VPK Parent Handbook 2014-2015

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  • 8/12/2019 VPK Parent Handbook 2014-2015


    VoluntaryPrekindergartenParent Handbook

  • 8/12/2019 VPK Parent Handbook 2014-2015


    What is



  • 8/12/2019 VPK Parent Handbook 2014-2015


    Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) is a

    legislatively a dated progra desig ed

    to prepare every four-year-old i Florida for

    ki dergarte a d build the fou datio for

    their educatio al success. The VPK progragives each child a opportu ity to perfor

    better i school a d throughout life with

    quality progra s that i clude high literacy

    sta dards, accou tability, appropriate curricula,substa tial i structio periods, a ageable

    class sizes, a d qualified i structors. All eligible

    four-year-olds are e titled to participate i o e

    of the VPK progra optio s.

    VPK VisionThat Floridas childre are eager to lear a d readyto succeed whe they e ter ki dergarte .

    VPK MissionTo e sure that all childre are i tellectually, e otio ally,

    physically a d socially ready to e ter school a d readyto lear , fully recog izi g the crucial role of parents astheir childs first teacher .

    Highlights of the VPK program High quality educatio al progra with a early

    literacy focus.

    FREE for all childre four years old o or beforeSepte ber 1st who reside i Florida.

    Pare t choice is a priority; therefore, both privatea d public providers ay participate.

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    As a parent, you have the right to make an informed

    VPK choice using one of the following methods: If you have I ter et access, visit the Depart e t

    of Childre a d Fa ilies website to obtai VPK profiles of

    each private provider a d public school you areco sideri g.

    Co tact your Early Lear i g Coalitio (ELC).ELCs work withi all co u ities i Florida toi ple e t our early lear i g support services.Your ELC has additio al i for atio about theVPK progra a d applicatio process. ELC co tact

    i for atio ca be fou d at www.by calli g 1-866-357-3239 (TTY:711).

    If you do ot have I ter et access, you ay requesta copy of the profiles of each VPK provider a dschool i your cou ty fro the local ELC.

    You ay also co tact your local Child CareResource a d Referral (CCR&R) office to receivea custo ized list of VPK providers i your area that

    eet the eeds of your fa ily, as well as i for atioabout other co u ity resources. CCR&R servicesare free to a yo e residi g i or seeki g early

    lear i g services i Florida. For the u ber of yourlocal CCR&R, please call the Office of Early Lear i gtoll free: 1-866-357-3239 (TTY: 711).

    Pare t choice is a priority for the VPK progra . You aree couraged to ake a i for ed decisio about your VPKprovider. Eligible providers i clude fa ily child care ho es,private ce ters, public schools, a d faith-based progra sthat eet VPK progra atic a d quality sta dards.

    As a parent, you have the right to select a VPKprogram option that meets your needs, including:

    School-year progra 540 i structio al hours; OR

    Su er Progra 300 i structio al hours; childreay participate i the VPK progra the su er

    i ediately before the school year i which the childis eligible for ki dergarte .

    VPK progra services vary based o the prograselected. VPK providers have flexibility i structuri g thehours per day a d days per week to eet the requiredi structio al hours. You are e couraged to fi d theprogra that best eets your fa ilys eeds.

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    As a parent, you have the right to enroll in a VPK

    program that guarantees the following: A approved VPK progra at o cost to you for

    the VPK hours of operatio .

    Participatio i either the school-year progra orthe su er progra .

    The choice of payi g for exte ded day services orwrap arou d care if it is offered at the VPK provideryou select. Wrap arou d care is a y care offered bythe provider i additio to the regular VPK hours.

    The VPK progra is FREE for eligible childre .

    Providers are ot per itted to charge a registratio feeor require you to agree to a y additio al services orwrap arou d services as a co ditio of e roll e t i theVPK progra . State law does ot, however, prohibit aprovider fro chargi g fees for progra s or care that are

    ot part of the VPK progra (e.g., late charges, eals/

    s acks, field trips, exte ded care, or wrap arou dcare). If field trips are part of the VPK day providers ayrequest that a pare t co tribute, but ot require theto do so. The provider ust also have a alter ativeactivity for a child that does ot atte d a field trip. Beforefi alizi g your selectio , review the VPK providers

    discipli e a d atte da ce policies to beco e i for ed ofprogra policies a d practices.

    As a parent, you have the right to select aVPK Provider that meets the following requiredstandards:

    VPK private providers ust have a directorcrede tial.

    VPK private providers ust be lice sed (child care,fa ily child care ho e, or large fa ily child careho e); or be exe pt fro lice sure (private school

    or faith-based provider); or be accredited by aapproved accrediti g associatio .

    Duri g the selectio process, co sider visiti g theDepart e t of Childre a d Fa ilies website

    or calli g your ELC office to co fir the progra is eligible.

