warfarin pharmacokinetics, 1233 SMOKING (See also SMOKE, TOBACCO; SMOKE INHALATION; SMOK- ING, CIGAR; SMOKING, PIPE; SNUFF DIPPING; TOBACCO CHEWING) air pollution and chronic obstructive lung disease and, 6:37 and air pollution in lung neoplasm etiology, 525-27 allergy and, summary of findings, 123-24 antitrypsin deficiency and risk for chronic obstructive lung disease, 63334 bladder neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:1’7 bladder neoplasms in coal gas work- ers and, 7:16 bronchitis and, summary of findings, 1:18 bronchopulmonary diseases and, sum- mary of findings, 1:13-19 cardiovascular diseases and, summary of findings, 1:13-15 chronic obstructive lung disease and, 6:7 chronic obstructive lung disease and mortAity, 6:9 coronary heart disease and, 4:21 effect of childhood respiratory symp tams on adult respiratory tract disease, 633-39 effect of combined tobacco product use on mortality ratio, 235-36, 2:39 effect on absenteeism, 33, 3:lO effect on absenteeism, summary of findings, l:l2-13 effect on acrolein content in enclosed spaces, 11% effect on activity limitation, 3:13-14 effect on angina pectoris, 4:47 effect on aryl hydrocarbon hydroxyl- ase activity, 5:57 effect on asthmatic patients, 10:21- 22, 2122 effect on benzo(a)pyrene content in enclosed spaces, 1124 effect on carbohydrate metabolism, 1265 effect on carboxyhemoglobin levels, 1529-30 effect on cardiovascular system, 12:15-16, 15:19 effect on catecholamine levels in plasma, 14% effect on cause-specific mortality ra- tio, 2~3741 effect on central nervous system, 15:1%19 effect on cerebrovascular disease risk, 450 effect on corticosteroid secretion, 12:40 effect on dimethylnitrosamine con- tent in enclosed spaces, 11% effect on drug assays, 1234 effect on enzyme activity, 1:~26 effect on esophagus, 544, 1325 effect on furosemide diuretic action, 1254 effect on gastric secretion in man and animals, 9:l2 effect on gastric secretion in peptic ulcer patients, 9:13-14 effect on hormones, 1520 effect on imipramine pharmacokinetr ica, 1233 effect on immune system, 10:14-20 effect on immune system, summary of findings, ME&19, 1:2%&t, 1% effect on incidence of acute condi- tions, 3:6, 3:9 effect on incidence of chronic condi- tions, 3:67 effect on learning, 15:1%19 effect on levels of carbon monoxide in expired air, 1530 effrsct on lipid metabolism, 1265 effect on lung function, 622 effect on lung function, summary of findings, 1:18 effect on lung neoplasm histologic type, 523-24 effect on lungs, summary of find- ings, 1:13-19 effect on morbidity, 3:5 effect on morbidity, summary of findings, l:l2-13 effect on mortality in the United states, 2:9 effect on mortality in women, 2%

warfarin pharmacokinetics, 1233 SMOKING 1529-30 SMOKE ... · effect on mortality ratios, summary of findings, 1:1&12 effect on pancreatic secretion, 9:lP 15 effect on pesticide residue

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warfarin pharmacokinetics, 1233 SMOKING


air pollution and chronic obstructive lung disease and, 6:37

and air pollution in lung neoplasm etiology, 525-27

allergy and, summary of findings, 123-24

antitrypsin deficiency and risk for chronic obstructive lung disease, 63334

bladder neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:1’7

bladder neoplasms in coal gas work- ers and, 7:16

bronchitis and, summary of findings, 1:18

bronchopulmonary diseases and, sum- mary of findings, 1:13-19

cardiovascular diseases and, summary of findings, 1:13-15

chronic obstructive lung disease and, 6:7

chronic obstructive lung disease and mortAity, 6:9

coronary heart disease and, 4:21 effect of childhood respiratory symp

tams on adult respiratory tract disease, 633-39

effect of combined tobacco product use on mortality ratio, 235-36, 2:39

effect on absenteeism, 33, 3:lO effect on absenteeism, summary of

findings, l:l2-13 effect on acrolein content in enclosed

spaces, 11% effect on activity limitation, 3:13-14 effect on angina pectoris, 4:47 effect on aryl hydrocarbon hydroxyl-

ase activity, 5:57 effect on asthmatic patients, 10:21-

22, 2122 effect on benzo(a)pyrene content in

enclosed spaces, 1124 effect on carbohydrate metabolism,


effect on carboxyhemoglobin levels, 1529-30

effect on cardiovascular system, 12:15-16, 15:19

effect on catecholamine levels in plasma, 14%

effect on cause-specific mortality ra- tio, 2~3741

effect on central nervous system, 15:1%19

effect on cerebrovascular disease risk, 450

effect on corticosteroid secretion, 12:40

effect on dimethylnitrosamine con- tent in enclosed spaces, 11%

effect on drug assays, 1234 effect on enzyme activity, 1:~26 effect on esophagus, 544, 1325 effect on furosemide diuretic action,

