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements349. Record or change the role (or participant type) of the participant in the case or referral (e.g., parent,

probation official, interpreter, defendant, petitioner, respondent, or attorney).JIS/SCOMIS, JCS, ACORDS


350. Allow one person to act in multiple roles in a case or referral (e.g., handle situations similar to the one where an individual can act as a litigant and as a pro se attorney).



351. Maintain and display a history of all participation in the case or referral. Allow activating and inactivating of participation on the case or referral.



352. Establish relationships between participants (e.g., DBA or garnishee defendant to a participant, attorney).



353. Remove or end relationships between participants. The participants remain attached to the case, and the end effective date of the relationship is saved.



354. Display the participants from the legal case that is associated to a referral. Referral Participants <Select>355. Allow representation by:

Attorney with an “Active” bar status Out of state attorneys Prosecutor’s and other offices Pro se participant (a party is representing him/herself)



356. Allow multiple attorneys to represent one participant and one attorney to represent multiple participants.



357. Alert user to ask for a valid address or contact information for pro se participants (for notification, letters).

ACORDS <Select>

358. Delete, expunge or remove a party from a case. JIS/SCOMIS, JCS, ACORDS


359. Remove the link between a party and referral/episode but retain the referral/episode for statistical purposes.

DST <Select>

360. Allow a participant name to be switched with another name for a case/referral/episode for all cases statewide.

NPC <Select>

361. Remove the link between a party and a case when expunging a party's name from a case, but retain the information for statistical purposes.

EXP <Select>

362. Allow user to specify the order of participants for display and reports. Change Connection <Select>363. Show pro se or attorney status designation prominently. To be <Select>364. Provide bankruptcy alert that affects a party but not entire case (e.g., one defendant is in bankruptcy

but case can proceed with other defendant[s]).To be <Select>

Maintain Officials and Organizations# Requirement JIS Reference


365. Record and maintain names, contact information, and an organization ID (NCIC number or ORI number) for organizations and court officials.


366. Maintain relationships and their history between organizations (e.g., jurisdiction relationships between appellate courts and superior courts, between LEA and county, contracting court relationships) and create default organization relationships (e.g., the default LEA association to use when filing a CLJ case, the default trial court association to use when filing an appellate case).

ORA, CPFM <Select>

367. Associate one or more county code(s) with the court (for courts with multiple facilities). Provide a facility for choosing which county has jurisdiction in a given instance.

CPFM <Select>

368. Maintain and track court official name changes, employment history, including roles and assigned OFOA, OFO <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 28

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirementscourt(s) and employment start and end dates.

369. Identify the presiding official at a court. CPFM <Select>370. Add and maintain names and contact information for law enforcement officers, their LEA assignment,

and the officer’s badge number.OFOA, OFO <Select>

371. Handle re-use of LEA badge numbers. To be <Select>372. Remove and reinstate a law enforcement officer. OFOA, OFO <Select>373. Maintain case participation history for law enforcement officers. OFOA, OFO <Select>

Maintain Contact Information# Requirement JIS Reference


374. Record address history for any person's (party, attorney, participant, interested party) address, including a history of all address changes, the dates they were valid, the record changed date and who changed the record and why, and source of address. Information to remain on the system for statistical purposes.

ADH, Manage Participant, Court Official Maintenance


375. Notify all courts where a person is owed a payable when the address or name of the person is changed.

JIS, Payable Name, and Address Change Tracking


376. Flag the current mailing address. To be      <Select>377. Support multiple telephone numbers for participants, with designated uses for different telephone

numbers (e.g., home, work, fax, cell, etc.).Manage Participant, Court Official Maintenance, PER


378. Option to accept or reject case/person changes which result from person record changes by another court.

CPFM      <Select>

379. Allow the court to maintain its own version of its court name that is different from the official court name to facilitate selection of a court by name.

CPFM      <Select>

Person Alerts# Requirement JIS Reference


380. Maintain and communicate alert status of a person (e.g., warrant, AKAs, custody status, security risks).

Alerts, JCS, To be, MCIS


Social File# Requirement JIS Reference


* - See Glossary Page 29

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements381. Maintain and display a juvenile’s social file storage information.

(The social file is identified and stored according to local department business rules and is confidential and contains documents related to juvenile department contacts, and perhaps copies of legal case documents).

Social file number assigned by the juvenile department Physical location where the court or department has placed the social file (e.g., filing cabinet,

vault) Comment Audit information (add and update person, add and update date/time)

Social File <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 30

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail RequirementsAttorneys# Requirement JIS Reference


382. For an attorney, record and maintain: Names and contact information Company affiliation Practice category for an attorney (e.g., regular, military, emeritus, foreign law consultant,

honorary, judicial, etc.).

Attorney Administration <Select>

383. Add and maintain prosecutors and other offices, so that they can be used as valid counsel on a case instead of an individual attorney.

Attorney Administration <Select>

384. Add and maintain information about out-of-state counsel. Attorney Administration <Select>385. Ability to associate an attorney in batch with multiple parties. To be <Select>386. Identify a disqualified attorney and provide alerts. To be <Select>387. Prevent adding an unqualified/disqualified attorney to a case. To be <Select>

4.2 Non-Person Based Case Management Non-person based case management functionality includes, but is not limited to:

Initiating and creating a case record based upon a vehicle license plate number. Subsequently relating the vehicle license plate number to the registered owner of the vehicle. Maintain case and vehicle information, violation details, schedule hearings, record hearing outcomes, and case disposition.

