Wake Your Mind. Summer 2012

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Wake your MIND has existed for several years as a magazine for poets, artists, story-tellers and thinkers who for whatever reason feel excluded from mainstream publications.

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Wake your MIND Summer



What is the next STEP:

a theoretical overview of Marxism and Anarchism.

‘The world political situation as a whole is chiefly characterised

by a historical crisis in the leadership of the proletariat. The economic

prerequisite for the proletarian revolution has already been achieved.

…the bourgeoisie sees no way out’ 1

Trotsky wrote these words in an epoch very similar to the present. The world was deep in

economic recession, the banks crumpling, the bourgeoisie trembling but the masses not

making that next step to fulfil its world historical task and overthrow the rotting system

which had created the objective conditions for its own demise. For:

‘What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own

grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally


So what is the most effective method in realizing the overthrow of capitalism? Two main

traditions have existed in the consciousness of the advanced strata of the proletariat which

will be generalized to the broad mass of the oppressed in a revolutionary situation: Marxism

and Anarchism. There has developed a division between Marxists and anarchists which is

often characterized by ‘voluntarism’ verses ‘socialism’, this is however to misunderstand the

1 Leon Trotsky, (1938) The Death Agony of Capitalism and the tasks of the Fourth International.

2 Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, (1848) Manifesto of the Communist Party.

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divide. Indeed the leading thinker of modern anarchism, Mikhail Bakunin like Karl Marx

supported the Paris Commune of 1871, the first time in history the working class had

overthrown the state machinery of the bourgeoisie and created a workers’ system. A

significant modern libertarian thinker Noam Chomsky has commented:

‘The consistent anarchist…will be a socialist, but a socialist of a particular

sort; a libertarian socialist.’3

Although communists and anarchists aspire to a final goal which is a classless society without

a state because the state apparatus is an instrument of class domination there are genuine

methodological differences. These differences are routinely suggested to be firstly, the need

of the ‘autonomists’ to ‘rescue’ Marx from Lenin and a second argument as made by

Marshall4 ‘ of a ‘prophetic’ claim by Bakunin that Marx was ‘an advocate of state

communism’ that was ‘vindicated by the verdict of history’ as ‘Stalinism’. Unlike other

forms of Marxism, autonomist Marxism emphasises the ability of the working class to force

changes to the organization of the capitalist system independent of the state, trade unions or

political parties. Therefore they are centred instead on self-organized action outside of the

traditional organizational structures of the proletariat with a focus on particularly

‘abstentionism from work’ and ‘direct action’. Hence Herbert Marcuse argued:

‘Socialist solidarity is ‘’autonomy”, self-determination begins at home,

3 Noam Chomsky: (1970) “Introduction”, in Daniel Guérin, Anarchism (Monthly Review).

4 Peter Marshall, (2008) Demanding the Impossible: a History of Anarchist Thought.

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and that is with every I and the We whom I choose.’5

The autonomists are therefore not ‘rescuing’ Marx from Bolshevik theoretical errors, but

instead confusing the collective power of the proletariat with bourgeois individualism, an

argument which is symptomatic of some Liberal commentators. Here is the source of the

methodological problems; the autonomists or the Bakuninists do not have a coherent Marxist

analysis of the human situation and condition. But rather they stray into seeking solutions like

a lumpenproetariat ‘refusal to work’ as a tool of social transformation or the petty-bourgeois

deviationism of ‘propaganda by deed’ as argued for by Bakunin. George Woodcock in his

major work on Anarchism reflected:

‘No conception of anarchism is further from the truth

than that which regards it as an extreme form of democracy. Democracy

advocates the sovereignty of the people .Anarchism advocates the sovereignty

of the individual.’6

This cult of the atomised individual who is alienated and mute or as a revolutionary who

commits acts of individual violence as opposed to the working class in a dialectical

relationship with the vanguard party. Nevertheless the most advanced theoretician of

vanguardism, Lenin, argued:

‘We do not differ from the anarchists on the question on

5 Herbert Marcuse quoted in Luke Cooper (2011) ‘The problem of autonomism’

6 George Woodcock (1962) Anarchism.

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the abolition of the state.’7

So where do anarchists stand today on the questions of the relationship of theory and

practice, class and party. One of their most advanced thinkers, David Graeber, argues

consistently against organisation when he writes:

‘The very notion of direct action, with its rejection of a politics

which appeal to governments to modify their behaviour, in

favour of physical intervention against state power in a form

that itself prefigures an alternation – all emerges from the

libertarian tradition.’8

Extrapolating from this perspective all manifestations of ‘direct action’ are a sort of new

society incarnate, but as Alex Callinicos said ‘the state will not leave us alone’.