1254 effect on gastric secretion in man

and animals, 9:l2 effect on gastric secretion in peptic

ulcer patients, 9:13-14 effect on hormones, 1520 effect on imipramine pharmacokinetr

ica, 1233 effect on immune system, 10:14-20 effect on immune system, summary

of findings, ME&19, 1:2%&t, 1% effect on incidence of acute condi-

tions, 3:6, 3:9 effect on incidence of chronic condi-

tions, 3:67 effect on learning, 15:1%19 effect on levels of carbon monoxide

in expired air, 1530 effrsct on lipid metabolism, 1265 effect on lung function, 622 effect on lung function, summary of

findings, 1:18 effect on lung neoplasm histologic

type, 523-24 effect on lungs, summary of find-

ings, 1:13-19 effect on morbidity, 3:5 effect on morbidity, summary of

findings, l:l2-13 effect on mortality in the United

states, 2:9 effect on mortality in women, 2%

effect on mortality ratios, summary of findings, 1:1&12

effect on pancreatic secretion, 9:lP 15

effect on pesticide residue levels, 12:75

effect on peptic ulcer healing and recurrence, 9%9

effect on pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, 12274.4

effect on pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, summary of findings, 1:2&26

effect on phenol red excretion, I2:39 effect on protein binding of drugs,

12:40 effect on protein metabolism, 1265

66 effect on pyloric pressure, 9:16 effect on respiratory symptoms in

children, 6:11-X? effect on responses to diagnostic

tests, summary of findings, 1:26 effect on salivary secretory IgA lev-

els, LO:17 effect on secretin release, 9:15-16 effect on sleep, 15:ll effect on small airways function,

6:lP18 effect on small airways pathology,

624, 627 effect on vitamin Be levels, 12:67 effect on vitamin BE levels, 1266 effect on vitamin C levels, 1266 emphysema and, 624-26 emphysema and, summary of find-

ings, l:lP-19 esophageal neoplasms and, summary

of findings, 1:17 heredity and mortality and, 241 interactive effect with occupational

exposure, summary of findings, 1:19-20

kidney neoplasms and, summary of findings, l:I7

laryngeal neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:16-l?

lung neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:16

lung pathology at autopsy in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers, 6:18

methods for measuring usage, 1529 31

myocardial infarct and, 4:21 in myocardial infarct etiology, 43%

40 neoplasms and, summary of findings,

1:15-17 and occupational exposure in lung

neoplasm etiology, 2729 and occupational hazards recommen-

dations for research, 7:19 oral neoplasms and, summary of

findings, 1:17 pancreatic neoplasms and, summary

of findings, 1:17 peptic ulcer and, summary of find-

ings, 123 in peptic ulcer etiology, 9:11-E? percent distribution of cigar, ciga-

rette and pipe smokem in the United States, 13:9

in polycythemia etiology, 12:83 respiratory symptoms and, summary

of findings, 1:1%19 respiratory tract diseases in children

and, 6:ll as risk factor for chronic obstructive

lung disease, research recommen- dations, 6:41-42

as risk factor for bladder neoplasms after exposure to aromatic amines, 7:16

standard conditions in the United states, 143.5

in sudden cardiac death etiology, 44445

susceptibility to infections and, LO:19 synergistic effect with uranium on

respiratory tract, 1290 SMOKING AND HEAJXH

Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General on Smoking and Health, historical perspective, l-510

effect of lifestyle, 3:ll history of research, 15-10 occupational hasards, 7:5

SMOKING, BIDIS leukoplakia and, 5:41

SMOKING CRARACTERISTICS adults in the United States 1964-

1975, A:2122 effect of nicotine, 15:I2 effect on arsenic levels in the respi-

ratory tract, 14:57 effect on dependence, 14:97, 15%

effect on nicotine absorption, 1437 males vs. females, 5:21, 523 survey, respondent-reported styles,

A:21-22 research issues, A:22


bronchopulmonary diseases and, sum- mary of findings, 128

in cardiovascular disease etiology, 13:32-34

cardiovascular diseases and, summary of findings, 128

in cerebrovaacular disease etiology, 13a2-33

in chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- ease etiology, 1334-33

in coronary heart disease etiology, 13:3%x!

effect of smoking duration on mor- tality ratio, 2:37

effect of smoking levels on lung neoplasm mortality, 1327-23

effect of smoking levels on mortali- ty, 13:14-17

effect of smoking levels on mortality ratio, 236-37

effect of use with other tobacco products on mortahty ratio, 2:35 36, 239

effect on blood pressure, 13% effect on cholesterol levels in serum,

13% effect on laryngeal neoplasm mortali-

ty ratio, 1324 effect on lung function, 13:34-35,

1333 effect on lungs, 1335 effect on mortality, 239, 235-37,

13:7-q 13:13-14 effect on mortality rates, summary

of findings, 127 effect on mortality ratios, l:ll-I2 effect on neoplasm mortality ratios,

