& Vo:- XI ...N"-18,462, m:\vyork, saturday, december ia, i860.-with supplement. 1M5ICK Font CENTS. TOPICS AT WASHINGTON. pONQRESSIOSAli AM) COMMITTE1 WOBK. aaajeBXsTI PAttM vt 11>\ N 'aiioxai, «ii.i,-ir.v IU niMNtss DOM! in Tim net sk- , 0 ) < .i'N MITMM IX H.<n:il>\. .| .,, -, .,.¦1" Dfttawa1 Qm ]i;irTi-ido BchMath | il kill kate \<-triil.iy afternoon, The debate oaj \h* una-- dments proponed h;;s somewhat ani- ajattd. <>» the 1,n;,l Vn!'' °«l.v R>x E | recorded li th« relative Wm freed to hmmUmc th© Ap- Mila, 0»d Um day was devoted h M Mitti An affidavit made _. r, i. (lilt1, ft Democrat, throws light on tho Democratic eondoctil | an election li. In ono instance nearly ( hundred Kcpnbltera votes wen thrown ont number of fraudulent D< iii »- vt, Mbetitated for thom. TIM \ i- published In connection with Um I :¦: CATIOJ \1. BILL PASSED. VI K»K§.ammuhi lHiur <\ hiv. - | '.!KM)Mi:\T r ik. 1 1 1 MM MM IO TT1I I v lae, J7..Tba Eda '.1 vrns BM at li ..',!¦.('!. I g. 1 r di inp irtanee ix tba! nropoaoi by pt v.. f,ir tho tnatrwctiofl f Kata africttlranl eoHegeaia arch cbnteaJ anil rndnatrnl edooatioa aa \. Bj Um proTiatooa of tba il i li-ki' >.' pwblia land and the OH ¦. aro to 1m landed :it i vided among Um States to their UliU r ned u li; iv< ly for tba beoe- r ¦¦.. la tba Booth. Tba Boat do ..- Basion waa tl.ar in regard to it rbta pronded tba! tba - "f Um ttad i ilea and it I ba given I aa na ar. lt waa arced with maota p kt, tbrO :h DO fault (if lion to Deed t lio booe- >ney mach more theo 1 it. v. bile (in Hie other ul ii tb naaey aril] not aaneunt tale ba ll until '../¦: i iii\ <. i . adi pted io the ( tba WI .!¦ l>-it waa lost bj a tic Tote b following Benatura Toted no ol I tia bill: .1 ii ta. Mci >i ..- v p.ieei .nd Wi trna. i.tur .1 corrr ipondeni f Imf, be i> ll had been al ..( the Teller amendment, ii il! v wort bl *-.. 1 ha midi - "<l to hav \ di.-ii ¦ofthc ..'. >.' ll ll ... i i \v< old undi .* I. i\i States, K IS 1 ;:: HOI SO Bill I D I B \ r r OS \ , : \ -....I ram ste l « i' .. :7. i '. icd to Appl .I'iUi! io billa to-i'ay. i ..i the member* in .¦: foi pmate I bc di roted to tbut illy as not one 117 h * of tba r ol i meritorion i i ilend a eon I I ii i ina <>! tba I seders, boat rer, to i trna u>tbaliihtarj Academy Appropriation .! '.. ;..i - il. .nil "ll M fr Mime thc ration of the Funding, bill. Fernando V mil in ci: i' tba! at ol Uya v. i.l li. required l^r debate on i , bebop s to c., .- il through the House by tin ht Bxe by tba! bo iv for lbe Baal to v. Ji.tli undoubtedly thc Benate. ., rent ";¦,' nition to-day. - ,\ J !.¦ Ponding lull will en- Ited opposition of I I i backers, gr land thal do prorlainn should ba tba il 'it. bal that all be p ii l. ilionirti Iherdonotio* uni i-1" b ubi mi' a tc liquidate i ¦ bt al * uiomeut's notice. They have ¦! thia aobjei t and li..vi agreed i<i tbe bill. are able lo carry ont ti'eir pro- : , r the Fnodinii dill is p ntse«l and immo . id:. va. the Appi upi latiom i .m- li Intoi Kfate ("ommerci lull to ip (or < .'. deration. Pbe H. ii¦ \\ ill ni '..iv ¦. mi ni four ipiiropi ia) ion bills to i.d n will b difficult i<> refuse the di .. inti reeled ia trannportation, thal ita di ba re .i neal tog, ». M ECTIOS l-N FLORIDA. UTIC CAMPlDi li W/ ll ''' 1 I I>. . ll..,r.,\l A > l 11 N \ ll IN rill UlMll.l-lllll < i :> i p-.i:M-ii t . nu Tnisr\K i> 17. kresolution wai '.flcrcd llniiw of Kepreaentatires raeeatli author* mitti on Election* to employ an ed¬ na tb* renaloderof thia aaanon « -., iday. rhoConnittaeoarAoroonta ftvotable report butha resolution. . >>n Elect ion a appears re»i!v toaeed vlerku, lmii.ii>!* it would do eons !i- -i ni rt-j.ii.l t" ea. that OOgtat to havr longago. One meeting ol tbe commit- bi ld inc ibia iou began, Hm n thc i- ;. -Mn:! i :u-«' baa n.>t mot i i account ol t'ic indupoaition ol its i mi'.iii^. t" «>!' it togi tber, I be .i it "in- ul ;in Democratie nembora i it mi Uh mmittee will unite witta tbe Republi- i report thal Ur. Biabee ls entitled 1 in ti.. Jinii'. .1 Bepr<aeatntivea aiaypoa- i I fut Mr. Ifanoing'a procraatioarkw. to tbe oonteat of Mr. Biabea. an aO- . ideal JackaoorilM, I .a.. ttat Septem- ^ mm aa tte h thal a iii intereal ra at all t'oriooa to know bow Bepabli- ia i hu N'.ui ii arc male to ri I Bl D B BW nea without raeoaraa to ** bulldoaiug." \s..» nada bj E. LGale,a Deow | sautr. Fla., who aeted aa clark "I . the Laug Swan) Preeioet, in thal l tba 'i<" *."u ol 1s7h. when Mr. Bbr !" vasai mdidata (or < oogreaa. The nttteanrntt f dc liiiiilaii theteaUaaoayta the Bbibee- » mI beea fib d. la bnef, thc afldai it aetl wing fnetti . '.ii li ratteCennlttaeed MarlooCouuty 1n I »78, a poota ted a aab nonnlttue el ra, \\Iiir.'i committee WM MlMriii Md I" ' lever ti. ghi i.'1 Detooaary ih thc Jadg- .' -. Un., nea k> < i< ct the Deaaoeratic Marbn Coaaty, Vetj aaon afterward * bed Ayer, who v.»« ehairaeaa ol tb»- mb-connlt- '.Jr. Qala, wiio hod baea renored from "i Jueiiee ci Ms Pooca, and told lum that i«- reiaatotad if be woaldbelp to earn - ewanp Freeloet lui ibe Deaaoerato. Mr. <!. Ayeraatd towt bo weedai have two tn a(h' ex.nt ly alike; om ol tin ta Mould thc pswenea bf UM siintt, and thc other " lokoa Ibero by binaetfi nod aaheUtated e regatti box.wbeatb( poUawere eleaodfog .*. In thu seeood i»<n were to In- |nneed 1 "..liaiiii i aa any Democratic bollota ea eoold bn un withoutcreatlug Maapicloo. bonaBo- i ticket* wara also io i>«- placed m it tu aaake ippeai nura regular. Thia progroamne (iaie . w«* rmi. ted ant to thc letter, ;^ will i«- aeon 1 lowiug detain embodied in Uale'a ' .ii : . lae .innot election, hImiuI IO oVIo- k a m., Af r. .1 j isrlfi otbsoa rog* ap la a aogaTJ Mit'ontol « . *li. . w lu ll maa in lix- BOOM UllildlUK . »»»at tb J...I,* wne liuhl. and <*>. l.. . led viii tbe P, "»'°uaa tty uu op a (tiiiwH^. Tin* i.a^»>- c'D» . i'»0 « fiiijij tin ik mid tba troiih euotatoed ahailia- » SM ».,uu .Milord proTin.'ii#. I he U^d"t-tM.\. I ¦"'»»4iulouu.l, «r«esacil> tiSt me uul »ciii i.Oka«l|| to Wiif.-v !>.»,,! . ,.* Bf |j,f r;f,.t,on I',,*, j.... M V> . ii ti..* w.t iiiinoiiiiect, I'll I'a'.l ' .' I log Me lailota a Melli oast telara Me nasal ..nc! to the baek part ol the reeta, near Me wta- n ¦! placed on a de«it on one side of tba window. e. e utiirti.w ht..I bo Hutu *u*he«, lint wa* provided window ¦Butter, r the pol lng- ri "in waa c\<m,;i when the bsllot-b ix wn« rmmv <0, All in- inaneerors and ,.t,iirr* in thc polling-room Jumped oat of Me window, axoi pl w a. QtWoa nn-i mo. Mnd mo .lintier waa closed. AlfrelAref then quirk); banded ibobnUot-boz. provided foi the purpose and brought, ¦ nave raid, ta Me trunk, through tm .sgews DcciiagDr. Catoetrt'a offloa sith thc poll'ng-reon, M plac .1 ii on Me di -k, i .. true '' '' \' Htnt lt n. r, .,, w))0 banded ll rn AirredArer, who took lt away and nui it in the trunk toe counter in thc doctor'* otBea aaaa uh toe vnn-.g wa* resumed itt rrecfsa, Alfred aad tar benoit ware taken out of t6< i r .Dem and found Mere wore 1Q9 Hots ti tl boa I wu elt-rk of the eiectlo t called for 175 ballots I .aw the aiffloulty, for I «.i« h tor dose v wi . counted the bsllota, and pat Mem lota mr liatand prr- II Dad a flt of aslhma. I weat toto Dr. Cathcart'* ' mee, leaving lue, balloti p bit bat. W. 8, Gibson, one oi tbe Inspectors, waa Mere, and I nsaaged i" tell lum »» go at once aadgct seven Democratic halton. He .teni awaj aad brought tuen. I t>.ok them and, n i B'roni tbe asthma, went baek to \ place, saying: 0 I, h I at eouni ti ara over," at Me tame time plang- baud containing itu- teven tickets Into the hat tbember bsllou and dropping tba seven saving Uiiim, W. 8. Gibson Men Denoted tba ballots aad they Milted with.tbe number of nani soothe 1st. Alfred Ayer to.d 'm> before t'.1-otlun day teat it would li.- nei lie ole rs .if h.. e. uri lo *i ¦.. arti e. and Hi.,t-he hid got me man wb > waa to make tbe ballot-b ix to make soi ter url* ..." it aa possib.e, W. w Jean m.. tue ii label .ii r hof t Ilene two 1> t * in ibe handwriting, or rorged handwriting, of B. W. Lona, Ma e.>:k .r tba court, wiia lila Rt«ruuUir.>, r forged sifrnati re. etiatii.ct. i kw bandwii na axd aignature, and oonld «<c aa u ll renee between tbe writing ead stgnaturea ea the t*o labels. At one tune before rem -,w..i] tb I a< it te he dor tor's offloa. Alfred Ayer . rc, also Dr. Cathcart, wno waa brno prei irliajtapri orlptlon ur nam otberwise medici I told tben that everything waa « . .m.i fix. <j. I told him lt would not do to oai Ibo pla i. ;i< wi were too wau bed. tie i- pl tbattberewai 'i soy danger, if weconldm*! make the change j that he (Ai er) stopped al Bull icts'a hist hil m. and In iul I me mm if v.e can.cd oat ti.e plea Mere i aid bi noei 1 took ;i dm and wont baek to mt place to tue poii- In : i. db Iyer bad a bottle ol Bblskeyand Ia buttle office, }Vnentbc ..bogus" ballot- b v *..i tub tun ed toi the true one at ric"«s it eon- i ,: ba ls, fr moeratla and Republicen, In tueh lion thai thattaal remit would fi.sw a I>,. ¦!).>- eratic m loray; pu Alfi ed Ayer told roe. Bet mswer to aQuestion I asked bim, I ;.-;:.'! bim I: all ib d Uren pm into tbe box to be ned ere D uoorattc ballots, saying that if they ¦¦.(in:.I not do, as there would be pun." Demo ei.itie i. ,i, ia onot after dinner, aud tbe i.- ult would . " I I Man lt waa ox pe lieut to i low. ii; -i lean tickets pur into Mi bogus box ituted for tbe true 'm,<c were gol bj Ayer, to be told me, frum !¦'. E. Barna, ol rat I -' I ida Bat xer I wanted t" know all tbe r.n- bel us taken, and to asked bim ere beaut the Rouubdcan ucketa l,.e elooUon ri .. us :-. n BOC liliie.lv with the e.'ion of lou id li lot x afn r eleel loo. About ol October, l-'."". I leeetTeU an appoint- i lol Ida L-i Justice of the in Marlnu County. I qualified at once, and about ibi r, W7H, n eivi d tbe <. rn- was a lied, I i iluk, ihe 12tu f Sovoro* bar. l' wai ax".aroused io o.c n o M*i dAyer, and j<i 1.1.....i, who received it from \ r. IB '. ii nu Republican ¦>;, J hit- were thrown uni anti '< '. " bogue 1 n,mfai.c '".iiiois were counted instead. WOBK OF nu: BO KD Ol BEALtH. ii.t rei ..! un co nu iam Washington, 1> c. 17.- .! Board ol Health baa been ii t In Washington the laal and will probably complete it.-. th ira to-.rruw, lt will be read] to report to Con*. grcss in January. The Board will make something gebowiug: lt \ra- iir-1 created in 1878, when un hi.:>i ipnation of $50,000 wai mada i to enable it to institute system ol san¬ itary i ind collate and preeeut information relativi to the improvement of the aaoitary condi¬ tion, especially "t tbe tr'outbi rn cnn «. In be spring in summer of 1879.Cougre shaving satisfied itself of thc efficiency of tbe avatem.appropriated 100 additional, with the intention that tbe il Board should cooperate with tbe local and ^ftnte Boards, and extend inch araietoneeae, in iin : Government ought ta give aa a pro- Icetn -- epidemii diseases. Of the $550,000 lated in all tbe Bos rd will snow tba) ll -nil has on band some #257.000. lt it expected that tl j- som "ill i>"! only ei able th< Board :<. carry on' itu .. ,i rations uni il tl aend ol rhoi urrenl liscal var, hoi also through the !'>. al year eudingjulj 1. 188'2 J he operations of thc Board an saki to be very tat- ry, and have resulted in a vaal improvement ol thc saoiMry cmdition ol all tbe river towna. The Board baa established two stationl "i ita own, and hus nuUibly assisted all the quarantines controlled liv State aiid local governmi ft. Tm mnneya given have been used lam. ly in cjejiningnp thodlstncU foran riv infect! d, and in the ua.i mool of gmployea lin the general i- ^ s; . m ni inspection and ary nd orin. _ EDUC VTION BY THE NATIOX. \V.\-'MNi.ruN'. Dee. 17.-- Mn* following le ¦ Mr. Burns.de*8 iCducatlooal bill a pas* dby inc Sea te lu-dai Tim uet proceed* of the salei pubur landa and ot patento are forcvei set apart for Me education ot the in opie. Tbe Secretary of tbe Treasnn shall yearly wportloii In |be sevi il > »l and Terrill les ana tbe Ols ri <>< i .iiiiii,ni.. n i".a tue ha-is of Mi iHipul dion, between tbe ¦ace of five and twentj real .»-¦ saidnel proceeds for .lu |>revious rear, wblcb Mall BPeredlted on tbe booti ul Ml liea-.irv aa an cdiicai ional Inua, OD win. li i pi r cia: interest per annum t'i he nant to Hie States as at>i\, provided; Mat for Me BT*i ten years the spoor tn me.