THE VOL. X. NO. 32 TENTH EEiEir BY THEROSSIANS Renewal of Activity By Czar’s , forces inilicated. austi((m ; i : i !m.\\ mnk in (jalicja i KXTI:M'S so'JUi.KS. j .OtnnaDK AiV> AUomptlai: to Urcuk i ThrODffhJ.lac Nenr'n'an<aw, KcTtrc ’ Artillery Fisbtlo?. ] PolrobTacl, Juu, .27.~tlir^ ofridnl | communfcntioD or todo}- fnillcntou n oew cffciifilvo ott tho nf (hi! ItuH* . • elAas on tlic north I’rusDliin frontier. Hero llt«y have orc«i)lcd plUialcn. be- , t»ccn TilRlt and Stalluponcn. Qeneml lloancuknmpff took poflfmlon of Pil- ^ E u t 'PruBBlo. Derclopnieats wblcti [ ' vere folloxtoil by the Gcrrmu) invasion • o! a part of tbo Uuiainn province ot . Komo In September. Hloco Septem- ------ -“btr-tborr-liiw'bccirllttto-aniTlty-ln' T ' tbla WKlon, tf • To tbp eoutbcoJitword of Wamnw/a ^ few milca routh of Orodzlck. (hero bos beon a aevcrc ftrtillcry coBnpcmcnt, dOTeloM by tlio Ornnan attemnt to ............. brCJOrtirriiiieh-jlVnufiiiiairUnp. " In Galicia tbe AuBtro-Ocrmoh forcca j baTO contiuued thclr offcnslro movo< monl JO tin* iiortbwdrd. They conslat of threo Ilavnrlftii corim lUid tilx or ae'fCD AuMTS&n corrvK T h e ’ A\iBlri>. , Oonnan offcnflI« In tliln locality cx; *■ tandfl for a dlstanre of aiiproxlinatcly r SO miles, e ■■ ,’ C H IL ll«-B ty^{ ______ n " P ----- ----------------- ^ C Twfnllelh Ccntnry ClabDeTOlM ,Uter. noon to Important Toplr.. ^ Wottarsday. .lanuiiry 2C. wan Clilld “ -------— \Valtar«»-<lay-iiUtbo-TwcnUctb:CI:nturr, f 'ciiib tbe prPHldcnt prcBlilIiiK’, : Mrii. '■ Hftkor, wbo woa to hare cltnrp‘ cif the f day belnc Ul. Mrs. Pike took chnr>:ii ot thi) proKrani which liiwl linen jircpnred 1 luid little Mlsa MarRnroi Jlnclio favor- tl • cd tho club wtth an taMcuwfutal huUi ,- V Mrn, J. R Whlto Ravo aii Intorcatlni; I' and cirnnit talk on rhil.l wrlfaro and li tho Palmcr-Owcn hill lu the Inlercnt of fho workinK chlidrcn, Il waii recciu- t . , TOpni^cJ that the TwrniWHi Century I’ . cluh Koxiii rccord aa uaiictlouljjK tlils c bill, .The fliibjed of n puhllc piny- ! Kround for thc Bummcr nidnUis. <!uriiiK ^ tho yrnr when there in no liclmol In n xeimlbn. u-iui tnkcn up and dlMOuonod i’ hy tho rm-inherH, as to thn f.;a8lhllity and thc buno'tiUTOsultlnit Irnm a pub- • lie •plny-proiiDd, I.IIIK. MIm Mary Dow. thon Kavo a piano noli), 'Oie pnrt -------— 0f-tbc-p«>«ram-ifiinilBlYe4-hy-tbeMUt^e- if; ladles. MnrRaret Uccbo nnd Mnry Dow; *' wan much rnjoyed by ^ho cluh, T uob-' any. h'obnmfy :i,.ls Pntrlntlc Hay nnd t» In cbanw ot Mre. Atiron. BASKfT BAU WIIH RllPfRI " fc- --------- ,• '• s: ---------- iitgtipffiiinii m gjii.ima ciim lu' a ii- ^ U«ls t'ridny. •- • Thij’hoya und cirlo biiHkrtlmll K'nnm* « ol Twin l^ ln and Uupcrt Wph n.chopls rl will meet thiR cvcnlOK In tim likh T ______ school.tymnoflluniJorllhc-aniimil con- n tent on the IntprRi'holnftlc uchrdulc Tho first K.trae will ho plnyed hetwern 'I' tho Klrl tcumn nf.tlje two Kchoolit and|ii1 will hcpin promptly ul 7;30, Thin I« Knmc nhouM prove of more thnn ubuu! Intorem from Um fact thnt hoth tcnmn 1/ nro ftrooR contp'oderH for the. dlntrlcl 0 chnmplW'hip, TH" ho.v^ of the tno schools will h.ivi' thi'ir name limiiniil. ., .ntcly followln:; tho first rnniefi mul It ’ promlBcn to hc fnnl and iiniipliy duo lt> vhp t e n rlvntry In wliivli liJiM piiiited liPlwi'en thcHp lwo nrhool!*, • The pntronH of tho hl(;h schnni arr ‘•'J ...... iircctl tt»_iillend thr uaincn tonlRht nnd J;* holp tho local prhoni In the roiiilni; I* and In delriylni; thn expcnnp« of brloKlnf! the Hupert tonm hrre, “ “fflE DIXIEilSlRaS " ii ------ r ' w At.the Orphcnnr Thralro Fcbmary 1x1. iji Snd nnd 8rd. ' d. .\ keen Intereri Is fell in loc.il clrtlc;i il! orcf the cotiiinK of the Dixie MlnHtrnIn iii whn will nppenr al tho Orpheum thr^ airo on I'Vhrunry Jxt, 2nd nnd third, in i li ( (iruMimtliin of mlvnnced niiuKlreli'y, niunlcnl cninrily ami Kmnd opera, hc~ In/T an nil rlilnrcil trniip of pcrfnr- meni. Thn Dixie Mlnntrel.i muni not " he ronfoundril willi tlie onllnnrv mln- utrci tliowK that'tnur the coiiniry.. ak Ihlu nttm afon In In a clam of ll» own, cnrryliu: it-i nwn »i>(<-h| r:ir ami tti have i.omo vciluiiliii>n» nil velvci ii.ru- ni •try luitl thp-pri'ltv er.'nln drlri with 1-1 tlielr nin.nv r1)a«i;e:i nI roMtirite'i ri ii'iiiniu ilrll;ln::Tip|tear;iiiee, Th-irtiin- • pany rtm;i1ntF"flf leii w'n;ile; fit nn'ii th Mnd four h^llf-. Trhn-:-!) In &.r- m hmd. , . **' --------- rti to wnrl; lian nn oiirninp for you, ynn’il rli fl.j-f llu- n eue ln Ih(> -Jiolp wanted' In I 'Bein’ . . ’■ -1 . 1 : YEAR. TVVIN FAI siwsiiDls'flN' 1 'w •eri'st iliiuk'cr SlIII Alhc to Tpll ef Kscupe. To wiini'flH II mlruc-le w itli oni''-s own i’vn Ih not vAven 10 uverywtn' lii liiy». hul wn;i nlvrn to one nr tho iii:ill airierii (In tliu iVllimta A: Itock ll.'ir onto lant week. Thin routu him n'terrlhle deaili ree- 'Td. one currier loiiVntrlilB life In a nowHllde nlmoat every yrar liluee ili.' outo hn;i been ontnbili.hed. Charle* T. Gray. raiiKei- nl th.' Al- uitn Htallon. v/rllc» the folli)>vlnj; raidile,account of the miracle to Sii- orvfflor Gmiidiean of tin- Unlsi for- “t: . , . ■ "Tho uiail.carrier wlio <ame'Jn t<>- Ictit KUtd that llie olliev viirrlvT lad k arrow estafiu while colnft of itaUl lountuln to tbn Itocky liar toi(nv He ■as utaiidlntr with hin liorin- im lln- •all Juut where tho cnrrlcr Inm win- 'r wns Wllefl, nnd where one lo.it hh' fo several ycant bro; "The Know commenced nlhllnK In xint ot him nnd behind hint, rn'dilni: own-the mountain aide with f.m ru- OUM-force. luavlnc only, tlp-^Kluiill [>ace wbero- he and the horse were juuliOffr-tat««tr-H-^rnn-ft-inintrlprbr O'C. fort which. he la duly thanRfiil. m at IcA him with 0, terrible lurap U> la throat and a boftrt' boatlnn ro fasl nearly smothered blm."’ -Mr..QriL)-also-juWo-tbat-lhcrc-!3-iJ ichcB of onow At Atlanta ai'id.the iemonielor U bcloW.—Btato5maii. ; . B f A f f l l VAN GAU , an M'bo AUemptetf Hnldde Vle<l oa ThorMlsy STomiafr at One A. U. Jerome Vim Galo, tbo man whu nt- imptrd to niurdor bis wife and tbcn 101 himself tbrouRh tho hea.1 Tuesday omlDK, tiled at tbo couniy boipltil irly Wodnesday mornlnf: without re- ilnluc con^cloUBncftii. When t'r««Rlit >towQ the altnadln{:-phyali;|ivnsfuld lat there wtm no bo'pc for thiL’XDUiidi. iHiiiui.--------------- . ----------------V On Wednesday- mornlns '..'oroner hta. 3. CtBuliy ernpoocled a Jury Ior I. Imiueiit. but nothing of init-^rtniicn an brouBhi out Tlie Ji:ry rr.turnc-l a udltiu=Uiai-Van_aftle.icam'>-t3^hl* lalh from a hullct woiinil In the head rrd wllll iiulrlilal Intoti*. Tho fun- •fll WUB held from tbe Uroaby chui>el- liumday afternoon al iw.i o’clutk. e iier>'Icen were condiirted by Hev. ’alter R. Harumn paiilor ft lUe irxt Clirliitiaii church, wlth Latevineui 111.' Twin I'^ilb ceraetcry, . The dcccniied wnn'born January 21 . :K7. nl Ohent, Ileljiluro, enitniKmtliii; IV atntci nl tlie nKi>’ol clev- i., Jle wna mnrrled to MIbb Ik^rlha lekn. i’Vhruary 18, IHO.'’ , at Dcii olnoK. lowiL There wan hom to thlu llnn one dnui;hter. f\rn , niced nine ' yirH. whn with his wlfo imrvlve him. POSITION OF CANDIDATES"; ^ iT lluolh and Mra.' Nellie Ilrunk L . KopnlDi; Close. ' Tin: leader,'! in the diamond rlni; i ■ntoU at the iJiverlnK' theatre now , Itnd ail follows: Nellie llrunk 1270, | Jhy Ilooth HCH. iloatrico Ithluc'hart | 0. EUict.i]iirry lOIG.-Mlldred- Tttyc 1 J. Ulndytt UwUhl COS. iolean.ConvliH , 6| Hvelyn SavaKe l.'TH.'l^rralne Pot- j .•r ;<S, lUlla Suyder CO; Mrn. I,. Uus- , iiiiHen 60, Marjorie Plukett GO. Co- - ino Tuber m . Matllo WIlllamH &o: . le othere aro the iumic at tho hf(jln- | ut.ot-iho-wtek^ _____________ ■_____, As Ihe'iluie for decldlni; tha Nintei.t 1 awH near, the Inlercat developn mnre ( roncly. and ll proinlseH to ho a warm | ce III lbe flniiih. - , Wi MMllltBySINKS i ' ___ _ I '.T To»n t.n Itoscnon nr,iach (let* ! .New Knterpriso. . | The ilitic town nt Knuli cn the IIok- ' :;on branch Ih to have Itii.firal mer- intile eatahlliibmunt at. ite<m nn-a , Ital.Ie iMilliltni; (Ju he erected und | Kk Mtuted, This Imalnwuv will l<e own as tfio Knull Morcanllle Cum- I ny. ullll J. P, McMlllaii n» niunaKer. McMlllaa Is a reci'nt_nrrlval-In ' In licctroii, bavTnKTcen In u Kimllar nliini III t^onyen City, Colorado, and ' 11 no duubt ljuild up a nubntantlal ' slneiiH in'the.new field, KnuH. al- iitKh u new town. Is -nt pre.nml a ii'vy iihUl'lnK point for'tho farmers tlmt lieetlon aud lu aurrnundeil by ;hly luiprovcii furm.'i. STARTS NMBOSINESS J. Cpubp (n EnslnfcrlsK firm, at I’ocatMlo. ^ U', .1, Crunu. formerly with tJio I'^ar- Ts Ullli Merchiint’i! bank of thifl city, J lalor conncctcd wlib Mm Idaho :!il uud Power company, waii'ln Ihls y Jot 11 few flayn the tlriit of the ok reuewlui; aciiunlntanceiihli) with I Imt!lnen)i mun,. Hr, Crunn In valc'i •narcr and vice prorldeni nf tluM’o- elhi ICnnhccrlnK and .Machinery iil'anv. which niakr-i a iii.oelaltj- of ;t|'!y)nt:--mln)nc-Mti-irrlJ;atlmT“nn- ' nrry auil In ltn onKlnccrlnK.capacity tull'i Hert.rkil plnnii l:i tS- 1rr>':- ii:;i;.ln.Lpurii,ry ; irwicK XS, TwiN'FALLS COUNTY, liiiff Worth of Commercial Resume! Every Good l o v e Made by tt ' Diredly to iifork Done ty The Twin Kalin Commercial' club, i lined Itu oriiiinlxatloa lu I90S, haa been I the oao Kreat factor In the upbulldlns i of Twin I'lali# and In fact of Twin l-'alla county. Its ofricere und membersi . y^aHn-nnd-yeai oui.-hattrtrtcr liei'u i on thu alert lo secure everythinK.that t iQ.ony way wotiW tctid to lirtnR In uow { cntorpriBeB and. Hccurc publicity for tho whole Snake river valley. Durlnir I tbo yaar 1314,- Prcsldenta Bwecley wnl « Swim bavo devoted roiurh linu} and ( tinefKy on club maiters, and Sccroiary ( McMillan boa been on thc Job day E aod Dl|;bt and no matter was too snrnil | for bis utmost efforts provided ll lo t any wayadTonlBCd'or bcncfiUed'our f cJty, our couaty or southern Idaho.' 1 Early In 1914 .an .oinwrlunlty. pre- sented Itself whereby a Kovornm'cntal uperlmoot station could br. securcd for tho tract, provided the club would secaro HO ncrn.i ot land to'be used by the Kovommnnf. .A commltteo was Bclcclcd by Iho board conslBilns of , MMBrs; Sweoloy, WrlRht and Hcott, ’ and the convmWte Icaseil 10. acrea ad- Joluiog-itiu-cemoiory - foi^ a-. term • of ■ . nvp..yi.'nrfe'^and..durlng m iri » in .nt.. i picted;'thttt ihls uatio^' will icove of f much value to tho fwmcrfl of the'trlict ' In Ifiai many trfalH and rj'itcrlnientx J alOBK wfTlcultural llncH will hr <le- ' monmrated without coHt to the farmerB J bul-at-tho-oxpca»n--or-thoTiatlonn|:}!nv= i crmnent. The club pays Il'DO nnnunl rental for ibis land with taxen aiid ^ wntor maintenance added. ^ Tho cluh took up tho matter of the. moll route. lo.^Ditelh, Nevada, ici the JarbldKc nilntciK dlstrlcl aiid miccecd- !■ td In havinj; tho uariio chiinced frnm “ Dcelli to ItoKurnon. The iitaK'' line now riinrf fri.in ItoKenion to Jarl.ldKe i' rmd the buidneiiu from thul t'ltuip now ^ illverH'il in Twin Kulh rnnnty. •. liciteoled nppear.uiceii havr heen ' made hoford tho Sute lil«hwav Com- •' nilsnlnn wllh tho roHult that wr hnve' ‘ two Suie niRhways iocuti‘<i ihrouKli >■ this .county. t\)ur hundred dnllar;i ^ wii« BuhHcrihed .hy nieiuherii of the I cluh'to enahle the HlKliway Commti:- a Hlwi tu bell hondn for this work tail > ' JWluK to financial ■dein'caalou .tliese “ the on n nortli nnd.DoiiJh hluh- '! wa)' delayed. However, thrnueh' ef- * ' rortii'Cf thc dul) Iho State lliiniwa.v- ' ;!ommlRBloQ paMcil a rewoUiUtm iu n ll“ iiprcad it on their recnnlH authnrlrliii; > ' ;hlfi cnunty to completo the crailr nn 1 ' ;hifl Ride Of Sfl0Hhnn» fall_tLn.niLl’lLili;--J nir'tho Slale^nKTTway CommlnHlun lo rr\m\nimr HiH rnitnty f'"- Iiortlon, A certified copy of thin ron- * )lu1)nn has heen furnished tho cniiuiy •ommliiiiioncrs, . , ' ,A.n vuon aa-Uio Nntlonal Cnnf-renH « WBBCd a'blll'CrefttlUK a fund for the: '' irevcntlon of hoc cholera the eltib nl mce Rot In touch-wllh onr d'oleKutlti.'i I' n Wnnhlnnton and sncceedrd and'had he Twin [■'alia country aosleniiteil an ho district iu which Idaho'n funD'' thould ho expended, our iiropnrtlon^e- UB Bnme forty-flvo thouimnd dpHar^. :n carrylnK on thin work we l ^ e lind ^ our PxprrTtn (or SMPtal innmlrn nml ’ ,he result of tlielr work h i/ been the mvliiK nt ovrr one liimdri/l nud flfiv ltmii.aiid dnllnr:< wrjrtli nt Vjo;;k nti ihr •onlh Hide Iratl alnne, On>Hu;;jnvii- ■r rtat.Hl tlmt It ha.; Miv.‘d 111.- if the Soulh Si<!e tract a -pmrirrlnfj ' I.lilllllnil.dollani and-llial--v.M j/nnt ^ ' hone covernmeni doc inrn lnc;iii/il a i,., rwla I-'nllB .na thry nr.' ihr hni-/;i,>«- ■ni wnuhl have tn 1:0 nut nf j/nliii'v., • niQUFdmln of hoi-i Imvr h r / vae. ln- . Ited nnd hut llttl- Infl- h n /lin ‘n f ii- , u'.Ttii cm lh<‘ Rrfl'iad K lia(i Ihmvi lary fnr the diib lo ./uruhOi nffi--- ------------------------------------------------ - iil|{k n ll[[rl7.l [-W E E K I D A H O . F K I D A Y , J A N U A R ’l p il Glib Emphasized By : rfWorl i ll e Community Can Be Traced S Booster’s flrganiiation, . l: --------- ■■ . ' . 1, nd hcadquarteru.for lhr reaiwa that w lie ftovernmpnt provided ull oximnot-n tl xcopt offlcr rent. ' Tbu annual iiotBlo hrcaktaBi'Bad the til uly >Vurth cclehration were Bnlendid ti UKCmtB, Ulo IsHerhrlaKlng huod75~9 d f WOplo to Twin f^llB from a dls- p, wct. n Tho club bos assomhled oa-exhiUll tc >r tbo Bon Francisco exposition that }], nr»«imity-ncc<l’ norbu‘;tUihamcd”b r ni feretory MoMmnn. sccured iho loan ni I a.pump nnd motor from tho Great hoabone F^IIb Power company, which I’to be UBcd at thc exposition to fur- ' Ieh_wa(er.ror.t|ii: mlnlatufo Shoahouo ... Jla that has been hullded there au«l 111 be la consloat operation. Tbeiio ^ tContlnued on Pace <.l COMING liTRt o' . . ______ Al ItcBl ,yinrMrel Show with Fort, IVii- 1^, plo llHUd. it S fj^ ‘“V_.'llLJLJThitiiuiutac_ticlt-. « iPoolt-Iteli ot uuiliorlty breiitB at •lp print upon iho pasnlnK of Iho niln- .m .rcl ttow . ana some peoplo acitmny di cllcvo hJm. Theatre hox office atato- bi lenis, however, dti iioi 'bear tbls out- p a=Uic=contrarrp thpj^--iirov(rth'nt-ll' iv jod minstrel nhow. does woll up tn- („ ard’lh'e bunnor hUHlncm^it iho iira- ^ Tlio iiucstion naturally uriaoii thon, hy nre thore not moro mlnstrrl cum- tl inlos? Tho nurntluu lu a fair one. id hem In a fair aimwcr, You attend thn imniii play nr musical „] imody u-anoii after nca.inti It it provc.i „t 1 ho a bic t.uccoiin,, hoar Ihe luvme K»',«. Ualen .ui llui v.iinie tlla\oRue, ,.| >ok al the itanir eccjiorv and Icavo ,P tlieatro halliitiid. WouM you dn 10 name by a inlUHtrel bhow? -No. (ich-ucaiion you Insist upon a new ■onVc produeilon und now nnveltlcii, his calln. for a vimi outlay of money, N' I well Illt enercy nnd hrftln!i. .M.myi Inntrcl toinpaiilea fall liecauKr tbelr •onHprn keep lu the niuno old rut: ^ -avnr to provide iiomothliiK n<-'w lone In Rht of tho fact thal-a niliixtml kIiov,- a t UKt always,he a mliihtrel nhow, and n!' fcr tho pulillc a tiodt;v-vwlK>’ of ih opera, Ullll huftounery which the fo ihUc In lurn rrfu«o to nccoi t. tor the hi ■cajLJinli!}<:lJti_(UVl!‘iL.dilllLafti:LalL ar One of th(^nuiiit inicceiiHtnl inlnntrel ro __ Jir ■«» ' rlUKlo'.'i. wbo have loured the conn* m y for 30 yearn, h:ach nennon tbey lr ve a brand- iieil nhow. Iiut It In al- fa iy/r;trTjlln.itrrI nhow. Tiils nicrlli*- m ituiiaiiy,-^0 In., number, will appear the I-:iverliiK''ilic’ntrc Ior.-twu.dil)u . ■Idny■atiirflalurday. Kehniary -12.aud , with u matin.'c on Saturday. POPlllAR D M G IS r WEDS . U.-(.'oInell Itctunis Wltb MNnotirl llridr. P<' --------- ---- F. Thc many frleinln of A,‘n, I'olwrll, P; I io have drenird him to he a cnn- h' I'K il tw lu'lur, Ttvvlvod a ■?»rpil;ic In wr.'k wben hr rriurin-.i Wedtiru- p:' iy.wllh_Mt:i..Cohvoll.ji.ix)iidlar .md tu arnilni; \nnni; lailv from Mnr»'jviHe. ‘o ismiurl. On .Ifitinary twentieth. Miss r) ■51 I'niirail aud Mr. ('olwell were H' ilird In marriaur al ilir homr <if tlie hn Ide lu Maryville. Tin.- newly wedded »h uHo-iirflv.'d-W.Hliirflrlay-^nd-hnrp -n- keu IIP thi'lr rraldruc,. In the Yoimuti It' mneiit 2.^.;! niiU Aveniie North,- .. hn Mr. .Colw.idl liiiH been a ri-iildeitt of dn hi <iiy for the panl four Ve'arii and rluu Ibiii tlnu; han made niimy 1/ lend. whi. wlvU lilm all L\ Id wbo will vv,.l<-f>nie Mrn. C nlw dl m '' _______________ " III fREE l Y C m CflURSf -----'■ wl IcrttlnDiCiilx at Thrpp Scbool lo ..llouseti Frida) .Ilieainp. - in' da Fhe frr,. ly.-rum toiin.ed wblrh ar.. of luir ):lTi;ti ti.v IVlii I.',ill!i lalrntl^li rntichouj (hr ......................... rely Im -Ih,: tin prrelntitl bv the'dlfferelil r.ntntiiunl- [iUi I. On i-'ridav.c-veiilni; rni.-rialnu:rnh j wl 11 h,. i:t\r|| III Ilrn-I- dlffi.iriil -/lini.l ! thi unea. The l.-ni,!.* nf \lnfUni-li wlH I .'nterintnH by Dr. v,-. \ S.rlHv:,n,';-‘ii •1 V.xnvw C(>\ ;>5id UmIo I Itetit-n |.v.Pr,i>_H.ilC Itiidl Haml I.-Iil Ml;'-. Nell iJi-.-iuh. : .iinlni'i Vlnv. .-4. nalur M .1 S-.-.r.-lry ||.e ' 'Tiiti<..r ii;-d -Mr ti-! Mr i .•■.■■r.v.r. : • '.'I- s fr ;29, 1915. ., SUBSC oo I I amer S ulomtibilr llrlKT (irl> In Had ai lUhl. J- ll. llnvle.nf llilu (.Ity, tuut an vn- Itll.; --\|.-Tlenrr la:;( w(.fH In Ilnhl ' :iir ranic. Inio u elanli uiih nonifi Inite iiirli.-i;. llvliiK nrar lhat pluei. .Mr. A nyl,. Iiai.'d that wblle riintdni; bin n ir ItU" lUilvl ll.' liMl Dveiwlim in iiai n m r i.ihonl wai;nliH Ina,ded wllh i hH. -I'll and dri'K to on.. iiMr of ib.> rna.i I allow (bom to pans. To Knlm; imtii H eac- one team .lrlv.-n by a v.oinan ■f’anir rxclled. Mr. Iloyir nnl mi:.- K uuy (fan«er Ui ib., rii: ami ihi -cnpaiiln i rocix..deil Am Into lluhl, ilhlii a uhort timo hn wan emifrtwil.'d • tw.j iriiie farmera who iiccmie.i lilm w,lltnlly runnlnc Into tlifvi'ebnnl ill iicoii und UimeltlnK- It. TheV ' wrr,. oklni;, for i:nr... The coniitnhle wan . >l>ealod to. piace hlni .under lirrei.t, II after liiveMlnallny; Uie'ninUpT. nl- wr.l-|ilm lo comn to tblu city (ipiin promlue lo uiipear If uny proceedlni:s •trr intitllni..d ni:ftloRt hhn. It iieemn cl at the t.-Mii driven by the. womnn ay 1-niiii. (inmaniiKealilc and ran nwky. nb rikiiiK a'Rninsr a culvert oiid upset- mi 11; tlin hiKh—wftHim. Bom c - o f —ib r - tm ildren were nhakcn up luid brulspd mi t luckily cacapcdKeriomilnJory, Mr, ml lylo -very much rcuretted the af- |k) lr and stated to Tbo Times that had un _knoTrn_ot_thc.accldcnt..bc-Kould — t hava Rone on. but rendered every rn HlHtiirice poafllhle. Tf THE DIXIE MINSTRELS ' E - - , _____• ........... -'hll pbeura Tbcfllrr, MoDdar, Toendny and IVedoMdaj- of Next Week. :)n .Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ne.xl week ih* RUtiftRtmenV oJ tbo phpum thpatru haa securcd tbo DI;^lo [I, nBircls. n ctjmpany ot ten people, in comhinallon In ■cvorythini; that lu od In the minstrel line, Tbo cntor- mment eonBlaln ot ruKtlme, musical J„ mrtlr;«rlt}sitiRrdahclnB,-priio coko , Uk-«nd-dar)flp^«!ro-tJandnF-Thl» tn ow will nlao feature Jobaaon and . ickay, Oic world''B cnjawsit Wind „ rkey wusltlans. This ia orio of tbo “ ul uhows on tho road for tho price. ir_ihr.lftni_tbrci:-DlKllUl-0Ltlil6_\vcck iH II TK' >10011 m rn 'a n d WeHfon.“ In a iieU ilf uouBeuse- Tlio WlnlscU lu novelty munlenl uc-t aro flnu. ' I'ho photo jdiiyn for thu last three ;htu are honnd to plo.^so and In- ide--'[.’atty iind'Mabci’,*-Kunaway 7;, a live Keynlono comody, horly t.etii 11 Tltle,”'a Rood eomody ,.,j ;tuf.-. "illH Halted Career,;', in an- ier Kood rnmedy. Tills with tho T" Inlniil mak.-n up a fliiv iiro. : CORemS THE TIMES, —.— - }ia « rommI,si.Inncr I). V. Albee. Wants .'Inner Sel IUkIH ' jYt llor, timoH, . rtPTT-r^uii:"ic."},nir“ ni'!iuii“ r lh o I'uiii It. in which you imy byflltioHii men TiUn I'lilln mei wlih tho commls- f nj.ni to dlncuiiH brlJRe inattera, per. ^9' I my 10 wvy that tin- ineclliiR 'bur tho.purpoHC of talkliiK over tho lldliiK nt the roud lo .Shoslionp [nllu UL,yuii-uenucalJv-afirood-that-thin III nhould hi- hulll an noon.-is p<m- ' ttern were talked ot lo somo ex- It, yrt lbr buililinj; of ibp «honhone 1.1 road wnn_th.'' main oljjcct.or the ... rllllR, D, P. Ai-ni-:i-:. to pa1 h ition mpuny illllrd for llrphcatn Knmote < lo Caiirbrolo. fir Au ‘he Dixie -MliiHtrels wlilcli wUl ap- In ir -at tin; Or|ilioum n nli;htu, BtartlnK me liniary bn, are on their wa>- to thu *:• iiania eX|Hi«ltluu, whrrn a buildiuR h.n hrlm: hulll for Iheir entertnlnninnt not ■uy. Uie Zm-ir Midway nnd the com- toi IV urr nnlv playlns a f.tw nelrel eiil m a-un-thorr .uiiv to Ih.-.'..iVHl.-Tho ‘Oi npany bearii tb.; dlntlnetian f>f car- lui ni; th r onl.>- 1 .... .. an.l nrcbcntra nf be kiud in Ibr wnrld h.avliiK a blind yci 1.1 k-ad.tr, Inn he In a wonderful mu- In bin and i;lni:er and In rup:>nrtod by th' frCTrTompanj^nf'pprfnnnrrnrti.ivr -mo : nc^voral i-onlralltJ. (ic;>ranQ and toi ritone iiInRiir:. w|tb pbmiv of cood wl' icerii. ' ' cit W P R I C m ’iGATTRAaiN •hanls i PrIn«N Minstrel* Of/er j_ Popaiar PricrK. llchard- .onrl 'I'fimiln'f; niln>.l:eli, k-h Ih nuisi'ciiir., ,iraw .lowii ji.r.o' ,ii, i iirle.'ii fnr ihelr prrformnnr.'ii «iH \ Twin l-'-tllH, owluB in' tli,. twn .laV Inc, inakr the rxir. in.'ly Icnv in(i-.‘ rf r,jand flnet-nts f.ir t l f two .•v.-ulni;;', th, l.avrrlinr »a:i ri.rinniil-. (n i:,i|. |„, 1 ; thla hb: iilira.llnii.iii uhltl d,M.'. 1 .uiiir .III l-'i-l.riiaiv rjUi ainl i:;it Mr h ■a iiiallii.'e I'.ir tli.. arirTmHiii ,r c , lhlrii-.-:ilh. 1:. C-,11.1 ,nit(fn-.-, „(i |ui irnnU-,. ir .x.'llnL; It- 1, tvrrin-.;-IV i;.- J-*. IN'il. ,Ia-i -:i. i'.'ii 1 . (.a.l -;.M .Va,,^ ■' - jn, LJ ' MES RIPTION $2.00 PER- YEAR inw' O N ip iB Ilt lopt Amendment to Present ' Board from Evading It. NKTO ilK ini'|l,Hi;iM).\ Yll)I,ATIN(J I.AIV, ■ II.,ir Pu-ssed, Will Take MmV nnJa- Jie.i 0^ Of(Irlal.« From rajroll 'ounty und ClUp's. .InanlmouMly uRruHl tbat tho! prla- 'lo ot Ihe nieaBure Is Jubi bul dla- •eeluK'. «» to th« .«copo.wbIcii-lt. . ' Itlld cover, the scnatli spent Tuctdajr rnlng dlBcunsluK Bcnator-Ilockwcll’a nts, were aRreed to-by Lbo corn- tee of the whole hut final ,4U* v - iltlon of thr) mcoBUre waa deferred ;irtoday/ , Inder-tlw ftmendnients-atloptod-lho', orRcncy'clause was atrlckco cat. J 5ulnlmun» llao lor violation 0! the • WOB reduced from ouo hundred to and voting for .the appointment of illycH or oaaoclAlia la offlco rt p rtv itod. ' ;blB last amendmoDt waa ajloptod irder to ellmlnato any posBlblQ«r&-. 1 by mcmborB of county’ or aebool .rda whero a member mlRbt (eenro, i\ppolnln>ent ot somo relMIro by , ’Ins otbor memberii of tbo board do atpolnlloR, ho merely wltbdr&winx . m tho voUnR. )urlnir tbe dlacuBaloa It dotolopod t Bom« wsnaloru bavo & toir IbU caEB.lhc-niejiaurB-lncludia:md‘oT-:'.__:ii::; enrs |n Ita proTlntnnB thn mad.ilhu . ------ :ls Win sut/or. In Senator Uremer’s inty, Llnpoln, bo oBaorts tbat'tbere - > -JuBi A-WD. l a n i l l e f ' tn- obA d U I tbat it would bo uttorly lapoMltde Imvo thc romi work dono In that dU- :t if thb'biirbocotuM'a don tond ovcraoorn. Senator Hart dared' tltat n similar condition uid develop in ' ucvcral ot tbo , tlicr coinmunltleii. An atleiopt to urc_iui.-iunendnninL-to oHmlnWo-------------- 4I overiicera fallod. lonalor'Hardin); boIJ tbnt oltboueb mea«ur« woold practically dlaor- - ilzo tho Ruvornmcnt of bio home rn. Malad, ho Mood for tbo proponed ; and would vole Tor ll. At preotnl nnld tho mayor has hii nopbow and irothor on the city payroll, wblle hrotllor-in-law ig phlcf 0! polica lenator M'acbetb imnoi|nced that bo 1 spent tlireo wcekfl In 1S07 ofldoav- :iR to Rct nn nntl-nopoliam moiaoro - iptcd Jjnt thnt the blU wna klllod. dcclarcd that-undoubtedly bis po- on on tho moaauro could l»o ahown liCi tin m.^ko thta rocaanro as hiHc- ' t an poBBlhlc," aald Its nutbor. Seoo- * Ilockwell, "We cannot' rd' too In BtoptilnR tUe lUo ot^l whHo URh'mcn nvallable for puhlfc work houl hrinKlnp in ov.cry relation an CblJlQB.— . . ............... onutors Whllcomb atid Zuck In-_________ 1 tliu luuuiiuru llhii minouncod” r inteotlon of votlnR for It.—St&tos- iniHGof A M B ; Nt MefUos lo bo Hfld-Jn Conmer. dal riDb Friday Kienlnc. 'n I'rlday ovrnlnR. February 5. tho t mcetlnc nt thc Twin ^^llB Connty . omnhlle nnnorlatlpfl will bo hold ' lhc, Commetelal club roomw. Tht> 'tins will becin promptly «1 0. It in the wlBb flf those wbn c- <-hari:f of tbi>-f(jrmall<in hf tho oa- latlnn thal every owner of an au- lolillo in Twin l-'allfl coumy be proa, nil lniii|n.*»;n' of Importancn will - 10 biitofo the uiecllfuj. - One of fhn .................. 'ortant rvrntn ot the evcnlnR will the olectinn of ottlcprn tor thf. r, Ak rnnu aa thr aitnnrlatloa in workinc onler. thn loi:clnK of rnadH out of tho cliy will ctim- ire.— irw ill-nnt hnTonirTintlt'ths--------- ^ ------ rlnt tmvrl will suvtl and peoplo I rommence to flnck throuRh tho and couniy on their 'way“ln‘lhr* ' onltlons In California. : ' AN APPEAl TAKEN " ’ - ^ A. Trom AppeaJa From Action ef , . ronmlgsloncTii. vvn apji.-alfi bave been filed wllh. rlerk ..f the dfi.'TTln eourt by J. ’r.im. tax|i:iver. In thh matter of Ihn . , ■iitnn.^'nf blilii tcic llu-cantilTurtloa lln- brill;:.' aii.l nniith npproach of Miinaueb brblre. Tbo enm'MlK ' b.-arn l,v .)ti,l:;n W A , Itahcnck'at IViiriiai \ l.-nii nt Ihe dlj-.trlct cOnrt. Crnm i- v.-iiTe;-.enlnl l.v W. T'. hrl.-, of tin- firm nf Cnthrle,anil - ll.irk Sjirln^i and IVtIc (IniP faal. ^ . Iltij IVIal'fio. ae is, _

W E E K THE s fr MES E E iE ir ' w liiiff O N ip iB I ltnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · THE VOL. X. NO. 32 TENTH E E iE ir BY THEROSSIANS Renewal of Activity

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Page 1: W E E K THE s fr MES E E iE ir ' w liiiff O N ip iB I ltnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · THE VOL. X. NO. 32 TENTH E E iE ir BY THEROSSIANS Renewal of Activity



Renewal of Activity By Czar’s ■ , forces inilicated.

a u s t i((m ;i :i !m . \ \ m n k in (j a l ic j a i

K XTI:M 'S so 'JU i.K S . j

• .OtnnaDK AiV> AUomptlai: to Urcuk i ThrODffhJ.lac N enr'n 'an<aw, KcTtrc ’A rtillery Fisbtlo? . ]

PolrobTacl, Juu, .27.~tlir^ o fridnl | communfcntioD or todo}- fnillcntou n oew cffciifilvo ott tho nf (hi! ItuH* .

