-‘m.>.._v,;r~.;« H g, 1»mam; _ ymr reg—v" wv‘," _ r“... r Fww ». . - W, r .e:,.,, _.~, An ORDINANCE for the GOVERNMENT of the TERRITO- RY of the UNITED STATES, North-Weft of the RIVER OHIO. A BF. IT ORDAINED by theUnited Statesin Congrel‘saffembled,That the {aidterritory, for the purpo'l'es 'of tempoh rary government, be one ditirict; fubject, however, to be divrdedinto two diricrs; as future circuml’cances may, in the opinion oi‘Congrefs, makeit expedient. B: it ordainedby the aurhority aforcfaid,That theeatesboth ofredentandnon-redent proprietorsin the {aid ter-' ritory, dying inteiiate, {hall defcend to, andbedif’tributed among theirchildren,andthedefcendantsofa deceafedchild in equal parts ; the delcendantsof a deceafedchild or grand—child, to takethe(hateof-thcirdeceafedparent in equal parts among them : Andwherethere(hall be no children or defcendants, thenin equal parts to the next of kin, in equaldegree; and among collarerals,the children of a deceafedbrother or lter of theinteate, {hallhavein equal parts among them . ' theirdeceafedparents (hare; andthere{hall in no cafebe a diinétionbetween kindred,of the whole andhalfblood ; fa- ‘viug in all cafes to the Widow oi the intcl’tate, herthird part of the real eitatefor life,and one third part of the perfonal entire; andthis law relative to defcentsanddower, {hall remainin full forceuntil alteredby the legiatureof the dif- “trric‘t. --—--—-~Anduntil thegovernor andjudges(hall adoptlaws as herein after mentioned, eates in the {aid territory may be devil'ed or bequeathedbywillsin writing, gnedandfealedbyhim or her, in whom the eate may be, (being 'of full age)and attel’tedby three witne‘es ; ——andrealei’tates may beconveyedby leaf: and releafe, or bargain and «fade, gned,fealed, anddeliveredby theperfonbeing of full age, in whom the eiiate may be, andatteedby two wit— inell'd, providedfuch wills be duly proved, andfuch conveyances be acknowledged, or the executionthereofduly proa- ved, andbe recordedwithin oneyear after proper magilirates, courts, andregiliersihall beappointedfor that purpofe ; andperfonalproperty may betransferredby delivery, Caving,however, to the French andCanadianinhabitants, and "Otherfettlersoi the Kaskaskies, SaintVincent’s,andtheneighbouringvillages,who ‘have heretoforeprofeedthemfelves citizens of Virginia, their lazvsandcuoms now in force among them, relative to the defcentand conveyance opro— en . P eyit ordainedby theauthority aforefaid, That there(hall be appointedfromtime to time, by ‘Congrefs, a governor, “wholecommiflionlhallcontinue in forcefor the term of three years, unlefs {ooner revokedby Congrel‘s; he {hall rede in the dilitrift, andhave a freeholdcatetherein, in one thoufand acres of land, while in theexercifeof his ofce. There [hall be appointedfrom time to time, by Congrei‘s, a fecretary, \vhofe COmnlllOD {hall continuein force for Tour years, unlefsfooner revoked, he {hall rede in the diriét, andhave a freeholdeatetherein, in ve hundred acres of land. while in the exercifeof his ofce; it {hall behis duty to keepandpreferve'theacts andlaWspailed by the le— giature, andthepublic recordsof the diri, andtheproceedingsof the governor in his executivedepartment ; and tranfmit authenticcopiesof fuch aé‘ts andproceedings, every xmonths, to the fecretary of Congrefs : There{hall al- Tobeappointed a court to conliof threejudges, any two ofwhom to form a court, who {hall have a common law ju- rifdic‘tion, andrclide in the dil’trié’c,andhaveeachtherein a freehold eateinve hundred acres of land, while in the exercifeof their oices; and theirvcommiions litall continuein force during goodbehaviour. Thergovernor andjudges, or a_majorityof them,{hall adopt andpubliih in the dirié, fuch laws of the original fates, criminal and civil, asmay be neceii‘ary,andbelt fuited to the circumancesofthe diliriét, and report them to Congrefs, from time to time, which laws {hallbe in force in the diric‘t-untilthe organization of the generalailembly therein, unlefs d‘ifapprovedof by Congrefs 5 but