WANTED. NOTICE I CKRTIFrCATF.HOFINDIirn · Htck, slave of Jane Donley; Harry, j of William Fun ron; John, slave "of j ftwfk** t*oo^6 » an

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Page 1: WANTED. NOTICE I CKRTIFrCATF.HOFINDIirn · Htck, slave of Jane Donley; Harry, j of William Fun ron; John, slave "of j ftwfk** t*oo^6 » an

111 " ' \u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0 " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ?ii? - i MB i..\u25a0,?«JI

\u25a0'' g " ' I "'\u25a0\u25a0 ****% 8-B jTUESDAY MORNING 4.VNUAUY n, 18f...!


Jfbcr Lyons's Coukt.?On Saturday,theargument for a new trial in the c*\tmof Thomas 11. S. Boyd, convicted of anattempt at forgery and sentenced totwelve months' imprisonment, war* heardand decided adversely to by the Judge.

A writ of asmcat corpsi* was awardedThcophilus Thompson, made returnableon Monday.

The hahcas c&rj)Us caso of FerdinandHettrick, claiming exemption from mili-tia service by reason of undomi-ciled foreigner, was heard, and the Judgegave his decision in favor of the peti-tioner, and he was thereupon tlisehar^ei1.

Conviction and Pakdon*.?Tlie onlybusiness of public interest disposed ofin Judge Lyons's Court oa yesterday wasthe trial of Joshua <>wings, indicted forgrand larccnj'. After examination olwitnesses and argument of counsel, tbecase Was placed in the hands of the jury,who brought in a verdict of guilty, andassessed his punishment at one year'sconfinement in thepenitentiary^.

Before the removal of the prisonerfrom the courtroom.# to jail, GovernorSmith granted him a pardon, conditionedupon his forthwith joining tbearmy.

Mayor's Coi:ut.?On Saturday lasta large number of crises weredisposed ofby His Honor. The following list em-braces those of most interest to thepublic:

Lieutenant Joint T. Ferneyhough re-appeared, according to postponement olthecase, to answer the charge <>f sho>t-ing and wounding, on the 20th ultimo,Lieutenant I*. ¥.. Hawkins, who hassince died. _he same witnesses wereexamined, whose evidence was heard andpublished on a former occasion, With tliea Idition of two others?viz: Dr. Rich-sirdson, assistant surgeon at SeabrookHospital and Mr. Robert Davis, a eitijzen?the substance of whose testimonywe give. Mr. Davis knew nothing of lhecircumstances of the .shooting; lie as-sisted Justice Kegnault in taking Lieu-tenant Ferneyhoughto tlie cage; but didnot do so becauno of any resistance ofhis, for he never saw a young man morewilling to go alongjtl ai the accused was.While on the way to the cage, _ cmey-hough expressed the deepest regret attho occurrence; said it was an accident,and the victim was his best friend.

Dr. Richardson' attended the deceased.Before his death, he conversed withHawkins relative to the affair, when hestated, with a consciousness of his ap-proaching dissolution, that LieutenantFerneyhough was an intimate friend ofhis, and the wound from which he wasabout to die was purely accidental. Thedeceased informed witness that Ferney-hough was about drawing a pistol on a.iindividual with whom he had had a dif-ficulty, when he attempted to preventhim doing so. In the effort, the wcap< naccidentally exploded, inflicting thewound he had received. At tho conclu-sion of the evidence the Mayor dis-charged Ferneyhough.

k Andrew 11. Thompson, charged withcutting and stabbing William Williamson the night of the 25th ultimo was re-manded for examination before the ilustings Court The cutting of Williamswas fully proved against the accused;but, in extenuation of*his conduct, heprofessed perfect ignorance of havingcommitted the deed, saying that he wasraving mad from the use of liquor on tirenight of the occurrence and had no re-collection of meeting with Williams.

Reuben Manhaum, alius EL Monis, ayoung white man, w«s charged withfeloniouafe, and by false pretence-, ox ?taining one piece ofworfctcdcloth, valuedat$1,800, from Samuel M. Price, lie roprt-senting himself as the agentof P. Levi. |Christian Kergheimer, clerk at lV'ee'sscore, stated that Morris, after looting «t ithe goods, remarked that he raM take ,them to P. Levy, and if rficy suited ;saidLevy he would return in twenty'minutes and settle. F"««ng to do so, 'ilr. Price called upon Levy, when'heIlearned that Morris htd not beeu autho-1rized to make ar>jps-eh purchase forhim and that ***, whole a_air was a]swindle. The jK was remanded for Iindictment p*f the grand jury of tho jHustings f^furt.

JohnHaddux was charged with drunk- jtones.} -''and disorderly conduct in the:strew* and attempting to shoot JohnI\_nce. 4fee accused, whp is a one-legged soldier, plead as an excuse for his

-conduct that he was drunk at thetime; but if the Mayor would let himoff he would sin in like manner no more.Ho was discharged with an admonition.i£ -iiS?_ ,B je - olmari, » \u25a0??ember of the Second0.. _Pn* a reßerv es, charged with beinglT'- l-.-r' disorderly in the street, was j

*: j9*tto the Provost-Marshal.

*' Maio.t's COifrr, r-BT_a_AY. ?Wi3h:;uiWf Packincham, drunk and disordeily irt

the* street, was held to security for hisg£ good behavior. i

Htck, slave of Jane Donley; Harry, jof William Fun ron ; John, slave "of jftwfk** t*oo^6 » an<* '**omi Siave °f Jam. :> jWPcsnUre, all Chesterfield negioes, were;- f Mwred to be whipped tor stealing a hog,

r vaload at fifteen dollars in gold, the pro-'r I of somv person unknown. Watch.

uiaa Fromer caught these negroes about

two o'clock yesterday morning in an oldlot in rcitr of the Mansion House, onMain .street, in the act of carrying off aI dead hog, which, upon investigation, be |1ascertained they had tolled for a certain

j distance and then thrown a noose over itsj necJL choking it lo death. In a room In| the neighborhood, occupied by the ac-cused, * lar.re lot of corn and BOtOS half-J.picked chickens ***** also found.

Three Bashy mulatto guls, named Ca-therine, BlaveOf Ann _Oxj Fanny, slaveof Hairy Wyatt; and Emma, -lave x>iKitty Yarrington ; charged with riotousconduct tod drunkenness, in the street,were ordered ten lashes each. Whenthe. Mayor announced bis decision they j?dl three bunt into tears, and lor some ji time their weeping and wailing excited

I the attention of the spectators present.The continued case against Sam, slave

! of John (ramble, and Dick, slave ofi Michael Hart, charged with breaking

icto the house of Thomas Kennedy, inI the night time, and stealing three hun-- drcd dollars' worth of wearing apparel- and crockeryware, was taken up, when.i I the evidence still being insufficient to- { warrant their conviction, they were dis.! charged.