• elAas on tlic north I’rusDliin frontier. H ero llt«y have orc«i)lcd plUialcn. be- , t» c c n TilRlt and Stalluponcn. Qeneml lloancuknm pff took poflfm lon of Pil- ^

E u t 'PruBBlo. Derclopnieats wblcti [' v e re folloxtoil by the Gcrrmu) invasion •

o! a p a rt of tbo Uuiainn province ot . K om o In September. Hloco Septem-

------ - “ b tr - tb o rr - l i iw 'b c c ir l l t t to -a n iT lty - ln ' T' tbla WKlon, tf •

To tbp eoutbcoJitword of W am nw /a few milca rou th of Orodzlck. (hero bos beon a aevcrc ftrtillcry coBnpcmcnt, dO TeloM by tlio O rnnan a ttem nt to

............. brCJOrtirriiiieh-jlV nufiiiiairU np. "In Galicia tbe AuBtro-Ocrmoh forcca j

baTO contiuued thc lr offcnslro movo< monl JO tin* iiortbwdrd. They conslat o f threo Ilavnrlftii corim lUid tilx or ae'fCD AuMTS&n corrvK T h e ’ A\iBlri>. , O onnan offcnflI« In tliln locality cx;

*■ tandfl for a d lstanre of aiiproxlinatcly r SO miles, e

■■ ,’ C H I L l l « - B t y ^ {—______ n " P ----- ----------------- ^ C

T w fnllelh Ccntnry ClabDeTOlM ,U ter. noon to Im portan t Toplr.. ^

W ottarsday. .lanuiiry 2C. wan Clilld “-------— \Valtar«»-<lay-iiUtbo-TwcnUctb:CI:nturr, f

'ciiib tbe prPHldcnt prcBlilIiiK’, : Mrii. '■ Hftkor, wbo woa to hare c ltn rp ‘ cif the f day belnc Ul. Mrs. Pike took chnr>:ii ot thi) proKrani which liiwl linen jircpnred 1 luid little Mlsa MarRnroi Jlnclio favor- tl

• cd tho club w tth an taM cuw futal huUi ,- V Mrn, J. R Whlto Ravo aii Intorcatlni; I' and c irn n i t ta lk on rhil.l w rlfaro and li tho Palmcr-Owcn hill lu the Inlercnt of fho workinK chlidrcn, I l waii recciu- t

. , TOpni^cJ th a t th e TwrniWHi Century I’• . cluh Koxiii rccord aa uaiictlouljjK tlils c

bill, .The fliibjed of n puhllc piny- ! Kround for thc Bummcr nidnUis. <!uriiiK tho yrnr when there in no liclmol In n xeimlbn. u-iui tnkcn up and dlMOuonod i ’ hy tho rm-inherH, as to thn f.;a8lhllity and thc buno'tiUTOsultlnit Irnm a pub-

• lie •plny-proiiDd, I.IIIK. MIm Mary Dow. thon Kavo a piano noli), 'Oie pnrt

-------— 0f-tbc-p«>«ram-ifiinilBlYe4-hy-tbeMUt^e- if;ladles. MnrRaret Uccbo nnd Mnry Dow; *' wan much rnjoyed by ^ho cluh, T uob-' any. h'obnm fy :i,.ls Pntrlntlc Hay nnd t» In cbanw o t Mre. Atiron.

BASKfT BAU WIIH RllPfRI "• fc- --------- ,• '• s:

---------- iitgtipffiiinii m gji i . im a ciim lu' a i i - ^U «ls t'ridny.

•- • Thij’hoya und cirlo biiHkrtlmll K'nnm* « ol Tw in l ^ l n and Uupcrt Wph n.chopls rl will m eet thiR cvcnlOK In tim lik h T

______ school.tym noflluniJorllhc-aniim il con- ntent on the IntprRi'holnftlc uchrdulc Tho f irs t K.trae will ho plnyed hetwern 'I' tho Klrl tcumn nf.tlje two Kchoolit and|ii1 will hcpin prom ptly ul 7;30, Thin I « Knmc nhouM prove of more thnn ubuu! Intorem from Um fact thnt hoth tcnmn 1/ nro ftrooR contp'oderH for the. dlntrlcl 0 chnm plW 'hip, TH" ho.v of the tn o

■ schools will h.ivi' th i'ir name limiiniil. ., .n tcly followln:; tho first rnn iefi mul It ’ promlBcn to hc fnnl and iiniipliy duolt> vhp t e n rlvntry In wliivliliJiM piiiited liPlwi'en thcHp lwo nrhool!*,• The pntronH of tho hl(;h schnni a r r ‘•'J

...... iircctl tt»_iillend th r uaincn tonlRht nnd J;*holp tho local prhoni In the roiiilni; I* and In d e lriy ln i; thn expcnnp« of brloKlnf! the H upert tonm hrre,

“ “fflE D I X I E i lS lR a S " i i------ r ' w

A t.the Orphcnnr T hralro Fcbm ary 1x1. iji Snd nnd 8rd. ' d.

.\ keen In tere ri Is fell in loc.il clrtlc;i il! o rc f the cotiiinK of the Dixie MlnHtrnIn iii whn will nppenr a l tho Orpheum thr^ a iro on I'Vhrunry Jxt, 2nd nnd third, in ili ( (iruMimtliin of mlvnnced niiuKlreli'y, niunlcnl cninrily ami Kmnd opera, hc~In/T an nil rlilnrcil trniip of pcrfnr- meni. Thn D ixie Mlnntrel.i muni not " he ronfoundril willi tlie onllnnrv mln-

■ ■ utrci tliowK th a t 'tn u r the coiiniry.. ak Ihlu n ttm afo n In In a clam of ll» own, cnrryliu: it-i nwn »i>(<-h| r:ir ami tti

■ have i.omo vciluiiliii>n» nil velvci ii.ru - ni •try luitl thp -p ri'ltv er.'nln d rlr i with 1-1 tlielr nin.nv r1)a«i;e:i nI roMtirite'i ri

■ ii'iiiniu ilrll;ln::Tip|tear;iiiee, Th-irtiin-• pany rtm;i1ntF"flf leii w'n;ile; f i t nn'ii th Mnd four h^llf-. Trhn-:-!) In &.r- m hm d. , ■ . **'

--------- rtito wnrl; lian nn oiirninp for you, ynn’il rli

■ fl.j-f llu- neue ln Ih(> -Jiolp w anted ' InI 'Bein’ . .

’ ■ -1 .


Y E A R . T V V IN F A I

s iw siiD ls 'f lN '1 ' w•eri'st iliiuk'cr SlIII A lhc to Tpll ef


To wiini'flH II mlruc-le witli oni''-s own i’vn Ih not vAven 10 uverywtn' lii liiy». hul wn;i nlvrn to one nr tho iii:ill airierii (In tliu iVllimta A: Itock ll.'ir onto lant week.Thin routu him n 'te r rlh le deaili ree-

'Td. one currier loiiVntrlilB life In a nowHllde nlmoat every y ra r liluee ili.' outo hn;i been ontnbili.hed.

Charle* T. Gray. raiiKei- nl th.' Al- u itn Htallon. v/rllc» the folli)>vlnj; raidile,account of the m iracle to Sii- orvfflor Gmiidiean of tin- Unlsi for- “t: • . , . ■ "Tho u ia il.carrier wlio <ame'Jn t<>-

Ictit KUtd tha t llie olliev viirrlvT la d k arrow estafiu while colnft of itaUl lountuln to tbn Itocky lia r toi(nv He ■as utaiidlntr with hin liorin- im lln- •all Juut where tho cn rrlc r Inm win- ' r wns Wllefl, nnd w here one lo.it h h ' fo several ycant bro;"The Know commenced nlhllnK In

xint o t him nnd behind hint, rn'dilni: own-the mountain aide with f .m r u - OUM-force. luavlnc only, tlp-^Kluiill [>ace wbero- he and the horse were juuliOffr-tat««tr-H -^rnn-ft-inintrlprbr O'C. fort w hich. he la duly thanRfiil. m a t IcA him with 0, te rrib le lurap U> la th roat and a boftrt' boatlnn ro fasl nearly smothered blm ."’

-M r..QriL)-also-juW o-tbat-lhcrc-!3-iJ ichcB of onow At A tlanta ai'id .the iem on ie lo r U bcloW.—Btato5maii.

; . B f A f f l l VAN GAU ,an M'bo AUemptetf H nldde Vle<l oa

ThorMlsy STomiafr a t One A. U.

Jerom e Vim Galo, tbo m an whu nt- imptrd to niurdor bis wife and tbcn 101 himself tbrouRh tho hea.1 Tuesday omlDK, tiled a t tbo couniy bo ip ltil irly Wodnesday mornlnf: w ithout re- iln luc con^cloUBncftii. W hen t'r««Rlit > towQ the altnadln{:-phyali;|ivnsfuld lat there wtm no bo'pc fo r thiL’XDUiidi.iH iiiui.--------------- . ----------------VOn Wednesday- m ornlns '..'oroner hta . 3. CtBuliy ernpoocled a Jury Ior I. Imiueiit. but nothing of init-^rtniicn an brouBhi o u t Tlie Ji:ry rr.turnc-l a udltiu=U iai-V an_aftle.icam '> -t3^hl* lalh from a hullct woiinil In the head rrd wllll iiulrlilal Intoti*. Tho fun- •fll WUB held from tbe Uroaby chui>el- liumday afternoon a l iw .i o’clutk. e iier>'Icen were condiirted by Hev. ’a lte r R. Harumn paiilor f t lUe irxt Clirliitiaii church, w lth Latevineui

111.' Twin I'^ilb ceraetcry, .T he dcccniied w nn'born January 2 1 . :K7. nl Ohent, Ileljiluro, enitniKmtliii; I V a tn tc i n l tlie nKi>’ol clev-

i., J l e wna mnrrled to MIbb Ik^rlha lekn. i’Vhruary 18, IHO.'’, a t Dcii olnoK. lowiL There wan hom to thlu llnn one dnui;hter. f \ r n , niced nine ' yirH. whn with his wlfo imrvlve him.

POSITION OF CANDIDATES";^ i T lluolh and Mra.' Nellie Ilrunk L

. KopnlDi; Close. '

Tin: leader,'! in the diamond rlni; i■ntoU a t the iJiverlnK' theatre now , Itn d ail follows: Nellie llrunk 1 2 7 0 , |Jhy Ilooth HCH. iloatrico Ithluc'hart |0. E U ict.i]iirry lOIG.-Mlldred- Tttyc 1J. Ulndytt UwUhl COS. iolean.ConvliH ,

6| Hvelyn SavaKe l.'TH.'l^rralne Pot- j.•r ;<S, lUlla Suyder CO; Mrn. I,. Uus- ,iiiiHen 60, Marjorie Plukett GO. Co- -ino Tuber m . Matllo WIlllamH &o: .le othere aro the iumic a t tho hf(jln- |u t.o t-iho-w tek^ _____________ ■_ _ _ _ _ ,As Ihe'ilu ie for decldlni; th a Nintei.t 1awH near, the Inlercat developn mnre (roncly. and ll proinlseH to ho a warm |ce III lbe flniiih. - ,

W i M M l l l t B y S I N K S i' ___ _ I

'.T To»n t.n Itoscnon nr,iach (let* ! .New Knterpriso. . |

The ilitic town nt Knuli cn the IIok- ' :;on branch Ih to have Itii.firal mer- in tile eatahlliibmunt at. ite<m n n -a , Ital.Ie iMilliltni; (Ju he erected und | Kk M tuted, This Imalnwuv will l<e own as tfio Knull M orcanllle Cum- I ny. u llll J. P, McMlllaii n» niunaKer.

McMlllaa Is a rec i'n t_n rrlva l-In ' In licctroii, bavTnKTcen In u Kimllar nliin i III t^onyen City, Colorado, and ' 11 no duubt ljuild up a nubntantlal ' slneiiH in 'the .new field, KnuH. al- iitKh u new town. Is -nt pre.nml a ii'vy iihUl'lnK point fo r 'th o farm ers tlmt lieetlon aud lu aurrnundeil by

;hly luiprovcii furm.'i.

STARTS NMBOSINESSJ . Cpubp (n E nslnfcrlsK f irm , at

I’ocatMlo. ^

U', .1, Crunu. formerly with tJio I'^ar- Ts Ullli Merchiint’i! bank of thifl city,J la lor conncctcd wlib Mm Idaho :!il uud Power company, waii'ln Ihls y Jo t 11 few flayn the tlriit of the ok reuewlui; aciiunlntanceiihli) with I Imt!lnen)i mun,. Hr, Crunn In valc'i •narcr and vice prorldeni nf tluM ’o- elhi ICnnhccrlnK and .Machinery iil'anv. which niakr-i a iii.oelaltj- of ;t|'!y)nt:--mln)nc-Mti-irrlJ;atlmT“ n n - ' n r ry auil In ltn onKlnccrlnK.capacity tull'i H ert.rk il plnnii l:i tS - 1rr>':- ii:;i;.ln.Lpurii,ry ;

i r w i c K


liiiffWorth of Commercial


Every Good l o v e Made by tt

' Diredly to iifork Done ty

The Twin Kalin Com mercial' club, i lined Itu oriiiinlxatloa lu I90S, haa been I the oao Kreat fac tor In th e upbulldlns i of Twin I'lali# and In fact of Twin l-'alla county. Its ofricere und membersi . y ^ aH n -n n d -yeai o u i.-ha t t r t r tc r liei'u i on thu alert lo secure everythinK .that t iQ.ony way wotiW tc tid to lirtnR In uow { cntorpriBeB and. Hccurc publicity for tho whole Snake river valley. Durlnir I tbo yaar 1314,- Prcsldenta Bwecley wnl « Swim bavo devoted roiurh linu} and ( tinefKy on club m aiters, and Sccroiary ( McMillan boa been on thc Job day E aod Dl|;bt and no m a tte r was too snrnil | for bis utmost efforts provided l l lo t any w ayadT on lB C d 'o r bcncfiU ed'our f cJty, our couaty o r southern Idaho .' 1

Early In 1914 .an .oinw rlunlty. pre- sented Itself w hereby a Kovornm'cntal upe rlm oo t station could br. securcd for tho trac t, provided the club would secaro HO ncrn.i ot land to 'b e used by the Kovommnnf. .A commltteo was Bclcclcd by Iho board conslBilns of , MMBrs; Sweoloy, W rlRht and Hcott, ’ and the convmWte Icaseil 10. acrea ad- Joluiog-itiu-cem oiory - fo i^ a-. term • of ■. nvp..yi.'nrfe'^and..durlng m i ri » in .n t.. i picted;'thttt ih ls ua tio ^ ' w ill icove of f much value to tho fwm crfl of the 'trlic t ' In Ifiai many trfalH and rj'itcrlnientx J alOBK wfTlcultural llncH will h r <le- ' monmrated without coHt to the farmerB J bul-at-tho-oxpca»n--or-thoTiatlonn|:}!nv= i crmnent. The club pays Il'DO nnnunl rental for ib is land with taxen aiid wntor maintenance added. ^

Tho cluh took up tho m atter of the. moll route. lo.^Ditelh, Nevada, ici the JarbldKc nilntciK d ls trlc l aiid miccecd- !■ td In havinj; tho uariio chiinced frnm “ Dcelli to ItoKurnon. The iitaK'' line now riinrf fri.in ItoKenion to Jarl.ldKe i' rmd the buidneiiu from thu l t'ltuip now illverH'il in Tw in K ulh rnnnty. •.

liciteoled nppear.uiceii havr heen ' made hoford tho S u te lil«hw av Com- •' nilsnlnn wllh tho roHult tha t w r hnve' ‘ two S u ie niRhways iocuti‘<i ihrouKli >■ this .county. t\)u r hundred dnllar;i wii« BuhHcrihed .hy nieiuherii of the I c luh 'to enahle the HlKliway Commti:- a Hlwi tu bell hondn for this work tail >' JWluK to financial ■dein'caalou .tliese “

the on n nortli nnd.DoiiJh hluh- '! wa)' delayed. However, th rnueh ' ef- *' rortii'Cf thc du l) Iho State lliiniwa.v- ' ;!ommlRBloQ paMcil a rewoUiUtm iun ll“ iiprcad it on the ir recnnlH authnrlrliii; >' ;hlfi cnunty to completo the cra ilr nn 1' ;hifl Ride Of Sfl0Hhnn» fall_tLn.niLl’lLili;--J nir'tho Slale^nKTTway CommlnHlun lo rr\m\nimr HiH rnitnty f'"- Iiortlon, A certified copy of thin ron- * )lu1)nn has heen furnished tho cniiuiy •ommliiiiioncrs, . , ',A.n vuon aa-U io Nntlonal Cnnf-renH «

WBBCd a'blll'CrefttlUK a fund for the: '' irevcntlon of hoc cholera the eltib nl mce Rot In touch-w llh onr d'oleKutlti.'i I' n Wnnhlnnton and sncceedrd and 'had he Twin [■'alia country aosleniiteil an ho distric t iu which Idaho'n funD'' thould ho expended, ou r iiropnrtlon^e- UB Bnme forty-flvo thouimnd dpHar^.:n carrylnK on thin w ork we l ^ e lind our PxprrTtn (o r SMPtal innmlrn nml ’ ,he result of tlielr work h i / been the mvliiK nt ovrr one liim dri/l nud flfiv ltmii.aiid dnllnr:< wrjrtli nt V jo;;k nti ihr •onlh Hide I ra tl alnne, On>Hu;;jnvii- ■r rtat.Hl tlm t It ha.; Miv.‘d 111.- if the Soulh Si<!e trac t a -p m rirr ln f j 'I.lilllllnil.dollani a n d -llia l--v .M j/n n t ' hone covernmeni doc inrn lnc;iii/il a i , . , rwla I-'nllB .na th ry n r.' ih r hni-/;i,>«- ■ni wnuhl have tn 1:0 nut nf j/n liii'v ., • niQUFdmln of hoi-i Imvr h r / vae. ln- . Ited nnd hut llt tl- Infl- h n / l i n ‘n f i i - ,

u'.Ttii cm lh<‘ Rrfl'iad K lia(i Ihmvi lary fnr the d iib lo ./uruhOi nffi--------------------------------------------------- -

i i l | { k n l l [ [ r l 7 . l

[ - W E E K

I D A H O . F K I D A Y , J A N U A R ’l

p i lGlib Emphasized By : rfW orl i


e Community Can Be Traced S Booster’s flrganiiation, . l:

--------- ■ ■■ . ' . 1,

nd hcadquarteru .fo r lh r reaiw a th a t wlie ftovernmpnt provided ull oximnot-n tl xcopt offlcr ren t. 'Tbu annual iiotBlo hrcaktaBi'Bad the til

uly >Vurth cclehration w ere Bnlendid tiUK Cm tB, Ulo IsH erhrlaK lng huod75~9 df WOplo to Twin f^llB from a dls- p,w c t . • nTho club bos assomhled oa-exhiUll tc

>r tbo Bon Francisco exposition th a t }], nr»«imity-ncc<l’ n o r b u ‘;tUihamcd”b r niferetory MoMmnn. sccured iho loan niI a .pum p nnd m otor from tho Great hoabone F^IIb Pow er company, whichI’to be UBcd a t thc exposition to fur- 'Ieh_wa(er.ror.t|ii: m lnlatufo Shoahouo ... J la tha t has been hullded there au«l111 be la consloat operation. Tbeiio ^

tContlnued on Pace <.l

■ COMING liTRt o'. . ______ Al

ItcBl ,yinrMrel Show with F o r t, IVii- 1, plo llHUd. it

S f j ^ ‘“V_.'llLJLJThitiiuiutac_ticlt-. « iPoolt-Iteli o t uuiliorlty breiitB at

•lp p rin t upon iho pasnlnK of Iho niln- .m .rcl t to w . ana some peoplo acitm ny di cllcvo hJm. T heatre hox office atato- bi lenis, however, dti iioi 'bear tbls out- p a= U ic= co n trarrp thpj^--iirov(rth'n t-ll' iv jod m instre l nhow. does woll up tn- („ a rd ’lh'e bunnor hUHlncm^it iho iira- ^

Tlio iiucstion naturally uriaoii thon, hy nre thore not moro m lnstrrl cum- tl inlos? Tho nurntluu lu a fair one. id hem In a fair aimwcr,You a ttend thn imniii play nr musical „]

imody u-anoii a fte r nca.inti It it provc.i „t1 ho a bic t.uccoiin,, hoar Ihe luvme K»',«. Ualen .u i llui v.iinie tlla\oRue, ,.| >ok a l the itanir eccjiorv and Icavo ,P tlieatro halliitiid. WouM you dn10 name by a inlUHtrel bhow? -No. • (ich-ucaiion you Insist upon a new ■onVc produeilon und now nnveltlcii, his calln. fo r a vimi outlay of money, N'I well Illt enercy nnd hrftln!i. .M.myi Inntrcl toinpaiilea fall liecauKr tbe lr •onHprn keep lu the niuno old ru t: ^

-avnr to provide iiomothliiK n<-'w lone In Rht of tho fact tha l-a niliixtml kIiov,- at UKt a lw ays,he a mliihtrel nhow, and n!' fcr tho pulillc a tiodt;v-vwlK>’ of ih

ope ra , Ullll huftounery which the fo ihUc In lu rn rrfu«o to nccoi t. tor the hi ■cajLJinli!}<:lJti_(UVl!‘iL.dilllLafti:LalL ar One of th(^nuiiit inicceiiHtnl inlnntrel ro

__ Jir ■«»'rlUKlo'.'i. wbo have loured the conn* m y for 30 yearn, h:ach nennon tbey lr ve a brand- iieil nhow. Iiut It In al- fa iy/r;trTjlln.itrrI nhow. Tiils nicrlli*- m ituiiaiiy,-^0 In., number, will appear the I-:iverliiK''ilic’ntrc Ior.-twu.dil)u .

■Idny■atiirflalurday. Kehniary -12.aud , with u m atin.'c on Saturday.

POPlllAR D M G IS r WEDS .U .-(.'o Inell I tctun is Wltb MNnotirl

llr id r. P<'--------- ---- F.

Thc many frleinln of A,‘ n, I'olw rll, P;Iio have drenird him to he a cnn- h' I'K il tw lu 'lu r , Ttvvlvod a ■?»rpil;icIn wr.'k wben hr rriurin-.i Wedtiru- p:'iy.w llh_M t:i..C ohvoll.ji.ix)iidlar .m d tuarnilni; \nnn i; lailv from Mnr»'jviHe. ‘ oismiurl. On .Ifitinary twentieth. Miss r)■51 I'niirail aud Mr. ('olwell were H'ilird In m arriau r a l ilir homr <if tlie hnIde lu Maryville. Tin.- newly wedded »huH o-iirflv .'d-W .H liirflrlay-^nd-hnrp -n-keu IIP th i'lr rraldruc,. In the Yoimuti It'm neiit 2. .;! n iiU Aveniie North,- .. hnMr. .Colw.idl liiiH been a ri-iildeitt of dn hi <iiy for the panl four Ve'arii andrluu Ibiii tlnu; han made niimy 1 /lend. whi. wlvU lilm all L\ Id wbo will vv,.l<-f>nie Mrn. C nlw dl m

' ' _______________ " III

fREE l Y C m CflURSf-----'■ wl

IcrttlnDiCiilx a t Thrpp Scbool lo ..llouseti F rida) .Ilieainp. - in'

daFhe frr,. ly.-rum toiin.ed wblrh ar.. of luir ):lTi;ti ti.v IV lii I.',ill!i la lrn tl^ lirntichouj (h r ......................... rely Im-Ih,: tinprrelntitl bv the 'dlfferelil r.ntntiiunl- [iUiI. On i-'ridav.c-veiilni; rn i.-ria lnu :rnh j wl11 h,. i : t \r || III Ilrn-I- dlffi.iriil -/lini.l ! thi unea. The l.-ni,!.* nf \lnfUni-li wlH I.'n terin tnH by Dr. v,-. \ S.rlHv:,n,';-‘ii

•1 V .xnvw C(>\ ;>5id UmIo IItetit-n |.v .P r,i>_H .ilC —

Itiidl Haml I.-Iil Ml;'-. Nell iJi-.-iuh. : .iinlni'i V lnv. .-4. nalur M .1 S-.-.r.-lry ||.e ' 'Tiiti<..r ii;-d -Mr ti-! Mr i •.•■.■■r.v.r. : • '.'I-

s f r;29, 1915. ., SUBSC

oo I I a m e r Sulomtibilr llrlK T (irl> In Had ai

lU hl.

J- l l . llnv le.n f llilu (.Ity, tuut an vn- Itll.; --\|.-T lenrr la:;( w(.fH In Ilnhl ' :iir ranic. Inio u elanli u iih nonifi Inite iiirli.-i;. llvliiK n ra r lhat pluei. .Mr. A nyl,. Iiai.'d tha t wblle riintdni; bin n ir ItU" lUilvl ll.' liMl Dveiwlim in iiai n m r i.ihonl wai;nliH Ina,ded wllh i hH.-I'll and dri'K to on.. iiMr of ib.> rna.iI allow (bom to pans. To Knlm; imtii H eac- one team .lrlv.-n by a v.oinan ■f’an ir rxclled. Mr. Iloyir nnl mi:.- K

uuy (fan«er Ui ib., rii: ami ihi ’ -cnpaiiln i rocix..deil Am Into lluhl, ilhlii a uhort timo hn wan emifrtwil.'d• tw.j iriiie farm era who iiccmie.i lilm

w,lltnlly runnlnc Into tlifvi'ebnnl illiicoii und UimeltlnK- It. TheV ' wrr,. oklni;, for i:nr... The coniitnhle wan . >l>ealod to . piace hlni .under lirrei.t,II a fte r liiveMlnallny; Uie'ninUpT. nl- w r.l-|ilm lo comn to tblu city (ipiin promlue lo uiipear If uny proceedlni:s •trr intitllni..d ni:ftloRt hhn. It iieemn cl at the t.-Mii driven by the. womnn ay1-niiii. (inmaniiKealilc and ran nwky. nb rikiiiK a'Rninsr a culvert oiid upset- mi 11; tlin hiKh—wftHim. Bomc-o f—ib r- tm ildren w ere nhakcn up luid brulspd mi t luckily cacapcdKeriomilnJory, Mr, ml lylo -very much rcuretted the a f- |k) l r and sta ted to Tbo T im es tha t had un _knoT rn_ot_thc.accldcnt..bc-K ould — t h av a Rone on. but rendered every rn HlHtiirice poafllhle. • Tf

THE DIXIE MINSTRELS ' E• - - , _____ • ........... - ' h l lpbeura T bcfllrr, MoDdar, Toendny

and IVedoMdaj- o f Next Week.

:)n .Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ne.xl week ih* RUtiftRtmenV oJ tbo

phpum thpatru haa securcd tbo DI; lo [I, nBircls. n ctjmpany o t ten people, in comhinallon In ■cvorythini; th a t lu od In the m instrel line, Tbo cntor- m ment eonBlaln o t ruKtlme, musical J„ m rtlr;«rlt}sitiR rdahclnB ,-priio coko , U k -«nd -da r)flp^« !ro -tJandnF -T h l» t n ow will nlao feature Jobaaon and . ickay, Oic world''B cnjaw sit Wind „ rkey w usltlans. This ia orio o f tbo “ ul uhows on tho road for tho price. ir_ihr.lftni_tbrci:-DlKllUl-0Ltlil6_\vcck iHII TK' >10011 m r n 'a n d WeHfon.“ In a iieU ilf uouBeuse- Tlio W lnlscU lu novelty munlenl uc-t a ro flnu. 'I'ho photo jdiiyn for thu la st three ;htu are honnd to plo.^so and In- ide--'[.’a tty iind 'M abci’,*-K unaw ay 7;,

a live Keynlono comody, horly t.etii 11 Tltle,” 'a Rood eomody ,.,j ;tuf.-. "illH Halted Career,;', in an- ‘ ie r Kood rnmedy. Tills with tho T" Inlniil mak.-n up a fliiv iiro.

: C O R e m S THE TIMES, “—.— - }ia

« rommI,si.Inncr I). V. Albee. Wants.'Inne r Sel IUkIH ' jYt

llor, timoH, .rtPTT-r^uii:"ic."},nir“ ni'!iuii“ r l h o I'uiii It. in which you imy byflltioHii men TiU n I'lilln mei wlih tho commls- f ’ nj.ni to dlncuiiH brlJRe inattera, per. ^9'I m y 10 wvy th a t tin- ineclliiR 'bur■ tho.purpoHC of talkliiK over tho lldliiK nt the roud lo .Shoslionp [nllu U L ,yuii-uenucalJv-afirood-that-thinIII nhould hi- hulll an noon .-is p<m- '

ttern were talked ot lo somo ex- It, y rt lb r buililinj; of ibp «honhone1.1 road wnn_th.'' main oljjcct.or the . . . rllllR,

D, P. Ai-ni-:i-:.

to pa1 h ™ ition ™mpuny illllrd for llrphcatn Knm ote <

lo Caiirbrolo. firAu

‘he Dixie -MliiHtrels wlilcli wUl ap- Inir -at tin; Or|ilioum n nli;htu, BtartlnK meliniary bn, a re on the ir wa>- to thu *:•iiania eX|Hi«ltluu, w hrrn a buildiuR h.nhrlm : hulll for Iheir entertnlnninnt not■uy. Uie Zm-ir Midway nnd the com- toiIV u r r nnlv playlns a f.tw nelrel eiil m a-un-thorr .uiiv to Ih.-.'..iVHl.-Tho ‘ Oi npany bearii tb.; dlntlnetian f>f car- luini; th r onl.>- 1.... .. an.l nrcbcntra nf bekiud in Ibr wnrld h.avliiK a blind yci

1.1 k-ad.tr, Inn he In a wonderful mu- In bin and i;lni:er and In rup:>nrtod by th ' frC T rT om pan j^n f'pp rfnnn rrn rti.iv r -mo : nc^voral i-onlralltJ. (ic;>ranQ and toi ritone iiInRiir:. w |tb pbmiv of cood wl' icerii. ’ ' ' cit

W P R I C m ’iGATTRAaiN•hanls i PrIn«N Minstrel* Of/er j_

Popaiar PricrK.

llchard- .onrl 'I 'fimiln'f; niln>.l:eli,k-h Ih nu isi'c iiir., ,iraw .lowii ji.r.o ' ,ii,i iirle.'ii fnr ihe lr prrform nnr.'ii «iH \ Twin l-'-tllH, owluB in' tli,. twn .laV Inc, inakr the rx ir. in.'ly Icnv in (i- .‘ r fr ,jand flnet-nts f.ir t l f two .•v.-ulni;;', th,

l.avrrlinr »a:i ri.rinniil-. (n i:,i|. |„,1; thla hb: iil ira .lln ii.iii uhltl d,M.'.1 .u iiir .III l-'i-l.riiaiv rjUi ainl i:;it Mrh ■a iiiallii.'e I'.ir tli.. arirTmHiii , r c ,

lhlrii-.-:ilh. 1:. C-,11.1 ,nit(fn-.-, „(i |ui irnnU-,. ir .x.'llnL; I t - 1, tvrrin-.;-IV

i;.- J-*. IN'il. ,Ia-i - :i. i'.'ii 1 .( .a.l -;.M .Va,, ■' - j n ,

LJ '


O N i p i B I l tlopt Amendment to Present '

Board from Evading It.NKTO ilK ini'|l,H i;iM ).\


II.,ir Pu-ssed, Will Take MmV nnJa- Jie.i 0 Of(Irlal.« From r a jr o l l 'ounty und ClUp's.

.InanlmouMly uRruHl tba t tho! prla- 'lo o t Ihe nieaBure Is Jubi bu l dla- •eeluK'. «» to th« .« c o p o .w b Ic i i- lt . . 'Itlld cover, the scnatli spen t Tuctdajr rn lng dlBcunsluK Bcnato r-Ilockwcll’a

nts, were aRreed to - b y Lbo corn- tee of the whole h u t final ,4U* v - iltlon of thr) mcoBUre waa deferred ;irtoday/ • • , Inder-tlw ftmendnients-atloptod-lho', o rRcncy 'c lause was atrlckco cat.J 5ulnlmun» llao lor violation 0! th e •WOB reduced from ouo hundred to and voting for .the appointm ent of

illycH or oaaoclAlia la offlco r t p r t v itod. ' ■;blB la s t amendmoDt waa ajloptod ird e r to ellm lnato any posBlblQ«r&-. 1 by mcmborB of county’ o r aebool .rda whero a member mlRbt (eenro,

i\ppolnln>ent o t somo relM Iro by , ’Ins otbor memberii of tbo board do atpolnlloR , ho merely wltbdr&winx .

m tho voUnR. )urlnir tbe dlacuBaloa It dotolopod t Bom« wsnaloru bavo & to ir Ib U caE B.lhc-niejiaurB-lncludia:m d‘oT -:'.__ :ii::;enrs | n Ita proTlntnnB thn m ad .ilhu . ------:ls Win sut/o r. In Senator Uremer’s inty, Llnpoln, bo oBaorts tb a t 'tb e re - > -JuBi A-WD. la n ille f ' tn- obA d U l r t e t 'I tb a t i t would bo uttorly lapoM ltde Imvo thc romi work dono In th a t dU- :t if thb 'b iirboco tuM 'a don tond ovcraoorn. Senator H art da red ' tltat n sim ilar condition uid develop in ' ucvcral o t tbo , tl ic r coinmunltleii. An atleiop t tourc_iui.-iunendnninL -to oHmlnWo--------------4I overiicera fallod. lonalor'H ardin); boIJ tbnt oltboueb

mea«ur« woold practically dlaor- - ilzo tho Ruvornmcnt of bio home rn. Malad, ho Mood for tbo proponed ; and would vole Tor ll. At p reo tn l nnld tho mayor has h ii nopbow and iro thor on the city payroll, wblle hrotllor-in-law ig phlcf 0! polica

lenator M'acbetb imnoi|nced th a t bo 1 spen t tlireo wcekfl In 1S07 ofldoav- :iR to Rct nn nntl-nopoliam m oiaoro - iptcd Jjn t th n t the blU wna klllod. dcclarcd tha t-undoubtedly bis po-

on on t ho moaauro could l»o ahown

liCi tin m.^ko th ta rocaanro a s hiHc- ' t an poBBlhlc," aald Its nutbor. Seoo- *

Ilockwell, "We c a n n o t' rd' too In BtoptilnR tUe lUo ot^l whHo

URh'mcn nvallable for puhlfc w ork houl hrinKlnp in ov.cry relation anCblJlQB.— . . ...............onutors Whllcomb atid Zuck In-_________ 1

tliu luuuiiuru llhii minouncod” r inteotlon of votlnR for It.—St&tos-

i n i H G o f A M B ;Nt MefUos lo bo H fld-Jn C onm er.

d a l riD b Friday Kienlnc.

'n I'rlday ovrnlnR. February 5. tho t m cetlnc n t thc Twin ^^llB Connty . omnhlle nnnorlatlpfl will bo hold ' lhc, Com metelal club roomw. Tht>'t in s will becin promptly «10. It in the wlBb flf those wbn c- <-hari:f of tbi>-f(jrmall<in hf tho oa- latlnn tha l every owner of an au- lolillo in Tw in l-'allfl coumy be proa,

nil lniii|n.*»;n' of Importancn will -10 biitofo the uiecllfuj. - One of fh n ..................'o rtant rv rn tn o t the evcnlnR will the olectinn of ottlcprn tor thf. r, Ak rnnu aa th r aitnnrlatloa in w orkinc on ler. thn loi:clnK of rnadH out of tho cliy will ctim-

ire.— ir w il l - n n t hnT onirT in tlt 'ths--------- ------rlnt tm v rl will suvtl and peoplo I rommence to flnck throuRh tho

and couniy on the ir 'way“ln ‘ lhr* ' onltlons In California.

: ' AN APPEAl TAKEN " ’ - ^A. Trom AppeaJa From Action ef

, . ronmlgsloncTii.

vvn apji.-alfi bave been filed wllh. r lerk ..f the dfi.'TTln eourt by J.

’r.im. tax|i:iver. In thh m atter of Ihn . ,■iitnn.^ 'nf blilii tcic llu-cantilTurtloa lln- brill;:.' aii.l nniith npproach of

M iinaueb brblre. Tbo e n m 'M lK 'b.-arn l,v .)ti,l:;n W A , Itahcnck 'at IViiriiai \ l.-nii nt Ihe dlj-.trlct cOnrt.

Crnm i- v.-iiTe;-.enlnl l.v W. T'. hrl.-, of tin- firm nf C n th rle ,anil -

ll.irk S jirln^i and I V tIc (IniP fa a l. .

Iltij IV Ial'fio. ae is , _

Page 2: W E E K THE s fr MES E E iE ir ' w liiiff O N ip iB I ltnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · THE VOL. X. NO. 32 TENTH E E iE ir BY THEROSSIANS Renewal of Activity

_ _'_^i»ubliiilicd. Twlcu u -VVcoli, T uada j'8 ill U ll ' FrWftyii, In . tli.- Cant-Hnlolmn n,.

.BuliaioK. Mn!n S irrrt. . ■ '

w ii.ii im h: m i . i . ' )> .K illlDriiiuli’iitilliiliur Illil

• - ’McmbiT ot liialu) I'fcija'o iut.

INUK1>).:.NULI\T lll i l ’n ' l ’.UIAN

■”” ''KntiT'.'il.iiii HiiDinl Clii;.;. M.iUct iu i,-• 8 .’iii|.Wi('lily, Ui (. IS. iyil). . ■ (iui

I u .

