The peace settlement signed after World War 1 The Treaty of Versailles War Guilt Cause Term of the Treaty of Versailles which forced Germany to accept full responsibility for World War 1 Compensation paid by Germany to the Allies for all the damage done during the war Reparations Anschluss Union of Germany and Austria (banned by the Treaty of Versailles) JC History – EU/WW WWI&II - Rest of the world

War Guilt Versailles which forced Term of the Treaty of

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Page 1: War Guilt Versailles which forced Term of the Treaty of

The peace settlement signed after World War 1

The Treaty of Versailles

War Guilt Cause

Term of the Treaty of Versailles which forced Germany to accept full

responsibility for World War 1

Compensation paid by Germany to the Allies

for all the damage done during the war


Anschluss Union of Germany

and Austria (banned by the Treaty of


JC History – EU/WW WWI&II - Rest of the world

Page 2: War Guilt Versailles which forced Term of the Treaty of

German air force


Maginot Line French defence line of fortifications along its borders with Germany

An agreement between Italy and the Pope which recognized the Vatican as an independent state

The Lateran Treaty

OVRA Organization for

Vigilance and Repression of Antifascism

JC History – EU/WW WWI&II - Rest of the world

Page 3: War Guilt Versailles which forced Term of the Treaty of

Title used by Mussolini which means leader

Il Duce

The Pact of Steel

The military alliance that Hitler and

Mussolini signed in 1938

British rescue mission of Abyssinia

The Abyssinia Campaign


Policy of British and French leaders of giving in to Hitler’s demands in

order to avoid war

JC History – EU/WW WWI&II - Rest of the world

Page 4: War Guilt Versailles which forced Term of the Treaty of

After the Nazi invasion of Poland, no major Allied or

German military operations took place for 8 months

The Phoney War

D-Day The day Allied forces

landed in Normandy in France on June 6th,


They were blamed for agreeing to Germany’s

surrender in November 1918

November Criminals

The SS Hitler’s personal bodyguard

unit who were later responsible for running concentration camps

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Page 5: War Guilt Versailles which forced Term of the Treaty of

The portion of France left under the control

of the French government

Vichy France

League of Nations

Set up to prevent another war and to settle

disputes between countries peacefully

Law that allowed the party with the largest votes to get 2/3 of the

seats in Parliament

Acerbo Law

Blackshirts Name given to

Mussolini’s Fascist followers or to

Hitler’s SS

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Page 6: War Guilt Versailles which forced Term of the Treaty of

German troops that

operated in North Africa under General


Afrika Corps

Rome-Berlin Axis

Agreement signed by Mussolini and Hitler over Austria.

Mussolini permitted German annexation of Austria if

Germany did not claim South Tyrol

Nazi policy of living space, to use Eastern Europe and

Russia to provide raw materials and workers for

the Nazis


Nazi-Soviet Pact

Signed by Germany and the Soviet Union, they agreed

to a 10 year non-aggression pact and to secretly divide

Poland between them

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Page 7: War Guilt Versailles which forced Term of the Treaty of

British and French troops evacuated

to England


Lend-Lease USA provides

Britain with military materials

Russian war tactics during World War 2 to burn crops,

destroy bridges an towns as they retreated before the


Scorched Earth Policy

U-Boat German


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Page 8: War Guilt Versailles which forced Term of the Treaty of

Marked the end of Germany’s advances into Eastern Europe

and Russia

Battle of Stalingrad

Condor Legion

Unit of the German air


Treaty signed after the war between Germany

and the victorious Allies

Treaty of Versailles

Munich Conference

Where Hitler and other European leaders forced

Czechoslovakia to surrender Sudetenland

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Page 9: War Guilt Versailles which forced Term of the Treaty of

Ineffective League established after WWI to prevent

further war

League of Nations

The Polish Corridor

'Corridor' separating East Prussia from


The Japanese attacked this fleet in Pearl Harbour, bringing America into WWII

The US Pacific Fleet

1939 Year Hitler

invaded Poland

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Page 10: War Guilt Versailles which forced Term of the Treaty of

German war tactics


1940 Year Hitler invaded France

Hitler's plan to invade Britain

Operation Sea Lion

The Battle of Britain

Battle between German and

British Air forces

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Page 11: War Guilt Versailles which forced Term of the Treaty of

Britain's Royal Air Force


The Blitz German

bombing of British cities

British defeat of German forces in Egypt, marking a turning point in the war

El Almein

Operation Barbarossa

The German invasion of


JC History – EU/WW WWI&II - Rest of the world

Page 12: War Guilt Versailles which forced Term of the Treaty of

When German U-Boats tried attacking

US supplies to the Allies

Battle of the Atlantic

Operation Overlord

Operation of the Allied invasion of

the continent

German resistance to Allied invasion

near the end of the war

Battle of the Bulge

Battle of Midway

Japanese navy defeat by American navy in the Pacific

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Page 13: War Guilt Versailles which forced Term of the Treaty of

The Americans dropped atomic bombs on

Hiroshima to make Japan surrender


15/08/1945 VJ-Day

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