«£* TUP W 1 uL NEWS A Consolidation of T1M Consnna Independent and Corunna Journal R'.'3P mzm ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. CORUNNA, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1935 VOLUME L, NUMBER 11 Frank E. Butcher ass contract^ Contract acres must be ah; average sample of the cultivated > land upon the farm. . Dr. Sturgeon Bell, chief statisti- cian of the Home Own erg Loan Cor- HU1KLY RESPECTED RESiDENT poratkm reveals that mortgage fore MORTGAGED HOMES LOST FOR MANY YEARS. Had Resided in the County f*r Many Years—Funeral Service* Con- ducted Tuesday. closures in Shiawassee County, dur-i ing 1934, were greater than in the j preceding year, and in turn, were! greater' than in 1932. j The exact figures for the county; are: In 1934, 112 home owners were! forced to forfeit their home prop-! erty through inability to meet mort- j gages for which their dwellings serv- J Frank E. Duteher, well known resident of Corunna, died suddenly j ed as security. The figures compare i at his home on East Oliver street, at with a total of 101 foreclosures forj six-thirty o'clock Saturday looming. 1933 and 95 for 1932. During 1926,! Mr. Dutcher had awakened at about which is regarded as a normal year,! six o'elock and was apparently as well as usual. He conversed with Mrs. Dutcher for a short time and suddenly felt a severe pain in his chest. He passed away in a few moments. Dr. G. L. Cramer, couiity coroner, attributed his death to heart disease. Mr. Dutcher had not been ill of late, but a few evenings foreclosures or sheriff's sale* in the! county reached 27. For the first month of this year five foreclosures were made com- pared with January of last year, when seven was the total. December of 1934, saw 12 such proceedings closed through the courts. i In the past three years^ 308 fam-j I WOMAN'S CLUB /i V Members of the Woman's Club; met on Monday evening in the home of Mrs. L. N. Sheardy. ! j ••Besides the regular transaction of I : business,. sevejaj hitters were'acted.i u n »Jncluding-the annual election . of officers. The -chairman' of t? n J ; nominating committee,- Mrs, Hauie j Foster,: presented the'following ros- ,t*? for the 19S5-36 seasoh:"-Presi- iue ft ,.M« 8S u S an-,Fear; vi Ce >S. M=- M ? ? r l a n d ; treasurer l^..^ Maud Men-ice, all of W ho^ ; wore unanimously elected. ! m^%^ 0gr T committ heade d by rltJ, K ab0 repmed that/rd*. : electa *?"!* " ^ in the ™>rk of selecting study topics for next . a more detailed report to : ' "t the next meeting, in the Tewnships ANNUAL ELECTIONS ARE HELD THIS V/EEi: MONDAY. year, 1 be giverJ Lively Contests Feature the Day in Many Villages— Results »n the Coanty, . | VERNON VILLAGE .. President, E. S.cranton. Clerk, Frank Olney. Treasurer, Mrs. Dell Dean. Assessor, B. F. Reed. Trustees, H. C. Shoemaker, Thos. Announcement was made that the of Women's C l u b s " ^ *£*""** MeMuIIen, would be the er at a meeting of th? LETTER FROM MRS. LAWC 1 •******> and a capta * of tKe team before his death, had complained of iHe s in Shiawassee County have lost a pain in his chest, but which he did not regard as sexions. Mr. Dutcher was born in Shiawas- see Township on June 10,1855, a son of Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Dut- cher. He was one of 15 children. Raised here, he was married in 1876 at Grand Ledge to Miss Ella Farnsworth of that city, who died a number of years ago. In 1906 Mr. Dutcher was married at Perry to Miss Luiu E. Bridger, who died in September, 1921. On February 13, 1926, he was married to Mrs, Evelyn D. Hasbrook, who survives. Excepting for 17 years in Grand Traverse, and 11 years in Ingham Coun'y, Mr. Dutcher always resided in thi3 v.cinity. Surviving besides the widow are thrt? children by the first marriage. their homes due to economic upsets that have rendered them helpless to satisfy mortgagors. EDITH BEERS CIRCLE will be elected. The Arbor is gaining new mem hers, voting two new members in Last Thursday afternoon saw „ regular meeting of Edith Beers Me-!* 1 *' 016 °y Mrs - Norton, telling the mortal Circle of King's DuUghter s in' stor Y of m ? mother's adventure in the home of Mrs, Chalmer RHhimer! the °1<* P»«e woods. and Mrs. Harriet Aiken j l have 'often.' h « r f ft*r tell that Mrs. Kenneth Cooper occupied the |f ory d "? W.«fiff come back air the devotior^T s «rvi« ^ : ^ to my heart and mtiod, « • I read, of The following characteristic and altogether delightful letter was re- ceived this week by the "News'*, their order on Friday night and has from Minnie McArthur Laing, of a class of a dozen new members to Detroit, former Corunna resident, ; be initiated soon, and author and poetess of note. Dear Corunna News :— I do not suppose yon could imagine how astonished I was to glance at the News and find the ura W. ffuest speak- members wer e invited, •J^**** t: " : 1 : T Natation of current ^ ' J ? ? * * f whi <* were gSer* chair, the devotional service being in charge of Mrs. Aiken-. Mrs. Aiken wns elected as chaplain of the or- ftk-ization. During the business session, Mrs. Thomas Jones was chosen to! .•_«_* investigate the cases of families * a !L"-^. -£-*^££?™ my mother's life. It gave me the kind of pleasure I love to g$*» to others. I think Mrs. Norton wo«W be glad to know the comfort she gave me. Her article was very well written., __ ., ~ , t, _ i needing help from the circle, and S f - f ^ ^ i ^ " " ^ P< ^lMrs. Harry Eldridge was ejected as- sistant investigator. A general discussion of King's rinton; Mrs. Florence Reod, of Grand Haven; and Randall R, Dut There are some thing* we can- not get out of the heart. Old Co- ranna is the pUee wfeeia I w% born. I have often quoted old Tanimas each of us, a thyougrh wflftrtrwe as much a part Mrs. J. M. Oswald, chairman, was hostess last Friday for a meeting of the above group in extension work, when a most interesting afternoon was spent in the discussion of win- dow treatment, under the leadership of Mrs. William Jenney and Mrs, George Lawcock. Samples of cur- tain materials were shown, and a practical demonstration made of the proper hanging of curtains. At the close of the lesson there was a social hour and the hostess served dainty refreshments. The last regular meeting 1 of the year will be held in the home of Mrs. Fred Hasselback in one month, at whfch time the members are ask- ed to report on their progress in the arm Dutcher, The needlework period was spent The April meeting is to be held in the home of Mrs, A. W. Burnett. nirgton, A. °- A , '.-•••"'., r •.<•! ' o'T garments for a needy family. Mr. Dutch'.T -was a nu-v.ber of trie . „£_ A__:I •„__*; ; : _ ,._ •>._ \.\ Molhod'st Episcopal'Church and for ma: y years',' was a ml'mber. of the Corunna Lodge, F. & A. M. Funeral services were conducted from the Methodist Episcopal Church, Tuesday afternoon, at two o'clock, Rev.,"Huglr Tow.nley officiat of old Corunna as any weed that j reading contest, and a check-up on grows up out cf u!? the other weeds the 1 work will be made. Thi a will be that lived an<! passed' ir.Io her soil; the last meeting of the .season, and that and more than that! j the #roup plans a cooperative lunch- Sincerely your« t . | eon as a closing feature. MARION MacARTHUR LA1XG' •-.«—. ing, Interhierit took place in Rose- lawn Cemetery, Perry, WHEAT CONTRACT LAND Some changes in the regulations affecting the handling of land taken from wheat production in Michigan must be * observed by farmers who collect benefit payments from the agricultural adjustment administra- tion, according to the state admin- istrator. Acres taken from wheat produc- tion may be seeded to any grass or legume, except Sudan grass, which is to be used for pasture, cut for hay or cut for seed. Reed canary grass is not included by name among the grasses in this classification, but it is presumed that it may be plant- ed and used for pasture, bay of seed. Emergency forage crops can be planted and used for pasture, hay, *or roughage. They can not be cut for seed. Sorghums, soy beans, and Su- dan grass, as well a s others, are in- cluded in the class of plants which can not be grown for seed on eon- tract acres. The land upon which wheat bene* fit payments are to be paid, may be planted to forest trees, summer fal- lowed, or permitted to lie idle if such use does not result in excessive washing of the soil. No basic crop may be planted up- on wheat contract acres except that any small grain other than wheat may be used as a nurse or compan- ion crop for seedings if such small grain i s cut for hay, clipped and al- lowed to lie on the ground, or pas- tured down before the grain is ma- tured. Pending legislation may make potatoes a basic crop so their plant- ing upon contract acre 3 will not be psrn;itt6u ** - ww ;bill In Congress passes. Pasture land or meadow s seeded prior to the year 1935 can not he included as contract acres. Waste land, areas never 'cultivated, or eroded land can not be placed under TIN TOP EXTENSION ARBOR OF GLEANERS A supper at seven o'clock preee.d- aUy discussed, the president, Mhs Louise Peacock, spoke of several natters, 0 f interest containedTai president, She also referred to the triennial meeting of the General .Federation to be held June 4-12lh HOME EXTENSION GROUP IS^TS^.'T' « $ u««uons to be presented at that n£n' ^l eX S? ained the five year Plan of the Foundation Fund Re- sponding to the drive for an increas- ed circulation of the The Club Wom- an, official organ of the General Federation, the club voted to sub- scribe for a two year period. The program which had been sub- stituted for the scheduled musieale, which is to be given later, was open- ed,, by Mrs. Edward Kay, who rend- ered two piano selections: "Prelude to the First Modern Suite", bv Mac- Howell, and "Walt* in A Flat'* by Brahms. An article of exceptional interest, relating to "Strikes and Lockouts" w% read by Miss Edith Newell ar.4 was followed by a review of the novel, "Captain Nicholas", given by Miss Fear. The Program was conclud- ed with the playing of "Secjuidella" by Mrs. Kay. Following the program, there' was a social hour and refreshments were ,-orved by the .hostess, with Mrs. Edward G. Kay presiding at the coffee ervice. MORRICE President, Hiram E. Lewis. Clerk, Harry Davis. Assessor, E. L. Vreeland. Trustees, Orland Gruber, Warren Scribner and A. S. Watkins. BANCROFT President, A. J. Johnson/ Clerk, Wilbur Love. Assessor, S. J. Banks. Trustee*}, Cecil Waldie, F . <3. Carpenter, George Symes. PERRY President, John W. Hough. Clerk, E. L. Watkins. Treasurer, M. C. Spaulding. Assessor, Hervey Mills. Trustees, Henry Peck, George Grettenberger, Clare Rann. BYRON President, Dr. Robert Fox. Clerk, Fred Stowell. \, Treasurer^ H . C , Seaman. Assessors Melvin, Lillie. Trustees, Wm, Wenk, C. C. Harp, C. A. Wiggins. LAINGSBURG President, Charles BurwelL . Clerk, Lloyd Piatt. Trea&urer, Robert Morrison* Assessor, Lee Harmon. .,, 4 Trustees, E, A. Euler, Fred Yetth arid William Hurst. BEET TONNAGE LANDSCAPE SCHOOL Last Friday saw a pleasant and! profitable meet'ir.g of the Tin Top j ed the meeting of the. Shiawassee Extension Club with Mrs. L. J. i Arbor of Gleaners Friday evening W.H.M.S. The last of a series' of lectures on landscape gardening by 0. I. Gregg, landscape specialist of Sliehiftan Veale, in .her'home iiortheast of Co-iin their hall in the Odd Fellow build-'State College, will be held Friday runna. ; ing. | afternoon, at 2 p. m.., Following a brief busines s session, 1 Following supper, Chief Gleaner) Everyone interested m beautify- in charge of Mrs. Leo Veale, the j Bert Derr, opened the meeting. Mrs. i ing the home grounds should be pres- [ M. E. Church, when the regular j sors | n Michigan of the num her of group heard a broadcast of Lenten j Qrace Williams, the secretary, rcsad; ent. These 'ectnres have been well j monthly meeting wa s combined with; acrea under contract on March 1ft. Every chance will be given Michi- gan sugar beet growers to produce the tonnage Plotted to the State , by permitting them to plant suffici- .. | ent acreage to grow that amount j with averse yields, ficccirding to Mrs. Minnie Pratt was.hostes-s Ins;! John E. Daltoh, chief of the sugar Friday for a meeting of the Worn- section, an's Home Missionary Society of the \ Reports will be made by process- services, and dinner was then served , the monthly, erport, which was ap to 14 members and five guests. I proved. attended during the year. (the observance of the World's Day-jf an insufficient number of acres Twenty home landscape plans j of Prayer. -has been contracted to produce the The afternoon session featured , A special meeting was voted .tc have been made a part of this pro-j The meeting was opened by the allotment, the acres under contract the presentation of the lesson by the j be called on March J52. A t this \ ject. Much interest in this work is | president, Mrs. B. Beckwiith, Mis s w iH be increased project leaders, Mrs. Eldon Bailey; time a dramatic degree team will be j being shown by rural folks. r.Iary Lyon presenting the Scripture, Additional contract* will he of- and Mrs. Reull Walworth, who gavej '• . * - _ . . - . many helpful suggestions regarding j ••• > . ' -ri . the proper selection of curtain and drapery materials and the hanging of curtains. j The hostess directed the recrsa-l tional activities, which included two' contests. Mrs, Leo Veale and Mrs.! Cecil McKone won the high score awards and Mrs. Floyd Walworth' and Mrs. Veale the consolation! prizes. \ A canning project suggested by E. R. Hancock, ocunty agricultural agent, was discussed and favorably; considered. j The next meeting of the club will' be held on the afternoon of April 5, in the home of Mrs. McKone. •* HONOR LUCILE HITCHCOCK Forty-five friends and neighbors of Mrs. Lucile Hering Hitchcock, re- cent bride, were guests last Satur- day afternoon of Mrs. Ruby Eshel- man and Mrs, Mazie Snyder, in Mrs. Hitchcock's honor, in the home of Mrs. Eshelman, east of Corunna. | The social afternoon included a program of games and the piecing of quilt blocks. In the competitive games, Mrs. Frank Aldrich and Mrs. William McEwen won the trophies, which they later presented to the bride. Many lovely gifts of miscellaneous* nature were afterwards showered upon the honored guest. i A two course dinner of dainty appointments and featuring a pink and green color sceme was served by the hostesses at 4:30 o'clock. The Mud at the Bottom of the Pool Slimy, foul and black, The mud. At the bottom of the pool. Reeking of rotted fish an<i water plant, The mud, At the bottom of the pool. But deep within its slimy black, The water lily sets its root, To draw therefrom, a richness for its bloom. Which floats in queenly splendor, midst reflected skies, And fair enraptures all with its perfume. There is mud, At the bottom of the pool. I reading and Mrs. Pratt offering fered to ^.^^ who ^^ ^ ^ prayer. ' taken their full allotment, but who The business procedures included are willing to grow more. If the the signing of cards which bore nU mber of acres is still too low, con- protestations against war, the cards tracts will be offered to new grow- to be forwarded to Washington; also ers This ^ii give farmers who have plans for membership drive, each j produced beets regularly the first member to endeavor to get a new . i member by the eighth of May, when ' 'the district convention will be held -all the skies, A calm and beauteous mirror lies, Above the mud, At the bottom of the pool. Reflecting all the plume clouds Because of mud. At the bottom of the pool, No pool can throw an image back, Without its underlying black, And there is mud, black mud. At the bottom of the pool. The hillside vine and flower s so rare, will soon be mud, At the botton of the pool. Past glories of the earth are buried ther^, In the mud, At the bottom of the pool. in Flint. The society organized itself in groups, headed by group leaders, and "vill undertake a finance project. The balance of the session was chance to obtain contracts, Michigan's allotment of acres is fairly high, and affords farmer s an opportunity to grow a crop at a re- munerative price. The benefit pay- ments to be made upon beets are based upon giving the farmer a par- Mayhap the liles beauty which enthralls the artist eye, Or 5«trar.cir.g scent cf perfume which makes the poet sigh. May all be of the grandeur of a time that has passed by, And now is mud, black mud, At the bottom of the pool. THE MILLMAN— •* devoted to individual prayers for the! l* y : P Sf e . for ««>p This means successful continuance of home andj* nat the ln come from the crop will foreign missionary work. b e a s "\ uch M ^- obtained in good The meeting was closed with the years of the past, league benediction. The April meet- Most Michigan sugar growers have ing will feature the annual mite box j already signed contracts. Extension opening and will be held in the home workers at the Michigan State Col- of Mrs. E. J. Allmendinger. POULTRY MEETING By E. R. Hancock Three poultry meetings will be h^ld, Monday, March 18, at the fol- lowing place s and time: 9:30 a, m., Laingsburg Milage hall. 2 p. m., Bancroft town hall. 8 p. m., Court House, Corunna. lege, who have attended preliminary meetings say that the contracts on sugar beets are the most popular of any offered in Michigan. MRS. J. SIMEON SURPRISED ^fonday; of th|s weeK was the 78th birthday anniversary of Mrs. James Simeon, for many years These schools will be conducted much loved and respected resident by J . M„ Moore and E. R. Hancock, j °* the third ward of Corunna, and The discussions will include buy-| on the occasion, 16 old friends took ing baby chicks, brooding, summer the opportunity to surprise her. They came, bringing well filled baal kets. and much good cheer, and a fine birthday dinner was followed care, feeding, housing, and manage- ment. Time will be alloted to round table -••- - discussions on various phases of by a social afternoon. Many other poultry. Hancock states he plans for friends join in extending to Mrs. a brooder house building demonstra- Simeon congratulations on her birth- + tion in the near future. | day and good wishes.

W* TU 1 uP L NEWS - mycdl.org I WOMAN'S CLUB /i V Members of the Woman's Club; ... affecting the handling of land taken ... tured down before the grain is ma

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laquopound T U P W 1 uL NEWS A Consolidation of T1M Consnna Independent and Corunna Journal

R3P mzm


Frank E Butcher ass

contract^ Contract acres must be a h average sample of the cultivated gt land upon the f a r m

Dr Sturgeon Bell chief statistishycian of the Home Own erg Loan Cor-

HU1KLY R E S P E C T E D RESiDENT poratkm reveals tha t mortgage fore



H a d Resided in the County fr Many YearsmdashFunera l Service Conshy

ducted Tuesday

closures in Shiawassee County dur-i ing 1934 were grea te r than in the j preceding year and in turn were greater than in 1932 j

The exact figures for the county a r e In 1934 112 home owners were forced to forfeit their home prop- e r ty through inability to meet mort- j gages for which their dwellings serv- J F rank E Duteher well known

resident of Corunna died suddenly j ed as security The figures compare i a t his home on East Oliver s t ree t a t with a total of 101 foreclosures forj six-thirty oclock Sa turday looming 1933 and 95 for 1932 During 1926 Mr Dutcher had awakened a t about which is regarded as a normal year six oelock and was apparent ly as well a s usual H e conversed with Mrs Dutcher for a short t ime and suddenly felt a severe pain in his chest He passed away in a few moments Dr G L Cramer couiity coroner a t t r ibu ted his dea th to hea r t disease Mr Dutcher had not been ill of late bu t a few evenings

foreclosures or sheriff s sale in the county reached 27

For the first month of this year five foreclosures were made comshypared with J a n u a r y of last year when seven was the total December of 1934 saw 12 such proceedings closed through the courts i

In the past three years^ 308 fam-j

I WOMANS CLUB i V Members of the Womans Club

met on Monday evening in the home of Mrs L N Sheardy

j bullbullBesides the regular transaction of I business sevejaj h i t t e r s wereactedi bull u P deg n raquo J n c l u d i n g - t h e annual election of officers The -chairman of t n J nominating committee- Mrs Hau ie j F o s t e r presented thefollowing ros- t for the 19S5-36 seasoh-Presi-i u e f t M laquo 8 S u S a n - F e a r v i C e gt S

M=- M r l a n d t reasurer l ^ ^ Maud Men-ice all of W h o ^ wore unanimously elected

m^^0grT committtrade heade d by

rltJ K a b 0 r e p m e d thatrd electa ^ in t h e tradegtrk of selecting study topics for next a more detailed report to

t the next meeting

in the Tewnships


year 1 be giverJ

Lively Contests Feature the Day in Many Villagesmdash Results raquon

the Coanty |

VERNON VILLAGE President E Scranton

Clerk Frank Olney Treasurer Mrs Dell Dean Assessor B F Reed Trustees H C Shoemaker Thos Announcement was made that the

of Womens C l u b s ^ pound MeMuIIen would be the e r a t a meeting of th

LETTER FROM MRS LAWC1 bullgtand a capta of tKe team

before his death had complained of iHe s in Shiawassee County have lost a pain in his chest but which he did not r ega rd a s sexions

Mr Dutcher was born in Shiawasshysee Township on J u n e 101855 a son of Mr and Mrs Benjamin Dutshycher He was one of 1 5 children

Raised here he was married in 1876 a t Grand Ledge to Miss Ella Farnswor th of that city who died a number of years ago

In 1906 Mr Dutcher was married at Per ry to Miss Luiu E Bridger who died in September 1921 On February 13 1926 he was marr ied to Mrs Evelyn D Hasbrook who survives

Except ing for 17 years in Grand Traverse and 11 years in Ingham Couny Mr Dutcher always resided in thi3 vcinity

Surviving besides the widow a re t h r t children by the first mar r i age

thei r homes due to economic upsets tha t have rendered them helpless t o satisfy mortgagors


will be elected The Arbor is gaining new mem

hers voting two new members in

Last Thursday afternoon saw bdquo regular meet ing of Edith Beers Me- 1 0 1 6 degy M r s - Norton telling the mortal Circle of Kings DuUghter s i n s t o r Y o f m mother s adventure in the home of Mrs Chalmer R H h i m e r t h e deg1lt Praquolaquoe woods and Mrs Har r i e t Aiken j l h a v e often h laquo r f ftr tell tha t

Mrs Kenneth Cooper occupied the | f o r y trade d W laquo f i f f come back air the devot ior^T s laquo r v i laquo ^ ^ to my h e a r t and mtiod laquo bull I read of

The following characteristic and altogether delightful le t ter was re shyceived th i s week by the News the i r order on Fr iday night and has from Minnie McArthur Laing of a class of a dozen new members to Detroit former Corunna resident be initiated soon and au thor and poetess of note

Dear Corunna News mdash

I do not suppose yon could imagine how astonished I was to glance a t the News and find the

ura W ffuest speak-

members we r e invited

bull J^ t 1T N a t a t i o n of current ^ J f w h i lt were g S e r

chair the devotional service being in charge of Mrs Aiken- Mrs Aiken wns elected as chaplain of the or-ftk-ization

During t h e business session Mrs Thomas Jones was chosen t o bull_laquo_ investigate the cases of families a L - ^ - pound - ^ pound pound trade

my mother s life I t gave me the kind of pleasure I love t o g$raquo to others I think Mrs Nor ton wolaquoW be glad to know t h e comfort she gave me Her art icle was very well wri t ten

__ ~ t _ i needing help from the circle and S f - f ^ ^ i ^ ^ P lt ^ l M r s Harry Eldridge was ejected as -

sistant investigator A general discussion of Kings

r in ton Mrs Florence Reod of Grand Haven and Randall R Dut

There a r e some thing we canshynot ge t out of the hear t Old Co-r a n n a is t h e p U e e wfeeia I w born I have often quoted old Tanimas

each of us a thyougrh wflftrtrwe

as much a par t

Mrs J M Oswald chairman was hostess last Friday for a meeting of the above group in extension work when a most interesting afternoon was spent in the discussion of winshydow treatment under the leadership of Mrs William Jenney and Mrs George Lawcock Samples of curshytain materials were shown and a practical demonstration made of the proper hanging of curtains

At the close of the lesson there was a social hour and the hostess served dainty refreshments

The last regular meeting1 of the year will be held in the home of Mrs Fred Hasselback in one month a t whfch time the members are askshyed to report on their progress in the

arm Dutcher The needlework period was spent

The April meeting is to be held in the home of Mrs A W Burne t t

n i rg ton

A deg- A - bull bull bull r bullltbull oT garments for a needy family Mr DutchT -was a nu-vber of trie bdquopound_ A__I bullbdquo__ _ _ bullgt_

Molhodst Episcopal Church and for ma y years was a mlmber of the Corunna Lodge F amp A M

Funera l services were conducted from the Methodist Episcopal Church Tuesday afternoon a t two oclock RevHuglr Townley officiat

of old Corunna as any weed that j reading contest and a check-up on grows up out cf u the other weeds the1 work will be made Thi a will be that lived anlt passed irIo her soil the last meeting of the season and that and more than tha t j the roup plans a cooperative lunch-

Sincerely yourlaquo t | eon as a closing feature MARION MacARTHUR LA1XG bull-laquomdash

ing Interhierit took place in Rose-lawn Cemetery Perry bull

WHEAT CONTRACT LAND Some changes in the regulations

affect ing t he handling of land taken from wheat production in Michigan must be observed by farmers who collect benefi t payments f rom the agr icul tura l adjustment adminis t rashytion according to the s ta te adminshyis t ra tor

Acres taken from wheat producshytion may be seeded to any grass or legume except Sudan grass which is to be used for pas ture cu t for hay o r cu t for seed Reed canary grass is no t included by name among the grasses in this classification bu t it is presumed tha t it may be plantshyed and used for pasture bay of seed

Emergency forage crops can be plan ted and used for pas ture hay or roughage They can not be cu t for seed Sorghums soy beans a n d Sushydan grass as well a s others a r e inshycluded in the class of plants which can not be grown for seed on eon-t rac t ac re s

The land upon which wheat bene fit payments a r e to be paid may be planted to forest trees summer falshylowed or permit ted to lie idle if such use does not result in excessive washing of the soil

No basic crop may be planted upshyon wheat contract acres except tha t a n y small grain other than wheat m a y be used as a nurse or companshyion crop for seedings if such small grain i s cu t for hay clipped and alshylowed to lie on the ground or passhytured down before t he gra in is mashytured Pending legislation may make pota toes a basic crop so the i r plantshying upon contract a c r e 3 will not be psrn i t t6u -ww bill In Congress passes

Pas tu re land or meadow s seeded prior to the yea r 1935 can not he included as cont rac t acres Was te land a reas never cultivated or eroded land can not be placed under

TIN TOP EXTENSION ARBOR OF GLEANERS A supper a t seven oclock preeed-

aUy discussed the president Mhs Louise Peacock spoke of several n a t t e r s 0 f in t e res t c o n t a i n e d T a i

president She also referred to the triennial meeting of the General

Federa t ion to be held June 4-12lh

HOME EXTENSION GROUP IS^TS^T laquo $ u laquo laquo u o n s to be presented a t that n pound n ^ l e X S a i n e d t h e f i v e year Plan of the Foundation Fund Reshysponding to the drive for an increasshyed circulation of the The Club Womshyan official organ of the General Federat ion the club voted to subshyscribe for a two year period

The program which had been subshyst i tuted for the scheduled musieale which is to be given later was openshyed by Mrs Edward Kay who rendshyered two piano selections Prelude to the First Modern Sui te bv Mac-Howell and Walt in A Flat by Brahms

An article of exceptional interest relat ing to Strikes and Lockouts w read by Miss Edith Newell ar4 was followed by a review of the novel Captain Nicholas given by Miss Fear The Program was concludshyed with the playing of Secjuidella by Mrs Kay

Following the program there was a social hour and refreshments were -orved by the hostess with Mrs Edward G Kay presiding a t the coffee ervice

MORRICE President Hiram E Lewis Clerk Harry Davis Assessor E L Vreeland Trustees Orland Gruber Warren

Scribner and A S Watkins


President A J Johnson Clerk Wilbur Love Assessor S J Banks Trustee Cecil Waldie F lt3

Carpenter George Symes

PERRY President John W Hough Clerk E L Watkins Treasurer M C Spaulding Assessor Hervey Mills Trustees Henry Peck George

Grettenberger Clare Rann

BYRON President Dr Robert Fox Clerk Fred Stowell Treasurer^ H C Seaman Assessors Melvin Lillie Trustees Wm Wenk C C Harp

C A Wiggins


President Charles BurwelL Clerk Lloyd Pia t t Treaampurer Robert Morrison Assessor Lee Harmon 4

Trustees E A Euler Fred Yetth arid William Hurs t


LANDSCAPE SCHOOL Last Fr iday saw a pleasant and

profitable meetirg of the Tin Top j ed the meeting of the Shiawassee Extension Club with Mrs L J i Arbor of Gleaners Friday evening WHMS

The last of a series of lectures on landscape gardening by 0 I Gregg landscape specialist of Sliehiftan

Veale in her home iiortheast of Co-iin their hall in the Odd Fellow bu i ld - S t a t e College will be held Friday runna ing | afternoon a t 2 p m

Following a brief busines s session1 Following supper Chief Gleaner) Everyone interested m beautify-in charge of Mrs Leo Veale the j Ber t Derr opened the meeting Mrs i ing the home grounds should be pres- [ M E Church when the regular j s o r s | n Michigan of the num her of group heard a broadcast of Lenten j Qrace Williams the secretary rcsad ent These bull ectnres have been well j monthly meeting wa s combined with a c r e a under contract on March 1ft

Every chance will be given Michishygan sugar beet growers to produce the tonnage Plo t ted to the State

by permitting them to plant suffici- | ent acreage to grow that amount

j with a v e r s e yields ficccirding to Mrs Minnie Pra t t washostes-s Ins John E Daltoh chief of the sugar

Fr iday for a meeting of the Worn- section an s Home Missionary Society of the Reports will be made by process-

services and dinner was then served the monthly erport which was ap to 14 members and five guests I proved

at tended during the year ( the observance of the Worlds Day- j f a n insufficient number of acres Twenty home landscape plans j of Prayer -has been contracted to produce the

The afternoon session featured A special meet ing was voted tc have been made a pa r t of this pro-j The meeting was opened by the allotment the acres under contract the presentat ion of the lesson by the j be called on March J52 At this j ec t Much interest in this work is | president Mrs B Beckwiith Miss w iH be increased project leaders Mrs Eldon Bailey t ime a dramatic degree team will be j being shown by rura l folks rIary Lyon presenting the Scripture Additional contract will he of-and Mrs Reull Walworth who gavej bull - _ - many helpful suggestions regarding j bullbullbull gt -ri the proper selection of curtain and drapery materials and the hanging of curtains bull j

The hostess directed the recrsa- l tional activities which included t w o contests Mrs Leo Veale and Mrs Cecil McKone won the high score awards and Mrs Floyd Walwor th and Mrs Veale the consolation prizes

A canning project suggested by E R Hancock ocunty agricultural agent was discussed and favorably considered j

The next meeting of the club will be held on the afternoon of April 5 in the home of Mrs McKone


HONOR LUCILE HITCHCOCK Forty-five friends and neighbors

of Mrs Lucile Her ing Hitchcock reshycent bride were guests last Saturshyday afternoon of Mrs Ruby Eshel-man and Mrs Mazie Snyder in Mrs Hitchcocks honor in the home of Mrs Eshelman east of Corunna |

The social afternoon included a program of games and the piecing of quilt blocks In the competitive games Mrs Frank Aldrich and Mrs William McEwen won the trophies which they later presented to the bride

Many lovely gifts of miscellaneous nature were af terwards showered upon the honored guest i

A two course dinner of dainty appointments and featur ing a pink and green color sceme was served by the hostesses a t 430 oclock

The Mud at the Bottom of the Pool Slimy foul and black

The mud At the bottom of the pool

Reeking of rotted fish anlti water plant The mud

At the bottom of the pool

But deep within its slimy black The water lily sets its root

To draw therefrom a richness for its bloom Which floats in queenly splendor midst reflected skies

And fair enraptures all with its perfume There is mud

At the bottom of the pool


reading and Mrs P r a t t offering bull f e r e d t o ^ ^ ^ w h o ^ ^ ^ ^

prayer taken their full allotment but who The business procedures included a r e willing to grow more If the

the signing of cards which bore n U m b e r of acres is still too low con-protestat ions against war the cards tracts will be offered to new grow-to be forwarded to Washington also e r s T h i s ^ i i give farmers who have plans for membership drive each j produced beets regularly the first member to endeavor to get a new

i member by the eighth of May when t h e district convention will be held

-all the skies

A calm and beauteous mirror lies Above the mud

At the bottom of the pool Reflecting all the plume clouds

Because of mud A t the bottom of the pool

No pool can throw an image back Without its underlying black

And there is mud black mud At the bottom of the pool

The hillside vine and flower s so rare will soon be mud

At the botton of the pool Pas t glories of the earth are buried ther^

In the mud At the bottom of the pool

in Flint The society organized itself in

groups headed by group leaders and vill undertake a finance project

The balance of the session was

chance to obtain contracts

Michigans allotment of acres is fairly high and affords farmer s an opportunity t o grow a crop a t a reshymunerative price The benefit payshyments to be made upon beets a re based upon giving the farmer a par-

Mayhap the liles beauty which enthralls the ar t is t eye Or 5laquotrarcirg scent cf perfume which makes the poet sigh

May all be of the grandeur of a time that has passed by And now is mud black mud

At the bottom of the pool THE MILLMANmdash


devoted to individual prayers for the l y P Sf e f o r raquo laquolaquogtp This means successful continuance of home a n d j n a t t h e l n come from the crop will foreign missionary work b e a s u c h M ^ - obtained in good

The meeting was closed with the y e a r s o f the past league benediction The April meet- Most Michigan sugar growers have ing will feature the annual mite box j already signed contracts Extension opening and will be held in the home workers a t the Michigan State Col-of Mrs E J Allmendinger


Three poultry meetings will be h^ld Monday March 18 a t the folshylowing place s and t ime

930 a m Laingsburg Milage hall

2 p m Bancroft town hall 8 p m Court House Corunna

lege who have at tended preliminary meetings say that the contracts on sugar beets are the most popular of any offered in Michigan

MRS J SIMEON SURPRISED ^fonday of th | s weeK was the

78th birthday anniversary of Mrs James Simeon for many years

These schools will be conducted much loved and respected resident by J Mbdquo Moore and E R Hancock j deg the third ward of Corunna and

The discussions will include b u y - | o n the occasion 16 old friends took ing baby chicks brooding summer the opportunity to surprise her

They came bringing well filled baal kets and much good cheer and a fine birthday dinner was followed

care feeding housing and manageshyment

bull Time will be alloted to round table -bullbull- -discussions on various phases of by a social afternoon Many other poultry Hancock states he plans for friends join in extending to Mrs a brooder house building demonstra- Simeon congratulations on her birth-

+ tion in the near future | day and good wishes


By E R Hancock

_ _ bull

Photographs that Please MOORES GAGLERY


Films KlaquowUkraquo Pfcstwraw Fraaiad bull bullbull raquo bull bull bull gt bull I iMfl

O H G E I B Doctor of Veteriaary Medici

Phone 1325 Coraaaa Mkk


C A CRANE M D j [Office in OW Connwa Baak BW

Pkone 1447mdashRod or Grata Xoraana Micki^ui

jbdquo bdquo - - ii i mdash - - bull - bull bullbullgt


Citiseaa Sarmf Bank BMf OWOSSO MICHIGAN

r i bull

E HBAILEY M D Physician and Sargaom

118 W Mack St Cltwaa Mkk

bull bull raquo mdash mdash bull

^frac34^ bull n raquo ^ ^ raquo laquo raquo ^ ^ M i f M




Office iB Matthew BMg


- bulllaquobull

bullbull gt


Matthews Bid Qwotio Mick I

tft m m laquoi i m IT -bull bullbull raquo bull bullraquo bull i f l



bull e mdash mdash


| 114 H N Ball St Owostot i


Agaew Block Coranaa Mick

bull bullbull bull - m - - m I I III bull rl| l




Near Strand Theatre Owolaquoc


bull bulllt bullraquomdash laquo

bull bullbull bullbullraquo

M A D I S O N GILBERT Optometrist



4a- a s

The February report shows a total gtf 235 cows milked 31 dry cows xnd 7 new cows entered on record work

The months average production per cow was 538 pounds of milk with 238 pounds of fat

Seven cows in the association pro-iuced 1250 pounds of milk or more Dairvmeii have cut their herds some

of ewes suffering from thi s trouble shows that their liver were unnor- ~ ma being sufv in texture and light j in color and that their spieeng were v



S a

J i y e 7 V r r^lGoming constipa h t m r f J ^ f V p u r e b T ^ l a r ^ the raCion Meht profitable uraquod live -unprofit- pound bull - bdquo

considerably enlarged This would indicate that a poisonous condition existed and that the proper eliminashytion of waste materials in the digesshytive tract is necessary

It iwS well to prevent this disease and sheep men are advised to start fecdiwg grain one month before lambing keeping the ewe s from be- gt -

pated is essentia^ En- ltamp

Will the party hoUJiag umber 2614 pleaito eS aad receive a bnskel of froceriee

E SMITH il e

pr cows

ie were sold


658 48-7

759 380

1042 354




bdquo1120 538

The honor roll of t^e month Cows under 3 years of ae

Milk Ernest Myers

p lire bred Jersey 1 Alfred Vincent

purebred Jersey 5 H J Klockzeln

HoLstein mdash Cdws under 4 years of ag i

L Gale Craig and son purebred Jersey mdash mdash - 893

2 Gale Craig and Son purebred Jersey mdash 899

J Roland Huckins and Son Guernseys 1154 Cows under five years

1 Harry Knapp purebred Holsteins 1798 611

1 Art Galloway purebred Guernsey

3 Alfred Vincent purebred Jersey - 935 496 Mature Cows 1 Alfred Vincent purebred Jersey 1159 744

2 Owuiso Savings Bank Holsteins bdquo - mdash 1 1 2 0 650

I Gale Craig and Son purebred Jersey mdash1154 612 Two big herds each group butter-

fat basis Small herd 6 cows arid under

1 Ernest Meyers purebred Jersey 658 487

2 Art Galloway purebred Guernsey mdash 860 407 Medium herd 7 to 15

1 Harry Knapp purebred Holsteins 1066 356

2 A G Matthews purebred Jerseys 509 304 Large herd 16 or more cows Wrigglesworth amp Gilna purebred Jersey 648 Alfred Vincent purebred Jersey _ 609




418 W Mack St Cornnaa


Cases are now being reported by iheep men in which they state that iheir ewes are suffering from a conshydition with the following syptntoms There is a lack of appetite nervshyousness is prevalent the ewes are rritable they grind their teeth will tand around by themselves and apshypear to be partly or completely blind Sometimes they will even run irouml in a circle After these first ympcoms it becomes impossible to Land tip and they go down in a orna This condition resembles a

iwivnlyds although convulsions or bullipasmlaquo may be noticeable when the wes are disturbed

A study of this condition has lugtvn that the disease is apparent-y noncontagious and i-on-infectious aid that it will effect usually less

-ban 25 per cent of the flock Some-mOjS only a few ewes are troubled uthorities believe it is primarily a nutritional problem and that if sufshyficient quartites of proper feeds are fed this condition seldom if ever bullshows up Legume roughages and those rich in calcium are preferred Flocks fed on alfalfa clover soyshybean^ or other legume hays seldom re afflicted with this trouble This disease has also been known howshyever to be found in flocks which have been fed a heavy ration of grain and corn and those fed bean podsstrawtimothy hay and all rough-straw timothy hay and all rough-iges of this kind in large amounts previous to lambing are susceptible to this disease It is well that if legume roughages cannot besupplied that some grains which have a proshytein content be fed throughout the winter

Although nothing of much value can be done after the ewes go down -i changing of the ration is advis-lble to prevent other ewes from beshycoming similarly affected It is posshysible that drenching the ewes with four ounces of epsom salts in a pint of water may help the ewes which are showing the first symptoms

Those which have been suffering for some time should be drenched with mineral oil as their intestines are apt to be irritated Generally constipation and binding p of the rumen and even the largt intestines in a common symptom of the disshyease Thus it is necessary that laxshyative feeds such as bran and good bright alfalfa hay he fed Exercise is also important and this is shown by the fact that a number of ewes became afflicted with this disease three or four days after the big snow storm on February 25 Durshying that period exercise was cut down and greater amounts of the poorer roughages were consumed by the ewes

Ewes allowed to run on dry frozen grasses should be watched carefulshyly By all means some legume roughages or grain should be fed these flocks It would be better howshyever not to graze the ewes as troushyble haa arisen in previous years from this source

Post mortem examinations taken

of alfalfa or legume hays and cut down on the poorer roughages fed


The Jersey breeders of Shiawasshysee County will meet Wednesday March 20 at 2 p mbdquo at the county agricultural agents office in Co-liinna This meeting is an important event for all Jersey breeders Much business will come before the memshybers and plans for the coming year are to be adopted

Shiawassee County will be honorshyed again this year with the Sagishynaw Valley Jersey Parish Show At a recant meeting held at Saginaw an^ attended by a delegation of Shiawassee County breeders it was voted to hold the show in Shiawasshysee County this year

Jersey breeders expressed their approval and appreciation for the kindness extended to them last year

It is planned to hold the show in connection with the County Picnic wherever that may be in the county

The counties represented in the Saginaw Valley district are Shiashywassee Saginaw Gratiot Clinton Midland and Tuscola A herd will also be picked to show at the state bullfair again this year


Two hoof trimming demonstrashytions will be held Tuesday March 19 at the C W Arnold farm two miles south and one-half mile east of Perry and the Charles Posey farm first farm north of Venice Town hall

The demonstrations will be at 10 oclock at the Arnold farm of Pershyry and the Posey farm at 2 oclock Every farmer should plan to attend one of these demonstrations

With the bull coming of spring work and the importance of horses utilishyzation on farms makes this work a major part of the spring prepara lions

The mare and the foal will a W be discussed at these meetings

A little later E IL Hancock plans to conduct a horse breaking demon stration in the county

The 4-H Colt Club will banquet on the evening of March 19 at Co-runno and Mr Moxley will address the club

About 40 members are now enshyrolled in the Colt Club and much competition is expected this year


By Fred Keister

A bill requiring purchase of Michshyigan beet sugar by heads of State institutions has been introduced in the legislature Why is it necessary to pass a law compellings official to buy at home Isnt it a matter of plain common sense for officials paid through taxes to support as far a s possible the taxpayers from whom they receive their wages An examination of the expenditures of almost any branch of government activities reveals startling violations of this theory however and it was because of those violations that the law was suggested Public opinion can regulate these expenditures Home products should be used and increased loyalty to home products would benefit the state

REGISTRATION NOTICE For the City Election to be held

Monday April 4 1935 To the Qualified Electors of the

City of Corunna Michigan Notice is hereby Given that in

conformity with the Michigan Elecshytion laws I the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Corunna will upon any day except Sunday and a legal holiday the day of any regular or special election or primary elecshytion receive for registration the name of any legal voter in said City not already registered who may apshyply to me personally for such regisshytration Provided however that I can receive no names for registrashytion during the time intervening beshytween the second Saturday before any regular special or official prishymary election and the day of such election

Notice is hereby given that I will be at 305 North Shiawassee avenue on Thursday March 21 precedshying the election a provided by part II Chapter III Michigan Election laws from 8 oclock a m until 8 oclock p m on said day for the purpose of Reviewing the Registrashytion and Registering such of the qualified electors in said City as shall properly apply therefor

Notice Is further hereby given to the qualified electors of thts city

bull bull T Y



Friday and Saturday Specials Again on Saturday nite at 900 p m a prize will be given to the

^ holder of the lucky number A ticket given with each 25c pur-amp chase Not necessary that you be present to win

A We redeem Genesee and Shiawassee County Welfare Orders

bull gt

CORNFLAKES large package


Bring in your Eggs and Cream You can depend upon us for a square deal






pound 20c


2 quart jar



one pound box




pound 15c

Highest Quality Meats at Popular prices

that I the undersigned Clerk of said City will register any qualified elecshytors who may apply at my office on any business dampy up to and includshying Saturday March 23 the last day for general registration for said Election from 8 oclock a m to 8 oclock p m

The name of no person but an ACTUAL RESIDENT of the preshycinct at the time of Registration and entitled under the Constitution if remaining such resident to vote at the next election shall be entered in the Registration book

Dated March 6 1935 GEO A BROWN City Clerk

SHERIFFS SALE State of Michigan mdash In the Cirshy

cuit Court for the County of Shia-

Citizens Savings Bank of Owosso a Michigan Ranking Corporation by Frank C Freeman Conservator Plaintiff vs

Minnie A Boutwell Defendant

SHERIFFS EXECUTION SALE Notice is hereby given that by

virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias isshysued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee and State of Michigan dated the 26th day of December 1933 in favor of the Citizens Savshyings Bank of Owosso a Michigan Banking Corporation by Frank C Freeman Conservator against the goods n d chattels and real estate of Minnie A Boutwell in said counshyty to me directed and delivered I have levied upon and taken the folshylowing described real estate located in said county viz

All those certain premises located in the City of Owosso Shiawassee County Michigan described as folshylows The east sixteen and one-half feet (16) of lot three (3 ) and the west half ( frac12 ) of lot four (4) of J H Laverocks Sub-division of part ef out lot five ( 5 )

Which I snail expose for sale at nublic auction to the highest bidder at the front door of the Court House in the City of Corunna in said County on the 18ta ltlay of March D 1935 at tenoclock in the foreshynoon of said day

Dated this 28th day of January D 1935

W S CHAPMAN Shlaquoiff of the County of

Shiawassee Michigan By RAY GELLATLY Deputy Sheriff

A 9


If You Havent Seen These Two New John Deere General Purpose Tractors

We know what youll say when you see themmdash just what everybody else saysmdashthat John Deere has set an entirely new standshyard for row-crop tractors with these outstanding new models

The Model A General Purpose is a two-plow tractor for handling all types of work on the average-sized farm It is a light-weight tractor with adjustable wheel tread centered liitch in plowing

Model B General Purpose

full-view effortless vision in cultivating easy posishytive steering platform and seat for standing or sitting and four foiward speeds

The Model B General Purpose is for the lighter farm jobs It is a smaller brother of the Model A mdash pulls a one-bottom plow a two-row cultivatormdashthe latest addition to the John D e e r e q u a l i t y l i n e of money-saving two-cylinshyder d i s t i l l a t e - b u r n i n g tractors

C M M in M1 bullbull for POMTMIF wtut rmffclaquo raquobllt vtluwi thmdash Mlaquow tractors offer you ~ i of the two bullbull will fit your i iittiW










A Savings Account for You

We again remind the people of Lenshynon and the community that the Lennon State Bank is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Guarantee and all deshyposits tre guaranteed up to $5000 This is a guarantee that we are pleased to pass on to our patrons

We offer you every facility for safe conservative and careful Banking and will

Welcome your accountmdashlarge or small

Lennon State Bank C N TALBOT Culrier LENNON MICHIGAN

LENNON LOCALS t f T T X f Rapids on Sunday lust

Mi- Eulone Conley was in Durand Tuesday evening

Mrs- Myrtle- Lare was in Flint Tuesday afternoon

Mrs Be3sie Briggs was i n Grand



We Welcome Your Business

The yew 1935 finds the Lenmm Farmer9 Elevator better than ewer preshypared to care for the elevator needs of the farmers and citizens of the coffmmnuty

We are providing a market for your Grain and Beans that is not bettered anyshywhere in the State of Michigan

We are handling the very best grades of Coal Dairy and Poultry Feeds Seeds and Fertilizer and you will find our prices most reasonable and the service of the very best

You are always extended a cordial welcome at Lenrcn Old Reliable Elevator


bull J

t T T T T T t-T T T T

Farmers Elevator Company

Michael Smith Manager



i J

T X J i

Hardware Needs

Farm Tools Repairs aad Hard war needs and we can take care of your needs promptly and correctly Its a good time now to look over the tools and implements and see just what needs replacing or re-

pair We have itmdashor will get it for you amp promptly

Our line of Hardware is complete in every detail and every article sold by us is backed by the guarantee of the manufacshyturer as well as ourselves

You will find our prices down to the


lowest leveL w

Haffner amp Lytle Hardware and Implements

r raquo laquo LENNON MICHIGAN e ltbull

mm mr A r- bull^bullA rm A T


Mrs Bessie Briggs visited friends iipound Durand over the week end

JLyle Smith was in Flint Tuesday afternoon on a business errand

Mr a rd Mrs B H Kingsbury were in town Tuesday afternoon

Mr and Mrs W L Cozadd were guests of friends in Morrice Sunshyday

Earl Baker was at Jackson Wedshynesday on business for Haffner amp Lytle

Mrs A A Stoddard was in Co-runna Monday afternoon on a busishyness errand

Mr and Mrs Louis Semonye and son spent Sunday with Mrs Sem-onyes mother Mrs Root

Mrs Ethel Conley and Miss Pat and Mrs Beulah Dunckei were in Flint Tuesday afternoon

Mr and Mrs V L Watson of Flint were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs T D Benjamin

Mr antft Mjrs Oor Dietyy of Midland spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Fred Burleson

Miss Mildred Vykyda) was at home from Detroit to spend the week end with her parents

Mraquo Marleta Washer has ittorrjed to klaquor home in FUnt ftr spending the -week end with Mis Eufone Con-ley

Bessie Briggs was in Ann Arbor Friday evening attending laquo TMtrtyi given in honor of Miss Alice TJur-j gess

Mrs Frances Besmer and sen AnioliL have returned from a week ^isit with hr parent and sister in Ionia

Mr and Mrs Fred Burleson and Mr and Mrs W L Cozadd were in Owosso Tuesday evening attending the Capitol theatre

Mrs Chapwans Cvlaquoffhhaskjs wiH

give one of their parties for the little folks on Friday eveningof this week in th Hex ^ost halL

Miss Norma Bryant and Miss Vera Jones famislxed entertainment at the R L C A banquet at Swartz Creek last Friday evening Mar 8

Mr and Mrs 1 D Betjamin were in Flint where tbey attended a party at the Home Dairy given in honor of their niece Iliamps Mmazic Nelbon

Geol-ge Sutton of Flint was in town Tuesday Mr Sutton expects to return here some time in April-and resume his business at the north end

Mr and Mrs Hk Helecher and children and Mr and Mrs George Root of Flint were callers Sunday at the home of their sister-in-law Mrs Roct ltoT Ienron

Mrs Carrre Tabor recently undershywent an operation in Hurley Hospishytal She has been removed to her home west f the village and is getting afc^c very raeejy

Attorney and Mrs Petter B Lenshynon left Saturday evening from Deshytroit to join the prty nf J a m i union members in a trip tagt Washington D C They are spending four days in the national capitol leaving for home Wednesday vejslaquoxg

Mr and Mrs George Smith Mr and Mrs Allen Brandt and daughshyter Wilma tailed on Mr and Mrs AlbsVt 3exrgtltlaquoar of Efeie Sunday afternoon lee iream and cake were served at six o^lock and cards were played daring llraquoe evening

Mr and Mrs Thad Frasier were hosts to a deKjfhtful party Monday evening when 500 was Jthe divershysion First honors went to Mrs Rex Post and Harry Long and the conshysolation to Mr and Mrs Fred Burleshyson A delicious luncheon was servshyed by the hostess

Pupils neither absent w r ilty during the month of February from the Intermediate room were Onalee Beemer Dorothy and Warren Brady Russell Bryant Patricia Conley James Cordell Howard Elliott Doris Hall Billy Kerrigan Roaerella Llaquore Wilma Post Ruth Root Robshyert Schlitts Helen Julia and Joe Swerdan and Eleanor White

with Mr and Mrs Georga Gansslcy in their home March 19

The Grange has a number of nc v and rene^-il membersand welcomes v

any that would Jike to join C o m e gt gt



in We hove wonderful times

I _ ] bull bull bull

MRS EMMA PERRY DIES J Mrs Emma Perry highly respected V

lady of Lennon passed away at herj home in the this villageon Monday laquo bull evening of this week following a n J ^ illness of two years Death was due j ^ to cancer amp

Mrs Peirgt was born in Venice ^ Township Shiawassee County o n 1 ^ Jure 10 18G9 and was the daujrh- 1-ter of John and Marie Saxton She frac34 was united in marriage to William ^ Adams in Arkansas on March 1 9 A 1891 and to this union were b o r a ^ two children Mr Adams died two J years later and Mrs Adams return ^ ed to her home in Venice Township On March 13 1895 she was married laquo gt i to Ephraim Perry who passed awayJT on January 1 1924 Mr and Mrs |Y4

Perry were the parents of thve^ V children Nrat

With the exeeptiou of three years amp the entire life of the deceased was ^ spent in Shiawassee and Genesee j Y Counties She was a member of the i ^ Methodist Episcopal Church cf Lenshynon the Kings Daughters the Ladies Aid Gleaners and Fidelity Lodge She was always ready andj witling to lend a helping hand to j those lesg fortunate than herself and endeared herself to a host of friends and neighbors

Surviving are the children Roy Adams of Owosso Mrs E J Kitshychen of Lennon Leon E Perry of Flint Mrs Harold Bowden of Len-tion and Mrs Ruth Olsen at home two brothers John and Charles Sax-ton and two sisters Mrs John Rit-ter ai|d MJrs Jerry Craig all of Veniee Township also fifteen grandshychildren

Funeral services were conducted Thursday afternoon at two oclock from the Leuhon M E Church conducted by Rev Wm Schlitts pastor of the church assisted by Rev Hugh Townley of Corunna

LENNON GRANGE The Lennon Grange held an exshy

cellent meeting with Frances and Leon Ganssley on Tuesday of last week March 5 A potluck dinner wa s served at noon 14 partaking of the excellent dinneT

The meeting was called to order by the Master and a t roll call each member responded with some p o shytation a question or a reading Durshying the afternoon the Old Age Age Pension plan was discussed and most of ihose present favored the $200 per month

The Grange was invited to meet

LETTER FROM LENNONS The News is in receipt of the folshy

lowing brief but interesting letter from Mr and Mrs Peter B Lenshynon who are spending a few days in Washington D C making thi1

trip on the Farmers Union special

WashiMgton D C March 12 1935

Editor News i Friend Lou mdash

Mrs1 Lennon and I are having a fine time in this city with the Farm Union group arriving here Sunday j mbrnirf-- and will leave for home Wednesday evening

Yesterday we paid a visit to the Capitol and endeavored to get in the Senate chamber This looked like an impossible task as the place was jammeltj with people However a vsectTy good friend Blythe Kellerman editor of the ElLston Advance sugshygested that I try the Press Bureau entrance as a representative of a newspaper 1 told the manager of the Press Bareau that I desired to write a letter for vrzv Tacme town paper che Lennon News and we were shown some excellent seats

Naturally our interest centered on Huey Long who as usual was in the middle of the picture The peoshyple seem to hare ra ther of a comshyplex over the Louisana fireworks senator and no other member of the House or Senate gets as much attention Eeverybody is craning his or her neck to get a glimpse of the Kingfish and he is a real actor if there ever was one

Let me say that I believe I have never seen more graceful gestures He has marvelous hands anlt| moves them as smoothly as a greased eel on a cake of ice He is such a clever actor that one forgets about his Cyrano de Bergerac nose that stands out like a wart on a potato

Will see you soon Best Wishes to yourself and family



The Farmers Elevator Company has wool twine on hand at all times also a new supply of brooder coal

Food Market

Orange doz 29c Lemons doz 12c Jumbo Celery 7c Bacon pound 17c

Jello 3 pkgs 19c Lard 2 lbs 32c Oleo 2 lbs 27c

t T T T

bullT T T T t I t t

Topping 4 for 19c

GRAPEFRUIT 8 for only 25c BANANAS 5 pounds for 23c HEAD LETTUCE pes head 5c CATSUP large bottle 12c SALMON pink per can bull 10c PICKLED HERRING per quart bull 23c SARDINES 6 boxes for bull 25c SUGAR 5 pounds for 23c BREAD 3 large loaves 25c FIG BARS 2 pounds for 23c CRACKERS 2 pound box 19c FRIED CAKES 2 dozen for v 25c PASTOY FLOUR 24frac12 lb sack 85c BEECH NUT COFFEE pound 32c BREAD FLOUR 24frac12 lb sack 95 CREAM CHEESE pound 19c

Five valuable prizes given a way Saturday night at 9 p m Free tickets with

each 25c purchase

f T T T T T T t i

i i i

Auto and Tractor

Repairing I am fully prepared and equipped to

handle garage work of every sort and will appreciate your business We do work aat-isfactorily on every make of car

Let me handle your Tractor trouble I know the business thoroughly and guarshyantee to please you in every case

JACK MCDOWELL In Old Creamery Bldg Phone 18-3 Lennon


HAY AND POTATOES Alfalfa Hay and Rural Russet

potatoes for sale F G Tremblay Lennon Mich

General Elevator Business

^ We are completely equipped for a

T l general busineas and are buying Beans

And all grain crops and paying the highest

snarket prices at all times

T We are handling all kinds of Feeds

V and Coal and assure yon a square deal

I always

If the ingenuity and good serse that go into making a Ford or cutshyting off a leg ox getting out a l newspaper or navigating an ocean liner could be applied to the common business of society the rate of real progress would be immensely aecel-erated and most of the familiar varshyieties of bogus progress would be avoided mdash H L Mencken

F S CHAPMAN Phone 21P3



Tue Coruana News PU3HSHED WEEKLY


Entered as Second C1SB matter at thlaquo Ptibt Office ni Corunna Michsan undec the Act of March 3 3 879

Forcijrn Arivcrtisihs Representative


CLASS ENTERTAINED Mrs Bert Gurney south of town

enter-uned her class in the M E Sunday school on las t Sa turday a f t - ornoou when 12 members werepresshyent bull gt bull bullbull bullbullGames and a weirdie roast wegte

enjoyed urd the hostess served de-liciouj home made ice cream and cake

EARLY CHICKS Best profits from the laying flock

means that the pulet3 must go in the laying house early in the fall and be mature enough to produce eggs during the period of high prices and the early hatched chicks needed to produce such pullets must have proper brooder house temperashytures

Several types of brooder stoves are satisfactory if they are operated as recommended by their manufac

- turers Coal burner s a re the most eommon in Michigan and when used certain precautions should be taken before fires are s tar ted The stove itshyself should be placed on an asbestos pad or in a box of sand The stove should be placed so that the door can be reached and the ashe s removshyed easily

Brooder stoves should be fired and regulated at least 24 hours before any chicks are placed in the hou=o Temperature controls on the stove may be out cpound order and any other troubles should be corrected beforo there ig ampry chance of chilling or overheating valuable chicks

Ideal brooder temperatures are 90 degree s Fahrenheit one inch above the floor at the edge of the hover and 70 degrees in the house outside the hover These tempera tures can be reduced a s the chick become oldshyer bullbull

Feeding and vi i ter in^ equipment should be placed some distance away from the hover to encourage the chickii to stay in the cooler parts of the brooder house Crowding by the chicks under the hover means too low temperatures and hi^h t o n -perature R will foved the chicks awiy from the hover Two thermometers one on the hover and one plrccd some distance away are the best mean s of checking temperature

Extension BiHoniin Xo 52 Growing Healthy Chirks will bosent byMichigan Stite Collegeto anyone who requests it

Ti toTiCi j 1 1 1 d 1)deg vcccbull beshyfore iakir^ public r oney his hour of need and building more irrishygation projects to pre-4ucc and com-pete with land and building held by individuals who are not permitted to utilize this land because of govshyernment ru le s and regulations

Farmers desire to be free to swith their lands from one crop to another to preserve fertility of the soil ard to take advantage of betshyter prices It is not t rue that the growing of crop s was not profitable until the passage of tne Jones-Cosii-gan sugar act Sugar is a non-surshyplus crop and our necessity of imshyport of this commodity creates a marke t for it which makes it profitshyable for our farmers Co-growbeets The Jones-Costigan act denies the right to the |Amerean farmeir to grow the acres he desires This is wiorg in principle Its introduction anlt] operation closed mills in Michishygan which operated in 1933 It is a violationof the right the American f-vrmer thinks is his It is a doctrine which was concocted and wrapped -bulli in a general plan to benefit tblaquo baks which largely hold control of the sugar plantations of Cuba

My suggestion U that until this restriction over which we disconshytinue appropriating funds for the p u r p l e of increase production of that crop in the western states while at the same time Eastern farmers are denied the right to produce that very same crop on which in their loshycation it is not necessary to require millions of dollars to provide water


WASHINGTON LETTER A striking plea in the interest of

Michigan farmers wa s made on the floor of Congres s the other day by Congressman Fred Crawford of Saginaw Mich when he protested ] against any public works appropriashytion for irrigation in western slates to increase their production of crops while Michigan farmers are restrictshyed in their production of these same crepg by the AAA controMaws

In looking through th i s report I j find as has been stated some $105- 000000 devoted to providing water for hungry acres through the PWA Mr Crawford said Certain prodshyucts are being produced in those valleys which are highly competi-j tive with the crops being grown in j Michigan Indiana Ohio and other I mid-western s ta tes j

Congressman Crawfords remarks were provoked by a statement made the day before by a congressman from Colorado who stated our principal crops compete scarely at all with the farm crops of other pa r t s of our country Our range catt le and our sugar beet s and our alfalfa do not at all effect the farmshyers of the rest of the county any more than the cotton and tobacco of the south affect us

Mr Crawford pointed out that those western s ta te s produce eight to twelve millions of bags of sugar for which they have no market of their own and ship it east to comshypete with the sugar produced there He made it plain tha t he did not opshypose fugar production in the United States but favored more production but tha t he did not favor a plan which appropriates money to help one group increase their crop and yet enforce a law which forces anshyother group tc curtail its crop

This money i s to be appropriatshyed to provide water to increase proshyduction per acre At Owosso Michshyigan there are 2000 farmers who are asking the r ight to grow beets on possibly 20000 acres At Cros-wiell Michigan there are another thousand farmers who are begging to be permitted to grow another 10-000 acres of beets Those farmers a re being denied the r ight to grow these ac re s of beets and to provide sugar t ha t would move into market 50 to 100 miles from point of proshyduction while we spend $105000-000 in western valleys to provide water to increase production

Pr ivate investments in farms and

SHOULD GET PLATES Orville E Atwood secretary of

ftate ha s advised car owners exshypecting to drive outside the state to equip their cars with full year 1935 nlates if possible ra ther than mereshyly with stickers

While all states have been advisshyed of Michigans sticker system in tava3 requiring only rear plates poshylice officers are a t t racted only tq the rears of passing cars The sight bull-bull 1934 plate there ha g already re- lted in some Michigan drivers being stopped until the stickers on the front windshields may be inshyspected In any s ta te delay loss of tin^e and incorivience may result from the use of a 1934 plate At-bullwood had previously warned drivers against taking their carlaquo out of the state with neithqr new plates or stickers during he current extension until mid-night March 14 for old plates

Grain to Dairy Cattle Tlio amount of jjrain that should he

Kivcn to dairy cattle each day depends upon the production and breed Bays rbdquon Ruthority at the North Carolina State college For Jersey animal proshyducing less Miiin ttii pounds ltgtf milkno grain should be given but fyr everyj pound o(t tigtiV th aniniii should have ^15tenths of apound of iiriiiraquo CJieliy cuttle sliouh receive a frac-um over ii hiilf pound for euh (imiixt if milkproduced agtoe twelve bull Tiie Hnsein cow frets four rein-hs of n iii)d of ^rili for ejieh jiournl of milli prffluccd above sixieeii and the Ayrshyshire slmuldfjet a little less rlian one-half pound ofjfrain far each poundof miiit over fourteen This grain ration presupposes thefeeding of ail the r(iod Je^ime hay the animal will ivit Where tin- Iniy Is of poor Quality mure griiiraquo wii ba consumed

Har ry Colby is i a Lansing a few days on business

Mrs William Lapworth is conshyfined to her home by illness

Mr and Mrs Clifford Confer were in Flint Monday evening

Born to Mr and Mrs- George Kline SiiTday March 10 a son

Miss Geialdine Judd of Montrose spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Wal te r Keyser

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smith and family are visiting relatives a t Musshykegon for a few days

bull -twrsr Constance Brower visited her brother and family at Muskegon -the first of the week

The remains of Mrs Wes Mitchell former resident was brought hero from Ohio for burial Friday

The M P L A S will serve dinshyner in the church basement Wednesshyday noon

Mr and Mrs Wentz Yaklin and family are moving into the Wal te rs home recently vacated by Mr and Mrs Wilcox

Miss Vera Hudson of Ovid arr ivshyed Saturday to spend a short t ime at the home of Mr and Mrs Irshyving Gorham

Mr and Mrs Orville Wilcox and family are moving back on the Waltshyers farm one mile north and one mile east of town

The social afternoon of t h e Mothshyer s Club will be held Tuesday af ter shynoon March 19 a t the home of Mr and Mrs Ray OHare

The Young Married Peoples Class of the Mi P S S will hold a social evening a t the home of Rev and Mrs Leo Griffin on Tuesday eveshyning March 19

Feed for Dairy Cow Feed for a dairy cow depends upon

the individual animal but as a general ruift each cow willrequire two tons of legume hay two acres of pasture 10 bushels of coruNllt5 bushels of oats and COO pounds of cottonseed meal Where wheat bran is available this may be substituted for a part of the oats poind for pound Good producing anshyimals are necessary for profit and the herd should average between 250 and iWO pounds of butferfat to the cow If this average is not maintained then tins animal is not paying for her feed end should be taken from the herd

Erosion Evil Here The evil effects of soil erosion are

not a threat of the future but are alshyready In evidence on tens of thousands of farms in this country the United SSlrties Department of Agriculture says In the South the North and the Midshydle West many farmers are working land winch lias been made poor by erosion Much of it Is good forest land or land which could be used for forestry Although millions of cres have been stripped of forests much of t i e land was not suitable for farming

The third grade children are makshying a s tudy of Holland

The Brownie reading class class three have finished their El on readers

The girls of the tenth year Home Economics class a re studying child care from the age of thlaquo new b o m infant to five The s tudy emphasizes assistance of the child in its mental and physical development Miss Rou-magoux county nurse visited the class last Thursday and demonstratshyed the process of bathing the baby She also showed a layette

The girls in the ninth grade Home Economics class a re being t augh t personal improvement care of clothshying and personality improvement

The following seventh graders wrote an A arithmetic tes t r e shycently Harold Beckwith Howard Hudson Bud Middleton Russell Muzzy Norabelle Bouck Bill Brown Max Elkins l i c e Elkins Edith Guyn Bob Hickey Clara Kroske Junior Reed and Fred Serr Three pupils wrote 100 per cent pape r s Lois But t s Virginia Coakes and Bob Kincaid

Spring Vacation will s t a r t next week School will be dismissed Thursday night March 2 1 and re shyconvene Tuesday March 26


SEED CORN FOR SALE Qolden Glow Seed Corn Germishy

nation guaranteed Come early and avoid disappointment Manford M Helvie Lennon Mich RFD

FOR SALE One team and Cows Half mile

west 3 miles north 3 miles west and half mile north of Ovid on the Robt Armour farm Enquire of Geo WellermdashAdv

The owner of a Detroit oasis anshynounces the latest gadget in the liquor world amdash a mery-go-round bar They didnt have bar 8 of that kind in the old days but there were times when they had all the apshypearance



Public response to Baby Bonds placed on sale several days ago has been most gratifying The people still have faith in the government at Washington regardless of gold decisions o r a n unbalanced budget As long as this confidence is govshyernment remains undiminished the Republic is secure

At Washington President Rooseshyvelt set an example by buying for himself and degT e a c n o f h i s i v c

grandchildren a $25 bond Others may for $1875 each buy bonds which in ten years will be payable a t $25 to their children grandchilshydren or other relatives In like manshyner those who pay more can buy bonds which in ten years will be redeemed for $50 $100 $500 and $1000

It is not difficult to recall the time dur ing the Worlltj War when the people a te black bread wore overalls in the market place and worked long hours to buy Liber ty bonds in defense of the boys in France While it is t rue their frushygality industry and patriotism unshyconsciously set in motion a period of gigantic prodigality when the war

was over tha t led t o the depression yet with that picture so vividly in mind there is reason to believe this newest venture in buying a share in the United States will awaken new responsibility in government evenshytually leading to unquestioned prosshyperi ty Another set of (BBB) inshyitials has belaquon Jbonf B u ^ Baby Bonds

Shoes Mr and Mrs Ar thur Bailey and

daughter Marion visited a t the hMre of Mr and Mrs H L Kribs in Corunna on Thursday evening

bullrev Harold Pailthorpe is conductshying Lenten services in his church every Wednesday evening until Easter The public is invited to atshytend

Rehearsal for the Easter cantata are being held Sunday morning aftshyer Sunday school and Tuesday eve-mug a t the home of Mr and Mrs Everet t Spear

The members- of Hugh McCurdy I Lodge F amp A Mbdquo served a banquet j to the ladies of the O E S on Fr i shyday evening in the Masonic dining room The affair was well a t tended

bull bull i

The Mothers Club held a regular monthly meeting a t jthe home of Mrs R Confer on Wednesday aftshyernoon of last week A program of contests appropriate for St Patr ick s Day was carr ied out

Announcement is made of the marriage of Rayrnond H Bailey of th i s place to Ella Mae Traynor of Flushing on Wednesday af ternoon The ceremony was performed a t the home of Mr and Mrs Zeigier in Fl int

Rehearsal for the May Festival was held on Fr iday Afternoon a t the school house Miss Miles inshys t ructor in music and Miss Susan Fear county school commissioner a re in charge assisted by the teachshyers of the various rura l districts

The pageant The Highway will be presented by our local cast a t the First M P Church a t Flint Surday evening March 24 One one half of the proceeds goes to our Missionary Society and the other half to the Junior Missionary Socishyety Flint

The dependable F o o t w e a r store where your dollar goes the farthest and always the very best in quality and a style that is corshyrect and up to date

Shoes for men ladies and the youngsters that are the best in value to be had at any store

Grand Central Hotel Block Corunna Michigan

^UUMUUOOiaoOUI3l30 l3013l in30130Uiy i3IUIUUlUIJUUi9T3ni3UIJU

f amp If you want a Goal with lots of Heat low

y ash and long burning try our

COAL Ask those who have used it

We have Ohio Lump Kentucky Egg Crapo lump and egg

Try our Coke Coke for Clean Fuel

Darlene Maiki who has been in Chesaning for several weeks re turnshyed Monday to the fourth grade

Miss McRoy spent the last w^ek end at her home in Marlette

The teachers held another i n a series of professional meeting^ on Tuesday evening a t the school house After a piano selection by Miss Lucas the remaining chapters of the ^tudy book A Mother s Letters to a Schoolmaster were reviewed by Mrs Smith and Miss Curtis A social hour followed during which pop corn was served by Mr Baird Miss Olds and Miss Hosley

An interclass basket ball game will be played oh Friday evening a t ] the Casino s ta r t ing a t 8 oclock A team composed of Seniors and Freshmen will oppose one composed of Juniors and Sophomores A school dance will follow the game The general committee is as follows Dorothy Fitzpatrick Vivian Ship-man Wayne Weinkauf and Lylc Buckelew

An interesting experiment ip self government has been started in the eighth grade A legislature composshyed of five members chosen by the grade has drafted a code which the tudents adopted and will have jurisshydiction over the grade activities pershytaining to citizenship

jamp If its Coal or Lumber 96 is the Number X

laquo bull bull lt amp

I Coruena Lumber and Coal Co | E F GONANT Mknaglaquor

Phone 96 Prompt Delivery Corunna


g ragrafgfgigfHizigraraizrajgigi3J^^ g

KRIBS amp OHARE Funeral Directors




Charges that Governor Fi tzgershyald is ignoring pre-election promshyises of adequate s ta te support for Michigans public school system is being voiced in his campaign for re-election by Paul F Voelker sushyperintendent of public instruct ion

Any subtle a t t empt to place the governor in an unfavorable light in th i s mat ter will not be taken sershyiously by the average citizen Throughout his entire public career he has been an outstanding champshyion of the public school He is fulshyly aware of the financial difficulties which the schools are facing but is not going to be stampeded into promises of support beyond the ability of the s ta te to meet through present s ta te revenues

To the extent which economies in state government are effected will the schools benefit His program of no new taxes live within present revenue make the tax dollar do in creased service is more likely to appeal to the burdened taxpayers of Michigan than any political infershyence of broken campaign pledges

HowVe You Doing If you are selling your GOOD CLEAN CREAM

to MILLER you are getting all that the market will allow If MILLER dont get your GOOD CLEAN CREAM we both lose

Aft an example you can get

3 0 cents per pound today for your

GOOD CLEAN BUTTERFAT W e wi l l be g lad to d o Bus iness w i t h y o u N e w

patrons are a l w a y s w e l c o m e O u r o ld pa trons a r e

n o t o n l y patrons t h e y a r e fr iends


Thw Adv Dated March 7 193S

H mm Comer of Water and Main Street

owosso Telephone 782 211 Wett Main Strict

t f f j T T t T








With Thi

You may deposit your Money in this Bank with the knowledge that its assets are carried at thei present day values and that any loans which are made at this time are well secured and self liquidating

With a strong cash position and an unimpaired capital the Old Corunna State Bank offers you unquestioned safety for your funds

Old Corunna State Bank Corunna Michigan


I (Enrauta Niilra

Fire Chief Claud Craig of Owos-so Has been named second vice president of the Michigan State Fire

(Chiefs Association A Father anltj Son banquet was

i trade i-gt -t ltlt laquo v +u held at Morrice on Tuesday evening E E Durham has been among the ^ +u_ m bdquobdquo^ bdquoUJl_ D is__ raquo of this week when Prosecuting Atshytorney V O Braun was the princishypal speaker

Mr and Mrs E G Kay Mrs

account of the illness of Mr Allen j g r i bull ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ - Burnett were in Detroit Wednesday

many confined to his home by in fluenza daring the past week

Mrs George Alien was Called to Washington Wednesday evening on

I Mrt Mary A Deckert 78 years

of age w|dow of Adam Deckert J will known Owosso tailor who died December 11 expired at 645 oclock Saturday morning at Memorial Hosshypital Mrs Deckert was taken to the hospital on the Sunday before her death Throughout the week her condition had been critical Death was attributed to perniciousanemia

Superintendent of Schools Chas L Butterfield and five young men of the local high school were in Charlotte Friday evening o attend the Lansing an(i Area Y M C A

j Older Boys Conference The boys were John Quayle William Hassel-iiaek Allen Brown Roy Colby Jr and Johrlt Eveleth A banquet at half past rhc preceded a very fine p r o gram

C Angus who sustained several cracked ribs when he foil on the ice while doing chores at his home two and a half miles-north of Ker-by the first of last week is recovshyering satifactorily He is at the home of his brother J Bsthel Anshygus on Corunna avenue Owosso Neighbors have been engaged to do the work at the farm during Mr Angus absence

Payment of taxes in the county this year is considerably better than a tear ago according to County Treasurer Fred Randolph who has completed settlements with eight of the 16 township treasurers Mr Ranshydolph declared that the townships are averaging between 70 and 75 per cent of their taxes paid which is much better than was true during the past two or three years

Two teams of crow shooters all members of the Shiawassee Conser-J vation Club are captained by Waltshyer Bennett and Alton Rundell of Owosso and will make ygtax on crows The membership of the two teams is about 200 and they will contest through June after which the winshyning team will be feted by the losshying The feet of slain crows are beshying made into a chaan hung in the window of Blairs Sporting Goads store in Owosso


H S TOWNLEY Plaquoraquotr Sunday Servicesmdash 1030mdash Morning worship 1030mdashJunior Church 1146mdashSunday school 645mdashEpworta League 730mdashEvening service


Sunday servicermdash Morning worship at 1030 oclock Sunday school at 11 oclock-jtfpwortti League at 7 oclock Kvenihg worship at 8 oclock Bible Study Wednesday evening

at 8 oclock The public is extended a cordial

invitation to be present at all of these services gtbull bull

CORUNNA BAPTIST CHURCH Howard F Sagdea P u t o r

Sunday School 900 James Finnerty Supi Morning service 1000 Subject The Christian Race You are invited to attend these



Sunday services 1030 Sunday schooL 1146 Preaching service Come thou with us and we will

de thee gooiS


Sanday school 100^ a wu Morang worship 1100 a n Seng and praise service 700 p at Sermoft by pastor 800 p m



The W R C will hold its regushylar meeting today (Thursday) in the battalion rooms in the cotfrt house

The Friday Afternoon Club will mee this week in the home of Mrs William Jenney Mrs G P Lawcoek is the assistant hostess

Miss Amy Requa will be hostess on Saturday for luncheon in her

and attended the Detroit-Michigan Industrial Exposition

Mr and Mrs I Qv Derr of Deshytroit were calling on friends in Coshyrunna Thursday They were accomshypanied by Mr and Mrs Ray Carshypenter of Minot N Dak

Miss Bess Garland of the county road commissioners office recently

apartment in Owosso when Owosso reported to the sheriffs office the and Corunna women will be hei loss of a valued white gold wrist guests j watch and a gold ring The articles

_ bdquo m ^ u u~ii disappeared several weeks ago The Corunna Teachers Club held ^ e

a professional meeting at the school- Judge Joseph H Collins will be house last night Reports were pre^ the principal peaker at a Father and sented by Mrs Warren Smith and Son banquet to be given at the Per-Miss Norma Curtis i ry M E Church on Thursday eve-

^ A gt bdquobdquobdquo bdquo-+ r t^nm) degf tns week Rev Sugden pas-Dr and Mrs C A Crane visited _ amp traquor ami raquo tUc ^iA r-vcraquo-t0r degf the Baptist Churches of Perry their crandson six months old Cnas bull bull laquo L A

iner B laquo laquo raquoraquoraquo a n c i Corunna will be toastmaster Crane Campbell of Flint Jast bun-day and incidentally his parents An all day meeting of the Cale-Mrbdquo and Mrs Robert Campbell j doma - Venice - Shiawassee Club of Y- TTT T -i bull bdquoieulaquoo- ^ Pauls Catholic Church was Mrs F Wm Nctnage ^ J ^ m g 1 j T u i n the home of hpoundJtradel^ iZvn M r s - ltraquolaquogt McNamara of East Mc-nagel and daughter Mrs Elwyn Corunna with Mrs Al-Davies m Toledo t h week She ac y t t t a s assisting hostess companied Charles Dohr of the ^ e d i-emette as assuring nostess News office to Toledo last Friday At the Republican primaries

Word was received in Corunna on Thursday morning of the passing of

Mrs Jane Morris a resident of fMrs- Emnia Chapin widow of the Vernon for the past 35 years and j l a e Merrick Chapin in Rochester of Shiawassae County for 50 yearsj Mich in the home of her daughter observed her 93rd birthday on Wed-jMrsgt B u r r Wallace Mrs Chapin had nesday altho she was very ill and i - J raquoraquoraquobull for two years and had confined to her bed and has been j raquoen confined to her bed about ten for several weeks Mrs Morris i s j w e k s the mother of three daughters and Mr Chapin passed away a number one son They a re Mrs Jessie E s - laquo years ago The family resided in cott of Corunna Mrs Frank I Corunna about twent- years ago Strauch and Mrs Nettie Wisnerj _ T h e remam s will be brought to and George Morris all of near Shia- laquoorunra ami services conducted wasseetown j from the Kribs funeral home Satur-

bdquo ^ V bull IT bull ngt d a y afternoon at two oclock with

ship nominated the following on- __^ their ticket at a caucas held last ^ - ^ - - _ - bull fclaquo laquo ^_

^ B ^ H S S S RESIGNATION ACCEPTED Floyd Luchenbill treasurer Elwin Andrew J Donovan whose splen-Biillard highway commissioner d d work a s Shiawassee County re-John Wager justice of the peace ilaquof administrator has attracted Ernest Self overseer of highway | ^ t a t p ^ de recognition has received John White board of review C h a s | w o r a that his resignation as coun-Eall constables George OHara ty relief administrator recently tend-George Dillon Philip Porter and laquoltf had been accepted by the State

j James R Relief Commsson efective April 1 j lhe appointment of his successor is

Eighty-five children were given j expected to be made within a few toxoid against diptheria 51 were j ( | ayS The county commission has vaccinated and 25 Were given J recommended that the position be

j Schick tests in a clinic recently held j g^ven t o pound Marlowe Stevens who at Bennington No 1 school under j n a s been project er^rineer the direction of Dr C M Wilcox of | m bdquo _ _ ^ Owosso It was announced this week j by Miss Grace Roumagoux county Now the olltj time moonshiners are nurse About 25 children of pre-1 complaining that John Lav never school age attended the clinic The j gave them a weeks notice like he schools 1 5 G Morton McCalt andj did the slot machine owners Dewey The McCall and Dewey mdash T mdash schools had the high percentage of their pupils present

~ Traquo~bdquo laquolaquo= tv_ j Owosso held for the nomination of Attorney V O Braun was the n lt | i d j | t e f ^ bdquo ^ o f