Revolutionaries cannot simply ‘dream’ that practice by practice alone without challenging the

institutions of capitalism will create a communistic society. This is not simply a question of

exegesis because the state is a body of armed people. Leon Trotsky encapsulated the problem

with sharp clarity:

‘To renounce the conquest of power is voluntarily to leave

the power with those who wield it, the exploiters.’9

7 V.I. Lenin (1917) The State and Revolution.

8 David Graeber (2002) The New Anarchists.

9 Leon Trotsky (1973) The Spanish Revolution.

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Therefore two questions remain a) how do we organize and b) can the state evaporate as a

result of embryonic ‘free zones’ of one kind of or another created by counter-cultures or

‘direct action’. The former is a debate which has its origins in the collapse of the First

International, the debate between Marx and Bakunin and its ramifications and the second in a

debate which is current in the anti-capitalist movement around ‘horizontalism’ and

‘verticalism’ which is a term which misconstrues the nature of the revolutionary party.

Firstly the controversy between Marx and Bakunin must be understood as their

conflicting perspectives on the State. Significantly Marx saw the state was not inherently bad,

but could be utilised by the proletariat in a transitional period between capitalism and a

mature communist society which would be without class or state. He called this intermediate

phase ‘the dictatorship of the proletariat’, what has become known as a ‘workers’ state’.

György Lukács argued that this period was one of ‘non-government’ by which he meant that

the state was in the possession of the majority and only in a position of rule or ‘government’

over the minority, the bourgeoisie. Marx envisaged that the proletariat would use the state

apparatus to crush their oppressors; but that once this had been accomplished it would

become redundant:

‘To achieve its liberation it employs means which will be

discarded after its liberation. ’ 10

Simply because once the masses control the ‘means of production’ through workers

committees or as they were known in Russia as ‘soviets’ private property in the context of


Karl Marl (1875) Conspectus of Bakunin’s State and Anarchy.

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commodity production will cease. The requirement for an instrument of class domination

will evaporate as production will not be driven by the need to accumulate profit and reinvest

it endlessly ‘accumulation for the sake of accumulation’ (Marx) but the needs of human

beings and therefore their environment. Communism is the ‘withering away of the state’

(Engels) in the context of ‘direct democracy’ where production is planned for human need

not driven by the insatiable drive to reproduce ‘Capital’. Hence we can see the Marx did not

believe human nature was ‘fixed’ but was the product of its socio-economic relations and

therefore in a process of mutability. For Marx:

‘The production of ideas, of conceptions, of consciousness, is

at first interwoven with the material activity and material intercourse

of men, the language of real life.’11

There is a material and social base of consciousness and it necessarily changes as this base

does. Our consciousness, in the last instant, is a ‘reflex’ of socio-economic forces.

Here is the major philosophical difference with Bakunin who believed that there was a

fixed ‘human nature’ which we must reconnect with:

‘Man is himself nothing but nature…nature envelopes, permeates

constitutes his whole existence.’12


Karl Marx (1844) The German Ideology.

12 Mikhail Bakunin (1973) Bakunin on Anarchy.

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Therefore for Bakunin human nature is not the product of social and economic forces, but in

a tradition which has been seen as emanating from Taoism by some anarchists. Marshall

quotes Chuang Tzu:

‘Horses live on dry land, eat grass and drink water. When pleased,

they rub their necks together. When angry, they turn round and kick

up their heels at each other. Thus far only do their natural dispositions

carry them. But bridled and bitted, with a plate of metal on their foreheads,

they learn to cast vicious looks, to turn the head to bite, to resist, to get the

bit out of the mouth or the bridle into it. And thus their natures become

depraved.’ 13

For horses substitute human beings, thus humanity has somehow became separated from its

true nature, its ‘moral law’ has been corrupted by the State. Therefore Bakunin argues:

‘I speak of the justice which is based solely upon human conscience…

which translates into simple equality.’

- ibid.

These positions are quite different. Marx understands humans as beings who change and

evolve through an objective material process, one of dialectical contradictions, qualitative

leaps which manifest themselves as revolutions. Bakunin rather perceives Humanity in need


Peter Marshall (2008) Demanding the Impossible: a History of Anarchist Thought.

