o t e m o c l e W l o o h c S r o i n u J y r u b g n i t l i H 3 r a e Y

W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

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Page 1: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

ot emocleW loohcS roinuJ yrubgnitliH – 3 raeY

Page 2: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

tahw dna ew era ohW :ATPSH?od ew od

nekeeB neleH )riahC(

4rY dna 2rY

:eettimmoc eht fo srebmem rehtO

• lladnaR etaK - dna seloC eeyiaK )maeT ocsiD loohcS( ttenruB

• )tnuH ggE retsaE dna mrofinU dnaH dnoceS( emoH eralC

• trawetS enihpleD - )tnuH ggE retsaE dna sdraC samtsirhC( senoJ

• boR riaG )elaS tooB raC dna warD nedloG(

• htaC remirG )skrapS dna skoopS(

• ennaeJ yepaC ,emocweN nirE , ettenaH nostaW

eciV( dooW ykciN4rY dna RrY )riahC

lliH haraS 2rY )yraterceS(

4rY dna

senoJ loraC 3rY )rerusaerT(

5rY dna

sevitaitinI dna stnevE

• yalpsiD kroweriF skrapS dna skoopS

• stnevE remmuS dna samtsirhC

• tnuH ggE retsaE

• selaS tooB raC dna socsiD loohcS ,sthgiN ziuQ

• enihcaM gniviG ehT ,warD nedloG ehT

• sdraC samtsirhC dna mrofinU dnaH dnoceS

Page 3: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

yenom eht si tahW?no tneps desiar

• 6102/5102 - 66.388,81£ desiaR.emocni ten latot

• deviecer loohcs roinuJ 6102/510201.531,11£

• :no tneps yenoM

• 6102/5102 - eht sdrawoTetius TI eht fo tnemhsibrufer

• 5102/4102 - skooB emorhC weN

• 4102/3102 - fo tnemhsibrufeR yrarbil eht

• 7102/6102 - xorppa desiaRetad ot 000,51£

Page 4: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

?pleh uoy nac woH• stneve eht troppus dna gnola emoC

• tneve na ta tuo pleH - !spleh ruoh 1 tsuj

• tneve na ot pu nur eht ni pleH :

• maet riaF samtsirhC eroc eht fo trap a eb ot elpoep rof gnikool era eW

• tneve na nur dna esinagro pleH :

• )rebotcO ht31 ziuq txen( thgiN ziuQ eht esinagro ot maet a rof gnikool era eW

• )snoitacinummoC ,TI .g.e( ”senecs eht dniheb“ pleH

• eettimmoc eht nioJ

• warD nedloG eht ot pu ngiS

• (”enihcaM gniviG ehT“ esU ku.oc.enihcamgnivigeht.www enilno gnisahcrup nehw )

aiv hcuot ni teG ku.oc.atpsh@ofni atp.www etisbew ruo tisiv ro , - atpsh/ku.oc.stneve/spuorg/moc.koobecaf puorg koobecaF ruo nioj ro atpsh .

Page 5: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

maeT 3 raeY


kcolloP srM)3 raeY fo daeH(

Page 6: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

maeT 3 raeY


mahdlO srM

Page 7: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

maeT 3 raeY


nocaeD srM srM nidruN

Page 8: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

maeT 3 raeY

tnatsissa gnihcaet 3 raeY

ajaR srM

Page 9: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

maeT 3 raeY


)reganam( reyD ssiM

remmiR srM

Page 10: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers


paws yrotS – 31 yadsruhT ht 51.2 ta – mp3

semityalp derahS sruoT sevitceted 2 raeY aznagavartxE wobniaR noonretfa refsnarT wen morf gninioj nerdlihc rof ydduB


Page 11: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers
Page 12: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

