Copyright © 2013 W3Boom.com W3 Boom! Magazine 1 st Ed 2013 Our Mission: [W3 Boom was established to help mom and dads to start a Home Based Business. We believe that time and financial freedom that comes with Home Based Business is the new dream. The good news is that this dream is achievable. However, the internet created information overload and left the masses with confusion and scams. We are here to serve people who want to change their situation and earn extra cash to help themselves and their beloved ones.] Guest blogging: [As a part of our commitment to help you increase your online presence, we accept guest blogging on W3Boom.com This is a great opportunity to increase traffic to your website and build up your image. We require the contents to be unique and related to Home Based Business niche. All submitted contents will be reviews manually. For more info visit “Write for us” page at W3Boom.com.] “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” Helen Keller In this edition: Let’s learn how to blog well How to Effectively Make Money with Your Blog? Effective Website Traffic Increasing Techniques: I-III Empower Network; Honest Review Who is behind WordPress and Associated Press Hacks?

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Welcome to W3 Boom Magazine. Let us know your feedback on http://W3Boom.com In This edition: 1) Let’s learn how to blog well 2) How to Effectively Make Money with Your Blog? 3) Effective Website Traffic Increasing Techniques: I-III 4) Empower Network; Honest Review 5) Who is behind WordPress and Associated Press Hacks?

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W3 Boom! Magazine 1st Ed 2013

Our Mission:

[W3 Boom was established to

help mom and dads to start a

Home Based Business. We

believe that time and

financial freedom that comes

with Home Based Business is

the new dream. The good

news is that this dream is

achievable. However, the

internet created information

overload and left the masses

with confusion and scams.

We are here to serve people

who want to change their

situation and earn extra cash

to help themselves and their

beloved ones.]

Guest blogging:

[As a part of our commitment

to help you increase your

online presence, we accept

guest blogging on


This is a great opportunity to

increase traffic to your

website and build up your


We require the contents to be

unique and related to Home

Based Business niche. All

submitted contents will be

reviews manually.

For more info visit “Write for

us” page at W3Boom.com.]

“Optimism is the faith that

leads to achievement.

Nothing can be done

without hope and

confidence.” Helen Keller

In this edition: Let’s learn how to blog well

How to Effectively Make Money with Your Blog?

Effective Website Traffic Increasing Techniques: I-III

Empower Network; Honest Review

Who is behind WordPress and Associated Press


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It can’t be that difficulty. You simply choose your blogging platform and start writing.

Well, there’s more to it than this. Yes, anyone can blog. The real question, is how to blog

well. Unless you don’t care to have people read your blog, you’ll want to craft a blog that

connects to people so they will care about your opinion, follow your recommendations

and come back for more. We have 4 steps to get you started if this is your first blog.

Stay relevant:

Your first few blog posts will be easy. Maybe you limit your posts to a certain length to

avoid running out of subjects. This is a nice first step. But after some time, you may find

the well running dry. Follow other bloggers and reputable news sites that focus on your

subject. You’ll stay up to date on the latest developments, and have something relevant

to add to the conversation.

When a subject is hot, you

want to get in while people

are still interested.

Remember Facebook’s

IPO? So does everyone

else, and in internet terms,

its ancient history. No one

is talking about it much

anymore because that

subject is dead.

Build a conversation:

Yes, you should add to

conversations, though if

you have your own

thoughts, get them out

there, and don’t be shy

about it. A firm opinion

will generate more page

views and comments than

taking a safe or middle of

the road approach. Look at

Let’s Learn How to Blog Well

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You’ve likely noticed a pattern in our

advice. If you’re trying to learn how

to blog, then you’ll need to keep

your content up to date, both in

subject and posting frequency, write

about subjects your audience cares

about and keep up your writing.

Google Trends for keyword searches if you want to create content people are looking for.

Staying fresh and targeting your message are the beginning steps if you want to learn

how to blog like a pro.

Build your community:

Having your own blog is nice, but it’s even better if people read it and best if you have

followers willing to read at your latest posts. Plan in the time to reply to a few relevant

comments per blog posts, and keep the conversation about your blog post going on your

social media feeds to add to your following. Your community might even inspire new

blog post subjects and modify your writing style, showing you how to blog for your

specific audience. Most teenagers don’t care to read product reviews for baby toys, and

most adults won’t understand what teenagers want.

Write and write some more:

If you don’t post at least once each week, your blog is dead by internet standards. You

will fall significantly in search engine rankings and risk losing your audience. Learning

how to keep the content coming is the hardest part about learning how to blog.