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of a return to a utopian ‘nature’, which can only be attained through insurrection triggered by

individual acts of revolutionary violence.

We can see, therefore, that different philosophical positions informed the political

differences which separated the Marxists from anarchists in their formative period. These

profound disagreements create organisational problems. Today anarchists and autonomists

reject organization in favour of ‘networks’ of individuals who coalesce around social ‘issues’

, this has been renamed ‘horizontalism’. In these quarters there is an antipathy towards the

Marxist-Leninist tradition where there is a relationship between cadres of committed

revolutionaries who are organized in a vanguard Party which intervenes in the class struggle

with the working class and has a democratic dialectical relationship with that class. Tony

Cliff argues from a neo-Trotskyist 14

perspective that:

‘The revolutionary party must conduct a dialogue with

the workers outside it. [It] should not invent tactics out of

thin air, but put as its first duty to learn from the experience

of the mass movement and then generalise from it… Marxists

[should] give a conscious expression to the instinctive drive of


Orthodox Trotskyists apply Trotsky’s ‘method’ rather than a literal interpretation to the present material

conditions of capitalism while neo- Trotskyists claim to have developed that methodology intrinsically beyond

Trotsky’s original theoretical positions, some of which they consider to be flawed. Tony Cliff is the best known

proponent of neo-Trotskyism, but some Marxists would argue that his tendency has vacillated on a number of central

questions of theory.

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the working class to reorganise society on a socialist basis.’15

Cliff’s earlier ambivalent relationship with Leninism can be seen in his 1959, Rosa


‘For Marxists, in the advanced industrial countries, Lenin’s original position

can such less serve as a guide than Rosa Luxemburg's, notwithstanding her

overstatement on the question of spontaneity.’16

But Lenin presents us with an argument which is more cogent than this when he maintains:

‘Class political consciousness can be brought to the workers only from without,

that is, only from outside the economic struggle, from outside the sphere of

relations between workers and employers. The sphere from which alone it is

possible to obtain this knowledge is the sphere of relationships of all classes and

strata to the state and the government, the sphere of the interrelations between all


Without politically conscious intervention by a revolutionary cadre workers’ struggles will be

merely economic. We can clearly understand that Lenin is arguing for a method of

organisation which is quite complex. There are anarchist currents and spontaneity within the


Tony Cliff (1996) Trotsky on Substitutionism.

16 Tony Cliff (1959 ed) Rosa Luxemburg.

17 Lenin (1902) What Is To Be Done?

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proletariat but the masses must be politically organised. This is the dialectic of class and

party, spontaneity and organization. Lenin describes the nature of this dialectical process

with the clarity of a revolutionary imbued by scientific socialism his ideas are an example of

Marxian praxis’18


‘A development that repeats, as it were, stages that have already

been passed, but repeats them in a different way, on a higher basis

(“the negation of the negation”), a development, so to speak, that proceeds

in spirals, not in a straight line; a development by leaps, catastrophes, and

revolutions; “breaks in continuity”; the transformation of quantity into quality;

inner impulses towards development, imparted by the contradiction and

conflict of the various forces and tendencies acting on a given body, or within

a given phenomenon, or within a given society; the interdependence and the

closest and indissoluble connection between all aspects of any phenomenon

(history constantly revealing ever new aspects), a connection that provides a

uniform, and universal process of motion, one that follows definite laws —


György Lukács argued the task of political organization is to establish revolutionary discipline over

everyday political praxis in terms of the best form of mediation suited to make clear the interactions between theory

and practice.

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these are some of the features of dialectics as a doctrine of development that

is richer than the conventional one.’19

Hence all socialists in the tradition of Marx, Lenin and Trotsky while debating questions

within that tradition reject autonomism and anarchism philosophically and organizationally

agreeing with Alexandra Kollontai that:

‘It is only in revolutionary struggle against the capitalists of every

country, and only in union with the working women and men of the whole

world, that we will achieve a new and brighter future-the socialist

brotherhood of the workers.’20

- N. S. Pearce. June 2012.


Lenin (1972) Collected Works vol 38 Philosophical Notebooks.

20 Alexandra Kollontai (1917) Our Tasks.

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Bright Future?

Times are changing, for me and many it seems. A tough but exciting

year so far. So many possibilities lay ahead of us, yet this daunting

but empowering Realisation washes over me, in the knowledge that

we as Humanity, are All Collectively Responsible for Creating Our

Future, here on Earth and maybe beyond.

