10 ^"*\\- Wps f*Eftl *•£ > v^s , > Saturday Evening, t ^ W T f ^ 3 P > THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. < May -20, 1905. AT THE THEATERS -fi/LZS 0.F TJZE WEEK. THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL CADET BAND MMES PROFESSIONAL DEBUT \ METROPOLITAN—"Dark" for three weeks, except Saturday " afternoon and evening, when the University Seniors give their class play, "The Pledgling." ORPHEXJM—Season closed. BIJOU—"The James Boys in Missouri," melodrama. All the week with matinees Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday. LYCEUM—"Dark" for three weeks. Ferris company playing in St. Paul. UNIQUE—Continuous Vaudeville. Bill changes Monday. Daily performances at 2, 3:30, 8 and 9 -.30 p.m. \ DEWEY—The "Dainty Duchess" company in vaudeville and bur- lesque. All the week with daily matinees. Ladies' perform- ances Friday afternoon and evening. | build dramas around the lives of the pieturesque James boys, none have suc- ceeded in building so well as the pres- ent playwright. While the name is a daring one, the play is on a highly * moral plane and furnishes interest and t excitement from the first curtain to the t' last. «! | The life of the James boys is shown Z fiom the time of the civil war until 2 the assassin's bullet fired by Bob Ford Z t ended the career of Jesse James. The *' famous Blue Cut train robbery near In- • , dependence. Mo., is put on with won- Z ' derful stage effects. It is a most real- * istic train scene and is one of the tri- Z umphs of the stage carpenter's and * i scene-maker's art. The play is not a I "blood and thunder" one, but a clean, Z' thrilling melodrama and played by a I large and competent companv. The Z j companv carries its own scenerv and * I has realized substantial suceess every- Z i where. Fine Military Band Organized by Prof. Heintzeman From the Clever ' Graduates of the Minneapolis Journal News- boys' Band. * GAY JiSHOL, ; <•• As Jennie Summers in "James Boys in * Z. Missouri," at the Bijou Next Week, i. t*4***************t********** *'***(* Bijou—"The James Boys in Missouri." "The James Boys in Missouri" is the melodramatic production that will be seen at the B13011 n e x t week. The Wednesday matinee will be made a souvenn occasion. Stirring incidents based upon the career ot the famous Missouri despera- does have been woven into the play with a prettv love story running thru ana some clever comedy. * Lyceum—Closed for Repairs. _ 1 For the first time in 142 weeks, the I Lyceum theater will be dark next week, and for two weeks thereafter. Manager Dick Ferris had planned somewhat ex- tensive repairs to the pretty theater, some qf which are being made now, in- cluding a number of safety exits. Dur- ing the three weeks' absence of the Ferris Stock company the house will be given a thoro overhauling, and put in apple-pie order. The lobby and a part of the theater proper will be re- decorated. The three weeks will be spent in St. Paul, Where the Ferris Stock company will present a number of its most strik- ing successes at the Metropolitan opera- house. The entire company, several carloads of special scenery and prop- erties, and a number of the theater staff will be used in the St. Paul engage- ment, which will open tomorrow with "When Knighthood Was in Flower." The second week "The Holy City" will be given, and the last week a double bill, including "Little Lord Fauntleroy," with Clark Marshall in the title role. Sunday, June 11, the Ferris company will return to its own theater here, in a production which the management promises will be the most elaborate While others have attempted to ever given on the Lyceum stage. THE INCUBATOR BABIES AT WONDERLAND PARK -S-4%8- ' THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL CADET BAND. -Photo by Miller. The Minneapolis Journal Cadet band makes its bow to Minneapolis: Its first public appearance was this after- noon when the new band under the di- rection of C. C. Heintzeman, its direc- tor and foster father, gave The Journal a complimentary serenade. The Cadet band is the postgraduate course of the Minneapolis Journal Newsboys' band, and will carry the honor of that famous troop of musi- cians to higher planes and more dis- tant scenes. From as lively a bunch of mischiev- ous and reckless newsboys as ever "hustled" papers there has been de- veloped by painstaking effort and in- telligent direction a highly finished band of skilled musicians. No raw ma- terial could hardly have been more un- promising than the Journal Newsboys' band, organized in the fall of 1897. Every one was a typical newsboy in all that the term implies. They did not know a cornet from a tuba and knew just a little less about music than about Sanskrit. Their average age was about thirteen years, and this is about the worst period to take the boys, and an endeavor to form a band seemed a hopeless task. Strong faith, sturdy perseverance, and above all ability and enthusiasm were required not only to keep the boys together, but to teach them music. Those who re- member the first appearance of the lit- tle red band in the Memorial day pa- rade of 1898 will remember how they struggled thiu their elementary selec- tions and covered themselves with pers- piration and glor$ for their earnest ef- fort if not for their music. Those who heard the Journal Newsboys' Band of seven years ago must note the vast dif- ference in the work of 1898 compared with that of 1905. There were 45 boys in the first band and the highest num Now they are men not only in physique, but in years and having come "to man's estate they purpose in the future to claim a man's privileges. As the folder members of the Journal Newsboys' band, they have withdrawn' to give the younger element the same chance they had. Every member has joined the Minneapolis Musicians' Protective asso- ciation, and being affiliated with that union, they are avahble for any occa- sion on which a military band can' be used. In other words they are professionals looking for professional work, and in point of ability are willing to take their chances with any military band in the northwest. There are twenty-six in 1 the organiza- tion, and they include the most capable of the newsboys. Most of them have been under Mr. Heintzeman's watchful care for more than seven years, and have studied assiduously. Their