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Brain Exercises for the


7 Dream Symbols You Should Absolutely

NEVER Ignore

A good night’s sleep is always necessary to

recharge our batteries and prepare ourselves

for the day to come.

However, just because our bodies may

spend six to nine hours resting each night,

that doesn’t mean that our brains have

stopped working for a second.

While we sleep, our brains and our

subconsciouses are capable of taking us for

quite a ride — through our dreams.

And just as there are surprising things that

can affect the nature of our dreams, there is

so much that our subconsciouses are trying

to tell us with each and every dream.

Psychotherapist Jeffrey Sumber tells

WebMD, “The meaning of our dreams

oftentimes relates to things we are needing

to understand about ourselves and the world

around us.”

this exclusive list of important dream

symbols that you should never ignore, Will

blow you away by how you’re subconscious

was telling you. How could so much be

going on while I’m asleep?

Which of these all-important symbols have

you dreamed about?

1. Boxes

Concealment, secrets, and disappointment

If you dream about boxes, your subconscious is

trying to reach out to you about concealment.

Either you may fear that there is something

important that is being hidden from you, or you

may be keeping a secret from others around


Even more than that, if you open a box in your

dream, it may be your way of saying that you

are ready to reveal a secret.

And if you look inside the box to find it empty,

you are likely experiencing feelings of

disappointment in your life.

2. Falling

Lack of control, danger, and anxiety

A very common dream is one in which the

person feels like they are falling. This may be

your subconscious’s way of telling you that

things are getting way too out of control in

your life.

You may be afraid of failure or that some of

your riskier life choices may be coming back to

bite you in the end.

If falling is a recurring symbol in your dreams,

it is probably a good indicator that you need to

focus on anxiety-fighting activities in your day-

to-day life, such as meditation or yoga.

3. Cats

Femininity, spirituality, and power

Whether or not you are a cat-lover in your

waking life shouldn’t matter; cats can appear as

a powerful symbol in anyone’s dreams.

Your subconscious may be telling you to get

further in touch with your feminine side. This

can easily be accomplished through a

deepening of your relationships with females.

There is a large amount of power associated

with femininity. It may just be time to embrace

that confidence. This may even lead to a sort of

personal spiritual awakening.

4. Teeth

Aging, appearance, and health

For many people who have experienced dreams

involving teeth, they may have felt something

much more akin to a nightmare, with their teeth

either breaking or falling out.

Teeth symbolize a fear of getting older, and

possibly even death. A great way to combat

this fear is by trying to live each day to the

fullest, and by leading a positivity-driven

life. This may also be your subconscious

telling you that you are too concerned about

your appearance and not enough about your

health. After all, it isn’t about how you look

so much as it is about how you feel.

5. Ants

Support, hard work, and irritation

On a very surface level, dreaming about

bugs or ants may indicate that something

has been irritating or “bugging” you in your

day-to-day life. This can be your mind’s

way of telling you to address these

problems head-on, rather than letting them

build up over time.

Ants are also creatures that work together in

all that they do. Dreaming about ants shows

that you have a deep belief in working

together to get things done.

It also means that you value the

relationships you share with both friends

and family.

6. Hair

Sexuality, status, and freedom

If you dream about hair, it is likely that you

have some aspects of your physical

relationships that you have to work out.

Your subconscious may be telling you that

it is time to embrace the more sexual side to

your personality.

Hair also symbolizes a desire to connect

with other people, so long as you know your

status. You prefer to know exactly where

you stand in relation to others — both at

work and in relationships. And if you

specifically dream about long hair, you are

aspiring for a sense of freedom. It may just

be time to remove those artificial

restrictions you sometimes put on yourself.

7. Water

Ambition, risk, and fluidity

Water shows that you are either a person

who likes to take chances, or you aspire to

take more chances. You have big goals, and

your subconscious wants you to shoot for the


Risk may seem scary, but your dreams indicate

that you are likely ready to take a big risk in a

new area of your life. This can be terrifying,

but you can’t get what you want unless you try.