Vehicle# Requirement JIS Reference


388. Automatically update the vehicle record when the vehicle information is updated on a parking case. PKT      <Select>389. Maintain a history of vehicle ownership information and vehicle license number change, including but

not limited to name, address, and whether new owner.PVM      <Select>

5. Accounting5.1 Accounting and Receipting (Core CMS Functionality)Basic accounting and receipting functionality includes, but is not limited to:

Comply with generally accepted accounting principles for governmental entities (GAAP). Maintain account, case, and person financial records. Initiate internal and external fund transfers. Produce account statements and other documents related to a case or person. Produce account statements and other documents commonly associated with the end of an accounting period (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly). Common accounting activities such as tracking the collection of funds, issuing receipts, cashier close-out, and cashier management.

General# Requirement JIS Reference


390. Record and maintain person contact information as it relates to account receivables (ARs) and account payables (APs).

PBB, PER, PUP <Select>

391. Search receipts by various criteria. JRS, CKR, ACN <Select>* - See Glossary Page 31

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements392. Provide double-entry accounting system. To be <Select>

Configuration# Requirement JIS Reference


393. Provide an option to default and/or override printing a receipt when receipting. CPFM, RCP, RREV, MSP, JRS


394. Provide for edits of cost fee codes against case types – disallow certain cost fee codes for certain case types.

CAR <Select>

395. Provide for edits of interest accruals against case types. JTS <Select>396. Provide an option for each court to specify the number of days from the check issue date when an

uncashed check should be considered stale and eligible for stop-payment. A check may be stopped or voided regardless of the check issue date.

CPFM <Select>

397. Provide ability to allow courts to set a minimum check amount and a maximum number of days to hold a minimum check amount collected before it would appear as an eligible payable.

CPFM, ASD <Select>

398. Provide an option for each court to specify the default bank account associated with the court's depository account.

CPFM, CKD <Select>

399. Provide an option to allow each court to specify on billing statements the URL to use for online payment.

CPFM <Select>

400. Provide the ability to have the payer name pre-fill with the name of the defendant allowing override or edit.

RCP <Select>

401. Identify and display case types for further collections processing. CTS <Select>402. Identify a collections profile by local court. CLNO, CTO, CTID,


403. Set a minimum (no less than 30 days) and maximum number of days cases must be delinquent before eligible for removal from time pay and placed in collections.

CLNO <Select>

404. Enter the number of days for a case to be considered delinquent. CLNO <Select>405. Configure and prepare a collections notice. CNP, CTXS, CTX, CAS,


406. Provide for optional document validation with receipt (e.g., docket code, date printed on back of filing document as part of the receipting process).

JRS <Select>

407. Provide for control of the cash drawer so that the cash drawer does not open for certain types of payments (e.g., check payments for cash registers with slotted cash drawers).

JRS <Select>

408. Provide for optional automatic advance to a new accounting day, excluding days that the court is scheduled to be closed.

JRS <Select>

409. Cross-reference state accounting codes (BARS* code and sub-account code) to local accounting codes in order to customize the court's remittance summary report where both accounting codes are shown for the convenience of the court.

DCXT <Select>

410. Capture local accounting codes for a court by jurisdiction. DCXT <Select>411. Associate a county department code requested by the local jurisdiction to be printed on the Remittance

Summary Report.DCXT <Select>

412. Specify a begin effective date and an end effective date for the cross-reference record. DCXT <Select>413. Ability to automatically update and maintain centralized chart of accounts and map to local accounting

code information.To be

* - See Glossary Page 32

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail RequirementsReceipting# Requirement JIS Reference


414. Receipt various transactions in single or batch mode. PBB, JRS, RCP, PTP, PBP, MSP, JRS


415. Allow recording of direct payments to restitution recipient allowing the court to endorse and mail a restitution check made payable to either the court or the restitution recipient and record proof of mailing when direct payments are received.

RCP <Select>

416. Identify the jurisdiction to receive funds when receipting payments. MSP <Select>417. View, record, and/or edit the following when receipting a judgment payment:

The party to whom a judgment payment should be sent The address of the party to whom a judgment payment should be sent Identify that the payment is a garnishment payment Identify the payment for endorsement (allows a court to endorse a check over to a judgment


CVP <Select>

418. Receipt transactions that do not affect the end of day balance or the court bank balance (e.g., vouchers).

JRS <Select>

419. Provide for quick or shortcut mechanism to receipt frequent payers’ transactions. JRS <Select>420. Record a waived fee. JRS <Select>421. Apply all or part of civil bail to a civil case judgment. BBD <Select>422. Apply money held in suspense to the total due amount. RCP <Select>423. Process returned payments. CVB <Select>424. Allow for two dates on receipts, one date being the date the payment was received, the other date being

the date the payment was receipted (may be different dates).JRS <Select>

425. Allow three dates: receive date, receipt date, and the date the payment was applied to the account. To be <Select>426. Provide for numbering of receipts by cash register or batch. JRS <Select>427. Cancel an entire receipt or any part of the receipt before the receipt is completed. JRS <Select>428. Provide for check endorsement as part of the receipting document. JRS <Select>429. Provide for a two-part printed receipt (one to be kept at the court, one to be given to the payer). When

there are two items (i.e., two civil filing fees) in the transaction, list them separately and total. JRS <Select>

430. Provide for change fund accounting so that the court can keep a change fund without affecting the end of day balances.

JRS <Select>

431. Receipt a transaction which is not associated with a case, including name, address, and intended use. To be <Select>432. Capture amount and type tendered and automatically calculate the change due when receipting

payments.To be <Select>

433. Import receipts from an outside entity (with source identification) to pre-populate information into the receipt data fields, with optional user review.