Oao yi';ir, la jilvnmi-.. ^ 'y '• ’e u Iflllllllll. .................. .................., -------------, . ’Ill

- • • - • ■ •........••: .;in<

" liu- . (Ib All of \n iir rrltili'.l’ .MfitlcT. U

K<'iiri-i.i'iiti <;<'iiil \Vorliiiiniiiilil|'. (i'm J .'-'"i \Vnsv«, nmi Um«l CuivdUlouk;_________ lU"

T if: y(;ili' li;:l;.l;il:ir. h; tn tx- midi- IDcnilnl fill m v Itilti;: .it l<',. I ll l>. laklni; |il<'iiiv nf Him- l>i ilinimu-til' [ri*vi(;\v i-vi't) lilH Mitiilii;; in'fnii' ll ;,i,nTIi'T i; 1.. . ■'l.roir.-. iiulii jtKiii tlml Hi'- -p,.T hln-jHllli vv-liiii u lll .Kliilli ilU ltii - u lltioii l)y llll ill ;iiili 111 I' f' il - ir/ilWlillr. • ■ . ■ |i;ili

_ Ii n . ; '-Mi.-mfly

t.m w v II,ITI. Is iK.iw.,.,, ,1,1. ll.lll,Ml- (.f ;!(;lili- l-iililti- 'illlrl.ll-i In f"li- mi'l

. ;if[cT ili '.llo il. Mrtf.rr .•lirllrili ll|.y

.................. . * ■ " ' W llIml,II.-. Unnml.iy 1:. ................ .............Mlln .IIIIII 1-1 llivir l"iMii' v\l:.li.'liiv.:Clir!y an : cim M biis mMIi.- lii.vi'iOvr,-. irr«,ipji<'(i|v.' <il ii.^iiv iiltilliiiiiiii-, nm wlml ; i '‘<llff-'ii;iin- a lir i ;:rilln:; tin- o rricr .'.T llr <l.-!il Iiillill<- lliMi lii’iuilir.i . Mflod ,ili.'vii 111 Di.'tr nii'iiilti 111 'j ', , tlio ii;ir(y. I'lililjr imiiri v. lirlniiitu k>

___UiQ otllcc-luiiil'jr.l'.l,,I'lii'iiil .111,'■'•'‘■lllll-, , _,j.-)D[T lllirfflniri:; ;itir|-itiiiti^)ilti;r th '-'i'ti-

• fortiiiiiilc.'; wJiii id:i,v hiivr iiK.-iul.il -j . iliirini- fln:iH>-i ■ l-N-.jiii.iiny iiii:^i!»_.-"i ^

,• riillriily illiriTriil Hiinl now. |irliii;irUyiiiiiiii'y'fdi- lllr M(fl(-i-!iiililf:r In j" "

Inilldlnn ii|i imllllial fni'icji (nil nf___ Iiul)llc ,/m uh.,ii!i!l,lu ,u liliic iiiiikullm;

(rli»i fr;r tii'hiiniiil or in n y fii'ilit on the .[Mil o\ni).,i Iir inv |;il offldul lill:; ' iDCBlt'. Till' I'lcil stlcl;:. Olit llll i)V.;r .'.IK-frIifflrlulii lliai. ....... ;irr. ..now tliv n m -torn mill th<> dn ir iiiilillr. Hk- lax’|i;iv|ni;

• slavcii o t dll' tncu whom iln'y liav» .raliioii to iinurr. I'urilMin iiollllcs iii<- ' ' ' JjOld (iu: Idl'li of.‘ 10 llic Vlrlnni In loliK:!thi: HiHills." lllll fi-w of. llii'.iiixiniy.Tti un tili' oii'iidtli' liwk'im:’ In i-.iii un i'|.t '

■ yfiUi RoiiIl .•lllilll'- till- .iniiKTiilli’ Illv- __lioi;aloI imlilli' lumln nltnii-, ii.irl'y linr:..

l^-^-Mn-ltilTliKiin-wlll-lii'-fnnTitt-n'Tnitin^^ Df - t h P - i iW jt] . . / - i i r ^ i .— T';:-;rr:p Comiiiori'iiil rlnl) wlilrli'Hlni'ilil I"; rurr- fully rrad liy rv.'i.v liusl'irn:i man "Im '

. Ifcllovoii In II. Ii(f;«rr and liVltcr T»'fii '_ l i : ! ‘J!i'_ 'y i'lIt '^< .iiilt_uL -U ii:_K uiJt_uI [ 'V -

• (h n 'e ir i ir c 't ;! Ill ,1)1|.'Jiiilillr. Ilirrr'l:^.-V liirc rr ii.'irl .d'nu- i|iiln ly im.l i.ffr.-. tlvrly aliiiiil vvliicll. llir imlill.' ih-v.t kTifiw:., For llihi rrasoii Hi.' Com- '

■. I llf ti- ill ir< ;liliri;r7 )f |,'irT ]i;ir(-v il~ llll Li'KllCOncc iiiijiiiiiiy.. Inv lli .(111111111111- (y liooMlni: ih .'ir uro I'uin.' iirojrcli; j‘ which can tin,i li,. ,;ci m-lm: « llli u ' ’* braiiM llllllli. liiK ;i'm iirh b rx iT nnin- l>pr for ivhlrli iiiithiiii; Inu iln; ohl-f.r'ililonr.l mini ;:liu,' r;iiii[ial«u will ,l,i.Liko w ar [iliimi llir valiu- nf Mt.i,Ji'cy i.'i t;lin»- wh. n' 11 hr. nin''!! inilillr

,«n'l. . . . ' - Ilu;.!

S e c (he L ight Six-40 " '-i'

M o d l i ^ G a r pa l T w in F a lls A uto Co’s . :,n 1

' G arag e ........ 1'"’" '


^ e l l s I t s e l f ^ : i l l r ;C ritica l cxAiiiin.vloiM ^

-v .iir« ii }caiT i< n p - ■ ^

M O O RB "ithil

For —ll'l-r.)n(i':c Mpirf. H 1,,Nfv/ £lfcin« Li 'i'.:, Suni-f Hnnd Iffiiiiion. Hnidin! Dn>'. I'liji.n.l H

(Asiris M— .b riU 'fW riin J 'jjf i) j^ ~ < ritT :r .rr t 'i~ H ' fr.'nii-

'recm for c'fi'i-r. l-jnnix ndiui. f l

j^ll you tlie Cit - H ilhllll

• $1350 0 ™,',“ ..............................................■■ a

' l i i c O a

yodee t h o h i U .p a j t f ndtortJsPniriil• ' ■ - illclii

I t S<itortlnjr KTcalBff I’osi, Jannfl^,. 2. -yijp

WIS- ' ’ t'-nth ------------------------- ■ , (ir-y

Charles M. Smith, Agt.' T w i ^ a i i i T l d a h o .

T H E TW IN FALLS' TIMES f;;jicrly and nvnlliiblc'fiir 'iiiui of other w U c cominiiiildrH, ■ S fc rrta ry Mf- lau-i:li'ould..bc-*Uywi.jluii-i:rcillLiQr- _

"•ork dom: In tin’ fticfj of ihii aV-ilhy i lf r - ,i 'h y 111.' ii';ii|il'' m o r r vlliilly iincrriird Ihii'ii 111', Whil/' ;i i;rr;tl I ly (it lhi- hu. llir:.ii lllrll juiVi’. fililh. y iiiiM Ilu l r ihl'-'i'. III".'.' Im v r Ir.fl _ttud:_f'V, lh -J j'j;ird of illrn io r i. _

[ill- III.. .MT. uuv. K.ivv Imvt i!Vur .t i l l III. . . . i T r K i i ' r ' t o t i f f r r ' : ; i i w r ? ? —

L l. '. l l ib Mr_-Mi:.Mllliiu_h;uL ^ i;ri| <Tm..i:,ti.nllX at all ih n '’;;'fo r iM.ni'lli M till' iiitoiiinnliv •_Tbr

I':i .W.iiii.i un;.. III.- )iiimiici;i of tlir., 1.. |i:iy >|M! to tli'>-c|i|li Mionn.::ri ill toil, ll wllll ifll' 'V.lll: whirh

':llii: ;illi iiiiili 'I. ( l i c r 'l|i tin- ' n rr- _wltll iir.itiiT ....................... . :iiul

ilrtil.'iliy ) 'i t il ii-'iv mlj) .m iliinc-. ' rrr.lf^ dt wfll ||,1' Mill lllld IiiiyMiuiiiM UiHy u{ vsliS' U \ i i i i :,U iniW Iw iiililiii: lillll' '

,\.M i:uir.\N .Mil Ti; \ i . i t v

: .I i l tr d l . ' I .f f l l ll . lit I 'r . - i i d r i i i W ll-;in il 111'- .i.’lliltli'l. lllldi v|rl.':i 111 tlir '.1 'v irM war nrv l,".i:liiiihi!; t-> hm l;.. Mi:;|ilcl(iii)i ll|i<ili A'liirtiraii ty. li.'riiiiiiiy siy,; Anu rh a i.'m- \ l.’r:i wilh i:ii):hind. atul llu; alii..:: lllr lirw .iia iirf: o f 'l l ie llclimill [larty arn (>|i|'iily niakliu- mirli ;ir- tloil!.. KiiKhiU'l li.'Ci'jiiic of dll- .•:■( n>;:iliii.t d rlri'lh iti (if Aiiirrlnin Jiliu: DOW (•lallllf Ibiil I'rr.'.jilrlll . . iin.h- iiiv<irinr. tl" ’ Hf'rni.'inn, wiilic .itlni: dm frln iillh ici’i: of (hu Anirf- ,

|,r„ |i .. .•Ill a Whdir, \l..anivlill.:itraii!! iinlvrv>.anv. a i. ' liiiK^'ii; i ' f.’'; ( r fryiiii; III aVtild tniulih; J '■ ‘ th i . i .... , f

i’ T in ; I’KK.ks T,\KK T lii : itn i j . T lS If liKI’I.Y- i .

:r frntik-and-frirti(H y in(i.. nf di...' niiniiry iirilbdi, ri'iiiy t(i tm r‘ |,io- 'I' of lli 'ri'inhrr II|I| I'll ill'1.1 ,\lLJrll- —

:1 to ..i-liy onr (111111111, llu.y iro,„. <<„III.' ron. liiatory :t|ilrlt .'Vld.'iK .'il "lh

('•r:l.li”.:i llrlthill illl.'tl.'rrllc,. V.illl lllrriininirl. ;' ■irnd.T ' itir' 'T 'h '; i~ o f roililiiK* /(It . Iiiitriihaiid .\f ir r . x- not1; hi'l •. U rinal drnlnl of <mr r naiu .':.. our |ir.'::;i i rcni ii'; a ivluii” iu:i1 iiir.)ii'. wtllhii: I......•('.'Ill .Sir I'M- h '.i;i.'y '~ !.taii'inriiiK of fa. ( ai _ili.''lr ''iilv^iinr o r ll) I mil,I'lrr hi:. :in:n. I'lii

.s (imchlslv.', T i'ir. !ionu- Iv ll.v .' hridm ilrlliidi .ll|il(iiniit lia:i '.r(iri:d h .iIII--S((l(.-, T)i-|iarlll!.-nt in tlu- r>;. |l |ri;i- of doraim 'iili'. o r adiiili tluit l'l.Illdl.ll llllllli lit' VlrW I'. :,uii:.lau- mil• (orirt-l. To otiicrii lli(. Ilrllhtli I'lK ii.'oi 1-1 •':i skn riiily_w(jrijcj.ji;:nlnl. .ll|u n i 'rlrn n -rirH - . ^n’til tii«-rrr|)ritrrr- {!'•K)f5iim7i~rrini;nirr''*'v.r •,ivrTi;i)i:rr'' -Rni. ' nol.'s . fndi fhillrly -jvlifl.. ii..r (altiTii liiirrl'’d ont tdii[i|iini'. am! rv- nil'i.-ivii. w.llh Ilir Wanliiui:i(Jti i'osi, t'ln

on dll' |il,:a of m llllaly ti.'. 'r i ' ily, nmlli'l i)ioi(i;ri: 1(1 ilM tioy .\n in l- (;rr on iiiu 'rri '- H nt inont of ditr c it-rettirriilfri-,-n-ldi thr-U(-irotl l-‘rr-' ,|„ .. liuit 111.' rrjily ■ill in no. :.i'n:;r /nnai .'.('tdi'nunl of I'U'iiiton. tliat d ,'.,railu-r an' a.-kii(iiiii-(h;''mr1ii .if |„i,;

n of ;i 11(11.'. or, 111 tiKiM. in i.ji- >vhl lit il.'tMl.', anil ir'ihiii.:. an i.,ll-

n .o l ivlial l l I.. Ij.. Ih r i:..m-ral „ f :■ of 111.' final |.'|dy ." .<n tl,.'y j,.,,. onl Sir I'M'vai'l C rr> 's ..ri.ira

iii|i.i.ii|i.)n .\iii..rlrHii iii;li|-. with l .; . .Itllr, lail'dl;! 'ilcndllui.-.'.:. ami ,l,,r .'.•o f a |i|.;t. rfoi •.;.-liIiunriit ivhlcii il„,| rtrrU .- dll' imli- |ilv|i;irrd by d ial |,r,. rW ft-ttri« iV > -.ia .i.> tlinh ------------------ -nftTr■ A ilW ii-nti' ti.iili' was ( ( i i i - . id n .-.I Jiyu r l:it.it.' for Ja n n ar j' I', Tlir’ ll i i 'i V.f "lll.l-.a',■ i nbli'ih.-d In lh - .\tii.-il- Hii, .-w.-iiaiii'ij, (i|irii;i with till' iiMial |)f,.i

l‘'^i'-:'.'’!.-illul tlivh xvLa .uu._lu --;

s Ma)i-'iy :i I'ldycriinu'til . imllallV !m7 r:i in tlu- I'rln.'liih: .'iiiiiK-lai.-d coll ' I 'd i'-'um rn i uf dm fn ll. 'd S la t.'. .;|i,.i tii’Mircn nt, in il.rUIni: wllb lr:tih ' , i,[i

I II if.-ii'iiilt. :.h(mlil mil in ic r f r ir Dmi.,-U u h _ ;i i lc rf c f.i ; i :L L _ l:...U L i; i : -> a ii- . o f - ,o il l l III.' I i . 'l i i i : . ‘r .'n t.': i i i a l io n a l i.up, m u l tlir .:i (in ly t o l l i " i - i i . .n t w.il,Ii. h It 1.-- n i-n - .- : .a r i W i- n h a l l i„. v . i r III k i '. 'j ) .( i i r a i- lio n w i i l iin d u '

o l t i l l , i i r l n i ' l i . l ’:. m i d u - i i i i i l n - ' if111: d i a l l l .u l i ii l i ii d i i r r l r b f t o In - i i ts . ' » l u 'i i > .m li I t l i . 'r f i T . 'n o ' is n o tI h r b u im fi ilc l r . i J . i h rtW L-rii .( lu - a n .l 1 S tulM 'i a m i a i u i d u ' r i i c n l r a l Tr.l, ll 'l l w ld i i r a i l " in ( o n l r a b a m h i j : i ' ".'iI f o r 111.- r t ic m .v ’:; c o n n l r y , a n d ; ;n r' r r a i l y , w i i n u 'v l ' r o n r n d l o n n m y i„ t- iid D n a lly rx i-c rU d ih i j i r l m l i i l r . ) , |( | |k r r r d r . , - j :v " . Jlii,-:l-M w ;ird C r . 'y d o n i n o t t l i i n k b in m i l.:\su .'5 il C i f o r A ii ii- rlv i 'ii In c i"mi^T— ii i- U i ,— w n r ~ T n r : : p r T i r ^ i i nIII-.' l l n - 111 ju n r r a l l o ' (h r - ( 'x i . 'i l - n jf ,.i f a / i ii i t . ' o f iV ar a tu l r n n - u 'i i n r n t i .t c

Il l lo n (if i in n - l ia id n i; j i o n r r n n d i h r 'i n i ; r u f t r .K h '." i 'S |i . - r l a l ly In iiiic ii i im i : i r ! . ii:j. l l l r l i l l l r d K l n n J o in , T' ', a n d l l c r n i a n y . r a t h e r t h a n (0 o f 1T .’t in - w it l i A n i r r i r n n I r .u ii - w l lb M anllli. A n d h r v io n d iT ii t t h i - tb c r m e nA m e r ic a n ( r f ld i - . 'f o n lly In i'i b c r a i n ^>r(Hl, n i n r e P T jio f in ’ f r o m N c w c u m(o . l ) rn m n rK r.,.S » c * l( 'n . N o r w a y , U e n

a i y w n r i '. a r o o r J l n c (0 J i( ;n r i '; i h i . i in Ji ii'U 'b o - r n i o r I n 'N o v c in l io r . I? H ,- ly nla N n v r in b i- r , ' ID U . n n il b u t S iU rl y . l r s n irt t h r cAm.' u t U o ll t im l. cr...n u 'r l c n n i in t i ' o b jo c t i 'd (0 (h o di>- ilnll:a o f r b p |H ; r carK O f'" - K i r K d w a n j p y 1M n tlK iir r i i e o y o r h if r n i i f r o x l - r« ln

>' Ih o t i rB i t lv o n io n t l i a o f (b o lo^ ch o t t lu K t l iM (H it \n lliv ly "S lTdQubi«-tiio«...4ir..uit-co«i>iifioiui-- f n m<Tlod In l ? n , .m d r.'v r.T llD C n rV ic

' . T

I h t f . : ; . :.

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T/j tfSliT.

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, ' 1: l ’l.( 'iiin 'rillil

W i i h . l l i i 'h i i r i l i i and P rln J ;! t' '! i F.tiumi! ly and .Satnrdii|>. }'’. 'b r u i i r y I'.’ aad 1 :

i i i t r l . ' i . •W ith ■.Itch f l t in r r . 'i , h c .n a y ... Am i i rw i i in p i I O n Ih. v o r y l i l r o n s I b a t i . \ (

' b u lk o f r o p i i o r l in ii b c i 'a i n le n d i 'd u n i ’ l lu '" ilir i '“ ( i f i l " b r l i r ^ c n - t t l w h o r a n l l l - : h n i io r l I t d l i v r t . ' '^ I n - r r i d y i o o i i r } u , n l n d '- r M ini l l i l i it i l i i i r i 'c c i l c n ln i n l . ' ; |i i . ihir.1 i i i i - . i i r h : i i r . ' . i r . .f( iix l.. |t i{ f;i l l ll; jam ; s a . t l t a l ly r d m i i i i n r i l l o a l i . 'I l l i ; c t - i m . t

........ . f o r c c 'i . S i r l-M w iiril C r r y p - Mllil.'i lju- iirhicij.Ii-. and.i'lai.-ii b i iL m irf di:i( ■1,1 ilil'. h iliirrio li.:on 1 :t<I- I ii'oi -nl III In iira id :'.' iind Ibat il i:i d ir i:iit :("iil llrilli'ii iti tm do ii lo adh.'ti' to ..iiti Ilyi. hr ad'Is. '■\V.- . all n'ol Klvr an' aii'j

lnili.;'l an.l un-oitimioUHl utul.-’t- iu-;v hu; In ■virw .if tb r <l.'|i:iiliirr by dir ;;ti_ai::il:l:.:-w boiii-'uM -i,i.-fi-|,i,j,::- -jnn i.t-l.l<h**M*»*»****‘**t-(*-.|—»-*ib 'i yf-^ifii« tlnn-mul“ lm m an lrr-n n rt'ttiin m jT r'- “ ,ni ny' III, to III.' '•\t.-n t lo ivHiVli t-n.-li "sii i-;i nmy Iir vi'dai.-d h.v ilirin la tu - ,.|r-

h r ' r . ^ r i l — i r . ' : I v T i p n t L. l’i r n r T - ' ' . n U ' i s ilh i( 'm .!i';il III i i a r l M i y - S i r K dH .i'id .’"i

F r o m A u m iiii l i a ' . t t o . l a i ln a iy :i " "n iiinli.r c t nlcamniiiii:! ...... .

11 th . : I'nllMl S ta l l ' : ! f i l l i l i i l l a n d , -"b' iinai'k, S o n v a y , S w . '.h n, a m i l l :d y

lii'im 77:1. O f ( h r ' i r ' a i r f . i r tv .f lv . '( 'h Imvc bail l o n i - k n t n r o i - . m- < n r- !<' ‘ :i p b u - iH l.ln til.- |i r l - , : " - i i i t i i i . 'i r b i h - ^ ■ti li ' .’ •.hij)H Ih . 'm iu 'U . ' : . i . i i h . "i-.;!!!

b u r n i d a i ' i 'd In d i " i.r i , '. .- . o n r l , 4 OIIU (if l l i r s c b a n !- li i i ( ' li . n r r - •

i c l . U I s ,’ tUW .iVvV, . ' - .s im t . l l >111- • * n jo d iT n rn i id l l l i i n : . tli; t l w i u i r r ' T

r c h i 'r c a l K io u n d | . , r : in -ii. < d m ; l l i r - tio!H'«' d t c o n l n r iw m l - Hu- '. '. .- .r l! .

;l ,g iu ,i,h l l " ( i l t u - r . ' i ; i y i a n th . . i i ; ;b i n i l l s ( - a rc b h'l- . 'X r i c h . r . i . a n d tm l fo r . | ) r a . ti.'" II w .iu l . i b n v . ' to b r c .m i- ■i'ly iib iiiid o iu - .! . , • • •I l i f u r n ia l i o u - h a : i i . i a . b .-il u s . l l i a l . A .-| - i ' ! y h i r a u '! !' 'iVi' I' jivi. ;iiu ,:i.>.Mi- l U u

i i it i 'i i d c i i o f Illl'l l i i i . ' t i .T i n i : . v . ld i 01). iiliiiiii . ' a r i i l ' u ' . I ' d o n w ill h rI'iaily M dr.l.'il t o . I . t l.v ..... . „nt( r a h a n i l . ' i i n d 'v r ! ia v .- 'i ; ,- . 'i i u a r n . d .M; ••onu'r w ll......... .'Mil'll lii,Ii:d.-:io U o n - . ’- 5- ^ r i i i i - u u l y _ ' . v a v - i u - | . j ‘JVii liii-l' ivonl.l h r l.'i I'vamht"' .nnd -i'ur

Kll dll' Inilr.i, ;i i.r<iri'':,ii dial ijuilil ' -'1 carrlrd luit only by liiliii:iiii; du- “I'Jl i.-l In io ji |io il. In :.U(b a .- irr, or xaitilnalluu JnT.llficI-du'- ariion nf

M a jr - tv ': . c o v r n i l i i n i t , i b r .a ;- . - 1,II b r l i r 'v iK h l h r f o i r a I 'r l . u - i o n r l

.i .M lt u l l b In I h o o u l h i a r y w ay.!' b r J l r i t i : ! ! { ; in . . i j i iu . ' i i l , it ii i r r i ! ! . j^ ,d ( 'im f r.iiK '.i! w l l l l l l l r c r i iw lim d a n - ii|>r' I h .n u i '_ 'i(ra ; c o u n t t'l..'i . t ) n d ; :u o n ;i . r r h i

bo c n i 'in y w i l l I j r .- o in . ' u n a : ;c a lr . ' r t o i i i i | i r i 'c r d r n l . ' . l a b a n . ' o f m iii- ' n >i fill d l l ' a r in i- d « o | i l l r i . i (if .m r c : i - S n n ■» a n d t o r j i i a l . ' r i a l ' i f u r m a n n - n 'l

,.na™v„rlb(.~liIM 'cSt”of-'niH -nTrn-r!inonnl- (y, (0 prevent ibli' dannor by Jn- thyt iMilini,' !;oo(hi r ra d y dr»dncd for i<’« cni'Uiy. w lthoiil I n lr r tr r iiu :. witli

K* w hhb arc b<i:ia fbb! tirntral,"Ills ' n o i r • 'i ; iv r ii ' . ' i c . ' l b n l i i ro fn lw [m v. U l c u r l y a n d .l a lh i l .K 'lo ry n i td c r - M c> d in t : b c iw c c i i t in - tw o c o v q r n - U ." iH 'Ilt'V d i .l lm N r w V o r k K v c n - P o i.i , a n d t h r u . . w i ir i l ii ’ i irA C llc a lly \ \ 'n l u p . i h l ' v o in m o n t o f d m N o w Y o rk M a r

I h l , ' T rI lm ti '.T -1-JTPninK S u n , - r r « i c , J .W G lo b r . i 'l i i - t h u r i : D ln p a ic h , l l ro o k - K a c h '. -N .-v y n r k N c w ^ , W n R hliiR ion ,n u n

- iin .I T l m r s , - O l r v c l n m l I’ l a i n D e a l - M n n .1 H c i r o i t F r . - - 1‘rom i. O l h r r " f> « lr.l ar(> n o In'n ( 'o n f l d c n t o f a l ia p - - n i l ln p , b n t HOC . c a r U l a . l i n iK in a n t Ik o f ( ,-o ii l ro v o r s y . .i iu i f in d rn n c h 10 H :o n ip la i- j , u t In K i i s l l n b iirn ctlK rn -

V'Ai'Kiiri^ Q r c y 'i i - • ifl s-c ry r t i r ,“^ ln ’-f‘hl!ariH r^bb-^'orth-A m - ati rrtimrltB—v b r l.i 'ivllllnf: to Tt


I, ■.\Ilii! .lli .'li i . I.- iv c r’ln i ; ’I 'b r a l r . ' F r l -

M a tl i i . '. ' .''■ iiiiirdiiy,

, „ { ,^ n r th t n r p n .f |it mii-(ii :t',iri'H'*- — '■rhan -diipii." , Tin- Fadivrlaiid '.v Voi-kt jirohalily fairly friirc-

<i''rnian-A im 'rlraii uiilnioh. wb.ii |iraii:i of "Ci.'ai iliitriin'ii iillrtn|il I.'^irov A iiirrinin cuiiiiiir'rrr iimb'r- I'M of miiiihu: i>iir'i>n (Irrniaiiy .A iuirlir-Hntnii.iv,-' Cr.-.it llrllain .t 'li III.. N"w Ym-k M.iinini; r r l .- 11; '■ lalll), at |rn .;d i. tint mrfli(';i ni5 lilsr:.," iliit J'iir Tr|r»;i','ll.il' ('an -ii. lirv.'. It ll.i.l-:,' • tiiiit C rrat Hfi-I.an IllinK .\n u 'i|.it u iil /ill.iiv her

.1 to I).- ill l.i n|i ;iii tiu- hlKli scan M 'l/.-d |ii;,t t.i'i-aiisi' -ifiiii" hnll.!v.l l->,M;n' li ii.A ;ir.iim ..'V 11ll«U:i .;at-;;o mav hr l-iCi'iiit.-d for li.'r-

i:'”“ r.;iliTniiin::; ,i;iin!“ lu.' lim^hnirll-r.ild , li! if l • h r - -6 n m lr3 " lf rn n r ■“ tr'- .-niu--r;iri,Tru;niri,.n.-.' - "nn'iTiiiO' " ll'llt.v" o't luiti-.iiii.'il Hrllbdi . In- ri'iii iiifl.'iiilr- ■■■| b:ii SJii(»niii‘'i- _

• ' l a - . I i i rv i t . i i . i . . I i i ' l l i i v ib i im n - *-----r - i r ' n i i i i ; i i „ a . r r T - i . a i ^ C Jm -t “ 7I wa-. l:i 111" imini iiiadon nf herb.'r.'.(Hui'.ami Mliii.ln inir I'ri'Mi oi:-bi)i,- lint tiiri.. )ia» IirciVimir.' ■iiiiiniain of 1)1.m liirflK li'iicy. ii | n , .. lm.i, wllll i ry.'ii'.i „( It:; .'unicni- of 111 '•h-:. il ....... . not ..m:.idri- Sir l-al-I l l ' . - y . nu lr a :ii fl l.irm atiMi-cr U'l..' 1 .m ip h ii i i i ' i -I.lii i,-iry 1>ii:r;it,

• • • • • • III• u l l l t

. n n a ' . u ' f i i i \ K w s • • m i• - .Mrn.

.................................. ..... iii'iiiU- l.aiilr:.’ Al'i iu rl a t llir lloilir o l '

I'('niii.'ri(,ii Tim'i-.'..hiv .............. ..• w il l : : lv u _ ;L .lu t i - c jn i l .-a a t l h . ' ' ' ' • r o f .Mr.'i. i l i i n l T h i in .d a y , -iiiiH ..:':;. ,. • ' '' T-l .l l lV llS r T r f T h l l h : . - J ' liir r rT T T U i- -* . ''* - : K lv .' a C .o V l u . 'k d ln i i. - r a t l l i r l ' ' " /

o l b u n :- . '. i;(ni(l p ro ^ j ia n i a f l r i -1 ■” ’ M ipii.'t-., ■ . I Al

l l r i i; i ; : i m uv .-.i b l " f a m il . lo t i i r •• '"’'I m l h tiiuu . ;r.u . 'i.d i iv . . I' -^ '1u ly l l l in tu 'i i . .4 r . , W . l i n t I . - F - i i . i

' lll.T^vill Fallii la:'l Tliilri.day o n l '" ' ' ' , ' ' IU -': '. I " * ’ !'....... . i:i a n a l ii a b l . ' In , l i r ;ii f l . r I l ls o i ic r a l lu i t . ' ' I: - ! n : i i i . i c ' H d .i l Im .i a i i o i i r i m i d i rII iK 'Hilli ilili h n i li; o u t o t liaiiiii'r. O i ilild h.-r I'lir.'iilK Nfr iiii'l > ln i . 'ibiq

T - M r .M h l i n i i r i . - r t - ro i '~ r." d iii.- \ 'ilo ' m n ini ib iv . . • • ' U ii '^•:. -I. I. T o l m a n I . ...... ... l in i ' io v .-d ' ' 1 ^• b . ' r rr.-. IU lIliir.iL:. ------i . ' i r h h k . 'ii iiu \. b i l l . ; I r '. ' i i in v iu lin i : • _s i ii .K i) a n d IIOW tl :, . n in n iu s I i a v r .. r. ,i '.l a i u im ^ t f l u ' . h i ld v v ii,■IV Itawiin^'i ;iml Ward .lobnyon

dlntirr-S'ind.i.i u t ibu W cadi.'iliy

ri';. .1: K. Sl.'iiuuir ............. . /roni Ira n Tiu:..la> where Mu. bas in'.'ii dint; 111.' ia^l two nionthii iWlh :lv.'!. and frl.'iuln. m-Coraiiii Ili-Oii. V.UI move to ilmll S ldr ahoul (he firm u f .Mnrcli.■v, i ’. . i i i I i r r i o n n p c n t S a l u n l a y a n d la y ivK h b in f a m ily a n d d c l lv f ire di i i . ' r . ' i id i iK n c r n io n .S n a d a y m o rn - a m t r c i u r u c d In iU«> a f i c r n t i o n lo I'll V a l lc '- w lm ro Im [«_Jlo['JjD Ki-ry ! u i« V 8 iifu l m r e l l n s ' . t 'r u in 1- h r Clir.'l l o In la n d tn h o h l ft. t .c r - if n i r c d n p i . M rn . I ’o m h c r to n r o n - ikd a H o n c - i ic r \ ' lc o S u n d a y cv t;n* • w h l'p li w n n R r c a t ly e n jo y e d .•. m ill Mrn. N lcm a!H (> r o f ' l o w n ,

m n v c d t o l l i c l r n e w h o m i ', Ih o f th o n r a n c l i .■b W o b b |)u rc li.iii 'p d M r. K Illii' e a n d b u jiffv . , 't h u r E lllB l o f t - W c d n o f id 's y f o r a .W f l l l a . b u l M rw; K i l l s (in d l l t l l e o r l 'c w i l l v l n l t 'A j n o n l t i w i th h r r n t.i . M r. n n d M ^i;. P e rK u n o n n f e n V n llo y . , . . ': n J a i n n n d I-o a T o l m a n h a v o l lw 'p s .. H c l l n r . o t C h s i l c to r d , s p o n l S a l - y n n d S u n d a y a l t h c l l o o |t o r h o m o ; i iM t o f M ls n U ln n c h r I lo v o r k n , •. m n n l la tu K h .iii p i i ro h a f lr d M ..H . y 'a r n h c l i n i id m o v e d h i s f a m ily10 H nm o.a n . S u m m o r H 'w a . i In H iilil a p a r t Kt K f tc k .;. D u n l a p h a n b u i l t n r o d n f o n t o I

Q r t i o l r n i f c l t t o n t : n lK h l c a c l i w e e k ■ "

ttEB, FRIDAY. JAN. .23. 1016.'.

Do^You E O w n ^ e

' | f S S , W e W a n H p - l

NEW GOI. In w o o le n s and s ilks w

TiiirdinJ\^^ab;ri(rw ith-tlTc-v sh ed s du st. T h is com cs In

N cw Palm B each clotli for th is c o u n try .

N ew fancy^ su itin g s ii

N ew s ilk p o p lin s and.c so ft sp rin g shades.

. ,1:? W A SH G O O D S we d o tte d an d em b ro id e re d mi o f prices.

N e w 'fa n c y flaxons. N ew w a sh c re p e s In di N e w Iace c lo t l i in 'whit N ew fig u re d r ic e c lo th

serv iceab le c lo th .

N E W D IM IT IE S .■ N E W L A W N S .

Quit Readv-- Dress

fo r S p rin g a re c o m in g in da to 44’ bUst. . . .

N E W S P R IN G S K IR T s.tyle so n e w an d b eco m in g

. I t j s o u r p lea su re 'to shi co m e in.

i! Unnl lionii' nnd iiri'paren apc. hil ff»i k<i- for th .i .rh u rrl i lu'rvli-r-. [all fit \4-f- wus in MnVi-.inn'i

IV lookhiK atu-r bin ran rb . . '" '" '‘IV. tVniberlon will bc>;ln a nrrles ■“ >'> '.'lliii;!! .Mondny fiv.'nim:. F.'britary rniir;

ii. lv C. rhaiK'u a iu r i t . It, Kcn- wcr.: iiatineni;crii (o Twin Falla , ly, • . •y ll'in t.vbdtcil from .Salnnlay un- * imlay In K inibrrly'anil T i'ita ^ iIIh T. Jubnniu anil 'A rtlinr Ualiich.

..a n d .Mrn. W callii'rly, .Mr. and 'Munt vi«:i.'d lit ' dm K rnilall . 7 .'' Swiul'.vv iifi.-nwoH. - ‘ ,

11. n , li, K,;a(lc11 lia;riu:i-n vrry llh liii;rl|iju; bn t h< tnurh iiniuov- “5”

, S. llnffnian was iramnirdiiK hnli-

in S lK rn iii.a i:a in (m fhr'Kick Illit. a r r ):iiid d ial WIHIr, W nlkcr In

"."k.M. llfXiiH'r-aiid Mliiii niaiicbc rli.. ;lrov...((> I l i i i i » . ' iM V . '. l t » f ^ d f ty |j |^

il.'''i'il r ru u « l« ." ^ l^ U ^ ^ ^ ^__________

t f ; N ( n ^ . 'itu: lo ih(' niaclc pow'..r of die . ii'iic ' .o f KiiRi'jin y . :Il(!bs. the ' • 'T in trd -n n d - l(3v n h lr - S o r l a l l n f t n c t f■ n iln l .Slatcii, il. in h('rcby rr(in(’:ft- '. die ^puhlli' d ia l baliirii I'l armii Sul

W iien you b iiv ihc ncw I buy ihe S c rv icc a n d E w n l i i I ttn c d in th e KigK-priccd limi d o n 'l p ay th e ex trav ag a n t fii exce iiivc m ain len a n cc ,cxpcn F o rd S e d a n it like thic oilier a lre a d y in use— low in C ost, a n d the m osl econom ical ca r cver bu ifl—-on llie avcraRc 0 c rn l! p e r m ile, ^■ [•ord S e d a n $ 9 7 5 : Coupeli

. - C a r $ 6 9 0 : T o u r in g 'C ar $•( ' I i 4 4 0 . A l l fu lly e q u ipped , I

- - O li sa le a t the

. W E S T E R N A U T C

‘ _ B uyer* w ill sh are in profitrela il 3 0 0 .0 0 0 ncvv F o rd car gust 1 9 1 4 a n d A u g u s t 1 9 l f

lo Y ou f wing?— ~i h o w Y o u O ur-- ----------

IDS : ^e h a v e T u s s a h C a r i- renvcTnid'finish-that-'— beau tifu l c o lo rin g s.

J u s t th e materifli

1 d iffe re n t shades,

repe m eteo rs in th e

can sh o w y o u n e w . Us in a w id e range

iferent q ua lities . 2 and f ig u red . 3 'V ery p o p u laran d

to=Wear— ^ e s _iiy. F ro m 14-years _ ______

>_____________________________in th e n e w flare to all fig u res.

>w .o u r , goods, so .'

ill tia ( lu li 'l . a ii iH uiulblo! u n d i J is l i . ' f i - b l td ro n n u t In n rm ii o r u |io n tm m i hfl t tu iin l lc d j i iS J a d -III, T tlll) I c c l u r c w il t l a k o p ln c c ' . '' l l iu h S c h o o l A u d t lo r lu ra , F cb - Kidi. S:00 p, m, -

. HY TliK COM.UITTEE, ’ '' I I , H . F K H K D H H IM , S c c 'y .

o n C E F O I l I 'U H L IO A T IO N

ni(; ,\piM >Jnled f o r l* ro T lD B ,lT in ..Bte.

liu : p r o b a l n .C o u r t o f i l io C o u n ty ,In t^alln , S la t o o f Id iU io .( i t f i n n ( ( r r o f t h e e r t a t o . - o f E d - • 'I tu l t i 'i l ii , ih 'c e a iic d .fl iftm i Io a n o r d o r o f twvid C o u r t ,o n l l ic M b d a y o f J a n u a r y . 1 9 1 C. ' ,. . L - i m d i i . x l v t a .U i 4 ..SnlurtliLy.—>(n-iinyof'Jniiii.irr.^rj-lfi,‘M ie » ---------------k A. M ., a t d to O o u r t R o o m .o^ a iit C o u r t In t b o C lly o f T w in C o u n ty o t T w i n F \i 1Ih, h n n b o « i '

l i e d a a ( h o ( Im o a n i l ( i I r c o f o rlO -U iiiJV lU -Q L ia ia -lil'w trd -R o ti.----------- —

Ion of, I i ( |b L 'rt I-’. Holxirtii toT'tho len to Frnnk .M o iie ly , n f lottDm , mhibilrallon w i t h w il l annexod. a n d w bcro iit'iy pemon Intorostcrt' . U l iu a r .a u a - e o i i ic h l t h e w u n o . i:d a J n t n i r y K d i. IUID.

M . S H A N K , .'■ 'JJ - ,\V !v - ''..? i!o rn p /.fo r .iicm io iu .......... ......., _______ J u n 1 2 - 1 8 - 1.‘<;.