prep- aration has been systematic and intel- ligent, and each man is in consequence a finished player. Their first profes- sional engagement is for the season at the Wonderland, where they will give concerts every afternoon and evening, beginning May 27. The Jourti&l Newsboys' band will be continued, of course, and it will main- tain the high standard of excellence it has attained. Ever since the first or- ganization, there has been kept in re- serve a preparatory class of about forty boys from whose number have been drafted such lads as made the best progress in mastering the instruments assigned to them. The preparatory school supplies the newsboys' band and the latter furnishes recruits for the cadet band, in which a place will event- ually be provided for every newsbqy musician who shows enough interest in ber ever called out for a public appear- his work to entitle him to promotion. ance has been sixty pieces, tho more than this number is available. The Minneapolis Journal Cadet band is made up entnely of graduates of the Journal Newsboys' band. They are the boys of seven and eight years ago. HaVing already put in eight years of self-sacrificing work on his cadets, Mr. Heintzeman will continue until he has formed one of the finest military bands in the country—second to none and equal to the best. There are few towns of any size in Minnesota that the News Boys' band had not visited, and in addition it has traveled quite extensively. There is no boys' band in the country more widely known. Its longest trip was to the Pan- j them? American exposition at Buffalo in 1902. at which time the boys also visited Niagara Falls, and Chicago and won uni- versal attention as well as unstinted applause. Other notable trips were to the Dick- inson, N. D., fair in 1901; to the Domin- ion fair at Winnipeg in 1903, and to the St. Louis exposition last summer. The remarkable success of the Jour- nal Newsboy's band is a high tribute to Mr. Heintzeman. It would not be easy to give him due credit for his con- stant effort and intelligent management. The members of the cadet band freely accord to him the credit for the musical skill they have attained. They look up to their instructor and drillmaster with the deepest respect, for to him they owe their position and the fact that they have a profession. The evolution of a high-class military band from a gang of gamins is remarkable, and yet quite logical in view of the systematic train- ing given by Mr. Heintzeman and the unswerving fidelity with which he has remained true to the boys. They have responded by giving close attention to their studies, yielding implicit obedience and the result of the two efforts is the Journal Cadet band. The Minneapolis Journal Cadet band is organized as follows: Peter Denis, piccolo; Arthur Olson, Eb clarinet; Charles Bushka, Peter Spertzel, Edgar Michelson, Edward Cutletts, Bb clair- inets; Charles Rauch. Conrad Derus, W. A. Peterson, Paul Tonning and Will Goldberg, Bb cornet; Ben Cohen, Henry Spertzel, Harry Rauch, alto: Colie Na- thanson, barytone; George Gilles, Harru Crist, Alfred Swanson, trombone; Wal- ter Marsch, Frank Cutletts. C. Rath- man, tenor; John Spertzel, Fred Grab- ner, Edwin Gochia, bass; Ben RaucE. bass drum; Will Sobelman, snare drum. A Scientific Exhibit of the Modern Method of Saving the Lives of Prematurely Born BabiesReared Under Glass and With Special Attention From Physicians and Trained Nurses, a Surprisingly Large Percent- age Is Saved. It will not be long before every-1 yapr**rr%M.O.«*******,*.*;*..*..*.tAAMram body will be asking: "Have you seen | - Z the incubator babies?" ! Z| '' 4 $fy/%fV,^?;%{~ " They are to constitute a feature at j \ '*/#' '."~£& Twin City Wonderland amusement - park, a feature by the way that will be , * in no sense a "show," but rather a '• scientific exhibition of life-saving. Tiny mites of humanity whose lives under no other conditions could be saved will be nursed to health and strength, every breath being carefully watched by trained nurses and intelligent physi- cians. The exhibit is to be made in a two- story building on the lines of a hand- some residence. It will be sanitary in every particular. The first floor will be devoted to a room in which the incuba- tors, seven in numbeT, will be exhib- ited. A room adjoining will be fitted \~'Z' up as a model nursery and a third is » to be for demonstrations. The rooms ' Z upstairs are living rooms for the corps - of physicians and trained nurses. ' w The physicians, by the way, are to' be those who have had charge of similar i exhibits at Earl's Court, London'; the Trans-Mississippi exposition at Omaha and the Pan-American at Buffalo. Such exhibits will be made this vear only at Luna park and Greenland, Conev island; the White City, Chicago; At-!- lantic City, the Portland exposition ' * and Minneapolis. , z There is nothing of the "fake," catch-pennv idea about the incubators. On the contrary they aie on a purelv scientific basis, endorsed by the entire medical fraternity. The babies are alJ of premature birth, having come into j this cold world, one. two or even three * u ~ months before their time. "How did they come to be in the in cubators?" "Where do the doctors get them?" "Are they really alive, the same as other babies not reared in in- cubators?" are the natural questions asked of the lecturers, who explain the scientific principles of the apparatus, the method of treatment and other fea tures. The public at the outset will have peculiar notions. The term "in cubators'' to the uninformed is apt to suggest something more than the rear ing and preserving of life, and conse- quently is more or less confusing. The incubator is a glass mclosure of air space that can be kept at exactly uni form temperature under conditions best adapted to reduce the exertion of breathing to the minimum. The appa- atus is not the all-important feature by any means. Apart from trained nurses and wet nuises, the babies have the constant watchfulness of the physicians and at night as in the daytime thev are fed from the breast every two hours. AN INCTTBATOB. BABY AND IIS » NURSE r*****'*f*************tf*****jK*f**~. or low, rich or poor, black or white. The doctors maite no distinctions. All infants weighing: less than two pounds three ounces die on the day of their birth. If the weight