:3 raeY ni gninraeLhcaorppA citamehT

sevird ecneics dna yhpargoeg ,yrotsiH


Page 13: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

hsilgnE gnidaeR

noitautcnuP ,gnillepS

rammarG dna



gninetsil dna gnikaepS

gnitirwdnaH - evisruc

Page 14: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers


yliad ruoh 1

stxetnoc efil laeR

seitivitca lacitcarP


Page 15: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

semaG dna EP

EP – ssentif dna myg ,ecnad sedulcni

semaG – strops fo egnar

yaD stropS

Page 16: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers


slioS dna skcoR

eM yhtlaeH



Page 17: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

stcejbus noitadnuoF

yrotsiH – dna egA enotS


yhpargoeG – ecalP ruO

ecnarF dna

lanosreP( LDP

)gninraeL tnempoleveD


noitacudE suoigileR



gnitupmoC – etius TCI

skoob emorhc dna

ygolonhceT dna ngiseD

- yrekooc seducni

Page 18: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

spirT loohcSsrotisiV dna

:selbaF s’poseA hsilgnE

:egnehenotS egA enotS = yrotsiH

:yrellaG trA trA

:ocseT eM yhtlaeH = ecneicS

snotluaP : secroF = ecneicS

:snedraG reilliH dloraH riS stnalP = ecneicS

yalP - ni -a- :yad snamoR = yrotsiH

Page 19: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers


llah loohcs eht ni revopeelS

seitivitca demeht namoR

Page 20: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

gninraeL emoH


)yadsruhT ot yadirF( sgnillepS

shtaM – selbat dna sdnob rebmuN

hcaorppa krowemoh weN

Page 21: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

gnidaeR tset gnidaer = skeew wef tsrif gniruD

dedivorp skoob gnidaeR – ega gnidaer ot elbatius

renroc koob ssalc ro yrarbil gnidaer derutcurts morf(

)yrarbil ro

emoh morf skooB

drocer gnidaeR

)skeew 3 rof skoob 3( yrarbil loohcs eht gnitisiV –

ma1 morf yliad nepo – mp2

yrubgntiliH egnellahC gnidaeR 001

Page 22: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

seitinutroppO gninraeL loohcS elohW

hcnuaL renraeL yrubgnitliHyad

yaD kooB dlroW keew demehT yaD ecneicS

Page 23: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

enilno 3 raeY

ku.oc.loohcsroinujyrubgnitlih.3raey//:ptth /

Page 24: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers


ylbmessa yliaD

loohcS elohW ssalC gnigniS noitarbeleC seilbmessA laicepS – .g.e

dnuor sehsiW dna retsaEeert eht

ylbmessA gnirahS ssalC

Page 25: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

tep loohcS – nodlehS teeM

noitcele gninniWotsefinam

nesohc neve emaNyllacitarcomed

ni devlovni loohcs elohWmih fo erac gnikat

Page 26: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

)04.8 morf( loohcs erofeB 03.01( kaerb gninroM – )54.01 00.21( hcnuL – )00.1 – eht ekat lliw ew

keew tsrif eht rof reilrae nerdlihc tnempiuqe yalP – !wen nedrag yrosneS )smret remmus dna nmutua ylrae( dleiF

Page 27: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

lliw sihT .kaerb gninrom yreve dereffo si pohskcut loohcs A llah loohcs eht ni dna yrd nehw dnuorgyalp llams eht no eb

.semityalp tew gnirud

:dlos smeti lacipyT

,sekaC eciR ,sgnirtS eseehC ogoY swaP tiurF

Page 28: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers


licnuoC gninraeL – nesohcrehcaet eht yb

muroF lipuP hctaW tnemnorivnE itnA - gniyllub ytirahC sredaeL latigiD puorG ocE sreciffO ytefaS daoR

Page 29: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers


esuoh dedrawa nerdlihCslaudividni sa stniop

latot loohcs elohW esuoH ylmreT

setacifitrec taert esuoH ylmreT

Page 30: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

stnevE ytinummoC sklaw tseroF spirt ertaehT seirots emitdeB hctam llabtooF yad artsehcrO

Page 31: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

noitcudorP loohcS

Page 32: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

non raew yam ffats dna nerdlihC - loohcs .yadhtrib rieht no mrofinu

yam yeht ,yadrutaS a no sllaf yadhtrib rieht fInon raew - .erofeb yadirF eht no mrofinu loohcs

yam yeht ,yadnuS a no sllaf yadhtrib rieht fInon raew - .retfa yadnoM eht no mrofinu loohcs

esoht rof edam era stnemegnarra ralimiS loohcs gnirud yadhtrib rieht gnitarbelec


Page 33: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

artxE - cisuM dna ralucirrucsnosseL

stropS – ,scitelhta ,llabten ,slliks itlumllabtoof

seitivitca emithcnuL – ssehc dna riohc .g.ebulc

snossel redroceR – ydaerla evah lliw nerdlihc etapicitrap ot detivni neeb

era snossel cisum lanoitidda ,4 raeY morF dereffo - yllamron noitiut cisum taht eton esaelP

ssim ot ylekil era nerdlihc os gninrom eht ni ecalp sekat.nossel shtaM ro hsilgnE na fo trap

