SPRI NG IS RERE W r i&tug -tum F IRST BASEBALL Gi\l\IE A PRI L 2 VOL. XXIX BASKETBALL RESUME SHOWS GOOD RECORD Win Eight of S ixteen Games and Clinch State Title by Winning Over All State Op- ponents. BY TBB STUDENTS. FOR Tile UNfVERBl T'f WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1926 . No. 42 O- B-AS-E B - A- LL _S_C H - E-DU - LE-t i LAST LYCEU M NUM BER IO-- T- RA _C_ I( - SC -H -E O - LE . - 'O 250 HEAR TRO UB I TO F EAT U RE S OPR ANO GLEE CLUB CONCERT Friday, April 2-Penn, here; April, 3-Perm, her e; Monday, April 5- Rutgers, h ere; Thurs- ' day, April 8-Cornell, here; April !}-Cornell, here; Tu esday , April 13-Lynchburg, here; Mad ame De Phillip e, Former Chica go fk tnd Opera Star, and .\lo('ller Trio Wednesdll.). April 1. - Duke, there; 2-I\'. C. U., there; l !l-N. C. S., here; 2.J-HnlYmd and William an d Mary, at Will iam and Mary; 26-Rich mond, th e1·e; May 1 -Vindnin, ht>t·e; 8- V. P. Combin ed Glee Club and Con cert Or- ch estra Pe rform ln Lexington For Fi rst Timl' T his Season. B · · 1 ht t f . t Thursday, April 16- Richmond, y w rnnmg e g ou o srx een basketball contests, the Washington here; Saturday, April 17- Vir- Wh .\ VE R AND II ENRY Wll.t. C I\'F. CHARL ESTON BX IIIRITION J., there ; 1l and 15- Southcrn C'onfe1·cnce at X C. U. Two hundt·ed and fifty Lex ington people and Washington · and Lee s t\1· and Lee Generals obtai ned an even ginia, there; Thurs day, April 22 brea k for the season of 1926. The -V. P. I ., htire; Wednes day, 0- ----------- - 0 de nts heard a concert by tho com- Madctne de Philllpe, prima-donna G I d .d t k · . I April 28-Virginia, here; Thm·s- enera s 1 no rna e an 1m pressrve day, April 29- Davidson, h ere. I stal"t, but they did succeed in win- opnnn f or si x sensonR with the Chi- 1 cago opera comp an y , will bal- luds :-.;1: \ songs charac lC!risiic of dif- {C! L1t nations for the final number C ONTESTANTS PA IRED FOR MEET bined glee club and concert orchestra of the Troubadours at. the Lexington High sch ool la st night. For May: Saturday, 1-V. P. I ning all of their games in th e state, l. , there; Wednesday, 6-Guil- with one exception, thereby winning A variety oi glee club, quartet, or- chestra and st ringed sextet selection s mnde up the pr·ogram. An interlud e of s light of hand delusions by Alfred B. Collison preceded a sh ort inter mi s- ford, hete; Saturday, 8-Vir- a clear title to the state champion· ship. ginia Medical School; Monday, I th e Y. U. C. A. Lycl:!urn cour·se. This w t!l b• g iven a t 8 o'<'lork nig l t, :'itar·ch' 24 in Lhe high school OtlPOnents Picked fra· Co nten d ers f or Wr es tling nnd Bo'<ing Honors- l'r ice and Rule Will Referee. 10- Maryland, there; 11 - Wit h only th ree veterans as a nu- Maryland , there; Wednesday, 12 cleus, Coach Smith built a team which -Navy, there; 13- F ordham, aucl ito · 1m. Mi ss l) t> Phillippt• will sion. be ass> ed by the 1\1 ocllet· Tl'io, which l nlra-mur:ll wrc;;tling and boxing 'l ' he concert ol'chestra, organized upset a ll the pre-season predictions there; Friday, Vi-Seton Hall , by de fe ati ng the powerful V irginia there; Saturday, 15- Ru tgers, I i!' of Ru th Stickney, violin- will beg in Monday, Mar·ch t h is year for the fir st lime, gl·eatly i st, Henry Moeller, t f'nor, nnd Mario n 22, at 4: 30 o'clock. Elimination bouts Oavaliers and by winning the state there. t itle. The Generals scored 618 points O-------------O added to the effect of the glee club Oal'ley, p ianist. will continue tl n"<lugh Wednesd ay and presentalion of songs, and gave a The lyceum numbN· is Cree to stu- final will take place ThUt's day, to their opponents' 617. "Babe" Spotta, star center of the Blu e and was high poi nt scorer of the state, with 199 points to bi s credit. The Generals met defeat in their fiTSt t wo starts of the season, when they were d owned at College Park by the University of Maryland 40 to 27 and in Washington during the week-end before the Christmas holi- deys. Defeat Bridgewate r 1 S howing considerable im prove- ment over their first perfor mances, t he Blue and Wh ite overcame the Bri dgewater Eagles in a f ast game, 30 to 24, on J anuary 8, a nd th ree da ys l ater, d isplaying a snappy pass- ing ame, they gwampekl Roanoke Colle• e 46 to 24. S potts a nd Lane led the attack. Playi ng Maryl and again on J lt\n· ua ry 14, Washington and Lee lost its second game to the Old Li ners after a ha rd f ought battle, 33 to 20. Wilson and La ne played well, but were un- ·a ble to sbave o ff defeat. The next night t he Generals, entirely off form, lost to the strong University of Geor- gia team, 47 to 24. Shake Up In Line-Up Jmpr o,• es The Blue and Wh ite emerged fr .om (Continued oe P ... Tbree) Forty Men Now On Varsity T rsck Team Man)' Mtn Out For Both Track and Field Ennts-Large Number or Veterans Out . During the past week, 40 varsity track men have been re porti ng, while mor e t han 30 have been trying ior places on the freshman squad. Wit h a large nu mber tr·ying f or positions in field events, and the ai- J'eady large num ber or veterans, the team promises to ·be in good condi- tion for the first meet with Duke Uni. vursity on April 1. 'L 'he varsity even ts nrc r epresented as follows: 100-yard dash-Shafl"er, S umm er- son, and Milbank. 220 -yoo-d ldash--.ShaffeJ·, Summcr ·- son and Milbank. 440-yard d ash-Summers on, White and W ilson. 880-ynrd run- Backu s, Claunch, Gordon and Harris. Mile run-S utton , Wlgl esworth, Yankee and Phefl'er. Two-mile Nance, Lee, Duffey, and Jen nings. Low hur·dl es- Da vls (C'npl.), P nt· terson, Herndon and High hurdles- Retll'don. Field Events. Jav eli n-Co l eman, Rt>nttlon, P rict• and S. F. Jones. Weights-Allen, F il! her, Kidd and Seligman. H igh Jum p.-H crnd on and Low1 ·y. Broad Jum p-Rea rdan and Shn lfcr. Pole vault- F {'L 'lcnthul and L owry. Those unas!li gned to d!'finite are as follows: Allison, .O i11hop, 'But- (Conllnutd on Part! Three) well-varied and inter·est.ing program dent s and fac ulty rnembet·s. 1\Iai'Ch 25, at 8 o'clock. Capta ins- FRESHMAN BASEBALL covering a wide field of composit ions Th e nrogram is a :; follows: Price and Rule will refer ee t he from Serenade from "Les Millions To START MONDAY PAR'T I rnt t.tmcn and grapplers. d'Harlcquin" to "Turkey in the 1. (a ) Hym n to the ( 1·eport on tr me on St t·aw." The orchestration was care- ' Su n Rim t>ky-Kor &akofl' -Ft ·nnko pl.'nnlty of forfcrtmg the match . I fully worked out, and the reception -- (b) i mpr omp tu and 115-lb. cla sQ : Junkin vs. On H ood · . Eleven GameR Have Been A rr anged \V 1 B . 1 1 ' accorded the orches tra was apprecla- S<· herzo ···- ........... Bul'leigh ". s. c at ey >ye; 125-lb. t' F or Little Generals - Fi ve Home I rve. GameR With S ix Away. ., (, ) Ruth Stickney class: \ :S· Ph an, 'I' he st ring sext.etle played two I •. a Wh ere 'er You W nlk (Air Hon ""· Pl<' tra 13o-lb. numbers following the fi rst appear- ! rom " Se mele ") F. llnndel ": ml \'S. Jl elbr·ergel, C. H. 1 ance of the gl ee club. The se xtette Monday, March 22, will mark the initial practice for the Littl e Gen- erals' baseball team. All fTeshmen (b) The Shep- Mtller Pembenon, Pent·son vs. . '1 h \' · 1 h Bl k b b wa s composed of two firs t. vlolrns, two h "l "- 1 esS .1\ UCOillWTOUg '> 'C llC vn• 14"-1 claSS' " JU •••••• , · ' "' v second violins, a iola, and a cello. (c) .'a lly Roses ... Boste lmann S lu 'lrt Greer, E. A vrack vs. L. W. A · · 1 t t'tl d wishing to tryout for the team will 11 M 11 J h l lb 1 G bl n amu s rng mu s1ca ac en r e re port to Wilson field Monday after·- . enry oe er , 0 11 " on ; I·>- · : nm e vs. " The Amrenians, t he Pot ·tugese and noon at 5 o'clock. A sti ll sc hedule S. Prano Solo :······· . .. . . Selected I Sanders; Heavywerght class: J ames the Greeks ," was presented by n of eleven games has been completed, Marlon Carley Brook!' vs. Gras t y. auurtet fot·med f rom the Glee Club. including games with the University (C<>ntinued on Pll lfd Three) I Wres tlin g. The qu ar te t wa s composed of J. P. of Virginia fresh man, Universi ty of 116-lb. class: McClure vs. B urr is, Penn, J. R. Moffett, R. H. Thatcher, North Carolina fr eshman, and Green- Southern Federation To Malon(' \' 5. Pntterson, Locketl bye; and E. H. Miller. The derbies and h,.i<>r MilitaTy Ac-arlemy. 