-li I Shalt bf BUUM BCOOIdlBB '"l'"' iii'inl'-tK ol the p.anil dion nf .a rears old and upward whoeannoi n ¦.! -nt ix-riie; and provided furMer, ibat one-third ef Me Income from sud land shall bs auniulli appropria¬ ted MMe rom pie ted endow meui ami loin-ees estab- liahed or which maj be establlsbed undei Me act of iii.-j mini tue :ini ,n-it annualij thus i.cermngtoaaid co leges in each tstate shall reset tcjc.ooo, after wbieh tnr whole tai ome ol .<»ai fund ah ill be appropriated by Iii il -i oe-. T' rrttortes and District, lo the edin allon ul ail cblldreu between the aroa ol s x aral f\\if u. Tba Bei-retary of Me Treasury laaatbortsod t;, add to the fund ooy sums gtveatuMa Called Blakes for Mal purpose. A sum aol exceeding Ml per centum ol ide i, received by anj State, etc., the Orel rear, aad ,.,,t x, ,.:r> IO percol inanyyeai thereafter, roar be appde I, j! dis -retmo. to the malBtenanee ".' lt inairuetlun of teacberool eomasen seauols Tu hi entitled io Me benefit* ul Mw act, any State, eic, nusl lualntain feral Mast three momba in t brear until January I, lHfc>5.aod thereafter four monthi lu each Vi'.h. a srsiem of free public arboola foi all oki .tren in twe'n mi and mt-en venv.it ace; atty Stale,etc., nd .aupli lng iniv .>.' Ma money reeelvi d na ler Mia .".; nhail forfeit turtber grants until Me amount so misao ulled Mall nave been rep aced by sal i state, eta. Noth- ;., couialued in tbe act shall be held to alter an) pre- .... rei irdlngthe dlS)>oaliionol puuiiclaud,nor ,,, .,.i mc power ol Congress over the public domain, nm toiuterfere with giautlnc honnu land to soldiers iHtlort The bill also aatbonsea colleges eaub- lu nd under tbe act of ISSa tu .ataibtifh acboula let Ike ie. bnlca! education ot noni n. Washix it< of iweuiy-au e eountles ia Peoi to Ul- (VllaUS Bl Couulis*. Allegsuy... Breams i in uinco < linton Cotambts.. i uril.iiiil.. D lawan ll.lU'o SS. gssex Praeklln. Uenesei n. .1 garwin l. rtagatou i EN8U8 BK li.'>*. ,s. l).-i. 17..Tin ima ¦untiln in N. a ^ ¦' k aa laylvanla, according t" the a .au br the rnnmi rotors, M W-ToKK. I ttl tl. CounUet 41.MH I" 4-1 Ml ont.ir: Oraogi Putnam .lO.KOl l M. La" I*, ee. Hrtuyler. Nilli*. sullivan. ri «a. ,.in;.kin*- I aler. j Wayne. Wi »tebt i «.; I WyomiBK. 17 »-'« .jr.. j-'-'I 4'JTIO 7. ,1-J ;:i .M :.: 3*9 ..j ifl (;¦; 100 I population l lueniy niue retain-, m.ide n a* follows ToUtl. 4o.:-i7; »?,.'.-1 7 15.181 SS (">.i 1 H - I J .. -Jil .'77 ;'-. i»mi .. HU.H72 :<4 I I . Kri,h3H 1 701 ion *i; ::¦¦ '..ir (>>i tulirt. AlleaBenj Armatrueg. ¦¦ rir.idiord. Bues*. ' ., ie "n. . . Col iii "lil. i'rm, lord. K'k. Krle. l'Yreal. Laakawaaaa UmciiiT. p; NN-Y1.V IglA, /,./,o. Otmnlttt. ::..."i.7.r>;» ! Lnserue. .. 17 cai ;t;i.»;o:t i isa 81.»'«"J iu.:;jti ;. MW HS Mit r.'.s.i- 74.081 4 m a<i,L'8d IW^ll I Lr coodna- Mi :ir. . M- nil. -ill. Ne, lh.. tn al n Pike. Potter. solht .a_ Susqaebaawv lu>_'a. A':i rn n . WaablogMa... Warne .. ajyonteg. V<ta>. 1:1:1.01a; o7.li-.' .. 80,179 I.V400 .. 70.:!iti 8.681 i:i.7 ia .. 1,07a f....;¦: 4:'..ii4 J, !»-l bo in :i;>.-ir.' .. l.">,j»a THU fOBlTOWB IKl.KBRATION. Wariin..ros, Dee. 17.-The joint OotV ¦ ni-irr Camnlini on the Yorktown Cent, trn'sl«I le- hraUon held a meeting today. The pro^iamu.e of cere- mu.r, wMOh bsd been prepared by Mc sub-comnilttee noatstIM of Senator Buller and KePrt*anUl.ves LevMg and Hawley, was adord** »f -W «B" «««»>««"lu* wi,h"ul roalertal aliemiiou or amendment. Tbe .ubeommit os lo aatOBI au sraior and |»oet tor ibo occasion presented it* re;iott, win, a traeaaaaeito iii ii the aoarnttMe neonneooj dbm tae noa, R.Dert c. Wnthrop, of Ma>aac'iu*c.tM, hf Invited tu d-.'lver tl:e ora'ion, and lanai Ilarr-m aTepe, o' V,minta, the BB After the agoatj in of tr-e prorniimir r^ferenc* wa* ¦ tn a recline of BtaMtatDsetMB eeoeerataa the sattaa ,,f the p.int aataaatMM which ba* haaa expraaeed by some gentlemen r.iiiaee id with thc State or local at aonnooo, goa anion of tba Jane eawaalttea, fe waa sod, in latona the time Uni tba OorerawMat win per¬ te In Mc cell bra: ion to three dais, tod in refusing io eoopereM heartdy elth laeal or sime aasnolatinn* v. rn ii new of pteloi King tao ceremonies ov.-r s 9 ri d or flrtecu or tweotj days, had been eriilrlxad. Several »t Mo aanaaara aaoka tn dafaaca of Me actina of Meir committee, asserting ti.»t they wera aot eaM«rtoed umier thc re«. tut mn* creating Me onsomtttee to co¬ op-rate with local MBoctaUooa. t .e i Tpreaalna af opiuloa, however, anio g tba rosabel*, wm general. ibm lt waa ned Meir pu pose i discoaraaa or to toter- la Mo Slightest degt t with Bay nmniremcni* which may i.i ibe tocal antbontroa of aa of lb* States or the Tor lewa Ceatenntol .. .-.t .. tim berood the tares dari di nag wincu tho Govcniuieu will purliuuule la tho i'.OU. CUBBEH1 1 ai THE CAPITAL sin; rog Tnt: gg i libbabt buili I nanroToo, Friday, Dee. 17, ll '. Bo dotnakni was reached tbnnorniog by the Com* nltieeon Additional Aeooanaodatioaa for the Li- brarv of Coogren io regard to a location for tba propeeed bow library baildsog. The coin'.,,; aninodnlaat prepared by arehitoen lor tin baildiag, and lisMned to argaaMott In rob eotkraa propoee l and, then poatpooed tbe final decision until next Monday, tokiogBb have ;;.Illili,mal information teeurod ia reapeet to Jndidary Square, There lt exoelleol reason to ex- peet that Judiciary Square will be nlected. It ia ytbe property ownera noon Capitol Bill, ¦whoa banda andbuildioga to tbe (t iveramenti tli if ,i booie goold 1»> Bcooored iron the librar if located th-rc. tn thr, a minutes, while it will require -¦¦....¦.¦ min it * to ant ow" fentn diciary Square, The committee tooma te oe of tbe opinion that thu differonoe in tina ut boI suffl iem to "t! ¦¦: Hi" enormous pelee demanded by ipitol HiU people, when the Judiciary Square will coal nothing, u being already tba property of ; nun' at. < BAVOB8 IX BOUSE COMMIT!;: Thc vaeoocy in tbe Committee of Wayt ard Means, caused by the reaignation of General Oar* "! tbe Hon .. (>:' Beprei eotettvea, will, lt ia nm ipnoint- neat of BepreeooMtive lleKioly, of Ohia Major M< Kit ley is nt preaeni a member of tbe Committee cn the Jud Diary, sod bis an eeaoi as ¦ bm mber of thal Committee, will, i' b saul, be Repreaei totive Butterworth or General Enter, both of whom arc deo reported tli.it RepreeentaUve ii '.ry B. Neal baa bora recommended by a unmoor of tbe Ohm Repreeentativee for tbe vacancy on tbe Woytand Meana Committee. Mr. Neal uta pro- Dooneed high tariff mao, representing, aa he doe*, a manufacturing district. He is said te be more thoroughly convereatit with tariff question* Dan anv other Representative from but Mate Itisnu- id that Major Mi fouler's appoiutiue.nl will be bighlj gratifying to iii ral rf] d. nrpROTExtEN ra om rBE upper mississippi. 1 be Northweatern .-ii.atm., and l»'.pr«- entativi s are movli g m tba matti r of soi uring sppropi lations to continue improvement* on the Upper Mi«- Seyeral B presentntivet from MinneaoM and Wit* ennuin mot al tia- boase ..f Representative Wueb- burn, ot Minni oto. this morning, and agreed that tin ¦"'.. .. '- I1" Committee on ( ommeree to in¬ sert an item of $300,000 rn the River and Harbor Appropriation bill, the ann nnl lo bi expended mi tbe :.'-,-i\.)ii improvements, ll.ey further agreed that tiny would opp >se the River and Harborbill oolam tins neai wai contained in if. and Mal Mot would end ivor to get all tbe other Representative* from i'm Va bweal lo join a itli Hiern in thia opposition. Tbej douoi think that tbe North weal baa hereto¬ fore re: piveil aa I irge appropriations pi iporlionately ax it m entitled i<> .\ bon Me magnitude ol the com¬ mercial interest* of that section is taken intocon- biiie: ni iou. RECOMMENDATIONS ol' THE BOARD OP TRADE. Ai its aeaaion to-day tbe National Hoard of Trade adopted reaolutioue, reaffirming tho reaolationa adopted t ita 1 iel annual meeting regard] it; the neceositj of regulating interatate oomneree by railroad; tba! the reenlMof the operation of tbe telegrupfa in Great Britain aa a port of tbe ooatel syttem of tbe conntrj are such aa lo commend tbe adoption of a similar system to tbe people of tbe United State*, A commit! e wag eonatituted to urge upon Cougren the euaetment of a National Bankruptcy law. rios committee will meet ha Washington alter the hoi flay recces. It is under¬ stood th ii the llniisc Ci ii iii ii rt ta- on the Judiciary will he read > toad promptly aa soon ss the com¬ mittee above mentioned ia ready with ita tugget I nins. SECRETARY THOMPfOX'd PL IBO. Secretary Tbuuipson, whoa* reaigiii lion koch into effect on Monday next, at iboreqaeal ol a number ol fi lends iiiiil subordinate ofilcera will bold ¦ ie- ceptioii in bis office to-morrow afternoon lor the purpose of takini formal leave af the employe*., Tim Secretary will probably remain ;*t the Depart- ment on Monday next. He will viaii bte hone In Indiana in the crmrae of a week oi so to attend to acme huaineaa, after which be expecto to return to W Bebington for tbe winter. WASHINGTON NOTES. Wa-iiim.i,iv I nday, Dec. 17. 1880, Peer, mtv Raasaey retained to Hm (Ity to-day. Secretary Saeraiaa baa recovered fmui bu ndtepoat- tioa.aad aaa at tbe Depart mani to-day. rrraaary Department to-dsy purchased 200,000 ounces of gae ailver for delivery al Mo Ban Frsaclseo and New firieau* minis. '1 lie bill latrodased in the Senate M-day lo provide foraaohTom national baokrnpt law. ls a eopy of Ma bill tairodnred In tue Uou*e --f Repreaenia rosiest season bj Representative Un chloe, al Nev Fork. To* order Baotgatag Oeueral Howard to Wael Potet, ni.ii glviag in in t.nl the ebaagea made In eoesi qnenee nf the recent retirement ol Brtgadier-Generai Oed, is bama prepared at Me War Department i, day, aug will prob- u t,i r be hawed io Borrow, Vie.' President Wheeler to-.lay received lb* aleetotal rotes of Bhoda Islaad. Obto, ladtaoa, Kaasaa aadCslt- fni'uia, in enoii m-iiii.'i bj aspects) messenger. Ila Bas ii,,* received, i-ltberBrasall or roeaaenger.tbevoteaof au tbe BiaMs except Oregon. a i onroRATioy tax betubx. A loan v. Dec 17..The Fanners' Loon and Trott Ceeapaoy ba* Bled thu nUewtag wita tko Ono troika ('.limul sun u. ¦n.oao.iino, dtvldaade PBhrwary i. IQO.0OO, :. pet aral : Maj 1. !8*X©0O, o pat eaol; Au- goat 1 880^1 NJ, 9 pei cent .'...vember t. ?Io.imKi. 4 per real Tba e-jaspaay tir.iieh:.-. Bennet Me right nt tee Mat.- to require ti" report, aaa! agatoat Me Baa pee- vid-d tor to Mc lao ol 1880. FBEKISG ICE-BOUND VESSELS. Loxa Bbaxch, B. J., Dee. 17..The erewa af tba ko bouad vasaahi in ihe BWiwabary River and Horaesboe Harbor tia* Borstal with Mai ate af asea M .eui.din trrrux three of llie lizip. .smii (1 Vcsnels h bi maia thu k^ Tbeerewt (rm.- rarieaa veaaala, a*si«ted bi mg h,un*, ate now engaged mi-nakiug b ebaunel ibreugn Me fraern rtvar for toe porpoaa ol extricating lae rsmaiader. CMIMES A W CASUALTIES.Bl TELEQBAPB. \ BJUKXMAlt r.t'N 0VEBAX0 RTLLED. Maxie, I'eaaa, Doo. 17 ~.l. J. Nod, » bewkeatao, mi* tun io er ami ki.l*U jr*;wil*y 1 .vu COLORED HMM Kli.f.l'H Tt vi a im.iki-. Bee, 17..John Clew aad John Mead, ii i ...-)¦ ir.- wereatreckbya Westers Jbuj mu Ral sad lialu. th* rvuiung. sud matann? ki el. A R.MLh'iAD fLAOMAS ni I liv BalTTMobi Dee, 17--Knink H. Shalleoberg, ace Hf eui? vi ar*. Dig man mi the lotomac llo.d at Ht. Aguea .sl»;.. u wu* run ovet Ul day br a tr*ia ans ailie.L KII.IKtl RY A PA1XIKQ WAI.I. RARaXSSI NO, l>ee. 17. tvN iiiilmtsbe*! wall of the M,u.i;.-Uiwu e^r »lf»» Iel! bad nlgtil. Uarytug a;s »oikiuon in iheiuius. Willum l)**tcr waa kiile-J 1UATH KKiiM AN AOSADLT. Rostov. l»ec. 17..The Medical Ezanioer ln-ilc- rMo.1 teal rairick l.aa* ram* I* bi-d«,lb fr >-n slob s, sad hoi Irooi heart d .**»«, auJJ(,.«*|ih f.-w. who s*aaulle.l !-*»« Laal uighl 1* held for the rtinie. AUAIN IMJUTKll IXM DKFAI.rATt'iN. Hiuaih Doa. 17..Joseph Itork, the def niltinc rllr ircaaocir, wko (*acaped nmr.cauii thrae Tear* ame* ninnieb iic.'o-li»i liaSirlairiiU. «*.. arra^no I a«ain la day .-u ihre- new ludletmeni* cbargiae tun willi l.av.ng -!.:¦?>»- uilai*«l li*' div bond*, valu'd "t fcli*i,0(«i. on iMtuhei I. 1*T» sad anni* lo the aui janl o.' »7,i.ii, al dltsicui Uukw. NEW8 FROM OTHER LANDS. .?. THE IRIiM fOMMOUOV T-WBATEM. A gOTKS IHK.NCII .IiiIUNMIsT (iOP 0 INT" BgTIBB- Ml.NT.