A Completely equipped Funeral Home

Corunna Avenue Corunna Mick


in cillas was held on Saturday evening

- - - - ^ p ^ onA a canuiuaie w r supervisor in each oi last when Miss Louise Peacock was principal speaker a t the trade S J the five wards the following were hostess to the membership The din-Sons banquet held ^ ^ ^ ^ j c h o s e n First Ward Chester L Pa-jner appointments included St Patshy

ricks Day motifs a green color

^ AL w J D_- M i l k^ b akery tea coffee or other A meeting of the Modern Pris-1 r o u t e metl G o o d p r o p o s i t i o n f o r

j right man Rawleigh Dtfpt MBCmdash 193mdashI Freeport HI

Tuesday evening of this week The banquet was a most s u laquo e raquo ^ laquo raquo h ^ w a r d D o u g ^ g Bpound f o u r t h

and was held m the commumty g M C a B | p b e U f i f t h w a r d gt b m l d m - Hugh Caylor

Mrs John Y Martin who has been spending some time in the home of her daughter Mrs Stuart Coutts convalescing from her long illness has returned home Mrs Martin is able to be around her home again by the use of a crutch to aid her in walking

Audrey and hjene Rigling were hostesses on Sunday evening lat for the regular Sunday evening meeting of the B Y P W It was announced that next Sunday eveshynings meeting will be the home of Mr and Mrs Ward Robinson when an outside speaker will be present

A St Patricks Day banquet will be held on Sunday evening next in the auditorium of St Pauls Cathoshylic school under the auspices of the church The speaker will be the Rev Fr Cacil Winters assistant pastor of Resurrection Church Lanshysing His topic has not been anshynounced The toastmaster will be William Smith of St Johns chairshyman of the public utilities commisshysion A feature of the banquet will be novelty and musical numbers by the Rucker family of Battle Creek an orchestra comprised of a mother

J and her nine children



f T T



The CorunnaiNews Phone 1373 Corunna Mich

scheme also prevailing in the menu items After making plans for the next meeting which were included in the business session following dinshyner the members played contract bridge The high score trophy was awarded to Miss Bess Car land and the low award went to Miss Edith Newell

Mrs C A Crane Mrs Fred Has-selback Misses Hattie and Jennie Holt and Mrs Lou Sheardy represhysented the Womans Club and the Friday Afternoon club of this city at a meeting of the Owosso Womshyans club on Tuesday afternoon when Mrs Laura Waples McMulIen of New York City chairman of the national and international commitshytee of the general federation of Womens Clubs gave a splendid adshydress A spring musicale was alshyso presented the artists appearing being Mrs N L Des Jardins and Mrs Harry Walsh vocal soloist and Miss Clara Kaltrider The speaker Mrs McMulIen beside being an aushythority on the work of the commitshytee of which she is chairman also is

an accomplished violinist and has studied abroad and in addition ha traveled extensively She is the aushythor of Building the World Soshyciety which is in use in various schools and colleges

Sing a song of slot machines rakshying in the kale four and twenty shekel^ all gone to hail watch the way it grambs em never once heaves up havent won a single one since Hector was a pup fool I kept on playing losing all my clothes then along comes Harry Toy and stepped on their toes

A telephone in y o u r home will add so much to your comfort and lessen your work

You can order your neshycessities get in touch with the rest of your famshyily friends neighbors or relatives with such little effort with the telephone

Telephone service costs only a few cents a day

Order one t o d a y mdash prompt installation

The Union Telephone Co

T T T T T T T f T J T-t T T

Bells Variety Store

Extend to you and yours the comshypliments of the season and our wish for a Happy and prosperous New


And during 1935 we shall endeavshy

or to continue to merit your confi-

dence at all times Our line of Novelty

Goods will always be complete and at

money saving prices

You are always welcome at this

bull xgt

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS At a regular m e e t i n s of t h e Board

of Superv i sors of Shittwasseo County commenced ami held ill che Court House- in the City of Corunna in said County on Honday January 14 A D 1035

The Board was called to order by ti Chnirrran

Roll WHS ja i led by the Clerk Present Supervisors Al len Brandel

Barnes Case Colby pound Durham For-Kison Kield Poland Gret tenberger Vincent Griffin Johnson J o n e s K i n g s shybury Lehowski P u r v i s Moore Paraquoco Pkync Peacock Sachs Sieb Wal l NotnaBel

bull Tho Clerl read le t ters f rom Michishygan S t a t e Association of Supervisor ami t h e Qtnte E m e r g e n c y Wel fare Reshylief C o m m i s s i o n

On motion of Supr E Durham the letters were received and placed on file

The Clerk read a letter from the Michisan Historical Commiss ion

On motion of Supr Iebo^vslii t h e IcHcT was received and placed on f i le bull F l o y d W a l v o r t h addressed the Hoard

On motiun of Supr Wall the Board took a recess unti l 1 3 0 th i s a f ter -aoon

A F T E R N O O N The Hoard was called to order by

the Chairman Roll was called by the Clerk 1resent Superv i sors Al len B a r n e s

Brando Case Colby F Derhlaquom K Durham FerKaaon Field Fo land Gret-tenber^-er V incent Griffin J l n a o n Jones Kingsbury Lobowski P u r v i s Mooie Pasco P a y n e Peacock Stvchs Siltgtb Wall NotnatfeJ

bullSupervisor E Durham read the folshylowing re igto rf To t h e Honorable Boon) of Supervi shy

s o r s Your c o m m i t t e e on Claims rthd Acshy

counts would respectful ly s u b m i t the following sa i ts report r e c o m m e n d i n g the a l lowance of the several Amounts a s given below and that the Clerk be a v -thomed to draw orders for t h e t a m e laquo6 J o h n H u d s o n

drain lt o u m mdash121310 1213 10 14 Edward Foland

ambulance 4 75 476 t l Clarence J Taylor

a m b u l a n c e _ 50C 500 35 R E LaRowe

a m b u l a n c e __ 1 1 0 0 11 00 32 Clarence 4 Taylor

a m b u l a n c e 500 500 77 R E LaRowe

ambulance bdquo mdash bdquo 14 0 0 14 00 48 Dr raquo D Lee a - r a y 200 2 00 71 Edwin Foland

a m b u l s laquo 78 R E LaRowe

a m b u l a n c e 6 F l o y d Murdock

d o g warden 3 1 R E L a R o w e

a m ba lance 82 A J F ink

pr i soner board 83 Margaret K i n g

s t e n o g r a p h e r 86 S h i a w a s s e e T w p 85 G a t e s D r u g Store

d r u g s -^^^ 9laquo E L Sieb

149 95 149 05 laquo 8 8 laquo laquo8-86





2 0 7 5 2 0 7 6


7 0 0

81 25

8 0 0

30 00

5 50


81 25


SO 00

a m b u l a n c e ^^__ 87 M r s Charkrtt L y o n s

nurse 1 89 H a r r y Colby

ambulance _~ 04 D G A u s t i n

94 D G Aus t in M D 84 F loyd Murdock

dog warden j 97 G B Wade M D a m b u l a n c e

H M r s Sada Wil l iams n u r s e

K L S I E B [ampbull E E DURHAM

On motion of Supr E Durham the report wait accepted and adopted by the fullowjiitr yea and nay vote called for by the Chairman V e t s Al len iJrmde Cae Colby Elbull Durham F Durham Ferfrraquoraquorgtni Field Grottonber(cer Johnshyson JOSH- KinKshury Uljowski 1ur-

bull vis Moore Pasco Pilyne Ieiteock a gt r Sachs SW-h

Supr Sachs reif the fol lowing re-I j port

To t h e Honorable Board of Superv i -bdquo arraquo -bullbull-bull bullbull - - ^ - -

i y ilrt S H R D F W V K K Your Committor on Claims and A c - counts in toiUajrious )pound-ltbull( Hi1 wuiild respecLflly stibmii the fol lowing its its

roiiurl us wiven Ix-dinv and that the Clerk he authorized to uriiw orders for

f the s a m e S8 D U A u s t i n M D

Meas les $ 775 J 775 i 2 J M Oswald

Trench Mouth 43 Axford Coal Co hi Dr C G Richards

s car l e t - f ever i 33 Owufcao Lumber amp ) Coal Company

46 F loyd Huff trroe _ 51 Durand Lumber Co 70 C Washburn BTOC

42 O G W a u g h milk 41 A D Hall coal _ 58 J A ByerSy groc _

95 W m Hudson 6C O W O I I O Lumber and Coal Co

36 J A Byer ly r 22 L laquo Rr^ebacher rent ^ 47 E C o J n e s rent

10 J C Penney Co bull 99 Wi l l i s Fue l Co

68 L E S m i t h D D S 100 E C Harmon groc 100 06


On mot ion of Supr Sachs t h e re shyport W M accepted and adopted by t h e

bull fol lowing yea and nay vote called for i by t h e Chairman Y e a s Al len Brandel j Case Colby Ferjrason Field Foland i Vincent J o h n s o n J o n e s Lebowski

Purvis Moore Pasco Peacock Sachs Sieb Wal l

On mot ion of Supr J o n e s the Board morning took recess unti l 930 tomorrow

S e n d corrected and approved LLOYD H Y E I T E R

OSCAR B A R N E S Clerk Chairman A t a regular m e e t i n g of the Board

of Superv i sors of Sh iawassee County continued and held in the Court H o u s e

3(10 liisO


21 40 1562

610 39 79 1760 4 61 486


2780 960

1000 2200

995 26 00

200 0006

300 1280


2t 46 15 62 CIO

3979 17 0 461 486


3780 960

1000 IS 00

995 26 00

200 10906

fa t h e City of Corunna in said County on T u e s d a y January 15 A D 1935

T h e Board was called t o order by t h e Chairman

Roll w a s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t S u p r s Al len B a r n e s Bran-

4L Caari Colby E Durham FerRashyton F i e ld Fo land Gret tenberger V i n shycent Griffin Johnson J o n e s k i n g s -btraquory Lebowski P u r v i s Moore N o t -ftagei P a s c o Payne Peacock Sachs Sieb W a l l

P r o s e c u t i n g A t t o r n e y Braun address -Mi t h e Board

Superv i sor jSieb read t h e fo l lowing report

To t h e H o v o r a b U Board of Superv i shysor

Yowr C o m m i t t e e ovi Claims and A c t e m t a won Id respect fu l ly s u b m i t t h e foOowfal Wt H MPR tteofluncttdlnr the a U o w a a c of t b laquo severa l a m o u n t aa g i v e n be low and that t h e Clerk be aathor i sed to draw orders for t h e s a m e 117 M E Cal l igan

a m b u l a n c e t 000 f 102 J a n e s Qtiayle

drawing jury 4 00 l i t M E Galligan

laquo tn^(ampc _ bullmdash 8CO 800




101 Coruoua N e w s r-J-irs - 345 60 345 60

125 R E ( L a R o w e a m b u l a n c e 1400 1400

131 Oscar F Barnes a m b u l a n c e _ ~ 750 750

105 Herbert Krifcn a m b u l a n c e 400 4 00

129 Morris Funeral H o m e a m b u l a n c e - H 0 0 MOO


On m o t i o u of Supervisor Sieb t h e report wa s accepted and adopted by

- lhlt fo l lov ing y e a and nay vo te cal led for by t h e Cha irman Yeas Brandel (vase Colby F e r p a s o n Fie ld t Folajid G r e t t o n h e r s e r V incent Griffii J o n e s Kinsfsbury Lebowski Purvis^ N o t i ^ g e l Pasco P e a c o c k Sachs Sieb

The mot ion of Supervisor J o n e s that the Clerk pay t h e dues to t h e S t a t e A s s o c i a t i o n of Superv i sors and t h a t a n y m e m b e r of the Board that w i s h e s to KO to the S ta te Convention m a y zo and rece ive f-iOO per day not to ex-olaquoed t w o days Carried by the fo l lowshying yea JUid nay vote called for by the C h a i r m a n V e a i Brandel Case Colby E Durham Fergasori FieW Foland Grettenberjjer Vincent Griffin JOnes K i n g s b u r y L e b o w s H r u r y i s Moore N o t n a s e l P a s c o Peacock Sachs S ieb

On mot ion of S u p i Moore the Board took a r e c e s s unlaquo l 130 this a f ternoon

A F T E R N O O N The Bowrd was called to order by the

Chairman Roll w a s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t Supers Al len Barnes B r a n shy

del f u s e Coiby F Derham E Durshybar r er -Wson Fie ld Fo land Gre t t en -i t-n^r Vincviit Griffin Johnson J o n e s (

K i n g s b u r y Lebowski P u r v i s Moore Notui i se l Vasuo P a y n e Peacock S a c h s Sieb Wal l

A L N icho l s addressed the Board A s h l e y H o m e pddressed the Board The mot ion of Supr F Durham t h a t

the C o m m i t t e e heretofore appointed t o look a f t e r t h e wei fare mat ter g o t o Lans ing t o confer w i t h t h e S t a t e W e l shyfare D e p a r t m e n t Carried

On mot ion of Supr E D u r h a m t h e Board took r e c e s s unti l 930 t o m o r r o w m o r n i n g

Read corrected and approved L L O Y D H Y E I T E R

OSCAR B A R N E S Clerk Cha irman

A t a reewlar m e e t i n g of t h e Board of S u p e r v i s o r s of S h i a w a a s e C o u n t y cont inued and held in t h e Cfraquoort H o u s e in t h e Ci ty of Corunna in said C o u n t y on W e d n e s d a y J a n u a r y 1 6 A D 196

T h e B o a r d wa s cal led t o order by

t h e C h a i r m a n Roll w a s called by t h e Clerk

P r e s e n t Supre Al len B a r n e s B r a n shydel Colby F Durham E D u r h a m Fer -g a s o n F ie ld Fo land G r laquo M laquo b laquo laquo laquo V i n c e n t Griff in J o h n s o n J o n e s raquo raquo laquo raquo -bury L e b o w s k i P u r v i s M o o r e N o t -n a x e l P a s c o P a y n e Peacock Sacha Sieb W a U

Superv i sor Lebowski made t h e fol shylowing m o t i o n

I m o v e that t h e Board d e s i g n a t e Mary H a n u s a s c o u n t y s t e n o g r a p h e r and pay her a sa lary of 3 5 2 0 0 0 per year b e g i n n i n g Jan 1 1 raquo 3 6 wh ich s u m i s t o be in l ieu of s U t u t o r y fees a l lowed for e x a m i n a t i o n

T h e mot ion rarrJed b y t h e fo l lowing yea ahd nay vo te called for b y t h e C h a i r m a n Y e a s Al len Brandel Colby E D u r h a m Field Fo land Gret te i i -berjter V i n c e n t K i n g s b u r y Lebowski Pirvin Moore P a s c o P a y n e Peacock Sachs

J u d g J o s e p h H Coll ins addressed t h e Board

Superv i sor Ferpason read the fo l lowshying repor t

To the Board of Superv i sors of Sh ia shyw a s s e e C o u n t y mdash

Your Commit tee on Hoapi1raquoliaUc-ri s i hmits the fo l lowing report

That s ince October 1 1034 the ofshyf ice of t h e Hospi ta l Inves t iga tor has re -Itivfd the fol lowing a m o u n t s as payshyments on noteH payable to Shiawasnee County from persons rece iv ing hospi ta l bull-ri at the expense of said C o u n t y

OCTOBER 1D34 0MIltSIgt City Hcniutits $ irgt00 c w H a v e n Twp accounts lti0rt Conmtia City accounts _ poundraquo200

T o u t N O V E M B E R 1934

H u m s T w p accounts bullVernon Twp account s Perry T w p accounts Hiz -Hon T w p account s New H a v e n T w p a c c o u n t s O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s Corunna City a c c o u n t s S h i a w a s s e e T w p account s

$ 1 1 3 0 0

3 l l fi - 103 00 IS4^00 500 2GS5

200 5 00

107 00

Total ^ D E C E M B E R 1934

O w o s s o T w p a c c o u n t s O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s Vernon Twp a c c o u n t s Caledonia Twp a c c o u n t s Rush T w p a c c o u n t s bdquo

3 4 3 9 6 1

34 00 1 6 0 0 31 05

130 40 4 00

Total _ $ 1 9 0 4 5 J A N U A R Y 1S33

( t o J a n 15 1 9 3 5 ) O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s _bull 3 81 00 Durand Ci ty a c c o u n t s 10 00

Total mdash j 0 0

Total cash receipts t o date 3 7 8 4 0 6 Al l o f which i s re spec t fu l ly s u b m i t shy


On mot ion of Supr F e r g a s o n the report w a s accepted and adopted

On mot ion of Supr Barnes the Board took a recess until 180 th i s a f t ernoon

A F T E R N O O N The Board was called to order by

the Chairman Roll wa s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t S u p r s Al len B a r n e s B r a n shy

del Colby F Derham E D u r h a m Doepker F e r g a s o n Fie ld Foland Gret -t enberg er V incent Griff in J o h n s o n Jones K i n g s b u r y Lebowski P u r v i s Moore Notr age l P a s c o P a y n e P e a shycock S a c h s S ieb Wal l

Supr P a s c o read t h e fo l lowing re shypor t

To t h e Honorable Board of Supershyv i s o r s

Your C o m m i t t e e on claims in L i v e Stock D a m a g e Would respec t fu l ly s u b shym i t t h e fo l lowing a s i t s report recshyo m m e n d i n g t h e severa l a m o u n t s a s g i v e n below a n d t h a t t h e Clerk b e author ized to draw orders for t h e s a m e

75 Glenn Moore 1 s h e e p 2 dogs mdash $ 1 5 0 0 I 16 00

62 John Snyder 1 e w e 2 lambs _ 16 50 1650

74 F loyd Reed 4 e w e s s o 2 0 30 20

50 Charles E Stocker t lamb - 8 26 826

3 e w e s 1 lamb _ 20 John Bray

1 s h e e p 24 G e o r g e Curt i s

2 e w e s 7 Earl H y d e

1 s h e e p 6raquo Janrtw fc^Vfciley

s h r p mdash 1 40 Wafter S tewart

1 s h e e p bdquo 26 F F Parkhurs t

1 e w e 8 lambs raquo9 ltQIlaquoMgt -taoitaJtet-

t s h e e p 1 b t r n b

20 60 20 60

6-80 5 80

1065 1 0 6 5

950 9 50



12 00

1 2 1 0


12 00

9 25

_ 42 16



120 B 2

U 9 B

i I I S B

_ 11 10 1110


1010 10 10

9 6 2 0 96 20

__ 65 25 65 ^5


_ 4 00


s a w n p ^ M ^ s B mdash i s p 1mdashai rgt

5 James J- Rue 1 s h e e p 1 l a m b _

3 W W Brius 2 heep -

72 Pearl J a c o b s 7 sheep

S Howard G a n n s s l e y 1 ewe

121 James Biggci 1 e w e

K Knipe ewes -

K Knipe dog _

K Knipe A ewes

117 C E V e r n o n 7 e w e s f gt lambs

104 M C A c k e r s o n 9 sheep

103 Charlet Reed 6 s h e e p h l ambs

21 C K COLBY 1 dog -

44 E D A l l e n l o gt g ---

64 Clifford -Duiihnm 1 dog

68 Walter WoOlard 1 dog

3V E D A l l e n 4 e w e s 1 rant 2 lambs

45 Ed Al len 17 ewes mdash

61 Martin VanDuseiv 1 sheep mdash

136 Georee Cowkes 2 5 0 0 141 Ralph L o v e 710 140 Homer N i c h o l s _ - 3 9 8 0 139 Earl S t o n e 22 45

SO Howard G a n s s l e y S e w e s 2 wounded

4 G e o r g e W Di l lon 2 lambs 29 A L S a n d e r s o n

1 lamb _ _ 25 Henry Miller

4 lambs 28 D e n n i i J Ki ldea

2 s h e e p _ _ 54 F E To l l inger

1 lamb 2 ewea _ 80 Howard Lawcock

5 s h e e p 6 l a m b s 18 J o e J a m a h

3 e w e s bdquo ^ 76 C D W a r r e n

4 Iambs -_mdash 17 El izabeth Chi ld

1 ewe bdquo^ w_-15 Haatrgt T o m s

7 e w e s mdashmdash~ 7 Loreraquoi M c K a y

1 dog bdquo mdash _ _

aaaKs bullL LfJOti 9 9

1 6 7 5 16 75


4 2 1 5

9 00

9 40

Forgotten Sire Dairys Drawback

Large Group of Young Bulls With Unknown Ability

as Breeders




6 6 2 5

i 4 0 0


4 00 1


a 00 i

66 25

135 25 18525

70 770 2 5 0 0

5 10 3 9 3 0 22 45

27 00 2700

19 45 19 4


3000 3000

16 30 16 3 0

15 25 1 5 2 5

pound 8 3 0 S8S0

12 Frank J a s o n 1 e w e

64 Wil l iam Igtwyre bull2 ewea bull mdash mdash ~

2 3 5 0

pound 2 6 0

9 5 laquo

5 1 5 0

5 1 5

15 20 65 Wil l iam W a d e

1 e w e bdquo mdash _ bdquo _ bdquo 1 Wal ter A B r o w n

J A P i n k 1 Iamb 2 s h e e p

38 Harry T S u r g e 4 aboep mdash

~ t 840

B y W W Tapp Chief in Dairy Cattle Uni shyversity of IllinoismdashWgtJU fraquorviee

Tlie forgotten man has his chamshypions but too little has been said ftnd done about the foraorten sires at dairy herd

By the forgotten sires reference I made to that large group of yonng dairy bulls whose breeding ftbllicw Is still en unknown quality but whose progeny will wJeid a potent tnAiienco on dairy returns In yeara to come These progeny will produce more thna 00 pet cent of all auik and dairy prodshyucts consumed In the live years from J087 1raquo J9tl inclnsivc

Most progressiva dairymen vould rather use a proTed sire as detei-

I rained by the number of pounds of I milk and butterfat the bulls daughters will produce in a years time Thia Is as it should be However under tho I present system of proving dairy bulls I only one in fifty is likely to become ft j proved sire and all those not in this t select group are forgotten j More attention needs to be given to j the physical appearance of these bulla

and to the performance of their dams and sires if the future of the dairy Industry is to be safeguarded Thlaquo phyeacal characteristics of the young bull should of coarse be considered carefnlly if he Is to Hre the future) producers of the herd In addition the dairyman should InvertigHte the) char-actertstlcs of the bulla sire and dam If obtainable the recwrda of fall broth-

M Mlaquor8and sisters and even of half broth-s 6 0 | ers and half sisters will forntsh valo-

i able evidence in determining the toans-51G0 j mittSng ability of a yonog sire If a

dairyman can find a yonng btill who sire has ten or more unsetected daughshyters that are highly prodaetlra and whose dam has three or more good danghters he can feel reasonably at-scred (hat the young sire will make a satisfactory breeder


Whereas Prank Siebeneck and Eliza Siebeneck his wife made and executed a certain mortgage bearing dale the 3rd day of March A D 1924 to Howard E Slocum and Mashybel A Slocum his

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE in the Matter of th Eraquotatlaquo of

Geprgo W Baker Dec We the undersigned having bean

appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and fr

the County of Shiawassee State of 1 j raquo X e w l c n w a s Michigan Commissioners to receive

recorded in the Office of the Regis- e x a m i n e a n d a d j u s t a l l claim and

8 50 I

2 3 5 6

I 6 1 5

I 8 2 5

16 20

8 4 0

2 1 1 0 2 1 1 0

9 George C o e t i e 1 ewe bull bull bdquo mdash - ^ -

2 9 John Manford 6 ewe 5 Jambs bdquo

11 Frank Ri tae t 1 d o ^

18 F F P a r k h u r s t 3 s h e e p 1 l a m b s _

6 B McKaylTia 3 e w e s - - laquo


1 8 2 5

7 20

7 4 0 0

18 25

7 2 6




1 1 2 0


1 2 5 0

t 2 0

Corn Stover Low Protein Feed and Needs Balance

The loss in dry matter In corn stashyter approximates 24 per cent white the loss in ensiling corn need not bo more

600 j than 10 per cent This emphasise the yalue tl ensiling in so far as possible j this year says Hoards Dairyman Hosv-laquoTrT bright com stover that has been properly shocked can be made a valshyuable part of the ration this winter Shreddinggrinding or cutting may be

On motion of Supr Pateo the re- advisable in order to get the cows to port was accepted awi adopted by the eat the entire plant Also the cjnserv-rollowitiR yfa a n d nay v o t e cal led for fltive n g o o f laquo bdquo bdquo m i x e d w i t h w a -

V ^ r D u ^ fet laquo^ bullraquo- bullPtln-W over this rmiahate-prason Fi id Grvttenbenrer Griffin bull may add to its palaubllity and feed- l h n s o n P u r v i s Moore Paaco P a y n e i n g v a l u e s l i g h t l y

I Torn stover is a low protein feed and to balance it we must feed n hlch protein grain mixfure Wo recommend 1 to 2 per cent of the grain mixture he grcumltl ijmestono marloyster shell or S)(5iSir-igt-i hoi nicr l l iuiuraquo m^nl

Jen suit niUed half and half and felti jvlt salt alone Is usually fed will also poundbull-ltbull the necessary minerat protection i vraquo analysis of corn stover is 21 per cot dl^estil)Ie crude protein 401 per ccit total digestible nutrients

ter of Deeds of the County of Shia wampssee Michigan on the 25th day of November A D 1924 in Liber 165 of Mortgages on page 383

And whereas the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage on the date hereof for principal and inter-eat and taxes paid upon the premshyises hereinafter described by the said mortgagees is the sum of Fifty-sis hundred eighty-three dollars and eighty-five cents j and also the addishytional sum of Thirty-five dollars stashytutory attorneys fees as provided for in said mortgage and no suit or proshyceeding having been instituted at tew or in equity to recover the debt secured thereby or any part thereshyof

And whereas default has been made in the payment of the money secured by said mortgage wherehy the power of sale contained therein has become operative

Now therefore notice is hereby given that by virtue of said power of sale and in pursuance thereof and of the statute in such ease made and provided the said mortgagewill be foreclosed by a sale of the mortshygaged premises at public vendue to the highest bidder at the front door of the_ Court House in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michi igan that being the place of holding the Circuit Court within said Coun-tl oh the l i t day of Jttraquo A D 1935at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day the description of which said premises contained in said mortshygage and which will be sold as aforesaid is as follows

AH those certain pieces or parshycels of land situated in the Township of Caledonia Shiawassee County Michigan described as follows

The North forty acres of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty Township Seven North of Range Three East Michigan except Three

demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Charles Kirby in the Township of Venice in said County on Monday the 18thday-of March A D 1925 and on Thursday the 16th day of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjustshying all claims against said estate and that four months from the 16th day of January A D i935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said C^mmis^ionr5rs for adjustment and allowance

Dated the 16th day of January A D 1935





STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash In the office of the drain commissioner of the cousxty of Shiawassee in the matter of the Galloway Drain

Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of February 1935 a petishytion was filed with the undersigned county drain commissioner for the county of Shiawassee praying for the deepenirsg widening straightenshying cleaning out and extending of Galloway Drain

That upon the 16th day of Fib- -ruary 1935 the undersigned filed with the Honorable Roy D Matshythews judge of probate a petition askfing for the appointment of a board of determination

that said judge of probate havshying appointed Fred Peacock Fred Ferguson and Roy Allen as such board of determination

Now therefore said board will meet at SE corner of Section 36

acres in the Northwest comer ofjlaquoe w Haven Towi^hip on the 18th Said land which three acres is Thirty lt d a y 0 Mstrch 1935 at ten oclock rods East and West and Sixteen rods] i n the forenoon of said day to deter-North and South containing in all Thirty-seven acres of land more or less

Also all that part of the East half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Niriteen Town Seven jNdrth of Range Three East Michigan lying South of the Grand Trunk Railway

mine the necessity of Galloway Drain^

Therefore all persons municishypalities and highway officials intershyested in the proposed Galloway Drain are requested to be present if they so desire

Dated at Corunna Michigan this

right-of-way except land bull laquo M to N 2 t h d a y degf ^ frac34 i

Pracock S a c h s

Al len Supervisor fe ix irt

read the fo l lowing

T o the visors

Honorable Basuw o Super -

I gtgtur C o m m i t t e e on Juraquotgtces Ci^n-

Htablea and Coroners Clairca and a--co imts would respect fu l ly submit tin-fo l lowlns as itraquo report rcoornmfrnltn^ the- a l l o s v a n e e o f t h e severa l a m o u n t s a t ivn hrlow and that the Clerk be aii-t l ioruvd to draw orders for the laquo raquo m laquo

bull43 Rohorl )1 C A

55 W m M J J^ 21 C A 27 It E 76 raquo F-2raquo Aupus t

1S5 James 1S4 H o m e r

Morrorv Cratio i Wt-inkuuf Havilartd Crano H D LaKraquowe ( I-aRowe F i s c h e r

Wi l son B u s h


7so 6540 10 00 10 00 1000 7 00 560 2 00

to50 20440

7 GO 65^40 iooo 1000 10 00 700 oieo

Chinch Bug War Hard

1050 2 0 4 4 0

On motion of Supr Al len t h e report w as accepted and adopted b y the fo l shylowing yea and nay vote called for b y the C h a i r m a n Y e a s AUe Colby F

Congress in the last session voted an approprl^on of a million dollars to hult the ravages of the chinch bug in

200 the cpoundgtrn belt and this money was used to build barriersbull totaling UWO miles

along which creosote halted tltte adshyvance of the Insects The chinch bag however has twrraquo generations in a sinshygle season the first generation being a crawling insert which can be conshytrolled by the creosote barriers but the second generation flying is not halted

B Aiken and except a strip of land four rods wide off the North and running parallel with the said Grand Trunk Railway right-of-way said strip to be used for highway purshyposes

(All of said parcels to be sold as clark Joh aforesaid being used and operated as one farm)

Dated March 12 1935 HOWARD E SLOCUM


PULVER amp BUSH Attorneys for Mortgagees Business Address Owosso Mich

JOHN HUDSON County Drain Commissioner

Shiawa-ssee County Michigan


I n t h e


Derham E Durham FTraquooa Field by this form of control Experts estishymate that the million dollars spent oa control measures saved at least $4-000000 worth of com

Grst tenbers^r Grif f in J o h n t o n L e b o w shys k i P u r v i s Moore P a s c o P a y n e P e a shycock Sachs

Supr S a t h s read the fo l lowing reshyp o r t

T o the H o n o r a U j E laquo r e bulllt S u p - v i -s o r s

Your C o m m i t t e e on Claims and A c shyc o u n t s in C o n t a g i o u s Diraquoealaquoe w o u l d respec t fu l ly s u b m i t t h e foUowing a s i t s report retomroendinu t h e a l lowance of the severa l a m o u n t s as g iven be low and that t h e Clerk be authoriaed t o t i m e tO a p p l y if I s iC t h e f a l i d i g g i n g

it Into the soil and if the soil Is a clay roam It can stand heavy applications of such material which wfli help conshysiderably In keeping the soil more open and spongy and render it less liable to bake and dry out during dry weather Applications up to 50 tons to the acre may toe usedmdashMontreal Herald

Hops for Fertilizer Hops from a brewery are exetflent

as a source of introducing humus to the soIL Any form of vegetative growth even weeds supply this necesshysary matter Manure is another form ID which humus is supplied The best

draw orders for t h e s a m e

142 Ruby Mil ler n u r s e ( 114 Memorial H o s p i t a l 107 Dr J J Hav i land 112 Dr W T Parker _ 132 Ruby Mil ler 1S3 E C J o n e s 111 Dr R C P o c h e r t 113 John R u b e n s t i n e _ 124 Vernon E l e v a t o r Co 109 Dr J J Hav i land 128 Dr C J SUenard 122 G B Bar low 126 C A L a w r e n c e mdash 188 WVitebflr Drott C o 108 Dr A L Arnold _ 110 Dr A L Arnald _ 106 Dr A L ArnoW _ 123 Marshal) D u n c k l e

t o Vernon Bank W H S A C H S F R PASCO J H L E B O W S K I

250 lt SlOO

pound00 2 1 0 0 5 8 8 0

500 1 0 5 0

860 1689 20 00 1 7 0 0 2 4 7 8 1 0 8 1

910 65 00 19 90 56 00

2 50 8100

2 00 2100 58 00

500 1 0 5 0

S60 16 89 20 00 17 00 2 4 7 8 1 0 8 1

9 1 0 6 5 0 0 19 90 6 6 0 0

Farm Chatter

6 6 5 6 6 5 6 5

On motidr- o f Srtpt S a c h s ( the reshyport was accepted and adopted by the

rt-rt witt-I

Spare recently passed several laws laquo0 regulate its wheat trade

raquo bull bull

Germany has fixed maximum gram bullprices ampt slightly above those of 1033

bull bull bull

The cereals are the most Important branch of agrieurfure la tbe United States

bull s

About 100000 farmers grow sugar fo l lowing y e a and n a y v o t e called for j ^ 0 cent ^ U n i t e d S t a t e s T h e t r a n -

ker Fsraraaon F ie ld G r e t t e n b e m e r Griffin J o h n s o n K i n g s b u r y Lebowski A t a v e r a g e r a t e o f c o n s u m p t i o n o f P u r v i s M o o r e P a s c p P a y n e P e a c o c k COM c e r e a l s o n y e a r s COTn CTOp

s0- woaM produeeveiKHjgh eereal to last On mot ion of Supr Kinaabury t h e t l raquo p e o p l e Of t h e U n l b M S t a t e s 4 7 0

Board took a r e c e s s unt i l t o m o r r o w y e a r s morning a t 9 8 0 i bull bull

Read corrected and approved bull to raquo laquo M tU s t laquo

drouths corn production has risen LLOYD H YKiTEit an average of 40 per cent Acreage

OSCAR BARKES Clerk bas tocreased 7 per cent and acre

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate Austin B Gilbert Deceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the office of Frank R GUna in the Court House in the City of Corunna in said County on Monday the 22nd day of April A D 1935 and on Monday the 24th day of June A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receivshying and adjusting all claims against said estate and that four months from the 21st day of February A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commisshysioners for adjustment and allowshyance

Dated the 21st day of February A D 1935



M a t t e r o f t h e E t laquo t laquo o f

n s t o n D e c e a s e d

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Frobute in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Comrri--sipners to receive examine and adjust all claims and deshymands of al persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Wager in the Township of Venice in said County on Friday the 29th day of March A D 1935 and on Wednesday the 2Sth dav of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjustshying all claims against said estate and that four months from the 29th day of January A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustshyment and allowance

Dated the 29th day of January A D 1935



COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of

Frances Van Campen Smith Deshyceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in anltj for the Coutfty of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive _ examine and adjust all claims and I sale at public vendue to the highest


Notice is hereby given that by virshytue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee and State of Michigan against the goods and chat-telslanlt end tenements of Lyle V Sawyer and Mary C Sawyer in said county to me directed and delivered I did on the second day of October 1934 levy upon and take all the right title and interest of the said Lyle V Sawyer and Mary C Sawshyyer in and to the following deshyscribed lands to-witmdash

The south one-half of south one-h a l f of t h e n o r t h e a s t quarter (5frac12 S N E t t ) of secshytion eleven (11) town eight (8) north of range one (1) east Fairshyfield Township Shiawassee County Michigan

All of which I shall expose for

Chairman yields SO per cent

demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the Vernon State Bank in the Village of Vernon in said County on Monday the 22nd day of April A D 1935 and on Monday the 24th day of June A D 1935 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjusting all claims apai^st said estate and that four months from the 21st day ol February A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioneis for adjustshyment and allowance


r bull i bullbull Xommissioners

bidder at the west front door of the court house in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County being the place where the Circuit Conrt is held in said County on the 9th day of March 1935 at 900 oclock in the forenoon

M G DICKTE Deputy Sheriff

JBLLIS F WILSON Attorney for Frank A Phillip Business Address Owosso Mich

Let The Nw handle

^BSSVnjSSaSJI^nv SSs S v 4SnSJp^p^SSaJBPSB]^nh V


s bull

-I1 1 M l JiVfig


bullWWmdashin gi1 ii wv se

laquof In the Matter of the EUtlaquo bull Job F Jlaquocoblaquo Deceased

We the undersized having been - appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshy

thews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of ail persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Ha-zelton in said County on Monday the 25th day of March A D 1935

- and on Monday the 27th lay of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day for the purshypose cf receiving and adjusting all claLns against said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1)Spound are-allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustment ^nd allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D 1935



COMMISSIONERS NOTICE la thcopy Matter of the Eclat of

William E Vernon Deceased We the undersigned having been

appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the State Ban) of New Lothrop in the Village of New Lothrop in said County on Monday the first day of April A D 19S6 and on Friday the 31st day of May A D 1985 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjusting all claims against said estampte and that four months from the 31st day of January A D 1935 are allowed to creditors p present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustment and allowance

Dated the 31st day of Janaary A JD 1935




- I n the Matter of the ElaquoUt Almeda Jacob Deceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hoi Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims artri demands of all persons against said estate do hereby eive notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Haselton in said County on Monshyday the 25th day of March A D 1935 and on Monday the 27th dav of May A- D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and ad--justing aiiclaimsagainst said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adshyjustment and allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D 19351




STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash The Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee in Chancery

Flossie M Storey also known as Flossie M Passage Plaintiff vs

William H Storey Myrtle I Storey Mary Fetterly and Michigan Trust Company a Michigan corporshyation Defendants

Suit pending in the circuit court for the County of Shiawassee in Chancery at the City of Corunna in said county on the 1st day of February A D 1935

In this cause it appearing from afshyfidavit on file that the Defendant Mary Fetterly is a resident of the State of Michigan that process for her appearance has been duly issued and that the same could not be servshyed by reason of her absence from the State of Michigan That her exshyact address cannot be ascertained

On motion of Rosenburg amp Paintshyer plaintiffs attorneys it is ordered that the said defendant Mary Fetshyterly cause her appearance to be entered herein within three months from the date of this order and in case her appearance that she cuse her answer to the plaintiffs bill of complaint to be filed and a copy thereof to be served on said plain- hay tiffs attorneys within fifteen days after service on her of a copy of said bill and notice of this order and that in default thereof said bill be taken a s confessed by the said deshyfendant

And it is Further Ordered That within forty days the said plaintiff cause a notice of this order to be published in the Corunna News e newspaper printed published pnd circulating in said courty and that such publication be continued thereshyin at least once in each Wftek for six weeks in succession or that she cause a copy of this order to be personally served on said defendant at least twenty days befo^ the time above prescribed for her apshypearance 4


ROSENBURG A PAINTER Attorneys for Plaintiff

Good Seed Curing Means Good Crops

Proper Care Is Important During Winter Will

Increase Income By R H Reed Agru-uUnral poundlaquolaquolaquo University ltrf IlliuoimdashWNU Scrvna

Providing good curing and storage conditions for their seed com this winter rather than poor or even avershyage _conditions will be worth 0000-000 en nextyears XJJinr gccrn crop should lOSfl be u normal year and corn prices remain favoranle

This is reveal ed In efebt bull years of ecords Uept by farmersbullenryiSed In the farm niahageuieut service conduct ed by the Coiee of Agriculture bull Unishyversity of Illinois in co-operation with county farm bureaus in these recshyords involving the growing of approxishymately 70000 aerts of corn the differshyence between good and poor seed corn curing and storage amounted to 2raquo bushels an acre in the resulting crop liven average curing and storing conshyditions cut the resulting crop two bushshyels an acre below what it was from good curing and storage of the seed Two bushels an acre on the average nnrua5 Illinois crop of aloe million acres with corn worth 00 cents a bush el wouUl amount to more than $10000-000 In corn returns

By good curing and storage Is meant that the seed com Is dried rapidly and protected from freeting until the ex-cesa moisture has been removed-These conditions arenot met where the corn is ben on the back porch or in the driveway of the corncrib as is practiced on many farms

Rapid drying of seed corn requires the use of some artificial heat unless

Prolonged eel storage has been found to free apples of Insects

laquo -Farster unLsn branches are being

organized throughout norfhern Ireland

Agriculturally Manchuria is one of the most favored spots In the Far East

A balf-mlVloa farmers lost their

status as landowners is the last three years

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

Cows should be dry clx weeks or two months This gives them a ohacce to build up a reserve for the coming vear


Default having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative given by-Robert Cohoon and Cora A Co-hoon his wife of the Village of Morrice Shiawassee County Michishygan to Thomas E Case of the Township of Perry Ccunty and State aforesaid on December 4 1909 and recorded in the office of the Regisshyter of Deeds of Shiawassee County on December 4 1909 in Liber 118 of Mortgages on page 632 which said mortgage has been duly assignshyed by Thonias E Case to George B Lewis by assignment bearing date the 14th day of March 1919 and recordeoTin the Office of the Regisshyter of Deeds of said County of Shiashywassee on the 15th da^ of March 1919 in Liber 136 of Mortgages on page 577 on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereshyof for principal and interest the sum of $38183 and no action at law having been brought to recover said mortgage debt or any part theieof and the said George B Lewis hay


STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash The Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee

At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee held at the Probate Office in the City of Corunna on the 2nd day of Janshyuary in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate of Alvin Morell Eentiey Senior Deshyceased

Detroit Trust Company Trustee under Will of said deceased having filed their sixteenth annual account a3 trustee of said estate for the benefit of Ca-SUv M Kpntlpy

it is OrderedThat the 28th day of January next at ten oclock in the forenoon at said Probate Ofshyfice be appointed for examining nnd allowing safd account and all previshyous accounts

And it is Further Ordered That a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corunna News a newspaper printed and cirshyculating in said County of Shiawasshysee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

HARRIET AIXEN Probate Register




Kor small quantities the ears can be hung in the kitchen or in an upstairs room around the chimney or over an open hot air register Large quantishyties of seed corn may he dried in the farm shop garage or other buildings where a fire can be maintained Care hewever should be taken to ee that none of the corn is exposed to a temshyperature above 120 degrees Fahrenheit

Ventilation Is also an Important facshytor in obtaining high quality seed corn Unless the air immediately around the ears is constantly changed t^e atshymosphere becomes ladened with moisshyture the drying will be much slower raid an ideal condition is established lor the development of molds

k m w bdquoraquolaquo w HllVMll bdquo w bdquo MHiWi ing departed this life^and the under the weather Is unusually favorable signed Brmal E Sickles k the duly

and legally appointed administratrix of the Estate of George B Lewis and ag such is the legal holder of the tiUe to said mortgage

Now therefore by virtue of the said power of sale and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided notice is hereby given that on Monday the 29th day laquof April 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon said mortgage will be forecolsed by a sale by public auction to the highshyest bidder at the west front door of the Court House in the City of Corunna that being the place where the Circuit Court for Shiawassef County is held of the land and premises described in said mortage or so much thereof as may be necshyessary to pay the amount due as aforesaid on said mortgage with inshyterest thereon at the rate of six per cent and all legal costs charger and expenses inclndin an attorhej fee allowed by law of $1500 said premises being described as follows

The north three-eights () of the West half (gt of the West half () of the southwest quarter gt and the east half (bull) of the northshywest qtiarter () of the southwest quarter (frac34) of section twenty-one (21) excepting a piece Of land in the northeast corner of said last above mentioned description describshyed as commeneinlaquor at the northeast corner and running thence west Eighteen (18) rods then south thirty-two (32) rods thence east eighteen (18) rbds and thence north thirty-two rods to place of begs-ninc all on Section Twenty-one (21 in Town five (5X north Range three (3) east Also the west forty (40) feet of lot Thirty-six (36) and wholr of lot thirty-seven (37) in block four (4) Village of Morrice Shiashywassee County State of Michigan

Dated Januarv 28 1935 ERMAL E SICKLES

Administratrix of the Estate of George B Iewis Deceased

HICKS amp DES JARDINS Attorneys for Administratrix Business Address Owosso Mich

Soybeans cowpeas and similar legshyume crop are nor considered feed crops under the AAA ruling but inshystead are classified as hay crops

bull bull bull Hawaiis 1933 pineappie pack of apshy

proximately 800)000 cases was esfJ sated to have a value of $22400000

bull bull

Ohte baa only TO par cent as many cattle on feed this year and the Corn Belt has but 88 per cent as siany as a year ago the United States Departshyment of Agriculture reports

bull bull From practical experience the Deshy

partment of Agriculture has learned that temporary ffbeck of dams of brush snllt to stop erosion win last from two and one-half to three years

Need More Horses Mules to Meet Greater Demand

Demand for horses and mules Is exshypected to increase materially for the next few years Although colt producshytion has been increasing for twe or three years the number now being proshyduced is hardly enough to meet V0 per rent of the expected demand for work stock

A large proportion of the work aftl-nisils now on farms are in the old ae bullgroup snd even if production of colts continues- to increase by the end of 1038 the low point-in horse and mule |Mgttgtuaiion will be reached in the opinshyion of Ohio State university farm wouomists

Higher toed prices this year mixy en courage greater use of mechanical powshyer and may check the anticipated inshycrease in breeding plans even in the face of an expected rise in the price of work stock


STATE OP MICHIGAN mdash The Probate Court for tbgt County of

At a session of the Probate Coart or said County held at the Probate Office in the City of Corunna oh the 26th day of December A D 1934 -

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate of Sophia De Frenn Deceased

On filing the petition of Earl De Frena praying for the probate of the will of aaid deceased new filed in this aourt bull

It is Ordered That the 28th day of JaaaaiT next at nine oclock in the forenoon at said Probate Of-iice ba appointed for hearing said petition _

It iraquo Furtber Ordered That a cony ef this order be published three sucshycessive weeks prraquoviouB to said ltlay of bearing in the Corunna Naws a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Shiawassee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

HARRIET AIKBN Register of Prebate


Feeding Work Horses Wintering work horses wiW be a

troublesome problem in view of the feed shortage To maintain a fair conshydition work horses need a daiiy ration of from ten to fifteen pounds of clean roughage such as hay laquoraquorn fodder or struw Even idle horses in addition to ihe roughage should have a little ^rain especially If the roughage conshysists of prairie hay straw or cora fodshyder On live to six pounds of grain per day a horse will hold its weight llie amotlnt of grain of course dependshying somewhat on size of the animal Horses at work need from ten to Bf-ren pounds of grain per head a day ff they are to hold up In weight Barley cau be substituted very well for corn or oats but it should be ground or rolledmdashMissouri Farmer

Agricultural Notes The tomato is classified by the Enshy

cyclopedia of Food as a fruit bull

Unless in a sealed package honey should be kept in a dry warm place

Two-thirds of a pound of dried beet

pulp takes the place of one pound of

Canadian western sheep ranges proshyduce from 150000 to 200000 lambs each year saitahle for fattening purposes

bull bull Kvery 3frac12 feet from the barn to the

milk house- means a mile of^walking for the farmer for each cow in one yenr

bull Fluorine compounds with which

many fruits are sprayed have been found to be very injurious to the teeth

bull raquo bull Twelve to fourteen per cent of proshy

rata in the grain mixture hi enough for rypicai cowa fed plenty of good alfalfa hay and corn silage ^

bull raquo bull w Hundreds of acre of vegetable

crops were plowed under by produce formers near St Loula Mo araquo they found their products aore raquo M fnttUtas



STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash In the office of the Drain Commissioner of the County of Shiawassee in the matter of the Section Sixteen Exshytension Drain

Notice in Hereby Given that on the 26th day of October 1934 a petition was filed with the undershysigned County Drain Commissioner for the County of Shiawassee prayshying for the extending of Section Sixteen Drain

That upon the 28th day of Febshyruary 1935 the undersigned fited with the Honorable Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate a petitior asking for the appointment of a Board of Determination

That said judge ot probate having appointed Fred Peacock J H Bran-del and Fred Ferguson as such Board of Determination

Now therefore said board will meet at the residence of Charles Miller Section 21 Shiawassee Townshyship on the 21st day of March 1935 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of said day to determine the necessity of Section Sixteen Drain

Therefore all persons Municishypalities and highway officials intershyested in the proposed Section Sixshyteen Drain are requested to be present if they so desire

Dated at Corunna Michigan thig 1st day of March 1935


Whereas James C Carpenter and Martha Carpenter his -wife made and executed a certain mortgage bearing the date of the 22nd day of August 1928 to Anna E Bilhimer which was recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for the Counshyty of Shiawassee Michigan on Aushygust 31 1928 in Liber 177 of mort gages on pa-e 301

And whereas the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage on th date hereof fof principal and intershyest is the sum of Eight Hundrec Twenty Dollars and thirty-eight cents ($82038^ and also the ad ditional sum of laquo25 attornevs fee as provided for in sard mortgage and ne suit or proceeding having been instituted at law or in equity to reshycover the debt now remaining and secured thereby or ar-v part thereof

And whereas default has been made in the payment of the money secured by laquoraquoid m o r t ^ ^ rendering the power of sale contained thereir operative

Now therefore notice is herebj given that by virtue of said power of sale and in pursuance thereof and of the statute in such cases mad nnd nrovided the said mortgage wjr be foreclosed by a sale of the mortshygaged nremises at nublic vendue to the highest bidder at the west froni door of the Court House in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michigan that bein the place Oj holding the Circuit Court within said countv on the 5th draquoraquo of April A D 1935 at 900 oclock in the fore TVYOM of said day Eastern Standard Time

The descrintion of the premise contained therein and still coyerer by said mortgage and which will be sold as Aforesaid is a follows

Part of Lot ten Block Twenty eight of the Village (now city of Owosso Michigan commencing at f noint on the east line of Lot ten Block twenty-eight eisrht rods soutf of the south line of Comstock street running thence westerlv parallel to Comstock stTeet seven rods thenor south four and five hundred se^r v one one thousandths rods thence easterly narallel wilih said first lin to east line of said Lot and thenc-

porth to beginnin- nil in the Cjtv of Owosso Shiawassee County Michi gan

Dated December 31 19frac34 ANNA E BILHTMER

Mortgagee ELLIS P WXTSON Ar+irrv fo Mortgawea



THE NEWS Phone 1373 Corunna Mick

MORTGAGE SALE Default having been made in the

conditions of a certain real estate mortgage whereby the power of sale therein contained became operative made by William F Gray and Flora M Gray his wife to George G Markham dated January 2 1917 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Shiawassee County Michigan^ on January 2 1917 in Liber 142 of Mortgages en pages 206 ami 207 and duly asshysigned by said George G Markham to Leta B Vincent by an assignshyment dated August 4 1925 and reshycorded in said Registers office on August 6 1925 in Liber 153 of Mortgages on page 92 and duly asshysigned by said Leta B Vincent to George G Markham and Clara A Markham his wife jointly with sole and absolute right of survivorshyship by an assignment dated August 4 1925 and recorded in said Regisshyters office on August 6 192b in Liber 153 of Mortgages on page 93 on whiyh mortgage there is now claimed to be due and payable foT principal and interest the sum of $114500 and no suit at law havshying been brought to recover said debt or any part thereof notice is hereby given that on Saturday May 4 1935 at one oclock in the aftershynoon of said day at the entrance to the Court House City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michigan that being the place where the Circuit Court for said County is held Clara A Markham surviving assignee will by virtue of the power of sale conshytained in said mortgage and in purshysuance of ttte statute in such case

ORDER OF PUBLICATION State of Michigan mdash The Probata

Court for the County of Shiawassee At a session of the Probate Court

for said County held at the Probate office in the city of Corunna on Monday the 4th day of February in the year of one thousand nina hundred and thirty-five

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of Geraldine Ruth Vande Grift Dependent

Petition haying been filed allegshying that aaid child is dependent and neglected and to determine the truth of the facts

Xt is ordered That the fathets mothers guardians or anyone intershyested in said child blaquo and appear before the Court at a hearing upom the petition on the 5th day of March 1935 at 900 oclock in the foreshynoon at said Probate Office for the purpose of aiding the Court in arshyriving at the true facts and to make a proper disposition of said minor

And it is Further Ordered That to give notice to parentg not in tide County that a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corunna News a newspaper printed and circulating in said Counshyty of Shiawassee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

By HARRIET AIKEN Probate Register

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In thraquo Matter __ of the Estate raquof

provided sell at public auction on |PerI E Jacobs Deceased foreclosure thereof the land describ-r We the undersigned having bee ed in said mortgage to satisfy the | appointed by the Hon Roy D Mat-

County Drain Commissioner Shiawassee County Michigan| Bosineai Address Owosso Mich

amount due thereon at the time of sale with interest thereon at six pei cent per annum and all legal costs including an attorney fee of Twenty five Dollars lands described as East part of east eighty acres of the southwest fractional quarter of section nineteen town eight north range four east except right of way of Consolidated Coal Company of north thirty-three feet thereof conshytaining 39 acres more or less Hazel-ton Township Shiawassee County Michigan Dated February 2 1935

CLARA A MARKHAM Surviving Assignee

C F amp E T HAMMOND Attorneys ior Assignee Business Address 601 American

State Savings Bank Building Lansing Michigan

thews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Hazeltoa in said County on Monshyday the 25th day of March A D 1935 and on Monday the 27th day of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adshyjusting all claims against said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adshyjustment and allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D ^RANDOLPH BAILEY

WALTER JUDD Commissioners

y Only the best Quality of Materials and

bull i the finest Workmanship used by



BEANS Have excellent equipment for hanshy

dling Beans and Grains

GOAL Plenty of good clean and warm Coal



Ph one 4 bullgt0 We Deliver

f t T t y Ti


ti I T tgt


DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR Mr Walter Parker of Owoaso

has as hev guest for several days her sister Mrs Fred Shepherd of Detroit and in her honor Mrs Clark Shipman entertained at a table of bridge o n Thursday aftershynoon A chicken dinner preceded the playing of bridge

The following were guests of Mrs Shipman Mrs Parker Mrs Shepshyherd end Mrs Mary Curtis of Co-runna All of the ladies are very close friends


Glen Howard have

uasiucso u-p

^^^^bullltlaquoKKlaquoK^K^K^KlaquoKK^^raquoK 4-

and Mrs returned ioiu Highland

Clayton Cook HI ^ s t u d e n t at the Gctogan school is absent this week with the whooping cough

Mr and Mrs Willis Xee were in Howell Sunday visiting a brother-in-law who is in the State T B Hospital

Mr and Mrs Frank Williams of Milford have returned home after iisiting in the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Cook

Mr and Mrs Edward Braid of

W^r^^^ - bull bull bull bull bull bull - i

votionfls reading a Scripture lesson followed by prayer j

During the business meeting it was- decided to hold a shadow social at the home of Mr and Mrs Phin a s Burch on Friday evening March 22 A pot luck supper will be serv- ed by ths hostess

The program committee gave a short program with reading^ by Mrs Sherrard Mrs Hofacker Mrs Olive Seward and Lawrence Seward

The next meeting will be held in the home of George and Judson O Eldred tgtcrth of the church at which time Mrs Devora Eldred will be





Lake Orion have returned home aft- er spending the week end with their ard the new son Alva Braid and Mrs Braid Catholic Church in-Owoaso

CALEDONIA - SHIAWASSEE Mrs Charles McNamara Sr ampbull plusmn

rightfully bullentertained the ladies of i W the Caledonia - Shiawassee - Venice j Club at her homein Corunna Tues-j day for dinner The business meeting was Opened Q by the president Mrs William Liet-j zau in regular form the ladies unitshying in saying the Lords Prayer

The secretary and treasurer Mrs Antonio Bock gave her reports of the previous meeting also a report j oiv the financial condition off the i club bull

The dub donated a large sum tow- organ at S(u Pauls

JLL W bull I i i i W AK)

Invites you to call and look over the new

FordV-8 Wewant you to see the finest Car in the

low priced field

On display at our salesroom

Mrs Wakefield who is living on V grab bag will be a feature of

the Reyndd fartrade J laquo w i i h ^ a r i laquo pound pound bdquo pound pound pound have beenlraquo1Sih o n e arvLlt-


trouble Her daughters here from Cadillac and Bay Shore k taking care of her

Mr and Mrs John Sam peer en textained on Sunday Mr and Mrs

made for a pancake held some time this

joyed and fine address was given by Carl Kramp of Lansing nd Mr Judge Joseph H Collins A silver and Mrs Glen Hamilton of Owoaso offering was taken during the eye- the latter is a daughter of Mr Sanv ningi

Mrs Wafter Snyder has been for the past few days

Mr and Mrs G W Warner were in Owoaso on Monday laquoraquolaquoraquo i peer

Mrs Joseph Winorski was a guest A large number of friends and Mr and Mrs Nathan Baughan Friday of Mrs Archie Johnson relatives tendered a surprise on Mrs Paul Baughan nd Mr and

John Boyd of Flint was a caller [ Monday evening to Mr and Mrs Mrs Stanley Sussex visited in Bieck-last week of h is sister Mrs M a r y | H a r r y Brandt i n honor of their 21sl enbridge the first of the week as lt-ntlar wedding anniversary and to their guests of their daughterfand sister

Mrs Archie Johnson and Frank n a n d b i s M r a n d M r s - Mrs Alexander Stewart and Goreski were in Owosso Monday on business

Miss Joan Crowe spent Sunday in the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Everet t

Misseg Agnes and Mary Hovanec spent Sunday at the home of Miss Mary Nemecek-

Miss Maxine Wilder of Owosso is assisting in the home of Mr and Mrs Cecil Nicholson

Cecil Nicholson and family and Miss Maxine Wilder were in Flint Saturday on business

A large number of voters from this vicinity attended the Hazelton Township caucas on Monday night

Mr and Mrs George Crowe and daughters were callers Tuesday of Mr and Mrs W S Eveleth and family i i ^

Mr and Mrs Floyd were hosts on Tuesday for the regshyular meeting of the Venice- Haao|-tqr

fi Farmers Club Mi and Mrs Clyde Stanhope and

family of Flint were Sunday guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Ernest

Duane Brandt in honor of their first anniversary in the home of the former The evening was most pleasantly spent in a social way and later a bountiful supper was served

Stewart Mrs Henry Saska left the last

Plans were supper to be

The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Charle8 Smith the second Tuesday in the month


CALEDONIA Mr and Mrs Hall were in Ann

Arbor Sunday Donald Hall of Pontiac visited

hi s family here over the week end Robert Huffman of Detroit visshy

ited his sister Mrs Eli Rigoulot on Sundayr

Billy Fisher was taken to Ann Arbor for observation at the Uui-versity hospital Monday

Harry Wood of Flint was a week end visitor SR the home of his bro-

Walworth th( i ~ i 1 law J o h n Brenner and fatrade i i l y I Mrs Lyle Munroe has returned to her home in bullbullJackson after viaithg i in the homo of her sister Mrs Jos Wagner


Howard Stewart will be host to Desborough west of here A | the Merry Circle Class of th e North birthdav dinner was in honor of the west Verice church on Friday eve-

bx-warbles are not music and they do not soothe the breast of the

Mr| savage beast in fact ox-warbles cause so ngtuch unrest among the cattle of Michigan that the income

bdquo from this class of livestock is seri-of the week t o gt e gone for several o U s r e d u c e d days as guest of her daughterMrs T j ]osH o f m o n e y is totally un-Kerrneth Johnson of Flint her n e c e s g a r y a s the warble which is mother Mrs Derby of Detroit h e r j a n j n s e c t whose larvae live in the daughter Mrs Lawson Mumma b a c k g o f c a t t i e c a n ^e exterminated

[ in thi s state The adult is a heavy [bodied fly which is intensely feared j by cattle Experiments have shown that cattle can hear the noise made

i by the flys wings at considerable 1 distances and often stampede to

The Usual i |ne meeting qf the | avoid its egg laying activities Venice- Hazelton Farmers Ciub was i The eggs are deposited on the enjoyed Tuesday in the home of Mrf raquod quarters Of cattle and the tiny


sons Avnold and Leonard of Day ton Ohio


anniversary of Miss Lois seventh birthday

The pancake supper which was held on Friday evening was a decidshyed success The supper was served under the upervision of the men and was fine The program wasmuch e n _

BOOK1 s T 0Vdegy Explain thlaquo marvelousWOferd Z IVeatmjnt which is bringina J aaxaxinx relief Sold oajroadaJ bull


S T I P A T I O N B A D B R E A T H S L E E P L E S S N E S S OR H E A D -

ACMES DUE TO EXCESS ACID Atk fat A fmtcapy of WHtonl Metuuee We an AuUxwued WiUani igtCJien

lt OvOmt Piwn H m )



ning of this week The Misses Mildrelt) Kambut and

Patricia Bailey have returned to Detroit after visiting in the home ofMiss Elaine Rigoulot

Leslie Middletou ad George Koan have given up their lease for the coal mine property to the owner Geo Schirle and the mine is being taken over by John Hedges

The Ladies Aid of the Northshywest Venice church wil] meet with

and Mrsfi Floyd Walworth when representatives o f 14 families gathered for an ail day meeting

The morning session was called by L J Veaie and was opened with the sipging of My Old Kentucky Home The Chapldin Rev Harold Paiithorpe then conducted the dc-votioijkl period

The business of the day followed and included the appointment of Key Pailthorpe as question box leader and the calling of the roll

At bull the conclusion of the-dinner hour the company reassembled for the program presentation which was under the direction of Mrs Rayshymond Dietz

Readings by Mrs Will Jacobs | Mrs Mary Hartley Rev Pailthorpe Mis Charles Kurney and Mrs L J | Veale andinstrumental music by

larvae as soon as hatched burrow beneath the skin and travel through the body until they reach a position just under the skin on the animals back The larvae then develop rapidshyly in size and cause bumps which can lie easily seen

The presence of this pest reduces the value of the hides of beef catshytle and causes Joss of flesh due to irritation td- unro t of the ivmal Uhsigiy discoloration^ also appear on the flesh of the animals back Dairy rattle produce less inilk when these parasites infest them A 10 per ctVt reduction in milk flow may result from severe infestations

The adult ox-warble flies present in Michigan in the summer were e n shyded through the previous winter unshyder the skins of cattle The fly can not survive Michigan winters any other way If the larvae r-~ al] des

STOPS With Dodge Perfected Dual-Cyiwder Hydraulic Brakes

Mrs Leo Veale were enjoyed during t r o v e d ^ the winter there will be the first half of the program

Following these numbers Mr Walworth introduced the speaker of the day Mr Addy a farm bureau worker who spoke in an intensely

^ r S iVL0V d degn W ^ d n e laquo d a y interesting manner upon Coopera March 27 for an all day meeting t i o n raquo h i s s u b t 0 p i c s being machin-at her home north of the church ^ fertilizer seed and feed

The revival meetings closed on Rev Pailthorpe had charge of the Sunday evening after two weeks of question box from which 13 splen-services A large crowd attended the did topics emerged creating much services Sunday evening The meet- lively discussion Among these ings have been a spiritual success w e r e Do f a r m e r s neg-many converts going to the altar lect pasture if so what can be done

The condition of Fred Brown re- and would it be possible This ques-mams about the same His cousin t ion was most satisfactorily answer-Mr and Mrs Peter Kael of St Charles and aunt Mrs Christine Mosner of St Charles and cousins Mr and Mrs Albert Barnesof Ches-anirg have recently been here

ed by the helpful suggestions of Mr Addy

Other topics which brought out diversified opinions were How can I help to get the Owosso sugar facgt

bullmFuimu J^taM grind e fwy felaquod-

Griod more flaquoed pr -or per boor Moaat oo

bullny 1frac12 ton truck Small down py-

meat Good tenocWrit quick for J1 detail MMIIV

C J TAYLOR Funeral Home

Praapt amkTfficient


Phone 1S2 mdash VERNON Sccceasor to Disbiow

C B Angus residing north of t o r y running Has finflation ever Kerby who cracked several rib s sev- b e e n a success in the history of this era] days ago when he slipped O n c o u n t r y 7 Should the United States some ice while carrying feed to his j Pfty n 5 o I a according to the^ agree chickens was removed on Monday ~ morning to the home of his brother Bethel Angus Coninna avenue Owosso Although Mr Angus is conshysiderably improved he is still in a serious condition His neighbors Howard Stewart and George Rigou-let are taking care of his stock

The following candidates were nominated at the Democrat caucas held at the town hall by the Demoshycrats of Venice Township They are Supervisor Charles Posey clerk Howard Ganssley treasurer Mrs Agnes Ball highway commissioner Wm Golombisky justice of the peace Dennis Kildea overseer of highway Robert Ellis board of reshyview Finley Reed constables Rex Post Ruy Ellis Stewart White and Bernard Cronin

ment for the Panama Canal Zone or should circumstances alter cases

On the second Thursday in April the club will meet with Mr and Mrs L J Veale This will be an evening meeting with supper served at 7 oclock and a business meeting and program following in charge of the young people of the club

WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS Hatched from our own 300 egg

strand stock Blood tested Also Barred Rock Chicks We do cus-

torn Hatching Horvith Hatchery Flushing Michigan RFD 1mdashAdv


The Ladies Aid of the Northwest Venice Church were delightfully enshytertained on Wednesday at the home of Mr and Mrs Ray Seward Harrishyson avenue Owosso

The guests began to arrive at 11 oclock enjoying a social hour before dinner

Following dinner the president Mrs Archie Sherrard called the business meeting to order the memshybers and guests singing several songs followed lgty the secretarys and treasurers reports

Rev John Austin led in the de-

no adults the next summer All the cattle are barns where

they can be easily inspected and any warbles infesting them can be killshyed

The destruction of the larvae costs very little Larvae which are quite fully developed can be squeezshyed from the animals back and killshyed A more rapid method is to use chemical preparations made for this purpose These chemicals may be either in solid or liquid form and are placed n t n e Ittle cell under the skin in which the larvae lives Comshymercial killing agents can be used according to the makers directions or the materials can be mixed at home from directions which will be furnished by the entomology departshyment at Michigan State College

Neighborhood campaigns against the warble or ox bot fly are the speediest way of destroying thi s nuishysance but no farmer should wait for his neighbor before killing the pests in his herd The adult fly travels comparatively short distances and most of the infestations in cattle are caused by permitting larvae to mashyture on the farm where the infestashytions occurs Destroying the larvae relieves the cattle from irritation the owner from money loss and the future from further attacks by the pest

JUST whltm others raquot offering their first hydraulic-type brakes Dodge

gives you b extra safety of Pershyfected Dual-Cylinder Hydraulic Brakes pioneered years ago by Dodge find proved in tho service of hundreds of thousands of owners

With 20 more bracing surface mdash fully equalized a^zinst skidding or swerviagmdash t hay get thousands of extra miiss from tirts and brake linings-mdash give greater coeraurg ease quicker curer stbps mdash more safety than ever Remember there cart be no successful imitation of Dodge brakesmdashor their safety mdash without Dodge experience and manufacturing precision

Here is a big smart 85-mile-pei-hcur car that actually gives you three to five nioremiles pergullonof gas than lower-priced cars And even mors astonishing economy of oil With all its savings the Dodge Red Rata engine gives brilliant aaw ranges of speedmdashflashingpicle-opmdashsilky silence

and ease- Its famous patented Floatshying Power engine mountings smother vibration which racks ordinary cari to piec2s

The1 finslword in protectionmdashthe fatrions Dodge safety all-steel body is knovn to nearly 300Q0C0 Dodge owners

Only the genius cf a manufacturing organization such es Dodge mdashwith such complete facilities with 20 years of experience in building nearly three million finfe vehiclesmdashcould create such astounding dollar-fordolar value


This advertisement endorsed by the Depart meat of EngineeringmdashChrysler M e l o n

NEWVALUE DODGE 9645 to $760 AU prces f o b factory Detroit aabject to change bullwitboat notice Spatial equip ment extra Tima paymampnta to fit yoar bvdamptt Ask fortheaSiciat Chrysler Motor Commercusi Credit PUux





OcffVon Mow For J u t A Fampw Oof Jars Mor Than The Lovtest-Pticod Car

C A GLADDEN b e Dodge ane Plymouth Dealers

Sooth Wafer St Phone 522 Owosso Mich

WANTED Milk Bakery Tea Coffe or otheT

route men Good proposition for right man Rawleigh Depfc MMC mdash93mdashL Freeport Illinoismdash Adv

Judging from some of the streamshyline models car manufacturers have been maewesting them in the wrong place

Now it is proposed to raise the minimum drinking age for women Better go slaw mdash the way the girls manage to stay home these days we might find the bartender refusing to serve grandma




THE NEWS Phone 1373 Cortmna Mich



D o




By E R Hancock

_ _ bull

Photographs that Please MOORES GAGLERY


Films KlaquowUkraquo Pfcstwraw Fraaiad bull bullbull raquo bull bull bull gt bull I iMfl

O H G E I B Doctor of Veteriaary Medici

Phone 1325 Coraaaa Mkk


C A CRANE M D j [Office in OW Connwa Baak BW

Pkone 1447mdashRod or Grata Xoraana Micki^ui

jbdquo bdquo - - ii i mdash - - bull - bull bullbullgt


Citiseaa Sarmf Bank BMf OWOSSO MICHIGAN

r i bull

E HBAILEY M D Physician and Sargaom

118 W Mack St Cltwaa Mkk

bull bull raquo mdash mdash bull

^frac34^ bull n raquo ^ ^ raquo laquo raquo ^ ^ M i f M




Office iB Matthew BMg


- bulllaquobull

bullbull gt


Matthews Bid Qwotio Mick I

tft m m laquoi i m IT -bull bullbull raquo bull bullraquo bull i f l



bull e mdash mdash


| 114 H N Ball St Owostot i


Agaew Block Coranaa Mick

bull bullbull bull - m - - m I I III bull rl| l




Near Strand Theatre Owolaquoc


bull bulllt bullraquomdash laquo

bull bullbull bullbullraquo

M A D I S O N GILBERT Optometrist



4a- a s

The February report shows a total gtf 235 cows milked 31 dry cows xnd 7 new cows entered on record work

The months average production per cow was 538 pounds of milk with 238 pounds of fat

Seven cows in the association pro-iuced 1250 pounds of milk or more Dairvmeii have cut their herds some

of ewes suffering from thi s trouble shows that their liver were unnor- ~ ma being sufv in texture and light j in color and that their spieeng were v



S a

J i y e 7 V r r^lGoming constipa h t m r f J ^ f V p u r e b T ^ l a r ^ the raCion Meht profitable uraquod live -unprofit- pound bull - bdquo

considerably enlarged This would indicate that a poisonous condition existed and that the proper eliminashytion of waste materials in the digesshytive tract is necessary

It iwS well to prevent this disease and sheep men are advised to start fecdiwg grain one month before lambing keeping the ewe s from be- gt -

pated is essentia^ En- ltamp

Will the party hoUJiag umber 2614 pleaito eS aad receive a bnskel of froceriee

E SMITH il e

pr cows

ie were sold


658 48-7

759 380

1042 354




bdquo1120 538

The honor roll of t^e month Cows under 3 years of ae

Milk Ernest Myers

p lire bred Jersey 1 Alfred Vincent

purebred Jersey 5 H J Klockzeln

HoLstein mdash Cdws under 4 years of ag i

L Gale Craig and son purebred Jersey mdash mdash - 893

2 Gale Craig and Son purebred Jersey mdash 899

J Roland Huckins and Son Guernseys 1154 Cows under five years

1 Harry Knapp purebred Holsteins 1798 611

1 Art Galloway purebred Guernsey

3 Alfred Vincent purebred Jersey - 935 496 Mature Cows 1 Alfred Vincent purebred Jersey 1159 744

2 Owuiso Savings Bank Holsteins bdquo - mdash 1 1 2 0 650

I Gale Craig and Son purebred Jersey mdash1154 612 Two big herds each group butter-

fat basis Small herd 6 cows arid under

1 Ernest Meyers purebred Jersey 658 487

2 Art Galloway purebred Guernsey mdash 860 407 Medium herd 7 to 15

1 Harry Knapp purebred Holsteins 1066 356

2 A G Matthews purebred Jerseys 509 304 Large herd 16 or more cows Wrigglesworth amp Gilna purebred Jersey 648 Alfred Vincent purebred Jersey _ 609




418 W Mack St Cornnaa


Cases are now being reported by iheep men in which they state that iheir ewes are suffering from a conshydition with the following syptntoms There is a lack of appetite nervshyousness is prevalent the ewes are rritable they grind their teeth will tand around by themselves and apshypear to be partly or completely blind Sometimes they will even run irouml in a circle After these first ympcoms it becomes impossible to Land tip and they go down in a orna This condition resembles a

iwivnlyds although convulsions or bullipasmlaquo may be noticeable when the wes are disturbed

A study of this condition has lugtvn that the disease is apparent-y noncontagious and i-on-infectious aid that it will effect usually less

-ban 25 per cent of the flock Some-mOjS only a few ewes are troubled uthorities believe it is primarily a nutritional problem and that if sufshyficient quartites of proper feeds are fed this condition seldom if ever bullshows up Legume roughages and those rich in calcium are preferred Flocks fed on alfalfa clover soyshybean^ or other legume hays seldom re afflicted with this trouble This disease has also been known howshyever to be found in flocks which have been fed a heavy ration of grain and corn and those fed bean podsstrawtimothy hay and all rough-straw timothy hay and all rough-iges of this kind in large amounts previous to lambing are susceptible to this disease It is well that if legume roughages cannot besupplied that some grains which have a proshytein content be fed throughout the winter

Although nothing of much value can be done after the ewes go down -i changing of the ration is advis-lble to prevent other ewes from beshycoming similarly affected It is posshysible that drenching the ewes with four ounces of epsom salts in a pint of water may help the ewes which are showing the first symptoms

Those which have been suffering for some time should be drenched with mineral oil as their intestines are apt to be irritated Generally constipation and binding p of the rumen and even the largt intestines in a common symptom of the disshyease Thus it is necessary that laxshyative feeds such as bran and good bright alfalfa hay he fed Exercise is also important and this is shown by the fact that a number of ewes became afflicted with this disease three or four days after the big snow storm on February 25 Durshying that period exercise was cut down and greater amounts of the poorer roughages were consumed by the ewes

Ewes allowed to run on dry frozen grasses should be watched carefulshyly By all means some legume roughages or grain should be fed these flocks It would be better howshyever not to graze the ewes as troushyble haa arisen in previous years from this source

Post mortem examinations taken

of alfalfa or legume hays and cut down on the poorer roughages fed


The Jersey breeders of Shiawasshysee County will meet Wednesday March 20 at 2 p mbdquo at the county agricultural agents office in Co-liinna This meeting is an important event for all Jersey breeders Much business will come before the memshybers and plans for the coming year are to be adopted

Shiawassee County will be honorshyed again this year with the Sagishynaw Valley Jersey Parish Show At a recant meeting held at Saginaw an^ attended by a delegation of Shiawassee County breeders it was voted to hold the show in Shiawasshysee County this year

Jersey breeders expressed their approval and appreciation for the kindness extended to them last year

It is planned to hold the show in connection with the County Picnic wherever that may be in the county

The counties represented in the Saginaw Valley district are Shiashywassee Saginaw Gratiot Clinton Midland and Tuscola A herd will also be picked to show at the state bullfair again this year


Two hoof trimming demonstrashytions will be held Tuesday March 19 at the C W Arnold farm two miles south and one-half mile east of Perry and the Charles Posey farm first farm north of Venice Town hall

The demonstrations will be at 10 oclock at the Arnold farm of Pershyry and the Posey farm at 2 oclock Every farmer should plan to attend one of these demonstrations

With the bull coming of spring work and the importance of horses utilishyzation on farms makes this work a major part of the spring prepara lions

The mare and the foal will a W be discussed at these meetings

A little later E IL Hancock plans to conduct a horse breaking demon stration in the county

The 4-H Colt Club will banquet on the evening of March 19 at Co-runno and Mr Moxley will address the club

About 40 members are now enshyrolled in the Colt Club and much competition is expected this year


By Fred Keister

A bill requiring purchase of Michshyigan beet sugar by heads of State institutions has been introduced in the legislature Why is it necessary to pass a law compellings official to buy at home Isnt it a matter of plain common sense for officials paid through taxes to support as far a s possible the taxpayers from whom they receive their wages An examination of the expenditures of almost any branch of government activities reveals startling violations of this theory however and it was because of those violations that the law was suggested Public opinion can regulate these expenditures Home products should be used and increased loyalty to home products would benefit the state

REGISTRATION NOTICE For the City Election to be held

Monday April 4 1935 To the Qualified Electors of the

City of Corunna Michigan Notice is hereby Given that in

conformity with the Michigan Elecshytion laws I the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Corunna will upon any day except Sunday and a legal holiday the day of any regular or special election or primary elecshytion receive for registration the name of any legal voter in said City not already registered who may apshyply to me personally for such regisshytration Provided however that I can receive no names for registrashytion during the time intervening beshytween the second Saturday before any regular special or official prishymary election and the day of such election

Notice is hereby given that I will be at 305 North Shiawassee avenue on Thursday March 21 precedshying the election a provided by part II Chapter III Michigan Election laws from 8 oclock a m until 8 oclock p m on said day for the purpose of Reviewing the Registrashytion and Registering such of the qualified electors in said City as shall properly apply therefor

Notice Is further hereby given to the qualified electors of thts city

bull bull T Y



Friday and Saturday Specials Again on Saturday nite at 900 p m a prize will be given to the

^ holder of the lucky number A ticket given with each 25c pur-amp chase Not necessary that you be present to win

A We redeem Genesee and Shiawassee County Welfare Orders

bull gt

CORNFLAKES large package


Bring in your Eggs and Cream You can depend upon us for a square deal






pound 20c


2 quart jar



one pound box




pound 15c

Highest Quality Meats at Popular prices

that I the undersigned Clerk of said City will register any qualified elecshytors who may apply at my office on any business dampy up to and includshying Saturday March 23 the last day for general registration for said Election from 8 oclock a m to 8 oclock p m

The name of no person but an ACTUAL RESIDENT of the preshycinct at the time of Registration and entitled under the Constitution if remaining such resident to vote at the next election shall be entered in the Registration book

Dated March 6 1935 GEO A BROWN City Clerk

SHERIFFS SALE State of Michigan mdash In the Cirshy

cuit Court for the County of Shia-

Citizens Savings Bank of Owosso a Michigan Ranking Corporation by Frank C Freeman Conservator Plaintiff vs

Minnie A Boutwell Defendant

SHERIFFS EXECUTION SALE Notice is hereby given that by

virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias isshysued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee and State of Michigan dated the 26th day of December 1933 in favor of the Citizens Savshyings Bank of Owosso a Michigan Banking Corporation by Frank C Freeman Conservator against the goods n d chattels and real estate of Minnie A Boutwell in said counshyty to me directed and delivered I have levied upon and taken the folshylowing described real estate located in said county viz

All those certain premises located in the City of Owosso Shiawassee County Michigan described as folshylows The east sixteen and one-half feet (16) of lot three (3 ) and the west half ( frac12 ) of lot four (4) of J H Laverocks Sub-division of part ef out lot five ( 5 )

Which I snail expose for sale at nublic auction to the highest bidder at the front door of the Court House in the City of Corunna in said County on the 18ta ltlay of March D 1935 at tenoclock in the foreshynoon of said day

Dated this 28th day of January D 1935

W S CHAPMAN Shlaquoiff of the County of

Shiawassee Michigan By RAY GELLATLY Deputy Sheriff

A 9


If You Havent Seen These Two New John Deere General Purpose Tractors

We know what youll say when you see themmdash just what everybody else saysmdashthat John Deere has set an entirely new standshyard for row-crop tractors with these outstanding new models

The Model A General Purpose is a two-plow tractor for handling all types of work on the average-sized farm It is a light-weight tractor with adjustable wheel tread centered liitch in plowing

Model B General Purpose

full-view effortless vision in cultivating easy posishytive steering platform and seat for standing or sitting and four foiward speeds

The Model B General Purpose is for the lighter farm jobs It is a smaller brother of the Model A mdash pulls a one-bottom plow a two-row cultivatormdashthe latest addition to the John D e e r e q u a l i t y l i n e of money-saving two-cylinshyder d i s t i l l a t e - b u r n i n g tractors

C M M in M1 bullbull for POMTMIF wtut rmffclaquo raquobllt vtluwi thmdash Mlaquow tractors offer you ~ i of the two bullbull will fit your i iittiW










A Savings Account for You

We again remind the people of Lenshynon and the community that the Lennon State Bank is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Guarantee and all deshyposits tre guaranteed up to $5000 This is a guarantee that we are pleased to pass on to our patrons

We offer you every facility for safe conservative and careful Banking and will

Welcome your accountmdashlarge or small

Lennon State Bank C N TALBOT Culrier LENNON MICHIGAN

LENNON LOCALS t f T T X f Rapids on Sunday lust

Mi- Eulone Conley was in Durand Tuesday evening

Mrs- Myrtle- Lare was in Flint Tuesday afternoon

Mrs Be3sie Briggs was i n Grand



We Welcome Your Business

The yew 1935 finds the Lenmm Farmer9 Elevator better than ewer preshypared to care for the elevator needs of the farmers and citizens of the coffmmnuty

We are providing a market for your Grain and Beans that is not bettered anyshywhere in the State of Michigan

We are handling the very best grades of Coal Dairy and Poultry Feeds Seeds and Fertilizer and you will find our prices most reasonable and the service of the very best