1 t2fi-1 '' l< intr Y!l. Roorh, Goon- dance ste p, s avored slightly of Coach "Cy" Twombly will coach the Meet Rert! ApnJ 23- 24 "in , " · na!ey, Xclky v3• Lny11011, K oy burlt'"HJue, but was si ncerely applaud- Little Gene ral s. Although 90$.... I Bunk n. Jack F rost, Bm·ks vs. Wad- ed by the audience. Little General s. Although :r·eg- The fo urth annual meeti ng or tht> dell, Jiill Gol ds tein, Dobbs vs. One of t he most .Plea si ng songs of ular pr·actice will not s tar t until Southern Federation of college st u- Clarke, Sunders bye; 135-lb . class : t he evening was the "Song of the Monday, s ome freshm en have been de nts will be held in Lexington Apr·il Lurt vs. F itzhuJ.rlr. Vnnr ry vs. Kni ght, Vagabond'' s ung by R. G. Nichols and worki ng out with ' the varsity every 23 and 24. Whitson vs. l\1ar·x, Amole vs. L yle, the Glee Club. This song, said to be Kfte rnoon, hoping to get. int.o concli- "Tex" Tilson, presi d ent of the Ke rshner vs. P ropst, Houck vs. one of the fn vol'ites from t.hi s sea- tion earUer than the rest oi the fresh- de nt body, is arranging an inte re st- 'J'hl'i(t; 1·15-lb. class : v:;, Ph il. son's l!lu sica l shows, re pea ted its sue- men cand idates. I ing program for tho fr om t he r. an k. rrnwkins vs. James . F it hugh C('ll s in Lexington. The S<'hedule to date stands: other coll eges . l<ay 'l'h omM \'S. Oglwin, Ecker vs. •rnmt, Garvin The program follows: April 10-<A. M. A., there. is chairman of the publicit.y commit- vs. R ichardson. Gi nsburg llouck, Selection fr·om , Ji nks" .. .Fr·iml April 14--Greenbr ier, here. tee, and H. E. Kendall, or N.c. State, :\Toulson bye; 168-lb. cla ss : Bemis vs. Tnl!inn LOV(' Ca ll from "Rose April 16-0ak Ridge Ins titut e, and J. Clark, of Lhe Uni vet·sity of Bonl', Renken Wein stein, Hi ckman Mary '' ........................ ··· .......... Friml here. T ennessee, are his a ssistants. 1 vs. Zelmcnovitz, Puln wr vs. Shaw, Orch estra April 21-Va. Episcopal, her e. Edgar C. J ones . oi the University Tull yv!;. llufTmon; 176-lb. class: Sea F e\e............ ............ Andrews April 24-Roanoke High, here. of Floridn, is pr·esi <l ent of the us'locia- 1hu·sh vs. Bawer, Allen vs. Bea t·, "The Only Gi d" ....... ··-·..-··· ... Hawley April 26---U. of Va. Frosh, there. Lion , 1\l. S. Whaley, Jr., of the Uni- Chamberlain , .s. fmhor; hea vyweight Dl'in king Song from "The April :30-U. of Va. Frosh, h ere. ver· sil y of Mtu·yl an d, and D. B. Sar- class: 'l'olley vs. Bolton. Student Prince .. .. ... .. .Romberg May 3-U. of N.C. Frosh, here. gent, of Em ory UniveTsity, Vice- Club. May 6-Randolph-Macon Academy, President, and Secretnry-T rcusurer, N h T F "Ann ie Lnul'ie" . AIT. Pochon there. re!lpect ively . Th e execut.i \•e commit- Ort ern rip Or C"han!<on l ndoue .... R imsky- K orsakoff May 7- Massanu tten Academy, t.ee consis ts of J. B. F ordham, of N.c. T . 'f 1 . M String Scx tette. there. U E R Gains of V P 1 and C T CnnJS earn 0 8Y An In terlude ....... Alfred B. Colli11on May 8- Shenandoah Valley Acad- Tech .. , . . Intermi ssion emy, the re. Such subjects U'\ school pu blica- Serenade from "Les Wi ll Plny Pcnns ylvnniu, wn thmore lions, the wor·king or the budget !IYS· d' llarlequi n" ......................... Drigo P DE S I t DI t an d (;eorgt'to11 n . On Trip--l\l ay Go • • • C eC S e e 6 a eS l(')n, main tenance of the Y. M. C. A. , To Allnnla. T m·key In T he Straw ........... Guion fl'iendlincll-4 on t.he curnpu!l. literar·y Or·ches trn For Berkeley Convention I societies, honor· system, uthletic.;, -- point. !!YStem, cluR!l ond chnpt:!l at- 1 . n. £.' . Thump!lon, mu nage t• or Voca l Qua! telte Wil h('rJilpoon Elected Delegate and tcndancc, and methods of !>LUdent. . nnnoUilft'd the t.cntnttve - -- ------------ h I I r h (Continued on pace four.) Lebow Alt er nate for (' alif or nia governmcnl!\ in u se ul the in- !IC t'l ll c c>t· <' l'Omrng !lea- Con,• (' ntion in Se ptember. stitutions, nrc m!Ually ()D. )\ northcl'n h'IJI hn '\ bt•c n a r·- Th e membel':4 of o1·gn niza lion rangNI, nnd nrl.' umlt>tway to J. 0. M uyhew, pres ident of Pi Dcltu arc limited lu tho Q<-' of makt• nrrangc•m( to t l1e l )('!IL Ep silon honorary journalistic frater- the Roulh whoM• l•nrollmt•nt one l'laycr'll tu lhl•. ( o nf ercocc nity, today t hat e ntr ies for the huntlrl.'d 01 mor·e Ad mission mntc:Jw,. thut \nil hi.' hl'l!l In A tlu ntn, Southern In ler·scholastic sevcml high 'I y Hi Boat Crew Candidates Must Start Work Soon of sehool11 is u majority 'l. school11 of th e South had olt·eady been \Ole of nil nwmht>rs Jlrt•s('nl ot tht• Jh S!Hl ll as lh up, !l ar ry l, ce Ha s lt 'our Veleruns While l'eceived. Among the applications al- <ht• rourt 11 , 1 i ll bt> put in good con- Alber t S idnt>y lltt1 Rl 51 But Two Old ron fe cnce. M ready eceived nre: Cen tral High The school in the nrc: dillon and l'l 'I."UiuJ• pt·octirc• will be- en. Rchool of A thmt.a, Ga ., and Da nville U. of 'larylnnd , Unvid:;on P rofl ('. E. \\ illinms, conch, ll igh School of Dan\'llle, Va. Mttny . of F loridn, CXIII.'N:> to tl l•wlop om• of th!' more application s are expeclt' d with- Gt>orgia •r t•ch, N. <. !-;tnt(', \\ 'a!lhin).t· 1 1'11111!1 ht• hu, hod in tit'\'\•r· nl a li In t. he nc xl two weeks. Th e \'i!li tlng ton nnrl l.l.'e l muny \ l'llruns from lu!lt reut·..; tt•nm delegates will be ent.ertnlncd nl th e A. & M., U. or Tc·nnt•o<«t>i', U. of 1\urth hrm• l't•lurm·tl, incl u!ll ng diff erent rrnl e rnlly (' 11 a U of K cnturky nukt• Uni- Cn" 1•11, l h•Tll:u;cu, nntl M1lh•r. arc1 n , , 1\layhcw also said that the cll'IC- 'rcshmt•n \\ill lw tnt llgibl<' for the gates from Wall hington and Lee Uni- c•am, !Jut 1\l.mugt•t' 1'hntn('ll'OII ve!lil y, f or the P. n. E. national con- Alffi lE CE WI LL GIVE J)t; . hut 11 will h • nt mngNI for· vention next yenr, hnd been !ICk'Cted . BATE DECI SION ht'lll if ••nough intC'rl'11t i s hown. The dell.'gale!l arc: C. B. With- l.y11e h 1Jurg f'ollc•gt• ( l'''ruliug) April ors poon, with l. Lehow aM altcr·nal e. Th t• rrnck Unin•r11il>' ur A l'izotr.t (thu·l•l; ltllllllulph·Macon C'olll•gc 1'hr conven tion wl11 be held in RN·kp- dt'bating lt•r un will ht> lwn· t0111Kht \Jtl•il :!!1 t lwrt): Gt!ll').:'l'lown un·H·l' · loy, <.:alifor·niu, and will last from to m<'el th(> \\'u,.hirllrlun und l.ec tl'i •l 11 ity. M11y .l ( I H•): St•plcmbt•t• I lo I, I !120. The del e- upon lht• J<Ubkd ur prohihit ion. Acl· \luy I {tht•rd: or J.t'Utoll l•Xpect to leave Ch icago ror i fl'l'l' lllltl lhl' (l lll.lh· i!l in· ylvSIId. r. , \lay ii I tht•rd; . lt•IIH•:tl Cc\) - f'alirornia oboul Augu11l 2 :1 au d un ' vltt• li lu Ul' lll't' c·nt 11l tlw mel·l whkh l.gc ur !\Itt> · (h ·t·l'): tour will hi' \\111 lw nl N o'd!H.'k in lhe t•uur·t hou c•. South • r n C IIi i ,\ condllctNI en t •out e to th<' ronv{'nlion.I An nudi<'lll'l' !lt•dsrun will hn ..:hc•11. p untnl; \ '. 1'. 1., 1\tn}· :!.0 Tha cull or candldat('S foJ• H L el· antl Ali.Jt•rt boat cri.'WI! will be mudt in uboul lwo weeks, it (lllllOIJilCNI Frida y. With the nnivnl of and w:irmer· WNllhc·r, daily workouts w ill ht' ht hi un th<:> Not·th Riv{'J' course. No m•w llh<•lls will bc purchn11ed, a !l thof': l' Ut!<' d lnsl )'car are st ill in good t•omlition. ( cHI I WI Turner, Hl26 captuin, nnd lluhl'l t-<, Lnlhatn, nnd Ourhnm urc h.tck fur ll un·y Lee \vhill' Capta in ton nnd Gibson will fot·m lhe l!Uc•h u fnr this Albert Sidne y t'I'CI> ,\ in fot'lll{'l' Yl'ill'$ , t hr II l\1 c 11 tht' l'ivul ere\\. will tnke plan• tlurmg F iuuls.

