Wal-Mart Organizational Technology Presentation Wal-Mart is considered as the king of retail in the United States. Changes in technology occur everyday

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Page 1: Wal-Mart Organizational Technology Presentation Wal-Mart is considered as the king of retail in the United States. Changes in technology occur everyday
Page 2: Wal-Mart Organizational Technology Presentation Wal-Mart is considered as the king of retail in the United States. Changes in technology occur everyday

Wal-Mart Organizational Technology Presentation

• Wal-Mart is considered as the king of retail in the United States.

• Changes in technology occur everyday.

• Wal-Mart is a global organization. • Technology is a developing field. • Technology is essential in the 21st century. • Wal-Mart utilizes technology at its at maximum performance.

Page 3: Wal-Mart Organizational Technology Presentation Wal-Mart is considered as the king of retail in the United States. Changes in technology occur everyday

OVERVIEW• Wal-Mart’s first store was opened in Arkansas in 1962.

• Wal-Mart has become a household name.

• Samuel Walton and his brother JL were the brains behind Wal-Mart.

• After 20 years, Wal-Mart became the world’s largest retailer.

• Wal-Mart began its global operations in 1991.

• Presently, Wal-Mart extends college scholarships for high school students.

Page 4: Wal-Mart Organizational Technology Presentation Wal-Mart is considered as the king of retail in the United States. Changes in technology occur everyday

Current Technology Assessment

• Cell phones, iPads and computers gained relevance.

• Technology is important in sustaining a business.

• Wal-Mart boasts an innovative technology department.

• Wal-Mart’s 2,000 worldwide locations are connected through technology.

• Wal-Mart is a pioneer in the area of technology.

• It was Wal-Mart that introduced the universal bar code.

Page 5: Wal-Mart Organizational Technology Presentation Wal-Mart is considered as the king of retail in the United States. Changes in technology occur everyday

Current Technology Assessment

• The suppliers of Wal-Mart are part of the Retail Link.

• The link is a website that can be accessed by all the departments in the company.

• Business-to-business (B2B) commerce is essential to Wal-Mart.

• Oracle and Hewlett Packard are Wal-Mart’s partners in the technology area.

• Wal-Mart also sells goods via B2C e-commerce.

• Wal-Mart’s management ability is typified in various technological areas.

Page 6: Wal-Mart Organizational Technology Presentation Wal-Mart is considered as the king of retail in the United States. Changes in technology occur everyday

Value Chain Analysis

• Wal-Mart’s value chain is a combination of operational effectiveness and strategy.

• Wal-Mart’s value chain aims for a system of technology and processes.

• Wal-Mart utilizes the technology of data mining and product placement.

• Wal-Mart likewise uses Radio Frequency Identification or RFID.

• Technology allows Wal-Mart to gather customer purchase data.

• Wal-Mart pulls data together to monitor inventory levels.

Page 7: Wal-Mart Organizational Technology Presentation Wal-Mart is considered as the king of retail in the United States. Changes in technology occur everyday

Value Chain Analysis• Data gathered at the checkout counters suggests trends in purchase patterns.

• Collected data is used by suppliers to evaluate inventory levels.

• RFID chips are placed in outgoing pallets by suppliers.

• RFID tagging allows products to be tracked from the suppliers to the stores.

• RFID tagging ensures that inventory is in its proper location.

• Wal-Mart monitors and matches the advertising initiatives of competitors.

Page 8: Wal-Mart Organizational Technology Presentation Wal-Mart is considered as the king of retail in the United States. Changes in technology occur everyday

MANAGING CHANGE• Technologies and economic pressures influence organizational change.

• The success of change is determined by its effectiveness.

• The direction of change is set and inspired by management.

• Identification and planning are essential in change management.

• Change necessitates management to render commitment, resources and time.

• Communication throughout the organization is vital in keeping everyone well-informed.

Page 9: Wal-Mart Organizational Technology Presentation Wal-Mart is considered as the king of retail in the United States. Changes in technology occur everyday

MANAGING CHANGES• Managers are compelled to support corporate changes during sudden changes in technology.

• Change management involves listening to employee concerns and supporting them through change.

• Incentives are offered to increase involvement in change.

• Change can be measured through different stages.

• Change and customer satisfaction are driven by improvement.

• Feedback from customers and employees contribute to the success of change.

Page 10: Wal-Mart Organizational Technology Presentation Wal-Mart is considered as the king of retail in the United States. Changes in technology occur everyday

Social Contract• A social contract is agreement between the people and the government.

• The scope of Wal-Mart’s social responsibility includes the environment and social views.

• Social responsibility originates at the top management level.

• Social responsibility ends with low- level employees.

• Wal-Mart decreased the amount of its environmental waste Between 2005-2011.

• Technology such as bio-fuel plants,solar and wind power were vital in Wal-Mart’s environmental waste reduction.

Page 11: Wal-Mart Organizational Technology Presentation Wal-Mart is considered as the king of retail in the United States. Changes in technology occur everyday

Social Contract

• Wal-Mart’s privacy policy is made accessible to the public.

• Wal-Mart collects information from available sources.

• Through training, Wal-Mart develops ethically sound employees.

• Wal-Mart’s training creates a work environment that is free of hostility.

• The new technology training program was implemented by Wal-Mart’s Sr. V.P. of HR, Coleman Peterson.

• Computer-based Learning or CBL promotes job satisfaction among employees.

Page 12: Wal-Mart Organizational Technology Presentation Wal-Mart is considered as the king of retail in the United States. Changes in technology occur everyday

Global Issues

• Global issues sometimes hinder labor, culture and technological advancement.

• Foreign laws make businesses expansion opportunities more complex.

• Wal-Mart makes sure that vendors comply with the labor laws of their country.

• Wal-Mart never accepts products of forced labor, prison labor or child labor.

• Auditors keep an eye on Wal-Mart’s vendors auditors.

• The auditors use technology in the form of smart phones and live video to watch over vendors.

Page 13: Wal-Mart Organizational Technology Presentation Wal-Mart is considered as the king of retail in the United States. Changes in technology occur everyday

Conclusion• Technology has been vital in Wal-Mart’s success.

• The satisfaction level of Wal-Mart’s customers remain on the rise in the 21st century.

• Credit card machines at Wal-Mart prompt customers survey questions.

• Two question prompts appear in the screen window when a customer swipes a card.

• Wal-Mart’s CEO exerts effort to enhance the company’s customer satisfaction rate.

• Wal-Mart implemented the customer service improvement in 3,500 stores in the United States.

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• Wal-Mart Organizational Plan was the focus of this presentation’s discussion.

• Overview

• Current Technology Assessment

• Value Chain Analysis

• Change Management

• Social Contract

• Global Issues

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References Wal-Mart Stores. (International Directory of Company Histories, Vol. 63, St. James Press, 2004). Retrieved from www. Fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/ WalMart-Stores-Inc-Company-History Wal-Mart Stores. (March 24, 2011). Walmart Privacy Policy. Retrieved from http://walmartstores.com/PrivacySecurity/ 9243.aspx Wal-Mart Watch. (2010). Wal-Mart's Global Labor Violations. Retrieved from http://walmartwatch.com/wp- content/blogs.dir/2/files/pdf/global_labor_violations.pdf Weiss, D. (2011). Opening in a Foreign Country; be Careful. Retrieved from http://www.globalhrnews.com/story.asp?sid=158 Wilbert, C. How Wal-Mart Works. Retrieved from www.money.howstuffworks.com/wal-mart.htm.