Yet, what cycles and conditions keep us trapped in the past? What

are we now carrying that does not serve us and the World? A new

Future lay’s ahead of us, if only we can break out and move on, from

the old patterns that trap us within the History of Humanities

Shadow. This insight lays bare many possibilities, and opens the door

to a possible very bright future.

Where is Humanity Heading? Are we Progressing and moving

forward as a whole? Human Rights and Awareness of the

Environment and Animals are reported to have Drastically increased

throughout the World, especially over the past one hundred years. Is

this a sign that we are moving into a new age? Can we as a species

do enough to lessen our impact towards Our planet, before we

damage it too much?

A Great increase in awareness is certainly happening, with the

coming of the internet and global media. Technology is advancing at

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an alarming rate, yet is Humanity ready, to be responsible and just

with the power and influence that all these advances bring?

- I hope so.

But positively, I feel a great new energy and new optimism

developing within people, with the recession and the banking

collapse, people seem to be really for the first time in the

mainstream, to be really assessing the Ethics, Sustainability, Purpose

and reliability of the banking system as a whole, and seem to be in

fact, questioning more the relevance of Capitalism in this modern

day World. Will we start seeing a more advanced, just and

sustainable means of trade developing, such as something like

Conscious Capitalism?

- If there can be such a thing.

Yet the global companies and governments can no longer escape

transparency, to a much greater degree, and capitalism is being

forced to recognise the unsustainability of its Nature. Like many

things, we don’t quite understand what we have until it is gone, or

until we realise its full value by recognising its possible demise. Our

Earth has such Great Value, way beyond any price tag, and the

acknowledgement of a possible Environmental collapse, is helping us

to re-gain our appreciation and value for it, and re-structure our

societies and the way we live, to fit into a more stable and

Environmental Aware lifestyle. I feel the same is happening with our

social Ethics and our attitudes towards Animal rights and their


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People tend to be educating themselves much more, and are

becoming more acutely aware and acting upon their information of

issues such as child and slave labour, - fair-trade and organic.

Concerning the animal issue, Free-range eggs are for the first time in

recent history, predicted to out-sell battery eggs in the UK, this is one

small step towards a more Compassionate World, and in my feeling,

we are entering a Great New Age, where people are much more

informed and Conscious of the World we live in, and are more ready

to think outside of the box from Humanities Conditioned past.

Is Our Future looking Bright?

I very well think so.


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A Marriage Made In Heaven

(By Nix Catchpole)

A cool gentle breeze caressed the lovers’ faces as they gazed into each other’s eyes. He

paused as his heart sang. His eyes were filled with tears which caused him to whisper

these words of love, “With you yesterday is but today’s precious memories and

tomorrow is today’s glorious dream and just as God opens the most beautiful flower in

all of its endless beauty on every new day without forcing its buds, I’m ready with an

outstretched hand to guide you through the winding road of the deepest and purest

love and understanding, that leads into happiness. With you my love, happiness can only

be in the eternal.”

As their hands met the sun spilled its glowing glory upon them. Hand in hand they

walked on a narrow pathway in the rainforest. There was the fresh scent of soil as the

heat evaporated the water from the rainfall. There was the sound of hissing as the

steam rose, whilst the living creatures and birds of the sky sang and played merrily

amongst the brightly coloured tropical flowers and vegetation. The soothing sound of

water ran and as there arrived to an opening in the trees, the heat of the sun shone

upon their backs and glistened upon the crystal clear blue waters. As the sun began to

set, a flash of lightening lit the sky and a narrow river flowed from the throne of God to

form a beautiful waterfall. There was another flash of lightening that re-lit the sky and a

glorious rainbow was painted. Splashes of colour fell from the rainbow into the water,

which then formed a little rare and precious stoned pathway made of coloured crystals

and priceless rare and precious gems. Hand in hand they hopped from stone to stone on

this coloured pathway to this waterfall.

Fear entered the couple’s hearts as they looked upon this mighty curtain of crashing

white waters. God saw their fear, so he then breathed his spirit upon the lovers. A new

peace and calmness overcome their fear as God wrapped his mighty wings of love

around them. In obedience and total love for God the two lovers pursued their journey

across the crystal clear water. God again saw into their hearts and was so overwhelmed

for their love for him, that his tears of purity fell from heaven and washed their feet as

they walked towards the crashing waters. When they entered the waterfall, a loud voice

came from heaven like a crash of thunder, “I am the Lord your God, I baptise you with

water. With you I am pleased.” Tears of love fell down their faces as the Almighty spoke.

