Warm-up Notebook Set-up Number your pages 1-25 starting on the next clean right hand page Some people still have the Checkpoin t due (30 points) Tic Tac Toe Project Due (30 points) 1 Constitution Table of Contents 2 Blank 3 Vocabulary 4 Warm-up/ activity 5 Constitution and Preamble Notes

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Warm-up Notebook Set-up Number your pages 1-25 starting on the next clean right hand page. Some people still have the Checkpoint due (30 points) . Tic Tac Toe Project Due (30 points) . Warm-up : Write and complete each statement or question. . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Warm-up Notebook Set-up Number your pages 1-25 starting on the next clean right hand page

Warm-upNotebook Set-up

Number your pages 1-25 starting on the next clean right hand page

Some people still have the

Checkpoint due

(30 points)

Tic Tac Toe

Project Due

(30 points)

1 Constitution Table of Contents

2 Blank3 Vocabulary4 Warm-up/ activity5 Constitution and Preamble


Page 2: Warm-up Notebook Set-up Number your pages 1-25 starting on the next clean right hand page

Warm-up: Write and complete each statement or question.

1. The Articles of Confederation was the _________ constitution of the United States.

2. Under the Articles of Confederation the ________ had most of the power.

3. What was the purpose of the Constitutional Convention?

4. What was the outcome of the Constitutional Convention?



-discuss and fix the problems under the Articles

a new constitution

Page 3: Warm-up Notebook Set-up Number your pages 1-25 starting on the next clean right hand page

Vocabulary Check

Constitutional Convention

Great CompromiseBicameralFederalistsAnti-federalists3/5th CompromisePreambleBill of Rights

FederalismPopular sovereigntySeparation of powersChecks and balancesExpressed powersReserved powersConcurrent powersamendment

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Part I- PreamblePart II- 7 ArticlesPart III- 27 Amendments

U.S. Constitution

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“Constitution and the Preamble”Today’s Essential Questions




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The new constitution written in Philadelphia in 1787 provided a

for a new, stronger national government


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Patrick Henry

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James Madison“Father of the Constitution”


James Madison played such an important role in creating the Constitution; he is called the

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The Preamble is the first part of the Constitution.

It expresses the reasons the Constitution was written.

“We the People” establishes that the power of government comes from the people

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The Preamble

We the people of the United States, in order to form a

more perfect union, establish justice, insure the

domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence,

promote the General Welfare, and secure the Blessing

of Liberty

for ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish

this Constitution for the United States of America.

Complete #1 and 2 on your worksheet

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Can you recite the Preamble?

It is not as easy as it looks!


In Civics, we need to understand what it means…

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Meet with your 12:00 partner and complete the chart on your worksheet

What the Preamble says

What it means Why was it needed

in order to form a more perfect union

establish justice

insure the domestic tranquility

provide for the common defence

promote the common Welfare

secure the Blessing of Liberty for ourselves and our Posterity

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Write your conclusion and get it stamped.

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Let’s put it all together…. Really!

Complete the Preamble ScrambleActivity on the back of the worksheet.

When you are finished, you can work on your homework …write the Preamble in your own words

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Checking for Understanding

Identify What is the purpose of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution?

It states the goals and purposes of the government.

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Group ActivityTask: The class will create a “Patchwork Quilt”

of the Preamble.Directions: 1. You will be put into groups2. Each group will be assigned a portion of the

Preamble3. The group will get a piece of poster paper

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On the poster paper, your group must:

Clearly write out your portion of the Preamble

Draw a picture(s) of what the Preamble portion means

Be colorful, creativeTry to fill up as much of the poster paper as

possible. It will be linked to the other groups’.

This is due at the end of class.

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The United States Constitution

It is our written plan for government

It is a “Living “document which means it can adapt, grow and changes with our changing society.

It is the supreme law of the land which means it has the final say in issues about the government and law

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What does the Constitution do?

It establishes the structure of government for the U.S.

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It guarantees equality under the law to all American citizens.

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It affirms (declares) the worth and dignity of all citizens.

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It guarantees that the majority will rule and the rights of the minority will be protected.

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What does the constitution do for you?

It establishes and protects your basic rights and freedoms