Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel 3 February 2016 2016/17 Budget Capital Programme Medium Term Financial Plan

Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel 3 February 2016 2016/17 Budget Capital Programme Medium Term Financial Plan

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Financial Position  Savings of £28.2m achieved (HMIC Report)  Underspends of £2.82m in 13/14, £2.35m in 14/15 and an overspend of £0.16m in 15/16  Increases in Council Tax of 0% in 13/14 and 1.99% in 14/15 and 15/16  Capital Investment of £39.9m across the Alliance  Reserves of £8.7m used  Reduction in reserves of £3.7m between 2013 and 2016 to  Estimated Reserves of £26.6m at 31/3/16

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Page 1: Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel 3 February 2016 2016/17 Budget Capital Programme Medium Term Financial Plan

Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel

3 February 2016

2016/17 Budget

Capital Programme

Medium Term Financial Plan

Page 2: Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel 3 February 2016 2016/17 Budget Capital Programme Medium Term Financial Plan

Achievements Delivery of the Strategic Alliance with West Mercia Increase in number of PCSOs and Special Constables Fully staffed police officer establishment/structure More police officers on the front line Increased grants for Community Safety, Cyber, Rural and Business

Crime Investment in the investigation of Child Sexual Exploitation,

Domestic Abuse, rape and serious sexual offences Effective support for victims of crime Investment in independent domestic violence and sexual violence

advisors Development of Integrated Offender Management Development of Place Partnership Limited Improved public engagement through Community Ambassadors

and initiatives such as Public Scrutiny Meetings Greater involvement of young people with Police Cadets

Page 3: Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel 3 February 2016 2016/17 Budget Capital Programme Medium Term Financial Plan

Financial Position Savings of £28.2m achieved (HMIC Report) Underspends of £2.82m in 13/14, £2.35m in 14/15 and an

overspend of £0.16m in 15/16 Increases in Council Tax of 0% in 13/14 and 1.99% in 14/15

and 15/16 Capital Investment of £39.9m across the Alliance Reserves of £8.7m used Reduction in reserves of £3.7m between 2013 and 2016 to Estimated Reserves of £26.6m at 31/3/16

Page 4: Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel 3 February 2016 2016/17 Budget Capital Programme Medium Term Financial Plan

0.6% cut in grant funding ◦ Reduction of £0.3m for Warwickshire◦ Reduction of £0.6m for West Mercia

2% referendum threshold for Council Tax One year settlement only Further Formula Funding Review in

2016/17 to be implemented in 2017/18 Increased top slices/reallocations in

2017/18 likely Funding for ESN unclear MOJ grants known for one year only

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1% Pay Award (£1.6m for Warwickshire) Increase in NI (£1.5m for Warwickshire) Unavoidable cost increases e.g. ill health

pensions, Bear Scotland (£0.5m for Warwickshire) Increase in Surplus on Collection Fund (£0.1m

for Warwickshire)

Page 6: Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel 3 February 2016 2016/17 Budget Capital Programme Medium Term Financial Plan

Increased resources for PVP/CSE (£0.09m for Warwickshire)

Investment in recruitment, training and development especially of Specials and Volunteers (£0.13m for Warwickshire)

Investment in Professional Standards Department (£0.12m for Warwickshire)

New ANPR system (£0.09m for Warwickshire)

Page 7: Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel 3 February 2016 2016/17 Budget Capital Programme Medium Term Financial Plan

£7.1m of reserves required in year ◦ £5.0m to support the budget◦ £2.1m for Rural, Business and Cyber and Invest

To Save Savings of £3.5m already in place Capital Investment of £31.8m across the

Alliance. Increase in Council Tax of 1.99% raising

£0.7m a year for Warwickshire

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Assumptions◦ Pay award 1%◦ Apprentice Levy from 2017/18 (£0.4m for Warwickshire)◦ No change to Police Grant◦ No change in real terms to top slices and reallocations in

grant.◦ Increases in precept of 2% a year◦ Annual 2% growth in Council Tax Base◦ No change in recruitment strategy◦ Alliance Capital Programme of £87.6m◦ £17m Reduction in Reserves for Warwickshire◦ Operation Devonport continues in 2017/18 and then ends◦ Appointment of strategic partner to support the Chief

Constables in transforming policing

Page 9: Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel 3 February 2016 2016/17 Budget Capital Programme Medium Term Financial Plan

Risks◦ Police Funding Formula Review (1% change in

Warwickshire Grant is £0.5m) ◦ Changes to Home Office Top Sliced/Reallocated

Funds (Possible further increase up to £2m a year) ◦ Emergency Services Network (Possible initial cost of

c.£4.5m)◦ Reconfiguration of Policing at national, regional

and local levels ◦ Changing demand and changes in the nature of

crime e.g. CSE, Cyber, Terrorism

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Procurement 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.500

OCC 1.717 1.717

Athena 0.472 0.637 1.109

PPL 0.400 0.400

Transitional & Transactional Programme

2.000 2.000 4.000

Savings Target 5.089 3.137 0.500 8.726

Use of Reserves 6.452 0.122 (1.090) 5.484

Budget Gap 11.541 3.259 (0.590) 14.210

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2016/17 £m

2017/18 £m

2018/19 £m

2019/20 £m


Estates 15.085 9.047 12.923 10.318 47.373

ICT 13.763 9.009 4.805 2.490 30.067

Fleet 2.945 2.100 2.900 2.200 10.145

Total 31.793 20.156 20.628 15.008 87.585

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2016/17 £m

2017/18 £m

2018/19 £m

2019/20 £m


Grants 7.320 1.650 1.650 1.650 12.270

Use of Reserves

0.00 6.500 6.500 6.500 19.500

Borrowing 21.083 9.030 11.485 6.858 48.456

Capital Receipts

3.390 2.976 .993 0.000 7.359

Total 31.973 20.156 20.628 15.008 87.585

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2016/17 £m

2017/18 £m

2018/19 £m

2019/20 £m


Opening Balance

26.569 19.400 12.975 10.865 26.569

Support for Revenue

-7.169 -4.925 -0.610 +0.320 -12.384

Support for Capital

0.000 -1.500 -1.500 -1.500 -4.500

Closing Balance

19.400 12.975 10.865 9.685 9.685

Minimum Level Of Reserves

6.800 6.800 6.800 6.800 6.800

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1,013 Responses Received◦ 83% Yes◦ 17% No

Consultation closed 18 January 2016

98% respondents were members of the public

Consultation Response

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