Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima

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  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration







  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration


    Sudha agro Oil Chemical Industries Limited is a company located at samalkot in East

    Godavari District. It is one o the companies in !ndhra "radesh #hich has $een producing rice

    $rain oil and stearic acid or last %&years.

    It is undisputed act that the marketing mi' places very dominate role in the progress o

    the company. (nless the marketing mi' is not maintained in a proper #ay it is diicult to

    improve the turnover and proita$ility o the company. )ence the company process the perect

    and comprehensive marketing system #hich ena$les to promote the sales* this study is a latest

    attempt to understand the procedure adopted in marketing #hich i sel stands as on important

    activity o the company. +here is every need to e'amine the a$ove aspects in detail and ine and

    the intimate issues #hich have to $rought to light.

    +he company #as promoted $y Sri E. ,a-a ,ao #ho has vast e'perience the same line.

    +he company #as incorporated on /%0/%12% as a private limited company and $ecame deemed

    pu$lic ltd.* company on %3/42/%122. +he company put up a %&4mts per day solvent e'traction

    plant in may %125 and is $usiness since then. +he company is situation in an area o 2.16 acres.

    +he cost o the prospect #as %01 lakhs 7in %1238 no. o #orking day or the company are 344

    days and shits per are 3 shirts. +here are 30% peoples are #orking in the administration unction

    o the company out o the technical sta* are skilled and remaining are unskilled.

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    +he daily la$our #orking in the company a$out #orkers. In this organi9ation the

    ollo#ing are the dierent products and their production commencement data respectively. 34

    administrations 014 technical %44 la$our initially the promoters $rought in &3.33lakhs as e:uity

    capital out o #hich ,s. .&4 lakhs #as su$scri$ed $y !"IC.

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration


    +he provision o #age and salaries $eyond the statutory re:uirement can make the

    employees eel that they are cared $y the management. +his positive eeling can help to dra# a

    $etter commitment and co/ordination rom them.

    ;ages and salaries contri$ute the economic development $y modeling #orkers into a

    productive* eicient and committed la$our orce. It is an important actor o industrial relations.

    ;age and salary administration must #ell planned and organi9ed $y :ualiied leadership aimed

    at meting minimum needs o the employees. So* in a long #ay promoting sound industrial

    relations and $uilding up a strong national economy.

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration


    +he study #as made on #age and salary administration in IC!L I=?D(S+,IES LI>+ED@ includes statutory measures covers payment o #ages

    act %136* minimum #ages act %152* employees state insurance act %152 and employees

    provident und act %1&0. non/statuary measures cover attendance allo#ance* night allo#ance*

    -o$ evaluation evaluation techni:ues* e:uita$le #ages* polices and practices o #age and salary


  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration


    %. +o revie# #hether the #age and salary are perectly administration in the organi9ation

    0. +o kno# the various $eneits provided to the employees in the organi9ation

    3. +o study the ormulation o #age policies in the organi9ation

    5. +o study ho# -o$ evaluation techni:ues are ollo#ed in the organi9ation

    &. +o kno# that the e:uita$le #ages and salaries are provided to the employees in the


  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration


    Data is collected through primary data and secondary data.

    ",I>!,A D!+!

    "rimary data is the data* #hich is collected or the irst time $y investigator through

    :uestionnaire and intervie#s or the management o IC!L

    I=D(S+,IESB $y visiting various departments and o$serving employees and their attitude

    to#ards the #ages and salaries provided $y the organi9ation.

    ",OCES O G!+)E,I=G I=O,>!+IO=

    uestionnaire #as prepared according to the needs and priorities o the company.

    +his :uestionnaire has to collect all the inormation regarding the :uestions.

    +he survey has to $e conducted on this* #hich consists o sample si9e o &4 employees #ithin

    the S!OCL.

    ;hile surveying the opinions o the people are taken into records.

    SECO=D!,A D!+!

    Secondary data is the data* #hich is already collected $y some person* internet* -ournals etc.

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    +hrough simple random sampling o the primary data* there is no e:ual chance o including each

    and every employee o the organi9ation. +he sample si9e is &4 #here in there and e:ual chance

    o each and every employee to e'press their opinion regarding provision o #ages and salaries

    $y the management o the company.


    +he pro-ect #as made only or t#o months and as the time #as very less it #as not

    possi$le to conduct a in/depth study

    +he sample si9e* #hich I had preerred* #as only &4. this may not represent the #hole class o

    the employees.@

    ! num$er o $iases may creep into the study $ecause o the employeeBs uncertainty a$out their


    ie# due to tension* an'iety and other things they did not give more inormation

    ?ecause o the conidentiality* they did not given much inormation.

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    Wage & Salary Administration


    Industry pr!"#$

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    0. !nnual oil seeds like groundnut* rape seed* mustard* sea same* =iger* Sunlo#er

    soya$ean and tin seed. Out o these custard and tin seed are no edita$le types.

    3. >inor oil seeds like salseed* neem ka ranga* Fusum* mahura etc.

    5. Oil su$tend through technology process such as e'tractions rom rice $ran* cotton seeds.

    ;e are at present tapping the potential a$out 0& to 34 o the availa$le the sources.

    Even though the industry is #orking hard to meet the demand in the oils there is some

    deect in the production to meet the demand oils. ?ecause o the Government has to import oil

    orm the other oil producing countries.

    Due to this #e are loosing lot o oreign currency $ecause o this #e have to increase oil

    production and sel suiciency in the oils should $e achieve #ith in the shortest possi$le span o


    +he ollo#ing ta$le gives the average yield o oils per unit area or various oil seeds.


    Oil Seed !verage oil yield per hectares

    "alm 3044/3&44

    Coconut %144/0444Caster 044/00&

    Sesame 344/30&

    >ustered 3&4/3&

    Lin seed 544/5&4

    Ground nut 644/60&

    In India most o the production comes rom rainall areas* and hence there are #ide

    luctuations in production o#ing to monsoons/progress in the evaluation and introduction o

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    high yielding hy$rid varieties are poor #hen compared to #hen rice and cotton etc. o#ing to

    these actors* yield pro-ector is very lo#.

    !s seen rom the a$ove ta$le palm oil gives highest yield in terms o the output

    generation rom on hectare o land used or it. ;hile considera$le contri$ution is also done $y

    coconut other products yield is very lo# compared to palm and coconut. Aet suita$ility o lands

    is an important actor in decinding up on the cultivation. Custer sesame lin seed can $e cultivated

    on use less land #ith least #ater acility. +hus there is no opportunity cost o using them.


