W8 Bar Wellness Lounge Lose weight the Organic Way W8 Bar Organic Wellness Lounge Lose Weight the Organic Way!

W8 Bar Wellness Lounge Lose weight the Organic Way

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W8 Bar Wellness LoungeLose weight the Organic Way

W8 Bar Organic Wellness Lounge

Lose Weight the Organic Way!

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Who we are A weight loss consulting company

specializing in all- organic weight loss

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What we do Give you weekly body scans to see

where you currently stand Customize an all-organic diet for you

based upon the body scan Give you weekly all natural

supplementation to help maximize your weight loss results

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Body Scan Gives personalized information

including: Weight Body Mass Index (BMI) Body Fat % Visceral Fat Rating Body Water % Muscle Mass Bone Mass Basal Metabolic Rate Metabolic Age

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Weight Given in pounds. This

number will change throughout the day.

The most accurate reading is upon waking first thing in the morning.

Keep in mind, the weight of your clothing also needs to be factored in for an accurate reading.

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BMI (Body Mass Index) A measure of body fat based on height and weight that

applies to adult men and women Weight in kilograms divided by the square height in meters

This does not take into account muscle mass E.g. Body builders have a high BMI, but are in great shape A more accurate measure comes from Body Fat Percentage

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BMI ChartClassification BMI

Dangerous Over 40

Alarming 35-39.9

At Risk 30-34.9

Overweight 25-29.9

Visible Tummy Fat 21-24.9

Lean 18.5-20.9

Need Weight Gain Under 18.5

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Body Fat % Total mass of fat divided by total body

mass Includes essential body fat and storage

body fat Only body measurement which

calculates a persons relative body composition WITHOUT regard to height and weight

More accurate than BMI Body fat % takes into account greater

muscle mass and mass of larger bones

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Body Fat % Chart

Classification Female Male

At Risk/ Obese Over 35% Over 25%

Too Much/ Overfat 29.1-34.9% 20.1-24.9%

A Bit Much 25.1-29% 18.1-20%

Normal- Visible Tummy Fat

22.1-25% 15.1-18%

Lean 17.1-22% 10-15%

Very Lean/ Athletic Under 17% Under 10%

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Visceral Fat Rating Body fat that is stored within the abdominal

cavity and is therefore stored around a number of important internal organs such as the liver, pancreas and intestines

Different from subcutaneous fat (the fat underneath our skin)

An unhealthy level can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, stroke or even death

Smoking and drinking can also increase your visceral fat

Healthy Level 1-12

Unhealthy Level 13-58

Visceral Fat Rating

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Picture of Visceral Fat

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Body Water % Different for men and women If a person is not drinking enough water, the

chemical reactions necessary for the body to breakdown fat will not occur efficiently.

Crucial in weight loss

Men 50-65%

Women 45-60%

Healthy Body Water % Range

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Muscle Mass

The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism functions.

Important to maintain and increase muscle in order to insure a high metabolism

In ANY weight loss program, the goal is to lose FAT not MUSCLE, so we measure weekly to make sure the client is losing fat only.

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Bone Mass

The amounts vary for men and women. If a person is lower than normal, we

recommend specific supplements such as Calcium and Vitamin D.

Less than 110 lb.

110 lb.-165 lb 165 lb and up

4.3 lb. 5.3 lb. 6.5 lb.

Less than 143 lb.

143 lb- 209 lb.

209 lb. and up

5.9 lb. 7.3 lb. 8.1 lb.

Weight in lbs.



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BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) Shows us how many calories your body

needs at rest in order to function at its current level.

This number changes as the client loses weight

Measured every week in order to determine the caloric intake necessary to achieve your optimal weight loss results.

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Metabolic Age A comparison between a persons BMR

against the average BMR for an age. Calculation uses a benchmark, your age, to

determine your body’s efficiency by comparing that benchmark against the average metabolic rate of different ages.

Gives us an indication of how well your metabolism functions

As you lose weight and gain muscle, this number will drastically change

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Weekly Diets Customized based on the body scan All organic food Substitution foods offered for


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Supplements offered W8 loss pill Detox pill Anti-oxidant super food B Complex Fish Oil All natural laxative

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W8 Loss Pills W8 Loss 1

Increases metabolism Decreases appetite and cravings

W8 Loss 2 Decreases appetite Increases energy and metabolism Improves mood Helps reduce cravings for carbs

App Curve Increases metabolism Decreases appetite and cravings Helps to regulate energy balance

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Detox Pill Detoxes the colon Helps to rid free radicals and toxins Maintains regularity Prevents Constipation Maintains a healthy PH

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Anti Oxidant Super Food

• Increases Metabolism• Increases Energy• Helps get rid of

toxins• Increases fat burning

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B Complex• Increases energy• Increases fat burning• Increases metabolism• Ensures you are getting all the

nutrients you need while on a low calorie, low carb, low fat diet

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Fish Oil

• Improves blood pressure• Helps to decrease cholesterol• Lowers risk of coronary heart disease• Helps prevent skin laxity while you are

losing weight• Ensures you are getting healthy fats that

the body needs while on a low fat diet• Provides nutrients for hair/ skin/ nail health

and cardiovascular health

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All-natural laxative

• Helps prevent irregularity

• Relieves constipation naturally

• No cramping involved

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Programs offered 21 day weight-loss program

Week 1- custom diet Weeks 2-3- supplementation Weeks 4-5- maintenance

5 weeks total including maintenance Average weight loss of 10-15 lbs of fat

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Programs offered 40 day weight-loss program

Week 1- custom diet Weeks 2-6- supplementation Weeks 7-8- maintenance

2 months total including maintenance Average weight loss of 20-40 lbs of fat

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Both programs include: Weekly body scans Weekly follow up visits going over your

week Custom Diets for the next weeks

program based upon your scan All office visits All supplements Weekly support

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Special Offer!

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$100 gift card

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We look forward to helping you on your W8 loss journey and helping you become the best YOU you can be!