WASH CLUSTER MEETING MOSUL RESPONSE Venue Erbil, Dohuk, Sulaymaniyah, Baghdad and Kirkuk (Via Webex Link) Date and time Tuesday 11 th April, 10:00-12:00 Participants Erbil: WASH Cluster, SCI, SCUK, Oxfam, UHS, NRC, DRC, SP, Un-Habitat, Afkar, Human Appeal, Mercy Corps, ZOA, RNVDO, Help, Relief intl, UNICEF Baghdad, Sulaymaniyah and Kirkuk could not participate in the meeting due to connectivity issues. Agenda Discussion Action Points Introductions All participants introduced themselves, the agenda was agreed. Review of previous Action points. The action points from the last meeting were reviewed: Previous Minutes: Partners interested in off- camp sanitation to contact Asif or Zahid. Partners with access issues should contact the access team in OCHA for support WTP and water tankering needs to be synchronised. Partner Updates: Partners interested in off- camp sanitation to contact Asif or Zahid. Some interest received from a couple of partners, but not enough NGOs have come forward to be able to set up a discussion. We are encouraging interested partners to get in touch so we can begin to focus on this issue. Partners interested in off- camp sanitation to contact Asif or Zahid. Overall Situation Update Current displacement is 320,496 as of 9 th April 2017. Of this, 28% is in Hamdaniya, and 59% is in Mosul district, with the remaining 11% spread across several districts, in particular Sheikhan. In camps: 273,162 people in camp supported with WASH so far Displaced currently hosted in Qayyarah Airstrip, Jedd’ah, Hajj Ali and Al Alam 2 in West Zone,

WASH CLUSTER MEETING MOSUL RESPONSE...WASH CLUSTER MEETING MOSUL RESPONSE Baghdad: Foreseen scenarios to liberate West of Anbar and/or Hawija, Displacement and impact to humanitarian

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Venue Erbil, Dohuk, Sulaymaniyah, Baghdad and Kirkuk (Via Webex Link)

Date and time Tuesday 11th April, 10:00-12:00

Participants Erbil: WASH Cluster, SCI, SCUK, Oxfam, UHS, NRC, DRC, SP, Un-Habitat, Afkar, Human Appeal, Mercy Corps, ZOA, RNVDO, Help, Relief intl, UNICEF

Baghdad, Sulaymaniyah and Kirkuk could not participate in the meeting due to connectivity issues.

Agenda Discussion Action Points

Introductions All participants introduced themselves, the agenda was agreed.

Review of previous Action points.

The action points from the last meeting were reviewed: Previous Minutes:

• Partners interested in off- camp sanitation to contact Asif or Zahid. • Partners with access issues should contact the access team in OCHA for support • WTP and water tankering needs to be synchronised.

Partner Updates:

• Partners interested in off- camp sanitation to contact Asif or Zahid. Some interest received from a couple of partners, but not enough NGOs have come forward to be able to set up a discussion. We are encouraging interested partners to get in touch so we can begin to focus on this issue.

Partners interested in off- camp sanitation to contact Asif or Zahid.

Overall Situation Update

Current displacement is 320,496 as of 9th April 2017. Of this, 28% is in Hamdaniya, and 59% is in Mosul district, with the remaining 11% spread across several districts, in particular Sheikhan. In camps:

• 273,162 people in camp supported with WASH so far Displaced currently hosted in

• Qayyarah Airstrip, Jedd’ah, Hajj Ali and Al Alam 2 in West Zone,


• Qaymawa and Nargizlia in North Zone and • Hasansham and Khazer camps (M1, M2 and U3) Zone East, • New camps: Hammam Al-Aliel-2 (2000 additional plots-1400 done), As-Salamaiya (1 and 2, UNHCR) total

capacity 11,850. • Camps under construction: (Bartella-planned capacity 3000), Zilikan (New-4344 plots), Hasansham U2; Hajj

Ali. WASH construction in progress • Total 65,363 WASH-ready plots have been prepared across 22 camps/emergency sites • Total 564 plots served with WASH in Screening and Reception Centers. • Installation of sanitation facilities in 3100 plots in Hajj Ali is almost complete (ICRC). Water network under

construction for 2400 tents. • 4000 additional plots will be available in west zone by end of April.