You are always extended a cordial welcome at Lenrcn Old Reliable Elevator


bull J

t T T T T T t-T T T T

Farmers Elevator Company

Michael Smith Manager



i J

T X J i

Hardware Needs

Farm Tools Repairs aad Hard war needs and we can take care of your needs promptly and correctly Its a good time now to look over the tools and implements and see just what needs replacing or re-

pair We have itmdashor will get it for you amp promptly

Our line of Hardware is complete in every detail and every article sold by us is backed by the guarantee of the manufacshyturer as well as ourselves

You will find our prices down to the


lowest leveL w

Haffner amp Lytle Hardware and Implements

r raquo laquo LENNON MICHIGAN e ltbull

mm mr A r- bull^bullA rm A T


Mrs Bessie Briggs visited friends iipound Durand over the week end

JLyle Smith was in Flint Tuesday afternoon on a business errand

Mr a rd Mrs B H Kingsbury were in town Tuesday afternoon

Mr and Mrs W L Cozadd were guests of friends in Morrice Sunshyday

Earl Baker was at Jackson Wedshynesday on business for Haffner amp Lytle

Mrs A A Stoddard was in Co-runna Monday afternoon on a busishyness errand

Mr and Mrs Louis Semonye and son spent Sunday with Mrs Sem-onyes mother Mrs Root

Mrs Ethel Conley and Miss Pat and Mrs Beulah Dunckei were in Flint Tuesday afternoon

Mr and Mrs V L Watson of Flint were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs T D Benjamin

Mr antft Mjrs Oor Dietyy of Midland spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Fred Burleson

Miss Mildred Vykyda) was at home from Detroit to spend the week end with her parents

Mraquo Marleta Washer has ittorrjed to klaquor home in FUnt ftr spending the -week end with Mis Eufone Con-ley

Bessie Briggs was in Ann Arbor Friday evening attending laquo TMtrtyi given in honor of Miss Alice TJur-j gess

Mrs Frances Besmer and sen AnioliL have returned from a week ^isit with hr parent and sister in Ionia

Mr and Mrs Fred Burleson and Mr and Mrs W L Cozadd were in Owosso Tuesday evening attending the Capitol theatre

Mrs Chapwans Cvlaquoffhhaskjs wiH

give one of their parties for the little folks on Friday eveningof this week in th Hex ^ost halL

Miss Norma Bryant and Miss Vera Jones famislxed entertainment at the R L C A banquet at Swartz Creek last Friday evening Mar 8

Mr and Mrs 1 D Betjamin were in Flint where tbey attended a party at the Home Dairy given in honor of their niece Iliamps Mmazic Nelbon

Geol-ge Sutton of Flint was in town Tuesday Mr Sutton expects to return here some time in April-and resume his business at the north end

Mr and Mrs Hk Helecher and children and Mr and Mrs George Root of Flint were callers Sunday at the home of their sister-in-law Mrs Roct ltoT Ienron

Mrs Carrre Tabor recently undershywent an operation in Hurley Hospishytal She has been removed to her home west f the village and is getting afc^c very raeejy

Attorney and Mrs Petter B Lenshynon left Saturday evening from Deshytroit to join the prty nf J a m i union members in a trip tagt Washington D C They are spending four days in the national capitol leaving for home Wednesday vejslaquoxg

Mr and Mrs George Smith Mr and Mrs Allen Brandt and daughshyter Wilma tailed on Mr and Mrs AlbsVt 3exrgtltlaquoar of Efeie Sunday afternoon lee iream and cake were served at six o^lock and cards were played daring llraquoe evening

Mr and Mrs Thad Frasier were hosts to a deKjfhtful party Monday evening when 500 was Jthe divershysion First honors went to Mrs Rex Post and Harry Long and the conshysolation to Mr and Mrs Fred Burleshyson A delicious luncheon was servshyed by the hostess

Pupils neither absent w r ilty during the month of February from the Intermediate room were Onalee Beemer Dorothy and Warren Brady Russell Bryant Patricia Conley James Cordell Howard Elliott Doris Hall Billy Kerrigan Roaerella Llaquore Wilma Post Ruth Root Robshyert Schlitts Helen Julia and Joe Swerdan and Eleanor White

with Mr and Mrs Georga Gansslcy in their home March 19

The Grange has a number of nc v and rene^-il membersand welcomes v

any that would Jike to join C o m e gt gt



in We hove wonderful times

I _ ] bull bull bull

MRS EMMA PERRY DIES J Mrs Emma Perry highly respected V

lady of Lennon passed away at herj home in the this villageon Monday laquo bull evening of this week following a n J ^ illness of two years Death was due j ^ to cancer amp

Mrs Peirgt was born in Venice ^ Township Shiawassee County o n 1 ^ Jure 10 18G9 and was the daujrh- 1-ter of John and Marie Saxton She frac34 was united in marriage to William ^ Adams in Arkansas on March 1 9 A 1891 and to this union were b o r a ^ two children Mr Adams died two J years later and Mrs Adams return ^ ed to her home in Venice Township On March 13 1895 she was married laquo gt i to Ephraim Perry who passed awayJT on January 1 1924 Mr and Mrs |Y4

Perry were the parents of thve^ V children Nrat

With the exeeptiou of three years amp the entire life of the deceased was ^ spent in Shiawassee and Genesee j Y Counties She was a member of the i ^ Methodist Episcopal Church cf Lenshynon the Kings Daughters the Ladies Aid Gleaners and Fidelity Lodge She was always ready andj witling to lend a helping hand to j those lesg fortunate than herself and endeared herself to a host of friends and neighbors

Surviving are the children Roy Adams of Owosso Mrs E J Kitshychen of Lennon Leon E Perry of Flint Mrs Harold Bowden of Len-tion and Mrs Ruth Olsen at home two brothers John and Charles Sax-ton and two sisters Mrs John Rit-ter ai|d MJrs Jerry Craig all of Veniee Township also fifteen grandshychildren

Funeral services were conducted Thursday afternoon at two oclock from the Leuhon M E Church conducted by Rev Wm Schlitts pastor of the church assisted by Rev Hugh Townley of Corunna

LENNON GRANGE The Lennon Grange held an exshy

cellent meeting with Frances and Leon Ganssley on Tuesday of last week March 5 A potluck dinner wa s served at noon 14 partaking of the excellent dinneT

The meeting was called to order by the Master and a t roll call each member responded with some p o shytation a question or a reading Durshying the afternoon the Old Age Age Pension plan was discussed and most of ihose present favored the $200 per month

The Grange was invited to meet

LETTER FROM LENNONS The News is in receipt of the folshy

lowing brief but interesting letter from Mr and Mrs Peter B Lenshynon who are spending a few days in Washington D C making thi1

trip on the Farmers Union special

WashiMgton D C March 12 1935

Editor News i Friend Lou mdash

Mrs1 Lennon and I are having a fine time in this city with the Farm Union group arriving here Sunday j mbrnirf-- and will leave for home Wednesday evening

Yesterday we paid a visit to the Capitol and endeavored to get in the Senate chamber This looked like an impossible task as the place was jammeltj with people However a vsectTy good friend Blythe Kellerman editor of the ElLston Advance sugshygested that I try the Press Bureau entrance as a representative of a newspaper 1 told the manager of the Press Bareau that I desired to write a letter for vrzv Tacme town paper che Lennon News and we were shown some excellent seats

Naturally our interest centered on Huey Long who as usual was in the middle of the picture The peoshyple seem to hare ra ther of a comshyplex over the Louisana fireworks senator and no other member of the House or Senate gets as much attention Eeverybody is craning his or her neck to get a glimpse of the Kingfish and he is a real actor if there ever was one

Let me say that I believe I have never seen more graceful gestures He has marvelous hands anlt| moves them as smoothly as a greased eel on a cake of ice He is such a clever actor that one forgets about his Cyrano de Bergerac nose that stands out like a wart on a potato

Will see you soon Best Wishes to yourself and family



The Farmers Elevator Company has wool twine on hand at all times also a new supply of brooder coal

Food Market

Orange doz 29c Lemons doz 12c Jumbo Celery 7c Bacon pound 17c

Jello 3 pkgs 19c Lard 2 lbs 32c Oleo 2 lbs 27c

t T T T

bullT T T T t I t t

Topping 4 for 19c

GRAPEFRUIT 8 for only 25c BANANAS 5 pounds for 23c HEAD LETTUCE pes head 5c CATSUP large bottle 12c SALMON pink per can bull 10c PICKLED HERRING per quart bull 23c SARDINES 6 boxes for bull 25c SUGAR 5 pounds for 23c BREAD 3 large loaves 25c FIG BARS 2 pounds for 23c CRACKERS 2 pound box 19c FRIED CAKES 2 dozen for v 25c PASTOY FLOUR 24frac12 lb sack 85c BEECH NUT COFFEE pound 32c BREAD FLOUR 24frac12 lb sack 95 CREAM CHEESE pound 19c

Five valuable prizes given a way Saturday night at 9 p m Free tickets with

each 25c purchase

f T T T T T T t i

i i i

Auto and Tractor

Repairing I am fully prepared and equipped to

handle garage work of every sort and will appreciate your business We do work aat-isfactorily on every make of car

Let me handle your Tractor trouble I know the business thoroughly and guarshyantee to please you in every case

JACK MCDOWELL In Old Creamery Bldg Phone 18-3 Lennon


HAY AND POTATOES Alfalfa Hay and Rural Russet

potatoes for sale F G Tremblay Lennon Mich

General Elevator Business

^ We are completely equipped for a

T l general busineas and are buying Beans

And all grain crops and paying the highest

snarket prices at all times

T We are handling all kinds of Feeds

V and Coal and assure yon a square deal

I always

If the ingenuity and good serse that go into making a Ford or cutshyting off a leg ox getting out a l newspaper or navigating an ocean liner could be applied to the common business of society the rate of real progress would be immensely aecel-erated and most of the familiar varshyieties of bogus progress would be avoided mdash H L Mencken

F S CHAPMAN Phone 21P3



Tue Coruana News PU3HSHED WEEKLY


Entered as Second C1SB matter at thlaquo Ptibt Office ni Corunna Michsan undec the Act of March 3 3 879

Forcijrn Arivcrtisihs Representative


CLASS ENTERTAINED Mrs Bert Gurney south of town

enter-uned her class in the M E Sunday school on las t Sa turday a f t - ornoou when 12 members werepresshyent bull gt bull bullbull bullbullGames and a weirdie roast wegte

enjoyed urd the hostess served de-liciouj home made ice cream and cake

EARLY CHICKS Best profits from the laying flock

means that the pulet3 must go in the laying house early in the fall and be mature enough to produce eggs during the period of high prices and the early hatched chicks needed to produce such pullets must have proper brooder house temperashytures

Several types of brooder stoves are satisfactory if they are operated as recommended by their manufac

- turers Coal burner s a re the most eommon in Michigan and when used certain precautions should be taken before fires are s tar ted The stove itshyself should be placed on an asbestos pad or in a box of sand The stove should be placed so that the door can be reached and the ashe s removshyed easily

Brooder stoves should be fired and regulated at least 24 hours before any chicks are placed in the hou=o Temperature controls on the stove may be out cpound order and any other troubles should be corrected beforo there ig ampry chance of chilling or overheating valuable chicks

Ideal brooder temperatures are 90 degree s Fahrenheit one inch above the floor at the edge of the hover and 70 degrees in the house outside the hover These tempera tures can be reduced a s the chick become oldshyer bullbull

Feeding and vi i ter in^ equipment should be placed some distance away from the hover to encourage the chickii to stay in the cooler parts of the brooder house Crowding by the chicks under the hover means too low temperatures and hi^h t o n -perature R will foved the chicks awiy from the hover Two thermometers one on the hover and one plrccd some distance away are the best mean s of checking temperature

Extension BiHoniin Xo 52 Growing Healthy Chirks will bosent byMichigan Stite Collegeto anyone who requests it

Ti toTiCi j 1 1 1 d 1)deg vcccbull beshyfore iakir^ public r oney his hour of need and building more irrishygation projects to pre-4ucc and com-pete with land and building held by individuals who are not permitted to utilize this land because of govshyernment ru le s and regulations

Farmers desire to be free to swith their lands from one crop to another to preserve fertility of the soil ard to take advantage of betshyter prices It is not t rue that the growing of crop s was not profitable until the passage of tne Jones-Cosii-gan sugar act Sugar is a non-surshyplus crop and our necessity of imshyport of this commodity creates a marke t for it which makes it profitshyable for our farmers Co-growbeets The Jones-Costigan act denies the right to the |Amerean farmeir to grow the acres he desires This is wiorg in principle Its introduction anlt] operation closed mills in Michishygan which operated in 1933 It is a violationof the right the American f-vrmer thinks is his It is a doctrine which was concocted and wrapped -bulli in a general plan to benefit tblaquo baks which largely hold control of the sugar plantations of Cuba

My suggestion U that until this restriction over which we disconshytinue appropriating funds for the p u r p l e of increase production of that crop in the western states while at the same time Eastern farmers are denied the right to produce that very same crop on which in their loshycation it is not necessary to require millions of dollars to provide water


WASHINGTON LETTER A striking plea in the interest of

Michigan farmers wa s made on the floor of Congres s the other day by Congressman Fred Crawford of Saginaw Mich when he protested ] against any public works appropriashytion for irrigation in western slates to increase their production of crops while Michigan farmers are restrictshyed in their production of these same crepg by the AAA controMaws

In looking through th i s report I j find as has been stated some $105- 000000 devoted to providing water for hungry acres through the PWA Mr Crawford said Certain prodshyucts are being produced in those valleys which are highly competi-j tive with the crops being grown in j Michigan Indiana Ohio and other I mid-western s ta tes j

Congressman Crawfords remarks were provoked by a statement made the day before by a congressman from Colorado who stated our principal crops compete scarely at all with the farm crops of other pa r t s of our country Our range catt le and our sugar beet s and our alfalfa do not at all effect the farmshyers of the rest of the county any more than the cotton and tobacco of the south affect us

Mr Crawford pointed out that those western s ta te s produce eight to twelve millions of bags of sugar for which they have no market of their own and ship it east to comshypete with the sugar produced there He made it plain tha t he did not opshypose fugar production in the United States but favored more production but tha t he did not favor a plan which appropriates money to help one group increase their crop and yet enforce a law which forces anshyother group tc curtail its crop

This money i s to be appropriatshyed to provide water to increase proshyduction per acre At Owosso Michshyigan there are 2000 farmers who are asking the r ight to grow beets on possibly 20000 acres At Cros-wiell Michigan there are another thousand farmers who are begging to be permitted to grow another 10-000 acres of beets Those farmers a re being denied the r ight to grow these ac re s of beets and to provide sugar t ha t would move into market 50 to 100 miles from point of proshyduction while we spend $105000-000 in western valleys to provide water to increase production

Pr ivate investments in farms and

SHOULD GET PLATES Orville E Atwood secretary of

ftate ha s advised car owners exshypecting to drive outside the state to equip their cars with full year 1935 nlates if possible ra ther than mereshyly with stickers

While all states have been advisshyed of Michigans sticker system in tava3 requiring only rear plates poshylice officers are a t t racted only tq the rears of passing cars The sight bull-bull 1934 plate there ha g already re- lted in some Michigan drivers being stopped until the stickers on the front windshields may be inshyspected In any s ta te delay loss of tin^e and incorivience may result from the use of a 1934 plate At-bullwood had previously warned drivers against taking their carlaquo out of the state with neithqr new plates or stickers during he current extension until mid-night March 14 for old plates

Grain to Dairy Cattle Tlio amount of jjrain that should he

Kivcn to dairy cattle each day depends upon the production and breed Bays rbdquon Ruthority at the North Carolina State college For Jersey animal proshyducing less Miiin ttii pounds ltgtf milkno grain should be given but fyr everyj pound o(t tigtiV th aniniii should have ^15tenths of apound of iiriiiraquo CJieliy cuttle sliouh receive a frac-um over ii hiilf pound for euh (imiixt if milkproduced agtoe twelve bull Tiie Hnsein cow frets four rein-hs of n iii)d of ^rili for ejieh jiournl of milli prffluccd above sixieeii and the Ayrshyshire slmuldfjet a little less rlian one-half pound ofjfrain far each poundof miiit over fourteen This grain ration presupposes thefeeding of ail the r(iod Je^ime hay the animal will ivit Where tin- Iniy Is of poor Quality mure griiiraquo wii ba consumed

Har ry Colby is i a Lansing a few days on business

Mrs William Lapworth is conshyfined to her home by illness

Mr and Mrs Clifford Confer were in Flint Monday evening

Born to Mr and Mrs- George Kline SiiTday March 10 a son

Miss Geialdine Judd of Montrose spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Wal te r Keyser

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smith and family are visiting relatives a t Musshykegon for a few days

bull -twrsr Constance Brower visited her brother and family at Muskegon -the first of the week

The remains of Mrs Wes Mitchell former resident was brought hero from Ohio for burial Friday

The M P L A S will serve dinshyner in the church basement Wednesshyday noon

Mr and Mrs Wentz Yaklin and family are moving into the Wal te rs home recently vacated by Mr and Mrs Wilcox

Miss Vera Hudson of Ovid arr ivshyed Saturday to spend a short t ime at the home of Mr and Mrs Irshyving Gorham

Mr and Mrs Orville Wilcox and family are moving back on the Waltshyers farm one mile north and one mile east of town

The social afternoon of t h e Mothshyer s Club will be held Tuesday af ter shynoon March 19 a t the home of Mr and Mrs Ray OHare

The Young Married Peoples Class of the Mi P S S will hold a social evening a t the home of Rev and Mrs Leo Griffin on Tuesday eveshyning March 19

Feed for Dairy Cow Feed for a dairy cow depends upon

the individual animal but as a general ruift each cow willrequire two tons of legume hay two acres of pasture 10 bushels of coruNllt5 bushels of oats and COO pounds of cottonseed meal Where wheat bran is available this may be substituted for a part of the oats poind for pound Good producing anshyimals are necessary for profit and the herd should average between 250 and iWO pounds of butferfat to the cow If this average is not maintained then tins animal is not paying for her feed end should be taken from the herd

Erosion Evil Here The evil effects of soil erosion are

not a threat of the future but are alshyready In evidence on tens of thousands of farms in this country the United SSlrties Department of Agriculture says In the South the North and the Midshydle West many farmers are working land winch lias been made poor by erosion Much of it Is good forest land or land which could be used for forestry Although millions of cres have been stripped of forests much of t i e land was not suitable for farming

The third grade children are makshying a s tudy of Holland

The Brownie reading class class three have finished their El on readers

The girls of the tenth year Home Economics class a re studying child care from the age of thlaquo new b o m infant to five The s tudy emphasizes assistance of the child in its mental and physical development Miss Rou-magoux county nurse visited the class last Thursday and demonstratshyed the process of bathing the baby She also showed a layette

The girls in the ninth grade Home Economics class a re being t augh t personal improvement care of clothshying and personality improvement

The following seventh graders wrote an A arithmetic tes t r e shycently Harold Beckwith Howard Hudson Bud Middleton Russell Muzzy Norabelle Bouck Bill Brown Max Elkins l i c e Elkins Edith Guyn Bob Hickey Clara Kroske Junior Reed and Fred Serr Three pupils wrote 100 per cent pape r s Lois But t s Virginia Coakes and Bob Kincaid

Spring Vacation will s t a r t next week School will be dismissed Thursday night March 2 1 and re shyconvene Tuesday March 26


SEED CORN FOR SALE Qolden Glow Seed Corn Germishy

nation guaranteed Come early and avoid disappointment Manford M Helvie Lennon Mich RFD

FOR SALE One team and Cows Half mile

west 3 miles north 3 miles west and half mile north of Ovid on the Robt Armour farm Enquire of Geo WellermdashAdv

The owner of a Detroit oasis anshynounces the latest gadget in the liquor world amdash a mery-go-round bar They didnt have bar 8 of that kind in the old days but there were times when they had all the apshypearance



Public response to Baby Bonds placed on sale several days ago has been most gratifying The people still have faith in the government at Washington regardless of gold decisions o r a n unbalanced budget As long as this confidence is govshyernment remains undiminished the Republic is secure

At Washington President Rooseshyvelt set an example by buying for himself and degT e a c n o f h i s i v c

grandchildren a $25 bond Others may for $1875 each buy bonds which in ten years will be payable a t $25 to their children grandchilshydren or other relatives In like manshyner those who pay more can buy bonds which in ten years will be redeemed for $50 $100 $500 and $1000

It is not difficult to recall the time dur ing the Worlltj War when the people a te black bread wore overalls in the market place and worked long hours to buy Liber ty bonds in defense of the boys in France While it is t rue their frushygality industry and patriotism unshyconsciously set in motion a period of gigantic prodigality when the war

was over tha t led t o the depression yet with that picture so vividly in mind there is reason to believe this newest venture in buying a share in the United States will awaken new responsibility in government evenshytually leading to unquestioned prosshyperi ty Another set of (BBB) inshyitials has belaquon Jbonf B u ^ Baby Bonds

Shoes Mr and Mrs Ar thur Bailey and

daughter Marion visited a t the hMre of Mr and Mrs H L Kribs in Corunna on Thursday evening

bullrev Harold Pailthorpe is conductshying Lenten services in his church every Wednesday evening until Easter The public is invited to atshytend

Rehearsal for the Easter cantata are being held Sunday morning aftshyer Sunday school and Tuesday eve-mug a t the home of Mr and Mrs Everet t Spear

The members- of Hugh McCurdy I Lodge F amp A Mbdquo served a banquet j to the ladies of the O E S on Fr i shyday evening in the Masonic dining room The affair was well a t tended

bull bull i

The Mothers Club held a regular monthly meeting a t jthe home of Mrs R Confer on Wednesday aftshyernoon of last week A program of contests appropriate for St Patr ick s Day was carr ied out

Announcement is made of the marriage of Rayrnond H Bailey of th i s place to Ella Mae Traynor of Flushing on Wednesday af ternoon The ceremony was performed a t the home of Mr and Mrs Zeigier in Fl int

Rehearsal for the May Festival was held on Fr iday Afternoon a t the school house Miss Miles inshys t ructor in music and Miss Susan Fear county school commissioner a re in charge assisted by the teachshyers of the various rura l districts

The pageant The Highway will be presented by our local cast a t the First M P Church a t Flint Surday evening March 24 One one half of the proceeds goes to our Missionary Society and the other half to the Junior Missionary Socishyety Flint

The dependable F o o t w e a r store where your dollar goes the farthest and always the very best in quality and a style that is corshyrect and up to date

Shoes for men ladies and the youngsters that are the best in value to be had at any store

Grand Central Hotel Block Corunna Michigan

^UUMUUOOiaoOUI3l30 l3013l in30130Uiy i3IUIUUlUIJUUi9T3ni3UIJU

f amp If you want a Goal with lots of Heat low

y ash and long burning try our

COAL Ask those who have used it

We have Ohio Lump Kentucky Egg Crapo lump and egg

Try our Coke Coke for Clean Fuel

Darlene Maiki who has been in Chesaning for several weeks re turnshyed Monday to the fourth grade

Miss McRoy spent the last w^ek end at her home in Marlette

The teachers held another i n a series of professional meeting^ on Tuesday evening a t the school house After a piano selection by Miss Lucas the remaining chapters of the ^tudy book A Mother s Letters to a Schoolmaster were reviewed by Mrs Smith and Miss Curtis A social hour followed during which pop corn was served by Mr Baird Miss Olds and Miss Hosley

An interclass basket ball game will be played oh Friday evening a t ] the Casino s ta r t ing a t 8 oclock A team composed of Seniors and Freshmen will oppose one composed of Juniors and Sophomores A school dance will follow the game The general committee is as follows Dorothy Fitzpatrick Vivian Ship-man Wayne Weinkauf and Lylc Buckelew

An interesting experiment ip self government has been started in the eighth grade A legislature composshyed of five members chosen by the grade has drafted a code which the tudents adopted and will have jurisshydiction over the grade activities pershytaining to citizenship

jamp If its Coal or Lumber 96 is the Number X

laquo bull bull lt amp

I Coruena Lumber and Coal Co | E F GONANT Mknaglaquor

Phone 96 Prompt Delivery Corunna


g ragrafgfgigfHizigraraizrajgigi3J^^ g

KRIBS amp OHARE Funeral Directors




Charges that Governor Fi tzgershyald is ignoring pre-election promshyises of adequate s ta te support for Michigans public school system is being voiced in his campaign for re-election by Paul F Voelker sushyperintendent of public instruct ion

Any subtle a t t empt to place the governor in an unfavorable light in th i s mat ter will not be taken sershyiously by the average citizen Throughout his entire public career he has been an outstanding champshyion of the public school He is fulshyly aware of the financial difficulties which the schools are facing but is not going to be stampeded into promises of support beyond the ability of the s ta te to meet through present s ta te revenues

To the extent which economies in state government are effected will the schools benefit His program of no new taxes live within present revenue make the tax dollar do in creased service is more likely to appeal to the burdened taxpayers of Michigan than any political infershyence of broken campaign pledges

HowVe You Doing If you are selling your GOOD CLEAN CREAM

to MILLER you are getting all that the market will allow If MILLER dont get your GOOD CLEAN CREAM we both lose

Aft an example you can get

3 0 cents per pound today for your

GOOD CLEAN BUTTERFAT W e wi l l be g lad to d o Bus iness w i t h y o u N e w

patrons are a l w a y s w e l c o m e O u r o ld pa trons a r e

n o t o n l y patrons t h e y a r e fr iends


Thw Adv Dated March 7 193S

H mm Comer of Water and Main Street

owosso Telephone 782 211 Wett Main Strict

t f f j T T t T








With Thi

You may deposit your Money in this Bank with the knowledge that its assets are carried at thei present day values and that any loans which are made at this time are well secured and self liquidating

With a strong cash position and an unimpaired capital the Old Corunna State Bank offers you unquestioned safety for your funds

Old Corunna State Bank Corunna Michigan


I (Enrauta Niilra

Fire Chief Claud Craig of Owos-so Has been named second vice president of the Michigan State Fire

(Chiefs Association A Father anltj Son banquet was

i trade i-gt -t ltlt laquo v +u held at Morrice on Tuesday evening E E Durham has been among the ^ +u_ m bdquobdquo^ bdquoUJl_ D is__ raquo of this week when Prosecuting Atshytorney V O Braun was the princishypal speaker

Mr and Mrs E G Kay Mrs

account of the illness of Mr Allen j g r i bull ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ - Burnett were in Detroit Wednesday

many confined to his home by in fluenza daring the past week

Mrs George Alien was Called to Washington Wednesday evening on

I Mrt Mary A Deckert 78 years

of age w|dow of Adam Deckert J will known Owosso tailor who died December 11 expired at 645 oclock Saturday morning at Memorial Hosshypital Mrs Deckert was taken to the hospital on the Sunday before her death Throughout the week her condition had been critical Death was attributed to perniciousanemia

Superintendent of Schools Chas L Butterfield and five young men of the local high school were in Charlotte Friday evening o attend the Lansing an(i Area Y M C A

j Older Boys Conference The boys were John Quayle William Hassel-iiaek Allen Brown Roy Colby Jr and Johrlt Eveleth A banquet at half past rhc preceded a very fine p r o gram

C Angus who sustained several cracked ribs when he foil on the ice while doing chores at his home two and a half miles-north of Ker-by the first of last week is recovshyering satifactorily He is at the home of his brother J Bsthel Anshygus on Corunna avenue Owosso Neighbors have been engaged to do the work at the farm during Mr Angus absence

Payment of taxes in the county this year is considerably better than a tear ago according to County Treasurer Fred Randolph who has completed settlements with eight of the 16 township treasurers Mr Ranshydolph declared that the townships are averaging between 70 and 75 per cent of their taxes paid which is much better than was true during the past two or three years

Two teams of crow shooters all members of the Shiawassee Conser-J vation Club are captained by Waltshyer Bennett and Alton Rundell of Owosso and will make ygtax on crows The membership of the two teams is about 200 and they will contest through June after which the winshyning team will be feted by the losshying The feet of slain crows are beshying made into a chaan hung in the window of Blairs Sporting Goads store in Owosso


H S TOWNLEY Plaquoraquotr Sunday Servicesmdash 1030mdash Morning worship 1030mdashJunior Church 1146mdashSunday school 645mdashEpworta League 730mdashEvening service


Sunday servicermdash Morning worship at 1030 oclock Sunday school at 11 oclock-jtfpwortti League at 7 oclock Kvenihg worship at 8 oclock Bible Study Wednesday evening

at 8 oclock The public is extended a cordial

invitation to be present at all of these services gtbull bull

CORUNNA BAPTIST CHURCH Howard F Sagdea P u t o r

Sunday School 900 James Finnerty Supi Morning service 1000 Subject The Christian Race You are invited to attend these



Sunday services 1030 Sunday schooL 1146 Preaching service Come thou with us and we will

de thee gooiS


Sanday school 100^ a wu Morang worship 1100 a n Seng and praise service 700 p at Sermoft by pastor 800 p m



The W R C will hold its regushylar meeting today (Thursday) in the battalion rooms in the cotfrt house

The Friday Afternoon Club will mee this week in the home of Mrs William Jenney Mrs G P Lawcoek is the assistant hostess

Miss Amy Requa will be hostess on Saturday for luncheon in her

and attended the Detroit-Michigan Industrial Exposition

Mr and Mrs I Qv Derr of Deshytroit were calling on friends in Coshyrunna Thursday They were accomshypanied by Mr and Mrs Ray Carshypenter of Minot N Dak

Miss Bess Garland of the county road commissioners office recently

apartment in Owosso when Owosso reported to the sheriffs office the and Corunna women will be hei loss of a valued white gold wrist guests j watch and a gold ring The articles

_ bdquo m ^ u u~ii disappeared several weeks ago The Corunna Teachers Club held ^ e

a professional meeting at the school- Judge Joseph H Collins will be house last night Reports were pre^ the principal peaker at a Father and sented by Mrs Warren Smith and Son banquet to be given at the Per-Miss Norma Curtis i ry M E Church on Thursday eve-

^ A gt bdquobdquobdquo bdquo-+ r t^nm) degf tns week Rev Sugden pas-Dr and Mrs C A Crane visited _ amp traquor ami raquo tUc ^iA r-vcraquo-t0r degf the Baptist Churches of Perry their crandson six months old Cnas bull bull laquo L A

iner B laquo laquo raquoraquoraquo a n c i Corunna will be toastmaster Crane Campbell of Flint Jast bun-day and incidentally his parents An all day meeting of the Cale-Mrbdquo and Mrs Robert Campbell j doma - Venice - Shiawassee Club of Y- TTT T -i bull bdquoieulaquoo- ^ Pauls Catholic Church was Mrs F Wm Nctnage ^ J ^ m g 1 j T u i n the home of hpoundJtradel^ iZvn M r s - ltraquolaquogt McNamara of East Mc-nagel and daughter Mrs Elwyn Corunna with Mrs Al-Davies m Toledo t h week She ac y t t t a s assisting hostess companied Charles Dohr of the ^ e d i-emette as assuring nostess News office to Toledo last Friday At the Republican primaries

Word was received in Corunna on Thursday morning of the passing of

Mrs Jane Morris a resident of fMrs- Emnia Chapin widow of the Vernon for the past 35 years and j l a e Merrick Chapin in Rochester of Shiawassae County for 50 yearsj Mich in the home of her daughter observed her 93rd birthday on Wed-jMrsgt B u r r Wallace Mrs Chapin had nesday altho she was very ill and i - J raquoraquoraquobull for two years and had confined to her bed and has been j raquoen confined to her bed about ten for several weeks Mrs Morris i s j w e k s the mother of three daughters and Mr Chapin passed away a number one son They a re Mrs Jessie E s - laquo years ago The family resided in cott of Corunna Mrs Frank I Corunna about twent- years ago Strauch and Mrs Nettie Wisnerj _ T h e remam s will be brought to and George Morris all of near Shia- laquoorunra ami services conducted wasseetown j from the Kribs funeral home Satur-

bdquo ^ V bull IT bull ngt d a y afternoon at two oclock with

ship nominated the following on- __^ their ticket at a caucas held last ^ - ^ - - _ - bull fclaquo laquo ^_

^ B ^ H S S S RESIGNATION ACCEPTED Floyd Luchenbill treasurer Elwin Andrew J Donovan whose splen-Biillard highway commissioner d d work a s Shiawassee County re-John Wager justice of the peace ilaquof administrator has attracted Ernest Self overseer of highway | ^ t a t p ^ de recognition has received John White board of review C h a s | w o r a that his resignation as coun-Eall constables George OHara ty relief administrator recently tend-George Dillon Philip Porter and laquoltf had been accepted by the State

j James R Relief Commsson efective April 1 j lhe appointment of his successor is

Eighty-five children were given j expected to be made within a few toxoid against diptheria 51 were j ( | ayS The county commission has vaccinated and 25 Were given J recommended that the position be

j Schick tests in a clinic recently held j g^ven t o pound Marlowe Stevens who at Bennington No 1 school under j n a s been project er^rineer the direction of Dr C M Wilcox of | m bdquo _ _ ^ Owosso It was announced this week j by Miss Grace Roumagoux county Now the olltj time moonshiners are nurse About 25 children of pre-1 complaining that John Lav never school age attended the clinic The j gave them a weeks notice like he schools 1 5 G Morton McCalt andj did the slot machine owners Dewey The McCall and Dewey mdash T mdash schools had the high percentage of their pupils present

~ Traquo~bdquo laquolaquo= tv_ j Owosso held for the nomination of Attorney V O Braun was the n lt | i d j | t e f ^ bdquo ^ o f



A Completely equipped Funeral Home

Corunna Avenue Corunna Mick


in cillas was held on Saturday evening

- - - - ^ p ^ onA a canuiuaie w r supervisor in each oi last when Miss Louise Peacock was principal speaker a t the trade S J the five wards the following were hostess to the membership The din-Sons banquet held ^ ^ ^ ^ j c h o s e n First Ward Chester L Pa-jner appointments included St Patshy

ricks Day motifs a green color

^ AL w J D_- M i l k^ b akery tea coffee or other A meeting of the Modern Pris-1 r o u t e metl G o o d p r o p o s i t i o n f o r

j right man Rawleigh Dtfpt MBCmdash 193mdashI Freeport HI

Tuesday evening of this week The banquet was a most s u laquo e raquo ^ laquo raquo h ^ w a r d D o u g ^ g Bpound f o u r t h

and was held m the commumty g M C a B | p b e U f i f t h w a r d gt b m l d m - Hugh Caylor

Mrs John Y Martin who has been spending some time in the home of her daughter Mrs Stuart Coutts convalescing from her long illness has returned home Mrs Martin is able to be around her home again by the use of a crutch to aid her in walking

Audrey and hjene Rigling were hostesses on Sunday evening lat for the regular Sunday evening meeting of the B Y P W It was announced that next Sunday eveshynings meeting will be the home of Mr and Mrs Ward Robinson when an outside speaker will be present

A St Patricks Day banquet will be held on Sunday evening next in the auditorium of St Pauls Cathoshylic school under the auspices of the church The speaker will be the Rev Fr Cacil Winters assistant pastor of Resurrection Church Lanshysing His topic has not been anshynounced The toastmaster will be William Smith of St Johns chairshyman of the public utilities commisshysion A feature of the banquet will be novelty and musical numbers by the Rucker family of Battle Creek an orchestra comprised of a mother

J and her nine children



f T T



The CorunnaiNews Phone 1373 Corunna Mich

scheme also prevailing in the menu items After making plans for the next meeting which were included in the business session following dinshyner the members played contract bridge The high score trophy was awarded to Miss Bess Car land and the low award went to Miss Edith Newell

Mrs C A Crane Mrs Fred Has-selback Misses Hattie and Jennie Holt and Mrs Lou Sheardy represhysented the Womans Club and the Friday Afternoon club of this city at a meeting of the Owosso Womshyans club on Tuesday afternoon when Mrs Laura Waples McMulIen of New York City chairman of the national and international commitshytee of the general federation of Womens Clubs gave a splendid adshydress A spring musicale was alshyso presented the artists appearing being Mrs N L Des Jardins and Mrs Harry Walsh vocal soloist and Miss Clara Kaltrider The speaker Mrs McMulIen beside being an aushythority on the work of the commitshytee of which she is chairman also is

an accomplished violinist and has studied abroad and in addition ha traveled extensively She is the aushythor of Building the World Soshyciety which is in use in various schools and colleges

Sing a song of slot machines rakshying in the kale four and twenty shekel^ all gone to hail watch the way it grambs em never once heaves up havent won a single one since Hector was a pup fool I kept on playing losing all my clothes then along comes Harry Toy and stepped on their toes

A telephone in y o u r home will add so much to your comfort and lessen your work

You can order your neshycessities get in touch with the rest of your famshyily friends neighbors or relatives with such little effort with the telephone

Telephone service costs only a few cents a day

Order one t o d a y mdash prompt installation

The Union Telephone Co

T T T T T T T f T J T-t T T

Bells Variety Store

Extend to you and yours the comshypliments of the season and our wish for a Happy and prosperous New


And during 1935 we shall endeavshy

or to continue to merit your confi-

dence at all times Our line of Novelty

Goods will always be complete and at

money saving prices

You are always welcome at this

bull xgt

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS At a regular m e e t i n s of t h e Board

of Superv i sors of Shittwasseo County commenced ami held ill che Court House- in the City of Corunna in said County on Honday January 14 A D 1035

The Board was called to order by ti Chnirrran

Roll WHS ja i led by the Clerk Present Supervisors Al len Brandel

Barnes Case Colby pound Durham For-Kison Kield Poland Gret tenberger Vincent Griffin Johnson J o n e s K i n g s shybury Lehowski P u r v i s Moore Paraquoco Pkync Peacock Sachs Sieb Wal l NotnaBel

bull Tho Clerl read le t ters f rom Michishygan S t a t e Association of Supervisor ami t h e Qtnte E m e r g e n c y Wel fare Reshylief C o m m i s s i o n

On motion of Supr E Durham the letters were received and placed on file

The Clerk read a letter from the Michisan Historical Commiss ion

On motion of Supr Iebo^vslii t h e IcHcT was received and placed on f i le bull F l o y d W a l v o r t h addressed the Hoard

On motiun of Supr Wall the Board took a recess unti l 1 3 0 th i s a f ter -aoon

A F T E R N O O N The Hoard was called to order by

the Chairman Roll was called by the Clerk 1resent Superv i sors Al len B a r n e s

Brando Case Colby F Derhlaquom K Durham FerKaaon Field Fo land Gret-tenber^-er V incent Griffin J l n a o n Jones Kingsbury Lobowski P u r v i s Mooie Pasco P a y n e Peacock Stvchs Siltgtb Wall NotnatfeJ

bullSupervisor E Durham read the folshylowing re igto rf To t h e Honorable Boon) of Supervi shy

s o r s Your c o m m i t t e e on Claims rthd Acshy

counts would respectful ly s u b m i t the following sa i ts report r e c o m m e n d i n g the a l lowance of the several Amounts a s given below and that the Clerk be a v -thomed to draw orders for t h e t a m e laquo6 J o h n H u d s o n

drain lt o u m mdash121310 1213 10 14 Edward Foland

ambulance 4 75 476 t l Clarence J Taylor

a m b u l a n c e _ 50C 500 35 R E LaRowe

a m b u l a n c e __ 1 1 0 0 11 00 32 Clarence 4 Taylor

a m b u l a n c e 500 500 77 R E LaRowe

ambulance bdquo mdash bdquo 14 0 0 14 00 48 Dr raquo D Lee a - r a y 200 2 00 71 Edwin Foland

a m b u l s laquo 78 R E LaRowe

a m b u l a n c e 6 F l o y d Murdock

d o g warden 3 1 R E L a R o w e

a m ba lance 82 A J F ink

pr i soner board 83 Margaret K i n g

s t e n o g r a p h e r 86 S h i a w a s s e e T w p 85 G a t e s D r u g Store

d r u g s -^^^ 9laquo E L Sieb

149 95 149 05 laquo 8 8 laquo laquo8-86





2 0 7 5 2 0 7 6


7 0 0

81 25

8 0 0

30 00

5 50


81 25


SO 00

a m b u l a n c e ^^__ 87 M r s Charkrtt L y o n s

nurse 1 89 H a r r y Colby

ambulance _~ 04 D G A u s t i n

94 D G Aus t in M D 84 F loyd Murdock

dog warden j 97 G B Wade M D a m b u l a n c e

H M r s Sada Wil l iams n u r s e

K L S I E B [ampbull E E DURHAM

On motion of Supr E Durham the report wait accepted and adopted by the fullowjiitr yea and nay vote called for by the Chairman V e t s Al len iJrmde Cae Colby Elbull Durham F Durham Ferfrraquoraquorgtni Field Grottonber(cer Johnshyson JOSH- KinKshury Uljowski 1ur-

bull vis Moore Pasco Pilyne Ieiteock a gt r Sachs SW-h

Supr Sachs reif the fol lowing re-I j port

To t h e Honorable Board of Superv i -bdquo arraquo -bullbull-bull bullbull - - ^ - -

i y ilrt S H R D F W V K K Your Committor on Claims and A c - counts in toiUajrious )pound-ltbull( Hi1 wuiild respecLflly stibmii the fol lowing its its

roiiurl us wiven Ix-dinv and that the Clerk he authorized to uriiw orders for

f the s a m e S8 D U A u s t i n M D

Meas les $ 775 J 775 i 2 J M Oswald

Trench Mouth 43 Axford Coal Co hi Dr C G Richards

s car l e t - f ever i 33 Owufcao Lumber amp ) Coal Company

46 F loyd Huff trroe _ 51 Durand Lumber Co 70 C Washburn BTOC

42 O G W a u g h milk 41 A D Hall coal _ 58 J A ByerSy groc _

95 W m Hudson 6C O W O I I O Lumber and Coal Co

36 J A Byer ly r 22 L laquo Rr^ebacher rent ^ 47 E C o J n e s rent

10 J C Penney Co bull 99 Wi l l i s Fue l Co

68 L E S m i t h D D S 100 E C Harmon groc 100 06


On mot ion of Supr Sachs t h e re shyport W M accepted and adopted by t h e

bull fol lowing yea and nay vote called for i by t h e Chairman Y e a s Al len Brandel j Case Colby Ferjrason Field Foland i Vincent J o h n s o n J o n e s Lebowski

Purvis Moore Pasco Peacock Sachs Sieb Wal l

On mot ion of Supr J o n e s the Board morning took recess unti l 930 tomorrow

S e n d corrected and approved LLOYD H Y E I T E R

OSCAR B A R N E S Clerk Chairman A t a regular m e e t i n g of the Board

of Superv i sors of Sh iawassee County continued and held in the Court H o u s e

3(10 liisO


21 40 1562

610 39 79 1760 4 61 486


2780 960

1000 2200

995 26 00

200 0006

300 1280


2t 46 15 62 CIO

3979 17 0 461 486


3780 960

1000 IS 00

995 26 00

200 10906

fa t h e City of Corunna in said County on T u e s d a y January 15 A D 1935

T h e Board was called t o order by t h e Chairman

Roll w a s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t S u p r s Al len B a r n e s Bran-

4L Caari Colby E Durham FerRashyton F i e ld Fo land Gret tenberger V i n shycent Griffin Johnson J o n e s k i n g s -btraquory Lebowski P u r v i s Moore N o t -ftagei P a s c o Payne Peacock Sachs Sieb W a l l

P r o s e c u t i n g A t t o r n e y Braun address -Mi t h e Board

Superv i sor jSieb read t h e fo l lowing report

To t h e H o v o r a b U Board of Superv i shysor

Yowr C o m m i t t e e ovi Claims and A c t e m t a won Id respect fu l ly s u b m i t t h e foOowfal Wt H MPR tteofluncttdlnr the a U o w a a c of t b laquo severa l a m o u n t aa g i v e n be low and that t h e Clerk be aathor i sed to draw orders for t h e s a m e 117 M E Cal l igan

a m b u l a n c e t 000 f 102 J a n e s Qtiayle

drawing jury 4 00 l i t M E Galligan

laquo tn^(ampc _ bullmdash 8CO 800




101 Coruoua N e w s r-J-irs - 345 60 345 60

125 R E ( L a R o w e a m b u l a n c e 1400 1400

131 Oscar F Barnes a m b u l a n c e _ ~ 750 750

105 Herbert Krifcn a m b u l a n c e 400 4 00

129 Morris Funeral H o m e a m b u l a n c e - H 0 0 MOO


On m o t i o u of Supervisor Sieb t h e report wa s accepted and adopted by

- lhlt fo l lov ing y e a and nay vo te cal led for by t h e Cha irman Yeas Brandel (vase Colby F e r p a s o n Fie ld t Folajid G r e t t o n h e r s e r V incent Griffii J o n e s Kinsfsbury Lebowski Purvis^ N o t i ^ g e l Pasco P e a c o c k Sachs Sieb

The mot ion of Supervisor J o n e s that the Clerk pay t h e dues to t h e S t a t e A s s o c i a t i o n of Superv i sors and t h a t a n y m e m b e r of the Board that w i s h e s to KO to the S ta te Convention m a y zo and rece ive f-iOO per day not to ex-olaquoed t w o days Carried by the fo l lowshying yea JUid nay vote called for by the C h a i r m a n V e a i Brandel Case Colby E Durham Fergasori FieW Foland Grettenberjjer Vincent Griffin JOnes K i n g s b u r y L e b o w s H r u r y i s Moore N o t n a s e l P a s c o Peacock Sachs S ieb

On mot ion of S u p i Moore the Board took a r e c e s s unlaquo l 130 this a f ternoon

A F T E R N O O N The Bowrd was called to order by the

Chairman Roll w a s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t Supers Al len Barnes B r a n shy

del f u s e Coiby F Derham E Durshybar r er -Wson Fie ld Fo land Gre t t en -i t-n^r Vincviit Griffin Johnson J o n e s (

K i n g s b u r y Lebowski P u r v i s Moore Notui i se l Vasuo P a y n e Peacock S a c h s Sieb Wal l

A L N icho l s addressed the Board A s h l e y H o m e pddressed the Board The mot ion of Supr F Durham t h a t

the C o m m i t t e e heretofore appointed t o look a f t e r t h e wei fare mat ter g o t o Lans ing t o confer w i t h t h e S t a t e W e l shyfare D e p a r t m e n t Carried

On mot ion of Supr E D u r h a m t h e Board took r e c e s s unti l 930 t o m o r r o w m o r n i n g

Read corrected and approved L L O Y D H Y E I T E R

OSCAR B A R N E S Clerk Cha irman

A t a reewlar m e e t i n g of t h e Board of S u p e r v i s o r s of S h i a w a a s e C o u n t y cont inued and held in t h e Cfraquoort H o u s e in t h e Ci ty of Corunna in said C o u n t y on W e d n e s d a y J a n u a r y 1 6 A D 196

T h e B o a r d wa s cal led t o order by

t h e C h a i r m a n Roll w a s called by t h e Clerk

P r e s e n t Supre Al len B a r n e s B r a n shydel Colby F Durham E D u r h a m Fer -g a s o n F ie ld Fo land G r laquo M laquo b laquo laquo laquo V i n c e n t Griff in J o h n s o n J o n e s raquo raquo laquo raquo -bury L e b o w s k i P u r v i s M o o r e N o t -n a x e l P a s c o P a y n e Peacock Sacha Sieb W a U

Superv i sor Lebowski made t h e fol shylowing m o t i o n

I m o v e that t h e Board d e s i g n a t e Mary H a n u s a s c o u n t y s t e n o g r a p h e r and pay her a sa lary of 3 5 2 0 0 0 per year b e g i n n i n g Jan 1 1 raquo 3 6 wh ich s u m i s t o be in l ieu of s U t u t o r y fees a l lowed for e x a m i n a t i o n

T h e mot ion rarrJed b y t h e fo l lowing yea ahd nay vo te called for b y t h e C h a i r m a n Y e a s Al len Brandel Colby E D u r h a m Field Fo land Gret te i i -berjter V i n c e n t K i n g s b u r y Lebowski Pirvin Moore P a s c o P a y n e Peacock Sachs

J u d g J o s e p h H Coll ins addressed t h e Board

Superv i sor Ferpason read the fo l lowshying repor t

To the Board of Superv i sors of Sh ia shyw a s s e e C o u n t y mdash

Your Commit tee on Hoapi1raquoliaUc-ri s i hmits the fo l lowing report

That s ince October 1 1034 the ofshyf ice of t h e Hospi ta l Inves t iga tor has re -Itivfd the fol lowing a m o u n t s as payshyments on noteH payable to Shiawasnee County from persons rece iv ing hospi ta l bull-ri at the expense of said C o u n t y

OCTOBER 1D34 0MIltSIgt City Hcniutits $ irgt00 c w H a v e n Twp accounts lti0rt Conmtia City accounts _ poundraquo200

T o u t N O V E M B E R 1934

H u m s T w p accounts bullVernon Twp account s Perry T w p accounts Hiz -Hon T w p account s New H a v e n T w p a c c o u n t s O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s Corunna City a c c o u n t s S h i a w a s s e e T w p account s

$ 1 1 3 0 0

3 l l fi - 103 00 IS4^00 500 2GS5

200 5 00

107 00

Total ^ D E C E M B E R 1934

O w o s s o T w p a c c o u n t s O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s Vernon Twp a c c o u n t s Caledonia Twp a c c o u n t s Rush T w p a c c o u n t s bdquo

3 4 3 9 6 1

34 00 1 6 0 0 31 05

130 40 4 00

Total _ $ 1 9 0 4 5 J A N U A R Y 1S33

( t o J a n 15 1 9 3 5 ) O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s _bull 3 81 00 Durand Ci ty a c c o u n t s 10 00

Total mdash j 0 0

Total cash receipts t o date 3 7 8 4 0 6 Al l o f which i s re spec t fu l ly s u b m i t shy


On mot ion of Supr F e r g a s o n the report w a s accepted and adopted

On mot ion of Supr Barnes the Board took a recess until 180 th i s a f t ernoon

A F T E R N O O N The Board was called to order by

the Chairman Roll wa s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t S u p r s Al len B a r n e s B r a n shy

del Colby F Derham E D u r h a m Doepker F e r g a s o n Fie ld Foland Gret -t enberg er V incent Griff in J o h n s o n Jones K i n g s b u r y Lebowski P u r v i s Moore Notr age l P a s c o P a y n e P e a shycock S a c h s S ieb Wal l

Supr P a s c o read t h e fo l lowing re shypor t

To t h e Honorable Board of Supershyv i s o r s

Your C o m m i t t e e on claims in L i v e Stock D a m a g e Would respec t fu l ly s u b shym i t t h e fo l lowing a s i t s report recshyo m m e n d i n g t h e severa l a m o u n t s a s g i v e n below a n d t h a t t h e Clerk b e author ized to draw orders for t h e s a m e

75 Glenn Moore 1 s h e e p 2 dogs mdash $ 1 5 0 0 I 16 00

62 John Snyder 1 e w e 2 lambs _ 16 50 1650

74 F loyd Reed 4 e w e s s o 2 0 30 20

50 Charles E Stocker t lamb - 8 26 826

3 e w e s 1 lamb _ 20 John Bray

1 s h e e p 24 G e o r g e Curt i s

2 e w e s 7 Earl H y d e

1 s h e e p 6raquo Janrtw fc^Vfciley

s h r p mdash 1 40 Wafter S tewart

1 s h e e p bdquo 26 F F Parkhurs t

1 e w e 8 lambs raquo9 ltQIlaquoMgt -taoitaJtet-

t s h e e p 1 b t r n b

20 60 20 60

6-80 5 80

1065 1 0 6 5

950 9 50



12 00

1 2 1 0


12 00

9 25

_ 42 16



120 B 2

U 9 B

i I I S B

_ 11 10 1110


1010 10 10

9 6 2 0 96 20

__ 65 25 65 ^5


_ 4 00


s a w n p ^ M ^ s B mdash i s p 1mdashai rgt

5 James J- Rue 1 s h e e p 1 l a m b _

3 W W Brius 2 heep -

72 Pearl J a c o b s 7 sheep

S Howard G a n n s s l e y 1 ewe

121 James Biggci 1 e w e

K Knipe ewes -

K Knipe dog _

K Knipe A ewes

117 C E V e r n o n 7 e w e s f gt lambs

104 M C A c k e r s o n 9 sheep

103 Charlet Reed 6 s h e e p h l ambs

21 C K COLBY 1 dog -

44 E D A l l e n l o gt g ---

64 Clifford -Duiihnm 1 dog

68 Walter WoOlard 1 dog

3V E D A l l e n 4 e w e s 1 rant 2 lambs

45 Ed Al len 17 ewes mdash

61 Martin VanDuseiv 1 sheep mdash

136 Georee Cowkes 2 5 0 0 141 Ralph L o v e 710 140 Homer N i c h o l s _ - 3 9 8 0 139 Earl S t o n e 22 45

SO Howard G a n s s l e y S e w e s 2 wounded

4 G e o r g e W Di l lon 2 lambs 29 A L S a n d e r s o n

1 lamb _ _ 25 Henry Miller

4 lambs 28 D e n n i i J Ki ldea

2 s h e e p _ _ 54 F E To l l inger

1 lamb 2 ewea _ 80 Howard Lawcock

5 s h e e p 6 l a m b s 18 J o e J a m a h

3 e w e s bdquo ^ 76 C D W a r r e n

4 Iambs -_mdash 17 El izabeth Chi ld

1 ewe bdquo^ w_-15 Haatrgt T o m s

7 e w e s mdashmdash~ 7 Loreraquoi M c K a y

1 dog bdquo mdash _ _

aaaKs bullL LfJOti 9 9

1 6 7 5 16 75


4 2 1 5

9 00

9 40

Forgotten Sire Dairys Drawback

Large Group of Young Bulls With Unknown Ability

as Breeders




6 6 2 5

i 4 0 0


4 00 1


a 00 i

66 25

135 25 18525

70 770 2 5 0 0

5 10 3 9 3 0 22 45

27 00 2700

19 45 19 4


3000 3000

16 30 16 3 0

15 25 1 5 2 5

pound 8 3 0 S8S0

12 Frank J a s o n 1 e w e

64 Wil l iam Igtwyre bull2 ewea bull mdash mdash ~

2 3 5 0

pound 2 6 0

9 5 laquo

5 1 5 0

5 1 5

15 20 65 Wil l iam W a d e

1 e w e bdquo mdash _ bdquo _ bdquo 1 Wal ter A B r o w n

J A P i n k 1 Iamb 2 s h e e p

38 Harry T S u r g e 4 aboep mdash

~ t 840

B y W W Tapp Chief in Dairy Cattle Uni shyversity of IllinoismdashWgtJU fraquorviee

Tlie forgotten man has his chamshypions but too little has been said ftnd done about the foraorten sires at dairy herd

By the forgotten sires reference I made to that large group of yonng dairy bulls whose breeding ftbllicw Is still en unknown quality but whose progeny will wJeid a potent tnAiienco on dairy returns In yeara to come These progeny will produce more thna 00 pet cent of all auik and dairy prodshyucts consumed In the live years from J087 1raquo J9tl inclnsivc

Most progressiva dairymen vould rather use a proTed sire as detei-

I rained by the number of pounds of I milk and butterfat the bulls daughters will produce in a years time Thia Is as it should be However under tho I present system of proving dairy bulls I only one in fifty is likely to become ft j proved sire and all those not in this t select group are forgotten j More attention needs to be given to j the physical appearance of these bulla

and to the performance of their dams and sires if the future of the dairy Industry is to be safeguarded Thlaquo phyeacal characteristics of the young bull should of coarse be considered carefnlly if he Is to Hre the future) producers of the herd In addition the dairyman should InvertigHte the) char-actertstlcs of the bulla sire and dam If obtainable the recwrda of fall broth-

M Mlaquor8and sisters and even of half broth-s 6 0 | ers and half sisters will forntsh valo-

i able evidence in determining the toans-51G0 j mittSng ability of a yonog sire If a

dairyman can find a yonng btill who sire has ten or more unsetected daughshyters that are highly prodaetlra and whose dam has three or more good danghters he can feel reasonably at-scred (hat the young sire will make a satisfactory breeder


Whereas Prank Siebeneck and Eliza Siebeneck his wife made and executed a certain mortgage bearing dale the 3rd day of March A D 1924 to Howard E Slocum and Mashybel A Slocum his

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE in the Matter of th Eraquotatlaquo of

Geprgo W Baker Dec We the undersigned having bean

appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and fr

the County of Shiawassee State of 1 j raquo X e w l c n w a s Michigan Commissioners to receive

recorded in the Office of the Regis- e x a m i n e a n d a d j u s t a l l claim and

8 50 I

2 3 5 6

I 6 1 5

I 8 2 5

16 20

8 4 0

2 1 1 0 2 1 1 0

9 George C o e t i e 1 ewe bull bull bdquo mdash - ^ -

2 9 John Manford 6 ewe 5 Jambs bdquo

11 Frank Ri tae t 1 d o ^

18 F F P a r k h u r s t 3 s h e e p 1 l a m b s _

6 B McKaylTia 3 e w e s - - laquo


1 8 2 5

7 20

7 4 0 0

18 25

7 2 6




1 1 2 0


1 2 5 0

t 2 0

Corn Stover Low Protein Feed and Needs Balance

The loss in dry matter In corn stashyter approximates 24 per cent white the loss in ensiling corn need not bo more

600 j than 10 per cent This emphasise the yalue tl ensiling in so far as possible j this year says Hoards Dairyman Hosv-laquoTrT bright com stover that has been properly shocked can be made a valshyuable part of the ration this winter Shreddinggrinding or cutting may be

On motion of Supr Pateo the re- advisable in order to get the cows to port was accepted awi adopted by the eat the entire plant Also the cjnserv-rollowitiR yfa a n d nay v o t e cal led for fltive n g o o f laquo bdquo bdquo m i x e d w i t h w a -

V ^ r D u ^ fet laquo^ bullraquo- bullPtln-W over this rmiahate-prason Fi id Grvttenbenrer Griffin bull may add to its palaubllity and feed- l h n s o n P u r v i s Moore Paaco P a y n e i n g v a l u e s l i g h t l y

I Torn stover is a low protein feed and to balance it we must feed n hlch protein grain mixfure Wo recommend 1 to 2 per cent of the grain mixture he grcumltl ijmestono marloyster shell or S)(5iSir-igt-i hoi nicr l l iuiuraquo m^nl

Jen suit niUed half and half and felti jvlt salt alone Is usually fed will also poundbull-ltbull the necessary minerat protection i vraquo analysis of corn stover is 21 per cot dl^estil)Ie crude protein 401 per ccit total digestible nutrients

ter of Deeds of the County of Shia wampssee Michigan on the 25th day of November A D 1924 in Liber 165 of Mortgages on page 383

And whereas the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage on the date hereof for principal and inter-eat and taxes paid upon the premshyises hereinafter described by the said mortgagees is the sum of Fifty-sis hundred eighty-three dollars and eighty-five cents j and also the addishytional sum of Thirty-five dollars stashytutory attorneys fees as provided for in said mortgage and no suit or proshyceeding having been instituted at tew or in equity to recover the debt secured thereby or any part thereshyof

And whereas default has been made in the payment of the money secured by said mortgage wherehy the power of sale contained therein has become operative

Now therefore notice is hereby given that by virtue of said power of sale and in pursuance thereof and of the statute in such ease made and provided the said mortgagewill be foreclosed by a sale of the mortshygaged premises at public vendue to the highest bidder at the front door of the_ Court House in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michi igan that being the place of holding the Circuit Court within said Coun-tl oh the l i t day of Jttraquo A D 1935at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day the description of which said premises contained in said mortshygage and which will be sold as aforesaid is as follows

AH those certain pieces or parshycels of land situated in the Township of Caledonia Shiawassee County Michigan described as follows

The North forty acres of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty Township Seven North of Range Three East Michigan except Three

demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Charles Kirby in the Township of Venice in said County on Monday the 18thday-of March A D 1925 and on Thursday the 16th day of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjustshying all claims against said estate and that four months from the 16th day of January A D i935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said C^mmis^ionr5rs for adjustment and allowance

Dated the 16th day of January A D 1935





STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash In the office of the drain commissioner of the cousxty of Shiawassee in the matter of the Galloway Drain

Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of February 1935 a petishytion was filed with the undersigned county drain commissioner for the county of Shiawassee praying for the deepenirsg widening straightenshying cleaning out and extending of Galloway Drain

That upon the 16th day of Fib- -ruary 1935 the undersigned filed with the Honorable Roy D Matshythews judge of probate a petition askfing for the appointment of a board of determination

that said judge of probate havshying appointed Fred Peacock Fred Ferguson and Roy Allen as such board of determination

Now therefore said board will meet at SE corner of Section 36

acres in the Northwest comer ofjlaquoe w Haven Towi^hip on the 18th Said land which three acres is Thirty lt d a y 0 Mstrch 1935 at ten oclock rods East and West and Sixteen rods] i n the forenoon of said day to deter-North and South containing in all Thirty-seven acres of land more or less

Also all that part of the East half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Niriteen Town Seven jNdrth of Range Three East Michigan lying South of the Grand Trunk Railway

mine the necessity of Galloway Drain^

Therefore all persons municishypalities and highway officials intershyested in the proposed Galloway Drain are requested to be present if they so desire

Dated at Corunna Michigan this

right-of-way except land bull laquo M to N 2 t h d a y degf ^ frac34 i

Pracock S a c h s

Al len Supervisor fe ix irt

read the fo l lowing

T o the visors

Honorable Basuw o Super -

I gtgtur C o m m i t t e e on Juraquotgtces Ci^n-

Htablea and Coroners Clairca and a--co imts would respect fu l ly submit tin-fo l lowlns as itraquo report rcoornmfrnltn^ the- a l l o s v a n e e o f t h e severa l a m o u n t s a t ivn hrlow and that the Clerk be aii-t l ioruvd to draw orders for the laquo raquo m laquo

bull43 Rohorl )1 C A

55 W m M J J^ 21 C A 27 It E 76 raquo F-2raquo Aupus t

1S5 James 1S4 H o m e r

Morrorv Cratio i Wt-inkuuf Havilartd Crano H D LaKraquowe ( I-aRowe F i s c h e r

Wi l son B u s h


7so 6540 10 00 10 00 1000 7 00 560 2 00

to50 20440

7 GO 65^40 iooo 1000 10 00 700 oieo

Chinch Bug War Hard

1050 2 0 4 4 0

On motion of Supr Al len t h e report w as accepted and adopted b y the fo l shylowing yea and nay vote called for b y the C h a i r m a n Y e a s AUe Colby F

Congress in the last session voted an approprl^on of a million dollars to hult the ravages of the chinch bug in

200 the cpoundgtrn belt and this money was used to build barriersbull totaling UWO miles

along which creosote halted tltte adshyvance of the Insects The chinch bag however has twrraquo generations in a sinshygle season the first generation being a crawling insert which can be conshytrolled by the creosote barriers but the second generation flying is not halted

B Aiken and except a strip of land four rods wide off the North and running parallel with the said Grand Trunk Railway right-of-way said strip to be used for highway purshyposes

(All of said parcels to be sold as clark Joh aforesaid being used and operated as one farm)

Dated March 12 1935 HOWARD E SLOCUM


PULVER amp BUSH Attorneys for Mortgagees Business Address Owosso Mich

JOHN HUDSON County Drain Commissioner

Shiawa-ssee County Michigan


I n t h e


Derham E Durham FTraquooa Field by this form of control Experts estishymate that the million dollars spent oa control measures saved at least $4-000000 worth of com

Grst tenbers^r Grif f in J o h n t o n L e b o w shys k i P u r v i s Moore P a s c o P a y n e P e a shycock Sachs

Supr S a t h s read the fo l lowing reshyp o r t

T o the H o n o r a U j E laquo r e bulllt S u p - v i -s o r s

Your C o m m i t t e e on Claims and A c shyc o u n t s in C o n t a g i o u s Diraquoealaquoe w o u l d respec t fu l ly s u b m i t t h e foUowing a s i t s report retomroendinu t h e a l lowance of the severa l a m o u n t s as g iven be low and that t h e Clerk be authoriaed t o t i m e tO a p p l y if I s iC t h e f a l i d i g g i n g

it Into the soil and if the soil Is a clay roam It can stand heavy applications of such material which wfli help conshysiderably In keeping the soil more open and spongy and render it less liable to bake and dry out during dry weather Applications up to 50 tons to the acre may toe usedmdashMontreal Herald

Hops for Fertilizer Hops from a brewery are exetflent

as a source of introducing humus to the soIL Any form of vegetative growth even weeds supply this necesshysary matter Manure is another form ID which humus is supplied The best

draw orders for t h e s a m e

142 Ruby Mil ler n u r s e ( 114 Memorial H o s p i t a l 107 Dr J J Hav i land 112 Dr W T Parker _ 132 Ruby Mil ler 1S3 E C J o n e s 111 Dr R C P o c h e r t 113 John R u b e n s t i n e _ 124 Vernon E l e v a t o r Co 109 Dr J J Hav i land 128 Dr C J SUenard 122 G B Bar low 126 C A L a w r e n c e mdash 188 WVitebflr Drott C o 108 Dr A L Arnold _ 110 Dr A L Arnald _ 106 Dr A L ArnoW _ 123 Marshal) D u n c k l e

t o Vernon Bank W H S A C H S F R PASCO J H L E B O W S K I

250 lt SlOO

pound00 2 1 0 0 5 8 8 0

500 1 0 5 0

860 1689 20 00 1 7 0 0 2 4 7 8 1 0 8 1

910 65 00 19 90 56 00

2 50 8100

2 00 2100 58 00

500 1 0 5 0

S60 16 89 20 00 17 00 2 4 7 8 1 0 8 1

9 1 0 6 5 0 0 19 90 6 6 0 0

Farm Chatter

6 6 5 6 6 5 6 5

On motidr- o f Srtpt S a c h s ( the reshyport was accepted and adopted by the

rt-rt witt-I

Spare recently passed several laws laquo0 regulate its wheat trade

raquo bull bull

Germany has fixed maximum gram bullprices ampt slightly above those of 1033

bull bull bull

The cereals are the most Important branch of agrieurfure la tbe United States

bull s

About 100000 farmers grow sugar fo l lowing y e a and n a y v o t e called for j ^ 0 cent ^ U n i t e d S t a t e s T h e t r a n -

ker Fsraraaon F ie ld G r e t t e n b e m e r Griffin J o h n s o n K i n g s b u r y Lebowski A t a v e r a g e r a t e o f c o n s u m p t i o n o f P u r v i s M o o r e P a s c p P a y n e P e a c o c k COM c e r e a l s o n y e a r s COTn CTOp

s0- woaM produeeveiKHjgh eereal to last On mot ion of Supr Kinaabury t h e t l raquo p e o p l e Of t h e U n l b M S t a t e s 4 7 0

Board took a r e c e s s unt i l t o m o r r o w y e a r s morning a t 9 8 0 i bull bull

Read corrected and approved bull to raquo laquo M tU s t laquo

drouths corn production has risen LLOYD H YKiTEit an average of 40 per cent Acreage

OSCAR BARKES Clerk bas tocreased 7 per cent and acre

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate Austin B Gilbert Deceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the office of Frank R GUna in the Court House in the City of Corunna in said County on Monday the 22nd day of April A D 1935 and on Monday the 24th day of June A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receivshying and adjusting all claims against said estate and that four months from the 21st day of February A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commisshysioners for adjustment and allowshyance

Dated the 21st day of February A D 1935



M a t t e r o f t h e E t laquo t laquo o f

n s t o n D e c e a s e d

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Frobute in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Comrri--sipners to receive examine and adjust all claims and deshymands of al persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Wager in the Township of Venice in said County on Friday the 29th day of March A D 1935 and on Wednesday the 2Sth dav of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjustshying all claims against said estate and that four months from the 29th day of January A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustshyment and allowance

Dated the 29th day of January A D 1935



COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of

Frances Van Campen Smith Deshyceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in anltj for the Coutfty of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive _ examine and adjust all claims and I sale at public vendue to the highest


Notice is hereby given that by virshytue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee and State of Michigan against the goods and chat-telslanlt end tenements of Lyle V Sawyer and Mary C Sawyer in said county to me directed and delivered I did on the second day of October 1934 levy upon and take all the right title and interest of the said Lyle V Sawyer and Mary C Sawshyyer in and to the following deshyscribed lands to-witmdash

The south one-half of south one-h a l f of t h e n o r t h e a s t quarter (5frac12 S N E t t ) of secshytion eleven (11) town eight (8) north of range one (1) east Fairshyfield Township Shiawassee County Michigan

All of which I shall expose for

Chairman yields SO per cent

demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the Vernon State Bank in the Village of Vernon in said County on Monday the 22nd day of April A D 1935 and on Monday the 24th day of June A D 1935 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjusting all claims apai^st said estate and that four months from the 21st day ol February A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioneis for adjustshyment and allowance


r bull i bullbull Xommissioners

bidder at the west front door of the court house in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County being the place where the Circuit Conrt is held in said County on the 9th day of March 1935 at 900 oclock in the forenoon

M G DICKTE Deputy Sheriff

JBLLIS F WILSON Attorney for Frank A Phillip Business Address Owosso Mich

Let The Nw handle

^BSSVnjSSaSJI^nv SSs S v 4SnSJp^p^SSaJBPSB]^nh V


s bull

-I1 1 M l JiVfig


bullWWmdashin gi1 ii wv se

laquof In the Matter of the EUtlaquo bull Job F Jlaquocoblaquo Deceased

We the undersized having been - appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshy

thews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of ail persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Ha-zelton in said County on Monday the 25th day of March A D 1935

- and on Monday the 27th lay of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day for the purshypose cf receiving and adjusting all claLns against said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1)Spound are-allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustment ^nd allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D 1935



COMMISSIONERS NOTICE la thcopy Matter of the Eclat of

William E Vernon Deceased We the undersigned having been

appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the State Ban) of New Lothrop in the Village of New Lothrop in said County on Monday the first day of April A D 19S6 and on Friday the 31st day of May A D 1985 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjusting all claims against said estampte and that four months from the 31st day of January A D 1935 are allowed to creditors p present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustment and allowance

Dated the 31st day of Janaary A JD 1935




- I n the Matter of the ElaquoUt Almeda Jacob Deceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hoi Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims artri demands of all persons against said estate do hereby eive notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Haselton in said County on Monshyday the 25th day of March A D 1935 and on Monday the 27th dav of May A- D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and ad--justing aiiclaimsagainst said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adshyjustment and allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D 19351




STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash The Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee in Chancery

Flossie M Storey also known as Flossie M Passage Plaintiff vs

William H Storey Myrtle I Storey Mary Fetterly and Michigan Trust Company a Michigan corporshyation Defendants

Suit pending in the circuit court for the County of Shiawassee in Chancery at the City of Corunna in said county on the 1st day of February A D 1935

In this cause it appearing from afshyfidavit on file that the Defendant Mary Fetterly is a resident of the State of Michigan that process for her appearance has been duly issued and that the same could not be servshyed by reason of her absence from the State of Michigan That her exshyact address cannot be ascertained

On motion of Rosenburg amp Paintshyer plaintiffs attorneys it is ordered that the said defendant Mary Fetshyterly cause her appearance to be entered herein within three months from the date of this order and in case her appearance that she cuse her answer to the plaintiffs bill of complaint to be filed and a copy thereof to be served on said plain- hay tiffs attorneys within fifteen days after service on her of a copy of said bill and notice of this order and that in default thereof said bill be taken a s confessed by the said deshyfendant

And it is Further Ordered That within forty days the said plaintiff cause a notice of this order to be published in the Corunna News e newspaper printed published pnd circulating in said courty and that such publication be continued thereshyin at least once in each Wftek for six weeks in succession or that she cause a copy of this order to be personally served on said defendant at least twenty days befo^ the time above prescribed for her apshypearance 4


ROSENBURG A PAINTER Attorneys for Plaintiff

Good Seed Curing Means Good Crops

Proper Care Is Important During Winter Will

Increase Income By R H Reed Agru-uUnral poundlaquolaquolaquo University ltrf IlliuoimdashWNU Scrvna

Providing good curing and storage conditions for their seed com this winter rather than poor or even avershyage _conditions will be worth 0000-000 en nextyears XJJinr gccrn crop should lOSfl be u normal year and corn prices remain favoranle

This is reveal ed In efebt bull years of ecords Uept by farmersbullenryiSed In the farm niahageuieut service conduct ed by the Coiee of Agriculture bull Unishyversity of Illinois in co-operation with county farm bureaus in these recshyords involving the growing of approxishymately 70000 aerts of corn the differshyence between good and poor seed corn curing and storage amounted to 2raquo bushels an acre in the resulting crop liven average curing and storing conshyditions cut the resulting crop two bushshyels an acre below what it was from good curing and storage of the seed Two bushels an acre on the average nnrua5 Illinois crop of aloe million acres with corn worth 00 cents a bush el wouUl amount to more than $10000-000 In corn returns

By good curing and storage Is meant that the seed com Is dried rapidly and protected from freeting until the ex-cesa moisture has been removed-These conditions arenot met where the corn is ben on the back porch or in the driveway of the corncrib as is practiced on many farms

Rapid drying of seed corn requires the use of some artificial heat unless

Prolonged eel storage has been found to free apples of Insects

laquo -Farster unLsn branches are being

organized throughout norfhern Ireland

Agriculturally Manchuria is one of the most favored spots In the Far East

A balf-mlVloa farmers lost their

status as landowners is the last three years

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

Cows should be dry clx weeks or two months This gives them a ohacce to build up a reserve for the coming vear


Default having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative given by-Robert Cohoon and Cora A Co-hoon his wife of the Village of Morrice Shiawassee County Michishygan to Thomas E Case of the Township of Perry Ccunty and State aforesaid on December 4 1909 and recorded in the office of the Regisshyter of Deeds of Shiawassee County on December 4 1909 in Liber 118 of Mortgages on page 632 which said mortgage has been duly assignshyed by Thonias E Case to George B Lewis by assignment bearing date the 14th day of March 1919 and recordeoTin the Office of the Regisshyter of Deeds of said County of Shiashywassee on the 15th da^ of March 1919 in Liber 136 of Mortgages on page 577 on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereshyof for principal and interest the sum of $38183 and no action at law having been brought to recover said mortgage debt or any part theieof and the said George B Lewis hay


STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash The Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee

At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee held at the Probate Office in the City of Corunna on the 2nd day of Janshyuary in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate of Alvin Morell Eentiey Senior Deshyceased

Detroit Trust Company Trustee under Will of said deceased having filed their sixteenth annual account a3 trustee of said estate for the benefit of Ca-SUv M Kpntlpy

it is OrderedThat the 28th day of January next at ten oclock in the forenoon at said Probate Ofshyfice be appointed for examining nnd allowing safd account and all previshyous accounts

And it is Further Ordered That a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corunna News a newspaper printed and cirshyculating in said County of Shiawasshysee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

HARRIET AIXEN Probate Register




Kor small quantities the ears can be hung in the kitchen or in an upstairs room around the chimney or over an open hot air register Large quantishyties of seed corn may he dried in the farm shop garage or other buildings where a fire can be maintained Care hewever should be taken to ee that none of the corn is exposed to a temshyperature above 120 degrees Fahrenheit

Ventilation Is also an Important facshytor in obtaining high quality seed corn Unless the air immediately around the ears is constantly changed t^e atshymosphere becomes ladened with moisshyture the drying will be much slower raid an ideal condition is established lor the development of molds

k m w bdquoraquolaquo w HllVMll bdquo w bdquo MHiWi ing departed this life^and the under the weather Is unusually favorable signed Brmal E Sickles k the duly

and legally appointed administratrix of the Estate of George B Lewis and ag such is the legal holder of the tiUe to said mortgage

Now therefore by virtue of the said power of sale and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided notice is hereby given that on Monday the 29th day laquof April 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon said mortgage will be forecolsed by a sale by public auction to the highshyest bidder at the west front door of the Court House in the City of Corunna that being the place where the Circuit Court for Shiawassef County is held of the land and premises described in said mortage or so much thereof as may be necshyessary to pay the amount due as aforesaid on said mortgage with inshyterest thereon at the rate of six per cent and all legal costs charger and expenses inclndin an attorhej fee allowed by law of $1500 said premises being described as follows

The north three-eights () of the West half (gt of the West half () of the southwest quarter gt and the east half (bull) of the northshywest qtiarter () of the southwest quarter (frac34) of section twenty-one (21) excepting a piece Of land in the northeast corner of said last above mentioned description describshyed as commeneinlaquor at the northeast corner and running thence west Eighteen (18) rods then south thirty-two (32) rods thence east eighteen (18) rbds and thence north thirty-two rods to place of begs-ninc all on Section Twenty-one (21 in Town five (5X north Range three (3) east Also the west forty (40) feet of lot Thirty-six (36) and wholr of lot thirty-seven (37) in block four (4) Village of Morrice Shiashywassee County State of Michigan

Dated Januarv 28 1935 ERMAL E SICKLES

Administratrix of the Estate of George B Iewis Deceased

HICKS amp DES JARDINS Attorneys for Administratrix Business Address Owosso Mich

Soybeans cowpeas and similar legshyume crop are nor considered feed crops under the AAA ruling but inshystead are classified as hay crops

bull bull bull Hawaiis 1933 pineappie pack of apshy

proximately 800)000 cases was esfJ sated to have a value of $22400000

bull bull

Ohte baa only TO par cent as many cattle on feed this year and the Corn Belt has but 88 per cent as siany as a year ago the United States Departshyment of Agriculture reports

bull bull From practical experience the Deshy

partment of Agriculture has learned that temporary ffbeck of dams of brush snllt to stop erosion win last from two and one-half to three years

Need More Horses Mules to Meet Greater Demand

Demand for horses and mules Is exshypected to increase materially for the next few years Although colt producshytion has been increasing for twe or three years the number now being proshyduced is hardly enough to meet V0 per rent of the expected demand for work stock

A large proportion of the work aftl-nisils now on farms are in the old ae bullgroup snd even if production of colts continues- to increase by the end of 1038 the low point-in horse and mule |Mgttgtuaiion will be reached in the opinshyion of Ohio State university farm wouomists

Higher toed prices this year mixy en courage greater use of mechanical powshyer and may check the anticipated inshycrease in breeding plans even in the face of an expected rise in the price of work stock


STATE OP MICHIGAN mdash The Probate Court for tbgt County of

At a session of the Probate Coart or said County held at the Probate Office in the City of Corunna oh the 26th day of December A D 1934 -

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate of Sophia De Frenn Deceased

On filing the petition of Earl De Frena praying for the probate of the will of aaid deceased new filed in this aourt bull

It is Ordered That the 28th day of JaaaaiT next at nine oclock in the forenoon at said Probate Of-iice ba appointed for hearing said petition _

It iraquo Furtber Ordered That a cony ef this order be published three sucshycessive weeks prraquoviouB to said ltlay of bearing in the Corunna Naws a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Shiawassee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

HARRIET AIKBN Register of Prebate


Feeding Work Horses Wintering work horses wiW be a

troublesome problem in view of the feed shortage To maintain a fair conshydition work horses need a daiiy ration of from ten to fifteen pounds of clean roughage such as hay laquoraquorn fodder or struw Even idle horses in addition to ihe roughage should have a little ^rain especially If the roughage conshysists of prairie hay straw or cora fodshyder On live to six pounds of grain per day a horse will hold its weight llie amotlnt of grain of course dependshying somewhat on size of the animal Horses at work need from ten to Bf-ren pounds of grain per head a day ff they are to hold up In weight Barley cau be substituted very well for corn or oats but it should be ground or rolledmdashMissouri Farmer

Agricultural Notes The tomato is classified by the Enshy

cyclopedia of Food as a fruit bull

Unless in a sealed package honey should be kept in a dry warm place

Two-thirds of a pound of dried beet

pulp takes the place of one pound of

Canadian western sheep ranges proshyduce from 150000 to 200000 lambs each year saitahle for fattening purposes

bull bull Kvery 3frac12 feet from the barn to the

milk house- means a mile of^walking for the farmer for each cow in one yenr

bull Fluorine compounds with which

many fruits are sprayed have been found to be very injurious to the teeth

bull raquo bull Twelve to fourteen per cent of proshy

rata in the grain mixture hi enough for rypicai cowa fed plenty of good alfalfa hay and corn silage ^

bull raquo bull w Hundreds of acre of vegetable

crops were plowed under by produce formers near St Loula Mo araquo they found their products aore raquo M fnttUtas



STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash In the office of the Drain Commissioner of the County of Shiawassee in the matter of the Section Sixteen Exshytension Drain

Notice in Hereby Given that on the 26th day of October 1934 a petition was filed with the undershysigned County Drain Commissioner for the County of Shiawassee prayshying for the extending of Section Sixteen Drain