afterwardsthe legillaturo{hall have authority to alter them as they {hall A think t. . The governor for thetimebeing, {hall be commander in chiefof themilitia, appoint and'commiionallofcers in the Tame,below therank of generalofcers ; all generalofcers(hall be appointed and commiionedby Congrefs. Previous to the organizationof thegeneralaembly,the governor {hall appoint fuch magiratesandothercivil of- cers,in each county or townlhip, as hefhall ndneceITary for theprefervationof the peace andgood order in thefame: After the generalaembly{hallbe organized, the powers and dutiesof magiratesandothercivil ofcers lhall be regu- lated and denedby thelaid aembly 5 but all magiratcsandothercivil ofcers,not hereinOtherwife directed,(hall, during thecontinuanceof this temporary government, be appointedby thegovernor. For the preventionof crimesand injuries,the laws to beadopted or made{hallhaveforcein all parts of thediri&,and for the executionof procel‘s,criminal andcivil, the governor {hall make proper divionsthereof--—and he {hall proeeed from time to time, as circumances may require, to lay out the parts ofthe dirié‘t in which theIndian titles {hall have been extinguilhed, into countiesand townlhips, fubjeéi, however, to fuch alterations asmay thereafterbemadeby the la illature. ' gSo foon as there {hallbe ve thoufandfree maleinhabitants, of full age, in the di'rié‘t, upon giving proof thereof to the governor, they {hallreceiveauthority, with time andplace, to elect reprefentativesfrom theircounties or town- iips, to reprefentthemin the generalatlembly I; providedthat for every ve hundredfree male inhabitantsthere ‘lhali bcone reprefentative, and['0 on progrelvelyWith the numberof freemaleinhabitants,{hallthe right of reprei’entatiou increafe,until the numberof reprefentatives{hall amountto twenty-ve, after which thenumberandproportionof re— prcfentatives{hallbe regulatedby the legillature ; providedthat no perfon be eligible or qualied to act asa repre- fentative, unlefshe{hall havebeen a citizen of one of the UnitedStatesthree years and be a redentin the diri, or unlefs he{hall havercdcd in the diriéi three years, andin either cafe{hall likewife hold in his own right, in feetn— pie, two hundred acres of landwithin thefamet-—-Providedalfo, that a freehold in fty acres of land in the dirid, having beena citizen of one of the ares,and being redentin the djriét ; or thelike freeholdand two years redeucein thediriét{hall be nece'ary to qualify amanasan electorof a reprefentative. The reprefentatives thuselected,lhall fervefor the term of two years, and in cafeof the deathof a reprefentative, or removalfrom oice, the governor (hall i'ue a writ to the county or townlhip for which he was a member, to elect anotherin his Read, to fervefor the redueof the term. The generalaffembly, or legillature, {hallconf’t of the governor, legiativecouncil, and a heureof reprefenaiives. The legiflativecouncil ihall con■■ of vemembers,to centinuein ofce ve years, unlefsfoonerrem0vedby (.i‘mgrefs, any threeof whom who a quorum, andthemembersof the council {hallbe nominatedandappointedin the following manner, to wit: As foon as reprefentatives{hall be elected, the governor {hall app ' ta time andplacefor them to meet together, and, when met, they [h ll nominate ten perfons,redents in the dil’trift, ndeachpoiie’edof a freehold in ve hundred act of land. and ret , . ongrefs; veof whom Congrefs{hall appoint andcommiicn ‘to fervc as af @nnm‘e e n in the council, by death or removalfrom ofce,the houfc of reprefentati ah; I H forefaid, for each vacancy, and return their namesto Con— grefs; one of wh Congefs {hall apporntan commi Ion for the redueofthe term; and every ve years. four months at leabeforetheexpiration f the timeof fervrceof the membersof council,the {aid houfe{hallnominate ten perfots. ualied as al‘orefaid,and re rn their namesto Congrefs, veof whomCongrefs{hallappoint and commiion to (ewe as membersofthe councilve years, unlels foonerremoved, And the governor, legiativecouncil, andironic of re-