If you’re following our advice above, you should have at least some inspiration. If you

find your mind completely empty, find a new location. A nice café, a quiet library or just

a different room in your home can be the change you need to get your creativity up and

running again. And if you’re inspired enough to write more than one post, consider

publishing those at regular time intervals a bit into the future, say, the next few weeks.

Having large spikes in content followed by long periods of silence will further weaken

your SEO and following.

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Blogging is an activity that requires creativity and passion for writing. If you love to

share your thoughts about a certain topic or you just want to give information to a

certain group of individuals, you can be a blogger. Today, blogs are no longer just a

hobby or a past time for writers. People who have been contributing significant

information with the use of their blogs are now considering blogging for money. If you

are good in the area of writing and sharing, you will surely earn money. Below, you will

find different ways on how to make money blogging. These methods are already proven

to be effective by people who use blogging for money.

Qualify for Google AdSense:

AdSense is one of the most

famous monetizing tool that is

being used when blogging for

money. You can create your

own blog and start monetizing

by applying to Google AdSense

and posting ads when you are

accepted. There is a simple

procedure that has to be done in

order to pass your application;

you just have to follow several

steps. However, you have to

make sure that your blog is

what Google is looking for;

make the content relevant and

choose niches that are

attractive. You can earn money

when people will be clicking on

the ads that are going to be

posted by courtesy of AdSense.

Be an Amazon Affiliate:

Amazon is one of the largest

How to Effectively Make Money

with Your Blog?

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online stores that can help you understand how to make money blogging. Just like

AdSense, you also have to undergo a very simple procedure in order to become an

Amazon affiliate. First, you need to have an Amazon account and you need to complete

your application in order to become an official affiliate. Basically, you are going to act as

an advertising agent with the use of your blog. You are going to link the visitors of your

page to Amazon where they can purchase a product that you are advertising. That is how

it works for this strategy that is effectively used in blogging for money. A lot of people

are already earning by being an Amazon affiliate.

Receive private ads and advertise E-books:

If you have a reputable blog that is already known by almost every person, it would be

easier for you to accept private ads. Compared to becoming an Amazon affiliate,

receiving private ads can be done without a supporting company that will serve as a

mediator. Your client may pay you to advertise their website or your page by making a

review and linking it to their site. You can also be an affiliate marketer by advertising an

E-book and linking people to the site where they can buy it.

Blogging for money is something that can be mastered in a matter of time. You need to

learn from people who are already experts in this business. After reading the different

things above and learning how to make money blogging, you can now start making a

highly readable and significant blog. You need to focus in making yourself an expert

when it comes to writing and sharing before anything else if you really want to earn


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Web page traffic is a very significant factor that determines the success of your

website. One of the reasons why many bloggers and website owners were not able to

succeed in this field is lack of knowledge about this. This article will help you in order to

make sure that you will be successful by learning how to get website traffic.

There are different

techniques that you can use

in increasing website traffic.

You just have to be a master

of two or three strategies and

you will surely find yourself

walking through the path of

success. Below, you will find

a simplified presentation of

the different techniques that

are proven to be effective in

increasing your website


Create unique, fresh and

useful content:

Before considering outside

factors that can increase the

number of your visitors, you

have to focus on your

content first. A good content

is your key to make people

look forward to reading your

incoming posts. Here are

some questions that can help

you provide unique, fresh and useful content:

Are you writing about the newest and hottest topics?

Is your article providing helpful information that aims to solve a certain


Effective Website Traffic Increasing

Techniques: Part I

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Are you providing fresh information for the visitors or are they only seeing the

same thing in your site?

Is your article entertaining?

If your answer to all the questions given above is yes, you are indeed creating a good

content for your site. Aside from those factors, you should also consider creating articles

that are free from any grammatical errors. Good content can help you work on your web

page traffic. If your visitors love your post, there is a great tendency that they will be

sharing it to their friends.

Contribute in forums or discussion sites:

Forums are sites where people hang out in order to give their own opinions or ask

questions about a common thing. Many people are visiting it every day. This is a good

place for you to advertise your site. But, this is not as easy as posting a link and leaving it

there; you need to earn your spot.

Increasing website traffic with the use of forums would mean interacting and

contributing useful information to the site. You can do this by creating a good post that

will answer a certain question or issue. Make sure that you are providing something

useful and effective. After working on the content of your post, you can integrate a link

that will lead people to your site. Constant contribution in forums can increase your

chance of having many visitors for your own site.

Ask visitors to share your article:

If you are thinking of another effective way in increasing website traffic, you can

always ask your visitors to tell their friends about the post that they have read. You can

just include a sentence or a phrase that will seamlessly instruct them to share your

article to their friends. This can be done easily if you can make an article that people will

surely love. This is one of the simplest but most effective ways of increasing website

traffic to your site.