That upon the 28th day of Febshyruary 1935 the undersigned fited with the Honorable Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate a petitior asking for the appointment of a Board of Determination

That said judge ot probate having appointed Fred Peacock J H Bran-del and Fred Ferguson as such Board of Determination

Now therefore said board will meet at the residence of Charles Miller Section 21 Shiawassee Townshyship on the 21st day of March 1935 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of said day to determine the necessity of Section Sixteen Drain

Therefore all persons Municishypalities and highway officials intershyested in the proposed Section Sixshyteen Drain are requested to be present if they so desire

Dated at Corunna Michigan thig 1st day of March 1935


Whereas James C Carpenter and Martha Carpenter his -wife made and executed a certain mortgage bearing the date of the 22nd day of August 1928 to Anna E Bilhimer which was recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for the Counshyty of Shiawassee Michigan on Aushygust 31 1928 in Liber 177 of mort gages on pa-e 301

And whereas the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage on th date hereof fof principal and intershyest is the sum of Eight Hundrec Twenty Dollars and thirty-eight cents ($82038^ and also the ad ditional sum of laquo25 attornevs fee as provided for in sard mortgage and ne suit or proceeding having been instituted at law or in equity to reshycover the debt now remaining and secured thereby or ar-v part thereof

And whereas default has been made in the payment of the money secured by laquoraquoid m o r t ^ ^ rendering the power of sale contained thereir operative

Now therefore notice is herebj given that by virtue of said power of sale and in pursuance thereof and of the statute in such cases mad nnd nrovided the said mortgage wjr be foreclosed by a sale of the mortshygaged nremises at nublic vendue to the highest bidder at the west froni door of the Court House in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michigan that bein the place Oj holding the Circuit Court within said countv on the 5th draquoraquo of April A D 1935 at 900 oclock in the fore TVYOM of said day Eastern Standard Time

The descrintion of the premise contained therein and still coyerer by said mortgage and which will be sold as Aforesaid is a follows

Part of Lot ten Block Twenty eight of the Village (now city of Owosso Michigan commencing at f noint on the east line of Lot ten Block twenty-eight eisrht rods soutf of the south line of Comstock street running thence westerlv parallel to Comstock stTeet seven rods thenor south four and five hundred se^r v one one thousandths rods thence easterly narallel wilih said first lin to east line of said Lot and thenc-

porth to beginnin- nil in the Cjtv of Owosso Shiawassee County Michi gan

Dated December 31 19frac34 ANNA E BILHTMER

Mortgagee ELLIS P WXTSON Ar+irrv fo Mortgawea



THE NEWS Phone 1373 Corunna Mick

MORTGAGE SALE Default having been made in the

conditions of a certain real estate mortgage whereby the power of sale therein contained became operative made by William F Gray and Flora M Gray his wife to George G Markham dated January 2 1917 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Shiawassee County Michigan^ on January 2 1917 in Liber 142 of Mortgages en pages 206 ami 207 and duly asshysigned by said George G Markham to Leta B Vincent by an assignshyment dated August 4 1925 and reshycorded in said Registers office on August 6 1925 in Liber 153 of Mortgages on page 92 and duly asshysigned by said Leta B Vincent to George G Markham and Clara A Markham his wife jointly with sole and absolute right of survivorshyship by an assignment dated August 4 1925 and recorded in said Regisshyters office on August 6 192b in Liber 153 of Mortgages on page 93 on whiyh mortgage there is now claimed to be due and payable foT principal and interest the sum of $114500 and no suit at law havshying been brought to recover said debt or any part thereof notice is hereby given that on Saturday May 4 1935 at one oclock in the aftershynoon of said day at the entrance to the Court House City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michigan that being the place where the Circuit Court for said County is held Clara A Markham surviving assignee will by virtue of the power of sale conshytained in said mortgage and in purshysuance of ttte statute in such case

ORDER OF PUBLICATION State of Michigan mdash The Probata

Court for the County of Shiawassee At a session of the Probate Court

for said County held at the Probate office in the city of Corunna on Monday the 4th day of February in the year of one thousand nina hundred and thirty-five

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of Geraldine Ruth Vande Grift Dependent

Petition haying been filed allegshying that aaid child is dependent and neglected and to determine the truth of the facts

Xt is ordered That the fathets mothers guardians or anyone intershyested in said child blaquo and appear before the Court at a hearing upom the petition on the 5th day of March 1935 at 900 oclock in the foreshynoon at said Probate Office for the purpose of aiding the Court in arshyriving at the true facts and to make a proper disposition of said minor

And it is Further Ordered That to give notice to parentg not in tide County that a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corunna News a newspaper printed and circulating in said Counshyty of Shiawassee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

By HARRIET AIKEN Probate Register

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In thraquo Matter __ of the Estate raquof

provided sell at public auction on |PerI E Jacobs Deceased foreclosure thereof the land describ-r We the undersigned having bee ed in said mortgage to satisfy the | appointed by the Hon Roy D Mat-

County Drain Commissioner Shiawassee County Michigan| Bosineai Address Owosso Mich

amount due thereon at the time of sale with interest thereon at six pei cent per annum and all legal costs including an attorney fee of Twenty five Dollars lands described as East part of east eighty acres of the southwest fractional quarter of section nineteen town eight north range four east except right of way of Consolidated Coal Company of north thirty-three feet thereof conshytaining 39 acres more or less Hazel-ton Township Shiawassee County Michigan Dated February 2 1935

CLARA A MARKHAM Surviving Assignee

C F amp E T HAMMOND Attorneys ior Assignee Business Address 601 American

State Savings Bank Building Lansing Michigan

thews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Hazeltoa in said County on Monshyday the 25th day of March A D 1935 and on Monday the 27th day of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adshyjusting all claims against said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adshyjustment and allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D ^RANDOLPH BAILEY

WALTER JUDD Commissioners

y Only the best Quality of Materials and

bull i the finest Workmanship used by



BEANS Have excellent equipment for hanshy

dling Beans and Grains

GOAL Plenty of good clean and warm Coal



Ph one 4 bullgt0 We Deliver

f t T t y Ti


ti I T tgt


DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR Mr Walter Parker of Owoaso

has as hev guest for several days her sister Mrs Fred Shepherd of Detroit and in her honor Mrs Clark Shipman entertained at a table of bridge o n Thursday aftershynoon A chicken dinner preceded the playing of bridge

The following were guests of Mrs Shipman Mrs Parker Mrs Shepshyherd end Mrs Mary Curtis of Co-runna All of the ladies are very close friends


Glen Howard have

uasiucso u-p

^^^^bullltlaquoKKlaquoK^K^K^KlaquoKK^^raquoK 4-

and Mrs returned ioiu Highland

Clayton Cook HI ^ s t u d e n t at the Gctogan school is absent this week with the whooping cough

Mr and Mrs Willis Xee were in Howell Sunday visiting a brother-in-law who is in the State T B Hospital

Mr and Mrs Frank Williams of Milford have returned home after iisiting in the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Cook

Mr and Mrs Edward Braid of

W^r^^^ - bull bull bull bull bull bull - i

votionfls reading a Scripture lesson followed by prayer j

During the business meeting it was- decided to hold a shadow social at the home of Mr and Mrs Phin a s Burch on Friday evening March 22 A pot luck supper will be serv- ed by ths hostess

The program committee gave a short program with reading^ by Mrs Sherrard Mrs Hofacker Mrs Olive Seward and Lawrence Seward

The next meeting will be held in the home of George and Judson O Eldred tgtcrth of the church at which time Mrs Devora Eldred will be





Lake Orion have returned home aft- er spending the week end with their ard the new son Alva Braid and Mrs Braid Catholic Church in-Owoaso

CALEDONIA - SHIAWASSEE Mrs Charles McNamara Sr ampbull plusmn

rightfully bullentertained the ladies of i W the Caledonia - Shiawassee - Venice j Club at her homein Corunna Tues-j day for dinner The business meeting was Opened Q by the president Mrs William Liet-j zau in regular form the ladies unitshying in saying the Lords Prayer

The secretary and treasurer Mrs Antonio Bock gave her reports of the previous meeting also a report j oiv the financial condition off the i club bull

The dub donated a large sum tow- organ at S(u Pauls

JLL W bull I i i i W AK)

Invites you to call and look over the new

FordV-8 Wewant you to see the finest Car in the

low priced field

On display at our salesroom

Mrs Wakefield who is living on V grab bag will be a feature of

the Reyndd fartrade J laquo w i i h ^ a r i laquo pound pound bdquo pound pound pound have beenlraquo1Sih o n e arvLlt-


trouble Her daughters here from Cadillac and Bay Shore k taking care of her

Mr and Mrs John Sam peer en textained on Sunday Mr and Mrs

made for a pancake held some time this

joyed and fine address was given by Carl Kramp of Lansing nd Mr Judge Joseph H Collins A silver and Mrs Glen Hamilton of Owoaso offering was taken during the eye- the latter is a daughter of Mr Sanv ningi

Mrs Wafter Snyder has been for the past few days

Mr and Mrs G W Warner were in Owoaso on Monday laquoraquolaquoraquo i peer

Mrs Joseph Winorski was a guest A large number of friends and Mr and Mrs Nathan Baughan Friday of Mrs Archie Johnson relatives tendered a surprise on Mrs Paul Baughan nd Mr and

John Boyd of Flint was a caller [ Monday evening to Mr and Mrs Mrs Stanley Sussex visited in Bieck-last week of h is sister Mrs M a r y | H a r r y Brandt i n honor of their 21sl enbridge the first of the week as lt-ntlar wedding anniversary and to their guests of their daughterfand sister

Mrs Archie Johnson and Frank n a n d b i s M r a n d M r s - Mrs Alexander Stewart and Goreski were in Owosso Monday on business

Miss Joan Crowe spent Sunday in the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Everet t

Misseg Agnes and Mary Hovanec spent Sunday at the home of Miss Mary Nemecek-

Miss Maxine Wilder of Owosso is assisting in the home of Mr and Mrs Cecil Nicholson

Cecil Nicholson and family and Miss Maxine Wilder were in Flint Saturday on business

A large number of voters from this vicinity attended the Hazelton Township caucas on Monday night

Mr and Mrs George Crowe and daughters were callers Tuesday of Mr and Mrs W S Eveleth and family i i ^

Mr and Mrs Floyd were hosts on Tuesday for the regshyular meeting of the Venice- Haao|-tqr

fi Farmers Club Mi and Mrs Clyde Stanhope and

family of Flint were Sunday guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Ernest

Duane Brandt in honor of their first anniversary in the home of the former The evening was most pleasantly spent in a social way and later a bountiful supper was served

Stewart Mrs Henry Saska left the last

Plans were supper to be

The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Charle8 Smith the second Tuesday in the month


CALEDONIA Mr and Mrs Hall were in Ann

Arbor Sunday Donald Hall of Pontiac visited

hi s family here over the week end Robert Huffman of Detroit visshy

ited his sister Mrs Eli Rigoulot on Sundayr

Billy Fisher was taken to Ann Arbor for observation at the Uui-versity hospital Monday

Harry Wood of Flint was a week end visitor SR the home of his bro-

Walworth th( i ~ i 1 law J o h n Brenner and fatrade i i l y I Mrs Lyle Munroe has returned to her home in bullbullJackson after viaithg i in the homo of her sister Mrs Jos Wagner


Howard Stewart will be host to Desborough west of here A | the Merry Circle Class of th e North birthdav dinner was in honor of the west Verice church on Friday eve-

bx-warbles are not music and they do not soothe the breast of the

Mr| savage beast in fact ox-warbles cause so ngtuch unrest among the cattle of Michigan that the income

bdquo from this class of livestock is seri-of the week t o gt e gone for several o U s r e d u c e d days as guest of her daughterMrs T j ]osH o f m o n e y is totally un-Kerrneth Johnson of Flint her n e c e s g a r y a s the warble which is mother Mrs Derby of Detroit h e r j a n j n s e c t whose larvae live in the daughter Mrs Lawson Mumma b a c k g o f c a t t i e c a n ^e exterminated

[ in thi s state The adult is a heavy [bodied fly which is intensely feared j by cattle Experiments have shown that cattle can hear the noise made

i by the flys wings at considerable 1 distances and often stampede to

The Usual i |ne meeting qf the | avoid its egg laying activities Venice- Hazelton Farmers Ciub was i The eggs are deposited on the enjoyed Tuesday in the home of Mrf raquod quarters Of cattle and the tiny


sons Avnold and Leonard of Day ton Ohio


anniversary of Miss Lois seventh birthday

The pancake supper which was held on Friday evening was a decidshyed success The supper was served under the upervision of the men and was fine The program wasmuch e n _

BOOK1 s T 0Vdegy Explain thlaquo marvelousWOferd Z IVeatmjnt which is bringina J aaxaxinx relief Sold oajroadaJ bull


S T I P A T I O N B A D B R E A T H S L E E P L E S S N E S S OR H E A D -

ACMES DUE TO EXCESS ACID Atk fat A fmtcapy of WHtonl Metuuee We an AuUxwued WiUani igtCJien

lt OvOmt Piwn H m )



ning of this week The Misses Mildrelt) Kambut and

Patricia Bailey have returned to Detroit after visiting in the home ofMiss Elaine Rigoulot

Leslie Middletou ad George Koan have given up their lease for the coal mine property to the owner Geo Schirle and the mine is being taken over by John Hedges

The Ladies Aid of the Northshywest Venice church wil] meet with

and Mrsfi Floyd Walworth when representatives o f 14 families gathered for an ail day meeting

The morning session was called by L J Veaie and was opened with the sipging of My Old Kentucky Home The Chapldin Rev Harold Paiithorpe then conducted the dc-votioijkl period

The business of the day followed and included the appointment of Key Pailthorpe as question box leader and the calling of the roll

At bull the conclusion of the-dinner hour the company reassembled for the program presentation which was under the direction of Mrs Rayshymond Dietz

Readings by Mrs Will Jacobs | Mrs Mary Hartley Rev Pailthorpe Mis Charles Kurney and Mrs L J | Veale andinstrumental music by

larvae as soon as hatched burrow beneath the skin and travel through the body until they reach a position just under the skin on the animals back The larvae then develop rapidshyly in size and cause bumps which can lie easily seen

The presence of this pest reduces the value of the hides of beef catshytle and causes Joss of flesh due to irritation td- unro t of the ivmal Uhsigiy discoloration^ also appear on the flesh of the animals back Dairy rattle produce less inilk when these parasites infest them A 10 per ctVt reduction in milk flow may result from severe infestations

The adult ox-warble flies present in Michigan in the summer were e n shyded through the previous winter unshyder the skins of cattle The fly can not survive Michigan winters any other way If the larvae r-~ al] des

STOPS With Dodge Perfected Dual-Cyiwder Hydraulic Brakes

Mrs Leo Veale were enjoyed during t r o v e d ^ the winter there will be the first half of the program

Following these numbers Mr Walworth introduced the speaker of the day Mr Addy a farm bureau worker who spoke in an intensely

^ r S iVL0V d degn W ^ d n e laquo d a y interesting manner upon Coopera March 27 for an all day meeting t i o n raquo h i s s u b t 0 p i c s being machin-at her home north of the church ^ fertilizer seed and feed

The revival meetings closed on Rev Pailthorpe had charge of the Sunday evening after two weeks of question box from which 13 splen-services A large crowd attended the did topics emerged creating much services Sunday evening The meet- lively discussion Among these ings have been a spiritual success w e r e Do f a r m e r s neg-many converts going to the altar lect pasture if so what can be done

The condition of Fred Brown re- and would it be possible This ques-mams about the same His cousin t ion was most satisfactorily answer-Mr and Mrs Peter Kael of St Charles and aunt Mrs Christine Mosner of St Charles and cousins Mr and Mrs Albert Barnesof Ches-anirg have recently been here

ed by the helpful suggestions of Mr Addy

Other topics which brought out diversified opinions were How can I help to get the Owosso sugar facgt

bullmFuimu J^taM grind e fwy felaquod-

Griod more flaquoed pr -or per boor Moaat oo

bullny 1frac12 ton truck Small down py-

meat Good tenocWrit quick for J1 detail MMIIV

C J TAYLOR Funeral Home

Praapt amkTfficient


Phone 1S2 mdash VERNON Sccceasor to Disbiow

C B Angus residing north of t o r y running Has finflation ever Kerby who cracked several rib s sev- b e e n a success in the history of this era] days ago when he slipped O n c o u n t r y 7 Should the United States some ice while carrying feed to his j Pfty n 5 o I a according to the^ agree chickens was removed on Monday ~ morning to the home of his brother Bethel Angus Coninna avenue Owosso Although Mr Angus is conshysiderably improved he is still in a serious condition His neighbors Howard Stewart and George Rigou-let are taking care of his stock

The following candidates were nominated at the Democrat caucas held at the town hall by the Demoshycrats of Venice Township They are Supervisor Charles Posey clerk Howard Ganssley treasurer Mrs Agnes Ball highway commissioner Wm Golombisky justice of the peace Dennis Kildea overseer of highway Robert Ellis board of reshyview Finley Reed constables Rex Post Ruy Ellis Stewart White and Bernard Cronin

ment for the Panama Canal Zone or should circumstances alter cases

On the second Thursday in April the club will meet with Mr and Mrs L J Veale This will be an evening meeting with supper served at 7 oclock and a business meeting and program following in charge of the young people of the club

WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS Hatched from our own 300 egg

strand stock Blood tested Also Barred Rock Chicks We do cus-

torn Hatching Horvith Hatchery Flushing Michigan RFD 1mdashAdv


The Ladies Aid of the Northwest Venice Church were delightfully enshytertained on Wednesday at the home of Mr and Mrs Ray Seward Harrishyson avenue Owosso

The guests began to arrive at 11 oclock enjoying a social hour before dinner

Following dinner the president Mrs Archie Sherrard called the business meeting to order the memshybers and guests singing several songs followed lgty the secretarys and treasurers reports

Rev John Austin led in the de-

no adults the next summer All the cattle are barns where

they can be easily inspected and any warbles infesting them can be killshyed

The destruction of the larvae costs very little Larvae which are quite fully developed can be squeezshyed from the animals back and killshyed A more rapid method is to use chemical preparations made for this purpose These chemicals may be either in solid or liquid form and are placed n t n e Ittle cell under the skin in which the larvae lives Comshymercial killing agents can be used according to the makers directions or the materials can be mixed at home from directions which will be furnished by the entomology departshyment at Michigan State College

Neighborhood campaigns against the warble or ox bot fly are the speediest way of destroying thi s nuishysance but no farmer should wait for his neighbor before killing the pests in his herd The adult fly travels comparatively short distances and most of the infestations in cattle are caused by permitting larvae to mashyture on the farm where the infestashytions occurs Destroying the larvae relieves the cattle from irritation the owner from money loss and the future from further attacks by the pest

JUST whltm others raquot offering their first hydraulic-type brakes Dodge

gives you b extra safety of Pershyfected Dual-Cylinder Hydraulic Brakes pioneered years ago by Dodge find proved in tho service of hundreds of thousands of owners

With 20 more bracing surface mdash fully equalized a^zinst skidding or swerviagmdash t hay get thousands of extra miiss from tirts and brake linings-mdash give greater coeraurg ease quicker curer stbps mdash more safety than ever Remember there cart be no successful imitation of Dodge brakesmdashor their safety mdash without Dodge experience and manufacturing precision

Here is a big smart 85-mile-pei-hcur car that actually gives you three to five nioremiles pergullonof gas than lower-priced cars And even mors astonishing economy of oil With all its savings the Dodge Red Rata engine gives brilliant aaw ranges of speedmdashflashingpicle-opmdashsilky silence

and ease- Its famous patented Floatshying Power engine mountings smother vibration which racks ordinary cari to piec2s

The1 finslword in protectionmdashthe fatrions Dodge safety all-steel body is knovn to nearly 300Q0C0 Dodge owners

Only the genius cf a manufacturing organization such es Dodge mdashwith such complete facilities with 20 years of experience in building nearly three million finfe vehiclesmdashcould create such astounding dollar-fordolar value


This advertisement endorsed by the Depart meat of EngineeringmdashChrysler M e l o n

NEWVALUE DODGE 9645 to $760 AU prces f o b factory Detroit aabject to change bullwitboat notice Spatial equip ment extra Tima paymampnta to fit yoar bvdamptt Ask fortheaSiciat Chrysler Motor Commercusi Credit PUux





OcffVon Mow For J u t A Fampw Oof Jars Mor Than The Lovtest-Pticod Car

C A GLADDEN b e Dodge ane Plymouth Dealers

Sooth Wafer St Phone 522 Owosso Mich

WANTED Milk Bakery Tea Coffe or otheT

route men Good proposition for right man Rawleigh Depfc MMC mdash93mdashL Freeport Illinoismdash Adv

Judging from some of the streamshyline models car manufacturers have been maewesting them in the wrong place

Now it is proposed to raise the minimum drinking age for women Better go slaw mdash the way the girls manage to stay home these days we might find the bartender refusing to serve grandma




THE NEWS Phone 1373 Cortmna Mich



D o









A Savings Account for You

We again remind the people of Lenshynon and the community that the Lennon State Bank is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Guarantee and all deshyposits tre guaranteed up to $5000 This is a guarantee that we are pleased to pass on to our patrons

We offer you every facility for safe conservative and careful Banking and will

Welcome your accountmdashlarge or small

Lennon State Bank C N TALBOT Culrier LENNON MICHIGAN

LENNON LOCALS t f T T X f Rapids on Sunday lust

Mi- Eulone Conley was in Durand Tuesday evening

Mrs- Myrtle- Lare was in Flint Tuesday afternoon

Mrs Be3sie Briggs was i n Grand



We Welcome Your Business

The yew 1935 finds the Lenmm Farmer9 Elevator better than ewer preshypared to care for the elevator needs of the farmers and citizens of the coffmmnuty

We are providing a market for your Grain and Beans that is not bettered anyshywhere in the State of Michigan

We are handling the very best grades of Coal Dairy and Poultry Feeds Seeds and Fertilizer and you will find our prices most reasonable and the service of the very best

You are always extended a cordial welcome at Lenrcn Old Reliable Elevator


bull J

t T T T T T t-T T T T

Farmers Elevator Company

Michael Smith Manager



i J

T X J i

Hardware Needs

Farm Tools Repairs aad Hard war needs and we can take care of your needs promptly and correctly Its a good time now to look over the tools and implements and see just what needs replacing or re-

pair We have itmdashor will get it for you amp promptly

Our line of Hardware is complete in every detail and every article sold by us is backed by the guarantee of the manufacshyturer as well as ourselves

You will find our prices down to the


lowest leveL w

Haffner amp Lytle Hardware and Implements

r raquo laquo LENNON MICHIGAN e ltbull

mm mr A r- bull^bullA rm A T


Mrs Bessie Briggs visited friends iipound Durand over the week end

JLyle Smith was in Flint Tuesday afternoon on a business errand

Mr a rd Mrs B H Kingsbury were in town Tuesday afternoon

Mr and Mrs W L Cozadd were guests of friends in Morrice Sunshyday

Earl Baker was at Jackson Wedshynesday on business for Haffner amp Lytle

Mrs A A Stoddard was in Co-runna Monday afternoon on a busishyness errand

Mr and Mrs Louis Semonye and son spent Sunday with Mrs Sem-onyes mother Mrs Root

Mrs Ethel Conley and Miss Pat and Mrs Beulah Dunckei were in Flint Tuesday afternoon

Mr and Mrs V L Watson of Flint were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs T D Benjamin

Mr antft Mjrs Oor Dietyy of Midland spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Fred Burleson

Miss Mildred Vykyda) was at home from Detroit to spend the week end with her parents

Mraquo Marleta Washer has ittorrjed to klaquor home in FUnt ftr spending the -week end with Mis Eufone Con-ley

Bessie Briggs was in Ann Arbor Friday evening attending laquo TMtrtyi given in honor of Miss Alice TJur-j gess

Mrs Frances Besmer and sen AnioliL have returned from a week ^isit with hr parent and sister in Ionia

Mr and Mrs Fred Burleson and Mr and Mrs W L Cozadd were in Owosso Tuesday evening attending the Capitol theatre

Mrs Chapwans Cvlaquoffhhaskjs wiH

give one of their parties for the little folks on Friday eveningof this week in th Hex ^ost halL

Miss Norma Bryant and Miss Vera Jones famislxed entertainment at the R L C A banquet at Swartz Creek last Friday evening Mar 8

Mr and Mrs 1 D Betjamin were in Flint where tbey attended a party at the Home Dairy given in honor of their niece Iliamps Mmazic Nelbon

Geol-ge Sutton of Flint was in town Tuesday Mr Sutton expects to return here some time in April-and resume his business at the north end

Mr and Mrs Hk Helecher and children and Mr and Mrs George Root of Flint were callers Sunday at the home of their sister-in-law Mrs Roct ltoT Ienron

Mrs Carrre Tabor recently undershywent an operation in Hurley Hospishytal She has been removed to her home west f the village and is getting afc^c very raeejy

Attorney and Mrs Petter B Lenshynon left Saturday evening from Deshytroit to join the prty nf J a m i union members in a trip tagt Washington D C They are spending four days in the national capitol leaving for home Wednesday vejslaquoxg

Mr and Mrs George Smith Mr and Mrs Allen Brandt and daughshyter Wilma tailed on Mr and Mrs AlbsVt 3exrgtltlaquoar of Efeie Sunday afternoon lee iream and cake were served at six o^lock and cards were played daring llraquoe evening

Mr and Mrs Thad Frasier were hosts to a deKjfhtful party Monday evening when 500 was Jthe divershysion First honors went to Mrs Rex Post and Harry Long and the conshysolation to Mr and Mrs Fred Burleshyson A delicious luncheon was servshyed by the hostess

Pupils neither absent w r ilty during the month of February from the Intermediate room were Onalee Beemer Dorothy and Warren Brady Russell Bryant Patricia Conley James Cordell Howard Elliott Doris Hall Billy Kerrigan Roaerella Llaquore Wilma Post Ruth Root Robshyert Schlitts Helen Julia and Joe Swerdan and Eleanor White

with Mr and Mrs Georga Gansslcy in their home March 19

The Grange has a number of nc v and rene^-il membersand welcomes v

any that would Jike to join C o m e gt gt



in We hove wonderful times

I _ ] bull bull bull

MRS EMMA PERRY DIES J Mrs Emma Perry highly respected V

lady of Lennon passed away at herj home in the this villageon Monday laquo bull evening of this week following a n J ^ illness of two years Death was due j ^ to cancer amp

Mrs Peirgt was born in Venice ^ Township Shiawassee County o n 1 ^ Jure 10 18G9 and was the daujrh- 1-ter of John and Marie Saxton She frac34 was united in marriage to William ^ Adams in Arkansas on March 1 9 A 1891 and to this union were b o r a ^ two children Mr Adams died two J years later and Mrs Adams return ^ ed to her home in Venice Township On March 13 1895 she was married laquo gt i to Ephraim Perry who passed awayJT on January 1 1924 Mr and Mrs |Y4

Perry were the parents of thve^ V children Nrat

With the exeeptiou of three years amp the entire life of the deceased was ^ spent in Shiawassee and Genesee j Y Counties She was a member of the i ^ Methodist Episcopal Church cf Lenshynon the Kings Daughters the Ladies Aid Gleaners and Fidelity Lodge She was always ready andj witling to lend a helping hand to j those lesg fortunate than herself and endeared herself to a host of friends and neighbors

Surviving are the children Roy Adams of Owosso Mrs E J Kitshychen of Lennon Leon E Perry of Flint Mrs Harold Bowden of Len-tion and Mrs Ruth Olsen at home two brothers John and Charles Sax-ton and two sisters Mrs John Rit-ter ai|d MJrs Jerry Craig all of Veniee Township also fifteen grandshychildren

Funeral services were conducted Thursday afternoon at two oclock from the Leuhon M E Church conducted by Rev Wm Schlitts pastor of the church assisted by Rev Hugh Townley of Corunna

LENNON GRANGE The Lennon Grange held an exshy

cellent meeting with Frances and Leon Ganssley on Tuesday of last week March 5 A potluck dinner wa s served at noon 14 partaking of the excellent dinneT

The meeting was called to order by the Master and a t roll call each member responded with some p o shytation a question or a reading Durshying the afternoon the Old Age Age Pension plan was discussed and most of ihose present favored the $200 per month

The Grange was invited to meet

LETTER FROM LENNONS The News is in receipt of the folshy

lowing brief but interesting letter from Mr and Mrs Peter B Lenshynon who are spending a few days in Washington D C making thi1

trip on the Farmers Union special

WashiMgton D C March 12 1935

Editor News i Friend Lou mdash

Mrs1 Lennon and I are having a fine time in this city with the Farm Union group arriving here Sunday j mbrnirf-- and will leave for home Wednesday evening

Yesterday we paid a visit to the Capitol and endeavored to get in the Senate chamber This looked like an impossible task as the place was jammeltj with people However a vsectTy good friend Blythe Kellerman editor of the ElLston Advance sugshygested that I try the Press Bureau entrance as a representative of a newspaper 1 told the manager of the Press Bareau that I desired to write a letter for vrzv Tacme town paper che Lennon News and we were shown some excellent seats

Naturally our interest centered on Huey Long who as usual was in the middle of the picture The peoshyple seem to hare ra ther of a comshyplex over the Louisana fireworks senator and no other member of the House or Senate gets as much attention Eeverybody is craning his or her neck to get a glimpse of the Kingfish and he is a real actor if there ever was one

Let me say that I believe I have never seen more graceful gestures He has marvelous hands anlt| moves them as smoothly as a greased eel on a cake of ice He is such a clever actor that one forgets about his Cyrano de Bergerac nose that stands out like a wart on a potato

Will see you soon Best Wishes to yourself and family



The Farmers Elevator Company has wool twine on hand at all times also a new supply of brooder coal

Food Market

Orange doz 29c Lemons doz 12c Jumbo Celery 7c Bacon pound 17c

Jello 3 pkgs 19c Lard 2 lbs 32c Oleo 2 lbs 27c

t T T T

bullT T T T t I t t

Topping 4 for 19c

GRAPEFRUIT 8 for only 25c BANANAS 5 pounds for 23c HEAD LETTUCE pes head 5c CATSUP large bottle 12c SALMON pink per can bull 10c PICKLED HERRING per quart bull 23c SARDINES 6 boxes for bull 25c SUGAR 5 pounds for 23c BREAD 3 large loaves 25c FIG BARS 2 pounds for 23c CRACKERS 2 pound box 19c FRIED CAKES 2 dozen for v 25c PASTOY FLOUR 24frac12 lb sack 85c BEECH NUT COFFEE pound 32c BREAD FLOUR 24frac12 lb sack 95 CREAM CHEESE pound 19c

Five valuable prizes given a way Saturday night at 9 p m Free tickets with

each 25c purchase

f T T T T T T t i

i i i

Auto and Tractor

Repairing I am fully prepared and equipped to

handle garage work of every sort and will appreciate your business We do work aat-isfactorily on every make of car

Let me handle your Tractor trouble I know the business thoroughly and guarshyantee to please you in every case

JACK MCDOWELL In Old Creamery Bldg Phone 18-3 Lennon


HAY AND POTATOES Alfalfa Hay and Rural Russet

potatoes for sale F G Tremblay Lennon Mich

General Elevator Business

^ We are completely equipped for a

T l general busineas and are buying Beans

And all grain crops and paying the highest

snarket prices at all times

T We are handling all kinds of Feeds

V and Coal and assure yon a square deal

I always

If the ingenuity and good serse that go into making a Ford or cutshyting off a leg ox getting out a l newspaper or navigating an ocean liner could be applied to the common business of society the rate of real progress would be immensely aecel-erated and most of the familiar varshyieties of bogus progress would be avoided mdash H L Mencken

F S CHAPMAN Phone 21P3



Tue Coruana News PU3HSHED WEEKLY


Entered as Second C1SB matter at thlaquo Ptibt Office ni Corunna Michsan undec the Act of March 3 3 879

Forcijrn Arivcrtisihs Representative


CLASS ENTERTAINED Mrs Bert Gurney south of town

enter-uned her class in the M E Sunday school on las t Sa turday a f t - ornoou when 12 members werepresshyent bull gt bull bullbull bullbullGames and a weirdie roast wegte

enjoyed urd the hostess served de-liciouj home made ice cream and cake

EARLY CHICKS Best profits from the laying flock

means that the pulet3 must go in the laying house early in the fall and be mature enough to produce eggs during the period of high prices and the early hatched chicks needed to produce such pullets must have proper brooder house temperashytures

Several types of brooder stoves are satisfactory if they are operated as recommended by their manufac

- turers Coal burner s a re the most eommon in Michigan and when used certain precautions should be taken before fires are s tar ted The stove itshyself should be placed on an asbestos pad or in a box of sand The stove should be placed so that the door can be reached and the ashe s removshyed easily

Brooder stoves should be fired and regulated at least 24 hours before any chicks are placed in the hou=o Temperature controls on the stove may be out cpound order and any other troubles should be corrected beforo there ig ampry chance of chilling or overheating valuable chicks

Ideal brooder temperatures are 90 degree s Fahrenheit one inch above the floor at the edge of the hover and 70 degrees in the house outside the hover These tempera tures can be reduced a s the chick become oldshyer bullbull

Feeding and vi i ter in^ equipment should be placed some distance away from the hover to encourage the chickii to stay in the cooler parts of the brooder house Crowding by the chicks under the hover means too low temperatures and hi^h t o n -perature R will foved the chicks awiy from the hover Two thermometers one on the hover and one plrccd some distance away are the best mean s of checking temperature

Extension BiHoniin Xo 52 Growing Healthy Chirks will bosent byMichigan Stite Collegeto anyone who requests it

Ti toTiCi j 1 1 1 d 1)deg vcccbull beshyfore iakir^ public r oney his hour of need and building more irrishygation projects to pre-4ucc and com-pete with land and building held by individuals who are not permitted to utilize this land because of govshyernment ru le s and regulations

Farmers desire to be free to swith their lands from one crop to another to preserve fertility of the soil ard to take advantage of betshyter prices It is not t rue that the growing of crop s was not profitable until the passage of tne Jones-Cosii-gan sugar act Sugar is a non-surshyplus crop and our necessity of imshyport of this commodity creates a marke t for it which makes it profitshyable for our farmers Co-growbeets The Jones-Costigan act denies the right to the |Amerean farmeir to grow the acres he desires This is wiorg in principle Its introduction anlt] operation closed mills in Michishygan which operated in 1933 It is a violationof the right the American f-vrmer thinks is his It is a doctrine which was concocted and wrapped -bulli in a general plan to benefit tblaquo baks which largely hold control of the sugar plantations of Cuba

My suggestion U that until this restriction over which we disconshytinue appropriating funds for the p u r p l e of increase production of that crop in the western states while at the same time Eastern farmers are denied the right to produce that very same crop on which in their loshycation it is not necessary to require millions of dollars to provide water


WASHINGTON LETTER A striking plea in the interest of

Michigan farmers wa s made on the floor of Congres s the other day by Congressman Fred Crawford of Saginaw Mich when he protested ] against any public works appropriashytion for irrigation in western slates to increase their production of crops while Michigan farmers are restrictshyed in their production of these same crepg by the AAA controMaws

In looking through th i s report I j find as has been stated some $105- 000000 devoted to providing water for hungry acres through the PWA Mr Crawford said Certain prodshyucts are being produced in those valleys which are highly competi-j tive with the crops being grown in j Michigan Indiana Ohio and other I mid-western s ta tes j

Congressman Crawfords remarks were provoked by a statement made the day before by a congressman from Colorado who stated our principal crops compete scarely at all with the farm crops of other pa r t s of our country Our range catt le and our sugar beet s and our alfalfa do not at all effect the farmshyers of the rest of the county any more than the cotton and tobacco of the south affect us

Mr Crawford pointed out that those western s ta te s produce eight to twelve millions of bags of sugar for which they have no market of their own and ship it east to comshypete with the sugar produced there He made it plain tha t he did not opshypose fugar production in the United States but favored more production but tha t he did not favor a plan which appropriates money to help one group increase their crop and yet enforce a law which forces anshyother group tc curtail its crop

This money i s to be appropriatshyed to provide water to increase proshyduction per acre At Owosso Michshyigan there are 2000 farmers who are asking the r ight to grow beets on possibly 20000 acres At Cros-wiell Michigan there are another thousand farmers who are begging to be permitted to grow another 10-000 acres of beets Those farmers a re being denied the r ight to grow these ac re s of beets and to provide sugar t ha t would move into market 50 to 100 miles from point of proshyduction while we spend $105000-000 in western valleys to provide water to increase production

Pr ivate investments in farms and

SHOULD GET PLATES Orville E Atwood secretary of

ftate ha s advised car owners exshypecting to drive outside the state to equip their cars with full year 1935 nlates if possible ra ther than mereshyly with stickers

While all states have been advisshyed of Michigans sticker system in tava3 requiring only rear plates poshylice officers are a t t racted only tq the rears of passing cars The sight bull-bull 1934 plate there ha g already re- lted in some Michigan drivers being stopped until the stickers on the front windshields may be inshyspected In any s ta te delay loss of tin^e and incorivience may result from the use of a 1934 plate At-bullwood had previously warned drivers against taking their carlaquo out of the state with neithqr new plates or stickers during he current extension until mid-night March 14 for old plates

Grain to Dairy Cattle Tlio amount of jjrain that should he

Kivcn to dairy cattle each day depends upon the production and breed Bays rbdquon Ruthority at the North Carolina State college For Jersey animal proshyducing less Miiin ttii pounds ltgtf milkno grain should be given but fyr everyj pound o(t tigtiV th aniniii should have ^15tenths of apound of iiriiiraquo CJieliy cuttle sliouh receive a frac-um over ii hiilf pound for euh (imiixt if milkproduced agtoe twelve bull Tiie Hnsein cow frets four rein-hs of n iii)d of ^rili for ejieh jiournl of milli prffluccd above sixieeii and the Ayrshyshire slmuldfjet a little less rlian one-half pound ofjfrain far each poundof miiit over fourteen This grain ration presupposes thefeeding of ail the r(iod Je^ime hay the animal will ivit Where tin- Iniy Is of poor Quality mure griiiraquo wii ba consumed

Har ry Colby is i a Lansing a few days on business

Mrs William Lapworth is conshyfined to her home by illness

Mr and Mrs Clifford Confer were in Flint Monday evening

Born to Mr and Mrs- George Kline SiiTday March 10 a son

Miss Geialdine Judd of Montrose spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Wal te r Keyser

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smith and family are visiting relatives a t Musshykegon for a few days

bull -twrsr Constance Brower visited her brother and family at Muskegon -the first of the week

The remains of Mrs Wes Mitchell former resident was brought hero from Ohio for burial Friday

The M P L A S will serve dinshyner in the church basement Wednesshyday noon

Mr and Mrs Wentz Yaklin and family are moving into the Wal te rs home recently vacated by Mr and Mrs Wilcox

Miss Vera Hudson of Ovid arr ivshyed Saturday to spend a short t ime at the home of Mr and Mrs Irshyving Gorham

Mr and Mrs Orville Wilcox and family are moving back on the Waltshyers farm one mile north and one mile east of town

The social afternoon of t h e Mothshyer s Club will be held Tuesday af ter shynoon March 19 a t the home of Mr and Mrs Ray OHare

The Young Married Peoples Class of the Mi P S S will hold a social evening a t the home of Rev and Mrs Leo Griffin on Tuesday eveshyning March 19

Feed for Dairy Cow Feed for a dairy cow depends upon

the individual animal but as a general ruift each cow willrequire two tons of legume hay two acres of pasture 10 bushels of coruNllt5 bushels of oats and COO pounds of cottonseed meal Where wheat bran is available this may be substituted for a part of the oats poind for pound Good producing anshyimals are necessary for profit and the herd should average between 250 and iWO pounds of butferfat to the cow If this average is not maintained then tins animal is not paying for her feed end should be taken from the herd

Erosion Evil Here The evil effects of soil erosion are

not a threat of the future but are alshyready In evidence on tens of thousands of farms in this country the United SSlrties Department of Agriculture says In the South the North and the Midshydle West many farmers are working land winch lias been made poor by erosion Much of it Is good forest land or land which could be used for forestry Although millions of cres have been stripped of forests much of t i e land was not suitable for farming

The third grade children are makshying a s tudy of Holland

The Brownie reading class class three have finished their El on readers

The girls of the tenth year Home Economics class a re studying child care from the age of thlaquo new b o m infant to five The s tudy emphasizes assistance of the child in its mental and physical development Miss Rou-magoux county nurse visited the class last Thursday and demonstratshyed the process of bathing the baby She also showed a layette

The girls in the ninth grade Home Economics class a re being t augh t personal improvement care of clothshying and personality improvement

The following seventh graders wrote an A arithmetic tes t r e shycently Harold Beckwith Howard Hudson Bud Middleton Russell Muzzy Norabelle Bouck Bill Brown Max Elkins l i c e Elkins Edith Guyn Bob Hickey Clara Kroske Junior Reed and Fred Serr Three pupils wrote 100 per cent pape r s Lois But t s Virginia Coakes and Bob Kincaid

Spring Vacation will s t a r t next week School will be dismissed Thursday night March 2 1 and re shyconvene Tuesday March 26


SEED CORN FOR SALE Qolden Glow Seed Corn Germishy

nation guaranteed Come early and avoid disappointment Manford M Helvie Lennon Mich RFD

FOR SALE One team and Cows Half mile

west 3 miles north 3 miles west and half mile north of Ovid on the Robt Armour farm Enquire of Geo WellermdashAdv

The owner of a Detroit oasis anshynounces the latest gadget in the liquor world amdash a mery-go-round bar They didnt have bar 8 of that kind in the old days but there were times when they had all the apshypearance



Public response to Baby Bonds placed on sale several days ago has been most gratifying The people still have faith in the government at Washington regardless of gold decisions o r a n unbalanced budget As long as this confidence is govshyernment remains undiminished the Republic is secure

At Washington President Rooseshyvelt set an example by buying for himself and degT e a c n o f h i s i v c

grandchildren a $25 bond Others may for $1875 each buy bonds which in ten years will be payable a t $25 to their children grandchilshydren or other relatives In like manshyner those who pay more can buy bonds which in ten years will be redeemed for $50 $100 $500 and $1000

It is not difficult to recall the time dur ing the Worlltj War when the people a te black bread wore overalls in the market place and worked long hours to buy Liber ty bonds in defense of the boys in France While it is t rue their frushygality industry and patriotism unshyconsciously set in motion a period of gigantic prodigality when the war

was over tha t led t o the depression yet with that picture so vividly in mind there is reason to believe this newest venture in buying a share in the United States will awaken new responsibility in government evenshytually leading to unquestioned prosshyperi ty Another set of (BBB) inshyitials has belaquon Jbonf B u ^ Baby Bonds

Shoes Mr and Mrs Ar thur Bailey and

daughter Marion visited a t the hMre of Mr and Mrs H L Kribs in Corunna on Thursday evening

bullrev Harold Pailthorpe is conductshying Lenten services in his church every Wednesday evening until Easter The public is invited to atshytend

Rehearsal for the Easter cantata are being held Sunday morning aftshyer Sunday school and Tuesday eve-mug a t the home of Mr and Mrs Everet t Spear

The members- of Hugh McCurdy I Lodge F amp A Mbdquo served a banquet j to the ladies of the O E S on Fr i shyday evening in the Masonic dining room The affair was well a t tended

bull bull i

The Mothers Club held a regular monthly meeting a t jthe home of Mrs R Confer on Wednesday aftshyernoon of last week A program of contests appropriate for St Patr ick s Day was carr ied out

Announcement is made of the marriage of Rayrnond H Bailey of th i s place to Ella Mae Traynor of Flushing on Wednesday af ternoon The ceremony was performed a t the home of Mr and Mrs Zeigier in Fl int

Rehearsal for the May Festival was held on Fr iday Afternoon a t the school house Miss Miles inshys t ructor in music and Miss Susan Fear county school commissioner a re in charge assisted by the teachshyers of the various rura l districts

The pageant The Highway will be presented by our local cast a t the First M P Church a t Flint Surday evening March 24 One one half of the proceeds goes to our Missionary Society and the other half to the Junior Missionary Socishyety Flint

The dependable F o o t w e a r store where your dollar goes the farthest and always the very best in quality and a style that is corshyrect and up to date

Shoes for men ladies and the youngsters that are the best in value to be had at any store

Grand Central Hotel Block Corunna Michigan

^UUMUUOOiaoOUI3l30 l3013l in30130Uiy i3IUIUUlUIJUUi9T3ni3UIJU

f amp If you want a Goal with lots of Heat low

y ash and long burning try our

COAL Ask those who have used it

We have Ohio Lump Kentucky Egg Crapo lump and egg

Try our Coke Coke for Clean Fuel

Darlene Maiki who has been in Chesaning for several weeks re turnshyed Monday to the fourth grade

Miss McRoy spent the last w^ek end at her home in Marlette

The teachers held another i n a series of professional meeting^ on Tuesday evening a t the school house After a piano selection by Miss Lucas the remaining chapters of the ^tudy book A Mother s Letters to a Schoolmaster were reviewed by Mrs Smith and Miss Curtis A social hour followed during which pop corn was served by Mr Baird Miss Olds and Miss Hosley

An interclass basket ball game will be played oh Friday evening a t ] the Casino s ta r t ing a t 8 oclock A team composed of Seniors and Freshmen will oppose one composed of Juniors and Sophomores A school dance will follow the game The general committee is as follows Dorothy Fitzpatrick Vivian Ship-man Wayne Weinkauf and Lylc Buckelew

An interesting experiment ip self government has been started in the eighth grade A legislature composshyed of five members chosen by the grade has drafted a code which the tudents adopted and will have jurisshydiction over the grade activities pershytaining to citizenship

jamp If its Coal or Lumber 96 is the Number X

laquo bull bull lt amp

I Coruena Lumber and Coal Co | E F GONANT Mknaglaquor

Phone 96 Prompt Delivery Corunna


g ragrafgfgigfHizigraraizrajgigi3J^^ g

KRIBS amp OHARE Funeral Directors




Charges that Governor Fi tzgershyald is ignoring pre-election promshyises of adequate s ta te support for Michigans public school system is being voiced in his campaign for re-election by Paul F Voelker sushyperintendent of public instruct ion

Any subtle a t t empt to place the governor in an unfavorable light in th i s mat ter will not be taken sershyiously by the average citizen Throughout his entire public career he has been an outstanding champshyion of the public school He is fulshyly aware of the financial difficulties which the schools are facing but is not going to be stampeded into promises of support beyond the ability of the s ta te to meet through present s ta te revenues

To the extent which economies in state government are effected will the schools benefit His program of no new taxes live within present revenue make the tax dollar do in creased service is more likely to appeal to the burdened taxpayers of Michigan than any political infershyence of broken campaign pledges

HowVe You Doing If you are selling your GOOD CLEAN CREAM

to MILLER you are getting all that the market will allow If MILLER dont get your GOOD CLEAN CREAM we both lose

Aft an example you can get

3 0 cents per pound today for your

GOOD CLEAN BUTTERFAT W e wi l l be g lad to d o Bus iness w i t h y o u N e w

patrons are a l w a y s w e l c o m e O u r o ld pa trons a r e

n o t o n l y patrons t h e y a r e fr iends


Thw Adv Dated March 7 193S

H mm Comer of Water and Main Street

owosso Telephone 782 211 Wett Main Strict

t f f j T T t T








With Thi

You may deposit your Money in this Bank with the knowledge that its assets are carried at thei present day values and that any loans which are made at this time are well secured and self liquidating

With a strong cash position and an unimpaired capital the Old Corunna State Bank offers you unquestioned safety for your funds

Old Corunna State Bank Corunna Michigan


I (Enrauta Niilra

Fire Chief Claud Craig of Owos-so Has been named second vice president of the Michigan State Fire

(Chiefs Association A Father anltj Son banquet was

i trade i-gt -t ltlt laquo v +u held at Morrice on Tuesday evening E E Durham has been among the ^ +u_ m bdquobdquo^ bdquoUJl_ D is__ raquo of this week when Prosecuting Atshytorney V O Braun was the princishypal speaker

Mr and Mrs E G Kay Mrs

account of the illness of Mr Allen j g r i bull ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ - Burnett were in Detroit Wednesday

many confined to his home by in fluenza daring the past week

Mrs George Alien was Called to Washington Wednesday evening on

I Mrt Mary A Deckert 78 years

of age w|dow of Adam Deckert J will known Owosso tailor who died December 11 expired at 645 oclock Saturday morning at Memorial Hosshypital Mrs Deckert was taken to the hospital on the Sunday before her death Throughout the week her condition had been critical Death was attributed to perniciousanemia

Superintendent of Schools Chas L Butterfield and five young men of the local high school were in Charlotte Friday evening o attend the Lansing an(i Area Y M C A

j Older Boys Conference The boys were John Quayle William Hassel-iiaek Allen Brown Roy Colby Jr and Johrlt Eveleth A banquet at half past rhc preceded a very fine p r o gram

C Angus who sustained several cracked ribs when he foil on the ice while doing chores at his home two and a half miles-north of Ker-by the first of last week is recovshyering satifactorily He is at the home of his brother J Bsthel Anshygus on Corunna avenue Owosso Neighbors have been engaged to do the work at the farm during Mr Angus absence

Payment of taxes in the county this year is considerably better than a tear ago according to County Treasurer Fred Randolph who has completed settlements with eight of the 16 township treasurers Mr Ranshydolph declared that the townships are averaging between 70 and 75 per cent of their taxes paid which is much better than was true during the past two or three years

Two teams of crow shooters all members of the Shiawassee Conser-J vation Club are captained by Waltshyer Bennett and Alton Rundell of Owosso and will make ygtax on crows The membership of the two teams is about 200 and they will contest through June after which the winshyning team will be feted by the losshying The feet of slain crows are beshying made into a chaan hung in the window of Blairs Sporting Goads store in Owosso


H S TOWNLEY Plaquoraquotr Sunday Servicesmdash 1030mdash Morning worship 1030mdashJunior Church 1146mdashSunday school 645mdashEpworta League 730mdashEvening service


Sunday servicermdash Morning worship at 1030 oclock Sunday school at 11 oclock-jtfpwortti League at 7 oclock Kvenihg worship at 8 oclock Bible Study Wednesday evening

at 8 oclock The public is extended a cordial

invitation to be present at all of these services gtbull bull

CORUNNA BAPTIST CHURCH Howard F Sagdea P u t o r

Sunday School 900 James Finnerty Supi Morning service 1000 Subject The Christian Race You are invited to attend these



Sunday services 1030 Sunday schooL 1146 Preaching service Come thou with us and we will

de thee gooiS


Sanday school 100^ a wu Morang worship 1100 a n Seng and praise service 700 p at Sermoft by pastor 800 p m



The W R C will hold its regushylar meeting today (Thursday) in the battalion rooms in the cotfrt house

The Friday Afternoon Club will mee this week in the home of Mrs William Jenney Mrs G P Lawcoek is the assistant hostess

Miss Amy Requa will be hostess on Saturday for luncheon in her

and attended the Detroit-Michigan Industrial Exposition

Mr and Mrs I Qv Derr of Deshytroit were calling on friends in Coshyrunna Thursday They were accomshypanied by Mr and Mrs Ray Carshypenter of Minot N Dak

Miss Bess Garland of the county road commissioners office recently

apartment in Owosso when Owosso reported to the sheriffs office the and Corunna women will be hei loss of a valued white gold wrist guests j watch and a gold ring The articles

_ bdquo m ^ u u~ii disappeared several weeks ago The Corunna Teachers Club held ^ e

a professional meeting at the school- Judge Joseph H Collins will be house last night Reports were pre^ the principal peaker at a Father and sented by Mrs Warren Smith and Son banquet to be given at the Per-Miss Norma Curtis i ry M E Church on Thursday eve-

^ A gt bdquobdquobdquo bdquo-+ r t^nm) degf tns week Rev Sugden pas-Dr and Mrs C A Crane visited _ amp traquor ami raquo tUc ^iA r-vcraquo-t0r degf the Baptist Churches of Perry their crandson six months old Cnas bull bull laquo L A

iner B laquo laquo raquoraquoraquo a n c i Corunna will be toastmaster Crane Campbell of Flint Jast bun-day and incidentally his parents An all day meeting of the Cale-Mrbdquo and Mrs Robert Campbell j doma - Venice - Shiawassee Club of Y- TTT T -i bull bdquoieulaquoo- ^ Pauls Catholic Church was Mrs F Wm Nctnage ^ J ^ m g 1 j T u i n the home of hpoundJtradel^ iZvn M r s - ltraquolaquogt McNamara of East Mc-nagel and daughter Mrs Elwyn Corunna with Mrs Al-Davies m Toledo t h week She ac y t t t a s assisting hostess companied Charles Dohr of the ^ e d i-emette as assuring nostess News office to Toledo last Friday At the Republican primaries

Word was received in Corunna on Thursday morning of the passing of

Mrs Jane Morris a resident of fMrs- Emnia Chapin widow of the Vernon for the past 35 years and j l a e Merrick Chapin in Rochester of Shiawassae County for 50 yearsj Mich in the home of her daughter observed her 93rd birthday on Wed-jMrsgt B u r r Wallace Mrs Chapin had nesday altho she was very ill and i - J raquoraquoraquobull for two years and had confined to her bed and has been j raquoen confined to her bed about ten for several weeks Mrs Morris i s j w e k s the mother of three daughters and Mr Chapin passed away a number one son They a re Mrs Jessie E s - laquo years ago The family resided in cott of Corunna Mrs Frank I Corunna about twent- years ago Strauch and Mrs Nettie Wisnerj _ T h e remam s will be brought to and George Morris all of near Shia- laquoorunra ami services conducted wasseetown j from the Kribs funeral home Satur-

bdquo ^ V bull IT bull ngt d a y afternoon at two oclock with

ship nominated the following on- __^ their ticket at a caucas held last ^ - ^ - - _ - bull fclaquo laquo ^_

^ B ^ H S S S RESIGNATION ACCEPTED Floyd Luchenbill treasurer Elwin Andrew J Donovan whose splen-Biillard highway commissioner d d work a s Shiawassee County re-John Wager justice of the peace ilaquof administrator has attracted Ernest Self overseer of highway | ^ t a t p ^ de recognition has received John White board of review C h a s | w o r a that his resignation as coun-Eall constables George OHara ty relief administrator recently tend-George Dillon Philip Porter and laquoltf had been accepted by the State

j James R Relief Commsson efective April 1 j lhe appointment of his successor is

Eighty-five children were given j expected to be made within a few toxoid against diptheria 51 were j ( | ayS The county commission has vaccinated and 25 Were given J recommended that the position be

j Schick tests in a clinic recently held j g^ven t o pound Marlowe Stevens who at Bennington No 1 school under j n a s been project er^rineer the direction of Dr C M Wilcox of | m bdquo _ _ ^ Owosso It was announced this week j by Miss Grace Roumagoux county Now the olltj time moonshiners are nurse About 25 children of pre-1 complaining that John Lav never school age attended the clinic The j gave them a weeks notice like he schools 1 5 G Morton McCalt andj did the slot machine owners Dewey The McCall and Dewey mdash T mdash schools had the high percentage of their pupils present

~ Traquo~bdquo laquolaquo= tv_ j Owosso held for the nomination of Attorney V O Braun was the n lt | i d j | t e f ^ bdquo ^ o f



A Completely equipped Funeral Home

Corunna Avenue Corunna Mick


in cillas was held on Saturday evening

- - - - ^ p ^ onA a canuiuaie w r supervisor in each oi last when Miss Louise Peacock was principal speaker a t the trade S J the five wards the following were hostess to the membership The din-Sons banquet held ^ ^ ^ ^ j c h o s e n First Ward Chester L Pa-jner appointments included St Patshy

ricks Day motifs a green color

^ AL w J D_- M i l k^ b akery tea coffee or other A meeting of the Modern Pris-1 r o u t e metl G o o d p r o p o s i t i o n f o r

j right man Rawleigh Dtfpt MBCmdash 193mdashI Freeport HI

Tuesday evening of this week The banquet was a most s u laquo e raquo ^ laquo raquo h ^ w a r d D o u g ^ g Bpound f o u r t h

and was held m the commumty g M C a B | p b e U f i f t h w a r d gt b m l d m - Hugh Caylor

Mrs John Y Martin who has been spending some time in the home of her daughter Mrs Stuart Coutts convalescing from her long illness has returned home Mrs Martin is able to be around her home again by the use of a crutch to aid her in walking

Audrey and hjene Rigling were hostesses on Sunday evening lat for the regular Sunday evening meeting of the B Y P W It was announced that next Sunday eveshynings meeting will be the home of Mr and Mrs Ward Robinson when an outside speaker will be present

A St Patricks Day banquet will be held on Sunday evening next in the auditorium of St Pauls Cathoshylic school under the auspices of the church The speaker will be the Rev Fr Cacil Winters assistant pastor of Resurrection Church Lanshysing His topic has not been anshynounced The toastmaster will be William Smith of St Johns chairshyman of the public utilities commisshysion A feature of the banquet will be novelty and musical numbers by the Rucker family of Battle Creek an orchestra comprised of a mother

J and her nine children



f T T



The CorunnaiNews Phone 1373 Corunna Mich

scheme also prevailing in the menu items After making plans for the next meeting which were included in the business session following dinshyner the members played contract bridge The high score trophy was awarded to Miss Bess Car land and the low award went to Miss Edith Newell

Mrs C A Crane Mrs Fred Has-selback Misses Hattie and Jennie Holt and Mrs Lou Sheardy represhysented the Womans Club and the Friday Afternoon club of this city at a meeting of the Owosso Womshyans club on Tuesday afternoon when Mrs Laura Waples McMulIen of New York City chairman of the national and international commitshytee of the general federation of Womens Clubs gave a splendid adshydress A spring musicale was alshyso presented the artists appearing being Mrs N L Des Jardins and Mrs Harry Walsh vocal soloist and Miss Clara Kaltrider The speaker Mrs McMulIen beside being an aushythority on the work of the commitshytee of which she is chairman also is

an accomplished violinist and has studied abroad and in addition ha traveled extensively She is the aushythor of Building the World Soshyciety which is in use in various schools and colleges

Sing a song of slot machines rakshying in the kale four and twenty shekel^ all gone to hail watch the way it grambs em never once heaves up havent won a single one since Hector was a pup fool I kept on playing losing all my clothes then along comes Harry Toy and stepped on their toes

A telephone in y o u r home will add so much to your comfort and lessen your work

You can order your neshycessities get in touch with the rest of your famshyily friends neighbors or relatives with such little effort with the telephone

Telephone service costs only a few cents a day

Order one t o d a y mdash prompt installation

The Union Telephone Co

T T T T T T T f T J T-t T T

Bells Variety Store

Extend to you and yours the comshypliments of the season and our wish for a Happy and prosperous New


And during 1935 we shall endeavshy

or to continue to merit your confi-

dence at all times Our line of Novelty

Goods will always be complete and at

money saving prices

You are always welcome at this

bull xgt

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS At a regular m e e t i n s of t h e Board

of Superv i sors of Shittwasseo County commenced ami held ill che Court House- in the City of Corunna in said County on Honday January 14 A D 1035

The Board was called to order by ti Chnirrran

Roll WHS ja i led by the Clerk Present Supervisors Al len Brandel

Barnes Case Colby pound Durham For-Kison Kield Poland Gret tenberger Vincent Griffin Johnson J o n e s K i n g s shybury Lehowski P u r v i s Moore Paraquoco Pkync Peacock Sachs Sieb Wal l NotnaBel

bull Tho Clerl read le t ters f rom Michishygan S t a t e Association of Supervisor ami t h e Qtnte E m e r g e n c y Wel fare Reshylief C o m m i s s i o n

On motion of Supr E Durham the letters were received and placed on file

The Clerk read a letter from the Michisan Historical Commiss ion

On motion of Supr Iebo^vslii t h e IcHcT was received and placed on f i le bull F l o y d W a l v o r t h addressed the Hoard

On motiun of Supr Wall the Board took a recess unti l 1 3 0 th i s a f ter -aoon

A F T E R N O O N The Hoard was called to order by

the Chairman Roll was called by the Clerk 1resent Superv i sors Al len B a r n e s

Brando Case Colby F Derhlaquom K Durham FerKaaon Field Fo land Gret-tenber^-er V incent Griffin J l n a o n Jones Kingsbury Lobowski P u r v i s Mooie Pasco P a y n e Peacock Stvchs Siltgtb Wall NotnatfeJ

bullSupervisor E Durham read the folshylowing re igto rf To t h e Honorable Boon) of Supervi shy

s o r s Your c o m m i t t e e on Claims rthd Acshy

counts would respectful ly s u b m i t the following sa i ts report r e c o m m e n d i n g the a l lowance of the several Amounts a s given below and that the Clerk be a v -thomed to draw orders for t h e t a m e laquo6 J o h n H u d s o n

drain lt o u m mdash121310 1213 10 14 Edward Foland

ambulance 4 75 476 t l Clarence J Taylor

a m b u l a n c e _ 50C 500 35 R E LaRowe

a m b u l a n c e __ 1 1 0 0 11 00 32 Clarence 4 Taylor

a m b u l a n c e 500 500 77 R E LaRowe

ambulance bdquo mdash bdquo 14 0 0 14 00 48 Dr raquo D Lee a - r a y 200 2 00 71 Edwin Foland

a m b u l s laquo 78 R E LaRowe

a m b u l a n c e 6 F l o y d Murdock

d o g warden 3 1 R E L a R o w e

a m ba lance 82 A J F ink

pr i soner board 83 Margaret K i n g

s t e n o g r a p h e r 86 S h i a w a s s e e T w p 85 G a t e s D r u g Store

d r u g s -^^^ 9laquo E L Sieb

149 95 149 05 laquo 8 8 laquo laquo8-86





2 0 7 5 2 0 7 6


7 0 0

81 25

8 0 0

30 00

5 50


81 25


SO 00

a m b u l a n c e ^^__ 87 M r s Charkrtt L y o n s

nurse 1 89 H a r r y Colby

ambulance _~ 04 D G A u s t i n

94 D G Aus t in M D 84 F loyd Murdock

dog warden j 97 G B Wade M D a m b u l a n c e

H M r s Sada Wil l iams n u r s e

K L S I E B [ampbull E E DURHAM

On motion of Supr E Durham the report wait accepted and adopted by the fullowjiitr yea and nay vote called for by the Chairman V e t s Al len iJrmde Cae Colby Elbull Durham F Durham Ferfrraquoraquorgtni Field Grottonber(cer Johnshyson JOSH- KinKshury Uljowski 1ur-

bull vis Moore Pasco Pilyne Ieiteock a gt r Sachs SW-h

Supr Sachs reif the fol lowing re-I j port

To t h e Honorable Board of Superv i -bdquo arraquo -bullbull-bull bullbull - - ^ - -

i y ilrt S H R D F W V K K Your Committor on Claims and A c - counts in toiUajrious )pound-ltbull( Hi1 wuiild respecLflly stibmii the fol lowing its its

roiiurl us wiven Ix-dinv and that the Clerk he authorized to uriiw orders for

f the s a m e S8 D U A u s t i n M D

Meas les $ 775 J 775 i 2 J M Oswald

Trench Mouth 43 Axford Coal Co hi Dr C G Richards

s car l e t - f ever i 33 Owufcao Lumber amp ) Coal Company

46 F loyd Huff trroe _ 51 Durand Lumber Co 70 C Washburn BTOC

42 O G W a u g h milk 41 A D Hall coal _ 58 J A ByerSy groc _

95 W m Hudson 6C O W O I I O Lumber and Coal Co

36 J A Byer ly r 22 L laquo Rr^ebacher rent ^ 47 E C o J n e s rent

10 J C Penney Co bull 99 Wi l l i s Fue l Co

68 L E S m i t h D D S 100 E C Harmon groc 100 06


On mot ion of Supr Sachs t h e re shyport W M accepted and adopted by t h e

bull fol lowing yea and nay vote called for i by t h e Chairman Y e a s Al len Brandel j Case Colby Ferjrason Field Foland i Vincent J o h n s o n J o n e s Lebowski

Purvis Moore Pasco Peacock Sachs Sieb Wal l

On mot ion of Supr J o n e s the Board morning took recess unti l 930 tomorrow

S e n d corrected and approved LLOYD H Y E I T E R

OSCAR B A R N E S Clerk Chairman A t a regular m e e t i n g of the Board

of Superv i sors of Sh iawassee County continued and held in the Court H o u s e

3(10 liisO


21 40 1562

610 39 79 1760 4 61 486


2780 960

1000 2200

995 26 00

200 0006

300 1280


2t 46 15 62 CIO

3979 17 0 461 486


3780 960

1000 IS 00

995 26 00

200 10906

fa t h e City of Corunna in said County on T u e s d a y January 15 A D 1935

T h e Board was called t o order by t h e Chairman

Roll w a s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t S u p r s Al len B a r n e s Bran-

4L Caari Colby E Durham FerRashyton F i e ld Fo land Gret tenberger V i n shycent Griffin Johnson J o n e s k i n g s -btraquory Lebowski P u r v i s Moore N o t -ftagei P a s c o Payne Peacock Sachs Sieb W a l l

P r o s e c u t i n g A t t o r n e y Braun address -Mi t h e Board

Superv i sor jSieb read t h e fo l lowing report

To t h e H o v o r a b U Board of Superv i shysor

Yowr C o m m i t t e e ovi Claims and A c t e m t a won Id respect fu l ly s u b m i t t h e foOowfal Wt H MPR tteofluncttdlnr the a U o w a a c of t b laquo severa l a m o u n t aa g i v e n be low and that t h e Clerk be aathor i sed to draw orders for t h e s a m e 117 M E Cal l igan

a m b u l a n c e t 000 f 102 J a n e s Qtiayle

drawing jury 4 00 l i t M E Galligan

laquo tn^(ampc _ bullmdash 8CO 800




101 Coruoua N e w s r-J-irs - 345 60 345 60

125 R E ( L a R o w e a m b u l a n c e 1400 1400

131 Oscar F Barnes a m b u l a n c e _ ~ 750 750

105 Herbert Krifcn a m b u l a n c e 400 4 00

129 Morris Funeral H o m e a m b u l a n c e - H 0 0 MOO


On m o t i o u of Supervisor Sieb t h e report wa s accepted and adopted by

- lhlt fo l lov ing y e a and nay vo te cal led for by t h e Cha irman Yeas Brandel (vase Colby F e r p a s o n Fie ld t Folajid G r e t t o n h e r s e r V incent Griffii J o n e s Kinsfsbury Lebowski Purvis^ N o t i ^ g e l Pasco P e a c o c k Sachs Sieb

The mot ion of Supervisor J o n e s that the Clerk pay t h e dues to t h e S t a t e A s s o c i a t i o n of Superv i sors and t h a t a n y m e m b e r of the Board that w i s h e s to KO to the S ta te Convention m a y zo and rece ive f-iOO per day not to ex-olaquoed t w o days Carried by the fo l lowshying yea JUid nay vote called for by the C h a i r m a n V e a i Brandel Case Colby E Durham Fergasori FieW Foland Grettenberjjer Vincent Griffin JOnes K i n g s b u r y L e b o w s H r u r y i s Moore N o t n a s e l P a s c o Peacock Sachs S ieb

On mot ion of S u p i Moore the Board took a r e c e s s unlaquo l 130 this a f ternoon

A F T E R N O O N The Bowrd was called to order by the

Chairman Roll w a s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t Supers Al len Barnes B r a n shy

del f u s e Coiby F Derham E Durshybar r er -Wson Fie ld Fo land Gre t t en -i t-n^r Vincviit Griffin Johnson J o n e s (

K i n g s b u r y Lebowski P u r v i s Moore Notui i se l Vasuo P a y n e Peacock S a c h s Sieb Wal l

A L N icho l s addressed the Board A s h l e y H o m e pddressed the Board The mot ion of Supr F Durham t h a t

the C o m m i t t e e heretofore appointed t o look a f t e r t h e wei fare mat ter g o t o Lans ing t o confer w i t h t h e S t a t e W e l shyfare D e p a r t m e n t Carried

On mot ion of Supr E D u r h a m t h e Board took r e c e s s unti l 930 t o m o r r o w m o r n i n g

Read corrected and approved L L O Y D H Y E I T E R

OSCAR B A R N E S Clerk Cha irman

A t a reewlar m e e t i n g of t h e Board of S u p e r v i s o r s of S h i a w a a s e C o u n t y cont inued and held in t h e Cfraquoort H o u s e in t h e Ci ty of Corunna in said C o u n t y on W e d n e s d a y J a n u a r y 1 6 A D 196

T h e B o a r d wa s cal led t o order by

t h e C h a i r m a n Roll w a s called by t h e Clerk

P r e s e n t Supre Al len B a r n e s B r a n shydel Colby F Durham E D u r h a m Fer -g a s o n F ie ld Fo land G r laquo M laquo b laquo laquo laquo V i n c e n t Griff in J o h n s o n J o n e s raquo raquo laquo raquo -bury L e b o w s k i P u r v i s M o o r e N o t -n a x e l P a s c o P a y n e Peacock Sacha Sieb W a U

Superv i sor Lebowski made t h e fol shylowing m o t i o n

I m o v e that t h e Board d e s i g n a t e Mary H a n u s a s c o u n t y s t e n o g r a p h e r and pay her a sa lary of 3 5 2 0 0 0 per year b e g i n n i n g Jan 1 1 raquo 3 6 wh ich s u m i s t o be in l ieu of s U t u t o r y fees a l lowed for e x a m i n a t i o n

T h e mot ion rarrJed b y t h e fo l lowing yea ahd nay vo te called for b y t h e C h a i r m a n Y e a s Al len Brandel Colby E D u r h a m Field Fo land Gret te i i -berjter V i n c e n t K i n g s b u r y Lebowski Pirvin Moore P a s c o P a y n e Peacock Sachs

J u d g J o s e p h H Coll ins addressed t h e Board

Superv i sor Ferpason read the fo l lowshying repor t

To the Board of Superv i sors of Sh ia shyw a s s e e C o u n t y mdash

Your Commit tee on Hoapi1raquoliaUc-ri s i hmits the fo l lowing report

That s ince October 1 1034 the ofshyf ice of t h e Hospi ta l Inves t iga tor has re -Itivfd the fol lowing a m o u n t s as payshyments on noteH payable to Shiawasnee County from persons rece iv ing hospi ta l bull-ri at the expense of said C o u n t y

OCTOBER 1D34 0MIltSIgt City Hcniutits $ irgt00 c w H a v e n Twp accounts lti0rt Conmtia City accounts _ poundraquo200

T o u t N O V E M B E R 1934

H u m s T w p accounts bullVernon Twp account s Perry T w p accounts Hiz -Hon T w p account s New H a v e n T w p a c c o u n t s O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s Corunna City a c c o u n t s S h i a w a s s e e T w p account s

$ 1 1 3 0 0

3 l l fi - 103 00 IS4^00 500 2GS5

200 5 00

107 00

Total ^ D E C E M B E R 1934

O w o s s o T w p a c c o u n t s O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s Vernon Twp a c c o u n t s Caledonia Twp a c c o u n t s Rush T w p a c c o u n t s bdquo

3 4 3 9 6 1

34 00 1 6 0 0 31 05

130 40 4 00

Total _ $ 1 9 0 4 5 J A N U A R Y 1S33

( t o J a n 15 1 9 3 5 ) O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s _bull 3 81 00 Durand Ci ty a c c o u n t s 10 00

Total mdash j 0 0

Total cash receipts t o date 3 7 8 4 0 6 Al l o f which i s re spec t fu l ly s u b m i t shy


On mot ion of Supr F e r g a s o n the report w a s accepted and adopted

On mot ion of Supr Barnes the Board took a recess until 180 th i s a f t ernoon

A F T E R N O O N The Board was called to order by

the Chairman Roll wa s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t S u p r s Al len B a r n e s B r a n shy

del Colby F Derham E D u r h a m Doepker F e r g a s o n Fie ld Foland Gret -t enberg er V incent Griff in J o h n s o n Jones K i n g s b u r y Lebowski P u r v i s Moore Notr age l P a s c o P a y n e P e a shycock S a c h s S ieb Wal l

Supr P a s c o read t h e fo l lowing re shypor t

To t h e Honorable Board of Supershyv i s o r s

Your C o m m i t t e e on claims in L i v e Stock D a m a g e Would respec t fu l ly s u b shym i t t h e fo l lowing a s i t s report recshyo m m e n d i n g t h e severa l a m o u n t s a s g i v e n below a n d t h a t t h e Clerk b e author ized to draw orders for t h e s a m e

75 Glenn Moore 1 s h e e p 2 dogs mdash $ 1 5 0 0 I 16 00

62 John Snyder 1 e w e 2 lambs _ 16 50 1650

74 F loyd Reed 4 e w e s s o 2 0 30 20

50 Charles E Stocker t lamb - 8 26 826

3 e w e s 1 lamb _ 20 John Bray

1 s h e e p 24 G e o r g e Curt i s

2 e w e s 7 Earl H y d e

1 s h e e p 6raquo Janrtw fc^Vfciley

s h r p mdash 1 40 Wafter S tewart

1 s h e e p bdquo 26 F F Parkhurs t

1 e w e 8 lambs raquo9 ltQIlaquoMgt -taoitaJtet-

t s h e e p 1 b t r n b

20 60 20 60

6-80 5 80

1065 1 0 6 5

950 9 50



12 00

1 2 1 0


12 00

9 25

_ 42 16



120 B 2

U 9 B

i I I S B

_ 11 10 1110


1010 10 10

9 6 2 0 96 20

__ 65 25 65 ^5


_ 4 00


s a w n p ^ M ^ s B mdash i s p 1mdashai rgt

5 James J- Rue 1 s h e e p 1 l a m b _

3 W W Brius 2 heep -

72 Pearl J a c o b s 7 sheep

S Howard G a n n s s l e y 1 ewe

121 James Biggci 1 e w e

K Knipe ewes -

K Knipe dog _

K Knipe A ewes

117 C E V e r n o n 7 e w e s f gt lambs

104 M C A c k e r s o n 9 sheep

103 Charlet Reed 6 s h e e p h l ambs

21 C K COLBY 1 dog -

44 E D A l l e n l o gt g ---

64 Clifford -Duiihnm 1 dog

68 Walter WoOlard 1 dog

3V E D A l l e n 4 e w e s 1 rant 2 lambs

45 Ed Al len 17 ewes mdash

61 Martin VanDuseiv 1 sheep mdash

136 Georee Cowkes 2 5 0 0 141 Ralph L o v e 710 140 Homer N i c h o l s _ - 3 9 8 0 139 Earl S t o n e 22 45

SO Howard G a n s s l e y S e w e s 2 wounded

4 G e o r g e W Di l lon 2 lambs 29 A L S a n d e r s o n

1 lamb _ _ 25 Henry Miller

4 lambs 28 D e n n i i J Ki ldea

2 s h e e p _ _ 54 F E To l l inger

1 lamb 2 ewea _ 80 Howard Lawcock

5 s h e e p 6 l a m b s 18 J o e J a m a h

3 e w e s bdquo ^ 76 C D W a r r e n

4 Iambs -_mdash 17 El izabeth Chi ld

1 ewe bdquo^ w_-15 Haatrgt T o m s

7 e w e s mdashmdash~ 7 Loreraquoi M c K a y

1 dog bdquo mdash _ _

aaaKs bullL LfJOti 9 9

1 6 7 5 16 75


4 2 1 5

9 00

9 40

Forgotten Sire Dairys Drawback

Large Group of Young Bulls With Unknown Ability

as Breeders




6 6 2 5

i 4 0 0


4 00 1


a 00 i

66 25

135 25 18525

70 770 2 5 0 0

5 10 3 9 3 0 22 45

27 00 2700

19 45 19 4


3000 3000

16 30 16 3 0

15 25 1 5 2 5

pound 8 3 0 S8S0

12 Frank J a s o n 1 e w e

64 Wil l iam Igtwyre bull2 ewea bull mdash mdash ~

2 3 5 0

pound 2 6 0

9 5 laquo

5 1 5 0

5 1 5

15 20 65 Wil l iam W a d e

1 e w e bdquo mdash _ bdquo _ bdquo 1 Wal ter A B r o w n

J A P i n k 1 Iamb 2 s h e e p

38 Harry T S u r g e 4 aboep mdash

~ t 840

B y W W Tapp Chief in Dairy Cattle Uni shyversity of IllinoismdashWgtJU fraquorviee

Tlie forgotten man has his chamshypions but too little has been said ftnd done about the foraorten sires at dairy herd

By the forgotten sires reference I made to that large group of yonng dairy bulls whose breeding ftbllicw Is still en unknown quality but whose progeny will wJeid a potent tnAiienco on dairy returns In yeara to come These progeny will produce more thna 00 pet cent of all auik and dairy prodshyucts consumed In the live years from J087 1raquo J9tl inclnsivc

Most progressiva dairymen vould rather use a proTed sire as detei-

I rained by the number of pounds of I milk and butterfat the bulls daughters will produce in a years time Thia Is as it should be However under tho I present system of proving dairy bulls I only one in fifty is likely to become ft j proved sire and all those not in this t select group are forgotten j More attention needs to be given to j the physical appearance of these bulla

and to the performance of their dams and sires if the future of the dairy Industry is to be safeguarded Thlaquo phyeacal characteristics of the young bull should of coarse be considered carefnlly if he Is to Hre the future) producers of the herd In addition the dairyman should InvertigHte the) char-actertstlcs of the bulla sire and dam If obtainable the recwrda of fall broth-

M Mlaquor8and sisters and even of half broth-s 6 0 | ers and half sisters will forntsh valo-

i able evidence in determining the toans-51G0 j mittSng ability of a yonog sire If a

dairyman can find a yonng btill who sire has ten or more unsetected daughshyters that are highly prodaetlra and whose dam has three or more good danghters he can feel reasonably at-scred (hat the young sire will make a satisfactory breeder


Whereas Prank Siebeneck and Eliza Siebeneck his wife made and executed a certain mortgage bearing dale the 3rd day of March A D 1924 to Howard E Slocum and Mashybel A Slocum his

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE in the Matter of th Eraquotatlaquo of

Geprgo W Baker Dec We the undersigned having bean

appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and fr

the County of Shiawassee State of 1 j raquo X e w l c n w a s Michigan Commissioners to receive

recorded in the Office of the Regis- e x a m i n e a n d a d j u s t a l l claim and

8 50 I

2 3 5 6

I 6 1 5

I 8 2 5

16 20

8 4 0

2 1 1 0 2 1 1 0

9 George C o e t i e 1 ewe bull bull bdquo mdash - ^ -

2 9 John Manford 6 ewe 5 Jambs bdquo

11 Frank Ri tae t 1 d o ^

18 F F P a r k h u r s t 3 s h e e p 1 l a m b s _

6 B McKaylTia 3 e w e s - - laquo


1 8 2 5

7 20

7 4 0 0

18 25

7 2 6




1 1 2 0


1 2 5 0

t 2 0

Corn Stover Low Protein Feed and Needs Balance

The loss in dry matter In corn stashyter approximates 24 per cent white the loss in ensiling corn need not bo more

600 j than 10 per cent This emphasise the yalue tl ensiling in so far as possible j this year says Hoards Dairyman Hosv-laquoTrT bright com stover that has been properly shocked can be made a valshyuable part of the ration this winter Shreddinggrinding or cutting may be

On motion of Supr Pateo the re- advisable in order to get the cows to port was accepted awi adopted by the eat the entire plant Also the cjnserv-rollowitiR yfa a n d nay v o t e cal led for fltive n g o o f laquo bdquo bdquo m i x e d w i t h w a -

V ^ r D u ^ fet laquo^ bullraquo- bullPtln-W over this rmiahate-prason Fi id Grvttenbenrer Griffin bull may add to its palaubllity and feed- l h n s o n P u r v i s Moore Paaco P a y n e i n g v a l u e s l i g h t l y

I Torn stover is a low protein feed and to balance it we must feed n hlch protein grain mixfure Wo recommend 1 to 2 per cent of the grain mixture he grcumltl ijmestono marloyster shell or S)(5iSir-igt-i hoi nicr l l iuiuraquo m^nl

Jen suit niUed half and half and felti jvlt salt alone Is usually fed will also poundbull-ltbull the necessary minerat protection i vraquo analysis of corn stover is 21 per cot dl^estil)Ie crude protein 401 per ccit total digestible nutrients

ter of Deeds of the County of Shia wampssee Michigan on the 25th day of November A D 1924 in Liber 165 of Mortgages on page 383

And whereas the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage on the date hereof for principal and inter-eat and taxes paid upon the premshyises hereinafter described by the said mortgagees is the sum of Fifty-sis hundred eighty-three dollars and eighty-five cents j and also the addishytional sum of Thirty-five dollars stashytutory attorneys fees as provided for in said mortgage and no suit or proshyceeding having been instituted at tew or in equity to recover the debt secured thereby or any part thereshyof