Catherine, slave of Ann Anderson, wasremanded for examination before lhe

f Hustings Court on the charge ol ie; cciving one barrel of Hour, six hundredi pounds oi corned beef and a turkey,. which had been stolen from It. W. Oli-ver's store-room, she well knowing thatthe articles were stolen.

John Brown, a huckster in the FirstMarket, was lined fifty dollars for purchasing turkeys and other fowls in tbecity to scil again, in violation of ther ordinance. The poultry was also con-, jfiscatcd.

Narrow Kscape.?Yesterday morning,! a white woman, living on the line of the

f i canal, between Myers and the Armoryjbridges, while stooping down to draw abucket of waterfrom the canal, slipped

I and fell headforemost into the water.?i Turning a sumcrsault, when she arose, jshe was near the middleof thecanal; and

had it not been for the efforts ef a negro"j boatman who happened to be nearby,*! she would doubtless have been drowned.i The aforesaid negro sprang in and waded,?! out till nearly up to his armpits beforejhe was enabled to reach the shiveringj and half-dead woman. _


\\ New Music?J: W. Davies & Sons,:! booksellers and publishers, eend us two'jI excellent republications: "The Ever-

\u25a0 j green Wall/." and ''Rainbow Schot--1 ttsche." Also, a very sweet and .favoritei J song: "There's Musi*) in the Air."?f They publish, too, the excellent campj and fireside song: " You Can Never Win. Us Back'I?already1?already well known and

it.tickiviiilc-'l for.Arrival or Pbisokebs. ?Forty-odd

jYankee prisoners, captured near Peters-! burg a d-n~ or two since, reached thisi city yesterday and were committed toi Libby prison.

DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.Th-- firm ofLEE 8c COWMAN isthls day dis-j solved by mutual c agent. Eitherpartner is nuthu-

rused to use the ua_.o of the firm in liquidation.N. M. LEE,S. :?;. BOW-CAN.

lln rxond, January*2, 1865.

NOI ICE.?Having retired from the -action bu*i-J n< fa, I ro*p< ctfu'ly return ji.j* thanks fur the lib. rul! patronage bestowed upon ih<j bouse during my eun-I section with it, :i>->\ soliiit a corti?uau o* ofthei __ac to Mr. X. ? I. LEE, who will eondue* the b_?.----; nesfi ut the old stnad. 8. M. BOW-LAX.January 2, 1865.-

ThankTulfortbepatnmnge extended to tha latefirm of LEE & _OW_L\X, the subdcrilier will c n-tinuo, ,t' the eld stand, the uciion Lt_j_t'Sa for the! SALE Ol* NEOROES,publicly and privately, andj fcolic?& a L-ontiauation ol the baate from his friendsja"1 tli" puldi . ? ff. 3d. LEEj January :'. 1865. ja 2? U

OISSOLUTION.?The firm of Uc-CARTIIY & MITCHELL is dissolved byI mutual consent. Tl.-: business still be tl ..m.-J by ii.10. Stitchell, to whom claims will be presented.i 1' ther partner w_lreceipt for debts due to the ton-' cern.; It 1). MITCH ELLwill oontinae the business ia, own name, and invitee consignments if lumber:hup and all l;ii,ds or produci, nnd pledges his bet*eser-onsfor the interest ol his employers.JamesC. McCarthy will remain (Urtht; old st<p- ja ii assist in thebut-sess and asks tor i***__flkF~*

of his old frie*. da. JAMKS (. Mf'-V*1"* »j-,2-3t* Ji- t>. MX-v-fIL-h.


3!i - SEMON ?\u25a0: CO,,No. 11l Broad street.Auv person having old-f-ihioncd GILT Il'\Ui nrm.s ml! fa » e_ to bang them to n... ti II Broad btreet. J.i ?* ?|?*

L\f BSSjRS. _CER« & LYON wouldanfjf I Bounce that, baring made arrangementcI with Ma. JOHN BOOKER, with Oreeui dr Hobboa find WilHam X Green.) the lontern --nil -i l:?---} 1:'}? k *\- " ' fe LYON,CENEUAL PHODUCE COMMISSION MKB-I CfiANTS. Tu'.y k<\»; by sm-.-t atteatton, to in-lita cantinaatton of tha patranage so ULcraUv bc-rtewed on thooM conoem. - |«2-6t

i liriLLLAH JV & C. FISHER, MAKU-U FAtTUBEBS OF PEBOUBSION CATS,j LY:>"<HtiUßGj VIUOIMA.? We too maJdnatluiArmy andall sizes of SmartingCAPS, central-firelbil-:iii-d cups, a nqpecka aith-h-, which i- offered ;o

thepublic ia rsrfeaJage lw old COPPEB, BRASSjSSINO, LEAD, or Conlcderatfl money. \u25a0 Agenov for iwile of the aboveCAPS at W. H. MUNSON'S, No.IS.Pearl street, \.i2?)-»?*

IVI lirSKtV?'J'h.. l'r.^.h-riTTiiT"j)T-rtiloiiT ot tic Trmlfrft- Bank tt the Citj ofUicbmonS Eavr declareda dividend <-t FIVE \^'l)

A QUARTER PEROKKT. tor the six mcaths, p*v-oblA in cijr*r.-ri.y. siipjeii to a deduetkmof aao-r-- t» percent, bonus lotfa Stale,learingfivepercent! pay.udet.j th«? nad sn%-r the 2«Loli Januarr_eat. v suti'iyn? ** i '-^****Ai rashiw.; I'-ini-ii...8i !--;:i.. rf n;,! inr»* Oi <ur,. ' 'January !!, i-c".); Y'rt'lfK-<>ri ***} »fV. MONDAY;i 1.1 .' vi« irj .'.!, the *~ tAUgh Pa« <a n r in in aa '; Vn:.. rdid -louvißf at 11 >\u25a0'...-,;L- xii\ bt dUun.-]i tin-i-.M m.vi iuaJi«T 1.0u.-.-. \u25a0*\u25a0. JAM!*- V LEHTLK,; ___.*?-"* T;t.k.t.\-»-:it. ;WIMHIW OLABB, -Thrto Vl~, I -\u25bc T about%wonl\ hy !"itv ; .th:rtv-niii- pane*»nj{. -u,,-s a.^.)U.,j. ,jj ~_....,, ~; .,i..5, t,.? t.yone htHtaiarf »n4Jb-^n-n**etjrht by hm,*»-., P* _0« by 3 M. Civrv.S* & SON, Ihut.^thynrd. ot OILM.LOIII '' 2_!_|b3S?