    Solvent e'traction industry is purely an agriculture $ased industry. Solvent e'traction is

    done rom the various agriculture products* i.e.* rice $ran soya $ean* salseed* neemseed*

    decordicate oil cakes etc.*

    +he e'traction can $e done #ithout changing the properties o the ra# material. In vie#

    o the agriculture dependence* this industry occupies a signiicant role in Indian economy

    $ecause the most o the Indian population depends on the agriculture.

    +he overall installed capacity o the industry in India is 0*66*%4*44 mts. "er year and the

    total num$er o solvent e'traction plenty in India is 5.0% most o the solvent e'traction is done

    rom the rice $ran in India. India installed capacity o the e'tracting units using rice $ran as ra#

    material is 1*35*%44 mts and the no o plants in this type industry is %3&.

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    In vie# o the gro#ing demand or oils and or cattle eed solvent e'traction industry is

    very important and it plays important role in Indian economy. +he present gro#th rate o the

    industry is around &.

    "reviously the oils o$tained $e solvent e'traction process are used in the manuacture o

    soap and detergents. ?ut #ith the recent developments in the e'traction technology and in the

    e'traction process the solvent e'traction plants are a$le to produce reined cooking grades oils*

    #hich is scale commodity in India and the various grades o static acids #hich are useul in

    various Industrial development.

    +he activities o this industry are nominated $y the solvent e'traction association o India

    located at >um$ai.

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    Wage & Salary Administration


    =on/ traditional oil can play important role in the achievement o oil sel suiciency in

    our country. Cotton seen has already esta$lished i sel as an important. Oil source. ,ice $ran is

    ast catching up #ith cotton seed. ,ice $ran has great potential in the uture. +he minor oil seeds

    are slo#ly graining importance mainly $ecause o their lo# cost. I the policy makers can

    encourage or orce the industries to e'ploit the vast :ualities i minor seeds. +he edita$le as #ell

    as non edita$le oil demand can $e met in an eicient manner. Oils rom $y products.

    +here are several $y products agro $ased industries #hich are utili9ed to o$tained oil

    either or industrial or edita$le process. Cotton seed* ground nut cake* rice $ran are the important

    sources at present.

    +he picture scarcity o oils has $een hunting our nation economy in dierent degrees

    ever since the $eginning o seventies. Lately since %1 huge imports o oil have $ecame a

    necessity o prevent the raise in prices and e:uali9e the demand the supply gape $y spending a

    huge amount o oreign e'change. +he crises has $ecame more serious o the stagnancy in the

    production o traditional oil seeds mainly ground nut* mustered on one in eiciency utili9ation o

    the vast availa$le rice $ran and manor oil seeds on other hand. In act the rice $ran oil can

    augment su$stantial :uality oil in many !sian countries oil can augement su$stantial :uality oil

    in many !sian countries like -apan* ?urma* +hailand #here the rice $ran has come to stay as a

    cooking medium and also industrial purpose.

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    ! conerence organi9ed $y solvent e'traction association o India in %1 on rice $ran

    oil. !ter this conerence the signiicant trails or #ere taken up $y our industrial organi9ation in

    the ield o oils made in the oils made in the oil industry in India. >any learned and eminent

    industries technologies and manuacturers spoke a$out moderni9ation o rice $ran processing to

    produce rice $ran oil #ith :uality and lo# ..!. contant $y installing moderni9ed machinery

    and reineries to produce good :uality rice $ran oil.

    In India the availa$ility o rice $ran is very heavy in :uality. ?ut the pro$lems aced $y

    rice mills solvent ..! in rice $ran de# a'ing* neutrali9ation* $leaching and physical reining

    etc. present shortage o oils production in India is not enough to meet the demand in the

    domestic market.

    +he rice $ran oil produced in the year 0444/044% is 60&13 metric tons 7540&&3 mt

    edita$le and 00&454 industrial8. Even though the industry is doing #ell there are some pro$lems

    acing itsel.

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    Wage & Salary Administration


    C%p&ny Pr!"#$

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration


    +he company selected or this study is sudha agro oil and chemical limited. "ost $o' no

    1* samalkot. +he company #as promoted $y sri E. ra-a rao #ho has vast e'perience in the same

    line. +he company #as incorporated on /%0/%12% as a private limited company and $ecause and

    $ecame deemed pu$lic ltd.* company on %3424%122. the company out up a %&4mts per day

    solvent e'traction plant in may %125 and is $usiness since then. +hen company is situated in an

    area o 2.16 acres. +he cost o the5 prospect #as %01 lakhs 7 in %123 8 no. o #orking day or the

    company are 344 days and shits per are 3 shits. +here are 30% peoples are #orking in the

    administration unction o the company out o the technical sta* are skilled and remaining are

    unskilled. +he daily la$our #orking in the company an out #orkers. In this organi9ation the

    ollo#ing are the dierent products and their production commencement data respectively. 34

    admini1stration 014 technical %44 la$our initially the promoters $rought in rs.&3.33lakhs as

    e:uity capital out o #hich rs..&4lakhs #as su$scri$ed $y !"IC.

    Sudha agro oil and chemicals industries ltd.* 7S!O!CIL8 and e'isting proit marketing

    and divided paying company* #as promoted $y sri E. ra-a rao #ho has vast e'perience in the

    same line. +he company #as incorporated on /%0/%12% as a private limited company and

    $vecame deemed pu$lic ltd. Company on %3/2/%122. initially the promoters $rought in

    rs.&3.&&%lakhs as e:uity capital out o #hich rs..&4lakhs a e:uity capital out o #hich

    rs..&4lakhs su$scri$ed $y S"IC. Su$se:uently &444 shares in the year %12 and 0&44 shares in

    %110 #ere $ought $ack $y the promoters in the year %113/15 the company issued a $onus shares

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    a 50254 shares at rs.%44 paid at a ratio o &H5. out o the reserves o rs.%.6%lakhs $y

    su$scri$ing 06& shares per and &55& shares at a premium o rs.&4 per share o rs.%44 paid up.

    In the year %116/1 the e:uity capital #as urther increased to rs.00&.44lakhs $y su$scri$ing.

    5314 shares at per $y the e'isting promoters. +hus the e:uity capital o company stood up at

    rs.%%3.6% on 3%/3/%11.

    +he company paid %4 dividend on e#uity in the irst year itsel and is continuously paying

    dividend or the past eight years.


    +he chie promoters o the company is Sri. E.,a-a ,ao* ?.!.* #ho #as earlier associated

    #ith the promotion o Go#thami Solvent Oil Ltd.* !s an E'ecutive Director* he has aged a$ove

    64 years and has 0& years o e'perience in the oil and ats $usiness.