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    As a parent, you have the right to select a VPK

    program that employs certified VPK instructorsand meets minimum classroom requirements,including:

    Every lead VPK i structor ust have at a i i u :a Child Develop e t Associate for the school-year progra ; or a Bachelors degree or higher icertai educatio -related progra s for the su erprogra .

    VPK classroo ratios ust be o e i structor toevery 10 childre .

    VPK class size ust ot exceed 18 childre ithe school-year progra .

    VPK class size ust ot exceed 10 childre ithe su er progra .

    Teacher qualificatio s are i porta t to the delivery ofquality i structio ; therefore, VPK i structors ust eet

    i i u educatio sta dards. Ratio a d group sizeare also i dicators of quality. As part of your decisio -

    aki g process, ask pote tial VPK providers aboutteacher qualificatio s a d classroo require e ts.

    As a parent, you have the right to select aVPK program that delivers quality instructionincluding:

    A curriculu that is develop e tally appropriatewith a focus o early literacy skills.

    A VPK progra that prepares your child to beready for ki dergarte based o the VPK sta dardsadopted by the State Board of Educatio .

    To best eet the eeds of each child a d to preparethe for future school success, VPK curriculu ustbe i dividually a d age appropriate, a d be alig ed withstate perfor a ce sta dards. The state perfor a cesta dards provide guideli es to teachers o whatchildre should k ow a d be able to do i order to helppla i structio al activities for your child. I structio alactivities i volve e gage e t i child-i itiated a dteacher-directed play opportu ities. Whe aki gdecisio s about the best VPK provider for your child,ask about curriculu a d pla ed activities to deter i eif the progra activities eet your expectatio s aboutquality early lear i g practices.

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    As a parent, you have the right to enroll your

    four year old in a VPK program (subject to theproviders or schools agreement to admit yourchild), including families:

    Who have a child with a disability; ost privateVPK providers a d all school district VPKproviders are required to ake their progra saccessible to childre with disabilities u der the

    A erica s with Disabilities Act a d Sectio 504 ofthe Rehabilitatio Act.

    I the ilitary, te porarily based i Florida.

    Who ay be displaced due to a hurrica e or otheratural disaster or are te porarily ho eless.

    The o ly reside cy require e t is that childre livei Florida duri g the ti e they are atte di g a VPKprogra . This ea s that four-year-old childre livi gte porarily i Florida are eligible for services.

    As a parent, you have the right to withdraw yourchild from the VPK program at any time. Youmay also have the right to re-enroll your fouryear old in another VPK program under specificconditions:

    A pare t ay re-e roll his/her eligible child i thesu er progra if his/her child co pleted lesstha 10% of the school-year VPK hours.

    A pare t ay re-e roll his/her eligible child withithe sa e progra type, as lo g as the child has

    co pleted less tha 60% of VPK hours.VPK is a progra i which pare ts of eligible four-year-old childre ca volu tarily e roll their child for services.If you have a y questio s about eligibility, co tact yourELC or the Office of Early Lear i g toll free:1-866-357-3239 (TTY:711).

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    As a parent, you have the responsibility to comply

    with Date of Birth Verification Requirements byproviding a copy of at least one of the followingapproved supporting documents that show thechilds name and date of birth:

    A origi al or certified copy of the childs birthrecord;

    A origi al or certified copy of the childs certificateof baptis acco pa ied by a affidavit swor to bythe childs pare t that the certificate is correct;

    A i sura ce policy o the childs life which is iforce for at least two years;

    A religious record of the childs birth which isacco pa ied by a affidavit swor to by the childspare t that the record is correct;

    A passport or certificate of arrival i the U itedStates;

    A i u izatio record sig ed by a health officeror doctor;

    A valid ilitary depe de t ide tificatio card; or

    The pare t ay sub it a affidavit of the childs ageswor to or affir ed by the pare t.

    Pare ts ust provide docu e tatio to prove that theirchild eets the age require e ts for VPK. A child ustbe four years of age o or before Septe ber 1st to beeligible for VPK. If you have a y questio s about agerequire e ts for VPK, co tact your ELC or the Office

    of Early Lear i g toll free: 1-866-357-3239 (TTY:711).

    As a parent, you have the responsibility tocomply with Residential Address VerificationRequirements by providing a copy of at least oneof the following supporting documents that showthe name and residential address of the parentwith whom the child resides:

    Utility bill;

    Ba k state e t;

    I sura ce policy;

    Pay stub;

    Gover e t issued docu e t (e.g., drivers lice se);

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    A affidavit of the childs reside tial address swor

    to by the pare t, if it is acco pa ied by a letter froa la dlord which co fir s that the child resides atthe sa e address show i the pare ts affidavit;

    A ilitary order issued to the pare t, if a childspare t is a service e ber of the U ited States

    Ar ed Forces, which shows that the pare t willreside i Florida whe the child atte ds the VPKprogra (e.g., per a e t cha ge of statio ); or

    Docu e tatio of reside cy for a ho eless childbased o other docu e ts (e.g., letter fro aho eless shelter).