Learning how to increase your website traffic is something that you should consider if

you want to earn from your site. Check the next two articles for more effective


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On the first part of the article, we were able to discuss three effective ways on how to

get traffic for your site. We have mentioned about the importance of having a good

content, joining forums and asking your visitors to share your articles. These three are

just few of the most effective ways in increasing website traffic. In this part, you will find

more techniques that you can use in promoting your site.

The SEO strategy:

One of the most important things that you need to learn in increasing website traffic is

the use of keywords. Search engine optimization technique will help you place your

website in the first page of

search result. This is easy but

you have to know some limits in

order for you not to annoy the


First, you need to look for

appropriate keywords that you

can use for your article. These

keywords are going to help

people find your site. Integrating

it to your article is the critical

part. You should know how to

place these keywords in a natural

way. People will surely get tired

of reading your article if it is no

longer making sense because it is

only stuffed with so many


E-mail marketing strategy:

This is one of the passive but

effective ways of increasing

website traffic. E-mail marketing

can be done with the aid of mails as the main tool. An advertising mail will be sent to a

Effective Website Traffic Increasing

Techniques: Part II

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“The secret of success is

learning how to use pain and

pleasure instead of having

pain and pleasure use you. If

you do that, you’re in control

of your life. If you don’t, life

controls you.” Tony Robbins

group of people who are interested in the product or the service that you are offering in

your site. You can do this or you can ask a company who can assist you with this.

You should consider placing a spot in your website where visitors can place a comment

or interact with you by making use of their e-mail addresses. This will allow you to

connect with them through their e-mail. You should also ask for confirmation if they

want to receive any mails from you regarding updates in the future. Now, if you do not

have a list of e-mails, you can ask the help of companies who are experts when it comes

to e-mail marketing and they can surely help you in increasing website traffic.

Make use of banners:

If you really want to spend a little money and effort in increasing your website traffic,

you can make use of banner advertising. With this, you need the help of advertising

sites. Many website owners were able to succeed because of this strategy. In order to use

this strategy, you need to coordinate with Internet companies who can advertise your

company or website in other bigger websites that are receiving millions of visitors every

day. This is a great chance that you should never miss. In this part, investing money is

also a very important factor that can help you increase traffic for your website.

If you want to learn how to get traffic for your site, you should not avoid every single

opportunity that comes your way. More techniques are waiting for you in the next


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This is the final article on how to get website traffic. The final list of techniques will be

presented here. The first two articles were able to give you some techniques that are

equally significant in your plan to increase website traffic. Strategies that encourage the

use of e-mail marketing, SEO and advertising banners were all covered in those articles.

In this part, we are going to continue with the discussion of the most effective traffic

builders by presenting more techniques.

Post a video on YouTube:

So, what is the role of

YouTube with your plan to

increase website traffic for

your own site? First, let us

try to look at the aspect

that touches the number of

people who are visiting the

site every day. There are

millions of people who are

hanging out in this site.

Secondly, some people who

are visiting YouTube are

looking for a presentation

or a review of products and

services that are offered


If you want to increase

website traffic with the use

of YouTube, you must

make an attractive,

informational and highly

recommendable video that

will be featuring your site.

If you are offering a product or a service, you need to create a presentation where people

will be informed about the features of such. You should be placing a link to serve as a

Effective Website Traffic Increasing

Techniques: Part III

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way for the people to visit your site. End the video by convincing the people to visit your

site for more information. With this strategy, you need creativity and ability to present


Make use of free publishing:

There are different sites that are helping website owners increase website traffic for

free; www.ezinearticles.com is one. You can submit articles in this site and wait for it to

be published. This is one of the ways that can help you increase website traffic by

contributing. There is a column in this site where you would be allowed to include a

URL or a link that will lead readers to your site. If you want to make use of this strategy,

you need to consider writing articles that are highly information and related to your site.

You need to consider the quality of your article because you are creating an impression

with it. If it is good, readers will surely look for more.

The social media:

One of the best ways for you to gain more traffic for your site is by making use of social

media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook, you are allowed to create a

page that where you will also be allowed to post the features of your site. With Twitter,

you can also tweet a link that will lead them to your site. With the number of people who

are visiting these social sites, you have a great chance to attract visitors. You should also

consider placing a portal in your site where people can share your post in these social

media sites.

Learning how to get website traffic is not easy. The strategies presented above require

dedication and enough knowledge for you to be able to use them. You also have to

consider how successful website owners utilized the strategies in order for you to have

more idea on its usage.