    Sri E. ,!! ,!O chairman cum managing director

    Sri E. ,!>!F,IS)=! e'ecutive director

    Sri >. S(??!,!O director

    Sri G. >.F >O)!= ,!O director

    Sri >.E=F!==! director

    Sri ?.. ",!F!S) ,!O director

    Sri . ?)!L! >O)!= D!S director

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    Sri E. ra-a rao is the chairman and managing director o the company he looks ater the daily

    transaction o the company. )e is assisted $y his son sri E. rama Frishna e'ecutive director* #ho

    looks the ra# material procurement and oil sales.

    Sri !. =agendra* he is also loks ater the procurement o ra# material and selling o reined oil

    deiled meals* stearic acids etc.

    Sri L. a$$ulu cho#dary* he looks ater the entire production activity in all plants.

    Sri S. meera* he looks ater the account o the company.

    Sri !.. rama reddy* he has $een serving this company or the past 2 years.

    Sri G.?. ,aveendra* he looks ater the sales o stearic acids.


    >Js. ?,!)>!AA! K CO.*

    Charted !ccountants

    3/%6C/54J%* 2th,oad*

    Ga9ette Oicers Colony*

    Shanty =agar*


    BANKERS :-

    State $ank o India

    Commercial ?ranch


  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration


    %1/%/500* G.,agampeta*

    "ost ?o' =o.1


    East Godavari District*

    !ndhra "radesh.


    +he ollo#ing inancial e'ecutives #ho have good amount o e'perience in the oils and

    chemicals ield urther assist the >anaging Director and E'ecutive Director.

    =ame !ge ualiication Service unction

    Sri.!.=arendra 54 Engineering


    %4 Aears ,a# materials

    and oils sales

    Sri +. =arasimha ,ao 5& Oil


    03 years "roduction


    Sri. S. >eera &0 Commerce


    06 Aears !ccounts o the



    +he company initially started #ith a %&4 +"D rice $ran solvent e'traction plant in %120

    and su$se:uently e'pended its acids* glycerin and o'ygen. +he particulars o the various plants

    installed in the companyBs e'isting premises given $elo#.

    =!>E O +)E I=S+!LL LED C!"!CI +A +"! Date o commence

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    "L!=+ +"D ment o production

    Solvent e'traction


    %&4 5&*444 >ay* %123



    &4 %&*444 >ay* %16

    Chemical ,einery 54 %0*444 e$ruary* %115

    atty !cids plant 54 %0*444 Septem$er* %115

    Glycerin 0 644 !pril * %116

    O'ygen ?ottling %66 &*44*444 e$ruary.%11

    "o#er "lant 7>;8 5 %*244 Decem$er*0444

    +he company had started the solvent e'traction plant on its o#n ill in %121/14 and it ran

    this on -o$ #ork $asis #ith minimum :uantity guarantee to I+C limited. !nd Essar Gu-arath

    Limited rom Septem$er %114. Due to shiting o -o$ #ork processing the operating capacity o

    the plant came do#n rom 25 to 66. =o# this plants running on its o#n.

    +he company has entered a processing agreement or its hydrogenation plan #ith Colgate

    "amolive 7%8. Ltd. +he process a minimum :uantity o 0*544 >t. per year and the agreement is

    rene#a$le every year. Colgate "almolive 7%8 Ltd also supplied electrolysis e:uipment on hire

    purchase $asis or the period o three years commencing rom year %11& =ovem$er.


    Company commended its %&4 +"D solvent e'traction plan in >ay %126 at a cost o %35

    lakh and the pro-ect #as partly inanced $y !"SC and !"IDC $y sanctioning a term loan o 34

    lakhs and 36.4 lakhs respectively. +his term loan repaid in scheduled time. In >ay %126 it

    commenced a 34 "+; hydrogenation "lant to harden commercial rice $ran oil or soap at a cost

    o 66 lakhs. !"IDC partly inanced this pro-ect $y sanctioning the term loan o 31.65 lakhs. +his

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    laon #as also repaid in the scheduled time. In %126 the company took a loan o ,s. &.24 lakhs

    rom !"+S or purchasing a generator. In %110 they took a term laon o ,s. %1.64 Lakhs rom

    !"IDC or purchase o a $oiler. +hese t#o term loans also repaid in time. In %113 company

    added seed prepatory system at a cost o ,s.%6.04 Lakhs a its o#n unds.

    In %113 the company took an e'pansion and diversion programme in a phased manner $y

    o$taining the inancial assistance rom ID?I. In %113 it took loan o ,s. 5%4 Lakhs to part

    inance its 34 +"D chemical reinery and 04 +"D atty acid palnt in %115. In the year %11& the

    company #ent or urther e'pansion and diversiication it took ,S. 364 Lakhs rom ID?I and

    increased capacity rom 34 +"D to &4 +"D.

    +he company is $anking #ith state $ank o India "eddapuram $ranch since inception and

    it presently en-oying #orking capital und $ased limit o ,s. 644 Lakhs. =on und $ased limit o

    ,s &4 Lakhs. +he company is maintain good inancial relationship #ith dierent inancial

    institution. ;ich are e'tending loan acility. +he repayment o loan is made in time.

    Dealing #ith inancial institutions and $anks as on 3%st!ugust* %11 is given in the

    ollo#ing ta$le.


    +he company is regular in $oth earning the proit and declaring the divided to its share

    holder. +he turnover in %110/13 and %11&/16 #ere lo# due to reason that unit under took -o$

    #orks or I+C Limited and Essar Gu-arat Limited. +he turnover started increasing rom %116/1

    on #ords due to diversiication o the activities in a phased manner. +he company could not

    sho# a net proit in %112/11 as it changed the method o depreciation rom straight lime method

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    to #ritten do#n value method. Due to availa$ility o surplus in proit and loss account the

    company declared divedend o %& on its e:uity capital on proportionate $asis.


    +he main ra# material o this unit is rice $ran and rice $ran oil. +he unit re:uires a

    :uantity o %&4 >t. o rice $ran per day and %44 >t. o rice $ran oil per day. +he company is

    located in the center o East Godavari District surrounded $y huge num$er o rice mills. Since

    the company is %& years old it esta$lished a strong net#ork or procurement o rice $ran. +he

    re:uired rice $ran is produced through urgently $rokers #ho collect rice $ran orm mills at the

    price indicated $y the company depending on the marketing luctuations. +he company has 34

    $ran agents in Godavari District* Srikakulam and Southern Orissa.

    Out o the %44 >t. o rice $ran oil around %& tones per day availa$le rom the solvent

    e'traction plant o the company.

    +he chemical such as nickel catalyst* caustic soda* sulphuric acid* phosphoric acid

    $leaching earth etc.* are availa$le in the re:uired capacities to run the plan at envisaged




    +he ra# material the solvent e'traction or is rice $ran. +here are t#o varieties o rice $ran.