JRS, To be <Select>

434. Accept credit card data and enter into receipt data fields. To be <Select>435. Optionally, accept payments across jurisdictions for any other court. To be <Select>436. Provide alert for payers with returned payments. To be <Select>437. Alert user of other outstanding AR when receipting a payment with opportunity to apply to outstanding

account.To be <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 33

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail RequirementsProcessing# Requirement JIS Reference


438. Display current cashier batches. BKD <Select>439. Record cashier batches to be deposited. BKD <Select>440. Calculate total amount available to be deposited. BKD <Select>441. Record bank account to which a given amount is to be deposited. BKD <Select>442. Record and allow edits of amount to be deposited. BKD <Select>443. Provide for warnings if the full amount available for deposit is not deposited. BKD <Select>444. List and view all bank deposits. BKD <Select>445. Allow reversal of an un-posted deposit. BKD <Select>446. Deposit “empty” batches. An empty batch contains adjustments or bail bond actions that do not

actually result in a change in the court’s bank balance.BKD <Select>

447. Calculate the age of each individual payable or trust receipt from the date it was originally made payable to the recipient to calculate time cycle for unclaimed property.

UPS <Select>

448. Separate unclaimed restitution funds from all other unclaimed monies. UPS <Select>449. Combine all non-restitution unclaimed property funds into one payable to Department of Revenue

(DOR).UPS <Select>

450. Combine all unclaimed property restitution as a single remittance item to the city/county treasurer. UPS <Select>451. Perform batch accounting operations, including:

Extend judgments Assess annual time payment fee Write-off accounts Determine eligibility for judgment on LFO* when juvenile turns 18, or court no longer has


To be <Select>

452. Workflow notification to notify user that new address may enable collections to resume. To be <Select>

Adjustments/Reversals# Requirement JIS Reference


453. Adjust/reverse receipts and accounts information. Record who made the adjustment. CAR, CVP, CVF, RST, PBB, BBD, MSP, JRS, PADJ, RREV


454. Record pre-defined adjustment codes and reasons. CAR, To be <Select>455. Provide the ability to reinstate bail or bonds. BBD <Select>456. Allow transfer of all or part of the bail to one or more cases. BBD <Select>457. Allow transfer of non-case related receipted funds to a case. MSP <Select>458. Reverse one part of a multiple transaction without affecting the rest of the receipt (e.g., if a payment

was made on two cases, reverse the payment for one of those cases but not the other). JRS <Select>

459. Create unique identification number for any reversals so that they display as separate transactions on all reports and views.

JRS <Select>

460. When a penalty is reduced, adjust mandatory fees and splits according to business rules. To be <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 34

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail RequirementsAccounts Receivable# Requirement JIS Reference


461. Create, edit, delete, and display an AR for all party types (e.g., fines, costs, probation, interest, and restitution).

CAR, CARI <Select>

462. Create a time payment plan (e.g., bi-weekly, monthly, lump sum, weekly, bi-monthly, etc.). TPSE, TPSC <Select>463. Generate statements for time payment plans. TPSO <Select>464. Record local priorities for receivables to designate payoff order (e.g., assessments, probation, or

restitution). CAR, RST, CPFM <Select>

465. Automatically calculate priorities based on statutory rules. Allow for changing those priorities. CAR <Select>466. Specify an AR to accrue interest automatically or manually. CAR <Select>467. Automatically calculate AR when a non-civil or parking case is created. CAR <Select>468. Automatically record mandatory fees based on case types when creating account receivables (e.g., JIS

fees, JTR fees).CAR <Select>

469. Prorate allocated payments within a given priority level based on size of AR. CAR <Select>470. Record AR actions on the case docket. CAR, Change Docket <Select>471. Provide for edits of cost fee codes against case types – disallow certain cost fee codes for certain case

types. CAR, JRS <Select>

472. Record an adjustment reason when adjusting an AR. CAR <Select>473. Alert user if recipient total is more or less than the current AR balance for that receivable. RST <Select>474. View restitution money held that is not allocated to a recipient. RST <Select>475. Record multiple restitution recipients for a restitution AR. RST <Select>476. Record and maintain restitution recipient name, address, and telephone numbers. RST <Select>477. Automatically create restitution payable when money is receipted and deposited for a restitution AR and

restitution information has been entered. RST <Select>

478. Record joint and several* ARs where the same AR is entered on two or more cases but is included only once in reports and on the obligor’s case financial history.

CAR, JTS <Select>

479. Pull, view, and edit data from multiple cases when creating an AR for joint and several restitution. JTSI, JTS, RST <Select>480. View the case number on which the joint and several restitution AR was originally created. JTSI <Select>481. View whether one or more jointly and severally responsible obligors are liable for interest on a

restitution AR. JTSI, JTS <Select>

482. Link multiple cases to joint and several restitution ARs. JTS <Select>483. Allow deletion of the link between an AR and a jointly responsible party. JTSI <Select>484. When including the jointly and severally responsible AR on all linked cases, count it only once on the

ledger and other aggregate reports.JTS <Select>

485. Flag and display joint and several ARs on cases. JTS <Select>486. Record and update payor information if different than defendant (e.g., name, address, etc.). PBB, BBD <Select>487. Post bail or bail bond for any case type or reason. PBB, BBD <Select>488. Schedule a hearing while posting bail. PBB <Select>489. Flag a civil judgment to accrue and calculate interest. To be <Select>490. Automatically record mandatory fees based on case type when creating ARs, but allow override. To be <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 35

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail RequirementsEnd of Day/Month Processing# Requirement JIS Reference


491. Provide for ending one accounting period and beginning a new one. This accounting period (or posting sequence) may be on the same calendar date as the previous accounting period or a new calendar date.

APC, JRS <Select>

492. Limit the ability to move calendar date forward to prevent errors. Create a warning if the new calendar date is more than five days or in a different month from the previous calendar date.

APC <Select>

493. Record and/or view pertinent information when processing end of day receipt totals. CCO, CTD, JRS <Select>494. Record receipts and post them to predefined accounts in order to disburse funds on demand. APC <Select>495. Record journal event entries of accounting activities by case. APC <Select>496. Create remittance accounts payables which contain all monies in the current bank deposits that should

be remitted to the city/county treasurer. APC <Select>

497. Allocate money from the deposits (based on the jurisdiction of each case) to different accounts payables for different jurisdictions.