And whereas default has been made in the payment of the money secured by said mortgage wherehy the power of sale contained therein has become operative

Now therefore notice is hereby given that by virtue of said power of sale and in pursuance thereof and of the statute in such ease made and provided the said mortgagewill be foreclosed by a sale of the mortshygaged premises at public vendue to the highest bidder at the front door of the_ Court House in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michi igan that being the place of holding the Circuit Court within said Coun-tl oh the l i t day of Jttraquo A D 1935at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day the description of which said premises contained in said mortshygage and which will be sold as aforesaid is as follows

AH those certain pieces or parshycels of land situated in the Township of Caledonia Shiawassee County Michigan described as follows

The North forty acres of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty Township Seven North of Range Three East Michigan except Three

demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Charles Kirby in the Township of Venice in said County on Monday the 18thday-of March A D 1925 and on Thursday the 16th day of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjustshying all claims against said estate and that four months from the 16th day of January A D i935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said C^mmis^ionr5rs for adjustment and allowance

Dated the 16th day of January A D 1935





STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash In the office of the drain commissioner of the cousxty of Shiawassee in the matter of the Galloway Drain

Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of February 1935 a petishytion was filed with the undersigned county drain commissioner for the county of Shiawassee praying for the deepenirsg widening straightenshying cleaning out and extending of Galloway Drain

That upon the 16th day of Fib- -ruary 1935 the undersigned filed with the Honorable Roy D Matshythews judge of probate a petition askfing for the appointment of a board of determination

that said judge of probate havshying appointed Fred Peacock Fred Ferguson and Roy Allen as such board of determination

Now therefore said board will meet at SE corner of Section 36

acres in the Northwest comer ofjlaquoe w Haven Towi^hip on the 18th Said land which three acres is Thirty lt d a y 0 Mstrch 1935 at ten oclock rods East and West and Sixteen rods] i n the forenoon of said day to deter-North and South containing in all Thirty-seven acres of land more or less

Also all that part of the East half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Niriteen Town Seven jNdrth of Range Three East Michigan lying South of the Grand Trunk Railway

mine the necessity of Galloway Drain^

Therefore all persons municishypalities and highway officials intershyested in the proposed Galloway Drain are requested to be present if they so desire

Dated at Corunna Michigan this

right-of-way except land bull laquo M to N 2 t h d a y degf ^ frac34 i

Pracock S a c h s

Al len Supervisor fe ix irt

read the fo l lowing

T o the visors

Honorable Basuw o Super -

I gtgtur C o m m i t t e e on Juraquotgtces Ci^n-

Htablea and Coroners Clairca and a--co imts would respect fu l ly submit tin-fo l lowlns as itraquo report rcoornmfrnltn^ the- a l l o s v a n e e o f t h e severa l a m o u n t s a t ivn hrlow and that the Clerk be aii-t l ioruvd to draw orders for the laquo raquo m laquo

bull43 Rohorl )1 C A

55 W m M J J^ 21 C A 27 It E 76 raquo F-2raquo Aupus t

1S5 James 1S4 H o m e r

Morrorv Cratio i Wt-inkuuf Havilartd Crano H D LaKraquowe ( I-aRowe F i s c h e r

Wi l son B u s h


7so 6540 10 00 10 00 1000 7 00 560 2 00

to50 20440

7 GO 65^40 iooo 1000 10 00 700 oieo

Chinch Bug War Hard

1050 2 0 4 4 0

On motion of Supr Al len t h e report w as accepted and adopted b y the fo l shylowing yea and nay vote called for b y the C h a i r m a n Y e a s AUe Colby F

Congress in the last session voted an approprl^on of a million dollars to hult the ravages of the chinch bug in

200 the cpoundgtrn belt and this money was used to build barriersbull totaling UWO miles

along which creosote halted tltte adshyvance of the Insects The chinch bag however has twrraquo generations in a sinshygle season the first generation being a crawling insert which can be conshytrolled by the creosote barriers but the second generation flying is not halted

B Aiken and except a strip of land four rods wide off the North and running parallel with the said Grand Trunk Railway right-of-way said strip to be used for highway purshyposes

(All of said parcels to be sold as clark Joh aforesaid being used and operated as one farm)

Dated March 12 1935 HOWARD E SLOCUM


PULVER amp BUSH Attorneys for Mortgagees Business Address Owosso Mich

JOHN HUDSON County Drain Commissioner

Shiawa-ssee County Michigan


I n t h e


Derham E Durham FTraquooa Field by this form of control Experts estishymate that the million dollars spent oa control measures saved at least $4-000000 worth of com

Grst tenbers^r Grif f in J o h n t o n L e b o w shys k i P u r v i s Moore P a s c o P a y n e P e a shycock Sachs

Supr S a t h s read the fo l lowing reshyp o r t

T o the H o n o r a U j E laquo r e bulllt S u p - v i -s o r s

Your C o m m i t t e e on Claims and A c shyc o u n t s in C o n t a g i o u s Diraquoealaquoe w o u l d respec t fu l ly s u b m i t t h e foUowing a s i t s report retomroendinu t h e a l lowance of the severa l a m o u n t s as g iven be low and that t h e Clerk be authoriaed t o t i m e tO a p p l y if I s iC t h e f a l i d i g g i n g

it Into the soil and if the soil Is a clay roam It can stand heavy applications of such material which wfli help conshysiderably In keeping the soil more open and spongy and render it less liable to bake and dry out during dry weather Applications up to 50 tons to the acre may toe usedmdashMontreal Herald

Hops for Fertilizer Hops from a brewery are exetflent

as a source of introducing humus to the soIL Any form of vegetative growth even weeds supply this necesshysary matter Manure is another form ID which humus is supplied The best

draw orders for t h e s a m e

142 Ruby Mil ler n u r s e ( 114 Memorial H o s p i t a l 107 Dr J J Hav i land 112 Dr W T Parker _ 132 Ruby Mil ler 1S3 E C J o n e s 111 Dr R C P o c h e r t 113 John R u b e n s t i n e _ 124 Vernon E l e v a t o r Co 109 Dr J J Hav i land 128 Dr C J SUenard 122 G B Bar low 126 C A L a w r e n c e mdash 188 WVitebflr Drott C o 108 Dr A L Arnold _ 110 Dr A L Arnald _ 106 Dr A L ArnoW _ 123 Marshal) D u n c k l e

t o Vernon Bank W H S A C H S F R PASCO J H L E B O W S K I

250 lt SlOO

pound00 2 1 0 0 5 8 8 0

500 1 0 5 0

860 1689 20 00 1 7 0 0 2 4 7 8 1 0 8 1

910 65 00 19 90 56 00

2 50 8100

2 00 2100 58 00

500 1 0 5 0

S60 16 89 20 00 17 00 2 4 7 8 1 0 8 1

9 1 0 6 5 0 0 19 90 6 6 0 0

Farm Chatter

6 6 5 6 6 5 6 5

On motidr- o f Srtpt S a c h s ( the reshyport was accepted and adopted by the

rt-rt witt-I

Spare recently passed several laws laquo0 regulate its wheat trade

raquo bull bull

Germany has fixed maximum gram bullprices ampt slightly above those of 1033

bull bull bull

The cereals are the most Important branch of agrieurfure la tbe United States

bull s

About 100000 farmers grow sugar fo l lowing y e a and n a y v o t e called for j ^ 0 cent ^ U n i t e d S t a t e s T h e t r a n -

ker Fsraraaon F ie ld G r e t t e n b e m e r Griffin J o h n s o n K i n g s b u r y Lebowski A t a v e r a g e r a t e o f c o n s u m p t i o n o f P u r v i s M o o r e P a s c p P a y n e P e a c o c k COM c e r e a l s o n y e a r s COTn CTOp

s0- woaM produeeveiKHjgh eereal to last On mot ion of Supr Kinaabury t h e t l raquo p e o p l e Of t h e U n l b M S t a t e s 4 7 0

Board took a r e c e s s unt i l t o m o r r o w y e a r s morning a t 9 8 0 i bull bull

Read corrected and approved bull to raquo laquo M tU s t laquo

drouths corn production has risen LLOYD H YKiTEit an average of 40 per cent Acreage

OSCAR BARKES Clerk bas tocreased 7 per cent and acre

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate Austin B Gilbert Deceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the office of Frank R GUna in the Court House in the City of Corunna in said County on Monday the 22nd day of April A D 1935 and on Monday the 24th day of June A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receivshying and adjusting all claims against said estate and that four months from the 21st day of February A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commisshysioners for adjustment and allowshyance

Dated the 21st day of February A D 1935



M a t t e r o f t h e E t laquo t laquo o f

n s t o n D e c e a s e d

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Frobute in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Comrri--sipners to receive examine and adjust all claims and deshymands of al persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Wager in the Township of Venice in said County on Friday the 29th day of March A D 1935 and on Wednesday the 2Sth dav of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjustshying all claims against said estate and that four months from the 29th day of January A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustshyment and allowance

Dated the 29th day of January A D 1935



COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of

Frances Van Campen Smith Deshyceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in anltj for the Coutfty of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive _ examine and adjust all claims and I sale at public vendue to the highest


Notice is hereby given that by virshytue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee and State of Michigan against the goods and chat-telslanlt end tenements of Lyle V Sawyer and Mary C Sawyer in said county to me directed and delivered I did on the second day of October 1934 levy upon and take all the right title and interest of the said Lyle V Sawyer and Mary C Sawshyyer in and to the following deshyscribed lands to-witmdash

The south one-half of south one-h a l f of t h e n o r t h e a s t quarter (5frac12 S N E t t ) of secshytion eleven (11) town eight (8) north of range one (1) east Fairshyfield Township Shiawassee County Michigan

All of which I shall expose for

Chairman yields SO per cent

demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the Vernon State Bank in the Village of Vernon in said County on Monday the 22nd day of April A D 1935 and on Monday the 24th day of June A D 1935 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjusting all claims apai^st said estate and that four months from the 21st day ol February A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioneis for adjustshyment and allowance


r bull i bullbull Xommissioners

bidder at the west front door of the court house in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County being the place where the Circuit Conrt is held in said County on the 9th day of March 1935 at 900 oclock in the forenoon

M G DICKTE Deputy Sheriff

JBLLIS F WILSON Attorney for Frank A Phillip Business Address Owosso Mich

Let The Nw handle

^BSSVnjSSaSJI^nv SSs S v 4SnSJp^p^SSaJBPSB]^nh V


s bull

-I1 1 M l JiVfig


bullWWmdashin gi1 ii wv se

laquof In the Matter of the EUtlaquo bull Job F Jlaquocoblaquo Deceased

We the undersized having been - appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshy

thews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of ail persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Ha-zelton in said County on Monday the 25th day of March A D 1935

- and on Monday the 27th lay of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day for the purshypose cf receiving and adjusting all claLns against said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1)Spound are-allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustment ^nd allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D 1935



COMMISSIONERS NOTICE la thcopy Matter of the Eclat of

William E Vernon Deceased We the undersigned having been

appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the State Ban) of New Lothrop in the Village of New Lothrop in said County on Monday the first day of April A D 19S6 and on Friday the 31st day of May A D 1985 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjusting all claims against said estampte and that four months from the 31st day of January A D 1935 are allowed to creditors p present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustment and allowance

Dated the 31st day of Janaary A JD 1935




- I n the Matter of the ElaquoUt Almeda Jacob Deceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hoi Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims artri demands of all persons against said estate do hereby eive notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Haselton in said County on Monshyday the 25th day of March A D 1935 and on Monday the 27th dav of May A- D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and ad--justing aiiclaimsagainst said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adshyjustment and allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D 19351




STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash The Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee in Chancery

Flossie M Storey also known as Flossie M Passage Plaintiff vs

William H Storey Myrtle I Storey Mary Fetterly and Michigan Trust Company a Michigan corporshyation Defendants

Suit pending in the circuit court for the County of Shiawassee in Chancery at the City of Corunna in said county on the 1st day of February A D 1935

In this cause it appearing from afshyfidavit on file that the Defendant Mary Fetterly is a resident of the State of Michigan that process for her appearance has been duly issued and that the same could not be servshyed by reason of her absence from the State of Michigan That her exshyact address cannot be ascertained

On motion of Rosenburg amp Paintshyer plaintiffs attorneys it is ordered that the said defendant Mary Fetshyterly cause her appearance to be entered herein within three months from the date of this order and in case her appearance that she cuse her answer to the plaintiffs bill of complaint to be filed and a copy thereof to be served on said plain- hay tiffs attorneys within fifteen days after service on her of a copy of said bill and notice of this order and that in default thereof said bill be taken a s confessed by the said deshyfendant

And it is Further Ordered That within forty days the said plaintiff cause a notice of this order to be published in the Corunna News e newspaper printed published pnd circulating in said courty and that such publication be continued thereshyin at least once in each Wftek for six weeks in succession or that she cause a copy of this order to be personally served on said defendant at least twenty days befo^ the time above prescribed for her apshypearance 4


ROSENBURG A PAINTER Attorneys for Plaintiff

Good Seed Curing Means Good Crops

Proper Care Is Important During Winter Will

Increase Income By R H Reed Agru-uUnral poundlaquolaquolaquo University ltrf IlliuoimdashWNU Scrvna

Providing good curing and storage conditions for their seed com this winter rather than poor or even avershyage _conditions will be worth 0000-000 en nextyears XJJinr gccrn crop should lOSfl be u normal year and corn prices remain favoranle

This is reveal ed In efebt bull years of ecords Uept by farmersbullenryiSed In the farm niahageuieut service conduct ed by the Coiee of Agriculture bull Unishyversity of Illinois in co-operation with county farm bureaus in these recshyords involving the growing of approxishymately 70000 aerts of corn the differshyence between good and poor seed corn curing and storage amounted to 2raquo bushels an acre in the resulting crop liven average curing and storing conshyditions cut the resulting crop two bushshyels an acre below what it was from good curing and storage of the seed Two bushels an acre on the average nnrua5 Illinois crop of aloe million acres with corn worth 00 cents a bush el wouUl amount to more than $10000-000 In corn returns

By good curing and storage Is meant that the seed com Is dried rapidly and protected from freeting until the ex-cesa moisture has been removed-These conditions arenot met where the corn is ben on the back porch or in the driveway of the corncrib as is practiced on many farms

Rapid drying of seed corn requires the use of some artificial heat unless

Prolonged eel storage has been found to free apples of Insects

laquo -Farster unLsn branches are being

organized throughout norfhern Ireland

Agriculturally Manchuria is one of the most favored spots In the Far East

A balf-mlVloa farmers lost their

status as landowners is the last three years

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

Cows should be dry clx weeks or two months This gives them a ohacce to build up a reserve for the coming vear


Default having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative given by-Robert Cohoon and Cora A Co-hoon his wife of the Village of Morrice Shiawassee County Michishygan to Thomas E Case of the Township of Perry Ccunty and State aforesaid on December 4 1909 and recorded in the office of the Regisshyter of Deeds of Shiawassee County on December 4 1909 in Liber 118 of Mortgages on page 632 which said mortgage has been duly assignshyed by Thonias E Case to George B Lewis by assignment bearing date the 14th day of March 1919 and recordeoTin the Office of the Regisshyter of Deeds of said County of Shiashywassee on the 15th da^ of March 1919 in Liber 136 of Mortgages on page 577 on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereshyof for principal and interest the sum of $38183 and no action at law having been brought to recover said mortgage debt or any part theieof and the said George B Lewis hay


STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash The Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee

At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee held at the Probate Office in the City of Corunna on the 2nd day of Janshyuary in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate of Alvin Morell Eentiey Senior Deshyceased

Detroit Trust Company Trustee under Will of said deceased having filed their sixteenth annual account a3 trustee of said estate for the benefit of Ca-SUv M Kpntlpy

it is OrderedThat the 28th day of January next at ten oclock in the forenoon at said Probate Ofshyfice be appointed for examining nnd allowing safd account and all previshyous accounts

And it is Further Ordered That a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corunna News a newspaper printed and cirshyculating in said County of Shiawasshysee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

HARRIET AIXEN Probate Register




Kor small quantities the ears can be hung in the kitchen or in an upstairs room around the chimney or over an open hot air register Large quantishyties of seed corn may he dried in the farm shop garage or other buildings where a fire can be maintained Care hewever should be taken to ee that none of the corn is exposed to a temshyperature above 120 degrees Fahrenheit

Ventilation Is also an Important facshytor in obtaining high quality seed corn Unless the air immediately around the ears is constantly changed t^e atshymosphere becomes ladened with moisshyture the drying will be much slower raid an ideal condition is established lor the development of molds

k m w bdquoraquolaquo w HllVMll bdquo w bdquo MHiWi ing departed this life^and the under the weather Is unusually favorable signed Brmal E Sickles k the duly

and legally appointed administratrix of the Estate of George B Lewis and ag such is the legal holder of the tiUe to said mortgage

Now therefore by virtue of the said power of sale and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided notice is hereby given that on Monday the 29th day laquof April 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon said mortgage will be forecolsed by a sale by public auction to the highshyest bidder at the west front door of the Court House in the City of Corunna that being the place where the Circuit Court for Shiawassef County is held of the land and premises described in said mortage or so much thereof as may be necshyessary to pay the amount due as aforesaid on said mortgage with inshyterest thereon at the rate of six per cent and all legal costs charger and expenses inclndin an attorhej fee allowed by law of $1500 said premises being described as follows

The north three-eights () of the West half (gt of the West half () of the southwest quarter gt and the east half (bull) of the northshywest qtiarter () of the southwest quarter (frac34) of section twenty-one (21) excepting a piece Of land in the northeast corner of said last above mentioned description describshyed as commeneinlaquor at the northeast corner and running thence west Eighteen (18) rods then south thirty-two (32) rods thence east eighteen (18) rbds and thence north thirty-two rods to place of begs-ninc all on Section Twenty-one (21 in Town five (5X north Range three (3) east Also the west forty (40) feet of lot Thirty-six (36) and wholr of lot thirty-seven (37) in block four (4) Village of Morrice Shiashywassee County State of Michigan

Dated Januarv 28 1935 ERMAL E SICKLES

Administratrix of the Estate of George B Iewis Deceased

HICKS amp DES JARDINS Attorneys for Administratrix Business Address Owosso Mich

Soybeans cowpeas and similar legshyume crop are nor considered feed crops under the AAA ruling but inshystead are classified as hay crops

bull bull bull Hawaiis 1933 pineappie pack of apshy

proximately 800)000 cases was esfJ sated to have a value of $22400000

bull bull

Ohte baa only TO par cent as many cattle on feed this year and the Corn Belt has but 88 per cent as siany as a year ago the United States Departshyment of Agriculture reports

bull bull From practical experience the Deshy

partment of Agriculture has learned that temporary ffbeck of dams of brush snllt to stop erosion win last from two and one-half to three years

Need More Horses Mules to Meet Greater Demand

Demand for horses and mules Is exshypected to increase materially for the next few years Although colt producshytion has been increasing for twe or three years the number now being proshyduced is hardly enough to meet V0 per rent of the expected demand for work stock

A large proportion of the work aftl-nisils now on farms are in the old ae bullgroup snd even if production of colts continues- to increase by the end of 1038 the low point-in horse and mule |Mgttgtuaiion will be reached in the opinshyion of Ohio State university farm wouomists

Higher toed prices this year mixy en courage greater use of mechanical powshyer and may check the anticipated inshycrease in breeding plans even in the face of an expected rise in the price of work stock


STATE OP MICHIGAN mdash The Probate Court for tbgt County of

At a session of the Probate Coart or said County held at the Probate Office in the City of Corunna oh the 26th day of December A D 1934 -

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate of Sophia De Frenn Deceased

On filing the petition of Earl De Frena praying for the probate of the will of aaid deceased new filed in this aourt bull

It is Ordered That the 28th day of JaaaaiT next at nine oclock in the forenoon at said Probate Of-iice ba appointed for hearing said petition _

It iraquo Furtber Ordered That a cony ef this order be published three sucshycessive weeks prraquoviouB to said ltlay of bearing in the Corunna Naws a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Shiawassee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

HARRIET AIKBN Register of Prebate


Feeding Work Horses Wintering work horses wiW be a

troublesome problem in view of the feed shortage To maintain a fair conshydition work horses need a daiiy ration of from ten to fifteen pounds of clean roughage such as hay laquoraquorn fodder or struw Even idle horses in addition to ihe roughage should have a little ^rain especially If the roughage conshysists of prairie hay straw or cora fodshyder On live to six pounds of grain per day a horse will hold its weight llie amotlnt of grain of course dependshying somewhat on size of the animal Horses at work need from ten to Bf-ren pounds of grain per head a day ff they are to hold up In weight Barley cau be substituted very well for corn or oats but it should be ground or rolledmdashMissouri Farmer

Agricultural Notes The tomato is classified by the Enshy

cyclopedia of Food as a fruit bull

Unless in a sealed package honey should be kept in a dry warm place

Two-thirds of a pound of dried beet

pulp takes the place of one pound of

Canadian western sheep ranges proshyduce from 150000 to 200000 lambs each year saitahle for fattening purposes

bull bull Kvery 3frac12 feet from the barn to the

milk house- means a mile of^walking for the farmer for each cow in one yenr

bull Fluorine compounds with which

many fruits are sprayed have been found to be very injurious to the teeth

bull raquo bull Twelve to fourteen per cent of proshy

rata in the grain mixture hi enough for rypicai cowa fed plenty of good alfalfa hay and corn silage ^

bull raquo bull w Hundreds of acre of vegetable

crops were plowed under by produce formers near St Loula Mo araquo they found their products aore raquo M fnttUtas



STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash In the office of the Drain Commissioner of the County of Shiawassee in the matter of the Section Sixteen Exshytension Drain

Notice in Hereby Given that on the 26th day of October 1934 a petition was filed with the undershysigned County Drain Commissioner for the County of Shiawassee prayshying for the extending of Section Sixteen Drain

That upon the 28th day of Febshyruary 1935 the undersigned fited with the Honorable Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate a petitior asking for the appointment of a Board of Determination

That said judge ot probate having appointed Fred Peacock J H Bran-del and Fred Ferguson as such Board of Determination

Now therefore said board will meet at the residence of Charles Miller Section 21 Shiawassee Townshyship on the 21st day of March 1935 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of said day to determine the necessity of Section Sixteen Drain

Therefore all persons Municishypalities and highway officials intershyested in the proposed Section Sixshyteen Drain are requested to be present if they so desire

Dated at Corunna Michigan thig 1st day of March 1935


Whereas James C Carpenter and Martha Carpenter his -wife made and executed a certain mortgage bearing the date of the 22nd day of August 1928 to Anna E Bilhimer which was recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for the Counshyty of Shiawassee Michigan on Aushygust 31 1928 in Liber 177 of mort gages on pa-e 301

And whereas the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage on th date hereof fof principal and intershyest is the sum of Eight Hundrec Twenty Dollars and thirty-eight cents ($82038^ and also the ad ditional sum of laquo25 attornevs fee as provided for in sard mortgage and ne suit or proceeding having been instituted at law or in equity to reshycover the debt now remaining and secured thereby or ar-v part thereof

And whereas default has been made in the payment of the money secured by laquoraquoid m o r t ^ ^ rendering the power of sale contained thereir operative

Now therefore notice is herebj given that by virtue of said power of sale and in pursuance thereof and of the statute in such cases mad nnd nrovided the said mortgage wjr be foreclosed by a sale of the mortshygaged nremises at nublic vendue to the highest bidder at the west froni door of the Court House in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michigan that bein the place Oj holding the Circuit Court within said countv on the 5th draquoraquo of April A D 1935 at 900 oclock in the fore TVYOM of said day Eastern Standard Time

The descrintion of the premise contained therein and still coyerer by said mortgage and which will be sold as Aforesaid is a follows

Part of Lot ten Block Twenty eight of the Village (now city of Owosso Michigan commencing at f noint on the east line of Lot ten Block twenty-eight eisrht rods soutf of the south line of Comstock street running thence westerlv parallel to Comstock stTeet seven rods thenor south four and five hundred se^r v one one thousandths rods thence easterly narallel wilih said first lin to east line of said Lot and thenc-

porth to beginnin- nil in the Cjtv of Owosso Shiawassee County Michi gan

Dated December 31 19frac34 ANNA E BILHTMER

Mortgagee ELLIS P WXTSON Ar+irrv fo Mortgawea



THE NEWS Phone 1373 Corunna Mick

MORTGAGE SALE Default having been made in the

conditions of a certain real estate mortgage whereby the power of sale therein contained became operative made by William F Gray and Flora M Gray his wife to George G Markham dated January 2 1917 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Shiawassee County Michigan^ on January 2 1917 in Liber 142 of Mortgages en pages 206 ami 207 and duly asshysigned by said George G Markham to Leta B Vincent by an assignshyment dated August 4 1925 and reshycorded in said Registers office on August 6 1925 in Liber 153 of Mortgages on page 92 and duly asshysigned by said Leta B Vincent to George G Markham and Clara A Markham his wife jointly with sole and absolute right of survivorshyship by an assignment dated August 4 1925 and recorded in said Regisshyters office on August 6 192b in Liber 153 of Mortgages on page 93 on whiyh mortgage there is now claimed to be due and payable foT principal and interest the sum of $114500 and no suit at law havshying been brought to recover said debt or any part thereof notice is hereby given that on Saturday May 4 1935 at one oclock in the aftershynoon of said day at the entrance to the Court House City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michigan that being the place where the Circuit Court for said County is held Clara A Markham surviving assignee will by virtue of the power of sale conshytained in said mortgage and in purshysuance of ttte statute in such case

ORDER OF PUBLICATION State of Michigan mdash The Probata

Court for the County of Shiawassee At a session of the Probate Court

for said County held at the Probate office in the city of Corunna on Monday the 4th day of February in the year of one thousand nina hundred and thirty-five

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of Geraldine Ruth Vande Grift Dependent

Petition haying been filed allegshying that aaid child is dependent and neglected and to determine the truth of the facts

Xt is ordered That the fathets mothers guardians or anyone intershyested in said child blaquo and appear before the Court at a hearing upom the petition on the 5th day of March 1935 at 900 oclock in the foreshynoon at said Probate Office for the purpose of aiding the Court in arshyriving at the true facts and to make a proper disposition of said minor

And it is Further Ordered That to give notice to parentg not in tide County that a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corunna News a newspaper printed and circulating in said Counshyty of Shiawassee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

By HARRIET AIKEN Probate Register

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In thraquo Matter __ of the Estate raquof

provided sell at public auction on |PerI E Jacobs Deceased foreclosure thereof the land describ-r We the undersigned having bee ed in said mortgage to satisfy the | appointed by the Hon Roy D Mat-

County Drain Commissioner Shiawassee County Michigan| Bosineai Address Owosso Mich

amount due thereon at the time of sale with interest thereon at six pei cent per annum and all legal costs including an attorney fee of Twenty five Dollars lands described as East part of east eighty acres of the southwest fractional quarter of section nineteen town eight north range four east except right of way of Consolidated Coal Company of north thirty-three feet thereof conshytaining 39 acres more or less Hazel-ton Township Shiawassee County Michigan Dated February 2 1935

CLARA A MARKHAM Surviving Assignee

C F amp E T HAMMOND Attorneys ior Assignee Business Address 601 American

State Savings Bank Building Lansing Michigan

thews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Hazeltoa in said County on Monshyday the 25th day of March A D 1935 and on Monday the 27th day of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adshyjusting all claims against said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adshyjustment and allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D ^RANDOLPH BAILEY

WALTER JUDD Commissioners

y Only the best Quality of Materials and

bull i the finest Workmanship used by



BEANS Have excellent equipment for hanshy

dling Beans and Grains

GOAL Plenty of good clean and warm Coal



Ph one 4 bullgt0 We Deliver

f t T t y Ti


ti I T tgt


DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR Mr Walter Parker of Owoaso

has as hev guest for several days her sister Mrs Fred Shepherd of Detroit and in her honor Mrs Clark Shipman entertained at a table of bridge o n Thursday aftershynoon A chicken dinner preceded the playing of bridge

The following were guests of Mrs Shipman Mrs Parker Mrs Shepshyherd end Mrs Mary Curtis of Co-runna All of the ladies are very close friends


Glen Howard have

uasiucso u-p

^^^^bullltlaquoKKlaquoK^K^K^KlaquoKK^^raquoK 4-

and Mrs returned ioiu Highland

Clayton Cook HI ^ s t u d e n t at the Gctogan school is absent this week with the whooping cough

Mr and Mrs Willis Xee were in Howell Sunday visiting a brother-in-law who is in the State T B Hospital

Mr and Mrs Frank Williams of Milford have returned home after iisiting in the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Cook

Mr and Mrs Edward Braid of

W^r^^^ - bull bull bull bull bull bull - i

votionfls reading a Scripture lesson followed by prayer j

During the business meeting it was- decided to hold a shadow social at the home of Mr and Mrs Phin a s Burch on Friday evening March 22 A pot luck supper will be serv- ed by ths hostess

The program committee gave a short program with reading^ by Mrs Sherrard Mrs Hofacker Mrs Olive Seward and Lawrence Seward

The next meeting will be held in the home of George and Judson O Eldred tgtcrth of the church at which time Mrs Devora Eldred will be





Lake Orion have returned home aft- er spending the week end with their ard the new son Alva Braid and Mrs Braid Catholic Church in-Owoaso

CALEDONIA - SHIAWASSEE Mrs Charles McNamara Sr ampbull plusmn

rightfully bullentertained the ladies of i W the Caledonia - Shiawassee - Venice j Club at her homein Corunna Tues-j day for dinner The business meeting was Opened Q by the president Mrs William Liet-j zau in regular form the ladies unitshying in saying the Lords Prayer

The secretary and treasurer Mrs Antonio Bock gave her reports of the previous meeting also a report j oiv the financial condition off the i club bull

The dub donated a large sum tow- organ at S(u Pauls

JLL W bull I i i i W AK)

Invites you to call and look over the new

FordV-8 Wewant you to see the finest Car in the

low priced field

On display at our salesroom

Mrs Wakefield who is living on V grab bag will be a feature of

the Reyndd fartrade J laquo w i i h ^ a r i laquo pound pound bdquo pound pound pound have beenlraquo1Sih o n e arvLlt-


trouble Her daughters here from Cadillac and Bay Shore k taking care of her

Mr and Mrs John Sam peer en textained on Sunday Mr and Mrs

made for a pancake held some time this

joyed and fine address was given by Carl Kramp of Lansing nd Mr Judge Joseph H Collins A silver and Mrs Glen Hamilton of Owoaso offering was taken during the eye- the latter is a daughter of Mr Sanv ningi

Mrs Wafter Snyder has been for the past few days

Mr and Mrs G W Warner were in Owoaso on Monday laquoraquolaquoraquo i peer

Mrs Joseph Winorski was a guest A large number of friends and Mr and Mrs Nathan Baughan Friday of Mrs Archie Johnson relatives tendered a surprise on Mrs Paul Baughan nd Mr and

John Boyd of Flint was a caller [ Monday evening to Mr and Mrs Mrs Stanley Sussex visited in Bieck-last week of h is sister Mrs M a r y | H a r r y Brandt i n honor of their 21sl enbridge the first of the week as lt-ntlar wedding anniversary and to their guests of their daughterfand sister

Mrs Archie Johnson and Frank n a n d b i s M r a n d M r s - Mrs Alexander Stewart and Goreski were in Owosso Monday on business

Miss Joan Crowe spent Sunday in the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Everet t

Misseg Agnes and Mary Hovanec spent Sunday at the home of Miss Mary Nemecek-

Miss Maxine Wilder of Owosso is assisting in the home of Mr and Mrs Cecil Nicholson

Cecil Nicholson and family and Miss Maxine Wilder were in Flint Saturday on business

A large number of voters from this vicinity attended the Hazelton Township caucas on Monday night

Mr and Mrs George Crowe and daughters were callers Tuesday of Mr and Mrs W S Eveleth and family i i ^

Mr and Mrs Floyd were hosts on Tuesday for the regshyular meeting of the Venice- Haao|-tqr

fi Farmers Club Mi and Mrs Clyde Stanhope and

family of Flint were Sunday guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Ernest

Duane Brandt in honor of their first anniversary in the home of the former The evening was most pleasantly spent in a social way and later a bountiful supper was served

Stewart Mrs Henry Saska left the last

Plans were supper to be

The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Charle8 Smith the second Tuesday in the month


CALEDONIA Mr and Mrs Hall were in Ann

Arbor Sunday Donald Hall of Pontiac visited

hi s family here over the week end Robert Huffman of Detroit visshy

ited his sister Mrs Eli Rigoulot on Sundayr

Billy Fisher was taken to Ann Arbor for observation at the Uui-versity hospital Monday

Harry Wood of Flint was a week end visitor SR the home of his bro-

Walworth th( i ~ i 1 law J o h n Brenner and fatrade i i l y I Mrs Lyle Munroe has returned to her home in bullbullJackson after viaithg i in the homo of her sister Mrs Jos Wagner


Howard Stewart will be host to Desborough west of here A | the Merry Circle Class of th e North birthdav dinner was in honor of the west Verice church on Friday eve-

bx-warbles are not music and they do not soothe the breast of the

Mr| savage beast in fact ox-warbles cause so ngtuch unrest among the cattle of Michigan that the income

bdquo from this class of livestock is seri-of the week t o gt e gone for several o U s r e d u c e d days as guest of her daughterMrs T j ]osH o f m o n e y is totally un-Kerrneth Johnson of Flint her n e c e s g a r y a s the warble which is mother Mrs Derby of Detroit h e r j a n j n s e c t whose larvae live in the daughter Mrs Lawson Mumma b a c k g o f c a t t i e c a n ^e exterminated

[ in thi s state The adult is a heavy [bodied fly which is intensely feared j by cattle Experiments have shown that cattle can hear the noise made

i by the flys wings at considerable 1 distances and often stampede to

The Usual i |ne meeting qf the | avoid its egg laying activities Venice- Hazelton Farmers Ciub was i The eggs are deposited on the enjoyed Tuesday in the home of Mrf raquod quarters Of cattle and the tiny


sons Avnold and Leonard of Day ton Ohio


anniversary of Miss Lois seventh birthday

The pancake supper which was held on Friday evening was a decidshyed success The supper was served under the upervision of the men and was fine The program wasmuch e n _

BOOK1 s T 0Vdegy Explain thlaquo marvelousWOferd Z IVeatmjnt which is bringina J aaxaxinx relief Sold oajroadaJ bull


S T I P A T I O N B A D B R E A T H S L E E P L E S S N E S S OR H E A D -

ACMES DUE TO EXCESS ACID Atk fat A fmtcapy of WHtonl Metuuee We an AuUxwued WiUani igtCJien

lt OvOmt Piwn H m )



ning of this week The Misses Mildrelt) Kambut and

Patricia Bailey have returned to Detroit after visiting in the home ofMiss Elaine Rigoulot

Leslie Middletou ad George Koan have given up their lease for the coal mine property to the owner Geo Schirle and the mine is being taken over by John Hedges

The Ladies Aid of the Northshywest Venice church wil] meet with

and Mrsfi Floyd Walworth when representatives o f 14 families gathered for an ail day meeting

The morning session was called by L J Veaie and was opened with the sipging of My Old Kentucky Home The Chapldin Rev Harold Paiithorpe then conducted the dc-votioijkl period

The business of the day followed and included the appointment of Key Pailthorpe as question box leader and the calling of the roll

At bull the conclusion of the-dinner hour the company reassembled for the program presentation which was under the direction of Mrs Rayshymond Dietz

Readings by Mrs Will Jacobs | Mrs Mary Hartley Rev Pailthorpe Mis Charles Kurney and Mrs L J | Veale andinstrumental music by

larvae as soon as hatched burrow beneath the skin and travel through the body until they reach a position just under the skin on the animals back The larvae then develop rapidshyly in size and cause bumps which can lie easily seen

The presence of this pest reduces the value of the hides of beef catshytle and causes Joss of flesh due to irritation td- unro t of the ivmal Uhsigiy discoloration^ also appear on the flesh of the animals back Dairy rattle produce less inilk when these parasites infest them A 10 per ctVt reduction in milk flow may result from severe infestations

The adult ox-warble flies present in Michigan in the summer were e n shyded through the previous winter unshyder the skins of cattle The fly can not survive Michigan winters any other way If the larvae r-~ al] des

STOPS With Dodge Perfected Dual-Cyiwder Hydraulic Brakes

Mrs Leo Veale were enjoyed during t r o v e d ^ the winter there will be the first half of the program

Following these numbers Mr Walworth introduced the speaker of the day Mr Addy a farm bureau worker who spoke in an intensely

^ r S iVL0V d degn W ^ d n e laquo d a y interesting manner upon Coopera March 27 for an all day meeting t i o n raquo h i s s u b t 0 p i c s being machin-at her home north of the church ^ fertilizer seed and feed

The revival meetings closed on Rev Pailthorpe had charge of the Sunday evening after two weeks of question box from which 13 splen-services A large crowd attended the did topics emerged creating much services Sunday evening The meet- lively discussion Among these ings have been a spiritual success w e r e Do f a r m e r s neg-many converts going to the altar lect pasture if so what can be done

The condition of Fred Brown re- and would it be possible This ques-mams about the same His cousin t ion was most satisfactorily answer-Mr and Mrs Peter Kael of St Charles and aunt Mrs Christine Mosner of St Charles and cousins Mr and Mrs Albert Barnesof Ches-anirg have recently been here

ed by the helpful suggestions of Mr Addy

Other topics which brought out diversified opinions were How can I help to get the Owosso sugar facgt

bullmFuimu J^taM grind e fwy felaquod-

Griod more flaquoed pr -or per boor Moaat oo

bullny 1frac12 ton truck Small down py-

meat Good tenocWrit quick for J1 detail MMIIV

C J TAYLOR Funeral Home

Praapt amkTfficient


Phone 1S2 mdash VERNON Sccceasor to Disbiow

C B Angus residing north of t o r y running Has finflation ever Kerby who cracked several rib s sev- b e e n a success in the history of this era] days ago when he slipped O n c o u n t r y 7 Should the United States some ice while carrying feed to his j Pfty n 5 o I a according to the^ agree chickens was removed on Monday ~ morning to the home of his brother Bethel Angus Coninna avenue Owosso Although Mr Angus is conshysiderably improved he is still in a serious condition His neighbors Howard Stewart and George Rigou-let are taking care of his stock

The following candidates were nominated at the Democrat caucas held at the town hall by the Demoshycrats of Venice Township They are Supervisor Charles Posey clerk Howard Ganssley treasurer Mrs Agnes Ball highway commissioner Wm Golombisky justice of the peace Dennis Kildea overseer of highway Robert Ellis board of reshyview Finley Reed constables Rex Post Ruy Ellis Stewart White and Bernard Cronin

ment for the Panama Canal Zone or should circumstances alter cases

On the second Thursday in April the club will meet with Mr and Mrs L J Veale This will be an evening meeting with supper served at 7 oclock and a business meeting and program following in charge of the young people of the club

WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS Hatched from our own 300 egg

strand stock Blood tested Also Barred Rock Chicks We do cus-

torn Hatching Horvith Hatchery Flushing Michigan RFD 1mdashAdv


The Ladies Aid of the Northwest Venice Church were delightfully enshytertained on Wednesday at the home of Mr and Mrs Ray Seward Harrishyson avenue Owosso

The guests began to arrive at 11 oclock enjoying a social hour before dinner

Following dinner the president Mrs Archie Sherrard called the business meeting to order the memshybers and guests singing several songs followed lgty the secretarys and treasurers reports

Rev John Austin led in the de-

no adults the next summer All the cattle are barns where

they can be easily inspected and any warbles infesting them can be killshyed

The destruction of the larvae costs very little Larvae which are quite fully developed can be squeezshyed from the animals back and killshyed A more rapid method is to use chemical preparations made for this purpose These chemicals may be either in solid or liquid form and are placed n t n e Ittle cell under the skin in which the larvae lives Comshymercial killing agents can be used according to the makers directions or the materials can be mixed at home from directions which will be furnished by the entomology departshyment at Michigan State College

Neighborhood campaigns against the warble or ox bot fly are the speediest way of destroying thi s nuishysance but no farmer should wait for his neighbor before killing the pests in his herd The adult fly travels comparatively short distances and most of the infestations in cattle are caused by permitting larvae to mashyture on the farm where the infestashytions occurs Destroying the larvae relieves the cattle from irritation the owner from money loss and the future from further attacks by the pest

JUST whltm others raquot offering their first hydraulic-type brakes Dodge

gives you b extra safety of Pershyfected Dual-Cylinder Hydraulic Brakes pioneered years ago by Dodge find proved in tho service of hundreds of thousands of owners

With 20 more bracing surface mdash fully equalized a^zinst skidding or swerviagmdash t hay get thousands of extra miiss from tirts and brake linings-mdash give greater coeraurg ease quicker curer stbps mdash more safety than ever Remember there cart be no successful imitation of Dodge brakesmdashor their safety mdash without Dodge experience and manufacturing precision

Here is a big smart 85-mile-pei-hcur car that actually gives you three to five nioremiles pergullonof gas than lower-priced cars And even mors astonishing economy of oil With all its savings the Dodge Red Rata engine gives brilliant aaw ranges of speedmdashflashingpicle-opmdashsilky silence

and ease- Its famous patented Floatshying Power engine mountings smother vibration which racks ordinary cari to piec2s

The1 finslword in protectionmdashthe fatrions Dodge safety all-steel body is knovn to nearly 300Q0C0 Dodge owners

Only the genius cf a manufacturing organization such es Dodge mdashwith such complete facilities with 20 years of experience in building nearly three million finfe vehiclesmdashcould create such astounding dollar-fordolar value


This advertisement endorsed by the Depart meat of EngineeringmdashChrysler M e l o n

NEWVALUE DODGE 9645 to $760 AU prces f o b factory Detroit aabject to change bullwitboat notice Spatial equip ment extra Tima paymampnta to fit yoar bvdamptt Ask fortheaSiciat Chrysler Motor Commercusi Credit PUux





OcffVon Mow For J u t A Fampw Oof Jars Mor Than The Lovtest-Pticod Car

C A GLADDEN b e Dodge ane Plymouth Dealers

Sooth Wafer St Phone 522 Owosso Mich

WANTED Milk Bakery Tea Coffe or otheT

route men Good proposition for right man Rawleigh Depfc MMC mdash93mdashL Freeport Illinoismdash Adv

Judging from some of the streamshyline models car manufacturers have been maewesting them in the wrong place

Now it is proposed to raise the minimum drinking age for women Better go slaw mdash the way the girls manage to stay home these days we might find the bartender refusing to serve grandma




THE NEWS Phone 1373 Cortmna Mich



D o




Tue Coruana News PU3HSHED WEEKLY


Entered as Second C1SB matter at thlaquo Ptibt Office ni Corunna Michsan undec the Act of March 3 3 879

Forcijrn Arivcrtisihs Representative


CLASS ENTERTAINED Mrs Bert Gurney south of town

enter-uned her class in the M E Sunday school on las t Sa turday a f t - ornoou when 12 members werepresshyent bull gt bull bullbull bullbullGames and a weirdie roast wegte

enjoyed urd the hostess served de-liciouj home made ice cream and cake

EARLY CHICKS Best profits from the laying flock

means that the pulet3 must go in the laying house early in the fall and be mature enough to produce eggs during the period of high prices and the early hatched chicks needed to produce such pullets must have proper brooder house temperashytures

Several types of brooder stoves are satisfactory if they are operated as recommended by their manufac

- turers Coal burner s a re the most eommon in Michigan and when used certain precautions should be taken before fires are s tar ted The stove itshyself should be placed on an asbestos pad or in a box of sand The stove should be placed so that the door can be reached and the ashe s removshyed easily

Brooder stoves should be fired and regulated at least 24 hours before any chicks are placed in the hou=o Temperature controls on the stove may be out cpound order and any other troubles should be corrected beforo there ig ampry chance of chilling or overheating valuable chicks

Ideal brooder temperatures are 90 degree s Fahrenheit one inch above the floor at the edge of the hover and 70 degrees in the house outside the hover These tempera tures can be reduced a s the chick become oldshyer bullbull

Feeding and vi i ter in^ equipment should be placed some distance away from the hover to encourage the chickii to stay in the cooler parts of the brooder house Crowding by the chicks under the hover means too low temperatures and hi^h t o n -perature R will foved the chicks awiy from the hover Two thermometers one on the hover and one plrccd some distance away are the best mean s of checking temperature

Extension BiHoniin Xo 52 Growing Healthy Chirks will bosent byMichigan Stite Collegeto anyone who requests it

Ti toTiCi j 1 1 1 d 1)deg vcccbull beshyfore iakir^ public r oney his hour of need and building more irrishygation projects to pre-4ucc and com-pete with land and building held by individuals who are not permitted to utilize this land because of govshyernment ru le s and regulations

Farmers desire to be free to swith their lands from one crop to another to preserve fertility of the soil ard to take advantage of betshyter prices It is not t rue that the growing of crop s was not profitable until the passage of tne Jones-Cosii-gan sugar act Sugar is a non-surshyplus crop and our necessity of imshyport of this commodity creates a marke t for it which makes it profitshyable for our farmers Co-growbeets The Jones-Costigan act denies the right to the |Amerean farmeir to grow the acres he desires This is wiorg in principle Its introduction anlt] operation closed mills in Michishygan which operated in 1933 It is a violationof the right the American f-vrmer thinks is his It is a doctrine which was concocted and wrapped -bulli in a general plan to benefit tblaquo baks which largely hold control of the sugar plantations of Cuba

My suggestion U that until this restriction over which we disconshytinue appropriating funds for the p u r p l e of increase production of that crop in the western states while at the same time Eastern farmers are denied the right to produce that very same crop on which in their loshycation it is not necessary to require millions of dollars to provide water


WASHINGTON LETTER A striking plea in the interest of

Michigan farmers wa s made on the floor of Congres s the other day by Congressman Fred Crawford of Saginaw Mich when he protested ] against any public works appropriashytion for irrigation in western slates to increase their production of crops while Michigan farmers are restrictshyed in their production of these same crepg by the AAA controMaws

In looking through th i s report I j find as has been stated some $105- 000000 devoted to providing water for hungry acres through the PWA Mr Crawford said Certain prodshyucts are being produced in those valleys which are highly competi-j tive with the crops being grown in j Michigan Indiana Ohio and other I mid-western s ta tes j

Congressman Crawfords remarks were provoked by a statement made the day before by a congressman from Colorado who stated our principal crops compete scarely at all with the farm crops of other pa r t s of our country Our range catt le and our sugar beet s and our alfalfa do not at all effect the farmshyers of the rest of the county any more than the cotton and tobacco of the south affect us

Mr Crawford pointed out that those western s ta te s produce eight to twelve millions of bags of sugar for which they have no market of their own and ship it east to comshypete with the sugar produced there He made it plain tha t he did not opshypose fugar production in the United States but favored more production but tha t he did not favor a plan which appropriates money to help one group increase their crop and yet enforce a law which forces anshyother group tc curtail its crop

This money i s to be appropriatshyed to provide water to increase proshyduction per acre At Owosso Michshyigan there are 2000 farmers who are asking the r ight to grow beets on possibly 20000 acres At Cros-wiell Michigan there are another thousand farmers who are begging to be permitted to grow another 10-000 acres of beets Those farmers a re being denied the r ight to grow these ac re s of beets and to provide sugar t ha t would move into market 50 to 100 miles from point of proshyduction while we spend $105000-000 in western valleys to provide water to increase production

Pr ivate investments in farms and

SHOULD GET PLATES Orville E Atwood secretary of

ftate ha s advised car owners exshypecting to drive outside the state to equip their cars with full year 1935 nlates if possible ra ther than mereshyly with stickers

While all states have been advisshyed of Michigans sticker system in tava3 requiring only rear plates poshylice officers are a t t racted only tq the rears of passing cars The sight bull-bull 1934 plate there ha g already re- lted in some Michigan drivers being stopped until the stickers on the front windshields may be inshyspected In any s ta te delay loss of tin^e and incorivience may result from the use of a 1934 plate At-bullwood had previously warned drivers against taking their carlaquo out of the state with neithqr new plates or stickers during he current extension until mid-night March 14 for old plates

Grain to Dairy Cattle Tlio amount of jjrain that should he

Kivcn to dairy cattle each day depends upon the production and breed Bays rbdquon Ruthority at the North Carolina State college For Jersey animal proshyducing less Miiin ttii pounds ltgtf milkno grain should be given but fyr everyj pound o(t tigtiV th aniniii should have ^15tenths of apound of iiriiiraquo CJieliy cuttle sliouh receive a frac-um over ii hiilf pound for euh (imiixt if milkproduced agtoe twelve bull Tiie Hnsein cow frets four rein-hs of n iii)d of ^rili for ejieh jiournl of milli prffluccd above sixieeii and the Ayrshyshire slmuldfjet a little less rlian one-half pound ofjfrain far each poundof miiit over fourteen This grain ration presupposes thefeeding of ail the r(iod Je^ime hay the animal will ivit Where tin- Iniy Is of poor Quality mure griiiraquo wii ba consumed

Har ry Colby is i a Lansing a few days on business

Mrs William Lapworth is conshyfined to her home by illness

Mr and Mrs Clifford Confer were in Flint Monday evening

Born to Mr and Mrs- George Kline SiiTday March 10 a son

Miss Geialdine Judd of Montrose spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Wal te r Keyser

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smith and family are visiting relatives a t Musshykegon for a few days

bull -twrsr Constance Brower visited her brother and family at Muskegon -the first of the week

The remains of Mrs Wes Mitchell former resident was brought hero from Ohio for burial Friday

The M P L A S will serve dinshyner in the church basement Wednesshyday noon

Mr and Mrs Wentz Yaklin and family are moving into the Wal te rs home recently vacated by Mr and Mrs Wilcox

Miss Vera Hudson of Ovid arr ivshyed Saturday to spend a short t ime at the home of Mr and Mrs Irshyving Gorham

Mr and Mrs Orville Wilcox and family are moving back on the Waltshyers farm one mile north and one mile east of town

The social afternoon of t h e Mothshyer s Club will be held Tuesday af ter shynoon March 19 a t the home of Mr and Mrs Ray OHare

The Young Married Peoples Class of the Mi P S S will hold a social evening a t the home of Rev and Mrs Leo Griffin on Tuesday eveshyning March 19

Feed for Dairy Cow Feed for a dairy cow depends upon

the individual animal but as a general ruift each cow willrequire two tons of legume hay two acres of pasture 10 bushels of coruNllt5 bushels of oats and COO pounds of cottonseed meal Where wheat bran is available this may be substituted for a part of the oats poind for pound Good producing anshyimals are necessary for profit and the herd should average between 250 and iWO pounds of butferfat to the cow If this average is not maintained then tins animal is not paying for her feed end should be taken from the herd

Erosion Evil Here The evil effects of soil erosion are

not a threat of the future but are alshyready In evidence on tens of thousands of farms in this country the United SSlrties Department of Agriculture says In the South the North and the Midshydle West many farmers are working land winch lias been made poor by erosion Much of it Is good forest land or land which could be used for forestry Although millions of cres have been stripped of forests much of t i e land was not suitable for farming

The third grade children are makshying a s tudy of Holland

The Brownie reading class class three have finished their El on readers

The girls of the tenth year Home Economics class a re studying child care from the age of thlaquo new b o m infant to five The s tudy emphasizes assistance of the child in its mental and physical development Miss Rou-magoux county nurse visited the class last Thursday and demonstratshyed the process of bathing the baby She also showed a layette

The girls in the ninth grade Home Economics class a re being t augh t personal improvement care of clothshying and personality improvement

The following seventh graders wrote an A arithmetic tes t r e shycently Harold Beckwith Howard Hudson Bud Middleton Russell Muzzy Norabelle Bouck Bill Brown Max Elkins l i c e Elkins Edith Guyn Bob Hickey Clara Kroske Junior Reed and Fred Serr Three pupils wrote 100 per cent pape r s Lois But t s Virginia Coakes and Bob Kincaid

Spring Vacation will s t a r t next week School will be dismissed Thursday night March 2 1 and re shyconvene Tuesday March 26


SEED CORN FOR SALE Qolden Glow Seed Corn Germishy

nation guaranteed Come early and avoid disappointment Manford M Helvie Lennon Mich RFD

FOR SALE One team and Cows Half mile

west 3 miles north 3 miles west and half mile north of Ovid on the Robt Armour farm Enquire of Geo WellermdashAdv

The owner of a Detroit oasis anshynounces the latest gadget in the liquor world amdash a mery-go-round bar They didnt have bar 8 of that kind in the old days but there were times when they had all the apshypearance



Public response to Baby Bonds placed on sale several days ago has been most gratifying The people still have faith in the government at Washington regardless of gold decisions o r a n unbalanced budget As long as this confidence is govshyernment remains undiminished the Republic is secure

At Washington President Rooseshyvelt set an example by buying for himself and degT e a c n o f h i s i v c

grandchildren a $25 bond Others may for $1875 each buy bonds which in ten years will be payable a t $25 to their children grandchilshydren or other relatives In like manshyner those who pay more can buy bonds which in ten years will be redeemed for $50 $100 $500 and $1000

It is not difficult to recall the time dur ing the Worlltj War when the people a te black bread wore overalls in the market place and worked long hours to buy Liber ty bonds in defense of the boys in France While it is t rue their frushygality industry and patriotism unshyconsciously set in motion a period of gigantic prodigality when the war

was over tha t led t o the depression yet with that picture so vividly in mind there is reason to believe this newest venture in buying a share in the United States will awaken new responsibility in government evenshytually leading to unquestioned prosshyperi ty Another set of (BBB) inshyitials has belaquon Jbonf B u ^ Baby Bonds

Shoes Mr and Mrs Ar thur Bailey and

daughter Marion visited a t the hMre of Mr and Mrs H L Kribs in Corunna on Thursday evening

bullrev Harold Pailthorpe is conductshying Lenten services in his church every Wednesday evening until Easter The public is invited to atshytend

Rehearsal for the Easter cantata are being held Sunday morning aftshyer Sunday school and Tuesday eve-mug a t the home of Mr and Mrs Everet t Spear

The members- of Hugh McCurdy I Lodge F amp A Mbdquo served a banquet j to the ladies of the O E S on Fr i shyday evening in the Masonic dining room The affair was well a t tended

bull bull i

The Mothers Club held a regular monthly meeting a t jthe home of Mrs R Confer on Wednesday aftshyernoon of last week A program of contests appropriate for St Patr ick s Day was carr ied out

Announcement is made of the marriage of Rayrnond H Bailey of th i s place to Ella Mae Traynor of Flushing on Wednesday af ternoon The ceremony was performed a t the home of Mr and Mrs Zeigier in Fl int

Rehearsal for the May Festival was held on Fr iday Afternoon a t the school house Miss Miles inshys t ructor in music and Miss Susan Fear county school commissioner a re in charge assisted by the teachshyers of the various rura l districts

The pageant The Highway will be presented by our local cast a t the First M P Church a t Flint Surday evening March 24 One one half of the proceeds goes to our Missionary Society and the other half to the Junior Missionary Socishyety Flint

The dependable F o o t w e a r store where your dollar goes the farthest and always the very best in quality and a style that is corshyrect and up to date

Shoes for men ladies and the youngsters that are the best in value to be had at any store

Grand Central Hotel Block Corunna Michigan

^UUMUUOOiaoOUI3l30 l3013l in30130Uiy i3IUIUUlUIJUUi9T3ni3UIJU

f amp If you want a Goal with lots of Heat low

y ash and long burning try our

COAL Ask those who have used it

We have Ohio Lump Kentucky Egg Crapo lump and egg

Try our Coke Coke for Clean Fuel

Darlene Maiki who has been in Chesaning for several weeks re turnshyed Monday to the fourth grade

Miss McRoy spent the last w^ek end at her home in Marlette

The teachers held another i n a series of professional meeting^ on Tuesday evening a t the school house After a piano selection by Miss Lucas the remaining chapters of the ^tudy book A Mother s Letters to a Schoolmaster were reviewed by Mrs Smith and Miss Curtis A social hour followed during which pop corn was served by Mr Baird Miss Olds and Miss Hosley

An interclass basket ball game will be played oh Friday evening a t ] the Casino s ta r t ing a t 8 oclock A team composed of Seniors and Freshmen will oppose one composed of Juniors and Sophomores A school dance will follow the game The general committee is as follows Dorothy Fitzpatrick Vivian Ship-man Wayne Weinkauf and Lylc Buckelew

An interesting experiment ip self government has been started in the eighth grade A legislature composshyed of five members chosen by the grade has drafted a code which the tudents adopted and will have jurisshydiction over the grade activities pershytaining to citizenship

jamp If its Coal or Lumber 96 is the Number X

laquo bull bull lt amp

I Coruena Lumber and Coal Co | E F GONANT Mknaglaquor

Phone 96 Prompt Delivery Corunna


g ragrafgfgigfHizigraraizrajgigi3J^^ g

KRIBS amp OHARE Funeral Directors




Charges that Governor Fi tzgershyald is ignoring pre-election promshyises of adequate s ta te support for Michigans public school system is being voiced in his campaign for re-election by Paul F Voelker sushyperintendent of public instruct ion

Any subtle a t t empt to place the governor in an unfavorable light in th i s mat ter will not be taken sershyiously by the average citizen Throughout his entire public career he has been an outstanding champshyion of the public school He is fulshyly aware of the financial difficulties which the schools are facing but is not going to be stampeded into promises of support beyond the ability of the s ta te to meet through present s ta te revenues

To the extent which economies in state government are effected will the schools benefit His program of no new taxes live within present revenue make the tax dollar do in creased service is more likely to appeal to the burdened taxpayers of Michigan than any political infershyence of broken campaign pledges

HowVe You Doing If you are selling your GOOD CLEAN CREAM

to MILLER you are getting all that the market will allow If MILLER dont get your GOOD CLEAN CREAM we both lose

Aft an example you can get

3 0 cents per pound today for your

GOOD CLEAN BUTTERFAT W e wi l l be g lad to d o Bus iness w i t h y o u N e w

patrons are a l w a y s w e l c o m e O u r o ld pa trons a r e

n o t o n l y patrons t h e y a r e fr iends


Thw Adv Dated March 7 193S

H mm Comer of Water and Main Street

owosso Telephone 782 211 Wett Main Strict

t f f j T T t T








With Thi

You may deposit your Money in this Bank with the knowledge that its assets are carried at thei present day values and that any loans which are made at this time are well secured and self liquidating

With a strong cash position and an unimpaired capital the Old Corunna State Bank offers you unquestioned safety for your funds

Old Corunna State Bank Corunna Michigan


I (Enrauta Niilra

Fire Chief Claud Craig of Owos-so Has been named second vice president of the Michigan State Fire

(Chiefs Association A Father anltj Son banquet was

i trade i-gt -t ltlt laquo v +u held at Morrice on Tuesday evening E E Durham has been among the ^ +u_ m bdquobdquo^ bdquoUJl_ D is__ raquo of this week when Prosecuting Atshytorney V O Braun was the princishypal speaker

Mr and Mrs E G Kay Mrs

account of the illness of Mr Allen j g r i bull ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ - Burnett were in Detroit Wednesday

many confined to his home by in fluenza daring the past week

Mrs George Alien was Called to Washington Wednesday evening on

I Mrt Mary A Deckert 78 years

of age w|dow of Adam Deckert J will known Owosso tailor who died December 11 expired at 645 oclock Saturday morning at Memorial Hosshypital Mrs Deckert was taken to the hospital on the Sunday before her death Throughout the week her condition had been critical Death was attributed to perniciousanemia

Superintendent of Schools Chas L Butterfield and five young men of the local high school were in Charlotte Friday evening o attend the Lansing an(i Area Y M C A

j Older Boys Conference The boys were John Quayle William Hassel-iiaek Allen Brown Roy Colby Jr and Johrlt Eveleth A banquet at half past rhc preceded a very fine p r o gram

C Angus who sustained several cracked ribs when he foil on the ice while doing chores at his home two and a half miles-north of Ker-by the first of last week is recovshyering satifactorily He is at the home of his brother J Bsthel Anshygus on Corunna avenue Owosso Neighbors have been engaged to do the work at the farm during Mr Angus absence

Payment of taxes in the county this year is considerably better than a tear ago according to County Treasurer Fred Randolph who has completed settlements with eight of the 16 township treasurers Mr Ranshydolph declared that the townships are averaging between 70 and 75 per cent of their taxes paid which is much better than was true during the past two or three years

Two teams of crow shooters all members of the Shiawassee Conser-J vation Club are captained by Waltshyer Bennett and Alton Rundell of Owosso and will make ygtax on crows The membership of the two teams is about 200 and they will contest through June after which the winshyning team will be feted by the losshying The feet of slain crows are beshying made into a chaan hung in the window of Blairs Sporting Goads store in Owosso


H S TOWNLEY Plaquoraquotr Sunday Servicesmdash 1030mdash Morning worship 1030mdashJunior Church 1146mdashSunday school 645mdashEpworta League 730mdashEvening service


Sunday servicermdash Morning worship at 1030 oclock Sunday school at 11 oclock-jtfpwortti League at 7 oclock Kvenihg worship at 8 oclock Bible Study Wednesday evening

at 8 oclock The public is extended a cordial

invitation to be present at all of these services gtbull bull

CORUNNA BAPTIST CHURCH Howard F Sagdea P u t o r

Sunday School 900 James Finnerty Supi Morning service 1000 Subject The Christian Race You are invited to attend these



Sunday services 1030 Sunday schooL 1146 Preaching service Come thou with us and we will

de thee gooiS


Sanday school 100^ a wu Morang worship 1100 a n Seng and praise service 700 p at Sermoft by pastor 800 p m



The W R C will hold its regushylar meeting today (Thursday) in the battalion rooms in the cotfrt house

The Friday Afternoon Club will mee this week in the home of Mrs William Jenney Mrs G P Lawcoek is the assistant hostess

Miss Amy Requa will be hostess on Saturday for luncheon in her

and attended the Detroit-Michigan Industrial Exposition

Mr and Mrs I Qv Derr of Deshytroit were calling on friends in Coshyrunna Thursday They were accomshypanied by Mr and Mrs Ray Carshypenter of Minot N Dak

Miss Bess Garland of the county road commissioners office recently

apartment in Owosso when Owosso reported to the sheriffs office the and Corunna women will be hei loss of a valued white gold wrist guests j watch and a gold ring The articles

_ bdquo m ^ u u~ii disappeared several weeks ago The Corunna Teachers Club held ^ e

a professional meeting at the school- Judge Joseph H Collins will be house last night Reports were pre^ the principal peaker at a Father and sented by Mrs Warren Smith and Son banquet to be given at the Per-Miss Norma Curtis i ry M E Church on Thursday eve-

^ A gt bdquobdquobdquo bdquo-+ r t^nm) degf tns week Rev Sugden pas-Dr and Mrs C A Crane visited _ amp traquor ami raquo tUc ^iA r-vcraquo-t0r degf the Baptist Churches of Perry their crandson six months old Cnas bull bull laquo L A

iner B laquo laquo raquoraquoraquo a n c i Corunna will be toastmaster Crane Campbell of Flint Jast bun-day and incidentally his parents An all day meeting of the Cale-Mrbdquo and Mrs Robert Campbell j doma - Venice - Shiawassee Club of Y- TTT T -i bull bdquoieulaquoo- ^ Pauls Catholic Church was Mrs F Wm Nctnage ^ J ^ m g 1 j T u i n the home of hpoundJtradel^ iZvn M r s - ltraquolaquogt McNamara of East Mc-nagel and daughter Mrs Elwyn Corunna with Mrs Al-Davies m Toledo t h week She ac y t t t a s assisting hostess companied Charles Dohr of the ^ e d i-emette as assuring nostess News office to Toledo last Friday At the Republican primaries

Word was received in Corunna on Thursday morning of the passing of

Mrs Jane Morris a resident of fMrs- Emnia Chapin widow of the Vernon for the past 35 years and j l a e Merrick Chapin in Rochester of Shiawassae County for 50 yearsj Mich in the home of her daughter observed her 93rd birthday on Wed-jMrsgt B u r r Wallace Mrs Chapin had nesday altho she was very ill and i - J raquoraquoraquobull for two years and had confined to her bed and has been j raquoen confined to her bed about ten for several weeks Mrs Morris i s j w e k s the mother of three daughters and Mr Chapin passed away a number one son They a re Mrs Jessie E s - laquo years ago The family resided in cott of Corunna Mrs Frank I Corunna about twent- years ago Strauch and Mrs Nettie Wisnerj _ T h e remam s will be brought to and George Morris all of near Shia- laquoorunra ami services conducted wasseetown j from the Kribs funeral home Satur-

bdquo ^ V bull IT bull ngt d a y afternoon at two oclock with

ship nominated the following on- __^ their ticket at a caucas held last ^ - ^ - - _ - bull fclaquo laquo ^_

^ B ^ H S S S RESIGNATION ACCEPTED Floyd Luchenbill treasurer Elwin Andrew J Donovan whose splen-Biillard highway commissioner d d work a s Shiawassee County re-John Wager justice of the peace ilaquof administrator has attracted Ernest Self overseer of highway | ^ t a t p ^ de recognition has received John White board of review C h a s | w o r a that his resignation as coun-Eall constables George OHara ty relief administrator recently tend-George Dillon Philip Porter and laquoltf had been accepted by the State

j James R Relief Commsson efective April 1 j lhe appointment of his successor is

Eighty-five children were given j expected to be made within a few toxoid against diptheria 51 were j ( | ayS The county commission has vaccinated and 25 Were given J recommended that the position be

j Schick tests in a clinic recently held j g^ven t o pound Marlowe Stevens who at Bennington No 1 school under j n a s been project er^rineer the direction of Dr C M Wilcox of | m bdquo _ _ ^ Owosso It was announced this week j by Miss Grace Roumagoux county Now the olltj time moonshiners are nurse About 25 children of pre-1 complaining that John Lav never school age attended the clinic The j gave them a weeks notice like he schools 1 5 G Morton McCalt andj did the slot machine owners Dewey The McCall and Dewey mdash T mdash schools had the high percentage of their pupils present

~ Traquo~bdquo laquolaquo= tv_ j Owosso held for the nomination of Attorney V O Braun was the n lt | i d j | t e f ^ bdquo ^ o f



A Completely equipped Funeral Home

Corunna Avenue Corunna Mick


in cillas was held on Saturday evening

- - - - ^ p ^ onA a canuiuaie w r supervisor in each oi last when Miss Louise Peacock was principal speaker a t the trade S J the five wards the following were hostess to the membership The din-Sons banquet held ^ ^ ^ ^ j c h o s e n First Ward Chester L Pa-jner appointments included St Patshy

ricks Day motifs a green color

^ AL w J D_- M i l k^ b akery tea coffee or other A meeting of the Modern Pris-1 r o u t e metl G o o d p r o p o s i t i o n f o r

j right man Rawleigh Dtfpt MBCmdash 193mdashI Freeport HI

Tuesday evening of this week The banquet was a most s u laquo e raquo ^ laquo raquo h ^ w a r d D o u g ^ g Bpound f o u r t h

and was held m the commumty g M C a B | p b e U f i f t h w a r d gt b m l d m - Hugh Caylor

Mrs John Y Martin who has been spending some time in the home of her daughter Mrs Stuart Coutts convalescing from her long illness has returned home Mrs Martin is able to be around her home again by the use of a crutch to aid her in walking

Audrey and hjene Rigling were hostesses on Sunday evening lat for the regular Sunday evening meeting of the B Y P W It was announced that next Sunday eveshynings meeting will be the home of Mr and Mrs Ward Robinson when an outside speaker will be present

A St Patricks Day banquet will be held on Sunday evening next in the auditorium of St Pauls Cathoshylic school under the auspices of the church The speaker will be the Rev Fr Cacil Winters assistant pastor of Resurrection Church Lanshysing His topic has not been anshynounced The toastmaster will be William Smith of St Johns chairshyman of the public utilities commisshysion A feature of the banquet will be novelty and musical numbers by the Rucker family of Battle Creek an orchestra comprised of a mother

J and her nine children



f T T



The CorunnaiNews Phone 1373 Corunna Mich

scheme also prevailing in the menu items After making plans for the next meeting which were included in the business session following dinshyner the members played contract bridge The high score trophy was awarded to Miss Bess Car land and the low award went to Miss Edith Newell

Mrs C A Crane Mrs Fred Has-selback Misses Hattie and Jennie Holt and Mrs Lou Sheardy represhysented the Womans Club and the Friday Afternoon club of this city at a meeting of the Owosso Womshyans club on Tuesday afternoon when Mrs Laura Waples McMulIen of New York City chairman of the national and international commitshytee of the general federation of Womens Clubs gave a splendid adshydress A spring musicale was alshyso presented the artists appearing being Mrs N L Des Jardins and Mrs Harry Walsh vocal soloist and Miss Clara Kaltrider The speaker Mrs McMulIen beside being an aushythority on the work of the commitshytee of which she is chairman also is

an accomplished violinist and has studied abroad and in addition ha traveled extensively She is the aushythor of Building the World Soshyciety which is in use in various schools and colleges

Sing a song of slot machines rakshying in the kale four and twenty shekel^ all gone to hail watch the way it grambs em never once heaves up havent won a single one since Hector was a pup fool I kept on playing losing all my clothes then along comes Harry Toy and stepped on their toes

A telephone in y o u r home will add so much to your comfort and lessen your work

You can order your neshycessities get in touch with the rest of your famshyily friends neighbors or relatives with such little effort with the telephone

Telephone service costs only a few cents a day

Order one t o d a y mdash prompt installation

The Union Telephone Co

T T T T T T T f T J T-t T T

Bells Variety Store

Extend to you and yours the comshypliments of the season and our wish for a Happy and prosperous New


And during 1935 we shall endeavshy

or to continue to merit your confi-

dence at all times Our line of Novelty

Goods will always be complete and at

money saving prices

You are always welcome at this

bull xgt

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS At a regular m e e t i n s of t h e Board

of Superv i sors of Shittwasseo County commenced ami held ill che Court House- in the City of Corunna in said County on Honday January 14 A D 1035

The Board was called to order by ti Chnirrran

Roll WHS ja i led by the Clerk Present Supervisors Al len Brandel

Barnes Case Colby pound Durham For-Kison Kield Poland Gret tenberger Vincent Griffin Johnson J o n e s K i n g s shybury Lehowski P u r v i s Moore Paraquoco Pkync Peacock Sachs Sieb Wal l NotnaBel

bull Tho Clerl read le t ters f rom Michishygan S t a t e Association of Supervisor ami t h e Qtnte E m e r g e n c y Wel fare Reshylief C o m m i s s i o n

On motion of Supr E Durham the letters were received and placed on file

The Clerk read a letter from the Michisan Historical Commiss ion

On motion of Supr Iebo^vslii t h e IcHcT was received and placed on f i le bull F l o y d W a l v o r t h addressed the Hoard

On motiun of Supr Wall the Board took a recess unti l 1 3 0 th i s a f ter -aoon

A F T E R N O O N The Hoard was called to order by

the Chairman Roll was called by the Clerk 1resent Superv i sors Al len B a r n e s

Brando Case Colby F Derhlaquom K Durham FerKaaon Field Fo land Gret-tenber^-er V incent Griffin J l n a o n Jones Kingsbury Lobowski P u r v i s Mooie Pasco P a y n e Peacock Stvchs Siltgtb Wall NotnatfeJ

bullSupervisor E Durham read the folshylowing re igto rf To t h e Honorable Boon) of Supervi shy

s o r s Your c o m m i t t e e on Claims rthd Acshy

counts would respectful ly s u b m i t the following sa i ts report r e c o m m e n d i n g the a l lowance of the several Amounts a s given below and that the Clerk be a v -thomed to draw orders for t h e t a m e laquo6 J o h n H u d s o n

drain lt o u m mdash121310 1213 10 14 Edward Foland

ambulance 4 75 476 t l Clarence J Taylor

a m b u l a n c e _ 50C 500 35 R E LaRowe

a m b u l a n c e __ 1 1 0 0 11 00 32 Clarence 4 Taylor

a m b u l a n c e 500 500 77 R E LaRowe

ambulance bdquo mdash bdquo 14 0 0 14 00 48 Dr raquo D Lee a - r a y 200 2 00 71 Edwin Foland

a m b u l s laquo 78 R E LaRowe

a m b u l a n c e 6 F l o y d Murdock

d o g warden 3 1 R E L a R o w e

a m ba lance 82 A J F ink

pr i soner board 83 Margaret K i n g

s t e n o g r a p h e r 86 S h i a w a s s e e T w p 85 G a t e s D r u g Store

d r u g s -^^^ 9laquo E L Sieb

149 95 149 05 laquo 8 8 laquo laquo8-86





2 0 7 5 2 0 7 6


7 0 0

81 25

8 0 0

30 00

5 50


81 25


SO 00

a m b u l a n c e ^^__ 87 M r s Charkrtt L y o n s

nurse 1 89 H a r r y Colby

ambulance _~ 04 D G A u s t i n

94 D G Aus t in M D 84 F loyd Murdock

dog warden j 97 G B Wade M D a m b u l a n c e

H M r s Sada Wil l iams n u r s e

K L S I E B [ampbull E E DURHAM

On motion of Supr E Durham the report wait accepted and adopted by the fullowjiitr yea and nay vote called for by the Chairman V e t s Al len iJrmde Cae Colby Elbull Durham F Durham Ferfrraquoraquorgtni Field Grottonber(cer Johnshyson JOSH- KinKshury Uljowski 1ur-

bull vis Moore Pasco Pilyne Ieiteock a gt r Sachs SW-h

Supr Sachs reif the fol lowing re-I j port

To t h e Honorable Board of Superv i -bdquo arraquo -bullbull-bull bullbull - - ^ - -

i y ilrt S H R D F W V K K Your Committor on Claims and A c - counts in toiUajrious )pound-ltbull( Hi1 wuiild respecLflly stibmii the fol lowing its its

roiiurl us wiven Ix-dinv and that the Clerk he authorized to uriiw orders for

f the s a m e S8 D U A u s t i n M D

Meas les $ 775 J 775 i 2 J M Oswald

Trench Mouth 43 Axford Coal Co hi Dr C G Richards

s car l e t - f ever i 33 Owufcao Lumber amp ) Coal Company

46 F loyd Huff trroe _ 51 Durand Lumber Co 70 C Washburn BTOC

42 O G W a u g h milk 41 A D Hall coal _ 58 J A ByerSy groc _

95 W m Hudson 6C O W O I I O Lumber and Coal Co

36 J A Byer ly r 22 L laquo Rr^ebacher rent ^ 47 E C o J n e s rent

10 J C Penney Co bull 99 Wi l l i s Fue l Co

68 L E S m i t h D D S 100 E C Harmon groc 100 06


On mot ion of Supr Sachs t h e re shyport W M accepted and adopted by t h e

bull fol lowing yea and nay vote called for i by t h e Chairman Y e a s Al len Brandel j Case Colby Ferjrason Field Foland i Vincent J o h n s o n J o n e s Lebowski

Purvis Moore Pasco Peacock Sachs Sieb Wal l

On mot ion of Supr J o n e s the Board morning took recess unti l 930 tomorrow

S e n d corrected and approved LLOYD H Y E I T E R

OSCAR B A R N E S Clerk Chairman A t a regular m e e t i n g of the Board

of Superv i sors of Sh iawassee County continued and held in the Court H o u s e

3(10 liisO


21 40 1562

610 39 79 1760 4 61 486


2780 960

1000 2200

995 26 00

200 0006

300 1280


2t 46 15 62 CIO

3979 17 0 461 486


3780 960

1000 IS 00

995 26 00

200 10906

fa t h e City of Corunna in said County on T u e s d a y January 15 A D 1935

T h e Board was called t o order by t h e Chairman

Roll w a s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t S u p r s Al len B a r n e s Bran-

4L Caari Colby E Durham FerRashyton F i e ld Fo land Gret tenberger V i n shycent Griffin Johnson J o n e s k i n g s -btraquory Lebowski P u r v i s Moore N o t -ftagei P a s c o Payne Peacock Sachs Sieb W a l l

P r o s e c u t i n g A t t o r n e y Braun address -Mi t h e Board

Superv i sor jSieb read t h e fo l lowing report

To t h e H o v o r a b U Board of Superv i shysor

Yowr C o m m i t t e e ovi Claims and A c t e m t a won Id respect fu l ly s u b m i t t h e foOowfal Wt H MPR tteofluncttdlnr the a U o w a a c of t b laquo severa l a m o u n t aa g i v e n be low and that t h e Clerk be aathor i sed to draw orders for t h e s a m e 117 M E Cal l igan

a m b u l a n c e t 000 f 102 J a n e s Qtiayle

drawing jury 4 00 l i t M E Galligan

laquo tn^(ampc _ bullmdash 8CO 800




101 Coruoua N e w s r-J-irs - 345 60 345 60

125 R E ( L a R o w e a m b u l a n c e 1400 1400

131 Oscar F Barnes a m b u l a n c e _ ~ 750 750

105 Herbert Krifcn a m b u l a n c e 400 4 00

129 Morris Funeral H o m e a m b u l a n c e - H 0 0 MOO


On m o t i o u of Supervisor Sieb t h e report wa s accepted and adopted by

- lhlt fo l lov ing y e a and nay vo te cal led for by t h e Cha irman Yeas Brandel (vase Colby F e r p a s o n Fie ld t Folajid G r e t t o n h e r s e r V incent Griffii J o n e s Kinsfsbury Lebowski Purvis^ N o t i ^ g e l Pasco P e a c o c k Sachs Sieb

The mot ion of Supervisor J o n e s that the Clerk pay t h e dues to t h e S t a t e A s s o c i a t i o n of Superv i sors and t h a t a n y m e m b e r of the Board that w i s h e s to KO to the S ta te Convention m a y zo and rece ive f-iOO per day not to ex-olaquoed t w o days Carried by the fo l lowshying yea JUid nay vote called for by the C h a i r m a n V e a i Brandel Case Colby E Durham Fergasori FieW Foland Grettenberjjer Vincent Griffin JOnes K i n g s b u r y L e b o w s H r u r y i s Moore N o t n a s e l P a s c o Peacock Sachs S ieb

On mot ion of S u p i Moore the Board took a r e c e s s unlaquo l 130 this a f ternoon

A F T E R N O O N The Bowrd was called to order by the

Chairman Roll w a s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t Supers Al len Barnes B r a n shy

del f u s e Coiby F Derham E Durshybar r er -Wson Fie ld Fo land Gre t t en -i t-n^r Vincviit Griffin Johnson J o n e s (

K i n g s b u r y Lebowski P u r v i s Moore Notui i se l Vasuo P a y n e Peacock S a c h s Sieb Wal l

A L N icho l s addressed the Board A s h l e y H o m e pddressed the Board The mot ion of Supr F Durham t h a t

the C o m m i t t e e heretofore appointed t o look a f t e r t h e wei fare mat ter g o t o Lans ing t o confer w i t h t h e S t a t e W e l shyfare D e p a r t m e n t Carried

On mot ion of Supr E D u r h a m t h e Board took r e c e s s unti l 930 t o m o r r o w m o r n i n g

Read corrected and approved L L O Y D H Y E I T E R

OSCAR B A R N E S Clerk Cha irman

A t a reewlar m e e t i n g of t h e Board of S u p e r v i s o r s of S h i a w a a s e C o u n t y cont inued and held in t h e Cfraquoort H o u s e in t h e Ci ty of Corunna in said C o u n t y on W e d n e s d a y J a n u a r y 1 6 A D 196

T h e B o a r d wa s cal led t o order by

t h e C h a i r m a n Roll w a s called by t h e Clerk

P r e s e n t Supre Al len B a r n e s B r a n shydel Colby F Durham E D u r h a m Fer -g a s o n F ie ld Fo land G r laquo M laquo b laquo laquo laquo V i n c e n t Griff in J o h n s o n J o n e s raquo raquo laquo raquo -bury L e b o w s k i P u r v i s M o o r e N o t -n a x e l P a s c o P a y n e Peacock Sacha Sieb W a U

Superv i sor Lebowski made t h e fol shylowing m o t i o n

I m o v e that t h e Board d e s i g n a t e Mary H a n u s a s c o u n t y s t e n o g r a p h e r and pay her a sa lary of 3 5 2 0 0 0 per year b e g i n n i n g Jan 1 1 raquo 3 6 wh ich s u m i s t o be in l ieu of s U t u t o r y fees a l lowed for e x a m i n a t i o n

T h e mot ion rarrJed b y t h e fo l lowing yea ahd nay vo te called for b y t h e C h a i r m a n Y e a s Al len Brandel Colby E D u r h a m Field Fo land Gret te i i -berjter V i n c e n t K i n g s b u r y Lebowski Pirvin Moore P a s c o P a y n e Peacock Sachs