13:m effect on oral neoplasm mortality ra-

tios, 1322 effect on pharyngeal neoplasm mor-

tality ratios, 13:23 effect on respiratory symptoms,


emphysema and, 6:24-L% in lung neoplasm etiology, 13% NCSH survey in the United States,

13:3-g neoplaams and, summary of findings,

1:27-28 nicotine absorption and, 13:17 oral neoplasms and, 539 peptic ulcer and, summary of find-

ings, 128 in peptic ulcer etiology, 1333 percent distribution in the United


age began smoking in males vs. f& males, 5:21, 5:23

bladder neoplasms and, 5% effect of age began smoking on lung

neoplasm mortality ratio, 5:13-14 effect of age began smoking on

mortality ratio, 2:1%21 effect on laryngeal neoplasm risk,

534 effect on lung neoplasm mortality

ratio in women, 5:21-22 effect on mortality ratio, 2:17-19 effect on mortality ratio in cigar

smokers, 2:37 effect on mortality ratio in ex-smok-

ers, 223-29 effect on mortality ratio in pipe

smokers, 233 effect on mortality ratio in women,

2:2627 effect on myocardial infarct morbicli-

ty and mortality, 435 SMOKING HABIT

in blue- and white-collar workers, 7:17

carbon monoxide in maintenance, 15:15

carbon monoxide metabolism in maintenance, 15:17

central nervous system effects in ea- tablishment, 15:ll

central nervous system effects in maintenance, 15:18

clinical importance in drug monitor- ing, 12:41-&Z

dependence in maintenance, 15:17-18 diurnal variations, 1525-26 effect of pblocker on cardiovascular

system, 15:19

effect of /3-blocker on central ner- vous system, 15:18-19

effect of &blocker on hormones, 1520

effect of blood circulation on mainte- nance, 15:1%20

effect of heredity, 15:910 effect of hormones, 15:lO effect of nicotine, 15:7-3 effect of nicotine, summary of find-

ings, 1:30-32 effect of nicotine metabolism, 15:16 effect of nicotine self-administration

in animals, 15:11-12 effect of tar, 15:7 Index of General Psychological Well-

Being and, 3:17-13 lifestyle and, 3:ll lung neoplasms, occupational risk and

race differences, 7:17 maintenance factors, 15:13 maternal, personality and, 3:2627 nicotine in maintenance, 15:14 pharmacological aspects, 15:5 research issues, A:22 role of carbon monoxide, 15:7 summary of behavioral and psychoso-

cial research, 1:32-33 tar metabolism in maintenance, 15:17 tobacco metabolism and, 15:9 tobacco tars in maintenance, 15:15 trends in males vs. females in the

United States, 5:1%21 women, 2%~26, 5:19-21, 523


absenteeism and, 3:lO asbestos exposure and fibrosis, 7:13 carboxyhemoglobin levels as indicator

of self-reporting accuracy, 3% chronic obstructive lung disease and,

6~7, 6:lO effect on angina pectoris morbidity

ratios, 443 effect on aortic aneurysm mortality

ratios, 455 effect on atherosclerosis, 4:%16 effect on bladder neoplasm risk, 54.5 effect on blood cholesterol levels,

4:62 effect on body weight during preg-

nancy, 324

effect on coronary heart disease morbidity ratios, 4:27-33, 4:36-37

effect on coronary heart disease mortality ratios, 422-26, 4:36-37

effect on intermittent claudication incidence, 453

effect on kidney neoplasm mortality ratio, 5:49

effect on laryngeal neoplasm risk, 533-36

effect on leukocyte count, C79-32 effect on life expectancy in the

United States, 2:X? effect on lung function, 622 effect on lung neoplasm mortality in

cigar and pipe smokers, 1327-28 effect on lung neoplasm mortality

ratio in women, 5:21-22 effect on lung neoplasm risk, 5:12

13, 5:16, 5:1319 effect on mortality ratio, 2:1513,

5:13 effect on mortality ratio in cigar

and pipe smokers, 13:lP17 effect on mortality ratio in cigar

smokers, 236-37 effect on mortality ratio in ex-smok-

ers, 2:2&29 effect on mortality ratio in pipe

smokers, 2:3638 effect on mortality ratio in women,

2:2627 effect on myocardial infarct morbidi-

ty and mortality, 43536 effect on myocardial infarct risk in

oral contraceptive users, 12:5152 effect on pancreatic neoplasm mor-

tality and risk ratios, 5:50, 5:52 effect on pancreatic secretion, 935 effect on lung pathology, 6:27 effect on peptic ulcer mortality

rates, 9:ll effect on placental ratio, 31516,

3:13 effect on serum vitamin B~z levels in

pregnant smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 3:73

effect on small airways function, 6:X%16

effect on sudden cardiac death mor- tality ratios, 443

emphysema and, 62426

emphysema and radiation exposure and, 7:14

incidence of peptic ulcer and, 9:5 and lung pathology, 624 males vs. females, 5:21, 523 maternal, abruptio placentae, bleed-

