War Consumes Europe

War Consumes Europe. Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war against Serbia sets off a chain reaction within the alliance system

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Page 1: War Consumes Europe. Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war against Serbia sets off a chain reaction within the alliance system

War Consumes Europe

Page 2: War Consumes Europe. Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war against Serbia sets off a chain reaction within the alliance system

Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war against Serbia sets off a chain reaction within the alliance system.

Page 3: War Consumes Europe. Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war against Serbia sets off a chain reaction within the alliance system

Chain Reactions:

1) Russia begins moving its army toward the Russian-Austrian border and also along the German border.

2) In response to Russia’s actions along the borders, Germany declares war on Russia in response to Russia’s mobilization.

3) Germany declares war on France, knowing that they are an ally to Russia

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General Alfred Graf von Schlieffen

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The Schlieffen Plan

Named after German General Alfred Graf von Schlieffen.

In the event of a two front war, the Schlieffen Plan calls for attacking and defeating France first and then Russia. The Germans felt that Russia would have difficulty mobilizing its troops.

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Page 7: War Consumes Europe. Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war against Serbia sets off a chain reaction within the alliance system

Belgium and Great Britain Drawn in to the War

1) The Germans want to go through Belgium to get to France

2) Belgium, a neutral country refuses to let Germany pass

3) Germany invades Belgium

4) Great Britain is now involved and declares war on Germany

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The European Nations Take Sides

The Central Powers:

Austria- Hungary and Germany, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire would later join.

The Allies or Allied Powers:

Great Britain, France and Russia. Later: Japan, Italy, America

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The Battle of Marne1) The Germans are on the edge of


2) The allies attack the Germans NE of Paris, in the valley of the Marne River

3) After 4 days of fighting the Germans retreated.

4) The Schlieffen Plan is in ruins

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Why is the Battle of Marne Significant?

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It demonstrates to the Germans that the Schlieffen Plan is not going work and they have to rethink their strategy.

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Russian Front

• After few small Russian victories Germany had to divert soldiers from Western front (France) to Eastern front (Russia)

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Trenches and Stalemate

• September 1914 British-French push back Germans during first battle of Marne.

• Both sides dig deep trenches to protect armies.

• Stalemate ensues. battle lines unchanged for almost 4 years.

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On the Eastern Front:

Germans, Austrians, Turks vs. Russians and Serbs.

• No trenches

• larger land gains, Central powers pushing into


• more mobile warfare

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On the Western Front:

Germany vs. Britain and France

• trench warfare

• small land gains

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Trench foot disease

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Technology of Modern Warfare

• Poison Gas.1915 first Germans then Allies.• Zeppelins –Germany used to bomb English

coast.• German U-boats, Unterseeboot, Huge

impact on British shipping. Convoys organized.

• Tanks. Used in “no mans land". broke down often.

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Other Developments

• Ottoman Empire joins Central Powers• Had they joined Allies, C.P would have been

surrounded. Called “Gallipoli Campaign”• 10 months of fighting..200,000 casualties, allies

with draw.• Colonel T.E. Lawrence, later know as Lawrence

of Arabia, fighting with Arab Nationalists gained land in Middle East from the Turks.

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Other Countries Join the War

India joins, hoping to gain independence from Britain

New Zealand and Australia send troops

Brazil (the only South American country to join in)

The United States

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* For the first time in history all major nations in the world were involved in the same war. People from every continent provided combat forces

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Winning the War

• By 1917 all nations impose conscription.• Nations channel entire resources to war effort, or

“Total War”.• British set up blockade to prevent Germany from

supplies. Against International law." Turnip winter.”

• Germany retaliates, creates own blockade, sinks all ships. U- Boats

• Propaganda war ensues, British and French circulate tales of atrocities.

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• Women play critical role in factories

• By 1917 “Morale” collapses. Germany sending 15 year olds to front lines.

• Britain on brink of bankruptcy, some French units mutinied.

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Russian Revolution

• Stories of incompetent Generals eroded public confidence.

• Bread Riots in St. Petersburg erupt in Revolution that brings down Monarchy.

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Why Does the United States enter the War?


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1. Germany returns to Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, sinking U.S. ships

2. Sinking of the Lusitania

3. The Zimmermann Telegram

4. Strong U.S. sympathy and support for the Allies

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The effects of “Total War”1. Countries take control of the economy2. Nearly all able bodied civilians put to

work3. Rationing appears4. Anti-war activities suppressed5. News was censored6. Propaganda was used7. Factories now making munitions8. Govt’s told factories what & how much

to produce

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The War’s Impact on Women:

1. Replaced men in the factories and in the work force.

2. Kept troops supplied with food, clothing, and weapons

* After the war, most women left the workforce, but women were viewed differently now as a result of the war!

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1917 Russia Withdraws from the War

•Germany achieves victory on the Eastern Front

•Germany’s troops head to the Western Front--Fresh American troops give the Allies the edge to win the Second Battle of Marne

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• German Generals tell Kaiser, war can not be won.

• Other Central Power countries also ask for peace.

• The Kaiser Abdicates, Armistice signed, war ends Nov. 11, 1918

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The “Great War” is over, now what?

1. Allies meet at Versailles,attend talks known as the “Paris Peace Conference.”

2. Major decisions are made by the “Big Four:”

Woodrow Wilson, U.S., Georges Clemenceau, France, David Lloyd George, Britain, Vittorio Orlando, Italy

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Georges Clemenceau

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David Lloyd George

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Vittorio Orlando

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Fourteen Points:

(written by Woodrow Wilson)

1st Ends secret treaties

2nd Freedom of the seas

3rd Free trade

4th Reduction of armies and navies

5th Adjustment of colonial claims

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Fourteen Points continued…

6th-13th changed borders, created new nations

* self-determination, allow people to decide for themselves under which gov’t they want to live

14th Established a League of Nations

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Treaty of Versailles signed on June 28, 1919 RESULTS:

1. Creates a League of Nations

2. Germany is punished

a. lost substantial territory

b. severe restrictions on military

c. Article 231, known as ‘war guilt’ clause, Germany has to make reparations to the Allies

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After all is said and done…

1. U.S. rejects the treaty

2. Treaty leaves German people bitter and angry

3. Some countries mad because they didn’t get their independence

4. Japan and Italy were mad because they wanted more than they received

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1. Involved new technology

2. Ushered in the notion of war on a grand and global scale

3. Left behind a landscape of death and destruction that had never before been seen

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Cost of the war

1. 8.5 million soldiers died

2. 21 million wounded

3. $338 billion price tag for Europe

4. Destroyed acres of farmland, homes, villages and towns.

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Country Dead Prisoner

Britain 947,000 192,000

France 1,385,000 446,000

Russia 1,700,000 2,500,000

Italy 460,000 530,000

U.S. 115,000 4,500

Germany 1,808,000 618,000

Austria-Hun 1,200,000 2,200,000

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Corporal Adolf Hitler with his dog Fuchsl during World War I .