is from two pounds three ounces to three pounds five ounces, nearlv half of them are saved by the aid of this apparatus If the weight is from three pounds five ounces to four pounds seven ounces, 11 per cent are saved If the weight is from four pounds seven ounces to five pounds nine ounces, 90 per cent are fared With children weighing more than five pounds nine ounces the per centage of mortality is so infinitesimal that practi- cally all are saved The incubators and ventilating tube 1 * are silvered, giving them a bright an<i ••••HMM»t>HttMtMMMMtMWfWMlWltllMWIM«WtWtHHM»MlWtMlWWMWWWMeWltt»MWMtMMMWlWW< •••••••••••««MMMMI Woman's Military Brass Band Coming to the Dewey Soon MISSES HECLOW AND WHEELER, Pietty song and dance artistes at the Unique next week Unique—Continuous Vaudeville. The Unique theater will remain open continuously all summer, being the only playhouse in the city to follow this ipolicy. The Unique has had a prosper- ous season, proving that the plan of hour-and-a-half vaudeville entertain- ments of a refined character repeated four times a day at moderate prices is decidedly popular. For the coming week are announced the Misses Ileclow and Wheeler, said to be extraordinarily clever song and dance artists; John B. Murtha, a sing- ing and story-telling comedian and in- strumentalists who accompanies himself on various musical instruments; Leon- zo, the juggling butcher; the Hines- Kimball troupe of acrobats, four in number, and little Irene Mason in illus- trated ballads. A laughable series de- scriptive of the adventures of ' ' Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son," will be fea- tured in the motion-picture exhibit. SJ •••••••••»•••••••••••••••• f • ,4' • • • £.• ISABELLA HURD, C With the Dainty Duchess Company at * 5»: the Dewey Next Week. £ .*.******•********'****** *,*,*,*'ff*.ftfc .*%"* Dewey—The "Dainty Duchess" Bur- lesquers. The home of burlesque, the Dewey, will have the kingpin of all burlesque attractions next week, when L L. Web- er's "Dainty Duchess" company comes to this popular playhouse. Manager Weber has spared no expense to keep up the reputation of his company, ana the pertormance fairly teems with good things of vaudeville. The first burletta is entitled "Who's Liar" and just bristles with pretty girls, ensembles and musical numbers. The action is fast and furious and serves to put the audience in good hu- mor for the entire evening. The'vaude- ville poition of the program is fur- nished by Charles Robinson, the Bowery Hobo; James and S adie Leonard, com- edy sketch; Frederick and Frederick, musical comedians; Ranzetta and De Lair, comedy acrobats; Janette Woods, soubrette; Hurd and Fowler, charming vocalists. All these names are ones that will serve to "draw, as they are all well known for the excellence' of their en- tertainment. The closing burlesque consists of thirty minutes of good, clean crisp comedy interspersed with songs, dances and medleys, and is entitled "A Day at the Sea Shore." The entire E erformance is of the usual high cali- er furnished by Mr. Weber. UNDERLINES Metropolitan.—After '' The Burgo- master" engagement, which closes with a special performance tomorrow night, the Metropolitan will be dark for three weeks, opening again for one week on Sunday night June 11, when the bril- liant singer, Grace Van Studdiford, and perhaps the best comic opera since "Robin Hood," De Koven, Klein and Cook's '"Red Feather" will be seen for four nights and a Wednesday mati- nee. DeKoven's music in this produc- tion is of that inspiring order that makes it popular with all. Charles Klein's book tells a clean, bright story, full of strong dramatic situations and told with a text full of wit and flashes of merriment. There is not a dull mo- ment nor a rigid line in the entire opera. And Charles Emerson Cook's lyrics deserve no little praise; his "Merry Cavalier" and "Garden of Dreams," are two beautiful numbers, while his stein song, "The Prince or Good fellows," is a favorite with col- lege gatherings. The last half of „the week of June 11, " I L L RODND CHICAGO" HAS MANY SONG HITS Chicago, May 20.—In the long list of " h i t s " in "All 'Round Chicago," are three or four songs which have made particularly fine impressions. One of these is "Oh, Mr. Moon," sung by Nella Bergen and the chorus of men. Another is '' The Cute Little Canni- bal,'' in which the entire company is I heard, Frank Hatch singing the solo. I Others are Dan McAvov 's " I 'm Look- ! ing for That Man," and "Dear Old Chicago for Me," in which each mem- ber has a verse and the chorus comes out strong on the ensembles. The greatest hit of all, however, is the "Song of the Nations," in which the entire company takes part. There are the cute little Johnny Bulls—eight of them—and they sing '' God Save the King" in fine fashion; then follow the £••••«••• f f« f r•*•*••• v • ' • • •' •"• '• '•"• 'jf'jfj'*' *5j ***£»&£*£' TRIPLETS IN THE INCUBATOR. The management of the Dewey thea- ter announces the musical treat of, the season the week of May 28, in Helen May Butler's Military Brass band, an organization that is touring the world. Forty musicians are in the band. Among them are Florence Hamilton, trombonist; Petite Vashti, Italian horn soloist, the youngest artist on this in- strument in the world, and Ora Sneary, another expert artist, who plavs s»everal brass instruments in a manner that shows her to be without a rival. The Butler band has appeared as a special attraction at the women's ex- hibition at Madison Square garden, New York, and at the world's, fair, St. Louis. The musical program will va~ry and will open with popular selec- tions Sunday, Friday and Saturday nights, the latest rag-time airs. »«»»»»»»»««»«««»»«—«»«««•««••»»»•«»»«••»«•»«»»««»«»••«»————»»—»«»»»«»»»»«»«»«««»««««»*""»' , """»«'" with Saturday matinee, will witness the appearance of E. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe in a repertory embrac- ing "Romeo and Juliet," "Much Ado About Nothing" and "Hamlet." Bijou.