WANTED.ATTANTED TO , PURCHASE, hy aW (*".".llenian rr?Rtff m the neighb-jrhi;wd of

Biuhmond, forhis own >t*e, two mirtdicr.gfd NE-OROES ->*\u25a0 MAN and WOMAN. On" agood faimhand, and tha othera goed fcouse seraant. Aiply,? JOS] I'll F. LEWIS,

Podt-O?l " I>.naiiment,?:: 2--'"t* Btehmoaa, Virgu_a.

\TrA_f___o, asmart COLOKKD GIRI/,

' from ten to twelve yens old. capab'O ofdoing i bouw w«*k. 8h« will reoarre her foodand clothes end be weil cared tor. Affdy inim-di-ately to Pi*?fa?»r I"'1 (ENIEL, Matdcal Academy,on Grace, above First street, south side.\u25a0 J.i -2-M*"ITTANTED, WRITING or other EM-\V out of offtee hours, by ayoung man in ore- of the Departments?a cittsenofkichmond, and well known in the eon?nunity.?

iU; !>?!? tv c -nven if re»piir< d. Address " KMIXOY-|*-!ENT," through ?«?-t-uL'e \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 j-i 2-'M*

T]|7*ANTED, a PARTNER, in a -roncnlgroceryand eamm??ton bushm_a, One who

!ims influent c and capital. Bast n fere-os given andrequired. Address box 669, and date wherean in-terTtewoan he bad. \ ji -?-t*

\\ TANTLL) TO 11 \RE, ;<n ENGINEER,> V white, 6ee orslare; also, several COLORED

WORKM EN. Apply at the S tsh, Blind, Doer andShoe Last Factorji corner of Seventh and Canalstreets. \\x 2?2t*j ISA A' J. MERCER.\\rANTi:i>, [_IMKDIATE_fY, to ]mi-W * chase or rent a nOUSE, with three' or four

rooms, Ri apleasantpartof thccßy. Address W.,Enquirerofitoe. ja 2?Bt

VITANTKD, TWO F H RNISU R DV\ ROOMS, (adjoining,) for which a libera]

pri c w-,il be pmd. Admire.-. boa M_£. de :;i?-Jt-

ITTANTED, three or fotir good POT-VV TERS; also, omtor two tr-.d CARPEN-TERS. Any person having mch piop?rtyto sellor to hire, will please address ni" at WyllH'sburg,Cbeilotte county, Va. Reference: R-iconk Basker-villc, or Jeter vV Ilanis, Richmond, Va.I have for salea fine thoroughbred STALLION,

Jai kson by imported Flv-by-Niirht. Also, two fineJACKS. ' [de 31?lOf SAME KB BARNES.

\\T"ANTF.D, n reliable young <t mid-W dlo-nged MAN. as SALESMAN; one ac-quainted with ;!...' hardware business preferred.?Mi st refrn n- ?- required.

Ai>.>, wanted, for the ensuing y.-'ir, a first-mteCOOK, WASnER and IRONER, withmit encura-branee. For one that can bring satisfactory testi-monials, a liberal hire will be paid. Inquire at .'1Main street. <Ie 31?5t*

"\TTANTED, irnmediately'J a competentand experienced ACCOUNTANT, who id

exempt from military duty, m-aa . acta n an ! com-tais i *t\ store. Addles. 1, for one week, bojc 169,Ui ' ne nd i . '-?!':\u25a0.-. di '\u25a0\u25a0 I?l ..'

\\f ANTED.?Two gentlemen, employed\ t in Govc-nment offtcep, having fcimed aMESS, are d<"sireus of taking? l a third. The ar-rangements will be found tobe verycomfortableandthe expense mc For further inforn atiou,apply at -Mrs. HORNnn?, _linth street, two squaresb-.-yond Leigh, north side, yellow house, dc 31?3t«_* , _*


Samsbvry, Noam Cabouxa, Dec. 10, 186 L )

1 \TEGROES WANTED.?Thia Depart.| ment wishes to hire,'for the ensuing year,I ' FOUR BLAOKS-HTIIS,


ERS ;for who b will be paid n liberal prko. Theywi'l bewell fed and supplied with good clothing. Thosehaving able-bodied negro men to hire may find it. tetheiradvantage to address

JAMES M. GOODMAN,de 21?lm Captain and Post Quartermaster.

~n_7"A_lTJ_ri ?Wanted, bo- the ont-uinqW y\u25a0\u25a0 :'r - O"StE THOUSAND SLAVE-, to woi'is

on theRichmond and Danvillerailroad, andTHßihHUNDRED SLAVES to woik on the Piedmontrailroad. Api»lytoany agent ofthe roads alone;the line, or at the ofliocs in Richmond and Danville.

CHARLES O. TALCOTT,de 11?lm . Superintendent.E_aminor, Whig and Enquirer, Petersburg Ex-press and'Lynchburg Virginian copy one month.

YJfTAKTED.?I wish to ensyage the sor-V V vice., of a lady as GOVERNESS foi my twodaughters (immediately), who is entirely competentand experiencedin teachingall thevariousbranchesof an English education, Latin. French and Muricon the piano, A pleasant and desirable homei-offered to an applicant, who must be we'd recom-mended. Add:ess tae undersigned, living nearJloucester Courthouse, Virginia, stating terms.

de7?-'taw-'>f W. F. BMJT-C.\TTANTED, a No. 1 BLACKSMITH.?

Oneof proper quaLfications and eharactes<;.i!i find a hirer or pun baser by applying t«> me.RiCILUtD IRBY,

Black's and Whites, Nottoway, Virginia.de 31?6t«

for the ensuing year, an? f OVERSEER on my farm in HenTico. J!..-:t

ol refen nee required. Address boa 1,480, Rii hmondpost-offi c. de 31?Si*-117"ANTED, a PUACTICAL BIAN, not

? y liable to milit try duty, to a->i-t hi the ma-nagement of my Li. miv --.* A pattern-maker,mowlder or finisher preferred; butam-n who isenergetic and sjstematic, without this mechanicalknowl< dge, could lili the poshion.

ASA SNYDER,corner of Cary aval Tenth streets, Richmoild,

de SO?">t*"\T7~W'!'!?:]> a v* l WABHEUVV a»J ttxaiiSM tos a smaß family. MustK?' 11..'.,uimen.'...1. A-i>plv at corner of Fifth anda-rmstreets. [de 30?St*] J. MITCHEL.ITTANTED TO HIRE, for the ensuingtt \ year, two good SERVANTS?one a goodCOOK, WASHER and IRONER; the other, agood HOUSE SERVANT and NURSE. For suchaa wall suit, a liberal hire will b paid. Apply toL. VERBY, N >. 5 Twi Uth street,de 29?6t* between Main and Cary.