J u d g J o s e p h H Coll ins addressed t h e Board

Superv i sor Ferpason read the fo l lowshying repor t

To the Board of Superv i sors of Sh ia shyw a s s e e C o u n t y mdash

Your Commit tee on Hoapi1raquoliaUc-ri s i hmits the fo l lowing report

That s ince October 1 1034 the ofshyf ice of t h e Hospi ta l Inves t iga tor has re -Itivfd the fol lowing a m o u n t s as payshyments on noteH payable to Shiawasnee County from persons rece iv ing hospi ta l bull-ri at the expense of said C o u n t y

OCTOBER 1D34 0MIltSIgt City Hcniutits $ irgt00 c w H a v e n Twp accounts lti0rt Conmtia City accounts _ poundraquo200

T o u t N O V E M B E R 1934

H u m s T w p accounts bullVernon Twp account s Perry T w p accounts Hiz -Hon T w p account s New H a v e n T w p a c c o u n t s O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s Corunna City a c c o u n t s S h i a w a s s e e T w p account s

$ 1 1 3 0 0

3 l l fi - 103 00 IS4^00 500 2GS5

200 5 00

107 00

Total ^ D E C E M B E R 1934

O w o s s o T w p a c c o u n t s O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s Vernon Twp a c c o u n t s Caledonia Twp a c c o u n t s Rush T w p a c c o u n t s bdquo

3 4 3 9 6 1

34 00 1 6 0 0 31 05

130 40 4 00

Total _ $ 1 9 0 4 5 J A N U A R Y 1S33

( t o J a n 15 1 9 3 5 ) O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s _bull 3 81 00 Durand Ci ty a c c o u n t s 10 00

Total mdash j 0 0

Total cash receipts t o date 3 7 8 4 0 6 Al l o f which i s re spec t fu l ly s u b m i t shy


On mot ion of Supr F e r g a s o n the report w a s accepted and adopted

On mot ion of Supr Barnes the Board took a recess until 180 th i s a f t ernoon

A F T E R N O O N The Board was called to order by

the Chairman Roll wa s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t S u p r s Al len B a r n e s B r a n shy

del Colby F Derham E D u r h a m Doepker F e r g a s o n Fie ld Foland Gret -t enberg er V incent Griff in J o h n s o n Jones K i n g s b u r y Lebowski P u r v i s Moore Notr age l P a s c o P a y n e P e a shycock S a c h s S ieb Wal l

Supr P a s c o read t h e fo l lowing re shypor t

To t h e Honorable Board of Supershyv i s o r s

Your C o m m i t t e e on claims in L i v e Stock D a m a g e Would respec t fu l ly s u b shym i t t h e fo l lowing a s i t s report recshyo m m e n d i n g t h e severa l a m o u n t s a s g i v e n below a n d t h a t t h e Clerk b e author ized to draw orders for t h e s a m e

75 Glenn Moore 1 s h e e p 2 dogs mdash $ 1 5 0 0 I 16 00

62 John Snyder 1 e w e 2 lambs _ 16 50 1650

74 F loyd Reed 4 e w e s s o 2 0 30 20

50 Charles E Stocker t lamb - 8 26 826

3 e w e s 1 lamb _ 20 John Bray

1 s h e e p 24 G e o r g e Curt i s

2 e w e s 7 Earl H y d e

1 s h e e p 6raquo Janrtw fc^Vfciley

s h r p mdash 1 40 Wafter S tewart

1 s h e e p bdquo 26 F F Parkhurs t

1 e w e 8 lambs raquo9 ltQIlaquoMgt -taoitaJtet-

t s h e e p 1 b t r n b

20 60 20 60

6-80 5 80

1065 1 0 6 5

950 9 50



12 00

1 2 1 0


12 00

9 25

_ 42 16



120 B 2

U 9 B

i I I S B

_ 11 10 1110


1010 10 10

9 6 2 0 96 20

__ 65 25 65 ^5


_ 4 00


s a w n p ^ M ^ s B mdash i s p 1mdashai rgt

5 James J- Rue 1 s h e e p 1 l a m b _

3 W W Brius 2 heep -

72 Pearl J a c o b s 7 sheep

S Howard G a n n s s l e y 1 ewe

121 James Biggci 1 e w e

K Knipe ewes -

K Knipe dog _

K Knipe A ewes

117 C E V e r n o n 7 e w e s f gt lambs

104 M C A c k e r s o n 9 sheep

103 Charlet Reed 6 s h e e p h l ambs

21 C K COLBY 1 dog -

44 E D A l l e n l o gt g ---

64 Clifford -Duiihnm 1 dog

68 Walter WoOlard 1 dog

3V E D A l l e n 4 e w e s 1 rant 2 lambs

45 Ed Al len 17 ewes mdash

61 Martin VanDuseiv 1 sheep mdash

136 Georee Cowkes 2 5 0 0 141 Ralph L o v e 710 140 Homer N i c h o l s _ - 3 9 8 0 139 Earl S t o n e 22 45

SO Howard G a n s s l e y S e w e s 2 wounded

4 G e o r g e W Di l lon 2 lambs 29 A L S a n d e r s o n

1 lamb _ _ 25 Henry Miller

4 lambs 28 D e n n i i J Ki ldea

2 s h e e p _ _ 54 F E To l l inger

1 lamb 2 ewea _ 80 Howard Lawcock

5 s h e e p 6 l a m b s 18 J o e J a m a h

3 e w e s bdquo ^ 76 C D W a r r e n

4 Iambs -_mdash 17 El izabeth Chi ld

1 ewe bdquo^ w_-15 Haatrgt T o m s

7 e w e s mdashmdash~ 7 Loreraquoi M c K a y

1 dog bdquo mdash _ _

aaaKs bullL LfJOti 9 9

1 6 7 5 16 75


4 2 1 5

9 00

9 40

Forgotten Sire Dairys Drawback

Large Group of Young Bulls With Unknown Ability

as Breeders




6 6 2 5

i 4 0 0


4 00 1


a 00 i

66 25

135 25 18525

70 770 2 5 0 0

5 10 3 9 3 0 22 45

27 00 2700

19 45 19 4


3000 3000

16 30 16 3 0

15 25 1 5 2 5

pound 8 3 0 S8S0

12 Frank J a s o n 1 e w e

64 Wil l iam Igtwyre bull2 ewea bull mdash mdash ~

2 3 5 0

pound 2 6 0

9 5 laquo

5 1 5 0

5 1 5

15 20 65 Wil l iam W a d e

1 e w e bdquo mdash _ bdquo _ bdquo 1 Wal ter A B r o w n

J A P i n k 1 Iamb 2 s h e e p

38 Harry T S u r g e 4 aboep mdash

~ t 840

B y W W Tapp Chief in Dairy Cattle Uni shyversity of IllinoismdashWgtJU fraquorviee

Tlie forgotten man has his chamshypions but too little has been said ftnd done about the foraorten sires at dairy herd

By the forgotten sires reference I made to that large group of yonng dairy bulls whose breeding ftbllicw Is still en unknown quality but whose progeny will wJeid a potent tnAiienco on dairy returns In yeara to come These progeny will produce more thna 00 pet cent of all auik and dairy prodshyucts consumed In the live years from J087 1raquo J9tl inclnsivc

Most progressiva dairymen vould rather use a proTed sire as detei-

I rained by the number of pounds of I milk and butterfat the bulls daughters will produce in a years time Thia Is as it should be However under tho I present system of proving dairy bulls I only one in fifty is likely to become ft j proved sire and all those not in this t select group are forgotten j More attention needs to be given to j the physical appearance of these bulla

and to the performance of their dams and sires if the future of the dairy Industry is to be safeguarded Thlaquo phyeacal characteristics of the young bull should of coarse be considered carefnlly if he Is to Hre the future) producers of the herd In addition the dairyman should InvertigHte the) char-actertstlcs of the bulla sire and dam If obtainable the recwrda of fall broth-

M Mlaquor8and sisters and even of half broth-s 6 0 | ers and half sisters will forntsh valo-

i able evidence in determining the toans-51G0 j mittSng ability of a yonog sire If a

dairyman can find a yonng btill who sire has ten or more unsetected daughshyters that are highly prodaetlra and whose dam has three or more good danghters he can feel reasonably at-scred (hat the young sire will make a satisfactory breeder


Whereas Prank Siebeneck and Eliza Siebeneck his wife made and executed a certain mortgage bearing dale the 3rd day of March A D 1924 to Howard E Slocum and Mashybel A Slocum his

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE in the Matter of th Eraquotatlaquo of

Geprgo W Baker Dec We the undersigned having bean

appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and fr

the County of Shiawassee State of 1 j raquo X e w l c n w a s Michigan Commissioners to receive

recorded in the Office of the Regis- e x a m i n e a n d a d j u s t a l l claim and

8 50 I

2 3 5 6

I 6 1 5

I 8 2 5

16 20

8 4 0

2 1 1 0 2 1 1 0

9 George C o e t i e 1 ewe bull bull bdquo mdash - ^ -

2 9 John Manford 6 ewe 5 Jambs bdquo

11 Frank Ri tae t 1 d o ^

18 F F P a r k h u r s t 3 s h e e p 1 l a m b s _

6 B McKaylTia 3 e w e s - - laquo


1 8 2 5

7 20

7 4 0 0

18 25

7 2 6




1 1 2 0


1 2 5 0

t 2 0

Corn Stover Low Protein Feed and Needs Balance

The loss in dry matter In corn stashyter approximates 24 per cent white the loss in ensiling corn need not bo more

600 j than 10 per cent This emphasise the yalue tl ensiling in so far as possible j this year says Hoards Dairyman Hosv-laquoTrT bright com stover that has been properly shocked can be made a valshyuable part of the ration this winter Shreddinggrinding or cutting may be

On motion of Supr Pateo the re- advisable in order to get the cows to port was accepted awi adopted by the eat the entire plant Also the cjnserv-rollowitiR yfa a n d nay v o t e cal led for fltive n g o o f laquo bdquo bdquo m i x e d w i t h w a -

V ^ r D u ^ fet laquo^ bullraquo- bullPtln-W over this rmiahate-prason Fi id Grvttenbenrer Griffin bull may add to its palaubllity and feed- l h n s o n P u r v i s Moore Paaco P a y n e i n g v a l u e s l i g h t l y

I Torn stover is a low protein feed and to balance it we must feed n hlch protein grain mixfure Wo recommend 1 to 2 per cent of the grain mixture he grcumltl ijmestono marloyster shell or S)(5iSir-igt-i hoi nicr l l iuiuraquo m^nl

Jen suit niUed half and half and felti jvlt salt alone Is usually fed will also poundbull-ltbull the necessary minerat protection i vraquo analysis of corn stover is 21 per cot dl^estil)Ie crude protein 401 per ccit total digestible nutrients

ter of Deeds of the County of Shia wampssee Michigan on the 25th day of November A D 1924 in Liber 165 of Mortgages on page 383

And whereas the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage on the date hereof for principal and inter-eat and taxes paid upon the premshyises hereinafter described by the said mortgagees is the sum of Fifty-sis hundred eighty-three dollars and eighty-five cents j and also the addishytional sum of Thirty-five dollars stashytutory attorneys fees as provided for in said mortgage and no suit or proshyceeding having been instituted at tew or in equity to recover the debt secured thereby or any part thereshyof

And whereas default has been made in the payment of the money secured by said mortgage wherehy the power of sale contained therein has become operative

Now therefore notice is hereby given that by virtue of said power of sale and in pursuance thereof and of the statute in such ease made and provided the said mortgagewill be foreclosed by a sale of the mortshygaged premises at public vendue to the highest bidder at the front door of the_ Court House in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michi igan that being the place of holding the Circuit Court within said Coun-tl oh the l i t day of Jttraquo A D 1935at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day the description of which said premises contained in said mortshygage and which will be sold as aforesaid is as follows

AH those certain pieces or parshycels of land situated in the Township of Caledonia Shiawassee County Michigan described as follows

The North forty acres of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty Township Seven North of Range Three East Michigan except Three

demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Charles Kirby in the Township of Venice in said County on Monday the 18thday-of March A D 1925 and on Thursday the 16th day of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjustshying all claims against said estate and that four months from the 16th day of January A D i935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said C^mmis^ionr5rs for adjustment and allowance

Dated the 16th day of January A D 1935





STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash In the office of the drain commissioner of the cousxty of Shiawassee in the matter of the Galloway Drain

Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of February 1935 a petishytion was filed with the undersigned county drain commissioner for the county of Shiawassee praying for the deepenirsg widening straightenshying cleaning out and extending of Galloway Drain

That upon the 16th day of Fib- -ruary 1935 the undersigned filed with the Honorable Roy D Matshythews judge of probate a petition askfing for the appointment of a board of determination

that said judge of probate havshying appointed Fred Peacock Fred Ferguson and Roy Allen as such board of determination

Now therefore said board will meet at SE corner of Section 36

acres in the Northwest comer ofjlaquoe w Haven Towi^hip on the 18th Said land which three acres is Thirty lt d a y 0 Mstrch 1935 at ten oclock rods East and West and Sixteen rods] i n the forenoon of said day to deter-North and South containing in all Thirty-seven acres of land more or less

Also all that part of the East half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Niriteen Town Seven jNdrth of Range Three East Michigan lying South of the Grand Trunk Railway

mine the necessity of Galloway Drain^

Therefore all persons municishypalities and highway officials intershyested in the proposed Galloway Drain are requested to be present if they so desire

Dated at Corunna Michigan this

right-of-way except land bull laquo M to N 2 t h d a y degf ^ frac34 i

Pracock S a c h s

Al len Supervisor fe ix irt

read the fo l lowing

T o the visors

Honorable Basuw o Super -

I gtgtur C o m m i t t e e on Juraquotgtces Ci^n-

Htablea and Coroners Clairca and a--co imts would respect fu l ly submit tin-fo l lowlns as itraquo report rcoornmfrnltn^ the- a l l o s v a n e e o f t h e severa l a m o u n t s a t ivn hrlow and that the Clerk be aii-t l ioruvd to draw orders for the laquo raquo m laquo

bull43 Rohorl )1 C A

55 W m M J J^ 21 C A 27 It E 76 raquo F-2raquo Aupus t

1S5 James 1S4 H o m e r

Morrorv Cratio i Wt-inkuuf Havilartd Crano H D LaKraquowe ( I-aRowe F i s c h e r

Wi l son B u s h


7so 6540 10 00 10 00 1000 7 00 560 2 00

to50 20440

7 GO 65^40 iooo 1000 10 00 700 oieo

Chinch Bug War Hard

1050 2 0 4 4 0

On motion of Supr Al len t h e report w as accepted and adopted b y the fo l shylowing yea and nay vote called for b y the C h a i r m a n Y e a s AUe Colby F

Congress in the last session voted an approprl^on of a million dollars to hult the ravages of the chinch bug in

200 the cpoundgtrn belt and this money was used to build barriersbull totaling UWO miles

along which creosote halted tltte adshyvance of the Insects The chinch bag however has twrraquo generations in a sinshygle season the first generation being a crawling insert which can be conshytrolled by the creosote barriers but the second generation flying is not halted

B Aiken and except a strip of land four rods wide off the North and running parallel with the said Grand Trunk Railway right-of-way said strip to be used for highway purshyposes

(All of said parcels to be sold as clark Joh aforesaid being used and operated as one farm)

Dated March 12 1935 HOWARD E SLOCUM


PULVER amp BUSH Attorneys for Mortgagees Business Address Owosso Mich

JOHN HUDSON County Drain Commissioner

Shiawa-ssee County Michigan


I n t h e


Derham E Durham FTraquooa Field by this form of control Experts estishymate that the million dollars spent oa control measures saved at least $4-000000 worth of com

Grst tenbers^r Grif f in J o h n t o n L e b o w shys k i P u r v i s Moore P a s c o P a y n e P e a shycock Sachs

Supr S a t h s read the fo l lowing reshyp o r t

T o the H o n o r a U j E laquo r e bulllt S u p - v i -s o r s

Your C o m m i t t e e on Claims and A c shyc o u n t s in C o n t a g i o u s Diraquoealaquoe w o u l d respec t fu l ly s u b m i t t h e foUowing a s i t s report retomroendinu t h e a l lowance of the severa l a m o u n t s as g iven be low and that t h e Clerk be authoriaed t o t i m e tO a p p l y if I s iC t h e f a l i d i g g i n g

it Into the soil and if the soil Is a clay roam It can stand heavy applications of such material which wfli help conshysiderably In keeping the soil more open and spongy and render it less liable to bake and dry out during dry weather Applications up to 50 tons to the acre may toe usedmdashMontreal Herald

Hops for Fertilizer Hops from a brewery are exetflent

as a source of introducing humus to the soIL Any form of vegetative growth even weeds supply this necesshysary matter Manure is another form ID which humus is supplied The best

draw orders for t h e s a m e

142 Ruby Mil ler n u r s e ( 114 Memorial H o s p i t a l 107 Dr J J Hav i land 112 Dr W T Parker _ 132 Ruby Mil ler 1S3 E C J o n e s 111 Dr R C P o c h e r t 113 John R u b e n s t i n e _ 124 Vernon E l e v a t o r Co 109 Dr J J Hav i land 128 Dr C J SUenard 122 G B Bar low 126 C A L a w r e n c e mdash 188 WVitebflr Drott C o 108 Dr A L Arnold _ 110 Dr A L Arnald _ 106 Dr A L ArnoW _ 123 Marshal) D u n c k l e

t o Vernon Bank W H S A C H S F R PASCO J H L E B O W S K I

250 lt SlOO

pound00 2 1 0 0 5 8 8 0

500 1 0 5 0

860 1689 20 00 1 7 0 0 2 4 7 8 1 0 8 1

910 65 00 19 90 56 00

2 50 8100

2 00 2100 58 00

500 1 0 5 0

S60 16 89 20 00 17 00 2 4 7 8 1 0 8 1

9 1 0 6 5 0 0 19 90 6 6 0 0

Farm Chatter

6 6 5 6 6 5 6 5

On motidr- o f Srtpt S a c h s ( the reshyport was accepted and adopted by the

rt-rt witt-I

Spare recently passed several laws laquo0 regulate its wheat trade

raquo bull bull

Germany has fixed maximum gram bullprices ampt slightly above those of 1033

bull bull bull

The cereals are the most Important branch of agrieurfure la tbe United States

bull s

About 100000 farmers grow sugar fo l lowing y e a and n a y v o t e called for j ^ 0 cent ^ U n i t e d S t a t e s T h e t r a n -

ker Fsraraaon F ie ld G r e t t e n b e m e r Griffin J o h n s o n K i n g s b u r y Lebowski A t a v e r a g e r a t e o f c o n s u m p t i o n o f P u r v i s M o o r e P a s c p P a y n e P e a c o c k COM c e r e a l s o n y e a r s COTn CTOp

s0- woaM produeeveiKHjgh eereal to last On mot ion of Supr Kinaabury t h e t l raquo p e o p l e Of t h e U n l b M S t a t e s 4 7 0

Board took a r e c e s s unt i l t o m o r r o w y e a r s morning a t 9 8 0 i bull bull

Read corrected and approved bull to raquo laquo M tU s t laquo

drouths corn production has risen LLOYD H YKiTEit an average of 40 per cent Acreage

OSCAR BARKES Clerk bas tocreased 7 per cent and acre

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate Austin B Gilbert Deceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the office of Frank R GUna in the Court House in the City of Corunna in said County on Monday the 22nd day of April A D 1935 and on Monday the 24th day of June A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receivshying and adjusting all claims against said estate and that four months from the 21st day of February A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commisshysioners for adjustment and allowshyance

Dated the 21st day of February A D 1935



M a t t e r o f t h e E t laquo t laquo o f

n s t o n D e c e a s e d

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Frobute in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Comrri--sipners to receive examine and adjust all claims and deshymands of al persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Wager in the Township of Venice in said County on Friday the 29th day of March A D 1935 and on Wednesday the 2Sth dav of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjustshying all claims against said estate and that four months from the 29th day of January A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustshyment and allowance

Dated the 29th day of January A D 1935



COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of

Frances Van Campen Smith Deshyceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in anltj for the Coutfty of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive _ examine and adjust all claims and I sale at public vendue to the highest


Notice is hereby given that by virshytue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee and State of Michigan against the goods and chat-telslanlt end tenements of Lyle V Sawyer and Mary C Sawyer in said county to me directed and delivered I did on the second day of October 1934 levy upon and take all the right title and interest of the said Lyle V Sawyer and Mary C Sawshyyer in and to the following deshyscribed lands to-witmdash

The south one-half of south one-h a l f of t h e n o r t h e a s t quarter (5frac12 S N E t t ) of secshytion eleven (11) town eight (8) north of range one (1) east Fairshyfield Township Shiawassee County Michigan

All of which I shall expose for

Chairman yields SO per cent

demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the Vernon State Bank in the Village of Vernon in said County on Monday the 22nd day of April A D 1935 and on Monday the 24th day of June A D 1935 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjusting all claims apai^st said estate and that four months from the 21st day ol February A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioneis for adjustshyment and allowance


r bull i bullbull Xommissioners

bidder at the west front door of the court house in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County being the place where the Circuit Conrt is held in said County on the 9th day of March 1935 at 900 oclock in the forenoon

M G DICKTE Deputy Sheriff

JBLLIS F WILSON Attorney for Frank A Phillip Business Address Owosso Mich

Let The Nw handle

^BSSVnjSSaSJI^nv SSs S v 4SnSJp^p^SSaJBPSB]^nh V


s bull

-I1 1 M l JiVfig


bullWWmdashin gi1 ii wv se

laquof In the Matter of the EUtlaquo bull Job F Jlaquocoblaquo Deceased

We the undersized having been - appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshy

thews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of ail persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Ha-zelton in said County on Monday the 25th day of March A D 1935

- and on Monday the 27th lay of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day for the purshypose cf receiving and adjusting all claLns against said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1)Spound are-allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustment ^nd allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D 1935



COMMISSIONERS NOTICE la thcopy Matter of the Eclat of

William E Vernon Deceased We the undersigned having been

appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the State Ban) of New Lothrop in the Village of New Lothrop in said County on Monday the first day of April A D 19S6 and on Friday the 31st day of May A D 1985 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjusting all claims against said estampte and that four months from the 31st day of January A D 1935 are allowed to creditors p present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustment and allowance

Dated the 31st day of Janaary A JD 1935




- I n the Matter of the ElaquoUt Almeda Jacob Deceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hoi Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims artri demands of all persons against said estate do hereby eive notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Haselton in said County on Monshyday the 25th day of March A D 1935 and on Monday the 27th dav of May A- D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and ad--justing aiiclaimsagainst said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adshyjustment and allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D 19351




STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash The Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee in Chancery

Flossie M Storey also known as Flossie M Passage Plaintiff vs

William H Storey Myrtle I Storey Mary Fetterly and Michigan Trust Company a Michigan corporshyation Defendants

Suit pending in the circuit court for the County of Shiawassee in Chancery at the City of Corunna in said county on the 1st day of February A D 1935

In this cause it appearing from afshyfidavit on file that the Defendant Mary Fetterly is a resident of the State of Michigan that process for her appearance has been duly issued and that the same could not be servshyed by reason of her absence from the State of Michigan That her exshyact address cannot be ascertained

On motion of Rosenburg amp Paintshyer plaintiffs attorneys it is ordered that the said defendant Mary Fetshyterly cause her appearance to be entered herein within three months from the date of this order and in case her appearance that she cuse her answer to the plaintiffs bill of complaint to be filed and a copy thereof to be served on said plain- hay tiffs attorneys within fifteen days after service on her of a copy of said bill and notice of this order and that in default thereof said bill be taken a s confessed by the said deshyfendant

And it is Further Ordered That within forty days the said plaintiff cause a notice of this order to be published in the Corunna News e newspaper printed published pnd circulating in said courty and that such publication be continued thereshyin at least once in each Wftek for six weeks in succession or that she cause a copy of this order to be personally served on said defendant at least twenty days befo^ the time above prescribed for her apshypearance 4


ROSENBURG A PAINTER Attorneys for Plaintiff

Good Seed Curing Means Good Crops

Proper Care Is Important During Winter Will

Increase Income By R H Reed Agru-uUnral poundlaquolaquolaquo University ltrf IlliuoimdashWNU Scrvna

Providing good curing and storage conditions for their seed com this winter rather than poor or even avershyage _conditions will be worth 0000-000 en nextyears XJJinr gccrn crop should lOSfl be u normal year and corn prices remain favoranle

This is reveal ed In efebt bull years of ecords Uept by farmersbullenryiSed In the farm niahageuieut service conduct ed by the Coiee of Agriculture bull Unishyversity of Illinois in co-operation with county farm bureaus in these recshyords involving the growing of approxishymately 70000 aerts of corn the differshyence between good and poor seed corn curing and storage amounted to 2raquo bushels an acre in the resulting crop liven average curing and storing conshyditions cut the resulting crop two bushshyels an acre below what it was from good curing and storage of the seed Two bushels an acre on the average nnrua5 Illinois crop of aloe million acres with corn worth 00 cents a bush el wouUl amount to more than $10000-000 In corn returns

By good curing and storage Is meant that the seed com Is dried rapidly and protected from freeting until the ex-cesa moisture has been removed-These conditions arenot met where the corn is ben on the back porch or in the driveway of the corncrib as is practiced on many farms

Rapid drying of seed corn requires the use of some artificial heat unless

Prolonged eel storage has been found to free apples of Insects

laquo -Farster unLsn branches are being

organized throughout norfhern Ireland

Agriculturally Manchuria is one of the most favored spots In the Far East

A balf-mlVloa farmers lost their

status as landowners is the last three years

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

Cows should be dry clx weeks or two months This gives them a ohacce to build up a reserve for the coming vear


Default having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative given by-Robert Cohoon and Cora A Co-hoon his wife of the Village of Morrice Shiawassee County Michishygan to Thomas E Case of the Township of Perry Ccunty and State aforesaid on December 4 1909 and recorded in the office of the Regisshyter of Deeds of Shiawassee County on December 4 1909 in Liber 118 of Mortgages on page 632 which said mortgage has been duly assignshyed by Thonias E Case to George B Lewis by assignment bearing date the 14th day of March 1919 and recordeoTin the Office of the Regisshyter of Deeds of said County of Shiashywassee on the 15th da^ of March 1919 in Liber 136 of Mortgages on page 577 on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereshyof for principal and interest the sum of $38183 and no action at law having been brought to recover said mortgage debt or any part theieof and the said George B Lewis hay


STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash The Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee

At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee held at the Probate Office in the City of Corunna on the 2nd day of Janshyuary in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate of Alvin Morell Eentiey Senior Deshyceased

Detroit Trust Company Trustee under Will of said deceased having filed their sixteenth annual account a3 trustee of said estate for the benefit of Ca-SUv M Kpntlpy

it is OrderedThat the 28th day of January next at ten oclock in the forenoon at said Probate Ofshyfice be appointed for examining nnd allowing safd account and all previshyous accounts

And it is Further Ordered That a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corunna News a newspaper printed and cirshyculating in said County of Shiawasshysee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

HARRIET AIXEN Probate Register




Kor small quantities the ears can be hung in the kitchen or in an upstairs room around the chimney or over an open hot air register Large quantishyties of seed corn may he dried in the farm shop garage or other buildings where a fire can be maintained Care hewever should be taken to ee that none of the corn is exposed to a temshyperature above 120 degrees Fahrenheit

Ventilation Is also an Important facshytor in obtaining high quality seed corn Unless the air immediately around the ears is constantly changed t^e atshymosphere becomes ladened with moisshyture the drying will be much slower raid an ideal condition is established lor the development of molds

k m w bdquoraquolaquo w HllVMll bdquo w bdquo MHiWi ing departed this life^and the under the weather Is unusually favorable signed Brmal E Sickles k the duly

and legally appointed administratrix of the Estate of George B Lewis and ag such is the legal holder of the tiUe to said mortgage

Now therefore by virtue of the said power of sale and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided notice is hereby given that on Monday the 29th day laquof April 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon said mortgage will be forecolsed by a sale by public auction to the highshyest bidder at the west front door of the Court House in the City of Corunna that being the place where the Circuit Court for Shiawassef County is held of the land and premises described in said mortage or so much thereof as may be necshyessary to pay the amount due as aforesaid on said mortgage with inshyterest thereon at the rate of six per cent and all legal costs charger and expenses inclndin an attorhej fee allowed by law of $1500 said premises being described as follows

The north three-eights () of the West half (gt of the West half () of the southwest quarter gt and the east half (bull) of the northshywest qtiarter () of the southwest quarter (frac34) of section twenty-one (21) excepting a piece Of land in the northeast corner of said last above mentioned description describshyed as commeneinlaquor at the northeast corner and running thence west Eighteen (18) rods then south thirty-two (32) rods thence east eighteen (18) rbds and thence north thirty-two rods to place of begs-ninc all on Section Twenty-one (21 in Town five (5X north Range three (3) east Also the west forty (40) feet of lot Thirty-six (36) and wholr of lot thirty-seven (37) in block four (4) Village of Morrice Shiashywassee County State of Michigan

Dated Januarv 28 1935 ERMAL E SICKLES

Administratrix of the Estate of George B Iewis Deceased

HICKS amp DES JARDINS Attorneys for Administratrix Business Address Owosso Mich

Soybeans cowpeas and similar legshyume crop are nor considered feed crops under the AAA ruling but inshystead are classified as hay crops

bull bull bull Hawaiis 1933 pineappie pack of apshy

proximately 800)000 cases was esfJ sated to have a value of $22400000

bull bull

Ohte baa only TO par cent as many cattle on feed this year and the Corn Belt has but 88 per cent as siany as a year ago the United States Departshyment of Agriculture reports

bull bull From practical experience the Deshy

partment of Agriculture has learned that temporary ffbeck of dams of brush snllt to stop erosion win last from two and one-half to three years

Need More Horses Mules to Meet Greater Demand

Demand for horses and mules Is exshypected to increase materially for the next few years Although colt producshytion has been increasing for twe or three years the number now being proshyduced is hardly enough to meet V0 per rent of the expected demand for work stock

A large proportion of the work aftl-nisils now on farms are in the old ae bullgroup snd even if production of colts continues- to increase by the end of 1038 the low point-in horse and mule |Mgttgtuaiion will be reached in the opinshyion of Ohio State university farm wouomists

Higher toed prices this year mixy en courage greater use of mechanical powshyer and may check the anticipated inshycrease in breeding plans even in the face of an expected rise in the price of work stock


STATE OP MICHIGAN mdash The Probate Court for tbgt County of

At a session of the Probate Coart or said County held at the Probate Office in the City of Corunna oh the 26th day of December A D 1934 -

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate of Sophia De Frenn Deceased

On filing the petition of Earl De Frena praying for the probate of the will of aaid deceased new filed in this aourt bull

It is Ordered That the 28th day of JaaaaiT next at nine oclock in the forenoon at said Probate Of-iice ba appointed for hearing said petition _

It iraquo Furtber Ordered That a cony ef this order be published three sucshycessive weeks prraquoviouB to said ltlay of bearing in the Corunna Naws a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Shiawassee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

HARRIET AIKBN Register of Prebate


Feeding Work Horses Wintering work horses wiW be a

troublesome problem in view of the feed shortage To maintain a fair conshydition work horses need a daiiy ration of from ten to fifteen pounds of clean roughage such as hay laquoraquorn fodder or struw Even idle horses in addition to ihe roughage should have a little ^rain especially If the roughage conshysists of prairie hay straw or cora fodshyder On live to six pounds of grain per day a horse will hold its weight llie amotlnt of grain of course dependshying somewhat on size of the animal Horses at work need from ten to Bf-ren pounds of grain per head a day ff they are to hold up In weight Barley cau be substituted very well for corn or oats but it should be ground or rolledmdashMissouri Farmer

Agricultural Notes The tomato is classified by the Enshy

cyclopedia of Food as a fruit bull

Unless in a sealed package honey should be kept in a dry warm place

Two-thirds of a pound of dried beet

pulp takes the place of one pound of

Canadian western sheep ranges proshyduce from 150000 to 200000 lambs each year saitahle for fattening purposes

bull bull Kvery 3frac12 feet from the barn to the

milk house- means a mile of^walking for the farmer for each cow in one yenr

bull Fluorine compounds with which

many fruits are sprayed have been found to be very injurious to the teeth

bull raquo bull Twelve to fourteen per cent of proshy

rata in the grain mixture hi enough for rypicai cowa fed plenty of good alfalfa hay and corn silage ^

bull raquo bull w Hundreds of acre of vegetable

crops were plowed under by produce formers near St Loula Mo araquo they found their products aore raquo M fnttUtas



STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash In the office of the Drain Commissioner of the County of Shiawassee in the matter of the Section Sixteen Exshytension Drain

Notice in Hereby Given that on the 26th day of October 1934 a petition was filed with the undershysigned County Drain Commissioner for the County of Shiawassee prayshying for the extending of Section Sixteen Drain

That upon the 28th day of Febshyruary 1935 the undersigned fited with the Honorable Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate a petitior asking for the appointment of a Board of Determination

That said judge ot probate having appointed Fred Peacock J H Bran-del and Fred Ferguson as such Board of Determination

Now therefore said board will meet at the residence of Charles Miller Section 21 Shiawassee Townshyship on the 21st day of March 1935 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of said day to determine the necessity of Section Sixteen Drain

Therefore all persons Municishypalities and highway officials intershyested in the proposed Section Sixshyteen Drain are requested to be present if they so desire

Dated at Corunna Michigan thig 1st day of March 1935


Whereas James C Carpenter and Martha Carpenter his -wife made and executed a certain mortgage bearing the date of the 22nd day of August 1928 to Anna E Bilhimer which was recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for the Counshyty of Shiawassee Michigan on Aushygust 31 1928 in Liber 177 of mort gages on pa-e 301

And whereas the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage on th date hereof fof principal and intershyest is the sum of Eight Hundrec Twenty Dollars and thirty-eight cents ($82038^ and also the ad ditional sum of laquo25 attornevs fee as provided for in sard mortgage and ne suit or proceeding having been instituted at law or in equity to reshycover the debt now remaining and secured thereby or ar-v part thereof

And whereas default has been made in the payment of the money secured by laquoraquoid m o r t ^ ^ rendering the power of sale contained thereir operative

Now therefore notice is herebj given that by virtue of said power of sale and in pursuance thereof and of the statute in such cases mad nnd nrovided the said mortgage wjr be foreclosed by a sale of the mortshygaged nremises at nublic vendue to the highest bidder at the west froni door of the Court House in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michigan that bein the place Oj holding the Circuit Court within said countv on the 5th draquoraquo of April A D 1935 at 900 oclock in the fore TVYOM of said day Eastern Standard Time

The descrintion of the premise contained therein and still coyerer by said mortgage and which will be sold as Aforesaid is a follows

Part of Lot ten Block Twenty eight of the Village (now city of Owosso Michigan commencing at f noint on the east line of Lot ten Block twenty-eight eisrht rods soutf of the south line of Comstock street running thence westerlv parallel to Comstock stTeet seven rods thenor south four and five hundred se^r v one one thousandths rods thence easterly narallel wilih said first lin to east line of said Lot and thenc-

porth to beginnin- nil in the Cjtv of Owosso Shiawassee County Michi gan

Dated December 31 19frac34 ANNA E BILHTMER

Mortgagee ELLIS P WXTSON Ar+irrv fo Mortgawea



THE NEWS Phone 1373 Corunna Mick

MORTGAGE SALE Default having been made in the

conditions of a certain real estate mortgage whereby the power of sale therein contained became operative made by William F Gray and Flora M Gray his wife to George G Markham dated January 2 1917 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Shiawassee County Michigan^ on January 2 1917 in Liber 142 of Mortgages en pages 206 ami 207 and duly asshysigned by said George G Markham to Leta B Vincent by an assignshyment dated August 4 1925 and reshycorded in said Registers office on August 6 1925 in Liber 153 of Mortgages on page 92 and duly asshysigned by said Leta B Vincent to George G Markham and Clara A Markham his wife jointly with sole and absolute right of survivorshyship by an assignment dated August 4 1925 and recorded in said Regisshyters office on August 6 192b in Liber 153 of Mortgages on page 93 on whiyh mortgage there is now claimed to be due and payable foT principal and interest the sum of $114500 and no suit at law havshying been brought to recover said debt or any part thereof notice is hereby given that on Saturday May 4 1935 at one oclock in the aftershynoon of said day at the entrance to the Court House City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michigan that being the place where the Circuit Court for said County is held Clara A Markham surviving assignee will by virtue of the power of sale conshytained in said mortgage and in purshysuance of ttte statute in such case

ORDER OF PUBLICATION State of Michigan mdash The Probata

Court for the County of Shiawassee At a session of the Probate Court

for said County held at the Probate office in the city of Corunna on Monday the 4th day of February in the year of one thousand nina hundred and thirty-five

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of Geraldine Ruth Vande Grift Dependent

Petition haying been filed allegshying that aaid child is dependent and neglected and to determine the truth of the facts

Xt is ordered That the fathets mothers guardians or anyone intershyested in said child blaquo and appear before the Court at a hearing upom the petition on the 5th day of March 1935 at 900 oclock in the foreshynoon at said Probate Office for the purpose of aiding the Court in arshyriving at the true facts and to make a proper disposition of said minor

And it is Further Ordered That to give notice to parentg not in tide County that a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corunna News a newspaper printed and circulating in said Counshyty of Shiawassee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

By HARRIET AIKEN Probate Register

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In thraquo Matter __ of the Estate raquof

provided sell at public auction on |PerI E Jacobs Deceased foreclosure thereof the land describ-r We the undersigned having bee ed in said mortgage to satisfy the | appointed by the Hon Roy D Mat-

County Drain Commissioner Shiawassee County Michigan| Bosineai Address Owosso Mich

amount due thereon at the time of sale with interest thereon at six pei cent per annum and all legal costs including an attorney fee of Twenty five Dollars lands described as East part of east eighty acres of the southwest fractional quarter of section nineteen town eight north range four east except right of way of Consolidated Coal Company of north thirty-three feet thereof conshytaining 39 acres more or less Hazel-ton Township Shiawassee County Michigan Dated February 2 1935

CLARA A MARKHAM Surviving Assignee

C F amp E T HAMMOND Attorneys ior Assignee Business Address 601 American

State Savings Bank Building Lansing Michigan

thews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Hazeltoa in said County on Monshyday the 25th day of March A D 1935 and on Monday the 27th day of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adshyjusting all claims against said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adshyjustment and allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D ^RANDOLPH BAILEY

WALTER JUDD Commissioners

y Only the best Quality of Materials and

bull i the finest Workmanship used by



BEANS Have excellent equipment for hanshy

dling Beans and Grains

GOAL Plenty of good clean and warm Coal



Ph one 4 bullgt0 We Deliver

f t T t y Ti


ti I T tgt


DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR Mr Walter Parker of Owoaso

has as hev guest for several days her sister Mrs Fred Shepherd of Detroit and in her honor Mrs Clark Shipman entertained at a table of bridge o n Thursday aftershynoon A chicken dinner preceded the playing of bridge

The following were guests of Mrs Shipman Mrs Parker Mrs Shepshyherd end Mrs Mary Curtis of Co-runna All of the ladies are very close friends


Glen Howard have

uasiucso u-p

^^^^bullltlaquoKKlaquoK^K^K^KlaquoKK^^raquoK 4-

and Mrs returned ioiu Highland

Clayton Cook HI ^ s t u d e n t at the Gctogan school is absent this week with the whooping cough

Mr and Mrs Willis Xee were in Howell Sunday visiting a brother-in-law who is in the State T B Hospital

Mr and Mrs Frank Williams of Milford have returned home after iisiting in the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Cook

Mr and Mrs Edward Braid of

W^r^^^ - bull bull bull bull bull bull - i

votionfls reading a Scripture lesson followed by prayer j

During the business meeting it was- decided to hold a shadow social at the home of Mr and Mrs Phin a s Burch on Friday evening March 22 A pot luck supper will be serv- ed by ths hostess

The program committee gave a short program with reading^ by Mrs Sherrard Mrs Hofacker Mrs Olive Seward and Lawrence Seward

The next meeting will be held in the home of George and Judson O Eldred tgtcrth of the church at which time Mrs Devora Eldred will be





Lake Orion have returned home aft- er spending the week end with their ard the new son Alva Braid and Mrs Braid Catholic Church in-Owoaso

CALEDONIA - SHIAWASSEE Mrs Charles McNamara Sr ampbull plusmn

rightfully bullentertained the ladies of i W the Caledonia - Shiawassee - Venice j Club at her homein Corunna Tues-j day for dinner The business meeting was Opened Q by the president Mrs William Liet-j zau in regular form the ladies unitshying in saying the Lords Prayer

The secretary and treasurer Mrs Antonio Bock gave her reports of the previous meeting also a report j oiv the financial condition off the i club bull

The dub donated a large sum tow- organ at S(u Pauls

JLL W bull I i i i W AK)

Invites you to call and look over the new

FordV-8 Wewant you to see the finest Car in the

low priced field

On display at our salesroom

Mrs Wakefield who is living on V grab bag will be a feature of

the Reyndd fartrade J laquo w i i h ^ a r i laquo pound pound bdquo pound pound pound have beenlraquo1Sih o n e arvLlt-


trouble Her daughters here from Cadillac and Bay Shore k taking care of her

Mr and Mrs John Sam peer en textained on Sunday Mr and Mrs

made for a pancake held some time this

joyed and fine address was given by Carl Kramp of Lansing nd Mr Judge Joseph H Collins A silver and Mrs Glen Hamilton of Owoaso offering was taken during the eye- the latter is a daughter of Mr Sanv ningi

Mrs Wafter Snyder has been for the past few days

Mr and Mrs G W Warner were in Owoaso on Monday laquoraquolaquoraquo i peer

Mrs Joseph Winorski was a guest A large number of friends and Mr and Mrs Nathan Baughan Friday of Mrs Archie Johnson relatives tendered a surprise on Mrs Paul Baughan nd Mr and

John Boyd of Flint was a caller [ Monday evening to Mr and Mrs Mrs Stanley Sussex visited in Bieck-last week of h is sister Mrs M a r y | H a r r y Brandt i n honor of their 21sl enbridge the first of the week as lt-ntlar wedding anniversary and to their guests of their daughterfand sister

Mrs Archie Johnson and Frank n a n d b i s M r a n d M r s - Mrs Alexander Stewart and Goreski were in Owosso Monday on business

Miss Joan Crowe spent Sunday in the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Everet t

Misseg Agnes and Mary Hovanec spent Sunday at the home of Miss Mary Nemecek-

Miss Maxine Wilder of Owosso is assisting in the home of Mr and Mrs Cecil Nicholson

Cecil Nicholson and family and Miss Maxine Wilder were in Flint Saturday on business

A large number of voters from this vicinity attended the Hazelton Township caucas on Monday night

Mr and Mrs George Crowe and daughters were callers Tuesday of Mr and Mrs W S Eveleth and family i i ^

Mr and Mrs Floyd were hosts on Tuesday for the regshyular meeting of the Venice- Haao|-tqr

fi Farmers Club Mi and Mrs Clyde Stanhope and

family of Flint were Sunday guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Ernest

Duane Brandt in honor of their first anniversary in the home of the former The evening was most pleasantly spent in a social way and later a bountiful supper was served

Stewart Mrs Henry Saska left the last

Plans were supper to be

The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Charle8 Smith the second Tuesday in the month


CALEDONIA Mr and Mrs Hall were in Ann

Arbor Sunday Donald Hall of Pontiac visited

hi s family here over the week end Robert Huffman of Detroit visshy

ited his sister Mrs Eli Rigoulot on Sundayr

Billy Fisher was taken to Ann Arbor for observation at the Uui-versity hospital Monday

Harry Wood of Flint was a week end visitor SR the home of his bro-

Walworth th( i ~ i 1 law J o h n Brenner and fatrade i i l y I Mrs Lyle Munroe has returned to her home in bullbullJackson after viaithg i in the homo of her sister Mrs Jos Wagner


Howard Stewart will be host to Desborough west of here A | the Merry Circle Class of th e North birthdav dinner was in honor of the west Verice church on Friday eve-

bx-warbles are not music and they do not soothe the breast of the

Mr| savage beast in fact ox-warbles cause so ngtuch unrest among the cattle of Michigan that the income

bdquo from this class of livestock is seri-of the week t o gt e gone for several o U s r e d u c e d days as guest of her daughterMrs T j ]osH o f m o n e y is totally un-Kerrneth Johnson of Flint her n e c e s g a r y a s the warble which is mother Mrs Derby of Detroit h e r j a n j n s e c t whose larvae live in the daughter Mrs Lawson Mumma b a c k g o f c a t t i e c a n ^e exterminated

[ in thi s state The adult is a heavy [bodied fly which is intensely feared j by cattle Experiments have shown that cattle can hear the noise made

i by the flys wings at considerable 1 distances and often stampede to

The Usual i |ne meeting qf the | avoid its egg laying activities Venice- Hazelton Farmers Ciub was i The eggs are deposited on the enjoyed Tuesday in the home of Mrf raquod quarters Of cattle and the tiny


sons Avnold and Leonard of Day ton Ohio


anniversary of Miss Lois seventh birthday

The pancake supper which was held on Friday evening was a decidshyed success The supper was served under the upervision of the men and was fine The program wasmuch e n _

BOOK1 s T 0Vdegy Explain thlaquo marvelousWOferd Z IVeatmjnt which is bringina J aaxaxinx relief Sold oajroadaJ bull


S T I P A T I O N B A D B R E A T H S L E E P L E S S N E S S OR H E A D -

ACMES DUE TO EXCESS ACID Atk fat A fmtcapy of WHtonl Metuuee We an AuUxwued WiUani igtCJien

lt OvOmt Piwn H m )



ning of this week The Misses Mildrelt) Kambut and

Patricia Bailey have returned to Detroit after visiting in the home ofMiss Elaine Rigoulot

Leslie Middletou ad George Koan have given up their lease for the coal mine property to the owner Geo Schirle and the mine is being taken over by John Hedges

The Ladies Aid of the Northshywest Venice church wil] meet with

and Mrsfi Floyd Walworth when representatives o f 14 families gathered for an ail day meeting

The morning session was called by L J Veaie and was opened with the sipging of My Old Kentucky Home The Chapldin Rev Harold Paiithorpe then conducted the dc-votioijkl period

The business of the day followed and included the appointment of Key Pailthorpe as question box leader and the calling of the roll

At bull the conclusion of the-dinner hour the company reassembled for the program presentation which was under the direction of Mrs Rayshymond Dietz

Readings by Mrs Will Jacobs | Mrs Mary Hartley Rev Pailthorpe Mis Charles Kurney and Mrs L J | Veale andinstrumental music by

larvae as soon as hatched burrow beneath the skin and travel through the body until they reach a position just under the skin on the animals back The larvae then develop rapidshyly in size and cause bumps which can lie easily seen

The presence of this pest reduces the value of the hides of beef catshytle and causes Joss of flesh due to irritation td- unro t of the ivmal Uhsigiy discoloration^ also appear on the flesh of the animals back Dairy rattle produce less inilk when these parasites infest them A 10 per ctVt reduction in milk flow may result from severe infestations

The adult ox-warble flies present in Michigan in the summer were e n shyded through the previous winter unshyder the skins of cattle The fly can not survive Michigan winters any other way If the larvae r-~ al] des

STOPS With Dodge Perfected Dual-Cyiwder Hydraulic Brakes

Mrs Leo Veale were enjoyed during t r o v e d ^ the winter there will be the first half of the program

Following these numbers Mr Walworth introduced the speaker of the day Mr Addy a farm bureau worker who spoke in an intensely

^ r S iVL0V d degn W ^ d n e laquo d a y interesting manner upon Coopera March 27 for an all day meeting t i o n raquo h i s s u b t 0 p i c s being machin-at her home north of the church ^ fertilizer seed and feed

The revival meetings closed on Rev Pailthorpe had charge of the Sunday evening after two weeks of question box from which 13 splen-services A large crowd attended the did topics emerged creating much services Sunday evening The meet- lively discussion Among these ings have been a spiritual success w e r e Do f a r m e r s neg-many converts going to the altar lect pasture if so what can be done

The condition of Fred Brown re- and would it be possible This ques-mams about the same His cousin t ion was most satisfactorily answer-Mr and Mrs Peter Kael of St Charles and aunt Mrs Christine Mosner of St Charles and cousins Mr and Mrs Albert Barnesof Ches-anirg have recently been here

ed by the helpful suggestions of Mr Addy

Other topics which brought out diversified opinions were How can I help to get the Owosso sugar facgt

bullmFuimu J^taM grind e fwy felaquod-

Griod more flaquoed pr -or per boor Moaat oo

bullny 1frac12 ton truck Small down py-

meat Good tenocWrit quick for J1 detail MMIIV

C J TAYLOR Funeral Home

Praapt amkTfficient


Phone 1S2 mdash VERNON Sccceasor to Disbiow

C B Angus residing north of t o r y running Has finflation ever Kerby who cracked several rib s sev- b e e n a success in the history of this era] days ago when he slipped O n c o u n t r y 7 Should the United States some ice while carrying feed to his j Pfty n 5 o I a according to the^ agree chickens was removed on Monday ~ morning to the home of his brother Bethel Angus Coninna avenue Owosso Although Mr Angus is conshysiderably improved he is still in a serious condition His neighbors Howard Stewart and George Rigou-let are taking care of his stock

The following candidates were nominated at the Democrat caucas held at the town hall by the Demoshycrats of Venice Township They are Supervisor Charles Posey clerk Howard Ganssley treasurer Mrs Agnes Ball highway commissioner Wm Golombisky justice of the peace Dennis Kildea overseer of highway Robert Ellis board of reshyview Finley Reed constables Rex Post Ruy Ellis Stewart White and Bernard Cronin

ment for the Panama Canal Zone or should circumstances alter cases

On the second Thursday in April the club will meet with Mr and Mrs L J Veale This will be an evening meeting with supper served at 7 oclock and a business meeting and program following in charge of the young people of the club

WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS Hatched from our own 300 egg

strand stock Blood tested Also Barred Rock Chicks We do cus-

torn Hatching Horvith Hatchery Flushing Michigan RFD 1mdashAdv


The Ladies Aid of the Northwest Venice Church were delightfully enshytertained on Wednesday at the home of Mr and Mrs Ray Seward Harrishyson avenue Owosso

The guests began to arrive at 11 oclock enjoying a social hour before dinner

Following dinner the president Mrs Archie Sherrard called the business meeting to order the memshybers and guests singing several songs followed lgty the secretarys and treasurers reports

Rev John Austin led in the de-

no adults the next summer All the cattle are barns where

they can be easily inspected and any warbles infesting them can be killshyed

The destruction of the larvae costs very little Larvae which are quite fully developed can be squeezshyed from the animals back and killshyed A more rapid method is to use chemical preparations made for this purpose These chemicals may be either in solid or liquid form and are placed n t n e Ittle cell under the skin in which the larvae lives Comshymercial killing agents can be used according to the makers directions or the materials can be mixed at home from directions which will be furnished by the entomology departshyment at Michigan State College

Neighborhood campaigns against the warble or ox bot fly are the speediest way of destroying thi s nuishysance but no farmer should wait for his neighbor before killing the pests in his herd The adult fly travels comparatively short distances and most of the infestations in cattle are caused by permitting larvae to mashyture on the farm where the infestashytions occurs Destroying the larvae relieves the cattle from irritation the owner from money loss and the future from further attacks by the pest

JUST whltm others raquot offering their first hydraulic-type brakes Dodge

gives you b extra safety of Pershyfected Dual-Cylinder Hydraulic Brakes pioneered years ago by Dodge find proved in tho service of hundreds of thousands of owners

With 20 more bracing surface mdash fully equalized a^zinst skidding or swerviagmdash t hay get thousands of extra miiss from tirts and brake linings-mdash give greater coeraurg ease quicker curer stbps mdash more safety than ever Remember there cart be no successful imitation of Dodge brakesmdashor their safety mdash without Dodge experience and manufacturing precision

Here is a big smart 85-mile-pei-hcur car that actually gives you three to five nioremiles pergullonof gas than lower-priced cars And even mors astonishing economy of oil With all its savings the Dodge Red Rata engine gives brilliant aaw ranges of speedmdashflashingpicle-opmdashsilky silence

and ease- Its famous patented Floatshying Power engine mountings smother vibration which racks ordinary cari to piec2s

The1 finslword in protectionmdashthe fatrions Dodge safety all-steel body is knovn to nearly 300Q0C0 Dodge owners

Only the genius cf a manufacturing organization such es Dodge mdashwith such complete facilities with 20 years of experience in building nearly three million finfe vehiclesmdashcould create such astounding dollar-fordolar value


This advertisement endorsed by the Depart meat of EngineeringmdashChrysler M e l o n

NEWVALUE DODGE 9645 to $760 AU prces f o b factory Detroit aabject to change bullwitboat notice Spatial equip ment extra Tima paymampnta to fit yoar bvdamptt Ask fortheaSiciat Chrysler Motor Commercusi Credit PUux





OcffVon Mow For J u t A Fampw Oof Jars Mor Than The Lovtest-Pticod Car

C A GLADDEN b e Dodge ane Plymouth Dealers

Sooth Wafer St Phone 522 Owosso Mich

WANTED Milk Bakery Tea Coffe or otheT

route men Good proposition for right man Rawleigh Depfc MMC mdash93mdashL Freeport Illinoismdash Adv

Judging from some of the streamshyline models car manufacturers have been maewesting them in the wrong place

Now it is proposed to raise the minimum drinking age for women Better go slaw mdash the way the girls manage to stay home these days we might find the bartender refusing to serve grandma




THE NEWS Phone 1373 Cortmna Mich



D o






With Thi

You may deposit your Money in this Bank with the knowledge that its assets are carried at thei present day values and that any loans which are made at this time are well secured and self liquidating

With a strong cash position and an unimpaired capital the Old Corunna State Bank offers you unquestioned safety for your funds

Old Corunna State Bank Corunna Michigan


I (Enrauta Niilra

Fire Chief Claud Craig of Owos-so Has been named second vice president of the Michigan State Fire

(Chiefs Association A Father anltj Son banquet was

i trade i-gt -t ltlt laquo v +u held at Morrice on Tuesday evening E E Durham has been among the ^ +u_ m bdquobdquo^ bdquoUJl_ D is__ raquo of this week when Prosecuting Atshytorney V O Braun was the princishypal speaker

Mr and Mrs E G Kay Mrs

account of the illness of Mr Allen j g r i bull ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ - Burnett were in Detroit Wednesday

many confined to his home by in fluenza daring the past week

Mrs George Alien was Called to Washington Wednesday evening on

I Mrt Mary A Deckert 78 years

of age w|dow of Adam Deckert J will known Owosso tailor who died December 11 expired at 645 oclock Saturday morning at Memorial Hosshypital Mrs Deckert was taken to the hospital on the Sunday before her death Throughout the week her condition had been critical Death was attributed to perniciousanemia

Superintendent of Schools Chas L Butterfield and five young men of the local high school were in Charlotte Friday evening o attend the Lansing an(i Area Y M C A

j Older Boys Conference The boys were John Quayle William Hassel-iiaek Allen Brown Roy Colby Jr and Johrlt Eveleth A banquet at half past rhc preceded a very fine p r o gram

C Angus who sustained several cracked ribs when he foil on the ice while doing chores at his home two and a half miles-north of Ker-by the first of last week is recovshyering satifactorily He is at the home of his brother J Bsthel Anshygus on Corunna avenue Owosso Neighbors have been engaged to do the work at the farm during Mr Angus absence

Payment of taxes in the county this year is considerably better than a tear ago according to County Treasurer Fred Randolph who has completed settlements with eight of the 16 township treasurers Mr Ranshydolph declared that the townships are averaging between 70 and 75 per cent of their taxes paid which is much better than was true during the past two or three years

Two teams of crow shooters all members of the Shiawassee Conser-J vation Club are captained by Waltshyer Bennett and Alton Rundell of Owosso and will make ygtax on crows The membership of the two teams is about 200 and they will contest through June after which the winshyning team will be feted by the losshying The feet of slain crows are beshying made into a chaan hung in the window of Blairs Sporting Goads store in Owosso


H S TOWNLEY Plaquoraquotr Sunday Servicesmdash 1030mdash Morning worship 1030mdashJunior Church 1146mdashSunday school 645mdashEpworta League 730mdashEvening service


Sunday servicermdash Morning worship at 1030 oclock Sunday school at 11 oclock-jtfpwortti League at 7 oclock Kvenihg worship at 8 oclock Bible Study Wednesday evening

at 8 oclock The public is extended a cordial

invitation to be present at all of these services gtbull bull

CORUNNA BAPTIST CHURCH Howard F Sagdea P u t o r

Sunday School 900 James Finnerty Supi Morning service 1000 Subject The Christian Race You are invited to attend these



Sunday services 1030 Sunday schooL 1146 Preaching service Come thou with us and we will

de thee gooiS


Sanday school 100^ a wu Morang worship 1100 a n Seng and praise service 700 p at Sermoft by pastor 800 p m



The W R C will hold its regushylar meeting today (Thursday) in the battalion rooms in the cotfrt house

The Friday Afternoon Club will mee this week in the home of Mrs William Jenney Mrs G P Lawcoek is the assistant hostess

Miss Amy Requa will be hostess on Saturday for luncheon in her

and attended the Detroit-Michigan Industrial Exposition

Mr and Mrs I Qv Derr of Deshytroit were calling on friends in Coshyrunna Thursday They were accomshypanied by Mr and Mrs Ray Carshypenter of Minot N Dak

Miss Bess Garland of the county road commissioners office recently

apartment in Owosso when Owosso reported to the sheriffs office the and Corunna women will be hei loss of a valued white gold wrist guests j watch and a gold ring The articles

_ bdquo m ^ u u~ii disappeared several weeks ago The Corunna Teachers Club held ^ e

a professional meeting at the school- Judge Joseph H Collins will be house last night Reports were pre^ the principal peaker at a Father and sented by Mrs Warren Smith and Son banquet to be given at the Per-Miss Norma Curtis i ry M E Church on Thursday eve-

^ A gt bdquobdquobdquo bdquo-+ r t^nm) degf tns week Rev Sugden pas-Dr and Mrs C A Crane visited _ amp traquor ami raquo tUc ^iA r-vcraquo-t0r degf the Baptist Churches of Perry their crandson six months old Cnas bull bull laquo L A

iner B laquo laquo raquoraquoraquo a n c i Corunna will be toastmaster Crane Campbell of Flint Jast bun-day and incidentally his parents An all day meeting of the Cale-Mrbdquo and Mrs Robert Campbell j doma - Venice - Shiawassee Club of Y- TTT T -i bull bdquoieulaquoo- ^ Pauls Catholic Church was Mrs F Wm Nctnage ^ J ^ m g 1 j T u i n the home of hpoundJtradel^ iZvn M r s - ltraquolaquogt McNamara of East Mc-nagel and daughter Mrs Elwyn Corunna with Mrs Al-Davies m Toledo t h week She ac y t t t a s assisting hostess companied Charles Dohr of the ^ e d i-emette as assuring nostess News office to Toledo last Friday At the Republican primaries

Word was received in Corunna on Thursday morning of the passing of

Mrs Jane Morris a resident of fMrs- Emnia Chapin widow of the Vernon for the past 35 years and j l a e Merrick Chapin in Rochester of Shiawassae County for 50 yearsj Mich in the home of her daughter observed her 93rd birthday on Wed-jMrsgt B u r r Wallace Mrs Chapin had nesday altho she was very ill and i - J raquoraquoraquobull for two years and had confined to her bed and has been j raquoen confined to her bed about ten for several weeks Mrs Morris i s j w e k s the mother of three daughters and Mr Chapin passed away a number one son They a re Mrs Jessie E s - laquo years ago The family resided in cott of Corunna Mrs Frank I Corunna about twent- years ago Strauch and Mrs Nettie Wisnerj _ T h e remam s will be brought to and George Morris all of near Shia- laquoorunra ami services conducted wasseetown j from the Kribs funeral home Satur-

bdquo ^ V bull IT bull ngt d a y afternoon at two oclock with

ship nominated the following on- __^ their ticket at a caucas held last ^ - ^ - - _ - bull fclaquo laquo ^_

^ B ^ H S S S RESIGNATION ACCEPTED Floyd Luchenbill treasurer Elwin Andrew J Donovan whose splen-Biillard highway commissioner d d work a s Shiawassee County re-John Wager justice of the peace ilaquof administrator has attracted Ernest Self overseer of highway | ^ t a t p ^ de recognition has received John White board of review C h a s | w o r a that his resignation as coun-Eall constables George OHara ty relief administrator recently tend-George Dillon Philip Porter and laquoltf had been accepted by the State

j James R Relief Commsson efective April 1 j lhe appointment of his successor is

Eighty-five children were given j expected to be made within a few toxoid against diptheria 51 were j ( | ayS The county commission has vaccinated and 25 Were given J recommended that the position be

j Schick tests in a clinic recently held j g^ven t o pound Marlowe Stevens who at Bennington No 1 school under j n a s been project er^rineer the direction of Dr C M Wilcox of | m bdquo _ _ ^ Owosso It was announced this week j by Miss Grace Roumagoux county Now the olltj time moonshiners are nurse About 25 children of pre-1 complaining that John Lav never school age attended the clinic The j gave them a weeks notice like he schools 1 5 G Morton McCalt andj did the slot machine owners Dewey The McCall and Dewey mdash T mdash schools had the high percentage of their pupils present

~ Traquo~bdquo laquolaquo= tv_ j Owosso held for the nomination of Attorney V O Braun was the n lt | i d j | t e f ^ bdquo ^ o f



A Completely equipped Funeral Home

Corunna Avenue Corunna Mick


in cillas was held on Saturday evening

- - - - ^ p ^ onA a canuiuaie w r supervisor in each oi last when Miss Louise Peacock was principal speaker a t the trade S J the five wards the following were hostess to the membership The din-Sons banquet held ^ ^ ^ ^ j c h o s e n First Ward Chester L Pa-jner appointments included St Patshy

ricks Day motifs a green color

^ AL w J D_- M i l k^ b akery tea coffee or other A meeting of the Modern Pris-1 r o u t e metl G o o d p r o p o s i t i o n f o r

j right man Rawleigh Dtfpt MBCmdash 193mdashI Freeport HI

Tuesday evening of this week The banquet was a most s u laquo e raquo ^ laquo raquo h ^ w a r d D o u g ^ g Bpound f o u r t h

and was held m the commumty g M C a B | p b e U f i f t h w a r d gt b m l d m - Hugh Caylor

Mrs John Y Martin who has been spending some time in the home of her daughter Mrs Stuart Coutts convalescing from her long illness has returned home Mrs Martin is able to be around her home again by the use of a crutch to aid her in walking

Audrey and hjene Rigling were hostesses on Sunday evening lat for the regular Sunday evening meeting of the B Y P W It was announced that next Sunday eveshynings meeting will be the home of Mr and Mrs Ward Robinson when an outside speaker will be present

A St Patricks Day banquet will be held on Sunday evening next in the auditorium of St Pauls Cathoshylic school under the auspices of the church The speaker will be the Rev Fr Cacil Winters assistant pastor of Resurrection Church Lanshysing His topic has not been anshynounced The toastmaster will be William Smith of St Johns chairshyman of the public utilities commisshysion A feature of the banquet will be novelty and musical numbers by the Rucker family of Battle Creek an orchestra comprised of a mother

J and her nine children



f T T



The CorunnaiNews Phone 1373 Corunna Mich

scheme also prevailing in the menu items After making plans for the next meeting which were included in the business session following dinshyner the members played contract bridge The high score trophy was awarded to Miss Bess Car land and the low award went to Miss Edith Newell

Mrs C A Crane Mrs Fred Has-selback Misses Hattie and Jennie Holt and Mrs Lou Sheardy represhysented the Womans Club and the Friday Afternoon club of this city at a meeting of the Owosso Womshyans club on Tuesday afternoon when Mrs Laura Waples McMulIen of New York City chairman of the national and international commitshytee of the general federation of Womens Clubs gave a splendid adshydress A spring musicale was alshyso presented the artists appearing being Mrs N L Des Jardins and Mrs Harry Walsh vocal soloist and Miss Clara Kaltrider The speaker Mrs McMulIen beside being an aushythority on the work of the commitshytee of which she is chairman also is

an accomplished violinist and has studied abroad and in addition ha traveled extensively She is the aushythor of Building the World Soshyciety which is in use in various schools and colleges

Sing a song of slot machines rakshying in the kale four and twenty shekel^ all gone to hail watch the way it grambs em never once heaves up havent won a single one since Hector was a pup fool I kept on playing losing all my clothes then along comes Harry Toy and stepped on their toes

A telephone in y o u r home will add so much to your comfort and lessen your work

You can order your neshycessities get in touch with the rest of your famshyily friends neighbors or relatives with such little effort with the telephone

Telephone service costs only a few cents a day

Order one t o d a y mdash prompt installation

The Union Telephone Co

T T T T T T T f T J T-t T T

Bells Variety Store

Extend to you and yours the comshypliments of the season and our wish for a Happy and prosperous New


And during 1935 we shall endeavshy

or to continue to merit your confi-

dence at all times Our line of Novelty

Goods will always be complete and at

money saving prices

You are always welcome at this

bull xgt

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS At a regular m e e t i n s of t h e Board

of Superv i sors of Shittwasseo County commenced ami held ill che Court House- in the City of Corunna in said County on Honday January 14 A D 1035

The Board was called to order by ti Chnirrran

Roll WHS ja i led by the Clerk Present Supervisors Al len Brandel

Barnes Case Colby pound Durham For-Kison Kield Poland Gret tenberger Vincent Griffin Johnson J o n e s K i n g s shybury Lehowski P u r v i s Moore Paraquoco Pkync Peacock Sachs Sieb Wal l NotnaBel

bull Tho Clerl read le t ters f rom Michishygan S t a t e Association of Supervisor ami t h e Qtnte E m e r g e n c y Wel fare Reshylief C o m m i s s i o n

On motion of Supr E Durham the letters were received and placed on file

The Clerk read a letter from the Michisan Historical Commiss ion

On motion of Supr Iebo^vslii t h e IcHcT was received and placed on f i le bull F l o y d W a l v o r t h addressed the Hoard

On motiun of Supr Wall the Board took a recess unti l 1 3 0 th i s a f ter -aoon

A F T E R N O O N The Hoard was called to order by

the Chairman Roll was called by the Clerk 1resent Superv i sors Al len B a r n e s

Brando Case Colby F Derhlaquom K Durham FerKaaon Field Fo land Gret-tenber^-er V incent Griffin J l n a o n Jones Kingsbury Lobowski P u r v i s Mooie Pasco P a y n e Peacock Stvchs Siltgtb Wall NotnatfeJ

bullSupervisor E Durham read the folshylowing re igto rf To t h e Honorable Boon) of Supervi shy

s o r s Your c o m m i t t e e on Claims rthd Acshy

counts would respectful ly s u b m i t the following sa i ts report r e c o m m e n d i n g the a l lowance of the several Amounts a s given below and that the Clerk be a v -thomed to draw orders for t h e t a m e laquo6 J o h n H u d s o n

drain lt o u m mdash121310 1213 10 14 Edward Foland

ambulance 4 75 476 t l Clarence J Taylor

a m b u l a n c e _ 50C 500 35 R E LaRowe

a m b u l a n c e __ 1 1 0 0 11 00 32 Clarence 4 Taylor

a m b u l a n c e 500 500 77 R E LaRowe

ambulance bdquo mdash bdquo 14 0 0 14 00 48 Dr raquo D Lee a - r a y 200 2 00 71 Edwin Foland

a m b u l s laquo 78 R E LaRowe

a m b u l a n c e 6 F l o y d Murdock

d o g warden 3 1 R E L a R o w e

a m ba lance 82 A J F ink

pr i soner board 83 Margaret K i n g

s t e n o g r a p h e r 86 S h i a w a s s e e T w p 85 G a t e s D r u g Store

d r u g s -^^^ 9laquo E L Sieb

149 95 149 05 laquo 8 8 laquo laquo8-86





2 0 7 5 2 0 7 6


7 0 0

81 25

8 0 0

30 00

5 50


81 25


SO 00

a m b u l a n c e ^^__ 87 M r s Charkrtt L y o n s

nurse 1 89 H a r r y Colby

ambulance _~ 04 D G A u s t i n

94 D G Aus t in M D 84 F loyd Murdock

dog warden j 97 G B Wade M D a m b u l a n c e

H M r s Sada Wil l iams n u r s e

K L S I E B [ampbull E E DURHAM

On motion of Supr E Durham the report wait accepted and adopted by the fullowjiitr yea and nay vote called for by the Chairman V e t s Al len iJrmde Cae Colby Elbull Durham F Durham Ferfrraquoraquorgtni Field Grottonber(cer Johnshyson JOSH- KinKshury Uljowski 1ur-

bull vis Moore Pasco Pilyne Ieiteock a gt r Sachs SW-h

Supr Sachs reif the fol lowing re-I j port

To t h e Honorable Board of Superv i -bdquo arraquo -bullbull-bull bullbull - - ^ - -

i y ilrt S H R D F W V K K Your Committor on Claims and A c - counts in toiUajrious )pound-ltbull( Hi1 wuiild respecLflly stibmii the fol lowing its its

roiiurl us wiven Ix-dinv and that the Clerk he authorized to uriiw orders for

f the s a m e S8 D U A u s t i n M D

Meas les $ 775 J 775 i 2 J M Oswald

Trench Mouth 43 Axford Coal Co hi Dr C G Richards

s car l e t - f ever i 33 Owufcao Lumber amp ) Coal Company

46 F loyd Huff trroe _ 51 Durand Lumber Co 70 C Washburn BTOC

42 O G W a u g h milk 41 A D Hall coal _ 58 J A ByerSy groc _

95 W m Hudson 6C O W O I I O Lumber and Coal Co

36 J A Byer ly r 22 L laquo Rr^ebacher rent ^ 47 E C o J n e s rent

10 J C Penney Co bull 99 Wi l l i s Fue l Co

68 L E S m i t h D D S 100 E C Harmon groc 100 06


On mot ion of Supr Sachs t h e re shyport W M accepted and adopted by t h e

bull fol lowing yea and nay vote called for i by t h e Chairman Y e a s Al len Brandel j Case Colby Ferjrason Field Foland i Vincent J o h n s o n J o n e s Lebowski

Purvis Moore Pasco Peacock Sachs Sieb Wal l

On mot ion of Supr J o n e s the Board morning took recess unti l 930 tomorrow

S e n d corrected and approved LLOYD H Y E I T E R

OSCAR B A R N E S Clerk Chairman A t a regular m e e t i n g of the Board

of Superv i sors of Sh iawassee County continued and held in the Court H o u s e

3(10 liisO


21 40 1562

610 39 79 1760 4 61 486


2780 960

1000 2200

995 26 00

200 0006

300 1280


2t 46 15 62 CIO

3979 17 0 461 486


3780 960

1000 IS 00

995 26 00

200 10906

fa t h e City of Corunna in said County on T u e s d a y January 15 A D 1935

T h e Board was called t o order by t h e Chairman

Roll w a s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t S u p r s Al len B a r n e s Bran-

4L Caari Colby E Durham FerRashyton F i e ld Fo land Gret tenberger V i n shycent Griffin Johnson J o n e s k i n g s -btraquory Lebowski P u r v i s Moore N o t -ftagei P a s c o Payne Peacock Sachs Sieb W a l l

P r o s e c u t i n g A t t o r n e y Braun address -Mi t h e Board

Superv i sor jSieb read t h e fo l lowing report

To t h e H o v o r a b U Board of Superv i shysor

Yowr C o m m i t t e e ovi Claims and A c t e m t a won Id respect fu l ly s u b m i t t h e foOowfal Wt H MPR tteofluncttdlnr the a U o w a a c of t b laquo severa l a m o u n t aa g i v e n be low and that t h e Clerk be aathor i sed to draw orders for t h e s a m e 117 M E Cal l igan

a m b u l a n c e t 000 f 102 J a n e s Qtiayle

drawing jury 4 00 l i t M E Galligan

laquo tn^(ampc _ bullmdash 8CO 800




101 Coruoua N e w s r-J-irs - 345 60 345 60

125 R E ( L a R o w e a m b u l a n c e 1400 1400

131 Oscar F Barnes a m b u l a n c e _ ~ 750 750

105 Herbert Krifcn a m b u l a n c e 400 4 00

129 Morris Funeral H o m e a m b u l a n c e - H 0 0 MOO


On m o t i o u of Supervisor Sieb t h e report wa s accepted and adopted by

- lhlt fo l lov ing y e a and nay vo te cal led for by t h e Cha irman Yeas Brandel (vase Colby F e r p a s o n Fie ld t Folajid G r e t t o n h e r s e r V incent Griffii J o n e s Kinsfsbury Lebowski Purvis^ N o t i ^ g e l Pasco P e a c o c k Sachs Sieb

The mot ion of Supervisor J o n e s that the Clerk pay t h e dues to t h e S t a t e A s s o c i a t i o n of Superv i sors and t h a t a n y m e m b e r of the Board that w i s h e s to KO to the S ta te Convention m a y zo and rece ive f-iOO per day not to ex-olaquoed t w o days Carried by the fo l lowshying yea JUid nay vote called for by the C h a i r m a n V e a i Brandel Case Colby E Durham Fergasori FieW Foland Grettenberjjer Vincent Griffin JOnes K i n g s b u r y L e b o w s H r u r y i s Moore N o t n a s e l P a s c o Peacock Sachs S ieb

On mot ion of S u p i Moore the Board took a r e c e s s unlaquo l 130 this a f ternoon

A F T E R N O O N The Bowrd was called to order by the

Chairman Roll w a s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t Supers Al len Barnes B r a n shy

del f u s e Coiby F Derham E Durshybar r er -Wson Fie ld Fo land Gre t t en -i t-n^r Vincviit Griffin Johnson J o n e s (

K i n g s b u r y Lebowski P u r v i s Moore Notui i se l Vasuo P a y n e Peacock S a c h s Sieb Wal l

A L N icho l s addressed the Board A s h l e y H o m e pddressed the Board The mot ion of Supr F Durham t h a t

the C o m m i t t e e heretofore appointed t o look a f t e r t h e wei fare mat ter g o t o Lans ing t o confer w i t h t h e S t a t e W e l shyfare D e p a r t m e n t Carried

On mot ion of Supr E D u r h a m t h e Board took r e c e s s unti l 930 t o m o r r o w m o r n i n g

Read corrected and approved L L O Y D H Y E I T E R

OSCAR B A R N E S Clerk Cha irman

A t a reewlar m e e t i n g of t h e Board of S u p e r v i s o r s of S h i a w a a s e C o u n t y cont inued and held in t h e Cfraquoort H o u s e in t h e Ci ty of Corunna in said C o u n t y on W e d n e s d a y J a n u a r y 1 6 A D 196

T h e B o a r d wa s cal led t o order by

t h e C h a i r m a n Roll w a s called by t h e Clerk

P r e s e n t Supre Al len B a r n e s B r a n shydel Colby F Durham E D u r h a m Fer -g a s o n F ie ld Fo land G r laquo M laquo b laquo laquo laquo V i n c e n t Griff in J o h n s o n J o n e s raquo raquo laquo raquo -bury L e b o w s k i P u r v i s M o o r e N o t -n a x e l P a s c o P a y n e Peacock Sacha Sieb W a U

Superv i sor Lebowski made t h e fol shylowing m o t i o n

I m o v e that t h e Board d e s i g n a t e Mary H a n u s a s c o u n t y s t e n o g r a p h e r and pay her a sa lary of 3 5 2 0 0 0 per year b e g i n n i n g Jan 1 1 raquo 3 6 wh ich s u m i s t o be in l ieu of s U t u t o r y fees a l lowed for e x a m i n a t i o n

T h e mot ion rarrJed b y t h e fo l lowing yea ahd nay vo te called for b y t h e C h a i r m a n Y e a s Al len Brandel Colby E D u r h a m Field Fo land Gret te i i -berjter V i n c e n t K i n g s b u r y Lebowski Pirvin Moore P a s c o P a y n e Peacock Sachs

J u d g J o s e p h H Coll ins addressed t h e Board

Superv i sor Ferpason read the fo l lowshying repor t

To the Board of Superv i sors of Sh ia shyw a s s e e C o u n t y mdash

Your Commit tee on Hoapi1raquoliaUc-ri s i hmits the fo l lowing report

That s ince October 1 1034 the ofshyf ice of t h e Hospi ta l Inves t iga tor has re -Itivfd the fol lowing a m o u n t s as payshyments on noteH payable to Shiawasnee County from persons rece iv ing hospi ta l bull-ri at the expense of said C o u n t y

OCTOBER 1D34 0MIltSIgt City Hcniutits $ irgt00 c w H a v e n Twp accounts lti0rt Conmtia City accounts _ poundraquo200

T o u t N O V E M B E R 1934

H u m s T w p accounts bullVernon Twp account s Perry T w p accounts Hiz -Hon T w p account s New H a v e n T w p a c c o u n t s O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s Corunna City a c c o u n t s S h i a w a s s e e T w p account s

$ 1 1 3 0 0

3 l l fi - 103 00 IS4^00 500 2GS5

200 5 00

107 00

Total ^ D E C E M B E R 1934

O w o s s o T w p a c c o u n t s O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s Vernon Twp a c c o u n t s Caledonia Twp a c c o u n t s Rush T w p a c c o u n t s bdquo

3 4 3 9 6 1

34 00 1 6 0 0 31 05

130 40 4 00

Total _ $ 1 9 0 4 5 J A N U A R Y 1S33

( t o J a n 15 1 9 3 5 ) O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s _bull 3 81 00 Durand Ci ty a c c o u n t s 10 00

Total mdash j 0 0

Total cash receipts t o date 3 7 8 4 0 6 Al l o f which i s re spec t fu l ly s u b m i t shy


On mot ion of Supr F e r g a s o n the report w a s accepted and adopted

On mot ion of Supr Barnes the Board took a recess until 180 th i s a f t ernoon

A F T E R N O O N The Board was called to order by

the Chairman Roll wa s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t S u p r s Al len B a r n e s B r a n shy

del Colby F Derham E D u r h a m Doepker F e r g a s o n Fie ld Foland Gret -t enberg er V incent Griff in J o h n s o n Jones K i n g s b u r y Lebowski P u r v i s Moore Notr age l P a s c o P a y n e P e a shycock S a c h s S ieb Wal l

Supr P a s c o read t h e fo l lowing re shypor t

To t h e Honorable Board of Supershyv i s o r s

Your C o m m i t t e e on claims in L i v e Stock D a m a g e Would respec t fu l ly s u b shym i t t h e fo l lowing a s i t s report recshyo m m e n d i n g t h e severa l a m o u n t s a s g i v e n below a n d t h a t t h e Clerk b e author ized to draw orders for t h e s a m e

75 Glenn Moore 1 s h e e p 2 dogs mdash $ 1 5 0 0 I 16 00

62 John Snyder 1 e w e 2 lambs _ 16 50 1650

74 F loyd Reed 4 e w e s s o 2 0 30 20

50 Charles E Stocker t lamb - 8 26 826

3 e w e s 1 lamb _ 20 John Bray

1 s h e e p 24 G e o r g e Curt i s

2 e w e s 7 Earl H y d e

1 s h e e p 6raquo Janrtw fc^Vfciley

s h r p mdash 1 40 Wafter S tewart

1 s h e e p bdquo 26 F F Parkhurs t

1 e w e 8 lambs raquo9 ltQIlaquoMgt -taoitaJtet-

t s h e e p 1 b t r n b

20 60 20 60

6-80 5 80

1065 1 0 6 5

950 9 50



12 00

1 2 1 0


12 00

9 25

_ 42 16



120 B 2

U 9 B

i I I S B

_ 11 10 1110


1010 10 10

9 6 2 0 96 20

__ 65 25 65 ^5


_ 4 00


s a w n p ^ M ^ s B mdash i s p 1mdashai rgt

5 James J- Rue 1 s h e e p 1 l a m b _

3 W W Brius 2 heep -

72 Pearl J a c o b s 7 sheep

S Howard G a n n s s l e y 1 ewe

121 James Biggci 1 e w e

K Knipe ewes -

K Knipe dog _

K Knipe A ewes

117 C E V e r n o n 7 e w e s f gt lambs

104 M C A c k e r s o n 9 sheep

103 Charlet Reed 6 s h e e p h l ambs

21 C K COLBY 1 dog -

44 E D A l l e n l o gt g ---

64 Clifford -Duiihnm 1 dog

68 Walter WoOlard 1 dog

3V E D A l l e n 4 e w e s 1 rant 2 lambs

45 Ed Al len 17 ewes mdash

61 Martin VanDuseiv 1 sheep mdash

136 Georee Cowkes 2 5 0 0 141 Ralph L o v e 710 140 Homer N i c h o l s _ - 3 9 8 0 139 Earl S t o n e 22 45

SO Howard G a n s s l e y S e w e s 2 wounded

4 G e o r g e W Di l lon 2 lambs 29 A L S a n d e r s o n

1 lamb _ _ 25 Henry Miller

4 lambs 28 D e n n i i J Ki ldea

2 s h e e p _ _ 54 F E To l l inger

1 lamb 2 ewea _ 80 Howard Lawcock

5 s h e e p 6 l a m b s 18 J o e J a m a h

3 e w e s bdquo ^ 76 C D W a r r e n

4 Iambs -_mdash 17 El izabeth Chi ld

1 ewe bdquo^ w_-15 Haatrgt T o m s

7 e w e s mdashmdash~ 7 Loreraquoi M c K a y

1 dog bdquo mdash _ _

aaaKs bullL LfJOti 9 9

1 6 7 5 16 75


4 2 1 5

9 00

9 40

Forgotten Sire Dairys Drawback

Large Group of Young Bulls With Unknown Ability

as Breeders




6 6 2 5

i 4 0 0


4 00 1


a 00 i

66 25

135 25 18525

70 770 2 5 0 0

5 10 3 9 3 0 22 45

27 00 2700

19 45 19 4


3000 3000

16 30 16 3 0

15 25 1 5 2 5

pound 8 3 0 S8S0

12 Frank J a s o n 1 e w e

64 Wil l iam Igtwyre bull2 ewea bull mdash mdash ~

2 3 5 0

pound 2 6 0

9 5 laquo

5 1 5 0

5 1 5

15 20 65 Wil l iam W a d e

1 e w e bdquo mdash _ bdquo _ bdquo 1 Wal ter A B r o w n

J A P i n k 1 Iamb 2 s h e e p

38 Harry T S u r g e 4 aboep mdash

~ t 840

B y W W Tapp Chief in Dairy Cattle Uni shyversity of IllinoismdashWgtJU fraquorviee