-W, r.e:,.,, .~, An ORDINANCE for the GOVERNMENT of the TERRITO- · 2018. 5. 7. · An ORDINANCE for the GOVERNMENT of the TERRITO-RY of the UNITED STATES, North-Weft of the RIVER

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Page 1: -W, r.e:,.,, .~, An ORDINANCE for the GOVERNMENT of the TERRITO- · 2018. 5. 7. · An ORDINANCE for the GOVERNMENT of the TERRITO-RY of the UNITED STATES, North-Weft of the RIVER







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. - W, r .e:,.,,_.~,


RY of the UNITED STATES, North-Weft of the RIVER


BF. IT ORDAINED by theUnited Statesin Congrel‘saffembled,That the {aid territory, for the purpo'l'es'of tempoh

rary government,be one ditirict; fubject, however, to bedivrdedinto two di■ricrs; as future circuml’cancesmay,

in the opinion oi‘Congrefs, makeit expedient.

B: it ordainedby the aurhority aforcfaid,That thee■atesboth of re■dentandnon-re■dentproprietorsin the{aid ter-'

ritory, dying inteiiate, {hall defcendto, andbedif’tributedamongtheir children,and the defcendantsofa deceafedchild

in equalparts ; the delcendantsof a deceafedchild or grand—child,to takethe(hateof-thcir deceafedparentin equalparts

amongthem : Andwherethere(hallbenochildrenor defcendants,thenin equalparts to the next of kin, in equaldegree;

and amongcollarerals,the childrenof a deceafedbrotheror ■lter of theinte■ate, {hallhavein equalparts amongthem.'

their deceafedparents(hare; andthere{hall in no cafebe adi■inétionbetweenkindred,of the whole andhalf blood ; fa-

‘viug in all cafesto the Widow oi the intcl’tate,herthird part of the realeitatefor life,and onethird part of the perfonal

entire; andthis law relativeto defcentsanddower, {hall remain in full forceuntil alteredby the legi■atureof the dif-

“trric‘t.--—--—-~Anduntil the governorandjudges(hall adopt laws ashereinafter mentioned, e■atesin the {aid territory

may bedevil'edor bequeathedby willsin writing, ■gnedandfealedby him or her, in whom the e■atemaybe, (being

'of full age)and attel’tedby threewitne■‘es; ——andrealei’tatesmaybeconveyedby leaf: and releafe, or bargain and

«fade,■gned,fealed, anddeliveredby theperfonbeingof full age,in whom the eiiatemaybe, andatte■edby two wit—

inell'd, providedfuch wills beduly proved, andfuch conveyancesbe acknowledged,or the executionthereofduly proa-

ved, andberecordedwithin oneyear after proper magilirates,courts, andregiliersihall be appointedfor that purpofe ;

andperfonalproperty may be transferredby delivery, Caving,however, to the FrenchandCanadianinhabitants, and

"Otherfettlersoi the Kaskaskies,SaintVincent’s,andtheneighbouringvillages,who ‘haveheretoforeprofe■edthemfelves

citizens of Virginia, their lazvsandcu■omsnow in force amongthem, relative to the defcentandconveyanceo■pro—

en .P eyitordainedby theauthority aforefaid, That there(hall be appointedfromtime to time, by ‘Congrefs,agovernor,

“wholecommiflionlhallcontinue in forcefor the termof threeyears, unlefs {oonerrevokedby Congrel‘s; he {hall re■de

in the dilitrift, andhavea freeholdc■atetherein, in one thoufandacresof land, while in theexercifeof his of■ce.

There [hall be appointedfrom time to time, by Congrei‘s,a fecretary, \vhofe COmnll■lOD{hall continuein force for

Touryears, unlefsfoonerrevoked,he{hall re■dein the di■riét, andhavea freeholde■atetherein, in ■vehundredacres

of land. while in the exercifeof hisof■ce; it {hall behis duty to keepandpreferve'theactsandlaWspailed by the le—

gi■ature, andthepublic recordsof the di■ri■, andthe proceedingsof the governorin his executivedepartment; and

tranfmit authenticcopiesof fuch aé‘tsandproceedings,every■xmonths, to the fecretary of Congrefs: There{hall al-

Tobeappointeda court to con■liof threejudges,any two ofwhom to forma court, who {hall havea commonlaw ju-

rifdic‘tion, andrclide in the dil’trié’c,andhaveeachthereina freeholde■atein■vehundred acresof land, while in the

exercifeof their o■ices;andtheirvcommi■ionslitall continuein force during goodbehaviour.

Thergovernorandjudges,or a_majorityof them,{hall adopt andpubliih in the di■rié, fuch laws of the original

f■ates,criminal andcivil, asmaybe neceii‘ary,andbelt fuited to the circum■ancesof the diliriét, andreport them to

Congrefs, fromtime to time, which laws {hallbe in force in the di■ric‘t-untilthe organization of the generalailembly

therein, unlefsd‘ifapprovedof by Congrefs5 but afterwardsthelegillaturo{hall haveauthority to alter themasthey {hall A

think ■t. .‘

The governorfor thetimebeing, {hall be commanderin chiefof themilitia, appoint and'commi■ionall of■cersin the

Tame,below the rank of generalof■cers; all generalof■cers(hall beappointedandcommi■ionedby Congrefs.