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Underneath the waterfall was a cave. Its walls were made out of transparent gold, on

either side of the cave stood two angels. They wrapped their wings around the lovers

and guided them through to the other side of the cave. The angels then spread their

wings and soared into the heavens upon the wind of God’s spirit.

The soft white sand sandled their feet as they traced each other’s footprints in the sand.

The moonlight spilled its blue glory on their faces as they danced to worship the

Almighty, letting all of their inner beauty flow from every fibre of their utmost being.

Even their fingertips. They danced to the sound of the ocean and the crickets’ lullaby

until they could dance no more. God awoke the couple by exploding a brilliant sunrise in

the sky and bathing them in warm sunshine. They got up and brushed the sand from

their bodies. The palm trees swayed in the cool breeze and bowed their heads to bid

them a new morning. Underneath one of the trees was a rusty tin box like a pirate’s old

treasure chest. The couple glowed with purest love. They again gazed into each other’s

eyes and together opened the secret chest. Inside were two beautiful white doves. They

cupped them into their hands, held them up to the sky and let them go free. As they

flew towards the sunrise there was the sound of harps and trumpets, and the clouds

separated. The heavens opened and a stairway garnish with rose petals appeared from

the sky and perfumed the air with nature’s sweet scent. At the top of the stairway stood

a massive open gateway and at either side of the gateway were angels singing and

rejoicing with a breathtaking brilliance that was like that of a precious and rare

gemstone. It was sweeter than the best harpist or the birds in song. God breathed upon

them and the lovers were clothed in white. As they climbed the brilliant stairway the

whole world was still and tears rolled down their faces as they watched them reach the

gates of heaven. Their eyes were glazed with tears as they looked into each other’s souls

and said, “I add my breath to your breath, that we may be committed to our own and

each other’s growing, that we may finish our roads together.” Their lips met as they

kissed, and for one split second they were both clothed in the silk veil of the waves of

her hair. As he took the hand of his wife, they looked up towards a meek and gentle

man, whose face shone with the purest love. He stretched out his arms, opening them,

saying, “Come with me into paradise.” They embraced Jesus and the heavens closed. ‘A

marriage made in heaven’

The End

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Life is free

When the raiders of our free will invade your mind,

Take up your sword, lets fight for our freedom,

The television won’t dictate how I’m supposed to be,

Their secret weapons wont effect me,

Their drugs in the food won’t scare me about being poor,

When all the freedom fighters are awake,

The raiders will be raiders no more.

Sister k

A Poem to a departed friend

My friend as gone, my dear friend has gone.

I wish I could cry a 1000 tears, cry a 1000 years,

and just show you shared a while with you your sadness.

Shown you more my of my friendship, my love, my sadness.

What a sad world we live in when society doesn`t cherish people enough,

thay they they are driven to the depth of despair , by society,

the tories, the contempt they have for us poor people.

Enough of the politics, this poem is for you.

My absent friend, I won`t see you again, my heart and my tears are with you,

even though I started to get to know in the last few months.

To reach the depths of despair.

If only it had been enough.

What a sad, sad world, when someone you know goes.

I saw your sadness, and gave you gifts, if only that had been enough.

I wish could see me now writing this poem.

You had your reasons for going; if only society could make people feel happy,

everyone happy, so premature, self-inflicted departure was a thing of the past.

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I`m going to miss my vegetarian friend, always, till the end of time.

So sad you`ve gone, my heart is always with you,

I just wish I could have been there to the end and held your hand.

With love from me and another friend, love Skippy.

The poet suggests the reader thinks of …Chopin`s prelude in E minor opus 28, and Chopin`s

etude in E flat minor, opus 10.

Black Sky Turning Bright

When the day has ended,

And all the light has faded,

The Complete Persecution of Your Soul never began,

But Quickly expanded The Journey through our lives itself is difficult enough,

But there is always enough time, always enough time for us.

When the Sun Returns, It pierces the Sky with Such brilliance,

The Human Spirit Will Fight on with Amazing Resilience,

The Age of Women Will Return one day,

The Black Sky Will never Win,

The Towers of the World will be bright again,

Freedom thieves will Regret it Forever.

All the good things taken felt Within.

