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SPA Series Admin

Guide Version 4.1

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CHAPTER 1 GETTING STARTED .............................................................. 01-04

GENERAL INFO ................................................................................................................................. 01

DIAL PLAN ................................................................................................................................. 02-03

GATEWAY ACCOUNTS ...................................................................................................................... 04

CHAPTER 2 ADVANCED CONFIGURATION .................................................................. 05-16

VOIP TO PSTN WITH NONE AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................. 05

VOIP TO PSTN WITH PIN AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................... 06

DIRECT IP DIALING FOR INTERNAL ............................................................................................... 07

DIRECT IP DIALING FOR PUBLIC............................................................................................. 08-09

DIRECT IP DIALING WITH HTTP DIGEST AUTHENTICATION ................................................ 10-12

PSTN TO VOIP WITH PIN AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................... 13

PSTN TO VOIP WITH CID AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................... 14

CALL FORWARD ................................................................................................................................ 15

CALL TRANSFER AND THREE-WAY CALLING ................................................................................. 16

CHAPTER 3 SOLUTIONS ................................................................................................... 17-21

BUILDING UP YOUR SMALL VOIP SYSTEM THROUGH VPN .................................................... 17-21

NETWORK DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................................ 17

NETWORK SETUP ............................................................................................................................. 18

VOIP SETUP .............................................................................................................................. 19-21

ATTACHMENT REFERENCE HTML FILE ................................................................................ 22

SPA504 ........................................................................................................................................... 22

SPA942 ........................................................................................................................................... 22

SPA901 ........................................................................................................................................... 22

SPA3102 ........................................................................................................................................ 22

SPA1001 ........................................................................................................................................ 22

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SPA Admin Guide

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General Info

General information about the SPA Series below:

SIP Account

SPA3102 offer two SIP Account,

Line1 (VoIP1),

PSTN Line (VoIP2)

Gateway Account

SPA3102 offer Gateway Accounts

Line1 Gateway 1-4

Dial Plan

SPA3102 offer nine Dial Plans

Line1 Dial Plan(DP0)

PSTN Line Dial Plans(DP1-8)

System Login

Admin Login: ID: admin PW: password

User Login: ID: user PW: password


After “Submit All Changes” prefer reboot the ATA/IP-Phone

http://spa_ address/admin/reboot

http://spa_ address:port/admin/reboot

Factory Reset for ATA

**** 73738 # Press 1 to confirm, Press * (star) to cancel

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Dial Plan

The most confusing part of configuring SPA Series is setting the correct dial plan.

Below are the Dial Plan Syntax and some examples.

Dial Plan Syntax

( ) The entire dial plan must be surrounded by an open and

close bracket

| Each individual dial plan must be separated by a pipe |


[ ] Choices number

< : > Replace number

0-9 0-9 digits

x A single digit (0 through 9)

* The star (asterisk) key

# The pound (hash) key / immediately dial

. Repetition

S0 Immediately dial when matched

! Immediately reject the number dialed

, Dialing tone

<:@gw0> Gateway 0, gw0 refers to the PSTN Line

<:@gw1> Gateway 1

<:@gw2> Gateway 2

<:@gw3> Gateway 3

<:@gw4> Gateway 4

P Pause

L Interdigit Long Timer

S Interdigit Short Timer

DP1 : (<#9:>x.<:@gw0>)

Note : #9 + any digits, through the PSTN Line

DP2 : ([2-9]xxxxxxxS0<:@gw0>)

Note : First digit 2-9 + seven digits, immediately dial through the PSTN


DP3 : (0086x.S0<:@gw0>)

Note : 0086 + any digits,immediately dial through the PSTN Line

DP4 : (<0:0086>1[2-9]xxxxxxxxx<:@gw0>)

Note : Replace a dialed "0" with "0086"

e.g. “013800138000” will replace to “008613800138000”

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DP5 : (<#1:>x.<:@gw1>|<#2:>x.<:@gw2>)

Note : #1 + any digits, dial through GW1

#2 + any digits, dial through GW2

DP6 : (<*1:0123456789>)

Note : Replace a dialed "*1" with "0123456789"

DP7 : (999!)

Note : Reject the number 999

DP8 : (<10:[email protected] >)

Note : Press 10 default after four seconds and dial the SIP URI

Press 10+“#” immediately dial the SIP URI

DP11 : (P5<:1000>|100xS0|xx.)

Note : Pick up the handset after five seconds will auto dial the number


DP12 : L:10,S:5,(100xS0|xx.)

Note : Two ways to set the Interdigit Timer

1.For all DP,Default: L=10,S=3

Regional >> Control Timer Values (sec)

Interdigit Long Timer: 10

Interdigit Short Timer: 3

2.For user DP




DP9 : (<S0:[email protected] >)

Note : Pick up the handset will immediately dial the SIP URI through Line1

DP10 : (<#5:>[x*][x*].<:@sipbroker.com>)

Note : #5+*478+1001+#,iptel.org echo test

#5+*266+301+#,blueface.ie echo test


SIP-Code List:


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Gateway Accounts

SPA3102/3000 comes with four Gateway Accounts than you can setup multiple

accounts for making outgoing SIP calls on Line 1.


Gateway 1:iptel

Gateway 2:gizmo5

Gateway 4:Direct IP Dialing with HTTP Digest Authentication

Line1 >> Gateway Accounts

Gateway 1 : UserID@Proxy

GW1 Auth ID : UserID GW1 Password : Password

Gateway 2 : Proxy

GW2 Auth ID : UserID GW2 Password : Password

Gateway 4 :

GW4 Auth ID : UserID GW4 Password : Password

Line1 >> Dial Plan

(<#1:>x.<:@gw1>|<#2:>x.<:@gw2>|<#4:>[email protected]:5061<:@gw4>)


Gateway Accounts format try “Proxy” or “UserID@Proxy”

Gateway 1 : Proxy

Gateway 2 : UserID@Proxy

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VoIP to PSTN with none Authentication

PSTN Line >> VoIP-To-PSTN Gateway Setup

VoIP Caller Auth Method: none

VoIP Caller Default DP: 1

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 1:(999!|S0<:133>[2-9]xxxxxxx<:@gw0>)

PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

VoIP Answer Delay: 0


VoIP Caller Auth Method: none None Authentication, anyone can access

VoIP Caller Default DP: 1 Select Dial Plan 1-8

VoIP Answer Delay: 0 Without VoIP ringtone,Delay set to zero second

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VoIP to PSTN with PIN Authentication

PSTN Line >> VoIP-To-PSTN Gateway Setup

VoIP Caller Auth Method: PIN

VoIP Caller 1 PIN: ***

VoIP Caller 1 DP: 1

VoIP Access List:,

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 1:(999!|S0<:133>[2-9]xxxxxxx<:@gw0>)

PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

VoIP Answer Delay: 0


VoIP Caller Auth Method: PIN Using PIN Authentication to access the PSTN Line

VoIP Caller 1 PIN: *** After enter the PIN, press “#” to confirm

VoIP Caller 1 DP: 1 Select Dial Plan 1-8

VoIP Access List:, This IP can Direct Access without enter PIN

VoIP Answer Delay: 0 Without VoIP ringtone,Delay set to zero second

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Direct IP Dialing for Internal

Direct IP Dialing is a method of allowing other people to call your ATA/IP-Phone

direct via the intranet/internet without having to go through your VSP.