B crlho f o r t b o T Im e ii N O W . ^

o rd S e d a n y o u *I C o m f o rt> o b -__________ __________ ^usine— bu t you it' cost a n d the ';e. ' T h c n e w ^■ 7 5 .0 0 0 F o rds- ligh in Q u a lily0 run l.liat svas

less lhan tw o • ■ •.

1 $ 7 5 0 : T o w n . . ' ' ■ ■ ? 0 ; R u n a b o u t . ------

0 . I). D e lr o i l . ■ • '

I c aI if w e ‘sell at II

l>elwccn A u - ,

■ I 'l - ^ " I. ~ ! t f

Page 3: W E E K THE s fr MES E E iE ir ' w liiiff O N ip iB I ltnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · THE VOL. X. NO. 32 TENTH E E iE ir BY THEROSSIANS Renewal of Activity

•. SYNOPSIS ■ U — r=- Zudora lu ioft nn o rp b ao -itlT n 'cd rlf ^

aso. H er fatlicr la killed In a Eofd . tsiao ho liny di^icovorcd. H alt an bour >'

a flo r^oA ring ct_tho Oeivth:ol.lior.lmfl-. c banil. Z uilorau-inoU icr—a tigh t ropo ■*

.. . w a lla r wUh a c ircus—Is oclied-wltlj-'n . Tortlgo. rnUn und Ib klllod. b

Zudora uod tlio fortuno from 'U io ''^ mine, wblcli urowu lo bo worth |20.- f000,000. aro le t In tlio cunrillnnflhlp'of •’

. Frnnk Ki'iwo. a d rcu ii mnn. Ziiilora'a ^____ iuo lb*:rjU ir<»il.o r— Zii.lor(k-t;!v!»j:-|'n>-^

iiUvii i>{ v .rm W miiy. icachca ihn i kcor IS. .Tll,. .IIII-I,., Wlio Imn m liliuHCIf •'U|. n,H a jUn<lu iiiyriiic ntid l» known ''as II;i:s:ii,i All. dfcliloH iu hln Krecd j'tlm t /.ii.liira nm st illi- berorc i.lio cnn •'liav,' ll , l l l l i l ,( I I coiiiu jniii luiiii'uHHlDn "of lii;r iiii.iii‘y. M) [luit it nmy be l«ft to *' him. Ilil' II,'\i (if-kin.-itnil-hi'T iruTnllTutiiw her i„ l,..,vo li,-r uimiov Ui hU 'bnndn it,u 'c yean; lonKi.r nnd iiaft- ‘

. Jiotbln;; in aiiyiini- nliaiit.tNi' fiirttiiii'. ''Hii»:i:i:ii All uui:» nn uhulnclc (c> lih> '■ schciii.' in {lui |nTBon uf John Htorni,,1 yuuii.: l;iwy,T. fur whom Zmltirii has ' tnkcn 11 l.iiKA-, atlll ho rommn:idi> thu

• Klrl Ii> i'M ttu -m ;in out n t'h o r mluii '' Stortii iu it ... tc .iu .k lliuiiium All for {' l h c hand .it hln nii'cc. Al tlfnt tlie “ vryiUnl i;n/.cr will luii tIMcn to tho pro- | iioiiiil, liui /uiltiiii liiHistii (hnt If Iih u ' caniiot inarry sii .itn nhc will lii.irry J'

••Woll’, Well '• i.;iji; Uati.inin All, "If j’,you lnko «ui'li a stnnd, I'll 'riinuiro- *'

. mlse. Sulvi- ihi- next tV(\niy ciiiiuii mitl you cnu ninrry Wm; ln » In -a bIiirIc ^tuno nud >ou niniiL renonnco'blm ." "

Zudora uhIiik lh a knowlcdRe Kalned •' , from yeara o f ani;oclDtlon with her “

uneh'. unriivolH a nerlcn of bnffllni; ^ myHtorlcH.

ICoi'j’w rinlii, 1914. by Harold Mac- „Gralli.) ■ r.

. . --------- •,C H A PT E n V in . . "

. T ilt : H Y i»w onc r o i r E i t o f m i l ..' . • CHA.SU. t

l-’o r a locrK tlmo Zudora paced hor o.room. Shi‘ waij troubled. • .Tbat after- n

— 'noon 'S torm had likaJcd with her ito m• ■ atrcDKly to Icavo hor u ndo and m arry, H'

and KO far away lha t Bho bnd been p (Iruwn alrpuBt Irrcsloiably tow anl b c r T

___.. .• .Jo ttr-—& um .ilrac . lo UmQ_nbo pauBcd ,nbeforu'uomu objL-ct, moved It abBtrncl- l> od ly ,'ond rcsuincU. bcr padnK. The Z youlb lu h e r wanled to fly away and tt bu hiippy. b

Tbo thouRhl .of. licT vast loTluno c oflon icrrlfluU her. Thu m9m tn l tbo c

• world found ou t lha t nhe was ao rich li '.o il |iulro!!snhi> would bu bencl with all

aorlH of dt'Vlreii by fortuno hunters. C' Every Krnilf o t beKirar would bo n l her ri dooriJleii. More than that, nho bad » uiiule Honiu ulranRo enemlcn durlnR -a

----------h«r nboci-ctttw r oh u-ilcletH»«;-and-lf n— 3^b5iiff:ln9lvtauatft:tnc-w;,;oflh_ej_wc3ltM. r

they would li-nvn no mnne un turned to ji . tra iD ic r w ul liofij ‘Tt- for fdTilo <inor- b

mouii ranuoin.' A llllle money. oninii:h' r- to 'ta k o ciii-o o t bor and supply her d

'aimtilo nccdu—thnl wns a ll sho craviKl. V................U iit-tw cnlyim llllonal-Iu-dallara-iiht: l.l

could hardly count Uinl «um durinK bor a llotted yeans! P

SometlDius Bbo found bcniclf on the ' YcrRO of nsW iiKlIbrtniclc, Hftiiiiani All, h to takn thu hulk of ll flAd tot hor bo II frco to do os olio Ihoufihl flL liut al- tl w.i'y, hho uti-pped bni'k (rom 111.; tii r .r - ci

• hold c t tb la 'act." G reat drenm.n ot do- f< lmn;oo<3 In Iho world u|ihel(l h iir ., Sho f. tircnmod o t IuAiJub ' Iniinanlly w llh '!■ III',’... nilllluna: to buy (anii.< .ui'l o n - I’ vcn Ihum Inlo communlUeii for thrifty bul iinforliinntc in^oplo; to build Kreni hosjillnlh, ihlldrcn'B playKfouniK She I-' dciormlncd •th a t thwie drcnniH nhould « comc tru e Just nji noon nn uhi. liml h. ai coniplliilicd thn twenty tnskn linioued tt uiicm lU'X by tier uncle. ' ‘ w■ s ii r lonKcd w llh a ll her hc.-srt to ro * to Jobn Siorni; bu t her word tn her r< unclr was llko a ba rrie r ot nione. . .

* ~jliit~topli^triife^a^~BttdtleitlTrtt^.c{^ *"

she wan youuK; nhe bad a right to be H hnppy. Aud nho was fiRhtInc n battle W between loyalty to her word -nnil thc In urKlnKH of hor h rn rt. nesldcn. ll wan ti

---------- an ltoT W C lb le 'tbam iu v«;ry niixl cn«c---------- InlKlll 1.0 lhc Jiuil. «ov»enil llinc* 1

fnr as (tho bad caeapcd death Iiy n hnlr. »' T hat In l l s d t illd nol de ter hur. for flho wan nn eoura^eouM nn a Ilon. llul shn dlil-no t.caro lo eoiirtrtleath whrn f t tho prcalM t happlnoan In thc world H wns w llbln nxm'n renrb . - iV

■ .She Blopiiisl Tmttilenly hrfori' a win- ni ........ - - Jo w Jn m l—pro*«ed-hcr--hol-torf!irn<1- ni

ni'i r H the* rooi ,..iii.>, Ou t Ilur C '.'.it n/ c ity hnnK thn t almont lurid c lan — the fc tnllllnnn of liimpit thrown nnftlnni tho h,aky, Suddenly nil hesltnnfe left her; fo h r r rrnoliitlon wnn formed. Shr wnlk-

nuk'kljf lo h e r wtlllnK di.itk wul mil 'r<• • down tn wrlto. She wouk! n r .rp i John tn

. Storm ’a ploa; nhn wniilit cn to him th r < t' ,Tery ni-xt day. T/:t hor u iidn liiTnin.' rc- fnrloiiH; wan not h e r lover m orr tn <11

her than thin utnuiKe mnn who wnr; fl all Ihnt rrm nlnrd of kllb and kin. whnfolloy.'ed-ftranKe-culla..perfornird-ox- tlitrnnrdlnarv fonm n t ono llm r nnd lh r nivorlcst hiinitiiij:n a t nnnibor? 'U

Shr wniikl n in away on th r iiinrrow hi> nnd timrry John .‘?torm. Anil tn pro- ‘b

vido ncalnnt nny w rakenlnp In Ihln r r- i"• solve nhe wnulil wrlto him nt oncc (o

th i t offert.— ------- nnw H Rtntnrnirp-trntl—nnT ,— ftTirrn- 'V

'iliiiffled lo th r door. A very JicautI- to. • liiJ woman CTlerr.i, . - fo

‘ .•! iibnuld llkir to n rr ynur m a?lrr, Ih;iaflBnui All." nho.nnld niilrllv. ' of

•'HnTo-yoii an apjiolntm ont?'' ankrd to , th r ftrrvmit hnwluK- "O nr (iron him nt

nlirbt only l.y a|.|olntm<’nl,” I'l;" f heUiivo.b,' will (100 m r,'"!ih r ri‘- '*'■

• s plied with a filnKulnr lunllr ."An- i< nounro, Xltvdafm- Du noy."

• "Yofl. mndnmo." T h r nrrvant ro. P tiirn r,!.d lrrrtly . ••Fbllowmr. niadanii'. th r miutlor will ,»rc you " . . . . . . •. . of

<’l thnucbt tui." <■> •• Hwtnnm AlT'MMd bv hln rry^ta^ n»

• nhr rtjtnrrd. Al n n lr- tho rrrriiu l mnk Jir hlnifiolf off. • • • ■

"[ wan nol ('»iMK-ilnK jn u . mailnino.^' nh , Rnld IlnM-ini Ali. but h r rmlle^l ar- hr

gjviko,"Mr Chanc enuM not comr>. Of wl

' eourr.r you know Ihal vou rnn trut>t ninur n rran lrallon ." i'll

• “ynfl. Hut il,lil Chanit rnuflilr -In hrvoi!"" An nlmofit Im w rrrn tlh lo frown •■■'li

. h lllod arroi«n lln.>!iam All'n faro. U r pn

f try i l l t r u a l l D R - t h c n i w i t h -^ 'lia l s o - •n>r=5rchninnnm-;MiinTryTmicriini'd. ita l l k o l u n d ; b e ab i io rb t id h u t c o v e r i v c b a c k a a c c n ' t . S t i l l Id t h e p r o s ­i t C 3M b c w ^ _ b 4 u n d _ t o J r u s l t h i sb t n n n . ........ .. ' ” ' .A - q u a r W r o f tu i h o u r - p n a a c d . 'w h e n .■) i c o k h e r l e a / c , I c n v lu i: H aBi..iiu U 'q u l lo n n i lu tlc d . H o w a s re a u o n a b ly i r o t h a t Z u d o r a w o u ld h c H u k c u o f f :o h ao ilB t h i s , t im e , a n d In n m a n n ’e r b l c h w o u ld t o i u l l y . b a f f l u n i l I h e d c -^■IIVr»' l n Mtit i ln i lfnTi H i,i i l i f r . i ii'nu;l i u b u c l III I f , l l WUU v;olU« W i W t u tu ‘y : hl>! h c a u i l f u l );o ld w iin k l h r im o h u n d r e d n lo w e r : f o r W u jL'iiimK j v e r a c T c p te d a n y t h l u i ; Im t c o ld fo r :a H o rv ic m . V ou c i in u o l m a r k irold 1 y o u c a n l u p r r iiio n i.y . W u C lia tii; i< th u wlxuHl O i i '. , iM l in S 'cw V o i,.. A i n u i iK - l l iy - y n r io u n r a c c i i w h ic h In- i b l t t h h i e a r t h n o t io Ik Ir im k n o w n m u t h e C h li i c a e . O u u l i r a n i i i i n k 3W a n d t h e n t h a t c o n i e s t io w n t n t h r iiu it a n d t l in n e w h o k n o w C h in a lu " L-ve n i l t h u t conieH d o w n to i h , - c o i i s i .

lu only lh r casiual to u rk t who' In io|>li(i>l. 'I'hrre wiut it rorliUn iuouk bo thouKhr hu h iiii'dkcovun J 'm iii- .wder; (la.ro wan :i in;iii who ihou«hl J had dhcuverud KlaJAtii: to r |>otlfry; ll.rr, WUH a (Irruinii • |’li)hiii;in whu jueiitly believod lie him iUHcovuroil

, O lltiU i. All f l lV if . ... 1,1 :.;.ii,i,,ii; a CMiicf^ts hnil {nveiU'il ilioi.,- (Iili.i;ii • (Hni'ovcrcd (hem lu u : lir to rr (hr irliitbin ern ■W u C h m iK h a d t a u c h t l ln m n N i A ll 1 h u k u u w a b o u t U y im o a n u i ; a n d rim o d n m v i t a l l y c o n c e r n s Z u i lo ru In ' Ih c i l s o d e o f h e r u (lv c n tiiru ;< . A h it

K rc e d lu e iin — w h ic h III i iih iT i'N i in I o r l u n t n h i — o n t h e ' p a n u f W u m n t ; p ro v e d b in u l l l m a i c u n d o ln j :, W u - C h a n K n p o k o IJnK llH h w lU i r e - n r k a b l o f l u c n r y , O n ly In h in ' d m d id l a p s e i n t o t h c c u t l u r a lH o f h ln n j i ilv u nKUO. M e n a p p l i e d t o - b l # a r t s a!i c n o p p l l e d l o HflRBnm A ll. ,T h e r e l iv e d In N e w Y o r k a t t h l a d n y .w a am » M > b l-b a c h o l o e - a h o h a d .n d o p uI n n o n . T I ic o ld m a n w n ii ab B o lu fo ly oQo l a tb o w o r ld ; n n d t h i s k in d o f i i i i .h n s il h o r r o r o ^ 'i i y l m ; u u d b av ltiK r o s s e r s I n h e r i t M s 'm o n e y . A s th luII c r e w u p b n e v i n c e d a g r e a t n tu - d i t y t h a t a n n o y o d h i a ' f a t h e r t t r c a t ly . U o r # b y t h e n c o r o K ove u|> U io b o y

n .b o M l c a n J o b ; a n d |f_ M llln h a d n o l .B acBscd a r e n a l n a m o u n t o t v a n i ty i d o r a w o u ld b a v o vanlRbud f r o m t h c CO c t t h e e a r t h . C u r l o u a , Inn^ i It. iw iblnKii d o v e t a i l ? T b o l o o n ,o f n n iV cIojh ; In n ia y b(r \\wUHO o t tV e u l t im a te d e a t h u f u m n n 'ChlcOKO.

M IH h h n d h n d d rc a n i u o f t h in h o y bo - m ln rr a f t r c a t o r a i o r . e v e n t u a l l y a a te n n m n , J u s t a s o n o r d i n a r y f a t h u r ju l i l h a v e d r e n m c d - o v e r U io c a r e e r o f r e a l s o n . M i l l s h a d o n e d n y b rnK pod hOiit t h r - I m y 'a - p r o w e n n i n Ih ln ill- c [ io u ; j in ( l_ f t .o l in h ly ^ e n i ( ? r o i l lli> _ b o y ' n n ' o h i t o r l c a l c o n te i i t . ._ T h o J i

a H c d o u t t o b u n t f o r H o m r .o n e to n r h t h e b o y n n d f i n n l l v r a m r t o th o lo r o f a C li ln n m n n . Y ou. f o r a m ini i< C h a iiK w o n l 1 m a k ,r a n o r a t o r o f u J . 'o r _ fo r_ o n L - n lK h L T h l a - w a a . t i l l - llln i k H i r rd t o e a n o h i s v n n l ty . T h o ■ice w a il r n l h c r n U f f b u t h o 'o K re o d . W n C h n n c b r o u c h t l h r h o y n n d r r tl n ].o ll u f h v i n o t ln m n m l p u t a h r l i - m l KiuHrcb o n t h c l » x ’n lo n R iio . A ll n t w a n n c e r n n a r y n n w w a s t h e jiroH- r o o f W u rh a u K a t t b o . c o n i c a l . T.-i- r t u n a lu l y f o r C h n n K . t h l u n l c h l w n« in i> ~ lo a f a r m o ro l u c r a t i v e n n d .rK o rn p ii in U M o n . Y n ii tm n ic p l t l ir o w •r> f l in n rn w i th . tw o b n n ilti ,/Juilora bad w ritten Slorm . and ov- ythi.tiK wnn prepared for th r fllKht, •f>ni a r ra rk in :lio .|u:ir I la in n i.A ll i itc h rr her curlounly as i;hc paekod ' r l.i'lunclnKii, Junl enouKh of clothes («ir bor nt horjou rney ’fl end. Slnrni : Ul 10 meot hur w ith nu nuto. She ■ in lo Jcavo her room, l.y way of a ■ lie.T lio H in d u K c rv a n l r e l u m e d t o h ln , »Ht*T-<<t-r<MK.ft-thn^-H)t«!-mriiiiwhil»' i in c e t tl i iK r r n d y . if l - '^ i j n n w n y : A n d ] u i 'sa m A i r n e l h ln a c c n c n l in m e d ia te ly . ll C h a n R w a n u s h e r e d fu h a l f a n h o u r , c r ; a n d h e v o ry q u Io U y e b a n K rd Von- u u r j w l ib t h e H in d u . ‘’llrmcm!.-JF;‘'- w n „ .c d irnlinmn'‘'A li: 1 ■ ^ h r n p P T -y o u ; o r i i u i l i i ' i, a u y i h i n r ' ■OUK s h e w i l l n i ic a p e .""T ru r i t m o n m ile d t h r C h lu a m n u . | I t w a i! K r o w lw ; d n r k b y _ n ow ._ A i • c P t - l l K h r n r 4 i r i 6y a e v o r a l tlm cH a n d i Ml h la r iH l h r i l l ln c t ly . Z u d o r a b e i 'ird i !' r iu i iM e o f h e r l o v e r 's a u to m n b l l i ' . l d j .u l lw l . UJI t h e w in d o w w i t h o u t : .m n K .a .iH .u i i .i . , 8 l ie -K a v M lio - w h lM lc i r r e d u iK in . a n d S to r m a n d h ln c h n u f - | j r m nnatJiH l lo k o I tb o . r i .p 'r u p t o i r , H im fa n lo n c d I t a e c u r o ly t o t h e ' ) t o f t h e b e d . ,S'-.i f n r a n io m o n t cli<l sli^- f ,.v l a n y - ; r e l . S h e h iu l f o r h e r u n d o a e r r - ) II fn iiib ie!!!), b u t . d u e t o Ills ) ; e n c rn l < id n e rn i, i l h n d n e v e r d e v e lo p e d l u t o { l l lo v e . T h e o n l y Ih l u i ; n h e r r n l ly , . 1 r i x r o t t r a v lu i ! h c h l a d wa.-< h e r c . i r - ( ■r p lc e i iu . I t w a jt to o l u t e n o w .W h y , llh l, th o u R h l , b i » V .« t r n h R - l y , J ro o m beK au:U >-apiM !ac<^^^ 'u v 4 l-fo> ; , t ^ l d r ? w h n t wils t h i s n U a n R C n n d , a c c o u n t a b l e d n i l r u t o la u K h l o fll i ij ; ] r th luK H u b o u t? S e iz e d w i t h a n u d - , u a n d t e r r i b l e k n o w le d R c , n h e t r i e d i m r n . l l w u s i m io n s l b t o t o H llr! ,

' S l c e p r ' n h o h e a r d v ftR u c ly . '•S le e p ," | iC udon i' e y e n c lo i ;M _ .lr r e H lK llb ly ,‘ ] r < ; h n n ! r n t e p p c d t n - f r b 'n t - o f b r r n n d ] i f h e d b u r forebe.-vd, T l ie m n n 's o w n , e l ic iu j WRH c o v e r e d w U li f o r jn l |n il hocTi a t r e m e n d o u s i . i , 'r l l m i ( w i l l i .o w c r . H a d t h e K lrl h e r n iib li- i t u r n h n w o u ld b jiv o f a l lo d itlK Jin lly , , •H o .1 c h i l d ; " h o w h i i ip e rc d , " H e a i lid. N o w y o u nr.1 y o u n i r u n d h n p p y , Lholil a c a r o In t b e w o r ld . Y o u a r c ,

•O .’ycR ; 1 a m a c h i l d ," Z u d o r l i 'b e - t;i t o la u R h , ,iVu Ch.-vn[; p ic k e d u j- ih o p h o lo K m p ii <h e r , lo v o r l u id helU I t - M o r e h e r ■,

■K. l l o h n d w o n . Z u d o r a n a t d o w n . [[U 'luw S to r m w T ilB llrd f r a n U c n J iy ,I w o n i lo rc d w h a t b u d th u n d e l a y e d j

n w e o ih e o r t . C h u jR l i o a r d th e s o•ill r n l l n . , ,'C o t o t h e w in d o w , c h l ld ,^ ' h o s a id ] ' ,C u d o ra r u l u p a n d w a lk r d t o t h o jn rinw . S h e lo o k e d d o w n • t n l m l y jDU b o r l o v e r a n d n e r e r ,m a d e a n y rII l l m t r.he s a w h lr a . I t I t h a d :n l iR h to r h o m lR h l h n v e . n o t e d t h e i n ln e n n o f h o r lo o k , t l i . ’ u n n 'a t u r a l ,fo r . ,

til t ‘.TaTi:n*y.~nRTn.^Tiria~~tjTii>-


pciicd?” m urm urcii the illBlracied lov­er. At auy momcDl Hai;nam All mlRhl 'aypoul-.uiioQ tbo bcchu.- s t i l l he'w ait-, cd, ' ' .

P la n e left th'o room. '" I t ir I’- n ''- " *-.• "Hid to lta r"ar;i All. " I t l» :<'’n ii-i,'i!a ;r , I 'v r u - 'v c r hoen a id e

t a a c c o .v iU s ', ', , iitve l '. v e r y n i r u n p m e n tn l l :- ." • ' . _."B u t n l ’ t b a l i n o m c n t nhu w a s thliik'-

lac o f lovo ,^ ' vald t h e o r l e h ln l . •‘Now we baVe. no-tlm e-tO 'W JiBle'iitw B-illB ' cubbIhb tb o i i d e n c o of tho tb ln R . Thnf y o u n K m a n may a t ' any t l m o hcimne s u s p lc lo u u o a d brcaK In. Let uu u ^ t a fo o e o .— Y on-n tiatl for tbe prow nt b e c o m o Wu'ClninK un'd I n h n l l r .. | i i a !u Ih o s e r v a n t of H a fliia m AH, You huve m a k e u p . Coroo: b U r r y ! '!

In a vory sb o n tlm o tho lwo r r ih n i ' e d 'to Zudora. Thoy put 'on .her hat and coal and led b c r from the room. „ .-3 tucin_uabllu .bM u:uuu_ari2um l_lu- th r rcar!^' c ried ib o . roai.ui'rvant,' "(iood!- Aaid hln douhl,.. 'i'o Hiui-

Kam Ali h(. ntid ; "Vim aa,l tli.. Klrl Icavi- nuw, l.y th r fniiit- liunr. Til hnudlr vour m an.". '

"Dll iirihla;: vlob'lit," n i- 'd lliihsaiii All. wh„ ilioiich )i.. Rri.;iilv il<.Kln.iI th,-<l,.il‘r tirS on ii. did nnt cure tu Irnvti lh,‘ affair lako placi' ou lbo pri.|nln..a, TIuto w;,;i. lui haa l.oen iHal,.d liotorc, no Inv,- lont bolwoi’U blm ;inil. tlio i.o- llir.

He fi.lluwoil t;ii;i»i:'ii iKlvlci. wlihnut mor,. luio, nnil wa'i ntniely Inside ti luxl wlth Ziidnra whon ChauK nim'joif th J door tn Slorm . Ilc mad,- a» thniiRh10 rlon.i 111,' door (i)::tlii hut Sinrm wan liM. niik k lo r him . U r nirilinl in I.-nr- hviMly, mill an Cham: dom .d lu. fluiij: him aiiia,.. hoforo (h r Chinaiii.'in n.iilil I III ihi: trick in bin Iok in. throw Storm. Tlir Invor ruHhrtf hoadlonK up tliu m alrs in Zudora'n 'room , huw tbo rope a jtach.'d to Ihe hi'd. the wiiltcmie, bu l , no ZudoriL HnHn;im All had tricketl! : blm. Howii thp uaSfn tir runlied, wild wldl imRcr. ■ ■ • ^

Chiuii; nwnliud blm. bul for a second time ho WIIB not ( |u lrk onouxh. The lovcr daubed frnm tbu ho’jinr, tn .b e i informed hy hls oxciird chaiif tn ir that11 Chlnnmnn nnd Zudora luid ..iitor.‘<l n n r l which luul stood oiij.oitlte and had ' ilriveii nway. i

"W hifh w ny!" • ■•'StralKht aheail."•'Come oa then! An.l drlv.. llko thn :

duvll' ,niil yen i;cUh'i!..lliTiiii(. n u m -.: bcr?" ' . • I

■•Too dnrk tn nee; hu l th o rr whh a crack In (h.s.iail Inmp.’' . " :

It waa a wild roobc eha«o, fur thoy never come w itbln bIkIiI o f u rod lamp : with n crack in .lt. Hiit tbero won ono ihinj; tliat .John Storni knew ; if nuKht in the wny of harm hcfoll bin nwcet- i iiefl'rt hti woutd 'k ilt HnHnam All with i hi!) iHirc hnndH. i

•"SuppoBo wo KO down to Chinatown and m akr a try?"' auKRonU'd th r rhniif- i f t\ir. ', 1

'•A Kood idoa!," IBy d int of in iiu lrf th ry If.arnod that

a Chinaman and a w'nman bnd hren Hoeii critenalnlnK W ClmiiK'n lonBhop, : Slorm walled for over nn hour, nnd.nB i no (uie ci\mr oul be roncludrd Ihnt ' thiK wnn a eane for 'i>rofr.Kiijona],dr;ior. ; tiveii. nntl ho ntralptitw ay Kouglit lh ..|r i uid. Topether they w'ent over" (ho rec. bfdn of Chlimtown, Tlut~W " f i i r u uK wan not a touR m an: thV rrliiid iii'.m hreii nny opium nmuKKlliiK:. h.' was o n e o f (hefow .Chlnnm en down In ih.ii rrimt> InfcRted bolo ,wbn iitood d ra n I upon- th d -i« Ik f> -r.‘rordH.— H liH-iI.ry i wrro Kllllm: to make n IhorouKh lu- i vcHllKnlion'.

IlnKtmm All. still dlnRuIhrd an Chiiui;. I enlercd thc suppoiiod ten nierchniifK i hoiii'u aud found Mrn. f)u Koy nwaliiiiK l him. Thu woman ni flrnt ibouRhi him10 he Chan:: h im srlf until ho rx).l,iln- ed.. I

••Can. you brtnR bor out of the ITancoT' iih f luiUed.

" T liafn .tho onnlent pnrl uf II. Hut I Ihere'n uo need. Shu m ust romain lij : thin condition nntl! Iouk nftor ynn a rr . uui nt sra. I don 't cnre If hIu - novor i/omen oiit of It.’* i

"V oirrr a ntr'auKe kind of buck.," 1 muiiot} Jho, woman., woiiderini:' what ( R'OH hr.lilnd lliln unna lu rn l aiiliuik- of t Ihe mnn.

"ThafR mv buniuoaii.’' nnld Ham.am < All KHiffly. -'Now find ino a rnnui for

luck." • 1 "Tliero In n w alled>oom ; lh r m nh- i

Dd of RCltlBR In nnd ou t o f It Ib 1-orrrl." I "1 ra the r l^licvo you cnn tnm t mo I

wlib _thc_.sefroU’:_sald.,jrfli!i!nui_jU L J grimly ; ,_ ______________ I

Zudorn b a d ' l o L o le d , S lu - w n s >|.b y n le n l ly c n p a b l e a n o v o r . b u t h o r f■ n ln iL w a B .le m p o r i r l ly b l a n k , . Onr» In -:h c w n l lc d r o o m . ' S h o s a t d n w n p in - nrid ly . a f t e r t h c .m n n n o r o f p o rn o m i I n y im o lU o d , a n d n t a r o i l n l h o r Im ndn ,l l - w a s a l l H a jiP am A ll c o u l d .In t n ro - r« l8 t- lh p dC 8 lrn t o - h r l i i R 'b e r m i t n f t h r -; r n n n . a n d 'o i l . , h e r w b n t 'w a n j:o lnK ^;o h n p i .c n , b b t b in b u m p o f c a u t io n ' <Kftii n h n o rm n l . S h e nilRbi ow capo /.o r t i rw h r r i* n ln n i ; i h o r o u t e n n d t h a t IA’OUhl w in d u p ( b o a f f f t l r n o f a o o r tn ln t.nvK ilc. w h o f o r » rom T O lR n lou , a d v lw .- t t: 1d In ,I lr s w h r n a n , l b o w l o I n v i n t t h i d r I:o r lu im « — o d m tn lR a lo n ' - w h i c h , h y th o 1w av . UM ually conRlnted o f a t lo a n t h a l f r i f lh c Biimfl inven l.K j.■ T h e ro a ! W u C h a n R , In t h o in / 'n i i - 1

» h l l r , l e f t th o h o u n e o f . l I a i ! n i in i A ll a t i ivh s t m i r h l - h r - f a l l p d - t h e - p h T t T r h n l n d - ' i t •111 m o m r 'n l . T r n m l n u to i . l a l o r Ih . ' l . '':iouiio wa-T u n d e r t h o e « t l o n a R r -if a f;ilftln d n l h r n m a n . M r. C h a m : . af fr .M ,- to a m e r c h a n l . w .m .I r lv o n l o o n . . „ f Ih o u p t o w n Im le l .i , w h i r h h o n n n i, ' i! f :i t .K ,f rn i in , 'n lr ,l , M e w a n te d a n a t th l . iiloKldon th in b o t o l w a n t | i i l t r n , . a r Ik . 1m l t" w b r r r 'T t r ,~ f i l o i i l i ^ i T “ 'i‘ n“ . . f M l I I ' ^v n s j . p m Jifco h ln h r l l l l i n t n p r r r l i ' i h n i 1'la m i ' n k h t . I t w a n a . I r l i u h t r n l l l i l n r . I0 mak.. moni'v with rlKhi nii,l b fi < mnd. I.ul an ha^t a lready h..rn ki1,I v„u •nrjiint throw lwo r.lnn.'s w ith Iwn 1 inn,l.'l nnd hit i:lv..n tarerin .' v

Chanc w rn l to th r hall, look a f.'nt vlmro bll ronld ^^C1Ir^ tlio ov<- of tho 'I ■oy-c-nd walir-1 pntlrntlv fo r bin drlmi. 'i1 -hftvr. tw n escredlnKly «kill .ttRlii..i:i. fnr a rnlnd p» k rrn as Wu u :hnuv;'n to.JjQ, forc.M«.U) llnlon lo Iho. \ inttnrlrul upruutinKB of K'n-rn vouiiR 1 ni'dleciii, iiut a (nilnamoii jvlll i .'it -■V u n t i l t h e r o a r .e r c n m o n if no ho < h o r r In Kold a l t h e r n d , ' ^

W h o n th n b o y f i n n l l v c a m r f o r w a r d . ’ d l n k l n c a n d . f r l K h t c n e d . o ld M i l l s f o r n . n o m o n t th o u R b l C h n n ir h m i h o i r a v n l r i im ,- I l u t a l l n t o n c o t h e b n v lA o n ird [0 l i i r a l n h t r n u n a n d p r e n r n t l y h r h r - !■ ;nn 10 n r » k . Tl.,. v o le . n s <'m l n n d T m m o ltm o u fl; n o b v |.n '' i ! v r n ' n t h o w o r ld o n n r h n n i : c , th a t , T h r r o , f v r r r n o m o n n r p r la e d p o o p lo fn l ’n t ' m i l , y o u m aT ly r n i i r e . • o n i .ro l n l lv " Ltni»niM fie y u 3 R'‘« ~ 'y ^ ’o m t b r a u i^ le n c r V


i h 'T r f i lu i j. '.C r ra n lo n n lly u r ip p lu o f n p - I 'Hic «wcat h rR u n l o f o r m u p - m -\U ..Um uH't.-f«rrbcad.~Tw o;i(UPlr ''^idnlU ill ,l„). tiTflljly.'rvMluK. When the nffalr wu.i ovor h r iitlffcnod flKure of the Chlnnmai 'ol;u»d. lie found nomo difficulty loo. n nin.iiiuK- hln thin iniioijiai: handr, *bli li lu„i i„,o,| ii^iniy ,-ii,ii.ii,.,| .nuk r .!io vnn<ontraiion of bin will.

"Ar.. yni|.,in|l.Hfli.d?" h r whlKpoi+1 •alh.T *.,-;iklv |n '5m'lH, " l l,., lu .

"i a in rn t:,l I will lr..,.u,tiju b ii- .i idn jh a r iM n " '.f''And.iu;Vor,braKJxKain-of voiir.k..u'« . iratOTkal-|«i»..Tn. 1 doubt ll 1 .oiiM lold him m;i,iii • '

Mill.; fiiinlinl, hiK for all t h m Hi. wav nlKhly ,;lad In lio IHkIi' uml ,lfv , ii diorr. He w'ould H.iid lho l.ov mi u ooKUiiir, l’,.()pl.. Vould ton;,.I..ChanK ..ni,.rrd MIIIh' aulonu.l.r.', uud

i..lila l u . cluth..>;- iiii.i._r<«.<.tit,UHl-l.it.. acr. umt UmiwillAli'lv WAriimi HUitw mil th ,' o lh o r ': .ilfic 'n i- ijr wiitoli JhanK't. • h.miir. I’haiiR 'in lluarlly vnulil h.iVo k ,.il awny frnm his iPiufi-. iut h,. was Weak and tir,.d nm! ''•I 'u fd -nay , n,.,.,l..,i- ||,.. iiolni-r r.f hin iioji-lyplim.

ArriviuK hnm,., h r a l uaon .i.n frrn .il vith !la:is;im All iiUil wan i:lad In lo irn hal Zudora bad been cunflncd in tl,o vall..,i rnnui. -At dawn-Mino.-nu-Koy- voiiM ..ouvoy Iior tn thov liip intU was0 mil fn r (nii'rhnurj;. Kmiii ih.To hoy would drnp <low,-i l.i M nr;.dlP'i mil i-ill for llaiit:kna«,- Zndora Trnl- mr uoiil.l nov,.r b,. bo:ird of aRaiii,

"I Ihlak llml Iiofi.r.' I nnioki. I will 100 tlu. yuiiiiK lady," hiild Cbnia-, ..mll- UK. •

lliinnam Ali nmlird tnn. In hln mlnd'.s -yo lir waa rniilltlliR up (b r rlinrmoU.. >yraailds nf i:nld roln. Ho wnuld build ilmvolf .a paliicr duno In !>arb<. nnd10 prince In Hlii'dimtaui would rival lim.iu liiMiry. Yo( luxury would ro- H ilro t h . . HirtMiilliiK «{ th w v v y r i i - nlds; aud n l r a lK h tw a y bis rnlhiii.lanra :row . / , l d m u l (lll 'd .