\|-»ni:.Tl I Mills IV V Ut K. 1 he demand for e. r< i< ¦ Rt J tlaod i- repent- d by 7/.e J.oiuIuh Hmm. Kmilc dr fiirirdin intend* soon to retire fmm pub ic life. Ki.eland has lodoeed Franco to favor arbitration as a means of settling the (jreek danns. MILITARY" BI7LE IN QtELAHD. LOVDOB, Fiklay, Dec. 17, 1880. Thc officer commanding at Birr, Kines Ci ii'iiy, lia* heirn ord-rcd io petrol M* dlBiri-t nightly T»ith forty soldiers. The police patrol ha* a'10 beta di u lu ed. WUP. .in It ire Jane*, who hm baot mad' n vletim of " j'.nyro: tine," wrltea 'o Ma Mane n* fellows t "I am tong rebuilt* uien fr >m I distance, *(-11 arm,al, tu rt ii.ace Ma lso-ir«r* who have left me. TOOpenOa- a th.: Iioil-c god lour oilier* BtOBMttOBed i. ir tty faTBa, I have applied for more protection, and tro >p* are promised me on Frvlsy." rat ftntnaa tbe Irish tptcJUoa savs: " Tho followers Bf tbe (i.iveriimeat aro iin'iarm-iM-d, .ml for tb* BO .'. ¦o uni kimw what til nar, while a few .ire bo'd ruo.'di to express Uh i' rij-Pt nt lae Hu* Meir have pw st Mr Whitbread, eoe or the Bloat re eera Ltberala bi Me House >f Oommona, apeaktog at Bedford last nlm*. do I vividly toe reign ot terror Met aad left ne bon¬ ni ea hog sale in a large part of Ireland, and ai hu feeling thal (be s..,i i ,.. ban rome v. ti. ii tba Q <. it might ba eorooeU ii" um cooratoo." fa* notre io ceosare Me Ooverumeat for not adopt¬ ing coercive iiasaiuii *. A di spatcb from Cork to 77ie T'imr$ Myal "There 1* a ki eat m ant of employment tBrougUoet uc oouuirr, owing io the disinclination of lanai rds to hiv oat money, ai aaveral meetings reeeuwy held fanners were summoned to give employment to laborer*, ihe agent of tbe Earl of Cork wat reqo *tcd to provide uv a tbe i. 'a eat*te, near Charleville, County Cork, and be h.i* ju*t Intimated thal ba w.li oien Wi Nil ia tl at In,' uity and >.'!ve employment uiilll March. 1^- l " DOOM SI'OMIFNCK WI IH CAPSTONIt. Loxnox,Sotnrday, Dee 18, la50. Cbirespondence i.s published between Captain I!oj e.itt and Mr Oladatoae. rna funner a^* tae aa* BOOeef tbe QOTBHIBIOBl to indemnify him for some af tba loonn oaaatd by bia taring to galt Irelaud. Mr. Gladstone raphoe Mn tba Omeiameat baa aln lara lr assisted Mr. Boyootl arith troops Tothia Mr. norcott repiiea Mat tb* army wa.* seat to Lough Moak il bis irish and merely lo preserve peaee, and re- I um: tbe Q vernmenl refused bim compensation. i ne ii tl of Mi. Jooca'acattle nen shipped yesterday a:,ii, u opp ..-ii,, a. 11. P inn ii de once fund now amounts t,, 810,000, 'i bc (.Mini Or.iint* Lodge baa Issued a eireulat arel nj; Me breibrea to t.«we nu aauie* f..r meeting ny bm ans ul saiaai tone during daj or mg t under aa ,, i.i-v. an l to t..k. :n, ans of prole ding Un maelvea. Au- otb r circular announces thal a lubseriptloo na* bi n opeued ororga izing .nee, and gives Information kihi ii gara io lin- coat ul si ass. A munal nani meelina was ueld at Lougbgalli County b, yesterday. 11 ¦. - a pm en wera principally ii ai ..'iiiiii. A ii.uii of gfty persona took persuasion nf iiie iilofomi, wiiii-u Moy dc uroyed. A meeting was ii.i id ie- "i in in adjoining fl ld Ri ¦> lUonawerep In jlavor ol apeasani proprietary. a lelegi e. io I .-rr.- a - ii, i .il m from Dublin *av* lt ls confident!; - i.i.i »i Mli lael Dai lt'* lietel of leal is about to be oanoetled, and Mat Mr. Davitt Will ne arrested. TBE QREEK PROBLEM. lo: Dux. ri v. i< e. 17. 1880. The Yimkin Political Uorretpondenee Baye tho r..\< era we i Mering of Ibo UrrBk Ojuestio i td ban Induced Pt-anco to Beet ia tbe idea, ana ins invited an totercfa inge o. among h Po* 11 on tb* project. ¦.i. Mid! ..a* Invite i t> rid mppU i pi i loni foi 1,000 In :. -. ttaUont d on lin- la¦¦! ..-ir III ale frontier. Borne con ti ni nial eat respondent*, In Meir diapatehea to Me London Joana la, apeak of areport Matnegotto- Hobs a a proeeedtng between Turk*j and Qi rmaay for tin- c.«... :i of Crete u tSrcece in Hen of ot bar terri tory. An Armenian mrnal pabliabc* au ai couul of a b.ly Ogbi between the Inhabitants ofavlllaca in Turkish Armenia md tbs turkish troops. The Kosstsn Consul .ai Van has toni to the se< ne ol tbe disturbaaee. The RrllUb snip Mitton, i n un MeAi tour, from Sew- York, N (.ni'i.i 18. for Copenhagen, had bat dock* swept ny inc «>, a sod )stt isoui d p.ti of lor earea. ¦*v- 'ill.. DUCHESS OF WESTMINSTER DTINO. LoaooB. Prtday. Dee, 17,1880. A dispatch from Bournemouth, dated at 1 o'clock Mia afternoon, as Ducbeai of Weat- minsti !.. danrhter of the second Duke of -inlier.a nd, and Mie:res*ol tm llobca to tbeO,uren, lsslukingfast. Hat death ls "iib i. question of tow boura. M. DE GIBARDIM l.'F.l'IKINi.. imus, Prtday, Dee. 17,1880. If, Emile de Girardin, tbe distinguished |i nii,;.itai and momberoi Ma Chamber of Depaun for Hie Department "i Me Heine, ha* Informed Meena- -ii.a ii:- iiiiii ii, vt ii reine iMiin political Uti bitei thc iiis-o.mina ot tbe preaeul Chamber. FOBEIGM NOTES. Uihdok, Saturday, Dee. 18, 1380. A dispatch to Tkt Standard fruta Tbe Hague rcporta tii.it the h .-iiiid Chamber baa voted a irrant of 7,ooo guilders lor an Areli ipi di ion iii it rear. ri'f HUmdanfi eorreepoadeatat Bl. PeteraborgMya: P ii. Intelllganee fro.a Oeneral Skobeleg ibowathat, in aime ol all contra rj aseertioos, tbe l'ckko campaign ha* already begun. Sweaty thousand p nada sterling in cold were pur- based yeatorday in open market for shipuieut to.Now- i..-k Ti c dir. et n- af Me Anglo American Cable Company have decided to postpone ike repelnag of ti;e r.i<*st cahic of I860 until apnng. awing to hoavksrooa weather. Mm Marte Oelstlnger, the Uerman actress, htfi Haaa- burg. Deoembei IS, hythe steamship Weatpballa fat Nea tm k, in 111., profaaaloe ir iiiaagiiaanni An hsvoeUgattoa at Boebareat mte th,- attempted aaaaashtauoa shows timt a plot existed acatoal Tiomtai Bra nano. F. Dixae ll.irtl iud. r.Mieervativc, wa' iceland to-day tobe Me member of the Rhum of CoBMneua foi live atom, the scut ».in m. ,n MKS. SPBAOUh AOl Sf'/A« FOB DIVOBCE. as *n-i!:ii B pun hiai PROCXaDttfOt HAD BKBM BJCaCH IN Bato k i.v n -!>kni.\i. uv MOS. e-I'liAirl k.'.- COPK8KL. A ie|.>'t boa been circulated receatlythal the wife of ex (invei liol Sjirairu -. of Rh le 1 laOad, lia 1 in tun i tail for divorce in Brooklyn, while Mr. prague h id brough! mallar proocedlugt in Proti- dence. Mn. Spragae'a couoael haid m a Ibibubb r*iiort«r yesterday : "No sui! for divorce ho* beta began doi rooten- plated by Mrs. 8orague in Brooklyn. Boob amport i- attorly abxard, beeauee no sarii tait could he broagbt aadet tba btw aitberin Brooklyn "r New- fork, aeithei of wi, n-ii placet ooald be claimed u* :i reetdenee. **<> i-*r an .Mrs. ."-araiM-i's counael know, no sait lia* hen began hy ex-Governor Sprague in Providence. Nataraily ber counsel would receive tba earlies! Intimatlooa ifaayaoeb proceedings ob hi* nari wereeontem- pbited, A suil fordivoree will probably be bi nug it e\ Mr«. Spragoe before long, altbeiigb no definite time cou lie aloted either in lb* DMtrictof Colnm- ii,a ,a in Ku,nie lahtud >.'. can claim either of throe placet aa a n-aleece. No papers have been tiled in tin. :ise.'" lt la andi stood, however, that tbe papen are in preporattoo. ________ BEPOBlEDHltBBEUl uy A THAIS. A man woo gav lu., boom m L. M Moyer, of Aa- cn-'a. Qa-. wi'" roaebed tbtaoity atda, at, on tbe ilirotiL'h Waablogtoa npren faeterdaj, iwported that he wm robbed af $10,800 betweea Rabway, N. J and JefBOy Caty. Ile stated tn.,- tie drew £1 LO00 ii. hil* (rom a hank in AagOBU jusf before Btarilngfot fin* ntty, where ba Int oded topar* ebon a Ur^e qnootity of goo..s. Ik- gpeol $*_U0, and p'.ai'd the reaiaiinior in a Mt*bet Wbeo be left Waahiogten rbaraday night be took a berth M a Pullman sleeping coach and plaeed the satelicl umiei lu* pillow, Ho did Bot ntn the .ateliel until alt*-r the Hain had left Bab Wey. Winn the tram reached Janey City bc Mated MaJ be bad lost tho nancy. hut be enw to tho nii*-ing money could Le found. 1 tn- alleged robla-ry w*.* reported to the Bolton .iithoriuesat EUa-betb, Raliway, Kew-Hrun.swi. k. Newark audJer.-ey City. Chief ol I'.dice Murphy, of Janey City, wot somewhat eeeottnol »tim lo- iBtaaad of ih« robbery, but his otBoan were n.- htructe.l te lo'k for the |bh VOB, Mr. Meier could not giveanv des ription ol tbe niouci clent that it was iu bills. ____________________ MIEBEEED H Y 1 SDI A SS. St. Lot ts \*r<- lT.-A'lvi; :-^ from Indian lint t) .-i aat is,. :u.: dtoiled ludisu-sent to lbs boom "i k l«« MaevXrb, i arter aecepifng the bnarpt ls v . and killed bim. aad eboppt I a hired m ni named Barten Wllh au axe. Infj ting ". '-. ha i ruoAh i sreui.- TWO QBEAT ROADS IN CONPL4CT. WHAT MAY nt>tll FIO M TUB TP.OI RI.B BBIW BBB MIK PXXXITIV V.NIA A.N'li Till. BJXTDJOl OHIO. In addition to the f-tcanc-li¦ :i*» of tho M r- enoata tad Mlaen Lane, wtinh laeontroiled hy the Bob Um,,re snl Ohio l: dir ia.1 Oimpanj, *even»l ve*aehi w, ro eharlered tn tht« city and at llocton yestenliiy to to¬ rre i*e tin- ni-.na -,f evrytag Ma eoaipeny*i fretoxd aa* tween New-York and BiiUlmoro. Tue opening nf thia nev iWOtBtWh i'i hue l.< -n made riec**-'*rv by tin- r>- Bl il of the Philadelphia, WtlBttogtea sud ll ilaiunrc Un r- j.I tu carry freigti; shipped by tbe 11-iund Brook route, niijr lu ttio eliding agneflMBtt between tho irtink lines lor a il.vUlon of the freight husmess al New-York. lu,- !. liv to tbe arrival of »hii>nie:its that Will toaaaaaaktoa the toaueetloa between Xon\'.. '- i-. nore by aaa Instead of hf railroad la bkaly to feres tba Ballia ra nd Ohio Company to audra eon; to shippers. The Fenasylvaata Baflroad long and Mtterly the effoits af the Balami Oh:.» Ballresd to secure a through Imo to th'.i atty, and lt ls eon-ldered UOprobable thal lt will eooaeal Many reduction kt ra*,-* hythe Baltimore and Ohio line B many railroad men il i- v.. a Mal tiie I.- two companies mai ratall ta Me serious dlsturbsoM of existing poa i'm rr, .ir; that tho Pennsylvania li uroad h Clued n ¦..¦-...¦ell ti.' !>:! rest in the l'hilad" ph' (. M min^.. mora Hoad is believed to be foundation. Xearly Ma whole of tin i Boston, sod private information from there is ai Mi effect Mat no change to tbe ownership of Me road bas bean made. Tba action of the Wilmington Bead been In eompll ii ce w,:h 11 IM tbe Penasylvania Railroad, l; lin- guru ike re- "f thc '. ioilnanoo of th .... bu it, but until tbe xptr.itii.il nf tin-iin. or th.. -:..ii r some peaceful arrangemsnl between the conflict! tereala, lt eau earry uo freight shipped by Ms Bound 12; ni L. mite. PURCHASE OF IRON MOUNTAIN BTOI K. The porcbase by Jay Goold of a large lo¬ in tba 8*. i. Iron Mountam and Southern Railroad waa eosepietod yeeterday by the ti piyment of tue ttoclt Thonaa Alco, pmaadaut f thoeompany.it ut Vew-Tork, and bis first work day wat to maka Me ti maf r teeoi Ung to tbe b irgato, i. -1 ii tba! M had not aoldhla entire Interest to Me read, and that to would n dent probably until th-' h. i general meeting of the stockholder*, tel road career ho had built about I,.¦ i les of rood, and antoni now to retire p it, from 11 work or construction. Mr. Allen waa unwilling n exacl unounl I to Mr. I lou i. muted thal ii wai -aili lent to give him tmi of the company. Uthougblt wat not an ti lilaj.'i ..? THE CANADA PACIFIC RAILROAD. Ol lwa, Dec. 17..The opposition mcmliera of Me Domini nParilam ul hsvei sued .i maul t a- pie I cagada pr .:¦ tl aa t in -r the ratitti tl i. ¦> rum 'i '* proposed Pacllle Raliwity policy, It aeta forth that tbemlnist rs have withheld vital ia- forn allon, preventing dunda lon In Me coosrttui adi -¦, and bavi denied Me light of Me people to be consulted on Me scheme. Ii says al Mi present ..ti mate V th a i -' ..¦ i foi med and resti Imposed detrimental t,. Me country and to future set¬ tlers' claim-. The manifesto recites tbe t-:'n.s ot Ibo Syndicate's contract, and maintain that th i I ti hi i.i Kamloops will c,i*t rtoublc thu <;..v, rame n's >.. i.is' -e.-.