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RERE W r i&tug-tum F IRST BASEBALL Gi\l\I E




Win Eight of Sixteen Games and Clinch State Title by Winning Over All State Op­ponents.




Friday, April 2-Penn, here; April, 3-Perm, here; Monday, April 5- Rutgers, here; Thurs- ' day, April 8-Cornell, here; April !}-Cornell, here; Tuesday, April 13-Lynchburg, here;

Madame De Phillipe, Former Chicago fk tnd Opera Star, and .\lo('lle r Trio P~rform Wednesdll.).

April 1. - Duke, there; 2-I\'. C. U., there; l !l-N. C. S., here; 2.J-HnlYmd and William and Mary, at William and Mary; 26-Richmond, t he1·e; May 1 -Vindnin, ht>t·e; 8- V. P.

Combined Glee Club and Concert Or­chestra Per fo rm ln Lexington For Firs t Timl' T his Season.

B · · 1 ht t f . t Thursday, April 16- Richmond, y w rnnmg e g ou o srx een basketball contests, the Washington here; Saturday, April 17- Vir-


J., there ; 1l and 15- Southcrn C'onfe1·cnce at X C. U.

Two hundt·ed and fifty Lexington people and Washington ·and Lee s t\1·

and Lee Generals obtained a n even ginia, there; Thursday, April 22 brea k for the season of 1926. The -V. P. I ., htire; Wednesday,

0------------- 0 dents heard a concert by tho com­Madctne de Philllpe, prima-donna

G I d.d t k · . I April 28-Virginia, here; Thm·s­ener a s 1 no rna e an 1mpressrve day, April 29- Davidson, here. I

stal"t, but they did succeed in win-

opnnn for six sensonR with the Chi-


cago opera company , will sin~ bal­luds :-.;1:\ songs characlC!risiic of dif­{C! L1t nations for the final number o~


bined glee club and concert orchestra of the Troubadours at. the Lexington High school last night.

For May: Saturday, 1-V. P. I ning all of their games in the state,

l. , there; Wednesday, 6-Guil­with one exception, thereby winning

A variety oi glee club, quartet, or­chestra and stringed sextet selections mnde up t he pr·ogram. An interlude of s light of hand delusions by Alfred B. Collison preceded a short intermis-

ford, hete; Saturday, 8-Vir­a clear title to the state champion· ship. ginia Medical School; Monday,

I the Y. U. C. A. Lycl:!urn cour·se. This wt!l b• g iven a t 8 o'<'lork Wed neflda~· nigl t, :'itar·ch' 24 in Lhe high school

O tlPOnents Picked fra· Contenders for Wrestling nnd Bo'<ing Honors­l'rice a nd Rule Will Referee. 10- Maryland, there; 11-

With only th ree veterans a s a nu-Maryland, there; Wednesday, 12

cleus, Coach Smith built a team which -Navy, there; 13- F ordham,

auclito · 1m. Miss l)t> Phillippt• will s ion. be ass> ed by the 1\1 ocllet· Tl'io, which l nlra-mur:ll wrc;;tling and boxing 'l'he concert ol'chestra, organized

upset a ll the pre-season predictions there; Friday, Vi-Seton Hall , by defeating the powerful V irginia there; Saturday, 15- Ru tgers, I i!' ~u·-..posed of Ruth Stickney, violin- malche~ will begin Monday, Mar·ch this year for the first lime, gl·eatly

ist, Henry Moeller, t f'nor, nnd Marion 22, at 4:30 o'clock. Elimination bouts Oavalier s and by winning the state there. t itle. The Generals scored 618 points O-------------O

added to the effect of the glee club Oal'ley, pianist. will continue t ln"<lugh Wednesday and presentalion of songs, and gave a

The lyceum numbN· is Cree to stu- final event~ will take place ThUt'sday, to their opponents' 617. " Babe" Spotta, star center of the Blue and Whit~, was high point scorer of the state, with 199 points to bis credit.

The Generals met defeat in their fiTSt t wo starts of the season, when they were downed at College Park by the University of Maryland 40 to 27 and in Washington during the week-end before the Christmas holi­deys.

Defeat Bridgewater 1 S howing considerable improve­

ment over their first perfor mances, t he B lue and White overcame the Bridgewater Eagles in a fast game, 30 to 24, on J anuary 8, and th ree days later, displaying a s nappy pass­ing • ame, t hey gwampekl Roanoke Colle• e 46 to 24. Spotts a nd Lane led the attack.

Playing Maryland again on J lt\n· uary 14, Washington and Lee lost its second game to t he Old Liners after a ha rd f ought battle, 33 to 20. Wilson and La ne played well, but were un­·able to sbave off defeat. Th e next nigh t t he Generals, entirely off form, lost to the strong University of Geor­gia team, 47 to 24.

Shake Up In Line-Up Jmpro,•es The Blue and White emerged fr.om

(Continued oe P ... Tbree)

Forty Men Now On Varsity T rsck Team

Man)' Mtn Out For Both Track and Field Ennts-Large Number or Veterans Out.

During the past w eek, 40 varsity track men have been reporting, while mor e t han 30 have been trying ior places on the freshman squad.

With a large number tr·ying f or positions in field events, and the ai­J'eady large number or veterans, the team promises to ·be in good condi­tion for the first meet with Duke Uni. vursity on A pril 1.

'L'he vars ity events nrc represented as follows:

100-yard dash-Shafl"er, S ummer­son, and Milbank.

220-yoo-d ldash--.ShaffeJ·, Summcr·­son and Milbank.

440-yard dash-Summerson, White and W ilson .

880-ynrd run- Backus, Claunch, Gordon and Harris.

Mile run-Sutton, Wlglesworth, Yankee and Phefl'er.

Two-mile run-Holme~. Nance, Lee, Duffey, and J ennings.

Low hur·dles- Davls (C'npl.), P nt· terson, Herndon and Jane~.