—"Vivian's Papas,' 'in which Caroline Hull is to appear at the Biiou for a week commencing May 28, dis- closes many glowing and realistic scenes, typical of the life career of "a flippant chorus girl. The author is Leo Ditrichstein,,whp also wro^e "Are You a Mason.' {' "Vivian'sr Papas" has enjoyed long runs in New York and Chicago, and the original production will be shown here. All the Way the Bight Road to Chicago, Kansas City and Des Moines. The Chicago Great Western Railway has three trains daily each way with new equipment making the fastest time. Trains leave and" arrive at convenient hours. FOIL further, informatio'tf apply to R. H. Heard, General agent, corner Nicollet avenue and Fifth street, Min- neapolis. * a ^ - ,. *-i j$f In the nurserv there is a small phar- macy with contrivances for steriliziifg milk, ingenious feeding bottles and scales so delicately constructed that in- fant 's progress can be -minutely watched by weighing. The hrst question as to how the ba- bies come to> be in the incubators can be answered by the assurance that they are sent by the advice of faimlv physi- cians as the only chance for life-saving. "Are they reallv alive?"—Most as- suredly so, the observer looking thru the glass case can watch the little ones noting the expansion and contraction of the t lungs as they breathe, lying upon their beds of down. "Whose babies are- thev?" This is the only question that will not be answered. Kindly consideration for mothers may necessitate a negative re- ply. The parentage of babies outs no figure in their treatment. They may be orphans or foundlings, they ma r be of high or low degree. For example, milady of Portland avenue gives birth to a girl baby so weak and fragile that its chances of life under ordinarv con- ditions and the best conditions, too, that medical science can supply in the aristo- cratic household has very little chance of living. What can be don'e? Mi- lady 's physicians suggest the- incubator. If she is wise and adopts his sugges- tions, the infant aristocrat will be transferred from the mansion to the in- cubator at Wonderland. The same thirg applies to babies born in every other station of life, high SGHUMANN-HEINK MAKES HIT IN COMIC OPERA Z NELLA BEBGEN, "* In "All Around Chicago" at McVickera. r****************** *'*.*•*'********** ,*;'*) eight Gastons, who speak for France; Ireland is represented by laddies in Irish green with shillalahs and sham- rocks and Irish top hats; then there are the Japs, eight boys in pink and green and eight soldiers in the uniform of the field; then eight dear little German kinder in wooden shoon and with big pipes. Last of all Columbia attended by the Rough Riders and assisted by Miss Dixie comes to finish the play and right rousingly do they do it. The strains of " T h e Stars and Stripes" swell out with the chorus of 150 trained voices, the augmented orchestra and the magnificent pipe organ which is one of the glories of MeVicker's., This song makes an inspiring finish to the play. Chicago, May 20.—Most gratifying evidence of the success of the two weeks' engagement of Mme. Sehumann- Heink and her excellent company in "Love's Lottery," at the Illinois thea- ter, is shown in the engagement of the organisation to remain in Chicago two more weeks. In order to do this, how- ever, it was necessary to transfer the company to Powers' theater, and Man- ager F. C. Whitney accomplished it by buying up the time held by Charles Frohman's "The Other Girl" compa- ny, thereby completing a full month's engagement in Chicago for his great musical success. There is not a dull or uninteresting number in "Love's Lottery." One can drop in to see the performance almost any minute and be stirred by melodiously beautiful num- bers, sung as only the members of this company can sing them, or be feasted with comedy lines and situations that would tickle a hypochondriac. cheerful appearance; inside, thru glass doors, may be seen the babv resting on a fine wne hammock, clean and com- foitable, wrapped in~i tiny spread, and tied around with cither a*pink or blue ribbon to designate its sex, looking for all the world like a dainty bonbon. The temperature which is usuallv set at from 8o to 100 degrees is regulated by a deli(ate thermostat. No charge is to be made for the care of infants and the onlv tax in- volved is the slight admission' fee for spectators, which, while it bars the dis- interested and undesirable, is essential to the proper conduct and maintenance of the exhibit itself. All thev ask is that physicians and the public co-oper- ate with them in this laudable work. The number of prematurely born ba- bies, physicians will tell vou, is much" laiger than is generally supposed, aver- aging fiom fifteen to "thirty in a hun- dred births. The medical profession regards infants as prematurely born that do not weigh more than five pounds nine ounces at birth. The number of deaths, until the introduction of the in- cubator system, was steadily increasing hi' a piojjressive ratio that seemed eon nected with the increased employment of women in industrial occupations. At any ra,te the time would appear to have come now to consider seriouslv anv plan that offers to save these little Jives and esoecially one that claims to save three- fourths of all placed" in its care. To quote from the prospectus of the incu- bator institution 1 : "SYTTENDE MAI" G. L. Morrill's Subject for Tomorrow's Service. G. L. Morrill will preach on "Svt- tende Ma ; " at the People's church. Unique theater, Sunday at 11 a.m., in commemoration of the day that means so much to Norwegians. Inasmuch as Mr. Morrill will probablv take a trip this summer to Norway and Sweden, the subject is of especial interest to him as well as his hearers. Miss Harriette Hiscock of the All Soul's Universalist church will sing a solo, "The Choir Invisible," and the Unique theater orchestra will play Norwegian selections—"Sunday Morn- ing "(Ole Bull), "Anitra's Dance" (Grieg) and " J a , vi elsker dette Lan- det," as well as "America." Hotel transients, the theatrical pro- fession and the general public are in- vited to attend. "We repair pitch and gravel roofs— Carey Roofing after ten years' service perfectly sound and water tight. See W. S. Nott Co., Tel., 376. ft - "Omaha and Des Moines Limited" Trains leave Minneapolis daily at 8:35 p.m. via the Minneapolis & St. Louis, arriving Omaha the following morning at 8:05 a.m., Des Moines 7:35 a.m. Through Pullman Sleepers and Buffet Library Car service. Direct connections in Union Depots for points south and west. Call on J. G. Rickel, City Ticket Agent, 424 Nicollet Ave. .,'* -.' - r -:• : Tijftni of i[i#>~ 1