Standard format for SIP URI:UserID@ServerIP:Port

Direct IP Dialing for internal:UserID@PrivateIP:Port

Direct IP Dialing for public:UserID@WanIP:Port

4. Line1 >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty

Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes

Ans Call Without Reg: yes

5.Line1 >> Dial Plan

Enable IP Dialing: yes

6.User1 >> Speed Dial Settings

Speed Dial 2: [email protected]:5061

7.Line1 >> Dial Plan (Using Dial Plan to dial SIP URI)

Dial Plan: (S0:<[email protected]:5061>) Pick up handset will immediately dial the SIP URI

Dial Plan: (<852:[email protected]:5061>) After four seconds and dial the SIP URI

Dial Plan: (P5<:[email protected]:5061>) After five seconds and dial the SIP URI

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Direct IP Dialing for Public


Direct IP Dialing for Public access, you need to forwarded UDP port to your

ATA/IP-Phone. First of all, make sure you can handle any security issue. Especially

open port for the PSTN public access. Good luck!

1.Router >> Port Forwarding

Port Forwarding, Default SIP Port:5060 Default RTP Port:16384-16482

2.SIP >> NAT Support Parameters

Handle VIA received:yes Handle VIA rport:yes

Insert VIA received:yes Insert VIA rport:yes

Substitute VIA address:yes Send Resp To Scr Port:yes

3.Line1 >> NAT Settings

NAT Mapping Enable: yes

NAT Keep Alive Enable: no

4. Line1 >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty

Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes

Ans Call Without Reg: yes

5.Line1 >> Dial Plan

Enable IP Dialing: yes

6.User1 >> Speed Dial Settings

Speed Dial 2: [email protected]:5060

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7.Line1 >> Dial Plan (Using Dial Plan to dial SIP URI)

Dial Plan: (S0:<[email protected]:5060>) Pick up handset will immediately dial SIP URI


Using the STUN server through the firewall (replace the setp1-2)

If the STUN server failed to respond and all your VoIP connection will failed


1.Router >> Port Forwarding

Port Forwarding, Default SIP Port:5060 only

2.SIP >> NAT Support Parameters

Handle VIA received:no Handle VIA rport:no

Insert VIA received:no Insert VIA rport:no

Substitute VIA address:yes Send Resp To Scr Port:yes

STUN Enable: yes STUN Test Enable: no

STUN Server: stun.xten.com

Public STUN Server list:

stun.xten.com / stun.ekiga.net / stunserver.org / stun.ipshka.com

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Direct IP Dialing / VoIP to PSTN with HTTP Digest


HTTP Digest: SIP INVITE must contain a valid Authorization header that is

computed based on an Auth-ID and a password using MD5 digest algorithm. The

Auth ID must be specified in the username parameter in the Authorization

header. I strongly recommend using HTTP Digest Authentication to control the

VoIP access.

SPA3102 – Auth Configuration

PSTN Line >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty

Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes

Ans Call Without Reg: yes

PSTN Line >> VoIP-To-PSTN Gateway Setup

VoIP Caller Auth Method: HTTP Digest

VoIP Caller ID Pattern: vpnbest,pstn

PSTN Line >> VoIP Users and Passwords (HTTP Authentication)

VoIP User 1 Auth ID: vpnbest

VoIP User 1 Password: xxxxxxxx

VoIP User 1 DP: 1

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 1:(999!|S0<:133>[2-9]xxxxxxx<:@gw0>)

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PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

VoIP Answer Delay: 0


VoIP Caller Auth Method: HTTP Digest Using HTTP Digest Authentication to access the PSTN Line

VoIP Caller ID Pattern: vpnbest,pstn Only allow user vpnbest and pstn access the PSTN Line

VoIP User 1 Auth ID: vpnbest Auth-ID must same as client User-ID

VoIP User 1 Password: xxxxxxxx Auth-PW must same as client User-PW

SPA1001 - Client

Line1 >> Subscriber Information

User ID: vpnbest

Password: xxxxxxxx

Uesr1 >> Speed Dial Settings

Speed Dial 2: [email protected]:5061

SPA3000 - Client

Line1 >> Gateway Accounts

GW1 Auth ID: vpnbest

GW1 Password: xxxxxxxx

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Line1 >> Dial Plan

Dial Plan: (S0:< [email protected]:5061>)

Dial Plan: (<#1:> [email protected]:5061<:@gw1>)

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PSTN to VoIP with PIN Authentication

PSTN Line >> PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup

PSTN Caller Auth Method: PIN

PSTN Caller 1 PIN: ***

PSTN Caller 1 DP: 8

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 8:(<:0086>1[3-9]xxxxxxxxxS0<:@gw1>|00xx.<:@gw1>)

PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

PSTN Answer Delay: 35


PSTN Caller Auth Method: PIN Using PIN Authentication to access the PSTN Line

PSTN Caller 1 PIN: *** After enter the PIN, press “#” to confirm

PSTN Caller 1 DP: 8 Select Dial Plan 1-8

PSTN Answer Delay: 35 After PSTN Delay then enter the PIN

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PSTN to VoIP with CID Authentication

PSTN Line >> PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup

PSTN Caller Auth Method: none

PSTN Caller Default DP: 8

PSTN Access List: 6123457,98765432

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 8:(<:0086>1[3-9]xxxxxxxxxS0<:@gw1>|00xx.<:@gw1>)

PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

PSTN Answer Delay: 0


PSTN Caller Auth Method: none None Authentication

PSTN Caller Default DP: 8 Select Dial Plan 1-8

PSTN Access List: 6123457,98765432 Only allow this CID to direct access the PSTN Line

PSTN Answer Delay: 0 Without PSTN ringtone,Delay set to zero second

For FSK CID standard the CID transmission between first ring and second ring. The ATA need to

0.4s to detect the CID than you will receive a short ringtone.

If you do not want your number to be displayed for a particular call, you can prevent by pressing

"133" before dialing the number.



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Call Forward

PSTN Call Forward to GSM/PSTN or VoIP

PSTN Line >> PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup

PSTN Caller Auth Method: none

PSTN Caller Default DP: 8

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 8:(S0<:013800138000<:@gw2>) China GSM

Dial Plan 8:(1878200S0<:@gw0>) HK PSTN

Dial Plan 8:(S0<:[email protected]>) SIP-URI

PSTN Selective Call Forward to GSM/PSTN or VoIP

PSTN User >> PSTN-To-VoIP Selective Call Forward Settings

Cfwd Sel1 Caller: PSTN income CID Cfwd Sel1 Dest: Destination number


After PSTN Answer Delay start to Call Forward

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Call Transfer and Three Way Calling

Attended Transfer

1. Press FLASH during an active call (IP-Phone press “xfer”).

2. The first call goes on hold and there will be a dial tone. Dial the second

phone number.

3. When the second person answers, you can have a private conversation

without the first person hearing it.

4. To connect the call to the second person, hang up the phone.

Unattended Transfer

1. Press FLASH during an active call (IP-Phone press “bxfer”).

2. The first call is placed on hold. There will be a dial tone. Dial the second

telephone number.

3. When the phone rings, hang up.

Three Way Calling

1. Ring the first person.

2. Flash Hook them (press on the telephone hook button quickly). This will

place them on hold. Then you should get a dial tone.

3. Call the Second Person.

4. Repeat Step 2.

5. You are now conference calling.

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Building up your small VoIP system through VPN

Location IP Address SIP Port Extension

HongKong Head

Office 10500~10501 500,501 10502 502 10503 503

China Branch

Office 10600 600 10601 601

Macau Branch

Office 10700 700 10701 701

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Network Setup

1. Configuration the local network:

Bind IP Address and MAC Address

Create VLAN ID (All new SPA serial are support IEEE 802.1Q tag VLAN)

Enable the ATA/IP-Phone VLAN

2. Configuration the IPSec LAN-to-LAN VPN tunnel with AES 256-SHA1 Auth

HK, create two Dial-In IPSec Profile for China and Macau

CN, create Dial-Out IPSec Profile to HongKong, add Macau Network IP

and Netmask into the profile.