-iic r i mpati) will u.nii"ii- Ire trade ol tbe northwest a til the year :. ¦> lt urge- Pur imi Di ont to sancho ii i entailing 840,000,000 increase of tbs public, debt, ibut nc a prep tl for . catina rhe Bon. J' v i-i Rlake'g n>otioii for copies of Me evldeuon on which Me Oovernn.i lelee.ed Mc dunn iiai'i'.' i. as the standard foi tbe Cai irried rn tbe 11 ua of Com tuous last uigbc ADJUSTING A UEAVl MORTGAGE. Philadelphia, Dee. 17..To meet the 85,000,000 Ural mortgagi t; per cool t-.mils maiorii g Marah 31, 188L the Philadelphia and Bric Railroad Company has resolved to Issue nader lt* general gan 85.000,000 registered 8 per cent geld hoads, and ¦ p tansj ivin.ia Railroad Company, kt no, tavtBg por- chat d the Haine tat decided to ia,loise npon them Ita eeatrai f agreeing to purrhaac at par as tiiey Banter* tba principal and Interest of *aid hun:!.. The company eovenaoM to pay rh* State rsx upon thc intcii principal. A. J. Drexel & Co. have eontraoted * Uh the Penna) Ivania lt .iiroa-i c. mpany for Mi* t*«u<i ol bonds. Tue bonds are executed and readj tm delivery, .oil to- terese thereon begini to aecrne Anni i, IStfl. KOBE ANNUAL REPORTS. dXBAXT, Dee. 17..Tim following railroad reports have beta received by the state Engineer and .-ui rey or i Utica, lillie* and Elmira.raid en pital, *'.',oon,ono; unfunded debt, $-41 4i;:t 82. Keceipts.Paaaeugors, (-59,120 xi; freight, t' ;.M.; 80; malls.83,831 i»7; rents, 8158; expreas, 83.953 18; other source*, .-rs.ol:» So. Payments.Road oxpeuses, -1 11,378 sf). Northern Kalin.ti Company ol Nrw-Jerser.Capital ¦ti.ek baaed, 81.000,000; randed debt. 8300,000: nam uer ..f stockholders, ll Beeetpts.Proai passenger*, 1190.229 72; freight, 844.20870; malla, 11.307 87; routs, 8800; express, $7 6jo 97; Interest, *ti4s 71. I'.ivuii-nl,- Road XiicD^*-.. 817M,29d (ll; interest, ... Internal on bi u.u, Myack and SorMern, 811.025 dividends, 920,000 linking fund, 87.000. New-Tork Dndergroand -Authort* d capital, $10,(100.. ooo: paid capital, 88.000.000; Bamber of snares of stock, loo.ooo; number ol stockholders, 15. itroivivsny Underground Connecting Railway.Antbee- i/ni capital, 81.000.000; subscribed. 830,500; paul, 82,u >0; number nf siocKbolc.ers, 15. OPPOSi s a MOEMOSISM. San FbAXCISCOi Dee, 17..Governor Neil, of Mubo, in io* meaaage to thc togtateture says that polygamy fat Befog rapidly totroduead from ctah. Tho Territory ta in (lancer, and ls BeoOSOtUg like Utah, lin expresan the hoiie inst Ito LegletaMre will adopt incas- uni la cruah out tba practice. II Mi«o adrieea lae puo- iibuientof Mom who preach Uir doctrine af polygamy. TBE NEW OONXBMABA OOLOST, CbICAOO, Der. 17..Bishop Ireland tele¬ graphs flinn St, Paul an indlgnaut denial of ito- ron .rn of the fearful suffering BOtetM the OetoaMtl of Ni iv ('.n neniiir.i, MlBBW >t.i BMg IBSlBta men Irom fit. I'.iul am now tovcettgattog the wk la Batter Dally advtoca from Graceville aaeerl Mat Mr Quiekina grossly mil . I ibe londitmu of tia m-i A NICARAGUA CASAL DESIRED. Skn Fraxcuco, Dec 17..The Committee Of the Board of Tr.ide lo coiistiier miernei ame canal uii.iir* las telegraphed eongraralattous tu Adniral has- ni"u on the favcrati e outiimk tor a Nicaragua Canal, also t" .-i a* Booth, a -kmi.' hun and the (.'aliform* delegation ni as.isl in furtherance of the pndeet. JUSTICE 8TBOB ,'B SUCCESSOR. UoXTGOMXRT, AIiu, Dec. 17..Tin: memhcH af tto Bar of Mia Mtv eoNMMOd 'h-' noakfaol for the appwlutaieal of w. h. Weeda n tho Mteaeaaor of .fusiice Btrom Bpontbe Called -tat--* HapreaM Court Beach, unit earnestly nrgi Me appolnMu nt of t i* Hon s-»m.iei v K r0. ,-x ('iiiet Jaotlee of Alabama, to fin Mr. Wool*' n ici M .Imlgo of tue infill .niduiiil Un nit ,,f the rnlle.l IMttra in the evea: ol (he iatter'i eoudi-iualioii by lue donate. hui suv BSTEBBBJSES. Ai.i-.axv. Dc-. 17..N orv in Green, Tr-.ii i R, K I-..a. Jim. i u Baukar. t. a. Bdlaea sod attora have till ii io in Ms,,,' InaarputrethM a* tin Bb etrie liiiimiiii»t- ing Caotpaay el »w York, with a capiui el .««l,o>i,i"i» .-.ni ael lii-gcr* and other* hove argaaMoa and toa aaaie ol Me (hush!;,! ned -.- ..in Cumpaay of America, with a capital Pf 810,00 i.OO'i. A Ri: PO HT FAVORABLE TO IB8UEEES. Au ant. N. V., Dec. 17. -The claim* alluna il br ibe nea*** of the Ailautic Mutiisl Lite Insuiane I'.impaiij, ot Una city, ..n^\t^M< r'.l-i 1-7 84, wiol-. tb.j gSO*a is-.-c. as alatosed by the rec,iver, ar* gl.u07.08870, therebeiag m mi elslaaa to Mo naadi al tm referee >rt umu-n-ied. fae report ts reg-irdsd ia favoiab.c to tuc inter: sis of aniieyh,miers. TELROEAraiC BOTES, A lAU.ritK IN TBJtXI - Mtiii'liis. fenn.. Dee. 1". -d. L Prtodtr, ot Bart- lelt. Ifim.. ni sd n aa a«*igau ail ts-dar. His llahUltles ara s.'4.0(*i. aiimiaal ian.,, ai''AK). Tba pr.nci^»l cn,,ni r. l.vc al LaoiSVUM ai. 1 Mr ni ph J. ngLAVBO by a aaocBg PBOPBtxeB BtkbTQUL \ a., c 17..Hie itoamar M oinik. to lead artibaattaa tm I rerpuol h_< aa* blade uf har p . !-r biosrnnlf. Tue insli-rnv af Ite i>urv»lora cofiflicr her an seaworthy w.ihoui * in* asweeuer. I'OTA, TltK MKXKAM ltf.Vi>l.ni(jN!:-T. Ban Khsmimo, Deo. 17 .ITjeiik^e ol I lo'oniro ( o.a. ih* Heaton KevotuilouUt. waa lakwii to thc 1 nit-fl -lilac iirrnli i carl lo-i.iv un a new »rii of nabra,c»»rpo.. Ide liiiMiMier wes turusdwiei lo (ha LuiU-d a *.-s M*t.--»i. THE RAVAG1 8 OF Mi;:. A WFF.u.o PACTOrfT bTJBNBD. maw w ihdti_ p_a naarniTgn .- MAIM, si *J»W.IXKI_, |M ,% ms, I ri..\ i ii.i.i gym Cl IM! i i »ni.. ,iii!d, inavn'. tn Balravl i lost ei glng tho. wall-paper low* t< iv- ot' Bhrge \ Bone, mi Perry-ot., w.-ts len ned. St-vcial penong wu- it jared in try* in;; to i-cai-. Tbs Bgnbet of peo¬ ple liarnd in thc ruin* is i - mated ut 2f> to 30, int it in feared thal thc loss of life i.* norh grce Tuc pecuniary loss is ghoul £280,000. Tho Union Mill Henge was aloa hun:, il. A large irak fotudiag, nt CUB? and Fulton--!-., \\.i- dajxatged by tire at BBldaight The will ninon: I :., .-_...< .. '. A k ''¦>'>¦ ck in Cleveland, Ohio, baa luca ! bj lire. PLIFE itif p i. TORT ,t -is-. r Bl llfflNI . 4 t AH,j s hi BIRD IN thc fl; rst.,1. ii,-.-, ir..A * rina* Ara, attended by lon of life, oec irrod bera ibis en1 A .our d (.'cluck ii tire w is di-, i third fl re-etory building, on i;*d hy W. ill .. n Perry-at., an T i by Hir.-o d Se -. wi! p ip i .. afae! -. i ie a i BO feet front by 300 feet in death, i."><> m. n and b »ya ware tnployed ..t tba time, tbe buor- r- emandtng t stn help, AU of tbe number were at work, and in len toon ninntee after tba alarm t - given the building wm A naas of fianna. bled I, and prob ibly buried from twenty !.> tb of thi eui plo -. l'h. doora to t.:>- dif) Were hnng lo BWiUf rintj K it, thereby retarding the ogren ol tba L'be bo Ung waa v. it:.our Ure eecapot ,f aoy kimi. 11,-- tern ii,'il workmen many of them ateaped with bi >keo bon t and bi mai ii i.i lb -. j b< e in I . bo¬ iboi .a ¦! ri .ni window*, and then tank back ned in tim fl Cadi ILTIRI ¦¦ rail- One ". tb< foremeu to Ibo fifth burned, and jumped to tbe groHud; the bodj ia an* n cogn te, but it is supposed I '.-Ids. Jobm Mai!i,ni-. :ie;e fifteen ye rs, j imped from tue Bfth Merty, rind waa killed. Wiimn B .- i be jun .i a John Gm riv, wbu lumped fri di the fi i" th floor, nt' il ;n m lao:.ci. and w . wily injured In¬ ls rtially. Mi i-K- Mamixky had bb) leg fractured bj Jiinp- lt r bumed b irk, and had au ai in broken. Kn wa ii li ohm ii |tu ii .-. (rom! i tl sm or on thc lie ni, Mo '. . of John M il "¦.-. bo w i* lue i, j i ...i ,, in.ni ibo Uftb ;: 1 big be fol n ring an known tn 1 id - p> poefl'1 to be iii Me ruin*: Si.i Um Uett, Martie '.li (iee. Foti -i .'a and .1 ituei 8lo a ibrotbersl ami Jay Voil t. be t;mi'--, uexl coninn ca Bait ii ur ul George W. I'ltl't, wbiuli wa* deal roy ed. l'be building was three- i.- - in li- got. aixtj feel wide ami 200 leet long. nannine .?:.'".«">w worth of cr.na, tin- property of .'¦din H. Mao ni og. K8TIMATKB Ol .li Thc tones inu only be estimated ..t present, ana are placed al tbe follon lng fignrea Oeorgo W. rift, bb buiblinga. 8106,000; Biron n machinery and paper.stock, 8150,000; John B. af anning, on grain, 82.i,000; city engine lion-,- tn falling edi* §.1.000, 'Hie loss on building* is covered by Inauran ¦; birge't ios.s u uni 'ball ii tared. THROB KABOO*? -i Al" '-. James Bvaa and John Kenuedy, employed on the fourth floor of tbe Birge bnilding, both Jumped to tbe ground, escaping with only dight bruises, A small boy, Done nokuown, wot -eec to jump front the filth, floor, catch bold »f the Letegreph wile, wilie!) broke, Slid, sliding down tb, Wire, BB- caped wan uni',- :i Uiil,v eu! hand. The buildings are ima i man ul smoking ruin*. l'be parents and friends of the dead and miasma (.;ies sinro,uni the ina.*, iii* siiii^ are lull of rumors, and probaoly the list oi tlmse kn tra sj killed will bo more than doubled wh kine* bricks -mi ruins can b" removi tl. LOSSES IN I LIFF STREET. A lire br Ik oat I.nt evening on the uppei floor of thc aaren nary huck toildtua al Paitoa mid i .irt -ts.. Me two apaer sti,:ii«ni which were occupied byB.OMta, manufacturer ,,r laaton -. aad Ito toweg stories Bf Dh kersou ,t \';in I> Mea, ile.der* iii tin, - i boo and metals, goa fire was dtaeovered bj samu.-l Hammond, watehesaa tor Phelps, i> d.',- ,v i,,. aad Policeman tinlliu, of tho Ki raf I'li-cunt, who were wHiiiinr ni tiiU st. Baonatod saut ... a Tbibikb rc- porter I We BOthnd * -mell of smoke at ahmit ten o'etoek, bul eould di*, .vi r no Hie aavwbera,ultbou_b we Brade a mt searoh for lt, m in 11:20 p. ¦ [be fire barn oat saddeulv irom Me top ol tn* bulldiugai the coreel Bf Me atreet " in,- ttocuaapa to tbs buildtoff was fullj levered ii in¬ surance. Inn lie -f.ick. .- la' it coH-dliel Bruen, was Dotluaared. DMts*aatock wiH probably baa total h>-». Tba slock or Diefcareou I w Du \ Ile, will probably bc damaged bj vtairr. Ito loss . rea li 825,0 .> a (i.i.via.ami BLO k i»i:vi huYi.u. Clxvelajtd, Dee. 17..The .ix-etory briefe btoek ea VtadiMt aad ttOrwla-ata waa dcatrayed uy a fire wlaeii via BBMOVered alum' 12:30 rh;* miwalBg. Tiio iniiidiiiK waa awned by (Moras M. AtwaBsr,al gprtotrfisld. Mean, was nbafIB two j ear* ace, aad .*:(. rained at egbXPM, lt wa* maared nw 81tw808 ;»* foi- low*: boodoo asaaaaaoe Corporaltoa.flijUOOi Un Meto' Plre, 84.000; Meetootea1 aad rraders', B*.ODO; M mn- faetarer*' ol Boston, pl.OOO; Cotted tm tm n's ol Phil*- de phi», 81.000. lb* Cleveland ,..|.aili Shoe M iae> faeturiug Compaay lose probably »50,000 na stork: ia- - .ri ea 'sr as n-tcculin 1 lift, 100. Thc OtrlgM "f >uo Cre is a myaiery. FI.VMKd IN a PACTORT A Bte broke ont about noon Tavnreday in th- BMmtousgi Lu t..rv .if gbrbardi 'i ig a .v in., a bMb> iMry nriek toildlagal Bot 118, HT. il!» aod 191 K<*t ihute, nit -t., hot tba fl tm. e wera axttagulabed ..itti- oiit Inc .nd ,,f tue fire liep.irtincni, an willi ttttla I im- aire. In the cveniiut the kaine bOildtBg WeadMeoVi i M ha aa dr,- *^*in. and as the tl i,i.,.s wi m Ibreatewiag three alarms wera s-nt oat. Pa laaaeawareextto- gmabed Bef»ra ttoj aa4exte«4ed hej.1 a rem wm* or ito rmi..lui:- wtort 11 «?v had ttaried. Hm io»e au.ouuteii ut aban *s.<sio. -.- rn AT MILLEBSBUBU, l'KVN |.880. IIaiuusiu io;, Pena., pee. IB. trent! ic gembistlargenw-nHtn analaiabarc.Paoa.. »«» aa* sM-ive.i re, -i. iy hy gre. Tba eetlasetsd toa ift8O00| tue total m a la tnouag. FlBEfl BLhEWHEBB. Dorgg, N. .1.. Dee. 17.-lin- nilli of tho linver I/imhat Cenpooy ano danrayed hj ti., > c - ttrit.iy. The los* ts #10 OOO-, m-, raue- ft -s^i i i.NCiNNsn. I> -c. 17 Sa,ne'* pl.iuii.^' ni,l ar .'.. .. iKirt, Kv., was nmn d to the ground yeatcrday. The io-s la 810.000 Miam ..ni ur. Vt.. Dee. 17.The r.--1. ,-e pf OOatna lian.IO.md, u. ir his vii ;-.x -. B !-.'. ''.*"¦ 1.1 tl BBMSba} i»y aaraeMM ii hy Ma heoUaa i ai .-.. '..-;! "in 'ii .ii..ulv. !»,». 1*820,000; ii.-iiiai', I-.-7."'o c H. LA ffuS Tubich '. C. ll. Laytoo, of Brmklyn. tko yeoag mun wbo waa ajTsoted li.csitay at Itocawtsaasdr B.J..esjg i harnoofoai wing tho bann «>i DartdaV Fnce.aiM iv- wiM>.),iiiid li BtgaOOOl a'cd uioleri.is c I Ot lt na. * as e.ii ¦ ed yesterday bv IhohwegeoCOB t-. (.rand Jurv im foreibij inieiiti«{ Mi. pru * boom and Baaaula* bia Mr. i'r.i a. 1 lu- ptuaotsu was raprvoentad ly » Jadao Mi lard, trbO isled tool las bail !tx«-«l rou rn- duy at fgi.OOO to redaoe*!. Judv* Lbxoa *_id hs, '.voiild lei: ice th> ',ic.un.I to .l.nBBJ, bal thin wa* aol i-'riiici'iino". and l.avton a aa Oa>tn lueoXn ogb Tue (rial area ¦»' down i»r urn luosuaj.