If you dream about water, you also love when

life feels fluid and easy. You long for the day

when life is both simple and comfortable.

Each of your dreams has the potential to

guide you forward in your day-to-day life.

1. Who was the world's first billionaire?

a. Bill Gates

b. John D. Rockefeller

c. Warren Buffet

d. Andrew Carnegie

2. What well-known patriotic song features

the line “From sea to shining sea”?

a. "God Bless America"

b. "This Land Is Your Land"

c. "America the Beautiful"

d. "Yankee Doodle"

3. Before hitting it big in "Rocky", what job

did Sylvester Stallone have in New York


a. Zookeeper

b. Police officer

c. Doorman

d. Hairdresser

4. What is the only fictional character to

have its own zip code?

a. Bugs Bunny

b. Smokey Bear

c. Uncle Sam

d. Woodsy Owl

Answers to Trivia Question

1. The American oil magnate John D.

Rockefeller became the world's first

billionaire in 1916. He was a co-

founder of the Standard Oil Company,

which dominated the oil industry.

Rockefeller's wealth soared and he

became the world's richest man and the

first American worth more than a

billion dollars, controlling 90% of all

oil in the United States at his peak. His

fortune upon his death in 1937 stood at

$1.4 billion, which at the time,

accounted for more than 1.5% of the

national economy. Adjusted for

inflation, Rockefeller was worth an

estimated $340 billion in today's

dollars - more than four times the

wealth of Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

2. "America the Beautiful" is an American

patriotic song. Katharine Bates

originally wrote the words as a poem,

"Pikes Peak", first published in the

Fourth of July edition of the church

periodical The Congregationalist in

1895. At various times, there have been

efforts to give "America the Beautiful"

legal status either as a national hymn

or as a national anthem equal to, or in

place of, "The Star-Spangled Banner",

but so far this has not succeeded.

"From sea to shining sea", is an

American idiom meaning "from the

Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean".

3. Very few people are born famous,

which means that even celebrities were

once regular people who had to pay the

bills with normal jobs. In the late 1960s

when he was still a struggling actor in

New York, the future Rocky star took a

job cleaning lion cages at the Central

Park Zoo for a reported $1.12 an hour.

Ironically, it all came full circle when

he performed the voice of Joe the Lion

in the 2011 comedy Zookeeper. On this

day in 1976, the film Rocky, made its

debut and would ultimately make

Sylvester Stallone one of the biggest

stars in Hollywood.

4. There are two individuals in the U.S. who

have their own zip code: The President

and Smokey Bear! In 1964, at the height of

his popularity, Smokey Bear, mascot of the

U.S. Forest Service, received so much fan

mail that he was assigned his own ZIP

code, 20252. Smokey got his slogan

"Remember only you can prevent forest

fires" in 1947. In April 2001, the message

was updated to "Only You Can Prevent

Wildfires." According to the Ad Council,

he and his message are recognized in the

United States by 95% of adults and 77% of


Quote for December

“You are as Amazing as you let yourself be.

Let me repeat that

“You are Amazing as you let yourself be”


Ho Ho Ho, It's Time for six things about


1. In What Country Did the Christmas Tree


The tradition of Christmas trees started in Germany

during the 16th century, and when trees were in

short supply, some would build a pyramid of wood

and decorate it with candles and evergreen

branches. Martin Luther is believed to be the first

person to decorate a tree that had been brought

indoors with lighted candles. Later, the tradition of

bringing a tree indoors and decorating it was

introduced in Britain and spread around the world.

2. Who Invented String Lights?

It doesn’t come as any surprise that Thomas

Edison, the famed inventor, came up with the first

strings of Christmas lights and had them hung

outside his Menlo Park laboratory as a holiday

decoration as early as 1880. However, it was nearly

40 years before they became a Christmas tradition

in ordinary households. Before this time, families

placed lit candles on their trees, which were

dangerous and caused many fires.

3. What Christmas Custom Started in

Victorian England?