IITANTED TO DIKE, for flw ensuingt ? >rar, from SIXTY to SEVENTY NK-OROES,toeuI wood an th. line ofthe VirginiaCentral railroad, near Atlee's -tation. Al>o, m;.

GROE3 for drivis, train kiod.. ?..-., \e. Clothing,rations and medicalattendance Iree of cost.

J. C. ttAYNARD,dje 22- lot ? Majorand Maarternaster.«T ANTED, A CLEEK.-Waated, aVV CLERK at the Mm;,,r Qap Railroad(-hops at Oreenahoro*, Not in Carolina j one nut puh-

jei.t u.'iuih'ny eoio.l iititiaii.d» .;?laf HUGH RICE, Superintendent.

TVTANTED, at the Carbon Tfill CokeTT Mines ia Otis county,a RELIABLE MAN,. competent t(» superintendsteam engines and man-age the \u25a0 urface eperationa.de 21-1Qt JOIIN J. WF.RTH, Agent.

V\7"ANTJ':i), BROOM CORK, &rartdca1 f the liic_eot marketpiie« wii! !»? pai 1EDWARD M.AiiAM,de 20- Ct- Thhtcenth street, ntmti av.

ferr tha Cottfedorate States," ? ateamerFatrick Harry,twelve COIiOREDJWAI'I"EUs. Good pnyand rat.on fu:nv'.,-.'. An-!]>:> on beard, at RotM utts. fa jj-jot4l

j^A_SEiSrSAKK oi VT_SiX.A.---f The gi aeral raeeth t* of :.;.- 5:,,-Lv..,;..-.. bftheEARNERS' BANJi OF VIIK»INL\ will be held

?.iiv-u- UA*XIN< in the city« hi b-ajond,on WEDNESDAY, th-. llthd»s oi J-uivarv.i..0.(. m ? ' !Yh> UwnroTtd«H that aooftaer or .iire...u.r of altaok Bbali heie.-iiter vute a- proxy <f ti -to.k-:ao; U»h*ianychc_aui; diractei oi ofilceroi.it ank,inortdiMil any :-i.«xy be v.ma rhich sbaU hare he«u 'wuttuted Rutty days before ihe timeof elemion,'**'.v.~T yilJ* '* _ \u25a0 ',l-;i '-'??'*'? v -rhler.

/ WOmkoi? ALL l>£Aj tCRIFTIOKSd iv a-U_nealna»<iauddiHßatebion tha earn** ot Tenth arrl Main ntn ate, au k| v.-,*i j-i,l'*i',r iiil' _____J:u i»c<*Ait.OUGAIi.---Twenty-fivi* barrel. »<>i»d iokJ prisn* BROWN SUOAR.for taxis only to re-Uuh-jH tma win utter*.fail-*'- ROBERT HOUOII a CO-



EAi'il-Posta-re ttm »'or tlxi price? oth- jhalf off to thetrad*.


or Xew-Ye.ir'sfW-tttENORAY-VO.

lueuiptiofM on Watehea, llings, Jewelry, fee., inthe best ttyk and on riiorteatnotice.

GEORGE DUNN & CO.,dc "?! -St conn-** Fourteenth and Main.

Tli. PAYNE & CO., Commission Mer-chants and Deatara in Imported Wines, Li- j

Quors, &c., No. 113 Broad street.Pure old Rye Whiskey?Fare ol I Malt Whiekey (Scotch),Pare old Iri-li Whiskey,Pure old French Brandy,Fare old Appl*. Brandy,Pare old Tom Gin,Champagne Wine,Cb#ct Wine,Sherry Wine,Madeira Wine,IK-nic-tic Wine, 'Blackberry Wine,Kditthurg Ale (JfefEries*a),Grape ftnegar,Tpmate Catsup,English Mu-taid,Fickies,Saidines,Toiiet Suapa,Tooth Brnshea,tombs, Bc_woi\u25a0?,Pe_' Koaivea,r.neils Paper,Envelopes &o.Briar-rootPipes,robaceo Pouches (rubber),-bison's Blacking,Bh??ing Brushes,nowe Brushes. do 17?lm

CONTRACTS WILL UE GIVEN AT\y THE RICHMOND ARSENAL for the fol-hj*rin*4 .stores, ot a part thereof. Proposal?,stating terms ive., are invited:£0,000 -vis lu_mti*y Accoutrements, in-

cluding Cartiidge-Bw?, Cartridge-Bos Belt, Waist-Bi it, Cap-Pouch.

80.000 GunSlinf-.H»,iXtO Carbine Slings.5,000 Rabie Belts.7,i*MJO Gun Wipers..'-,'\u25a0\u25a0 0 Ball Screws.

10,00-J t ivah y Sail lies.30.01 0 Biidiesau I i' liters.2-i," \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0? SiiddJ Blanbe.3. * j!.#,«)*' Curry-< ml -. %Ij,lm 0 Horse Brushes.

300,t*Ofl i- \u25a0:.!..: Hor: diocs.30.000 pounds Horse hoe Nails.15.01 0 pairs Spurs.*? l.ic-ii gallons Alcohol._.<»!!o gallons Linneed Oil.I,0i)0 g.Ulons .M.i.-i'.'r-" Oil.

lOO.OtK) feetSeasoned Pine.2n0,000 feet Seasoned Poplar.

5.3,000 fett Seasoned Wahiut,100,0!H) yardsDuck.300,000 yards OsTmburgs.

55,000 feet Seasoned Maple.2"),0O0 feet Seasoned A h.

S,fHK) poun(*s Vi How Olire.The articles are to be equal ineveryrespect tothe

specimens seen at th*- Arsenal. Contractors will berequh*ed to givebond and security tor thefaithfulperform?nee of the contract and for deliverieswithin the time f*peci_ed. All deficiencies will besup'iie-i at the expense of the cmtractor.

W I-. BROUN,Lieuten ant-ColonelCommanding,

de 16?eodlOt 'X\T WIJLDT, No. 153 Broad btreet,V? a begs mo-1 respectfully to calbpublic atten-tion t-> hi-*est-bliahment nnd stock, vhkk willbe found superior to any in the CO~feder«te state-.All the (rreat improvement - in the. constiu< lion oiWigs, Head-Dresses, Bandeaus, Braids, Waterfi-h*,Cataracts, and every s-tjletd ILAIRhaving been introduced by him?particularly bisventilating work, every bur of which is pat inseparately, thus imitating Nature. But,as strange;sare liable to be imposed unpn by the pretended w?;:---maketa which abound arrroug ns, I aWan it mvduty ti» proclaip theirmerits, that no one may bemisled orbe deprived ot hi valuable a bead of Stair.I invite __

to come and judge for themselvesaftervisiting other establishment*.