MA, create Dial-Out IPSec Profile to HongKong, add China Network IP

and Netmask into the profile.

3. Configuration the WAN-to-LAN Firewall Policy

HK, block all source IP from WAN to VoIP IP Range Address

HK, pass China and Macau VoIP IP Range Address to LAN

CN and MA using the same way block all and pass some IP

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VoIP Setup

Recommend all Auth-Password using “Random Passwords Generate”

Location Description SIP Port Extension Auth RD-PW


Head Office

Reception 10500 500

HK-PSTN 10501 501

Manager 10502 502 irI5mUdwaDeN

Sale Dep. 10503 503 iNu9yoDpHFr6

China Branch


Reception 10600 600 siB7eFOpusA6

Sale Dep. 10601 601 So2OpaiNoEx1

Macau Branch


Reception 10700 700 dR7AreGiOs6P

Sale Dep. 10701 701 exI2tEgeRoC1

HongKong – PSTN

PSTN Line >> SIP Settings

SIP Port: 10501

PSTN Line >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes Ans Call Without Reg: yes

PSTN Line >> VoIP-To-PSTN Gateway Setup

VoIP Caller Auth Method: HTTP Digest

VoIP Caller ID Pattern: 502,503,600,601,700,701

PSTN Line >> VoIP Users and Passwords (HTTP Authentication)

VoIP User 1 Auth ID: 502 VoIP User 1 DP: 1 VoIP User 1 Password: irI5mUdwaDeN

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PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 1:(xx.S0<:@gw0>)

Dial Plan 2:(999!|<:133>[2-9]xxxxxxx<:@gw0>)

PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

VoIP Answer Delay: 0

HongKong – Reception

Line 1 >> SIP Settings

SIP Port: 10500

Line 1 >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes Ans Call Without Reg: yes

Line 1 >> Subscriber Information

Display Name: Reception User ID: 500

Password: empty Use Auth ID: no

Line1 >> Dial Plan

Dial Plan:


0086>1[3-9]xxxxxxxxxS0<:@gw1>|S0<600:[email protected]:10600>|S0<700:[email protected]



Description Extension Dial Plan

HK Reception 500 S0<500:[email protected]:10500>

HK-PSTN 501 S0<501:[email protected]:10501>

Manager 502 S0<502:[email protected]:10502>

Sale Dep. 503 S0<503:[email protected]:10503>

CN Reception 600 S0<600:[email protected]:10600>

Sale Dep. 601 S0<601:[email protected]:10601>

MA Reception 700 S0<700:[email protected]:10700>

Sale Dep. 701 S0<701:[email protected]:10701>

Using SpeedDial

[email protected]:10502

Using Personal Directory:

n=HKManager;[email protected]:10502

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HongKong – Manager

Ext 1 >> SIP Settings

SIP Port: 10502

Ext 1 >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes Ans Call Without Reg: yes

Ext 1 >> Subscriber Information

Display Name: HKManager User ID: 502

Password: irI5mUdwaDeN Use Auth ID: yes

Ext 1 >> Dial Plan

Dial Plan:

(999S0<:@>|xxxxxxxxS0<:@>|S0<500:[email protected]:

10500>|S0<503:[email protected]:10503>|S0<600:[email protected]:10600>|S0<601:601@1>|S0<700:[email protected]:10700>|S0<701:[email protected]:10701>)

China – Branch (Same as HKManager)

Ext 1 >> Dial Plan

Dial Plan:

(xxxxxxxxS0<:@>|S0<500:[email protected]:10500>|S0<502:[email protected].

1.3:10502>|S0<503:[email protected]:10503>|S0<700:[email protected]:10700>|S0<701:70

[email protected]:10701>)

Macau – Branch (Same as HKManager)

Ext 1 >> Dial Plan

Dial Plan:

(xxxxxxxxS0<:@>|S0<500:[email protected]:10500>|S0<502:[email protected].

1.3:10502>|S0<503:[email protected]:10503>|S0<600:[email protected]:10600>|S0<601:60

[email protected]:10601>)

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Attachment Reference HTML File

View the Attachment File on Adobe Reader left menu bar.

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CHAPTER 1 GETTING STARTED .............................................................. 01-04

GENERAL INFO ................................................................................................................................. 01

DIAL PLAN ................................................................................................................................. 02-03

GATEWAY ACCOUNTS ...................................................................................................................... 04

CHAPTER 2 ADVANCED CONFIGURATION .................................................................. 05-16

VOIP TO PSTN WITH NONE AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................. 05

VOIP TO PSTN WITH PIN AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................... 06

DIRECT IP DIALING FOR INTERNAL ............................................................................................... 07

DIRECT IP DIALING FOR PUBLIC............................................................................................. 08-09

DIRECT IP DIALING WITH HTTP DIGEST AUTHENTICATION ................................................ 10-11

PSTN TO VOIP WITH PIN AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................... 12

PSTN TO VOIP WITH CID AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................... 13

CALL FORWARD ................................................................................................................................ 14

CALL TRANSFER AND THREE-WAY CALLING ................................................................................. 15

CHAPTER 3 SOLUTIONS ................................................................................................... 16-20

BUILDING UP YOUR SMALL VOIP SYSTEM THROUGH VPN .................................................... 16-20

NETWORK DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................................ 16

NETWORK SETUP ............................................................................................................................. 17

VOIP SETUP .............................................................................................................................. 18-20

ATTACHMENT REFERENCE HTML FILE ................................................................................ 21

SPA504 ........................................................................................................................................... 21

SPA942 ........................................................................................................................................... 21

SPA901 ........................................................................................................................................... 21

SPA3102 ........................................................................................................................................ 21

SPA1001 ........................................................................................................................................ 21

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General Info

在開始前先瞭解一下 SPA3102/3000(以下簡稱 SPA)的基本資料。

SIP Account

SPA 一共提供 2 個 SIP Account,分別是 Line1(VoIP1),PSTN Line(VoIP2) ,VoIP1

和VoIP2可以使用同一個AC,如果使用同一個AC請注意調整合適的VoIP Answer Delay.

但由於 VoIP2 一般用作 PSTN to VoIP and VoIP to PSTN,所以可以使用不同 AC,並

把 VoIP Answer Delay 設置為 0

Gateway Account

SPA 一共提供 4 個 Gateway Account, 分別位於 Line1 的 Gateway 1-4

Dial Plan

SPA 一共提供 9 個 Dial Plan,分別是 Line1 Dial Plan(DP0) ,PSTN Line Dial


System Login

Admin Login: ID: admin PW: password

User Login: ID: user PW: password


Submit All Changes 后建議 reboot 才能保證 setting 生效

http://spa_ address/admin/reboot

http://spa_ address:port/admin/reboot

Factory Reset for ATA

任何設置錯誤或忘記密碼都可以透過 Factory Reset 來解決

**** 73738 # Press 1 to confirm, Press * (star) to cancel

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Dial Plan

Dial Plan 可以說是 ATA 的核心部分,無論要實現什麼方案都需要 Dial Plan 來協助你,所


Dial Plan Syntax

( ) 整個Dial Plan 需要用雙括號括住

| 每條規則之間使用“ | ”隔開

[ ] 選擇括號中任意一個數

< : > 號碼替換

0-9 0-9號碼

x 0-9之間任意一個號碼

* *字元

# #字元 / 號碼+“#”立即撥出號碼

. 沒有限制,任意號碼和長度

S0 立即撥號

! 黑名單,禁止撥號

, 撥號音

<:@gw0> Gateway 0 是指PSTN Line

<:@gw1> Gateway 1

<:@gw2> Gateway 2

<:@gw3> Gateway 3

<:@gw4> Gateway 4

P Pause

L Interdigit Long Timer

S Interdigit Short Timer

DP1 : (<#9:>x.<:@gw0>)