ing and placenta previa, 3:39 maternal, effect on birth weight,

3:l2, 3:21, 3% maternal, effect on birth weight for

gestational age, 329 maternal, effect on DDT content of

breast milk, 8:5L maternal, effect on gestational age

at birth, 343 maternal, effect on lactation, 859 maternal, effect on nicotine content

of breast milk, 356 maternal, effect on perinatal mortali-

ty, 3% maternal, effect on perinatal mortali-

ty risk, 3:35 maternal, effect on weight gain and

birth weight, 325 maternal, hyperkinesis in children

and, 323 maternal, perinatal mortality and,

340 maternal, preeclampsia and toxemia

and, 842 maternal, premature membrane rup

ture and, 339 maternal, sudden infant death syn-

drome and, 344-45 maternal, spontaneous abortion and,

3:30 maternal, synergism with other risk

factors for perinatal mortality, 335

occupational exposure and health risk, 7~17

and pathological lesions of small air- ways, 6:13-19

prevalence of acute conditions and, 13:9

prevalence of chronic conditions and, 3:7

prevalence of peptic ulcer and, 9:6 respiratory symptoms and, 629 respiratory tract diseases in children

and, 6:ll risk for respiratory tract infections

and, 6:30

sex ratio in chronic obstructive pul- monary disease and, 620

SMOKING MACHINES continuous vs. intermittent, 14:73 dosimetry, 14:74

SMOKING, MATERNAL abortion and, 3:9, 339-32 abortion and, research needs, 3:77 abruptio placentae and stillbirth and,

3:39 anoxia and perinatal mortality and,

3:47 antepartum hemorrhage and, 3% \ bleeding during pregnancy and, 339 breast feeding and, 3:51 breast feeding and, research needs,

3:73-79 during pregnancy, and respiratory in-

fection incidence in offspring, 11:32

effect of biologic factors on biih weight, 3:14-15

effect of smoking levels on biih weight, 3:12, 3:16

effect of smoking levels on placental ratio, 3:15, 3:13

effect of tobacco smoke on fetus and infant, mathematical model, 3:74

effect of socioeconomic factors on birth weight, 3:14-15

effect on behavioral development in children, 322

effect on behavioral, intellectual and physical development in chitdren, 1:21

effect on bilirubin levels in neonate, 12:34

effect on birth weight, 3:9, 3:11-13, 3:17, 329-21, 326-27

effect on birth weight, research needs, 3:73

effect on birth weight, summary of findings, 1:21

effect on birth weight for geatation- al age, 3:19-Xl

effect on body height in children, 3:21-B

effect on body weight during preg- nancy, 324

effect on body weight in children, 3:21-23

effect on breastfed infants, 3:51 effect on duration of gestation, 3:13

effect on fetal and neonatal mortali- ty, 3:41

effect on fetal breathing, 3:67 effect on fetal growth, 3:l2, 3:1319 effect on fetal growth, summary of

findings, 1:21 effect on fetal growth in animals,

research needs, 3% effect on fetal heart rate, 3:10, 3:67 effect on fetal thermogram, 363 effect on infant head and shoulder

circumference, 3:19 effect on infant mortality, 3:10, 323 effect on intellectual development in

children, 3:21-23 effect on lactation, 343, 350 effect on lactation, research needs,

3:73-79 effect on lactation, summary of find-

ings, 122 effect on lymphocytotoxic antibodies,

10:13 effect on maternal and fetal carbox-

yhemoglobin levels, 3:70 effect on maternal weight gain and

fetal growth, 324-25 effect on nicotine content of breast

milk, &M&51 effect on neurological development in

children, 3:21-22 effect on oxygen availability in

mother and fetus, 3:17 effect on perinatal mortality, 3:32,

334-35 effect on perinatal mortality, summa-

ry of findings, 122 effect on physical development in

children, 3:21-Z! effect on placenta, 8:69 effect on placenta, research needs,

3:73 effect on placental metabolism, 8:6%

69 effect on placental ratio, 3:14 effect on pregnancy, 39-11 effect on respiratory tract infection

incidence in children, 10:12, 11132 effect on umbilical artery, 3:69 effect on vitamin C levels in breast

milk, 3:52 in etiology of fetal mortality, 333 in etiology of neonatal mortality,

in etiology of perinatal moratality in low birth weight infants, l2:67

hospital admission rates of children and, 1133

hyperkinesis in children and, 3% hypotensive effect of thiocyanate lev-

els, 342 incidence of low birth weight and,

3:12 long-term study of effects on chil-

dren, research needs, 3:77 neonatal mortality and, research

needs, 3:76 perinatal mortality risk and, 323 personality characteristics and, 326 placenta previa and, 3:39 preeclampsia and, research needs,