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Empower Network is a Multi-marketing blog building program designed to build

traffic and assist with content and direction. The system seems simple and the terms of

service have an investment charge and some possible billing fees. By rating other user

reviews it remains a twenty/eighty stand for possible violations or poor program

compatibility; even possible surcharges beyond users’ expectancy have been claimed.

Empower Network Membership exists within its members and it becomes funded by

the admission rates and fees consumers are likely to invest, each tier of the next affiliate

referred. The launch affiliates would hold the highest shares the duration of such


The complications of the network’s cons derive mostly from a few common detriments

to user level of operating: dedication to stay informed and up to date within the

Empower Network Community, and having your advertisements, PDF files, promotions

and sponsors all reaching

out with proper internet

media, to attract new

consumers and

entrepreneurs endeavoring

to discover Multi-Level-


In personal opinion

without getting on board

early, avoiding the surge of

traffic, it is difficult to

receive quality results with

little or no effort; it

requires focus on the

potential. Reaching new

contacts and attracting

new consumers to trade

and sell both personal

developed information and

entertainment software

over the internet. Program

installation consists of the

Empower Network; Honest Review

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more traffic, the harder pressed the new MLM networks servers get pressed, without

high capacity processors the information sent via internet get compromised resulting in

poor quality as well as performance.

Five disks set “The Inner Circle Mastermind Membership” offering training and

strategies. When one decides to make an Investment with Empower Network, a

membership is being forged and the affiliate is offered to review and learn the

fundamental concepts and discover how working Empower Network, generates viewers

and sells to the new affiliate.

A common down side to this particular marketing is the growing number of developers

and marketers as well as unverified or unlicensed practitioners. The wariness of new

prospective consumers decrease and fall short, still the opportunity for a spike in actual

investors is always a consumer’s interest away.

Ten disk “The Costa Rica Intensive Training” from this application the control and

dispatch is turned over to the affiliate to navigate on the levels that as a consumer signed

on for. The benefits and perks are 100% the overhead and expenses are directed from a

source affiliate.

“The $15k Formula” is in similitude to placing your affiliation within a boardroom of

an Empower Network and it can all be maintained and directed from the comfort of

your own personal computer.

Notwithstanding the possibility for fraud or bowrickle programming and sappy cheesy

video tutorials, if you have the money to consider investing for a membership, the one

sure solution to assure satisfaction is to approach it as you would a college course and

research review: get informed and involved. Do not invest unless you’re satisfied; too

many people jump head first pockets pouring out fees and memberships and thinking

that that is it, soon interest is lost, money basically wasted, and more to dish out.

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Today, April 23, 2013, Associated

Press (AP) Twitter account was

hacked around 1 pm EST. The

hackers posted a message to more

than 1.9 million followers about

pomp explosion at the White House

and injury of the president Obama.

This tweet was re-tweeted around

5000 within one minute!

This small tweet caused a sudden

drop in the stock market, which was

a shocking surprise for the money


This Hack came after less than two

weeks from the attempt to hack the

WordPress (WP) blog installation.

WP is the most popular blog

platform which is owned by Google

and used by millions. Over 90,000

IP addresses have lunched a brute

force attack to target WordPress

blog installations. There were several attempts to break the “Admin” dashboard. Big

hosting companies, like Hostgator and CloudFlare, reported that this attack has been

the largest hacking attempt recently.

Hacking happens every day.

With millions of internet users and billions of websites, hacking became a common

crime in the modern world. It only gets to the public attention when it happens on large

scale or target popular sites. Sometimes hackers claim responsibility, but most of the

times they stay quite.

For today hacking on the Associated Press, media reported that the Syrian Electronic

Army claim responsibility for the accident.

Who is behind WordPress and

Associated Press Hacks?

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Okay, wait a second…

How come a country that has been under war for over a year (i.e. Syria) has the ability

to hack into AP today and CBS last month?

Is it a coincident or a plan that today attack came where we are still recovering from

Boston attack?

Did anyone hack my website? Kidding !!!

I don’t want to go into much of politics here, but sometimes things don’t make sense to

me. All I can say that there is something is going on online right now and we need to

take precautions. Here are some tips:

Pay attention where you use your credit card online.

Change your passwords every 90 days.

Use complex passwords.

If you own a website, create a new admin profile with new user name and

password. Then delete the old profile.

Don’t use “admin” as a username.

Don’t stay too much online!

As for AP, Twitter has suspended its account for now. I know investigations are going

on currently, but I doubt that we will hear anything about the results. It’s just the way

we handle our threats these days. We used to put our heads in the sands or get high!

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Thank You