Note : #9+任意號碼,PSTN Line撥出

DP2 : ([2-9]xxxxxxxS0<:@gw0>)

Note : 第一個號碼為2-9任意一個+7個號碼,PSTN Line撥出

DP3 : (0086x.S0<:@gw0>)

Note : 0086 + 任意號碼,PSTN Line立即撥出

DP4 : (<0:0086>1[2-9]xxxxxxxxx<:@gw0>)

Note : "0" 替換成 "0086"

e.g. “013800138000” 會被替換成 “008613800138000”

DP5 : (<#1:>x.<:@gw1>|<#2:>x.<:@gw2>)

Note : #1+任意號碼,GW1撥出;#2+任意號碼,GW2撥出

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DP6 : (<*1:0123456789>)

Note : *1,Line1撥出0123456789

DP7 : (999!)

Note : 禁止撥打999

DP8 : (<10:[email protected] >)

Note : 按10後等4秒,Line1撥出SIP URI:[email protected]

如果按10+“#”,Line1立即撥出SIP URI

DP11 : (P5<:1000>|100xS0|xx.)

Note : 拿起電話不按任何鍵,5秒後,Line1撥出1000


DP12 : L:10,S:5,(100xS0|xx.)

Note : 設定Interdigit Timer有2種方法


Regional >> Control Timer Values (sec)

Interdigit Long Timer: 10

Interdigit Short Timer: 3





DP9 : (<S0:[email protected] >)

Note : 拿起電話, Line1立即撥出SIP URI:[email protected]

DP10 : (<#5:>[x*][x*].<:@sipbroker.com>)

Note : #5+*478+1001+#,iptel.org echo test

#5+*266+301+#,blueface.ie echo test


SIP-Code List:


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Gateway Accounts

SPA3102/3000 獨有的功能 Gateway Accounts,Gateways 的運作是無需註冊,在使

用時才向 Server 提交驗證信息,透過 Gateways 可以為 ATA 增加 4 個 VSP


Gateway 1:iptel

Gateway 2:gizmo5

Gateway 4:Direct IP Dialing with HTTP Digest Authentication

Line1 >> Gateway Accounts

Gateway 1 : UserID@Proxy

GW1 Auth ID : UserID GW1 Password : Password

Gateway 2 : Proxy

GW2 Auth ID : UserID GW2 Password : Password

Gateway 4 :

GW4 Auth ID : UserID GW4 Password : Password

Line1 >> Dial Plan

(<#1:>x.<:@gw1>|<#2:>x.<:@gw2>|<#4:>[email protected]:5061<:@gw4>)


Gateway Accounts 的格式有 2 種,一般使用 UserID@Proxy

Gateway 1 : Proxy

Gateway 2 : UserID@Proxy

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VoIP to PSTN with none Authentication

PSTN Line >> VoIP-To-PSTN Gateway Setup

VoIP Caller Auth Method: none

VoIP Caller Default DP: 1

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 1:(999!|S0<:133>[2-9]xxxxxxx<:@gw0>)

PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

VoIP Answer Delay: 0


VoIP Caller Auth Method: none 不使用驗證功能,即任何人都可以打進來

VoIP Caller Default DP: 1 選擇 Dial Plan 1-8

VoIP Answer Delay: 0 PSTN Line 只用作 VoIP-To-PSTN,Delay 可直接設為 0 秒

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VoIP to PSTN with PIN Authentication

PSTN Line >> VoIP-To-PSTN Gateway Setup

VoIP Caller Auth Method: PIN

VoIP Caller 1 PIN: ***

VoIP Caller 1 DP: 1

VoIP Access List:,

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 1:(999!|S0<:133>[2-9]xxxxxxx<:@gw0>)

PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

VoIP Answer Delay: 0


VoIP Caller Auth Method: PIN 使用 PIN 身份驗證功能,必須輸入正確 PIN 才能使用 PSTN Line

PSTN Caller 1 PIN: *** 驗證使用的 PIN,輸入完畢按“#”確定

VoIP Caller 1 DP: 1 選擇 Dial Plan 1-8

VoIP Access List:, 允許的 IP 直接訪問,無需輸入 PIN

VoIP Answer Delay: 0 PSTN Line 只用作 VoIP-To-PSTN,Delay 可直接設為 0 秒

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Direct IP Dialing for Internal

Direct IP Dialing 毋需依賴任何 VSP,直接撥打對方的 IP 就可以實現通話。

標準 SIP URI 格式:UserID@ServerIP:Port

Direct IP Dialing with VPN:UserID@PrivateIP:Port

Direct IP Dialing:UserID@WanIP:Port

4. Line1 >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty

Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes

Ans Call Without Reg: yes

5〃Line1 >> Dial Plan

Enable IP Dialing: yes

6〃User1 >> Speed Dial Settings

Speed Dial 2: [email protected]:5061

7〃Line1 >> Dial Plan (使用 Dial Plan 來撥打 SIP URI)

Dial Plan: (S0:<[email protected]:5061>) 拿起電話就立即撥出

Dial Plan: (<852:[email protected]:5061>) 按 852 就撥出

Dial Plan: (P5<:[email protected]:5061>) 拿起電話等 5 秒就撥出

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Direct IP Dialing for Public


Direct IP Dialing for Public Access 需要開放端口(埠)給 ATA 來進行對外通信。使用前

請先評估環境,自我承擔風險,特別是 PSTN for Public Access。

1〃Router >> Port Forwarding

Port Forwarding, Default SIP Port:5060 Default RTP Port:16384-16482

2〃SIP >> NAT Support Parameters

Handle VIA received:yes Handle VIA rport:yes

Insert VIA received:yes Insert VIA rport:yes

Substitute VIA address:yes Send Resp To Scr Port:yes

3〃Line1 >> NAT Settings

NAT Mapping Enable: yes

NAT Keep Alive Enable: no

4. Line1 >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty

Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes

Ans Call Without Reg: yes

5〃Line1 >> Dial Plan

Enable IP Dialing: yes

6〃User1 >> Speed Dial Settings

Speed Dial 2: [email protected]:5060

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7〃Line1 >> Dial Plan (Using Dial Plan to dial SIP URI)

Dial Plan: (S0:<[email protected]:5060>) Pick up the phone will immediately dial SIP URI


使用 STUN server 穿透防火牆 (重複 setp1-2)

如果使用 STUN server 所有 VoIP 鏈接都會受 STUN server 運作影響。

1〃Router >> Port Forwarding

Port Forwarding, Default SIP Port:5060 only

2〃SIP >> NAT Support Parameters

Handle VIA received:no Handle VIA rport:no

Insert VIA received:no Insert VIA rport:no

Substitute VIA address:yes Send Resp To Scr Port:yes

STUN Enable: yes STUN Test Enable: no

STUN Server: stun.xten.com

Public STUN Server list:

stun.xten.com / stun.ekiga.net / stunserver.org / stun.ipshka.com

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Direct IP Dialing / VoIP to PSTN with HTTP Digest