    Pare ts ust provide docu e tatio to prove thattheir child lives i Florida duri g the ti e they will beatte di g a VPK progra . A child livi g i Florida iseligible for VPK with the proper docu e tatio foreligibility. If you have a y questio s about reside cyrequire e ts, co tact your ELC or Office of Early Lear i gtoll free: 1-866-357-3239 (TTY:711).

    As a parent, you have the responsibility to ensureyour child participates in kindergarten screening

    You have the respo sibility to co ply with theki dergarte scree i g process that will occur wheyour child e rolls i ki dergarte .

    All childre participati g i VPK will be scree edupo ki dergarte e try. The ki dergarte scree i gis a process that will help us better u dersta d how

    uch your child lear ed through VPK. It will also helpyour childs ki dergarte teacher u dersta d whatyour child k ows a d ca do, which will help withi structio al pla i g.

    As a parent, you are responsible for your childs

    VPK Transportation Pare ts are respo sible for their childs

    tra sportatio to a d fro the VPK progra .

    So e VPK providers ay offer tra sportatio servicesat a cost. Fa ilies are e couraged to explore these

    optio s before choosi g a VPK provider.

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    As a parent, you are responsible for complying

    with the VPK attendance and other programpolicies

    Pare ts have the respo sibility to co ply with theatte da ce policies for the VPK progra i whichtheir child is e rolled.

    Pare ts have the respo sibility to co ply with allof the VPK providers policies (e.g., discipli e,late fees).

    Providers have i dividual policies related to atte da ce,discipli e, a d late fees. Pare ts are stro glye couraged to beco e fa iliar with the policies thatapply to childre i the VPK progra before e rolli gtheir child i the progra .

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    Early Learning Coalition (ELC)ELCs have additio al i for atio o VPK, i cludi gapplicatio procedures a d dates to apply i your cou ty.1-866-357-3239 (TTY: 711) www.

    Florida's Office of Early LearningThe Office of Early Lear i g provides state-level supporta d directio for the i ple e tatio of the VPK progra ,as well as other early lear i g progra s. 850-921-3186 or 1-866-357-3239 (TTY: 711) www. floridaearlylearning .com

    Department of Children & Families (DCF)The Depart e t of Childre a d Fa ilies regulateslice sed child care facilities, lice sed fa ily child careho es, a d lice sed ildly ill facilities i 60 of Floridas67 cou ties.


    Florida Abuse HotlineThe Florida Abuse Hotli e provides a full spectru ofservices, fro pare ti g classes a d respite care totra sportatio a d child care. The goal of the depart e tis to keep childre safe i their ow fa ilies whepossible. 1-800-96-ABUSE or 1-800-962-2873www.dcf.state.fl.us/abuse

    Floridas Central Directoryof Early Childhood Services

    The Ce tral Directory provides i for atio a d referralservices o disabilities a d special health care eedsfor fa ilies, service coordi ators a d other professio alsthat work with childre with special eeds.1-800-654-4440 www.centraldirectory.org

    Florida Department of Education- Office of Early Learning The Office of Early Lear i g is respo sible for VPKcurriculu a d accou tability. 850-245-0505 www.

    Florida KidCareFlorida KidCare is the health i sura ce progra foru i sured childre you ger tha age 19.1-888-540-5437 www.floridakidcare .org


    2-1-1 is a atio al i for atio a d referral service thatprovides i for atio a d referrals to hu a servicessuch as crisis i terve tio services, support groups,fi a cial assista ce, a d job trai i g.Dial 211 www.211.org

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    Parents Rights As a pare t, I have the right to select VPK

    progra optio s that eet y childs eeds. As a pare t, I have the right to e roll i either

    a school-year or su er free VPK progra . As a pare t, I have the right to select a VPK

    progra that e ploys VPK i structors a d eetsi i u classroo require e ts.

    As a pare t, I have the right to select a VPKprogra that follows approved VPK curriculua d guideli es.

    As a pare t, I have the right to e roll y four-year-old child i a VPK progra .

    As a pare t, I have the right to ake a i for ed

    VPK choice.

    Parents Responsibilities As a pare t, I a respo sible for co plyi g

    with date of birth verificatio require e ts. As a pare t, I a respo sible for co plyi g

    with reside tial address verificatio require e ts. As a pare t, I a respo sible for e suri g y child

    participates i ki dergarte scree i g. As a pare t, I a respo sible for y childs VPK

    tra sportatio . As a pare t, I a respo sible for co plyi gwith the providers atte da ce a d other prograpolicies.

    Verification of ReceiptI certify that I have received a copy of the VPKHa dbook a d have reviewed a d u dersta d the pare trights a d respo sibilities co tai ed i this docu e t.

    Sig ed:

    PAREnT nAmE














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    www. floridaearlylearning .com or call toll free at: 1-866-357-3239 (1-866 FL READY)

    (TTY: 711)