vyork, saturday, december ia, supplement. 1M5ICK Font ... · I a< it te he dortor's offloa. AlfredAyer. rc, also Dr. Cathcart, wno waa brno prei irliajtapri orlptlon ur nam otberwise

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Page 1: vyork, saturday, december ia, supplement. 1M5ICK Font ... · I a< it te he dortor's offloa. AlfredAyer. rc, also Dr. Cathcart, wno waa brno prei irliajtapri orlptlon ur nam otberwise

&Vo:- XI ...N"-18,462, m:\vyork, saturday, december ia, i860.-with supplement. 1M5ICK Font CENTS.

TOPICS AT WASHINGTON.pONQRESSIOSAli AM) COMMITTE1 WOBK.aaajeBXsTI PAttM vt 11>\ N 'aiioxai, «ii.i,-ir.v

IU niMNtss DOM! in Tim net sk- ,

0 ) < .i'N MITMM IX H.<n:il>\.

.| .,, -, .,.¦1" Dfttawa1 Qm ]i;irTi-ido BchMath | il

kill kate \<-triil.iy afternoon, The debate oaj

\h* una-- dments proponed h;;s somewhat ani-

ajattd. <>» the 1,n;,l Vn!'' °«l.v R>x E| recorded li th« relative Wm

freed to hmmUmc th© Ap-Mila, 0»d Um day was devotedh M Mitti An affidavit made

_. r, i. (lilt1, ft Democrat, throwslight on tho Democratic

eondoctil | an electionli. In ono instance nearly

( hundred Kcpnbltera votes wen thrown ontnumber of fraudulent D< iii »-

vt, Mbetitated for thom. TIM\ i- published In connection with Um

I :¦: CATIOJ \1. BILL PASSED.VI K»K§.ammuhi lHiur <\ hiv.

- | '.!KM)Mi:\T

r ik.1 1 1 MM MM IO TT1I I v

lae, J7..Tba Eda '.1 vrns

BM at li ..',!¦.('!. I g. 1 r

di inp irtanee ix tba! nropoaoi bypt v.. .¦ f,ir tho tnatrwctiofl f

Kata africttlranl eoHegeaia archcbnteaJ anil rndnatrnl edooatioa aa

\. Bj Um proTiatooa of tbail i li-ki' >.' pwblia land and the

OH ¦. aro to 1m landed :it i

vided among Um Statesto their UliU r

ned u li; iv< ly for tba beoe-r ¦¦.. la tba Booth. Tba Boat do ..-

Basion waa tl.ar in regard toit rbta pronded tba! tba

- "f Um ttad i ilea andit I ba givenI aa na

ar. lt waa arced with maotap kt, tbrO :h DO fault (if

lion to Deed t lio booe->ney mach more theo

1 it. v. bile (in Hie otherul ii tb naaey aril] not aaneunt

tale ba ll until'../¦: i iii\ <.

i . adi pted io the( tba WI .!¦ l>-it waa lost bj a tic Tote

b following Benatura Toted nool I tia bill: .1 ii ta. Mci >i ..-

v p.ieei .nd Wi trna.i.tur .1 corrr ipondeni f Imf,

be i> ll had beenal ..( the Teller amendment,

ii il! v wort bl *-.. 1 hamidi - "<l to hav \ di.-ii

¦ofthc ..'. >.' ll ll ...

i i \v< old undi .* I. i\iStates,

K IS 1 ;:: HOISO Bill I D I B \ r r OS

\ , : \

-....I ram ste l« i' .. :7. i '. icd to

Appl .I'iUi! io billa to-i'ay.i ..i the member* in

.¦: foi pmate I bc di roted to tbutilly as not one 117 h * of tba

r ol i meritorion ii ilend a eon I I iii ina <>! tba I seders, boat rer, to i

trna u>tbaliihtarj Academy Appropriation.! '.. ;..i - il. .nil "ll M fr Mime thc

ration of the Funding, bill. Fernando Vmil in ci: i' tba! at

ol Uya v. i.l li. required l^r debate on

i , bebop s to c., .- il through the House bytin ht Bxe by tba! bo iv for lbe Baalto v. Ji.tli undoubtedly thc Benate.

., rent ";¦,' nition to-day.- ,\ J !.¦ Ponding lull will en-

Ited opposition of I I i backers,gr land thal do prorlainn should ba

tba il 'it. bal that allbe p ii l. ilionirti Iherdonotio*

uni i-1" b ubi mi' a tc liquidatei ¦ bt al * uiomeut's notice. They have

¦! thia aobjei t and li..vi agreed i<itbe bill.are able lo carry ont ti'eir pro-

: , r the Fnodinii dill is p ntse«l and immo. ,¦ id:. va. the Appi upi latiom i .m-

li Intoi Kfate ("ommerci lull to

ip (or < .'. deration. Pbe H. ii¦ \\ illni '..iv ¦. mi ni four ipiiropi ia) ion bills to

i.d n will b difficult i<> refuse the di.. inti reeled ia trannportation, thal

ita di ba re .i neal tog,

». M ECTIOS l-N FLORIDA.UTIC CAMPlDi li W/ ll ''' 1 I I>.

. ll..,r.,\l A > l 11 N \ ll IN rill UlMll.l-lllll<

i :> i p-.i:M-ii t . nu Tnisr\Ki> 17. kresolution wai '.flcrcd

llniiw of Kepreaentatires raeeatli author*mitti on Election* to employ an ed¬

na tb* renaloderof thia aaanon« -., iday. rhoConnittaeoarAoroonta

ftvotable report butha resolution.. >>n Electiona appears re»i!v toaeed

vlerku, lmii.ii>!* it would do eons!i- -i ni rt-j.ii.l t" ea. that OOgtat to havr

longago. One meeting ol tbe commit-bi ld inc ibia iou began, Hm

n thc i- ;. -Mn:! i :u-«' baa n.>t mot

i i account ol t'ic indupoaition ol its

i mi'.iii^. t" «>!' it togi tber, I be.i it "in- ul ;in Democratie nembora

i it miUh mmittee will unite witta tbe Republi-i report thal Ur. Biabee ls entitled

1 in ti.. Jinii'. .1 Bepr<aeatntivea aiaypoa-i I fut Mr. Ifanoing'a procraatioarkw.

to tbe oonteat of Mr. Biabea. an aO-. ideal JackaoorilM, I .a.. ttat Septem-

^ mm aa tte h thal a iii interealra at all t'oriooa to know bow Bepabli-ia i hu N'.ui ii arc male to ri I Bl D B BW

nea without raeoaraa to ** bulldoaiug."\s..» nada bj E. LGale,a Deow |sautr. Fla., who aeted aa clark "I

. the Laug Swan) Preeioet, in thall tba 'i<" *."u ol 1s7h. when Mr. Bbr

!" vasai mdidata (or < oogreaa. The nttteanrnttf dc liiiiilaii theteaUaaoayta the Bbibee-

» mI beea fib d. la bnef, thc afldai it aetlwing fnetti .

'.ii li ratteCennlttaeed MarlooCouuty 1nI »78, apootated a aab nonnlttue elra, \\Iiir.'i committee WM MlMriii Md I"

' lever ti. ghi i.'1 Detooaary ih thc Jadg-.' -. Un., nea k> < i< ct the DeaaoeraticMarbn Coaaty, Vetj aaon afterward

* bed Ayer, who v.»« ehairaeaa ol tb»- mb-connlt-'.Jr. Qala, wiio hod baea renored from

"i Jueiiee ci Ms Pooca, and told lum thati«- reiaatotad if be woaldbelp to earn

- ewanp Freeloet lui ibe Deaaoerato. Mr.<!. Ayeraatd towt bo weedai have two

tn a(h' ex.nt ly alike; om ol tin ta Mouldthc pswenea bf UM siintt, and thc other

" lokoa Ibero by binaetfi nod aaheUtatede regatti box.wbeatb( poUawere eleaodfog

.*. In thu seeood i»<n were to In- |nneed1 "..liaiiii i aaany Democratic bollota ea eoold bn

un withoutcreatlug Maapicloo. bonaBo-i ticket* wara also io i>«- placed m it tu aaake

ippeai nura regular. Thia progroamne (iaie. w«* rmi. ted ant to thc letter, ;^ will i«- aeon

1 lowiug detain embodied in Uale'a' .ii :

. lae .innot election, hImiuI IO oVIo- k a m., Af r. .1

j isrlfi otbsoa rog* ap la a aogaTJ Mit'ontol« . *li. . w lu ll maa in lix- BOOM UllildlUK

. »»»at tb J...I,* wne liuhl. and <*>. l.. . led viii tbeP, "»'°uaa tty uu op a (tiiiwH^. Tin* i.a^»>- c'D». i'»0 « fiiijij tin ik mid tba troiih euotatoed ahailia-

» SM ».,uu .Milord proTin.'ii#. I he U^d"t-tM.\. I¦"'»»4iulouu.l, «r«esacil> tiSt me uul »ciii i.Oka«l||

to Wiif.-v !>.»,,! . ,.* Bf |j,f r;f,.t,on I',,*, j....MV> . ii ti..* w.t iiiinoiiiiect, I'll I'a'.l

' .' I logMe lailota a Melli oast telara Me nasal..nc! to the baek part ol the reeta, near Me wta-n ¦! placed on a de«it on one side of tba window.

e. e utiirti.w ht..I bo Hutu *u*he«, lint wa* providedwindow ¦Butter, r the pol lng-ri "in waa c\<m,;i when the bsllot-b ix wn« rmmv <0, Allin- inaneerors and ,.t,iirr* in thc polling-room Jumpedoat of Me window, axoi pl w a. QtWoa nn-i mo. Mnd mo.lintier waa closed. AlfrelAref then quirk); bandedibobnUot-boz. provided foi the purpose and brought, i«¦ nave raid, ta Me trunk, through tm .sgewsDcciiagDr. Catoetrt'a offloa sith thc poll'ng-reon, Mplac .1 ii on Me di -k, i .. true'' ''\' Htnt lt n. r, .,, w))0 banded ll rnAirredArer, who took lt away and nui it in the trunk

toe counter in thc doctor'* otBeaA« aaaa uh toe vnn-.g wa* resumed itt rrecfsa, Alfred

aad tar benoit ware taken out of t6< i r.Dem and found Mere wore 1Q9 Hots ti tl boa I wuelt-rk of the eiectlo t called for 175 ballots I.aw the aiffloulty, for I «.i« h tor dose v wi .counted the bsllota, and pat Mem lota mr liatand prr-II Dad a flt of aslhma. I weat toto Dr. Cathcart'*' mee, leaving lue, balloti p bit bat. W. 8, Gibson, oneoi tbe Inspectors, waa Mere, and I nsaaged i" tell lum»» go at once aadgct seven Democratic halton. He.teni awaj aad brought tuen. I t>.ok them and, ni B'roni tbe asthma, went baek to \ place, saying:0 I, h I at eouni ti ara over," at Me tame time plang-baud containing itu- teven tickets Into the hat

tbember bsllou and dropping tba seven savingUiiim, W. 8. Gibson Men Denoted tba ballots aad theyMilted with.tbe number of nani soothe 1st.Alfred Ayer to.d 'm> before t'.1-otlun day teat it

would li.- nei lie ole rs .if h.. e. uri lo*i ¦.. arti e. and Hi.,t-he hid got me

man wb > waa to make tbe ballot-b ix to make soi terurl* ..." it aa possib.e, W. w Jean m.. tue

ii label .ii r hof t Ilene two 1> t *in ibe handwriting, or rorged handwriting, of B. W.Lona, Ma e.>:k .r tba court, wiia lila Rt«ruuUir.>,

r forged sifrnati re. etiatii.ct. i kwbandwii na axd aignature, and oonld «<c aau ll renee between tbe writing ead stgnaturea ea thet*o labels. At one tune before rem -,w..i] tb

I a< it te he dortor's offloa. Alfred Ayer. rc, also Dr. Cathcart, wno waa brno

prei irliajtapri orlptlon ur nam otberwisemedici I told m« tben that everything waa

« . .m.i fix. <j. I told him lt would not do to oaiIbo pla i. ;i< wi were too wau bed. tie i- pltbattberewai 'i soy danger, if weconldm*! make thechange j that he (Ai er) stopped al Bull icts'a hist hil m.and In iul I me mm if v.e can.cd oat ti.e plea Merei aid bi noei

1 took ;i dm and wont baek to mt place to tue poii-In : i. db Iyer bad a bottle ol Bblskeyand Ia buttle

'» office, }Vnentbc ..bogus" ballot-b v *..i tub tun ed toi the true one at ric"«s it eon-i ,: ba ls, fr moeratla and Republicen, In tueh

lion thai thattaal remit would fi.sw a I>,. ¦!).>-eratic m loray; pu Alfi ed Ayer told roe. Bet

mswer to aQuestion I asked bim, I ;.-;:.'! bimI: all ib d Uren pm into tbe box to be

ned ere D uoorattc ballots, saying that if they¦¦.(in:.I not do, as there would be pun." Demo

ei.itie i. ,i, ia onot after dinner, aud tbe i.- ult would. " I I Man lt waa ox pe lieut toi low. ii; -i lean tickets pur into Mi bogus box

ituted for tbe true 'm,<c were gol bjAyer, to be told me, frum !¦'. E. Barna, ol ratI -' I ida Bat xer I wanted t" knowall tbe r.n- belus taken, and to asked bim erebeaut the Rouubdcan ucketa l,.e elooUon ri .. us

:-. n BOC liliie.lv with the e.'ion oflou id li lot x afn r eleel loo. About

ol October, l-'."". I leeetTeU an appoint-i lol Ida L-i Justice of the

in Marlnu County. I qualified at once, and aboutibi r, W7H, n eivi d tbe <. rn-

was a lied, I i iluk, ihe 12tu f Sovoro*bar. l' wai ax".aroused io o.c n o M*i dAyer, and

j<i 1.1.....i, who received it from\ r.

IB '. ii nuRepublican ¦>;, J hit- were thrown uni anti '< '. " bogue1 n,mfai.c '".iiiois were counted instead.

WOBK OF nu: BO KD Ol BEALtH.ii.t rei ..! un co nu iam

Washington, 1> c. 17.- .! Board olHealth baa been ii t In Washington the laal

and will probably complete it.-.

th ira to-.rruw, lt will be read] to report to Con*.grcss in January. The Board will make something

gebowiug: lt \ra- iir-1 created in1878, when un hi.:>i ipnation of $50,000 wai mada

i to enable it to institute system ol san¬

itary i ind collate and preeeut informationrelativi to the improvement of the aaoitary condi¬tion, especially "t tbe tr'outbi rn cnn «. In be springin summer of 1879.Cougre shaving satisfied itselfof thc efficiency of tbe avatem.appropriated

100 additional, with the intention that tbeil Board should cooperate with tbe local and

^ftnte Boards, and extend inch araietoneeae, in iin: Government ought ta give aa a pro-

Icetn -- epidemii diseases. Of the $550,000lated in all tbe Bosrd will snow tba) ll -nil

has on band some #257.000. lt it expected thattl j- som "ill i>"! only ei able th< Board :<. carry on'itu .. ,i rations uni il tl aend ol rhoi urrenl liscal var,hoi also through the !'>. al year eudingjulj 1. 188'2J he operations of thc Board an saki to be very tat-

ry, and have resulted in a vaal improvementol thc saoiMry cmdition ol all tbe river towna. TheBoard baa established two stationl "i ita own, andhus nuUibly assisted all the quarantines controlledliv State aiid local governmi ft. Tm mnneya givenhave been used lam. ly in cjejiningnp thodlstncUforan riv infect! d, and in the ua.i mool of gmployea

lin the general i- ^ s; . m ni inspection andary nd orin.