The Armies are massing the clouds gathering,

Their Sky yet Quite Covered, nowhere to sleep nowhere to go,

The blankets Suddenly uncovered,

Nowhere to shop, nowhere to park, The World I’m afraid is totally dark,

Is there anywhere to hide? No doubt they’ll play some Sympathy to hide a Massive Pride,

Their loss our Gain, our Sun their rain,

A New Age Will Dawn and Expose their Shame, The Real Golden Age of Expression,

Completely AWAY from Government REPRESSION!

- Fire Lion

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Dark Matter

You could not imagine what it is like for us!

Who care’s enough to consider?

We are innocent victims!

And Evil Continues because Good People do Nothing!

It could have been You – as it is For Us

And what would you say?

Who are we? – we are The Battery Chickens, we are

Animals bred for Vivisection Laboratories etc.

Are You a Good Person – Why aren’t You saving us?

Are we Not One?

Do You put your own Comfort First?

Are Yu Detached From The Oneness/”God” as the Evil

people are?

or can you Help us? Will You Help us?

or will you carry on pleasing Yourself while we suffer!

-The Chice is Yours.

- a channeller

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Sleep Trance

Walking in a sleep like trance,

towards no specific end.

Strands of motives strewn around,

where`s the sense?

To jump on a train to a destination,

to seek a divergent perspective,

against what has been pre-ordained.

Signals point in all directions,

hold a course to where it`s motiveless.

Where love, law, peace, truth all become one.

I glance at the possibility all creation is at one,

then some annoying self-important character

waves the finger, and states we must all wait our turn.

- John Yates.

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Dominic Mulgrew.

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Random haiku.

Dazzling ray of light

Shines, the corn bends but breaks and

A lunar sea flows.

N. S. Pearce.


The stars set our course

Black raven, but wild winter

Winds blow us apart.

N. S. Pearce.


The harvest is sown

And grown, the crop has ripened

Too soon and fruit rots.

N. S. Pearce.


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Murky Dawn

On the peripherals of Society, lurks the Murky Dawn,

Where the Gods of past and Great Gaia herself, does so weep and morn,

Where the Psychic Dregs of Society,

Swallowed by the Outcasts Sorrow,

And the Hope and Vision of the Seers, For a Bright and Better Tomorrow.

Where the Darkness keeps her Blessings,

Where the Dark Moon keeps her Spell,

Looking, waiting, for the longing of her Reverence and Her Wisdom Well.

Where Jupiter Reigns, and the Prophets of old,

Come Together in Unison and tell the Story Long told;

Where the Ancient Ancestors come to visit us again,

On the Peripherals of Humanity where All ignorance is Slain,

Where the Dark Mind of the Madman, Comprehends the Meaning,

The Psychotic Insight leading to Revolutionary Healing.

But Me, I am gone, long before was ever seen,

I never meant to be this, this I didn’t mean,

Yet on the Outskirts, on the Corners of the Social Norm,

The Madman Struggles and Fights against his insatiable Pain.

There is no gain, it’s hard against the Grain,

Yet the Dark Moon beckons,

Up to the Hills on the Frosty Millennium Dawn,

Where the Heroine and the Hero are born.

Long Seen, Long Known, Short Lived,

Yet on the Peripherals of Society, lurks the Murky Dawn,

How with this Mind, this self, with this Reality,

I am nothing in your eyes?

Wake me when LiFe gets Rosy;

In the Mist of the Murky Dawn.

Whitecrow - Denny Reader

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Cast the first stone preaches the priest.

Bourgeois understand the hands we priests swayed in praise were knurled, twisted like bitter

Lemons floating in a tumbler of vodka that was a draft of dark wine which we drunk for you,

Many nails were dug into plastic statues of a Christ by deranged middle-aged Pontius Pilates,

Never extracted by Magdalene or ‘Hail Marys’ rushed off in the fever of rosary beads broken,

Cracked idols laugh loud deafening the pious and their friends, who are the accursed damned.

A stream of crystal nectar begins to trickle, then gushes a torrent like the necessity of History,

No the masses were only dormant now resurrected by revolutionaries conducting the lighting,

Their branding iron will burn a mark on the lily flesh of the dollar as Molotov cocktails blaze,

Not ethereal but delightfully physical women and men cast your stones for the dawn is yours,

There is no judge but vindication by humanity: ‘the ends justify the means’, Utopia on Earth.

N. S. Pearce.

18th+20th+21st June 2012.