Needs: • Ensure water quality in the camps, Water needs to be chlorinated and monitored. • Increase coverage of WASH facilities for disabled and women. • WASH services in reception centre

Out of camps:

• 1,172,717 people supported off camp. • Water trucking continues in East of Mosul City @ 10 litres/person/day • Emergency WASH support to newly retaken areas covering 155,400 families (932,398 individuals) since 17th

Oct. • Water Treatment Plant rehabilitation planned for Qayarra, Hammam Ali, Salamiya, Hajj Ali, areas • Emergency water sources assessed in Baashikah and Baybokh for trucking to Mosul. Bartella currently used.

Needs • Over reliance on surface water, residents & host communities • Chlorine supply to WTPs • Quick fix solution for WTP



Foreseen scenarios to liberate West of Anbar and/or Hawija, Displacement and impact to

humanitarian situation in center zone, case load and preparedness plan.

UNICEF referred to the inter cluster visit to Kilo 18 camp in Anbar on 22 March, the total expected caseload will be around 100,000 from Qaim, Ana and Rawa, 1,700 family displaced since 1/1/2017, ongoing coordination with local authorities on that. Kilo 18 camp will be upgraded, there are also 3,000 plot capacity to receive IDPs to Khaldiya, AAF and HTC camps.

Plenary discussion on expected scenario for hosting the new displacement, where and local government orders.

Total expected case load to the mentioned camps/areas will be around 60,000 (10,000 HH) after liberation.

We need to focus on Kilo 18 camp and other existed camps, upgrade existed facilities and upgrade WASH services especially water.

Plenary discussion on the water source to Kilo 18 area:

UNHCR: the camp location is near to al Hameediya village there are 2 delivery water pipes 13-15 Km from Euphrates river to deliver raw water to the near factory, if the existed boosting station can be operated then can fill the lake near the camp which can feed water.

Afkar: has reservation on UNHCR suggestion, hence suggested to lay and install delivery pipe from a nearest WCU in Ramadi city maybe 10 Km away, while the first suggestion might be not feasible.

Shirqat District Humanitarian Situation.

H4F NGO: TDH and RI are active, around 9,000-12,000 family (upon MoDM and TDH survey) are there and average 125 daily displaced family mainly from Mosul. Ongoing shelling from left on right side of Shirqat. The only allowed way from Hawija is first to Shirqat then from Shirqat to Baiji as the other routes are restricted by ISF, like ways through Alam and al Daur, also another instructions from ISF that no any IDPs to enter to Tikrit anymore.

UNICEF will form technical working group to enhance access to Water in Kilo 18 camp, the group will be from UNICEF, UNHCR, RIRP, Afkar, NRC, DRC, and RI.


IMO: Any need for fuel in Anbar to operate water treatment unit/boosting stations to be communicated through the cluster.

NRC: NRC can provide fuel for Anbar after 15 Apr, while RIRP/WSC has been providing fuel till 15 Apr.


However partners stated that still IDP family with small figures are being smuggled through Himreen mountains crossing the tiver toward Fatha then Alam.

For Basateen camp in Shirqat, Islamic Relief is doing Shelter to complement services there to start hosting families.

The cluster stated the reported gaps of WASH in Shirqat, mainly operating and maintenance of the main water treatment plant which is feeding 70% of the district, however UNICEF and UNDP are planning rehabilitation for 2 water compact units in Shirqat.

Other reported gap is in municipal services/ garbage collection and disposal, where Municipality need a support to active there role.

H4H confirmed that there is also gap in hygiene items and hygiene awareness.

Existed case load is 12,000 family mainly in right side of Shirqat.

Expected Scenario for Hawija Displacement is to be mainly through Shirqat rather than other possible routes to Baiji/al Alam.

4,000 family is expected to displace only from left side of Shirqat to right side as soon as Hawija military operation starts, except the case load of families still in Hawija itself .

Fuel Needs for al Alam and Tikrit water projects.