強烈建議使用 HTTP Digest Authentication 來控制用戶權限。

SPA3102 as Auth-Server

PSTN Line >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty

Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes

Ans Call Without Reg: yes

PSTN Line >> VoIP-To-PSTN Gateway Setup

VoIP Caller Auth Method: HTTP Digest

VoIP Caller ID Pattern: vpnbest,pstn

PSTN Line >> VoIP Users and Passwords (HTTP Authentication)

VoIP User 1 Auth ID: vpnbest

VoIP User 1 Password: xxxxxxxx

VoIP User 1 DP: 1

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 1:(999!|S0<:133>[2-9]xxxxxxx<:@gw0>)

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PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

VoIP Answer Delay: 0


VoIP Caller Auth Method: HTTP Digest HTTP Digest 身份驗證,被呼叫者會自動要求來電者進行身份驗證

VoIP Caller ID Pattern: vpnbest,pstn 只允許用戶 ID vpnbest 和 pstn 訪問 PSTN Line

VoIP User 1 Auth ID: vpnbest Auth-ID 必須和對方 User-ID 一樣

VoIP User 1 Password: xxxxxxxx Auth-PW 必須和對方 User-PW 一樣

SPA1001 - Client

Line1 >> Subscriber Information

User ID: vpnbest

Password: xxxxxxxx

Uesr1 >> Speed Dial Settings

Speed Dial 2: [email protected]:5061

SPA3000 - Client Line1 >> Gateway Accounts

GW1 Auth ID: vpnbest

GW1 Password: xxxxxxxx

Line1 >> Dial Plan

Dial Plan: (S0:< [email protected]:5061>)

Dial Plan: (<#1:> [email protected]:5061<:@gw1>)

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PSTN to VoIP with PIN Authentication

PSTN Line >> PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup

PSTN Caller Auth Method: PIN

PSTN Caller 1 PIN: ***

PSTN Caller 1 DP: 8

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 8:(<:0086>1[3-9]xxxxxxxxxS0<:@gw1>|00xx.<:@gw1>)

PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

PSTN Answer Delay: 35


PSTN Caller Auth Method: PIN 使用 PIN 身份驗證功能,必須輸入正確 PIN 才能使用 PSTN Line

PSTN Caller 1 PIN: *** 驗證使用的 PIN,輸入完畢按“#”確定

PSTN Caller 1 DP: 8 選擇 Dial Plan 1-8

PSTN Answer Delay: 35 PSTN Delay 等待時間完畢後才能輸入 PIN

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PSTN to VoIP with CID Authentication

PSTN Line >> PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup

PSTN Caller Auth Method: none

PSTN Caller Default DP: 8

PSTN Access List: 6123457,98765432

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 8:(<:0086>1[3-9]xxxxxxxxxS0<:@gw1>|00xx.<:@gw1>)

PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

PSTN Answer Delay: 0


PSTN Caller Auth Method: none 不使用驗證功能

PSTN Caller Default DP: 8 選擇 Dial Plan 1-8

PSTN Access List: 6123457,98765432 只允許這些來電號碼直接訪問 PSTN Line

PSTN Answer Delay: 0 無需等待 PSTN Answer Delay

FSK 來電顯示標準,來電號碼會在第一次鈴響和第二次鈴響之間傳輸。ATA 需要 0.4 秒左右


如果要隱藏號碼,在電話前加上“133”,ATA 就會正常鈴響。

香港使用 FSK


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Call Forward

PSTN Call Forward to GSM/PSTN or VoIP

PSTN Line >> PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup

PSTN Caller Auth Method: none

PSTN Caller Default DP: 8

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 8:(S0<:013800138000<:@gw2>) China GSM

Dial Plan 8:(1878200S0<:@gw0>) HK PSTN

Dial Plan 8:(S0<:[email protected]>) SIP-URI

PSTN Selective Call Forward to GSM/PSTN or VoIP

PSTN User >> PSTN-To-VoIP Selective Call Forward Settings

Cfwd Sel1 Caller: PSTN income CID Cfwd Sel1 Dest: Destination number


PSTN Answer Delay 之後才開始呼叫轉移

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Call Transfer and Three Way Calling

Call Transfer 呼叫轉移

1. user1 打給 user2, user2 和 user1 接通

2. user2 接通電話後,按 Flash/Call Wait 鍵,再撥 user3 號碼

3. user3 和 user2 接通電話後,user2 就可以掛機,接著 user1 和 user3 會自動接通


在這裡 user2 只是扮演仲介的角色,當 user3 和 user2 接通電話後,user2 的任務已經完

成了,掛機以後 user1 和 user3 就會自動接通

Three Way Calling 三方通話

1. user1 打給 user2, user2 和 user1 接通

2. user2 接通電話後,按 Flash/Call Wait 鍵,再撥 user3 號碼

3. user2 要立即再按 Flash/Call Wait 鍵(在 user3 接電話前),user3 接通電話後,接著

user1、uesr2 和 user3 三方會自動接通


user2 撥出 user3 號碼,要在 user3 接電話前,再按一下 Flash/Call Wait 鍵

Panasonic 電話的 Flash/Call Wait 鍵

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Building up your small VoIP system through VPN

地區 IP Address SIP Port 分機

HongKong Head

Office 10500~10501 500,501 10502 502 10503 503

China Branch

Office 10600 600 10601 601

Macau Branch

Office 10700 700 10701 701

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Network Setup

1. 配置 local network:

Bind IP Address and MAC Address

Create VLAN ID (All new SPA serial are support IEEE 802.1Q tag VLAN)

Enable the ATA/IP-Phone VLAN

2. 配置 IPSec LAN-to-LAN VPN tunnel with AES 256-SHA1 Auth

HK, create two Dial-In IPSec Profile for China and Macau

CN, create Dial-Out IPSec Profile to HongKong, add Macau Network IP

and Netmask into the profile.

MA, create Dial-Out IPSec Profile to HongKong, add China Network IP

and Netmask into the profile.

3. 配置 WAN-to-LAN Firewall Policy

HK, block all source IP from WAN to VoIP IP Range Address

HK, pass China and Macau VoIP IP Range Address to LAN

CN and MA using the same way block all and pass some IP

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VoIP Setup


Location Description SIP Port Extension Auth RD-PW


Head Office

Reception 10500 500

HK-PSTN 10501 501

Manager 10502 502 irI5mUdwaDeN

Sale Dep. 10503 503 iNu9yoDpHFr6

China Branch


Reception 10600 600 siB7eFOpusA6

Sale Dep. 10601 601 So2OpaiNoEx1

Macau Branch


Reception 10700 700 dR7AreGiOs6P

Sale Dep. 10701 701 exI2tEgeRoC1

HongKong – PSTN

PSTN Line >> SIP Settings

SIP Port: 10501

PSTN Line >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes Ans Call Without Reg: yes

PSTN Line >> VoIP-To-PSTN Gateway Setup

VoIP Caller Auth Method: HTTP Digest

VoIP Caller ID Pattern: 502,503,600,601,700,701

PSTN Line >> VoIP Users and Passwords (HTTP Authentication)

VoIP User 1 Auth ID: 502 VoIP User 1 DP: 1 VoIP User 1 Password: irI5mUdwaDeN

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PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 1:(xx.S0<:@gw0>)

Dial Plan 2:(999!|<:133>[2-9]xxxxxxx<:@gw0>)

PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

VoIP Answer Delay: 0

HongKong – Reception

Line 1 >> SIP Settings

SIP Port: 10500

Line 1 >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes Ans Call Without Reg: yes

