Historical Figure Best Work Rough Draft Due: Monday Final Draft Due: Thursday Directions: The best work should be done in the first person persona. This means, the person you are researching is ultimately writing the best work as themselves (So using I, etc. is ok). Each paragraph needs to be a PROPER paragraph in length, detail, and support. Below is an outline for you to follow. Example W.E.B. Du Bois Progressive Reformer U.S. History 1868-1963 1st Paragraph – Description of who W.E.B. Du Bois is, brief overview of the collection of his work as a whole, and summary of what HE is most proud of accomplishing within his life. 2 nd Paragraph – Reflection of his strengths, challenges, and inspiration discovered while completing his most proud accomplishment. 3 rd Paragraph – Evaluates the accomplishment in how it has impacted (positively or negatively) on today’s society and to evaluate the accomplishments legacy.

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Historical Figure Best Work Rough Draft Due: MondayFinal Draft Due: ThursdayDirections: The best work should be done in the first person persona. This means, the person you are researching is ultimately writing the best work as themselves (So using I, etc. is ok). Each paragraph needs to be a PROPER paragraph in length, detail, and support. Below is an outline for you to follow. ExampleW.E.B. Du BoisProgressive Reformer U.S. History 1868-1963

1st Paragraph Description of who W.E.B. Du Bois is, brief overview of the collection of his work as a whole, and summary of what HE is most proud of accomplishing within his life. 2nd Paragraph Reflection of his strengths, challenges, and inspiration discovered while completing his most proud accomplishment. 3rd Paragraph Evaluates the accomplishment in how it has impacted (positively or negatively) on todays society and to evaluate the accomplishments legacy.

Resume Handout for Historical Figure Rough Draft Due: TuesdayFinal Draft Due: ThursdayResume The typed or written in ink. It should be 1-2 pages in length, NO LONGER. (It is a good idea to write a rough draft and have someone else read and critique your resume.) See sample format! Make sure you make it looks professional.

You can use the templates in MS Word, though word of caution is some templates are difficult to revise once you place the information into the required areas. I suggest to make your own template using your WORD knowledge.

Resume Categories and checklist: (Your resume must include at least 6 categories) See the Sample Resume for help on how to set up the categories.1) ______Personal Information: name, birth date, 2) ______Objective: What is the goal for your historical figure during the time period to which they lived?

3) _______Professional Experience: Employment history, employers names, locations, years of employment, job descriptions (beginning with the most recent)

4) ______Educational Background: School names and years attended (beginning with most recent date), degrees held, major/minor areas of study

5) ______Hobbies and Interests: Things your person enjoys doing out of work such as: activities, hobbies, special talents, skills, etc.

6) ______Civic Involvement: type of community service, voluntary work, charitable service

7) _______Accomplishments: special successes that your person would be proud of and would make him/her more employable (be specific with accomplishments)

8) _____Awards and Honors: awards and honors received for achievement scholastic, athletic, humanitarian, military

9) ____Character and skills (Strong personality traits, qualities, etc)

10) _____References: people who know your abilities and would offer positive comments about you as a person or professional

Numbers 1-3 and 7 MUST be on the resume! Choose at least two of the other categories to include on your resume.

Historical Figure Self-Profile Rough Draft Due: WednesdayFinal Draft Due: ThursdayYour historical figure Self-Profile is an essay to provide an overview of who your historical figure is and their significance within US History. Suggestions for things to include in your Self-Profile are: Brief biography of your historical figure.(in shortWho are they? How did they become an influential figure within US History?)Best words that can describe your historical figureHow would they describe themselves? What are your historical figures academic goals, personal goals, goals for our nation?

Minimum Requirements for your Self-Profile are: *Should be 1-2 pages in length (NO MORE THAN 3)*Times New Roman 12 Font*Double Spaced*Be creative, descriptive! Remember, this is where you condense your research into the most IMPORTANT explanation. *Need an Introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Historical Figure ObituaryRough Draft Due: MondayFinal Draft Due: ThursdayRequirements:1. Typed, Times New Roman, 12 Font, double spaced, Max. 2-4 paragraphs

2. Include a headline for your obituary

3. Include a quotation about the reformer and/or a quotation from his/her work.

4. Include a photograph of the historical figure.

5. The Obituary should indicate or discuss all of the following:a. the historical figures lifeb. accomplishmentsc. published workd. Legacy