Fuel needs is being covered in coordination with the cluster through Muslim Aid MA, ICRC didn’t commit yet but it might take over after MA.

Preventive measures to Cholera season

UNHCR emphasized that confirmation on Cholera cases should be only done through MoH.

TDH will do a training on how to use Delaqua kit targeting all SAD water authorities’ lab staff, NGOs working in water trucking are recommended to participate as well.

RIRP: Zamzam 4 in SAD need of fuel will be provided through RIRP.



All partners: UNICEF/

Cluster advised partners to

include Cholera prevention

messages (those which

were earlier approved by

MoH) to be included

within Hygiene promotion


Water Trucking Partners:

UNICEF/cluster advised

that key partners working

in water trucking (RIRP,

RI, NRC) to well monitor

water quality in

coordination with

WSCs/the cluster and

logistic support from



WSCs also will have laboratories for water testing where they will have training in Anbar and SAD, after then NGOs can have support from WSCs for water testing procedures as well.

Bothoor ALKhaer organization BAO: emphasized on WASH related 3 high morbidity/mortality rate, Cholera, Leishmaniosis and TB.

UNHCR assured on that all 3 diseases are related to WASH considering the vector control, including the mentioned in addition to skin diseases like scabby and lice.

Any other key updates

UNICEF highlighted the risk of collapse of al Tabaqa dam in Syria on Euphrates river, where MoWR assured that Euphrates and Hadeetha dam can occupy the anticipated flood but still risk of diseases/infections that can be transported from Syria through the flood to Anbar areas.



Surdash camp – the planned for this camp was to dig 04 wells to cover (400+400) prefabs. 02 wells dug with (8.5 + 4.5) m3/hr working 12 hr/day to provide 400 cabinets. Updates

1. DOSW – shared concern (Regarding water chlorine system).No chlorine system available 2. The handover between UNHCR and JCC on progress.

Human Appeal Organisation contact WASH Cluster and show their potential interest to cover WASH service when it is need.

Sitak Camp: -20 H.H WASH care are provided, one borehole available, the water not sufficient and the water not cleaned according the families living there. JCC: Updated that water trucking from church stopped, and the borehole is dried. JCC coordinate with DOSW to get water test result and the result was (Water is drinkable).

Potential gap in Surdesh anticipated, to be addressed in Sulaymaniya cluster Partners with access issues should contact the access team in OCHA for support


Barzanjah camp: - (23) families The Camp Manager raised concerns about the capacity of the borehole. He said that CM team switched on the borehole pump for 11 hours, but only 10,000 L to 15,000 litters pumped to tank. (There is problem in design of water system & discharge of borehole). PWJ: - continue working in borehole and connecting it with camp network, other branch will connect with host community, So the project will provide both IDP’s in camp and 215 families from host community with water (Work continue with 95% progress) expect within April to finish

Ashti camp -1& 2-(2807 H.Hs) 13,388 individuals - QRC/UNICEF sign new contract to extend the support for IDPs in camp until mid of Dec. 2017,meanwhile continue providing water trucking up to 220 m3/day phase-2- blocks(J-I-K-L)for the benefits of 6006 individuals 1355 tents with facilities, waste management – Hygiene promotion – Sanitation maintenance – maintain of latrines in BCF and UNICEF Temporary School - 350 m3/day water pumping through water system from borehole to phase -1- and 240 tents in Phase-2- O&M for permanent water supply system is continued by (UNICEF / DSSW) up to end of June 2017. Updates:-

1. Continue distribution 12,000 Litter / twice a week- drinking water trucking for School in camp. 2. QRC – Hygiene promotion sessions for women holding in hygiene promotion space continued 3. QRC- distributes volunteers in each wash tap to control the amount of water distribute for each family, monitoring

continuous 4. Cleaning the open channel on daily basis. 5. QRC continue coordination with Arbat municipality to collect garbage from Ashti camp through supporting them by

salaries, fuel and maintenance. 6. UNICEF coordinated with QRC to construct the water network in phase -2- in side camp. The work had been started on

12th of Mar 2017- the progress reached to 65 % and expect to finish with end of Apr.2017. 7. Hygiene kits distribution ongoing. 8. PWJ/ continue the work in digging 02 boreholes- provide generator- construct pump room- provide water steel tank

196m3- & provide booster pump (to be connecting later to Ashti camp phase -2-) Work had been started since 22nd of Dec 2016 and continue with 98% progress.(Expected to be finished within April.2017).Waiting for Hand over to DSSW.