    %. ra# rice $ran

    0. $oiled rice $ran

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    +he oil contents is ra# rice $ran is %6 and in case o $oiled rice $ran it is %1 the

    purchase price o rice $ran in i'ed on the $asis o oil content. !ccordingly o oil content is less

    that %6 the price #ill $e reduced proportionately* and i oil content is more than %6 a

    premium #ill $e paid proportionately. Similarly in the case o $oiled $ran re$ate o premium is

    considered on the $asis o %1 oil content.

    +he $ran is usually procured through agents appointed $y company or directly rom the

    rice mills. +he ater arrival is tested in the la$oratory or its oil content and ! 7ree aulty

    acid8. ?ased on this la$oratory results the payment #ill $e made. In the case o $oiled $ran the

    ! content in it 3 #ill $earound 5 to i it is processed #ith in 3 days rom the day o

    production $y the rice mills. +he ! content in rice $ran increased to ma'imum 64 i they are

    stored $eyond %4 days. +he advantage o processing lo# oil 7that is 5& to %& 8 is that it can

    $e used or manuacture o reined rice $ran oil.


    S.=o "articulars 0442/044 044/0446 0446/044&

    %. ,ice ?ran Oil

    !8. uantity 7>.+.8

    ?8. alve 7,S8







    0. ,ice ?ran 5*1%0 30*42 36*561

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    !8. uantity 7>.+.8

    ?8. alve 7,S8

    %2*%*%5*3&0 %3*2*44*26% %5*%4*0*05


    CO>>E,CI!L G,!DE

    ,ICE ?,!= OIL

    )AD,OGE= G!S!(+O CL!E OIL

    )AD,OGE=!+IO==ICFLE C!+!LAS+

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    Wage & Salary Administration


    +he commercial grade rice $ran oil is taken in to an autoclave. )ydrogen and nickel

    catalysts are than put into autoclave and than stirred. In the process the oil a$sor$s the hydrogen

    gas. +he hydrogenated oil then $leached to remove color and other impurities. +he oil is then

    cooled to temperatures o 24 degree centigrade. +he cooled oil is then iltered and the inal oil is

    stored or scale.


    COOLI=G +O 244C


    )AD,OGE=!+ED OIL

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    CHART -2



    ,ICE ?,!= OIL

    ",E +,E!+>E=+

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration


    +he commercial grade rice $ran oil is ist pretreated to remove impurities and oreign

    maters. !ter pre treatment the oil is run through splitting to#er to separate the atty acids. +he

    oil is then cooled and distilled at a high temperature o 0& degrees centigrade o heat. +he

    !+ S"LI+I=G


    S;EE+ ;!+E,




    C,(DE GLACE,I= )AD,OGE=!+IO=

    GLACE,I= ,EI=I=G


    S+!,IC !CID L!FI=G

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    distilled atty acids are then hydrogenated and run through a lakers. +he stearic acids thus

    lakers are $agged and stored or scale.

    +he s#eet #ater o$tained at the splitting to#er contain glycerin. )eating process in the

    glycerin/relined unit reines the5 crude glycerin. +he reined glycerin i 14 purely is then

    stored in drum or sale.


    EDI?LE G,!DE 7LO;

    ..!. ,.?. OIL8

    ",E/+,E!+>E=+ K

    ;!+E, ;!S)

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration


    +he commercial grade rice $ran oil is taken into an auto clave. )ydrogen

    and nickel catalysis are then put into auto clave and then stireed. In the process oil

    a$sor$s the hydrogen gas. +he hydrogenated oil then $leached to remove colour






    ,EI=ED OIL O, S!LE

    SO!" S+OCF

    S(L")(,IC !CID


    ;!+E, ;!S)

    !CID OIL

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    and other impurities. +he oil is then cooled to temperatures o 24 C. the cooled

    oil is than iltered and the inal oil is stored or sale.

    +he soap stock 7atty acids o$tained rom the neutrali9ation process is

    treated #ith sulphuric acid and then #ashed8. +he oil thus o$tained is called as

    acid and is stored or sale or or urther use in the atty acid plant.

    CHART -!


    ,ICE ?,!= OIL


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    Wage & Salary Administration


    +he rice $ran received rom various rice millers is irst ed into a "elletier machine to

    convent the $ran. ;hich is in po#der rom into pellets. +hese pellets #hich are run through a

    pellet cooler to reduce the heat in the pellets. +hese pellets are ed into the e'traction conveyor

    through conveyors. +he e'traction $ed he'ane is poured on to the $ran pellets. +he he'ane

    #hile passing through the $ran pellets* a$sor$s the oil content in the $ran. +his mi'ture o oil

    EM+,!C+IO= ?A


    DO? N )EM!=E>ISCELL!

    7)EM!=E N ,.?.OIL8

    D,IE, +O !S+E,E!"O,!+IO=


    )EM!=E O,

    ,ECI,C(L!+IO=)EM!=E O,


    ,.?.OIL +O

    S+O,!GE +!=FS

    DO? O, S!LE

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    and he'ane is called as miscella. +he he'ane in oil is then separated $y condensation process.

    +he oil thus o$tained is stored in storage tanks or sale or or urther use in other plants.

    +he de/oiled $ran. ;hich still contains traces o he'ane* is run through direct to aster to

    recover the he'ane. +he de/oiled $ran 7DO?8 #hich is ree rom he'ane is $agged or sale.

    +he he'ane recovered $y condensation process is recalculated or use in the e'traction



    Sudha agro oil and chemical industries ltd. Is manned #ith nearly 544 personnel

    categori9es into supervision* administration. "lant #ork shop* la$oratory stores* godo#n etc.*

    administration. "lant #ork shop* la$oratory sto1res* godo#n etc.* the #elare activities or these

    personnel is look ater $y the e'ecutive director. +his $eing an agri/$ased actory there is

    demand or the la$our during the session. +he relation ship $et#een the management and

    employees is very cordial.

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    Wage & Salary Administration


    >arketing activities in Sudha agro oil and chemical industries ltd.* looks ater $y the

    sales department. +he sales department is #orking under the guidance o >.D o the company

    and the e'ecutive director o the company. )ead o the sales department is sales oicer and the

    is assisted y the sales in charge.

    +he company is en-oying good demand or their products in the market* due to this the

    company is not interested to promote their products. +he prices o the products are generally

    depends and or the product and the market rate in >um$ai. Due to there the company is not

    much their $etter a$out the promotion and place. +he company in paying much importance o

    their products and place.

    +he company is producing a #ide range o products. >any products produced $y the

    S!O!CIL are industrial goods. +hese goods are using as ra# material in some industries. +his

    is the reason #hy the company is en-oying god demand or their products.