Kissing while standing underneath a sprig of

mistletoe originated in Victorian England with

servants, although mistletoe has been associated

with mystical properties for centuries, including

back during the days of the Celtic Druids. In the

early days when it was hung as an invitation for

a kiss from anyone standing under it, it was

customary for men to steal a kiss from any

woman lucky enough, or unlucky enough, to be

standing underneath it. In another tradition, a

single berry had to be removed from the

mistletoe with each kiss until they were all

gone, and then the smooching couple was

required to stop.

4. What Do the Writers of "White

Christmas," "Rudolph the Red-Nosed

Reindeer," and "Chestnuts Roasting on an

Open Fire" All Have in Common?

Check out pretty much any list of the most

iconic Christmas songs and about half of them

were written by Jewish people. Johnny Marks

may be the most prolific, he wrote "Rudolph the

Red-Nosed Reindeer," "Rockin' Around the

Christmas Tree," and "A Holly Jolly

Christmas." In addition to the songs listed

above, you can also credit Jewish songwriters

with "Silver Bells," "Let It Snow," "Santa

Baby" and plenty more. So how do you explain

this religious contradiction? According to

Emmy Winner Michael Feinstein, "The

Christmas songs that are popular are not about

Jesus, but they're about sleigh bells and Santa

and the trappings of Christmas." In other words,

Christmas songs are really just about winter and

family and being "Home for the Holidays."

(Also written by a Jewish person).

5. Where Did the Song “Silent Night”


It was a song written in Austria, named “Stille

Nacht, Heilige Nacht” by Joseph Mohr in 1816,

and the music was added two years later by

Franz Xaver Gruber. During the Christmas truce

during WW1, both Germans and Allies sang it

in their own languages since it was popular in

both countries. Although this popular Christmas

carol has been recorded by many singers, Bing

Crosby’s version ranks at number three among

the best selling singles of all time.

6. What Cartoonist Is Responsible for the Way

Santa Claus Looks?

The image of Santa Claus has changed over the

years and evolved from the fourth century St.

Nicholas, who was Greek and considered the patron

saint of children. Cartoonist Thomas Nast sketched

his version of Santa Claus for an issue of Harper’s

Weekly published on January 1, 1881. The media

must have loved it because it was widely published

and became the image of the fat, jolly Santa that

Americans are familiar with today.

Pat P’s Recipes”

For December 2020

Mexican Wedding Cookies


1 cup butter, softened

1/2 cup granulated sugar

2 cups all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 cups ground nuts


1 cup butter, softened

1/2 cup granulated sugar

2 cups all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 cups ground nuts

2 teaspoons vanilla or almond extract

Confectioner’s sugar for rolling

Beat butter till creamy, add in sugar and beat

again. Add remaining ingredients and mix

well. Dough will be crumbly. Chill dough for

about an hour. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

Roll dough in to 1 inch balls and place on an

ungreased cookie sheet. Lightly flatten them

(just so they don’t roll around) Bake for 12

minutes. Roll cookies while still warm in

confectioners’ sugar, let cool completely

then roll in the sugar for a second


Senior Humor

Below are some messages from seniors who just wanted to say hello to their

friends, if you would like us to put a message in the newsletter, please call us at

323.887.4430 and we will see if we can help you out.

Thank You very much for providing

food for me during this difficult

time of covid. I appreciate

everything you do and I feel grateful

to have such a program in

Commerce. Thank you again!

-Zory Bontrager-

Going to Doctor

appointments, just

staying home. I really

miss BINGO

Yvonne Rodriquez

I hope

everyone is

staying safe. I

am bored !!!

-Nasie Villalva

Watching TV and cleaning, going to

the exercise classes at Rosewood

Park. Also sporting in my new car my

daughter bought me.

-Jessie Avalos-

Taking it easy doing a lot of

research on the internet, buying

airplane models, watching old

movies and taking walks and

staying safe. I miss having lunch

with everyone at the center.

-Mario Sotelo-

Going to Doctor


doing all regular

duties and


-Mary Pettus-

Staying safe at home watching

movies, taking to friends on the

phone, cleaning house and doing a

lot of home projects. Most of all

missing the Senior trips and miss

seeing everyone.