9. DOE prepared the BOQ for additional transformer to feed phase 2 project (UNHCR /Qandil have fund to donate the transformer). Expect with beginning of May.

10. Plan for dislodging 300 septic tanks within April. 11. Distributed 116 small garbage bins for Shops in side camp. 12. QRC coordinate with CDO partner to hold non formal education and HP sessions.

Mosul City coordination should be established by the WASH cluster


UNHCR plan to start the repairing for V channel (expect to start with Middle of May).

Arbat IDP’s Camp –(432 families 2117 individuals ) UNICEF/Qandil continue providing water through water permanent system but reduce the amount to reach 111.5 m3/day for All IDPs and serves available in camp, solid waste collection, Hygiene promotion , responsible for comprehensive WASH services in Arbat IDP Camp until the end of Mid of Aug.2017. Updates

1. Continue child community awareness to promote the hygiene. 2. Continue on daily basis cleaning open channel, and collect the waste management. 3. Maintain WASH facilities continue. 4. Plan to have cleaning campaign. 5. Plan to distribute hygiene kits (but postponed due to HK of MODM)

UNHCR/Qandil plan to do general infrastructure maintenance. (Middle of May expected).

Arbat Refugee Camp (2110 Families – 8151 Individuals)- UNHCR/Qandil signed agreement as new partner to cover the activities in camp from mid of February until end of Feb. 2018, Updates

1. The amount of drinking water continue with 90L/P/D that provide to refugees, This is plan to be implemented through DSSW after signing the agreement,

2. Plan to flash water tanks and renovation pipes. 3. UNHCR/ Qandil /Municipality continue coordination to collect waste management on daily basis (exclude Friday). 4. WASH mobilizers continue maintain the sanitation in camp under supervise of UNHCR. 5. UNHCR plan to start KAP survey inside camp, and offering to share the form of KAP if any partner is interest 6. Hygiene promotion program will be started as soon as possible.

UNHCR/DSSW plan to reschedule the provision of water

Tazade Camp – (462 Families / 2245 individuals) 1. UNICEF start new work plan coordination with DOGSW to operate water system service with average 50/L/P/D and solid

waste management’s, plan to cover three months until end of May. 2. Hygiene promotion services will be only monthly campaign and awareness sessions. Few numbers of scabies disease was registered in camp.


Qurato Camp /(292 Families – 1331 individuals ) UNICEF in partnership with arche-nova is providing full WASH package in

the Camp up to mid of Aug. 2017,by providing water through water system with 140m3/day - solid waste collection, Hygiene promotion , and maintenance of sanitation –

Updates 1. Waste collection management on daily basis. 2. AN/UNICEF distributed Hygiene kits for both months Apr. 2017 3. Maintenance sanitation ongoing for (cesspools and septic tanks) in addition to latrines. 4. Earth day campaign was held with distribution of materials kits.

02 Cleaning campaign were conducted in side camp


(Chamchamal + Shorish) surroundings area of Slemani is in need for Water trucking to be cover both (IDPS + Host community).400 families are placed in Anfal city/ Chamchal (municipality). (water system is not available)/465 families are placed in Charmo city/ Shorsh. PWJ/ 100 % had been finished from(Shorish) and on hand over process ongoing (This project will serve near 2500 HHs in Anfalakan (mostly IDPs) and 6500 IDPs (mostily Yazidi and Shabak) out of total 62000 populations in Shorish).

PWJ planning to: 1.Extension of connections from main water line in Shorish sub-district water tank to Qadirkaramyakan, Sangawyakan and Qarahangerakan in Chamchamal District. 2. Extension of water pipes to some sub-roads in Azady 111 and Goran 103 Quarters in Rapareen, Sulemani City. 3. Extension of 250 mm water pipes to some sub-roads in Soran Quarter in Rapareen, Sulemani City. 4. 2 new pumps for water treatment plant in Kalar city.