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10 ^"*\\- Wps f * E f t l

*•£ >v^s,> Saturday Evening, t ^ W T f ^ 3 P > T H E M I N N E A P O L I S J O U R N A L . < May -20, 1905.



\ METROPOLITAN—"Dark" for three weeks, except Saturday " afternoon and evening, when the University Seniors give

their class play, "The Pledgling." ORPHEXJM—Season closed. BIJOU—"The James Boys in Missouri," melodrama. All the

week with matinees Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday. LYCEUM—"Dark" for three weeks. Ferris company playing in

St. Paul. UNIQUE—Continuous Vaudeville. Bill changes Monday. Daily

performances at 2, 3:30, 8 and 9 -.30 p.m. \ DEWEY—The "Dainty Duchess" company in vaudeville and bur­

lesque. All the week with daily matinees. Ladies' perform­ances Friday afternoon and evening. |

build dramas around the lives of the pieturesque James boys, none have suc­ceeded in building so well as the pres-

• ent playwright. While the name is a • daring one, the play is on a highly * moral plane and furnishes interest and t excitement from the first curtain to the t ' last. «! | The life of the James boys is shown Z fiom the time of the civil war unti l 2 the assassin 's bullet fired by Bob Ford Z t ended the career of Jesse James. The * ' famous Blue Cut t ra in robbery near In-• , dependence. Mo., is put on with won-Z ' derful stage effects. I t is a most real-* istic t rain scene and is one of the tr i-Z umphs of the stage carpenter ' s and * i scene-maker's ar t . The play is not a • I "b lood and t h u n d e r " one, but a clean, Z' thril l ing melodrama and played by a • I large and competent companv. The Z j companv carries i ts own scenerv and * I has realized substantial suceess every-Z i where.

Fine Military Band Organized by Prof. Heintzeman From the Clever ' Graduates of the Minneapolis Journal News­

boys' Band.

* GAY JiSHOL, ; <•• As Jennie Summers in "James Boys in * Z. Missouri," at the Bijou Next Week, i. t * 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * *'***(*

Bi jou—"The James Boys in Missour i . " " T h e James Boys in M i s s o u r i "

is the melodramatic production tha t will be seen a t the B13011 next week. The Wednesday matinee will be made a souvenn occasion.

Stirr ing incidents based upon the career ot the famous Missouri despera­does have been woven into the play with a pret tv love story running thru ana some clever comedy.

* Lyceum—Closed for Repairs. _ 1 For the first t ime in 142 weeks, the • I Lyceum theater will be dark next week,

and for two weeks thereafter . Manager Dick Ferr is had planned somewhat ex­tensive repairs to the pre t ty theater , some qf which are being made now, in­cluding a number of safety exits. Dur­ing the three weeks ' absence of the Ferr is Stock company the house will be given a thoro overhauling, and put in apple-pie order. The lobby and a part of the theater proper will be re­decorated.

The three weeks will be spent in St. Paul, Where the Ferr is Stock company will present a number of i ts most strik­ing successes a t the Metropolitan opera-house. The entire company, several carloads of special scenery and prop­erties, and a number of the theater staff will be used in the St. Paul engage­ment, which will open tomorrow with " W h e n Knighthood Was in F l o w e r . " The second week " T h e Holy C i t y " will be given, and the last week a double bill, including " L i t t l e Lord F a u n t l e r o y , " with Clark Marshall in the t i t le role.

Sunday, June 11, the Ferr is company will re turn to i ts own theater here, in a production which the management promises will be the most elaborate

While others have a t tempted to ever given on the Lyceum stage.


-S-4%8- '


The Minneapolis Journal Cadet band makes i ts bow to Minneapolis: I t s first public appearance was this after­noon when the new band under the di­rection of C. C. Heintzeman, i ts direc­tor and foster father, gave T h e J o u r n a l a complimentary serenade. The Cadet band is the postgraduate course of the Minneapolis Journal Newsboys ' band, and will carry the honor of tha t famous troop of musi­cians to higher planes and more dis­t an t scenes.

From as lively a bunch of mischiev­ous and reckless newsboys as ever " h u s t l e d " papers there has been de­veloped by painstaking effort and in­telligent direction a highly finished band of skilled musicians. No raw ma­terial could hardly have been more un­promising than the Journal Newsboys ' band, organized in the fall of 1897. Every one was a typical newsboy in all tha t the term implies. They did not know a cornet from a tuba and knew just a l i t t le less about music than about Sanskrit . Their average age was about thir teen years, and this is about the worst period to t ake the boys, and an endeavor to form a band seemed a hopeless task. Strong faith, s turdy perseverance, and above all abili ty and enthusiasm were required not only to keep the boys together, but to teach them music. Those who re­member the first appearance of the lit­tle red band in the M e m o r i a l day pa­rade of 1898 will remember how they struggled th iu their elementary selec­tions and covered themselves with pers­piration and glor$ for their earnest ef­fort if not for their music. Those who heard the Journal Newsboys ' Band of seven years ago must note the vast dif­ference in the work of 1898 compared with tha t of 1905. There were 45 boys in the first band and the highest num

Now they are men not only in physique, but in years and having come "to man ' s estate they purpose in the future to claim a man ' s privileges. As the folder members of the Journal Newsboys ' band, they have withdrawn' to give the younger element the same chance they had. Every member has joined the Minneapolis Musicians ' Protect ive asso­ciation, and being affiliated wi th t h a t union, they are avahble for any occa­sion on which a mili tary band can' be used.

I n other words they are professionals looking for professional work, and in point of abil i ty are willing to take their chances wi th any military band in the northwest.

There are twenty-six in1 the organiza­tion, and they include the most capable of the newsboys. Most of them have been under Mr. Heintzeman's watchful care for more than seven years, and have studied assiduously. Their prep­aration has been systematic and intel­ligent, and each man is in consequence a finished player. Their first profes­sional engagement is for the season at the Wonderland, where they will give concerts every afternoon and evening, beginning May 27.

The Jourti&l Newsboys ' band will be continued, of course, and it will main­tain the high standard of excellence i t has a t ta ined. Ever since the first or­ganization, there has been kept in re­serve a preparatory class of about forty boys from whose number have been drafted such lads as made the best progress in mastering the instruments assigned to them. The preparatory school supplies t he newsboys' band and the la t ter furnishes recruits for the cadet band, in which a place will event­ually be provided for every newsbqy musician who shows enough interest in

ber ever called out for a public appear- his work to entit le him to promotion. ance has been sixty pieces, tho more than this number is available.

The Minneapolis Journal Cadet band is made up en tne ly of graduates of the Journal Newsboys ' band. They are the boys of seven and eight years ago.