EDUC VTION BY THE NATIOX.\V.\-'MNi.ruN'. Dee. 17.-- Mn* following le ¦

Mr. Burns.de*8 iCducatlooal bill a pas* dbyinc Sea te lu-daiTim uet proceed* of the salei pubur landa and ot

patento are forcvei set apart for Me education ot thein opie.Tbe Secretary of tbe Treasnn shall yearly wportloii

In |be sevi il > »l and Terrill les ana tbe Ols ri <><

i .iiiiii,ni.. n i".a tue ha-is of Mi iHipul dion, between tbe¦ace of five and twentj real .»-¦ saidnel proceeds for.lu |>revious rear, wblcb Mall BPeredlted on tbe bootiul Ml liea-.irv aa an cdiicai ional Inua, OD win. li i pi r

cia: interest per annum i« t'i he nant to Hie States asat>i\, provided; Mat for Me BT*i ten years the spoortn me.-li I Shalt bf BUUM BCOOIdlBB '"l'"' iii'inl'-tK ol thep.anil dion nf .a rears old and upward whoeannoin ¦.! -nt ix-riie; and provided furMer, ibat one-third efMe Income from sud land shall bs auniulli appropria¬ted MMe rompieted endowmeui ami loin-ees estab-liahed or which maj be establlsbed undei Me act ofiii.-j mini tue :ini ,n-it annualij thus i.cermngtoaaidco leges in each tstate shall reset tcjc.ooo, after wbiehtnr whole tai ome ol .<»ai fund ah ill be appropriated byIii il -i oe-. T' rrttortes and District, lo the edin allonul ail cblldreu between thearoa ol s x aral f\\if u.

Tba Bei-retary of Me Treasury laaatbortsod t;, add tothe fund ooy sums gtveatuMa Called Blakes for Malpurpose. A sum aol exceeding Ml per centum ol ide

i, received by anj State, etc., the Orel rear, aad,.,,t x, ,.:r> IO percol inanyyeai thereafter, roarbe appde I, j! dis -retmo. to the malBtenanee ".'lt inairuetlun of teacberool eomasen seauols Tu hientitled io Me benefit* ul Mw act, any State, eic, nusllualntain feral Mast three momba in t brear untilJanuary I, lHfc>5.aod thereafter four monthi lu eachVi'.h. a srsiem of free public arboola foi all oki .tren in

twe'n mi and mt-en venv.it ace; atty Stale,etc.,nd .aupli lng iniv .>.' Ma money reeelvi d na ler Mia .".;

nhail forfeit turtber grants until Me amount so misaoulled Mall nave been rep aced by sal i state, eta. Noth-;., couialued in tbe act shall be held to alter an) pre-

.... rei irdlngthe dlS)>oaliionol puuiiclaud,nor,,, .,.i mc power ol Congress over the public domain,nm toiuterfere with giautlnc honnu land to soldiers

iHtlort The bill also aatbonsea colleges eaub-lu nd under tbe act of ISSa tu .ataibtifh acboula let Ikeie. bnlca! education ot noni n.

Washix it<of iweuiy-au e

eountles ia Peoito Ul- (VllaUS Bl

Couulis*.Allegsuy...Breamsi in uinco< lintonCotambts..i uril.iiiil..D lawanll.lU'o SS.gssexPraeklln.Uenesei n..1 garwinl. rtagatou

i EN8U8 BK li.'>*.,s. l).-i. 17..Tin ima¦untiln in N. a ^ ¦' k aa

laylvanla, according t" thea .au br the rnnmi rotors,

M W-ToKK.I ttl tl. CounUet

41.MHI" 4-1



.lO.KOl l M. La" I*, ee.Hrtuyler.Nilli*.sullivan.ri «a.,.in;.kin*-

I aler.j Wayne.Wi »tebt i «.;I WyomiBK.

17 »-'«.jr.. j-'-'I4'JTIO7. ,1-J;:i .M:.: 3*9..j ifl(;¦; 100

I populationl lueniy niue

retain-, m.iden a* follows

ToUtl.4o.:-i7;»?,.'.-1 715.181SS (">.i1 H - I J

.. -Jil .'77;'-. i»mi

.. HU.H72:<4 I I .

Kri,h3H1 701

ion *i;::¦¦ '..ir

(>>i tulirt.AlleaBenjArmatrueg.


rir.idiord.Bues*.' ., ie "n..


Col iii "lil.i'rm, lord.K'k.Krle.l'Yreal.LaakawaaaaUmciiiT.

p; NN-Y1.V IglA,/,./,o. Otmnlttt.

::..."i.7.r>;» ! Lnserue. ..

17 cai;t;i.»;o:t


isa81.»'«"Jiu.:;jti;. MWHS Mitr.'.s.i-74.0814 m

a<i,L'8dIW^ll I

Lrcoodna-Mi :ir. .

M- nil. -ill.Ne, lh.. tn al n

Pike.Potter.solht .a_Susqaebaawvlu>_'a.A':i rn n.WaablogMa...Warne..ajyonteg.


.. 80,179I.V400

.. 70.:!iti8.681

i:i.7 ia.. 1,07a

f....;¦:4:'..ii4J, !»-lbo in:i;>.-ir.'

.. l.">,j»a

THU fOBlTOWB IKl.KBRATION.Wariin..ros, Dee. 17.-The joint OotV

¦ ni-irr Camnlini on the Yorktown Cent, trn'sl«I le-

hraUon held a meeting today. The pro^iamu.e of cere-

mu.r, wMOh bsd been prepared by Mc sub-comniltteenoatstIM of Senator Buller and KePrt*anUl.ves LevMgand Hawley, was adord** »f -W «B" «««»>««"lu* wi,h"ul

roalertal aliemiiou or amendment. Tbe .ubeommit os

lo aatOBI au sraior and |»oet tor ibo occasion presented

it* re;iott, win, a traeaaaaeito iii ii the aoarnttMeneonneooj dbm tae noa, R.Dert c. Wnthrop, ofMa>aac'iu*c.tM, hf Invited tu d-.'lver tl:e ora'ion, andlanai Ilarr-m aTepe, o' V,minta, the BB

After the agoatj in of tr-e prorniimir r^ferenc* wa*

¦ tn a recline of BtaMtatDsetMB eeoeerataa the sattaa,,f the p.int aataaatMM which ba* haaa expraaeed bysome gentlemen r.iiiaee id with thc State or localat aonnooo, goa anion of tbaJane eawaalttea, fe waasod, in latona the time Uni tba OorerawMat win per¬

te In Mc cell bra: ion to three dais, tod in refusingio eoopereM heartdy elth laeal or sime aasnolatinn*v. rn ii new of pteloi King tao ceremonies ov.-r s 9 ri dor flrtecu or tweotj days, had been eriilrlxad. Several»t Mo aanaaara aaoka tn dafaaca of Me actina of Meircommittee, asserting ti.»t they wera aot eaM«rtoedumier thc re«. tut mn* creating Me onsomtttee to co¬op-rate with local MBoctaUooa. t .e i Tpreaalna afopiuloa, however, anio g tba rosabel*, wm general.ibm lt waa ned Meir pu pose i discoaraaa or to toter-

la Mo Slightest degt t with Bay nmniremcni*which may i.i ibe tocal antbontroa ofaa of lb* States or the Tor lewa Ceatenntol ..

.-.t .. tim berood the tares daridi nag wincu tho Govcniuieu will purliuuule la tho


CUBBEH1 1 ai THE CAPITALsin; rog Tnt: gg i libbabt buili

I nanroToo, Friday, Dee. 17, ll '.

Bo dotnakni was reached tbnnorniog by the Com*nltieeon Additional Aeooanaodatioaa for the Li-brarv of Coogren io regard to a location for tbapropeeed bow library baildsog. The coin'.,,;

aninodnlaat prepared by arehitoen lor tinbaildiag, and lisMned to argaaMott In

rob eotkraa propoee l and, then poatpooed tbefinal decision until next Monday, tokiogBbhave ;;.Illili,mal information teeurod ia reapeet toJndidary Square, There lt exoelleol reason to ex-

peet that Judiciary Square will be nlected. It iaytbe property ownera noon Capitol Bill,

¦whoa banda andbuildioga totbe (t iveramenti tli if ,i booie goold 1»> Bcooorediron the librar if located th-rc. tn thr, a minutes,while it will require -¦¦....¦.¦ min it * to ant ow" fentn

diciary Square, The committee tooma te oe oftbe opinion that thu differonoe in tina ut boIsuffl iem to "t! ¦¦: Hi" enormous pelee demanded by

ipitol HiU people, when the Judiciary Squarewill coal nothing, u being already tba property of

; nun' at.< BAVOB8 IX BOUSE COMMIT!;:

Thc vaeoocy in tbe Committee of Wayt ardMeans, caused by the reaignation of General Oar*

"! tbe Hon .. (>:' Beprei eotettvea,will, lt ia nm ipnoint-neat of BepreeooMtive lleKioly, of Ohia MajorM< Kit ley is nt preaeni a member of tbe Committeecn the Jud Diary, sod bis an eeaoi as ¦ bm mber ofthal Committee, will, i' b saul, be Repreaei totiveButterworth or General Enter, both of whom arc

deo reported tli.it RepreeentaUveii '.ry B. Neal baa bora recommended by a unmoorof tbe Ohm Repreeentativee for tbe vacancy on tbeWoytand Meana Committee. Mr. Neal uta pro-Dooneed high tariff mao, representing, aa he doe*, a

manufacturing district. He is said te be morethoroughly convereatit with tariff question* Dananv other Representative from but Mate Itisnu-

id that Major Mi fouler's appoiutiue.nl will bebighlj gratifying to <¦ iii ral <¦ rf] d.nrpROTExtEN ra om rBE upper mississippi.1 be Northweatern .-ii.atm., and l»'.pr«- entativi s

are movli g m tba matti r of soi uring sppropi lationsto continue improvement* on the Upper Mi«-Seyeral B presentntivet from MinneaoM and Wit*ennuin mot al tia- boase ..f Representative Wueb-burn, ot Minni oto. this morning, and agreed thattin ¦"'.. .. '- I1" Committee on ( ommeree to in¬sert an item of $300,000 rn the River and HarborAppropriation bill, the ann nnl lo bi expended mi tbe:.'-,-i\.)ii improvements, ll.ey further agreed thattiny would opp >se the River and Harborbill oolamtins neai wai contained in if. and Mal Mot wouldend ivor to get all tbe other Representative* fromi'm Va bweal lo join a itli Hiern in thia opposition.Tbej douoi think that tbe Northweal baa hereto¬fore re: piveil aa I irge appropriations pi iporlionatelyax it m entitled i<> .\ bon Me magnitude ol the com¬mercial interest* of that section is taken intocon-biiie: ni iou.

RECOMMENDATIONS ol' THE BOARD OP TRADE.Ai its aeaaion to-day tbe National Hoard of Trade

adopted reaolutioue, reaffirming tho reaolationaadopted t ita 1 iel annual meeting regard] it; theneceositj of regulating interatate oomneree byrailroad; tba! the reenlMof the operation of tbetelegrupfa in Great Britain aa a port of tbe ooatelsyttem of tbe conntrj are such aa lo commend tbeadoption of a similar system to tbe people of tbeUnited State*, A commit! e wag eonatituted to

urge upon Cougren the euaetment of a NationalBankruptcy law. rios committee will meet haWashington alter the hoiflay recces. It is under¬stood th ii the llniisc Ci ii iii ii rt ta- on the Judiciarywill he read > toad promptly aa soon ss the com¬mittee above mentioned ia ready with ita tuggetI nins.

SECRETARY THOMPfOX'd PL IBO.Secretary Tbuuipson, whoa* reaigiii lion koch into

effect on Monday next, at iboreqaeal ol a numberol fi lends iiiiil subordinate ofilcera will bold ¦ ie-

ceptioii in bis office to-morrow afternoon lor thepurpose of takini formal leave af the employe*.,Tim Secretary will probably remain ;*t the Depart-ment on Monday next. He will viaii bte hone InIndiana in the crmrae of a week oi so to attend toacme huaineaa, after which be expecto to return toW Bebington for tbe winter.

WASHINGTON NOTES.Wa-iiim.i,iv I nday, Dec. 17. 1880,

Peer, mtv Raasaey retained to Hm (Ity to-day.Secretary Saeraiaa baa recovered fmui bu ndtepoat-

tioa.aad aaa at tbe Departmani to-day.rrraaary Department to-dsy purchased 200,000

ounces of gae ailver for delivery al Mo Ban Frsaclseoand New firieau* minis.

'1 lie bill latrodased in the Senate M-day lo provideforaaohTom national baokrnpt law. ls a eopy of Mabill tairodnred In tue Uou*e --f Repreaenia rosiestseason bj Representative Un chloe, al Nev Fork.To* order Baotgatag Oeueral Howard to Wael Potet,

ni.ii glviag in in t.nl the ebaagea made In eoesi qnenee nfthe recent retirement ol Brtgadier-Generai Oed, is bamaprepared at Me War Department i, day, aug will prob-u t,i r be hawed io Borrow,

Vie.' President Wheeler to-.lay received lb* aleetotalrotes of Bhoda Islaad. Obto, ladtaoa, Kaasaa aadCslt-fni'uia, in enoii m-iiii.'i bj aspects) messenger. Ila Basii,,* received, i-ltberBrasall or roeaaenger.tbevoteaofau tbe BiaMs except Oregon.

a i onroRATioy tax betubx.

A loan v. Dec 17..The Fanners' Loon andTrott Ceeapaoy ba* Bled thu nUewtag wita tko Onotroika ('.limul sun u. ¦n.oao.iino, dtvldaade PBhrwaryi. IQO.0OO, :. pet aral : Maj 1. !8*X©0O, o pat eaol; Au-

goat 1 880^1 NJ, 9 pei cent .'...vember t. ?Io.imKi. 4 perreal Tba e-jaspaay tir.iieh:.-. Bennet Me right nt teeMat.- to require ti" report, aaa! agatoat Me Baa pee-vid-d tor to Mc lao ol 1880.


Loxa Bbaxch, B. J., Dee. 17..The erewaaf tba ko bouad vasaahi in ihe BWiwabary River andHoraesboe Harbor tia* Borstal with Mai ate af aseaM .eui.din trrrux three of llie lizip. .smii (1 Vcsnelsh bi maia thu k^ Tbeerewt (rm.- rarieaa veaaala,a*si«ted bi mg h,un*, ate now engaged mi-nakiugb ebaunel ibreugn Me fraern rtvar for toe porpoaa olextricating lae rsmaiader.


\ BJUKXMAlt r.t'N 0VEBAX0 RTLLED.Maxie, I'eaaa, Doo. 17 ~.l. J. Nod, » bewkeatao,

mi* tun io er ami ki.l*U jr*;wil*y1 .vu COLORED HMM Kli.f.l'H

Tt vi a im.iki-. Bee, 17..John Clew aad John Mead,ii i ...-)¦ ir.- wereatreckbya Westers Jbuj mu Ral sadlialu. th* rvuiung. sud matann? ki el.

A R.MLh'iAD fLAOMAS ni I liv

BalTTMobi Dee, 17--Knink H. Shalleoberg, aceHf eui? vi ar*. Digman mi the lotomac llo.d at Ht. Aguea.sl»;.. u wu* run ovet Ul day br a tr*ia ans ailie.L

KII.IKtl RY A PA1XIKQ WAI.I.RARaXSSI NO, l>ee. 17. tvN iiiilmtsbe*! wall of the

M,u.i;.-Uiwu e^r »lf»» Iel! bad nlgtil. Uarytug a;s »oikiuon in

iheiuius. Willum l)**tcr waa kiile-J1UATH KKiiM AN AOSADLT.

Rostov. l»ec. 17..The Medical Ezanioer ln-ilc-rMo.1 teal rairick l.aa* ram* I* bi-d«,lb fr >-n slob s, sadhoi Irooi heart d .**»«, auJJ(,.«*|ih f.-w. who s*aaulle.l !-*»«

Laal uighl 1* held for the rtinie.

AUAIN IMJUTKll IXM DKFAI.rATt'iN.Hiuaih Doa. 17..Joseph Itork, the def niltinc

rllr ircaaocir, wko (*acaped nmr.cauii thrae Tear* ame*

ninnieb iic.'o-li»i liaSirlairiiU. «*.. arra^no I a«ain la day .-u

ihre- new ludletmeni* cbargiae tun willi l.av.ng -!.:¦?>»-uilai*«l li*' div bond*, valu'd "t fcli*i,0(«i. on iMtuhei I.