5. Extension sewage pipe for Colen quarter, Ranya District.

DOW-DSSW - Slemani: Update UNDP – contract had been signed to rehabilitate water system first line –Dukan. PWJ – Plan to maintain water system second line – Dukan, (partially which will serve eleven districts) 95% from progress finished.

(Contract signed – Work ongoing and expect to finish with end of Apr.2017)



•Barika settlement (Iranian) plan to start the sub-base work all of the settlement roads in addition to rehabilitate and repair all 09 water tanks (21m3/WT). •Rehabilitate water drainage channel and construct 12 drains storm expect to start with May 2017.

GIZ: Extension of the existed water network for soran301in Rapareen neighbourhood In Rapareen Neighborhood/ Sulaymaniyah city centre (Longitude: 45.32598 , Latitude: 35.5792), project GIZ/ QUDRA program under QIPs component, and it will be implemented by DOW Duration: 3 months after signing the contract Beneficiaries: 371 households in total, 315 HCs, 42 IDPs and 14 Syrian refugees. This means about 85% of beneficiaries are HCs and 15% are both IDPs and Refugees By counting 6 individuals per household, 51% females and 49% males then it will be as below: HC: 1890 individuals , 964 females , 926 males IDP: 252 individuals , 129 females , 123 males Refugee: 84 individuals , 43 females , 41 males Status: Preparing the contract.


- ArchenoVa: The third R.O. system, once finalized will be connected to the main water supply system 33 PWD latrines and showers is ongoing with no delays, 24 are reported to be finished. Solar water boilers are being prepared for Daquq camp, the works are anticipated to be done by 17th of March 7, 2017

Installation of 12 water tanks each 2,000 liters’ capacity in Daquq IDP camp to reduce the distance IDPs walk to collect potable water Dislodging of Cesspools is ongoing activity in Daquq camp ArchenoVa is preparing to conduct ramps between roads and sidewalks in Daquq camp to ease movements for the IDPs

Currently covering all hygiene kits for newly arrivals

- TdH:


5 rubbish pits are completely finalized and functional in Shikh Abd village along with cleaning campaign and hygiene promotion Plan to provide 6 mobile latrines for schools in the mentioned village

- REACH in partnership with OXFAM: Provision and installation of 3 submersible pumps in Huzaeran, installation of 3 submerisble pumps in Tariq Co. along with rehabilitation and operation of a borehole in Topzawa village

Construction of 100 latrines on HH level in Shiekh Abd Village - Tuz

- REACH in partnership with UNICEF:

Technical assessment and water quality monitoring in all camps, covering gaps, currently WSC received 13,000 Jerry cans prepositioned to be distributed to IDPs in Laylan 1 camp.

Additional provision of Jerry cans in Laylan C camp to be used in showering and will be distributed by TEARFUND, WSC will provide TEARFUND with 2,400 jerry cans

- DRC: WASH in schools (Nazannin, Harir, Alamal) in Daquq district and (Khadija alkubra, abd alkarim qasim) in Dibis district and (Kawkab, Othman bin Afan) in Kirkuk Extension of water supply 2,500 meters in Dibis, and rehabilitation of sewage system in Daquq 1,500 meters’ length Rehabilitation of borehole in Daquq district is completely finished with water network extension in Fariq Awa and Ashti of 3,750 m. Extension of water network in Sherwan area Maintenance of 3 waste trucks for DoM

Hygiene promotion in Daquq, Dibis, Panja ali and Amal Shabi Cleaning campaigns in Daquq by close collaboration with the municipality along with distribution of garbage bins

- TEARFUND: Currently being the WASH service provider in Laylan C camp, cleaning campaign, garbage removal and maintenance of all latrines in the mentioned camp Distribution of hygiene kits to new arrivals 285 HK was distributed on 1st March and planning to distribute hygiene consumable replenishment items, HP started in the camp in Sector A Completion of construction of 50 WASH unit each unit 2 latrines and 2 showers in the camp, design for disabled


A chlorine doser was added to the borehole, therefore Tearfund is finishing water trucking. Small garbage bins were distributed for families in sectors A, B, C as well as collective garbage bins for sectors.