3:77 pregnancy complications and, re-

search needs, 3:7677 premature membrane rupture and,

339 prematurity and, 122 preterm delivery and infant mortali-

ty risk, 342 smoking levels and spontaneous abor-

tion, 3:30 spontaneous abortion and, 3:9, 3:3&

32 spontaneous abortion in wanted vs.

unwanted pregnancy and, 330-32 stillbirth and, 3:3637 sudden infant death syndrome and,

3:4&45 sudden infant death syndrome and,

research needs, 3:77 SMOKING, PARENTAL

(See also SMOKING, MATERNAL) effect on asthmatic children, lo:21 effect on children, 11:31 effect on respiratory tract infection

incidence in children, lo:12 effect on youth, 17:5, 17:13, 21:13-14 maintenance of smoking and, 13:15 prevalence of respiratory disease in

children and, 11:3!&34 sudden infant death syndrome and,



in bronchial neoplasm etiology, 333 1323-29

bronchopulmonary diseases and, sum- mary of findings, 1%

cardiovascular diseases and, summary of findings, 1%

in cardiovascular disease etiology, 13:32-a

in cerebrovascular disease etiology, 13:32-33

in chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- ease etiology, 13:34-33

in coronary heart disease etiology, 13:3%33

effect of smoking duration on mor- tality ratio, 233

effect of smoking levels on lung neoplasm mortality, 1327~23

effect of smoking levels on mortality ratio, 2:36-33, 13:1&17

effect of use with other tobacco products on mortality ratio, 2:35- 36, 2:39

effect on blood pressure, 1334 effect on cholesterol levels in serum,

13% effect on lungs, 1335 effect on mortality, 1:11-E, 2:30,

235-37, 13:7-S, 13-1%14 effect on mortality rates, summary

of findings, 127 effect on laryngeal neoplasm mortali-

ty ratios, 1324 effect on lung function, 133435,

1338 effect on neoplasm mortality ratios,

1326 effect on oral neoplasm mortality ra-

tios, 1322 effect on pharyngeal neoplasm mor-

tality ratios, 1323 effect on respiratory symptoms,

13:3637 emphysema and, 624-26 in ex-cigarette smokers, 1929 in lip neoplasm etiology, 13:21 NCSH survey in the United States,

13:8-g neoplasms and, summary of findings,

1:2X5? oral neoplasms and, 5:39 peptic ulcer and, summary of find-

ings, 123 in peptic ulcer etiology, 1333

percent distribution in the United states, 13:9

SMOKING PREVALENCE adults in the United States, A:ll,

A:1214 Health Interview Survey data, A:13 socioeconomic status and, A:1616 teenagers in the United States,

A:%14 in white and black adults 19651976,


adults in the United States 1949 1973, A:alo

adults in the United Stat& 196% 1974, A:13

Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 3:11-12

Health Interview Survey, 3:%13 medical faculty of Dublin University

College, 22:14 National Clearinghouse for Smoking

and Health, 3:ll research design, 17:7 smoking and work-loss and beddisa-

bility days, 3:313 teenagers in the United States 1968


CENTRE (TORONTO) group cessation program, 19:ll

SNUFF carbon monoxide as reinforcing

agent, 15:7 consumption in the United States,

14:13 effect of manufacturing process,

14:30 effect on mouth mucosa in women.

13:3940 in leukoplakia etiology, 1346 in oral neoplasm etiology, 13:39-46 prevalence of use in the United

states, 13:10, 13:39 tobacco selection, processing and

manufacture, 1333-39 SNUFF DIPPING

(See also SMOKING) health effects, summary of findings,


effect on mortality, 242

SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS cessation of smoking and, 132622 recidivism and, 19:31 smoking and chronic obstructive lung

disease, 6% smoking in adolescents and, 17:3 smoking prevalence in adults and,

A:&16, 13:16 SOIL

effect on metal levels in tobacco, 1453

effect on tobacco quality, 14:16 STANFORD HEART DISEASE PRE

VENTION PROGRAM effect on cessation of smoking,

19:1516, 21242.5 STILLBIRTH

maternal smoking and, 3:36X7 etiology of, in smokers vs. nonsmok-

em, 3~3637 maternal smoking and abruptio pla-

’ centae and, 339 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 3:36

STIMULUS CONTROL TREATMENT modification of smoking behavior,

16:16, l!kxJ-21, 1929 STRESS

(see abJ ANXIETY) nicotine excretion and, 16:3

STROKE oral contraceptives and smoking and,

12:51 smoking and, 456, 4:52

STRUCTURAL FORMULA carcinogenic polynuclear aromatic hy-

dmcarbons, 1453 catechol, 14356 heterocyclic compound carcinogens,

1455 isuprenoids, 1450 maleic hydraside, 1462 nicotine, 14:46 nicotine metabolic pathway, 14:93 nitrosamines, 1446 pesticides in cigarette smoke, 14:62 pesticides in tobacco, 14:62 phenol, 14:56 tobacco alkaloids, 1446, 14:95 weakly acidic heterocyclic compounds

in cigarette smoke, 14:56 STUDENTS, COLLEGE

alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco use, 13:14

health education opportunities, 21% 11

smoking habits, 22:13 SURAR.ACHNOID HEMORRHAGE

effect of smoking and oral contra- ceptives on risk, 456, 4:6&61

SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH coronary heart disease and, 4:41X3 effect of smoking levels on mortality

ratios, 44.3 induced by cholesterol and ischemia

in primates, 443 research needs, 445 risk factors, 44344 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 44344 smoking in etiology of, 44.445


effect of maternal smoking, 3:4p45 maternal smoking levels and, 3:U research needs, 3:77