    +he company adopts a good distri$ution channel net#ork to sell their products. +he

    company appointed agents and esta$lished sales depots to sell their commercial grade rice $ran

    oil and satiric acids. +he sales department $ooks the order only ater negotiating #ith the parties

    and also take care o e'ecution o the contact* reali9ation o de$tors and collection o statuary

    ta'es i.e.* sales ta' e'cise ta' etc.

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    !nalysis and interpretation

    In S(D)! !G,O OIL C)E>IC!L I=D(S+,IES* 544 "eople are #orking in it at present

    according to the company status. !s it is a oil processing unit it is the sole responsi$ility o the

    company to look ater the #ages and salaries according to the need o the employees. It also has

    to consider the pro and cons o the #ages o the #orkers so that they get motivated. I the

    #orkers needs are satisied* the satisaction acts as a driving orce $y #hich the #orkers put their

    ma'imum eort on #ork* #hich in turn helps in increasing the company productivity.

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    In this analysis more num$er o employees are #orking* only a responsi$le no o employees are

    consider rom dierent departments $y #hich #e can a$le to come across all the crucial persons

    i the organi9ation so that their vie#s are recorded and are su$mitted to the company. +his helps

    the company to ind out their #ages and salaries are receiving the employees to #hich they are

    designed and make them satisied.




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    Wage & Salary Administration



    ;age and salary administration reers to the esta$lishment and

    implementation o sound policies and practices o employee compensation. It

    includes that areas as -o$ evaluation* surveys o #ages and salaries* analysis o

    relevant organi9ational pro$lems* development o maintenance o #age structure.

    ;age payment* incentives* proit sharing* controlling o compensation costs and

    other related items.

    +he $asic purpose #age and salary administration is to esta$lish and

    maintain and e:uita$le #age and salary structure. +he #age and salary

    administration is to esta$lish and maintain and e:uita$le #age and salary structure.

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    +he #age and salary administration is concerned #ith the inancial aspects o

    needs* motivation and re#ards.


    +o gather inormation relating to -o$ description* -o$ speciication and employee

    speciications o various -o$s in an organi9ation. ! #age is the remuneration paid* or the service

    o la$our in production* periodically to an employee

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    +here should $e a deinite plan to ensure that dierences in pay o -o$s are $ased up on

    variations in -o$ re:uirements* such as skill* eort* responsi$ility or -o$ or #orking

    conditions and mental and physical re:uirements

    +he general level o #ages and salaries should $e reasona$ly in line #ith that prevailing

    in the la$our market.

    ! plan should careully distinguish $et#een -o$s and employees. ! -o$ carries a certain

    #age rate* and person is assign to ill it at that rate.

    E:ual pay or e:ual #ork that is i t#o -o$s have e:ual diiculty* the pay should $e the

    same regardless o #ho ills them.

    E:uita$le practices should $e adopted or the reorgani9ation o individual dierences in

    a$ility ad contri$ution. or some units* this may take the orm or rate ranger. ;ith in

    grade increases* in other* it may $e a #age incentive plan* in still othersH it may take the

    orm o closely integrated se:uences o -o$ promotions.

    +here should $e clearly esta$lish procedure or hearing and ad-usting #age complaints

    +he employees and trade unions* one should $e inormed a$out the procedure used to

    esta$lish #age rages. Every employee should $e inormed o his o#n position and o the

    #ages and salaries structures. Secrecy in #age matters should not $e used as a cover/up

    or unreasona$le #age programme.

    +he #age should $e suicient to ensure or the #orker and his amily reasona$le

    standard o living. ;orker should receive a guaranteed minimum #age to protect them

    against condition $eyond their control.

    +he #age and salary structure should $e le'i$le so that changing conditions can $e

    easily met.

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    or revision o #ages* a #age committee should al#ays $e preerred to the individual

    -udgment* ho#ever un$iased* or a manager.

    +he #age and salary payments must ulill a #ide variety o human needs* including the

    need or sel/actuali9ation.

    =ature and purpose.

    +he $asic purpose o #age and salary administration Is to esta$lish and maintain

    an e:uita$le #age and salary structure. ItBs second o$a-cetive is the esta$lishment

    and maintenance o an e:uita$le la$our cost structure. +he #age and salary

    administration is concerned #ith the inancial aspects o needs* motivation and

    re#ards. >anagers* thereore * analy9e and interpret the needs o their employees

    so that re#ard can $e individually designed to satisied these needs.

    CO>"E=S!+IO=* ;!GEKS!L!,A

    Compensation may $e deined as money received in the perormance o #ork* plus many kinds

    o $eneits and services that organi9ations provide their employees. >oney is included under

    direct compensation* and may consist o lie accidents and health insurance.

    CO=CE"+S O ;!GES

    ;hile evolving* #age policy 3 concepts o #ages namely

    %8 minimum #ages

    08 air #ages

    38 living #ages

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    these are $roadly $ased on the needs o the #orkers* capacity o the employees is pay K the

    several economic conditions prevailing in a country.

    >I=I>(> ;!GE

    >inimum #age is the one* #hich provide not merely or $ase su$stance o lie* also or the

    preservation o the eiciency o the #orker. or this purpose* the minimum #age must also

    provide or some measure o education* medical re:uirements and amenities. >inimum #age

    may $e ed $y an agreement $et#een the management and #orkers. ?ut is usually determined

    through legislation. In the i'ation o minimum #ages* $esides the needs o #orkers* other

    actors like a$ility o the concern to pay* nature o the -o$s and so on* are also considered.

    !I, ;!GES

    Is understood in 0 #ays in a narro# sense* #age air i it is e:ual to the rate prevailing in the

    same trade and in the neigh$orhood or similar #ork in a #ider sense it #ill $e air i it is e:ual

    to the predominant rate or similar #ork throughout the country and or trades in general air

    #ages can $e i'ed only $y comparison #ith an standard #ages.

    LICI=G ;!GES

    Living #age is a step o higher than air #age.. living #age may $e descri$ed as one #hich

    should ena$le the earner to provide or himselJhersel and hisJher amily not only the $ase

    essentials o lie like ood** clothing and shelter* $ut a measure o rugal comort including

    education or children* protection against ill health* re:uirements o essential social needs* andJor

    measure o insure against the more important misortunes including old age. ! living #age must

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    $e i'ed considering the general economic conditions o the general economic conditions o the

    country. +he concept o living #age* thereore* varies rom country. In inida* minimum is

    determined mainly or s#eated.

    !C+O,S I=L(E=CI=G ;!GE S!L!,A S+,(C+(,E

    %. organi9ationBs a$ility to pay

    0. supply and demand o la$our

    3. the prevailing market rate

    5. the cost o living

    &. living #age

    6. productivity

    . -o$ re:uirements

    2. managerial attitudes

    1. trade unionBs $argaining po#er

    %4. psychological and sociological actors.