Previousto the organizationof thegenerala■embly,the governor{hall appoint fuch magi■ratesandother civil of-

■cers,in each county or townlhip, ashefhall■ndneceITaryfor the prefervationof the peaceandgood order in thefame:

After the generala■embly{hall be organized, thepowers and dutiesof magi■ratesandothercivil of■cerslhall beregu-

lated andde■nedby the laid a■embly5 but all magi■ratcsandother civil of■cers,not hereinOtherwifedirected,(hall,

during the continuanceof this temporarygovernment,be appointedby thegovernor.

For thepreventionof crimesand injuries, the laws to beadoptedor made{hallhaveforcein all partsof thedi■ri&,and

for the executionof procel‘s,criminal andcivil, the governor {hall makeproperdivi■onsthereof--—andhe {hall proeeed

from time to time, ascircum■ancesmayrequire, to lay out the parts ofthe di■rié‘tin which theIndian titles {hall have

beenextinguilhed, into countiesandtownlhips, fubjeéi, however,to fuch alterationsasmaythereafterbemadeby the

la illature.'

gSofoon asthere{hallbe ■ve thoufandfreemaleinhabitants, of full age, in the di'■rié‘t,upon giving proof thereof

to the governor, they {hallreceiveauthority, with time andplace,to electreprefentativesfrom their countiesor town-

■iips, to reprefentthemin the generalatlemblyI; providedthat for every■vehundredfreemale inhabitantsthere ‘lhali

bconereprefentative,and['0on progrel■velyWith the numberof freemaleinhabitants,{hall the right of reprei’entatiou

increafe,until the numberof reprefentatives{hall amountto twenty-■ve, after which the numberandproportionof re—

prcfentatives{hallberegulatedby the legillature; providedthat no perfon be eligible or quali■edto actasa repre-

fentative, unlefshe{hall havebeena citizen of oneof the United Statesthreeyearsandbe a re■dentin the di■ri■, or

unlefs he{hall haverc■dcdin the di■riéi threeyears,andin either cafe{hall likewife hold in his own right, in fee■tn—

pie, two hundredacresof land within the famet-—-Providedalfo, that a freehold in ■fty acresof land in the di■rid,

having beenacitizen of oneof the ■ares,and being re■dentin the dj■riét ; or the like freeholdand two years re■—

deucein thedi■riét{hall benece■'aryto qualify amanasan electorof a reprefentative.

The reprefentativesthuselected,lhall fervefor the term of two years, and in cafeof the deathof a reprefentative,

or removalfrom o■ice, the governor(hall i■'uea writ to the county or townlhip for which hewas a member,to elect

anotherin his Read,to fervefor the re■dueof the term.The generalaffembly, or legillature, {hallcon■f’tof the governor, legi■ativecouncil, anda heureof reprefen■aiives.

The legiflativecouncil ihall con■■of ■vemembers,to centinuein of■ce■veyears, unlefsfoonerrem0vedby (.i‘mgrefs,

any threeof whomwho a quorum, andthe membersof the council {hall be nominatedandappointedin the following

manner, to wit: As foon as reprefentatives{hall beelected, the governor{hall app ' t a time andplacefor themto

meettogether,and, when met, they [h ll nominatetenperfons,re■dentsin the dil’trift, ndeachpoiie■’edof a freehold

in ■vehundredact of land. andret , .ongrefs; ■veof whom Congrefs{hall appoint andcommi■icn

‘to fervc asaf@nnm‘e

e n in the council, by deathor removalfrom of■ce,the houfc

of reprefentati ah;I

H forefaid, for eachvacancy,andreturn their namesto Con—

grefs; oneof wh Cong■efs{hall apporntan commi Ion for the re■dueof the term; andevery■veyears. four months

at lea■beforetheexpiration f the timeof fervrceof the membersof council,the {aid houfe{hall nominateten perfots.

uali■edasal‘orefaid,and re rn their namesto Congrefs,■veof whomCongrefs{hallappoint and commi■ionto (ewe

asmembersof the council■veyears, unlels foonerremoved, And thegovernor, legi■ativecouncil, andironic of re-