High hurdles- Retll'don. Field Events. Javelin-Coleman, Rt>nttlon, P rict•

and S. F. J ones. Weights-Allen, F il!her, Kidd and

Seligman. High Jum p.-Hcrndon and Low1·y. Broad Jump-Reardan and Shnlfcr. Pole vault- F {'L'lcnthul and Lowry. Those unas!ligned to d!'finite ev~:~nls

are as follows: A llison, .Oi11hop, 'But-

(Conllnutd on Part! Three)

well-varied and inter·est.ing program dents and faculty rnembet·s. 1\Iai'Ch 25, at 8 o'clock. Captains-

FRESHMAN BASEBALL covering a wide field of compositions The nrogram is a:; follows : e l~ct Price and Rule will referee t he from Serenade from "Les Millions

To START MONDAY PAR'T I rnt t.tmcn and grapplers. 1·espe~tively . d'Harlcquin" to "Turkey in the

1. (a ) Hymn to the ( ontcdnn l~ m.u~L 1·eport on tr me on St t·aw." The orchestration was care-


Sun Rim t>ky-Kor&akofl'-Ft·nnko pl.'nnlty of forfcrtmg the match. I fully worked out, and the reception -- (b) i mpromptu and 1 15-lb. clasQ : Junkin vs. On H ood · .

E leven GameR H ave Been A rranged \V 1

• B .1 1

' accorded the orchestra was apprecla-S<·herzo ···- ........... Bul'leigh ".s. c n~tern, at ey >ye; 125-lb. t'

F or Little Gener als - F ive Home I rve. GameR With Six Away. ., (, ) Ruth Stickney class: Willia~'son \:S· Ph an, Sum~er- , 'I' he string sext.etle played two

I •. a Where 'er You W nlk (Air Hon ""· ~etti~. Pl<'tra ~ye ; 13o-lb. numbers following the fi rst appear-! r om "Semele" ) F . llnndel cl~<:s: ":m l \'S. Jlelbr·ergel, C. H.


ance of the glee club. The sextette Monday, March 22, will mark the initial practice for the Little Gen­erals' baseball team. All fTeshmen

(b) The Shep- Mtller v~. Pembenon, Pent·son vs. . '1 h \'·· 1 h Bl k b ~ b was composed of two firs t. vlolrns, two

h"l"-1esS .1\ UCOillWTOUg '>'C ~ llC vn• 14"-1 claSS' • " JU •••••• , · ' • "' v • • • second violins, a \· iola, and a cello.

(c) .'ally Roses ... Bostelmann Slu'lrt v~. Greer, E. Avrack vs. L. W. A · · 1 t t'tl d wishing to tryout for the team will

11 M 11 J h l 1 ,.,~ lb 1 G bl n amusrng mus1ca ac en r e

r eport to Wilson field Monday after·- . enry oe er ,0 11" on ; I·>- · ~as : nm e vs. "The Amrenians, the Pot·tugese and

noon at 5 o'clock. A still schedule S. Prano Solo :······· . .. . . Selected I Sanders; Heavywerght class: J ames the Greeks," was presented by n of eleven games has been completed, Marlon Carley Brook!' vs. Grasty. auurtet fot·m ed f rom the Glee Club.

including games with the University (C<>ntinued on Plllfd Three) I Wrestling. The quartet was composed of J. P. of Virginia freshman, Universi ty of 116-lb. class: McClure vs. Burris , P enn, J. R. Moffett, R. H. Thatcher,

North Carolina f reshman, and Green- Southern Federation To Malon(' \'5. Pntterson, Locketl bye; and E. H. Miller. The derbies and h,.i<>r MilitaTy Ac-arlemy. •

1t2fi-1 '' cla~p · l<intr Y!l. Roorh, Goon- dance step, savored slightly of th~>

Coach "Cy" Twombly will coach th e Meet Rert! ApnJ 23-24 "in , " · na!ey, Xclky v3 • Lny11011, Koy burlt'"HJue, but was sincerely applaud-Little Generals . Although 90$.... I Bunk n . J ack F rost, Bm·ks vs. Wad- ed by the audience. Little Generals. Although :r·eg- The fo urth annual meeting or tht> dell, Jiill v~. Gold stein, Dobbs vs. One of the most .Pleasing songs of ular pr·actice will not s tart until Southern Federation of college stu- Clarke, Sunders bye; 135-lb. class : the evening was t he "Song of the Monday, some freshmen have been dents will be held in Lexington Apr·il Lurt vs. F itzhuJ.rlr. Vnnrry vs. Knight, Vagabond'' sung by R. G. Nichols and working out with 'the varsity every 23 and 24. Whitson vs. l\1ar·x, Amole vs. L yle, the Glee Club. This song, said to be Kfternoon, hoping to get. int.o concli- "Tex" Tilson, president of the stu- ~ Kershner vs. Propst, Houck vs. one of the fn vol'ites from t.his sea­tion earUer than the rest oi the fresh- dent body, is arranging an interest- 'J'hl'i(t ; 1·15-lb. class : Gr~er v:;, Phil. son's l!lusical shows, repeated its sue-men candidates. I ing program for tho gu~Hts from the • r.ank. rrnwkins vs. James. F ithugh C('lls in Lexington.

The S<'hedule to date stands: other south~r·n colleges. l<ay 'l'homM \'S. Oglwin, Ecker vs. •rnm t, Garvin The program follows: April 10-<A. M. A., there. is chairman of the publicit.y com mit- vs. Richardson. Ginsburg v~; . llouck, Selection fr·om "Hig~ ,Jinks" .. .Fr·iml April 14--Greenbr ier, her e. tee, and H. E. Kendall, or N.c. State, :\Toulson bye; 168-lb. class : Bemis vs. Tnl!inn LOV(' Ca ll from "Rose April 16-0ak Ridge I ns titute, and J. Clark, of Lhe Univet·sity of Bonl', Renken v~. Weinstein, Hickman Mary'' ........................ ··· .......... Friml

here. Tennessee, are his assistants.


vs. Zel mcnovitz, Pulnwr vs. Shaw, Orchestra April 21-Va. Episcopal, her e. Edgar C. J ones. oi the University Tull yv!;. llufTmon; 176-lb. class: Sea F e\er· -· ........................ Andrews April 24-Roanoke High, here. of Floridn, is pr·esi<lent of the us'locia- 1hu·sh vs. Bawer, Allen vs. Beat·, " The Only Gid" ....... ··-· .. -··· ... Hawley April 26---U. of Va. Frosh, there. Lion, 1\l. S. Whaley, Jr., of the Uni- Chamberlain ,.s. fmhor; heavyweight Dl'inking Song from "The April :30-U. of Va. Fr osh, h ere. ver·sily of Mtu·yland, and D. B. Sar- class: 'l'olley vs. Bolton. Student Prince .. .. ... . . .Romberg May 3-U. of N.C. Frosh , here. gent, of Emory UniveTsity, a~·e Vice- Gle~ Club. May 6-Randolph-Macon Academy, President, and Secretnry-T rcusurer, N h T F "Ann ie Lnul'ie" . AIT. Pochon

there. re!lpectively. The execut.i \•e commit- Ort ern rip Or C"han!<on l ndoue .... Rimsky-Korsakoff May 7- Massanutten Academy, t.ee consists of J . B. Fordham, of N.c. T . 'f 1. M String Scxtette.

there. U E R Gains of V P 1 and C T CnnJS earn 0 8Y An Interlude ....... Alfred B. Colli11on May 8- Shenandoah Valley Acad- B~rr:·n ~f Ge~rgia Tech .. , . . Intermission

emy, there. Such subjects U'\ school publica- Serenade from "Les Million :~ Wi ll P lny Pcnnsylvnniu, wnthmore

lions, the wor·king or the budget !IYS· d 'llarlequin" ......................... Drigo

P D E S I t D I ~ t and (;eorgt'to11 n . On Trip--l\lay Go • • • C eC S e e6a eS l(')n, maintenance of the Y. M. C. A., To Allnnla. T m·key In T he Straw ........... Guion • f l'iendlincll-4 on t.he curnpu!l. literar·y Or·ches trn

For Berkeley Convention I societies, honor· system, uthletic.;, -- ~elec tions-point. !!YStem, cluR!l ond chnpt:!l at- 1 . n. £.'. Thump!lon, munage t• or t~n- Vocal Qua!•telte

Wil h('rJilpoon Elected Delegate and tcndancc, and method s of !>LUdent. nt~, . tnrla~· nnnoUilft'd the t.cntnttve - --------------h I I r h (Continued on pace four.)