HaVing already put in eight years of self-sacrificing work on his cadets, Mr. Heintzeman will continue unti l he has formed one of the finest mili tary bands in the country—second to none and equal to the best.

There are few towns of any size in Minnesota tha t the News Boys ' band had not visited, and in addition i t has traveled quite extensively. There is no boys ' band in the country more widely known. I t s longest t r ip was to the Pan- j them? American exposition a t Buffalo in 1902. a t which time the boys also visited Niagara Falls, and Chicago and won uni­versal a t tent ion as well as unst inted applause.

Other notable t r ips were to the Dick­inson, N. D., fair in 1901; to the Domin­ion fair a t Winnipeg in 1903, and to the St. Louis exposition last summer.

The remarkable success of the Jour­nal Newsboy's band is a high t r ibute to Mr. Heintzeman. I t would not be easy to give him due credit for his con­stant effort and intelligent management. The members of the cadet band freely accord to him the credit for the musical skill they have at ta ined. They look up to their instructor and drillmaster with the deepest respect, for to him they owe their position and the fact tha t they have a profession. The evolution of a high-class mil i tary band from a gang of gamins is remarkable, and yet quite logical in view of the systematic train­ing given by Mr. Heintzeman and the unswerving fidelity with which he has remained true to the boys. They have responded by giving close at tent ion to their studies, yielding implicit obedience and the result of the two efforts is the Journal Cadet band.

The Minneapolis Journal Cadet band is organized as follows: Pe ter Denis, piccolo; Arthur Olson, Eb clarinet; Charles Bushka, Pe ter Spertzel, Edgar Michelson, Edward Cutletts, Bb clair-inets ; Charles Rauch. Conrad Derus, W. A. Peterson, Paul Tonning and Will Goldberg, Bb cornet; Ben Cohen, Henry Spertzel, Har ry Rauch, a l to : Colie Na-thanson, barytone; George Gilles, Harru Crist, Alfred Swanson, t rombone; Wal­ter Marsch, F rank Cutletts. C. Rath-man, tenor; John Spertzel, Fred Grab-ner, Edwin Gochia, bass ; Ben RaucE. bass drum; Will Sobelman, snare drum.

A Scientific Exhibit of the Modern Method of Saving the

Lives of Prematurely Born Babies—Reared Under

Glass and With Special Attention From Physicians

and Trained Nurses, a Surprisingly Large Percent­

age Is Saved.

I t will not be long before every-1 yapr**rr%M.O.«*******,*.*;*..*..*.tAAMram body will be asking: " H a v e you seen | - Z the incubator b a b i e s ? " ! Z| ''4$fy/%fV,^?;%{~ "

They are to constitute a feature a t j • \ '*/#' '."~£& Twin City Wonderland amusement -park, a feature by the way tha t will be , * in no sense a " s h o w , " but rather a '• scientific exhibition of life-saving. Tiny mites of humanity whose lives under no other conditions could be saved will be nursed to health and strength, every breath being carefully watched by trained nurses and intelligent physi­cians.

The exhibit is to be made in a two-story building on the lines of a hand­some residence. I t will be sanitary in every particular. The first floor will be devoted to a room in which the incuba­tors , seven in numbeT, will be exhib­ited. A room adjoining will be fitted \~'Z' up as a model nursery and a third is » to be for demonstrations. The rooms ' Z upstairs are living rooms for the corps -of physicians and trained nurses. ' w

The physicians, by the way, are to' be those who have had charge of similar i exhibits a t Ear l ' s Court, London'; the Trans-Mississippi exposition at Omaha and the Pan-American a t Buffalo. Such exhibits will be made this vear only at Luna park and Greenland, Conev island; the White City, Chicago; A t - ! -lantic City, the Port land exposition ' * and Minneapolis. , z

There is nothing of the " f a k e , " catch-pennv idea about the incubators. On the contrary they a ie on a purelv scientific basis, endorsed by the entire medical fraternity. The babies are alJ of premature birth, having come into j this cold world, one. two or even three • * u ~ months before their time.

" H o w did they come to be in the in c u b a t o r s ? " " W h e r e do the doctors get t h e m ? " " A r e they really alive, the same as other babies not reared in in­c u b a t o r s ? " are the natural questions asked of the lecturers, who explain the scientific principles of the apparatus, the method of treatment and other fea tures. The public a t the outset will have peculiar notions. The term " i n cuba to r s ' ' to the uninformed is apt to suggest something more than the rear ing and preserving of life, and conse­quently is more or less confusing. The incubator is a glass mclosure of air space tha t can be kept at exactly uni form temperature under conditions best adapted to reduce the exertion of breathing to the minimum. The appa-atus is not the all-important feature by any means. Apart from trained nurses and wet nuises, the babies have the constant watchfulness of the physicians and a t night as in the daytime thev are fed from the breast every two hours.

AN INCTTBATOB. BABY AND IIS » NURSE • r * * * * * ' * f * * * * * * * * * * * * * t f * * * * * j K * f * * ~ .

or low, rich or poor, black or white. The doctors maite no distinctions.

All infants weighing: less than two pounds three ounces die on the day of their birth.

If the weight is from two pounds three ounces to three pounds five ounces, nearlv half of them are saved by the aid of this apparatus

If the weight is from three pounds five ounces to four pounds seven ounces, 11 per cent are saved

If the weight is from four pounds seven ounces to five pounds nine ounces, 90 per cent are fared

With children weighing more than five pounds nine ounces the per centage of mortality is so infinitesimal that practi­cally all are saved

The incubators and ventilating tube1* are silvered, giving them a bright an<i

• • • • H M M » t > H t t M t M M M M t M W f W M l W l t l l M W I M « W t W t H H M » M l W t M l W W M W W W M e W l t t » M W M t M M M W l W W < • • • • • • • • • • • « « M M M M I

Woman's Military Brass Band Coming to the Dewey Soon

MISSES HECLOW AND WHEELER, Pietty song and dance artistes a t the Unique next week

Unique—Continuous Vaudeville. The Unique theater will remain open

continuously all summer, being the only playhouse in the city to follow this

ipolicy. The Unique has had a prosper­ous season, proving tha t the plan of hour-and-a-half vaudeville entertain­ments of a refined character repeated four times a day at moderate prices is decidedly popular.