"I h o n r n i i lo 'm o b llc s ." h o n n ld u u d - ' I r n ly a n d w l lh a l t i i r rh e n n it in ,

C hiinR p l a c c , 1 a b n n d tti b ln . 'a r ."And (hcv nre ulopiiInK in -fron t! I

fill tnkr r a r r nf llir 'Klrl. and nor ha t you .i lay (h r pa rt of Wu ChanR roll, Thlr, In a 'c r it ic a l moment. It nay ho fho poller, Speak nof'tly and ;owinw a» often nn they ank fiuewtlonn. :ouiL-mak«up-Llft-tbli;-llBbt-«llM onl- -rietii,"■"No; you romain and lot' m r po to

ludora!" . .••^\>o(! I a m m a s t e r l i e ro . D o tu . I

ay !V . ' ' ■' W ilh I h n l W ti C h n n K r a n to w a r d U ie d r o v e b id i ln d w <hlch w iw Z u d o r a ’» . ir in o n . H a n n a m A li H w a llo w o d w i t h o n ie d l f f k u l l y ; l ie w a n co iiraR ooU H u ly w h e n w i r e o t rc B u l i s ! .M m e, D ulo y h a d n l r o a d y vnn lH heil, H u wuh cilo p o , l l o ro u n r d b in w i l l a n d R u 'bduod ^,ls iilia k in H k n e e s . A b o ld f r o n t f o r °, fo w i n o n i r n tn . n m l t h e d l f f l e u l t l o n SlO u ld h r n u r n m u n t e d . H

T h r h o ll h c R a n t o riu K v io lo u tly , lu u l tlm m e d ln lo ly a f t e r lho ;,> fo l lo w o .l a tlu riouH h n m m c r ln R — S in r m . t i ir io u R “. Uh lu iR u r m id t e a r . . ■ . ■' • T h a t w o n ' l d n n n y j:n o tl, M r, S t o r m . ' ’ !'dvlH ..d . .n o y t t l io .d r lr 'i 'U v i 's . ".Tlia’r V l l "■ flJ io i te r_ b n in m rr in E _ th a n t l i a t j i r e n i . p t z j!y— llin i 'i- iH . I f C h a n R h a n h t l d a h .anil i n > i i r iT a B d u c f lo n ? '”

•■nut thoy nmy he huniiiR h rr." •’•Tliafll m akr (Itr 'liammoriDK nil "

be bettor." Rrlmly^ ‘•Ila! Some odo I>t - ^ h o - d o o n - o ld - O hnnir-h lraself.'-f fhould nay." • "1

T ho-door opriied a n d 'w h a t lookiil "Iko tho hloQd face o t a cultivated hIhlnnman peerrd out JU tlirm from Phu balf oiirord door, . K

"nenllem en. whnl Ik th is ? " - fl" It moann Mr, ChauR. Ihaj w.- will C'

ave (0 ticarch wour house, Ordern." h••.And tnr w hut:" ............. n"■fhlB Renlleman bero.'^ nnd th e ilo-

cctlvo IndlcnU'd Ktnrm. "daiinn thn t tiou nbducteil n youuR woman ihl.i ev- nuinR uod th a l nho in h..re," t:•A low cbuekln ft»lluwod this rt.itfi- ew n . •"Ililfl ovoiilnK I w w a l tho [)rl- it1 hall. 1 have Just rolurned. • Alh fl uc tion: The yoiiuR man In mad. lOii- ci •r. pleane. and .KoaccU," «'

H u iii.am A U w a n d o lu R v.'.r'v w .d l , npnB id o r lu K i h o 'ii i a l r o f h ln k n i'n n , 3• S to r m ; i!id " t h r d r i c r i l v n i c r o w d . 'd bf t s r h i m - n n a - s M r m t r d - a b o n t - t h t r b m i n c - bnd (h.Te w a n a r o o .1 d r a l o t .u n n e o o H - cl I r y r n r i o l . A h S H irn i w a n iianninKIC a lc o v o h e n lo i ip o d Rhorl. c o n v i n c r d t il a l b o 'b o n r d i i c r y . H c l i n l r a e d in - Pr n t lv . h u t h p n r d n u . f u rH iu r _ a Q u i id . J ll a l f ' im h o u r l a t e r t h e • d e te r t lT rR b'o o p w l 'b iu ih t u t h e i r ta x l s .“ t b c l r ' p r f ^ "0loiiK c o n v ic l lo n n t h n t W u .C h a n R w a n t iK ood C h in a m a n n t r n u R r r th n n o v o r , a i

- '• S h e - in - ln - t h a t - h o n B c ; " - n n i d '8 io r i n r w;u h b o rn ly . " a n d I ' l l R ot h .T o i i l a l o n e n

n c c p a n a ry ," , c iT h e d e te rU v o n i d i r u R c r d 'c n m m l i i c r - I i

l e ly o n d l o o k n n l n r e In d u a t n . ' t '- S t o r m - h n t l 'h c n r d ' - n r c r y . — T h l f l ' i n d: b a l b a d t a k e n p l a r o h . 'h ln d t h r n l - j v r : C h a n c c i i r lo u i ; l u lo a r n w h a tu d o r a w o u ld d o . b ru i i i ;h i h o r b a c k t o tce r n en n e n n n d r c a j iu n a h ly u c c u r o In H ,iis havMi of r c f u i i e f r o m o u ib UIi! Iu -' r f e r o n c . r . i i t i f s t d h l« Uih u Ih b < .fo ro o<o r fn c o , O v o r !dii id io i i ld . . r p c u r e d fli s naP lflU iu t h in b o a i ly r y r n b l in k ln K bI th o b i .a u ly o f t h r p r i :m u ,- r , • llS lu w ly Z u . i n r a r r t i i m i - d lu th .- w u r l J , ni

h e f a c e ii lookiuR d .iw n a t h,.r w o r e ainouRh, Sh,r c a v r a c r y , - A m i t h i s r r y f ilornr hmrd.-tnntantli-<?hanK-Ttml-btii S'in lR lau t n r lz . ', l h o r a n d b o u n d n n d ,snpR cd h , 'r . T h o u l h r O r io n t a l t r i r d t o n:i ro w l i , . r buck lu l o t h e t r a n c e ; b u l h,r t n lb 'd . f n r Z u ilu r i i w a s n o t t a k e n m naw u ro H (hln I im r , S h ,- n a n In iw lk l-rod a n d c o t ib l n u t d ro a in w h a t b n d wai p e n o d t d n c o t h a t m n n io u t n h r h a d j>in n r d ' f i ' i r ’ i b . r i r . i M '^ i O i T F i n iu i i i r r r o i F u IT b o u d o i r w in d o w , T h r (w u w i l l s.U R ht l o r ;i i n l n u l r , ' a i d t b o n W u t lh n n /r M rpi.i.-.l hack. b1;:1i1iir. . H r h a d f ia j i l r i l tn o m n e h p o w e r l h a t n lR h i . wh r Rlrl^H m in d w a n n n w f r e e , b u w e v r r '011 h r r hody wan hoftnd. rc So he l . 'f t h r r tn r (he.nlR lii. A t j , iwn Dhe would b r on tlio blph nra«.hr flooner tho brttirr. >*0 fa r aa be ihan courertied, W hrn th a l tlucr drew UiU o; hor nllp Hniivam Alt would mInco (n hln hj)ai(j_nno. IhouMiuid nblji- yt

dlQkn of Rol.I:*»'llnl. (he nnr.wrr to ( j lelejihone call a t dawn dlnmay,.d Wuhnnjt; T ltr Iln rr would nol nail uUlll 1In the afterniion. Shim do not al- ri

ajB Ball on 'n chnlu led (Im e.' toAn for Storm , ho did nol t.ako liis cl othen oft n l all, nnd he wa.s rom-'-ilng of,n wrcck w hrn ho nto a ti>onKrr b. rciikfitn. ■ II.- bad ln:Ud Zudora callIf h d p OJI ila ln ly an if he bnd n..-.u riI'r. Hi> thoucht nnd thuiii;)it. nnd ,|,nallT. roT],Hint .rrla ln '^ ti r lo u i* te a - idirea In Wu ChanR'n houi-r. fd l ufKiii a,hnt h r bdlrvc'.I tn 1.0 th r ln>i fn- k, i«llU7^--W-Ti.r,T0Mi57T.T'Vi1liirib';iVu:-

JiU<. 'ZV. iU16.

Start The New Year Wil

, Y ou and y o u r b o y o r R lr l c o -o p e i ' a c c o u n t W ^ ''« iio \ ik Ii l u n {uw y e a r a i

u r t o p ro v id '. e iu jh t o r o U ilo bUHlnw-n

__ __________ ’ > fne Dollnr SInrt* n i

• s.tvixns DEl*.

w i n ' ' FALLS rBAN K AN!

' , " " • r '"

Capilal - $100,000 ' ~-SiirpliiMMi Piolits-

OfllHUt' 'F. Job&>uD. Pr<ilOrni.

J .E . airlon. Jr.. Vlcu-Prti.W. Uvi:!dfy«». Vlcl-rm. ,jrurukzw otl. Cuhlcr. W p llW .t>ll.ca.A «.‘.C*ria« ”

Tnin Falls BankW . S, M cCO U NICK . P r e a l d e n t

C . I. H A H N

■ Capital and SurpliT h e b a n k o i . p e r B o n a l s c r v i c e -

Fmrm L o a n s a

H a v eTo the' Ikiyd Illock w bero w ltb noi

— im m w - r ro i rT T T p rv r m in n im n ir


vc. fro'm whcucc Iho volco hud como. Ihi a isciied lbo telophono and routed bo it a lia lt-do ia i KtumbUQK detncllvco, pc' arm wan a comlnK in w e r; a tu rn o t thi e wheel miKht Ilfl him tu tbo posl-III of dlntrlct utlornoy. und tho.drtec- .-en wnntcd to bo cn tho rlRbl nlde , him In tha t ovoni. i .,

l l ie ro WU.S a bit o t b luff In' hlu dee- ration that hc hud l«cn myutcrlounly ipriBoiijiO hLvriicLlIiaLlIieris.w iara. — dden room In Wu ChnnR'a hodno a ad „ afZ udb ru w m riberr .'T hc ■detectfvea «e rrnnn -fiK p ticiii:------------^*7:-----------T<i>.retum lo Zudora. She w as still II CliaiiR bad left her, twunit, Rapccd. 'l|doHH, Ttieru was only ono b it of , itjiwlalloot :b e r -nilnd-was-hcr-nW D.' - irouKh ,a itmall.- hlph window—cut- ardly RlvkiR (hu uppearanco o t 'h c - nRlni: to tho noxt houso—lbo aun lured In hriRhlly nnd.-wBrmly. Sho izcd nbuul ciiRorly, ondeavorlnR lp id nomeihinR sharp upon which "ho uid naw hur. hondn. Tlio room had ■en lniid evldrntiy ntlll won) u kind

nrdunlon tor Wu ChanR w hm ho anted to piirsui? hla modoa of c«l- rc. T herr wan a tablo upon which uod a roudrr'n tnaRnlfylnR plojin al- chrd lo ll friimu. Quickly y,udora Iculnteil thc rnyu of tho nun an Ihd nidratlnn ram r to her. Sho was lilu obllvluuH lo tho audden nnundn niinK faintly 'throURh thu wall. If ' u could but rc,ach tbo table, h'^irtu- iloly nbo wan«iot bound to thc chidr. lu roiio nlowly and took uhort Junipn. .riuicinc hrrnclf niccly. I f sho alum- i^ -n n d - fd l . - Roodby Hfaort r -o e - th c - - anco o t It, ■It look threo ralnuten lo reach thuhie. With her elbow eho hitched the anu no tha l the nun full upou It. a tonUy-tbo l>ook.-hoooatli em itted-a L of iimqke.. Zudora tum ud about tio Irnhlil'buialilK l i / buunUlU fuiiunctl' ~ ou thu hempen cords. Sbo fe ll Uio m rt and litluR o t flam o upon her T ! •liitT!, " 'T ho .T ay 'w aii nbrivellnB 'the pe; ^ho rould snuill.lt! Sho 'strn ln- -

KUddenly al her wrinln—and wau :c5 . I t look but' a moment lo un- I f l tho ropo and (oar a way the ban- Ru;.” ■■■ ■ .I ’In lo l nhulH tS lie lUtened. A iHiundlnR hoRon t a k o p la c e aR U lnn l th o w a ll o u ln ld e ,

( r lo v e r h n d f o u n d h o r t S lo r m u n d t h r d e le c t lv o i ' h a d e n to r -

im c« T o in o n lo u « ly Ihl'.i t l r a c . » n d -R i c h i t o f w a r f a r e c u n u c d . C lia n ^ t io m s t .;m p o r a n d In .In lnK r o l o s t b k lo r ty . H o d ro w a k n i f n a n d u p rn n R

S ln 'rn i w ith n il t h e d e a d ly f u r y n f auRry C h b ia m a u , ' A l u i k y b u l l e t ^

m t o n e o f th e d o t .n - I iv r n isav j'd _ u rm ’s l i f e . S e iz in i; a l ia m ly obJiH l. o rm buK an Io b r.a t t h u w n ll o f l h r ro v e , I'v im w h i l r Ih n d , - s p e r a t c h n l l l r iw r e n - U iu i l e l , s t l v r . i a n d l h r C h U ia- •n r a i r rd f i e r r d y n l io u t h im .W h ,.u tho Im lllo w im o v r r a n d C h a n R in iu Ir o n n thry Rot I n to Z u d o r a 'n Inoii; A n d thoV fo iu u l a I r a n n n d e r _ mat. a m n .rtn w i l in y f o u n d lh c u r n - n t M r. W u C liim ir 'ii f o r l u n r - ' nus.mdn o f r a n n 'o f n p lu m . A m i itlll n h e r below a hb: rO oro h a l f f l l lo d t h lh r d c v o io o n nf thu druR. ' l . a t . . r H a n a a m A li n n l i n bln m y f l k Din a n d h o a r d f r o m h r r o w n l lp n ^^u- r.V n r o m n r k a h k a i l v r a tu r r .■My c h i ld , y o u b a il b r l l r r K lv r u p ' R tr U R R lr , . . ln n am o m a n ,n o r ‘ C h a i i ;; m H h e a r d o t y o u r f i m n n . i a n d k5 d - — p r d y o u f n r ra n r-n m , W a l t u n t i l u a r e 2 1 , V ou w in v u n ho vniiUR uURh tn t n u r r y S to r m , ••I h:iv ii rourluilwl \n i;n lit iho ond im delrrmined (o iwdv,. thono Iwouly Idlen. brcauno-'W dl brcam'jr { bo'Tlu find thi.so ndvml/irrn tho moxt fas-

iRtlni: th inm lu tlu. wnrkl." V o ry WoW. m y c h i l d ; h u t r r m , 'm - r t h n t ; l h n T . ' .w c i r n e d . i o u . ' ' .N o .n o u n ' 'r w nn n h , ' irn iio f r o m Ih,- u m th .n a h r riet t o id a n T om o ii 't . v l l tr v , ih i t f u r tw o w o ,.k> ^o i n . t i i - jd , O h n n K m k h t Bp<'nk. U u t C h in i i ' v e r n p u k r . H in h j t o f w n r k f o r llii.V- m .A l i w[\;< y L iu i ia l l .c c n s e tiu x ’cieo. t a } : . t ie r . - r l j e i i t h n t w r r . u a . ' a : . h c i : i n j _

haSavingiiAcconntM in i: o u K h t - l o 'm a k o a n a v lh g o 'J .pay f o r ft th o r o u R h e d u c a t i o n - i r h u y a h o m e , • - ‘

uH u k s ' A cf o u a t . . _ _ , '



— T H E :----- --


ivite Your Business-Iwln-f*lU-t;«mBi«rflI*l-<;U»,-------------- •—

& Trust Co,H . J . F A I L I N t ; . V i c e IV c a l d c n t

C o i h l e r h

isJ125,000.00W e s o l i c i t y b u r p a t r o n a g e S p e c i a l t y

M o v e d’ a o d u p - t o - d a t e f i x t u r e s w 'c 'n i i r s t cI m F b i j i ^ ^


t fo r tA lg b t , W u 'C b a ii R w o ' B o t n l o d lo in a c o l l , A I l tU o b l a c k k t t n M b m u d a T i n '& tSq s o p e o e d ‘

w a y o u t . .(To be continued.)

V coly per ccat dlocounl on n n s Ibo.DBZl tbirtjr days. U r o r ia s '

ruitui^jSlofo.—A dr, •;

Irceh ArouBd bono fo r.poulU 7. t t idem-PacsinK-coinpanT.—- Doc.'"8 tf.—

T " '


. Twin Falls CooDty

• INHUUANCB AGBHTi ‘ '• - F o b - ,•

- Royal ot Loodoa.L o n d o n t L lT o rp o o l * O lo b i .Son of Loadon.Aolaa o t H arlford Ldn'don A aauranci. ,B c o tn a h U oloQ & N a tiO D tl .

'S L P a u l F lr o t U a r l n t . ' ' .Ooaaocticut of H artford ....................................P r o v l d e n c a W f te W n s to t i . ' 'A n B rlc o D c t N e w a r k .C o lo n ia l U n d e n ^ r l to rB .F Id o l lly P b e n iiL-tloydrPlBtirOlaMrCor'T:----- ---U n it* d S ta tn a F ld B l l ty .

H iir& Taylor

Have, Your {

llB pairW orkr4one a t

.MOONS .SHOP , : .Gluiet > Sptciilfj

Oq U tin S l N ear P o it OfBce |

f f i P FOR M ‘A b o u t 1400 y o u D g c o a r s e ____________

e w e s . _ . • A b o u t 80i) c o a r s e h m b B ,

I n q u i r e o f .

Ben Skohbehni ^ y c t t e , ,' I d t b o

For Sale High Class Recorded Percheron .

HorsesHihiiintii n n d . . m a r £ j , . - a j ; f i a . -

f r d m o n o t o tw e lv e y o a r a , n U o . - n u a l l t y n n d ( h r h e s f o t h re fld lo R . r r k u d t o p r l i , ' ^

D O D D n i lO V H K I IS F o u r m lle n w e s t , o l t n o u t h , o f ______ T w in F n ll i i ...... ...... ............................ ....

Page 4: W E E K THE s fr MES E E iE ir ' w liiiff O N ip iB I ltnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · THE VOL. X. NO. 32 TENTH E E iE ir BY THEROSSIANS Renewal of Activity

L A V E R I N G, 2 D a y s — F r i . a r

V , - ' v\ VOIXANIC w ium

f N o W I N I T S (---------------------

3 0 (CLl'DKATi-:!) aI O --■ ■ -'-I’- iC N IlW N’0 \

2 0 ■ s\v'i-:!-:TA''oicK ci-ic- THE BIG 6 c c

CI.AKI’.NCK IOTI-1.1. • . • , 1),.\V'!;.SMI i ' l l , ' •

■ C l iK'KI'.N' l l-.HI. BEAMAN l’,K.\L.Tn l'l. SCENiC EL

; Cn-ciiKrous S ited P.n. VuL ( \N.HUVTHEniuST.‘


Bargain Matiaee 25c'anilJc

■ AiMMONlIV BUILDER ' Is;.'(Ctmilimi'il fi'otn I'iir.i! 1.)

■ ---------------- ---------------------------------- --till-Inlin ii'ro'n fiK'-nlmlU' nt tlir r.'.il Shii- l<ln!liliDiifi’fUlliinn i! :irr-ItiruiiM in t h r A r r l - i l ' ' - CuUtltJil i'allin-. II l.i Ki UHl'iliavo llio jiluii'liciiii’. I.'ilU ijfiul.' I'ciin- H'l-•litotnl tl)- .Muy lii>l. lliii>- ilu' H ll

.. i:lijh to ilr;vvi- till- Yoliiiuiitiiiir I’lirl; .NO’iiilloiimMIc triivol v|;i lil:itii) i';ill'., llui-

• !(■>•. Mtu»;tinho (;ili> :iih1 lim s tn Wrll.-, ' 'am i Kly, Nriadu It i:-" ■■ 'vIIIhhii siv-. Itu; Ullll 111'-; " mtiiiiiltiri' (utls ;ii ili.-".Tjioiiltloii Mill a itn iii lllilll' iniiilHli'. Ilo wlimii l■l:nlt^ lit Mil:- Iilml :i|i|i":il umlwill ....... -.HI.I- lit ;iiii»-;..ii.l.lK

• nn tlii-ir •’M.ir Imin 111" luir._____ Am'Jlli:i I'llvL "jU ......... ........._____tJil:i_iuj.L_;iU'l_iLi''JiLt':..i!l..!iL':Jj',i'r±

Slalpn In 111....... ;;ii-:iti-r uiu-:iri|(iii.lim n Kliiv.ti'iii" (;ill- uml tin- y .lli)\ '-

' l""o dull I,;,., I,""11 | .-;:nl,irlv t.rtorr

anil lnlilr.-. .-iiul liuy.' vi’nir.-i! m.’iiiy n««ic<l. Iniiirm-i'iitcntu ^ml rnnrtrm iinn wnrk. , , ' . ,

T hr lltlli lll.'V hu;* u I'liiiitluliil 1II.’<I , lif'torr lh.' l'ltltlir>^ Cniillilti' Inn ,< nti- rrm lm ; o 'l'n-!:: riitci. T lir cIkidi;" sillictlt "III ITin,. li.-rM-(l;-|ul In nnr lo­cal 1‘lili'iirrr. anil "ulIi; for u v ii v t.iili.sUtlll.’ll |-".|iulliill n t tll" I.....-'Ill ruir. ; ‘

.Srrr.tur.v M(MlIlaji >:,it In Mmi. '''l!,-- wltll llnjM'.'I’l.l Muhti Full'C nm im 'r.'tiil ...... .

iKwlliM Ullll Jnlntlv iticy «-c>nl lirforn llic ..railrnad nftliliiK uml ..... i-l.l.' 'trlp'.i fvniii MliiliU'tiu tn Twin l-'alls mi V ''.

.a l l tunrl|.t Ilrlim . «n ttir , .'XlPirOtlnll. ' Kr.'f r.M.' trlli:i win Iji' l“:-itcl U' .,

' - I t n l r r ami Iitntin l-“;illit. • f ' !• ,Ii,\ m-iv hlra. n.-ivji: a I'oniiii'inli' ' '

■ (:iiri:.ini.i- riTi-, '> u n 'i n ; i t n ; u ; a l r . I a;).l'Vhih: 11 '1 '1! llll' I'liili (-'iiitld liUV" " 1- .i- . iVl It, :’tl(iH I'll 111" tl II.- I'lUlftlllU^ : I li - I

, uml hi ti'-’i : llll" In'.; : i r \i tlm r.Tll" ihiti Ii;:;,iiil/I'i| a t l . 'r llllu l 1.,'-

10 ol i.iir i.ilmii'il <m-. rn.'i mrnllorl, j".'’!'- ■ n n it 'o v r r r ''■i'^lr-tliri;"“ mrin)iri':!-TiBtr f •

tlic rural ilht'rlri^ anil ut tlir nifinnl "V, -------lum .v. i'l:.' m ii...i,;iV lln u mi......^ l . i J - - ^ :

IlX'nt!!. Tllr'i .i-rvli I-;, nt tli,';i,' im'Ill- ' lli'H' u'l.' I ln i i :i ln j ainl lllr, I'lltrli.'iltl-

• ’ nl('nt^ tti"".|.n.'l' .........in-<ni|--i'(iiuiiiy- ;J-_.H'li;lil',ii ■■ Till- li|;:li M'lntiil h.uul I rf '

____ Tht^avLl-UiUWciALCtiiuvutluii- wai; ;* “ ]h.'lil 111 T u in l-'uM-.- T h rrr ,w o rr nvrr t" '* ' "(HI si rcl ur'AVrr'i Itl altt'tiilum '.' from " a ll nvrr Ihr Mul" and t'lali. Tin' ‘'""I' ainniint uml iiiialltv c.f Ih.' irrnvin tn th .' T'vlti ratl^> roun liy n j , u rrvi- laUiiii t» 111" I niivoiitlnii ami i n a ln l " ni'iirh favnriiMr romiilriil. ...... “

T h e C a m e r a hlalui cluh I n l i l ! , , , t lirlr anmiat iii<-rtlii^ lif‘ Jhr <'lulii }"" ruoiiii'. ' TL.I rliilj-iitfiii'r.l u im rhr.d f r-r. fnr th,.- h"Mi in ll l. 'i i a rll r lr nn''T h r T'vlii !‘ull^ Cniinll-v." Wo r r .

. r,,'|v.-.J mun.' rrilniiili-.. of li'J-'':!- (Ill* i'u'lii l''all^ vallrv .’Itnl tlio faiiioiiH T'vln K ill', .Siilrli. T h r i rlr.' wnn■iv.nr.le<l to tin- lllchtiolcl I tn -nn lrr ‘ '

Tho clnh lillll M'i'iiro.l fnr tlih yr:irtti<» KMlfnn-Wlilt.i chm ilainiiia fnr nm- "wool: In .lino, l^tlu. I 'vrnty-fivo nf nnr “ - inomliorn i;iiai;iiit>Ini: th r ii.-ilr nf 70»sn-ftiinn llc-ki't" ut Jl' TiO I'urli, Tliln hi onr .

-----n T T I^ rT iltT uT T IIuT llT T T irilirrT n ilT T rT n itlt!' Im uch wiiisJit attor, In tho larK r c llirs ‘

•' .11(1 O iir | i r o | i l r u r r f i i r t i i n n t t ' t o liiivot ’' l« o im n v ti in i iv u t t l i r l r l io m o a n il n l I N P l

. ^n.*tllalI..^cc^t. I*’ ’- ' T h o c ln l) too li i i |i Ih o m a i l e r o f a

r e n t r n l l i^ a r l fn r u 'v l t h l l i c U t l l i t l c n H o n n O o m tn ln sfo n f o r Ih o T w i n I ' l i l l i i 'b r a n c ho f th(? S h o r t I , I n r . S n r l i a rn tf t I.'' n n w -I n fo r * ^ -a n f l Ik n f m n r l i v n lu o t o n i l T n

. t b o lo w n t ' i i lo n i ; t h e M nr. lo n 'lW p h n v c f lo c n ro 'l n m l ( l i s l r lh n l i ' i l vw itl.

. 'if.O* vo ln m cK o t Hit- n t n t r h n d l i l r t , li ro i it.•’T l i 'j n f I ’ l P n iy ," a m i I n n n in o r - o f aeiO )le o t l )p r J o r n i f l . o f H i p r a t n r r tn - J io t cR r t h e r w i th th o i)« a m in o f p o rM in n l lo t- I 'e t n rt o n ! w r i t t e n h r t f i e K o c ro t .i ry o f t h r i)n»!i|r l u h t h n l h a il n m l In n o w b r n r i n c rl rX ' n n e if n i l t Ih l i r ln i t iio o jilo In o u r m h lH . h n o c

. W o n rf i . 'lo w o n t b c n l c o o f i b e h r r - m re ir . s l f lo w o f j i p o p lp . t o t h e w o b I w o b n v e ' l.M ilho r r r * e e n . H c e A m e r lc n n r n l I" f i r m - IwI r ^ 's i l f lh l lB b c J th lR y f 'n r . ' T b o m l ll ln n ^ n o i no ( d o l l n r s I h n l h n v c 'c o n p n b ro a r i r v o r y n f '-o l jT « i r in (bt* p o c k r iK n f t h c to n ’r i s t . i ? 1

. » - l l l n n . i r r o n i i t o f t h c w n r in H n r o iic . o f lb ' l l i b ' v c a r d r J f t ' t o t b o e c c a lc w c s l , T u h e s l s i

T H E A T R Ed ; S a t . , 12-13) N O F L /'iJG l- lT J-'.lt

S M hb I;I ■ H l l l l i f p p , 1 ‘

■ B B f f l e r r o f f l I'EB BHHroffilffl'Ka Tm

I r a U S V ^ l / i . f f l I >ewB y// ra ' IL '

i i_ iT s6 iT [X T £ sr ' |i

O f A R A c r s K J s r / c ^

N M A K E R S - .......3 0 ■ if,

'E L A C T S ^ - - -- I O !j'

iR A L COL^RT-.-'---------2 0 f j ’.

MEDIAiVS • ’• M A N 'Z n-.'C A M l^E L l.- '; ' • ij,'

.' G E O R G E W A L I-S

■ J O H N ’M O O D Y , ' L';.

iC T R iC A L E F F E C T S ' i'>

r.ulc. D aily. • I .i-lA’r S l- 'O R 75 C E N T S ' .

C H IL D R E N -2 5 c • . ’

on SM,.al 2;3B p, m, i”, ’ ‘ h \

m r r .f fn r t : . a i m l l l o i i r t l i o r > | i l t i l n tI 'f f o r H n m l ' 11 im ll KiKeilim - i . | ; i ; l l ,n i)lls li.-.l a m i i i r i in ix 'r l ly w i n ' s liln .'i .iH In ( i l e n t .v . . W " i i r« fiji l u im l i 'ly vi;ite i l tn a t i r m - t t / a v c l . W o h f t \o wi( j m i l r 1 aM ioI, Uil hull l l l r M a t r n f „ |:>1. In I h r O r r n t .S h o n lio n e l-'iilln. |„;f n r r <>iir O r iiw lm ; .-in-ti iim l-*» llt h r ,n,h y Ilm ^ l a t r tn u t t r m t tm iil. '- tn . sm

1.1 I h r < i i i | io r tu i i l ly fm - T u i n ; o;i. l>--:l‘ ii;i . . t i i l i r m r II .m il iii'K iii thi'. • Ilf

I P D M E ■ ! ; :

il.r,^es uml CiiKle, M ,Siiiitli \ lliirn Twlii Full-,

iijiliiy iiiifl TiioMla'. i'rh iiiu ii -1 J wd! r(,i ! ,i i i , 'n . ',-- ,i i- - ii j'.'j'

.'k-Ar-.M-- fil.HO*-«lil-|I1ll-l>Vlill>'-'lN—j—I■niiiiirriiio tho liiri;r 'iiiiiniint 'n f ' , i-:iM rl| IVltiril-. fni- thh- l^ulr, " r 111 im» lliil"il 'Vlth us fm ni $C',- ' iii_SlL.tJJ. itui-ili-ut-uU)tU._.Sm ltli. " -Mc.MiiMor 11-111 o|.rii 111.' ,sil.' oil . lay » (ih inn hrml D t'th '-li o w n . ami in iiilnuo tb r i^alr nnlil all mill. t)ti Tiir^il.i.v, ['•.■hruiiiy :iul, ,oiiMKiioil i.tm l; Ulll hi-Miljl in 'lho ,

IIM ".I,-"•;-|ii(k of .Smllh .V .Mi-.Mavtoi t ~:-ts (.1 iX ll.-ml lit i 'in iiml I'h-r"- "nhl 'ro ll .. aiul m h.'ail nl lunlii; —

I- ;ilx t> .u n i i ii : ho i-i,.': . a i r imliv- ' a l lli r a n c l i i ; ih ' r . | , c i i r l M l n i ', n f

Iiorniih.. Ilcli;iuii:> ami Shi...... ihoF lu t i l m i l Kiml u l t l i . - x c .- l l ii j l I ' . .r w n r l: h o r r . , i ; , n i : r n, a i r r . f i o i n 1 lu - i r i : : ! . ; : . t t . . iw h |. i : n n a i.

IH iiim l-i. h it n t riiD il i,-.;Mm.. miiti hi-il. y o n i" I 'J i i r a i jo o .l l»iT>oil ■:i' I n t i l l s , 'v r h a \ o t h ro o lllh l r r n h o K iii H tn llln iin .y i!an_um L jjiv iil!jn ’-Ji'inie:; j u i i l J _M uv...... mil I t o h l l u p r l i n i i l t o H■ 'Jhl. I.l'-- tn l'l ha'iih. hh;li.It lion (.1 i,-,(iij Ihs. lirtiu; in 'o n r........ .-^milli nml . fl;.MnsIor•:i sa lrU j u U-:__ VUlUmvii.finni-Huuid-iO' _

. l lu y i I , . l o n 't l e t t h h i o i u i .n i i i n l tv '• In l i l l l l h m i r - t h a i f - a n i T m i iiroU “ !i" : i | i i i t i t ; w n r k f n r n i .r l i ii : - 'v in hi. ; i h i " C tU H llthu i:, i n l u t t l . " t -

. 'li ll-) , ■ i- 'r ll-''. ':! 'fh r'lin i:ii-> . | b l . r ' i: T l . " iT in r l i i- r . u-h-) h u \H t h r ;; '• to i 'i , l iM r i l ill i h h i .■iii'h'. c u n ; j . f $_iii. i i i j r . n h i c r c a i - e . f i i J iu . t l i c . - i i n 'n n o v i- ry a n o o f n l f a l f i , . - - m tn ih l> n a i r n m l , M iy . to n n ,: s , D o n 'l l l i r r a l o l o f b n l t i lo im l ly Ih lu y o a r n m l t l ic i i h a v o t o h o c o n r In h u y y n u r h a y a t J.I.nil in t io r l l .n o r w lm t It b:i:i t:o ;il v n n iHMli.,- iruL’-^,___'.'ilay. Fot.rniirv :'iiil, nnie will ^ iirumi.ll> u l ]l;Otl Dclnrk by th.- — n,; of a nlco h it of entile, cnnitlnl- [ Dtirhuin anil ilDlntoln rowx njiil ■I) Ull'l ono rek-hitercil Durham mil one io,:iM ,.r.il llrrofDr.l Imll. y ]D earh-, lir’rati'ic n f—th f 'litrKt' ' .lU of iil.)rk to h r HoUl.. .iK'nihrr, .Smith t Mr.Mus|..r wll own Illork on .Mnnilny. |lunch m tv h I nt rrtiltr Krnnmlu hy

Fram-ln. ,S-MITH .McMASTKlt.

Owtioni nml Mnnaxera,Ml .W ON K- Kfl\’,.,^ucUuau>m—

___ _______ hml

f sv sP R iR um m. s------ ---------------------------cou

‘ iDTC^llffatlOD RcTfalu Ih r Lnrk lila of Rd)I1o pm M rtbods '

c<lllmony of offlt^lnln of-4hr .ht.Mr atlei-,-»rlmorit'1>etoro the hnnnr In- roun llnc ronitnlitf^ i . jTi^aiilay unt h i out tho-f.-jri th n l.tb o hvkIpui llcintitiog. of Cnrov .act fnnrl.^-iloi’ii la - .mrcn cviicaillturoii lo tho lipvcrnl for.l lo ’ iiro je rtr .iml thnt it Is im- npplift lo luicnrtaln whnt th r ntftlc’fi Xon.-l-ion of nny p /ir ti ru h r proit^cl ly '>*t. ' Tho iflmm lltoo in of n mlml Tbonmmonil lo tho Icclslnlnro an c*i- to I-iment of n biislnoflil-like Hvntera forikkncplnfe fo r'th iu fumr,>)iit bn'i iw :•rlv/yl nt Ruy rlceinion nn lo whnt wtwIr «iics:e"tlon!i rboiihl bc matlt^ piai

P'inwh#n. niflnneor for tbc htatc cmi' KinK Hill jirojecl: N. JeniM n, oil irar of Ibc 8lnt« board of InnJ rca<

I'ommlnuloncrH, ami llc rbcrl WlrtK, n r t­inK alalo.ciii;lnorr; Wrro the wltncii«c;i- callcd b tfore llir toniniltlcc.yi;:iii.'r(lu>. Tbc— rTaTnlnaltnri'-tnnlt— thn~Tf.J‘r ' ‘' through mont of the afiernoon. of lui ' |ri(|iilry im to the iiiclhod of drawUi;; I 'liiru n is and voncht:nl uKainiil tin- I'^ri'V Ult fumlii. .\!i, .Irniioiiu tnhl i.f th" .'.wr) n ftln :i Voucbrrii ar-'madr m il--hhi hfflt:e ahd Hint yf tbo date <'ni:lnoc:r. WarranlH -(iru drawn tiy Ihl' Muir iiurlltor n f tr r tho v iluch-- :TI' are a|.provrtl. -Mr, .I.'tinci's', ex- pi.aiiift/r -5hat--.itirr_vniuj(«ni • tlTiisvn b r IIlio :diitr I'U rllierr d l r r c t ' t o tbi'• till" iK.artl of oxumlm-r.'i, im l only n |iij.lh.n.j_oLi;:irlLl-.lll!;d.lu-.i:m ..luiii .I.')<arllm'lil, tiOI to - ho i.;i-rj.,|Ir. .lennr-M s r . i d ' h r w a s nnt a 'i f:i-

h i l l n w i t h i h o f la i '. 'V III t I r o ' - i 'i u 'l b ' l ll .i liu im i- n ( , l b r C a i r y W l , l , . , . ; , r l - m - n i . l in t l ; r m iv r ,.u u „ - o f i ) i , . ; ; , i u ' r i i ! -

nf h.hih.r-, r-:]ii.rh'm-.'- '•■Hh th.'.l

■'ll:. ^Ull i: imi^umJ-aL-li-aj-.LL ..j itmiit th r i-url inlirii In a-liiiln i.ira lla j I if Carry VI t prt)Ji;i-|:i h- ih r "iiii,. ,-ii- ' •In n i'; . ii'tflcr. almnt b is 'o iiln ln tt- ir . j mnllm: ihe i,i|irc.:s nr failure of va- 1i.im |.ii.]rct;i, <-iiii (-l,illy th r llir. U s t !lvr;-, Ihr lUm: lllll and tb" Twin •ull^ ,W.-:ii Knd, Thi-< -mimll!r" wanlu0 h ' l i i n mil niil.i w liiii lu u i h r n i t l i e of l i r I ' a r r y ; u i i , i , ; , t t n . i . i , | „ | , iv li a l.1 r r till' iimh-rlyini: ru'mn-ir nf th r I m iii.t- . tl„ii. ll.,".- r . , - ,.-Tojrct:. ami Iho Malr.iif Idaho an, nn- avorv I,'I i.tutlnri in tli.' lulmhi of ' . t - t U'r;... . I

llnvinj.' b rrn an ii.^nhtant In Hi.- nf- {cr nf III.' .Klatr .............. idnrr 1!HI|. fIr. Wln^ '»nn rirh'Clril iiii h rlm ; t>ro!i-‘ r lily th .' h.'s t Inforninl mun in ih.- d r . ; a rtu irn t, i,lncc th r death of S l n t r ' nu lii.'rr Klm;. on the Mihjmi of tlm ; iij:lii.-erini: 'm rii on hrhnlf of. tho i a t- In roniin-llmi wilh llm iiro jn ts , r nalrl Ihnt. liiirlm; Oie Iium Iho pro- i;t« 'w rrr iiim-l In. favnf, 'vhca the | iicy lu-i fiohl .was oiirnlui; uji. In-'th.,' | 'urn llui:., limi; jma-IHUT. tb r '• 'iiii l- E 'iT'ii o fflrr b.id nnly on*' o r twn jiuu |

III.- tlrh l, ami tliat th r linim rtani o j I cninploto'iiui orvlsinn nnd irnii.oiillori 11

ii-'i nu l rrnll;i;d lllitll tlm work had I li nivti he 'om i llm il<'i.:irtmrnt,.Si)iiKM)f IB r irmihleii. n ro ji'it .comp.^nion lic.vo K ;|.i'riom.oil. In; ;.ald, tiih;hl bavo I'orii I iv latrd If Um itiiloH en;:liiet:rlnl:Ml' bad bren luriivr anil on Ihv imnd tim rr ci.nlinnally durIm; tb r irly y'rars. Iliii iW' srea to r Y im ,uf

oiiKiiiceritiK dlffU-nllU-n tbnl loiihlll ,hr fnri'Hern, rlihe r l.y the

li.O- lb"-< ompany ...UKUiorrH.' .........1Mr, -Win;: >-ahl It wnn tru e Ihal iiirh rrs a'caln.il tho <!aroy net fnndi-r'c 'Irnwn hy iho Male ijiKliiurr wltb- i f lia v ln c heen piiUMod ujion by nny laril. a.s till' K 'lvermu-dridored In llh

I h l t - t i i r - vutlcinT.i W trr ,11111 In iiiitl ne'r.nmrnin.lril l.y mih- iiK'h'.Ti.. anil he lillll alwiiy»RiinioK*tl at ibf'y w orr ni'provni hy.lho hoaril

iiwn, Tiihi liorn nut i.cmi in imvc .'tl Ihl.- cilsr, liM th<. Vntldirrn rxn'in- "|l. I-V Ih r riinim illr" li.-n- II 1 .<.-;ii (it•Vitii;-hrri) ap i^nvtd lly iiny othi'rlltl Ilm iit.ito ............... ■Oi.-caHlnl) was, tulton at tlil.i htiii:<- nf r . i i r a r l i i r hy K ochch ami H andall of B I' ciiinniitlor to rcml into th" rrcon l ■ lim-t;> from iho i-nvrril'jr's lli'.-riS-iKt'. M

r;ms tha t llie m ivirnnt wus Innliy _ >lakcn la bln vlrw .if the Cairv a d . l ' l fumi. .Mf. Knrl.'-.li iihm i-.-;,d M C. I)'' Itl I t ; : : nf ilir .'nth', .h fln inu Uir ‘" iii-d fufnl" as '-tb r litiinlllil I riilillnllu; " f Ull th r o riginal t'lirey a n fnu l a tio r ri.’ns.:n nf adiulnlstrnlioii. huVo hi ruId. W lih ;i. little m '(|uh-srm r frnm nr ' wltni'sii. llii'Hfi nieinlu'rH of tlic torn-.......... . ll) tlirlr own ;.athi- imlU u u -tk il th rro n.'Ver has h ro u -a I'' i:;l T u ii'l.-C aplln l Ni-« h. . wl


orFarm Lands am

Residence 1

S W l & ABank & TrusI

~ ' i i s l T i R y o ? :--------- . .. dlk-

IT CoQntJf« ( ilirn Ibo Final 'ruiifhos or of (lo ic n x ir’ii .hlynalurci ' ''fii

»»T Cuuiitlc'. nok'lirwnli and lloniuhiiy coniitii-!. ‘ ylie Into hd a i: Ima uh:ht. tJuvrraoV Itni ).,andcr u lpiud the lli liruah count,'

lul<- Hdturclay nfi"uu.iin. Ile uu- “iKifUc'i the unnountriiiunl Intc huit pron t-n n n tre 'T v n iim n r j 'T . 'n n i iv -w ir tm j1 beon ulK'ncd. .Soilhern Idnho. mi wit roiie.Dled iu Iloi.nr cdelirnlcd the th t' :bfe 'rv<-nt wilb cvhl.-nx Jubilation, mr. Tll Of tho HlRntn,; of tho llcnrwah Mni niy ilivlfilon bill lo ad in l northern I'Ca ho tuid 91. -Marie.- . arly in th e Klc ninK. As no ninis^u;,-i ar.t rcculv-nt Uonncm Ferry after s o'clock ' nliTbt il' in dbuhtfiil If the new Tnty noai w-Jll hoar th r clad liaini;n )IIM11 today, ' ■ • . • • r'ceir ibcrn In.any ilUli-lnji-to jir io r jly -iitnliilKffaturc. It inust-'im 'to 'liom iw nh tho;thlfl bill wnil f lr il to ree'elTC tla j nrti

rtivftl of tho Koycnmr, Thhi county 12,0nr. Ibc nouth lltiif nf Kootcnai roun- lull»lt]t St. Mnrlm ns th r (uiiitly iioat. (tultiro •wnil prncllcnlly no oiiiionltion thetu c'rcntion aud a -m ninul ilomnnd Jjin| t . . Wblln moro ('minifjnly known koIt

Imunc bill S'o, fi. Ik-iievvili. county Xi i. no t tbe flrnt iUvi>.hin meanure to tiven Ibn k'Kliilnturc iUid icach tbe cov- minir , fo r iloundnry Knitit.i. Introduc- rr<;<inlioufip biil .*<0. 1. (ireceiled ll ;md por;(it^ , tho, chlcf exocuilve firnt. it safo

'v " ' L**.-..'.-

^ .