Lebow Alternate for (' alifornia governmcnl!\ in use ul the val'ioll'~ in- lt'llll r~ !IC t'l ll c c>t· ~ <' l'Omrng !lea-Con,•('ntion in September . stitutions, nrc m!Ually discus~l.'d. ()D. )\ northcl'n h'IJI hn '\ bt•cn ar·­

The me mbel':4 of lhi~ o1·gnnizalion rangNI, nnd 1>lnn~ nrl.' umlt>tway to J. 0. M uyhew, pres ident of Pi Dcltu arc limited lu tho Q<-' inl\ULution<~ of makt• nrrangc•m( ~Ls to scn c~ t l1e l)('!IL

Epsilon honorary journalistic frater- the Roulh whoM• l•nrollmt•nt ~~ one l'laycr'll tu lhl•. ~uuth(•rn ( onfer cocc nity, st~tted today that entries for the huntlrl.'d 01• mor·e :-<lUt ll'nl~. Ad mission mntc:Jw,. thut \nil hi.' hl'l!l In Atluntn, Southern Inler·scholastic sevcml high 'I y Hi

Boat Crew Candidates Must Start Work Soon

of sehool11 is d~tt•rminctl b~· u majority 'l. '· school11 of the South had olt·eady been \Ole of nil nwmht>rs Jlrt•s('nl ot tht• Jh S!Hlll as lh \.\'l' nth~·r cl<.'ttr<~ up, !la rry l,ce Has lt' our Veleruns While l'eceived. Among the applications al- <ht• rourt11 ,1 ill bt> put in good con- Albert Sidnt>y lltt1Rl 51 But Two Old

ron fe r·cnce. M ready r·eceived nre: Central High The school in the n~~todnlion nrc: dillon and l'l'I."UiuJ• pt·octirc• will be- • en. Rchool of A thmt.a, Ga., and Danville U. of 'larylnnd, Unvid:;on C'ollc~tt• , ~in. Profl ~<or· ('. E. \\ illinms, conch, ll igh School of Dan\'llle, Va. Mttny . of F loridn, l!~mory Unlnr<~ity. CXIII.'N:> to tl l•wlop om• of th!' be~tt more applications are expeclt'd with- Gt>orgia •r t•ch, N. <. !-;tnt(', \\'a!lhin).t· 1 1'11111!1 ht• hu, hod in tit'\'\•r·nl Y,l'at·~ a li In t.he ncxl two weeks. The \'i!litlng ton nnrl l.l.'e l 'nr\·c·r·>~ ity, ;\lil'-.i~<~iJipi muny \ l'llruns from lu!lt reut·..; tt•nm delegates will be ent.ertnlncd nl the A. & M., U. or Tc·nnt•o<«t>i', U. of 1\urth hrm• l't•lurm·tl, incl u!ll ng Cat~tain different rrnlernlly house>~. ( ' 11 a U of Kcnturky nukt• Uni- Cn" 1•11, lh•Tll:u;cu, llubb~. nntl M1lh•r. arc1 n , • ,

1\layhcw also said that the cll'IC- •'rcshmt•n \\ill lw tnt llgibl<' for the v('r~ily.

gates from Wallhington and Lee Uni- c•am, !Jut 1\l.mugt•t' 1'hntn('ll'OII :~n itl

vet·!lily, for the P. n. E. national con- AlffilE CE WILL GIVE J)t;. hut 11 ~whecltth· will h • nt mngNI for· vention next yenr, hnd been !ICk'Cted . BATE DECISION TO~lf:Hl ht'lll if ••nough intC'rl'11t i s hown. The dell.'gale!l chot~cn arc: C. B. With- l.y11eh1Jurg f'ollc•gt• ( l'''ruliug) April orspoon, with l. Lehow a M altcr·nale. Tht• rrnck Unin•r11il>' ur Al'izotr.t ~!I (thu·l•l ; ltllllllulph·Macon C'olll•gc 1'hr convention wl11 be held in RN·kp- dt'bating lt•run will ht> lwn· t0111Kht \Jtl•il :!!1 t lwrt): Gt!ll').:'l'lown un·H·l' ·

loy, <.:alifor·niu, and will last from to m<'el th(> \\'u,.hirllrlun und l.ec tl'i •l 11 ity. M11y .l ( I H•): ~wurthmurl•, St•plcmbt•t• I lo I, I !120. The dele- upon lht• J<Ubkd ur prohihit ion. Acl· \luy I {tht•rd: llnivt•t·~ity or Jlt<~rn ­J.t'Utoll l•Xpect to leave Chicago ror lllli~!lillll i fl'l 'l' lllltl lhl' (l lll.lh· i!l in· ylvSIId. r. ,\lay ii I tht•rd; . lt•IIH•:tl Cc\) ­

f 'ali rornia oboul Augu11l 2 :1 aud un ' vltt•li lu Ul' lll't' c·nt 11l tlw mel·l whkh l.gc ur \' l r~lniu, !\Itt>· ~ (h ·t·l'): orgnnh~NI ~ight -'le{'ing tour will hi' \\111 lw nl N o'd!H.'k in lhe t•uur·t hou c•. South• r n C ~>llfl'l'l'lll'l', ~In:, IIi i ,\ condllctNI en t•oute to th<' ronv{'nlion.I A n nudi<'lll'l' !lt•dsrun will hn ..:hc•11. p untnl; \'. 1'. 1., 1\tn}· :!.0 (thl'l'~·).

Tha cull or candldat('S foJ• H BIT~'

Lel· antl Ali.Jt•rt Hidnc~· boat cri.'WI!

will be mudt• in uboul lwo weeks, it wu~; (lllllOIJilCNI Friday.

With the nnivnl of ~p t·i ng and w:irmer· WNllhc·r, daily workouts w ill ht' ht hi un th<:> Not·th Riv{'J' course. No m•w llh<•lls will bc purchn11ed, a!l thof': l' Ut!<'d lnsl )'car are still in good t•omlition.

( cHI IWI Turner, Hl26 captuin, nnd lluhl'l t-<, Lnlhatn, nnd Ourhnm urc h.tck fur ll un·y Lee \vhill' Captain ~:chcct ton nnd Gibson will fot·m lhe l!Uc•h u fnr this year··~ Albert Sidney t'I'CI> ,\ in fot'lll{'l' Yl'ill'$ , t hr ra e<:>.~

II l\1 c 11 tht' l'ivul ere\\. will tnke plan• tlurmg F iuuls.

Page 2: W r i&tug-tum

= =Z= ===== = === THE RING-TUM .- ...... r=~-~====~~~~~~==~~~~==========~======~==~====~~

11 \.'apacity crowd \\t\ '1 due to lack of - ·--· - • · · - - - · - · - •• .,... .... __________________________ ...

iiill!l-tum 11~t (CST/,OJ, I~ II£0 1~97 )

Wn~hin1ton and Lee l nh"er ity Semt· \\ cel..ly

Mtmlwr~ of S<luth.rn Jnltrcull~llill~ Newa­... pu Aa-lauon.

Subacrlptloo f :l. lO per tur, In adunc~ (lnd•dln• F101tll l.Aur . )

lqcal auverti~ing. More of the stu· dent bC'Idy would 'have a llended the c·on~ crt f nd enjoyed it, had they known more about what was to be pffer ed them. This was unfortunate both f or the s tudents and Trouba­dours.

OPFlC£ FlltST FLOOR OF J OURNAI.JSM However, the creditable showing DUILOING Ttlrphunn: made by the Glee Club last night

brought only t o mind one of the ways l in which our university is hidden un­

~- w. McCORKLE. Jr., '26 Edlt.or-ln-Chiel dcr a bush el. This organization with T. D. DRYAN'r, Jr., '21jL Bulln"u ltana.:<!r 11 li ttle improvement in several re-

Edit.or·in.Ch1d IJut ln\ •• Man MIIO!r l::dlt.orlal Hoom•

S3 679 204~

1!:01 l'OIUAL BOA IW J. Lc!bow, '2t>L ...................... lrlannging Editor C. II. llamilt.on, '20 ... - ... _ ......... Ne!\\• Edotor 1 . T . Moore, '20 .............. Aaalgnm unt. £ •htor P . It. H nrrlaon, '211 .. ... _ .. SJ)()rtm~r Editor 0. J. Wllkin1un, Jr .. '21 -·--S<>cwt.,y l!;dll<>r

Editorial Assistants.

spects would be able to run the Glee Clubs of some of our lnt·ge universi­ties a close race. YeL with such tal­ent. and abili ty in our midst, Wash· ingion and Lee fail s nlmost complete·

w. M. Oarrlaon, '2~ 11. N. Mom. '!!S ly to mnke itself known to the out-F. D. Ja~k1on. ' ::7 E. A. Nabo.-., '26 'd ld 1 f h

J . Kaplan, ' :lts A. t-' . T ayl11r, '27 I Sl c wor a ong one o t e greatest Heporters. of advertising lines. Glee clubs of

J. W. Cauell, '21: C. v. DeDiuo. '27 : L. th e big schools take Yery extended V. Orad¥, '27: J. P. Moore, '27: W. T. Uwerut '211: R. D. Power~, ·~: W. s. P r ice, ·~~: J trips, g ive exceedingly creditable D. RHd, '211: M. A. Simons, ';.!7: P. D h d SproUH, '211. s ows an spread the name of their

H. E. Godwin, '2t: N. D. Ha ll. '29 : P. R a lma mater in a way never reached J:iarrlaon, '211: S. C. Harr~•m, '29: f '. A. McckJn~rv. '2d: !-'. C. 1\td lcn, '2::1 : w. 1-'. by ordinary methods. The fact that Milt.-, '2i : C. C. 01-.:n, ' :!7 , A. A. Schloa-wrv, 'l!U: H. w. s.tlhtr~, '29: -r . .~-·. 'lorrey, such results are gotten is due to the

Every Bite


Real ·


FOX'S ·-·-·-·-·- - ·- ~- ·- -·-


The Best Milk Shakes in Town We use only the purest ingredients that can be bought. Pure Jersey Milk and J . Hungerford Smith's Fountain Syrups, the original and best syrups.