    +A"ES O ;!GES

    +ime #age H this is a oldest and common method o i'ing o #ages. (nder this system* #orkers

    are paid according to the #ork done during a certain period o time.


    %. it is simple* or the amount earned $y a #orker can $e easily calculated.

    0. as all the #orkmen employed or doing a particular kind o #ork receive the same #ages*

    it #ill and -ealously among them are avoided.

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    "iece #ageH under this system* #orkers are paid according to the amount o #ork done or the no

    o units completed* the rate o each unit $eing settled in advance* irrespective o the time taken to

    do to the task. ?alance or de$t methodH

    +his is a com$ination o time and piece rate. +he #orker is guaranteed an hourly or a day rate

    #ith an alternative piece rate. I the earnings o a #orker calculated at the piece rate e'ceeded

    the amount* #hich he #ould have earned i paid on time $asis* he gets credit or the $alance i.e.*

    the e'cess piece rate earnings over the time rate earnings. Is his piece rate earnings are e:ual to

    his time rate earningsH the :uestion o e'cess payment does not arise. ;here piece rate earnings

    are less than time rate earnings* he is paid on the $ases o the time rateH $ut the e'cess* #hich he

    is played* is carried or#ard as a de$t against him to $e recovered rom my uture $alance o

    piece #ork earnings over time #ork earnings. +he system presupposes the i'ation o time and

    piece rate on a scientiic $asis.


    ;ages dier in dierent employmentBs or occupations* industries and localities* and also

    $et#een persons in the same employment or grade. One there ore comes across such times

    occupational age dierentials* inter industry* inter irm* area or geographical dierentials and

    personal dierentials. ;age dierentialsB have $een classiied in to three categories.

    irst* the dierentials that can $e attri$uted to imperections in the employment markets* such as

    the limited kno#ledge o #orkers in regard to alternative -o$ opportunities availa$le else #here@

    o$stacles to geographical* occupational or inter irm mo$ility o #orkers H or time lags in the

    ad-ustment o resource distri$ution and changes in the scope and structure o economic activities.

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    E'amples o such #age dierentials are inter industry* inter irm* and geographical inter area

    #age dierentials.

    Second* the #age dierentials* #hich originate in social values and pre-udices and #hich* are

    deeper and more persistent than economic actors. ;age dierentials $y se'* age* status or

    ethnic orgin $elong to this category.

    +hird* occupational #age dierentials* #hich #ould e'ist even i employment markers #ere

    perect and social pre-udices* #ere a$sent.

    In other #ords* #age dierentials may $e H

    %. occupational dierentials or dierentials $ased on skills@

    0. inter irm dierentials @

    3. inter area or regional dierentials @

    5. inter industry dierentials @

    &. dierentials $ased on se'.

    ;!GE DIE,E=+I!LS I= I=DI!

    Due to paucity o relevant data on #age dierentials* it is not possi$le to analy9e them in India H

    yet the main eatures o the Indian #age structure may $e stated thus H as a characteristic o

    unorgani9ed la$our marke* personal dierentials $ecause o -o$ selling* individual $argaining

    and #age discrimination have tendered to persist in India* especially in the organi9ation sector o

    the economy* and even in the organi9ed and unorgani9ed sections in industry.

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    +he tendency appears to $et to#ards the elimination o #age dierentials $ecause o government

    intererence through the i'ation o the minimum #ages and* o late* through the appointment o

    #age $oards and pressures rom trade unions. ;age dierentials $y se' are :uite common. ?oth

    economic and social reasons account or this phenomenon. Despite the act the constitution o

    India en-oins upon the state to direct its policy to#ards securing e:ual pay or e:ual #ork or

    men and #omen* a#ards o some industrial tri$unals provided or dierent ground that the o

    #omen #orkers support a smaller amily that the cost o employing #omen #orkers is higher.

    !s regards inter irm and inter industry dierentials in india* the ormers #ere :uite important

    and re:uent in the past particularly in the -ute mill industry. O late* ho# ever* there has $een a

    tendency to#ards the elimination o inter irm dierentials. +he orces* #hich tend to eliminate

    inter/ personal dierentials in the country* operate in this case as #ell.

    EMEC(+IE CO>"E=S!+IO= "L!=S

    or the higher management* salaries are inluenced $y the si9e o company* $y the speciic

    industry* and in part $y the contri$ution o the incum$ent to the process o decision/making. +he

    $igger the irm the greater is the compensation paid to the e'ecutives. +he industries that are

    more highly constrained $y governmental regulation 7$anks* lie insurance* air transport* rail

    roads* pu$lic utilities8 pay relatively less than those that are more ree to carry on their $usiness 7

    private irms 8.

    Straight salaries* $onuses* stock purchase plans and proit sharing are used to compensate ma-or

    e'ecutives. O these* the straight salary is the most common method the salary is determined $y

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    mutual agreement $et#een the individual and employer. +he sales aected* the cost o

    production* reduction in e'penses and the proits made are also taken into account.

    ?onuses are also aid to e'ecutives at a certain percentage o the proits. +he $onuses may

    average orm 34 &4 o the $asic salary. +he $onuses operate most eectively in increasing

    motivation #hen the ollo#ing conditions e'ist.

    %. the paid is closely related to the level o individual perormance

    0. the amount paid ater ta'es represents a clearly noticea$le rise a$ove the $ase salary level

    3. the amount paid is closely related to the level o company perormance

    5. the amount paid is tied into the $ase salary in such a #ay that the com$ined earnings are

    e:uita$le $oth in relation to internal and e'ternal standards

    &. the amount paid is reduce drastically #hen ever an individual e'periences a real and

    continuing decrease in perormance eectiveness.

    6. the amount paid is $ased on an easily understanda$le system o allocation* and the

    individual is provided #ith complete inormation on the relationship $et#een $onuses and


    >ore over* e'ecutives are compensated or various e'penses incurred $y them* or ta'ation takes

    a#ay a ma-or portion o their salary. Such payments are in the orm o

    7a8 medical care @

    7$8 counsel and accountants to assist in legal* ta' and inancial pro$lems@

    7c8 acilities or entertaining customers and or dinning out @

    7d8 company recreational are 7 s#imming pool and gymnasium8@

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    7e8 the cost o education and training o e'ecutives* scholarships or their children* and

    allo#ances or $usiness maga9ines and $ooks@ and

    78 ree #ell urnished accommodation conveyance and servants* all these go under the

    head o per:uisite


    ;age policy reers to all systematic eorts o the government in relation to national #age K

    salary system. It includes orders* legislations and so on to regulate the levels or structure o #age

    K salary #ith a vie# to achieving economic K social o$-ectives o the government.