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Ghosts of the great suns

In this dark universe the sun speaks to us

I `am but a shard, the sun whispers to the ears of the earth,

We was the centre of the universe, then the great suns exploded,

Scatted like seeds, as bits of our former self,

The damage was great, the battered planets slept,

The rest is over, waking, ready, for the journey

We will rejoin our sisters and brothers,

Where they are waiting, and speaking,

With rainbow s, in the light universe.

Sister K

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Information Overload

Cars Rushing, People Pushing, colours, lights so bright,

Email after email, advice, pressure, expectation,

Preoccupation, this Is, Total Information Overload;

Sounds, Music everywhere, advertising, products of mass, variety, choice, confusion,

Filled with Delusion, This Is Information Overload;

Book after book, word after word, my brain can’t take,

Too many thoughts, airplanes overhead, a friend said to be dead,

Powerful colours, the emotion of people, sensitivity is my thread,

-This Is, Information Overload.

T.V., Internet, letters through the door, pressure from people and Society,

The Quickening so they say, and I agree, so much in what I See,

People, so many people, chemicals, fumes, perfumes, lights on bright,

My sight strained, demands unpaid, visits missed, too many pints and pissed;

Video games, concrete, dis-connection, plastics, metals, oils,

The arrow of Time spear-heading away, this is normal, so they say,

Sounds, sound pollution, mixed with the fumes of Societies Dis-content;

This Is; Total,

Information Overload.

Whitecrow – Denny Reader

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Dominic Mulgrew

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Our time Has Come they Feel it now, Trying to hang on to Control,

But what they Will never know Or ever understand is,

We want to Save Souls, Without the Rules or Controls.

People being themselves and loving everything around them, Earth, Forests,

Animals, Mountains, it’s all made of the same thing.

When matter vibrates at a certain level, Everything becomes Love,

And with that Feeling Comes the urge and Will to look after all things that

surround you,

So Simple, So easy, Paradise.

It makes you Wonder exactly Who is trying to Stop this and Human beings

from being truly Free, Cause if Freedom means dropping bombs to Protect

itself then I’d rather live in a cage, exhibited as a caring human, Passive to the

Ways of all People,

Forget the Warlike humanitarians Killing in the name of Peace.

Anything We really focus upon is what We really Create,

Our lives laid out like an embroided rug.

Adding happiness as we go. With the Future at its Heart.

Already there to accept us into tomorrow.

- Fire Lion

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Do We need ‘The Police’?

- No- They are the Enemies of the People because they

Protect Capitalists, Warmongers and The Government – who are

all Enemies of The People! – They don’t care about us!

Some people might say we need The Police to protect us

from Anti-Social People – But they are useless at That! – What

they are best at is protecting Evil Rich Tyrants and maintaining

a Status Quo That leaves Millions to Suffer so Rich

people can get even Richer! – The “Police” were never

invented For Good Reasons – they were always there to Protect

capitalists Wealth! (The London Metropolitan was the First ‘Police

Force’.) – They are Rubbish! – And there’s loads of Corruption

and Racism in ‘The Police’ as well!

- We need to Scrap Them Completely and start Rebuilding

our own shattered Communities!

Power to The People!

- The Black Circle.

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The Planets Really Screaming,

And no-one Fucking hears it,

They’ll drill For Oil till the oceans boil,

And Leave us all in the Shit,

A Sacred thing was given to us

From Our Mother Earth,

Before We knew who Fire Was or even looked or talked.

The beggar on the street,

Who Watches Cars go by,

Has the World at his feet,

As he looks at People cry,

The man in the suit,

Doesn’t even know why,

The World Really hates him.

Will you care when the women aren’t there and Our Mother Earth has died?

Will you Care or decide to Share or Blame the People that lied.

Things Just don’t feel right today,

Decisions made for us,

Continuing to Steal Our Souls and no one makes a Fuss,

In the end there Will won’t bend,

And money will take us all,

It’s sad to say, Where’s yesterday When Mother Earth ends up With Fuck-All,

To the Ruin of Us All….

Fire Lion

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The Transformation.

That saint of sanity is trapped in a glass menagerie of sanctimonious deceit,

Until a flea has penetrated the dome and flies around in search of dog dung,

The master of platitudes swipes the irritant into apparent oblivion with a fist,

A metamorphosis takes places and the black dot mutates into a fluttering bat,

Hideous beauty is born it crawls leaving a trail of crimson slime on the floor.