APC <Select>

498. Allow for multiple cashiers to receipt funds and for their funds to be separate and totaled individually. CCO <Select>499. Each cashier should be able to view their own totals and cut-off their current batches. CCO <Select>500. Accountant types (one with higher security role) can display totals for any or all cashiers, cut-off one or

all cashiers, record a cashier’s batch as over or short. CCO <Select>

501. Select specified batches for deposit. CCO, BKD <Select>

Banking# Requirement JIS Reference


502. Create record and maintain bank account information. BAA, BKR <Select>503. Access multiple open or closed bank account information. BAS <Select>504. View accounts with a specific maturity date. BAS <Select>505. Transfer individual case or general deposit funds into and out of investment bank accounts. IFT <Select>506. Transfer funds into investment accounts. IFT <Select>507. Display bank account information. BAS, BKR <Select>508. Record and edit the check register on selected bank account for a specified date range. CKR <Select>509. Balance the court’s bank statement to the system totals each month for a selected bank account. BKR <Select>510. Prevent clearance of unassigned checks. BKR <Select>511. Allow for reconciling checks in a batch. BKR <Select>512. Allow for clearing and unclearing items in the current reconciliation: checks, deposits, returned items,

adjustment items.BKR <Select>

513. Automatically recalculate the bank reconciliation amount every time clearing or unclearing actions are saved.

BKR <Select>

514. Protect previously cleared and reconciled items from being edited or modified. BKR <Select>515. Allow checks to be voided, unvoided, and stopped. Capture who voided the check. CKR <Select>516. Automatically update the account balance as items are recorded. CKR <Select>517. Allow correction of deposit or transfers posted to wrong account or made in error. CKR <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 36

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail RequirementsCollections# Requirement JIS Reference


518. Review and identify delinquent case obligations, based on pre-defined rules for case aging. Give each court the flexibility to define its own collection profiles.



519. Select case obligations for collection processing. COS, BOS, CAT, CAA, LFOB, CGR


520. Even when a case is selected for delinquent collections processing, allow LFO billing for adult criminal cases to continue until the case is actually assigned to a collection agent.



521. Generate collection notices a configurable number of times. COS, BOS, CAT, CAA, LFOB, CGR


522. If payment of past due amount is received, remove from collection processing. COS, BOS, CAT, CAA, LFOB, CGR


523. Reinstate a person into the collections process. COS, BOS, CAT, CAA, LFOB, CGR


524. Assign a case obligor to a collection agent and generate reports containing case obligor and case financial obligation information.



525. Allow statewide tracking of delinquent cases. COS, BOS, CAT, CAA, LFOB, CGR


526. Provide an option to automatically remove delinquent cases from time pay. COS, BOS, CAT, CAA, LFOB, CGR


527. Monitor the effectiveness of each collection agent. COS, BOS, CAT, CAA, LFOB, CGR


528. Maintain statewide collection history for individuals. COS, BOS, CAT, CAA, LFOB, CGR


529. Set up time payment on any type of fee. To be <Select>530. Provide alert for frequent non-payers. To be <Select>531. Provide alert at person level when a case is in garnishment status by collection agency. To be <Select>532. Provide alert when receipting a payment if case is in collection. To be <Select>533. Provide automatic garnishment calculation on judgments. To be <Select>534. Ability to calculate periodic assessment fees. To be <Select>535. Need ability to create, track, and keep a history of multiple collection statuses (e.g., in garnishment,

delinquent, bad contact information, recalled, etc.).To be <Select>

536. Remove case from collections, recall case from collections, and exclude account from being sent to collections, manually or automatically on selected cases.

MCIS <Select>

Disbursements# Requirement JIS Reference


537. Select payables eligible for disbursing. ASD <Select>538. Provide total count and dollar amount of eligible payables when printing checks. Consolidated payables

count as a single item.ASD <Select>

539. Allow a payable to be placed on hold. ASD, RST, ETP, PUP <Select>540. Prevent consolidated checks from being issued on demand. CKD <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 37

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements541. Prevent issuance of a remittance check if the amount is negative. CKD <Select>542. Prevent reduction of a remittance check. CKD <Select>543. Issue a check. CKD, ACN, ASD <Select>544. Ability to cross-reference checks. ACN <Select>545. Record or edit payee reference number on the restitution check. RST <Select>546. Enter or edit a message to print in the lower left corner of the printed restitution check. RST, PUP, ETP, CKD <Select>547. Record the check numbers for damaged checks including missing, unused, or leader checks. ACN <Select>548. Record and identify the bank account where the returned payment was deposited. PBB <Select>549. Disburse or transfer all or a portion of a cash bail. BBD <Select>550. Process and record bond forfeitures or exonerations based on court findings. BBD <Select>551. Apply all or portion of posted cash bail to a specific judgment. BBD <Select>552. Remit unclaimed restitution to the county/city treasurer for remitting to the state CVP program. UPS <Select>553. Generate items and item numbers that are eligible for escheat* that the user can access in order to

exclude specific items from escheat as needed.UPS <Select>

554. Include unclaimed property item numbers in the eligibility report and in the generated file, so that the court can find items in the file by number.

UPS <Select>

555. Allow changing of payer information if some other person will be the payee. ETP <Select>556. Place a hold on all future payables on this case; also provide for removing that hold. PUP <Select>557. Redirect a payable to the original payer in order to allow for a reversal. PUP <Select>558. Redirect a payable to a case participant or a non-case participant. PUP <Select>559. Redirect a non-case payable. PUP <Select>560. Require an adjustment reason for any change to the payee. PUP <Select>561. Require an adjustment reason for consolidating a payable. PUP <Select>562. Allow removing a consolidated payee. PUP <Select>563. Record, view, and/or edit information when creating a payable on a receipted item in a trust account. ETP, UTR <Select>564. Prevent creation of payable from funds in an investment account. (Must be in depository account before

paying out).UTR <Select>

565. Automatically establish restitution trust as payable once recipients for the entire restitution receivable have been established.