1*T» sad anni* lo the aui janl o.' »7,i.ii, al dltsicui Uukw.



Ml.NT.\|-»ni:.Tl I Mills IV V Ut K.1 he demand for e. r< i< ¦ Rt J tlaod i- repent- d by

7/.e J.oiuIuh Hmm. Kmilc dr fiirirdin intend* soon

to retire fmm pub ic life. Ki.eland has lodoeedFranco to favor arbitration as a means of settlingthe (jreek danns.

MILITARY" BI7LE IN QtELAHD.LOVDOB, Fiklay, Dec. 17, 1880.

Thc officer commanding at Birr, KinesCi ii'iiy, lia* heirn ord-rcd io petrol M* dlBiri-t nightlyT»ith forty soldiers. The police patrol ha* a'10 betadi u lu ed.WUP. .in It ire Jane*, who hm baot mad' n vletim of

" j'.nyro: tine," wrltea 'o Ma Mane n* fellows t "I am

tong rebuilt* uien fr >m I distance, *(-11 arm,al,tu rt ii.ace Ma lso-ir«r* who have left me. TOOpenOa-

a th.: Iioil-c god lour oilier* BtOBMttOBedi. ir tty faTBa, I have applied for more protection, andtro >p* are promised me on Frvlsy."rat ftntnaa tbe Irish tptcJUoa savs: " Tho followers

Bf tbe (i.iveriimeat aro iin'iarm-iM-d, .ml for tb* BO .'.

¦o uni kimw what til nar, while a few .ire bo'druo.'di to express Uh i' rij-Pt nt lae Hu* Meir

have pw st Mr Whitbread, eoeor the Bloat re eera Ltberala bi MeHouse >f Oommona, apeaktog at Bedford last nlm*. do

I vividly toe reign ot terror Met aad left ne bon¬ni ea hog sale in a large part of Ireland, and aihu feeling thal (be s..,i i ,.. ban rome v. ti. ii tba Q <.

it might ba eorooeU ii" um cooratoo." fa* notreio ceosare Me Ooverumeat for not adopt¬

ing coercive iiasaiuii *.A dispatcb from Cork to 77ie T'imr$ Myal "There 1*

a ki eat m ant of employment tBrougUoet uc oouuirr,owing io the disinclination of lanai rds to hiv oatmoney, ai aaveral meetings reeeuwy held fannerswere summoned to give employment to laborer*, iheagent of tbe Earl of Cork wat reqo *tcd to provide uv

a tbe i. 'a eat*te, near Charleville, CountyCork, and be h.i* ju*t Intimated thal ba w.li oienWi Nil ia tl at In,' uity and >.'!ve employment uiilll March.1^- l "


Loxnox,Sotnrday, Dee 18, la50.Cbirespondence i.s published between Captain

I!oj e.itt and Mr Oladatoae. rna funner a^* tae aa*BOOeef tbe QOTBHIBIOBl to indemnify him for some

af tba loonn oaaatd by bia taring to galt Irelaud. Mr.Gladstone raphoe Mn tba Omeiameat baa alnlara lr assisted Mr. Boyootl arith troops Tothia Mr.norcott repiiea Mat tb* army wa.* seat to Lough Moak

il bis irish and merely lo preserve peaee, and re-I um: tbe Q vernmenl refused bim compensation.

i ne ii tl of Mi. Jooca'acattle nen shipped yesterdaya:,ii, u opp ..-ii,, a.

11. P inn ii de once fund now amounts t,, 810,000,'i bc (.Mini Or.iint* Lodge baa Issued a eireulat arel nj;

Me breibrea to t.«we nu aauie* f..r meeting ny bm ans ulsaiaai tone during daj or mg t under aa

,, i.i-v. an l to t..k. :n, ans of prole ding Un maelvea. Au-otb r circular announces thal a lubseriptloo na* bi nopeued ororga izing .nee, and gives Informationkihi ii gara io lin- coat ul si ass.A munal nani meelina was ueld at Lougbgalli County

b, yesterday. 11 ¦. - a pm en wera principallyii ai ..'iiiiii. A ii.uii of gfty persona took persuasion nfiiie iilofomi, wiiii-u Moy dc uroyed. A meeting wasii.i id ie- "i in in adjoining fl ld Ri ¦> lUonawerepIn jlavor ol apeasani proprietary.a lelegi e. io I .-rr.- a - ii, i .il m from Dublin *av*

lt ls confident!; - i.i.i »i Mli lael Dai lt'* lietel ofleal is about to be oanoetled, and Mat Mr. Davitt Willne arrested.

TBE QREEK PROBLEM.lo: Dux. ri v. i< e. 17. 1880.

The Yimkin Political Uorretpondenee Baye thor..\< era we i Meringof Ibo UrrBk Ojuestio i td ban Induced Pt-anco toBeet ia tbe idea, ana ins invited an totercfa inge o.

among h Po* 11 on tb* project.¦.i. Mid! ..a* Invite i t> rid

mppU i .¦ pi i loni foi 1,000 In :. -. ttaUont d on

lin- la¦¦! ..-ir III ale frontier.Borne con ti ni nial eat respondent*, In Meir diapatehea

toMe London Joana la, apeak of areport Matnegotto-Hobs a a proeeedtng between Turk*j and Qi rmaay fortin- c.«... :i of Crete u tSrcece in Hen of otbar territory.An Armenian mrnal pabliabc* au ai couul of a b.ly

Ogbi between the Inhabitants ofavlllaca in TurkishArmenia md tbs turkish troops. The Kosstsn Consul.ai Van has toni to the se< ne ol tbe disturbaaee.The RrllUb snip Mitton, i n un MeAi tour, from Sew-

York, N (.ni'i.i 18. for Copenhagen, had bat dock*swept ny inc «>, a sod )stt isoui d p.ti of lor earea.


'ill.. DUCHESS OF WESTMINSTER DTINO.LoaooB. Prtday. Dee, 17,1880.

A dispatch from Bournemouth, dated at 1o'clock Mia afternoon, as Ducbeai of Weat-minsti !.. danrhter of the second Duke of -inlier.a nd, andMie:res*ol tm llobca to tbeO,uren, lsslukingfast. Hatdeath ls "iib i. question of .» tow boura.

M. DE GIBARDIM l.'F.l'IKINi..imus, Prtday, Dee. 17,1880.

If, Emile de Girardin, tbe distinguished|i nii,;.itai and momberoi Ma Chamber of Depaun forHie Department "i Me Heine, ha* Informed Meena--ii.a ii:- iiiiii ii, vt ii reine iMiin political Uti bitei thciiis-o.mina ot tbe preaeul Chamber.

FOBEIGM NOTES.Uihdok, Saturday, Dee. 18, 1380.

A dispatch to Tkt Standard fruta Tbe Hague rcportatii.it the h .-iiiid Chamber baa voted a irrant of 7,oooguilders lor an Areli ipi di ion iii it rear.

ri'f HUmdanfi eorreepoadeatat Bl. PeteraborgMya:P ii. Intelllganee fro.a Oeneral Skobeleg ibowathat,in aime ol all contrarj aseertioos, tbe l'ckko campaignha* already begun.Sweaty thousand p nada sterling in cold were pur-based yeatorday in open market for shipuieut to.Now-i..-kTi c dir. et n- af Me Anglo American Cable Company

have decided to postpone ike repelnag of ti;e r.i<*stcahic of I860 until apnng. awing to hoavksrooa weather.Mm Marte Oelstlnger, the Uerman actress, htfi Haaa-

burg. Deoembei IS, hythe steamship Weatpballa fatNea tm k, in 111., profaaaloe ir iiiaagiiaanniAn hsvoeUgattoa at Boebareat mte th,- attempted

aaaaashtauoa shows timt a plot existed acatoal TiomtaiBranano.

F. Dixae ll.irtl iud. r.Mieervativc, wa' iceland to-daytobe Me member of the Rhum of CoBMneua foi liveatom, the scut ».in m. ,n


as *n-i!:ii B pun hiai PROCXaDttfOt HAD BKBMBJCaCH IN Bato k i.v n -!>kni.\i. uv MOS.e-I'liAirl k.'.- COPK8KL.

A ie|.>'t boa been circulated receatlythal thewife of ex (invei liol Sjirairu -. of Rh le 1 laOad, lia 1in tun i tail for divorce in Brooklyn, while Mr.prague h id brough! mallar proocedlugt in Proti-

dence. Mn. Spragae'a couoael haid m a Ibibubbr*iiort«r yesterday :

"No sui! for divorce ho* beta began doi rooten-plated by Mrs. 8orague in Brooklyn. Boob amporti- attorly abxard, beeauee no sarii tait could he

broagbt aadet tba btw aitberin Brooklyn "r New-fork, aeithei of wi, n-ii placet ooald be claimedu* :i reetdenee. **<> i-*r an .Mrs.."-araiM-i's counael know, no sait lia* hen beganhy ex-Governor Sprague in Providence. Natarailyber counsel would receive tba earlies! Intimatlooaifaayaoeb proceedings ob hi* nari wereeontem-pbited, A suil fordivoree will probably be binug it

e\ Mr«. Spragoe before long, altbeiigb no definitetimecou lie aloted either in lb* DMtrictof Colnm-ii,a ,a in Ku,nie lahtud >.'. can claim either ofthroe placet aa a n-aleece. No papers have beentiled in tin. :ise.'"

lt la andi stood, however, that tbe papen are inpreporattoo. ________


A man woo gav lu., boom m L. M Moyer, of Aa-cn-'a. Qa-. wi'" roaebed tbtaoity atda, at, on tbeilirotiL'h Waablogtoa npren faeterdaj, iwportedthat he wm robbed af $10,800 betweea Rabway, N.

J and JefBOy Caty. Ile stated tn.,- tie drew

£1 LO00 ii. hil* (rom a hank in AagOBU jusf before

Btarilngfot fin* ntty, where ba Int oded topar*ebon a Ur^e qnootity of goo..s. Ik- gpeol$*_U0, and p'.ai'd the reaiaiinior in a Mt*betWbeo be left Waahiogten rbaraday night be took a

berth M a Pullman sleeping coach and plaeed thesatelicl umiei lu* pillow, Ho did Bot ntn the.ateliel until alt*-r the Hain had left BabWey. Winnthe tram reached Janey City bc Mated MaJbe bad lost tho nancy. hut be enwto tho nii*-ing money could Le found. 1 tn-

alleged robla-ry w*.* reported to the Bolton.iithoriuesat EUa-betb, Raliway, Kew-Hrun.swi. k.Newark audJer.-ey City. Chief ol I'.dice Murphy,ofJaney City, wot somewhat eeeottnol »tim lo-iBtaaad of ih« robbery, but his otBoan were n.-

htructe.l te lo'k for the |bh VOB, Mr. Meier couldnot giveanv des ription ol tbe niouci clent thatit was iu bills.



St. Lot ts \*r<- lT.-A'lvi; :-^ from Indianlint t) .-i aat is,. :u.: dtoiled ludisu-sent to lbs

boom "i k l«« MaevXrb, iarter aecepifng the bnarpt ls v .

and killed bim. aad eboppt I a hired m ni named BartenWllh au axe. Infj ting ". '-.

ha iruoAh isreui.-



In addition to the f-tcanc-li¦ :i*» of tho M r-

enoata tad Mlaen Lane, wtinh laeontroiled hy the BobUm,,re snl Ohio l: dir ia.1 Oimpanj, *even»l ve*aehi w, ro

eharlered tn tht« city and at llocton yestenliiy to to¬rre i*e tin- ni-.na -,f evrytag Ma eoaipeny*i fretoxd aa*tween New-York and BiiUlmoro. Tue opening nf thianev iWOtBtWh i'i hue l.< -n made riec**-'*rv by tin- r>- Bl il

of the Philadelphia, WtlBttogtea sud ll ilaiunrc Un r- j.Itu carry freigti; shipped by tbe 11-iund Brook route, niijr

lu ttio eliding agneflMBtt between tho irtinklines lor a il.vUlon of the freight husmess al New-York.lu,- !. liv to tbe arrival of »hii>nie:its that Willtoaaaaaaktoa the toaueetloa between Xon\'.. '-

i-. nore by aaa Instead of hf railroad la bkaly to ferestba Ballia ra nd Ohio Company to audra eon;

to shippers. The Fenasylvaata Baflroadlong and Mtterly the effoits af the BalamiOh:.» Ballresd to secure a through Imo to th'.i

atty, and lt ls eon-ldered UOprobable thal ltwill eooaeal Many reduction kt ra*,-* hythe Baltimoreand Ohio line B many railroad men il i- v.. a Maltiie I.- two companies mai ratall taMe serious dlsturbsoM of existing poa

i'm rr, .ir; that tho Pennsylvania li uroad hClued n ¦..¦-...¦ell ti.' !>:! rest in the l'hilad" ph' (. Mmin^.. mora Hoad is believed to befoundation. Xearly Ma whole of tin i

Boston, sod private information from there is ai Mieffect Mat no change to tbe ownership of Me road basbean made. Tba action of the Wilmington Beadbeen In eompll ii ce w,:h 11IM tbe Penasylvania Railroad, l; lin- guru ike re-

"f thc '. ioilnanoo of th .... bu it, butuntil tbe xptr.itii.il nf tin-iin. or th.. -:..ii rsome peaceful arrangemsnl between the conflict!tereala, lt eau earry uo freight shipped by Ms Bound12; ni L. mite.

PURCHASE OF IRON MOUNTAIN BTOI K.The porcbase by Jay Goold of a large lo¬

in tba 8*. i. Iron Mountam and SouthernRailroad waa eosepietod yeeterday by the tipiyment of tue ttoclt Thonaa Alco, pmaadaut f

thoeompany.it ut Vew-Tork,and bis first workday wat to maka Me ti maf r teeoi Ung to tbe b irgato,i. -1 ii tba! M had not aoldhla entire Interest to Me read,and that to would n dent probably until th-'h. i general meeting of the stockholder*, telroad career ho had built about I,.¦ i les of rood, and

antoni now to retire p it, from 11work or construction. Mr. Allen waa unwilling n

exacl unounl I to Mr. I lou i.

muted thal ii wai -aili lent to give himtmi of the company. Uthougblt wat not an tililaj.'i


THE CANADA PACIFIC RAILROAD.Ol lwa, Dec. 17..The opposition mcmliera

of Me Domini nParilam ul hsvei sued .i mault a- pie I cagada pr .:¦ tl aa t in -r the ratitti

tl i. ¦> rum 'i '* proposed Pacllle Raliwity policy,It aeta forth that tbemlnist rs have withheld vital ia-

forn allon, preventing dunda lon In Me coosrttui adi -¦,

and bavi denied Me light of Me people to be consultedon Me scheme. Ii says al Mi present

..ti mate V th a i -' ..¦ i foi med and restiImposed detrimental t,. Me country and to future set¬tlers' claim-. The manifesto recites tbe t-:'n.s ot IboSyndicate's contract, and maintain that th i Iti hi i.i Kamloops will c,i*t rtoublc thu <;..v, rame n's >..

i.is' -e.-.-iic r i mpati) will u.nii"ii-Ire trade ol tbe northwest a til the year

:. ¦> lt urge- Pur imi Di ont to sancho ii i

entailing 840,000,000 increase of tbs public, debt, ibutnc a prep tl for . catina

rhe Bon. J' v i-i Rlake'g n>otioii for copies of Meevldeuon on which Me Oovernn.i lelee.ed Mc dunn

iiai'i'.' i. as the standard foi tbe Caiirried rn tbe 11 ua of Comtuous last uigbc

ADJUSTING A UEAVl MORTGAGE.Philadelphia, Dee. 17..To meet the

85,000,000 Ural mortgagi t; per cool t-.mils maiorii gMarah 31, 188L the Philadelphia and Bric RailroadCompany has resolved to Issue nader lt* generalgan 85.000,000 registered 8 per cent geld hoads, and¦ p tansj ivin.ia Railroad Company, kt no, tavtBg por-chat d the Haine tat decided to ia,loise npon them Itaeeatrai f agreeing to purrhaac at par as tiiey Banter* tbaprincipal and Interest of *aid hun:!.. The companyeovenaoM to pay rh* State rsx upon thc intciiprincipal. A. J. Drexel & Co. have eontraoted *Uh thePenna) Ivania lt .iiroa-i c. mpany for Mi* t*«u<i ol bonds.Tue bonds are executed and readj tm delivery, .oil to-terese thereon begini to aecrne Anni i, IStfl.