N. B.?All kinds of HAIR e_eb >n;<d for NEW.The highest price paid for OLD HAl?len-r orabort. de 81?01 *

i?.i m:..M., December "-, l>&k."\TEGROES AUK N< >T ALLOWED TOtl PASS THK rNTEItMEDIATE LINE OFFORTIFICATIONS without a passport from thistill c.

No passport will he Rivelta slave except on tliewritten order of hi:- owner; and if the handwritingof the ownerbe noi well known at the offioa, or at-tested properly, the ownermust apply for theporl in person. This precaution is lendered-neces-sary by ihe frtquent appearance at ihe officeofforged.orders, and will be strictly r»Wrv*d.

J. H. (itRRLNGTOK,de 23 -lm Pfovot>t-?farshaj

H kVT 1 ?:.!\u25a0 \::-.yft***, iQsm ti r SraciaL '

p.,,-?-..-.(., -,'a., Septembi -1% ttti. )JMgyildE.--Fr-rn and oitcr IklONl>A\?*_£_< WE3OP, the 26th instant, the STEA-TEBSCHRAPNEL will leave tho wharf at Rcckettsfor

th(UA.MK.S RTVER SQOADBON daily at 7'o'docsA. .M. and SVdock P. M., Uuching at all the prin-cipul ldndiugs on theriver.

JOHN n. PARKER,se 20?ts Lieatenant in ch:irfi;fi.

tjlOß SALE, PKIVATKLY, lhe1 HOUSEUOLD and RITCIIEN FLkNTiTRE,eojispleu-, of a family, residing on Bird street,between Fourth and i'mh sin ets, and tbe bouse se-cured forany length of time desired by the occu-pants. Tids ia anopportunity to refugees seldompresented, and the prices and terms willbe mole:ate,and time suited to the purchaser. Apply toWILLXA-I h. WENTZUL,Confederate State* Armory, foot or Fifth stnyt,Richmond, Virginia. >?'? :;i?.it*

Jm*AN< ;.S \Ni 11 > \li | \\ S l \] N Xt» A SI)REPAIRED, at moderate prices, in eitv and

country. .Orders left in Mc-. FIRTH'S etore, No.2-bßcoad street; ia Mir: WAGNER'S drugstore,corner ef Sixth and Broad Mrect . and Mr TU. <'('. DREWRY'S rtore, Ko. 173 Main street, will biattend* d to promptly.JOHN BEINHARDT,

'?', __________ Music Teacher andOrganist.KuTK;^:.?Ail narte-i

j bavin- eiaim- against JOIDi JACOB, *-r.. d< -ceased, will present 'hem immediately to the under-signed forsettlement, l; notpresented l.y the 7thof January next, thin wulbe pleadag-.-i-st allsuch claims. J. B. KEKSKK,CALEB JACOB,_de 27?lit* Executors of John Jaoob,deoc&aed.


?Vc> poua<{« BACON.on»eouidgnuicnt and for _de byde:>?:?; w. F. I'liK X, 'Chirt. nth street.

17OR SALK, n \o. 1 pair I'LATFOKJI_. SCALES, Fairbanks* make, in good ardor,weighingfoititr*--! b<ij.dre*il ]» i.,-i- Also,alot-ofGAS PIPE, WDO>OW l-ASil, BUNDS, DOORaand OLA -i ~. « ... at 135Bit . stJeet... d-:to-- '-i IV VJOJ |S

TTOIWK.S i.yK BAl>__~-tseveraJ Brat-?| k olasK SAiiSLR :uid Si \ M'vSS HORI-1.-- 10l :i--i.tr tts;,._abl pri t«. A1.,. BCOGIES, UAR-Av-]y ?\u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0?\u25a0'\u25a0?;'\u25a0' \u25a0 idjoiningMc»n-Iley s Macksmitb -:,...- ~ar- -~»',-; !v t [de«?rfa* !

|>KRrH>NS IIAYIKQ Ifi C)ii.\h-: to be REPAIRED or CJJSANJBD]can iiavr- it dofts hy foaviag their vrd.-.sat thostoccOf Mr. RUSfiRLL W. AUAH, woond door liumthe cosm rof Broad snd Fifth str*Mts de :>l -*>i*ly a »«.\u25a0i-v.iia 1 mi Eighth fjtreeL

u'k** n «»d Grace*tt**t*, a MimotONKt, winch tbe ownercan' pet by npplving totheCity I'oidinaid-r and dtmurilflug the aameandI'.iymefor thi* adwttiseinuit. dc i"?U


-K8 OF FOIK FER CENT* tt-OISTB-HJETti BONDS. ISSUED UNDER Ad OK FEBRUARY17, IB&L?Notice i; be-peby given to holder.-* andowner* of fear per cent, bonds ia<aedunder act of Si binary 17 Ihci. that tfteinb real due(.a tke same to l-t January, 1*53, '.nil be paiAu] on

Ipresentation ot the boni*, -I any l_-w after Irtproximo, to tbe Ireusurer, AmM-b! Treasurera oiPay?fepotttartes named below. Jt. i- impracticableto prepare-in dul *a for ti-- payment ol intere*J onthe* bund-, a* tbe r.nmbcr nnd amount of tkoeemrrendetod in payment id taxes have not!»' en jretascertained. O. A. TULNIfoI.VJ,

Pmndarj of Trea-ury.Treasurer, Rk_ao_d,Virginia.A-d*tant Treasurer, < hailoton, South Carolina.AssistantTreasurer, Mobile,Abbem i.Depositary, Raleigh, North Carolina.lllepoeit?ry, Savannah. Georgia.Depositary, T ill ibWnw r. flerida.Depositary, Mftmrgomerjr.?J ai-.mia.*Depositary, Coluniba*, _uss?aippi.-D.-i.o-it.irv, M.M-.-\u25a0'laii. TrtC-fl de If,?rn«l_m

T?UASVUY DsTAaT? KXT, |RirHMovn, Va.,Kerentber 2-<) 1861. j


CATES OF KTOCK AND COUPON BONDS, issue*}under tbe of August 19, 1861, rede ntable afterthe 1-t day of Janu.M-v, IWH, to present the samefor payment on the SECOND DAY OF JANUARYNEXT, orat any?me thereafter, to theTreasurerof the Confederate States, one of the AssistantTreasurers ef the Confederate States, or a Pay IV-positary of the Confederate States, fends havingbeen phu ed in the hand? oi said a treat- for the pu»«pose r.-f redeeming such stoeh and coupon bond -.No interest will be allowed on *n-b .'lock unci cou-pon borni_ afterJanuary Ist, IW»4.

(.A. TREXHOT.-T,d" 7 cedfui -eeretary of Treasury.