UTR <Select>

566. Consolidate several payables so that one check is written to one name and allow viewing of the name. A report is automatically generated that lists the payees that were consolidated.

ETP, PUP, UTR <Select>

567. Create multiple payables from one trust amount in the same case. ETP <Select>568. Create child support payable to a previously established payee. UTR <Select>

Financial History# Requirement JIS Reference


569. View complete current and historical accounting activity for a specified case and party. CFHS <Select>570. View all posted bonds on a case. PBB, BBD <Select>571. View bond information. CFHS <Select>572. View a list of all names of parties responsible for each joint and several AR, the amount received from

each obligor, the case number assigned to each responsible party, and the priority of the joint and several AR on a particular case.

CFHS <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 38

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements573. View all accounting transactions for a case in chronological order. DJV <Select>

6. Miscellaneous6.1 ReportingReporting functionality includes, but is not limited to:

Generating individual court, court level, and statewide summaries of case filings, hearings, hearing outcomes, charges, charge dispositions, case status, and age of cases based on case type to conform to federal, state, and local requirements.

Exception reports based on statewide and locally configured parameters. Detail reports on individual cases or persons. Electronic (desktop PC) management reports. Ad hoc report creation at the state and local levels based on all available system data elements and parameters.

General Reporting Requirements# Requirement JIS Reference


574. Reports should display pre-defined information including, but not limited to: Case number(s) Report title Report date Date ranges

General <Select>

575. Allow for sorting and filtering of reports. General <Select>576. Allow for exporting data in different electronic formats. General, JCS <Select>577. Allow selection of begin and end date/time for a report range. JCS Report Submission


578. Notify a user when the report is ready. JCS Report Submission Screens


579. Allow for batch reporting capabilities. Referral/Offender/Criminal History, Sentencing Worksheet


580. Allow drill-down to data from query results. To be <Select>581. Allow scheduling of when a report is to run, controllable at local court level. To be, JCS Report <Select>

6.2 Document GenerationDocument generation functionality, within a case or as a batch process, includes, but is not limited to:

The creation, printing, distribution, service, tracking, and docketing of system created documents (e.g., orders, warrants, notices, and letters). Document utilities which support the creation and maintenance of document templates to merge standard text with case and person data at the state and

local levels. The generation of electronic forms that may optionally be modified before printing.

Configuration# Requirement JIS Reference


582. Allow each court to designate which court official names will print on generated documents (e.g., the presiding judge name appears on warrants, the court administrator or other presiding official’s name appears on notices, summons’/subpoenas).

CPFM <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 39

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements

583. Allow each court to set the number of days to use in a calculation with the notice print date to print a payment due date on the summons/bail notice for non-mandatory appearance cases (must be at least seven days).

CPFM <Select>

Document Templates# Requirement JIS Reference

(Commands/Screens)584. Create and maintain document templates for each court, providing a standard audit trail of changes to

the document.ACORDS, JCS <Select>

585. Associate each document template to the type of document or court event for which they are used. ACORDS - Document Template Locator


586. Ability to accommodate document templates in foreign languages and with foreign character sets. To be <Select>

Document Generation# Requirement JIS Reference


587. Print addresses on envelopes for letters which are system-generated. ACORDS - Manage Events


588. Provide for automatic event/docket creation to record when documents were generated or sent. ACORDS - Perfection Screen


589. Allow edit of a system-generated document before sending or printing it. ACORDS - Manage Events, Referral – Letters/Forms


590. Include names and addresses of parties and attorneys on a generated document, according to pre-defined rules.

ACORDS - Manage Event <Select>

591. Allow for re-generation of a document using pre-defined rules about the need to docket the action. ACORDS - Manage Perfection


592. Prepare the same letter/form at one time for more than one person. Referral – Letters/Forms <Select>

593. Generate a single notice for an attorney who represents multiple parties on a case, or for a participant who has multiple roles on the case.

ACORDS - Manage Event <Select>

594. Send a generated electronic document from within the CMS application via electronic service and automatically generate a docket entry.

To be <Select>

595. Allow scheduling of when a batch is to be generated, controllable at local court level. To be <Select>596. Support production of bar codes on labels and documents. To be <Select>597. System must block mailings to invalid addresses, but allow overrides. To be <Select>598. Ability to send a notice for a single party to multiple addresses. To be <Select>599. If an attorney is suspended or disbarred, option to block sending of notices, and send them to parties

instead.To be <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 40

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail RequirementsDocument Utilities# Requirement JIS Reference


600. In conjunction with electronically stored documents (e.g., opinion text), whether stored on a local drive or in a document management system, provide a facility for merging the text from these documents with the corresponding case data (e.g., create opinion headers) using a template to create an official document.

Batch jobs, PRDNOPLx <Select>

601. Publish a batch of generated documents to a designated location on the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) internet site (e.g., opinions).

Batch jobs, PRDNOPLx <Select>

602. When a foreign language translation is transmitted with a generated document, allow docket entry and proof of mailing to note the transmittal of both versions.

To be <Select>

6.3 System Configuration, Maintenance, Integrity (Core CMS Functionality)System configuration and maintenance functionality includes, but is not limited to:

Ensuring the security and integrity of the case processing system, its data and its documents during normal operations and after a system failure or outage.

Establishing business rules set up in the code translation tables (e.g., the charge severity hierarchy, fines based on violation and local business rules, priority ranking for funds collected, funds paid out, and for reconciliation of all fund categories distributed as provided by ordinance, order, or law).