TWICE.AiWEEK TWDf FALLS tiM E S , FfilD A Y , JA N . 20.'1015.---------- :---------------------------- -— “ ) ~

p g

a . E leven B uick C an t i the sam e tim e o n th e fir;

f l BL’ICK-UWIlCfJ Iwvc.llial-MlUR .(l. g l,iko llicm .mywhcrc and brlnt; llicm

I TllC B U IC K develops more p< a ’ of ill ovciliead vnlvr motor.

j . • Il WjU B U IC K -pow er llial s.

9 -Oilier American cars Iricd aad failc

A B nick <Satisfied"

Next lime you meet one, asl; hi

for a clemrmstra'lion. ■ \Vc

l^nd Auti,i'ri)v n.'l cnunty 'r . i t Honiirni Ferry netII l'l fniiii.d nllt 'thr Unrth half aili -Honn.-i i'<.niiij^..inl -l«- iho -n i.i» l - r lh rn f .-o'unty o’t jln - 'l a t r 'v ltb tho naillun Ilii" It:- .........................ml-.

Uumwuli (iiim t' nauioil- in liraanr of a d h-'iruli-I liidi.'iii d ia rac- wit

of tin- nnrth. I'tili'f |t"ii.:\i-lUl, i'\ l tiVr'fuilui.'; hav.- iiiaiiu'tl . lh.: liilhi imil

•_____________________________Ibe. lha

. the

O t O A N I■ hi-e

• lunii

I .• !"■

1 Twin-Falis ;______ , . ___________ ' mill

’roperty---------J -------------- — -. — w

LDRICH - rBuilding.

----- :---------- ;---------------------------------- Afiidud 'it." Ml.mun fnr Ion;; era-

es hefore tln' while man beKnii lofor metal', or fell ir te a for luinhrr ___•un hnumlu_r>'llncfl. Tho bill to ill- rKo.donui waa'oi'ipoiieil two ym iii I , bill ul the prcncnl ketodoa met ^ bontUliy. It cnrries an em ergen- “ i-lausr which mnkCH it U ke effcci lodliildy nimn jln npprouil by thn I'rnor. Within lea dnyii aftor L _ ilnK'ihc tiiounurc, neeorillnK to its iliilonfi, th r governor will appoint —-Tifftcrnr-Br-tfio-ntrfi—cnmmT'Tin'dlla flvo dayn a fte r they ounllfy

now -county (:oitinilnnloiicrH willI to orKnnlzd tbo Kovflrnmcnt, Sl. - — icn In dcHipimtci! nn tho rounty . Ileiiewnb wll! bo n '|i a r l of Ihe f,x(f. Ith Judicial dlnljlrt. . .

-------- • 0 |.r,\rrohlhllion,

lie prohihltlonlnT::. rcfuncd lo ’he j.>( arbcd by tbo late dnto not lii thn nt tl iTilimn They bavr rppnaU'tllvr-<l (beir eonfidone.- ibnt, o v e n -if -----■fnll to Kef n.H'tn’lewlile bill rn- d they cnn acrry Iilnbo by from mile K) In : 0.000_^injp7lly for a nini>tl- and >nal ntnondnu'nl. I t Ih M id tn bn [ock i! evident in the Introiiuction of iilntrwiiie |iroh‘lblllon bill cffecliv.> ' j.-, mry 1. 191C, thnt the dn-fl nre mil hnrn K to inko ftny rhnnccB. They claim jivu er cont of tbo hntinn nt rei)rcse:iia- m r rI la dr»' and pajiMfcc of tbe bill In -----re»l...ltK fatc ia Uicrcforc-conftd- FC fo rent wilh th r flcnntc, ^ ^ h e up- cutli

house Ih hclievwl to be dry by n H.Ofl mnjorlty. Even the inOBt proml- Mut

all loaded p u llin g the Shosl r B uick to u r S un d ay , S e p t . :

Lm.; of-jccuii!y w!iidj.-Uimt:i.,frQ!n l.no'

'),icl;, ' y'*''

wcr .-(iui Hm'‘-f«d lic i mi a gallon of i;as(

nl a motor car' acioss llic Andes'mounl.-i 1. |-'oicii;n carj tried ond failed. Bul tli

)w n e r Is tlO w n e r i n t h e

n and you will find we ate tiglil.

ivill lake you over placcj you lliouglit no

m o b ile C(» i i g f f l M i p g i « P I M I

I i)f the W(it le.-idorn, iiflor a ynll, i M ill Ihcy can' only niiii*trv ir. volea. nna

Commissions. -—• 'v rll 'defh ird witnKonisllc attllndo tho pnri of lacmborii of hoth "'“ I idiCH o t Ihe Icclulaliirt' dovclopud *'“>•1lill llm . wrok Juut cloiioii. aKiiimit tiai: commiiailiMiii,' coniminidoaern hrathi nf rk-partnienm, Ijnania ami,0 is evury rem m n-to bellev'c now, < overy.offort.w lll be put fnrlh by

1 lo iilriko frntn tho i.tiilnto hookiiarm that pinco irth rm there by pro- •"n IcKlslnlures w bid i ereatotl c ilher' ,;__commlnalohH or boardn, Tbo pub- ^itllltieii commlrnlon has nprat^nntly , *I iimrkod for ropoal. Ila frlcndn hav.. liomc .llfficulty In ravtoB ll.

. yrnrn rtKo th ry hart n -fi;;h l on r lianiln to c rea te the cnminluflloa cloth.' ll with tiowcr. Tlicro arc pii’i'llac 111 both houno. mcaniirni

■,i.ul Ih r chaider llm l clVon (t o x - [qj ..fed-H-«.lw*r«t.wJ.lU-lK-i««n<lliifr

ikf' from it Iho puw.-r to r.'culatt; Idillon . KC

—------------ — — . nad( i r TH.\NKS

i; wlr.li to thank all-oni- aclclibors . irh'iiils who no kindly nsnihlod mi iTTTi’i'ciin itm pT ifiro iih to :

MII.S, IIKUTIIA VAN (lAl.K.AM ) DAnCi.lTKit. FI-;'fl.V, ' •

Figure* en W ar Exports. . 'V-

unhlnrlon,—Flrearmnn-vaitiC'd u f I.r,in, cartr liise s worlh Jl.;:fi,::i.-, iJo j

DJ.'iCl ,pnim ds of i:nhp()wilcr . oxportcil Ironi .Vovcmhcr, ac- ins tc nnpplomenlal rrp o rt fllofl c seniitc hy Socrctary Itrillleld. '

---------------- :— . W;repetition of-yonr w nul ad Is often live—vrhca It'e Im portan t to find iho Marc

licidr/iblo tonant. rare

-------------------------------------------------1 SA

iasslliBil MverllsEmsnls------------------------------- ------- ------- Profcill IDTERIISIIIO UHDER THIS HEiD

' ClSU IN iOVIKCE ____----------------- :-------------------------------1 OR

' FOK 8A1.B___________________

H SAM-:—GnimlLno in flvc (;allon )r more, ::o ceiAii jier fjallon, canh, , Automohllfl Co. Jnn 29 tf

il 8ALl->-Applc!t—Homo lleauty,. fnncy. ROu: .•bolc,'. K r . Jona-

dmlce, ,'iOi; ))..r li'n liri. I'luine \S',\ •1. Hoyd II, Fiillr;

' : ninad K Cnrroii., JTi.OO per loin, (’n y , 'r tam li nf J. A. U'alurn, .^n I

, iw .-'y .-Z ') Feb, :-6. - —

II KAl,l-2—T lirei' .hcHtf 'o f bomcu, — ^I cow. imd fnm itiiro , Milo lo r th •■'01li tulle cam nimnen. Onear Hntl- InR n

.Jnn, :C -:9 i«l, No s( ---------------------------------— - romp:II 'j^.\l,F/-(iood work icara and ■;------

frlco rijthl. wllllni; to take•lock Ii^r part ii.tv. Aililrcnn, B. -------Tine-.. .lan, ZC-29 pd. FOI

ll FlrM, nccond and Ifalrduhl of a lfalfa hny tn nlack- n t -------,p e r,in n . Ixtwln Mtinly, V: rallo , TOf )f Maro.1 uchool. Jan , ::-:6 -29 j>d. Jiofih,

lone Falls g rad e at :7, 1914. '

f-iiii:. tliat. llicir. nU K i.'K ,'vill.

liu'.', llian other car*, bccaujc

u for liic f in l lime ia liislory.

: Buick pulled its w ay across.

le M ost: W o r d “

car wouIcI 'ro. ' ' '

im panyam iiiiiiiiiiiiiii r fl i 8ALl->-YouDg loam, |300. Ma®- l-inion, Ilock Creek, Idalio.— .— - ja t ir r o ---------

rsr', bn;;i;y and hiiracaa for uale, work nln^le or double, contio; .

y, altim!,t ncw, iu t WaKhlnBton ___________ Jan. 19 If,

II 9ALE—Portablo o r o ta tlonw r ' p, Fnirlank-MorBO pusollDo on-

ihorouKbly overhauled imd ai’ ail now, n l a barRaia. Qeorso

lore, n)uio :, Twin l-'alla,'______________Jnu. 16 Fob, n pd

K SAI.1-3—Orado Dtallloa, throe- hll I’erchcron ♦.ind ono-fourth :. wjiiirhi 1900. Suro foal potior, hi.iod.i-, .-xtrn nood work horso y r i . i . vV, 1':, nunh. it, f , u No. .

er. _ _________________ Jan . 8 tf.

K .S.VI.I';-Tivo room nouuo aat)J'lU.iiu tln n payinont. .Seo K. A.rrtr-nhginri'-u r . i'.. u . Jiu r n r — ^

ll SALV:—Praelically «uw buKgy ittrncnii. choay, Soo E. A. Moon,.01^ 9;_______ 'Jnn- 8 tf;

ll SAMJ— 10 ocrcii of land, on llilp J720 cajih. balanco liko r e n t AtJ-W -(-tro o r-Jlm oa «tUc8__________ ! _

Jnt(, lM R-19-::-i;C-:!J pd.

- . ...W A N 'n iD . ________________

iNTl-;n—rbnltion o u 'r iiu c h iiyand.w lfo. - Cna Klve roforenrM.----------r I'Vndcr, Hollliiler, Idnlm, P. 0 .■- . • Jnn i:u Feb, IC pd, '

NTI';d—T ll buy maro, no l oror 8 old, tiot afrnlti tif cnrn, on tlm o,"

re II, S. .Mall Mcinieni;or Fomoroy.____ -Jan 29 T cb : ■

NTi'iD—T ojcnL furaiahcd bouio )r six •roonm, any tlmo boforo ’•>1 1st. Ko rh iid ren In family. B, rimca^^^_________^ J a a :S tf.

,l-:SMAN WANT1JI>- r o r r ^ n ' t ir righ t party. .WIllInK lo ti'nln -. iricncrd mnn who will work,• expcrlcncod man. W rito aa ­to a. 1. S. C, core Tlmc.^

._______ . Jan . 29 tf . ,

':3S M A K IN0-r.3S i ih Avo. K ,' ______________________May B u

^<TKil-T0-tjpflrai67W lh‘6r'Bldac— ........hy year. Married. Q cnnan (loacont mr. iK.-lonUflcajidpmcUcal.WUI- JiintoK aln. Rpforoncos. Addroffn •M. C n Iluhl H ardwnro Co., lluhl.

'■ . _________ J_m ^ 2 tf

s'TKI)—:i)0 hca.I of c.iltlo for 'r hordliii:, $i,i>0 pe r,head j-or . C.ill nt 0 , K. Llvory bam , ir ndilrft,!. \V. V. WllBoa, lloRor. la, Jan 2:’-gf-29-f\!t>. pd .

~ VO n T JU D B , -

1 TIIADB—A pair of Linrk d r lr i nroH, for a good elnfilo drlvor. • rub wiuitod. TV ln .Fnlls F loral • a y - ^•alrTlog avenue-N ov,-S7 If-


IIKNT—CO ncrca lU mllea out Krouad, a il o r , part, M. caro___________ J____Jnn, 2C-29. pd,

IIF.NT—Hooinn, L'03 « h avtinnc . . . --------- Jnn 19 If ._______

V -

Page 5: W E E K THE s fr MES E E iE ir ' w liiiff O N ip iB I ltnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · THE VOL. X. NO. 32 TENTH E E iE ir BY THEROSSIANS Renewal of Activity

■ , TWIOE-A^WEEKTWIN PALLSIlM ES,'?BID A y. JAN. 29. 1915. .• . , ' ■ '

Gasoliiie**" ' .

■ V ' A r

■■ V .........

‘ H.-WiL YOU liKKN _')!■!

___ ’ ________ .Con}cauai(lii.l.'a i:iJiiii

‘ tnoic for 20 [)it

. L i n d A a l (Pioneer A

. iocal and Personal -'_____ ■ . ,1.

' A r c . llnUmiiii. ti-;ini.iu-ti;tl iJtmliMM; ! | 'r■ In JJK'.clly to r.;i 'luy fnmi lii::lc'.v,. '

I) I'.'lKitl, o f Ji'riiini'. lT;inwi(;l.ci I’ ImslDcK In lb.,’ Mack- J.'ii)' fur ;< 'luy.

Samu<! Siill1v:iu"tr.iiii;uti'il liiisliii’!In n i f r fnr :i il;iv tl;e inliMli' u'f tin- J,

“ ' • ' o f l■ . Luh.

U r. Mill \MW lAlly oC Uw CutiU;- ford, n|Hinl ll clav o r I'vo In .tin ; rliy

♦ Ihl.. Tv.if.if — ,— --------------:------------

Don Sovorc. o t Ilnp.eraon, wnri a biiiil- ■Oliii Ticitor lu Twin for iicveiiil p

•—r 'l » r e o fH ib-'vcfik .---------------------------

Mr. nml Mm. Cr. I’. Uontictt w e r f ln * ILo county !;l-:iI TliiiniiJay from Hiilil pi on a Phopplnj; tour. •

i\f t— uikb ia<uuior-i3..iTru'JDr... rclurncd Thuri!ilnj‘ from Uniuc.- wliero lOic hnd bw n for iifivonJ diiyn. ' ■ ,

Ilobort UoKortinri lof( Thiirnd.iy for Uiu weiil «nil of Jlir ('imfily lo look iif- jj

' tCT hid ivUMjI iHtcrvnlK. ijf J

F. C. (ViilK. of Jlonorwin, trniisiitlcd banlnnsH In lhc couniy suni for ii'tliiy •

. tlio mlddlu of tljc'.-wc,ck.

. City Cl.'ck S tu .irt II, T;iylo/ Infi T,'‘I! r “ THfir.':iIiiy rvo.iilni; for ]}oh>\ w i i . ' i ^ i r ^ -■'■•irr.iin«luflirTinr;r“ tiuKliii:-i:i liTTitlh.. T

Mr. mill Mrs, 1*. M. Hi’li \vor<rvliiltorfi' * la T^’ln I’'!ilb;- f.ir. il liny or two of . ”

— "IhlrrTrrclrfmm-f^iH r-homp-ln-H iirU 'y .— -— ■

. E, Vl’. VoKi Iilld family will Irnvc , 'J' Hitiirday t vi JilnK for KIbii, .Nubnitika, w h rrr Hiry «H1 m'aUr llnilr, fu tu ro . liomo. • ■.

Ato* Grixy. .1 ,f(mii<T of tl" ‘ Hock , T' Crook 'iifilKbtiorliuoil. mionl Wrdnoii- ' ‘;• <1«y In Twin P.ill;' Inoklni; a fir r bmd-

. noun m u te r.., .

M n , J . 'P . f ir r rn Iti In ibc Twlii KallH . honpltnl. wIicTc i'bo was oiiorale.l nn

for nn ul<-.iriil.Ml jaw. 'A l tlu- prrMrnl tJmn Mri!. f irrc ii.I 'i .■.mvalcsclnt! r;ip- ' ' '

____________ . IfwWcii KoblrnlM’ii: r.'[ iini.'.i iliM Jt.r.-

noon frviu Tu-ln whom In- has boon for the iw it frw <myn In lb r Ijiiur- ^ ‘

• .Vlt n f 'fh o I/iynl Orclrr of .Moi>.,-.------------ ............................... ^

Lyon & Healy's Ctiarni- ing Washburn Piano ?

■ In fftr n 'f in r .MilRh K-nulo (>lnno. a t n nmdoKl prlic ,

Lyon & llM ly bavo plnccd nu Hit- m ar- *J'" ' k r t a now model Wniibburn piano, •'■‘"i

, • Thin Indlrnm rnt rnjoyii tbn diiillnr- tion of IwlnK bnllt In tho fnctory wllh lbo Lyon & U«Uy pinno. There nolLlnK chrAp nbout lbi‘ W sshburn ri-

:__ <inci_nniLn<iUiliifc-iilli:Utcil>...h',cyrjab'.:Lle.tn,.B numhfir nt wine, mouoy-i’avlm: 'J'

- Ido&n a ro .to .b n founil.ln .Hs vQiniirur- 'Uoa,

■.VInlton* nro rr<iur^ited to coinfiare ■ Iho'W nnhhurn with Innlrumratii n rllln r

- foe an, ovrn hunilrcil ilolhifii more oim--whon', t 5,„

/ Kvcrv, \Va--hlairn pinno cnrrlcni I,yna * t-Heniy-K full jninranly Iho samo nv tho I.yon & IlraJy n n n o , • . , .A. .imnJl m h p a rm m t rad ra.«y

m onlily payinfnlii mny br^firranned,

Logan'Piano Co.,Obc Prifft K p rfh a n h lon li

211 SfcMbflDfi .S t .H, T w ii VoJI.H, Idnho on b

Fatty and Ma4-L • -------------

20c Per. I ,

r i r ' - ; : i i ; a i . r , : 7 r v 7 j ^ t ,

!.1v ';d ,-\

.I',,, 'r.po

) m o l ) i l e € ijloiaoljilc [ |o u T of Soullicia Id.i

irn, oa .Wrdlinidiiy. ,laii,i.ir,v J'i, ll, aim ,Mr- 1). K. Ur.liiiaii, .i :.ia, rr

I., Wllklnii lriiii:.;ii l . ’il bii'.iiui.'. in ''fi rilv Tik'tMa' Ilf Ibln w rik from 'irn . ,

;t'rr Nrtiiiiaii, r f IJiK'k C rtrl:, was \;.a.-llnjT. biiflnrr-i. la Twin K:ill'i k''nriiday, •’ ' , ■ ■ ‘v

II. M()rHu)UM-,,;|„.ii> \V ..,ln.-'l .’v l'>' 111'-. w.;fk 111 .lUipuri ;cic;;t:m jiii.ii iiiiia affnirii.

: j a i l Mrr. R Iv nrerniiui_iu«*4i ..r- llu' ciiy Iroai liulii lo r a dny tliu ^|| llo of tbo WL'Ok, - • - nfl

J, Wiilioru (if llir T b r rr Crrckbiiiirhood; fi]K>iif.aT.inTiniic Tvrck 1C couniy «cai.

ly Martihnl Cbnrloii CokiT, of Huhl. ^ ; In tbo cliy for a Any th e miildlc ,j 10 wuek on biiQhicHH. J. ']

loinoy H, U AiOilon wus In Uurbiy j/j ilupe rt for n dny o r, twp of tlilt! M : looking nftcr locnl buslursi;.

, F’, 1*, Snook re iun iril thc flrnl10 wculi from HoImc. w here bo bud for a day.or lwo on Imiilnoii^i,

•. und Mra, V/. W. T ay ln r. an-l.lili;r o fP i! .T . u h r r . r i n life; rity '•nday fro^ii Ib rir linir.; Ci ,l-'iW 'inK frirnd^.. • - • w

J, I’owcni. traiiim a.sirr (tl ;li-’ Id.i- Ivbiloa of tbi: ()rri;on Short Mnr, — lu llir rity W rauciiday louklui: —

' hii;,liiivi!i',Xtir llir truii]iaiiy.

lorncy W. f . C uthilc Irfi W rdm s. ovouliit; flir Holsc, w lir ii’. In. bail

cnllril 111 lonk ■ afl.T a c,c.r lii ills lrk l rou rl of Adii ccuntv.

oiaa-i Olivrr. wbcVbiiH bern mak- blii hnaie uoar this c l i y ’ for ihc

year o r more Irfl Wcilncsciay iln^ for MIrliicaii, w h rr.' lie will ! 111;! lioair,

S Ulrkllni: Irll W. clix-day mnr:i. for l)iriiilii:;h;iiii, .Malrsiaa, wh.T.' ml lircn railed a;; it u | :u r ;i In I 'n llrd Htalr!' lo u il for l!ir dl;i- cf Abiliaiaa, _

II, l);irlli'i;lou. Wiiitr r.,mniiv-ii'ni- r Itll) Salniau I ra n iiaj scil ihror^U •ily Tiirsilay rvrnhiK oa liN .'.-ny oisc to a tlrnil ;i 'iin-rtlti;- —-rrrnniijim r— ;

V. C, L. U nit, iiastiir ol tb<; Vlr;!, niUiil rliiircb. Irfl \Vi'dnri;d.iy Inu for Holla;, « 'hcrc h r had bron 1-to roii'hiri-” lht* funernl rrrv lrcn11 oil! frleml,

.S. ciiaiiipraln, ubo la . .'.nf.K lrd ll;.' >:.iimiirniv,''r'T,;ui(i -........ . was tJi Ihr r ity fo r a ^.Jiu :'.; .Tuctdiiy .from hi"; li.ja'lr, cr.'i In HolllHlor. ,

i,‘“ A: '-R^Tai;<- and dnu^rliier. nf- - nc, w.‘re mirrljt, of Twin Kails Is la rt w .i'k , Mr, Ta«e, wbo hinitndiiil of .liTomc, wan (iifUirrly {'’ • Idcnt.of llll.l rlly,’

I) rominlMiloiirnt ol Tw in V'iUbi ^:v nnd -Mltiliioka c.mnty will Imld od..it.nii'e lliu; itc:«l w rrk in .-ndr.ivor wllaill ;iii ;ii:rrrn irn t of brlilKr mal- lutiffcrllui: Ihr lwo . ouiill.'.!, (or.

______________ ahcJ,.C ruse , who wnit n t on r time

■rieil wllh lbe Idaho I’owor and ^. fon i(aiiv liui now rUKni;c-<I In 'CM In I'o r.ilrllo..w aM In Twin L 'for a day lh r middle n t th r wrck, jj j.

n, Meliiocke, mnnai;cr of liio Mol- j? ''U n ib r r company, wan In town .

[f^ay if.initnillnK Inmlnemi. Jle j.. , nreomii.iuleil b.v bl» fn tlic r^ jv lia , | ‘. •im m in iu 'v .lu lrr m tbo n r ln rck e

■ hor lliam C S'rhmldl. of K Im borly'nnd Olilo ]■'. Pr.v, of Scirnrrl, N rbrnr-■.•r.« marrlod In tho offloo of Jus-' T\V. .1. Saillh Tiin^day aflernoon. nllirwly miirrlrd lOUiil.’ will make rnnhome nn n fnrm In .(h r KImber* nrylnhliorlicoil, nnd

(),'''I^im:lcy. of the law f u n of thnI.'V, anil w .illers, lott Timi'tHiy ow- boo

f<ir-"!ihic tn fillonil .T m -’ i l a j (.f mfti[all- laud bnnri), '^hi' onnrd i n k hro I'-, nr.illrrii of Iho .'iiilmon rivvi^ilpro(n ’ i-.'.y aud Mr. I,.nn(;I : / ap i» 'a rrd honihulf nf the S e ltl r r . ' niinf>rl:ili< n. fam

lel’s Bonawi

- y i l

: : ■ - ' Id(

■ll to Ull ..n a j-roclicl J

' , Hr

in fiu-'iiallcn / ,.............. T

II l)(iul.’ fiir • ' • , ,lcl Ihl


o m p a n y ■ i sI'". ^ ' ■' ■ K:

dll____ _______________ _____________rl,

w. T \V.ill;,t,., ;;,.„rr;.l maDa^r. r and r lv .t i>f III,. iir-';il t-lmntiomr ;i!lil’ Tli ■vin l',ill,'< |.|;;iii .-.ml i 'n w rr rpiuii:my, M; s lii''li I'ln acjtii:,' liiot.r'iif till,, iu'i'li lil ucrlr.’iii I'all:, ami l’.ii';ili'l|,> lonliliii;I'T bii;.|m',,;i r„i III.- ro iii|,anj.

On Wtclnrsihi.v .-vrnlni; of ilibi w.-uk i-urii ll 111.' m .inlim r of KiiKrile Shcl-

lc Mtiima .‘ lii'lly. belli of lloi'k , rck, Th.' ni;iirlai;.. iva.i ji.Tfiirmnl

Krv. Wali.T K lia .n ian . piiMoi-.of "" c Hrt-l Uii'li:lia;i .h u rc li . Jii the {“j'

K. II- limb r .... I- - I - 'H - W fihliday Irom hls farm Hotilli o< Ilnniiou on ililn); wllll bis fnmlly AUd looklui;' the Irr bu:ilni;.ti,affairs. Mr. Huller l:i fld I! i:o;,ii0!.i:or'of a flue lol of wheat; ufil id j J it- ia ia -b u -V tlli- iiia rk o t-w h .'n -----i; price rciirbrs ltn- JL’.QO mark, ■]

----- ;------------------’ lerI., I., Ilrrrki‘urldi:e, nianaj;rr of th'o Wc i-la Kalin Milllnic-rmil Klovaior rom- iho ny reliirnril .Sunday from ;m rx im il- pui bunlnemi tr ip lu ilut r:uii arj.l .iiuiilh,

I-was hwiklmt'nflor bindnr»n for the J Mini; rompauy and fonnd. hiiidnrRs nio I'lvlni; lhri)iij;li tb r coniiiry, .Mm, clu eckcnrlilKc r ri iirn n l w ith him, wa--------------------- -rh(! Caiih Uiiycvii I'lvlmv livW ibi'lv wo mm! mrrtliii: luid .'Iccilnn of offlrent Iday of Ifoil'w rck a l which lim .' the '1 inwlm; (iffl<rr;-'w. :i-..dcrl.'<l: J'rcsi-. prlIII. Clia.hvi-.-Vr H irk fo r il: -v tn -p rri i- Do HI. H. I-:, .N'.'uli);^: i .^ r i ia rv ^ iira ii uU; cr. K. X .n a r liiw , 'l iic r nmiiam'_ji:-. r t- J -th a t 't l ic i>a:a ycur was .vrry liif! rrc!!'.fiil from ;i hii‘ lri.'i:s ;.landpiihil. bm

( ^ E R l

Th. rc iv 'iio rc;;u,.ia lr

,. il.'Spnnili'nl. rv u i llmu

'i;i had. wh.'ii llici.- .....

.'Inii'i hill dilnk:;'’ al

Gity Pham_ T H E KO DA K

Jiro , lhc four w .’Ckn old dauchl.T .T Mr,.ma..Mia., W -J - lia rU c tl.d k d .a l. .iLi’family homo In thbi olty. Momlay. d;iyluary IS. The rem:iln';i wore lakm caMurray. i:i;ih, for burial, arrnnipiui- n sitiy Ibc faihrr.M iil m other, ue\

ir, ;ni>l Mr;', 5>-e Aslilon hnvo muv- ''lu_Twlii l'',ills rruui Kimhorly iiml tfl'' I m;ikr tbls i)liicr ibe lr bom r lu llu-lire. Ml-; .Avbtnn'dlsimneil of blr. In- rVrf^'t lu Iho KImherly .Moat <'ouip;iiiv c l 'ml ih.' ml.hib' of D t.o tpher. bj'''

lr;i. t-upUlii I’jilton .jiK cd 1)5 yc?i;'. j!{'||, wifi, 'of J, P. I'attOB, dlo<l a t iho ({

illy home lu thin city S’edursllay. mary 21, a fte r a llnc.^rlnc lllnrsii.1 iiinrral wna held from tho Cro;diy .pol.-Tbuniday, ijftornonni lb .' ver- fs licitit; coiiclueltd hy H.;v, Wnlter , lIurm an^j'aslorJiI-tl)o--K Jril-Chi;i*- i'T liu rch . On Thnrnday ovniluu [ ,|||

rrniahis w.'ro' lak rn (o tlir nld nu. In Sl. Johnii. WniihlDi;tf>i). for trtnent , . - . . . . . tIki

-------------------------- Tiiylohrri' Lnyconk. ar.rd-(C yoars, dird <We lhc hnmr of hl» l>r(<lbrr. Klvls I,;ty. l’i-* k, nf Hani.1'11, \Veiln..|i(lay, .laiiu- I’l'i ;;7. of boart irnuM r. Mr. Uiyrcok ucr:

. family o.mir to H nasi'n from l/jiii;* ‘d e ­nt. Cnlnrado, on l>rrembor :il. tor '"'>1.

brn.'fil ujf h lB 'heallh . ho Imxlm; r r r t Huffrrcr of b n in iroliijli-' lnr ny yu.irii, T h o fiL*inln« w rre j , , , uRhl 10 this cltv w hcr.' ,fh.'>' \»rrr pnro l for *lill>inr:»i In jh e nlil10 In Colorndo. .Mrs. I.nyrnoR and ' illy Irfl l.-uit Thunnl.iy Jor ColnrailU,

ilils Citullffc. Iit.'d i.-ars ail'd id \ j— ni^i;:, Ml .1 ;li tiu' 1mm,' uf bln par-H. Ml', ami .Ml,;, C.'tirc.r Cunllff.; In

I 'llj. Monday . voului;. ’i'ho fun rr- ^wa:; hcIil froni lh r R n .i Uai>lJi.i iri'li. Wi-dari.ilay luoiiilni: a t len Iw k j till-; MTVli'rn w.'r.; ron(lM( Iod ^ H''v. .Mr, Mlllor. parlor of- lb r

irch., H. - iil.'s Ms fa lh rr anil iimlh- I"- leav. .. IV,o btc ihrr» and one

trr . , I Dr. _______________■ In .

SOCfET-Y n o t e s : I.-?:— -----------:------- - ’ I Sunloek'iy Items for ihbi ndunm will "I-*' K.lailly ri .ove .j u / ' l 'b e •i lmcii. 'j

Irii, C!o;,, iKi... i;;:;ur,l 1-J\|l;il|,mn for llcr. l'rlii;i;, ;it|. rm,1,11. ' . ^

"d','.' ,'Vralirr. '

■b.‘ i; i: 1; i:. - Iuh n. l.l .. v.tv jn- Over-I lli . ..... .. IVI.Uv ..vwil-r.: ;il Am

l’" \ " - .liVil.' .'^tlM»l;i|l, )„1|

'!'i' . ;iiii'.i-I ,\!iiithiT I'f Un'ir llav.111.:, . W,.,|T|,. ,hi,>. ..v.-'ilnc hn^

. . . ; i :u.i,;,. ii,> !:„■ K^im'.i Ua rn ;i..,i .;i .aaJiLlli;; .- i•l.v I. 'h . i i I'Vlii'imn lhc nlue. p

U a bm.iii.-;- in.'riln:;- h.'hl hv (!„■ IdaIip:i 1 '. U.l Sii'iiia Mirorllv hiM 'rii. i;- . .■ cv.'n;'];-, ,\||..,i l';iiitli|i- i:v;mii wa-llMl |1||.I||1„'I, '1'

i'lir Vi'<.‘|1.':t|;iv Aliclmti |!r|i1;;p rlul) "f <I ttiiil ,\lt.. II. M >^k.'els llil'i'w erk. lu^'.pri.-c '.i' ii ;i»:ii'.li'il lo Mr'; lt;ikri, Imv', Wili;l]t wll) |ti' 1)1,' lu'.M IioI.|i'.v;,' 'ii

Itr. I'.- r . W .friirr eb'liTlahu'il tbe 'nilnoil.iiivl riiili Weilm-iidav afli;n'i(iim, ov.'‘ iilliTiKiiia Willi |a ;;srd with noidl.' »r„l;, a fir r w bbh a liiiieh iva.; lh;ilfed. of ;

iK"-d,iv lAeiilni: Mr. an-l ,Mii.', ( V ll. fi 'i! :|i:u' |in': |.|e,| „vei .'ill InfomKil din- lalli

pa-ty, ,A iiu 'ily fern i;racod the liri'i le aroiinil whlt h n enmpany of six wbl0 Heated, . • "nu

_________l = = i __________________ UTlliiplinieuiiiry ~ M r ii , . H. J. l i l l l fa. hor hltilnliiy. .Mri;. Wise I'Utorlalni'd Jioli

Monday Keiislncloir rliib . A do- tnr :mi! ihr.1.' .o u n ‘'r l i in rh closed lhc 'bu Tiioou, anil-------- . • — .-------------------------------- wnvhe ro>.y Kive lliinilrotl eluh wan on'- 0 aln.'il al the home of Mm,. IViblcr Hob :ln(Mlii,v. .itr;:.-Cox wnn awarded fa I lirlrc. Mrs^ Herman Hepis wns a wh-i

III of (lie eliih, , I f;rln

ini. S|)leIbiTi: was lioiilcjis .lo thejaiiiy nliorii of thb KorUil);hlly .H rldKc' hyfl1 Mnuday aflornnou. Mrs. S ln r |_ / , . | ,I till' whiii.T lit hli;h iirote. Mr:S<a Wllrnii will cnicriiilti In two p.-tii

— • T-------- ' -Ni lb r

ho nii'mlicn; of tti.' Molbcr'ii Siir* beir’ eluh with Ili.'lr'liiihh;imlii nie.i w ith ^nn•tor aiitl’-.Mrn, 'I tr rk e r . tarst-l'Y ldar \v.)iljU-.A-u.-w-(;iirn;T<—n-nTT^tiimnflntn fl|[.7 aJiL ;.J.a ll^m .|-nn-rn j(JT nhlr-rrrT i^was | . i;;k'iI, .'loiilni; wllh a p lrn lr jf ,

I.'il--------------------------------------------- ' tills -----------------: will

!'•. , Holl

. ■ hum' Koo

' ;;;;;!h Ibe w ralhci' ' ‘

moilK. ni;niy ih'H- ' • T,

In II poiii

•_______. Imii -1),


lacy Co. ■ ■ |is t 6 r e - a

________ iian

U' i/iin,'h rnu .'liib 'w as cnleUaliic.lh'.;.ll.JlUt;.uI .Mr:\ Cravi;u bc.t b'rl- i„r„,afl.Tiiooii. T b - prl7.r;i w er.' t:lv- ,),oiiII Mrs. HnoUi ami Mrn, MiCollum ),, erilvely. Mhis Maxw.'ll will hr lbo „(fei

bostons,-------- / llmr;

, K'ftinms-r U' i«vU',\lUui'.^ vvvv:;il ills of Mr, ami Mnt. H. o , Hi..v,n j„ ,] icroil a t tbe lr home m rnjoy au llhfT Df lilrrr ln ira t- (lamos, follow- 'V aa oynlor nupiier. made lbe tbty- y . picannuily. In a iin iiiaa r.. w r;U l-n,. and Mrnhvnie,; i:, j , i.-|iicl\. „,i,,

Illpley. II, Dlrki'rium. Wall-T Ktav.vH, ( \ Klewari. A. II. Wo..iIh,

Hrnwn ;,nd .Mr. T, I-:, Monro, iif_____ Nl

ri:. C. II,%:i.lred nml Ml.ts I.illlaa ben oulerlnlned Mon.liiy ovcnlui; f,,',,,, le la tlor'n bniiij^nji__KJi;|alummin: im io n o rT r n iie ir brother, Claude :hon. The ovenlUK wan sih jii wltb rs ami nii.sle and at a Intc lioiir ..j,,,, •Imu T.'treuUmonlM' v.oto wTved, ir proAenl w ere: MIskoh Mildred r n |,

Iltllh Tubhfl. H arriet Holler, n,, .Owlnpi, Malllo Holl H.ntiM,

I ShniiMi'd, Marir J.'iiKrn. Kauiin ili^ I/iy.'i Vanauiiilrlii, Coldlr r-.-n- :, I'loreiK'i- Tiivr, Dora Khlroil .Io;.- Snnnhlll and Mrssni, Joii.'S, A-i- T.iyr. V;lii;i. KKlrnl. W rrlib .iucb- (Irou

rah b i, 11am. Clyil.. a m i, .aJ Vooil- .