Line 1 >> Subscriber Information

Display Name: Reception User ID: 500

Password: empty Use Auth ID: no

Line1 >> Dial Plan

Dial Plan:


0086>1[3-9]xxxxxxxxxS0<:@gw1>|S0<600:[email protected]:10600>|S0<700:[email protected]



Description Extension Dial Plan

HK Reception 500 S0<500:[email protected]:10500>

HK-PSTN 501 S0<501:[email protected]:10501>

Manager 502 S0<502:[email protected]:10502>

Sale Dep. 503 S0<503:[email protected]:10503>

CN Reception 600 S0<600:[email protected]:10600>

Sale Dep. 601 S0<601:[email protected]:10601>

MA Reception 700 S0<700:[email protected]:10700>

Sale Dep. 701 S0<701:[email protected]:10701>

Using SpeedDial

[email protected]:10502

Using Personal Directory:

n=HKManager;[email protected]:10502

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HongKong – Manager

Ext 1 >> SIP Settings

SIP Port: 10502

Ext 1 >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes Ans Call Without Reg: yes

Ext 1 >> Subscriber Information

Display Name: HKManager User ID: 502

Password: irI5mUdwaDeN Use Auth ID: yes

Ext 1 >> Dial Plan

Dial Plan:

(999S0<:@>|xxxxxxxxS0<:@>|S0<500:[email protected]:

10500>|S0<503:[email protected]:10503>|S0<600:[email protected]:10600>|S0<601:601@1>|S0<700:[email protected]:10700>|S0<701:[email protected]:10701>)

China – Branch (Same as HKManager)

Ext 1 >> Dial Plan

Dial Plan:

(xxxxxxxxS0<:@>|S0<500:[email protected]:10500>|S0<502:[email protected].

1.3:10502>|S0<503:[email protected]:10503>|S0<700:[email protected]:10700>|S0<701:70

[email protected]:10701>)

Macau – Branch (Same as HKManager)

Ext 1 >> Dial Plan

Dial Plan:

(xxxxxxxxS0<:@>|S0<500:[email protected]:10500>|S0<502:[email protected].

1.3:10502>|S0<503:[email protected]:10503>|S0<600:[email protected]:10600>|S0<601:60

[email protected]:10601>)

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Attachment Reference HTML File

查看附件檔案,在 Adobe 閱讀器的左側功能菜單。

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CHAPTER 1 GETTING STARTED .............................................................. 01-04

GENERAL INFO ................................................................................................................................. 01

DIAL PLAN ................................................................................................................................. 02-03

GATEWAY ACCOUNTS ...................................................................................................................... 04

CHAPTER 2 ADVANCED CONFIGURATION .................................................................. 05-16

VOIP TO PSTN WITH NONE AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................. 05

VOIP TO PSTN WITH PIN AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................... 06

DIRECT IP DIALING FOR INTERNAL ............................................................................................... 07

DIRECT IP DIALING FOR PUBLIC............................................................................................. 08-09

DIRECT IP DIALING WITH HTTP DIGEST AUTHENTICATION ................................................ 10-11

PSTN TO VOIP WITH PIN AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................... 12

PSTN TO VOIP WITH CID AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................... 13

CALL FORWARD ................................................................................................................................ 14

CALL TRANSFER AND THREE-WAY CALLING ................................................................................. 15

CHAPTER 3 SOLUTIONS ................................................................................................... 16-20

BUILDING UP YOUR SMALL VOIP SYSTEM THROUGH VPN .................................................... 16-20

NETWORK DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................................ 16

NETWORK SETUP ............................................................................................................................. 17

VOIP SETUP .............................................................................................................................. 18-20

ATTACHMENT REFERENCE HTML FILE ................................................................................ 21

SPA504 ........................................................................................................................................... 21

SPA942 ........................................................................................................................................... 21

SPA901 ........................................................................................................................................... 21

SPA3102 ........................................................................................................................................ 21

SPA1001 ........................................................................................................................................ 21

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General Info

在开始之前先了解一下 SPA3102/3000(以下简称 SPA)的基本资料。

SIP Account

SPA 一共提供 2 个 SIP Account,分别是 Line1(VoIP1),PSTN Line(VoIP2) ,VoIP1

和VoIP2可以使用同一个AC,如果使用同一个AC请注意调整合适的VoIP Answer Delay.

但由于 VoIP2 一般用作 PSTN to VoIP and VoIP to PSTN,所以可以使用不同 AC,并

把 VoIP Answer Delay 设置为 0

Gateway Account

SPA 一共提供 4 个 Gateway Account, 分别位于 Line1 的 Gateway 1-4

Dial Plan

SPA 一共提供 9 个 Dial Plan,分别是 Line1 Dial Plan(DP0) ,PSTN Line Dial


System Login

Admin Login: ID: admin PW: password

User Login: ID: user PW: password


Submit All Changes 后建议 reboot 才能保证 setting 生效

http://spa_ address/admin/reboot

http://spa_ address:port/admin/reboot

Factory Reset for ATA

任何设置错误或忘记密码都可以透过 Factory Reset 来解决

**** 73738 # Press 1 to confirm, Press * (star) to cancel

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Dial Plan

Dial Plan 可以说是 ATA 的核心部分,无论要实现什么方案都需要 Dial Plan 来协助你,所


Dial Plan Syntax

( ) 整个Dial Plan 需要用双括号括住

| 每条规则之间使用“ | ”隔开

[ ] 选择括号中任意一个数

< : > 号码替换

0-9 0-9号码

x 0-9之间任意一个号码

* *字符

# #字符 / 号码+“#”立即拨出号码

. 没有限制,任意号码和长度

S0 立即拨号

! 黑名单,禁止拨号

, 拨号音

<:@gw0> Gateway 0 是指PSTN Line

<:@gw1> Gateway 1

<:@gw2> Gateway 2

<:@gw3> Gateway 3

<:@gw4> Gateway 4

P Pause

L Interdigit Long Timer

S Interdigit Short Timer

DP1 : (<#9:>x.<:@gw0>)

Note : #9+任意号码,PSTN Line拨出

DP2 : ([2-9]xxxxxxxS0<:@gw0>)

Note : 第一个号码为2-9任意一个+7个号码,PSTN Line拨出

DP3 : (0086x.S0<:@gw0>)

Note : 0086 + 任意号码,PSTN Line立即拨出

DP4 : (<0:0086>1[2-9]xxxxxxxxx<:@gw0>)

Note : "0" 替换成 "0086"

e.g. “013800138000” 会被替换成 “008613800138000”

DP5 : (<#1:>x.<:@gw1>|<#2:>x.<:@gw2>)

Note : #1+任意号码,GW1拨出;#2+任意号码,GW2拨出

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DP6 : (<*1:0123456789>)

Note : *1,Line1拨出0123456789

DP7 : (999!)

Note : 禁止拨打999

DP8 : (<10:[email protected] >)

Note : 按10后等4秒,Line1拨出SIP URI:[email protected]

如果按10+“#”,Line1立即拨出SIP URI

DP11 : (P5<:1000>|100xS0|xx.)

Note : 拿起电话不按任何键,5秒后,Line1拨出1000


DP12 : L:10,S:5,(100xS0|xx.)