Configuration by Case Type# Requirement JIS Reference


603. Maintain rules for mandatory fields, by case type, and by a combination of case type and cause code (e.g., petition for a concealed weapon permit does not require amount of suit).

CIVA <Select>

604. Maintain rules for optional and required data by review type, or by a combination of review type and trial court* case type.

Initiate/Manage Case - ACORDS


605. Maintain rules by case type to allow automatic or manual destruction or deletion of a case, (e.g., a case cannot be deleted if any of the following conditions exist: judgments, filing errors, warrants or FTAs, accounting transactions, a protection type order has been recorded, or the case is on appeal).

NCCD <Select>

606. Maintain rules to allow disposition of a case, by case type, and by a combination of case type and cause code.

CVJ <Select>

607. Maintain rules for entering and validating case types (e.g., some valid case types for the attorney disciplinary action review type are discipline appeal, discretionary review, discipline show cause, and stipulation).

TABM <Select>

608. Maintain rules to control which case types and review types are valid for which court level. Examples of review types are Notice of Appeal, Personal Restraint Petition, Petition for Review, and Disciplinary Action.

TABM <Select>

609. Maintain mapping of case types between court levels (e.g., map superior court case types to appellate case types).

TABM <Select>

610. Maintain rules by case type to allow or disallow case update after specific activity has occurred on a case (e.g., an FTA or warrant is ordered or issued on a case; a plea/sentence has been recorded on a charge).

NCC, VIO, PLS, etc. <Select>

611. Maintain rules for mandatory or default party types when filing a case, based on case type and cause code.

CIVT, NCCA <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 41

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail RequirementsConfiguration of Court Options# Requirement JIS Reference


612. Allow each Appellate Court to maintain options for: Default trial court Default review type Starting case number Starting opinion number

ACORDS           <Select>

Code Translation# Requirement JIS Reference


613. Maintain statewide code translation tables defined by an authorized administrator. TABD, JXS2 <Select>614. Maintain court-specific/local code translation tables (e.g., bank codes, appellate case category). TABM, JXS2 <Select>615. Display a list of code tables, with the ability to select a table to view the contents. Display of the table

and its contents is dependent on the individual’s authorizations.TABL <Select>

Law Table Maintenance# Requirement JIS Reference


616. Maintain information about state laws, administrative regulations, and session laws. FPSU, JLAW, SCOMIS Laws


617. Maintain information about local laws/ordinances: Code Title Enactment and repeal dates

These local laws are only available for use on cases filed in that court.

FPSU, SCOMIS Laws <Select>

618. Associate the law with a published legal alphanumeric code (e.g., RCW, WAC). FPSU, JLAW, SCOMIS Laws


619. Associate a short law title with the published legal code for use in places where space is very short. JLAW, SCOMIS Laws <Select>620. Associate a full law title with the published legal code. FPSU, JLAW, SCOMIS


621. Associate enactment and repeal dates with the published legal code. FPSU, JLAW, SCOMIS Laws


622. Identify the source of the laws being cited (e.g., the values “RCW” and “WAC” are reserved for the Revised Code of Washington per RCW 1.04.040 and Washington Administrative Code respectively; “BCC” identifies a Benton County code).

JLAW, SCOMIS Laws <Select>

623. Identify the usage of the law or cause (e.g., whether the law defines a complete count or criminal charge, or if it is an anticipatory modifier, special allegation, civil cause of action, or just a placeholder which is used when formal charges have not been made).

JLAW, SCOMIS Laws <Select>

624. Identify in further detail the usage of the law or cause (e.g., the type of anticipatory offense, special allegations such as a weapon or a deadly weapon, cause types).

JLAW, SCOMIS Laws <Select>

625. Assign multiple statistical categories to a law in order to support judicial, federal, or other case data research.

JLAW, SCOMIS Laws <Select>

626. Assign an offense category to a law, or the designation of the offense (e.g., felony, gross or simple JLAW, SCOMIS Laws <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 42

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirementsmisdemeanor. A single law can have separate offense categories for adults and juveniles).

627. Assign a designation class with the law (i.e., if the law is designated a felony, then the designation class can be A, B, or C, the CLASS of felony. If the law is designated a misdemeanor, then the designation class can be Gross or Simple. If the law is designated an infraction, then the designation class can be Parking or Simple).

JLAW, SCOMIS Laws <Select>

628. Specify whether a juvenile court must decline jurisdiction, may assume jurisdiction, or must perform some other action concerning an allegation based on the law.

JLAW <Select>

629. Assign a case type to a law. This is used to generate the overall case type when charges are filed on a case.

FPSU <Select>

630. Assign multiple case types to a law. Currently, different law codes must be defined in JIS. FPSU, JLAW, SCOMIS Laws


631. Identify laws which require a mandatory court appearance. FPSU <Select>632. Identify laws which require that the Department of Licensing be notified on FTA or FTR situations. FPSU <Select>633. Identify laws which require that the Department of Licensing be notified on disposition of a charge

citing the law (e.g., laws beginning with 69.41, 69.50, or 69.52).FPSU (for E-ticketing) <Select>

634. Define the breakdown of fund account codes and fine amount based on the charge and location of the incident (e.g., state, city, or county fine). This is now accomplished with the assignment of a BARS account code to the law code.

FPSU <Select>

635. Set a fine/penalty amount for a law. This can be effective statewide, but can also be overridden locally.

FPSU <Select>

636. Assign a caseload case type to a law in order to determine how cases with this violation will be counted on the Caseload Report.

FPSU <Select>

637. Identify laws which are warrantable. FPSU <Select>638. For traffic infractions, set fees to be automatically added to the case AR. FPSU <Select>639. For parking violations, set the amount that is to be added if a parking ticket is delinquent by law code.

This can be set statewide, but can also be set locally.FPSU <Select>

640. Maintain statewide law table and relevant local ordinances according to jurisdiction of user, and access other jurisdiction ordinances.