SULFUR COMPOUNDS levels in cigarette smoke, 1446

SWEDISH TWIN REGISTRY mortality ratios in smokers, 242

SYSTEMATIC DRSENSITIZATION modification of smoking behavior,


TAR CONTENT of cigarettes and health characteris-

tics, 3:ll decrease in modem cigarettes, A:19

20 sales weighted average per cigarette

1954-1977, A:19 TARS, CIGAR

carcinogenicity, 13:&2 in cigars, 14:44

TARS, CIGARElTR and beta radiation induced skin car-

cinoma in mice, 7:lO determination in mainstream smoke,

14:43 effect on mortality, 2% effect on smoking habit, 15:7 metabolism in maintenance of smok-

ing habit, 15:17 polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons

and, 14:52 reduction, effect on lung neoplasm

mortality ratio, 5:1516

reduction in particulate phase ciga- rette smoke, 14:163

reduction methods, 14:llO sales weighted average delivery in

the United States, 14:109 summary of constituents, 1:2%30

TARS, PIPE carcinogenicity, 133632


carcinogens, cocarcinogens and tumor promoters, 554-57

in maintenance of smoking habit, 15:15

TEACHERS attitudes and smoking habits of

coaches, 21:13 attitudes toward school smoking in

principals, X3:14 attitudes toward smoking education,

21:l2-13 health education certification require-

ments, 2328-31 as role models, 17:15, 21:l2-13,

23:11-E!, 233536 school smoking policies, 233-12 smoking habits, 2335-36 training in adult education, 21:9 training in antismoking education,

17:19, 20:14, 20:17, 23:21, 2331- 35, 23:39

training in health education, 20:19- 20, 21:11, 21:19-21


cigarette consumption patterns in the United States, A:23

female, increase in smoking preva- lence, A:14

smoking prevalence data, A:1314 smoking surveys in the United


effect of cigarette composition and size, 1435


effect on enzyme activity, 1242-43

TBEOPBYLLINE effect of methylcholanthrene on me-

tabolism in rata, 12:32 pharmacokinetics in smokers vs. non-


in tobacco analysis, 14:9 TI-I IOCYANATE LEVI%3

(See alaa CYANIDES) in clinical determination of smoking

levels, 1242 in plasma of smokers vs. nonsmok-

ers, 73 maternal smoking and hypotensive

effect, fM.2 monitoring in cessation studies, 193,

1920, 1928 in saliva of smokers vs. nonsmokers,

15:90 in urine of smokers vs. nonsmokers,


(See aZ.90 THROMBOSIS) allergy and, 466 atherosclerosis and, 460 clinical and pathological features,

460 role of tobacco proteins in etiology

of, 469 smoking and, 466

TBROMBOEMBOLISM oral contraceptives and smoking and,



.mortality rates in cigar and pipe smokers, 4:59

mortality rates in smokers vs. non- smokers, 4:59

research needs, 459 smoking and, 4:59 smoking and oral contraceptives and,



allergic effects on cardiovascular sys- tern, 1022-23

allergy and, summary of findings, 1:23-24

in allergy etiology, 1023-24 amine and nitrosamine content, 12:74 antigen, role in immunoglobulin dis-

ease entities, 10:7 antigenicity of, 10:310 blends in cigarette manufacturing,

effect on smoke constituents, 14329

carcinogenesis induction in animals, 55354

carcinogenesis induction in animals, summary of methods, 529-30

constituents, in main- vs. sidestream smoke, 115-6

constituents, effect with occupational exposure on health, 7:7-9

consumption, historical trends in the United States, 1:5

immune hyperresponsiveness, lo:20 isoprenoid levela, 14:4849 male vs. female consumption in the

United States, 14:13 metabolism in amokers vs. nonsmok-

ers, 15:9 pesticide residue reduction, 14:61 production by type in the United

States 1964-1975, 14:12 radioelement levels, 1460 stems, used in cigarette manufactur-

ing in the United States, 14:13 types, components after aging, 14:21 types, production in the United

States 1964-1975, 14:12 types and classes, 14:13-15 types used in smoking products,

14:14 usability index, 14% usage measuring techniques, 1529-31 worldwide production levels, 14:ll