Note : 设定Interdigit Timer有2种方法


Regional >> Control Timer Values (sec)

Interdigit Long Timer: 10

Interdigit Short Timer: 3





DP9 : (<S0:[email protected] >)

Note : 拿起电话, Line1立即拨出SIP URI:[email protected]

DP10 : (<#5:>[x*][x*].<:@sipbroker.com>)

Note : #5+*478+1001+#,iptel.org echo test

#5+*266+301+#,blueface.ie echo test


SIP-Code List:


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Gateway Accounts

SPA3102/3000 独有的功能 Gateway Accounts,Gateways 的运作是无需注册,在使

用时才向 Server 提交验证信息,透过 Gateways 可以为 ATA 增加 4 个 VSP


Gateway 1:iptel

Gateway 2:gizmo5

Gateway 4:Direct IP Dialing with HTTP Digest Authentication

Line1 >> Gateway Accounts

Gateway 1 : UserID@Proxy

GW1 Auth ID : UserID GW1 Password : Password

Gateway 2 : Proxy

GW2 Auth ID : UserID GW2 Password : Password

Gateway 4 :

GW4 Auth ID : UserID GW4 Password : Password

Line1 >> Dial Plan

(<#1:>x.<:@gw1>|<#2:>x.<:@gw2>|<#4:>[email protected]:5061<:@gw4>)


Gateway Accounts 的格式有 2 种,一般使用 UserID@Proxy

Gateway 1 : Proxy

Gateway 2 : UserID@Proxy

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VoIP to PSTN with none Authentication

PSTN Line >> VoIP-To-PSTN Gateway Setup

VoIP Caller Auth Method: none

VoIP Caller Default DP: 1

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 1:(999!|S0<:133>[2-9]xxxxxxx<:@gw0>)

PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

VoIP Answer Delay: 0


VoIP Caller Auth Method: none 不使用验证功能,即任何人都可以打进来

VoIP Caller Default DP: 1 选择 Dial Plan 1-8

VoIP Answer Delay: 0 PSTN Line 只用作 VoIP-To-PSTN,Delay 可直接设为 0 秒

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VoIP to PSTN with PIN Authentication

PSTN Line >> VoIP-To-PSTN Gateway Setup

VoIP Caller Auth Method: PIN

VoIP Caller 1 PIN: ***

VoIP Caller 1 DP: 1

VoIP Access List:,

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 1:(999!|S0<:133>[2-9]xxxxxxx<:@gw0>)

PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

VoIP Answer Delay: 0


VoIP Caller Auth Method: PIN 使用 PIN 身份验证功能,必须输入正确 PIN 才能使用 PSTN Line

PSTN Caller 1 PIN: *** 验证使用的 PIN,输入完毕按“#”确定

VoIP Caller 1 DP: 1 选择 Dial Plan 1-8

VoIP Access List:, 允许的 IP 直接访问,无需输入 PIN

VoIP Answer Delay: 0 PSTN Line 只用作 VoIP-To-PSTN,Delay 可直接设为 0 秒

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Direct IP Dialing for Internal

Direct IP Dialing 毋需依赖任何 VSP,直接拨打对方的 IP 就可以实现通话。

标准 SIP URI 格式:UserID@ServerIP:Port

Direct IP Dialing with VPN:UserID@PrivateIP:Port

Direct IP Dialing:UserID@WanIP:Port

4. Line1 >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty

Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes

Ans Call Without Reg: yes

5.Line1 >> Dial Plan

Enable IP Dialing: yes

6.User1 >> Speed Dial Settings

Speed Dial 2: [email protected]:5061

7.Line1 >> Dial Plan (使用 Dial Plan 来拨打 SIP URI)

Dial Plan: (S0:<[email protected]:5061>) 拿起电话就立即拨出

Dial Plan: (<852:[email protected]:5061>) 按 852 就拨出

Dial Plan: (P5<:[email protected]:5061>) 拿起电话等 5 秒就拨出

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Direct IP Dialing for Public


Direct IP Dialing for Public Access 需要开放端口(埠)给 ATA 来进行对外通信。使用前

请先评估环境,自我承担风险,特别是 PSTN for Public Access。

1.Router >> Port Forwarding

Port Forwarding, Default SIP Port:5060 Default RTP Port:16384-16482

2.SIP >> NAT Support Parameters

Handle VIA received:yes Handle VIA rport:yes

Insert VIA received:yes Insert VIA rport:yes

Substitute VIA address:yes Send Resp To Scr Port:yes

3.Line1 >> NAT Settings

NAT Mapping Enable: yes

NAT Keep Alive Enable: no

4. Line1 >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty

Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes

Ans Call Without Reg: yes

5.Line1 >> Dial Plan

Enable IP Dialing: yes

6.User1 >> Speed Dial Settings

Speed Dial 2: [email protected]:5060

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7.Line1 >> Dial Plan (Using Dial Plan to dial SIP URI)

Dial Plan: (S0:<[email protected]:5060>) Pick up the phone will immediately dial SIP URI


使用 STUN server 穿透防火墙 (重复 setp1-2)

如果使用 STUN server 所有 VoIP 链接都会受 STUN server 运作影响。

1.Router >> Port Forwarding

Port Forwarding, Default SIP Port:5060 only

2.SIP >> NAT Support Parameters

Handle VIA received:no Handle VIA rport:no

Insert VIA received:no Insert VIA rport:no

Substitute VIA address:yes Send Resp To Scr Port:yes

STUN Enable: yes STUN Test Enable: no

STUN Server: stun.xten.com

Public STUN Server list:

stun.xten.com / stun.ekiga.net / stunserver.org / stun.ipshka.com

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Direct IP Dialing / VoIP to PSTN with HTTP Digest


强烈建议使用 HTTP Digest Authentication 来控制用户权限。

SPA3102 as Auth-Server

PSTN Line >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty

Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes

Ans Call Without Reg: yes

PSTN Line >> VoIP-To-PSTN Gateway Setup

VoIP Caller Auth Method: HTTP Digest

VoIP Caller ID Pattern: vpnbest,pstn

PSTN Line >> VoIP Users and Passwords (HTTP Authentication)

VoIP User 1 Auth ID: vpnbest

VoIP User 1 Password: xxxxxxxx

VoIP User 1 DP: 1

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 1:(999!|S0<:133>[2-9]xxxxxxx<:@gw0>)

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PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

VoIP Answer Delay: 0


VoIP Caller Auth Method: HTTP Digest HTTP Digest 身份验证,被呼叫者会自动要求来电者进行身份验证

VoIP Caller ID Pattern: vpnbest,pstn 只允许用户 ID vpnbest 和 pstn 访问 PSTN Line

VoIP User 1 Auth ID: vpnbest Auth-ID 必须和对方 User-ID 一样

VoIP User 1 Password: xxxxxxxx Auth-PW 必须和对方 User-PW 一样

SPA1001 - Client

Line1 >> Subscriber Information

User ID: vpnbest

Password: xxxxxxxx

Uesr1 >> Speed Dial Settings

Speed Dial 2: [email protected]:5061

SPA3000 - Client Line1 >> Gateway Accounts

GW1 Auth ID: vpnbest

GW1 Password: xxxxxxxx

Line1 >> Dial Plan

Dial Plan: (S0:< [email protected]:5061>)

Dial Plan: (<#1:> [email protected]:5061<:@gw1>)

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PSTN to VoIP with PIN Authentication

PSTN Line >> PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup

PSTN Caller Auth Method: PIN

PSTN Caller 1 PIN: ***

PSTN Caller 1 DP: 8

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 8:(<:0086>1[3-9]xxxxxxxxxS0<:@gw1>|00xx.<:@gw1>)

PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

PSTN Answer Delay: 35


PSTN Caller Auth Method: PIN 使用 PIN 身份验证功能,必须输入正确 PIN 才能使用 PSTN Line

PSTN Caller 1 PIN: *** 验证使用的 PIN,输入完毕按“#”确定

PSTN Caller 1 DP: 8 选择 Dial Plan 1-8

PSTN Answer Delay: 35 PSTN Delay 等待时间完毕后才能输入 PIN

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PSTN to VoIP with CID Authentication