Page 34: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

loohcs dna emoh neewteb pihsrentraP

.…loohcs otni stnerap gnimocleW

eht ni pleh ot ekil dluow uoy fI ,gniypocotohp htiw pleh ,moorssalc

,spirt loohcs no su nioj ro sredaer raehrehcaet ssalc ruoy ees esaelp

skcehc SBD

murof tneraP


sgnineve noitamrofnI – e .g.e - ytefas

Page 35: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

• ,esira snrecnoc ro smelborp yna nehw dna sA rehcaet s’dlihc ruoy ees ot ni emoc esaelp -

.loohcs retfa ro erofeb rehtie

• !dub eht ni gnihtemos pin ot retteb raf si tI

Page 36: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

nimdA ssalc ot dednah srettel / smrof ynA

ot dessap( gninrom eht ni rehcaet)eciffo

edistuo/llah ni bulc 03.3 - ot deen onerp - koob

repap ro liam tnerap aiv emoh sretteLdlihc ruoy htiw emoh tnes seipoc

rettelswen ylkeeW

Page 37: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

egnellahC gnidaeR emertxE yadiloh remmuS s’kcolloP srM

,nerdlihc olleH

flah siht secalp fo tsegnarts eht ni gnidaer thguac flesruoy teG ,ti gniod era uoy reverehw dna ,gnidaer era uoy revetahW .mret

!otohp a teg

ot ni dnah dna loohcs ot ni erutcip ruoy gnirb ,yadiloh eht retfA dna yalpsid loohcs elohw suolubaf a rof yrarbil eht ni tsioneB srM

.ezirp a niw ot ecnahc eht

kcolloP srM ees esaelp ,snoitseuq yna evah uoy fI .tsioneB srM ro

kcolloP srM

Page 38: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

yad tsrif eht no gnirb ot tahW

gaB yenom rennid ro hcnul dekcaP )retaw( elttob sknird dellebaL )gab deman a ni( tik EP dlo ro eno loohcs( trihs gnitniaP

)trihs koob gnidaeR paehc( senohpdaeh lanosreP

)raey lla loohcs ni peek ot seno egnellahc gnidaer emertxE


Page 39: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

yaD tsriF og ,tew fi( dnuorgyalp llams eht no nerdlihc eht teem lliw eW

)moorssalc ot thgiarts

rood moorssalc rieht morf rethguad/nos ruoy tcelloc esaelP )bulc 03.3 sselnu(

Page 40: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

:syad owt tsrif eht retfa enituoR

loohcs erofeb dnuorgyalp eht otno thgiarts og lliw nerdlihc ehT- :loohcs eht fo tser eht htiw ssalc ot ni gnimoc

• dna llits dnats ot nerdlihc eht lla rof nwolb eb lliw eltsihw agniklat pots

• ytud no srehcaet eht yb pu dleh neht era sdrac puorg raeY

• puorg raey rieht fo tser eht htiw loohcs otni klaw nerdlihC

• rehcaet ssalc s’dlihc ruoy ees esaelp ,seussi yna era ereht fI - tsrif eht gnirud smelborp gnihteet dnuora krow syawla nac ew

skeew wef

Page 41: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers

• rof hcnul ylrae ylthgils a evah lliw nerdlihc 3 raeYsyad wef tsrif eht

• rieht etator lliw nerdlihc eht ,keew tsrif eht retfA loohcs eht fo tser eht htiw tols hcnul

• nairategev ro taem a morf esoohc yam nerdlihCnoitpo

• hcnul dekcap loohcS – mret remmus• emoh morf sehciwdnaS• erp ot deen oN - seciohc hcnul koob

Page 42: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers


!ot desu naht derutcurts eroM

mret tsrif eht ni derit eb yam nerdlihC

Page 43: W elcome to Hiltingbury Junior School –Y ear 3...•a whistle will be blown for all the children to stand still and stop talking •Y ear group cards are then held up by the teachers