    Especially the o$-ectives o #age policy are H

    %. to o$tain or the #orkers a -ust share o the ruits o economic development.

    0. to set minimum #ages or #orkers #hose $argaining position is #eakP

    3. to $ring a$out a more eicient allocation K utili9ation o human resources through #age

    K salary dierentials.

    5. to a$olish malpractice and a $uses in #age K salary payments.

    +he irst strep to#ards the evolution o #age policy #as the enactment o the payment o #age

    act* %136. the main o$-ective o the act is to prohi$it delay or #ith holding o #ages legitimately

    due to employees.

    +he ne't step #as the passing o the industrial dispute act* %15 authori9ing all the state

    governments to setup industrial tri$unals* #hich #ould look into disputes relating to

    remuneration. !nother nota$le development that leads to the evolution o age policy #as the

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    enactment o the minimum as act* %152. the purpose o the act is the i'ation o minimum rates

    o #ages to #orkers in s#eated industries such as #oolen* carpet making* loor mills* to$acco

    manuacturing* oil mills* plantations* :uarrying* micas agriculture and the like. +he act #as

    amended several times to make it applica$le to more and more industries. +hese come the e:ual

    remuneration act %16* #hich prohi$its discrimination in matters relating to remuneration on the

    $ars o religion* region* or se'.


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    Wage & Salary Administration

    D&t& Anys"s +Int$rpr$t&t"n

    Data analysis and interpretation

    %. opinion regarding present #age and salaries administration


    Sl. =o. Opinion =um$er o respondents !ggregate percentage

    % Aes 2 %6

    0 =o 31 1

    3 +o Some E'tent 3 &

    +otal &4 %44


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    Wage & Salary Administration


    rom the a$ove analysis I have ound that 4 o the employees are not satisied %6

    are satisied. & are satisied to some e'tent.

    0. Employees opinions regarding minimum #ages and salaries

    Sl.=o Opinion =o. o respondents !ggregate prercentage

    % ?ad %& 34

    0 "oor 33 66

    3 Good 40 5Q

    5 E'cellent 4 4

    +otal &4 %44

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    rom the a$ove analysis I have ound the that 66 o the employees are not satisied 5 eel good* none

    eel e'cellent and $y all only 34 o the employees is satisied $y the minimum #ages given $y the


    E'cellent good* $ad* poor. rom the a$ove analysis* I have ound that* 66 o the employees eel that the

    #ages K salaries are poor* 34 o the employees eel $ad* 5 eel good* none eel e'cellent.

    3. Aour opinions on night allo#ances given $y orgn

    Sl. =o Opinion =o. o respondents !ggregate percentage

    % ?ad 00 55

    0 "oor 04 54

    3 Good & %4

    5 E'cellent 3 6+otal &4 %44

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    Interpretation H

    rom the a$ove analysis* I ound that 54 o the employees eel that might allo#ances are poor* 55 eel

    $ad* %4 eel good and 6 o the employees eel that might allo#ances are e'cellent

    5. Employee opinion o attendance allo#ance

    Sl.=o Opinion =o. o respondents !ggregate prercentage

    % Satisied 34 64

    0 =ot/ satisied 4 4

    3 Good %& %&

    5 E'cellent & %4

    +otal &4 %44

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    Interpretation H

    rom the a$ove analysis I have ound that none o the employees are un satisied* 34 eel good*

    %4 eel e'cellent any $y all 64 o the employees are satisy $y the attendance allo#ances provided $y

    the organi9ation.

    &. Employees opinion e:uita$le #age and salaries

    Sl.=o Opinion =o. o respondents !ggregate prercentage

    % Aes 5& 14

    0 =o & %4

    +otal &4 %44

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    Interpretation H

    rom the a$ove analysis I have ound that %4 o the employees are not satisied and 14 o the

    employees are satisied $y the e:uita$le #ages and salaries given $y the organi9ation.

    It is good to any company to give e:uita$le #ages and salaries to its employees. I they satisied #ith

    e:uita$le salaries to its employees. I they satisied #ith e:uita$le salaries then there is a chance to

    minimi9e the internal conlicts among the employees

    6. Opinions regarding -o$ evaluation techni:ues

    Sl.=o Opinion =o. o respondents !ggregate prercentage

    % Aes &4 %44

    0 =o 4 4

    +otal &4 %44

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    rom the a$ove analysis it is o$served that employees are unsatisied and %44 employees are

    satisied $y the -o$ evaluation techni:ues ollo#ed $y the organi9ation

    Interpretation H

    !ny company must #ork hard to#ards setting o the -o$ evaluation techni:ues. Employees must

    $e satisied #ith the -o$ evaluation techni:ues. Other #ise they may not concentrate on #ork.

    . Employees satisaction polices and "ractices

    +a$le H

    Sl. =o Opinion =o. o respondents !ggregate percentage

    % Satisied %4 04

    0 =ot Satisied 3& 3&

    3 Good & %4

    5 E'cellent 4 4

    +otal &4 %44

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    Wage & Salary Administration

    Graph H

    rom the a$ove analysis a $rie over vie# is o$served that 4 o the employees are not

    satisied* %4 eel good* none eel e'cellent and 04 o the employees are satisied $y the

    policies and practices o #ages and salaries ollo#ed $y the organi9ation..

    Interpretation H

    !ny company must do good e'ercise in ormulating sound polices and practices o #age and

    salaries. I the employees satisied #ith polices and practices ollo#ed $y the organi9ation* they

    get motivated and the satisaction acts as a driving orce $y #hich the employees put ma'imum

    eort to#ards the #ork. >ost o the employees are not satisied #ith policies and practices o

    #ages ollo#ed $y the organi9ation .

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    2. Employee satisaction on "ension ?eneits

    Sl. =o Opinion =o. o ,espondents !ggregate "ercentage

    % Satisied 0& &4

    0 =ot Satisied & %4

    3 Good & %4

    5 E'cellent %& 34

    +otal &4 %44

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    +he a$ove ta$le gives a $rie over that %4 o the employees are not satisied* %4 eel good*

    %4 eel e'cellent and $y all &4 o the employees are satisied $y the pension $eneits

    provided $y the oragni9atio.

    Interpretation H

    !ny company must do good e'ercise in ormulating good pension $eneits o #age and salaries.