K C B H E U E , ■ - -■ D r»UiL

Phbno <2C. ailonr tiB ln l ilnlldlB p In 1'

ystone Korhic, Fi

nckle, Orpheum The

- C H U R C H E S .F irst iV f 'lo lc rlan I 'h n ro h ' , |

Tviton n e i l SaWi:ilb nn usual, the -I \V- H. Kiioddy, of'H iirlor, prcaoh-

bolb mroului; nml oyrnlni:, while liaslor orcuidoa Uio liu rlry pulpil. II .Slicphcr.l Is in llurloy thin weok 1 iaim rlbilk' norvlri'ii, ■ ' 'Ir^l Churrh of I’lirH rs flo iiiT 'i tr”0 T'hlrd •;ivrmi>» e;inl, Servlrc. l;u'. J u n u a r i .J l . J i .a . m.. i.iibiv':i.■f." .Stinihiy si'biHil al Id ft, m, liiKiiihil meciliit: Wi'ilin'sday ,ii > ' 'I.- -Ueiiilltii; loom tijT ii- iii-rhn rd i • —1 :::;o to i;:to p. m., ev.eiii- su n - | p; and b’?;al buliiliiys,- |

-^■^^^(-^l^•(^t(rdh^■-H;lh^tp:tt----- — -inlay srb-Hil a l’ 1"..'!, in,' IMl'Ui'l " lit;. .11 11 ;i. III. ami- ;; .a i |, m \ "

Him-: .'.uiijnl, '’'111,. Sill- 1,1 U.nti;;: . •biiiv," l';ve|,ht:; m b j.'ii, • Hi.liii Ill); Ihe Stud." I!:ii;ir;i .l;!... ii,vl ,, i;; men ai ir m, Kiiwiiiili h i ;ii" I :;;n p, m, l*i;,\,.|' iii..,'ilm; WeUn.', 1 '' a t v:i:, Jl, m. Ynu an- n .n ll.u l • I

■e,| 1,1 Ih .';.' ;.TV |r.'i I le,,|.;;;ee|., :it Imtli ,-iuiiilii,i : it \ i

r I. ii i : \T , ’'lilli I,.; • ■'

f f l n A I I 0 N 2 0 I l PORHEIIS i

M. I'a lls n irm e r Hn- IHel \\b lrh , ■' , l ’ul-..na llie I’nl. !

:ir hi;:lt I iba; lil iivalil i^vUnl imlyj lui: Ih,. I nln J>-Ii:le in the |HH llel;. I _ ■IC farni'T tcii in a w.iy it lr, tivii-h- j • 1 him rul.'o lu' e.dmim.v H e ir P. |11 hi Irarhln^-In our in'iilaiu','; | I A,"'l(oblnt.ou is a l;irm rr on lbi'

I side livln;; about ' two mlb';i lr of the rliv. lliitiliiMiii hii;;

:i ' hiimlli'd h.';id ,of bm;,i, .It Id lo sl ;.onii'lliint;’ lo rarry o^'er

im ny Im iin'ai lbe p rrs rn l jirlii; rain. I'lmsriiiieiiily he ban JU-

nul a (iimbliiailon ut rb ra iio r inerwhleh no ildiilit will k.',rp lbo .... ...of llir jiorkoDi W'.'II eu iksl ami lln

ont lliem from vnlerliij; tb a t ntai;e Hln h Is known- pi Ii0i; parlnnce im nllly )/h:ickn," awok

(b*>—r«i4<»'i'?-'0iouuil a tfn t" •mrrmi »ol:iloe!i nml a lilllo' barloy. Tho foro. loos will he.bolleil and lbo wa- wmk Ilia'll In bollluK the |K)Iuloes will Ihe ': ixiured ()ver llio i.-rnnnd .illfiilfa bad I Ilm whole fed ns a mlxliirc, uiifal

n7~‘------ -----------;------------------------I WodnoPiliiy of Inst woek Mr, had i UKon brouKht In .i load of alfal- not I I the C. W. K M. illsiday .vardii, I’ai ■0 ono of the rouipnny'H ' nlfnlfa lu ai: lliiK ufarhlnos In tiol up rcaity niioii rllou. Tbn hny w'mi m n'tbrouH b S an . a ftr r h«lni; dollvored from th r ovrni .ir lonkoil croru nnd velvety nnd lp tb and it dliliiT liiulf 'ai tiail e ither was lltl enoni;li for any Inu:.—Idabn i;rnpl 1 TImeii, • a firr■e reaiinii Mr. Ilolielnson bn'm i'lit l ib hav in to ho crnnnd wa;i th a t I c r h lind lak.'U ii ijrluder <iut from liomu 'Whoro (dl.' whiob didn’t ,ilo ibe s ta rt r '.;ind^b!'“ u^.Tiitcil_ta“ iuiiUi;"Hiir£ In-TiL >l"llL_iUn'aiV.T.J?llm..pt-Ui(;--C.JKLuj(

t ' ' l r i ; a \ i i iii.TO 111 uolhLui: t.i It, 1 foumv,T a boj; ;;ets a cond tanle o f |n * l.’>, ;:nuind alfalfa served warm b.' lireiii eat iii'thliil: el;;e; and lu thn hni- dnlo nrder nf iliinr.s I t i r ’ rnmV'iny and

I -: a :i;iJr.-M;ilu> Kalin Tlm- s. iilea.' :—IT.".':''- '••

G AM f lA W REVISIONS . . " ! l• aldo

Illn 11r.Suiruo'lluus nro .Made lo (he Vu- |> ,vn

tUors tt( tU t'u m . . - , roeoi

oru a ll .H'coiiiils lbe iiporinn;en ,if mi a I'; as,w ell a:, lh r memhcrn of lbe 1! I’omiiillli'c.. and HepreiinKativiM \j, sell nml KlKer, wlm are ibc nu* ,„.rv|I nf bouiir lllll Nli. :iri,. havo ap- nlly a j;rrrd to lbo wlshrii of e;ist- , Idaho siioflnmi'U rri;ardtni; nome ■ firalloiis of tlio moiwiiro, .. r “ ,‘ro WHH to liavu been a nuiollm; (ibiil.laiil u k h l, liul ll w'an pnst-II ll'i'aiine of a iii'jisloil of lbe im n ^ il 'cluh. and will take pbieeJjl— ^ ------------------------ -------1imty (lame W ardra I-, A, I^dir- who was In Hob.e yoiitorilay la- u’lbe Tribune tba t a npeclal aicet* ol llitl . nij'mlieni of thn hmiseand ijaiho romnilltec wan nrrani:-' , . a ir Illlll ibroUKh tlie Kood licrvlros 1 L'l.tewiiitalivc lilrod of thlu coun. . I] ml lha t lli.T.-'Is Iioiue dlsi)o;ililon :iklni; ronimlssl'U irni of lbo Ihrrc ■iKi-d .le iiu tl ,., ^;j;irh would he u 1.

jKinil ]l;ia and elinilmil,' t l l l 'r r ------’I'bcro w.i'i i;onir illsiaJnsloil te-

liii;,thexU);Jjii: urUiiiiuutik luiiji- .tl td;; miirn'. and ihlfi''''wii.^ ' n o t -----'.1 to by Mr. !.,'lnb:ii. utilll Hln;;. touuli'. wuii.lnclmlLsl In tlii; iilaii. ...r' ;li ib'lti Is uot doflnlt.', . . -ol line with a nui;i:rsHnii iha t w;is

e,l li.v I’oral.'lln sporliuiii'li Ibe■ ult;bt 11 l.-< llki'ly lb;il' lbe liioiine

will In- rhiuuri'd lo five of niU' in a il;iy, nr imi mnre ib.’i.'i Ten

r ai:Kr. i;;ilc of the ;;rnn;u- family,: lim it.-w ill br clihii." i.weaiy .|' ay r.'inaln al iwi'uiy-foni'. owlm: c ImiK .<II'rlam.r ibal llic sjiorln. is ii'anlred lo mako on a bnni In Srrtlou- The m-\ clause In bic ' will proliahly^rrtitala as ll Is nt •III. ibiiiicli lhc Hiuir may M' n it , 111 one of either se\. fUhlni: within ::fn' f.'et of a fh.b

; li Inrk or d:mi, aud llie i;:iiiie cu to l e t a 5-eirru nnill one IsI Ibal will ill) itie «n rk . lumiilv

and nlmllar inail.'|-s w eie also d.'ll in llie tllM’U'isii'I, .nul ■h’ 1-nys tbai lh<- repres-'u ialivos ’ H ved nil' ;ill tlie, .'oiiriei.irs <lnc it ■d Stales in'iiaKir, Sel alone a liman,’'—I’oralello Tribmio.


in llun Wllll Puni .l’fr«nnnlit) llrroiftT..

•annf Mnrvln, nf' K uc'uo., Ore,.; nirnnKo ensi' ot dual iiormn- puuled i'hyslclnu;i nnd hold tbo ion nf tho I’nclflc coaiit /o r w erksII. han heon ronlorcd to hls fnr.

:aturing Mabel Nomii, Thursday, Friday and,

i t r e ^ _________tand Saturda

S i l l T IKisilon•‘iom:>’.-,itr :,taiidiinini; It'-eor.’- " ! ........'f l 111 .itir'iiillii;; n iraaonabl.- m-Oii a .w alch-lbal wH>.iicvir... nv.'i u lUsapiioliilUielil.

K nilt Oil' Ilme fni ll -M'A .Ili> .iiMi.-;.

ir \n i|.|aU er;ne io la l a lia lt! . at will ijn lh;it yiiii ,11.. v.hv.-. '' uniiM i:ill •ii; it.li w |.;,'.- '

\V.. I.n; I;,-)], ,„;i |„ .|,. if, ( .1,

.................. . ' ........... — •Will .:hiilly ,'lvr nu;' lll,l.: f .

v.Vi :iii ,i’i|, ';n.ui . ;m-i >ti„».^•t .all iti:i! yiut wl„li |., .....

V , H , P r i e l i eJEWELERTW IN r . \ i . i . s I

licit a fte r fonr y ra i; uC Ir.pnei’:>y.Is In Ii;ui;euo with hla moC&ac eslnrallmi lo hln own pcruoc:- wiui iijiddeii nud d m m n t lr , H-'- ! ono 'd a y 'i arlv In JnniuifV jIi - ry liipiieii.. ueariy livo years, lyi-- . tio had hecn doliiK eUKlnorrlr.-. .. n.'ar Hlll'slioro, UrcK.. aud w hr;i . ciilorailon eniiii! he ilioujtht I;- eon nslei'ti, T liO i^uuory.looV r'i , illlar 10. him aiid lin fum b ltn:s'iird ."ti06to^'nndr'rlnr'W liyT:-r:--------(It shown 11 In hla protlle. Tb.> iiyk was im i'lii hla i«ickoL- iiluK -llie roiirf Iiouho. ho w rM 1 nuked wbero lie wnn. nnd wu - Idl'd when told Hint ho wao ti i Lub .Otjl''rn, j ;n I .,_ Q ir_ ltio lai." .I tio remembered took -plnco fft:,.'' north. Ho rcnionilicred who h, - lowever. nnd Imuioillatcly lcl. , cd to hln m other wbo le ft-h e r. ' I'reelvlni; Ihe mei[«a):c,Krcatest m'irprlue camo w on nl .

'J e l l thu .Sim I.ulii O llspo’CQur:'. IIi> picked np a la p o r n u n .II lo read, but uono of tho cnr cvcnts-sofimf>d'--fnmi!lnr. • --------

eil to' nolo thn l tho .yea: * a i Hi' ibo ikh i ll wtoi lu) o.rror ann '

I'd nnatber pai or,, bu l found Ui« ’ lh r linmo, Tlieu ho InqoProd.

van bewildered to lonrn tb n t,ta rof lo iv ll WIUI im n nnd oVer____

^v;-nf;ni.Td'-ilipin'd’n iir ii r ‘iiin'lirc..mother nrrlved frnni I^irefte

ly nml oxplahii'd Ih o 'r e m a rk - ' perleii of ovonlii tlial had led to ivak'enlm;-a few dn/ii lioforo, .bat,I nil n hlnnk (o him. Ho In nov ered nnd In hls ^lonnal w tf . He plana to roiuinm bin w o ^ ,•Ivll on(;lnoer w tlhln a few w eofc^.^ .

tideanm .Sliiy will bold roi:ub :- ,Cll n r x i ’.Hmidny, Jajinnry ni‘. In - !,erm'i(_in I'^plrrni'nl rhurcli,

rpheum Theatrelursilny, FrlduT: Snturdny and— --------------

B e r g _ a n d - W . e s t o n _ ; 1. —II n biiiii,h of nonsem .'', a rom’

'• .1( 1, fnr_Ianybbii; jnirpm..-. , i) .

T h e W i n l g e l s'C,.;<lly iuii;.|r.i! acL

Foto rinyF..

'I'lV tM » MAIIKI.’S im.VA. 'M ,IV .U TO -

\ Koj'hloiio Komic

-SlHHtTV (JKT.S A T lf l.KA com edy.. . , •

III.S ll,U .T i;il CAIJKKII •iMinedy. '

t h i : . i i r n ’Ai, ) v k k k l v fI V late;il liaiipeiilui;;. cli- ;______

1 melody, ' ” . ’Inorn ojirii al 7, eontlnami:;

11. Our .Mnlio; • - ' r i^ n j- i '^ o u r M onrjN lYorlli”

u i d a n d R o s C o e

Saturday This W eek,_______ — ^ ^ ---------- -

. . V '

Page 6: W E E K THE s fr MES E E iE ir ' w liiiff O N ip iB I ltnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · THE VOL. X. NO. 32 TENTH E E iE ir BY THEROSSIANS Renewal of Activity


, , jf l A n invcSlmciit iu {Jood pc

M r e tu r n s ' if l ' — in co n v crtien i « - — — in co m fo rt; ■^ • _____ r r l P - ^ i i ‘^ - 3 . ^

~ hospitality to K I ts s u rp r is in j i lio w m u c h rc

lo :i Itonse b y b u i ld iu tj oil r

I ;u id Ilic o u t la y is v c ry ni

B > 7 ,,y ; m il iliH.r. " I l l / .-.lirr th '- /'.


I S e c t h e

G r a y &

E l e d r i c

S t a r t e r

o n t h e F o r d C

j W e b e r n A■■ • -- - - - - - - '

r . ' s : BRACKEN, Prefcldont. EURBAN TRACED

X h f e l d a b i f t SO f T w i n F a :



' • D I R E C T (V , b \ BftACKliN . DAVID BRi/A k fiS McMILUlN F ^ C . a S JIT ir C


i M E Y , a

f S S r c F I " "

I ABSTRAC!^ iI . . lloo

■ -T— Twtn ’ I'O'-''

; 1 " J bM J s T it le & ilis lra c rV .iDmpany - ; i

will!Hotel Perrine Sailiiog tuny

____________ —• • — -------------------------------------------------- J;,

R e n t " ™ '

0 .i£4 10-acru trficU ov«rlookini; t l - (■. ; t o fjon.oo Iior w rc ; Terra* Mo.l

r 'lA '/K r -w r-n 'i r e ^3i.sU iii i l J2E,00 itor — ; -trM 'T iu r 'J 'ear. H nu lotaiUot). .tluo

•2Q-aiTcR ono milo oul[M2 acrco nlfnl-• ■-■.Vaait clQvor,.JS0.00 yilr acrc. 1500.00 ^• ■aijlii tialan t)ru30j. ' ■ . ' 3

; 'C acw o. 3 rallcs oul. ulmeV. 35 acroa X• cW rei'.-1J6.00 por acre.-lltiO.OO cwti. 4

■ • a S a a sc ito «ult. *♦3-ucrco 2 milui' out, liuIliJInRs. 3j -

• '. ««Teit lUralfa Iiad cloror. $70.00 vor- •icco.-lltOO. cM li. M ap. ,

■M-ftcreu, t rallco oat. tcnw d.'build* '-1U7«. all-dlCftlfa and cIoTor. >100, p fr ic

■ ’*750.00 c u l l ■ - li; roa.abB O lutely cAn't, K o.w rons oq t

• i-TCTof U w alw vo. K. R. IllPI-RV, I'll-D oc.-l U. ']

W o rr ty p e r c<'nr_!llnrt3nnt.ou_niini - l ' '- — <hi aT, 'fnT'' .

. '’■ i^niitare Sloro.—Adr . ^

rc b c s y ie ld s s p le n d e d '

■e,, - . . - - . - V - . . I

i iL _ o L _ r i t : 5 t fu I u e s s ^ a n d —

a hom e.

om inc.ss c a n b c a d d e d jio o d 'p o i’cii.

3d e ?it. _ . J

---------------- Lo ;' II jm n 'h ill tliM-liir (.


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pla r a t t h e . f '


I - ‘Bt

L U t b C o :ai

: . a t T,

il. a R. SCOTT. Vlco prca lile ijt n , Cashier.• • ' ■

t a t e J B a n kIs , I c l ^ o--------- re

;5o ,o o o ^riM E DEPOSITS . a— ■ ' Ijc


' ' ' J pn— :--------------------------------- ------------ hs

• “ . • I 'ur y.‘i o» p.!



LIVECANDYMAN t lainW. Phone 366 !l

eli:>■ ■:-------------------------------- u ,


'tuii' A^jiutuU'i] (Or I’iv tlu i; ITIU7

- - ....... ............. ........... • . DOtllf Prolialo Court of Uji- County

will Falls, SlQit' of Idaho. tlii!.iimUer.of.ttig.I-:<ltni(j.of.f>\rnh

lively, ilcrcoiied. , rHiinnt u> an order of mtlil court.I on (Iio 1 Itli day of Jniuiary. 191C.:o lu lion’by Riven tha l ftaturilay. lOili ilay ot J a a u a o '. 191t>. a t touik A. M,. of Halll day. a l llio Courl jII of nalll Courl. In Iho cliy of L I t'alln. I’a u n tr of Twin I'a lla. has

api>ointo<I nn tho (Imo and placc trovlns llie, will o t iiald a-irali J. t'l)'. dori-.uicit, and for hearin;; tho IcuUoii of .JatiiPH M. Shlviily for , IW111.111C1! ll) hlmiH'if Of Ictldm of iilnlralltiii -w ilh will annexed, “I and whori' any iK'niou InlorMlod “ K npi'<'ar uml conlcot llio luinn’. Tli tpil -Inniinrv |l t h IHtfv . i--j)---------- J . M. 8HAN!<, po;iiU';i n . Wlno, a llorney for prll- [n., r. nvildcnci* and otfiio, Twin ir_ ^Iilalio . Jan . 1M9-26

' ~ InI'fiii ground tione. fo r jioultfj. a t ;rti I’.Tclilni: rnmoany. Dcc, H if,

------ T~.-------------------------------- Ifk k U l i j . O V C R O S V tA R 3 > UJ. c x P E n iE N c c ',

f V J J I L eiii m 7 i l l j l l l ^ MI I W H j ^ j H ^ ^ J L m L g Jj i , ghi

Tfmoc M*rw» ar^ 7 « a n s ? ^ , otworcB - ,,

f r r l s i ' CoptnioKT9 A a ,nrflni- wnillni m ind ria^rUnn m>>'tir •■■I' I l'l"!'-" (tv* alinli»r r . gijjipulell'fS^nlvVihrilS^irWDcb^ «la

ufnMtM. «li><oe( ct-irte. Is tli(

ici«niilic Jlimricaii,

JNN-i Co.aMfif*»«>«‘KewJ(or<i--lna<b tmc«. ca K ttu W* MP 1W ll.c.

•1 w i u c - a . w . s g a . x w i w f a t . t . h 1

.- I


^NbTFoTsHEE^^^^ <Cll the Extra Care in d Feed Olven^t*' *

the F irm Flock Qenarally Y laldi ‘ 'Q rsa ta it nelurna. ' |

Illy i: I, SlJ.vw I 'Tll" luiH and iJiiKliin’n iiputi a ulivop ’

............... . coiiHliliiralilii ■ tuticUiB,' *

.lick uf adi’guitli' fi-iicm Ium Ixn-n onoiiDtor In tlio <loclln>' of lln ' nliuvp lit* ’UKlry 111 many lociilltlim, • A wiivi-D ]■ Ir~ f.'Mcc Ih Umi cliuupi'Bt und uiont ^alliifiii'tory. all thhiK* coiiiiidurcd. If ': inum lj« <li>K-pr(iof (hu in<’i<h<'V “huiilil lio i-loBct I’liouf.h (i)j5i!(h|T to "ri'Viini tim ilnyii |iaiiii|iit;. tliroufili, and *; .dmulil ll.. a r l . ’iiM Mvo foul hljjh,, ''Iil.-li III :i di'olriilil.' h flch i for all uul-' *’

• : 11

-?v----------- >n'"'

- - - - - - - r "— J J „

f(f S

. ft

ingod P»neli for "Temporary Uiml>-i Ing Pen*. '

dti fenenn, Cartr nhould b’o taken In ju iu tt- uy - n iB fuiiLu m mm- iU6' iM IB Cioau'uu’uug irio 'tlio jro u n d to ' rovont doRR trom Crawllnu undor I t ■" or lunipornry ffiiieo# tho ro--B ro-# ' 'I jm bur muiiufaclureit (rom 32 lo <2. ch.is hlRh. A 3CdDch foifcd i* vorr^ I" itlsfoetory. nnd Ii uaed cilChiivolr-',II .«dvainaH‘'-of-w lro f.'nclng-l»-«ti*ti ol illhn r Hhet-p nor dog# wIljJuDip il ao fl ^adily. Ilarbod wlru U undoilrobts.' ccopl -oi tlin lop, bccauBo llio aboop "' or o u t lUeIr wool upon Iho barbs.. H urdles are a Krpal nlil Iu handllns th iQCp.-UQdor-.cerlalo clrcum slaucet- .M hoy art) convenient in paslu rln s oq "I ipii and sim ilar cropa where Iba at lonp aro to ho connned to a portion *» ' tbo Qold, This h Uvilrablo In th a t ot p ro rrn ta thn ahi'i'P pIcklnR oul tbo lc

lolcest paalurri nral and .loavlriK tb«: iorcnt fo r Ibfl laat'w hfn i ~aa~a"niattor< ^ “fnct UudW.'faTlouliiKTuuiiiilohB. iif* cn !sA hould bu available. biKeneinK off pa ri of Ui'e Held in Ihla W ay also makes morn fr/'auuni. thfr tb ilntlon of paature. In Rnitland net- la nK ban lorKcly taken Iho placa o t al jrdlim, llolh t'ord ami wire no(t!D( It' ’Q.UfiCi]..Itlu-ilOUlUK-huIllR-ftll(flll»(]-tO fo mporary ijlakes by ntpi^s o r alapltti. so leop farminK tn Ihis couniry has no t eo ^nii Inlonslvo enough tit w arrani ft wi try laltiiislvo iiBt- tif ihi's» applianeoa, ef i r ih n y jvill b.. mor.- In rvidcnco In lit0 fuluro. lluriili’s or p a n e ls .a r« lb ■ry c on rrn lon l 1(1 milking tcinponiry " i ll’i. .LiRhl hunllcH (hn(' can b« ili: ndled ri-ndlly idinuld have a placo cr Kin every sheep farm. Tboy aro'II wur(h (hc^lr ciir(. Kvery sboep' rncir should bo (irepnri’d lo mako, ,v<Ilfl for bln Bhe'cip nu nhun notice. cu A fter lamblnK. ntiriie en'es .refuao lo. up rn Ibolr D (IiiBrliie..'jf.lefi lyiifle.ilio! » (mil \STiiiiliir-i 'iihimL_luirimi««—lA it.nonR (bo (loelt. ond lo»f« ll'a c tiar- t I Inriatie smell by which tho ewo^ ch cognizes It, Sbi> mny (lien n'funo to llm It. antS the fruuble hcclns. Byi — ylnfj so m e 'p a n e ls or hurdles at, . hd tbo nw.i nnd lamb may bol ickly placcd by tbem solves'and a )»it w alch can be krpl upon Ihom. a oo -tha t.a tl la:w oli..-Tho lon jttj'o fj — nil Ihuy ahould bn k n p t 't i i Iblsl ilmInK pon will di’pend upon bow;

:onelled tn bor lanih. If ths e v d ralsla In.buttlnc.Ihl!-lamb-away, ib o ...

n e ll and tr a c e s for Making a Portiable Sheep Fence,

iuld bc lied ro aa to ullou ilio laral^ auck. ' T h is ujou brlu^s about

reeiibli." relalluiin bel«i:cn (bo IwoJ In fs but tinci of •d ir I'liitTKeacr miuu:liurtt-4WU-<*-lvnntftKctjuB lu buTO,’ — rlablii panels handy.' 't'einporaryi ns nn» convtnlendy madn uf Bomo h t m ateria l and connlHi of two Bldoa| vt a m hlnRcd (uKelber. nnd sii'l a corner of tho bnrn or a fonco

mor by iho mcana of honkii. Ilonrtf ‘ ihoBo cnn bii Waced-alofii; th e sides noeasaary, Tboy hjivn ihu advan- :o th a l Ihcy tako up Iltllo room and- ly can be remuved when nol In use. rtinK pens nnd IuIh nm ver>' useful, jeclally-'if llio n»ck In of any con-' ln^^hln st:e. ll In ott'en ileMrablc^ , nepnrato tbe dlfTenm clasBrs of

w p. A number of_ jimR nbould b» \llahln (or thin 'puriioiie. A cbutfc lh a cato Ihnl nwinKB e llh cr w ay.’ rea much lime nnd ircmble In' jarallnR tho Hbeep, Portnhio pan-1 aro vory nneful fur Ih t ' jmrpoea.

Fllea Dalher Sheep. •’W ateh your Bbeej) for *n hour or ao. mo warm day when the ftln^ .iro har-; sIdr Ihcm and.ynu ulll understand iy~Btiocp ■floiil'--Umr.i f n l l 'i i , naia’ en-<)D-<h»-b<‘»i-«'f-|»'«iiir«;.— ---------- —7

i S S i r l* PROBLEM

----------, • tlVE ARE LONG ON PRODUCTION, P


C * . wOy Pater Radford Q

l.fclur»r Nallonal l-’annefn'-Unlon,- q

Tbo economic dlitrlbuUon o t farm roducta Is today Uio world'# grea lea t c: fpblem aud thO j,i^,_^w lilJo_lt baa ci rauK lin fin ia ra8l)ip»ni"aa cloa'rTy-’uIilf haslied Ibe Im portaoca. of dlatrlbu- " ou OB ^ faclor In Amorican rigrlcul- 0 jre und promlBKs lo givo Ihn farm- nt llie cDopcrnlioii' of Ihe Kovrrn- H le iil.ond the . bunimjiiH ;nien Iho ■< )luiloii o( (hi'lr murkulliy; iirobleni.. Tbls riMiiili win. In a ineaiuire, com-

l iniall' un fur our w ar lonscii. fnr Iho t( iijiliu'i'S tiiiep’iilii and Ruvcrnmenl i ;iv.' heen In (he niulii JiMnliillnR al- u.'* irisl ixeUivlviily an tb r produclion j 'I lie III aKrIeullure. While ilir depart- | rill nf iiKiIculture has bren diimpiii); 'IUII <if ltii’mti:n*-rn thtr fnrTn'T ld liiiitT ^ ' .m him- lo |;?uiljiei‘, ib r (arnier han *' ;i;n dunipluK (ous (if proiliiclH in thu | itliin'B «arb:i>ty can for wanl of a nrkei, • ■ f<

The V/orid Will Never StarvT. P' Al uu llmii since Adam nnd I'vo ' •TC driven, from Ihii (Snrdrn uf ICden ivi- Ibe InbabllanlH of_ (hin world ifferiid from hick of proilucllun, b u t { 'mo iiepjile have gf” '' ' hun;;ry frora e dny. of crealion to ih is jjood hour r llie .Inck of proper dinlribu'tlon.Ifibt varlationu In' production havo ' | rend a chani:e in dirt nnd uno local- ; I h a s ’fell tbu plnt,h of wnnl, whilo j (Ollicr surfeited, bul iho world, as a I liolo haB ever henn a lund of I'llpnty. .j We now bavt' IrKH lhan nne-lenlb of I frttltable-tand-nf-thB r u il’li'a nu ifu^ y - j ider cuitlvaUan. n n d ’ wn not* only •Vo this B'jrpluB prca to draw on bu t j Is Bofo lo efltlniatc Ihat iA case .of I ro Docesslly ono-half Ihe earln 's I pulallon could a t-lh e p resent Umo I ,ock Ihelr llvlnB Out of tho treea I_tho.T6n;*t,_gath'*r_!l-_tLo.'”._w;ilA. - Iie» and draw It fm'nl slreamR. No I e should become alarmed; tha I »rld will never Btarve. 1T bo'consum er has alw ays feared Ii t tho prodjicor would not supply IT)_and his frlsh t haa found e ipres- . Iin on thc sla iu io booits of oS'r Btates I d nationa and iho farm er'Iias been IRed lo .produce reeklesBly and with; jiT e fc re n co lo am a tk e t. and rejiard- IIS of the domands of thc cons'nmor. i

Back to the 8oit^_ _ _ i rho ciiy' peojilo" bavo_ heen^u r^n |if _ \ :b other to move back lo the Inrm ; J I very few of them have moVed.. fn wclcome, our city cousIiih b.ick tf>. i j3 soil nnd this earth 's wurfaco cun- j n#-lC.092.l60,000 Idle acren of till- jIn-l(knd, whero thoy can make a IIdr by’ Uckling fhe earth, with a || •ked-stlck.-bui w«^do-tiot-in«>d.lhoro- - I far aB IncrrnHln'K produclion is con-rned: we now havo all Iho prodncerf ^■ can use. ’ The city man has very < •oneouB.Idcaa tff aKrlcullural eondi- nB, The commonly aceei)le(Hheory I t wo BM short on production in ali onR. Our annual Iner/^aso in pro- cllon far exceeds that of our Id- ■aeo In popnlalion,-. . The W orld.aa a Farm. • ,„nraklDK the world aa one blc farm, los

find two billion ncrea o f land Inllvation. Of Ihts amount Ih e re 'I b . -jjroxlmntely 750,000.000 ocres on thn fi,rstem and 1,200,000.000 acrca on Ihn i^i:

ta eaUmalp. of course.-doen no t In- ; do m i l n i t laodn. foreBln. etc., cou

Annual ' 1 - ^ id - W in te r ^ ^

ExcursTons | to CaliforniaV i a apeclal.f \ P I , CUDSlali!Uregon abort a-u L in e -...Salt Lake Route " " January 29th

f i 1 IE% V( itT(I •

JanuaryTwlo Falls U> I/<rs.Ancclcff and f t ta r i t ,both .wnyn r la .Salt TIIK .P

I I jikc City: . . -----------.N.VTIOS$72.35 Franrl.it

rrtornlBff-Tta HatJ_______■ R in i^ c o . I'orUaad and ironUoVtoa:

MMIT APIUL 1ST. ------------


0 . H. L

• . D. n Bu Oeiieral OrcRtJn f B a lr ljik

lioro laiKo quMUtiea, or meat, a te o d u c o l , * , . r —T ho 'W orld 's annual crop approil* F, ij t« . . flfloen, bilIloQ_bi^o2a_o_r ^ _ ala. th ir teen -blUioif' poiin'da cf'llb ro id alxty-flTC million tons ot'fflfaat Tho BToraKo anoca l’worlfl crop for0 paat flro years, conlpared with Uio jo OTjoufl flvo years, la as follow s;' - - , .P o a tH a |f -ProvlouaUair-.DJ Cropa— Docadc. Decade.im (Du.) 3,934.174.000 3.403,GGG,000 Cl BcattBn.) .'!.Si2,7fl5,000 8.2C7,52C,000 ita- (B'u;) 4,120,017.000 3.C0S,316.000 ittOD(BalCfl)-19.8fS.8W ■,'17,Ei4W00 Tho world shows on average In-' __ eaao'lQ ccrca l production of 13 por n t durlnK tli'o p#j«t decade, compared - ih-lho-proTltnirflTDycarBrwhllc th'o- DJ irld'e population nhpws an-tncreaso _

only th ree per conU Tho gain lu prpductloi\ far oxceodn a t of ouf Incrcaso in population, and. is iiafp to eHtlinalo thiil tho farmer I) e.-iHily IncreaGU production 25 per — nt if a ti'inuneratlvu niarkui cnn bo iinii fnr the products. In textile — iruH the world bHowk an increajm riiii: the panl balf diicaite In produc- >n tif Ifl pur cnnt agaiiisi a populn- >11 Increnmi of ILreo per cent, |jnTbe pcopio of iblB nntlon should _ drtiia ,thi’miii;lvea tO-.Uiii-subject.uL .j;, ipniveil furilitieH for dintrlbullon.

Ovrr-proilueilon uud crop m ortsago Ti ree Ihe farniyrb Inlo ruinouii com-- — litlun with each other. Thti remedy.. Aii '.■I In orRanizatluQ and In ocHiporft- IU lu murkeUng.

HAPPr HERO OF NAMUR' — . ..• .

\ ■ 1 ’ r.-'-jjf '

. i!u

- T-v H t

I I . Oli


' -P*''

nil of Ibe boruic ilu'frnilrrn of Nri-• wbo found hl« wltu aijd child ^[tni; for lilni.uii lil;i i-Hlurn to Zoo- URtse .

i;i;]'ri)8lvu n je of the ctauilfled col- ies will rcn i good propertleB; In or 1— tif uraHonH, und practically, cu t out PK from vneanries, ‘ __

«enl>- i<i'i- eent disfoiinl on ruga llie iivxl tlilriy (layii. l.averlng

niltirc iJlori;,—.\dv.---------- — t a i

rci>cUtioa of.yiJur wnnl ail. In the ■Bo of ynu r queal for a cooK may p » d policy. ,j (------- ---------------------------------------- — Tou


- 8 ,-(

22 J

- •. T n l

...............•. . ______ _ L .___ ,11

Uako lloulo will operate . clcclrle.-aiy-liKblod tnUnB,K of dinlnf: cara. r4andard DailInt BleoplnR earn and ob-

cant. Ityvvine Sail U k o jjg f12:00 noon, Jnnuary 30Ui.. 9!«CcUon vrllh oxcuraion from 9:3!regon and W yoming’polnls th.

. . . I IL


X, San Diego; opened

' l i 12:4


VI. K X PO Sm O ff. flan

). will open FobrTiair !Olh'.

o m i m B i T n i m i - r x ; ------------ i

........ t. . 3:4

r io h s T H m n ;n i iIHKKTtt • . 1 ^ ,

■ler. ' ' ' ' ■ ' 'aJwenRor A;;enl,b ort U n c Ilallroad Co.. ' . o«ni1 a t y . UUh.