Tlie forgotten man has his chamshypions but too little has been said ftnd done about the foraorten sires at dairy herd

By the forgotten sires reference I made to that large group of yonng dairy bulls whose breeding ftbllicw Is still en unknown quality but whose progeny will wJeid a potent tnAiienco on dairy returns In yeara to come These progeny will produce more thna 00 pet cent of all auik and dairy prodshyucts consumed In the live years from J087 1raquo J9tl inclnsivc

Most progressiva dairymen vould rather use a proTed sire as detei-

I rained by the number of pounds of I milk and butterfat the bulls daughters will produce in a years time Thia Is as it should be However under tho I present system of proving dairy bulls I only one in fifty is likely to become ft j proved sire and all those not in this t select group are forgotten j More attention needs to be given to j the physical appearance of these bulla

and to the performance of their dams and sires if the future of the dairy Industry is to be safeguarded Thlaquo phyeacal characteristics of the young bull should of coarse be considered carefnlly if he Is to Hre the future) producers of the herd In addition the dairyman should InvertigHte the) char-actertstlcs of the bulla sire and dam If obtainable the recwrda of fall broth-

M Mlaquor8and sisters and even of half broth-s 6 0 | ers and half sisters will forntsh valo-

i able evidence in determining the toans-51G0 j mittSng ability of a yonog sire If a

dairyman can find a yonng btill who sire has ten or more unsetected daughshyters that are highly prodaetlra and whose dam has three or more good danghters he can feel reasonably at-scred (hat the young sire will make a satisfactory breeder


Whereas Prank Siebeneck and Eliza Siebeneck his wife made and executed a certain mortgage bearing dale the 3rd day of March A D 1924 to Howard E Slocum and Mashybel A Slocum his

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE in the Matter of th Eraquotatlaquo of

Geprgo W Baker Dec We the undersigned having bean

appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and fr

the County of Shiawassee State of 1 j raquo X e w l c n w a s Michigan Commissioners to receive

recorded in the Office of the Regis- e x a m i n e a n d a d j u s t a l l claim and

8 50 I

2 3 5 6

I 6 1 5

I 8 2 5

16 20

8 4 0

2 1 1 0 2 1 1 0

9 George C o e t i e 1 ewe bull bull bdquo mdash - ^ -

2 9 John Manford 6 ewe 5 Jambs bdquo

11 Frank Ri tae t 1 d o ^

18 F F P a r k h u r s t 3 s h e e p 1 l a m b s _

6 B McKaylTia 3 e w e s - - laquo


1 8 2 5

7 20

7 4 0 0

18 25

7 2 6




1 1 2 0


1 2 5 0

t 2 0

Corn Stover Low Protein Feed and Needs Balance

The loss in dry matter In corn stashyter approximates 24 per cent white the loss in ensiling corn need not bo more

600 j than 10 per cent This emphasise the yalue tl ensiling in so far as possible j this year says Hoards Dairyman Hosv-laquoTrT bright com stover that has been properly shocked can be made a valshyuable part of the ration this winter Shreddinggrinding or cutting may be

On motion of Supr Pateo the re- advisable in order to get the cows to port was accepted awi adopted by the eat the entire plant Also the cjnserv-rollowitiR yfa a n d nay v o t e cal led for fltive n g o o f laquo bdquo bdquo m i x e d w i t h w a -

V ^ r D u ^ fet laquo^ bullraquo- bullPtln-W over this rmiahate-prason Fi id Grvttenbenrer Griffin bull may add to its palaubllity and feed- l h n s o n P u r v i s Moore Paaco P a y n e i n g v a l u e s l i g h t l y

I Torn stover is a low protein feed and to balance it we must feed n hlch protein grain mixfure Wo recommend 1 to 2 per cent of the grain mixture he grcumltl ijmestono marloyster shell or S)(5iSir-igt-i hoi nicr l l iuiuraquo m^nl

Jen suit niUed half and half and felti jvlt salt alone Is usually fed will also poundbull-ltbull the necessary minerat protection i vraquo analysis of corn stover is 21 per cot dl^estil)Ie crude protein 401 per ccit total digestible nutrients

ter of Deeds of the County of Shia wampssee Michigan on the 25th day of November A D 1924 in Liber 165 of Mortgages on page 383

And whereas the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage on the date hereof for principal and inter-eat and taxes paid upon the premshyises hereinafter described by the said mortgagees is the sum of Fifty-sis hundred eighty-three dollars and eighty-five cents j and also the addishytional sum of Thirty-five dollars stashytutory attorneys fees as provided for in said mortgage and no suit or proshyceeding having been instituted at tew or in equity to recover the debt secured thereby or any part thereshyof

And whereas default has been made in the payment of the money secured by said mortgage wherehy the power of sale contained therein has become operative

Now therefore notice is hereby given that by virtue of said power of sale and in pursuance thereof and of the statute in such ease made and provided the said mortgagewill be foreclosed by a sale of the mortshygaged premises at public vendue to the highest bidder at the front door of the_ Court House in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michi igan that being the place of holding the Circuit Court within said Coun-tl oh the l i t day of Jttraquo A D 1935at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day the description of which said premises contained in said mortshygage and which will be sold as aforesaid is as follows

AH those certain pieces or parshycels of land situated in the Township of Caledonia Shiawassee County Michigan described as follows

The North forty acres of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty Township Seven North of Range Three East Michigan except Three

demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Charles Kirby in the Township of Venice in said County on Monday the 18thday-of March A D 1925 and on Thursday the 16th day of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjustshying all claims against said estate and that four months from the 16th day of January A D i935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said C^mmis^ionr5rs for adjustment and allowance

Dated the 16th day of January A D 1935





STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash In the office of the drain commissioner of the cousxty of Shiawassee in the matter of the Galloway Drain

Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of February 1935 a petishytion was filed with the undersigned county drain commissioner for the county of Shiawassee praying for the deepenirsg widening straightenshying cleaning out and extending of Galloway Drain

That upon the 16th day of Fib- -ruary 1935 the undersigned filed with the Honorable Roy D Matshythews judge of probate a petition askfing for the appointment of a board of determination

that said judge of probate havshying appointed Fred Peacock Fred Ferguson and Roy Allen as such board of determination

Now therefore said board will meet at SE corner of Section 36

acres in the Northwest comer ofjlaquoe w Haven Towi^hip on the 18th Said land which three acres is Thirty lt d a y 0 Mstrch 1935 at ten oclock rods East and West and Sixteen rods] i n the forenoon of said day to deter-North and South containing in all Thirty-seven acres of land more or less

Also all that part of the East half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Niriteen Town Seven jNdrth of Range Three East Michigan lying South of the Grand Trunk Railway

mine the necessity of Galloway Drain^

Therefore all persons municishypalities and highway officials intershyested in the proposed Galloway Drain are requested to be present if they so desire

Dated at Corunna Michigan this

right-of-way except land bull laquo M to N 2 t h d a y degf ^ frac34 i

Pracock S a c h s

Al len Supervisor fe ix irt

read the fo l lowing

T o the visors

Honorable Basuw o Super -

I gtgtur C o m m i t t e e on Juraquotgtces Ci^n-

Htablea and Coroners Clairca and a--co imts would respect fu l ly submit tin-fo l lowlns as itraquo report rcoornmfrnltn^ the- a l l o s v a n e e o f t h e severa l a m o u n t s a t ivn hrlow and that the Clerk be aii-t l ioruvd to draw orders for the laquo raquo m laquo

bull43 Rohorl )1 C A

55 W m M J J^ 21 C A 27 It E 76 raquo F-2raquo Aupus t

1S5 James 1S4 H o m e r

Morrorv Cratio i Wt-inkuuf Havilartd Crano H D LaKraquowe ( I-aRowe F i s c h e r

Wi l son B u s h


7so 6540 10 00 10 00 1000 7 00 560 2 00

to50 20440

7 GO 65^40 iooo 1000 10 00 700 oieo

Chinch Bug War Hard

1050 2 0 4 4 0

On motion of Supr Al len t h e report w as accepted and adopted b y the fo l shylowing yea and nay vote called for b y the C h a i r m a n Y e a s AUe Colby F

Congress in the last session voted an approprl^on of a million dollars to hult the ravages of the chinch bug in

200 the cpoundgtrn belt and this money was used to build barriersbull totaling UWO miles

along which creosote halted tltte adshyvance of the Insects The chinch bag however has twrraquo generations in a sinshygle season the first generation being a crawling insert which can be conshytrolled by the creosote barriers but the second generation flying is not halted

B Aiken and except a strip of land four rods wide off the North and running parallel with the said Grand Trunk Railway right-of-way said strip to be used for highway purshyposes

(All of said parcels to be sold as clark Joh aforesaid being used and operated as one farm)

Dated March 12 1935 HOWARD E SLOCUM


PULVER amp BUSH Attorneys for Mortgagees Business Address Owosso Mich

JOHN HUDSON County Drain Commissioner

Shiawa-ssee County Michigan


I n t h e


Derham E Durham FTraquooa Field by this form of control Experts estishymate that the million dollars spent oa control measures saved at least $4-000000 worth of com

Grst tenbers^r Grif f in J o h n t o n L e b o w shys k i P u r v i s Moore P a s c o P a y n e P e a shycock Sachs

Supr S a t h s read the fo l lowing reshyp o r t

T o the H o n o r a U j E laquo r e bulllt S u p - v i -s o r s

Your C o m m i t t e e on Claims and A c shyc o u n t s in C o n t a g i o u s Diraquoealaquoe w o u l d respec t fu l ly s u b m i t t h e foUowing a s i t s report retomroendinu t h e a l lowance of the severa l a m o u n t s as g iven be low and that t h e Clerk be authoriaed t o t i m e tO a p p l y if I s iC t h e f a l i d i g g i n g

it Into the soil and if the soil Is a clay roam It can stand heavy applications of such material which wfli help conshysiderably In keeping the soil more open and spongy and render it less liable to bake and dry out during dry weather Applications up to 50 tons to the acre may toe usedmdashMontreal Herald

Hops for Fertilizer Hops from a brewery are exetflent

as a source of introducing humus to the soIL Any form of vegetative growth even weeds supply this necesshysary matter Manure is another form ID which humus is supplied The best

draw orders for t h e s a m e

142 Ruby Mil ler n u r s e ( 114 Memorial H o s p i t a l 107 Dr J J Hav i land 112 Dr W T Parker _ 132 Ruby Mil ler 1S3 E C J o n e s 111 Dr R C P o c h e r t 113 John R u b e n s t i n e _ 124 Vernon E l e v a t o r Co 109 Dr J J Hav i land 128 Dr C J SUenard 122 G B Bar low 126 C A L a w r e n c e mdash 188 WVitebflr Drott C o 108 Dr A L Arnold _ 110 Dr A L Arnald _ 106 Dr A L ArnoW _ 123 Marshal) D u n c k l e

t o Vernon Bank W H S A C H S F R PASCO J H L E B O W S K I

250 lt SlOO

pound00 2 1 0 0 5 8 8 0

500 1 0 5 0

860 1689 20 00 1 7 0 0 2 4 7 8 1 0 8 1

910 65 00 19 90 56 00

2 50 8100

2 00 2100 58 00

500 1 0 5 0

S60 16 89 20 00 17 00 2 4 7 8 1 0 8 1

9 1 0 6 5 0 0 19 90 6 6 0 0

Farm Chatter

6 6 5 6 6 5 6 5

On motidr- o f Srtpt S a c h s ( the reshyport was accepted and adopted by the

rt-rt witt-I

Spare recently passed several laws laquo0 regulate its wheat trade

raquo bull bull

Germany has fixed maximum gram bullprices ampt slightly above those of 1033

bull bull bull

The cereals are the most Important branch of agrieurfure la tbe United States

bull s

About 100000 farmers grow sugar fo l lowing y e a and n a y v o t e called for j ^ 0 cent ^ U n i t e d S t a t e s T h e t r a n -

ker Fsraraaon F ie ld G r e t t e n b e m e r Griffin J o h n s o n K i n g s b u r y Lebowski A t a v e r a g e r a t e o f c o n s u m p t i o n o f P u r v i s M o o r e P a s c p P a y n e P e a c o c k COM c e r e a l s o n y e a r s COTn CTOp

s0- woaM produeeveiKHjgh eereal to last On mot ion of Supr Kinaabury t h e t l raquo p e o p l e Of t h e U n l b M S t a t e s 4 7 0

Board took a r e c e s s unt i l t o m o r r o w y e a r s morning a t 9 8 0 i bull bull

Read corrected and approved bull to raquo laquo M tU s t laquo

drouths corn production has risen LLOYD H YKiTEit an average of 40 per cent Acreage

OSCAR BARKES Clerk bas tocreased 7 per cent and acre

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate Austin B Gilbert Deceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the office of Frank R GUna in the Court House in the City of Corunna in said County on Monday the 22nd day of April A D 1935 and on Monday the 24th day of June A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receivshying and adjusting all claims against said estate and that four months from the 21st day of February A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commisshysioners for adjustment and allowshyance

Dated the 21st day of February A D 1935



M a t t e r o f t h e E t laquo t laquo o f

n s t o n D e c e a s e d

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Frobute in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Comrri--sipners to receive examine and adjust all claims and deshymands of al persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Wager in the Township of Venice in said County on Friday the 29th day of March A D 1935 and on Wednesday the 2Sth dav of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjustshying all claims against said estate and that four months from the 29th day of January A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustshyment and allowance

Dated the 29th day of January A D 1935



COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of

Frances Van Campen Smith Deshyceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in anltj for the Coutfty of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive _ examine and adjust all claims and I sale at public vendue to the highest


Notice is hereby given that by virshytue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee and State of Michigan against the goods and chat-telslanlt end tenements of Lyle V Sawyer and Mary C Sawyer in said county to me directed and delivered I did on the second day of October 1934 levy upon and take all the right title and interest of the said Lyle V Sawyer and Mary C Sawshyyer in and to the following deshyscribed lands to-witmdash

The south one-half of south one-h a l f of t h e n o r t h e a s t quarter (5frac12 S N E t t ) of secshytion eleven (11) town eight (8) north of range one (1) east Fairshyfield Township Shiawassee County Michigan

All of which I shall expose for

Chairman yields SO per cent

demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the Vernon State Bank in the Village of Vernon in said County on Monday the 22nd day of April A D 1935 and on Monday the 24th day of June A D 1935 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjusting all claims apai^st said estate and that four months from the 21st day ol February A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioneis for adjustshyment and allowance


r bull i bullbull Xommissioners

bidder at the west front door of the court house in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County being the place where the Circuit Conrt is held in said County on the 9th day of March 1935 at 900 oclock in the forenoon

M G DICKTE Deputy Sheriff

JBLLIS F WILSON Attorney for Frank A Phillip Business Address Owosso Mich

Let The Nw handle

^BSSVnjSSaSJI^nv SSs S v 4SnSJp^p^SSaJBPSB]^nh V


s bull

-I1 1 M l JiVfig


bullWWmdashin gi1 ii wv se

laquof In the Matter of the EUtlaquo bull Job F Jlaquocoblaquo Deceased

We the undersized having been - appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshy

thews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of ail persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Ha-zelton in said County on Monday the 25th day of March A D 1935

- and on Monday the 27th lay of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day for the purshypose cf receiving and adjusting all claLns against said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1)Spound are-allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustment ^nd allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D 1935



COMMISSIONERS NOTICE la thcopy Matter of the Eclat of

William E Vernon Deceased We the undersigned having been

appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the State Ban) of New Lothrop in the Village of New Lothrop in said County on Monday the first day of April A D 19S6 and on Friday the 31st day of May A D 1985 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjusting all claims against said estampte and that four months from the 31st day of January A D 1935 are allowed to creditors p present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustment and allowance

Dated the 31st day of Janaary A JD 1935




- I n the Matter of the ElaquoUt Almeda Jacob Deceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hoi Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims artri demands of all persons against said estate do hereby eive notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Haselton in said County on Monshyday the 25th day of March A D 1935 and on Monday the 27th dav of May A- D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and ad--justing aiiclaimsagainst said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adshyjustment and allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D 19351




STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash The Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee in Chancery

Flossie M Storey also known as Flossie M Passage Plaintiff vs

William H Storey Myrtle I Storey Mary Fetterly and Michigan Trust Company a Michigan corporshyation Defendants

Suit pending in the circuit court for the County of Shiawassee in Chancery at the City of Corunna in said county on the 1st day of February A D 1935

In this cause it appearing from afshyfidavit on file that the Defendant Mary Fetterly is a resident of the State of Michigan that process for her appearance has been duly issued and that the same could not be servshyed by reason of her absence from the State of Michigan That her exshyact address cannot be ascertained

On motion of Rosenburg amp Paintshyer plaintiffs attorneys it is ordered that the said defendant Mary Fetshyterly cause her appearance to be entered herein within three months from the date of this order and in case her appearance that she cuse her answer to the plaintiffs bill of complaint to be filed and a copy thereof to be served on said plain- hay tiffs attorneys within fifteen days after service on her of a copy of said bill and notice of this order and that in default thereof said bill be taken a s confessed by the said deshyfendant

And it is Further Ordered That within forty days the said plaintiff cause a notice of this order to be published in the Corunna News e newspaper printed published pnd circulating in said courty and that such publication be continued thereshyin at least once in each Wftek for six weeks in succession or that she cause a copy of this order to be personally served on said defendant at least twenty days befo^ the time above prescribed for her apshypearance 4


ROSENBURG A PAINTER Attorneys for Plaintiff

Good Seed Curing Means Good Crops

Proper Care Is Important During Winter Will

Increase Income By R H Reed Agru-uUnral poundlaquolaquolaquo University ltrf IlliuoimdashWNU Scrvna

Providing good curing and storage conditions for their seed com this winter rather than poor or even avershyage _conditions will be worth 0000-000 en nextyears XJJinr gccrn crop should lOSfl be u normal year and corn prices remain favoranle

This is reveal ed In efebt bull years of ecords Uept by farmersbullenryiSed In the farm niahageuieut service conduct ed by the Coiee of Agriculture bull Unishyversity of Illinois in co-operation with county farm bureaus in these recshyords involving the growing of approxishymately 70000 aerts of corn the differshyence between good and poor seed corn curing and storage amounted to 2raquo bushels an acre in the resulting crop liven average curing and storing conshyditions cut the resulting crop two bushshyels an acre below what it was from good curing and storage of the seed Two bushels an acre on the average nnrua5 Illinois crop of aloe million acres with corn worth 00 cents a bush el wouUl amount to more than $10000-000 In corn returns

By good curing and storage Is meant that the seed com Is dried rapidly and protected from freeting until the ex-cesa moisture has been removed-These conditions arenot met where the corn is ben on the back porch or in the driveway of the corncrib as is practiced on many farms

Rapid drying of seed corn requires the use of some artificial heat unless

Prolonged eel storage has been found to free apples of Insects

laquo -Farster unLsn branches are being

organized throughout norfhern Ireland

Agriculturally Manchuria is one of the most favored spots In the Far East

A balf-mlVloa farmers lost their

status as landowners is the last three years

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

Cows should be dry clx weeks or two months This gives them a ohacce to build up a reserve for the coming vear


Default having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative given by-Robert Cohoon and Cora A Co-hoon his wife of the Village of Morrice Shiawassee County Michishygan to Thomas E Case of the Township of Perry Ccunty and State aforesaid on December 4 1909 and recorded in the office of the Regisshyter of Deeds of Shiawassee County on December 4 1909 in Liber 118 of Mortgages on page 632 which said mortgage has been duly assignshyed by Thonias E Case to George B Lewis by assignment bearing date the 14th day of March 1919 and recordeoTin the Office of the Regisshyter of Deeds of said County of Shiashywassee on the 15th da^ of March 1919 in Liber 136 of Mortgages on page 577 on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereshyof for principal and interest the sum of $38183 and no action at law having been brought to recover said mortgage debt or any part theieof and the said George B Lewis hay


STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash The Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee

At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee held at the Probate Office in the City of Corunna on the 2nd day of Janshyuary in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate of Alvin Morell Eentiey Senior Deshyceased

Detroit Trust Company Trustee under Will of said deceased having filed their sixteenth annual account a3 trustee of said estate for the benefit of Ca-SUv M Kpntlpy

it is OrderedThat the 28th day of January next at ten oclock in the forenoon at said Probate Ofshyfice be appointed for examining nnd allowing safd account and all previshyous accounts

And it is Further Ordered That a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corunna News a newspaper printed and cirshyculating in said County of Shiawasshysee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

HARRIET AIXEN Probate Register




Kor small quantities the ears can be hung in the kitchen or in an upstairs room around the chimney or over an open hot air register Large quantishyties of seed corn may he dried in the farm shop garage or other buildings where a fire can be maintained Care hewever should be taken to ee that none of the corn is exposed to a temshyperature above 120 degrees Fahrenheit

Ventilation Is also an Important facshytor in obtaining high quality seed corn Unless the air immediately around the ears is constantly changed t^e atshymosphere becomes ladened with moisshyture the drying will be much slower raid an ideal condition is established lor the development of molds

k m w bdquoraquolaquo w HllVMll bdquo w bdquo MHiWi ing departed this life^and the under the weather Is unusually favorable signed Brmal E Sickles k the duly

and legally appointed administratrix of the Estate of George B Lewis and ag such is the legal holder of the tiUe to said mortgage

Now therefore by virtue of the said power of sale and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided notice is hereby given that on Monday the 29th day laquof April 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon said mortgage will be forecolsed by a sale by public auction to the highshyest bidder at the west front door of the Court House in the City of Corunna that being the place where the Circuit Court for Shiawassef County is held of the land and premises described in said mortage or so much thereof as may be necshyessary to pay the amount due as aforesaid on said mortgage with inshyterest thereon at the rate of six per cent and all legal costs charger and expenses inclndin an attorhej fee allowed by law of $1500 said premises being described as follows

The north three-eights () of the West half (gt of the West half () of the southwest quarter gt and the east half (bull) of the northshywest qtiarter () of the southwest quarter (frac34) of section twenty-one (21) excepting a piece Of land in the northeast corner of said last above mentioned description describshyed as commeneinlaquor at the northeast corner and running thence west Eighteen (18) rods then south thirty-two (32) rods thence east eighteen (18) rbds and thence north thirty-two rods to place of begs-ninc all on Section Twenty-one (21 in Town five (5X north Range three (3) east Also the west forty (40) feet of lot Thirty-six (36) and wholr of lot thirty-seven (37) in block four (4) Village of Morrice Shiashywassee County State of Michigan

Dated Januarv 28 1935 ERMAL E SICKLES

Administratrix of the Estate of George B Iewis Deceased

HICKS amp DES JARDINS Attorneys for Administratrix Business Address Owosso Mich

Soybeans cowpeas and similar legshyume crop are nor considered feed crops under the AAA ruling but inshystead are classified as hay crops

bull bull bull Hawaiis 1933 pineappie pack of apshy

proximately 800)000 cases was esfJ sated to have a value of $22400000

bull bull

Ohte baa only TO par cent as many cattle on feed this year and the Corn Belt has but 88 per cent as siany as a year ago the United States Departshyment of Agriculture reports

bull bull From practical experience the Deshy

partment of Agriculture has learned that temporary ffbeck of dams of brush snllt to stop erosion win last from two and one-half to three years

Need More Horses Mules to Meet Greater Demand

Demand for horses and mules Is exshypected to increase materially for the next few years Although colt producshytion has been increasing for twe or three years the number now being proshyduced is hardly enough to meet V0 per rent of the expected demand for work stock

A large proportion of the work aftl-nisils now on farms are in the old ae bullgroup snd even if production of colts continues- to increase by the end of 1038 the low point-in horse and mule |Mgttgtuaiion will be reached in the opinshyion of Ohio State university farm wouomists

Higher toed prices this year mixy en courage greater use of mechanical powshyer and may check the anticipated inshycrease in breeding plans even in the face of an expected rise in the price of work stock


STATE OP MICHIGAN mdash The Probate Court for tbgt County of

At a session of the Probate Coart or said County held at the Probate Office in the City of Corunna oh the 26th day of December A D 1934 -

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate of Sophia De Frenn Deceased

On filing the petition of Earl De Frena praying for the probate of the will of aaid deceased new filed in this aourt bull

It is Ordered That the 28th day of JaaaaiT next at nine oclock in the forenoon at said Probate Of-iice ba appointed for hearing said petition _

It iraquo Furtber Ordered That a cony ef this order be published three sucshycessive weeks prraquoviouB to said ltlay of bearing in the Corunna Naws a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Shiawassee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

HARRIET AIKBN Register of Prebate


Feeding Work Horses Wintering work horses wiW be a

troublesome problem in view of the feed shortage To maintain a fair conshydition work horses need a daiiy ration of from ten to fifteen pounds of clean roughage such as hay laquoraquorn fodder or struw Even idle horses in addition to ihe roughage should have a little ^rain especially If the roughage conshysists of prairie hay straw or cora fodshyder On live to six pounds of grain per day a horse will hold its weight llie amotlnt of grain of course dependshying somewhat on size of the animal Horses at work need from ten to Bf-ren pounds of grain per head a day ff they are to hold up In weight Barley cau be substituted very well for corn or oats but it should be ground or rolledmdashMissouri Farmer

Agricultural Notes The tomato is classified by the Enshy

cyclopedia of Food as a fruit bull

Unless in a sealed package honey should be kept in a dry warm place

Two-thirds of a pound of dried beet

pulp takes the place of one pound of

Canadian western sheep ranges proshyduce from 150000 to 200000 lambs each year saitahle for fattening purposes

bull bull Kvery 3frac12 feet from the barn to the

milk house- means a mile of^walking for the farmer for each cow in one yenr

bull Fluorine compounds with which

many fruits are sprayed have been found to be very injurious to the teeth

bull raquo bull Twelve to fourteen per cent of proshy

rata in the grain mixture hi enough for rypicai cowa fed plenty of good alfalfa hay and corn silage ^

bull raquo bull w Hundreds of acre of vegetable

crops were plowed under by produce formers near St Loula Mo araquo they found their products aore raquo M fnttUtas



STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash In the office of the Drain Commissioner of the County of Shiawassee in the matter of the Section Sixteen Exshytension Drain

Notice in Hereby Given that on the 26th day of October 1934 a petition was filed with the undershysigned County Drain Commissioner for the County of Shiawassee prayshying for the extending of Section Sixteen Drain

That upon the 28th day of Febshyruary 1935 the undersigned fited with the Honorable Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate a petitior asking for the appointment of a Board of Determination

That said judge ot probate having appointed Fred Peacock J H Bran-del and Fred Ferguson as such Board of Determination

Now therefore said board will meet at the residence of Charles Miller Section 21 Shiawassee Townshyship on the 21st day of March 1935 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of said day to determine the necessity of Section Sixteen Drain

Therefore all persons Municishypalities and highway officials intershyested in the proposed Section Sixshyteen Drain are requested to be present if they so desire

Dated at Corunna Michigan thig 1st day of March 1935


Whereas James C Carpenter and Martha Carpenter his -wife made and executed a certain mortgage bearing the date of the 22nd day of August 1928 to Anna E Bilhimer which was recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for the Counshyty of Shiawassee Michigan on Aushygust 31 1928 in Liber 177 of mort gages on pa-e 301

And whereas the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage on th date hereof fof principal and intershyest is the sum of Eight Hundrec Twenty Dollars and thirty-eight cents ($82038^ and also the ad ditional sum of laquo25 attornevs fee as provided for in sard mortgage and ne suit or proceeding having been instituted at law or in equity to reshycover the debt now remaining and secured thereby or ar-v part thereof

And whereas default has been made in the payment of the money secured by laquoraquoid m o r t ^ ^ rendering the power of sale contained thereir operative

Now therefore notice is herebj given that by virtue of said power of sale and in pursuance thereof and of the statute in such cases mad nnd nrovided the said mortgage wjr be foreclosed by a sale of the mortshygaged nremises at nublic vendue to the highest bidder at the west froni door of the Court House in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michigan that bein the place Oj holding the Circuit Court within said countv on the 5th draquoraquo of April A D 1935 at 900 oclock in the fore TVYOM of said day Eastern Standard Time

The descrintion of the premise contained therein and still coyerer by said mortgage and which will be sold as Aforesaid is a follows

Part of Lot ten Block Twenty eight of the Village (now city of Owosso Michigan commencing at f noint on the east line of Lot ten Block twenty-eight eisrht rods soutf of the south line of Comstock street running thence westerlv parallel to Comstock stTeet seven rods thenor south four and five hundred se^r v one one thousandths rods thence easterly narallel wilih said first lin to east line of said Lot and thenc-

porth to beginnin- nil in the Cjtv of Owosso Shiawassee County Michi gan

Dated December 31 19frac34 ANNA E BILHTMER

Mortgagee ELLIS P WXTSON Ar+irrv fo Mortgawea



THE NEWS Phone 1373 Corunna Mick

MORTGAGE SALE Default having been made in the

conditions of a certain real estate mortgage whereby the power of sale therein contained became operative made by William F Gray and Flora M Gray his wife to George G Markham dated January 2 1917 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Shiawassee County Michigan^ on January 2 1917 in Liber 142 of Mortgages en pages 206 ami 207 and duly asshysigned by said George G Markham to Leta B Vincent by an assignshyment dated August 4 1925 and reshycorded in said Registers office on August 6 1925 in Liber 153 of Mortgages on page 92 and duly asshysigned by said Leta B Vincent to George G Markham and Clara A Markham his wife jointly with sole and absolute right of survivorshyship by an assignment dated August 4 1925 and recorded in said Regisshyters office on August 6 192b in Liber 153 of Mortgages on page 93 on whiyh mortgage there is now claimed to be due and payable foT principal and interest the sum of $114500 and no suit at law havshying been brought to recover said debt or any part thereof notice is hereby given that on Saturday May 4 1935 at one oclock in the aftershynoon of said day at the entrance to the Court House City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michigan that being the place where the Circuit Court for said County is held Clara A Markham surviving assignee will by virtue of the power of sale conshytained in said mortgage and in purshysuance of ttte statute in such case

ORDER OF PUBLICATION State of Michigan mdash The Probata

Court for the County of Shiawassee At a session of the Probate Court

for said County held at the Probate office in the city of Corunna on Monday the 4th day of February in the year of one thousand nina hundred and thirty-five

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of Geraldine Ruth Vande Grift Dependent

Petition haying been filed allegshying that aaid child is dependent and neglected and to determine the truth of the facts

Xt is ordered That the fathets mothers guardians or anyone intershyested in said child blaquo and appear before the Court at a hearing upom the petition on the 5th day of March 1935 at 900 oclock in the foreshynoon at said Probate Office for the purpose of aiding the Court in arshyriving at the true facts and to make a proper disposition of said minor

And it is Further Ordered That to give notice to parentg not in tide County that a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corunna News a newspaper printed and circulating in said Counshyty of Shiawassee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

By HARRIET AIKEN Probate Register

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In thraquo Matter __ of the Estate raquof

provided sell at public auction on |PerI E Jacobs Deceased foreclosure thereof the land describ-r We the undersigned having bee ed in said mortgage to satisfy the | appointed by the Hon Roy D Mat-

County Drain Commissioner Shiawassee County Michigan| Bosineai Address Owosso Mich

amount due thereon at the time of sale with interest thereon at six pei cent per annum and all legal costs including an attorney fee of Twenty five Dollars lands described as East part of east eighty acres of the southwest fractional quarter of section nineteen town eight north range four east except right of way of Consolidated Coal Company of north thirty-three feet thereof conshytaining 39 acres more or less Hazel-ton Township Shiawassee County Michigan Dated February 2 1935

CLARA A MARKHAM Surviving Assignee

C F amp E T HAMMOND Attorneys ior Assignee Business Address 601 American

State Savings Bank Building Lansing Michigan

thews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Hazeltoa in said County on Monshyday the 25th day of March A D 1935 and on Monday the 27th day of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adshyjusting all claims against said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adshyjustment and allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D ^RANDOLPH BAILEY

WALTER JUDD Commissioners

y Only the best Quality of Materials and

bull i the finest Workmanship used by



BEANS Have excellent equipment for hanshy

dling Beans and Grains

GOAL Plenty of good clean and warm Coal



Ph one 4 bullgt0 We Deliver

f t T t y Ti


ti I T tgt


DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR Mr Walter Parker of Owoaso

has as hev guest for several days her sister Mrs Fred Shepherd of Detroit and in her honor Mrs Clark Shipman entertained at a table of bridge o n Thursday aftershynoon A chicken dinner preceded the playing of bridge

The following were guests of Mrs Shipman Mrs Parker Mrs Shepshyherd end Mrs Mary Curtis of Co-runna All of the ladies are very close friends


Glen Howard have

uasiucso u-p

^^^^bullltlaquoKKlaquoK^K^K^KlaquoKK^^raquoK 4-

and Mrs returned ioiu Highland

Clayton Cook HI ^ s t u d e n t at the Gctogan school is absent this week with the whooping cough

Mr and Mrs Willis Xee were in Howell Sunday visiting a brother-in-law who is in the State T B Hospital

Mr and Mrs Frank Williams of Milford have returned home after iisiting in the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Cook

Mr and Mrs Edward Braid of

W^r^^^ - bull bull bull bull bull bull - i

votionfls reading a Scripture lesson followed by prayer j

During the business meeting it was- decided to hold a shadow social at the home of Mr and Mrs Phin a s Burch on Friday evening March 22 A pot luck supper will be serv- ed by ths hostess

The program committee gave a short program with reading^ by Mrs Sherrard Mrs Hofacker Mrs Olive Seward and Lawrence Seward

The next meeting will be held in the home of George and Judson O Eldred tgtcrth of the church at which time Mrs Devora Eldred will be





Lake Orion have returned home aft- er spending the week end with their ard the new son Alva Braid and Mrs Braid Catholic Church in-Owoaso

CALEDONIA - SHIAWASSEE Mrs Charles McNamara Sr ampbull plusmn

rightfully bullentertained the ladies of i W the Caledonia - Shiawassee - Venice j Club at her homein Corunna Tues-j day for dinner The business meeting was Opened Q by the president Mrs William Liet-j zau in regular form the ladies unitshying in saying the Lords Prayer

The secretary and treasurer Mrs Antonio Bock gave her reports of the previous meeting also a report j oiv the financial condition off the i club bull

The dub donated a large sum tow- organ at S(u Pauls

JLL W bull I i i i W AK)

Invites you to call and look over the new

FordV-8 Wewant you to see the finest Car in the

low priced field

On display at our salesroom

Mrs Wakefield who is living on V grab bag will be a feature of

the Reyndd fartrade J laquo w i i h ^ a r i laquo pound pound bdquo pound pound pound have beenlraquo1Sih o n e arvLlt-


trouble Her daughters here from Cadillac and Bay Shore k taking care of her

Mr and Mrs John Sam peer en textained on Sunday Mr and Mrs

made for a pancake held some time this

joyed and fine address was given by Carl Kramp of Lansing nd Mr Judge Joseph H Collins A silver and Mrs Glen Hamilton of Owoaso offering was taken during the eye- the latter is a daughter of Mr Sanv ningi

Mrs Wafter Snyder has been for the past few days

Mr and Mrs G W Warner were in Owoaso on Monday laquoraquolaquoraquo i peer

Mrs Joseph Winorski was a guest A large number of friends and Mr and Mrs Nathan Baughan Friday of Mrs Archie Johnson relatives tendered a surprise on Mrs Paul Baughan nd Mr and

John Boyd of Flint was a caller [ Monday evening to Mr and Mrs Mrs Stanley Sussex visited in Bieck-last week of h is sister Mrs M a r y | H a r r y Brandt i n honor of their 21sl enbridge the first of the week as lt-ntlar wedding anniversary and to their guests of their daughterfand sister

Mrs Archie Johnson and Frank n a n d b i s M r a n d M r s - Mrs Alexander Stewart and Goreski were in Owosso Monday on business

Miss Joan Crowe spent Sunday in the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Everet t

Misseg Agnes and Mary Hovanec spent Sunday at the home of Miss Mary Nemecek-

Miss Maxine Wilder of Owosso is assisting in the home of Mr and Mrs Cecil Nicholson

Cecil Nicholson and family and Miss Maxine Wilder were in Flint Saturday on business

A large number of voters from this vicinity attended the Hazelton Township caucas on Monday night

Mr and Mrs George Crowe and daughters were callers Tuesday of Mr and Mrs W S Eveleth and family i i ^

Mr and Mrs Floyd were hosts on Tuesday for the regshyular meeting of the Venice- Haao|-tqr

fi Farmers Club Mi and Mrs Clyde Stanhope and

family of Flint were Sunday guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Ernest

Duane Brandt in honor of their first anniversary in the home of the former The evening was most pleasantly spent in a social way and later a bountiful supper was served

Stewart Mrs Henry Saska left the last

Plans were supper to be

The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Charle8 Smith the second Tuesday in the month


CALEDONIA Mr and Mrs Hall were in Ann

Arbor Sunday Donald Hall of Pontiac visited

hi s family here over the week end Robert Huffman of Detroit visshy

ited his sister Mrs Eli Rigoulot on Sundayr

Billy Fisher was taken to Ann Arbor for observation at the Uui-versity hospital Monday

Harry Wood of Flint was a week end visitor SR the home of his bro-

Walworth th( i ~ i 1 law J o h n Brenner and fatrade i i l y I Mrs Lyle Munroe has returned to her home in bullbullJackson after viaithg i in the homo of her sister Mrs Jos Wagner


Howard Stewart will be host to Desborough west of here A | the Merry Circle Class of th e North birthdav dinner was in honor of the west Verice church on Friday eve-

bx-warbles are not music and they do not soothe the breast of the

Mr| savage beast in fact ox-warbles cause so ngtuch unrest among the cattle of Michigan that the income

bdquo from this class of livestock is seri-of the week t o gt e gone for several o U s r e d u c e d days as guest of her daughterMrs T j ]osH o f m o n e y is totally un-Kerrneth Johnson of Flint her n e c e s g a r y a s the warble which is mother Mrs Derby of Detroit h e r j a n j n s e c t whose larvae live in the daughter Mrs Lawson Mumma b a c k g o f c a t t i e c a n ^e exterminated

[ in thi s state The adult is a heavy [bodied fly which is intensely feared j by cattle Experiments have shown that cattle can hear the noise made

i by the flys wings at considerable 1 distances and often stampede to

The Usual i |ne meeting qf the | avoid its egg laying activities Venice- Hazelton Farmers Ciub was i The eggs are deposited on the enjoyed Tuesday in the home of Mrf raquod quarters Of cattle and the tiny


sons Avnold and Leonard of Day ton Ohio


anniversary of Miss Lois seventh birthday

The pancake supper which was held on Friday evening was a decidshyed success The supper was served under the upervision of the men and was fine The program wasmuch e n _

BOOK1 s T 0Vdegy Explain thlaquo marvelousWOferd Z IVeatmjnt which is bringina J aaxaxinx relief Sold oajroadaJ bull


S T I P A T I O N B A D B R E A T H S L E E P L E S S N E S S OR H E A D -

ACMES DUE TO EXCESS ACID Atk fat A fmtcapy of WHtonl Metuuee We an AuUxwued WiUani igtCJien

lt OvOmt Piwn H m )



ning of this week The Misses Mildrelt) Kambut and

Patricia Bailey have returned to Detroit after visiting in the home ofMiss Elaine Rigoulot

Leslie Middletou ad George Koan have given up their lease for the coal mine property to the owner Geo Schirle and the mine is being taken over by John Hedges

The Ladies Aid of the Northshywest Venice church wil] meet with

and Mrsfi Floyd Walworth when representatives o f 14 families gathered for an ail day meeting

The morning session was called by L J Veaie and was opened with the sipging of My Old Kentucky Home The Chapldin Rev Harold Paiithorpe then conducted the dc-votioijkl period

The business of the day followed and included the appointment of Key Pailthorpe as question box leader and the calling of the roll

At bull the conclusion of the-dinner hour the company reassembled for the program presentation which was under the direction of Mrs Rayshymond Dietz

Readings by Mrs Will Jacobs | Mrs Mary Hartley Rev Pailthorpe Mis Charles Kurney and Mrs L J | Veale andinstrumental music by

larvae as soon as hatched burrow beneath the skin and travel through the body until they reach a position just under the skin on the animals back The larvae then develop rapidshyly in size and cause bumps which can lie easily seen

The presence of this pest reduces the value of the hides of beef catshytle and causes Joss of flesh due to irritation td- unro t of the ivmal Uhsigiy discoloration^ also appear on the flesh of the animals back Dairy rattle produce less inilk when these parasites infest them A 10 per ctVt reduction in milk flow may result from severe infestations

The adult ox-warble flies present in Michigan in the summer were e n shyded through the previous winter unshyder the skins of cattle The fly can not survive Michigan winters any other way If the larvae r-~ al] des

STOPS With Dodge Perfected Dual-Cyiwder Hydraulic Brakes

Mrs Leo Veale were enjoyed during t r o v e d ^ the winter there will be the first half of the program

Following these numbers Mr Walworth introduced the speaker of the day Mr Addy a farm bureau worker who spoke in an intensely

^ r S iVL0V d degn W ^ d n e laquo d a y interesting manner upon Coopera March 27 for an all day meeting t i o n raquo h i s s u b t 0 p i c s being machin-at her home north of the church ^ fertilizer seed and feed

The revival meetings closed on Rev Pailthorpe had charge of the Sunday evening after two weeks of question box from which 13 splen-services A large crowd attended the did topics emerged creating much services Sunday evening The meet- lively discussion Among these ings have been a spiritual success w e r e Do f a r m e r s neg-many converts going to the altar lect pasture if so what can be done

The condition of Fred Brown re- and would it be possible This ques-mams about the same His cousin t ion was most satisfactorily answer-Mr and Mrs Peter Kael of St Charles and aunt Mrs Christine Mosner of St Charles and cousins Mr and Mrs Albert Barnesof Ches-anirg have recently been here

ed by the helpful suggestions of Mr Addy

Other topics which brought out diversified opinions were How can I help to get the Owosso sugar facgt

bullmFuimu J^taM grind e fwy felaquod-

Griod more flaquoed pr -or per boor Moaat oo

bullny 1frac12 ton truck Small down py-

meat Good tenocWrit quick for J1 detail MMIIV

C J TAYLOR Funeral Home

Praapt amkTfficient


Phone 1S2 mdash VERNON Sccceasor to Disbiow

C B Angus residing north of t o r y running Has finflation ever Kerby who cracked several rib s sev- b e e n a success in the history of this era] days ago when he slipped O n c o u n t r y 7 Should the United States some ice while carrying feed to his j Pfty n 5 o I a according to the^ agree chickens was removed on Monday ~ morning to the home of his brother Bethel Angus Coninna avenue Owosso Although Mr Angus is conshysiderably improved he is still in a serious condition His neighbors Howard Stewart and George Rigou-let are taking care of his stock

The following candidates were nominated at the Democrat caucas held at the town hall by the Demoshycrats of Venice Township They are Supervisor Charles Posey clerk Howard Ganssley treasurer Mrs Agnes Ball highway commissioner Wm Golombisky justice of the peace Dennis Kildea overseer of highway Robert Ellis board of reshyview Finley Reed constables Rex Post Ruy Ellis Stewart White and Bernard Cronin

ment for the Panama Canal Zone or should circumstances alter cases

On the second Thursday in April the club will meet with Mr and Mrs L J Veale This will be an evening meeting with supper served at 7 oclock and a business meeting and program following in charge of the young people of the club

WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS Hatched from our own 300 egg

strand stock Blood tested Also Barred Rock Chicks We do cus-

torn Hatching Horvith Hatchery Flushing Michigan RFD 1mdashAdv


The Ladies Aid of the Northwest Venice Church were delightfully enshytertained on Wednesday at the home of Mr and Mrs Ray Seward Harrishyson avenue Owosso

The guests began to arrive at 11 oclock enjoying a social hour before dinner

Following dinner the president Mrs Archie Sherrard called the business meeting to order the memshybers and guests singing several songs followed lgty the secretarys and treasurers reports

Rev John Austin led in the de-

no adults the next summer All the cattle are barns where

they can be easily inspected and any warbles infesting them can be killshyed

The destruction of the larvae costs very little Larvae which are quite fully developed can be squeezshyed from the animals back and killshyed A more rapid method is to use chemical preparations made for this purpose These chemicals may be either in solid or liquid form and are placed n t n e Ittle cell under the skin in which the larvae lives Comshymercial killing agents can be used according to the makers directions or the materials can be mixed at home from directions which will be furnished by the entomology departshyment at Michigan State College

Neighborhood campaigns against the warble or ox bot fly are the speediest way of destroying thi s nuishysance but no farmer should wait for his neighbor before killing the pests in his herd The adult fly travels comparatively short distances and most of the infestations in cattle are caused by permitting larvae to mashyture on the farm where the infestashytions occurs Destroying the larvae relieves the cattle from irritation the owner from money loss and the future from further attacks by the pest

JUST whltm others raquot offering their first hydraulic-type brakes Dodge

gives you b extra safety of Pershyfected Dual-Cylinder Hydraulic Brakes pioneered years ago by Dodge find proved in tho service of hundreds of thousands of owners

With 20 more bracing surface mdash fully equalized a^zinst skidding or swerviagmdash t hay get thousands of extra miiss from tirts and brake linings-mdash give greater coeraurg ease quicker curer stbps mdash more safety than ever Remember there cart be no successful imitation of Dodge brakesmdashor their safety mdash without Dodge experience and manufacturing precision

Here is a big smart 85-mile-pei-hcur car that actually gives you three to five nioremiles pergullonof gas than lower-priced cars And even mors astonishing economy of oil With all its savings the Dodge Red Rata engine gives brilliant aaw ranges of speedmdashflashingpicle-opmdashsilky silence

and ease- Its famous patented Floatshying Power engine mountings smother vibration which racks ordinary cari to piec2s

The1 finslword in protectionmdashthe fatrions Dodge safety all-steel body is knovn to nearly 300Q0C0 Dodge owners

Only the genius cf a manufacturing organization such es Dodge mdashwith such complete facilities with 20 years of experience in building nearly three million finfe vehiclesmdashcould create such astounding dollar-fordolar value


This advertisement endorsed by the Depart meat of EngineeringmdashChrysler M e l o n

NEWVALUE DODGE 9645 to $760 AU prces f o b factory Detroit aabject to change bullwitboat notice Spatial equip ment extra Tima paymampnta to fit yoar bvdamptt Ask fortheaSiciat Chrysler Motor Commercusi Credit PUux





OcffVon Mow For J u t A Fampw Oof Jars Mor Than The Lovtest-Pticod Car

C A GLADDEN b e Dodge ane Plymouth Dealers

Sooth Wafer St Phone 522 Owosso Mich

WANTED Milk Bakery Tea Coffe or otheT

route men Good proposition for right man Rawleigh Depfc MMC mdash93mdashL Freeport Illinoismdash Adv

Judging from some of the streamshyline models car manufacturers have been maewesting them in the wrong place

Now it is proposed to raise the minimum drinking age for women Better go slaw mdash the way the girls manage to stay home these days we might find the bartender refusing to serve grandma




THE NEWS Phone 1373 Cortmna Mich



D o



BOARD OF SUPERVISORS At a regular m e e t i n s of t h e Board

of Superv i sors of Shittwasseo County commenced ami held ill che Court House- in the City of Corunna in said County on Honday January 14 A D 1035

The Board was called to order by ti Chnirrran

Roll WHS ja i led by the Clerk Present Supervisors Al len Brandel

Barnes Case Colby pound Durham For-Kison Kield Poland Gret tenberger Vincent Griffin Johnson J o n e s K i n g s shybury Lehowski P u r v i s Moore Paraquoco Pkync Peacock Sachs Sieb Wal l NotnaBel

bull Tho Clerl read le t ters f rom Michishygan S t a t e Association of Supervisor ami t h e Qtnte E m e r g e n c y Wel fare Reshylief C o m m i s s i o n

On motion of Supr E Durham the letters were received and placed on file

The Clerk read a letter from the Michisan Historical Commiss ion

On motion of Supr Iebo^vslii t h e IcHcT was received and placed on f i le bull F l o y d W a l v o r t h addressed the Hoard

On motiun of Supr Wall the Board took a recess unti l 1 3 0 th i s a f ter -aoon

A F T E R N O O N The Hoard was called to order by

the Chairman Roll was called by the Clerk 1resent Superv i sors Al len B a r n e s

Brando Case Colby F Derhlaquom K Durham FerKaaon Field Fo land Gret-tenber^-er V incent Griffin J l n a o n Jones Kingsbury Lobowski P u r v i s Mooie Pasco P a y n e Peacock Stvchs Siltgtb Wall NotnatfeJ

bullSupervisor E Durham read the folshylowing re igto rf To t h e Honorable Boon) of Supervi shy

s o r s Your c o m m i t t e e on Claims rthd Acshy

counts would respectful ly s u b m i t the following sa i ts report r e c o m m e n d i n g the a l lowance of the several Amounts a s given below and that the Clerk be a v -thomed to draw orders for t h e t a m e laquo6 J o h n H u d s o n

drain lt o u m mdash121310 1213 10 14 Edward Foland

ambulance 4 75 476 t l Clarence J Taylor

a m b u l a n c e _ 50C 500 35 R E LaRowe

a m b u l a n c e __ 1 1 0 0 11 00 32 Clarence 4 Taylor

a m b u l a n c e 500 500 77 R E LaRowe

ambulance bdquo mdash bdquo 14 0 0 14 00 48 Dr raquo D Lee a - r a y 200 2 00 71 Edwin Foland

a m b u l s laquo 78 R E LaRowe

a m b u l a n c e 6 F l o y d Murdock

d o g warden 3 1 R E L a R o w e

a m ba lance 82 A J F ink

pr i soner board 83 Margaret K i n g

s t e n o g r a p h e r 86 S h i a w a s s e e T w p 85 G a t e s D r u g Store

d r u g s -^^^ 9laquo E L Sieb

149 95 149 05 laquo 8 8 laquo laquo8-86





2 0 7 5 2 0 7 6


7 0 0

81 25

8 0 0

30 00

5 50


81 25


SO 00

a m b u l a n c e ^^__ 87 M r s Charkrtt L y o n s

nurse 1 89 H a r r y Colby

ambulance _~ 04 D G A u s t i n

94 D G Aus t in M D 84 F loyd Murdock

dog warden j 97 G B Wade M D a m b u l a n c e

H M r s Sada Wil l iams n u r s e

K L S I E B [ampbull E E DURHAM

On motion of Supr E Durham the report wait accepted and adopted by the fullowjiitr yea and nay vote called for by the Chairman V e t s Al len iJrmde Cae Colby Elbull Durham F Durham Ferfrraquoraquorgtni Field Grottonber(cer Johnshyson JOSH- KinKshury Uljowski 1ur-

bull vis Moore Pasco Pilyne Ieiteock a gt r Sachs SW-h

Supr Sachs reif the fol lowing re-I j port

To t h e Honorable Board of Superv i -bdquo arraquo -bullbull-bull bullbull - - ^ - -

i y ilrt S H R D F W V K K Your Committor on Claims and A c - counts in toiUajrious )pound-ltbull( Hi1 wuiild respecLflly stibmii the fol lowing its its

roiiurl us wiven Ix-dinv and that the Clerk he authorized to uriiw orders for

f the s a m e S8 D U A u s t i n M D

Meas les $ 775 J 775 i 2 J M Oswald

Trench Mouth 43 Axford Coal Co hi Dr C G Richards

s car l e t - f ever i 33 Owufcao Lumber amp ) Coal Company

46 F loyd Huff trroe _ 51 Durand Lumber Co 70 C Washburn BTOC

42 O G W a u g h milk 41 A D Hall coal _ 58 J A ByerSy groc _

95 W m Hudson 6C O W O I I O Lumber and Coal Co

36 J A Byer ly r 22 L laquo Rr^ebacher rent ^ 47 E C o J n e s rent

10 J C Penney Co bull 99 Wi l l i s Fue l Co

68 L E S m i t h D D S 100 E C Harmon groc 100 06


On mot ion of Supr Sachs t h e re shyport W M accepted and adopted by t h e

bull fol lowing yea and nay vote called for i by t h e Chairman Y e a s Al len Brandel j Case Colby Ferjrason Field Foland i Vincent J o h n s o n J o n e s Lebowski

Purvis Moore Pasco Peacock Sachs Sieb Wal l

On mot ion of Supr J o n e s the Board morning took recess unti l 930 tomorrow

S e n d corrected and approved LLOYD H Y E I T E R

OSCAR B A R N E S Clerk Chairman A t a regular m e e t i n g of the Board

of Superv i sors of Sh iawassee County continued and held in the Court H o u s e

3(10 liisO


21 40 1562

610 39 79 1760 4 61 486


2780 960

1000 2200

995 26 00

200 0006

300 1280


2t 46 15 62 CIO

3979 17 0 461 486


3780 960

1000 IS 00

995 26 00

200 10906

fa t h e City of Corunna in said County on T u e s d a y January 15 A D 1935

T h e Board was called t o order by t h e Chairman

Roll w a s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t S u p r s Al len B a r n e s Bran-

4L Caari Colby E Durham FerRashyton F i e ld Fo land Gret tenberger V i n shycent Griffin Johnson J o n e s k i n g s -btraquory Lebowski P u r v i s Moore N o t -ftagei P a s c o Payne Peacock Sachs Sieb W a l l

P r o s e c u t i n g A t t o r n e y Braun address -Mi t h e Board

Superv i sor jSieb read t h e fo l lowing report

To t h e H o v o r a b U Board of Superv i shysor

Yowr C o m m i t t e e ovi Claims and A c t e m t a won Id respect fu l ly s u b m i t t h e foOowfal Wt H MPR tteofluncttdlnr the a U o w a a c of t b laquo severa l a m o u n t aa g i v e n be low and that t h e Clerk be aathor i sed to draw orders for t h e s a m e 117 M E Cal l igan

a m b u l a n c e t 000 f 102 J a n e s Qtiayle

drawing jury 4 00 l i t M E Galligan

laquo tn^(ampc _ bullmdash 8CO 800




101 Coruoua N e w s r-J-irs - 345 60 345 60

125 R E ( L a R o w e a m b u l a n c e 1400 1400

131 Oscar F Barnes a m b u l a n c e _ ~ 750 750

105 Herbert Krifcn a m b u l a n c e 400 4 00

129 Morris Funeral H o m e a m b u l a n c e - H 0 0 MOO


On m o t i o u of Supervisor Sieb t h e report wa s accepted and adopted by

- lhlt fo l lov ing y e a and nay vo te cal led for by t h e Cha irman Yeas Brandel (vase Colby F e r p a s o n Fie ld t Folajid G r e t t o n h e r s e r V incent Griffii J o n e s Kinsfsbury Lebowski Purvis^ N o t i ^ g e l Pasco P e a c o c k Sachs Sieb

The mot ion of Supervisor J o n e s that the Clerk pay t h e dues to t h e S t a t e A s s o c i a t i o n of Superv i sors and t h a t a n y m e m b e r of the Board that w i s h e s to KO to the S ta te Convention m a y zo and rece ive f-iOO per day not to ex-olaquoed t w o days Carried by the fo l lowshying yea JUid nay vote called for by the C h a i r m a n V e a i Brandel Case Colby E Durham Fergasori FieW Foland Grettenberjjer Vincent Griffin JOnes K i n g s b u r y L e b o w s H r u r y i s Moore N o t n a s e l P a s c o Peacock Sachs S ieb

On mot ion of S u p i Moore the Board took a r e c e s s unlaquo l 130 this a f ternoon

A F T E R N O O N The Bowrd was called to order by the

Chairman Roll w a s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t Supers Al len Barnes B r a n shy

del f u s e Coiby F Derham E Durshybar r er -Wson Fie ld Fo land Gre t t en -i t-n^r Vincviit Griffin Johnson J o n e s (

K i n g s b u r y Lebowski P u r v i s Moore Notui i se l Vasuo P a y n e Peacock S a c h s Sieb Wal l

A L N icho l s addressed the Board A s h l e y H o m e pddressed the Board The mot ion of Supr F Durham t h a t

the C o m m i t t e e heretofore appointed t o look a f t e r t h e wei fare mat ter g o t o Lans ing t o confer w i t h t h e S t a t e W e l shyfare D e p a r t m e n t Carried

On mot ion of Supr E D u r h a m t h e Board took r e c e s s unti l 930 t o m o r r o w m o r n i n g

Read corrected and approved L L O Y D H Y E I T E R

OSCAR B A R N E S Clerk Cha irman

A t a reewlar m e e t i n g of t h e Board of S u p e r v i s o r s of S h i a w a a s e C o u n t y cont inued and held in t h e Cfraquoort H o u s e in t h e Ci ty of Corunna in said C o u n t y on W e d n e s d a y J a n u a r y 1 6 A D 196

T h e B o a r d wa s cal led t o order by

t h e C h a i r m a n Roll w a s called by t h e Clerk

P r e s e n t Supre Al len B a r n e s B r a n shydel Colby F Durham E D u r h a m Fer -g a s o n F ie ld Fo land G r laquo M laquo b laquo laquo laquo V i n c e n t Griff in J o h n s o n J o n e s raquo raquo laquo raquo -bury L e b o w s k i P u r v i s M o o r e N o t -n a x e l P a s c o P a y n e Peacock Sacha Sieb W a U

Superv i sor Lebowski made t h e fol shylowing m o t i o n

I m o v e that t h e Board d e s i g n a t e Mary H a n u s a s c o u n t y s t e n o g r a p h e r and pay her a sa lary of 3 5 2 0 0 0 per year b e g i n n i n g Jan 1 1 raquo 3 6 wh ich s u m i s t o be in l ieu of s U t u t o r y fees a l lowed for e x a m i n a t i o n

T h e mot ion rarrJed b y t h e fo l lowing yea ahd nay vo te called for b y t h e C h a i r m a n Y e a s Al len Brandel Colby E D u r h a m Field Fo land Gret te i i -berjter V i n c e n t K i n g s b u r y Lebowski Pirvin Moore P a s c o P a y n e Peacock Sachs

J u d g J o s e p h H Coll ins addressed t h e Board

Superv i sor Ferpason read the fo l lowshying repor t

To the Board of Superv i sors of Sh ia shyw a s s e e C o u n t y mdash

Your Commit tee on Hoapi1raquoliaUc-ri s i hmits the fo l lowing report

That s ince October 1 1034 the ofshyf ice of t h e Hospi ta l Inves t iga tor has re -Itivfd the fol lowing a m o u n t s as payshyments on noteH payable to Shiawasnee County from persons rece iv ing hospi ta l bull-ri at the expense of said C o u n t y

OCTOBER 1D34 0MIltSIgt City Hcniutits $ irgt00 c w H a v e n Twp accounts lti0rt Conmtia City accounts _ poundraquo200

T o u t N O V E M B E R 1934

H u m s T w p accounts bullVernon Twp account s Perry T w p accounts Hiz -Hon T w p account s New H a v e n T w p a c c o u n t s O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s Corunna City a c c o u n t s S h i a w a s s e e T w p account s

$ 1 1 3 0 0

3 l l fi - 103 00 IS4^00 500 2GS5

200 5 00

107 00

Total ^ D E C E M B E R 1934

O w o s s o T w p a c c o u n t s O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s Vernon Twp a c c o u n t s Caledonia Twp a c c o u n t s Rush T w p a c c o u n t s bdquo

3 4 3 9 6 1

34 00 1 6 0 0 31 05

130 40 4 00

Total _ $ 1 9 0 4 5 J A N U A R Y 1S33

( t o J a n 15 1 9 3 5 ) O w o s s o Ci ty a c c o u n t s _bull 3 81 00 Durand Ci ty a c c o u n t s 10 00

Total mdash j 0 0

Total cash receipts t o date 3 7 8 4 0 6 Al l o f which i s re spec t fu l ly s u b m i t shy


On mot ion of Supr F e r g a s o n the report w a s accepted and adopted

On mot ion of Supr Barnes the Board took a recess until 180 th i s a f t ernoon

A F T E R N O O N The Board was called to order by

the Chairman Roll wa s called by the Clerk P r e s e n t S u p r s Al len B a r n e s B r a n shy

del Colby F Derham E D u r h a m Doepker F e r g a s o n Fie ld Foland Gret -t enberg er V incent Griff in J o h n s o n Jones K i n g s b u r y Lebowski P u r v i s Moore Notr age l P a s c o P a y n e P e a shycock S a c h s S ieb Wal l

Supr P a s c o read t h e fo l lowing re shypor t

To t h e Honorable Board of Supershyv i s o r s

Your C o m m i t t e e on claims in L i v e Stock D a m a g e Would respec t fu l ly s u b shym i t t h e fo l lowing a s i t s report recshyo m m e n d i n g t h e severa l a m o u n t s a s g i v e n below a n d t h a t t h e Clerk b e author ized to draw orders for t h e s a m e

75 Glenn Moore 1 s h e e p 2 dogs mdash $ 1 5 0 0 I 16 00

62 John Snyder 1 e w e 2 lambs _ 16 50 1650

74 F loyd Reed 4 e w e s s o 2 0 30 20

50 Charles E Stocker t lamb - 8 26 826

3 e w e s 1 lamb _ 20 John Bray

1 s h e e p 24 G e o r g e Curt i s

2 e w e s 7 Earl H y d e

1 s h e e p 6raquo Janrtw fc^Vfciley

s h r p mdash 1 40 Wafter S tewart

1 s h e e p bdquo 26 F F Parkhurs t

1 e w e 8 lambs raquo9 ltQIlaquoMgt -taoitaJtet-

t s h e e p 1 b t r n b

20 60 20 60

6-80 5 80

1065 1 0 6 5

950 9 50



12 00

1 2 1 0


12 00

9 25

_ 42 16



120 B 2

U 9 B

i I I S B

_ 11 10 1110


1010 10 10

9 6 2 0 96 20

__ 65 25 65 ^5


_ 4 00


s a w n p ^ M ^ s B mdash i s p 1mdashai rgt

5 James J- Rue 1 s h e e p 1 l a m b _

3 W W Brius 2 heep -

72 Pearl J a c o b s 7 sheep

S Howard G a n n s s l e y 1 ewe

121 James Biggci 1 e w e

K Knipe ewes -

K Knipe dog _

K Knipe A ewes

117 C E V e r n o n 7 e w e s f gt lambs

104 M C A c k e r s o n 9 sheep

103 Charlet Reed 6 s h e e p h l ambs

21 C K COLBY 1 dog -

44 E D A l l e n l o gt g ---

64 Clifford -Duiihnm 1 dog

68 Walter WoOlard 1 dog

3V E D A l l e n 4 e w e s 1 rant 2 lambs

45 Ed Al len 17 ewes mdash

61 Martin VanDuseiv 1 sheep mdash

136 Georee Cowkes 2 5 0 0 141 Ralph L o v e 710 140 Homer N i c h o l s _ - 3 9 8 0 139 Earl S t o n e 22 45

SO Howard G a n s s l e y S e w e s 2 wounded

4 G e o r g e W Di l lon 2 lambs 29 A L S a n d e r s o n

1 lamb _ _ 25 Henry Miller

4 lambs 28 D e n n i i J Ki ldea

2 s h e e p _ _ 54 F E To l l inger

1 lamb 2 ewea _ 80 Howard Lawcock

5 s h e e p 6 l a m b s 18 J o e J a m a h

3 e w e s bdquo ^ 76 C D W a r r e n

4 Iambs -_mdash 17 El izabeth Chi ld

1 ewe bdquo^ w_-15 Haatrgt T o m s

7 e w e s mdashmdash~ 7 Loreraquoi M c K a y

1 dog bdquo mdash _ _

aaaKs bullL LfJOti 9 9

1 6 7 5 16 75


4 2 1 5

9 00

9 40

Forgotten Sire Dairys Drawback

Large Group of Young Bulls With Unknown Ability

as Breeders




6 6 2 5

i 4 0 0


4 00 1


a 00 i

66 25

135 25 18525

70 770 2 5 0 0

5 10 3 9 3 0 22 45

27 00 2700

19 45 19 4


3000 3000

16 30 16 3 0

15 25 1 5 2 5

pound 8 3 0 S8S0

12 Frank J a s o n 1 e w e

64 Wil l iam Igtwyre bull2 ewea bull mdash mdash ~

2 3 5 0

pound 2 6 0

9 5 laquo

5 1 5 0

5 1 5

15 20 65 Wil l iam W a d e

1 e w e bdquo mdash _ bdquo _ bdquo 1 Wal ter A B r o w n

J A P i n k 1 Iamb 2 s h e e p

38 Harry T S u r g e 4 aboep mdash

~ t 840

B y W W Tapp Chief in Dairy Cattle Uni shyversity of IllinoismdashWgtJU fraquorviee

Tlie forgotten man has his chamshypions but too little has been said ftnd done about the foraorten sires at dairy herd

By the forgotten sires reference I made to that large group of yonng dairy bulls whose breeding ftbllicw Is still en unknown quality but whose progeny will wJeid a potent tnAiienco on dairy returns In yeara to come These progeny will produce more thna 00 pet cent of all auik and dairy prodshyucts consumed In the live years from J087 1raquo J9tl inclnsivc

Most progressiva dairymen vould rather use a proTed sire as detei-

I rained by the number of pounds of I milk and butterfat the bulls daughters will produce in a years time Thia Is as it should be However under tho I present system of proving dairy bulls I only one in fifty is likely to become ft j proved sire and all those not in this t select group are forgotten j More attention needs to be given to j the physical appearance of these bulla

and to the performance of their dams and sires if the future of the dairy Industry is to be safeguarded Thlaquo phyeacal characteristics of the young bull should of coarse be considered carefnlly if he Is to Hre the future) producers of the herd In addition the dairyman should InvertigHte the) char-actertstlcs of the bulla sire and dam If obtainable the recwrda of fall broth-

M Mlaquor8and sisters and even of half broth-s 6 0 | ers and half sisters will forntsh valo-

i able evidence in determining the toans-51G0 j mittSng ability of a yonog sire If a

dairyman can find a yonng btill who sire has ten or more unsetected daughshyters that are highly prodaetlra and whose dam has three or more good danghters he can feel reasonably at-scred (hat the young sire will make a satisfactory breeder


Whereas Prank Siebeneck and Eliza Siebeneck his wife made and executed a certain mortgage bearing dale the 3rd day of March A D 1924 to Howard E Slocum and Mashybel A Slocum his

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE in the Matter of th Eraquotatlaquo of

Geprgo W Baker Dec We the undersigned having bean

appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and fr

the County of Shiawassee State of 1 j raquo X e w l c n w a s Michigan Commissioners to receive

recorded in the Office of the Regis- e x a m i n e a n d a d j u s t a l l claim and

8 50 I

2 3 5 6

I 6 1 5

I 8 2 5

16 20

8 4 0

2 1 1 0 2 1 1 0

9 George C o e t i e 1 ewe bull bull bdquo mdash - ^ -

2 9 John Manford 6 ewe 5 Jambs bdquo

11 Frank Ri tae t 1 d o ^

18 F F P a r k h u r s t 3 s h e e p 1 l a m b s _

6 B McKaylTia 3 e w e s - - laquo


1 8 2 5

7 20

7 4 0 0

18 25

7 2 6




1 1 2 0


1 2 5 0

t 2 0

Corn Stover Low Protein Feed and Needs Balance

The loss in dry matter In corn stashyter approximates 24 per cent white the loss in ensiling corn need not bo more

600 j than 10 per cent This emphasise the yalue tl ensiling in so far as possible j this year says Hoards Dairyman Hosv-laquoTrT bright com stover that has been properly shocked can be made a valshyuable part of the ration this winter Shreddinggrinding or cutting may be

On motion of Supr Pateo the re- advisable in order to get the cows to port was accepted awi adopted by the eat the entire plant Also the cjnserv-rollowitiR yfa a n d nay v o t e cal led for fltive n g o o f laquo bdquo bdquo m i x e d w i t h w a -

V ^ r D u ^ fet laquo^ bullraquo- bullPtln-W over this rmiahate-prason Fi id Grvttenbenrer Griffin bull may add to its palaubllity and feed- l h n s o n P u r v i s Moore Paaco P a y n e i n g v a l u e s l i g h t l y

I Torn stover is a low protein feed and to balance it we must feed n hlch protein grain mixfure Wo recommend 1 to 2 per cent of the grain mixture he grcumltl ijmestono marloyster shell or S)(5iSir-igt-i hoi nicr l l iuiuraquo m^nl

Jen suit niUed half and half and felti jvlt salt alone Is usually fed will also poundbull-ltbull the necessary minerat protection i vraquo analysis of corn stover is 21 per cot dl^estil)Ie crude protein 401 per ccit total digestible nutrients

ter of Deeds of the County of Shia wampssee Michigan on the 25th day of November A D 1924 in Liber 165 of Mortgages on page 383

And whereas the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage on the date hereof for principal and inter-eat and taxes paid upon the premshyises hereinafter described by the said mortgagees is the sum of Fifty-sis hundred eighty-three dollars and eighty-five cents j and also the addishytional sum of Thirty-five dollars stashytutory attorneys fees as provided for in said mortgage and no suit or proshyceeding having been instituted at tew or in equity to recover the debt secured thereby or any part thereshyof

And whereas default has been made in the payment of the money secured by said mortgage wherehy the power of sale contained therein has become operative

Now therefore notice is hereby given that by virtue of said power of sale and in pursuance thereof and of the statute in such ease made and provided the said mortgagewill be foreclosed by a sale of the mortshygaged premises at public vendue to the highest bidder at the front door of the_ Court House in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michi igan that being the place of holding the Circuit Court within said Coun-tl oh the l i t day of Jttraquo A D 1935at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day the description of which said premises contained in said mortshygage and which will be sold as aforesaid is as follows

AH those certain pieces or parshycels of land situated in the Township of Caledonia Shiawassee County Michigan described as follows

The North forty acres of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty Township Seven North of Range Three East Michigan except Three

demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Charles Kirby in the Township of Venice in said County on Monday the 18thday-of March A D 1925 and on Thursday the 16th day of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjustshying all claims against said estate and that four months from the 16th day of January A D i935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said C^mmis^ionr5rs for adjustment and allowance

Dated the 16th day of January A D 1935





STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash In the office of the drain commissioner of the cousxty of Shiawassee in the matter of the Galloway Drain

Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of February 1935 a petishytion was filed with the undersigned county drain commissioner for the county of Shiawassee praying for the deepenirsg widening straightenshying cleaning out and extending of Galloway Drain

That upon the 16th day of Fib- -ruary 1935 the undersigned filed with the Honorable Roy D Matshythews judge of probate a petition askfing for the appointment of a board of determination

that said judge of probate havshying appointed Fred Peacock Fred Ferguson and Roy Allen as such board of determination

Now therefore said board will meet at SE corner of Section 36

acres in the Northwest comer ofjlaquoe w Haven Towi^hip on the 18th Said land which three acres is Thirty lt d a y 0 Mstrch 1935 at ten oclock rods East and West and Sixteen rods] i n the forenoon of said day to deter-North and South containing in all Thirty-seven acres of land more or less

Also all that part of the East half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Niriteen Town Seven jNdrth of Range Three East Michigan lying South of the Grand Trunk Railway

mine the necessity of Galloway Drain^

Therefore all persons municishypalities and highway officials intershyested in the proposed Galloway Drain are requested to be present if they so desire

Dated at Corunna Michigan this

right-of-way except land bull laquo M to N 2 t h d a y degf ^ frac34 i

Pracock S a c h s

Al len Supervisor fe ix irt

read the fo l lowing

T o the visors

Honorable Basuw o Super -

I gtgtur C o m m i t t e e on Juraquotgtces Ci^n-

Htablea and Coroners Clairca and a--co imts would respect fu l ly submit tin-fo l lowlns as itraquo report rcoornmfrnltn^ the- a l l o s v a n e e o f t h e severa l a m o u n t s a t ivn hrlow and that the Clerk be aii-t l ioruvd to draw orders for the laquo raquo m laquo

bull43 Rohorl )1 C A

55 W m M J J^ 21 C A 27 It E 76 raquo F-2raquo Aupus t

1S5 James 1S4 H o m e r

Morrorv Cratio i Wt-inkuuf Havilartd Crano H D LaKraquowe ( I-aRowe F i s c h e r

Wi l son B u s h


7so 6540 10 00 10 00 1000 7 00 560 2 00

to50 20440

7 GO 65^40 iooo 1000 10 00 700 oieo

Chinch Bug War Hard

1050 2 0 4 4 0

On motion of Supr Al len t h e report w as accepted and adopted b y the fo l shylowing yea and nay vote called for b y the C h a i r m a n Y e a s AUe Colby F

Congress in the last session voted an approprl^on of a million dollars to hult the ravages of the chinch bug in

200 the cpoundgtrn belt and this money was used to build barriersbull totaling UWO miles

along which creosote halted tltte adshyvance of the Insects The chinch bag however has twrraquo generations in a sinshygle season the first generation being a crawling insert which can be conshytrolled by the creosote barriers but the second generation flying is not halted

B Aiken and except a strip of land four rods wide off the North and running parallel with the said Grand Trunk Railway right-of-way said strip to be used for highway purshyposes

(All of said parcels to be sold as clark Joh aforesaid being used and operated as one farm)

Dated March 12 1935 HOWARD E SLOCUM


PULVER amp BUSH Attorneys for Mortgagees Business Address Owosso Mich

JOHN HUDSON County Drain Commissioner

Shiawa-ssee County Michigan


I n t h e


Derham E Durham FTraquooa Field by this form of control Experts estishymate that the million dollars spent oa control measures saved at least $4-000000 worth of com

Grst tenbers^r Grif f in J o h n t o n L e b o w shys k i P u r v i s Moore P a s c o P a y n e P e a shycock Sachs

Supr S a t h s read the fo l lowing reshyp o r t

T o the H o n o r a U j E laquo r e bulllt S u p - v i -s o r s

Your C o m m i t t e e on Claims and A c shyc o u n t s in C o n t a g i o u s Diraquoealaquoe w o u l d respec t fu l ly s u b m i t t h e foUowing a s i t s report retomroendinu t h e a l lowance of the severa l a m o u n t s as g iven be low and that t h e Clerk be authoriaed t o t i m e tO a p p l y if I s iC t h e f a l i d i g g i n g

it Into the soil and if the soil Is a clay roam It can stand heavy applications of such material which wfli help conshysiderably In keeping the soil more open and spongy and render it less liable to bake and dry out during dry weather Applications up to 50 tons to the acre may toe usedmdashMontreal Herald

Hops for Fertilizer Hops from a brewery are exetflent

as a source of introducing humus to the soIL Any form of vegetative growth even weeds supply this necesshysary matter Manure is another form ID which humus is supplied The best

draw orders for t h e s a m e

142 Ruby Mil ler n u r s e ( 114 Memorial H o s p i t a l 107 Dr J J Hav i land 112 Dr W T Parker _ 132 Ruby Mil ler 1S3 E C J o n e s 111 Dr R C P o c h e r t 113 John R u b e n s t i n e _ 124 Vernon E l e v a t o r Co 109 Dr J J Hav i land 128 Dr C J SUenard 122 G B Bar low 126 C A L a w r e n c e mdash 188 WVitebflr Drott C o 108 Dr A L Arnold _ 110 Dr A L Arnald _ 106 Dr A L ArnoW _ 123 Marshal) D u n c k l e

t o Vernon Bank W H S A C H S F R PASCO J H L E B O W S K I

250 lt SlOO

pound00 2 1 0 0 5 8 8 0

500 1 0 5 0

860 1689 20 00 1 7 0 0 2 4 7 8 1 0 8 1

910 65 00 19 90 56 00

2 50 8100

2 00 2100 58 00

500 1 0 5 0

S60 16 89 20 00 17 00 2 4 7 8 1 0 8 1

9 1 0 6 5 0 0 19 90 6 6 0 0

Farm Chatter

6 6 5 6 6 5 6 5

On motidr- o f Srtpt S a c h s ( the reshyport was accepted and adopted by the

rt-rt witt-I

Spare recently passed several laws laquo0 regulate its wheat trade

raquo bull bull

Germany has fixed maximum gram bullprices ampt slightly above those of 1033

bull bull bull

The cereals are the most Important branch of agrieurfure la tbe United States

bull s

About 100000 farmers grow sugar fo l lowing y e a and n a y v o t e called for j ^ 0 cent ^ U n i t e d S t a t e s T h e t r a n -

ker Fsraraaon F ie ld G r e t t e n b e m e r Griffin J o h n s o n K i n g s b u r y Lebowski A t a v e r a g e r a t e o f c o n s u m p t i o n o f P u r v i s M o o r e P a s c p P a y n e P e a c o c k COM c e r e a l s o n y e a r s COTn CTOp

s0- woaM produeeveiKHjgh eereal to last On mot ion of Supr Kinaabury t h e t l raquo p e o p l e Of t h e U n l b M S t a t e s 4 7 0

Board took a r e c e s s unt i l t o m o r r o w y e a r s morning a t 9 8 0 i bull bull

Read corrected and approved bull to raquo laquo M tU s t laquo

drouths corn production has risen LLOYD H YKiTEit an average of 40 per cent Acreage

OSCAR BARKES Clerk bas tocreased 7 per cent and acre

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate Austin B Gilbert Deceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the office of Frank R GUna in the Court House in the City of Corunna in said County on Monday the 22nd day of April A D 1935 and on Monday the 24th day of June A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receivshying and adjusting all claims against said estate and that four months from the 21st day of February A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commisshysioners for adjustment and allowshyance

Dated the 21st day of February A D 1935



M a t t e r o f t h e E t laquo t laquo o f

n s t o n D e c e a s e d

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Frobute in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Comrri--sipners to receive examine and adjust all claims and deshymands of al persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Wager in the Township of Venice in said County on Friday the 29th day of March A D 1935 and on Wednesday the 2Sth dav of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjustshying all claims against said estate and that four months from the 29th day of January A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustshyment and allowance

Dated the 29th day of January A D 1935



COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of

Frances Van Campen Smith Deshyceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in anltj for the Coutfty of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive _ examine and adjust all claims and I sale at public vendue to the highest


Notice is hereby given that by virshytue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee and State of Michigan against the goods and chat-telslanlt end tenements of Lyle V Sawyer and Mary C Sawyer in said county to me directed and delivered I did on the second day of October 1934 levy upon and take all the right title and interest of the said Lyle V Sawyer and Mary C Sawshyyer in and to the following deshyscribed lands to-witmdash

The south one-half of south one-h a l f of t h e n o r t h e a s t quarter (5frac12 S N E t t ) of secshytion eleven (11) town eight (8) north of range one (1) east Fairshyfield Township Shiawassee County Michigan

All of which I shall expose for

Chairman yields SO per cent

demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the Vernon State Bank in the Village of Vernon in said County on Monday the 22nd day of April A D 1935 and on Monday the 24th day of June A D 1935 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjusting all claims apai^st said estate and that four months from the 21st day ol February A D 1935 are allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioneis for adjustshyment and allowance


r bull i bullbull Xommissioners

bidder at the west front door of the court house in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County being the place where the Circuit Conrt is held in said County on the 9th day of March 1935 at 900 oclock in the forenoon