Out of camp works plan to renovate 48 latrines and 35 showers in Daquq and renovate 96 latrines and 91 showers in amal shabi next week

- UNICEF: UNICEF’s updates were shared by both REACH and Municipality

- NRC:

234 Latrines installed in Laylan C camp and the services centers included 52 water tanks installed each 5,000 L. in Laylan C, 6 latrines and 4 water tanks along with 4 handwashing basins installed in 2 schools in qadisiah (al-jamaheer and al-shdaa) One sub-pump delivered to DoW to be installed in one of Laylan’s camps Completion of solid waste management in both Khalo Baziyani and Omar bin Khatab village, along with distribution of 20 communal waste bins in Khalo baziyani 1,725 hygiene kits distributed in Nazrawa camp along with 1,725 water storages each 70 liters’ Drilling a borehole in Laylan C camp, continuation to fill gaps of provision hygiene kits in Kirkuk camps in general, WASH and shelter on HH level in both Qadisia and Panja ali started

- SCI Completion of works for installing solar water boilers in Laylan II camp, 58 were installed. 214 HK distributed in Salihi village near Amal shabi to IDPs Next week works will start to provide lighting inside WASH facilities in Laylan II camp along with construction of 7 men showers in sector K in the mentioned camp Water quality analysis is ongoing in Yahyawa camp, Laylan II camp, Salihi vaillage, and Ertiqa’a village

- CRS: Technical assessment in Depek tapa and working in Kumptler with plans to work inside Kirkuk city

- Municipality: Directorate of water will be operating the Yarwali project which was funded by UNICEF, PWD latrines in schools in Nazrawa camp, construction of additional 17 latrines which were missing in Laylan 1 camp


Laylan C camp phase 2 is 200 donem (500,000 Sq. m.) BoQs are still not authenticated by the governor and ministry, a meeting will be held 9th of March to advocate into designs and BoQs

- Mission East: Currently not working in WASH but ready to hear from the Cluster if any gaps are there for the NGO to cover

- UNAMI: IN February, the flow of IDPs was appx 738 families arrived to camps, that is 4,061 individuals, while in month of March from 1st till 6th only 49 families arrived, mostly from Maktab Khalid and Mama checkpoint, advocacy is ongoing with IOM to provide transportation from Daquq checkpoint to Laylan C camp, force return is suspended but voluntarily return is ongoing and is hard to track

Key Challenges, Issues and Plans (Partner Updates)

o Erbil o Dahuk o Sulaymaniyah o Baghdad o Kirkuk


Mercy Corps (MC) is seeking WC support to identify locations (camp) to install 120 sanitation facilities

(Latrines and showers), garbage collection and water trucking (2 months)

Samaritan Purse (SP) has 96 latrines and showers procured under IHPF as prepositioning. Their Project has

been amended and now they will be only upgrading WASH facilities constructed by MODM in Salamyia


Common approach for water trucking (Quantity of water/monitoring)

WC to identify location

Any Cluster partner

requiring Latrine and

showers to improve

coverage for disabled or

toilets for females to

contact WASH Cluster

To be taken up in Water

trucking working group.


Information of Water treatment unit is not updated

Very limited response by the WASH partners until now in West Mosul.

Cholera Preparedness plan has not been shared with the partners. NRC to lead/reactivate hygiene

promotion working group and requested Co-Chair to be nominated for the TWG.

All partners including

ICRC to share timeline for

rehabilitation of water

treatment unit

WC to share assessment

conducted by other


Cholera Preparedness to be

shared with the members.

IHPF 2017 1st Standard Allocation

INGO Standard allocation 2017. • 45 M USD • AB meeting and decision by end of March. • Allocations announced and deadline of submission of proposal is 12th April.

Next Meeting 25th April, at 10:00 in the UNICEF Offices in Erbil, Dahuk, Kirkuk, Baghdad and Sulaymaniyah, tbc