To be <Select>

Security Administration# Requirement JIS Reference


641. Restrict access to certain cases, classifications of cases, and parts of cases from specific locations, users, and groups of users in accordance with rules, statutes, or court orders.

ATH, ATHX, PRFx, ACORDS Profile Admin, Profile Permissions


642. Set up view and/or update access to one, many, or all courts for a user without having to assign multiple user IDs to that user (e.g., AOC customer support users and other authorized staff can obtain permission to access any court's data, court administrator in multiple counties).

AOC, AOCD <Select>

643. Provide for decentralized security administration, to allow courts to maintain user security for access to their own court data. Allow users to grant access that is no higher than their own access.

ATHx, ACORDS UserAdmin


644. Provide user access privileges and authorization for public access, without having to assign a profile to each user.

ATHA, ACORDS Profile Admin, Profile Permissions


645. Associate a RACF ID with a user and verify that the name and RACF ID are valid. ATH, ACORDS User Admin <Select>646. Change the assignment of a specific user's local/home court profile or cross court profile. ATH, ACORDS User <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 43

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail RequirementsAdmin, Security Admin

647. Remove all authorizations for a specific user's access. ATHD, ACORDS User Admin


648. Access to juvenile information is limited by law and is provided only to juvenile justice and care agencies. There are no restrictions on juvenile data available for display to these organizations with the exception of all juvenile detention data. Only the DSHS Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration has access to juvenile detention data.

JIS <Select>

649. Allow a court user to select their defined security role in the application in the event that they have more than one role in the court (e.g., a person who has two security roles granted as administrator AND clerk).

JCS – Change Role <Select>

650. Set security access for certain functions. CAR, PBB, BBD, APC, ACN, TPSE, RST


651. Role-based control over who can modify case title. To be <Select>652. Ability to perform data entry auditing of cases entered by a user to improve user training. To be <Select>653. Ability to configure role access to protect confidential data. To be <Select>

Audit Trail# Requirement JIS Reference


654. Maintain audit trail of specific case and person additions, modifications, corrections, and deletions (e.g., events maintenance, hearing/proceeding maintenance, opinion maintenance) including who made the entry, and when the entry was made.

All applications <Select>

655. Capture key information before and after each transaction. JIS Logging Audit <Select>656. Capture user information; RACF ID, printer court, JIS user’s court, initials and official type. JIS Logging Audit <Select>657. Capture case identification if this is used in the transaction. JIS Logging Audit <Select>658. Capture person identification information if this is used in the transaction. JIS Logging Audit <Select>659. Record the function being executed, the action or key entered by the user. JIS Logging Audit <Select>660. Record the date and time when the log entry was written. JIS Logging Audit <Select>661. Record messages issued to the user at the time of logging. JIS Logging Audit <Select>662. Record the error or exception if the transaction does not end successfully. JIS Logging Audit <Select>663. Produce an audit log report on request, using search criteria based on any combination of the data

elements in the audit log file. Can be used in court as evidence. JIS Logging Audit <Select>

Utilities# Requirement JIS Reference


664. Provide a facility to disable use of an application function. CMD - DGSLEEP <Select>

Data Entry and Navigation# Requirement JIS Reference


665. Pre-fill fields with default values. This is what the system defaults to initially or when there is no entry of specific data (e.g., current date for filing date, begin effective dates).

All screens <Select>

666. Provide protection against simultaneous update of a case as a complete unit since an update to one All commands <Select>

* - See Glossary Page 44

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirementssubsection of a case may invalidate an update that is in progress on another subsection. Locking just the target rows of the subsection being updated is usually insufficient to fulfill this requirement. Current AOC applications handle simultaneous update control with a consistency timestamp on the parent row(s).

667. Ability to navigate among screens and modules without re-entering case number, or any other case identifier.


668. Provide for canceling table changes before they are saved (CANCEL button). ACORDS Cancel Button <Select>669. Provide for restoring the screen to the state prior to data entry (RESET button). ACORDS Reset Button <Select>670. Ability to input data using devices such as (scanning, bar code, etc.). To be <Select>671. System enables data entry during batch processing. To be <Select>672. Online transactions update the system in real-time. To be <Select>673. Ability to invoke a function or navigate via multiple methods (command buttons, function keys,

mouse, etc.).To be <Select>

Output Management# Requirement JIS Reference


674. Manage batch submission of reports or jobs from an application screen. This facility should permit a user to schedule when the request should be executed, to choose whether to view results on the screen, or to print the results, and to manage printing of the report.



675. Maintain an assignment of a local printer to a user. ATH <Select>

Help# Requirement JIS Reference


676. Complete help screen capabilities that contain information on a comprehensive array of topics, permit easy searches for and indexes of topics, permit access directly from specific parts of the system (e.g., data elements, documents, procedures), and provide easy-to-understand instructions for using each part of the system. The instructions should be available in display or printed form and should be easily updated to reflect system changes.

ACORDS Help           <Select>

7. Glossary Alerts - Alerts warn the user of an unusual or a potentially undesirable situation occurring within an application.

Appellate Courts – Includes the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals.

BARS - The standardized BARS (Budgeting, Accounting, Reporting System) system of accounting, which is used by counties, cities, and other local governments for reporting revenues and expenditures. These standardized numbered accounts provide for detailed identification of each type of asset, liability, and revenue that the courts might need to record accounting transactions.

Civil Person (loosely-identified person) - A civil person in the JIS Person Database is a human being with a name and optionally an address. Generally, a civil person record is a loosely-identified person because it has insufficient identifying data for matching to other records and for compiling case history. A civil person may have some additional identifying information, or none. A civil person record can be converted to a well-identified person record provided it has at least three identifiers, including name, address, and either date of birth, driver’s license, SSN, DOC, or SID number.