For the coming week are announced the Misses Ileclow and Wheeler, said

to be extraordinari ly clever song and dance ar t i s t s ; John B. Murtha, a sing­ing and story-telling comedian and in­strumentalists who accompanies himself on various musical instruments; Leon-zo, the juggling butcher; the Hines-Kimball troupe of acrobats, four in number, and litt le Irene Mason in illus­t ra ted ballads. A laughable series de­scriptive of the adventures of ' ' Tom, Tom, the P ipe r ' s S o n , " will be fea­tured in the motion-picture exhibit.

SJ • • • • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • f • ,4' • • • £.•

ISABELLA HURD, • C With the Dainty Duchess Company at * 5»: the Dewey Next Week. £ . * . * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * ' * * * * * * *,*,*,*'ff*.ftfc .*%"* C«

Dewey—The " D a i n t y Duches s " Bur-lesquers. The home of burlesque, the Dewey,

will have the kingpin of all burlesque at t ract ions next week, when L L . Web­e r ' s " D a i n t y D u c h e s s " company comes to this popular playhouse. Manager Weber has spared no expense to keep up the reputat ion of his company, ana the pertormance fairly teems with good things of vaudeville.

The first bur le t ta is enti t led " W h o ' s L i a r " and jus t brist les wi th p re t ty

girls, ensembles and musical numbers.

The action is fast and furious and serves to put the audience in good hu­mor for the entire evening. The 'vaude­ville poition of the program is fur­nished by Charles Robinson, the Bowery Hobo; James and S adie Leonard, com­edy sketch; Frederick and Frederick, musical comedians; Ranzet ta and De Lair , comedy acrobats; Jane t t e Woods, soubret te; Hurd and Fowler, charming vocalists. All these names are ones tha t will serve to "draw, as they are all well known for the excellence' of their en­ter ta inment . The closing burlesque consists of th i r ty minutes of good, clean crisp comedy interspersed with songs, dances and medleys, and is entitled " A Day at the Sea S h o r e . " The entire

Eerformance is of the usual high cali-er furnished by Mr. Weber.


Metropolitan.—After ' ' The Burgo­m a s t e r " engagement, which closes with a special performance tomorrow night , the Metropolitan will be dark for three weeks, opening again for one week on Sunday night June 11, when the bril­liant singer, Grace Van Studdiford, and perhaps the best comic opera since " R o b i n H o o d , " De Koven, Klein and Cook's ' " R e d F e a t h e r " will be seen for four nights and a Wednesday mati­nee. DeKoven 's music in this produc­tion is of tha t inspiring order tha t makes i t popular wi th all. Charles Kle in ' s book tells a clean, br ight story, full of strong dramatic situations and told wi th a tex t full of wit and flashes of merriment. There is not a dull mo­ment nor a rigid line in the entire opera. And Charles Emerson Cook's lyrics deserve no l i t t le praise; his " M e r r y Cava l i e r " and " G a r d e n of D r e a m s , " are two beautiful numbers, while his stein song, " T h e Prince or Good fe l lows," is a favori te wi th col­lege gatherings.

The last half of „the week of June 11,


Chicago, May 20.—In the long list of " h i t s " in " A l l 'Round Chicago ," are three or four songs which have made part icularly fine impressions. One of these is " O h , Mr. M o o n , " sung by Nella Bergen and the chorus of men. Another is ' ' The Cute Li t t le Canni- • b a l , ' ' in which the entire company is I heard, F r a n k Hatch singing the solo. I Others are Dan McAvov 's " I 'm Look- ! ing for That M a n , " and " D e a r Old Chicago for M e , " in which each mem­ber has a verse and the chorus comes out strong on the ensembles. The greatest hit of all, however, is the " S o n g of the N a t i o n s , " in which the entire company takes par t . There are the cute l i t t le Johnny Bulls—eight of them—and they sing ' ' God Save the K i n g " in fine fashion; then follow the

£ • • • • « • • • f f« f r•*•*••• v • ' • • •' •"• '• '•"• 'jf'jfj'*' *5j



The management of the Dewey thea­ter announces the musical t rea t of, the season the week of May 28, in Helen May But le r ' s Mil i tary Brass band, an organization tha t is touring the world. For ty musicians are in the band. Among them are Florence Hamilton, trombonist; Pe t i t e Vashti , I ta l ian horn soloist, the youngest ar t is t on this in­strument in the world, and Ora Sneary,

another expert ar t is t , who plavs s»everal brass instruments in a manner t h a t shows her to be without a rival.

The Butler band has appeared as a special a t t ract ion a t the women's ex­hibition a t Madison Square garden, New York, and a t the world's, fair, St. Louis. The musical program will va~ry and will open with popular selec­tions Sunday, Fr iday and Saturday nights, the latest rag-time airs.

»«»»»»»»»««»«««»»«—«»«««•««••»»»•«»»«••»«•»«»»««»«»••«»————»»—»«»»»«»»»»«»«»«««»««««»*""»' ,"""»«'"

with Saturday matinee, will witness the appearance of E. H. Sothern and Jul ia Marlowe in a repertory embrac­ing "Romeo and J u l i e t , " " M u c h Ado About N o t h i n g " and " H a m l e t . "

B i jou .—"Viv ian ' s P a p a s , ' ' in which Caroline Hull is to appear a t the Biiou for a week commencing May 28, dis­closes many glowing and realistic scenes, typical of the life career of "a flippant chorus girl. The author is Leo Ditr ichstein, ,whp also wro^e " A r e You a M a s o n . ' { ' " V i v i a n ' s r P a p a s "

has enjoyed long runs in New York and Chicago, and the original production will be shown here.