Prompt and Courteous Service


'211: T. A. Wllkln• . ':!l!. good training of the club and the ft- --------- - ----Busineq Staff. ,.. __________________________ ...

J . A. SmiLb. Jr. _ A .. '- llUIIneu Manager nancial backing of the university. S. A. Mcc.;•ln ~-· Atl~crt'-' 11" Man~er Here at Washington and Lee the AI. Molae ·----·-· buL.crtptoun Manager J . L. Lanlu ----·--· Corculat111n Mana~eo:r g lee club is well trained, but lacks Ji. M. llt ll --·--·-· Corculato11n Mana1eer fi Norr1d &ruLb --.. --...... ..Adt. C1r. Msnaat"" l th e mancial bat'king of the school.

Sophomore Assistants. Of course it is an expensive thing to J . Oold.t~w. J. W. 1'hl.,.~ll. t. . Jo' . Atwood.

w. J. Luroa, P. Cohen, c. s. Depua, li. Ji. take such a large group of men on an l$utll'r, ~·. ~- Gilmore, A. _::~1d_ill_w_~- extended trip covering several states,

All routteu of bu.sln~:» should be addreued yet with good management and ad· Lo tho ~UIIneu Mnn11gH, and all uth•r mot. Wl't ahould eomo to Lhu Etliwr-w-Cboet. vertising it. can be accomplished. Ad-

We •re aiWIIY• 11tad to publ'-h any com- vertisement of this kind is pl'iceless n .unlcutlon lhul moy be hamk d to Ul. We and gives t.he school a place not us­dt'Jiire to call atwnuon to the foet t.lulL un-alaoed correapond~nee will nut b4! publl•hcd. ually accorded to it. Why should not

Entered at the Luln~rton, va., 1101tomee Washington and Lee come out from u eecond-dut mall mau .. r. under the bushel in this respect?

Curbing Sprin(f .Football 1 I t is n question of the sch ool Jack-The football giant. has grown to such ing an organization carrying its

name and helping it. The Ring-tum monstrous proportions in college to-day that omething hns to be done to P hi is of the opinion that the uni-kecp him r


l iterally pulling the \'ersily authorities should be in a po-ilion to back the Troubadours to a

uni\•ersity ft•om its place in the sun and replacing it by the molcskjo and greater extent, both morally and fi­

nancially. Such action would be of jersey,-clad warrior with an oval an- benefit to both bodies and eventually der his arm. It is with pleasure t hat we note the recent. action of Wash- bring the school up to the place which ington and Lee athletic authorities in it should occupy alongside of colleges

I of the snme age and similar t radi­

recognizing the present over-empha- t ions. is or football in colleges, and propos-ing a possible remedy !or it by abo!-

1 ---- - ---------- ,

i11hing spring practice. Such a mcas- 1 I \ll'e will bo laid befot·e the Southern President's Paragraph Conference next December by Coach Forrest Flotche1·. THF. PRF.:S ID I·~NT'S PARAGRAph ..


The Dutch Inn FOR

A Good Meal

Room• For Parenta, Vlaltlnc Glrla and Chaperones.

------- ----·--Boley's Boot Store

New B.Dd Second HB.Dd College Te:d Books

Loose Leaf Notes

Fountain l'ena

School Supplies



WatC"blll&ken ... Jewelaa Spring football is a t•elntivcly new No. 36-1926-26.

t'hing, having been instituted only J\ Prominent E ducator's Advice AI! to KeJa Made TJpewrlten Re,.lTed during the lust lout· or five years. Before lhnt, it was not indulged in to What ·Stud ies an Under ~traduate Nut door to Ls"lic liautn.

a n•ry !urge extt'nt, and univers ity Should St>lt>c-t and Pur sue.

eleven!! were ju11 t about. as famous as they arc toda). There iS~ a difference, Those <;ubjects and that line of though, in that then the great god tr aining which are best flttcd for your f oot bull was not nearly o highly 0" n individuality and your individual tout<>d and f eted 1111 he is t oJay. Then, development; a "tailor-made curricu­it \\ J~ less of an e:xacl science nnd a lum" designed and cut to fl t you, and well--oill'<l machine, than now. I t djd to make tbc most of youraelf and your not occupy such n predominant plnce life; not a machine-made curriculum in the undC'rgraduntc mind, nor did it de<'m<'d I est for the "average run" of give All thC' nspech <1f a Roman holi- 1 college men, nor a "general course" day to th<' ~atut·day of the big game. suitable for everybody, still less a H owever, to improve the game, or varied collection of "snap courses," l'ather tho plnyct· , s pring f oot ball "en11y" profcRMrs, and midday clan­was resorted to. It hns undoubtedly h!.!Ur ", cnrt.>fully chosen to pi"'Ve and 'improved l hc callbre of university pcrprtuoto a sev<'re case of infantile t<'am~. r ct. i11 this impt ovemenl pnt·alysis. worth all tho lime, t•netgy, inju riel!, -------nnd l•Oort pul into puctlce under t he 'J'hc camvu!'l of Wnt~hington and Lee 11pring s un? j hus Lecome n regular· "sand-lot" for

Foolbnll is c t~llc nllally a n autumn the youngsters of Lexington. Since nfl'nir, yt't it htts begun to be talked t he beginning of t~ pring, every after­or ll!l 11 means of 11pring dlnrsion br noon, it has been the scene of s-pirit­"CheJuli ng intt-rcolh•gint<' contc ts in I ed bn~eb.lll gnmet~. The boys play to the g ent le 11en, on. With t his, and t he nn nudienc.'e or 11tudents who oceupy 11rr l•nt ovrr·(•m phn<~is of ro lt bnll in the " bleachers " on tht> walks. mind, C'nnch F letcht•r will pr opose aboli tion of ~IH" in~r practice by the nwmb, rs or the Southl'Tn It tcrcolle· giute C'onfcr<'nct•. lC t1UCN ' I ully nct­Nl upon, it will mean n g1 cat ~tcp 1 t oward the cutt ing cl0\\ 11 of strcs!'l of ! tw thnll, and plnt'ing t he Jrlt•at col­ll'Vtnt t• ~rnmc in it <~~ prop<'r p!ufc.

Selling Our l niH~r'lit ~ .

Wn!!hinl{lcm 11 ntl f.t•t> i 11 g ood chool, y1·t tt i11 h itlt ll'n unth•r 1 bu ... ht>l.

Wl•ll, how'/ In I \'l'l'R I wnyil 111 111 h(•('l UP(' or

l'Vl'l'al t hings, tllltuhlo umm g whirh iK tlu• wut•ful lnck n( JlUblidty givrn I he u nivl r itr itl!t!lr nnd 'rrnniza­tlon~ n• prt>.sentinac it.


.. ~ · ~ n The FJy.f'ront Coat I• ~ ~ choractc:r lsric of rhe 'J~ amort sryle nnd free drape which haa made

I lu~enbera clorhu • arandarJ.

Nc't S ho"l ng nt 1 II E COllN ER .\ttril 23 und 2 1

Nat t U XENBERG 8 Hro.


Gnduate Optician Registered Optometrist


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JACKSON'S The Barber Shop Wlth a


NELSON STREET 1861 Na.ff Said lt25


()p .....

Roekbrlc!ce NatJGUI BaM

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AGNOR BROTHERS left-. .. w. llarr7 ....



Sole Agents Whitman's Candies W. & L. Seal and :Colors

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MaUnee DaUy 3 :30. 8Teabla7:1t ... I:OI.

New Spring Oxfords on Display


J. & M. • •

C. B. Slater •


Clothier a nd Furnlaher .

$12.50 9.50


Lexington Pool Company

Equipment Unexcelled

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Cobb's Pressing Shop

Better Cleaning and No Gasoline Odor LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA QUICK a•anca ·

A'ITENTION! Our Spring Woolens are now ready for your inspec­t ion. An excellent assortment of the finest import­ed and demestic fabrics, ever displayed in our store. Come in and look them over before buying your Spring Suit .

Lyons Tailoring Company Tailora t o Weii-Dnued Mea


Resources over a MUilon and a Half DoUara. PAUL M. PENICK, Prealdent. A. P. WADB, Culaler.

I .