KOBE ANNUAL REPORTS.dXBAXT, Dee. 17..Tim following railroad

reports have beta received by the state Engineer and.-ui reyor iUtica, lillie* and Elmira.raid enpital, *'.',oon,ono;

unfunded debt, $-41 4i;:t 82. Keceipts.Paaaeugors,(-59,120 xi; freight, t' ;.M.; 80; malls.83,831 i»7; rents,8158; expreas, 83.953 18; other source*, .-rs.ol:» So.Payments.Road oxpeuses, -1 11,378 sf).Northern Kalin.ti Company ol Nrw-Jerser.Capital

¦ti.ek baaed, 81.000,000; randed debt. 8300,000: namuer ..f stockholders, ll Beeetpts.Proai passenger*,1190.229 72; freight, 844.20870; malla, 11.307 87;routs, 8800; express, $7 6jo 97; Interest, *ti4s 71.I'.ivuii-nl,-Road XiicD^*-.. 817M,29d (ll; interest,

... Internal on bi u.u, Myack and SorMern,811.025 dividends, 920,000 linking fund, 87.000.New-Tork Dndergroand -Authort* d capital, $10,(100..

ooo: paid capital, 88.000.000; Bamber of snares ofstock, loo.ooo; number ol stockholders, 15.

itroivivsny Underground Connecting Railway.Antbee-i/ni capital, 81.000.000; subscribed. 830,500; paul,82,u >0; number nf siocKbolc.ers, 15.


San FbAXCISCOi Dee, 17..Governor Neil,of Mubo, in io* meaaage to thc togtateture says that

polygamy fat Befog rapidly totroduead from ctah. ThoTerritory ta in (lancer, and ls BeoOSOtUg like Utah, lin

expresan the hoiie inst Ito LegletaMre will adopt incas-uni la cruah out tba practice. II Mi«o adrieea lae puo-iibuientof Mom who preach Uir doctrine af polygamy.


CbICAOO, Der. 17..Bishop Ireland tele¬graphs flinn St, Paul an indlgnaut denial of ito- ron .rn

of the fearful suffering BOtetM the OetoaMtl of Ni iv ('.n

neniiir.i, MlBBW >t.i BMg IBSlBta men Irom fit. I'.iul am

now tovcettgattog the wk la Batter Dally advtoca fromGraceville aaeerl Mat Mr Quiekina grossly mil . Iibe londitmu of tia m-i


Skn Fraxcuco, Dec 17..The CommitteeOf the Board of Tr.ide lo coiistiier miernei ame canal

uii.iir* las telegraphed eongraralattous tu Adniral has-ni"u on the favcrati e outiimk tor a Nicaragua Canal,also t" .-i a* Booth, a -kmi.' hun and the (.'aliform*delegation ni as.isl in furtherance of the pndeet.


UoXTGOMXRT, AIiu, Dec. 17..Tin: memhcHaf tto Bar of Mia Mtv eoNMMOd 'h-' noakfaol for the

appwlutaieal of w. h. Weeda n tho Mteaeaaor of .fusiiceBtrom Bpontbe Called -tat--* HapreaM Court Beach,unit earnestly nrgi Me appolnMu nt of t i* Hon s-»m.ieiv K r0. ,-x ('iiiet Jaotlee of Alabama, to fin Mr. Wool*'n ici M .Imlgo of tue infill .niduiiil Un nit ,,f thernlle.l IMttra in the evea: ol (he iatter'i eoudi-iualioiiby lue donate.

hui suv BSTEBBBJSES.Ai.i-.axv. Dc-. 17..N orv in Green, Tr-.ii i R,

K I-..a. Jim. i u Baukar. t. a. Bdlaea sod attora havetill ii io in Ms,,,' InaarputrethM a* tin Bb etrie liiiimiiii»t-

ing Caotpaay el »w York, with a capiui el.««l,o>i,i"i» .-.ni ael lii-gcr* and other* hove argaaMoaand toa aaaie ol Me (hush!;,! ned -.- ..in Cumpaay ofAmerica, with a capital Pf 810,00 i.OO'i.


Au ant. N. V., Dec. 17. -The claim* alluna ilbr ibe nea*** of the Ailautic Mutiisl Lite InsuianeI'.impaiij, ot Una city, ..n^\t^M< r'.l-i 1-7 84, wiol-. tb.j

gSO*a is-.-c. as alatosed by the rec,iver, ar*

gl.u07.08870, therebeiag m mi elslaaa to Mo naadi altm referee >rt umu-n-ied. fae report ts reg-irdsd iafavoiab.c to tuc inter: sis of aniieyh,miers.


A lAU.ritK IN TBJtXI -

Mtiii'liis. fenn.. Dee. 1". -d. L Prtodtr, ot Bart-lelt. Ifim.. ni sdn aa a«*igau ail ts-dar. His llahUltles aras.'4.0(*i. aiimiaal ian.,, ai''AK). Tba pr.nci^»l cn,,ni r.l.vc al LaoiSVUM ai. 1 Mr ni ph J.

ngLAVBO by a aaocBg PBOPBtxeBBtkbTQUL \ a., I» c 17..Hie itoamar M oinik. to

lead artibaattaa tm I rerpuol h_< aa* blade uf har p . !-rbiosrnnlf. Tue insli-rnv af Ite i>urv»lora cofiflicr her an

seaworthy w.ihoui * in* asweeuer.I'OTA, TltK MKXKAM ltf.Vi>l.ni(jN!:-T.

Ban Khsmimo, Deo. 17 .ITjeiik^e ol I lo'oniro( o.a. ih* Heaton KevotuilouUt. waa lakwii to thc 1 nit-fl-lilac iirrnli i carl lo-i.iv un a new »rii of nabra,c»»rpo..Ide liiiMiMier wes turusdwiei lo (ha LuiU-d a *.-s M*t.--»i.


maw w ihdti_ p_a naarniTgn .-

MAIM, si *J»W.IXKI_, |M ,% ms,I ri..\ i ii.i.i gym Cl IM! i i »ni.. ,iii!d,inavn'.

tn Balravl i lost ei glng tho. wall-paper low*t< iv- ot' Bhrge \ Bone, mi Perry-ot., w.-tslen ned. St-vcial penong wu- it jared in try*in;; to i-cai-. Tbs Bgnbet of peo¬ple liarnd in thc ruin* is i -

mated ut 2f> to 30, int it infeared thal thc loss of life i.* norh grceTuc pecuniary loss is ghoul £280,000. ThoUnion Mill Henge was aloa hun:, il. Alarge irak fotudiag, nt CUB? and Fulton--!-.,\\.i- dajxatged by tire at BBldaight Thewill ninon: I :., .-_...< .. '. A k ''¦>'>¦ ck in

Cleveland, Ohio, baa luca ! bj lire.

PLIFEitif p i. TORT i¦ ,t -is-. r Bl

llfflNI . 4 t AH,j s

hi BIRD IN thcfl; rst.,1. ii,-.-, ir..A * rina* Ara, attended by

lon of life, oec irrod bera ibis en1A .our d (.'cluck ii tire w is di-, i third

fl re-etory building, on i;*d hyW. ill .. n Perry-at., an T i by Hir.-o

d Se -. wi! p ip i .. afae! -. i ie ai BO feet front by 300 feet in death, i."><>m. n and b »ya ware tnployed ..t tba time, tbe buor-r- emandtng t stn help,AU of tbe number were at work, and in len toon

ninntee after tba alarm t - given thebuildingwm A naas of fianna. bled

I, and prob ibly buried from twenty !.> tbof thi euiplo -. l'h. doora to t.:>- dif)Were hnng lo BWiUf rintj

K it, thereby retarding the ogren ol tbaL'be bo Ung waa v. it:.our Ure eecapot ,f

aoy kimi.11,-- tern ii,'il workmen

many of them ateaped with bi >keo bon t andbi mai ii i.i lb -. j b< e in I . bo¬

iboi .a ¦! ri .ni

window*, and then tank back ned in timfl

Cadi ILTIRI ¦¦ rail-One ". tb< foremeu to Ibo fifth

burned, and jumped to tbe groHud; the bodj ia an*n cogn te, but it is supposedI '.-Ids.Jobm Mai!i,ni-. :ie;e fifteen ye rs, j imped from tue

Bfth Merty, rind waa killed.Wiimn B .-i

be jun .i a

John Gm riv, wbu lumped fri di the fi i" th floor,nt' il ;n m lao:.ci. and w . wily injured In¬

ls rtially.Mi i-K- Mamixky had bb) leg fractured bj Jiinp-

lt r bumed birk, and had au ai in broken.

Knwa ii li ohm ii |tu ii .-. (rom! i tl smor on thc lie ni,

Mo '. . of John M il "¦.-. bo w i*

lue i, j i ...i ,, in.ni ibo Uftb ;:1 big

be fol n ring an known tn 1 id - p>poefl'1 to be iii Me ruin*: Si.i Um Uett, Martie'.li (iee. Foti -i .'a and .1 ituei 8lo aibrotbersl ami Jay Voil t.

be t;mi'--, uexl coninn ca Baitii ur ul George W.

I'ltl't, wbiuli wa* deal royed. l'be building was three-i.- - in li- got. aixtj feel wide ami 200 leet long.

nannine .?:.'".«">w worth of cr.na, tin- property of.'¦din H. Mao niog.


Thc tones inu only be estimated ..t present, ana

are placed al tbe follon lng fignreaOeorgo W. rift, bb buiblinga. 8106,000; Biron

n machinery and paper.stock, 8150,000;John B. afanning, on grain, 82.i,000; city enginelion-,- tn falling edi* §.1.000,

'Hie loss on building* is covered by Inauran ¦;

birge't ios.s u uni 'ball ii tared.THROB KABOO*? -i Al" '-.

James Bvaa andJohn Kenuedy, employed on thefourth floor of tbe Birge bnilding, both Jumped totbe ground, escaping with only dight bruises,A small boy, Done nokuown, wot -eec to jump

front the filth, floor, catch bold »f the Letegrephwile, wilie!) broke, Slid, sliding down tb, Wire, BB-caped wan uni',- :i Uiil,v eu! hand.The buildings are ima i man ul smoking ruin*.l'be parents and friends of the dead and miasma

(.;ies sinro,uni the ina.*, iii* siiii^ are lull ofrumors, and probaoly the list oi tlmse kn tra sjkilled will bo more than doubled wh kine*bricks -mi ruins can b" removi tl.

LOSSES IN I LIFF STREET.A lire br Ik oat I.nt evening on the uppei

floor of thc aaren nary huck toildtua al Paitoa midi .irt -ts.. Me two apaer sti,:ii«ni which were occupiedbyB.OMta, manufacturer ,,r laaton -. aad Ito towegstories Bf Dh kersou ,t \';in I> Mea, ile.der* iii tin, - i

boo and metals, goa fire was dtaeovered bj samu.-lHammond, watehesaa tor Phelps, i> d.',- ,v i,,. aadPoliceman tinlliu, of tho Ki raf I'li-cunt, who were

wHiiiinr ni tiiU st. Baonatod saut ... a Tbibikb rc-

porter I

We BOthnd * -mell of smoke at ahmit ten o'etoek, buleould di*, .vi r no Hie aavwbera,ultbou_b we Brade a

mt searoh for lt, m in 11:20 p. ¦ [be fire barnoat saddeulv irom Me top ol tn* bulldiugai the coreelBf Me atreet "

in,- ttocuaapa to tbs buildtoff was fullj levered ii in¬surance. Inn lie -f.ick. .- la' it coH-dliel Bruen, wasDotluaared. DMts*aatock wiH probably baa total h>-».Tba slock or Diefcareou I w Du \ Ile, will probablybc damaged bj vtairr. Ito loss . rea li 825,0 .>

a (i.i.via.ami BLO k i»i:vi huYi.u.

Clxvelajtd, Dee. 17..The .ix-etory briefebtoek ea VtadiMt aad ttOrwla-ata waa dcatrayed uy a

fire wlaeii via BBMOVered alum' 12:30 rh;* miwalBg.Tiio iniiidiiiK waa awned by (Moras M. AtwaBsr,algprtotrfisld. Mean, was nbafIB two j ear* ace, aad .*:(.

rained at egbXPM, lt wa* maared nw 81tw808 ;»* foi-

low*: boodoo asaaaaaoeCorporaltoa.flijUOOi UnMeto'Plre, 84.000; Meetootea1 aad rraders', B*.ODO; M mn-faetarer*' ol Boston, pl.OOO; Cotted tm tm n's ol Phil*-de phi», 81.000. lb* Cleveland ,..|.aili Shoe M iae>faeturiug Compaay lose probably »50,000 na stork: ia-- .ri ea *» 'sr as n-tcculin 1 lift, 100. Thc OtrlgM "f >uoCre is a myaiery.

FI.VMKd IN a PACTORTA Bte broke ont about noon Tavnreday in

th- BMmtousgi Lu t..rv .if gbrbardi 'i ig a .v in., a bMb>iMry nriek toildlagal Bot 118, HT. il!» aod 191 K<*t

ihute, nit -t., hot tba fl tm. e wera axttagulabed ..itti-

oiit Inc .nd ,,f tue fire liep.irtincni, an willi ttttla I im-

aire. In the cveniiut the kaine bOildtBg WeadMeoVi .¦ i Mha aa dr,- *^*in. and as the tl i,i.,.s wi m Ibreatewiagthree alarms wera s-nt oat. Pa laaaeawareextto-gmabed Bef»ra ttoj aa4exte«4ed hej.1 a rem wm*

or ito rmi..lui:- wtort 11 «?v had ttaried. Hm io»eau.ouuteii ut aban *s.<sio.

-.- rn

AT MILLEBSBUBU, l'KVN |.880.IIaiuusiu io;, Pena., pee. IB. trent! ic

gembistlargenw-nHtn analaiabarc.Paoa.. »«» aa*sM-ive.i re, -i. iy hy gre. Tba eetlasetsd toa ift8O00|tue total m a la tnouag.

FlBEfl BLhEWHEBB.Dorgg, N. .1.. Dee. 17.-lin- nilli of tho

linver I/imhat Cenpooy ano danrayed hj ti., > c -

ttrit.iy. The los* ts #10 OOO-, m-, raue- ft -s^i

i i.NCiNNsn. I> -c. 17 Sa,ne'* pl.iuii.^' ni,l ar .'.. .. iKirt,Kv., was nmn d to the ground yeatcrday. The io-sla 810.000Miam ..ni ur. Vt.. Dee. 17.The r.--1. ,-e pf OOatna

lian.IO.md, u. ir his vii ;-.x -. B !-.'. ''.*"¦ 1.1 tl BBMSba} i»yaaraeMM ii hy Ma heoUaa i ai .-..

'..-;! "in 'ii .ii..ulv. !»,».1*820,000; ii.-iiiai', I-.-7."'o

c H. LA ffuS Tubich '.

C. ll. Laytoo, of Brmklyn. tko yeoag mun wbo

waa ajTsoted li.csitay at Itocawtsaasdr B.J..esjgi harnoofoai wingtho bann «>i DartdaV Fnce.aiM iv-

wiM>.),iiiid li BtgaOOOl a'cd uioleri.is c I Ot lt na. * as

e.ii ¦ ed yesterday bv IhohwegeoCOB t-. (.rand Jurvim foreibij inieiiti«{ Mi. pru * boom and Baaaula*bia Mr. i'r.i a. 1 lu- ptuaotsu was raprvoentad ly »

Jadao Mi lard, trbO isled tool las bail !tx«-«l rou rn-

duy at fgi.OOO to redaoe*!. Judv* Lbxoa *_id hs,'.voiild lei: ice th> ',ic.un.I to .l.nBBJ, bal thin wa*

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