* - See Glossary Page 45

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements

Charge - A formal description of an alleged criminal, juvenile, infraction, or parking offense.

* - See Glossary Page 46

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements Charging Document - A legal document that alleges crimes, offenses, infractions, or parking violations. Common types of charging documents are the

criminal information, the Uniform Citation and Complaint, and the Uniform Notice of Infraction.

Civil Judgment - A judgment is the final determination of rights among the various parties to a lawsuit.

Consolidate – Merging of two or more cases. One of the cases is designed as the primary or anchor case. All further transactions on the cases after consolidation should be docketed on the primary or anchor case.

Count - A paragraph contained within a charging document that describes in detail the elements of a single charge and the specific facts linking the defendant to the crime.

Court Level - The levels of jurisdiction in the Washington State court system, currently: Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal, Superior Courts, Juvenile Courts, District Courts, Municipal Courts, and Violations Bureaus. Should include tribal courts, specialty courts, and arbitration courts.

Court of Appeals - Abbreviated to COA.

Courts of Limited Jurisdiction - Abbreviated to CLJ; includes District and Municipal courts.

Docket – An historical record of events on a case. Includes hearings, filed documents, financial transactions, etc.

Escheat - A reversion of property to the State Department of Revenue as a result of the lack of any person entitled to inherit the property.

Expunge – To destroy or remove.

Flag - A flag is a character that signals the occurrence of some condition.

FTA – Failure to Appear.

Joint and Several - Criminal co-defendants ordered to pay restitution to the victim(s) of their crime(s) jointly. Each defendant is obligated for the full amount, but gets credit for the payments made by the co-defendant.

Law - A general term for statutes, ordinances, administrative regulations, and court rules.

LFO – Legal Financial Obligations ordered upon conviction and owed by a defendant to the court.

Link – Joining of two or more separate cases (e.g., for the purpose of oral argument, linking a referral to a legal case).

Modifier Law or Charge Modifier - A general term for a law that changes some aspect of another law. It includes laws that define inchoate crimes (e.g., attempted, conspired, solicited) and special allegations (e.g., use of a firearm).

Notification - An audible or visible indication that your application (or other piece of software) requires the user's attention.

Opinion - Statement of decision by a judge or court regarding a case tried before it. Published opinions are printed because they contain new legal interpretations. Unpublished opinions, based on legal precedent, are not printed.

* - See Glossary Page 47

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements Per Curiam - Phrase used to distinguish an opinion of the whole court from an opinion written by only one judge.

Person – Persons have the following attributes:o Their roles can include defendant, litigant or party, judicial officer, attorney, witness, law enforcement officer, guardian ad litem, interpreter, etc.

The JIS uses the term “participant” to relate a person to a case and indicate the person’s role.o They can be people or legal entities.o They can be well identified or only loosely identified as when the only information available is the name on a pleading. Well identified means the

system has enough identifying information, both in the database and in incoming documents, to be able to, based on business rules, relate persons to more than one case; “loosely identified” is everything else. The application needs to be able to handle both well identified and loosely identified persons and relate them to cases.

Person Business Rules - The JISC has approved policy statements and accompanying business rules for entering identification information about persons and entities in the JIS. The approved policy statements and JIS Person Business Rules apply to all courts using the JIS.

Pre-SCOMIS Case Number - For statistical purposes or to meet local indexing needs, pre-SCOMIS cases with a filing date prior to 7/28/1997 may be entered in SCOMIS. Entry of information needed for statistics is crucial for any pre-SCOMIS case which is not disposed and which may have some current or future case activity. Entry of this information is also important for older pre-SCOMIS cases (even if disposed in some year prior to the current one) so reporting or data warehouse inquiries against earlier years' activities will not be distorted. Additionally, any information necessary for local indexing purposes needs to be entered.

Published Legal Code - A general term for any law or administrative code published by a governmental entity. The RCW, WAC, and all county and municipal ordinances and administrative codes are the published legal codes in the state of Washington.

Query - a parameter driven request. Results are returned in a table format and are referred to as the “result set.” The result set is exportable to a spread sheet application. Used to list items of information; may be used to create totals for numeric fields.

Recusal - A judge can excuse themselves from a case hearing in order to eliminate potential prejudice/bias.

Referral - An issue involving a juvenile that is forwarded from an organization to a superior court juvenile department for action.

Referral Reason - A law that is the basis for referring a juvenile to a juvenile department, or detention. For an offender referral, the referral reason(s) is an allegation of a violation of law. An offender referral reason can be the basis for a diversion or a case, and can map to an offender case charge. A non-offender referral reason identifies a civil legal issue. A non-offender referral reason can be the basis for a case, and can map to a case cause of action. The non-offender referral reason is used to classify referrals for reporting and tracking.

Report - A formatted page of information; this may be displayed on a monitor, printed to paper, or exported to a word processing application. Often used for case management, work load, and analysis purposes.

Screen – An online presentation used for inputting data to the system. This phrase should not be used in reference to information that is output; screens are for input only.

Search – A request to find a specific person, official, or case. Example: enter “Anderson, Robert” in a keyword field to find all “Robert Anderson” in the system and identify the required person.

Sever – removing a case from a group of consolidated or linked cases.

* - See Glossary Page 48

Appendix C - CMS Baseline Detail Requirements Specialty Court - Specific activity occurs in this type of court setting, pre-defined by the individual court (e.g., Mental Health Court, Substance Abuse

Court, Family Court, etc.).

Tickler - A tickler in an application is any mechanism that reminds of things to be done.

Trial Court - Includes Superior Court and the Courts of Limited Jurisdiction.

8. Sample Detailed Response Template

Bidders that participate in the proof of concept, use the following example to format the detailed responses in a separate document.

# Detailed Response1 Allow batch processing

<insert detailed response, screenshots here>

* - See Glossary Page 49