-------- ,------------- -------------■■.■'■■■■■— Midiron


A. WESTOK^____ .J V B C IU C T C T .^ ______

.Mem. A. I . i . ,; p lan Unyiiiing from buncalowB t« ^ rscrapera. Specialty; D nbom ablo istrucU on. Otficc. O eitnU O o U d ^

:S..ATJIEBXON u dPracUttoQora o(

IropjacUe ? » e r . _ " M pM itiov ; ■

' Lady A itc n d M t .14Ui avcnno-caflt.-T w iirrB iiflrtaaiii—

Pbona 2»f


:-D .-BUO W N-LH irHaa,f^— — D en tis t ------ -5

!clallut 111 Crown and Ifrtdgo W ork.. Over V am oy’a Cundy Sloro

. . O uiborl Bulldip):r.-).'iili(init lie* . ,

'IN rA l,I.S . . ■ . IDAHO

AT'i;()itN i:vs'

RTH & .STEPHANAtterneyB-at-I.aiT Cencral PrucUco

fd Illork 'i'wln FaUs, Id&bt"

.W. W H .F K ------------------------ ■----------—l.u w y er.'

Office in I).' licilldlnK.In Fnlls . . . I te k o

IILIR B. W ilSUK,I . a n j e r . .

PracUco la a ll courts. • jm 14 F lrs l NaUonnl Bank B ldf.

• Twin I'-ullit. Idako. .ioo Phone 06 RcaldoDCO' P ho io CCS.

VLOR (lUilMINS,. ^ ' A ltem ej-a l-L iir ,

im J. Phono B«6.Tw in Fnlls Bnnk & T n is t B ids. '

Twin {■'uila. Idaho. '

[ITHk * SH ITII, ___________________-At(vnieyM.«t.Lafr>........... - •

oom No; 8, n r a t Nat. Bonk Did*.

E E ttV i SW tiKtm,'’' V A(torse;»>Bt*Lair.

W ill pracUco In AU C ouru . .IN -F A L U i.-;^ ----------------- IDAHO--------nber Twin Falls C om m erdal CiBb.

K .d u th rle A. M. Bowen-n n i lE 4 ROWKN

AttorneyB-ftULflir. re.--: ’Pwln l''alln Bank and T rttsl

■ llulldlng . - n Falls .> Idabo

J . 11. WIHK, L A W Y ie, llleo 7, Twlo Falls B aok 'M 4;T nifi't Co. IlalldlBg.--------Tw in F a llt , TflAlio.------------------

UNDERTAKERS...........; , ' ' -

P. / . OHOHSHAN. wM acffssor ol4% J . ffnU er. . *

UTOBUTAKBR.n-Day & NicbL All.Calls itespond-l_tf)_Promptly. P rlra lo A mbul»aco._____iiriler'BIdg; 250'.Socond Avo. Kaat. • no 3J0. Twin Falls. Idaho.


J. F. A. ITESTON. F l n t . Class D ressmaking.

At roasbnablo priccs.Contral' Bulldlig.


W. A . CA M P

. SC nA M O N COBitiL ■*phono No, 3G9-J. Paul SmlUi. Clork donco i'bono 074. •

i DULL, . ^ ,PlU<v T naer

:a rs experloaco In tun lns. Tolctng'(Ud action rcRulaUag

and ropalring .OlO o a t ^ 1

P . 0 . Box C74.I F a lls . . Idaho -

AH a SO U T lIE M .JJA IL nO A D .T ra la Sebednle.

------— iifBffeeUr* Koy 17, lO It ' ' ‘

r No. 3 ... eiaUoos.. Dally fJt. l '0.01. L r ..O oodIng ..A r l :0 0 p , i vo .n i. L r ..B o n ao tt..A r 12 :35p .m . • • a -m . I/t..W o(Joo ll.-jlr 12:2Bp.ni.- a .m . Lv..A draore..A r 12:10p.m."’' n .m . A r..Jo ro m o ..L t T l;5 5 a .m .

■ J. H. IIADCIFFH.^ • General Paaaengor AgcoL '

iK U A R o n x i l SIDE ItAILIIOAD.T rain Schednlp.

K lfectife hOTombcr 11, ION. '_________' No. 4. SlaUons. Dnily No. S. i 0. m. L t . .M llno r,. Ar C:OC a. m. )p .m .L v ,C h u r c h il l ,A r4 :3 0 p .m . .) p. m. L v .In land .A r 4:20 p. m 1 p, m. Lv...M artO Q ..A r 4:10 p. m.) p. m, A r..O a k ley ..L r 4:00 p. n ,

J . H. RADCLIFI-'E, ' \ O euoral Pasaenger A gent

. 8CIIEDULK • rw ln F a lls E lectric R a lln ind ' :

s a r o - ' U av oL. Dopoi ShoBhono l-'^llai

' A. M. ..................;.S :00 A. M. ‘I P. M..............................'.1:00 p ; J | , ,' 1’. M..........; ............... -..6:00 P .M .

Sanday ’ • ‘' A. M . ............................10:00 A’ U.

.................' .......... 1 :0 0 P .M .' P-.M.,............................. 4:00 P .M .lound T rip to-SboBhone Falls

•M C B R T 8 14, 1 9 1 i In cffoct until fu rther

BoUea. _ ■ ■ ■

a n the opponnnliy to stop right«-b«licr-poB ttlon,-_w tU i-a6ubloa..... ~ V r-c o ra e * r r« : 'H -b o ir iitnr f o r T n r * " ^ la tc ^ th o c lw lG ed

Page 7: W E E K THE s fr MES E E iE ir ' w liiiff O N ip iB I ltnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · THE VOL. X. NO. 32 TENTH E E iE ir BY THEROSSIANS Renewal of Activity

■ ‘ J . : . .

■ S e d s o t i

:.^U ndetinusU nsG 6 W n s '.7 c 6 r s e l covcfs.' jk i r l s . d r a v

' (Jotscl c b irij G ol

, 2 5 c and Uj). - , ’ ni

N e w winK" sleeve l-'>c'' con rl lh i ' line. W c don 't objccI io your

srN e w linon lacc I t i in m c d . n -p e !

V -. . — ________ . ______ ____

~ ■ ■ ' " ^ W N C i T v o i L E S . 2 5 c 7

S lii;> cs n n d O o w c fj , c x l r a g o o d

fo r ............................................ 2 5 c

L j l t . i K ood p i t iR lu rn j . I2 * l - ‘2 c

------ - '{ 'a s t 'c o lo r a n d n e w pailrrns.

W e hope eoe Spring goods in iE x tra Values in

--------------rSprtn^^U k^

I T i l e D l i^ T l i e a i l i -o l t )m l i iu c c e iii o t .a f l

J l A A CO M PA N Y O F-^ Y Six M en and FoY I n * c o in b lrm tlu n o f c v u r y i l i l iY • f'ccoDd Jinrt of Nmiili'al-conn.'dy ' iilm

----- — 'In n

— A ....... ....................... •*‘'"0 r c i n i i r i

T J o h n s o n a n d

O - Tlif^ w o r lt l 'n jrrf '^ ilont lilln i l d u r

^ H e a r th c C o tto n P ic k e rs BY Band C o n c e rt

f The Biggest Show on EiX , • E n te rta in in g f o r O ld oi

A 2 SH O W S NKY V r ir iM t l ir it w i l l e y o r y l ii id y ,

-t-G R P H E U M -lg |Y M o n d ay , T u e sd a y bnd W<

X D oorrt o p e n a l T, f l t i i l id iow


t a m e --■ One N iglt Only— M(


Merry Mins Mosicai Goi


Special Scenery—Electrica

G IR L S G IR L' Ererything New*“ Nol

C A Never Before Seen D U C SuchPri(

Reserved Seats at Rexall S t

N e w . Id e a f o r S te e l U'D ip n o n c o r ro e lT O at»o1 tubuH l a Im l i

m a d r -u n d e r n n r lU n b p a t e n t w ill bfl t r i e :t ; l r n a &B ( O c r t m l y t l c C M tlnK o f I r a n , la n i l T M n ln> n , .v lU i s D . l m p u r l l y e z c b p t | i l ia l i

. f c r t r e p t o . I" p r a c U c a l l r r u H l e j i , h u t C o lu. f o r w » p - p n r p C B e « , » f n b a g i r o a r t l l f ; a t^ K

j T M t w tfo ra b O J ty ’ » lecood c M l l n g w in.. . . -------- ------ - . - . - ----------- l a ' l l

. • q r w j Kround booB Tor- j w u U ^ . j v t 'Vi ~ M ? ;d e T iT s > c U n C 'i» tn B iB f .“ n ) e c . fl i f . ' » r s u

B9*iHgsagBCEiaB^iMBI^| | j p

' s F i r s t

Very R easonableets .md combin.itinns -.it iViolhs a( It

t:-.. 5l)c .‘•'Liti! 05c nnd

d up. , lip.

coicrj, W c ua:il r \r ry wi/m.in m :opying llifni.

r-C IA Llie «oun«. I'k .

N E W V O IL E S Pl.vn and fancy. I-5c u|>

52 .00 .

N E W O H G A N D U ^.‘Ml Vmdb and prices, pl:

f.inrv and colorcd. 25c up52 .00 . ,

ry lady===whether mol, silk arid cotti

B O '

Mlnstrelsl;,'nntcd niiniilrcliiy. ’ A

:en peopl-e 1ft ♦?j r Ladies - l v ['’“IK a yilitGlrd flriil imrt and { Ton InK. riKilmc!. <lan<'lnK. prize V,, --------------------------- <* reti'----------- --------------------- Z--------: ------- , Y (o-t"■ ' , V lo-4* k-niM ackay t S

_ Y non'.ey niurlrliiin; and

A Ici.i

m d in T h e ir S tre e t ‘j* 5 n e e D aily

•% Uni

i r t h f o r l h e M o n e y 3

id Y o u n g -M ik e .$.•«»

: h t l y , £Clijldn.ri Kiv, ailiiliH ‘.Tk-,

Y ' 0';

^ elw

dn esd ay , Feb. 1-2-3IH.-Klnsai::!.’;.. ,

-------------------- -- ' . ------- lltlll~ , COU

iGEMENT • sion

F H E A T R E T inday, Feb. 1st AMOUS ■


trels and .• neilv Co. I-----------*— -------------T SHOW fon

tbalI Effects--Novelties i»rst o r i

5 GIRLS - ^[iing Repeated Anyvirhereat OC-.« ' . .. 25c ;•«ire--Get Theni Early.— ■ — I Kqidny

------------------- - ---------------------------- o f j

rgo TsIeieopB fer Victoria, 0 . C. In Ihtts bei-Ji docldcd lha t' tho plant Mpc wlileh l» belni? bulU lo CTftP- . p .. for Iho Canadlao Kovcmmenl Abi^ oroeird nenr Victoria. llrUlub od i

nbla. In & position ’K htro IdcaJ Ju?i) ip h rric twhdllloni exist. ThM ODgbo ono o t tbo larcent Irleecopefl (on9 world dan

--■ .U'm.nC ads speftk to r ibfttnsA lru: ao o t ■ nK“noce«ar7r ' ^

W h i t e

“ ■ S aturday .'w e Sta

the G reatest LineG o o d s E v e r O p e n e d in -T v

rr,i«(j,-i,iblf. Tlipsi- compit<e^

—J • ivliicii Wt- wi-n- forliin

M-e I ' / 1 ■) f.iliricj of voili-*, orti'^i'dit

;tiu! [iincit'5. W e a ir just ach

SU ITS $5.no. QOlio

I liter .Suils Icfl .ind .i'' t W l iKcil {witWi dncii)>liIlll.

lo ui our sloct for llii< cj

buyer or looker===w m . Learn you can

o m - M

D TO STAND T H E GHOSTS Tw, ------------ • • lioIo

ntK i?iatrVf\nly"Tr!rdl<> GtfRisUef ^ k' From H it Unwelcome, Noliy <-r r

Vlaltora. nnd------' - , I'lK

I'rltlnK on tho oIToct of (jhnalB on o|iei lebolila; William W. .A ckerly In a d i I! and (,'oninn-nl tfH« of a raso iit^ behl I th .' iiarllBineut a t I’arlu lemi tlmn Ions r cunturloa nco. 'I t appeare.d lha t ?'"ci I’ousi' wnn I ff In llio iiubiirbu o t ’ ':nnt n!.„»nd llint 'llic li;n;ii|l.. bolnK. i'L!* inpily difltnrbi-d by a ''iiotnc and llnfT of-inTlslbln-TtplrltBrT-'liich nut-- — fdT iclthcr^Jitrn iir-trw -Iim -m tn liy - ‘- I '' iiecp-o'-nlf;hiii."-n3-rmnjpH y-w rnt • law, TIki iovvrr court broho lliu,:i', Ihe liiiuntlnrH I/oIuk coimldorcd !> Jtirorlabln uulnanri;a. H nt ihM hn ■’’ffv.'i‘.lunil li'lluTis ro ja l , nsid tli" Ivw- ■ t aii|)('al«'d on Iho tom ial |io la l. ' *1‘‘' l ic iL llic tlu Ju tJv a u Ja -fQ riL —I h c - ^ •ncd couMiicl for tlin Icfliinrii died a l lbo vc-ry Idt'a of. iioliiy

and clloil Jonn t.f Are, and t<'(l from I’lato. I’hllo, Jmliii'iiii. pi-iIocl(;;i. Xlarcua Aun*Uu:'. T<'^ lan.-(Julnlillaii nnd DlnHcnrldeii, aii iKhoiil nulhorilliiii. Ho cniicltidi-U ,'•‘"5! I- thc‘ tenan t nml bln f.-iiiiliy wen^ t;rinK triiui' iilclitniarii, ami niiR- led Ihal they 'sthmild coainilt a iihy- nn and nol a iiollclKir; or, KraiillnR t ilie hoiifie v,'na haiiiited. Unit tlivy ' uid ap iiea l'111 tbl! eli'TKy, a n d 'r u t ho law. .Vatumlly lb '' lonnnl'a ad- ato did tiol aiipn-ciatii )iIh ailvcr- '

Ho. too. ^-alli'il upon llio a n - ' ilK for ai'M'staiiro, cltiiic I’llny. I’lu- ;h, Sui;tc*nlun, Ovid, lhi> !-”alltrr?. whom eliie do you niip|>oi!<i7 Wby.

0 .Olher Ihnn the iiclf-uam« !*lalo mi hlH advi',r»ary bail finoleil nn ly K) thu ciiatrary. Obvldiiiilyihiit loti.ophlc one. Jlke many or ourrlll. either overinolicd. or founti ® d rra ion for ovflrriillnB, a forai.-r- IsIoSv; or vU» be v;n» m i w(\iill;iWo1 and wlnlied to nnlliify both par-,}___ Anyway hu ^ j .n i ii T tr n i ir; th(; lower courl wiiii roveriic'd, and poor idtinnt. .ot courHc. Iiad lo .cn- ’

D bill unwt'lconiii coU-nnnt. or p.-iyfull ti-rm'n rent ami vacate. , ,.

ftTS OF CARRIER PIGEONS |: i the Franeo-Prua»lan W ar Their I Value Has Deen Recognized by

All Governmenla. |

b c (i\nio\ift jHTtoTSMWKC o t carrlpr .■onn during ihn dIoi;ii of I’u r li In ' t'rnnco-l'ruiiiiliin w ar. whim they rlcd upwards of llj.ono niuii«aKeji,I the reaull of nn Iniiidratlon rather n of fori'lhouBhL I’rlTalo clllteaiiJ cbnncod lo hnvu plReonn uffen^d __LuToTIfo' Ko»xni men t T hetr per- nance wan nuch a nplcndld HUccena t Franco baa over nlnco maliilalncd ^ • ;o Oocka In chnrf;c of tho rcc lnccrps.iio .blrdii a r e , cariitully trslncd an n oa they arc nble to ily atid nro ■ '' n drilled dally for lbo rent of their, fnl llTCfl., They n l^ tflusb t to fly and allKbt on aUnal. T hc flrBt 'IhUiK raarck did a tlc r tbo trea ty of peaco '< i . e ^ c d was lo.oBtablloU plRcon:*B ln Pcrlln and clacwhero tbrouRh- lbo cmplro,. Bvcry o lher imllon In

t)po followed bln ow m ple, and to-,■ CTory jovcm m oiit boa ibouffanfla ilReona, all ready lo carry oicBsiKO*Iffio o t v a r.

Slonailhfl W llh fimoko.Blraple a n d ,m o n InKonloua meth-

of fllgnallnR fronS an nnroplano h a \ - . bcfin iLTcnlcd by n yoMUR Frcntb_ . in ccr Darned Moan»-- U 'Ib a lya-, II of.opileal leloRrapb. tho do ts and ' ncs o f the Monio codo bfllnR writ- Jn Jh f iji lc J iy jJ io tL im iU Q at- iia f fs , _loioko. . _ . ' ___ __TionbPfl'fa{UB'for"'dI»cT5a'i%tniflhc»a


S h o i v i n i

rt S h b w i h B ^ ._____ S ’ L x ir .1 fl

- t \ V 7 L ‘ M ctcclin, ihe0 1 . W nile ' 'M hicachcd

------• IO.-4-'t.Ic—die

■in Falk Priccd --oinostir. ,ind fon'i[;ii r I SM - l i i s----------------- ;--------r • C A S I^ic r;inu;-ii Irt Ki'I. 20c ca'frs 1

s .-ind^miH-. -11 p!,un 73c shreis

■■ S L 2 5 cxlinR_«» >hmv t i m . .,„ J

iT S ■3.(11),' ■ ■ . RIU

few HMt;, Thcy_ . . d rc5: >11. ^ lllll tlioitc

p.icc . “ “ ............. '. $ 5 .0 0 'KOod sli.ndr.s,

ill come in Sa turdc buy here be tter go

R C A N T h

., n» built tiy uri'itiiet, connintii ui I ——ick ri'ciipincle for nnmhe. nliiinti’d .v' Um avlalor’R. float ntiil .project- I • 1 SbwTi-ftnTiV It In rlti-Vtl nl lln lo iv ^ ' •111 by a vnlve lhat cnn bo opened • J ullill « lili a umnll Irvcr. Accord-to the lent;th o r bn'vlly of lbo ' :InK the imff o t iminlio In a ilnah oi" .t. The iirnoki.' tmlln borirontally ' . 1ml the neropl,mo and remalnn a J

tinio In llie nlr If ihl« la nllli;In n hli;h wind 11 rnnialnii lone

Kh tn lie- reail nllli a npltl-pln.is ]_ill!;t.nijre^<>r nivcnil m ikn ' J

--------Ajjreect With Hlm,‘2 ^ ~ Jnnn'M nnn.:ifl'n‘noviUurri" Rlfl;'bu1 Im nri^-iillnd to Ibo IHUo shortconj'- — • of tliat acctlon. ’wa-i ivhllo.aho wnn-lourlnc. dur-,

!ht»'tln7(t nntrtlatln^T'hrr "arrlvftt". I'U'.rllpR UpuimUr aei:c(Rf;‘'l h a t ntniijn^l ;ii ono of tho holelii fo r .Jll the I'niiihiTiLtuvn-la.lmi-COlo-- ___-d lh;in d[K(lnKal!|Iie^. Sho dnlllod111.' Iood while llie bonltiico do-

ll i!u- harils|ilp:< of hl-i llfo In n , I l..yn . J ■ \'() \u ii fred yinir nwn fnmlly thn ‘ food Hint yini- fi-eil lo tho I tn?" nho Inijulred.esl .|Iie [.nine. J' .-il the '^nnie, ’ Iiii ( eJ,’:i(i'ii 1 nRrtv} Ihal you tin hnvn o -

life." wan her ;noiirnful ri'ply. •

Conereie Roatls. incrcio road conjilrucUun han In- 'flcd from 364,000 mianre yards laid l!)ilU-Ut-lO,CUOiilflil-»iiiuur«-yardHi :h It liTcallmnriMl Inm. be<‘n laid . • mvUn; Hcason of I?l I. Thin woiijil • LQ; 'iilli.clont, w ere ll put <in\vh In n U' ,lTv5\tU. to !oni\ sv v'mil.wny (nuv Ih ultle nnd J.70tl mllen bnK.— iilKlc Auii’rlcan.

Shoes W ith Aluminum S o le i. ' g,tip-of,tho neu-cHt nnd perhftii;> oiltl-'UBM of nlutnlnum In in m nklnr ih r a o t Hhoen tor .Ulie by worktneti iloyod.in wel nnd daniii |il;iren. ■aluialnuiiwtfaxt-»lnH»-4«iftlt'-mu<^ j]l :cr lhan the nnilnary fhec-. nn<l |pj,p Mrt In be .Imiiervioiin to d»niiini-ii;i. — — — — —— — —

ilisiiiBSs m O I N e a s u r e ■ .3

nho n nt

nro,....... vncl-



[T 'S all th e sam e— oi” !ncco

.y o u w a n t y o u r ty -

V a t c h t o k e e p t i m e .

D o n ’ t b e a p r e y t o g “ j '. of I

n x io u s m o m en ts. j.nir:

W e l i n o w H O W !, Ar


2 2 2 2 5 ^ cn nldat:lchnrpoopcolic

leckerrTlie Jeweler■ l l i !»>IX .'T E lillE 8 ,'SV

— S aiiifa cU o n C u a raa lcc J— . — —' . ne

E S. FRIDAY. JAN: 29. 1015.

t a t B o

Spring W a n ts inFUIC jofi bleached inujlin. p e r’ya rd . . . . . new undrrvcar falirie, per y.ird . . . . .shceiing ■ ............................. .. .

l“ilircrinK'’T . .....................................

5^“ Tow els '7 I -2c ) R i3 6 '. Hood, , 2 0 c , <|u,illly hack . '.’>r. ,6 9 c I'url; l.iw-

I I.irt^r e ' i ...........17 l - 2c$ 1 .0 0 .A (food nne.

'□ x r n :12

:f .ind undrrwe.ir.'I'lu-sc- p

comt, m,ii 15. 2 0 ,ind 25c .fii,ifJ;,iWj- i

y or n ex t w eek and bds as the sam e pr,

' : S - e o m

ItA V E R I n F i

^ a s t W eek T a y l o r

.ast Weekof Diamoir l L ~ ; E n d i n g S S u r d i y f

^ T j i u r s d a y ^ T h e N e '

I r i T h e X i r L o f J b

»latinee T H E S P E

tem em b er-E X T R A V O TES'hoose Your Favorite and W pr

Get Bufly--Get

\ L L S E A T S ;


aved Terrier Makes R.ild oh Llltei of Savaoe Sow and Car-

r le i OH Two.

fnr nn knoim ihe tnllimlni: au- I llcnli-d bll (if unnafiirni iil.itnry | 1 lbo bolL ll li»v(iuehe<i for by tho0 iilafl ot the lUc iMtoAYild 'Ani- fnrm. on ihe l-'ririmlnli- T’tiii ' ■- :i(;o. ft bhiek and 'tun te rrie r bo­ng to ■■l' tly’’_lla:il. aamo n o t ...........1), luiit her Illler ot lour pu|iplen wcolc by lhc nack nail iilom- ro'ilo.jiUIiplca,.thouKli-u,(inO“ftnl-in h'-r -----, \vvr« sii>lliliiK lllll liwiltii lu IJimtn ’a lty ," one (if the emiiloyeen o t Iho aniiniil farm ISIiii;o 1» a tlioroui^h-heriii'lt, bill her rlilMren,' aliui. iioU So they iven- pul-nway.

iiK.n niourni'd . i.iiieeri'Iy tn r »<f,TOli rhn iievei'ih, :illll KriovlnR.

nnde an exnindon Io Ihu fa tm of iKhlior. There, In a pIC Dty, flho ' acrnnii a H ai'r of 12 baby jwrk- . >liik anil M irrulent anrt a wook old j

T b i-y '^ iT u i.niircliiiK nnrt riuz- \ ‘ into llie lirond lionnni o f tlielr 1,1 ma In n wny llini wirn very ta-r tolKiorTlliiKo. nlioKC very pawiT ------J fur her linit babies »• Uio nhducllon from Uie aav.nKO ow and over 11 idi.foot fence wii.n iilill&hed In uoL knov.u, bul "t'.il- found IlinKO 111 her iiira\v.lined jiu ltn n tly nurMnR lwo Ilny pink. •

And in the peu of thc nelgb- now but ten biiby porkers Bnug-

nnd nuizjeil lnto-<bo broad bonom !• Ir m ainiiiiJ.-l.wi AnKclcn Ula- , 10 N'ew- Vorli World

Li|(le Wooden §{i0f». 11 Irnlnped for hour^ anion^ tbo .

ccfl from Antwerp, one lUUiR lni* i fl llnelt nlronnly upon tny mcm- tiie nolne of ro many Ultlo wood- oe.n—chlldren'a nhota—lhat click- • . till on. lh^ cobbleBionen In lb o | ictcrinlle ^ho rt run of frishtenoijr. My tnrmory holda a Wholo ■rion of noijcs, but nono qullo itbalic IB tbo qujck tok-tok-lok"cao hordes ef children Iryl'nc dC9< -------oly wllh Ihelr Urod lliilo lejB to -pwi

up wUti tulho.r and tnolher.— {or \ TlTnj“ Viii‘iiIi;'f'iIim HaDaclsUlaj. Fnrni

Id lha t W ast Ad. lU i

Jhite/ :V , ' i b y 2 5 ; ' .v a < n 5 c ' ® '

( iR A S M I-: ': .; ' S B '

. Specially p ric ' • / 'jra ,;.ed for ihi] ivi-ak. f f l ''A ll grades. liiK-r, ' , | g ;.and cotton, hiown i3 & -•ind hlf,ir!ie<l. '0 S ’

■:k i '.i ) ( :K i :p r > ‘ ■ ' f f i

l-2 f .Illd up •

clly new >prlnK crepes ' f fH ’! icIy piclly .ind' rr- ' j 9 i

see the new • ce a n d less..

^ H E A T R i f

- D a n i e l s C k

d R i n g C o n f e ^J a n r 3 0 t t ~ " — ^ ^

V Mag<laleiB i i -G o ld e n Wiesfe ^


c for Her. Conte^taatr. | ' Votes. V '0 .

>■5 CENTS ..| ..

he .Western. Auto C om - pany Announce* 9-w

OBD \ m -SEBV iet^

i t .m i.sI l l n l l l s l r r .......... S «y«;i ,

Ilnhl ........"3CInir,Vflj ........ " ............ !•«-,

V ilrr .............. ............ItML-cr»on...............liHrli-y ................... nj»>*'«lilry ...................... .. . f7M>lluiiM-n ................... i f lNlliifk C re rt ...................Snlinon Ham ............ ... I2£ |»

Waltlnj; time ehan ;.-r ictf, tt; e IH' rliDur.TiitI .Sertlre Inside (’fij f.iois. ;■ Hounded I.J » o c l t 'rr rL , f l lo - 6ikes Ilimlcnirrt and 'rniie. p e r 'l ’n t ' e n r r r - l b f j ■.•Vklii. \ ■



. INKS I .


nd nearly everythingf .;

Ior the o f f i c e ......... ;f ■

)los’ ^o o k S to re '125 Main Ave. W- t

niy por ccnl diflconnl on r jsM u— Laiariojc.--------

.urn Store.—Ad». '

9 (ho v u t «ds tB ^ t i h w .

Page 8: W E E K THE s fr MES E E iE ir ' w liiiff O N ip iB I ltnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · THE VOL. X. NO. 32 TENTH E E iE ir BY THEROSSIANS Renewal of Activity

■ . ' . ‘ TWIOK-A.WRWR--Piimi TJAU.a TIMEB. FEIDAY; j a n ; , 29 ; 1916;

H ' ■ I '

ti H ■

' Sample Hi

JBsirgi'S .4 0 n'm tiio f) (octs. ti

.3 0 ni:ll n b . now 1 .2 5 )>(irl>f

l i .5 0 « iia r.m trc (l ,il;inii .•51 x D f) Kuat.ititci'd . w .nl

'— ^ s i - 5 ) [ n ? k i i r n n ^ i M•ff.OO Jj.n v L m r.s j))j5

' -111.2 5 n ira l f;nv . . . .$ 1 .0 0 C o ld B U l l,intfrn Ice sk;ilcs. n il s i /c j . . . .

A ll o th e r H nTd'varr,■ • M o n e y " pricc j.

Furniture I Barga\ $ 5 .0 0 full m t iron bedi

■ . { .$12 .5 0 h andsom e, heavy i _ _ _ M a rtin M

................ ' i t 2 . 5 0 g u a f .in te fd elastic■ . •' IrcM. n o w ...................

$ 5 .0 0 h eav y coird)inali6i ! $ 2 0 .0 D lec lio n a l liookcai

■$22 .00 rich qu a rte red 0 ;

T * $ '5 ;u O T o c L « a ’• $ 3 7 .5 0 m o d em kitchen cs

$ 1 7 .5 0 lib ra ry tab le , now$ 1 2 .5 0 cKlId’j 80-caH . n

• A tl o th e r T in w a re at M o n e y " price's.

Enamel and j ; Sample Bi

10 n t. R alvanized pail. n< I $ 3 .7 5 a lu m in u m tea kettle s H o y a l c n a in e led le.i keltic

___ >- T in p ie p l a k i . J fo r_^ . .' " T i n c iip i. pei- dozen . '. i

$ 2 .2 5 co p p e r u ’a jh boiler* I ' 2 5 c c o f f e C - p o t j J o r . . . . .

, A d o th e r jnw are at 'i .M o n e y " - prices.

1! __________________ __

Silverw Bargai

\ W c liavc a lw a y s carcic< ' jf . '.ilvcnvarc, . Evcr>- nrlichp

<clud:nR th c fam ous Com m ' ' r ' ' ia this sa le a{ p ricc j one*f

• n f / r f R u I . n . - . -

\] . • '__________________

.i ' . ~

______ _ J . 'r W E i-IA V E

' W H O H A V IL D E A

' ' R I G H T . H E R E

T H A 'I H A R R O \ t

; Q U O T E D O N T H ;

I - l U A - T D E E R I N G

U N D E R . T H E S E '


G I E S . M O C iN T A i:

. . ' . ■ \ Q U A U T Y - O F O L

\ Y O U R W A N T S R

. ; i

.............. \ E very Item ir1 centV. 5 5 c c n ls K f ! s (

i ' \ '' mIWIII 1 ILII M I I f l . Ull."

- ■■ ___J____' V CLIP Tl

Thi!< r(iu\)«u cnm! fn T pn ir i f p r r v e r lf t l n t <i Uii-< ■ \ - •,

irdwarelinsAV ...................M

. 20.- n .w

c l w l ' . m .w .$1 .75IIIK ir..iiliiiir..................$ 10.40

• . .T— :7 : - ; t>5i ............' ■;, , | r ................. 70<-........................ ' , f i5 . . ■ J

i t^ " W ( - l i r r d 't h e Falls

— . gains

, no„., $3.20 ofne-in. post V e m iir r ^ - B : z 5 — ----------- r —

40 . publiim atltew , $ 3 .4 3 —

............ $ 1 5 .0 0k d te s je r . now .............. M 7 .4 0~ . . . . r 3 7 0 -----------• --------binet now $ 2 9 .5 0.............$13.90>w . . ; . . $ 9 .3 5 “ W c N eed the

Tinwarergainsw ................ 2 0 c ■ ' . -.............. - .$ 2 .5 5

I .6 5 c.............. iO c

. : r . ' : v . 3 0 c — - - ........ —................. $ 1 ,6 5

'V e need the


a fine 'lo c k o f in ou r c a m in- . . inity. W a re ro« -)utth lo o n e -hn lf, - - --

N E V E R F A C E D A S E A S O N \ \

j T w I T H u s k n o w T H A T W

S Y O U R c h a n c e T O - s k c U R

. T H A T D IS C . T H A T F L Y I N G

: T R A C T ' V f y o u b e l i e v e II

B I N D E R N O W . B U T D O N 'T '

W E N E E D M O N E Y " P R I C E S .


i H A C K S . M A N D T W A G O N S ,

R G O O D S . ^ N D T H E N E W • • W

) R M o n t h s A i - i r u A a

CHIN/!our fa n c y ’-ind stople chin.-» w are ito c l cups a n d saucer* tha t a lw ay s ic ll a t 7

ns I v j I• uiiiiiiiiif s d i i - • ' B H Hir ' t o r e iluHnt; B ’ ~ H > H

•I., ',7 'A ■L'L'f.-jL. ,

mNever before in

Tract has a sal<

in everyday me

c. Here we are

w, up-to-date na c needs every di

— OFF•EVety’ cenVs'TvorUi’a t 'a p'ricc thal

it fo r m onths.' E V E R Y D O L L A R ’Sgoes in tius sa le a n d th e re is lomethinB caj) u se. l l js .-a ll ncAv a n d goo d stu ff

' m g it in lliis w ay is th a t W E N E E D 1

C o m ei f w c havi: m isled y o u ; if liiii sa l

w orlh no m a l l r r how fa r you com c o r 1 m o n e y ,b a c k . C O M E A N D S E E .

S a l e S t a r t sC o r o e w h i l ^

' I T H A S - F U L L A N D C O M P L E T E

^ H A V E N E V E R H A N D L E D ^

n - T H A T - G O O D 'E N O U G H S U L K

. D U T C H M A N S P R ^ D E R . O R -

'J S A V I N G M O N E Y . I T W I L L Py

kV A IT . A S C O M P L E T E A S O U X


E T C . . E T C . B U T W E W I L L S A '

'E N E E D M O N E Y " , P R I C E S W I L

A a r e: R o« w ^ih -'lh t-rcst o f it at " W e N eed f5 ccnts, T lic se a rc bu t M m plr.pn’ces o f

m m


the history of

i of such unpar,

rchandisfr been

with an inimei erchandise, sue

ly, and

AR^ERMG-' i l ib u td 'c o m p e l y o u to b u y rc v x n 'if-y b u -c W O R T H on o o r s h e l m a n d tn o u r w n il (h a t c fe ry m an , w o n u o a n d ch ild o r , a n d the on ly reason in ihc World th a t W'H E M O N E Y . .

■________ _

a n d S e e: i j .n o t b o n a f id c ; if . y o u d o n 'l g e t youi 0 w h a t tro u b le y o u go — w e w ill g ive

\ l o n . , J a n . 2the Slock is Fresh

S T O C K S O F I M P L E M E N T S F O f

V H U f S T R I C T L Y M E R I T O R I S

Y . T H A T A L F 'A L F 'A C U P P E R

^ N Y O T H E R O F D O Z E N S O F T (

,Y Y O U T O L O O K A S F A R A H !


SrW A G O N S,E S a n d t h e C H E A P S A L E P R

■ R I G H T H E R E T H A T I F Y O U .

. M A K E I T P A Y Y O U T O C O M !

C H i rlo n ey ” prices. N o n e e d to .q u o te prices, a com p lc le line. F a n c y C u t-G la ss G if t


A la. . th c lime

Linol._■......... , cvery^vh, 1 . r r t • per y a nthe 1 win— ' . ................. — C o lo r

illed bar- ; "5 t r a w m

given the = =.., . , Heal ise stockh as the

R o u n d (

O a k am

. ■ sale .

t h in g . ' i ra n g e lh'

BT h i s . '

_ substitu te

o n 't 't te c d ^ -— ----- -' — M o n ey —src h o u :« - .................... ly y c u c

■ ■ c .U n d 'd

■ " F i f , ,

th ey get

' ~ ' M o n e y '

, $ 1 .6 5 pe

■m oney's ''o u y o u r ' • •


5thB u y r

p rices gi>S 2 .0 5 i»varn ishes

V • Jiohatcly

m m m m m m M , =


J S T o o l s , a n d T H A T O U R " F

A ^ A L K IN G P L O W , 'T H A T C O O

lO L S A N D G E T T H E M A T P R K

: A D A s N E X T S E A S O N ’S ' G R A i i

V IS . T H E Y A R E B O U N D T O ]


kR Z I N T E R E S T E D I N A N Y O F

; ,M A N Y A M I L E T O T H I S S A L E


C o m e a n d KC. 55 cctiU gels 6 d inner w a re s goes in this u i e . -


l eaor Covering Bargains t

t!C slock to select from . No>v u to cover th .it floor.

um in be.iu tifu l p .illc rn s. 7 5 c ya rd rc e b c . du ring this sa le th ey gw atI . . . . , .............. M e '

.ist c a rpc t m attings, everyw here 5 0 r N o w you gel 'it a t ............ •. . . 36c

iltings. 3 5 c values, n o w .......... 23c

ers Ranges Cook Stoves;* .w orth -of sJoves to selcct 7 ro m . .

o w t . - l m « - l i k c _ C o l « - H o l - f i l a ) t . ----- ;

)ak a n d H o w a rd ’ H c a le r s ; R o u n d

C h a rie r O a k ranges, g o in tliis . ■

Vc need M o n e y " prices a n every- '

3 4 .5 0 for a sp lend id h eavy 6-'holp

tn r w io t lK f e v c T r w a l o f $ 4 8 .0 0 . ... ............ ..th er stoves in p ropo rtifjII> v •

javer Board«11 know n " B e lte r lh a n P la s te f"

goes in . this sa le a t " W e _ N « 'd j __

>rice. I t w in su 'rptise-you -how -cheap— - —

m line th a t ?bom w ith ihis p rac ti- •

;ct)rative m a te r ia l

oils o f rub ljer roofing . ' E lsew here >

$ 2 .5 0 p e r r o l l .- O u r " W e N e ed

^ ic e s g iv e riliH l o ^ W l l O N L Y '

■ ro lL _

it! Paint! Paint!

lirits now . " W c N c e d M o n ey " es y o u 'S h e rw in -W illia m s p a in t at r.g a llo n . A ll o th e r p a in ts , slaiiis. in o u r immense stock , a t p ropor- [ow prices.

N O W H A V E ^ T H O S E

R I C E S ; A R E A L W A Y S ” "

D - E N O U G H G A V J G .-

:E s ' N E V E R B E F O R E

r ; ^ " t f l N G A N D G E T

) 1 S A P P E A R R A P I D L Y .

■ ■ M H n n a H i B m _

A N D F R E E P O R T B U G . .


A N D T O A N T f C f t ’ A T E ■

p la tes tha t a lw ays sell a t 75_,

9 m