PSTN Line >> PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup

PSTN Caller Auth Method: none

PSTN Caller Default DP: 8

PSTN Access List: 6123457,98765432

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 8:(<:0086>1[3-9]xxxxxxxxxS0<:@gw1>|00xx.<:@gw1>)

PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

PSTN Answer Delay: 0


PSTN Caller Auth Method: none 不使用验证功能

PSTN Caller Default DP: 8 选择 Dial Plan 1-8

PSTN Access List: 6123457,98765432 只允许这些来电号码直接访问 PSTN Line

PSTN Answer Delay: 0 无需等待 PSTN Answer Delay

FSK 来电显示标准,来电号码会在第一次铃响和第二次铃响之间传输。ATA 需要 0.4 秒左右


如果要隐藏号码,在电话前加上“133”,ATA 就会正常铃响。

香港使用 FSK


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Call Forward

PSTN Call Forward to GSM/PSTN or VoIP

PSTN Line >> PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup

PSTN Caller Auth Method: none

PSTN Caller Default DP: 8

PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 8:(S0<:013800138000<:@gw2>) China GSM

Dial Plan 8:(1878200S0<:@gw0>) HK PSTN

Dial Plan 8:(S0<:[email protected]>) SIP-URI

PSTN Selective Call Forward to GSM/PSTN or VoIP

PSTN User >> PSTN-To-VoIP Selective Call Forward Settings

Cfwd Sel1 Caller: PSTN income CID Cfwd Sel1 Dest: Destination number


PSTN Answer Delay 之后才开始呼叫转移

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Call Transfer and Three Way Calling

Call Transfer 呼叫转移

1. user1 打给 user2, user2 和 user1 接通

2. user2 接通电话后,按 Flash/Call Wait 键,再拨 user3 号码

3. user3 和 user2 接通电话后,user2 就可以挂机,接着 user1 和 user3 会自动接通


在这里 user2 只是扮演中介的角色,当 user3 和 user2 接通电话后,user2 的任务已经完

成了,挂机以后 user1 和 user3 就会自动接通

Three Way Calling 三方通话

1. user1 打给 user2, user2 和 user1 接通

2. user2 接通电话后,按 Flash/Call Wait 键,再拨 user3 号码

3. user2 要立即再按 Flash/Call Wait 键(在 user3 接电话前),user3 接通电话后,接着

user1、uesr2 和 user3 三方会自动接通


user2 拨出 user3 号码,要在 user3 接电话前,再单击 Flash/Call Wait 键

Panasonic 电话的 Flash/Call Wait 键

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Building up your small VoIP system through VPN

地区 IP Address SIP Port 分机

HongKong Head

Office 10500~10501 500,501 10502 502 10503 503

China Branch

Office 10600 600 10601 601

Macau Branch

Office 10700 700 10701 701

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Network Setup

1. 配置 local network:

Bind IP Address and MAC Address

Create VLAN ID (All new SPA serial are support IEEE 802.1Q tag VLAN)

Enable the ATA/IP-Phone VLAN

2. 配置 IPSec LAN-to-LAN VPN tunnel with AES 256-SHA1 Auth

HK, create two Dial-In IPSec Profile for China and Macau

CN, create Dial-Out IPSec Profile to HongKong, add Macau Network IP

and Netmask into the profile.

MA, create Dial-Out IPSec Profile to HongKong, add China Network IP

and Netmask into the profile.

3. 配置 WAN-to-LAN Firewall Policy

HK, block all source IP from WAN to VoIP IP Range Address

HK, pass China and Macau VoIP IP Range Address to LAN

CN and MA using the same way block all and pass some IP

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VoIP Setup


Location Description SIP Port Extension Auth RD-PW


Head Office

Reception 10500 500

HK-PSTN 10501 501

Manager 10502 502 irI5mUdwaDeN

Sale Dep. 10503 503 iNu9yoDpHFr6

China Branch


Reception 10600 600 siB7eFOpusA6

Sale Dep. 10601 601 So2OpaiNoEx1

Macau Branch


Reception 10700 700 dR7AreGiOs6P

Sale Dep. 10701 701 exI2tEgeRoC1

HongKong – PSTN

PSTN Line >> SIP Settings

SIP Port: 10501

PSTN Line >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes Ans Call Without Reg: yes

PSTN Line >> VoIP-To-PSTN Gateway Setup

VoIP Caller Auth Method: HTTP Digest

VoIP Caller ID Pattern: 502,503,600,601,700,701

PSTN Line >> VoIP Users and Passwords (HTTP Authentication)

VoIP User 1 Auth ID: 502 VoIP User 1 DP: 1 VoIP User 1 Password: irI5mUdwaDeN

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PSTN Line >> Dial Plans

Dial Plan 1:(xx.S0<:@gw0>)

Dial Plan 2:(999!|<:133>[2-9]xxxxxxx<:@gw0>)

PSTN Line >> FXO Timer Values (sec)

VoIP Answer Delay: 0

HongKong – Reception

Line 1 >> SIP Settings

SIP Port: 10500

Line 1 >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes Ans Call Without Reg: yes

Line 1 >> Subscriber Information

Display Name: Reception User ID: 500

Password: empty Use Auth ID: no

Line1 >> Dial Plan

Dial Plan:


0086>1[3-9]xxxxxxxxxS0<:@gw1>|S0<600:[email protected]:10600>|S0<700:[email protected]



Description Extension Dial Plan

HK Reception 500 S0<500:[email protected]:10500>

HK-PSTN 501 S0<501:[email protected]:10501>

Manager 502 S0<502:[email protected]:10502>

Sale Dep. 503 S0<503:[email protected]:10503>

CN Reception 600 S0<600:[email protected]:10600>

Sale Dep. 601 S0<601:[email protected]:10601>

MA Reception 700 S0<700:[email protected]:10700>

Sale Dep. 701 S0<701:[email protected]:10701>

Using SpeedDial

[email protected]:10502

Using Personal Directory:

n=HKManager;[email protected]:10502

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HongKong – Manager

Ext 1 >> SIP Settings

SIP Port: 10502

Ext 1 >> Proxy and Registration

Proxy: empty Register: no

Make Call Without Reg: yes Ans Call Without Reg: yes

Ext 1 >> Subscriber Information

Display Name: HKManager User ID: 502

Password: irI5mUdwaDeN Use Auth ID: yes

Ext 1 >> Dial Plan

Dial Plan:

(999S0<:@>|xxxxxxxxS0<:@>|S0<500:[email protected]:

10500>|S0<503:[email protected]:10503>|S0<600:[email protected]:10600>|S0<601:601@1>|S0<700:[email protected]:10700>|S0<701:[email protected]:10701>)

China – Branch (Same as HKManager)

Ext 1 >> Dial Plan

Dial Plan:

(xxxxxxxxS0<:@>|S0<500:[email protected]:10500>|S0<502:[email protected].

1.3:10502>|S0<503:[email protected]:10503>|S0<700:[email protected]:10700>|S0<701:70

[email protected]:10701>)

Macau – Branch (Same as HKManager)

Ext 1 >> Dial Plan

Dial Plan:

(xxxxxxxxS0<:@>|S0<500:[email protected]:10500>|S0<502:[email protected].

1.3:10502>|S0<503:[email protected]:10503>|S0<600:[email protected]:10600>|S0<601:60

[email protected]:10601>)

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查看附件档案,在 Adobe 阅读器的左侧功能菜单。

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