An (•XnmJllt! or lt~t·k or a lvcrtiqc. 1n1·nt hoLh !or nn ur~raniz:t•ion nnd fnr thr unlvt•rslt.r wns srun I sl night wh••n tht• T ruuhudout• mu ic nl dub~ mudc thdr initlnl npp<'nrtnCl' In {.(lxinJttun on the cunrcrl s tns c. Thrlr p rogt'IUlt \HI!! \\t II t hu t•n, r t•mlcn•d nnd r~ciH•cl rn,·urnhly Ly t w nndi­t•nce, yet thnt l>ody of pcop c whirl! listrnl,.l lnekcd a ~rt•nt den! ,r filling the nuuiturium. This foilurt• tn tlraw

I J7 Unio n Sq uare , New Yo rk

~~~---~-k-t•-f"-.'-~.· -B·I-7t•4 •~-~----~ ~ Staple and Fancy Grocertca


·._ __________________________________________ ___

Page 3: W r i&tug-tum



(CoaUJIIM4 f.- hire OM)

its losinc streak by winninc a loose· ly played came from Lynchbure Col­Jere, 36 to 22. Followinr this game there was a shake-up in the line-up. Wilson was ahi!ted to forward, and Urmey plaeed at guard.

'l'tyinc out the rejuvenated team for the first time, Captain Wilson and hia teammates outplayed the fast Virrinia Tech machine, and won 43 to 80, i~ a came featured by the playiug of Lane and Spotts. Continuinc this excellent playine, the Generals easily overcame the University of Rlich·

mond, 35 to 20, on January 30. On a four day Western trip, the

Blue and White carers lost two of three ·battles. They were defeated by Kentucky, 44 to 85, and were nosed out by West Vlrcinia in a cloae aame. 40 to 34. They succeeded, however, in defeatinc Mar•hall Colleee, 33 to 21. The feature ~ this trip was the pla;yine of 'Spotts who scored 62 points durinc the three contests.

Carollnu Prove Too Clever. On February 11, the University of

North Carolina, Southern Conference champions fo-e the last three years, proved too clever for the Generals, and took the lonr end of a 48 to 26 ec:ore. Two days later, the Gobbler quint.t of V. P. I. playing at top form defeated Coach Smith's charres on the Tech court, 41 to 24. This was the first baaketb&ll game lost to t he Tecbmt n in four years.

The Blue and White ended the sea· son ftl'Y fittingly by defeatlne Car­son-Newman, and the University of Vircfnla, in two interestina and ex­citina games. The Carson-Newman team. led by Sno~m, giant forward, staged a rally in the last hal! that tied tbe score &nd caused the home team to flcht deapet"&tely !or the vie­tory. Lane and Urmey, however, c:llnched the rame by goals in the last minute.

Vlrlinfa Conquered 46 to 27 Aecompliahinr the unexpected, the

Generals ranr the curtain down on their 1926 season by defeatinr their revered foe, the University of Vir­cinla, 46 to 27, on F ebruary 20. Tbe entire team played a stellar came, and displayed passinr and shootinr far supuior to the wol'k of the Cav­aliers.

This game marked the close of the eolleciate blf!ketball career of the two star forwards of Washinrton and Lee't~ quintet, Captain Wjl!lon and "Rudy" Lane.

ladlviclaal Scorinr: Total for season: W . .t L ........... 518 Opponents ...................................... 518

Field F oul Goals Goals Total

Spott. (c) ............ 84 31 199

lAne (f) ···········-··· 46 12 10. Wilson (f.Ag.) (C) 32 14 78 Urmey (g)' ............ 19 11 49 Herndon (f) ........... 10 8 28 Howe <•> ..... _....... 8 3 19 Shupp (f) ..... .... ... 8 1 17 MeCandleas (f) .... 2 4 8 Li~• (c) .............. 1 2 Nance (c:) .............. 1 2 Van Hom (r) .. -... 6 12

Totals ................ 217 518


Jer, Little, Mellen, Lewis, Johnson and London.

The freshman events are repres­eented as follows:

100-yard dash_.J). Bank, Elfron, Harrison, Spenrler, Swart, and Winn.

220-yard dash- P. Bank, Elfron, Harrison, Spengler and Winn.

440-yard da11h-Bailey, K. Bank, P. Bank, Powell, and Swart.

880-yard run-Ammerman, Hall

Going to blow yout·self to some formal clothes for the Spring festivities'?

We're all primed with t he necessary ammunition :

Evening dress suits and din­ner coats of lustrous, imported King George's cloth-nothing finer. Full silk lined.

White pique vests, single or double breasted.

Black silk vests. Silk socks. Patent leathers. Our own Shire• linen collar s. Everything Washington and

Lee men wear in the Spring­t.ime.

At McCoy's, Next Monday and Tuesday.

•a..iott.red Tra4etnark.

ROGERS PEET COMPANY Broadway at Liberty

Broadway at Warren

Broadway t 13th St.

Herald Sq. New York Fifth An. at 35th St. Cit7 :~t 41st S•.

Trtmont llt Bromf1e1d Boston, Massacbusetf"


(Continud ,,_ Pace 1)

4. Characteristic Song!!l of Nations. (a) Madrigal E spanol

(Spanish) ................. .J. Huerta (b) Herr Hahn und Fraulein

Huhn (German) ......... .1. Bledi (c) Automne (Freneh) .... G. Faure (d) Scherzo (Italian) . P. Maseagni (e) Das Weib (Swedlsh) .... Sinding (f) The Cavaliers (Little

Russia) ............... Dal'goms ukl

Madame De Phillipe

PART II l 1. (a) Thanks be to Gocl... .... Dickson

(b) Danny Boy ....... Wheatherley (e) Open the Door Softly . .Hughes (d) Song !or Spring ............ Russcll

Henry Moeller 2. Aria from "The Queen

ot Sneba" . . . ....... C. Gounod Madame De Phillippe WRIGI.EB

3. (a) Mazurka .. .. .......... Zarzycki (b) Midnight Bells ............ Kriesler

Ruth Stickney 4. Ballads P.

More for your money

and (a) My Love's Like a Red, Red Rose (Burns) .... H. Lantz th~ beet Peppermint

(b) Little Bateese (Henry Cbewina Sweet for Drummond) ..... G. O'Hara anv money

(e) Phyllis Hath Such Charm- ... ____ , _____ a.u.,.!J ing Graces Wilson ...

(d) Give Me a Liver, St. Vall'ntine (Irish t une of 17th Century.)

(e) Believe Me If All Those En-dearing Young Charms

( f) Come to the T. Moore

hir . Easthope Marlin Madame De Phillippe

5. (n) Serenade from "Les Mil-lions d'Harlcquin" Driro

(b) Turkey in the Straw Guion Orchestra.

~~~ UICOtlttOM.J'&O -...1 U O. U • • •AT. OIJ,

$9 Hutchinson, McDonough, Nathan, ll. Rt'le<:tions Parker, Powell and Simmons. I Vocal Quartet

Permanent Display -AT-Mile run-Gill, Miller, Ould, Pilley 7. C'hnl'll'slon F.xhibitlon

and Junk.in. Hurdles--<'assell, Price, f;warl. 8. (a)

Simmons and Sproul. • (b) Field events.

Weavl.'r nnd Henry r>el.'p Water Burlt•lgh JunE'tl t> and ll t> r Woodl.'n Shoes from "Swel'l- I hearts" llt•rb(' rt

The Corner lNCORPO&AT&D

This Week AT


German Lisle Spring Socks

40 Ne"v Patterns in Ties

...-..._..,_~ .. n.-t..._..~.,_.,~_..,~-·- -~- ·-.


Now is the time to select that EASTER SUIT. Drop in and we will be delighted to show them.

B. C. TOLLEY The College Man's Shop



o---------~~MD---·---g-------------------------· . -·- - ·-~ ~ ---~- ~~ - ·- ·- ·-- --·--_ ...... --·--. Have You Ever Seen Clothes Better Than

Fashion Park Where Style Comes From?

'Na 3:!ll them, b:>th stoek clothes and)pecial orders.

Look them over early.

J. ED. DEAVER & SONS Phone 21 Friends to W. & L. 8oJ8

~ -·-~~-n- •- •- n-t .. l -- 1 .MI4 - · - - - · - - · - · -· " . -·-d- _P_A_ -·-·-·-·-·- -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·- - -·-.

ANNOUNCEMENT 1'hc SUBWAY KITCHEN is now serving regular meals

at the following hours: Breakfast- to 11 A. M. DiMer-1 :30 to 3:00 P.M. Supper- 6:30 to 8:00P. M.

BEST FOOD AT POPULAR PRICES Our monthly ralc meal lickel will appeal to you. Inquire

at the Kitchen.