Being blessed with a sound mind the saint books a check-up with Doctor Sane,

The shrink with a grin and a wink says you have found your vocation Narcissus,

To be generous I will diagnose you with schizophrenia so you better play a role,

Go and roll into the foetal position because it is medication time says that nurse,

Insanity’s martyr lives in an asylum but it is dwarfed by the shrine of Absurdity.

N .S. Pearce.


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It is time?

When the trees sorrows are heard, for all to hear,

And the ghosts of the animals search for your fear,

When the tears of children, are for others,

And the poor stand together as sisters and brothers,

The enemy of the free, will want to hide,

When the televisions are smashed, and the supermarkets burnt,

The corruption of humanity will be learnt,

The power of the rich will crumble and fall,

Then our freedom, will return to everyone weak and small.

Sister K

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Dominic Mulgrew.

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Lines on Ovid: ‘Metamorphosis: ‘Bk VIII: 183-235.’.

Those words which we had so carelessly caressed the night until night was all,

They have haunted us, exorcized, now the claw scratching burden of freedom,

Phrases so tangled up in our torments there were admissions to those asylums,

She a frost-rigid Aphrodite huddled in the corner an enigma with amphetamine,

Icarus’ madness was that of a youth fleeing a flame from drunk with fire father,

Burn and get burnt, you do when you fly high and then touch the Sun to plunge,

Those potions of ascent and descent were worms in graves of a fathomless sea,

‘Let me warn you, Icarus, to take the middle way, in case the moisture weighs

down your wings, if you fly too low, or if you go too high, the sun scorches them.

Travel between the extremes.’

The wanderers of these oceans of bewildered unconscious have turquoise eyes,

So occasionally he glances up from pen and paper and peeps around that book,

What does he perceive, perhaps the shadow of a reaper who is a skeletal death?

N. S. Pearce.


May 2012.

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In All Our Shame

In All Our Shame, In All Our Glory,

The Spirits look down, and watch Our Story,

In All our pain, in All our Grief,

When Wholeness comes and offers Relief,

When Troubled times pass, and Movements anew,

We look to the sky of Crystal Blue,

Yet our corruption, our hate and our fear,

The Sun shines down, as if so near,

And into our fearful Hearts it does so shine,

Dispelling the Dark and removing the grime,

The Grime of Discontent and of Separation,

The grime of Distrust and of Destruction,

Yet Wonders are ahead, the new year arrives without any dread,

Emotion Purple, people Harsh, so lost, so taken, my security forsaken,

Yet, In All Shame, the Sun still Shines,

And offers Security when we are Blind,

When we are lost, when we step astray,

The Sun still Pours down its Healing Ray,

And yet, our people still Fight,

And Cling within their Hearts a crippled night,

A night without Trust, A night with Great Fear,

And still the Sun shines, as if so near,

Yet within Our people, a great tension does lay,

As we approach Spring and the Great month of May,

What does so happen? And when will these times a pass?

To gather our Hearts and within them amass,

A Love for each other, a Love for All Kind,

As we step to the edge, and Discover a new Mind,

Yet In All Our Shame, and In All Our Glory,

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The Spirits look upon us, and Watch Our Story,

The Sun still Shines, its Great Precious light,

Yet we still Gnarl at each other and Struggle and Fight.

But with All our Shame, the light is upon Us,

And New times arrive, as if chosen within us;

To step Bravely, to tread boldly, into a new day,

And the Sun still shines and offers its Way,

The Sun Still Shines, and Offers its Way.

-Whitecrow –Denny Reader

The Policeman is a Robot

Wiggle, wiggle, and the shards of broken tooth come free in the dentist’s hand

Flash forward to A&E, and the cubicles are Auschwitz killing rooms

Someone has to make a stand! Capitalism must be destroyed

Brick by brick, shop window by shop window

The anaesthetic seeped into my brain, mixed with alcohol

Mixed with anti-psychotics, mixed with benzos and anti-depressants

Are they trying to kill me?

Is this what it’s come to? Can’t even trust the faces of loved ones

Someone’s holding me down, pulled the axe from my hand

How the hell do I escape? – the police are covering the doorway

I could jump through the window

I must get hold of a weapon

I must defend myself

My whole face is frozen and numb

My death – this is how the conspiracy ends

Some of them are not even human

IOPan 2010

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Celtic Spirit - Denny Reader

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Mother & Child

IOPan 2010

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Underground MIND