M G DICKTE Deputy Sheriff

JBLLIS F WILSON Attorney for Frank A Phillip Business Address Owosso Mich

Let The Nw handle

^BSSVnjSSaSJI^nv SSs S v 4SnSJp^p^SSaJBPSB]^nh V


s bull

-I1 1 M l JiVfig


bullWWmdashin gi1 ii wv se

laquof In the Matter of the EUtlaquo bull Job F Jlaquocoblaquo Deceased

We the undersized having been - appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshy

thews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of ail persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Ha-zelton in said County on Monday the 25th day of March A D 1935

- and on Monday the 27th lay of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day for the purshypose cf receiving and adjusting all claLns against said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1)Spound are-allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustment ^nd allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D 1935



COMMISSIONERS NOTICE la thcopy Matter of the Eclat of

William E Vernon Deceased We the undersigned having been

appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the State Ban) of New Lothrop in the Village of New Lothrop in said County on Monday the first day of April A D 19S6 and on Friday the 31st day of May A D 1985 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjusting all claims against said estampte and that four months from the 31st day of January A D 1935 are allowed to creditors p present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustment and allowance

Dated the 31st day of Janaary A JD 1935




- I n the Matter of the ElaquoUt Almeda Jacob Deceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hoi Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims artri demands of all persons against said estate do hereby eive notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Haselton in said County on Monshyday the 25th day of March A D 1935 and on Monday the 27th dav of May A- D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and ad--justing aiiclaimsagainst said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adshyjustment and allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D 19351




STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash The Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee in Chancery

Flossie M Storey also known as Flossie M Passage Plaintiff vs

William H Storey Myrtle I Storey Mary Fetterly and Michigan Trust Company a Michigan corporshyation Defendants

Suit pending in the circuit court for the County of Shiawassee in Chancery at the City of Corunna in said county on the 1st day of February A D 1935

In this cause it appearing from afshyfidavit on file that the Defendant Mary Fetterly is a resident of the State of Michigan that process for her appearance has been duly issued and that the same could not be servshyed by reason of her absence from the State of Michigan That her exshyact address cannot be ascertained

On motion of Rosenburg amp Paintshyer plaintiffs attorneys it is ordered that the said defendant Mary Fetshyterly cause her appearance to be entered herein within three months from the date of this order and in case her appearance that she cuse her answer to the plaintiffs bill of complaint to be filed and a copy thereof to be served on said plain- hay tiffs attorneys within fifteen days after service on her of a copy of said bill and notice of this order and that in default thereof said bill be taken a s confessed by the said deshyfendant

And it is Further Ordered That within forty days the said plaintiff cause a notice of this order to be published in the Corunna News e newspaper printed published pnd circulating in said courty and that such publication be continued thereshyin at least once in each Wftek for six weeks in succession or that she cause a copy of this order to be personally served on said defendant at least twenty days befo^ the time above prescribed for her apshypearance 4


ROSENBURG A PAINTER Attorneys for Plaintiff

Good Seed Curing Means Good Crops

Proper Care Is Important During Winter Will

Increase Income By R H Reed Agru-uUnral poundlaquolaquolaquo University ltrf IlliuoimdashWNU Scrvna

Providing good curing and storage conditions for their seed com this winter rather than poor or even avershyage _conditions will be worth 0000-000 en nextyears XJJinr gccrn crop should lOSfl be u normal year and corn prices remain favoranle

This is reveal ed In efebt bull years of ecords Uept by farmersbullenryiSed In the farm niahageuieut service conduct ed by the Coiee of Agriculture bull Unishyversity of Illinois in co-operation with county farm bureaus in these recshyords involving the growing of approxishymately 70000 aerts of corn the differshyence between good and poor seed corn curing and storage amounted to 2raquo bushels an acre in the resulting crop liven average curing and storing conshyditions cut the resulting crop two bushshyels an acre below what it was from good curing and storage of the seed Two bushels an acre on the average nnrua5 Illinois crop of aloe million acres with corn worth 00 cents a bush el wouUl amount to more than $10000-000 In corn returns

By good curing and storage Is meant that the seed com Is dried rapidly and protected from freeting until the ex-cesa moisture has been removed-These conditions arenot met where the corn is ben on the back porch or in the driveway of the corncrib as is practiced on many farms

Rapid drying of seed corn requires the use of some artificial heat unless

Prolonged eel storage has been found to free apples of Insects

laquo -Farster unLsn branches are being

organized throughout norfhern Ireland

Agriculturally Manchuria is one of the most favored spots In the Far East

A balf-mlVloa farmers lost their

status as landowners is the last three years

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

Cows should be dry clx weeks or two months This gives them a ohacce to build up a reserve for the coming vear


Default having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative given by-Robert Cohoon and Cora A Co-hoon his wife of the Village of Morrice Shiawassee County Michishygan to Thomas E Case of the Township of Perry Ccunty and State aforesaid on December 4 1909 and recorded in the office of the Regisshyter of Deeds of Shiawassee County on December 4 1909 in Liber 118 of Mortgages on page 632 which said mortgage has been duly assignshyed by Thonias E Case to George B Lewis by assignment bearing date the 14th day of March 1919 and recordeoTin the Office of the Regisshyter of Deeds of said County of Shiashywassee on the 15th da^ of March 1919 in Liber 136 of Mortgages on page 577 on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereshyof for principal and interest the sum of $38183 and no action at law having been brought to recover said mortgage debt or any part theieof and the said George B Lewis hay


STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash The Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee

At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee held at the Probate Office in the City of Corunna on the 2nd day of Janshyuary in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate of Alvin Morell Eentiey Senior Deshyceased

Detroit Trust Company Trustee under Will of said deceased having filed their sixteenth annual account a3 trustee of said estate for the benefit of Ca-SUv M Kpntlpy

it is OrderedThat the 28th day of January next at ten oclock in the forenoon at said Probate Ofshyfice be appointed for examining nnd allowing safd account and all previshyous accounts

And it is Further Ordered That a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corunna News a newspaper printed and cirshyculating in said County of Shiawasshysee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

HARRIET AIXEN Probate Register




Kor small quantities the ears can be hung in the kitchen or in an upstairs room around the chimney or over an open hot air register Large quantishyties of seed corn may he dried in the farm shop garage or other buildings where a fire can be maintained Care hewever should be taken to ee that none of the corn is exposed to a temshyperature above 120 degrees Fahrenheit

Ventilation Is also an Important facshytor in obtaining high quality seed corn Unless the air immediately around the ears is constantly changed t^e atshymosphere becomes ladened with moisshyture the drying will be much slower raid an ideal condition is established lor the development of molds

k m w bdquoraquolaquo w HllVMll bdquo w bdquo MHiWi ing departed this life^and the under the weather Is unusually favorable signed Brmal E Sickles k the duly

and legally appointed administratrix of the Estate of George B Lewis and ag such is the legal holder of the tiUe to said mortgage

Now therefore by virtue of the said power of sale and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided notice is hereby given that on Monday the 29th day laquof April 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon said mortgage will be forecolsed by a sale by public auction to the highshyest bidder at the west front door of the Court House in the City of Corunna that being the place where the Circuit Court for Shiawassef County is held of the land and premises described in said mortage or so much thereof as may be necshyessary to pay the amount due as aforesaid on said mortgage with inshyterest thereon at the rate of six per cent and all legal costs charger and expenses inclndin an attorhej fee allowed by law of $1500 said premises being described as follows

The north three-eights () of the West half (gt of the West half () of the southwest quarter gt and the east half (bull) of the northshywest qtiarter () of the southwest quarter (frac34) of section twenty-one (21) excepting a piece Of land in the northeast corner of said last above mentioned description describshyed as commeneinlaquor at the northeast corner and running thence west Eighteen (18) rods then south thirty-two (32) rods thence east eighteen (18) rbds and thence north thirty-two rods to place of begs-ninc all on Section Twenty-one (21 in Town five (5X north Range three (3) east Also the west forty (40) feet of lot Thirty-six (36) and wholr of lot thirty-seven (37) in block four (4) Village of Morrice Shiashywassee County State of Michigan

Dated Januarv 28 1935 ERMAL E SICKLES

Administratrix of the Estate of George B Iewis Deceased

HICKS amp DES JARDINS Attorneys for Administratrix Business Address Owosso Mich

Soybeans cowpeas and similar legshyume crop are nor considered feed crops under the AAA ruling but inshystead are classified as hay crops

bull bull bull Hawaiis 1933 pineappie pack of apshy

proximately 800)000 cases was esfJ sated to have a value of $22400000

bull bull

Ohte baa only TO par cent as many cattle on feed this year and the Corn Belt has but 88 per cent as siany as a year ago the United States Departshyment of Agriculture reports

bull bull From practical experience the Deshy

partment of Agriculture has learned that temporary ffbeck of dams of brush snllt to stop erosion win last from two and one-half to three years

Need More Horses Mules to Meet Greater Demand

Demand for horses and mules Is exshypected to increase materially for the next few years Although colt producshytion has been increasing for twe or three years the number now being proshyduced is hardly enough to meet V0 per rent of the expected demand for work stock

A large proportion of the work aftl-nisils now on farms are in the old ae bullgroup snd even if production of colts continues- to increase by the end of 1038 the low point-in horse and mule |Mgttgtuaiion will be reached in the opinshyion of Ohio State university farm wouomists

Higher toed prices this year mixy en courage greater use of mechanical powshyer and may check the anticipated inshycrease in breeding plans even in the face of an expected rise in the price of work stock


STATE OP MICHIGAN mdash The Probate Court for tbgt County of

At a session of the Probate Coart or said County held at the Probate Office in the City of Corunna oh the 26th day of December A D 1934 -

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate of Sophia De Frenn Deceased

On filing the petition of Earl De Frena praying for the probate of the will of aaid deceased new filed in this aourt bull

It is Ordered That the 28th day of JaaaaiT next at nine oclock in the forenoon at said Probate Of-iice ba appointed for hearing said petition _

It iraquo Furtber Ordered That a cony ef this order be published three sucshycessive weeks prraquoviouB to said ltlay of bearing in the Corunna Naws a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Shiawassee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

HARRIET AIKBN Register of Prebate


Feeding Work Horses Wintering work horses wiW be a

troublesome problem in view of the feed shortage To maintain a fair conshydition work horses need a daiiy ration of from ten to fifteen pounds of clean roughage such as hay laquoraquorn fodder or struw Even idle horses in addition to ihe roughage should have a little ^rain especially If the roughage conshysists of prairie hay straw or cora fodshyder On live to six pounds of grain per day a horse will hold its weight llie amotlnt of grain of course dependshying somewhat on size of the animal Horses at work need from ten to Bf-ren pounds of grain per head a day ff they are to hold up In weight Barley cau be substituted very well for corn or oats but it should be ground or rolledmdashMissouri Farmer

Agricultural Notes The tomato is classified by the Enshy

cyclopedia of Food as a fruit bull

Unless in a sealed package honey should be kept in a dry warm place

Two-thirds of a pound of dried beet

pulp takes the place of one pound of

Canadian western sheep ranges proshyduce from 150000 to 200000 lambs each year saitahle for fattening purposes

bull bull Kvery 3frac12 feet from the barn to the

milk house- means a mile of^walking for the farmer for each cow in one yenr

bull Fluorine compounds with which

many fruits are sprayed have been found to be very injurious to the teeth

bull raquo bull Twelve to fourteen per cent of proshy

rata in the grain mixture hi enough for rypicai cowa fed plenty of good alfalfa hay and corn silage ^

bull raquo bull w Hundreds of acre of vegetable

crops were plowed under by produce formers near St Loula Mo araquo they found their products aore raquo M fnttUtas



STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash In the office of the Drain Commissioner of the County of Shiawassee in the matter of the Section Sixteen Exshytension Drain

Notice in Hereby Given that on the 26th day of October 1934 a petition was filed with the undershysigned County Drain Commissioner for the County of Shiawassee prayshying for the extending of Section Sixteen Drain

That upon the 28th day of Febshyruary 1935 the undersigned fited with the Honorable Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate a petitior asking for the appointment of a Board of Determination

That said judge ot probate having appointed Fred Peacock J H Bran-del and Fred Ferguson as such Board of Determination

Now therefore said board will meet at the residence of Charles Miller Section 21 Shiawassee Townshyship on the 21st day of March 1935 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of said day to determine the necessity of Section Sixteen Drain

Therefore all persons Municishypalities and highway officials intershyested in the proposed Section Sixshyteen Drain are requested to be present if they so desire

Dated at Corunna Michigan thig 1st day of March 1935


Whereas James C Carpenter and Martha Carpenter his -wife made and executed a certain mortgage bearing the date of the 22nd day of August 1928 to Anna E Bilhimer which was recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for the Counshyty of Shiawassee Michigan on Aushygust 31 1928 in Liber 177 of mort gages on pa-e 301

And whereas the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage on th date hereof fof principal and intershyest is the sum of Eight Hundrec Twenty Dollars and thirty-eight cents ($82038^ and also the ad ditional sum of laquo25 attornevs fee as provided for in sard mortgage and ne suit or proceeding having been instituted at law or in equity to reshycover the debt now remaining and secured thereby or ar-v part thereof

And whereas default has been made in the payment of the money secured by laquoraquoid m o r t ^ ^ rendering the power of sale contained thereir operative

Now therefore notice is herebj given that by virtue of said power of sale and in pursuance thereof and of the statute in such cases mad nnd nrovided the said mortgage wjr be foreclosed by a sale of the mortshygaged nremises at nublic vendue to the highest bidder at the west froni door of the Court House in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michigan that bein the place Oj holding the Circuit Court within said countv on the 5th draquoraquo of April A D 1935 at 900 oclock in the fore TVYOM of said day Eastern Standard Time

The descrintion of the premise contained therein and still coyerer by said mortgage and which will be sold as Aforesaid is a follows

Part of Lot ten Block Twenty eight of the Village (now city of Owosso Michigan commencing at f noint on the east line of Lot ten Block twenty-eight eisrht rods soutf of the south line of Comstock street running thence westerlv parallel to Comstock stTeet seven rods thenor south four and five hundred se^r v one one thousandths rods thence easterly narallel wilih said first lin to east line of said Lot and thenc-

porth to beginnin- nil in the Cjtv of Owosso Shiawassee County Michi gan

Dated December 31 19frac34 ANNA E BILHTMER

Mortgagee ELLIS P WXTSON Ar+irrv fo Mortgawea



THE NEWS Phone 1373 Corunna Mick

MORTGAGE SALE Default having been made in the

conditions of a certain real estate mortgage whereby the power of sale therein contained became operative made by William F Gray and Flora M Gray his wife to George G Markham dated January 2 1917 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Shiawassee County Michigan^ on January 2 1917 in Liber 142 of Mortgages en pages 206 ami 207 and duly asshysigned by said George G Markham to Leta B Vincent by an assignshyment dated August 4 1925 and reshycorded in said Registers office on August 6 1925 in Liber 153 of Mortgages on page 92 and duly asshysigned by said Leta B Vincent to George G Markham and Clara A Markham his wife jointly with sole and absolute right of survivorshyship by an assignment dated August 4 1925 and recorded in said Regisshyters office on August 6 192b in Liber 153 of Mortgages on page 93 on whiyh mortgage there is now claimed to be due and payable foT principal and interest the sum of $114500 and no suit at law havshying been brought to recover said debt or any part thereof notice is hereby given that on Saturday May 4 1935 at one oclock in the aftershynoon of said day at the entrance to the Court House City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michigan that being the place where the Circuit Court for said County is held Clara A Markham surviving assignee will by virtue of the power of sale conshytained in said mortgage and in purshysuance of ttte statute in such case

ORDER OF PUBLICATION State of Michigan mdash The Probata

Court for the County of Shiawassee At a session of the Probate Court

for said County held at the Probate office in the city of Corunna on Monday the 4th day of February in the year of one thousand nina hundred and thirty-five

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of Geraldine Ruth Vande Grift Dependent

Petition haying been filed allegshying that aaid child is dependent and neglected and to determine the truth of the facts

Xt is ordered That the fathets mothers guardians or anyone intershyested in said child blaquo and appear before the Court at a hearing upom the petition on the 5th day of March 1935 at 900 oclock in the foreshynoon at said Probate Office for the purpose of aiding the Court in arshyriving at the true facts and to make a proper disposition of said minor

And it is Further Ordered That to give notice to parentg not in tide County that a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corunna News a newspaper printed and circulating in said Counshyty of Shiawassee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

By HARRIET AIKEN Probate Register

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In thraquo Matter __ of the Estate raquof

provided sell at public auction on |PerI E Jacobs Deceased foreclosure thereof the land describ-r We the undersigned having bee ed in said mortgage to satisfy the | appointed by the Hon Roy D Mat-

County Drain Commissioner Shiawassee County Michigan| Bosineai Address Owosso Mich

amount due thereon at the time of sale with interest thereon at six pei cent per annum and all legal costs including an attorney fee of Twenty five Dollars lands described as East part of east eighty acres of the southwest fractional quarter of section nineteen town eight north range four east except right of way of Consolidated Coal Company of north thirty-three feet thereof conshytaining 39 acres more or less Hazel-ton Township Shiawassee County Michigan Dated February 2 1935

CLARA A MARKHAM Surviving Assignee

C F amp E T HAMMOND Attorneys ior Assignee Business Address 601 American

State Savings Bank Building Lansing Michigan

thews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Hazeltoa in said County on Monshyday the 25th day of March A D 1935 and on Monday the 27th day of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adshyjusting all claims against said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adshyjustment and allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D ^RANDOLPH BAILEY

WALTER JUDD Commissioners

y Only the best Quality of Materials and

bull i the finest Workmanship used by



BEANS Have excellent equipment for hanshy

dling Beans and Grains

GOAL Plenty of good clean and warm Coal



Ph one 4 bullgt0 We Deliver

f t T t y Ti


ti I T tgt


DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR Mr Walter Parker of Owoaso

has as hev guest for several days her sister Mrs Fred Shepherd of Detroit and in her honor Mrs Clark Shipman entertained at a table of bridge o n Thursday aftershynoon A chicken dinner preceded the playing of bridge

The following were guests of Mrs Shipman Mrs Parker Mrs Shepshyherd end Mrs Mary Curtis of Co-runna All of the ladies are very close friends


Glen Howard have

uasiucso u-p

^^^^bullltlaquoKKlaquoK^K^K^KlaquoKK^^raquoK 4-

and Mrs returned ioiu Highland

Clayton Cook HI ^ s t u d e n t at the Gctogan school is absent this week with the whooping cough

Mr and Mrs Willis Xee were in Howell Sunday visiting a brother-in-law who is in the State T B Hospital

Mr and Mrs Frank Williams of Milford have returned home after iisiting in the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Cook

Mr and Mrs Edward Braid of

W^r^^^ - bull bull bull bull bull bull - i

votionfls reading a Scripture lesson followed by prayer j

During the business meeting it was- decided to hold a shadow social at the home of Mr and Mrs Phin a s Burch on Friday evening March 22 A pot luck supper will be serv- ed by ths hostess

The program committee gave a short program with reading^ by Mrs Sherrard Mrs Hofacker Mrs Olive Seward and Lawrence Seward

The next meeting will be held in the home of George and Judson O Eldred tgtcrth of the church at which time Mrs Devora Eldred will be





Lake Orion have returned home aft- er spending the week end with their ard the new son Alva Braid and Mrs Braid Catholic Church in-Owoaso

CALEDONIA - SHIAWASSEE Mrs Charles McNamara Sr ampbull plusmn

rightfully bullentertained the ladies of i W the Caledonia - Shiawassee - Venice j Club at her homein Corunna Tues-j day for dinner The business meeting was Opened Q by the president Mrs William Liet-j zau in regular form the ladies unitshying in saying the Lords Prayer

The secretary and treasurer Mrs Antonio Bock gave her reports of the previous meeting also a report j oiv the financial condition off the i club bull

The dub donated a large sum tow- organ at S(u Pauls

JLL W bull I i i i W AK)

Invites you to call and look over the new

FordV-8 Wewant you to see the finest Car in the

low priced field

On display at our salesroom

Mrs Wakefield who is living on V grab bag will be a feature of

the Reyndd fartrade J laquo w i i h ^ a r i laquo pound pound bdquo pound pound pound have beenlraquo1Sih o n e arvLlt-


trouble Her daughters here from Cadillac and Bay Shore k taking care of her

Mr and Mrs John Sam peer en textained on Sunday Mr and Mrs

made for a pancake held some time this

joyed and fine address was given by Carl Kramp of Lansing nd Mr Judge Joseph H Collins A silver and Mrs Glen Hamilton of Owoaso offering was taken during the eye- the latter is a daughter of Mr Sanv ningi

Mrs Wafter Snyder has been for the past few days

Mr and Mrs G W Warner were in Owoaso on Monday laquoraquolaquoraquo i peer

Mrs Joseph Winorski was a guest A large number of friends and Mr and Mrs Nathan Baughan Friday of Mrs Archie Johnson relatives tendered a surprise on Mrs Paul Baughan nd Mr and

John Boyd of Flint was a caller [ Monday evening to Mr and Mrs Mrs Stanley Sussex visited in Bieck-last week of h is sister Mrs M a r y | H a r r y Brandt i n honor of their 21sl enbridge the first of the week as lt-ntlar wedding anniversary and to their guests of their daughterfand sister

Mrs Archie Johnson and Frank n a n d b i s M r a n d M r s - Mrs Alexander Stewart and Goreski were in Owosso Monday on business

Miss Joan Crowe spent Sunday in the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Everet t

Misseg Agnes and Mary Hovanec spent Sunday at the home of Miss Mary Nemecek-

Miss Maxine Wilder of Owosso is assisting in the home of Mr and Mrs Cecil Nicholson

Cecil Nicholson and family and Miss Maxine Wilder were in Flint Saturday on business

A large number of voters from this vicinity attended the Hazelton Township caucas on Monday night

Mr and Mrs George Crowe and daughters were callers Tuesday of Mr and Mrs W S Eveleth and family i i ^

Mr and Mrs Floyd were hosts on Tuesday for the regshyular meeting of the Venice- Haao|-tqr

fi Farmers Club Mi and Mrs Clyde Stanhope and

family of Flint were Sunday guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Ernest

Duane Brandt in honor of their first anniversary in the home of the former The evening was most pleasantly spent in a social way and later a bountiful supper was served

Stewart Mrs Henry Saska left the last

Plans were supper to be

The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Charle8 Smith the second Tuesday in the month


CALEDONIA Mr and Mrs Hall were in Ann

Arbor Sunday Donald Hall of Pontiac visited

hi s family here over the week end Robert Huffman of Detroit visshy

ited his sister Mrs Eli Rigoulot on Sundayr

Billy Fisher was taken to Ann Arbor for observation at the Uui-versity hospital Monday

Harry Wood of Flint was a week end visitor SR the home of his bro-

Walworth th( i ~ i 1 law J o h n Brenner and fatrade i i l y I Mrs Lyle Munroe has returned to her home in bullbullJackson after viaithg i in the homo of her sister Mrs Jos Wagner


Howard Stewart will be host to Desborough west of here A | the Merry Circle Class of th e North birthdav dinner was in honor of the west Verice church on Friday eve-

bx-warbles are not music and they do not soothe the breast of the

Mr| savage beast in fact ox-warbles cause so ngtuch unrest among the cattle of Michigan that the income

bdquo from this class of livestock is seri-of the week t o gt e gone for several o U s r e d u c e d days as guest of her daughterMrs T j ]osH o f m o n e y is totally un-Kerrneth Johnson of Flint her n e c e s g a r y a s the warble which is mother Mrs Derby of Detroit h e r j a n j n s e c t whose larvae live in the daughter Mrs Lawson Mumma b a c k g o f c a t t i e c a n ^e exterminated

[ in thi s state The adult is a heavy [bodied fly which is intensely feared j by cattle Experiments have shown that cattle can hear the noise made

i by the flys wings at considerable 1 distances and often stampede to

The Usual i |ne meeting qf the | avoid its egg laying activities Venice- Hazelton Farmers Ciub was i The eggs are deposited on the enjoyed Tuesday in the home of Mrf raquod quarters Of cattle and the tiny


sons Avnold and Leonard of Day ton Ohio


anniversary of Miss Lois seventh birthday

The pancake supper which was held on Friday evening was a decidshyed success The supper was served under the upervision of the men and was fine The program wasmuch e n _

BOOK1 s T 0Vdegy Explain thlaquo marvelousWOferd Z IVeatmjnt which is bringina J aaxaxinx relief Sold oajroadaJ bull


S T I P A T I O N B A D B R E A T H S L E E P L E S S N E S S OR H E A D -

ACMES DUE TO EXCESS ACID Atk fat A fmtcapy of WHtonl Metuuee We an AuUxwued WiUani igtCJien

lt OvOmt Piwn H m )



ning of this week The Misses Mildrelt) Kambut and

Patricia Bailey have returned to Detroit after visiting in the home ofMiss Elaine Rigoulot

Leslie Middletou ad George Koan have given up their lease for the coal mine property to the owner Geo Schirle and the mine is being taken over by John Hedges

The Ladies Aid of the Northshywest Venice church wil] meet with

and Mrsfi Floyd Walworth when representatives o f 14 families gathered for an ail day meeting

The morning session was called by L J Veaie and was opened with the sipging of My Old Kentucky Home The Chapldin Rev Harold Paiithorpe then conducted the dc-votioijkl period

The business of the day followed and included the appointment of Key Pailthorpe as question box leader and the calling of the roll

At bull the conclusion of the-dinner hour the company reassembled for the program presentation which was under the direction of Mrs Rayshymond Dietz

Readings by Mrs Will Jacobs | Mrs Mary Hartley Rev Pailthorpe Mis Charles Kurney and Mrs L J | Veale andinstrumental music by

larvae as soon as hatched burrow beneath the skin and travel through the body until they reach a position just under the skin on the animals back The larvae then develop rapidshyly in size and cause bumps which can lie easily seen

The presence of this pest reduces the value of the hides of beef catshytle and causes Joss of flesh due to irritation td- unro t of the ivmal Uhsigiy discoloration^ also appear on the flesh of the animals back Dairy rattle produce less inilk when these parasites infest them A 10 per ctVt reduction in milk flow may result from severe infestations

The adult ox-warble flies present in Michigan in the summer were e n shyded through the previous winter unshyder the skins of cattle The fly can not survive Michigan winters any other way If the larvae r-~ al] des

STOPS With Dodge Perfected Dual-Cyiwder Hydraulic Brakes

Mrs Leo Veale were enjoyed during t r o v e d ^ the winter there will be the first half of the program

Following these numbers Mr Walworth introduced the speaker of the day Mr Addy a farm bureau worker who spoke in an intensely

^ r S iVL0V d degn W ^ d n e laquo d a y interesting manner upon Coopera March 27 for an all day meeting t i o n raquo h i s s u b t 0 p i c s being machin-at her home north of the church ^ fertilizer seed and feed

The revival meetings closed on Rev Pailthorpe had charge of the Sunday evening after two weeks of question box from which 13 splen-services A large crowd attended the did topics emerged creating much services Sunday evening The meet- lively discussion Among these ings have been a spiritual success w e r e Do f a r m e r s neg-many converts going to the altar lect pasture if so what can be done

The condition of Fred Brown re- and would it be possible This ques-mams about the same His cousin t ion was most satisfactorily answer-Mr and Mrs Peter Kael of St Charles and aunt Mrs Christine Mosner of St Charles and cousins Mr and Mrs Albert Barnesof Ches-anirg have recently been here

ed by the helpful suggestions of Mr Addy

Other topics which brought out diversified opinions were How can I help to get the Owosso sugar facgt

bullmFuimu J^taM grind e fwy felaquod-

Griod more flaquoed pr -or per boor Moaat oo

bullny 1frac12 ton truck Small down py-

meat Good tenocWrit quick for J1 detail MMIIV

C J TAYLOR Funeral Home

Praapt amkTfficient


Phone 1S2 mdash VERNON Sccceasor to Disbiow

C B Angus residing north of t o r y running Has finflation ever Kerby who cracked several rib s sev- b e e n a success in the history of this era] days ago when he slipped O n c o u n t r y 7 Should the United States some ice while carrying feed to his j Pfty n 5 o I a according to the^ agree chickens was removed on Monday ~ morning to the home of his brother Bethel Angus Coninna avenue Owosso Although Mr Angus is conshysiderably improved he is still in a serious condition His neighbors Howard Stewart and George Rigou-let are taking care of his stock

The following candidates were nominated at the Democrat caucas held at the town hall by the Demoshycrats of Venice Township They are Supervisor Charles Posey clerk Howard Ganssley treasurer Mrs Agnes Ball highway commissioner Wm Golombisky justice of the peace Dennis Kildea overseer of highway Robert Ellis board of reshyview Finley Reed constables Rex Post Ruy Ellis Stewart White and Bernard Cronin

ment for the Panama Canal Zone or should circumstances alter cases

On the second Thursday in April the club will meet with Mr and Mrs L J Veale This will be an evening meeting with supper served at 7 oclock and a business meeting and program following in charge of the young people of the club

WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS Hatched from our own 300 egg

strand stock Blood tested Also Barred Rock Chicks We do cus-

torn Hatching Horvith Hatchery Flushing Michigan RFD 1mdashAdv


The Ladies Aid of the Northwest Venice Church were delightfully enshytertained on Wednesday at the home of Mr and Mrs Ray Seward Harrishyson avenue Owosso

The guests began to arrive at 11 oclock enjoying a social hour before dinner

Following dinner the president Mrs Archie Sherrard called the business meeting to order the memshybers and guests singing several songs followed lgty the secretarys and treasurers reports

Rev John Austin led in the de-

no adults the next summer All the cattle are barns where

they can be easily inspected and any warbles infesting them can be killshyed

The destruction of the larvae costs very little Larvae which are quite fully developed can be squeezshyed from the animals back and killshyed A more rapid method is to use chemical preparations made for this purpose These chemicals may be either in solid or liquid form and are placed n t n e Ittle cell under the skin in which the larvae lives Comshymercial killing agents can be used according to the makers directions or the materials can be mixed at home from directions which will be furnished by the entomology departshyment at Michigan State College

Neighborhood campaigns against the warble or ox bot fly are the speediest way of destroying thi s nuishysance but no farmer should wait for his neighbor before killing the pests in his herd The adult fly travels comparatively short distances and most of the infestations in cattle are caused by permitting larvae to mashyture on the farm where the infestashytions occurs Destroying the larvae relieves the cattle from irritation the owner from money loss and the future from further attacks by the pest

JUST whltm others raquot offering their first hydraulic-type brakes Dodge

gives you b extra safety of Pershyfected Dual-Cylinder Hydraulic Brakes pioneered years ago by Dodge find proved in tho service of hundreds of thousands of owners

With 20 more bracing surface mdash fully equalized a^zinst skidding or swerviagmdash t hay get thousands of extra miiss from tirts and brake linings-mdash give greater coeraurg ease quicker curer stbps mdash more safety than ever Remember there cart be no successful imitation of Dodge brakesmdashor their safety mdash without Dodge experience and manufacturing precision

Here is a big smart 85-mile-pei-hcur car that actually gives you three to five nioremiles pergullonof gas than lower-priced cars And even mors astonishing economy of oil With all its savings the Dodge Red Rata engine gives brilliant aaw ranges of speedmdashflashingpicle-opmdashsilky silence

and ease- Its famous patented Floatshying Power engine mountings smother vibration which racks ordinary cari to piec2s

The1 finslword in protectionmdashthe fatrions Dodge safety all-steel body is knovn to nearly 300Q0C0 Dodge owners

Only the genius cf a manufacturing organization such es Dodge mdashwith such complete facilities with 20 years of experience in building nearly three million finfe vehiclesmdashcould create such astounding dollar-fordolar value


This advertisement endorsed by the Depart meat of EngineeringmdashChrysler M e l o n

NEWVALUE DODGE 9645 to $760 AU prces f o b factory Detroit aabject to change bullwitboat notice Spatial equip ment extra Tima paymampnta to fit yoar bvdamptt Ask fortheaSiciat Chrysler Motor Commercusi Credit PUux





OcffVon Mow For J u t A Fampw Oof Jars Mor Than The Lovtest-Pticod Car

C A GLADDEN b e Dodge ane Plymouth Dealers

Sooth Wafer St Phone 522 Owosso Mich

WANTED Milk Bakery Tea Coffe or otheT

route men Good proposition for right man Rawleigh Depfc MMC mdash93mdashL Freeport Illinoismdash Adv

Judging from some of the streamshyline models car manufacturers have been maewesting them in the wrong place

Now it is proposed to raise the minimum drinking age for women Better go slaw mdash the way the girls manage to stay home these days we might find the bartender refusing to serve grandma




THE NEWS Phone 1373 Cortmna Mich



D o



-I1 1 M l JiVfig


bullWWmdashin gi1 ii wv se

laquof In the Matter of the EUtlaquo bull Job F Jlaquocoblaquo Deceased

We the undersized having been - appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshy

thews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of ail persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Ha-zelton in said County on Monday the 25th day of March A D 1935

- and on Monday the 27th lay of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day for the purshypose cf receiving and adjusting all claLns against said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1)Spound are-allowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustment ^nd allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D 1935



COMMISSIONERS NOTICE la thcopy Matter of the Eclat of

William E Vernon Deceased We the undersigned having been

appointed by the Hon Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the State Ban) of New Lothrop in the Village of New Lothrop in said County on Monday the first day of April A D 19S6 and on Friday the 31st day of May A D 1985 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adjusting all claims against said estampte and that four months from the 31st day of January A D 1935 are allowed to creditors p present their claims to said Commissioners for adjustment and allowance

Dated the 31st day of Janaary A JD 1935




- I n the Matter of the ElaquoUt Almeda Jacob Deceased

We the undersigned having been appointed by the Hoi Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims artri demands of all persons against said estate do hereby eive notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Haselton in said County on Monshyday the 25th day of March A D 1935 and on Monday the 27th dav of May A- D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and ad--justing aiiclaimsagainst said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adshyjustment and allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D 19351




STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash The Circuit Court for the County of Shiawassee in Chancery

Flossie M Storey also known as Flossie M Passage Plaintiff vs

William H Storey Myrtle I Storey Mary Fetterly and Michigan Trust Company a Michigan corporshyation Defendants

Suit pending in the circuit court for the County of Shiawassee in Chancery at the City of Corunna in said county on the 1st day of February A D 1935

In this cause it appearing from afshyfidavit on file that the Defendant Mary Fetterly is a resident of the State of Michigan that process for her appearance has been duly issued and that the same could not be servshyed by reason of her absence from the State of Michigan That her exshyact address cannot be ascertained

On motion of Rosenburg amp Paintshyer plaintiffs attorneys it is ordered that the said defendant Mary Fetshyterly cause her appearance to be entered herein within three months from the date of this order and in case her appearance that she cuse her answer to the plaintiffs bill of complaint to be filed and a copy thereof to be served on said plain- hay tiffs attorneys within fifteen days after service on her of a copy of said bill and notice of this order and that in default thereof said bill be taken a s confessed by the said deshyfendant

And it is Further Ordered That within forty days the said plaintiff cause a notice of this order to be published in the Corunna News e newspaper printed published pnd circulating in said courty and that such publication be continued thereshyin at least once in each Wftek for six weeks in succession or that she cause a copy of this order to be personally served on said defendant at least twenty days befo^ the time above prescribed for her apshypearance 4


ROSENBURG A PAINTER Attorneys for Plaintiff

Good Seed Curing Means Good Crops

Proper Care Is Important During Winter Will

Increase Income By R H Reed Agru-uUnral poundlaquolaquolaquo University ltrf IlliuoimdashWNU Scrvna

Providing good curing and storage conditions for their seed com this winter rather than poor or even avershyage _conditions will be worth 0000-000 en nextyears XJJinr gccrn crop should lOSfl be u normal year and corn prices remain favoranle

This is reveal ed In efebt bull years of ecords Uept by farmersbullenryiSed In the farm niahageuieut service conduct ed by the Coiee of Agriculture bull Unishyversity of Illinois in co-operation with county farm bureaus in these recshyords involving the growing of approxishymately 70000 aerts of corn the differshyence between good and poor seed corn curing and storage amounted to 2raquo bushels an acre in the resulting crop liven average curing and storing conshyditions cut the resulting crop two bushshyels an acre below what it was from good curing and storage of the seed Two bushels an acre on the average nnrua5 Illinois crop of aloe million acres with corn worth 00 cents a bush el wouUl amount to more than $10000-000 In corn returns

By good curing and storage Is meant that the seed com Is dried rapidly and protected from freeting until the ex-cesa moisture has been removed-These conditions arenot met where the corn is ben on the back porch or in the driveway of the corncrib as is practiced on many farms

Rapid drying of seed corn requires the use of some artificial heat unless

Prolonged eel storage has been found to free apples of Insects

laquo -Farster unLsn branches are being

organized throughout norfhern Ireland

Agriculturally Manchuria is one of the most favored spots In the Far East

A balf-mlVloa farmers lost their

status as landowners is the last three years

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

Cows should be dry clx weeks or two months This gives them a ohacce to build up a reserve for the coming vear


Default having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative given by-Robert Cohoon and Cora A Co-hoon his wife of the Village of Morrice Shiawassee County Michishygan to Thomas E Case of the Township of Perry Ccunty and State aforesaid on December 4 1909 and recorded in the office of the Regisshyter of Deeds of Shiawassee County on December 4 1909 in Liber 118 of Mortgages on page 632 which said mortgage has been duly assignshyed by Thonias E Case to George B Lewis by assignment bearing date the 14th day of March 1919 and recordeoTin the Office of the Regisshyter of Deeds of said County of Shiashywassee on the 15th da^ of March 1919 in Liber 136 of Mortgages on page 577 on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereshyof for principal and interest the sum of $38183 and no action at law having been brought to recover said mortgage debt or any part theieof and the said George B Lewis hay


STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash The Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee

At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee held at the Probate Office in the City of Corunna on the 2nd day of Janshyuary in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate of Alvin Morell Eentiey Senior Deshyceased

Detroit Trust Company Trustee under Will of said deceased having filed their sixteenth annual account a3 trustee of said estate for the benefit of Ca-SUv M Kpntlpy

it is OrderedThat the 28th day of January next at ten oclock in the forenoon at said Probate Ofshyfice be appointed for examining nnd allowing safd account and all previshyous accounts

And it is Further Ordered That a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corunna News a newspaper printed and cirshyculating in said County of Shiawasshysee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

HARRIET AIXEN Probate Register




Kor small quantities the ears can be hung in the kitchen or in an upstairs room around the chimney or over an open hot air register Large quantishyties of seed corn may he dried in the farm shop garage or other buildings where a fire can be maintained Care hewever should be taken to ee that none of the corn is exposed to a temshyperature above 120 degrees Fahrenheit

Ventilation Is also an Important facshytor in obtaining high quality seed corn Unless the air immediately around the ears is constantly changed t^e atshymosphere becomes ladened with moisshyture the drying will be much slower raid an ideal condition is established lor the development of molds

k m w bdquoraquolaquo w HllVMll bdquo w bdquo MHiWi ing departed this life^and the under the weather Is unusually favorable signed Brmal E Sickles k the duly

and legally appointed administratrix of the Estate of George B Lewis and ag such is the legal holder of the tiUe to said mortgage

Now therefore by virtue of the said power of sale and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided notice is hereby given that on Monday the 29th day laquof April 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon said mortgage will be forecolsed by a sale by public auction to the highshyest bidder at the west front door of the Court House in the City of Corunna that being the place where the Circuit Court for Shiawassef County is held of the land and premises described in said mortage or so much thereof as may be necshyessary to pay the amount due as aforesaid on said mortgage with inshyterest thereon at the rate of six per cent and all legal costs charger and expenses inclndin an attorhej fee allowed by law of $1500 said premises being described as follows

The north three-eights () of the West half (gt of the West half () of the southwest quarter gt and the east half (bull) of the northshywest qtiarter () of the southwest quarter (frac34) of section twenty-one (21) excepting a piece Of land in the northeast corner of said last above mentioned description describshyed as commeneinlaquor at the northeast corner and running thence west Eighteen (18) rods then south thirty-two (32) rods thence east eighteen (18) rbds and thence north thirty-two rods to place of begs-ninc all on Section Twenty-one (21 in Town five (5X north Range three (3) east Also the west forty (40) feet of lot Thirty-six (36) and wholr of lot thirty-seven (37) in block four (4) Village of Morrice Shiashywassee County State of Michigan

Dated Januarv 28 1935 ERMAL E SICKLES

Administratrix of the Estate of George B Iewis Deceased

HICKS amp DES JARDINS Attorneys for Administratrix Business Address Owosso Mich

Soybeans cowpeas and similar legshyume crop are nor considered feed crops under the AAA ruling but inshystead are classified as hay crops

bull bull bull Hawaiis 1933 pineappie pack of apshy

proximately 800)000 cases was esfJ sated to have a value of $22400000

bull bull

Ohte baa only TO par cent as many cattle on feed this year and the Corn Belt has but 88 per cent as siany as a year ago the United States Departshyment of Agriculture reports

bull bull From practical experience the Deshy

partment of Agriculture has learned that temporary ffbeck of dams of brush snllt to stop erosion win last from two and one-half to three years

Need More Horses Mules to Meet Greater Demand

Demand for horses and mules Is exshypected to increase materially for the next few years Although colt producshytion has been increasing for twe or three years the number now being proshyduced is hardly enough to meet V0 per rent of the expected demand for work stock

A large proportion of the work aftl-nisils now on farms are in the old ae bullgroup snd even if production of colts continues- to increase by the end of 1038 the low point-in horse and mule |Mgttgtuaiion will be reached in the opinshyion of Ohio State university farm wouomists

Higher toed prices this year mixy en courage greater use of mechanical powshyer and may check the anticipated inshycrease in breeding plans even in the face of an expected rise in the price of work stock


STATE OP MICHIGAN mdash The Probate Court for tbgt County of

At a session of the Probate Coart or said County held at the Probate Office in the City of Corunna oh the 26th day of December A D 1934 -

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate of Sophia De Frenn Deceased

On filing the petition of Earl De Frena praying for the probate of the will of aaid deceased new filed in this aourt bull

It is Ordered That the 28th day of JaaaaiT next at nine oclock in the forenoon at said Probate Of-iice ba appointed for hearing said petition _

It iraquo Furtber Ordered That a cony ef this order be published three sucshycessive weeks prraquoviouB to said ltlay of bearing in the Corunna Naws a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Shiawassee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

HARRIET AIKBN Register of Prebate


Feeding Work Horses Wintering work horses wiW be a

troublesome problem in view of the feed shortage To maintain a fair conshydition work horses need a daiiy ration of from ten to fifteen pounds of clean roughage such as hay laquoraquorn fodder or struw Even idle horses in addition to ihe roughage should have a little ^rain especially If the roughage conshysists of prairie hay straw or cora fodshyder On live to six pounds of grain per day a horse will hold its weight llie amotlnt of grain of course dependshying somewhat on size of the animal Horses at work need from ten to Bf-ren pounds of grain per head a day ff they are to hold up In weight Barley cau be substituted very well for corn or oats but it should be ground or rolledmdashMissouri Farmer

Agricultural Notes The tomato is classified by the Enshy

cyclopedia of Food as a fruit bull

Unless in a sealed package honey should be kept in a dry warm place

Two-thirds of a pound of dried beet

pulp takes the place of one pound of

Canadian western sheep ranges proshyduce from 150000 to 200000 lambs each year saitahle for fattening purposes

bull bull Kvery 3frac12 feet from the barn to the

milk house- means a mile of^walking for the farmer for each cow in one yenr

bull Fluorine compounds with which

many fruits are sprayed have been found to be very injurious to the teeth

bull raquo bull Twelve to fourteen per cent of proshy

rata in the grain mixture hi enough for rypicai cowa fed plenty of good alfalfa hay and corn silage ^

bull raquo bull w Hundreds of acre of vegetable

crops were plowed under by produce formers near St Loula Mo araquo they found their products aore raquo M fnttUtas



STATE OF MICHIGAN mdash In the office of the Drain Commissioner of the County of Shiawassee in the matter of the Section Sixteen Exshytension Drain

Notice in Hereby Given that on the 26th day of October 1934 a petition was filed with the undershysigned County Drain Commissioner for the County of Shiawassee prayshying for the extending of Section Sixteen Drain

That upon the 28th day of Febshyruary 1935 the undersigned fited with the Honorable Roy D Matshythews Judge of Probate a petitior asking for the appointment of a Board of Determination

That said judge ot probate having appointed Fred Peacock J H Bran-del and Fred Ferguson as such Board of Determination

Now therefore said board will meet at the residence of Charles Miller Section 21 Shiawassee Townshyship on the 21st day of March 1935 at ten oclock in the foreshynoon of said day to determine the necessity of Section Sixteen Drain

Therefore all persons Municishypalities and highway officials intershyested in the proposed Section Sixshyteen Drain are requested to be present if they so desire

Dated at Corunna Michigan thig 1st day of March 1935


Whereas James C Carpenter and Martha Carpenter his -wife made and executed a certain mortgage bearing the date of the 22nd day of August 1928 to Anna E Bilhimer which was recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for the Counshyty of Shiawassee Michigan on Aushygust 31 1928 in Liber 177 of mort gages on pa-e 301

And whereas the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage on th date hereof fof principal and intershyest is the sum of Eight Hundrec Twenty Dollars and thirty-eight cents ($82038^ and also the ad ditional sum of laquo25 attornevs fee as provided for in sard mortgage and ne suit or proceeding having been instituted at law or in equity to reshycover the debt now remaining and secured thereby or ar-v part thereof

And whereas default has been made in the payment of the money secured by laquoraquoid m o r t ^ ^ rendering the power of sale contained thereir operative

Now therefore notice is herebj given that by virtue of said power of sale and in pursuance thereof and of the statute in such cases mad nnd nrovided the said mortgage wjr be foreclosed by a sale of the mortshygaged nremises at nublic vendue to the highest bidder at the west froni door of the Court House in the City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michigan that bein the place Oj holding the Circuit Court within said countv on the 5th draquoraquo of April A D 1935 at 900 oclock in the fore TVYOM of said day Eastern Standard Time

The descrintion of the premise contained therein and still coyerer by said mortgage and which will be sold as Aforesaid is a follows

Part of Lot ten Block Twenty eight of the Village (now city of Owosso Michigan commencing at f noint on the east line of Lot ten Block twenty-eight eisrht rods soutf of the south line of Comstock street running thence westerlv parallel to Comstock stTeet seven rods thenor south four and five hundred se^r v one one thousandths rods thence easterly narallel wilih said first lin to east line of said Lot and thenc-

porth to beginnin- nil in the Cjtv of Owosso Shiawassee County Michi gan

Dated December 31 19frac34 ANNA E BILHTMER

Mortgagee ELLIS P WXTSON Ar+irrv fo Mortgawea



THE NEWS Phone 1373 Corunna Mick

MORTGAGE SALE Default having been made in the

conditions of a certain real estate mortgage whereby the power of sale therein contained became operative made by William F Gray and Flora M Gray his wife to George G Markham dated January 2 1917 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Shiawassee County Michigan^ on January 2 1917 in Liber 142 of Mortgages en pages 206 ami 207 and duly asshysigned by said George G Markham to Leta B Vincent by an assignshyment dated August 4 1925 and reshycorded in said Registers office on August 6 1925 in Liber 153 of Mortgages on page 92 and duly asshysigned by said Leta B Vincent to George G Markham and Clara A Markham his wife jointly with sole and absolute right of survivorshyship by an assignment dated August 4 1925 and recorded in said Regisshyters office on August 6 192b in Liber 153 of Mortgages on page 93 on whiyh mortgage there is now claimed to be due and payable foT principal and interest the sum of $114500 and no suit at law havshying been brought to recover said debt or any part thereof notice is hereby given that on Saturday May 4 1935 at one oclock in the aftershynoon of said day at the entrance to the Court House City of Corunna Shiawassee County Michigan that being the place where the Circuit Court for said County is held Clara A Markham surviving assignee will by virtue of the power of sale conshytained in said mortgage and in purshysuance of ttte statute in such case

ORDER OF PUBLICATION State of Michigan mdash The Probata

Court for the County of Shiawassee At a session of the Probate Court

for said County held at the Probate office in the city of Corunna on Monday the 4th day of February in the year of one thousand nina hundred and thirty-five

Present Roy D Matthews Judge of Probate

In the Matter of Geraldine Ruth Vande Grift Dependent

Petition haying been filed allegshying that aaid child is dependent and neglected and to determine the truth of the facts

Xt is ordered That the fathets mothers guardians or anyone intershyested in said child blaquo and appear before the Court at a hearing upom the petition on the 5th day of March 1935 at 900 oclock in the foreshynoon at said Probate Office for the purpose of aiding the Court in arshyriving at the true facts and to make a proper disposition of said minor

And it is Further Ordered That to give notice to parentg not in tide County that a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Corunna News a newspaper printed and circulating in said Counshyty of Shiawassee

ROY D MATTHEWS Judge of Probate

By HARRIET AIKEN Probate Register

COMMISSIONERS NOTICE In thraquo Matter __ of the Estate raquof

provided sell at public auction on |PerI E Jacobs Deceased foreclosure thereof the land describ-r We the undersigned having bee ed in said mortgage to satisfy the | appointed by the Hon Roy D Mat-

County Drain Commissioner Shiawassee County Michigan| Bosineai Address Owosso Mich

amount due thereon at the time of sale with interest thereon at six pei cent per annum and all legal costs including an attorney fee of Twenty five Dollars lands described as East part of east eighty acres of the southwest fractional quarter of section nineteen town eight north range four east except right of way of Consolidated Coal Company of north thirty-three feet thereof conshytaining 39 acres more or less Hazel-ton Township Shiawassee County Michigan Dated February 2 1935

CLARA A MARKHAM Surviving Assignee

C F amp E T HAMMOND Attorneys ior Assignee Business Address 601 American

State Savings Bank Building Lansing Michigan

thews Judge of Probate in and for the County of Shiawassee State of Michigan Commissioners to receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said estate do hereby give notice that we will meet at the residence of Ray Jacobs in the Township of Hazeltoa in said County on Monshyday the 25th day of March A D 1935 and on Monday the 27th day of May A D 1935 at ten oclock in the forenoon of each of said days for the purpose of receiving and adshyjusting all claims against said estate and that four months from the 25th day of January A D 1935 are alshylowed to creditors to present their claims to said Commissioners for adshyjustment and allowance

Dated the 25th day of January A D ^RANDOLPH BAILEY

WALTER JUDD Commissioners

y Only the best Quality of Materials and

bull i the finest Workmanship used by



BEANS Have excellent equipment for hanshy

dling Beans and Grains

GOAL Plenty of good clean and warm Coal



Ph one 4 bullgt0 We Deliver

f t T t y Ti


ti I T tgt


DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR Mr Walter Parker of Owoaso

has as hev guest for several days her sister Mrs Fred Shepherd of Detroit and in her honor Mrs Clark Shipman entertained at a table of bridge o n Thursday aftershynoon A chicken dinner preceded the playing of bridge

The following were guests of Mrs Shipman Mrs Parker Mrs Shepshyherd end Mrs Mary Curtis of Co-runna All of the ladies are very close friends


Glen Howard have

uasiucso u-p

^^^^bullltlaquoKKlaquoK^K^K^KlaquoKK^^raquoK 4-

and Mrs returned ioiu Highland

Clayton Cook HI ^ s t u d e n t at the Gctogan school is absent this week with the whooping cough

Mr and Mrs Willis Xee were in Howell Sunday visiting a brother-in-law who is in the State T B Hospital

Mr and Mrs Frank Williams of Milford have returned home after iisiting in the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Cook

Mr and Mrs Edward Braid of

W^r^^^ - bull bull bull bull bull bull - i

votionfls reading a Scripture lesson followed by prayer j

During the business meeting it was- decided to hold a shadow social at the home of Mr and Mrs Phin a s Burch on Friday evening March 22 A pot luck supper will be serv- ed by ths hostess

The program committee gave a short program with reading^ by Mrs Sherrard Mrs Hofacker Mrs Olive Seward and Lawrence Seward

The next meeting will be held in the home of George and Judson O Eldred tgtcrth of the church at which time Mrs Devora Eldred will be





Lake Orion have returned home aft- er spending the week end with their ard the new son Alva Braid and Mrs Braid Catholic Church in-Owoaso

CALEDONIA - SHIAWASSEE Mrs Charles McNamara Sr ampbull plusmn

rightfully bullentertained the ladies of i W the Caledonia - Shiawassee - Venice j Club at her homein Corunna Tues-j day for dinner The business meeting was Opened Q by the president Mrs William Liet-j zau in regular form the ladies unitshying in saying the Lords Prayer

The secretary and treasurer Mrs Antonio Bock gave her reports of the previous meeting also a report j oiv the financial condition off the i club bull

The dub donated a large sum tow- organ at S(u Pauls

JLL W bull I i i i W AK)

Invites you to call and look over the new

FordV-8 Wewant you to see the finest Car in the

low priced field

On display at our salesroom

Mrs Wakefield who is living on V grab bag will be a feature of

the Reyndd fartrade J laquo w i i h ^ a r i laquo pound pound bdquo pound pound pound have beenlraquo1Sih o n e arvLlt-


trouble Her daughters here from Cadillac and Bay Shore k taking care of her

Mr and Mrs John Sam peer en textained on Sunday Mr and Mrs

made for a pancake held some time this

joyed and fine address was given by Carl Kramp of Lansing nd Mr Judge Joseph H Collins A silver and Mrs Glen Hamilton of Owoaso offering was taken during the eye- the latter is a daughter of Mr Sanv ningi

Mrs Wafter Snyder has been for the past few days

Mr and Mrs G W Warner were in Owoaso on Monday laquoraquolaquoraquo i peer

Mrs Joseph Winorski was a guest A large number of friends and Mr and Mrs Nathan Baughan Friday of Mrs Archie Johnson relatives tendered a surprise on Mrs Paul Baughan nd Mr and

John Boyd of Flint was a caller [ Monday evening to Mr and Mrs Mrs Stanley Sussex visited in Bieck-last week of h is sister Mrs M a r y | H a r r y Brandt i n honor of their 21sl enbridge the first of the week as lt-ntlar wedding anniversary and to their guests of their daughterfand sister

Mrs Archie Johnson and Frank n a n d b i s M r a n d M r s - Mrs Alexander Stewart and Goreski were in Owosso Monday on business

Miss Joan Crowe spent Sunday in the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Everet t

Misseg Agnes and Mary Hovanec spent Sunday at the home of Miss Mary Nemecek-

Miss Maxine Wilder of Owosso is assisting in the home of Mr and Mrs Cecil Nicholson

Cecil Nicholson and family and Miss Maxine Wilder were in Flint Saturday on business

A large number of voters from this vicinity attended the Hazelton Township caucas on Monday night

Mr and Mrs George Crowe and daughters were callers Tuesday of Mr and Mrs W S Eveleth and family i i ^

Mr and Mrs Floyd were hosts on Tuesday for the regshyular meeting of the Venice- Haao|-tqr

fi Farmers Club Mi and Mrs Clyde Stanhope and

family of Flint were Sunday guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Ernest

Duane Brandt in honor of their first anniversary in the home of the former The evening was most pleasantly spent in a social way and later a bountiful supper was served

Stewart Mrs Henry Saska left the last

Plans were supper to be

The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Charle8 Smith the second Tuesday in the month


CALEDONIA Mr and Mrs Hall were in Ann

Arbor Sunday Donald Hall of Pontiac visited

hi s family here over the week end Robert Huffman of Detroit visshy

ited his sister Mrs Eli Rigoulot on Sundayr

Billy Fisher was taken to Ann Arbor for observation at the Uui-versity hospital Monday

Harry Wood of Flint was a week end visitor SR the home of his bro-

Walworth th( i ~ i 1 law J o h n Brenner and fatrade i i l y I Mrs Lyle Munroe has returned to her home in bullbullJackson after viaithg i in the homo of her sister Mrs Jos Wagner


Howard Stewart will be host to Desborough west of here A | the Merry Circle Class of th e North birthdav dinner was in honor of the west Verice church on Friday eve-

bx-warbles are not music and they do not soothe the breast of the

Mr| savage beast in fact ox-warbles cause so ngtuch unrest among the cattle of Michigan that the income

bdquo from this class of livestock is seri-of the week t o gt e gone for several o U s r e d u c e d days as guest of her daughterMrs T j ]osH o f m o n e y is totally un-Kerrneth Johnson of Flint her n e c e s g a r y a s the warble which is mother Mrs Derby of Detroit h e r j a n j n s e c t whose larvae live in the daughter Mrs Lawson Mumma b a c k g o f c a t t i e c a n ^e exterminated

[ in thi s state The adult is a heavy [bodied fly which is intensely feared j by cattle Experiments have shown that cattle can hear the noise made

i by the flys wings at considerable 1 distances and often stampede to

The Usual i |ne meeting qf the | avoid its egg laying activities Venice- Hazelton Farmers Ciub was i The eggs are deposited on the enjoyed Tuesday in the home of Mrf raquod quarters Of cattle and the tiny


sons Avnold and Leonard of Day ton Ohio


anniversary of Miss Lois seventh birthday

The pancake supper which was held on Friday evening was a decidshyed success The supper was served under the upervision of the men and was fine The program wasmuch e n _

BOOK1 s T 0Vdegy Explain thlaquo marvelousWOferd Z IVeatmjnt which is bringina J aaxaxinx relief Sold oajroadaJ bull


S T I P A T I O N B A D B R E A T H S L E E P L E S S N E S S OR H E A D -

ACMES DUE TO EXCESS ACID Atk fat A fmtcapy of WHtonl Metuuee We an AuUxwued WiUani igtCJien

lt OvOmt Piwn H m )



ning of this week The Misses Mildrelt) Kambut and

Patricia Bailey have returned to Detroit after visiting in the home ofMiss Elaine Rigoulot

Leslie Middletou ad George Koan have given up their lease for the coal mine property to the owner Geo Schirle and the mine is being taken over by John Hedges

The Ladies Aid of the Northshywest Venice church wil] meet with

and Mrsfi Floyd Walworth when representatives o f 14 families gathered for an ail day meeting

The morning session was called by L J Veaie and was opened with the sipging of My Old Kentucky Home The Chapldin Rev Harold Paiithorpe then conducted the dc-votioijkl period

The business of the day followed and included the appointment of Key Pailthorpe as question box leader and the calling of the roll

At bull the conclusion of the-dinner hour the company reassembled for the program presentation which was under the direction of Mrs Rayshymond Dietz

Readings by Mrs Will Jacobs | Mrs Mary Hartley Rev Pailthorpe Mis Charles Kurney and Mrs L J | Veale andinstrumental music by

larvae as soon as hatched burrow beneath the skin and travel through the body until they reach a position just under the skin on the animals back The larvae then develop rapidshyly in size and cause bumps which can lie easily seen

The presence of this pest reduces the value of the hides of beef catshytle and causes Joss of flesh due to irritation td- unro t of the ivmal Uhsigiy discoloration^ also appear on the flesh of the animals back Dairy rattle produce less inilk when these parasites infest them A 10 per ctVt reduction in milk flow may result from severe infestations

The adult ox-warble flies present in Michigan in the summer were e n shyded through the previous winter unshyder the skins of cattle The fly can not survive Michigan winters any other way If the larvae r-~ al] des

STOPS With Dodge Perfected Dual-Cyiwder Hydraulic Brakes

Mrs Leo Veale were enjoyed during t r o v e d ^ the winter there will be the first half of the program

Following these numbers Mr Walworth introduced the speaker of the day Mr Addy a farm bureau worker who spoke in an intensely

^ r S iVL0V d degn W ^ d n e laquo d a y interesting manner upon Coopera March 27 for an all day meeting t i o n raquo h i s s u b t 0 p i c s being machin-at her home north of the church ^ fertilizer seed and feed

The revival meetings closed on Rev Pailthorpe had charge of the Sunday evening after two weeks of question box from which 13 splen-services A large crowd attended the did topics emerged creating much services Sunday evening The meet- lively discussion Among these ings have been a spiritual success w e r e Do f a r m e r s neg-many converts going to the altar lect pasture if so what can be done

The condition of Fred Brown re- and would it be possible This ques-mams about the same His cousin t ion was most satisfactorily answer-Mr and Mrs Peter Kael of St Charles and aunt Mrs Christine Mosner of St Charles and cousins Mr and Mrs Albert Barnesof Ches-anirg have recently been here

ed by the helpful suggestions of Mr Addy

Other topics which brought out diversified opinions were How can I help to get the Owosso sugar facgt

bullmFuimu J^taM grind e fwy felaquod-

Griod more flaquoed pr -or per boor Moaat oo

bullny 1frac12 ton truck Small down py-

meat Good tenocWrit quick for J1 detail MMIIV

C J TAYLOR Funeral Home

Praapt amkTfficient


Phone 1S2 mdash VERNON Sccceasor to Disbiow

C B Angus residing north of t o r y running Has finflation ever Kerby who cracked several rib s sev- b e e n a success in the history of this era] days ago when he slipped O n c o u n t r y 7 Should the United States some ice while carrying feed to his j Pfty n 5 o I a according to the^ agree chickens was removed on Monday ~ morning to the home of his brother Bethel Angus Coninna avenue Owosso Although Mr Angus is conshysiderably improved he is still in a serious condition His neighbors Howard Stewart and George Rigou-let are taking care of his stock

The following candidates were nominated at the Democrat caucas held at the town hall by the Demoshycrats of Venice Township They are Supervisor Charles Posey clerk Howard Ganssley treasurer Mrs Agnes Ball highway commissioner Wm Golombisky justice of the peace Dennis Kildea overseer of highway Robert Ellis board of reshyview Finley Reed constables Rex Post Ruy Ellis Stewart White and Bernard Cronin

ment for the Panama Canal Zone or should circumstances alter cases

On the second Thursday in April the club will meet with Mr and Mrs L J Veale This will be an evening meeting with supper served at 7 oclock and a business meeting and program following in charge of the young people of the club

WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS Hatched from our own 300 egg

strand stock Blood tested Also Barred Rock Chicks We do cus-

torn Hatching Horvith Hatchery Flushing Michigan RFD 1mdashAdv


The Ladies Aid of the Northwest Venice Church were delightfully enshytertained on Wednesday at the home of Mr and Mrs Ray Seward Harrishyson avenue Owosso

The guests began to arrive at 11 oclock enjoying a social hour before dinner

Following dinner the president Mrs Archie Sherrard called the business meeting to order the memshybers and guests singing several songs followed lgty the secretarys and treasurers reports

Rev John Austin led in the de-

no adults the next summer All the cattle are barns where

they can be easily inspected and any warbles infesting them can be killshyed

The destruction of the larvae costs very little Larvae which are quite fully developed can be squeezshyed from the animals back and killshyed A more rapid method is to use chemical preparations made for this purpose These chemicals may be either in solid or liquid form and are placed n t n e Ittle cell under the skin in which the larvae lives Comshymercial killing agents can be used according to the makers directions or the materials can be mixed at home from directions which will be furnished by the entomology departshyment at Michigan State College

Neighborhood campaigns against the warble or ox bot fly are the speediest way of destroying thi s nuishysance but no farmer should wait for his neighbor before killing the pests in his herd The adult fly travels comparatively short distances and most of the infestations in cattle are caused by permitting larvae to mashyture on the farm where the infestashytions occurs Destroying the larvae relieves the cattle from irritation the owner from money loss and the future from further attacks by the pest

JUST whltm others raquot offering their first hydraulic-type brakes Dodge

gives you b extra safety of Pershyfected Dual-Cylinder Hydraulic Brakes pioneered years ago by Dodge find proved in tho service of hundreds of thousands of owners

With 20 more bracing surface mdash fully equalized a^zinst skidding or swerviagmdash t hay get thousands of extra miiss from tirts and brake linings-mdash give greater coeraurg ease quicker curer stbps mdash more safety than ever Remember there cart be no successful imitation of Dodge brakesmdashor their safety mdash without Dodge experience and manufacturing precision

Here is a big smart 85-mile-pei-hcur car that actually gives you three to five nioremiles pergullonof gas than lower-priced cars And even mors astonishing economy of oil With all its savings the Dodge Red Rata engine gives brilliant aaw ranges of speedmdashflashingpicle-opmdashsilky silence

and ease- Its famous patented Floatshying Power engine mountings smother vibration which racks ordinary cari to piec2s

The1 finslword in protectionmdashthe fatrions Dodge safety all-steel body is knovn to nearly 300Q0C0 Dodge owners

Only the genius cf a manufacturing organization such es Dodge mdashwith such complete facilities with 20 years of experience in building nearly three million finfe vehiclesmdashcould create such astounding dollar-fordolar value


This advertisement endorsed by the Depart meat of EngineeringmdashChrysler M e l o n

NEWVALUE DODGE 9645 to $760 AU prces f o b factory Detroit aabject to change bullwitboat notice Spatial equip ment extra Tima paymampnta to fit yoar bvdamptt Ask fortheaSiciat Chrysler Motor Commercusi Credit PUux





OcffVon Mow For J u t A Fampw Oof Jars Mor Than The Lovtest-Pticod Car

C A GLADDEN b e Dodge ane Plymouth Dealers

Sooth Wafer St Phone 522 Owosso Mich

WANTED Milk Bakery Tea Coffe or otheT

route men Good proposition for right man Rawleigh Depfc MMC mdash93mdashL Freeport Illinoismdash Adv

Judging from some of the streamshyline models car manufacturers have been maewesting them in the wrong place

Now it is proposed to raise the minimum drinking age for women Better go slaw mdash the way the girls manage to stay home these days we might find the bartender refusing to serve grandma




THE NEWS Phone 1373 Cortmna Mich



D o




BEANS Have excellent equipment for hanshy

dling Beans and Grains

GOAL Plenty of good clean and warm Coal



Ph one 4 bullgt0 We Deliver

f t T t y Ti


ti I T tgt


DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR Mr Walter Parker of Owoaso

has as hev guest for several days her sister Mrs Fred Shepherd of Detroit and in her honor Mrs Clark Shipman entertained at a table of bridge o n Thursday aftershynoon A chicken dinner preceded the playing of bridge

The following were guests of Mrs Shipman Mrs Parker Mrs Shepshyherd end Mrs Mary Curtis of Co-runna All of the ladies are very close friends


Glen Howard have

uasiucso u-p

^^^^bullltlaquoKKlaquoK^K^K^KlaquoKK^^raquoK 4-

and Mrs returned ioiu Highland

Clayton Cook HI ^ s t u d e n t at the Gctogan school is absent this week with the whooping cough

Mr and Mrs Willis Xee were in Howell Sunday visiting a brother-in-law who is in the State T B Hospital

Mr and Mrs Frank Williams of Milford have returned home after iisiting in the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Cook

Mr and Mrs Edward Braid of

W^r^^^ - bull bull bull bull bull bull - i

votionfls reading a Scripture lesson followed by prayer j

During the business meeting it was- decided to hold a shadow social at the home of Mr and Mrs Phin a s Burch on Friday evening March 22 A pot luck supper will be serv- ed by ths hostess

The program committee gave a short program with reading^ by Mrs Sherrard Mrs Hofacker Mrs Olive Seward and Lawrence Seward

The next meeting will be held in the home of George and Judson O Eldred tgtcrth of the church at which time Mrs Devora Eldred will be





Lake Orion have returned home aft- er spending the week end with their ard the new son Alva Braid and Mrs Braid Catholic Church in-Owoaso

CALEDONIA - SHIAWASSEE Mrs Charles McNamara Sr ampbull plusmn

rightfully bullentertained the ladies of i W the Caledonia - Shiawassee - Venice j Club at her homein Corunna Tues-j day for dinner The business meeting was Opened Q by the president Mrs William Liet-j zau in regular form the ladies unitshying in saying the Lords Prayer

The secretary and treasurer Mrs Antonio Bock gave her reports of the previous meeting also a report j oiv the financial condition off the i club bull

The dub donated a large sum tow- organ at S(u Pauls

JLL W bull I i i i W AK)

Invites you to call and look over the new

FordV-8 Wewant you to see the finest Car in the

low priced field

On display at our salesroom

Mrs Wakefield who is living on V grab bag will be a feature of

the Reyndd fartrade J laquo w i i h ^ a r i laquo pound pound bdquo pound pound pound have beenlraquo1Sih o n e arvLlt-


trouble Her daughters here from Cadillac and Bay Shore k taking care of her

Mr and Mrs John Sam peer en textained on Sunday Mr and Mrs

made for a pancake held some time this

joyed and fine address was given by Carl Kramp of Lansing nd Mr Judge Joseph H Collins A silver and Mrs Glen Hamilton of Owoaso offering was taken during the eye- the latter is a daughter of Mr Sanv ningi

Mrs Wafter Snyder has been for the past few days

Mr and Mrs G W Warner were in Owoaso on Monday laquoraquolaquoraquo i peer

Mrs Joseph Winorski was a guest A large number of friends and Mr and Mrs Nathan Baughan Friday of Mrs Archie Johnson relatives tendered a surprise on Mrs Paul Baughan nd Mr and

John Boyd of Flint was a caller [ Monday evening to Mr and Mrs Mrs Stanley Sussex visited in Bieck-last week of h is sister Mrs M a r y | H a r r y Brandt i n honor of their 21sl enbridge the first of the week as lt-ntlar wedding anniversary and to their guests of their daughterfand sister

Mrs Archie Johnson and Frank n a n d b i s M r a n d M r s - Mrs Alexander Stewart and Goreski were in Owosso Monday on business

Miss Joan Crowe spent Sunday in the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Everet t

Misseg Agnes and Mary Hovanec spent Sunday at the home of Miss Mary Nemecek-

Miss Maxine Wilder of Owosso is assisting in the home of Mr and Mrs Cecil Nicholson

Cecil Nicholson and family and Miss Maxine Wilder were in Flint Saturday on business

A large number of voters from this vicinity attended the Hazelton Township caucas on Monday night

Mr and Mrs George Crowe and daughters were callers Tuesday of Mr and Mrs W S Eveleth and family i i ^

Mr and Mrs Floyd were hosts on Tuesday for the regshyular meeting of the Venice- Haao|-tqr

fi Farmers Club Mi and Mrs Clyde Stanhope and

family of Flint were Sunday guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Ernest

Duane Brandt in honor of their first anniversary in the home of the former The evening was most pleasantly spent in a social way and later a bountiful supper was served

Stewart Mrs Henry Saska left the last

Plans were supper to be

The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Charle8 Smith the second Tuesday in the month


CALEDONIA Mr and Mrs Hall were in Ann

Arbor Sunday Donald Hall of Pontiac visited

hi s family here over the week end Robert Huffman of Detroit visshy

ited his sister Mrs Eli Rigoulot on Sundayr

Billy Fisher was taken to Ann Arbor for observation at the Uui-versity hospital Monday

Harry Wood of Flint was a week end visitor SR the home of his bro-

Walworth th( i ~ i 1 law J o h n Brenner and fatrade i i l y I Mrs Lyle Munroe has returned to her home in bullbullJackson after viaithg i in the homo of her sister Mrs Jos Wagner


Howard Stewart will be host to Desborough west of here A | the Merry Circle Class of th e North birthdav dinner was in honor of the west Verice church on Friday eve-

bx-warbles are not music and they do not soothe the breast of the

Mr| savage beast in fact ox-warbles cause so ngtuch unrest among the cattle of Michigan that the income

bdquo from this class of livestock is seri-of the week t o gt e gone for several o U s r e d u c e d days as guest of her daughterMrs T j ]osH o f m o n e y is totally un-Kerrneth Johnson of Flint her n e c e s g a r y a s the warble which is mother Mrs Derby of Detroit h e r j a n j n s e c t whose larvae live in the daughter Mrs Lawson Mumma b a c k g o f c a t t i e c a n ^e exterminated

[ in thi s state The adult is a heavy [bodied fly which is intensely feared j by cattle Experiments have shown that cattle can hear the noise made

i by the flys wings at considerable 1 distances and often stampede to

The Usual i |ne meeting qf the | avoid its egg laying activities Venice- Hazelton Farmers Ciub was i The eggs are deposited on the enjoyed Tuesday in the home of Mrf raquod quarters Of cattle and the tiny


sons Avnold and Leonard of Day ton Ohio


anniversary of Miss Lois seventh birthday

The pancake supper which was held on Friday evening was a decidshyed success The supper was served under the upervision of the men and was fine The program wasmuch e n _

BOOK1 s T 0Vdegy Explain thlaquo marvelousWOferd Z IVeatmjnt which is bringina J aaxaxinx relief Sold oajroadaJ bull


S T I P A T I O N B A D B R E A T H S L E E P L E S S N E S S OR H E A D -

ACMES DUE TO EXCESS ACID Atk fat A fmtcapy of WHtonl Metuuee We an AuUxwued WiUani igtCJien

lt OvOmt Piwn H m )



ning of this week The Misses Mildrelt) Kambut and

Patricia Bailey have returned to Detroit after visiting in the home ofMiss Elaine Rigoulot

Leslie Middletou ad George Koan have given up their lease for the coal mine property to the owner Geo Schirle and the mine is being taken over by John Hedges

The Ladies Aid of the Northshywest Venice church wil] meet with

and Mrsfi Floyd Walworth when representatives o f 14 families gathered for an ail day meeting

The morning session was called by L J Veaie and was opened with the sipging of My Old Kentucky Home The Chapldin Rev Harold Paiithorpe then conducted the dc-votioijkl period

The business of the day followed and included the appointment of Key Pailthorpe as question box leader and the calling of the roll

At bull the conclusion of the-dinner hour the company reassembled for the program presentation which was under the direction of Mrs Rayshymond Dietz

Readings by Mrs Will Jacobs | Mrs Mary Hartley Rev Pailthorpe Mis Charles Kurney and Mrs L J | Veale andinstrumental music by

larvae as soon as hatched burrow beneath the skin and travel through the body until they reach a position just under the skin on the animals back The larvae then develop rapidshyly in size and cause bumps which can lie easily seen

The presence of this pest reduces the value of the hides of beef catshytle and causes Joss of flesh due to irritation td- unro t of the ivmal Uhsigiy discoloration^ also appear on the flesh of the animals back Dairy rattle produce less inilk when these parasites infest them A 10 per ctVt reduction in milk flow may result from severe infestations

The adult ox-warble flies present in Michigan in the summer were e n shyded through the previous winter unshyder the skins of cattle The fly can not survive Michigan winters any other way If the larvae r-~ al] des

STOPS With Dodge Perfected Dual-Cyiwder Hydraulic Brakes

Mrs Leo Veale were enjoyed during t r o v e d ^ the winter there will be the first half of the program

Following these numbers Mr Walworth introduced the speaker of the day Mr Addy a farm bureau worker who spoke in an intensely

^ r S iVL0V d degn W ^ d n e laquo d a y interesting manner upon Coopera March 27 for an all day meeting t i o n raquo h i s s u b t 0 p i c s being machin-at her home north of the church ^ fertilizer seed and feed

The revival meetings closed on Rev Pailthorpe had charge of the Sunday evening after two weeks of question box from which 13 splen-services A large crowd attended the did topics emerged creating much services Sunday evening The meet- lively discussion Among these ings have been a spiritual success w e r e Do f a r m e r s neg-many converts going to the altar lect pasture if so what can be done

The condition of Fred Brown re- and would it be possible This ques-mams about the same His cousin t ion was most satisfactorily answer-Mr and Mrs Peter Kael of St Charles and aunt Mrs Christine Mosner of St Charles and cousins Mr and Mrs Albert Barnesof Ches-anirg have recently been here

ed by the helpful suggestions of Mr Addy

Other topics which brought out diversified opinions were How can I help to get the Owosso sugar facgt

bullmFuimu J^taM grind e fwy felaquod-

Griod more flaquoed pr -or per boor Moaat oo

bullny 1frac12 ton truck Small down py-

meat Good tenocWrit quick for J1 detail MMIIV

C J TAYLOR Funeral Home

Praapt amkTfficient


Phone 1S2 mdash VERNON Sccceasor to Disbiow

C B Angus residing north of t o r y running Has finflation ever Kerby who cracked several rib s sev- b e e n a success in the history of this era] days ago when he slipped O n c o u n t r y 7 Should the United States some ice while carrying feed to his j Pfty n 5 o I a according to the^ agree chickens was removed on Monday ~ morning to the home of his brother Bethel Angus Coninna avenue Owosso Although Mr Angus is conshysiderably improved he is still in a serious condition His neighbors Howard Stewart and George Rigou-let are taking care of his stock

The following candidates were nominated at the Democrat caucas held at the town hall by the Demoshycrats of Venice Township They are Supervisor Charles Posey clerk Howard Ganssley treasurer Mrs Agnes Ball highway commissioner Wm Golombisky justice of the peace Dennis Kildea overseer of highway Robert Ellis board of reshyview Finley Reed constables Rex Post Ruy Ellis Stewart White and Bernard Cronin

ment for the Panama Canal Zone or should circumstances alter cases

On the second Thursday in April the club will meet with Mr and Mrs L J Veale This will be an evening meeting with supper served at 7 oclock and a business meeting and program following in charge of the young people of the club

WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS Hatched from our own 300 egg

strand stock Blood tested Also Barred Rock Chicks We do cus-

torn Hatching Horvith Hatchery Flushing Michigan RFD 1mdashAdv


The Ladies Aid of the Northwest Venice Church were delightfully enshytertained on Wednesday at the home of Mr and Mrs Ray Seward Harrishyson avenue Owosso

The guests began to arrive at 11 oclock enjoying a social hour before dinner

Following dinner the president Mrs Archie Sherrard called the business meeting to order the memshybers and guests singing several songs followed lgty the secretarys and treasurers reports

Rev John Austin led in the de-

no adults the next summer All the cattle are barns where

they can be easily inspected and any warbles infesting them can be killshyed

The destruction of the larvae costs very little Larvae which are quite fully developed can be squeezshyed from the animals back and killshyed A more rapid method is to use chemical preparations made for this purpose These chemicals may be either in solid or liquid form and are placed n t n e Ittle cell under the skin in which the larvae lives Comshymercial killing agents can be used according to the makers directions or the materials can be mixed at home from directions which will be furnished by the entomology departshyment at Michigan State College

Neighborhood campaigns against the warble or ox bot fly are the speediest way of destroying thi s nuishysance but no farmer should wait for his neighbor before killing the pests in his herd The adult fly travels comparatively short distances and most of the infestations in cattle are caused by permitting larvae to mashyture on the farm where the infestashytions occurs Destroying the larvae relieves the cattle from irritation the owner from money loss and the future from further attacks by the pest

JUST whltm others raquot offering their first hydraulic-type brakes Dodge

gives you b extra safety of Pershyfected Dual-Cylinder Hydraulic Brakes pioneered years ago by Dodge find proved in tho service of hundreds of thousands of owners

With 20 more bracing surface mdash fully equalized a^zinst skidding or swerviagmdash t hay get thousands of extra miiss from tirts and brake linings-mdash give greater coeraurg ease quicker curer stbps mdash more safety than ever Remember there cart be no successful imitation of Dodge brakesmdashor their safety mdash without Dodge experience and manufacturing precision

Here is a big smart 85-mile-pei-hcur car that actually gives you three to five nioremiles pergullonof gas than lower-priced cars And even mors astonishing economy of oil With all its savings the Dodge Red Rata engine gives brilliant aaw ranges of speedmdashflashingpicle-opmdashsilky silence

and ease- Its famous patented Floatshying Power engine mountings smother vibration which racks ordinary cari to piec2s

The1 finslword in protectionmdashthe fatrions Dodge safety all-steel body is knovn to nearly 300Q0C0 Dodge owners

Only the genius cf a manufacturing organization such es Dodge mdashwith such complete facilities with 20 years of experience in building nearly three million finfe vehiclesmdashcould create such astounding dollar-fordolar value


This advertisement endorsed by the Depart meat of EngineeringmdashChrysler M e l o n

NEWVALUE DODGE 9645 to $760 AU prces f o b factory Detroit aabject to change bullwitboat notice Spatial equip ment extra Tima paymampnta to fit yoar bvdamptt Ask fortheaSiciat Chrysler Motor Commercusi Credit PUux





OcffVon Mow For J u t A Fampw Oof Jars Mor Than The Lovtest-Pticod Car

C A GLADDEN b e Dodge ane Plymouth Dealers

Sooth Wafer St Phone 522 Owosso Mich

WANTED Milk Bakery Tea Coffe or otheT

route men Good proposition for right man Rawleigh Depfc MMC mdash93mdashL Freeport Illinoismdash Adv

Judging from some of the streamshyline models car manufacturers have been maewesting them in the wrong place

Now it is proposed to raise the minimum drinking age for women Better go slaw mdash the way the girls manage to stay home these days we might find the bartender refusing to serve grandma




THE NEWS Phone 1373 Cortmna Mich



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