TiiKASI UY I.M-'iMelMl ST, i

Ce.vFi.i'KiiATi: St \i v> .ir ,_mm:i'\, 'llu fiao"*i», November -'?-. 1804. ,'ri"HE HOLDEKH AND OWNKUB OFI COUPON ]:<>M)s'aXl» CERTIFICATKS'OFSTOCK !-ii..l under the at t of August I9th,}*6l,redcenuthle after tho Ist days of January and July,lsi.j, are hereby notified to pre?Sat the same forpayment to the Treasurer, one of the AssistantTk asurera, or a Pay Depositary of Uie Conft derateSfates, funds'having bven placed in the bands ofthose oftleers for th6purpose of redeeming said bondsand -to!:. No interest will be allowed thtrron _terJanuary hr, 1863; <E A. TRKNHOL-I,

dc??eod_m Secretary ofTreasury.

i.A N'KAI. TO ri'!l X PUBLIC?The\u25a0J\ li -;.i! Committeeof Kichmondapperd to the|iui ie fur aid in behalf of the Eaniilu*s of-aoldiennnd refugee* in the i itv.

Kichmond is filledwith refugee* from erery por-tion of the '\u25a0 r_ederacy, many of them the feu_liesol saldi . \u25a0 in lhe fiel_

j.;; ?;:.; -.-__ icgular coutributions oigj:d fuel iree rn< \u25a0' y ?\u25a0 yu»t( ?;.

The S thi'i-n I_tpves3 Company have kindlyagreed to ' p allaitieh \u25a0i w ':-:- ite \:> tin poor,

'ft'i ofc) .-\u25a0 .i? iiitri*rutionsi of. money ihculdbc-\u25a0\u25a0 * ' IT.E.C.

l+Ea : ill, 1 rcc it: r; a»*o '.'I kuj i-Ji i-'I I 1 ?cv i{ nod i" the :1 ii-li-.-." Commits ?\u25a0; Ricbtn .. d,"care of M«*a*>r"«4. Martin & Cnrdozd.? K.Eun-.F I oM.'ii i r-.?-..- ii. ;?'..('. Baskervill, Tren-nirer; William Bell, Dr. W. 11. Owathmey, J. !..Maury, Directors; William tL. L'".o.; :\u25a0:. \u25a0.:-'->\u25a0 . - .:v.;m. ('. G l-;m, .-, W. j'. i "i.-t.ii,ii',r, Uoberl J. Chn.i-tian, LewisD. Citn&hav, J. It. 'ii, _aberla>*ne, W.II Denerson, Dr. J. 11. EJlerson, Colon«?l rhomiuli. Ellis, Oeorge Oibson, Patrick 11. Oibsiin, -i imesGordoD, Bhtekbum Hughes, Abner r. Harvey,Samuel J. Hani- >n, JudareWilliamILLyoi s,Tbos.W. McCance, P. L'axy Nicholas, Samuel M. Pjice,.]. D. iv. s>. : lit, John :c Tv leer, A«a Sny !or, lv.-vi IT. Wiiii ams,Jjfcl U.Watkin#,Wißiani Willla,Jr.

WiLLLVM P. UUNFOR-T,de 9?lm President.

riIHE RICHMONDER ANZFJGER,'_f_ printed in German, offers ;*wt advantages aia; iidverti?ng f"hett, heinsf4he only German news-papernowpublished in Uie Cotifeaeraey,enjoyinw,

\us it cio! -, a I irge circulation among -Oirman citi- 'revs and residi nts.It is theintention of the presenteditorand pro-

prii tor to_*j_iarga tbe *hi et so that i; may, mtbiarespect, compare with the largest Oerman paperpublished in America; and,through its agents, teincireaseitscirculation in the Southern citien; *tnohe eai nestly --iiei! i tiie patronage of the pub?£ i;.behalf of bi> - ntcrprise.Advertisements will be inserted either in Ger-man or En§ lish.

Published at Richmond, Virginia, ilaily :n:dweekly.

Oiiioe on Broad street,between TentA mdElt-renth. v. A. wik-A< **,

fa 12?ts Editorand/Proprietor.


hURO RAILROAD COMPANft who bave, or[-ball have,dividendsdue totbeia :'-i"l uncollected,\u25a0\re hereby notified that all -1 ywnds will be naya-Seonly in the freasury oi Uie ConfeuemteState*, (in wl.'h i: dnrinc war those divi-dends hive been *ntil ;!\u25a0 ? lu-' d ly .A V<\>-ni?ry, 1863, anii aft* tfcitdatoat Uie option of tiucompany in the *«-d Tri --u-y notea or m th" bondsoi Uie Confederate States, valued and paid at theprice paid for Mich bonds by thatCO?lp <i v.

j;v irJer of theBoard of D.;rr*elors.St. V,r. TARKINGTON,

M _j - m i :. ,- -nn r.

jVf UT I C i TO TAX-PAYERS.?Th<X_\ tex-paycrsin tbeTwelfUtCollccUon I:nstrict,composed of tbt iity west of Sixth street, ,*r- :. r. byrii-tsh.-d that those of them who bave heretoforefailedto make daereturn ot then- income and pro-fits for the yearHB3, or hav< failed t<» submit Ulcsame t_ referees in ease et disagreement with theassessors,andwhosl_illcontinue -o to do for tendays from t'-.i- day, and also those who shall fjuito make payment of the same f j twenty days froßthis date, shall be deemed and hei'i to be indefault;and the penaltiesfor blich default irill be enforcedandsaid taxes and penalties eolleeted by distresiforthwith. P. A. WOODS,deli? 2oV Colli ctor for Urn Twelfth District.



To he had of PURCELL, LADD ft i c, aad L.li. THO-I 18, Bio id .trot. Prke, -.' yot box.

de lv '.i*

13-iB THE Ai.'.MV.-l lascis \~\MAM'I'ACTURJItOF SPURS andHITS. KLAftTIO sll'!:--; OOLD, sn.VJER andGILT STARS, tor t!-- r-taib; GILT BARA, fori fj-i an ? Mini lieutenant ; BAiiGRS, for ibeengi-

bi er and ngn il corps, >s.>.Pair>< ul.ir attention L. given te Wt »l: X \1 ADK leORDER for TESTIMONIALS, *v b as SILVERBPURS, GOLD STARS, ftt., kcAddresd Bos ''tt;, Rkhmoud, Virginia...!\u25a0? to- nt*

I\U. BOLDEBTANN, oflice cornet ol/ Marshall a? ; I'hird '.-?'-, -ff- hi ? ,<.. -sion.l ><-. vi ?: for the accenimocboicnoi i.- ii.:...- Iciti/jeuaoi hntited m.-«i. . I

-lediea! advice in thoeAoe,iacUH_aig _tedic-n«, IV'isiN within the corporation, incluJiiv? d. h«

Offioe houn from 9 to 12 A. ?.;., and frans S to/!'? -M da 10 -lm'fVf(*T!< B.?The t.rl.i.rV*. l-i-'-''/