·-- -·-·-- -·--···-- -·- ·-·-·- ·-·- ·- ·-·-·-- -·· ._._...._,.._..,._._ ._ ij _ . .....,_- _ , · ·- · ·

ROCKBRIDGE MOTOR CO. Dodge Brothers Automobiles


.,_._..·-·- ·-·~4- · - ·- ._...._.. _ - t·-~-·- -li- -·-·--·-,_



I ~ole Distributors for W. and L. Swlnr

DE FOREST RADIO J avelin-Edwards. Weights-Edwards, Rt>nkin and

Taylor. Hlrh jum p-('nsell, Hall, Janey,

(c) Song or th(' Vagabond from I "Vagabond King" Framl

(rl) College Fri<'nd. hip. $7 .,._...._ ... . --- . ----~---- -·-..·-·-- -·-· -· : ~..._...-..-...._..._, .- _,._... ... _ ~ .. -·-·-·--·-·-·-,··-~

r_70Jm. w~ ' ! Renkin, Swart, and Sproul. Pole vault-Pilh•y. Those unassigned to definite evcnlll

are: Sargent, flteutermn n and Wur­stt>r.

Glet• C'luh 9. The Swing

'R\.e~iSi~oes t t •ICoa•cn.AT&a ,_ 1l.IU. u.a.r.\.t.o • 1 tll01ftl• N(10' Yu•\, nrootl)"ll, t.J4...,.·~ ....tlloi!ad!ill''1 I ~ AdltrPHf"'lotcl UrJfrl, lfjt 1 ~1ft, .:n~ \urk Clt;,.

Mumbt>r<~ or the Hoophomore clnu or Sta nford Unin r- ity mu!lt rnilll' $1,1)00 to pay rnr damllgt''! dune uy

Men outnumber women by 18 P<'l' the cht.s in a r~ent hazing or fre•h· cent nt the UnlverAily of Orercon. I men. l ~,;;;;iiiiOiiiiiiOiiiiMi;;;;;:;iiiiOiiiOiiiiiiiw=:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;=.i


and College Seal Jewelry Opp: ~cw Theatre Lulnrton, Va.

---·---~.-....-...._~.,_,.._, __ _ , ___ ,_ , __ .. , ___ u __ , __ ll __ n __ u __ •_•

Page 4: W r i&tug-tum



All of the students of the chemis­t ry departments of Wash ington a nd Lee will be lh e guests of the Chi Ga mma Theta chemical society at a social which will be held Friday eve­ning, Mat·ch 2Ci, at 8 o'clock.

Mr. E. C. R. Miller from R ichmond,

0- I It seems that ~mics of di~eases

A year 's subscription t o the stu­dent pape,. will be given lo the stu­dent of the University of Arkansas who g t•ows th<! longest moustache in a mont h.

one of the best practitioner s of the One volume every 45 minutes, day city nnd a lecturer at th e medical col- and night, winter and cummer, is t he lege, will deliver an address to the Irate with which books are added to assemblage a ssuring an interesting the li brat·y at Stanford.

are widespread in the schools of Vir­ginia. Few institutions have escaped an epidemic of some kind. Washing­ton and Lee students have been suf­fering from measles and grippe, the mumps have attacked the Univet·sity of Virginia, Virginia Military Insti­tute bas had many cases of grippe, and several girls' colleges have been afflicted with one of these diseases.

11rogram. Refre:~hments wi ll be sel'ved after the meeting .

0---------0 Roll~r skating is tbe latest fad a t I l\1 AY T AK E CUTS 1

the Oregon Agricultural College. Ev- O 250 llEAR TROUB eryone is !.kat ing to classes, to town, ------------'0

GLEE CLUB CONCERT The faculty announces that stu-l and even to dances. I t was estimated dents desiring to take their six un-

(Conl!nucd !rom Pa~~:c One) l lhn t 700 J>ail·s of roller skates were excused absences before or after . . J~old dul'ing one week.

Deep R1ver ... . ........ .. Burle1gh __ t he Easter holidays n1ay do so, pro-

,Jeanette and Her Wooden Shoes Amher·st College has produced a vided thep have met the requirements fl·otn ·•s,ve" then1•ts '' H<>t·b'"'t for taking "cuts." Before leavi ng, it " .. ... ·-·· " " ' larger percen tage of graduates whose

Song Of •h ,r .,. bo d f is necessary t o file a leave of absence • • e a,.,a n 8 •·omo names are in the "Who's Who in "Vag b d K ' " "" · 1 card in t he office of the dean. a on mg · ....... ··tm America" than any other college.

Colleg e Frie ndships Glee Club.

'fhe Swing-Ensemble.

The Geology department of Prince­! ton University will give what is be­

lieved to be the firl~L university course WILL S HOW CLINARD f<~lUl ever offered on "wheels," next sum-

Students of the University of llli­nois s moke 13,068,600 cigarettes and seven and one-sevenths tons of pipe tobacco annually, according to fi gures complied jrom repot·ts of sales, in a survey of merchants and wholesalers in Urbana and Champaign, Ill.

AT Y. M. C. A.1'liESDAY Jmer. A pa1·ty of 22 professors and B. D. Adams, originator of the idea undergraduates will travel about 10,­

of the thinl-class touJ·is t boats for 1100 miles in a pullman car, making a lhe Cunard Line, will be in Lexing- study of the geoiO!!'Y and natural re-ton, ·ruesday, 'March 23, bringing sources of the United States.

One cigarette every two and one­half seconds represents the average rate at which cigarettes are smoked by the students. The annual figu1·e allows appt·oximately 1,870 cigarettes A yea1·, or five a day, fo1· each male student in t he university.

with him a Pathex movie film of life aboard Cunarde1·s at sea. All t hose interested in taking such a tl'ip this :~ummer are co•·dhllly invited to at­tend. 'J'he showing will be held in lhe Y. M. C. A. room at eight o'clock.

Fou,·teen of the Hi living members of the class of 1875, of t he University of Wisconsin, at tended t he 1925 com­mencement reunion.

All books dealing with evol ution wcT'e recently dt>s troyed by ~;tudents

of a Seventh Day Advent ist colleg<' in Tennessee.

Becau se of an unusually late spl'ing, t he vars ity ct·ews of Pt·ince­ton Univer~ it.y have had to move t he scene of their practices from Lake Carnegie to the Raritan canal. The lake is blocked with thick ice, espe­cially ncar· the shore so the canal was resorted to.

--o--A student appeared on the campus

of Colorado U nivet·sity wearing 30-inch Ox f ord b3J!S. Shortly &fterwat·d he was found unconscious, and the trouset·s we1·e wa,·ing f1·om a nearby t i'CC.

Cauliflower ears, broken noses, and bruised countenances will soon be a thing of the past in collegiate boxing circles, if a new type of glove, recent­ly introduced, comes into general use. The glove Is of rubber and inflated. This type of glove was used recently in a n1ect of about 70 rounds in which there was plenty of action, but not one contestant suffered as much as a l!cratch.

· \VJ.en old grads drop in-and around the

fire experiences of then are fondly retold

-have a Camel! WHEN famed men re­turn. And by danc:ifts firelight they relate their atoria of old- IN•e " Cttmtll

For Camel helpe all men who me proudly to rite higher and more jauntily. Camela never harm or tire your taate, no matter how plentifully you amoke them. You'll never find more friendly 6avor than you set ia Camel a.

So thia nipt when those f rom long •po re­turn to think o the roada that join. A. you tee in their put your future dnfold, then zeat­fully taste the 1moke tha t's prized by tbe world'• experienced.

Ha't'e 11 Cllmt ll Into t ire making of tlris one r·igarette goes all of tlttr ability of lire •'or/d's larlll'SI or~rani<alion of ttXflC!rt tobacco men. Notlri11g is too aood for Cum •Is. 1'/rc clroicesl Tu rkish anti Domestic tobaccos. Tlrt moll skilful bl • .mdi"ll· The "'ost 1cit111ific pacltas:t. No otlrer ci1ore11e made is lilre Camels. No htlltr cia.,rellc om ba made. Camels artr the Ol'tr•

o .. , llllltttJI .,;,,. , II )'Oto

tlo ""' ,,., .... o. c~ ..... qMIIIIt)', l1 rlt•t 7011 try 1/t~m. WI /tty/It )'OM IO to,.,.,., c,,..,, wl l lt ""' d,.,,,, ... ~~t~. "'

""¥,,~c •. R. J. l f'yboldt Tobecco

Compeay WiaJioo·Sal_ , N. C.

• Ire/min a choice of uptrie11ctd smokers.

Select Your Easter Suit Now


These Choice Lines

Society Brand


Campus Togs

The Two-Pants Togs

You may also get a Kahn Tailored Suit selected

from our display of Choice Suiting, and em­

bracing all the element in styles.


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Excellent Soda Fountain Servic and the Best Drinks

Specially 'roasted Sandwiches

Coffee, Chocolate, Tea and Milk

Bus stops in front of our door. Phone Us For Information.

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~·-~1- CI_ CI_ Q _ -·

Eatwell Cafe The Best Place to Eat


Nice Printing AND NO OTBD



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S. G. PE'M'IGREW CollfectioaerJ


Pieture Framlar a SpedaltJ.



Students' Pressing



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