-Frances Martinez-

I’ve been sleeping eating, going to the

outdoor exercise classes at Rosewood Park.

Also doing a lot of volunteering in Pacoima

serving food.

-Gloria Nezahualcoyotl-

Bored, I’ve been staying home,

walking and cleaning house.

I’ve been keeping in contact

with the ladies form the

knitting class. Overall just

missing the senior center and

all the events.

-Alice Boone-

For those who are on the meal delivery

program there will not be deliveries the

week of Christmas

Instead you will receive double the meals the week before.

We ask that you make room in

your freezer and refrigerator for the extra meals and milks.

Veterans area/Rosini/Rosewood Senior Apartments/

Village & Ferguson on Tuesday Dec. 15, 200

Bandini/Rosewood/Bristow area Thursday Dec 17, 2020

If you have any questions please call

the Senior Center at (323)887-4430

Stay Safe and Healthy & Happiest of Holidays from the

Senior Center Staff


Sharon Rowe


Vangie Martinez


Martha Esquivel

Trip Chairperson

Javier Hernandez


Membership Dues - $7.00


Nellie Zepeda

(323) -722-4415


Isabel Caldera


Martha Esquivel

Membership Dues - $7.00


Gloria Nezahualcoyotl

Vice President

Guille Reyes


Pat Ortiz

Trip Chairperson

Raul Elenes

(562) - 928-2861

Membership Dues - $7.00

Monday 7:30am – 3:30 pm

Tuesday 7:30am – 3:30 pm

Wednesday 7:30am– 3:30 pm

Thursday 7:30am – 3:30 pm

Friday 7:30am – 3:30 pm

Saturday CLOSED


Lunes 7:30am – 3:30 pm

Martes 7:30am – 3:30 pm Miercoles 7:30am - 3:30 pm

Jueves 7:30am – 3:30 pm

Viernes 7:30am – 3:30 pm



Wednesday December 9, 2020


Senior Citizen Club

Social Club

Auld Lang Syne



Schedule 2020


Departure time

Gage/Telacu - 8:30am

Senior Center - 8:45am

Teen Center -9:00am


Departure Time

Gage/Telacu – 11:45 am

Senior Center – 12 noon

Teen Center – 12:15 pm

For your convenience,

Camp Commerce

registration is available at

the Parks & Recreation

counter at City Hall or at

the Senior Center.

City of Commerce

Community Service Department

(323) 887-4460

Emergency Food Assistance Program

Senior Center Distribution Schedule

2555 Commerce Way

10:30am – 1:00pm

December 17, 2020

January 21, 2021

February 18, 2021

March 18, 2021

April 15, 2021

May 20, 2021

June 17, 2021

Delivery Time Table

Rosewood Senior Apartments

(Harbor Parking Lot)


Telacu Manor


Telacu Gardens Apartments


Commerce Senior Apartments


2555 Commerce Way


Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays

Open: 8:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m.


Open 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Closed Saturday & Sunday

Closed: Saturdays & Holidays

Senior Services Supervisor

Ann Marshall

Senior Center Assistant Supervisor

Veronica Jimenez

Supervising Recreation Leaders

Elsie Cardoza

Andrea Grajeda

Pat Perez

Recreation Leaders

Daniel Fung

Justin Merino

Nutrition Program Manager

Norma Alonzo



Ivan Altamirano

Mayor Pro Tem

Oralia Y. Rebollo

Councilmember Hugo A. Argumedo

Councilmember Leonard Mendoza

Councilmember John Soria

City Manager

Edgar P. Cisneros


Jose Zambrano

Vice Chairperson

Raul Elenes

Commissioner Carmen Barragan

Commissioner Mary Gibson

Commissioner Alexander Ortiz

Meeting is held on the first Wednesday

of the month in the

Council Chambers.

Agenda is posted at the Senior Center

The meeting begins at 12:30 p.m.






Director of Parks and Recreation

Greg Alaniz

Assistant Director

Adolfo Marquez