??\i. 'Ana !??\u25a0; a. i ;i \ HUM V. JOS X '? amlflinn i a iuiu'l, uno'.-r Uie l.u.i (»' CIIII?)RKWd j30NK-, being disMlved-by the deathol 1-. L.-Jones, ibe _udcrsiKßi -t hcrebj pvea notice m, ii ;

Indebtedto the lisni to make *M^a***MOt*<t.,\u25a0 ,i it a*iu \u25a0-?\u25a0 »

J. '\u25a0' #Lai ? M

VOT i ' ' «-.? All I \u25a0 !\u25a0.-?:. '\u25a0 i-.-»" ; »X.l ofail ' ' '' ' m '?re : ?>\u25a0\u25a0:-*.: lo pri cbMnu \u25a0«. c???tt!,. llii-Jit, fcli-t 'h.>-,- *_v ..:- ;j,..i, i-.M.i.\ ;.-.~..- -iti! tO Biakf i!',-ti -.:. .. ; .;. ht !§'\u25a0 .ii

,be I ?* at tha ofll ?? of Ai-i * v>i i a >~. «.. -, At- jtosnoy atLav, on &lcvtuth ft >\u25a0<-.. i-Mj'--o Lank >and Mjun *tre«-. WILLIASjEIU-

de V-s ?.' i ».iiti<r ,»f Ann Bum >.M - Sued.\X7ILLIAAi it. r>AVlD.St>Jk;i»i ce»>VV Ufiu.ii iii the t'OM.-iliSlw.WU *slXi_>s, jCv> utrvet,between .huteeothnndVJtm ? -4*t»ets, In<,t*ctiu*tuo(iiMji thvjnlse "\4f»i< « o>jy «?«*<? , .mot,, ions and tut*tf*kie4 yorson t*. and j 1will attend xtiicUy toalt tfi.i«»A ui?l drden*, J *ulwitj- »i porting promptly. a fa I'J?lm \

i OFFICIAL.. ' Jj tkmrlf Drr-Aa-wr.--, ISt\t*s or A.ww\u25a0\u25a0 v, |Kickmoad, Amgusti, ]-?,\u25a0.. »' *


'.wEI-l .MT AND liiKEi .-ROM TANAI -:.'? f< -.i.. i _tilK'..'ii-»n of the tuA to ?* hi g ?- ? ,-....na ~ ..?;,?.-.; E. i-rur.rv 17, !§»M, Ate .Che 'i'reisuryi_ «*_rorlzcd to !-?\u25a0'?....-.-.. . -yamstwo years after tharitill ..' - -, ,i. ;,- ?-: ,t \u25a0\u25a0 ? with the United State* i

not I\u25a0?\u25a0'. Ii ' ?*? My tohi - II'Uff'otftb1 Guwemmatt a« arewillin»r ftn -msm in payment ofthdrdVnmnda. 'I hey n.. ?... nno given a* par, fhougli fre* fro*:-, laaation.Thaattention of pure?a?ng agenwaadd -a g bflc : ofthe Qovarnment is '-ailed i j *.':.?-

j:publics .unties as ot!erina pecanar adv :v ..'jo those frona-whoru the supj lie* of she Qon n nir; bought ; *x\x*% to faeiUtate the urn* of tin m, \u25a0 \u25a0 tiJrawnby disbursing o_lecis anon the de*holding thee funds, _ad'marked a?toes tL«* f ?\u25a0»"payable iv eeetifteatt?«of indebtednaM*," will lap?ld in conformity then with.I Dope rtai?*aan*hereby authorised md '?'. r |! u> comply with thu rvg?latinn, onel tonMke ap* .-.! __ente theRegister for supphes ol nortiffc - j

| rr-a-red. [Signed] O. A. TBENIIOLM,\ 2?ti ? Secrete) rofTn - u-y.

j_ _ _


_Ikf. »cp v j ixTAmkm r, i

OtKnasnn Srai re « r Annarc?,Ru__aond, Va, August MM, I ? -l. J


At'i'kOVLD JEN!-: IS, ISOI, AUTHORIZINGOWNETOOV Tfal-TrIBRD EIGHT IV.III RNT.BONDS, ISbUKD I NDEttTHK MtOYISIONSOPHIE ACT ATTROVED MAT !'-, I~*»1 TO i X-CHANGE TIES t-'AMK FOR COUFOH HONDA. «,Parties ownrng newt-red eight *, n ecnl nditrodiTthead ot May IA, IBAt, de drhig to«>« hanrethem for coupon bonda, will a_dgn them, m lh«manner pointed oul in Ihe \<i intod (tyhttrp ?*\u25a0\u25a0 nt onthe to?_ of the oertiftcate, to tl >\u25a0 "Oonft'deTateStates oi Ameri?i, in eaihange for conpyn bor .-.''md cause them L" b« pre enttd te the to".- terolthe Treasury Deps.rtm<-ut, irfto wiU th'i/o \u25a0 v.. \u25a0.-,

comphanci with the provi.*io*l" of ihe ::? t of JuneIS, i soi, is»*ue o upon bond* for rv.e. amount rpe< ±-. jin Lhe bond.-; so uwagncd.

O. A. TRENIIOLM,j i, * ? i Secretary ol theTreii ury.

'J Xl »-<::% 1): r .11 41 *\u25a0 i, .Conr?ona vr_ . . \.y< oi Aai sti \,

RiCK-o: >~ Oct * f 12, li 61. .\u2666VrnN-TA X \ B i.X BONDS, FIVE: |3l HUNDRED-MILLION LOAN. SALE CON.

I IMNUEI* ?Nun rroua h in*I m Lefov bonds at _i \u25a0-? . .' . bun-j Ind and tliii :y-- -'-o \u25a0' ;; \u25a0 m«l ml rest»na r eir«! \u25a0 umsiani es th.-itentitle them to 1 : i ;-;-.I ttioh, it has been del rnuned tocontinue tbe sale'it t'. a' ye price .: til fuithei no!k i .j Agents forthb sale ol Iht-rc Ror !- are Inatract/ I

to ?'\u25a0 '-\u25a0'--!-.: \u25a0 .---'J.ia.-.- nith thisorder; ai Ith tl i«| tion of iw! ?!-;?-\u25a0 :\u25a0 ! I U . - : -. | . ;-j *.icularlyi died to it. I . , ' ! ;

j.: ? \u25a0-\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0?\u25a0'

