Ward 6 - Pirbhai

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  • 8/8/2019 Ward 6 - Pirbhai


    Edmonton Journal Civic Election Candidate

    QuestionnaireAdil Pirbhai, 53. Running for Councillor, Ward 6

    E-mail adilpirbhai@hotmail.comWebsitewww.electadilward6.comTwitterFacebook

    What are the three biggest issues in your campaign?

    Your number one issue, and why?

    Fiscal Resonsibility

    While the Mayor and the members of the current City Council preach being fiscally responsible, the city is on track for an 80-millionbudget shortfall.

    Some difficult decisions will have to be made and they should be done in a public venue and not behind closed doors, as in theEPCOR fiasco.

    The shortfall shouldn't be eliminated by yet again prying open the wallets of taxpayers. Once again transit riders are going to be

    asked to ante up as the p rice of a monthly pass is set to jump from $81.50 to $100. There's more talk of user fees. Apartmentdwellers continue to feel a financial pinch as property tax increases are downloaded on them in the way of rent increases,

    Number two issue, and why?

    The Downtown Arena - Revitalizaion Project

    There is a potential the entire project could cost 1-billion dollars.

    While the majority of Edmontonians are hockey fans and the majority of Edmontians believe in downtown revitalization thefinancial ramifications are enormous. The project has to be deeply scruitized before a penny of taxpayers money is spent on it.

    With the Oilers projecting an 8-million dollar loss all the financial cards must be put on the public table before the city enters intoany agreement.

    After all we are in a recession and should there be a "double-dip" any office towers and associated structures could remainvacant generating no tax revenue meaning once again council will have its hand in the taxpayers' pocket to make up the shortfall.

    Number three issue, and why?

    Shaw Conference Centre Expansion -

    At a closed door meeting of City Council the topic of expanding the Shaw Conference Centre down into the r iver valley wasdiscussed.

    It was decided to table the discussion until after the election, leaving the topic simmering on the back burner in an effort to keep itfrom boiling over into a major campaign issue.

    Which should be a higher spending priority for council, LRT construction or road construction, and why?

    LRT construction Take a look around the country and the world.Cities like Calgary, Vancouver and Montreal have strategically planned their L-R-T systems to maximize the movement of people.The more people who use the L-R-T the fewer vehicles there will be on the roadways.A collaborative effort with Edmonton's bedroom communities must be undertaken.

    A spur to the Edmonton International Airport needs to be seriously considered.

    City council has turned down a motion to hold a non-binding plebiscite on keeping the City Centre Airport as a

    general aviation facility. Should the new council reopen the airport issue?

    No Do you live in the ward where you're running?


    How important is social media to your campaign?

    3 out of 5

    What is your favourite blog?David Staples

  • 8/8/2019 Ward 6 - Pirbhai


    What is the last book you read?

    The Memoirs of Pierre Elliott Trudeau

    What is the last piece of music you listened to?

    Barbara Streisand

    What is your favourite beer? Answer this question to humour Mark Suits, Edmonton Journal beer blogger


    Favourite place in Edmonton, outside your home?

    The Mayfield Dinner Theatre - it reminds me of City Council.

    Three fantasy guests you'd like to have dinner with, and why? Can be living, dead or fictional

    Pierre Elliott Trudeau - because of his passion for a united Canada.

    Barack Obama - first African American President - profound quotation on change and challenges - "yes we can!"

    Lady Diana - great humanitarian.

    What type of car do you drive? Make, model and year

    No - I rely on public transit.

    What is the best advice you ever receivedPierre Elliott Trudeau told me "when you run for political office, believe in your vision and convictions, don't alter them even in theprospect of defeat."