All the Way the Bight Road to Chicago, Kansas City and Des Moines.

The Chicago Great Western Railway has three t ra ins daily each way with new equipment making the fastest t ime. Trains leave and" arrive a t convenient hours. FOIL further, informatio'tf apply to R. H. Heard, General agent, corner Nicollet avenue and Fif th street, Min­neapolis. * a ^ - ,. *-i j$f

In the nurserv there is a small phar­macy with contrivances for steriliziifg milk, ingenious feeding bottles and scales so delicately constructed that in­fant 's progress can be -minutely watched by weighing.

The hrst question as to how the ba­bies come to> be in the incubators can be answered by the assurance that they are sent by the advice of faimlv physi­cians as the only chance for life-saving.

" A r e they reallv a l ive?"—Most as­suredly so, the observer looking thru the glass case can watch the little ones noting the expansion and contraction of the t lungs as they breathe, lying upon their beds of down.

" W h o s e babies are- t h e v ? " This is the only question tha t will not be answered. Kindly consideration for mothers may necessitate a negative re­ply. The parentage of babies outs no figure in their t reatment . They may be orphans or foundlings, they ma r be of high or low degree. For example, milady of Port land avenue gives b i r th to a girl baby so weak and fragile tha t i ts chances of life under ordinarv con­ditions and the best conditions, too, tha t medical science can supply in the aristo­cratic household has very little chance of living. What can be don'e? Mi­lady 's physicians suggest the- incubator. If she is wise and adopts his sugges­tions, the infant aristocrat will be transferred from the mansion to the in­cubator at Wonderland.

The same t h i r g applies to babies born in every other s tat ion of life, high


Z NELLA BEBGEN, "* In "All Around Chicago" at McVickera. r****************** *'*.*•*'********** ,*;'*)

eight Gastons, who speak for France; Ireland is represented by laddies in Ir ish green with shillalahs and sham­rocks and Irish top ha t s ; then there are the Japs , eight boys in pink and green and eight soldiers in the uniform of the field; then eight dear l i t t le German kinder in wooden shoon and with b ig pipes. Last of all Columbia at tended by the Rough Riders and assisted by Miss Dixie comes to finish the play and right rousingly do they do it . The strains of " T h e Stars and S t r i p e s " swell out with the chorus of 150 trained voices, the augmented orchestra and the magnificent pipe organ which is one of the glories of MeVicker 's . , This song makes an inspiring finish to the play.

Chicago, May 20.—Most gratifying evidence of the success of the two weeks ' engagement of Mme. Sehumann-Heink and her excellent company in " L o v e ' s L o t t e r y , " a t the Illinois thea­ter, is shown in the engagement of the organisation to remain in Chicago two more weeks. In order to do this, how­ever, it was necessary to transfer the company to Powers ' theater, and Man­ager F . C. Whitney accomplished it by buying up the time held by Charles F rohman ' s " T h e Other G i r l " compa­ny, thereby completing a full month 's engagement in Chicago for his great musical success. There is not a dull or uninterest ing number in " L o v e ' s L o t t e r y . " One can drop in to see the performance almost any minute and be st i rred by melodiously beautiful num­bers, sung as only the members of this company can sing them, or be feasted with comedy lines and situations tha t would tickle a hypochondriac.

cheerful appearance; inside, thru glass doors, may be seen the babv resting on a fine w n e hammock, clean and com-foitable, wrapped in~i t iny spread, and tied around with cither a*pink or blue ribbon to designate its sex, looking for all the world like a dainty bonbon.

The temperature which is usuallv set at from 8o to 100 degrees is regulated by a deli(ate thermostat .

No charge is to be made for the care of infants and the onlv tax in­volved is the slight admission' fee for spectators, which, while it bars the dis­interested and undesirable, is essential to the proper conduct and maintenance of the exhibit itself. All thev ask is that physicians and the public co-oper­ate with them in this laudable work.

The number of prematurely born ba­bies, physicians will tell vou, is much" laiger than is generally supposed, aver­aging fiom fifteen to "thirty in a hun­dred births. The medical profession regards infants as prematurely born that do not weigh more than five pounds nine ounces at birth. The number of deaths, until the introduction of the in­cubator system, was steadily increasing hi' a piojjressive ratio that seemed eon nected with the increased employment of women in industrial occupations. At any ra,te the time would appear to have come now to consider seriouslv anv plan that offers to save these little Jives and esoecially one tha t claims to save three-fourths of all placed" in its care. To quote from the prospectus of the incu­bator institution1:


G. L. Morri l l ' s Subject for Tomorrow's Service.

G. L. Morrill will preach on " S v t -tende M a ; " at the People 's church. Unique theater, Sunday a t 11 a.m., in commemoration of the day tha t means so much to Norwegians. Inasmuch as Mr. Morrill will probablv take a t r ip this summer to Norway and Sweden, the subject is of especial interest to him as well as his hearers.

Miss Harr iet te Hiscock of the All Soul's Universalist church will sing a solo, " T h e Choir Inv i s ib l e , " and the Unique thea te r orchestra will play Norwegian selections—"Sunday Morn­ing " (Ole Bull) , " A n i t r a ' s D a n c e " (Grieg) and " J a , vi elsker dette Lan-d e t , " as well as " A m e r i c a . "

Hotel transients, the theatrical pro­fession and the general public are in­vited to at tend.

"We repair pitch and gravel roofs— Carey Roofing after ten yea r s ' service perfectly sound and water t ight . See W. S. Not t Co., Tel., 376. ft -

"Omaha and Des Moines Limited" Trains leave Minneapolis daily a t 8:35 p.m. via the Minneapolis & St. Louis, arriving Omaha the following morning at 8:05 a.m., Des Moines 7:35 a.m. Through Pullman Sleepers and Buffet Library Car service. Direct connections in Union Depots for points south and west. Call on J . G. Rickel, City Ticket Agent, 424 Nicollet Ave. . , '* -.' -r

-:• : T i j f t n i of i[i#>~