Tl ;. \u25a0 .;- ?'.-.\u25a0\u25a0Cosrisoft »" t. .- > : .'..'? J? \u25a0 » ti

i f OANSOSfTIIE ? >K< ! ; I 'Ij li\ ] UNj RED .'.-;:.;\u25a0 i i\ J--.VT. N'rN-I'AXAELE BONDS, */' I! »EN 1..\ ITI SECTION OF 'ii. ;- ' I1 A «...-I \u25a0?;.?. .:s >.n e.ul will be ran'i\*t I'; \ 11ia-ta-M-r in this ?'* , AsnUtant Preaßi era nbar_*!>ion and Moldle, and ?. ? . \u25a0 -v*il oil :?:\u25a0 ;\u25a0;, Raleigh, Colurabia, / i u*\ S .-. : -uahf_ul?tortgonury, andciai ! .-

fer the same, bear?iginteTCst it t-i» rat. cf ? *;i raent. per anniun. and secure . by '!\u25a0?\u25a0 hyp<.f an amount pi th? above bon \*\ I tot *araof these leans. The bond: to ho \u25a0 *. apartTreasurer, and tho pre ' - '.- n ld,app,hedi_-_usively to thepayn- nt oi the said ?\u25a0\u25a0.::

The security and c i **. ?..-.-. - at!->rted te ;andother corporattona,andtothe ; üblic :?? :.-by this J?ode oi t rnporary inveu rnt, and-ifeet of the measure, il generally opted, vi \u25a0-? ?--.eg t/e currency within ra wieratel mil ,»: . \u25a0-; iwill commend Hi to thofcivoiabh** i ? tatk D .i*o6_?nu_ity and secure thi i-proi ?'. «" -oj en * icarrying ii into e_Sict. O. A. 'liRKNHOI 'ja-?ts S- reterj .t :: \u25a0 ,

'.! ;'."?.si\u25a0«\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0? ]l, :?»' tmv:,\u25a0Cot-'rEOERATr. BtiTl! r'AIJM I 'Bi : _.:?:. ruly 2 . !^:'E .'

rpAXED TREABi htn.£ il-'i to promote, as far i? t_ ti \u25a0' -.

liquidationhyOieTrea.«oaryi theOUTST- -: '<TAXED NOTES, the Trcaiurcr, A si tantcer, _ndFayDepositaru ia h< differtr.l \u25a0?, a*hereby author?;ed to receive the said rob ?- \u25a0the 3'> ;; -'notes, at -.:':' perici turn, on c \u25a0

?tg for ?_na ec r_ficate . \u25a0 loan, nnon byj -: - -tion of _bn-tus able b i I-. The said ccnbe payable on demand ater theexptratnmv rumlays.

AndaUagents for thi i leof the above1 ihereby authorised I) relu 1 s tha t:ix-.-l no i, wit":the exceptionabove nvnei, in aayme?t : :>?*..\u25a0\u25a0hen smni ut the rateJf c,: ' pir oentum.p r*. A. ': RENIIOLM,

i'_'?- ts f. Secretaryof theTrtw T.____ _f__.

| 1 ". I. - l !-V in V >. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I>e s r, ,Com !.:.\u25a0; \/i Stati i-i A ?-. i. .\u25a0? ?-.

Rid noan, !' \u25a0\u25a0 mix c <'. I 1.1 *rp) lIOLT)EfcB OF FIVE I EI. crNTi_ CALLCRR** ..'-.? ..ii .. ,fully < die I' i ? i.-/i \u25a0.. ; :.- of th ninth ?? :the act of Con?-**,"entitled n;>. act t» ;? ;.-\u25a0

i art-ax y, kc, f -..-...1 .i .bni ,- 17. I -... ?.-dt*clarcfl Owl "* jt-jll ceitifl atea l_dl be fqble, and I ;.'. hj'

_>1 in all «*_* edfor the 'I i' imJ) noU into v.*"* h th

The fourth I ?.:?.-; of mid ait in- ?oj'e !.;a:dr i:i cent, on Uie Tie i mry i?-:? r. -.-\u25a0;.'\u25a0 il by Kaiau ; i - ?!.\u25a0'. :.'-.\u25a0,shall n ii.. in J i tai lis *onth* ;ir l day ol I auary,. '.'\u25a0?? ii ?'?'"?'*''- I and -\u25a0 sty-fii?-. ?

O. A. TRr_fiu»LM,de7?tlstp Secretary ol tbeTrea in

i:> ? : I I i !| >\u25a0 v! mRMT,,(. mt.\u25a0> ? \::. SrAi ur An se \.f i.;. m mi, Novon ;er 11, 1861. I

rpRE*t:RY NOTES OF '1 it. 01 DI I-.-B :-i -' - - - ry fa< it* ?

tStotfatlmthi holders of th note B- the exupage ;'? r mw, :? i ';'.. ur< -. A iTrcasuAi and Pay b»pi ttai ;>. |taries *m :>. duty h.: '.. n hither!' [xm led to !.. :?ii.«', ->r/i : .\u25a0 uuthorit' Iton ivc I iexebam .iho c uot sup* li< Lv th fun aiigister Jfc> i...i...- ,-; lb( d« po itoj -,receioiler. J for, and :l-l ?\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-.? :;.-.- ;day afauu ry, 1 *ft.i, imli 'i;.. -i".-i\ I: nd re -? ten -i ->. *l .\u25a0 I i -.?- mfc . \u25a0 ? \u25a0 ito '«'!??\u25a0 n*l u( Ri _m a i, witl - ? »py \u25a0?: U<rogi-pr, tnd new !--?..-:?., th< :..--.- ul of Urn dt-- "'- It* ?- ?\u25a0 trj- in j- turn. "'!f" A--' ??.".' Tii l-iir. ?? .--,: li*;,--,hif iUbtrui Ulto i. |>i b! li -..

<.. A. TKKNJIOf.Jf,W j "?' ;*;" '? I rrj ,i :, .:.. , ~

" ''?»!?.:i*i Dl ;\u25a0 n.( >: :. ,I Co -; si\u25a0\u25ba?>... Pi ii . '.\ . . |~, ~I Rn i:«h ?.i - ? ombei I- 'L[] ;vi;\.T!i !LI » ti; BA SI R \I NOll ». i., c n .\u25a0\u25a0-.<; \u25a0I \u25a0 fgt

I' ?\u25a0 ?! . -t i- ..? :, ;\u25a0-

I:: r day ot J inu'uv, pranm un ?:

"\u25a0\u25a0."? '' \u25a0? ?'"? .ivtvatl W;'lri '-? ithei.-for, v.-h: h wijl Ut. .. .h - ?

-'- ? ! .v::.,.- thiitV ? .r-after : ; \u25a0..Jau i.','- "\u25a0. \ a \u25a0.».,.. nj. .....- '\u25a0' '?\u25a0'? 'J in ", ! ." r..-- ''\u25a0 ,'..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 er J inuan wnd n . ,-': . ? 'surer, 2\ . i:-Jil '!'.. an .-.,)....

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