TOBACCO ADDITIVES effect on percent weight of products,

14s use in chewing tobacco and snuff,


effect on components of tobacco types, 14:21

effect on taste and aroma, 14:19 methods, 14:19


carbon monoxide as reinforcing agent, 15:7

consumption in the United States, 14:13

effect of manufacturing process, 14:30

health effects, summary of findings, 129

leukoplakia and, 5:41 in leukoplakia etiology, 134041 nitrosamines and, 14345 in oral neoplasm etiology, 134041 oral neoplasms and, 53940 prevalence in the United Statea,

13:10, 1339 tobacco selection, processing and

manufacture, 13:38X9 TOBACCO, CIGAR


components after fermentation, 1422 storage and fermentation, 14:1%?6 U.S. government definition, 13:lO


United States Government definition, 13:lO


consumption in the United States, 14:13

effect of manufacturing process, 1430

United States Government definition, 13:ll


growth conditions and, 14:1617 precursors of smoke constituents

with tumor activity and, 14:23 TOBACCO CONTAMINANTS

afiatoxin B1, 1422 pesticides, effect on smoking quality,

14:18 radioelements, 14:2&21

TOBACCO CULTURE chemical conversions, 14:19-20

effect on tobacco leaf components, 14:16-17

effect on tobacco quality, 14:16 harvesting and tobacco quality,

14:17-18 methods for quality improvement,


effect on nitrosamine levels, 1445 effect on polonium-210 content,

14:113 homogenized leaf curing, 14:19, 1426 maleic hydraaide and, 14:47 methods, 14:19 nicotine reduction and, 14:108 tar reduction and, 14:108

Tobaar, extracts See TOBACCO LRAF EXTRACTS

TOBACCO INDUSTRY economic impacts, 21:18

TOBACCO LBAF alkane content, 1448 allergies in tobacco workers, 1020 antigens, 1O:ll characteristics, as “markers” for

smoke delivery and composition, 1422-23

characteristics, correlations with smoke constituents, 14%

characteristics and biological re- sponse, 14%

classes produced in the United states, 14:14

combustibility and growth conditions, 14:X-17

components, 14:16 components, effect of tobacco cul-

ture, 14:X-17 components, fraction-l-protein as

food source, 1423 components, modification, 1436 effect of aging, 14:19 effect of cultivation conditions on

smoking quality, 14:lb16 effect of curing, 14:19 effect of growth conditions on com-

ponents, 14:16-17 effect of stalk position on cornp3

nenta, 14:18, 14:#) effect of stalk position on quality,

14:17-18, 1426 effect on mainstream smoke composi-

tion, 14%

effect on smoke components, 14:ll “markers”, and modification of bio-

logical effect, 1423 nicotine levels, 1445 nonvolatile nitrosamine levels, 1445 physical and chemical characteristics

affecting smoking quality, 14:14- 16

relation of chemical components to smoking quality, 14:X1

United States Government grading system, 14:14

TOBACCO LEAF RXTRACIS in allergy desensitization injections,

10:13 antigenicity, 1O:lO in carcinogenesis induction in ani-

mals, summary of methods, 5:29- 30

skin test reactions in allergic vs. nonallergic children, lo:13

skin teat reactions in asthmatic pa- tients, 1O:lO

skin test reactions in smokers vs. nonsmokers, lo:13

TOBACCO PROTRINS allergic a@ irritant reactions, lo:13 antigenicity, 1O:ll effect on blood coagulation, 4:60 role in thromboangiitis obliterans eti-

ology, 4:6cl skin teat reactions, lO:l2


aromatic hydrocarbon reduction and, 14:lll

benzene levels and, 14:49 naphthalene levels and, 1449

Tobacco remdtuted See TOBACCO SHEET

TOBACCO SHEET carcinogenicity, 14329 ciliatoxicity, 14:105 economic effect on industry, 1427 effect on tobacco product manufac-

turing, 1427 tar levels and, 14:44 technological advances, 14:9 in cigarette manufacturing in the

United States., 14:13 in tobacco product manufacturing,


Tobnmo smoke See SMOKE, TOBACCO

TOBACCO SUBSTITUTBS ciliatoxicity, 14:105 smoking habit and, 15:8

TOBACCO TYPES carboxylic acid levels, 14:57 in chewing tobacco, 13:39 in cigarette manufacturing in the

United States, 14:13, 14:14 production in the United States,

1964-1975, 14:12 tar levels, 1444


degree of deprivation and, 1527 dependence and, 1524-26 severity in males vs. females, 15% summary of findings, 1:32 time course, 15%

TOBACCO WORKBRS abortion, 8:9 allergic asthma, lo:21 allergies to tobacco leaf products,

lo:20 contact dermatitis, 1023

TOLERANCE to carbon monoxide in maintenance

of smoking habit, 15:15 to cigarette smoke in smokers vs.