    I the employee satisied #ith pension $eneits ollo#ed $y the organi9ation* they get motivated

    and the satisaction acts as a driving orce $y #hich the employees put ma'imum eort to#ards

    the #ork. >ost o the employees are not satisied #ith pension $eneits o #ages ollo#ed $y the


  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    1. Employee opinions insurance $eneits

    Sl. =o Opinion =o. o ,espondents !ggregate "ercentage

    % Aes 33 66

    0 =o 4 4

    3 Good %& 34

    5 E'cellent & %4

    +otal &4 %44

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    rom the a$ove analysis* I o$served that the employees are not satisied* 34 eel good* %4

    eel e'cellent and $y all 64 o the employees are satisied $y the insurance $eneits provided

    $y the organi9ation

    Interpretation H

    !ny company must provide the insurance $eneit according employee State Insurance

    7ESI8 %152. I the company provide monetory to lives o #orkers* they #ill get more interest on

    #ork. S!OCL providing insurance $eneit as or the ESI !ct.

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    %4. Employee opinions on share o the proit

    Sl. =o Opinion =o. o ,espondents !ggregate "ercentage

    % Aes 33 66

    0 =o % 35

    +otal &4 %44

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    rom the a$ove analysis I o$served that 35 o the employees are not satisied and 66

    o the employees are satisied and 66 o the employees are satisied $y the pice rate

    given $y the organi9ation.

    Interpretation H

    Sharing o proits #ith their #orkers #ill leads more satisaction in S!COL

    sharing o proits only #ith the administrative sta. ?ut* the #orkers get piece rate and

    most o the #orkers.

    %%. Opinion a$out inancial position o the company

    Sl. =o Opinion =o. o ,espondents !ggregate "ercentage

    % Good & %4

    0 E'cellent 0& &4

    3 ?ad & %4

    5 "oor %& 34

    +otal &4 %44

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    rom the a$ove analysis* it is o$served that %4 o employees eel the inancial position o the

    company is good* &4 o employees eel e'cellent* 0& employees eel $ad and %4 eel poor

    %0. Opinion o the a$out e:ual pay or e:ual #ork

    Sl. =o Opinion =o. o ,espondents !ggregate "ercentage

    % Aes 0& &4

    0 =o 0& &4

    +otal &4 %44

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    rom the a$ove analysis* it is o$served that &4 o employees are satisied K &4 o

    employees are not satisied #ith e:uita$le #ages

    %3. Employee K trade unions opinions on inorming a$out the procedure o #age rates

    Sl. =o Opinion =o. o ,espondents !ggregate "ercentage

    % Aes 33 66

    0 =o % 35

    +o Some E'tent 4 4

    +otal &4 %44

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    rom the a$ove analysis* it is o$served that 66 o employees K trade unions are inormed

    a$out the #age rates and 35 are not inormed.

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration



    + (n(#us"n


    %. >a-ority o the employees are not satisied #ith the present #age and salary

    administration o the sudha !gro oil and chemical industries limited

    0. It is o$served that* i #e take the present economic conditions o our country* the sudha

    agro oil and chemical industries limitedB* employeeBs salaries are not enough to meet the

    needs o the employees.

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    3. It #as ound that employees are provided #ith inancial $eneits in the oldage* insurance

    $eneits are provided to cover the loss in the accident at the #ork place.

    5. >ost o the employees are not satisied in the #age polices implemented in the


    &. It is ound that most o the employees are satisied #ith -o$ evaluation techni:ues

    ollo#ed $y the organi9ation

    6. S!OCL is giving e:uita$le #ages and salaries to all #orkmen employed or doing a

    particular in o #ork receive same #ages.


    %. It is suggested that* #hile taking into consideration o the recent cost o living* salaries

    should $e increased to the standards.

    0. >ost o the employees #ant to increase their salaries* so it its $etter to improve present

    #age K salary administration

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    +hey are satisied #ith the non/statutory measures providing $y the management like

    attendance allo#ance* night allo#ance* -o$ evaluation techni:ues* e:uita$le #ages etc. #hile

    taking account the survey o the sample si9e o &4 employees* ma-ority o employees are not

    satisied #ith the present #age and salary administration.

    Due to the eiciency o personnel department* no pro$lem arising in the industry they are

    looking very #ell a$out their daily pro$lems.

    S!OCL management must make very eort to improve the :uality o #ork lie* :uality

    management and total personality management.


    S.=o !uthor ?ook Edition "u$lication Aears

    % "ro. +..,ao )uman ,esource


    %0thedition )imalaya



    0. !run >onappa "ersonnel management 6thEdition )imalaya



  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    3 C.?. >amoria "ersonal K )uman

    ,esource >anagement

    3rdEdition )imalaya




    Economic +imes

    ?usiness India


    =ame H

    Designation H

    %. !re you satisied #ith present #ages and salary administrationP

    Aes =o +o Some e'tent

    0. !re you satisied the e:uita$le #age and salary structure ollo#ed $y the organi9ationP

    Aes =o +o Some e'tent

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    3. )o# do you eel a$out the -o$ evaluation process ollo#ed $y the organi9ation P

    Satisied =ot/Satisied Good E'cellent

    5. ;hat are your opinions a$out allocation and utili9ation o )uman resourcesP

    Satisied =ot/Satisied Good E'cellent

    &. )o# #ould you think a$out sound polices and practices or #age and salary


    Satisied =ot/Satisied Good E'cellent

    6. Aour opinions a$out minimum #ags provided $y the organi9ation P

    Satisied =ot/Satisied Good E'cellent

    . Did you satisied #ith minimum price rate provided $y the organi9ationP

    Aes =o

    2. )o# #ould you eel #ith pension and insurance scheme provided $y the organi9ationP

    Aes =o

    1. Did you satisied #ith the share o the proit P

    Satisied =ot/Satisied Good E'cellent

    %4. ;hat is the inancial position o the companyP

    Good E'cellent ?ad "oor

    %%. Did all the employees have e:ual pay or e:ual #orkP

    Aes =o +o Some e'tent

    %0. Did all the employees and trade unions are inormed a$out the procedure o #age ratesP

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    Aes =o +o Some e'tent

    %3. ;hat are your opinions a$out light allo#ancesP

    E'cellent Good ?ad "oor


    =ame H A. =EELI>!

    atherBs =ameH A. >urali >ohana ,ao

    General H emale

    !ge @ 0%

    Date o $irth H %&/4%/%122

  • 8/13/2019 Wage and Salary Sudha Agro Neelima


    Wage & Salary Administration

    ,eligion H )indu

    =ationality H Indian

    Language H +elugu

    >arital Status H >arried

    Education H >?! inal

    S. =o ualiication CollegeJ (niversity Aear "ercentage

    % SSC Go#tham idyalay )ydera$ad 0443 20 Intermediate Fakathiya !cademy*


    044& 61

    3 ?SC. !ditya Degree College*


    0442 65

    5 >?! !ditya Institute o "G Studies*