nonsmokers, 15:X-17 effect of smoke inhalation in dogs,

15:16 to tobacco in maintenance of smok-

ing habit, 15:13-15 TONGUE NEOPLASMS

(See aleo MOUTH NEOPLASMS) alcohol consumption and smoking



carcinogens, 1465 effect of homogenized leaf curing,

1427 levels in cigar smoke, 13:ll nicotine reduction, 14:108 tar levels, 1444

TOXEMIA maternal smoking levels and. 8:42


effect of cigar smoke on cilia in cats, 13:37

in smoke inhalation methodology, 14:74


in hamster offspring after nitrosa- mine injection of lactating moth- ers, 850

induced by nitrosamines in animals, 5:30


effect of tobacco smoke in dogs, IO:15

TRYPI’OPHAN METABOLISM bladder neoplasms and, 5:47 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:67


role in carcinogenesis, 554 in tobacco smoke gas phase, 554-55 in tobacco smoke particulate phase,

55455, 5:57 TWINS

lung neoplasm mortality in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 523

mortality ratio in smokers, 242 smoking habit and heredity, 159-10

ULCER, PEPTIC cigar and pipe smoking and, summa-

ry of findings, I:23 cigar and pipe smoking in etiology

of, 1336 economic impact in the United

states, 9:17 effect of smoking on bile reflux,

9:16 effect of smoking on healing, 9:s effect of smoking on mortality in

males, 9:10-11 effect of smoking on size, healing,

and recurrence, 9:39 epidemiology, 9:5 etiology, 9111-12, 9:1617

healing in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 9:lO

incidence in the United States, 9:1’7 mortality in cigar vs. cigarette vs.

pipe smokers, 1338 mortality in smokers, 2:41 prevalence in male and female smok-

ers and nonsmokers, 96-7, 9:8, 9:17

prevalence in Poland, 9:6 prevalence ratios in six countries, 9:8 role of nicotine in induction, 9:X!-13 smoking, coffee and alcohol consump

tion and, 9:6 smoking and, summary of findings,

1:B smoking in etiology of, 9:11-12 smoking levels and prevalence of, 9:6


description, 20:15-18 evaluation, 1720, 2S:ll teaching approaches, 23:26-27

URANIUM and smoking in lung neoplasm etiolo-

gy, 528 synergistic effect with smoking on

respiratory tract, 1290 URETHANE

in cigarette smoke, 14:41 URINE

acidity and nicotine excretion, 16:8 effect of pH on nicotine metabolism,

14:92-93 nicotine content as measure of tobac-

co usage, 1529 USABILITY INDEX

tobacco leaf “markers” in develop ment, 1423

VENTILATION RATE effect on eye irritation, 112627


as measure of tobacco usage, 15:31 Ventihtmy function teats


VEI’ERANS ADMINISTRATION recommendations for smoking control

by health professionals, 2222-23

Vital calmcity measurementa See RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS

VITAMIN & LEVELS effect of smoking, 12:67

VITAMIN Btz levels, effect of smoking, 1266 levels in pregnant smokers vs. non-

smokers, 8:‘73 tobacco amblyopia and, 12%

VITAMINCLEVELS in breast milk, effect of maternal

smoking, 952 effect of nicotine in animals, 12% effect of smoking, 1266 in pregnant smokers vs. nonsmokers,

8:74 /

in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 1234, EM6

VITAMIN DEFICIENCY smoking in etiology of, l2:6&67

WARFARIN effect of benxo(a)pyrene on pharma-

cokinetica in rata, 1238 effect of smoking on metabolism,

1255 pharmy:-inetics in smokers vs. non-

smokers, 1238 WEIGHT GAIN

and smoking cessation, 19:31 WlTBDRAwAL cmcs


effectiveness, lS:lO-12, 19:15 evaluation design, 193344, 19% sponsored by voluntary agencies,


and maintenance of nonsmoking, 19:31

neuroticism and, l&9 recidivism and, 16:18 as reinforcer of smoking, 169-11 symptoms, 16: 14

WOMEN (see al.w SEX RATIO)

acute conditions in smokers vs. non- smokers, 3:8

cigarette consumption patterns in the United States, A:23

effect of inhalation, smoking dura- tion and smoking levels on mor- tality ratio, 226-27

effect of less hazardous cigarettes on mortality ratios, 223-24

effect of smoking on mortality, 2:%- 27

laryngeal neoplasm risk in ex-smok- ers, 538

laryngeal neoplasm risk in smokers, 5:36

lung neoplasm mortality rates, 5:16 18, 5:20

lung neoplasm mortality ratio in smokers, 529-22

myocardial infarct in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 435-36, 12:52

severity of tobacco withdrawal syn- drome, 15%

smoking habit, 22.562, 5:19-21, 523 smoking prevalence, A:ll, A:%13,



antismoking campaign, 23:X?-13 WOMEN’S MOYEMENT

influence on adolescent smoking, 18: 1617

influence on smoking habits, 17:13 and sex differences in cessation of


antismoking campaigns, 7:18-19 coronary prevention programs, 22:16

17, 22:19 moiification of smoking behavior,


report on antismoking legislation, 21:18

YMCA antismoking programs, 20%

ZINC LEVELS smokers vs. nonsmokers, l2:73

* us. GOVERNMENT PRlNT,NG OFFICE ,979 o--293-0,,